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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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17306208 No.17306208 [Reply] [Original]

Who actually reads light novels

>> No.17306209

I only read horrible Chinese webnovels with murderhobo MCs

>> No.17306210 [DELETED] 

Honestly, why am I going to waste my time on reading some subpar shit, when I can read actual novels?

>> No.17306211

i wanted to read Horizon in the Middle of nowhere bc we will never get s3 for that or read owari no chronicle but i got lazy

>> No.17306212


pathetic otakus

>> No.17306213

I accidentally bought one thinking it was a manga

>> No.17306214 [DELETED] 

>reading in 2017


>> No.17306215
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good taste

>> No.17306216

I only read Index and Konosuba my dude.

>> No.17306217

self insert shitters

>> No.17306218

For the same reason one watches shitty anime.

>> No.17306219 [DELETED] 

/lit/ doesn't allow light novels

>> No.17306220

I usually read LNs about murder lolis since that's a criminally underutilized cliche for main characters.

>> No.17306221
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>murderhobo MCs
That sounds like a lot of fun

>> No.17306222

yet people keep getting offended when they start slaughtering entire families

>> No.17306223

I can't read because I'm blind

>> No.17306224

seems legit

>> No.17306225
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Same. I'm reading "warlock of the magus world" right now. It's alright

>> No.17306226

Millions of nips and quite a few people elsewhere mostly enjoying fan-translations. I've probably read about 30 volumes spread over 3-4 series and I don't think that's a lot compared to other /a/nons.
I'l give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you know this based on hopefully not being new here.

>> No.17306227

To bad Qidian is trying to paywall that shit.

>> No.17306228

Just can't get enough of Leylin

he's that type of fuckers who if he enters the room the tone gets darker, ominous Latin chanting plays in the background, even the comedy relief sobers the fuck up, the audience understands that the arc began and one of the characters are probably going to die in it, etc.

that and he's one of the only LN wish-fulfillment character that I'm actually jelly of.

>> No.17306229

There's something great about the autistic level of detail Chinese WNs have

>> No.17306230

Why is it so hard to find completed LNs/WNs to read? I always end up forgetting huge amounts of details waiting for updates so I'd prefer to just power through a series, but it's really hard to find decent finished ones.

>> No.17306231

the only thing that differentiates them is the autistic level of detail.

>> No.17306232

I wish there was more illustrations of this seriously. Sometimes it's hard to visualize some of the stuff the author wrote (magus tower, giant beasts etc)

>> No.17306233
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>Hataraku Maou-sama
>Outbreak Company
Fun times.

>> No.17306234

apparently he's now literally in the DnD world

with some people saying they're setting him up to be Asmodeus

wonder how /tg/ would feel about that?

>> No.17306235

it's an abortion of litterature, so I don't

even those supposed "good" LNs like Spice & Wolf are worthless junk

>> No.17306236

Practice abstinence of pot and get some ridlen for your ADD

>> No.17306237

I don't use then devils lettuce and I already take Adderall that I was prescribed.

>> No.17306238
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Not me.

>> No.17306239

Then im sorry for your short term memory disorder

>> No.17306240

Not a single LN I've bothered to read warranted the praise they received on /a/. Things like Haruhi, Bakemonogatari, Index, Log Horizon, Welcome to the NHK, etc.
It's all dumb dumb derivative garbage so obviously aimed at market research approved demographics the whole artform sort of transforms into a case study of creative bankruptcy in SEA.

I particularly hate the derivative nature of the contemporary LN stories. Circles that engage in reading LNs generally see parody of the genre as a display of virtuousity by the author but don't realise that since 2006, putting 4th wall breaking moments pertaining to anime clichés and whatnot has become so par for the course it's basically a cliché in and of itself.

Moving on; the prose in these books is unanimously absolutely untenable and reads like it was written by a literal 12 year old. Abstract descriptions almost never appear (except in Welcome to the NHK) and the exposition doesn't stray far from describing a character's appearance or kawaii expression, a word for word account of a conversation, or a fightscene. Think B-movie scripts.
This is less the case with, again, Welcome to the NHK, which is by far the most profound work I've read from the LN scene, but still- the authors don't even attempt to create beauty when crafting sentences. Everything from the trite 1st person perspective the author almost perfunctorily uses, to the dry prose, to the awkward (and almost inhuman) dialogue- it's all in service of a self insert fantasy plot that mostly leads nowhere (see haruhi and bakemonogatari) and any theme (in case the LN contains concrete themes beyond "friends are important," etc.) are to be understood easily by high school students and are generally handed out on a platter.
Really, no thought is required to read LNs and are, on the whole, a massive waste of time.

>> No.17306241

>short term memory disorder
>for forgetting details after years of series TL

>> No.17306242

I think Kumo Desu ga and The Girl Who Ate a Death God are both pretty good. But for the most part you're right.

