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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 48 KB, 455x600, 1228409213645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1724436 No.1724436 [Reply] [Original]

Do you believe 98% of Japan is going to hell?

According to Japan's Agency for Cultural Affairs, only 2.04% of the Japanese population profess to Christianity.

Traditionally, Christians believe that all nonbelievers are destined to hell. I've spoken with several church leaders (from different churches) about this issue. Although all were uncomfortable with the question, all eventually agreed that, indeed, all nonbelievers are destined to hell--no matter what part of the world they are born in. The Biblical support for this belief is summarized nicely here:


That website clearly outlines why you should answer “yes” to my original question. It is all there in the Bible. My church leaders also unanimously agree with this position.

>> No.1724445

Happy days are here! ♥

>> No.1724449

No, they'll be reincarnated.

You're the one that will go to hell.

>> No.1724456

is this a troll?

>> No.1724457
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>> No.1724465

>According to Japan's Agency for Cultural Affairs, only 2.04% of the Japanese population profess to Christianity.

No wonder Japan is so awesome.

>> No.1724467

Of course!
Everyone who does not believe in Jesus goes to hell,
and of course, everyone who lived BEFORE CHRIST also went to hell, because Jesus didn't exist back then.

Oh, I forgot that hell was only invented a few hundred years ago. Let's just tell the pope to abolish hell and everyone is happy.
God would forgive you and let you into heaven anyway.
God forgives everyone.

>> No.1724459

Maybe you should petition the pope for a crusade.

>> No.1724460

0/10. Oh my, you poor emancipated thing. Have some food out of pity.

Explain why your teaching is more valid than another teaching, such as Hinduism, Norse mythology, or Pastafarianism.

>> No.1724461

God does exist.

Watch some of my videos on jewtube:

>> No.1724462

Reincarnation > spending eternity with a bunch of filthy christians.

>> No.1724463


>> No.1724464


I fapped to OP's picture. Do I go to hell?

>> No.1724469
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>> No.1724476


>>Japan is so awesome

But not superior

>> No.1724478
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>> No.1724480

around 80% of Japanese claim to be both buddhist and shinto, though.

>> No.1724485
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>> No.1724486

In terms of porn games and fandon industry, they are.

>> No.1724490
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Don't taunt him, his power level is OVER 9000!

Oh, whoops, they don't believe in powerlevels over 6000.

>> No.1724495


>> No.1724498

Shinto has some neat festivals and Buddhism isn't even a religion in the traditional sense.
There are no restriction like in our western (+ middle east) religions, so why not just have lots of feasts with wine, pork, and (not kosher) meat of any kind.

>> No.1724501

What's really bad, is that Christians still insist on worshipping their god. Their god, who sends people to hell that have no real way of even hearing about christianity.

If you live in an area like asia or the middle east, you are NOT going to be christian. Thus basically that entire area is going to hell according to christians now, and probably forever. But Christian's still worship their god, not seeing a problem with this.

I refuse to worship any deity who will punish people indefinitely based on such stupid reasons as where you are born and how you are raised. That's terrible and unethical.

>> No.1724503



Only tripfag that made me rage with just seeing he's name.

Also, I think Norse mythology is more awesome than Christian moralBAWWWWWing. So yeah, its a) Valhalla, or b) "Hell"/normal life for me.

But well, oh hai:


>> No.1724523

Everyone here is going to hell for mockery the bible.

You have been warned.

>> No.1724526
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Enjoy your crutch and scapegoat for all of the problems you don't want to deal with.

>> No.1724533

Japanese people go to Gensokyo when they die.

That is why I have to be living there at my time of death.

>> No.1724535

Yeah but few people still believe in that Dante-like Hell. The modern concept of Hell is more like "not sucking God's immeasurable cock for eternity", so I guess it is fine.

>> No.1724536

Still doesn't make you Japanese, you idiot.

You'll just be a gaijin that dies in Japan.

>> No.1724538

But if you're following a religion that simply says everyone is saved, what's the point? You just live by a "moral code" that has no repercussions in the afterlife? Is that the point? I don't know, I think if that were the case I would succumb to too many vices.

>> No.1724540

No, because if a person lives without understanding Christianity and have no chance to be baptized they will be given a chance to accept the truth in the next life. It's why we do baptisms for the dead.

check out 1 Corinthians 15:29

Otherwise God is a respecter of persons and a liar.

