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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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17287770 No.17287770 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>17247284

Game links:
>r18 games
>all ages games


>Eng Wiki Links (Unless otherwise mentioned)

Millennium War Aigis:
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>Jp ULMF thread:
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>XP chart

Osawari Island:
>Jp Osawari wiki
>Osawari chat
>Jp Alchemy Page
>Osawari Friend Code List

Girl's Kingdom:
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Kanpani Girls:
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Dragon Providence:
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Flower Knight Girl:
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>> No.17287879

Dammit I can't kill the stupid boar.

>> No.17288024
File: 1.49 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2017-07-07-16-28-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolled 10 times on the collab gatcha and got Farangis.
Yeah you cant use her on R.
You can't even select her.

Pic related

>> No.17288247

>event half done
>they fix yggdrasil drop rates now
What the fuck, I just rolled all my tickets yesterday
Stupid fuckers

>> No.17288295

>Oy vey it was not a bug the drop rate was low as intended but now we're being generous and increasing it to the rates that were totally not intended in the first place, be grateful goy!

>> No.17288529

>no lewd version
What's the point?

>> No.17288635
File: 1.19 MB, 609x989, maouhajimekata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 days left.
I'm ready.

Yeah, I kinda regret wasting 50 SCs for this. Her skill and ability is pretty useful though.

>> No.17288668

Who is the girl from OP, where is she from, and is there any Paizuri of her?

>> No.17288695

Aigis on tablet is still giving me 400 errors 90% of the time I try to enter a battle. It's really annoying. nothing else is giving me so much shit and it's only when I try and load a map. Everything else in aigis is fine.

>> No.17288704

Try changing your DNS settings. Happens to me when I'm using Google DNS.

>> No.17288906

It might've helped. I've definitely been able to load more battles than I was before I changed it, even if error is still happening.

>> No.17288928

I was able to fix it completely by giving port 53 (DNS) the highest priority on the router QoS. Also, make sure you're using your ISP's DNS.

It seems Aigis expects super fast DNS response times.

>> No.17288990

what are these games?

I played one once it was a giant scam for microtransactions in some half-baked RPG

i'd like something i can leave afk and check on every now and then, or something i can actually play

getting Eroico right now

>> No.17289030

Sera from the current Nutaku Aigis event, no paizuri in-game but I think there's a few doujins of her that probably have at least one paizuri scene of her between them, good luck finding them scanned though.

Browser games (and a bunch of visual novels too if you go to the download store), As with all browser / mobage ports though, there's a ton of shit and especially clicker shit mixed in. Pretty much all of them are shit you can afk and check on now and then. But the only ones with actual gameplay are pretty much Millennium War Aigis (Tower Defense-style gameplay), Kamihime Project (Granblue Fantasy with all the grind, but more shit, but also more lewd). and Girls on Tanks but Girls on Tanks is shit. I guess you could also hope the Armor Blitz and Minitary Girls games are good, Narborion's art is shit and Kingdoms of Lust's art is shit and looks like it'll be p2w pvp shit.

>> No.17289089
File: 109 KB, 326x173, 296b9110f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Emptying weapon inventory in KHP
>Have a few +1 Ns and 1 R.
>Drop them on SSR with SL 16
> 3% chance for skill upgrade
>It fucking succeeds.
>mfw 3% isn't a meme

>> No.17289149

You just wasted your 3% chance to roll a SSR anon.

>> No.17289174

I fear that.

Good thing I sit on 5 of them and plan on waiting until Christmas before rolling again.

>> No.17289188

Anyone know if Aigis charisma/stamina rollover on level up is in yet or if that was going to be a future update? I don't see it in the patch notes, so I'm assume that's coming later, probably with the UI changes, but I'm about to level in about 20 minutes so I wanted to be sure.

>> No.17289209

It's not in yet.

>> No.17289222

As already said, not in yet. I lost stamina and charisma for trying yesterday.

>> No.17289233

Thanks. And sorry to hear about that, anon #2. I was about 10 minutes from joining you.

>> No.17289246

Crystal Maidens sounded decent. But yeah, besides that and Armor Blitz, the other gaijin games look like shit.

>> No.17289267

Yeah, such a shame Nutaku is phasing out DMM games for them.

I don't understand why DMM publishes their games on Nutaku when they could easily do it themselves. DMM's platform also accepts paypal & bitcoin compared to Nutaku which is credit card only.

>> No.17289298

I just realized that Kamihime changed the main music theme to a summer one.
I usually premute the tab so I didn't notice until now.

>> No.17289307
File: 154 KB, 1262x761, payment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nutaku isn't credit card only though. Its got loads of payment options from the good to the very bad like pic related. Only bitcoin is missing and thats not really known to much people here.

>> No.17289311

I managed to kill my internet for a brief period of time. because I'm smart like that.

aside from that, it worked. everything was running fine.
just don't port forward 53 to your tablets static ip.

>> No.17289329
File: 113 KB, 1082x645, nutaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird, I don't see a paypal option on mine.

>> No.17289351
File: 25 KB, 1318x204, payment 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Payment options vary by region, its probably a pain

>> No.17289384

What the fuck is up with those prices? Those are British pounds?? Why are they so bloated?

>> No.17289403

Pay by mobile, price is actually 100 gold = £1.00 but the payment option bloats it and you can't say it costs £20 and then add another 8 pounds on without mentioning it, it has to be reflected in the price.

Also fuck paying in GBP and EUR, its cheaper in USD because 100 gold = $1.00 .

>> No.17289513

>Also fuck paying in GBP and EUR
Poland here, my prices on Nutaku are in US dollars, but I pay with my own currency through Paypal and it automatically converts it.
So it looks like Brits get fucked the most, because pounds are worth more than USD and EUR.

>> No.17289578
File: 1.07 MB, 670x923, 魔王の始め方 - オンラインゲーム - DMM GAMES R18 (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I probably should roll more gems.

>> No.17289601
File: 1.24 MB, 965x872, 魔王の始め方 - オンラインゲーム - DMM GAMES R18 (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17289624

Yeah, I gave up doing anything beyond just filling the slots with 4* rolls. Ever 4* item I got since they added the extra slots was coins.

>> No.17289688

crap, im tired of playing poker

>> No.17289691

It hasn't been worth playing poker since they split it into two different currencies instead of letting you play off your winnings. I just ran event raid bosses for a few days to get the points I needed for the unit so I could use my stamina on farming phonemes.

>> No.17289867

>Yggdrasil's drop rate was broken in gacha

I want my fucking Gacha tickets refunded.

>> No.17290335

You can exchange chips to shop tokes 1 to 1 in the shop.

>> No.17290894

I rolled a Loletta and I already have Clarice. Plus we're getting this water elementalist from the event. Should I bother with leveling Loletta?