>> No.17306243

Baccano, Kino no tabi, 12 kingdoms, Banner/Crest of the Stars, Irresponsible Captain Taylor, and Slayers are pretty good.

>> No.17306244

Is Kino no Tabi an LN

>> No.17306245

it's almost like anime and LN's are meant for children which is why most take place during high school and most adults just grow out of it

>> No.17306246

good thing you said "almost like" because you'd be retarded if you actually think it was the case

>> No.17306247

>Kumo Desu ga

ok, let's test it

>I won!!!

>Hyaffuui! ( ひゃっふーい!)
>I won, I won!
>I won against such a strong eel!
>Isn't it incredible!?
>Aren't I very strong!?
>Uhe, uhehe.
>I hardly use my threads, and I won in a direct fight, you know?
>I won't let you say that I'm weak anymore.
>I'm strong!
>Hyahhoi! ( ひゃっほーい!)
>The eel was a formidable enemy.
>It was certainly a formidable enemy.
>It was a mortal combat.
>But, the one who won is me!

>Ah, crap.
>The excitement still haven't settled down.
>After all, it's a Drake, you know?
>It's different from the fake Drakes like seahorse and catfish so far. It's a fully-fledged Drake-like >Drake, you know?
>And, I defeated it directly, one on one, fair and square, you know?
>This me!
>Ah, the excitement returns.
>Hyahhai! ( ひゃっはーい!)


>> No.17306248

i-is this a pasta?

>> No.17306249

i think you're pretty spot on mostly, but some points i'd disagree with.

>Abstract descriptions almost never appear ... exposition doesn't stray far from describing a character's appearance or kawaii expression
light novels are light for a reason. there's light novels where it describes a glass of beer and then goes into detail about the condensation on it while describing the lighting and so forth. typically though, almost always when it involves high school/middle school kids, it's just straightforward story mostly focused on actions or maybe romance. it's self-insert. it's suppose to be interesting or creative stuff that's fresh or novel, but the scene is very stagnant. so it became just repetitive, generic, and uninspired.

>Everything from the trite 1st person perspective the author almost perfunctorily uses, to the dry prose, to the awkward (and almost inhuman) dialogue
this is another issue. japanese isn't english so the way they express themselves is with kanji that has double meanings. so, double entendre, puns, and especially the fact japanese is filled with homophones and kanji allows you to be creative. this stuff doesn't translate well into english and the idioms or technique is lost.

>Really, no thought is required to read LNs and are, on the whole, a massive waste of time.
i mostly agree. the philosophical ideas are insipid, boring, and actually take away from the stories. if there's any value then it's simply the aesthetics and novel ideas mainly. this is for the majority of light novels, but with anything there's exceptions that have value. overall though i wouldn't say it's entirely wasted. this question is relative to where you stand. if you're somebody who is well read and run-of-the-mill novelty doesn't do it? then yes. if you really like anime aesthetics,stories, and the novelty hasn't run out then they're entertaining and take it a step further than anime storywise

>> No.17306250

I enjoy reading LNs.

>> No.17306251
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>> No.17306252

>It's all dumb dumb derivative garbage so obviously aimed at market research approved demographics the whole artform sort of transforms into a case study of creative bankruptcy in SEA.
this relates to the culture and idea behind light novels. light novels like i said in the other post are light. it's not really suppose to be deeply philosophical or open your mind like crime and punishment. you could argue that they can actually write simple stories which are actually very deep and touch on hard topics and they could. the problem? it's written for and by otaku. what is an otaku? they're escapist. they want self-insert. they're materialist. they aren't ascetics or asking the hard questions about life. well stuff like boipussi, traps, and other otaku things are revolutionary they aren't the greatest minds frankly.

most light novels are pulled from web novels. web novels are basically fanfiction where otaku talk with the author and even get them to revise the story. they usually pump out this stuff daily maybe twice even so people will read it and get their ranking up. it's very closely tied to what's popular and what's popular is what other people decide to copy. when it becomes a light novel the editor has to do so much work, but they still pick stuff that's popular. namely easy to read self-insert stuff that's filled with the common cliche. it's very related to culture.

i wouldn't say they're bankrupt, but the kind of ideas which push the envelope further just aren't accepted in japanese society. there is a very big cultural aspect that's harming the quality of the writing.

>> No.17306253


I read Kara No Kyoukai. That was actually pretty good.

>> No.17306254

Try Miss Fabre. I had some fun with that one.

>> No.17306255

Just started reading Spice & Wolf 3.

>> No.17306256 [DELETED] 

Literally this.
Is there any LN with real literary value?

>> No.17306257

as much as any form of entertainment. if you can't simply read adages or singular words and extrapolate the meaning of life then you're a pleb

>> No.17306258 [DELETED] 

Is there any anime with real literary value?