>> No.1724546
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>> No.1724547

Not everyone needs afterlife to motivate them. Some people just have healthy lives that lend them to be decent people. If I met "god" I'd spit in his face for being a faggot and letting people suffer. I'd then go to hell despite having nothing more than a parking ticket on my records.

>> No.1724551

I'm an atheist and I haven't killed anyone yet.

I'm a a loner alcoholic pedophile and masochist though. Are those vices?

>> No.1724548

Neither one excludes the other. Buddhism believes, just doesn't worship. In practice though it mixes with lots of stuff and most Buddhists end up honoring one deva or another. Shinto is pretty similar in that way.

>> No.1724549
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Heaven or Hell?

You decide.

>> No.1724564

A god that will send you to hell for living in an area that has virtually no exposure to christian ways, is a god that has no moral codes. It's immoral as shit. Your ignorance to a religion should not dictate whether you go to heaven or hell. Your actions as a person should be.

This is why so many religious people are corrupt and hypocrites. They care more about believing and not believing, than actually being a good person.

Because of this, the christian god is basically condemning MANY, MANY people to hell. Some christians would respond with "oh that's why we need to spread the message," but that's nothing more than brainwashing and alienating to most people. If you're 30 something and you've been apart of some assfuck religion your entire life, or agnostic or atheist, you're not going to suddenly become a christian because "oh god loves you but he still wants to send you to hell because you don't worship him properly,"

And yet, what about all the other people that were already sent to hell for such bogus reasons? Why would you continue to give your support to a god that would do that? The only answer is that you don't really care about all the poor innocent people that were sent to hell anyway, just about yourself.

But once people decide that believing is more more important than just being a good person, that's when you know the religion in question is a fucking joke.

>> No.1724566

Alcoholism is.

>> No.1724569
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>My church leaders also unanimously agree with this position.
>My church leaders

>> No.1724570
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>> No.1724573

It's called Limbo, bro.

>> No.1724576

You Mormons really love saving the dead. I thought it only counted for people before whatshisface had his revelation though?

>> No.1724577

>all eventually agreed that, indeed, all nonbelievers are destined to hell

I can't believe so many of you are falling for this. Maybe some of your lunatic western Catholics believe that, but sane people don't. And I see most of you are so eager to troll religious people that you're willing to grasp something so ridiculous with both hands. Way to go, kids.

>> No.1724580

Congratulations, you've learned that vocal atheists are just as fucking annoying and stupid as vocal religious.

>> No.1724582

is this a joke? everyone knows religion is bs

>> No.1724589

but not all people....

>> No.1724590

Oh, I learned that a couple of years ago, when atheism became trendy.

>> No.1724592

Jesus drank wine.

>> No.1724593

Anyone, anywhere in the world must be given a chance to accept or reject Christ or >>1724564 and >>1724501 are correct and God is a complete asshole.

But since Christ declared that everyone must be baptized in order to be saved, we've got to do the work for them. It's proxy work, just like Christ took the sins of mankind on himself by proxy, we are baptized by proxy for those who haven't heard about Christ. There is no time limit.

Seriously, Mormons actually believe that 95% or more of everyone born in this world will be going to heaven, the hard part lies on all of us to do the work for you. The South Park episode where everyone's burning in Hell because the Mormons were right is funny but horribly inaccurate.

>> No.1724596

As a devout Christian and a person who knows the truth, I tell you now that heaven and hell don't exist. They're stories made up to scare the young ones.

In reality, Christianity believes that when people die, they get AIDS.

>> No.1724598

Everyone outside third world countries like Iran and the USA knows, yeah.

>> No.1724602

Yeah, that's me, I'm also posting on /c/ and hate using my tripcode so I forgot to put it back up .... sigh

>> No.1724604
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Why hello there why don't you read my book

>> No.1724607


I know, mind blown.

>> No.1724613

lol your from a fake fag church. everyone know the only true christan faith is the roman cathloic church and we profess the dogma of inocence which in it stats that a person not knowing of the word of god is premetted to purgatory for it is no fault of there own that they know not the works of god but our fault for not teaching it to them

>> No.1724617
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This is rather one-sided discussion as there are few religious people who browse 4chan and even less those who know a lot about their own religion.