>> No.17290922

The water elementalist is a gacha unit. Got her from my gold+ ticket.

>> No.17291178

The event unit is the puppeteer you're supporting in the races.

>> No.17291606

Since everyone is getting plat units and higher on the gold ticket while I got a shitty gold I decided to create multiple alts to test the odds.

Result: 1 got gold, 4 got platinum.
So I guess there's a 70%+ chance of getting a plat from the ticket?
Dammit DMM. If platinum's rate is that high they should have removed gold altogether from the ticket roll. ;_;

>> No.17291628

>>Since everyone is getting plat units and higher on the gold ticket
I got Themis though

>> No.17291648

Got a Bella dupe.

>> No.17291667

I got a Gina dupe.

>> No.17291668

also got a gina dupe.

>> No.17291829
File: 399 KB, 512x577, wtfux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I unlocked Arthur Today (I got Morded Andromeda and all standard souls first)
and the game crashed when I unlocked her... now she has no skills except her passives and EX.. she's lvl 7 but doesn't have her lvl 1 or lvl 5 ability... WTFUX lol I submitted a support ticket..

>> No.17291839

Yeah I've been using tickets every time I get 50 or so I've gotten 2 SSR weaps but 0 Ygg from gacha sofar... my alt has gotten 1 Ygg 1 SSR lol

>> No.17291983

Started Kamihime yesterday.
The current event won't come back again? How many Yggs are needed for her ero scene? Every event here lasts only for a week?

>> No.17292071

1, you only have to get her to level 40.

>> No.17292121

There's an issue. They're looking into it.

>> No.17292149

just with Arthur? cuz my 2nd acct unlocked Sieg just fine

>> No.17292249
File: 492 KB, 1002x635, ランキング - オンラインゲーム一覧 - DMM GAMES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aigis is dead game, guys, it will close down tomorrow.

>> No.17292273
File: 150 KB, 760x559, D E D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even in the top 5

>> No.17292274

sorry if noob question, but how do you get dragon eye shards/dragon eyes in kamihime?

>> No.17292281

I created 10 new accounts.
Result: 3 gold, 6 plat, 1 black.

I think that pretty much confirms it, the gold ticket has a high (60-70+) chance to give a plat unit.
So if anyone wants to create a new account, now's the time.

Everyone's on the all-ages version because the collab event is in there.

>> No.17292285

Roll SSR hime you already had in premium gacha or complete monthly (or was it weekly?) mission.

>> No.17292301

shards are weekly, iirc; thank you

>> No.17292690
File: 209 KB, 752x524, LB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whom shall I LB next
My 'main' team is fire so I thought I should finally get Amon out of the way for MLB

>> No.17292702

Go ahead with Amon

>> No.17292934
File: 516 KB, 918x529, ss+(2017-07-08+at+09.48.24).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is hardest-earned h-scene in all DMM games I've played. Amount of stuff you must spend to get it is ridiculous.

>> No.17292972
File: 406 KB, 847x546, ss+(2017-07-08+at+10.06.47).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there's no depiction of genitals in it, same nude 3d doll as in "trainings", with groin being off-screen all the time during sex.

>> No.17293261

What collab event? Can you explain how to do it? What do you get out of it?

>> No.17293270

Collab with Arslan Senki. There's a Subjugation and a Gacha.

You get Daryun from participating in the subjugation, although we don't know what he'll do yet.

>> No.17293271

Simply do subjugation event in all-ages and you will get black royal guard when event ends.

>> No.17293286

Holy fuck, how is it even possible to keep dragging on this kind of story for so long? Is this the future of Aigis?

>> No.17293309

If Farangis and Narsus is of any indication, he's probably going to be op as hell.

>> No.17293575

Is it better to do the story quests for the 1.5 exp boost and then do the subjugation when it ends?

>> No.17293760
File: 52 KB, 256x253, 1495942098577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My 'main' team is fire
>only fire hime is Amon
I'm thinkin' Amon.

>> No.17293933
File: 219 KB, 1056x704, mireille skill timeout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, fuck this map and everything it stands for.

Well, I guess it's not that hard if I take the trouble to AW and SAW Mireille or Sarah.

>> No.17294369

That's the limit break menu
It doesn't show my Ares on SSR + Agni and Motu on SR
That's still 1 more above R for a full team but I usually just put Beelzebub there.

>> No.17296721
File: 99 KB, 579x138, FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL 〜X指定〜 - DMM GAMES R18 (29).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't they do same thing as Aigis and just compress fairies/dragons/ampules into counters instead actual units?
I'm rapidly running out of space.

>> No.17297145

Is there any anon still playing XenoMagia?
Can you tell me what is the requirement from daily mission?

>> No.17297162

- Complete all other dailies
- Do story quests 3 times
- Do training quest 1 time
- Level up your weapon 1 time
- Convert item into mana 1 time
Can't remember 6th one, but if you click on it, it will send you to correct screen, so shouldn't be too hard to figure.

>> No.17297477
File: 180 KB, 1023x588, 2017-07-09_205840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stuck at this quest that looks like it required me to do EXP dungeon but i bought the ticket to mana dungeon, cleared it but the mission is not checked.

>> No.17297513

Yes, its the one I listed as "Do training quest 1 time". You need to do unit exp dungeon (human soldiers icon), not mana dungeon. Why the fuck would you even bother to buy mana ticket?

>> No.17297522

EXP dungeon, not mana dungeon. The one with a picture of a knight on it where your units get EXP. Just clear the 6AP one and you're good to go.

>> No.17297612

Because of mana = exp in this game?

Also how to get more mana without running mana dungeon. This game difficulty really spike when goes from low tier to mid-tier dungeon.

>> No.17297638

Mana is lots of things.
EXP is EXP, you can earn it directly.

There's free mana weekly dungeon, don't waste premium stones on mana tickets.

>> No.17297799

For the Hibari revival, what's the last item you can get from missions? It seems like it was added since I'm missing it from all my missions. It's not a droppable Hibari is it?

>> No.17297820

Probably Bonbori, the skill fairy.

>> No.17297840

Thanks. Screw that.

>> No.17298411

Hibari's mission is pretty hard. Is it because she's black?
I have problems clearing the advanced maps.

There's no way those maps are clearable using only level 50 pre class change units.

>> No.17298416

Was checking out efficiency of story maps for player exp in XenoMagia.
What a fucking bullshit. Most efficient map is 3-stamina 1-29N, which would take ages to grind if not using tickets:

1-29N 3 1250 416.6
2-29N 5 1310 262.0
3-29N 7 1360 194.28
4-29N 9 1410 156.6
5-34N 11 1460 132.72
5-35N 13 1475 113.4

1-29H 13 2500 192.3
2-19H 14 2580 184.28
2-29H 15 2620 174.6
2-30H 18 2650 147.2
4-29H 19 2820 148.4

Using hard maps drops efficiency 2x, this is serious hit to consider if you want to raise your player levels.