>> No.17306259

more literally value than hollywood at least

but that's not saying much

>> No.17306260

otaku and people who don't know real literature.

>> No.17306261
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I read NGNL as soon as the volumes come out here in Brazil
The author is Brazilian too though

>> No.17306262
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You have superior taste my friend.

Post yfw the Issth ending.

>> No.17306263

Isn't that the point of LN's though, to waste time?
Not sure what the hell else you'd use your time for anyway that would be considered of value given your presence here

>> No.17306264 [DELETED] 

This. I don't see how the fuck anyone can dismiss LNs for being low brow when they actively watch anime, read manga, and browse 4chan.

>> No.17306265 [DELETED] 

Why the fuck not?

>> No.17306266

well I'll be damned it's finished

I haven't read it because I'm more into the more OP and ruthless ones like MGA and Emperor's Domination but maybe I should marathon it.

>> No.17306267 [DELETED] 

LNs don't count as literature

>> No.17306268 [DELETED] 

Asshurt mods, and /jp/ exists to facilitate them I suppose

>> No.17306269 [DELETED] 

Literature ,as in text with genuine merit.

>> No.17306270


>> No.17306271
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Mostly just Kamachi's works, his mix of bullshit just appeals to my tastes.

>> No.17306272

Are there any Chinese WNs with decent romance or are they all about edgy MCs killing people?

>> No.17306273

There are some great LN's out there that are better then the anime or manga versions. Specifically Monogatari, NHK, and Zaregoto.

>> No.17306274

Agreed, and I would add Gosick to that list too.

>> No.17306275

Same but i'm still waiting for the S3. Believe it motherfucker.

>> No.17306276
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i pick up tons, but always end up getting bored and dropping them halfway through. case in point.

>> No.17306277

>Not liking derivative works just for the sake of seeing what changes.

>> No.17306278
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Fuck me, i just realized there was a time where i was actually exited for LN adaptations.
And then Isekai happend.

>> No.17306279

Well of course the anime is amazing too

>> No.17306280

If you read the english translation then you didn't read Kara no Kyoukai, sorry.

>> No.17306281
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Don't despair, Heavy Object S2 will be announced anytime now.

>> No.17306282

Understandable. And since most endings suck it's not like you miss much.

>> No.17306283
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You can blame Japan for eating literally anything as long as it panders to them.
A prefect example is what happend to 8man's series, they just straight up stopped priniting it because the author wanted to write something that someone higher up didn't approve of.
So they just hired a guy to take over and write almost the exact same shit from scratch, just with a even more stupid sounding name and make it so the TO approved girl win.

And they just eat that shit up like nothing ever happend.
I will never fucking understand how you can be so far removed from something you seem to like.

>> No.17306284 [DELETED] 

Where do CN novels go then?

>> No.17306285 [SPOILER] 
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Overlord movies soon too

>> No.17306286
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>> No.17306287 [DELETED] 


>> No.17306288 [DELETED] 

>tfw you can post your favorite book on /lit/ because it's not post-modern or made before the 20th century

>> No.17306289 [DELETED] 

you can't have a discussion on Reddit it's physically impossible

>> No.17306290
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I just finished catching up with the Kawakamiverse translations, and holy shit, what a fucking amazing ride it was. I haven't had this much fun in nearly a decade, definitely worth getting over my inherent laziness and reading those 1000+ pages long volumes.

>> No.17306291

>They say while posting pictures of light novel adaptations anime that are both really recent.

>> No.17306292

I wonder why lights novels go on for so many years. I doubt they become for kids anymore when you got series like Index that been going on for over 10 years that I doubt they are acquiring new fans after how long they have been going. The same with mahouka which is over 6 years old.

>> No.17306293
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S2 never ever. Not that I'm not reading the LNs

>> No.17306294

They're dirty cheap to print, so even those unknown series that don't even rank more often than not still manage to turn some profit. Meaning only series that are literally not selling at all get cancelled if the author doesn't decide to end it himself first.
You're right about them not bringing in new fans after a while though, both Index and Mahouka have already had some drop in sales (Mahouka only dipping recently, Index sales have been dropping for a while), but despite it being hard to bring in new fans after 20-30+ volumes, they'll always have a sizeable dedicated fanbase that keep buying it even when they grow into middle aged salarymen.

>> No.17306295

Yo where my shinmai maou no testament fans at?

>> No.17306296

can someone give me a quick rundown on chinese webnovels?

>> No.17306297

I do. The stories are simple and the humor panders to my taste (japanese slapstick, misunderstandings, and females overly concerned with their breast size / breast envy).

>> No.17306298

It's the highest form of literature by mankind

>> No.17306299

What type of brain damage did you incur that allowed you to have such garbage taste?