>> No.1724618


Because its a pile of dog sh!t. This idiot is turning science into the new religion

>> No.1724620

I've noticed that most atheists make their arguments like that. "All the cool kids are atheists, what are you, some kind of lamer from the past decade?" Get over this meta-trolling mentality. People will respect you being an atheist as long as you're not being a humongous faggot about it.

>> No.1724626


>> No.1724623

I can understand agnosticism, but seriously Christians, where is the empirical evidence for the stuff you're claiming?

For everytime you even consider answering with "faith", punch yourself in the balls.

You have been socialised from birth into accepting something incredibly unlikely without question.

>> No.1724629

Wait, what about Christians who aren't Mormon?

>> No.1724634

but every atheist i know is a huge fagot about it

>> No.1724636

You know, you could like.. pretend to be a religious person and bring counterarguments into the discussion.

>> No.1724639

Also this.

>> No.1724642

Well get off of my school, TV and radio, keep your books out of my hotels, actually start questioning things and stop trying to "save" me.

Then maybe I'll show you some respect.

>> No.1724649

Most of the ones I know are quite peaceful about it, and some are very good friends of mine. I guess 4chan attracts the vocal ones.

>> No.1724652

I'm usually quiet about my atheism.

I only speak up when someone does something retarded like post a thread about how all Japanese people are going to hell for living in a secular nation.

>> No.1724655

Never mind this question, I just found out.
>Believers will live in the Celestial Kingdom, a place wonderful beyond all description, and receive the direct sight and love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who will also live there. Unlike the nonbelievers, you will be united with your family; if you had a Mormon marriage you'll get the fanciest part of the Celestial Kingdom and live like God Himself. Children who die before the age of 8 come here automatically.
>Virtuous nonbelievers will enjoy the Terrestrial Kingdom, which is totally amazing. Jesus and the Holy Spirit will come to visit sometimes. If you aren't that virtuous you will go to Hell for a while, but eventually Jesus will rescue you and take you to the Telestial Kingdom, which isn't as great but still so wonderful you would off yourself if you knew how good it was. Jesus won't be there but the Spirit will.

>> No.1724656

I don't know what backwards country you live in, but people respect each other's religion in mine.

>> No.1724658

baptize em all let God sort it out.

>> No.1724661

ah but empirical evidence isn't the only kind of evidence now you drag philosophy kicking and screaming in to a theological argument. For how can we know if we can truly believe our scenes or not may haps we are being deceived into thinking we can only know what we can scene maybe we already know the secrets to everything but through socialized denial we ignore what we already know to be true for how can you justify that what you scene is the same as what i scene.

>> No.1724662

Your country is only like that because of quite vocal secularists, I'll bet.

>> No.1724669

This whole thread is missing one vital piece of information.

God isn't real.

Also adults with imaginary friends are crazy.

>> No.1724676

Less atheist have abortions kill people in jail etc than christians. Yeah really moral. Enjoy your mindless superstitions

>> No.1724672

Islam is a religion of violence

>> No.1724674
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>ah but empirical evidence isn't the only kind of evidence now you drag philosophy kicking and screaming in to a theological argument

No, I'm dragging science into a theological argument.

Now, go find me some falsifiable empirical evidence before posting again.

Also, it's "seen".

>> No.1724681

No, just a lack of blatant faggotry and more actual desire to help others instead of indoctrinating them with THOU SHALT NOT TOUCH THY PENIS.

>> No.1724683
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pic ftw

>> No.1724690

sir bring something useful to the debate not some trite internet meme where is your proof that god does not exist and the absence of proof is not proof its self cite your sources sir

>> No.1724691
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>> No.1724694

Dear Amerikkkans,

Please go debate religion in another place, we are sick of hearing your stupid arguments (this applies to both parties).

You are the only people with Internet access that still give a crap about this, the rest of us honestly don't care about whatever people choose to believe.

The rest of the world

>> No.1724696

I know you're the most obvious troll in the universe but... I'm not even gonna bother about it.

>> No.1724704

Islam is a religion whose leaders have used it to make the believers violent. The same has happened in many other cases, many involving patriotism. This obviously means that we should abolish the concept of nations and live together as one big happy family. ^_________________^


>> No.1724705
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Respect for religion is over-rated.

>> No.1724707


Where is your proof he does exit?

>> No.1724713
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>the rest of us honestly don't care about whatever people choose to believe.