>> No.17299031

>realize event is ending and I haven't a single copy of Ygg
>spam raids for 60 souls to get at least 1 copy
>roll tickets before logging out
>get another copy of Ygg and 2 ssr weapons
I wish I'd get this kind of luck with non-shit weapons and elements

>> No.17299109

>soul bug still isnt fixed for people that unlocked one before it was "fixed"
>can't use my gilgamesh's abilities or see her scenes

come on.. I want my jewels.

>> No.17299355

>roughly 700 divine gacha spent in 3 draws of 100-300-300
>not a single fucking Yggdrasil from the gacha
>only got the 3 from static rewards for 2*
Fucking now what? I can grind the 4 million PP for 3* I guess?
Fucking rigged shit system.

>> No.17299385

Yeah, I just get to when I get the Eidolon and event kamihime then I just stop.
I hope the Union event coming up is great.

>> No.17299425

You don't understand.
There is no revivals for raids.
So if you don't MLB something now - you never will.
I don't want to have a fucking event SSR eidolon on 2* when it should THEORETICALLY be possible to have it on MLB.
RNG has no right to fuck me over THIS MUCH - 700 fucking ticket draws with not a single Yggdrasil.

>> No.17299538

Apparently the first union event was extra shitty, something about the higher tiers only being able to be fought during burst time or something like that.

They changed it for the next ones though. Maybe we will get the fixed version.

>> No.17299557

Yeah the early raid events system sucked, but it will eventually get fixed. I think the Halloween event was the first one where they made PP only give tickets and you could get the weapon/summon maxed just from tokens. Recently they made it so you only need to farm 50/55 tokens to max them so it will eventually get better.

The first union event was kind of a mess and the rewards are pretty underwhelming. It did add purgatory points for new souls though.

>> No.17299583

the first set of union events are probably the most boring event type in this game. Shit rewards, shit eidolons, shit weapons.
It only got better after they added ranking rewards, so you could at least got something decent out of that snorefest.

>> No.17300192

>There's no way those maps are clearable using only level 50 pre class change units.
Pretty sure you can. But that's only for a 1 star. Intentionally letting some enemies pass will get you the clear. Now a 3 star complete is a different matter entirely.

>> No.17300226
File: 37 KB, 448x226, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did KamiPro break? I keep getting this error before I even see the title, and it kicks me back to the Nike error screen every time.

>> No.17300831

You're not alone. Been like that for about 3 or 4 hours. Haven't tested on DMM since I don't have an account there, but it's the same on all my browsers.

>> No.17300843

Hasn't happened to me
Have you guys tried clearing the cache?

>> No.17301272

What's this maintenance on DMM Aigis?

>> No.17301310


Looks like they're fixing a bug with the secretaries. No word on duration.

>> No.17301383
File: 1.60 MB, 1316x1121, XDnCs63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems that Toadlily, Japanese Water-Crowfoot (or something to that effect, the flower has no English name but it's closely related to the European water-crowfoot. I guess we'll have to wait for the gacha screen to get her official name), Japanese Silver Grass and False Hydrangea are this week's girls.

In case you weren't convinced that at least one person involved in FKG really, really likes their ranunculids, here's another underappreciated buttercup for you. Toadlily getting a swimsuit version is an absolute treat, too.

>> No.17301944
File: 1.11 MB, 950x636, Altia GET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait what why does black summons have gold summon animations

>> No.17301967

Black summon has an amber-like gold, regular golds are brighter. But yes, the differences are minor and confusing the two is common. Congrats on your Altia, in any case.

Also, FKG broke yet again, and everyone is waiting with bated breath for the longest maintenance downtime possible to get more apology stones.

>> No.17302497

I spent 100 FP trying to get snowdrop and the only notable stuff I got were Nadina, Bergenia and Lupine.

I like Nadina and Bergenia but Lupine is ugly, I have mixed feelings about these results.

>> No.17302530

So these collab characters are OP but you can't play them on the 18+ version?

>> No.17302550

Yeah, they're not selectable on R. They're greyed out. See >>17288024.

>> No.17302551

No, not even the males.

>> No.17302580

What the hell were they thinking? As if the game wasn't already dying fast enough.

>> No.17302608

Did anyone get to play Maou no Hajimekata yet? Did not know it released today.

It's under maintenance for some reason.

>> No.17302635

I bet he's going to get a nerf soon. He's beyond OP tier and more like a cheat.

>> No.17302731

>that new light SR kamihime
oh baby

100% Light Eid also added, SSR hime (Frey? big sis to the wind SR currently on Nutaku's banner) is basically another Siegfrid clone, but I think this is Light's first, her damage boost against raging enemies skill also lasts a full turn rather than for one action only

>> No.17302934

I'm considering rolling for the R hime. That H scene preview looks ok for once.

>> No.17303073

The eidolon looks good but man, when will they realize light needs a good buffer/debuffer, and not Acala 2.0. Then again, thunder is still in need of a decent healer if I remember so.

>> No.17303117
File: 283 KB, 964x638, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More qt Cucklyssa.

>> No.17303224

50 flower stones for today maintenance.

>> No.17303400
File: 268 KB, 727x1028, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NZN is changing clothes a lot recently.

>> No.17303519

She needs a scene already.

>> No.17303879
File: 257 KB, 1440x960, 1488398398400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my boner has gained sentience

>> No.17303894

But she has one.
In Eligor's


>> No.17303939

Is that Freyja?

>> No.17303988

Forseti. Freya has orange hair and a crotch tattoo.

>> No.17304058


>> No.17304084

I self insert as the marker pen.

>> No.17304087

As is everyone playing the game

>> No.17304201
File: 599 KB, 1128x261, Yggplease.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not going to hit the 4m PP mark, so time to bank on RNGesus providing me with 2 more copies of Ygg. It seemed feasible after the drop rate patch, but earlier posts about 700+ blue tickets with no Ygg have me a bit concerned. Well, here goes nothing.

>> No.17304259
File: 89 KB, 735x196, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fingers crossed Anon, I wouldn't wish ending up like me to anyone

>> No.17304271

By the grace of RNGesus, pulled 2 SSR lances and 2 Yggs, God bless you RNGesus.

On another note, how heavily does the upcoming Union raid depend on having a union? I don't have a strong desire to join a union, so I'm trying to get a gauge on how much I can accomplish on my own.