>> No.17306300 [DELETED] 

good we don't need your shit taste

>> No.17306301
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>> No.17306302

Depends on the publisher, and the moment it uses 'TVアニメ' as a selling point, it's shit

>> No.17306303

chingchangchongcheng ki blast overlord kungfu with a thirst for revenge fall to a cave learn super serect technique from "how to become OP for average chinese"

>> No.17306304

Because it fun, much better than isekai revenge or i'm darkness chink shit

>> No.17306305


sounds pretty autistic

>> No.17306306

>tfw want to write a light novel but don't know how to do so in English as opposed to Japanese

>> No.17306307
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>chingchangchongcheng ki blast overlord

Now you're talking

>> No.17306308

Yeah I've thought of that as well. Best thing I can guess to do is to just mesh LN culture with what you're doing.

>> No.17306309

>i'm just your average chinkchong man living a honest life with my look like a kungfu master parents or step father
>some one kill my parents or step father because apparently they know too much or they have the super kungfu ki technique
>they try to kill me but they always talk a lot so i fall off the mountain and learn the powerful ancient technique of ancient kungfu

>> No.17306310
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I read light novels and pass them on to my normie friends. I have converted two of them on the Monogatari series. What about you niggas

>> No.17306311

For some reason chinese mc always learn the same powerful ancient technique from the same powerful ancient book in the same ancient cave

>> No.17306312

Look, if you're going to hold to typical isekai LN tropes, at least do something different. User a guy who only maxed out his crafting and gathering skills in a game, plop him down in the middle of nowhere woods, and watch him survive.

>> No.17306313

>wise old master in a can
>muh face
>you're courting death!
>the slightest insult is worthy of genocide
>if a person is ever an antagonist that is all their character will ever be
>Unless they are female, in which case they may be added to the harem
>no sense of scale, there are continents larger than galaxies
>people literally thousands of years old are stupid and fight to the death over the dumbest shit
>people literally millions of years old are basically children who throw tantrums whenever anything doesn't go their way and despite being described as smart, are incapable of showing discretion or simply cutting losses or even recognizing that someone weak wouldn't be acting like the MC does but for some reason they still believe MC is weak holy fucking shit major "make MC seem intelligent by making everyone else stupid" problem
>universe doesn't make sense, earth is a planet, the Sun is THE star, but not all stars are the sun, some planets revolve around mountains, and the mountains are surrounded by the sea there are planets larger than the solar system there is a serious Planet of Thing problem
Congratulations, I've just saved you from reading dozens of Chinese webnovels

>> No.17306314

I have read Hataraku, Amaburi, Danmachi, Oregairu, Horo and Haganai.

They are bedtime story, not interesting enough to give me feels but enough for killing time.

Note: The lengthy conversion in Oregairu anime make more sense now

>> No.17306315

Yeah, I guess so. You do any crits anon? I only know of Royalroad to post to, so I don't know how else to get crit.

>> No.17306316

>>muh face
So, on novelupdates there is a forum. The guy translates our reviews of their series into Chinese to read, and he translates there reactions back to English.

On top of being just fucking hilarous, one thing that struck me was they thought it odd how we always talked about saving face all the time. Like they don't put in in every fucking novel they make.

>> No.17306317

Nah I don't. Just a casual fan of the genre.

>> No.17306318

I've tried reading the Boogiepop one but the translation is pretty rough and they use "sempai" which gets said about 6 times per page

>> No.17306319

you forgot the training and level up shit that make the bulk of the story

>> No.17306320

Lets make our own LN /a/, I'll start the plot

>Takeshi was an ordinary 16 year old high school student, he met a girl on his way to school and thought nothing of it, when he got to school he heard there was a new transfer student, it was the girl he met on his way to school, little did he know his life was about to change drastically because she was a...

>> No.17306321

Can you link to the thread? Sounds like a fun read.

>> No.17306322

A half elf, except that she doesn't have elf ears because her human side is more dominant.

>> No.17306323

Shucks, anything you would like to see done at least?

>> No.17306324

are you implying what we think you are implying?

>> No.17306325

It's not up to the reader anon. It's what you want to do that matters.

>> No.17306326

Added to this
>Main character is from a declining clan
>Main character goes on mass murdering sprees
>Either has no talent or extra gifted or finds super special cultivation techniques

>> No.17306327

Wow anon, you really know how to speak like a LN protagonist, Thanks.

>> No.17306328

Ha! Found it.


>> No.17306329


>> No.17306330

How does /a/ enjoy watching garbage seasonal anime shows and then pretend LNs are irredeemable garbage not even worth touching? LNs are enjoyable for literally the same reason.

Nobody thinks LNs are good writing (and this only worsened by poor translations of already poor writing) but that's not the point , just as nobody thinks that the vast majority of anime has any cinematic value. If you want to read good literature, there are plenty of books you can find, but you do not read LNs with the expectation of high quality writing and thus there is no reason to judge LNs for such.

This must be summer.