>> No.1724715

you fail at debate sir where is your prof that you even exist for truly i can only prove my own existence take a philosophy course or are you so uncomfortable with the idea of thinking that you have to believe what others have told you i mean have you done this research your self or have you read it somewhere if you have how can you be sure what you have read is even the truth with out first hand experience.

>> No.1724716

It's the Devil's Proof: you can't disprove the potential existence of a God, therefore you cannot deny that there might indeed be a God.
Hence: agnosticism.

tl;dr post more etna and/or flonne

>> No.1724718

In b4 proof is in people's belief and faith constitutes evidence. I ove when they fall back on that.


>> No.1724720

Learn punctuation, please.

>> No.1724723

i never said i believed he existed i merely asked for you prof otherwise

>> No.1724731


>> No.1724727

ITT: Sixteen year olds arguing with eachother.

>> No.1724729

It's true, only Americans and people who live in 3rd world countries with no Internet access give a crap about religion debates.

>> No.1724739


Punctuation might help to prove you know anything about philosophy.

I'm guessing you're about 12 years old, son of a pastor, lots of late night ass rapings by daddy.

>> No.1724734

>where is your prof that you even exist

Do you know Descartes demon? I'm assuming you don't.

Anyway, that isn't even related to what you're attempting to defend.

Also, I'm going to ignore your posts until you learn to spell properly.

>> No.1724735

Tell that to Richard Dawkins, okay? How can you even make these sweeping generalizations?

>> No.1724753

Actually, no, because then we'd have large corporations instead of nations, and things would get ugly REALLY FAST.

>> No.1724765
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Sounds cool to me.

>> No.1724772


>> No.1724766

>where is your prof that you even exis
I think, therefore I am.

>> No.1724767

no I'm 23 a reverend i love playing devils advocate (arguing against my own point) and hate punctuation
i mean why bother the thread is impermanent as are all things why should i expend any extra effort
just to make things eayser for some basement dwelling nerd whos never sceen a naked woman IRL

>> No.1724770

Things I hate: Religion...
But Atheists... Though I am one of you, the militant and angry of us make me ashamed.

>> No.1724775

Because people might take your arguments seriously if you took your posting seriously, haha

>> No.1724776

>no I'm 23 a reverend

Did you know that god is a crazy woman?

>> No.1724777

I think I think, therefore I think I am.

>> No.1724780

>i'm 23 a reverand
>whos never sceen a naked woman IRL

>> No.1724782

hell yes i did I'm not a real reverend just an INTERNET one but that doesn't keep me from introducing my self as the real deal

>> No.1724792


No, you're 12 and a heavily abused child. This isn't the place for roleplaying to escape your reality.

>> No.1724802
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>post more etna and/or flonne

I can live with that

>> No.1724804

Internet reverend?

What does the name "Bob" mean to you?

>> No.1724807
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>> No.1724812
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>> No.1724817
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>> No.1724821
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>> No.1724822
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>> No.1724824

You faggots are just asking for a smiting. Don't make me do it.

>> No.1724825
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>> No.1724828


>> No.1724830
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>> No.1724841
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>> No.1724840

God, whatcha doin' usin' a hotmail account. shouldn't you be usin' somethin' ... you know ... a bit less ... evil?

>> No.1724848
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>> No.1724849
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God may or may not exist, but when the teachings of faith collide with the demonstrated truth of reality, as determined by scientific means, faith must fall back as it can not be true. This does not abrogate all faith instantly, only so much of it that can be demonstrated to be wrong. If a test cannot be conceived to either confirm or deny an aspect of faith, then you are free to believe what you will.

Just be aware that the domain of faith is not limited to only one "truth". There are as many ways of believing as there are people, though most tend to band together and form religions. While these religions try, none can claim to be the true "truth", because they all use the same murky region of the untestable as their domain. They start with the premise that they are correct, when that is actually what they need to prove, and point to this premise as proof. Such circular reasoning is left endlessly chasing its tail, while actual reasoning gnaws away at the edges.

Also, I think this should be a touhou thread. Let's discuss Remilia's persecution at the hands of the Hakurei shrine.

>> No.1724851

Are you really confident you can combat the boner I've been granted for accepting sexual deviancy?

>> No.1724852
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>> No.1724853
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>> No.1724856

How? Tell me more...

>> No.1724860
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>> No.1724865


Best post in the whole damn thread.