>> No.17304272

How do you get the autism to dump so many seeds each event

>> No.17304274

Are you the one who didn't pull any Yggs and trying for 4m PP to get one more copy? If so, my condolences, I wish you all the best in the last hours of the event. Hopefully one of those last 270 tickets will hold the winner.

>> No.17304282

Thunderfags man

>> No.17304287

That's a me
I'm gonna post results

>> No.17304297

I do it so one day I can just drop any of my teams into a fight and let them auto battle it out. Until then, it's the endless grind to reach that point.

>> No.17304344
File: 272 KB, 789x558, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's fucking go, the last batch of 300 tickets out of a total of ~1100.

>> No.17304356

I'm not going to sleep until I hear what happens next.

>> No.17304365
File: 65 KB, 374x246, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These two include the one I got from 4 million PP, in other words, I drew 1 (one) Yggdrasil with well over 1000 fucking divine tickets.

>> No.17304377

Don't roll the remaining 100 or you'll risk depleting the luck you've been charging up.

>> No.17304391

Congrats anon, I'm still so pissed about getting jackshit from all the collab tickets I couldn't even farm properly.

>> No.17304458

I got a rainbow from my apology stones. Thanks FKG devs.

>> No.17304482

The new R light hime's H scene is with the MC, according to the wiki.
Sorry to disappoint you netorare aficionados. I guess she's just a masochist

>> No.17304496

Goddammit fuck, well I guess I'm glad I didn't roll.

>> No.17304515 [DELETED] 

Eat shit, cuckfag.

>> No.17304615 [DELETED] 


>> No.17304642 [DELETED] 

Someone called Reddit

Reddit answered that Granblue was better

>> No.17304647

I cannot actively masturbate to Granblue while playing Granblue.
Me and my dick must disagree with reddit.

>> No.17304662

Okay, cool. Nobody cares.

>> No.17304735

I can't play aigis anymore. This new unit is too overpowered and puts all the girls that I played with all these months to shame.

>> No.17304761
File: 81 KB, 442x121, aigis healers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I do with that B. Iris' copy? These are all the healers I have

>> No.17304894

Turn it to the other AW2

>> No.17304904


>> No.17304921


Can see here >>17302580 showing a vid of him, mainly gets insane with dancers and the like, but even base his saw is probably too strong. One thing is he can only be used on in all ages though. Hopefully they tone down his strength though.

>> No.17304988

Using the collab rewards and saved tickets + jewels I've done 70 rolls between the last gacha (summer chara rate up) and this one.

No SSRs.
2 new SR himes, 5 new R himes, 2 SR dragoons.

Keep in mind that some of these tickets were actually for SR or better and 10 roll tickets (which means 100% SR). Most have been dupes, and the only rate up character I got was this gacha R hime.

Heck, I've made a 10 roll about every 2-3 weeks and my only SSR himes are Sol and Svarog, with 3 SSR eidolons: Ouroboros, Echidna and Hualong.

How do we know the rates aren't false/fucked up? Is there anyone we can complain to? GBF had monkeygate, if the rates are false for this one things could get serious.

>> No.17305032

>Maou no Hajimekata
It's up now.

>> No.17305102
File: 215 KB, 953x636, 84629574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A FGO's clone as people predicted.

>> No.17305250

Out of all the games to clone, they pick the shittiest one? FGO isn't popular because of the gameplay.

>> No.17305260

> 4* is not highest rarity, 5* (not available in pre-reg gacha) is.
What a fucking shitfest.

>> No.17305330

they better fix this soul bug before the union event
I still cant use my gilgamesh's skills or get my crystals from her scenes

>> No.17305372

meh, mortena is better

>> No.17305381

It's pretty common actually, most recent example is XenoMagia.
The game looks extremely unpolished, and the animation is hilariously bad, the sprites move like puppets on string.

>> No.17305408

Finished drop completion for every quest. Now what...

>> No.17305455
File: 1.45 MB, 966x600, Union Event.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17305462

>The game looks extremely unpolished, and the animation is hilariously bad, the sprites move like puppets on string.
So FGO, then.

>> No.17305466

I'm going to wait a couple of days for the other gachas, but this one looks pretty good to spend stones on.

>> No.17305470

It somehow managed to look worse than FGO.

>> No.17305477

Only 1 day of downtime, huh. That's nice.
So how good is Pride's weapon compared to a typical Assault?

>> No.17305507

Assault gives you stable damage output.
Pride if you hate healing and enjoy living on the edge.

>> No.17305574

Who's going to carry OldMen, I could use some light weapons.

>> No.17305708
File: 119 KB, 396x1058, DEbvXcIUQAAD-5j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did Nazuna mean b this

>> No.17306198

Pride is basically shit unless you're a whale with 12k HP without defender weapons who loves to tackle retarded challenges like soloing lvl 100+ union event raids, soloing ragna raids off element etc.

>> No.17306814

Pride is functionally identical to an R assault if you have full HP.
At 70% HP, it will be about the same as a large assault weapon.
Any lower than 70% hp and it starts beating out assault.

>> No.17306903

Looks like everything was outsourced to the lowest bidder. Shame.
I doubt this game will last a year. The game will probably be dead in less than 6 months tops.

>> No.17307273

I can make room for one in Embryon. I'm sure we are going to stomp her hard so just come get the stuff and leave afterwards. No reason to gimp yourself having chill unions around. If you are interested just drop an ID or greet me ingame @ 1576389

>> No.17307288

What units got new scenes for aigis patch? Missed udpate news and can never track it down on aigis.wikia.

>> No.17307316

Should be on Twitter, but I don't know that they added any this week. They're adding a ton next patch.

>> No.17307336


Thanks found it, Chloe in that list so yay on that. Apparently something something to help in awakening orb quests too and more free SC.

>> No.17307344

Can't wait for Anal Angel Chloe's 3rd scene to not actually be anal.

>> No.17307350

>Still haven't joined a union.
Was expecting a week downtime. Basically screwed myself

>> No.17307355

Can't you still join one now?

>> No.17307361

Yeah but I'm not sure if I can help out since I have a really weak dark team.

>> No.17307370

There's a few unions that have spare spots, I'm sure they rather someone playing than an empty slot.

>> No.17307816

I missed the last 2 gacha boxes in FKG...

I think I'm gonna be able to do another 50 FP this gacha, I have 0 right now, but these lolis are cute.

Wish me luck.

>> No.17307930

FGO managed to get to how it is today, so maybe this one might too. It's also a game version of a popular series after all.

But seriously, the animation makes Day 1 FGO look like Blazblue.

>> No.17308005

How is Nijiyome? I've been seeing their ads a lot lately. The Yandere game looks cute.

>> No.17308067

Hit or miss on a lot of games. There are some unique ones like the space game with Yaegashi art on the all-ages side, some blatant but popular copies like Rick G Earth, which is basically KanColle with SRPG battles/enemy captures (and seems to be rather successful, particularly in the mobile space), and then you have some less than stellar ones, which is most of everything else.