>> No.17306331

because reading still requires some effort, watching is mindless

>> No.17306332 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17306333


So, is it possible to write an LN? Or is it only a Japanese thing?

>> No.17306334

That's why they are called LN and not novels. It's a media form you tartlet

>> No.17306335
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>> No.17306336

It's possible. Translations exist and if you can write in the same style then you're basically writing LN.

>> No.17306337

You can write in a LN like format I guess.

>> No.17306338

Maybe if you're in elementary school or English is your second language.

>> No.17306339
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Not the guy you were replying to, but I honestly find it easier to casually read than casually watch.

>> No.17306340

But reading is so easy and quick. It goes by much faster than watching anime.

>> No.17306341

How do you even do that? There's no paragraphs in LN. It's like a line each sentence or something. Also it's mainly implied dialogue.

>> No.17306342

Well I dunno. LNs are essentially just shorter novels. So think of LNs as only a few episodes worth of your total story.

I guess.

>> No.17306343

not when you have a job it isn't

>> No.17306344


Same style as in simple wording/sentence as opposed to larger and descriptive ones?

>> No.17306346
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I read while I'm at work when it's slow

>> No.17306345

Anon I primarily read at my job.

>> No.17306347

Sure? They do large and descriptive sentences sometimes, depends on what you read I figure. SoL is less on that.

>> No.17306348

You work you lose. Still, I get a lot of reading done on the bus every day.

>> No.17306349
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Most of them are, but it's not quite exactly that.

>> No.17306350

I do. I don't expect good writing out of them, I just read them to experience and enjoy the story.
It also helps that it doesn't take long to read them, I can read a 200 page volume in like 2 hours, I've increased my reading speed thanks to LNs.

>> No.17306351


>> No.17306352

That applies to every piece of translated literature ever.

>> No.17306353
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oh shit, some of these have me in tears

>> No.17306354

It sounds like the Chinese are tired of generic chinese cultivator MCs as well

>> No.17306355

How do they have so much content to write? Jesus. That's amazing.

>> No.17306356
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>> No.17306357

"Light Novel" doesn't have a definite meaning or style.
It's just a label that publishers put on their books to let people know they're aimed at a certain demographic. Usually they have anime-esque tropes and such, but this isn't exactly a rule, as even non-light novels in Japan can have these same tropes.

>> No.17306358

You are still reading the subs my EOP comrade.

>> No.17306359

Western literature is not published so often. And I have read a shitton of it, so I don't know what to pick up next.

>> No.17306360

What are some non-light novels that have anime-esque tropes? In fact, does Japan even have casual books that aren't light novel? No one talks about them like they don't even exist. Where's Japan's 50 shades of grey?

>> No.17306361

Log Horizon is an example that comes to mind. It's just a "novel", with anime tropes.

Like I said, the term "Light Novel" is just a marketing label that doesn't mean anything.
They're "usually" like that, or "usually" like this, but it's not like a genre, with any clear signs that define it.

>> No.17306362

1000 chapters average because chink author does everything he can to drag out the story while brainstorming ideas for an equally length sequel

>> No.17306363

>Is there any LN with real literary value?
Jinrui is the best & the only LN worth reading.
You really can't prove me wrong.

>> No.17306364

I feel like Mahouka will end after Tatsuya graduates from highschool.

Index should have ended years earlier.

>> No.17306365

Serious novels leave you more disappointed.

Light hearted novels usually deliver.

>> No.17306366

Index is Kamachi's experimental ground for the most part it seems, though he also writes four other series with more focus.
That said we finally got to Crowley's story, so it might be wrapping up sometime in the next few years.

>> No.17306367

I don't see Index ending this decade at the very minimum. There's tons of foreshadowed content Kamachi has yet to utilize in the story.
I'm actually more interested in seeing for how much longer SAO can go. I don't think Dengeki is just going to let go of their current primary cashcow, but the story of the webnovels has already been entirely published and now they're released some side stuff like Moon Craddle as numbered volumes.

>> No.17306368

Has Accel world even ended yet?

>> No.17306369

they're releasing*
No, not yet. At this point I'm starting to think Kawahara just wants to write his other, new stuff like Accel World, SAO Progressive and Zettai Naru Isolator, but Dengeki keeps making him do more of SAO, that he already finished a decade, then finished again last year but for some reason is still going.

>> No.17306370 [DELETED] 

The "People" in these threads:
Until you people don't take action again them, LN shit will exist on /a/

>> No.17306371 [DELETED] 

Why are LN anime so much superior than manga anime?

>> No.17306372

The only ln i ever read was sakurasou

>> No.17306373 [DELETED] 

But I want them to exist on /a/. And ReCreators isn't even a LN.

>> No.17306374 [DELETED] 

LNs are superior to manga in general that's why. Its the harsh truth but we have to get used to it.

