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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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17249098 No.17249098 [Reply] [Original]

>According to a 2015 study by the Japanese Cabinet Office, only 30% of Japanese high schoolers use laptops, and only 16% use desktop computers.

>> No.17249382

Okay, and?

>> No.17252291

Nips are turbonormies.

>> No.17252310

Why do you think mobage is so popular?

>> No.17252332

Good for them. The screen kills your eyes

>> No.17252415

I've been using "The screen" for almost two decades and my eyes are perfectly fine. I think I'm one of those superior ningen I keep hearing about.

>> No.17252422

According to a 20XX study, only 70% of /jp/sides want Reimu paizuri.

>> No.17252604

They are high schoolers, OP.

>> No.17252621


>> No.17252632

Your unnatural English suggests an abnormal mind.

>> No.17253034

>16% use desktop computers
Considering how they barely have air conditioning, their PCs likely fry and aren't worth having.

>> No.17253038
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The Japanese are astonishingly slow to adapt to changes in society. That's the power of conservatism.

>> No.17253051

The West are even slower. Who the fuck has a big shitty computer box when you can get everything done on mobile faster these days?
What's the fucking point if you're not a loser who games?

>> No.17253062


Trying to do anything on a phone is a horrible experience.

>> No.17253065

Try not spending $2000 on a PC and instead on a better phone then, dumbass

>> No.17253081


Phone posters should die.

>> No.17253152

It has little to do with the performance dumbass.

>> No.17253212

>you can get everything done on mobile faster
>What's the fucking point if you're not a loser who games?
This sounds like bait.
But I agree that if you're not going to use it for work or games there is no point in getting a PC. Apart from not getting yelled at by a bunch of autistic basement dwellers on a gaijin imageboard of course.

>> No.17253219

You're also part of the problem.
This day just keep s getting worse and worse.

>> No.17253228

Maybe if you never want to write anything lengthy, watch anything on a screen larger than your hand, switch between two applications, work with large files in any meaningful way, or use any software application that requiring more than one button.

>> No.17253233

Yeah, I really am a terrible person for using a smartphone to browse the Internet.
frog.png etc etc.

>> No.17253245

Do you still use a motorola razr or something? Phones are way more advanced then you give them credit for. Please, join us in the 21st century Pavel.

>> No.17253249
File: 59 KB, 590x413, CirnoGenius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remind me why does a high schooler need a laptop for school unless they are taking some sort of IT, CS, or programming class?

Pen and paper never failed me during my time in school, I doubt it will fail them either.

>> No.17253253

Your phone shilling is getting out of hand and it's making me quite upset.

>> No.17253263


The outcome I fear is all content becoming optimised for phones.

>> No.17253266

Nobody drafts researched text, composes music, or draws on their phone, which are all basic as shit functions. The functionality to do so exists, but nobody actually uses phones to do so because that would be plainly masochistic.

>> No.17253274

How do I play my obscure Japanese games on a phone?

>> No.17253283

>rafts researched text, composes music, or draws on their
>basic as shit function
99% of people would never have to do any of this. These aren't basic functions, they're niche functions.

Most people just need to talk to their friends, watch videos, read the news and check the weather/maps. That's why most people in Japan would only need a phone. If you're a normal person you don't need a laptop or PC, much less so if you're a high school student.

You don't. Do something productive with your life.

>> No.17253306

>99% of people would never have to do any of this.
Anyone who ever had to write an essay for school had to do this. Pen and paper also suffices, if you enjoy drafting and redrafting in full, but phones are garbage for it.

>Do something productive with your life.
What productive hobbies do you have?

>> No.17253323


Maannn back in the day i wantes a razr so bad.

>> No.17253352

>Do something productive with your life.
Yeah man. Gotta keep that rat race going.

>> No.17253373

Not otaku culture

>> No.17254238

Oh cool, another article getting cantankerous and The Youth Of Today (TM)
>The result is that computer literacy among the youth of Japan is actually going down. One Tokyo-area government-funded tech cram school for high schoolers reported that many of their students didn't even really know how to use a physical keyboard. Even many teachers can't touch-type.
God who fucking cares? Being able to touch type is one of the dumbest measures of computer literacy there is. Most people with enough experience can hunt-and-peck at well over an acceptable wpm rate

>> No.17254305

>a mobile
if you mean a laptop, sure -- I use my laptop all the time

if you mean a phone, you're retarded
Shit, I've actually given it a chance, using my phone as an actual computer, even have a keyboard hooked up over bluetooth.
shit sucks ass, the software isn't really up to par and a 5in screen is tiny as balls
if I didn't have the keyboard, I'd have given up within a day, typing on a touch keyboard (even with swype or whatever with full autocompletion) totally fucking sucks

shit, I only ended up learning how to touch type after I started going on IRC regularly

but if you are actually expected to be using a computer for any extended period of time (eg, at a job), not knowing how to touch type is an embarrassment

>> No.17254313

"Hey Akiyama-chan, show Jun-Kun those sweet ass pictures of us at the beach!"

"Pulls out IBM Thinkpad T60"

"Akiyama wtf is that just use your iPhone"

"Sorry I'm not using a locked down tracking device with no physical keys, just wait for Windows POS Ready 2009 to boot and we'll browse through my file manager."

>> No.17254442

You don't have to exaggerate.