There are also a couple of older DMM games there. Dragon Tactics has a Nijiyome version and Crime Busters/Duel Squad came back to life over there after dying on DMM/Nutaku.

I do like the yandere game, but if you've played an older style mobage like Cinderella Girls or something, it's basically that, so it's not terribly interesting to play. Every character being yandere is fun, though, and the event stories were always amusing. I really enjoyed my time with it and I occasionally think about going back, but I invest too much time in other games these days.

If you have any questions about anything in particular, just drop them here. A few of us dabble in the platform every now and then.

>> No.17308184
File: 56 KB, 656x253, message.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so new FKG event. Why uhh... Why can't I access the third gacha box? The first two are empty.

>> No.17308340

It says you have some unfulfilled condition. Not sure what that could be, though; I cleared it just fine.

>> No.17308529

That's so weird. I cleared all the maps yesterday, ran the 80 a few extra times, just didn't draw from the gacha until this morning. I've cleared the first two boxes and that's what I get when I try to click on the third.

>> No.17308552
File: 81 KB, 413x223, 48atieru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I figured it out. You have to unlock the next box before you can access it.

>> No.17308692

Right, but how? Usually you just get the upgrade item from the previous one and it unlocks automatically.

>> No.17308717

Nevermind, it unlocked for me now. It just wouldn't offer to do it like it usually does. I had to manually unlock it from a different window.

>> No.17308865
File: 779 KB, 1920x1080, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this what pain feels like

>> No.17308909

>Rank 51
>Not able to acquire 1m PP during event

Joke's on you. At least you got 1 copy of her for the 60 red medals.

>> No.17308990

>Have Sol and Svarog
Yeah no sympathy from me. And gacha players are retarded as fuck, people have sold their houses just to roll gacha, even if the rates are fucked they are not going to do anything about it and neither will you.

>> No.17309088

i didn't even get close, i'll have to wait for the reissue if there'll be one, or hope her scene's not good

>> No.17309935

>Yeah no sympathy from me
How about fuck you? I've done over 200 rolls ever since this game started, that's the only reason I have 2 SSRs.

Sol wasn't even a normal roll, I rerolled for her.

>> No.17310963

question; this upcoming union event, can you 1-man union it, or do you need others?

>> No.17310978

Just join a /jp/ union you autist.

>> No.17311001

If you feel up to getting 55m points by yourself I guess you could.

>> No.17311018

got an invite from some other union, so left my daily 1-man one and will join, am not a whale so i can't do that kind of damage

>> No.17311267

Just noticed Blue Lotus has a garden animation. Who else has one and why did I not know of these animations sooner?

>> No.17312191
File: 315 KB, 997x663, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> water is my main and already 41k powah
> get first ssr
> It's fire type
having mixed feeling right now

>> No.17312211

She's great even off element, also
>41k without SSR's
Do you mind posting your grid? I'm playing since launch and can barely break past 30k

>> No.17312234

Damn how did you get 41k power? I got a full max level, MLB grid/himes (assorted SR and SSR), a +99 SSR hime, fully MLB eidolons (one being +99 and other +55) and I barely reach 37k.

>> No.17312243

With 41k that early in the game he won't benefit much from any off-element hime in his comp. He can probably auto ragnas already unless his Assault levels are low.

>> No.17312276
File: 342 KB, 982x646, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, and team with all sr kamihime (no +,bryn sub sp, rest are 5 water) and all ssr eidolon (2 water 99+)

that's what u did wrong, if u give 99+ to a weapon, it will give bonus to ur whole team, which is very huge

>> No.17312289

Figures. I did it mostly since I used Sol in a lot of other non-elements teams, and figured the +99 is better spent on her. Now I've started dumping them now in a SSR bow.

>> No.17312327


Still far from auto rag here
Apoc rag still wreck my team too much, even with 3 atk debuff, managed to defeat her sometimes with random op charm

>> No.17312429
File: 321 KB, 990x672, ss+(2017-07-12+at+07.15.46).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NaN is like a virus, everything NaN touches becomes NaN.

But the game is so bad it didn't NaN my card, it was a lie it only leveled it up to like 13 or 15, not even 20.

>> No.17312674 [DELETED] 

How did they get footage of this guy? Can you get him already?

>> No.17313517


>> No.17314239

Hey duplicate SR Weapons in Kamihime I should use for skillup on my SSRs? (after I fully LB one, or ones with ATK skill should I fully LB more than one?)

>> No.17314247
File: 650 KB, 757x379, example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot IMG, here's an example, all these extra bows I should use for skillup fodder?

I also have 4 extra Crom Eidos (1 fully LB plus 4 lv1 SSRs)

>> No.17314440

Yeah, any SRs you don't need raise them up to slv4 before upgrading with them to get more out of it.

>> No.17314605

In the JP Aigis wiki they keep talking about MRBT and ANT. What do those terms mean?

>> No.17314608

Err, I mean Kamihime

>> No.17314629


>> No.17314630

oh holy shit I've been using slvl1 for skillup.. didn't realize that like a slvl2 srare counts as 10 slvl 1 rares...

>> No.17314634

MRBT = murabito, the villagers
ANT = anta, (You), specifically how Alyssa refers to (You)

>> No.17314660
File: 49 KB, 1193x669, DamnitBobby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If R wep = 1
SR wep = 3.5 x slv
R cup = 2 x slv
SR cup = 5 x slv
SSR wep = 35 x slv

>> No.17314665

oh I was doing SR cup so on SR cup I Want to get it up to SLVL 5 right? which = 25 Slvl1 rares

>> No.17314671

Yeah, though I usually just do mine to 4 still.

>> No.17314878
File: 202 KB, 1440x960, ディース.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see, so this girl's hscene is a bait and switch then.

>> No.17314891

Who's this?

>> No.17314903


>> No.17314909

Does Arslan gacha end after maintenance tonight?

>> No.17314918

No, they're going to add Arslan to the collab gatcha roll.
If Narsus and Farangis is of any indication I bet he's going to be more OP than the prince and emperor.

>> No.17314936

Yep, Dis admires Odin to the point she adopted her masochist tendencies as well, but only with the MC.

>> No.17314958 [SPOILER] 
File: 222 KB, 772x567, 1499919449084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her hscene preview is a freaking scam.

I guess the devs are trying to gauge reaction on whether to bring back the villagers or not.

>> No.17314961

This is just the devs paying the villagers their last rites.
Soon even the game's banner featuring Siegfried's H scene will get removed.

>> No.17315050

Post her H scene CGs please. I don't want to get into what sounds like a huge grind game just for porn.