>> No.17306375

Considering she's an actual spider reborn with human intelligence I kind of give the retarded writing a pass as it adds to her charms.

>> No.17306376

>Banner/Crest of the Stars

Those are actual novels though.

>> No.17306377

>This is an idiotic question on my part but, when will you catch up to the manhua?
>-manhua is the pinyin?
>- they don't say manga?

>> No.17306378
File: 223 KB, 601x869, IMG_0382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accidentally bought this because I thought it was a comic. The tits on the cover grabbed my attention. I wouldn't bother reading light novels until they get adapted to manga or anime

>> No.17306379
File: 417 KB, 1120x1600, Zashiki_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wouldn't bother reading light novels until they get adapted to manga or anime
Sometimes that's not an option

>> No.17306380

>learning Chinese is just looking for pain

Chink anons are surprisingly funny.

>> No.17306381

Hey it's that LN with the weird crotch illustration that I'll never forget.

>> No.17306382

Strictly speaking, there doesn't have to be any substantial difference between a LN and "real" novel; depending on the publisher, the only difference can be their length. But most LNs target the anime otaku, so their content has to match the intended audience.

>> No.17306383

Kawakami is a Japanese novel author that got signed to an LN publisher. It helps that he likes writing and playing with the tropes that LNs are known for.

>> No.17306384
File: 505 KB, 956x1293, Horizon5B_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ending up at a LN publisher is probably the best thing that could've happened. I doubt we'd be able to see things like storing your dick in a pocket dimension to pass off as a trap more convincingly if it was a normal novel.

>> No.17306385

>I doubt we'd be able to see things like storing your dick in a pocket dimension to pass off as a trap more convincingly if it was a normal novel.
W-what, where did this happen?

>> No.17306386

Kimitoasamade 3A.

>“Judge.” Tenzou nodded. “Why…are you crossdressing?”

>Tenzou looked up at the idiot who was leaning back and standing on a chair.

>Frighteningly enough…

>“The scary part is that you really do look like a girl.”

>“Yeah, figuring out what to do with my dick was a real pain.”

>“Please don’t bring that up out of the blue!!”

>“It turned out stealth just wasn’t enough, so I’m using a technique to store it in a pocket dimension.”

>> No.17306387
File: 1.00 MB, 3000x1273, 1498449942563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn I am such a sucker for Overlord. I know it's generic isekai, I know it's a power fantasy, I know the threads on /a/ when there's no new volume are some of the absolute worst reddit-tier threads on this board, but something about the world and the characters just draws me in completely.

>> No.17306388

That's also why a ton of other people like Overlord, but people who don't like the world and characters don't see that.

>> No.17306389
File: 114 KB, 420x600, ln.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who can read Japanese.

One day when I stop being an EOP i'll try read them. They have nice covers.

>> No.17306390
File: 55 KB, 405x720, 1421519578919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not read a real book, faggots?

>> No.17306391

LN illustrators are great, feels bad that they don't always get a lot of work.

>> No.17306392

The upside is that a lot of them do plenty of porn.

>> No.17306393

They can always try doing manga. They just choose not to normally go down that route.

>> No.17306394
File: 161 KB, 601x700, 1-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But never the porn you want. Mahaya's butsy girls may be good, but his dfc is godly.

>> No.17306395

I recently started reading them and have been enjoying them a lot

>> No.17306396

Whatcha been reading anon?

>> No.17306397

Same as most of the fanbases really. Avoid them like cancer and only go there for translation and other stuff.

>> No.17306398

>the weird crotch illustration

>> No.17306399

Haven't read to many but I recently finished

Dungeon defense
Kuro no maou
Mother of learning
Genjitsushugisha no Oukokukaizouki

Dunno how many of these are technically considered light novels but for the most part I enjoyed them

>> No.17306400
File: 362 KB, 820x1200, Zashiki_v08_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a few, but maybe this one?

>> No.17306401

Who is this sugar demon?

>> No.17306402

I hope you've read the Gekkou short stories. They're like 30 pages each and are both really fun too. I really liked Gekkou in general.

>> No.17306403
File: 214 KB, 808x1200, Zashiki_v06_138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or perhaps this one
Best Girl

>> No.17306404

I posted this in an /m/ thread yesterday but it's also relevant here.

>Still, I can’t help but wonder if the translation of literature, where the strengths and even personality of the original are embedded in the language, is futile, however heroic. “When you read Haruki Murakami, you’re reading me, at least ninety-five per cent of the time,” Jay Rubin, one of Murakami’s longtime translators, told me in Tokyo last month

>Rubin said that the first time he translated a Murakami novel, “The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle,” he phoned the author several times one day to nail word choices and correct inconsistencies. “In one scene, a character had black-framed glasses. In another, the frames were brown. I asked him: Which one is it?” I found Rubin’s anecdote revealing. The Japanese language acquires much of its beauty and strength from indirectness—or what English-speakers call vagueness, obscurity, or implied meaning. Subjects are often left unmentioned in Japanese sentences, and onomatopoeia, with vernacular sounds suggesting meaning, is a virtue often difficult if not impossible to replicate in English.


