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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1730179 No.1730179 [Reply] [Original]

We all know what's going to happen to /jp/ over the Christmas holiday, so I'm going to hang out on iichan (which is pretty much what /jp/ would be if it were an entire board) for a while.

Anyone else coming? It would be nice to see some of the /jp/ tripfriends over there.

>> No.1730190

It's already started. You've seen all the threads.

I'll be on Pooshlmer, posting about whatever I want.

>> No.1730192

whats happening to /jp/?
i didn't get the notice.

>> No.1730197

>I'll be on Pooshlmer.
◕ ◡ ◕

>> No.1730196

>/jp/ tripfriends

Oh yes, ours are so lovely. I could not imagine a day without Croatia or jones.

>> No.1730203

Jones is gone, I miss athens and I feel weird spending a whole day without seeing an Aya-sama thread.

>> No.1730212

>I miss athens

/r9k/ is that way, please leave

>> No.1730215

Fuck off, you 8 year old. We have much cooler tripfriends than most boards here. Compare us to /v/ and that Maya faggot.

>> No.1730221

You know you're tsundere for him.

>> No.1730224

There is only one tripfriend.

>> No.1730230

I personally like AoC and ZUN!bar

>> No.1730236


Shit that doesn't smell as bad is still shit.

>> No.1730238

yeah but they have no visual novel board

>> No.1730243
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>> No.1730247

I'll go back to /a/

>> No.1730255

Or /a/ and their plethora of faggots.

>> No.1730267

It's pretty much unmoderated. You can talk about visual novels on the Touhou board if you want.

>> No.1730278
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I'll be at /prog/ over the winter break.

>> No.1730281

You started posting here.

I'm completely serious. We're leaving because of people like you.

>> No.1730295

>We're leaving

Only temporarily though. This isn't a 7chan-style "we r more legun dan u guise lol" thing.

I just don't like /a/, and /jp/ becomes /a/ during school breaks. I'll be back in January.

>> No.1730299

I'll stay here. I don't belong anywhere else.

>> No.1730296

No seriously, what's going to happen?
Last Christmas the board was just fine.

>> No.1730303

More people are posting here now than last Christmas.

>> No.1730307

I'm just going to stay off the computer during winter break. I have enough books and games to keep me occupied.

>> No.1730323

The same thing that happens every time schools go on break; massive newfriend influx

>> No.1730318


Actually, I second that guy. Missing out on something doesn't mean you don't hang out here quite often.

Could it be that an incoming shitstorm of some sort?

>> No.1730321
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Hmm, guess so...
Guess i'll still spend my Christmas here anyway.
Got to sing Christmas carols for /jp/.

>> No.1730328

But most of you guys are assholes who love trolling people and calling them fags, shouldn't you want to be here even more?

>> No.1730331

I sure will miss the Umineko threads.

>> No.1730330

Oh god, /jp/ is this old already? It still feels like it was created last month to me. What the fuck am I doing with my life.

>> No.1730335

>assholes who love trolling people and calling them fags

Nope. I just want to discuss Touhou and visual novels with people who can use proper grammar and avoid blurting out unfunny memes.

>> No.1730340

I haven't bothered looking at Touhou threads for ages now because they can't go five posts without throwing in a terrible unfunny meme. I originally came here for Touhou.

>> No.1730342

I thought you were talking about the ronery threads. The school breaks is just a shitty theory that has survived because you see more faggotry when you expect to see more faggotry. If a shitty thread appears any other time of the year, you just hide it and think it's a troll, but if the same exact thread had appeared during a school break, you rage and start complaining about kids ruining everything you love.

>> No.1730359

I might partake in the drawing threads when my tablet comes in the mail this week. Or I'll just make some here. I don't know; I rarely go to Pooshlmer.

>> No.1730396

Anyone who seriously enjoys posting on pooshlmer are the same people here who just make danbooru image dumbs on solo characters. Good riddance.

>> No.1732392

Please explain your hate for Pooshlmer. It's the exact same as this place, with focus on a more narrow subject.

>> No.1732410

>exact same
>more narrow

>> No.1732426
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I'll be posting Touhou