>> No.17315065

Sorry, I haven't unlocked her hscene yet.

>> No.17315078

Guess my balls will go blue today.

>> No.17315326

There isn't any SSR weapon rewards from this Union event?

>> No.17315341

3000 Jewels to get a Dark Kamihime to save my shitty team, 2 SR Himeless weapons and a bunch of himeless R crap.
Yeah...I hate you too fucking gacha.

>> No.17315347
File: 72 KB, 720x656, _20170712_232547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's Arslan. Seems reasonably tanky, but nothing broken.

>> No.17315357
File: 447 KB, 1322x1080, arslan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, Arslan is shit if you don't have the other collab characters.

He's also on his own class so awakening never.

>> No.17315366

Where is that free black unit you get from the subjugation? Did I read something wrong?

>> No.17315411

Weird. There' s an ally Ingrid on today's orb mission. I thought I was on the wrong map. Should've read the twitter.

>> No.17315464

Distributed on the 27th.

>> No.17315736

How do these union events work again
I am not seeing a SSR weapon or eidolon in any of the reward lists

>> No.17315756

Is it what it looks or her scene it's some kind of "reverse trap"?

>> No.17315776

I don't see any SSR stuff in the banner either, did Nutaku version get cucked?

>> No.17315837

The eidolons and weapons were added on the rerun of this event, at least that's what wiki says.

>> No.17315842

Oh that sucks, the rewards are really shitty then for this event.

>> No.17315845

Worth doing for the 50 jewel checkmarks, the premium tickets and the new soul points.

>> No.17315929

The Eidolons that will be added are also shit and the weapons are Pride, so they are shit too.
Union events are for purgatory points mostly, and fodder. Later on they're also ok for jewels (tickets will be removed eventually).

>> No.17315952

Also I should point out if you're not in a decent union (say, you're solo and not too hardcore) save your points to buy the second batch of union heroes (don't go for the Morgan line unless you really want her, wait for Yukimura -> Masamune -> Shingen to be added) The last hero alone requires 600 points so yeah, you'll likely need them.

>> No.17315986

Is Shingen any good?

>> No.17316043

How strong are the grail effects?

Should one stat be prioritized over another? (Attack I suppose?)

>> No.17316061

I raised the union to lvl 100 on atk, burst, HP and healing boost. They seem to be 1 for 1%. So effectively double dmg and the like. Pretty nifty.

Enjoy the big numbers guys, go wild.

>> No.17316271

Is there any way in Kamihime besides doing SP Quests and summoning Standard Prisons of Darkness to reasonably spend my AP during the Union Event?

>> No.17316283

If you are in an union, do Lilims and build the grails stash for upgrades.
If not, then no. Just spam raids, farm SR weapons and use them for your grid, or levelup fodder.

>> No.17316322

What's your guild progress right now lads? I wanna gauge how well mine is doing.

>> No.17316525
File: 45 KB, 626x130, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rush B day 1: done

>> No.17316568
File: 99 KB, 606x114, Embryon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was a fun burst time.

>> No.17316694

Anyone else playing Dragon Knight V? I didn't get the pre-reg gatcha rewards for some reason.

>> No.17316899

>add a premium gacha in FKG with 10% rainbow and 20% gold odds
>Nutacoins only goy :^)

Fucking vile jews

>> No.17316930

Reminder this is the official Kamihime theme

>> No.17317080

Did you seriously expect anything less?

>> No.17317162

10% rainbow and 20% gold odds isn't even a DMM thing.

>> No.17317184

It's essentially worse than DMM things, so I don't actually mind it all that much. You can reuse it if you have more disposable money than you should, I guess, but in general it's not a big problem unless they're neglecting actual game content to implement these (do you guys have the ultimate maps yet?)


In other news, the 2ch side apparently had a discussion on appreciating Ume, which is commendable taste. Flat-chested elder sisters are cute, and not being well-endowed does nothing to make Ume less endearing. Are there other underrated charm points that you guys would like to see in FKG?

>> No.17317235

Well yeah, but the point of that statement was that Nutaku isn't going to magically release a gacha machine with 20x better odds than normal and not charge for it, as opposed to not having it at all and showering you with free FGs instead.

Still no ultimate maps, and the last perm reissue (Geranium) isn't rewarding FGs, for some reason. Up to part 4 on world defense maps, should be releasing the next set soon. Still up to part 14 in main story. Still getting one CSQ every two weeks, and only rainbow/gold (but to be fair, they're all still votes from that poll ages ago).

Oh, and rainbow Alstroemeria and Bakery Girl Sakura lose their voices when evolved. Been pestering them to fix it for two months already.

So yeah, there's still a bucketload of problems or stalled content, but gacha sales aren't one of them, unless you count the lack of "free gold ticket with 50 FG roll" campaigns lately. Last one was Maple's gacha about five months ago.

>> No.17317267

I expected the fucking ticket gacha already because it's been like half a year since last one.

>> No.17317456

Do I keep multiple Hibaris or just try to get as many as I can to max Slv and UC on a single one?

>> No.17317512

I wouldn't bother having multiples. You can't use multiple copies of a unit in majin maps, which are basically the only things hard enough you'd need them for, and she's a black unit, so you'll get another copy when you AW2 her eventually anyway.

Though if you want to keep a couple of copies for the guaranteed CRs on that AW2 duplicate, then maybe.

>> No.17317611

Will playing these games have an effect on my google account? I don't want people seeing me playing these.

>> No.17317652

Just make a second email account if you're that bothered about it

>> No.17317667

they do not see

>> No.17317876
File: 11 KB, 99x84, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17317883

I thought the rewards would be better tbqh.

>> No.17317894

I am considering ignoring the event entirely, at 200k personal PP
I lose more crystals by not doing the mind-numbingly boring dailies, this shit is smalltime

>> No.17317926

Dragon Knights 5 released on DMM.
Full of bugs, so sign up early to receive apology gacha stones.

>> No.17318228

It's vanilla isn't it?

>> No.17318654

Now's a good time to clarify the timeline.

Nutaku FKG got whaleship last event. I hear bloom is coming in four events. When can we expect bond crystals?

>> No.17318690

Based Nutaku closing the pre-register campaign just before we get the free 5 star unit goal, never change you fucking jews.

>> No.17318702

Bond crystals and the second affection system were added just prior to blooming, so you have a good amount of new content to look forward to.

Ultimate maps and character quests being missing on Nutaku is a bummer, though, especially since each batch of bloomed characters also come with fourth character quests that give you more story and a bonus flower stone.

>> No.17319382

Good luck trying to run this game. I get random crashes everywhere.

Still, this game has potential. Unlike Maou no Hajimekata, Dragon Knight V feels like it actually has a budget.