Because the languages differ so much, so does the writing style. And it doesn't really carry over when translated. If you want a translation that reads smooth in English, you pretty much have to rewrite the whole thing.

>> No.17306405

Kuro no Maou got cucked hard. I feel bad for the author that he got suckered in by a super obscure publisher which is why despite being one of the oldest web novels, even older than MT, it hasn't gotten a manga adaption at all.

It's publisher doesn't even bother to help advertise the work.

Unless Kadokawa buys out Kuro no Maou's publisher since Kadokawa does have a monopoly over LN publishers.

>> No.17306406

I wonder why the color illustrations give actual results on google but the black and white pages just say "Cartoon"?

>> No.17306407
File: 908 KB, 974x700, 9-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea, the image search doesn't work for me anymore either.

>> No.17306408

>Best Girl
I know that.
I'm asking what she is from.

>> No.17306409
File: 296 KB, 1120x1600, Zashiki_v09_078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The file name is your friend, it should help you out. There's only two to pick from in the main projects page on BT

>> No.17306410

It's the one where she's standing with a full frontal

>> No.17306411
File: 665 KB, 1280x1828, 602aac7311e002b1dee311b885dc7e50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seriously hate light novels.

>Japanese - join us in "I reincarnated as a 12 year old girl in an RPG world with four cheat skills and I'm also in love with my non-blood related little sister"


I don't really mind Korean or anything by NisiOisiN tho.

>> No.17306412
File: 773 KB, 675x1000, 9869597698787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was from Mahaya's blog I think, not the actual novels. It's a little too close to ban potential so here's a different one.

>> No.17306413
File: 74 KB, 350x500, 8691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 year hiatus to release 1935-D
>Turns out it wasn't even the end of the arc
>Promises a 1935-E on Winter or Spring of 2017
>Dengeki's schedule is already out for the summer and not a single Baccano volume on it
I swear if Narita goes on another years long hiatus with Baccano I'm going to personally murder Nasu and free him from the Typemoon slave dungeon.

>> No.17306414

Narita works for Type moon?

>> No.17306415

Not directly, but he writes the Fate/strange fake novels and it's being released at a faster pace than all his other works, which really pisses me off.

>> No.17306416

So you can't be nostalgic about something while liking another?

>> No.17306417

If I enjoyed Roadside Picnic, what light novels would I like?

Please only officially translated material, I've tried some done by fans and they're riddled with basic grammar errors, nonsensical prose and the worst dialogue I've ever read.

>> No.17306418
File: 69 KB, 400x222, 8714316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a job therefore I can't read

>> No.17306419

A general hint to avoid those types of translation is to just not read any webnovel. Actual light novels tend ot have some slightly better translations since you actually have to know some japanese, webnovels are almost 100% of the time done by people throwing the text on google translate, "editing" it and claiming they're using it to practice japanese.

>> No.17306420

Almost every Japanese middleschool student.

>> No.17306421

I read Nisoisin's Monogatari light novels and they were enjoyable. That's all the reason I need honestly, it's not like I can't read classics as well.

>> No.17306422
File: 2.01 MB, 2000x1500, freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17306423
File: 158 KB, 300x447, 0000000135932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ones where you can't tell they're LNs. Pic related for example is so weird it's been compared to House of Leaves and Sophie's World rather than the usual LNs.

>> No.17306424


/m/ light novels for me.

>> No.17306425

The equivalent of people who read YA novels.

>> No.17306426

Why do you think they're called "light novel"?

And it's mostly just translations being retarded and poorly handling the localization, look at the official translations - novels are adapted to look and feel like actual novels in English.

>> No.17306427

Are you dumb? What you presented is just an example of bad translation.

>> No.17306428
File: 1.97 MB, 400x304, 1499494405023.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I get a digital copy of the bakemonogatari LN?
Can't find it on nyaa.

>> No.17306793 [DELETED] 

Wow, /a/ really has gone to the shits if the mods aren't allowed LN threads there now.

>> No.17306795 [DELETED] 


>> No.17306840 [DELETED] 


>> No.17306954

It's the kind of "literal" translation that EOPs expect and complain if they don't get.

>> No.17307298


>> No.17307983

>well stuff like boipussi, traps, and other otaku things are revolutionary they aren't the greatest minds frankly.

>> No.17308245
File: 441 KB, 1000x1421, URL...ncode--n8515dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys help please.
Is there a web similar to ncode for chinece WN?
Also i need novels where the MC is +20 yo physicaly and mentally, so far i only know of Release that witch, Atelier tanaka and the pic novel

Last, any webpage where i can search all published LNs by illustration and have links for ncode. I don't know of any way aside from google image and the autor illustrations in their page is always some ugly concept of character.