>> No.1724867
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>> No.1724890

Actually you can prove God exists, the idea that you can't is silly. It's simple to understand and difficult to perform. Pray to God, ask him if he's there, promise to him that you'll devote your life to finding him, even if it takes your whole life, even if you must search through every religion, there can be only 1 true religion as there is only 1 true God. Promise to live faithfully to his commandments when you can find them and he will answer you. Search and learn how to recognize the spirit of God so you understand when he has answered you. It works, the idea that it won't work comes from people who have never tried or quit along the way because the road is difficult.

>> No.1724893


Do you know what 'proof' means?

>> No.1724895
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Why would God want us to avoid fapping to loli instead of just destroying loli, when he's almighty? The truth is, he isn't almighty, he has only made us believe it to make us fear questioning it. The truth is, he is afraid. Afraid that we we realize that we desire loli more than we desire serving him. Afraid that we accept Etna as our savior and fight his oppression. Because when this happens, the old man will have nowhere to turn, it'll all be over for him. Though he has been fighting a losing battle for a long time, he does not realize ...he is already dead.

>> No.1724897
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>> No.1724900
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>> No.1724903

How is that any less proof than anything else we learn in life? Prove to me that you love your family, prove to me that anyone can love their wife. The fact that I know what it means to love my mother cannot be 'proven' scientifically, it's still true and I know it for myself. There are millions of people who know God through this method. Denying that it works is like saying Mongolia doesn't exist because I've never seen it and refuse to believe people who've been there.

You fail at understanding life and your devotion to science is unreasonable and foolish.

>> No.1724904

fucking stupid

>> No.1724908
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>> No.1724912

He might, but he's yet to demonstrate it.

Want to know something scary? ...He might wind up on a jury someday.

>> No.1724913
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>> No.1724917

The fact you think it's stupid is exactly why you fail.

>> No.1724921


amazing picture, is that part of a set? I do want moar.

>> No.1724923

ITT philosophical arguments which by their nature have no definite answer

>> No.1724924
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How about Plenair?

>> No.1724930


You're talking about intangible objects, love, etc. God, if it exists, must be something tangible to do all that his believers say it does. Atleast you can, in the laboratory, see the chemical changes the mind and body goes through when one experiences love.

The burden of proof is on the believer, as one cannot prove a negative, such as asking, "Prove unicorns don't exist." You can't.

The only 'proof' you're giving is either that you 'feel god' or that 'he speaks to you'. Neither of these constitute evidence.

>> No.1724932

>138 posts and 37 image replies omitted.

Congrats, OP.

>> No.1724938

devil's proof?

>> No.1724939


Truth is, most reasonable theologians, clergy people, orthodox rabbis and educated/liberal imams don't espouse belief in condemnation, more likely the opposite. Only literalistic bible-thumbing fundies have this strange notion, and if without any form of religion to believe in, would be stupid nonetheless.

>> No.1724947


Enjoy your high school lab report bro.


>> No.1724955

But I told you million times already, the Devil's proof is real, so now believe in it whatever it is

>> No.1724954

How? tell me more...

>> No.1724958

You have no idea, none, what it means to be in the presence of the spirit of God. All you can do is deny it because you don't understand it. I wish I could show you what it's like, I wish you could understand but you're so stubborn that you won't even listen, you won't even try.

>> No.1724966



>> No.1724972

Obvious troll. Religion should lose all hope upon entering the internet.

>> No.1724978


You obviously don't have an argument then.

>> No.1724976

nice troll xDXDXD

>> No.1724986
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I applaud Japan for being one of the only (THE only?) nations to successfully reject xtianity, even after being infected.

>> No.1724991

there is another country which do that...

>> No.1725017

> 153 posts and 39 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.


>> No.1725022

Sup Lord?

>> No.1725024

Hell doesn't exist. You'd think a god would be better than torturing millions for no real reason. After all, what does it matter if they're evil? God has the power to make them harmless to the "good" people. So why the hell does he need to punish them?

>> No.1725026

Hey, that's a quite good game. Want to talk about it?

>> No.1725030

I don't like the idea of a god, whose supposedly much more better than us, to be so childish and demanding of attention and worship that the god would smite and punish if the subjects don't have blind faith.

Either the human preachers fucked up and making up bullshit about god, while he doesn't really give a shit about anything we do.

god don't exist.

Or god really is an asshat.

>> No.1725037
File: 32 KB, 498x268, 1228597087699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my Plenair pictures keep coming back with possible malicious code detected and I'm fresh out of Etna and Flonne

>> No.1725039
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I think God is pretty cool.