>> No.17319485 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 727x528, Aigis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much more broken can DS get?

>> No.17319491
File: 19 KB, 698x538, Aigis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much more broken can DS get?

>> No.17319506

I hope Livre's AW art is good.

Also god damn, when is heavy AW2? I've been sitting on everything for Dina for ages.

>> No.17319584

I guess Narsus will get nerfed on that balance patch.

>> No.17319601

So I got Hades on DMM. I don't play dark but is she worth it to work on dark grid?

>> No.17319717

She's a great defensive hime, but I wouldn't really build around her. There are better ones out there (Amon, Susanoo, Neph) to start with, but the final call is yours.

>> No.17319760

Has anyone got Hades on Nutaku Kamipro yet? I dont want to draw just to get told its a repeat of the Yggdrassil fail.

>> No.17319769

Thank. I guess I will wait to get a better girl to work on it.

>> No.17319772

Only game I play in DMM is Aigis. Are any other games actually fun to play? Fun, as in shit that are not KanColle, FGO or Rhythm games.

>> No.17319798

While Narsus has it coming, nerfing him a couple weeks after his exclusive gacha ends in a game with zero multiplayer interaction would be a rather bold move.
On the other hand, it's almost certain that they'll buff Arslan by using Sarah, if it doesn't already work that way.

>> No.17319810

A friend that keeps rolling got her fairly quick. Luck is always a factor, so take that in consideration.

>> No.17320049
File: 2.58 MB, 1917x1048, SWAG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty worked

>> No.17320544

Well congrats, hope some of that luck rubs onto me. Jewels or N-gold? And how many rolls it took?

>> No.17320566

Boy another "Aigis app shits itself before the mission results appear and I lose hours worth of stamina" episode
It's fucking great, love it

>> No.17320826

>Sees Armor Blitz is up
>Finally an alright looking JP game
>English voices and shitty opening video


>> No.17320840

So how do you Aigis players feel about this?


>> No.17321083

Looks like it could be interesting, but I definitely would not pay 1620 yen for it.

>> No.17321095

runs better than real aigis

>> No.17321143

How's the gacha experience?

>> No.17321233

...Shit, I want to play this.

>> No.17321535

They have a trial out. https://www.axfc.net/u/3807384?key=reImU00593

>> No.17322146
File: 37 KB, 192x261, 1492029525999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those faint tanlines

>> No.17322310

Did they do some optimization tweaks to DMM Kamipro over night or something?
Playing it on my phone on DMM, not even the app and it's not hogging memory nearly as hard as it used to

>> No.17322700



1) Date and time
July 18th 03:00 - 06:00 (EST)

2) Urgent mission
"The Fallen Angel's Seal". Chloe will be dropped in the event missions.

The subjugation event, "The Awakening of the Subterranean Ryujins", will continue.

In Summon, "Patra" will be added. She is a platinum unit and her class is Bishop. She has a skill called "Heal Shower" and she can recover the allies for one time.

the time has come and so have I

>> No.17323015

In nutaku, when will these "mobile" games get their app and stop playing from the browser?

>> No.17323190

Never because Nutaku is cheapjew

>> No.17323193

jewel 3-10 chain rolls.

>> No.17323228

Out of curiosity how is Oldmen doing this union event?

>> No.17323275

We're ok, sitting on about 10m union points. Some of us, at least those who show up at the burst times and reliably one-two shot already completed their personal ladder.
The lack of decent rewards isn't helping with keeping people interested.

>> No.17323307

well you do get a lot of exp fodder if you're strong enough to kill the pride experts/ultimates

>> No.17323313

I have every weapon and eidolon max leveled and still over 100 fodders in my gift box, I can't even sell then for an decent price.

>> No.17323316

True. I can't speak for others, as I already have all my grids and eidolons fully leveled, so the fodder is just trash, but the lack of SSR eidolons/weapons from the rewards is a bit of a letdown. The jewels and tickets are fine, wish they added more of those at least.

>> No.17323343

Should I go for max -CR on Hibari, got her to -3 out of 5 and not sure how bad she needs it.

>> No.17323397

It wasn't as terrible as it could've been.

>> No.17323418

Well, I just discovered this, so do you think DMM is better? I have not been there yet, but I will check it out soon.

>> No.17323422

Anything abrove 20 cost doesn't matter.
It's only important with anything below 15

>> No.17323434

Yeah. And their mobie DMM app is even better than browser with some game

>> No.17323994

Yup. Aigis' mobile app even runs fine on a cheap $20 chinaphone.

>> No.17324140

Cool thanks, just stop then and save for next real gacha. Need this arslan shit to go away.

>> No.17324934 [DELETED] 

>armor blitz turns out to be actually fun
color me fucking surprised. a nutaku game that seems like it's fairly balanced and fun. at least so far.

music's not bad either for a browser game.

>> No.17324957

Game has been on phone for quite some time.

>> No.17325145

It's impossible to clear the first event map in Dragon Knight V without using resurrection unless you are a whale and already managed to have a fully leveled SSR team.
Whoever designed this shit must be high.

>> No.17325266

I couldn't even level up my units properly. I get random 1003 errors all over the place.

>> No.17325354
File: 313 KB, 1328x706, oh hey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burned out on the game during Yggdrasil event due to getting screwed over by crap draws and raid battle fatigue
>burn 3k jewels expecting the worst outcome
>this happens

It's like the game knew it was about to lose a mini-whale.

>> No.17326253

> Goblin Queen died in airplane accident
Huh. This was unexpected.

>> No.17326259


>> No.17326272

Current DMM Aigis event. Goblin Queen decides to ride new antigrav aircraft, it malfunctions midway, she tries to fix it, loses control and crashes into land. Princesses take over goblin army.

>> No.17326506

How long until the daughters sign up with Ouji-kun?

>> No.17326975

Should I keep Gladys or should I just consider her a black spirit?

>> No.17327028

She's a black spirit unless you're a whale and dying for plat.

>> No.17327061

May as well consider her a black spirit unless you need to CC a sapphire unit.

>> No.17327099

How do I even get one of those?

>> No.17327117

>no scenes with the pride demon or lilims

im mad

>> No.17327121

What event will pop up next after this crappy union one in nutaku KamiPro?

>> No.17327145

Sometimes they'll give certain ones away on stream to NND Premium members, or you can get them from buying merchandise, mostly books (light novels, art books, etc.).

They'll give Meteor away to everyone once per year, but she's a swordmaster so she doesn't CC.

>> No.17327161

Fire solo

>> No.17327225

Thanks. Guess I should keep on stockpiling AP potions, then.

>> No.17327240

Chi-Ha-tan is cute! CUTE!