>> No.17308352 [DELETED] 

what the fuck is this thread?
why does it look like /v/?

>> No.17308406

Why is there no illustrator on this cover

>> No.17308414 [DELETED] 

Looks like /a/ mods are dumping their shit here again.

>> No.17308441

Dunno i got the pic from google image, never bothered to search for more of it.

>> No.17308495 [DELETED] 

>LNs are trash
>VNs are trash
>manga are trash
>anime is trash
/a/ and /jp/ are such nice boards.

>> No.17308547 [DELETED] 

The fact is most of anything is trash. After you initially get into lns or manga or whatever, you start sifting through heaps of trash to potentially find more possibly cool stuff until you get exhausted, come to 4chan, and just say everything is trash.

>> No.17308582 [DELETED] 

It was moved here by the mods

>> No.17308609 [DELETED] 

It's more than that. It's all fun and games when you first come here, but then the self-defeating and self-hating mindset, which go beyond but definitely include that negative attitude towards one's own hobbies, makes it mentally exhausting to browse weeb boards. Same goes for /v/ and its spin-offs.
I don't see that kind of attitude on /lit/ or /mu/, for example.

>> No.17308688 [DELETED] 

>the self-defeating and self-hating mindset, which go beyond but definitely include that negative attitude towards one's own hobbies
Why do weebs do this to themselves? Are they trying to be edgy ironic teens who think it's cool not to care about anything?

>> No.17308696 [DELETED] 

from which board was this thread moved from?

>> No.17308919 [DELETED] 

I'd be willing to agree with you, but the fact is that less than 1% of weebs can talk about LNs in any meaningful way whatsoever. Understanding how they work, why they are published as such, and weaving through well-known series to have an educated opinion on them requires a knowledge of japanese most people are a thousand miles away from. So we have heaps of people who have pretty much zero idea of what they're talking about, and spout retardation such as that LNs are inherently worse, as if they had any minimal knowledge on judging fiction beyond repeating buzzwords like "character development" or "mary sue".

>> No.17309073

Kawakamiverse is about the only LN series I keep up with. Partly for reasons you mention, but it's also a neat jumping-off point for learning more about history.

>> No.17309090 [DELETED] 

If you're going to delete posts that talk about light novels as a medium, why not delete all the trash at the top of the thread, janitor? At least strive for consistency.

>> No.17309169

I do.

>> No.17309242 [DELETED] 

If there's stuff that shouldn't be here, report it instead of whining.

>> No.17309669

It's surprisingly strange for me to see how many of you actually dislike LNs. Do you even like anime in first place? Because, well, a huge part of them are adaptations of LNs, doesn't make much sense if you only enjoy the adaptation of something but totally hate the original thing. Or you only watch adaptations of other things?

>> No.17309732

>Do you even like anime in first place?
no, fuck off to >>>/a/

>> No.17310139

Even if he did, he'd just get moved here again.

>> No.17310961
File: 53 KB, 350x499, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question, I'm this >>17306255 and I just got a e-mail from amazon about "Wolf and Parchment".
Is this the 19th Volmen or just a spin off?

>> No.17311925 [DELETED] 

I'm not whining; just pointing out your incompetence, janny.

>> No.17312116

Looks like a sequel / spin-off involving their kid(s).

>> No.17312284
File: 126 KB, 540x535, 1456713227673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so fun!

>> No.17319824

How many /a/sshats evn know about us seriously. A good portion redirect to contaminant boards in what i would consider a serious manner.

The less that know, the better i say.

>> No.17319862

I do, otherwise I have no purpose in learning Japanese

>> No.17321914

You know, it's cheaper to just reuse the set from an earlier kung-fu flick.

>> No.17326427

Who actually comes to /jp/ to ask a question like that?

>> No.17333257

Why do a lot of light novels have a long sentence for the title?

>> No.17334120

I've considered reading a light novel, but it just feels like a waste of time. And I have pretty much learned Japanese by now...

>> No.17334137

Read one to write one.

>> No.17334196


>> No.17334908

Most of them actually like anime. Its just that stuff like idols and touhou is mostly popular with nostalgia fags who constantly complain that anime ''isn't the same as it was back then!'' Oh and lots of people ''dislike'' LN's because they can't read Japanese.

>> No.17334913

Most of the people who hate LNs hate LN adaptations and blame them for "ruining anime" or some such thing.

>> No.17334918

This is a thread about Lns so why did you guys start talking about actual chinese garbage? I didn't think the people on fucking /jp/ would read that shit.

>> No.17334934

>I didn't think the people on fucking /jp/ would read that shit.
You'd be correct. Check the archive

>> No.17335801

No Book No Life