>> No.1725048


>> No.1725055
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>> No.1725054

I've got some candy in my van, want some?

>> No.1725059
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Sounds reliable, he does exists, just like witches.

>> No.1725058

Lain Iwakura is moar superior

>> No.1725061
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>I don't like the idea of a god, whose supposedly much more better than us, to be so childish

>> No.1725090
File: 61 KB, 720x576, 1228597748788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's cool too.

>> No.1725091


Fuck yeah, on top of that, she's a loli. (maybe a little too old, but you get the idea)

>> No.1725094

Define God. Then show demonstrable evidence of God. Then we will talk about the specifics of what that God says.

>> No.1725135

0% of the world is going to heaven or hell, because they don't exist. Jesus was the biggest troll in the history of mankind.

>> No.1725142

This thread is over, the topic lies in ruins. I hereby salt the earth so nothing more may grow here:

>> No.1725147
File: 76 KB, 358x500, 1228598666467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.

This thread is reportable as it has developed. I have done so, and invite all sages and silent onlookers to do so as well.

>> No.1725152

He didn't give very good advice either. Sermon on the Mount? More like shut up and take it from your master.

>> No.1725159
File: 125 KB, 585x707, 1228598802618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go the fuck away, /r9k/.

>> No.1725160

I'm going with this one from now on. I keep living my life as normal, no religion, but still following the Golden Rule. Then, on the off chance there is a God, I get to live in a decent (not the best) neighborhood, and still see Him once every year or two.

That's about as often as I get to see my favorite bands on tour!

"Dude, I can't wait to see God at the Staples Center. He's gonna rock!"

"Yeah, but I hope He plays some deep cuts this time. We've been listening to that same ten song setlist of greatest hits for millenia now."

"That's true, maybe we should just go see the tribute band at the bar instead."

>> No.1725161

You say it like his ideas were original, the bible is just rehashed fable stories from paganism and the like, but you probably don't know or care about that because you just like making fun of Christians while wearing your Marilyn Manson shirt and listening to slipknot. Fuck off.

>> No.1725162


>> No.1725165
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>only 2.04% of the Japanese population profess to Christianity.
And they don't even believe in white Jesus.

>> No.1725166

Mostly from Zoroastrianism really. Although Yahweh does show similarities to classical Zeus.

>> No.1725181

Well, the supernatural stuff does not exist, but Jesus is like in the top 5 most influential people of ever. Maybe the biggest achievement of Christianity is to uphold more or less caring humanitarian values through ages. One can say that the western concept of morality was founded by Jesus.

>> No.1725183
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lol christians.

>> No.1725197
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Your pitiful notion of "heaven" is too primitive for Japanese minds. They reject your reality, and substitute their own.

>> No.1725202

The western concept of morality has more do to with the Greeks than any Christian concept. Frankly I find very few worthwhile moral messages to come from scriptural interpretations of Christianity in all forms.

Also I think it would be best to show Jesus actually existed before ranking him into the top 10 lists.

>> No.1725212

That's the most tired religion troll on the internet. You will stub your toe tonight.

>> No.1725215

Whether he really existed or not is meaningless. Many people believe he did and he's been incredibly influential as a result.

>> No.1725213

I've done stuff like this for fun.

>> No.1725216

My toes will be quite safe tonight.

>> No.1725225

If we include fictional characters then Socrates has Jesus beat by a mile.

>> No.1725234
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This debate should be taken to /r9k/ or done with sage posts.

>> No.1725237



>> No.1725238

Matter cannot create matter, thus all of our understanding about the cosmos is false. The few theories explaining how *nothingness created *something, such as the string theory is laughable at best.

Superstring theory in a nutshell:

Close your hand with nothing on it. Shat bricks once a universe emerges.

>> No.1725239

What's your point? Socrates is incredibly influential.

>> No.1725251

No one has postulated that the universe has come from "nothing." Past Planck time we simply don't know what was going on. Unless you have some wonderful news of prePlanck Time happenings then your argument is rather moot.

Nowhere in string theory does it postulate that matter came from nothing.

>> No.1725254

>Before Planck Time.

>> No.1725256

Of course all sorts of morality was there before Jesus. I mean, it's not like some huge thing just pops out of nowhere when it comes to civilisation. Even Christianity is basically a ripoff from other religions.