>> No.17327248


>> No.17327291
File: 452 KB, 894x473, some kind of loli battle machines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
As a bonus, have the Hetzer, which is the only tank cuter than the Chi-Ha that I have

neither of them have scenes yet, unfortunately

>> No.17327296

>or lilims
why you lie
all 7 of those samefag bitches get a scene

>> No.17327334
File: 170 KB, 346x477, aryan tankfu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Addendum to this: I just found a Pz.II, whom is another close contender for most adorable.

>> No.17327356

What rarity are they?

>> No.17327378

Pz.II is a 1*, Type-97 Chi-Ha is a 2*, Hetzer is a 3*. Hetzer's especially useful since she has a stun attack, though it doesn't seem to work on boss monsters.

Only tanks on my collection with scenes/costumes are my T-34/85 (4* starter) and Super Pershing (5* from the prereg event)

>> No.17327411

>DMM spotlight for the light 100% eidolon ends
Fuck me
>last year's summer himes come back with a 15x spotlight
Pass, I'll come back to play this seriously once a new light event comes around

>> No.17327476 [SPOILER] 
File: 428 KB, 641x485, 1500150680061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maus lewds

Going to take forever to get another 150 candies

>> No.17327571

In case we didn't have enough evidence that being a parent is an inescapable death sentence in Aigis.

Too bad we're fast running out of likeable villains and storylines. But who cares about good antagonists when you can implement the 7 other flying Chinese dudes from the ten hermits group?

>> No.17327689

>being a parent is an inescapable death sentence
Unless you are lewd witch. Prince's semen is 100% effective cure.

>> No.17327723

When are we getting that Kokoro event sequel where Prince goes back in time to impregnate a loli Chloris with Belinda?

>> No.17327783
File: 332 KB, 445x453, Tank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, my tank has no lewds for her which is depressing.

>> No.17327837

Wait...so if I don't get Summer Sol and Brynhildr in Nutaku this year I still have a chance next year?
(If Nutaku doesn't fuck up and Kamihime dies in one year like the majority of their games)

>> No.17327838
File: 656 KB, 953x535, allies get out REEEEEEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly, MOST of them don't have lewds, and none of them below 4*. I rolled the 10+1 gacha and the only tank with lewds I got was the Porsche Tiger.

Also, emblems are a hell of a drug.

>> No.17327853

They were added I think last night? So that'd mean they have a 3-day spotlight, but they're still limited, they go away again at the start of the 31st maintenance like the new batch of summer himes.
Assuming Nutaku goes through with the origina schedule, you'll have a chance, next year, sure, but it's another chance

>> No.17327891

Thanks for the info!
Man I didn't want to whale to get them now so at least knowing I got another chance to get them is better than nothing.

>> No.17328249

I wish there were more ways to get candy. Hoping you get lucky with the daily roulette just doesnt cut it.

>> No.17329011

Do they actually have hscenes or is that as good as it gets?

>> No.17329021

they do have hscenes, that's just a skin that unlocks with the scene

>> No.17329551

How do I use the holy soul points?

>> No.17329559

They can only be used to get Crowley and Caligostro.

>> No.17329560

They're just like regular SP, but they're only usable on specific soul lines (currently Crowley -> Cagliostro). I hear that another line that comes out later is much better, so it may be advisable to save them for now.

>> No.17329696

They come out after enough points have been given out to unlock Morgan, so if you're in a decent guild you can go ahead and get them.

>> No.17330359

Is the next revival after Hibari, the enchanter girl, worth getting? If not I'll just save for the emperor.

Also, are there any essential units I must get from the daily revival?

>> No.17330789

Unless you find her cute, no. Enchanters are a niche and somewhat underpowered class because their magic damage conversion isn't that useful in places like majin advents where support units are needed to succeed. You're much better off raising a dancer instead.

Lucia, Liselotte, Belinda, Reanbell, Fran, Helena, Sabrina, Kanon, Waltz and Rikka are some of the better daily revival units, though how useful they will be to you depends on what shrine units you already have.

>> No.17331162

She's not particularly noteworthy. Just grab a single copy and save the rest.

>> No.17331276 [DELETED] 

What should one do with their extra 4 flowers? Just sell them?

>> No.17331283

What should you do with your extra 4* flowers? Just sell them?

>> No.17331512

Thanks, guess I'll save for the emperor then.

>Lucia, Liselotte, Belinda, Reanbell, Fran, Helena, Sabrina, Kanon, Waltz and Rikka
Thank you. They do look useful, I guess I'll raise all of them. The only units I got from the gacha are the Samurai Shizuka, Pirate Rachel and Nurarihyon Kasumi. The rest are all gold and silver.

Why Reanbell though? Are sailors a good class? They seem like a half-ass melee/range unit. Wouldn't a Magic Fencer be better?

>> No.17331525

Sailor is honestly a terrible class, but her SAW allows her to fire six shots at a time, so she's a noteworthy unit.

>> No.17331687
File: 326 KB, 916x641, weapons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I do with my SSR wind weapons? Are they better then MLB bowguns? Or should I LB them

>> No.17331706

What kind of gacha should I use Jew coins on DMM kamipro? I only used once with the SSR weapon granted, they got better deals?

>> No.17331897


>> No.17331925

As a class, sailors are similar to swordmasters and mage armors in that they're underwhelming without their skills and powerful with them. Reanbell isn't quite a melee/ranged switch because you won't really use her to block anything, you'll use her like an angel or summoner and activate her SAW to take down concentrated groups of enemies before retreating her/protecting her to wait for skill cooldown. She's great at this role because you can easily get her down to 12 cost and her SAW cooldown is amazingly low for the clearing power it provides, she's a staple of event unit-based majin setups for a reason.

As for your shrine units, Rachel is amazing and should probably be prioritized. Consider using Sabrina with her too, I used Sabrina/Anelia for my early game and never really needed an archer. Shizuka and Kasumi are high-tier units too, but they need more investment and a well-developed team for full effectiveness.

>> No.17331934

I have Inari, Fuuko and Konoha to go with Kasumi.
Worth spending some time to level them soon?

>> No.17332050

Definitely, they're all above-average and Shino revival is coming up soon if you want to make a full youkai team. Though you can clear nearly anything in Aigis using nearly any unit, so if you have other girls you'd like to raise, there's nothing wrong with going with them instead.

>> No.17332190

Even at 1 LB they are inferior in raw stats to a MLB SR bow. In the long run the added 400~ stat from 1 LB will become fairly trivial, while the assault (big) will become more important (especially since wind has only 1 event assault (big) SSR weapon, and even the next defender weapon is quite a few events away). If you want stats, you should probably be looking to improve your eidola grid instead.
This is assuming you can't MLB that Quetz axe, if you can you should probably do it.

>> No.17332478

new thread