What I'm saying is that if we scrutinize the whole western continuum, Jesus and Christianity are clearly the biggest most powerful single influence. Even today, it is. You see, whether or not you personally agree with religion, the whole culture we live in is very much what it is due it. It's deluded to state that Christianity is not the key element of western culture. It's all about volume.

>> No.1725262

string theory in a nutshell: oh look we made numbers fit our multidimensional equation yippie! quick lets design an unprovable theory around it.

Whats funny is the same fags who believe this shit are the same ones who say god can't exist because you can't prove he does.

>> No.1725264
File: 76 KB, 358x500, 1228600482511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.

This thread is reportable as it has developed. I have done so, and invite all sages and silent onlookers to do so as well.

>> No.1725268

>197 posts and 52 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
Kind of late to the party, aren't you? This thread is already into autosage.

>> No.1725275
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>> No.1725273

of all the better threads to be doing that to, you chose the one that is autosaging itself ...

>> No.1725279

The Founding Father's of the United States where mostly Deists who rejected the Christian ideas of morality and organized faith. The Christianizing of the US didn't start until around the 1950s as a response to "Godless" Communism.

Europe has been influenced by Islam (one of those other big Abrahamic faiths) just as much as Christianity has.

Christianity has played a role in western culture but to call it key may be overstating it.

>> No.1725280

I will say this just once...NO ONE ON EARTH KNOWS WHAT THE FUCK THIER TALKING ABOUT!!! Bottom line, we created god so that we would not feel LONELY. Nothing more. Unless you have bonefied proof of any god's existance, then the simplest explaination is god DOESN'T exist!!! And no, asking someone if they love someone else and to prove it doesn't count.

>> No.1725287
File: 52 KB, 321x480, 42-17132905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did God give us the ability to make decisions if we could choose to not believe in him?

That bastard. God's no better than Hitler.

>> No.1725289

I would claim that not nearly as influential as Jesus. Yes, socrates had better ideas. No ones is saying that Christianity was somehow the best because it's the biggest. But undoubtedly it's the biggest.

>> No.1725297

Why does this thread have so many replies?

>> No.1725302

Let's all listen to Reverend B

>> No.1725306

Except that String Theory not only has some substantial math behind it but it also explains some very important natural phenomenon. It is our best understanding of the cosmos so far. Of course if experimental observations suggest otherwise then we will reject it and move on from there.

Unless you have similar demonstrable evidence for your God (and please define said god first) then your point is moot.

>> No.1725309
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>> No.1725320

Do you mean all forms of Christianity (including Mormons, LDS, etc) or just a particular sect of Christianity? IIRC Islam is bigger than Christianity if you exclude the Mormons.

>> No.1725328

Look, I'm an European and I don't care what couple Usanians thought about anything couple of years ago.

Of course there are multiple influences within any culture. But that Islam had as much influence to Europe as Christianity? You gotta be fucking kidding me. We are not talking about transaction of some inventions or ideas here but rather the shaping of whole western society and culture in general.

>> No.1725351

Are we not talking about the whole Christian thing. Mormons were a Christian sect least time I checked. Also, who cares about some cult that was formed in the new world couple of years ago? Some perspective, please. Do not mind i I say this but anything that happened in USA is pretty insignificant if you look at the big picture of all western culture.

>> No.1725386

Religion = philosophy.

God only exist to prevent nihilism. Even Friedrich Nietzsche understood the importance of god. Once god died, we humans lost our purpose, thus we no longer need to exist. Hence the term heaven and hell.

Another example of the bible's brilliant philosophy: Had you paid attention to the book of Genesis you could have prevented your Hikikomori lifestyle. Adam was innocent. He lived in society. Once Adam attained the knowledge of good and evil (->the Internet) he could no longer return to the garden (->society).

>> No.1725484

Something either A) always exist or B) never exist.

It's physically impossible to have both. Religious people argue that God always existed. Look at your monitor, look at your mouse, look at your penis that you're currently holding in your hand. That didn't always exist. The matter in each of the aforementioned things can be traced to a source (or "event"). Eventually however you get to the root source. Which scientist for years have described it as a massive explosion (big bang).

Let me try out the big bang theory. I'm going to close my hands for 4 minutes. Then I'm going to open my hands. Brb, going to go create another universe just by using the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimension. Enjoy your last four minutes on this planet.

>> No.1725526

Wow, you actually scientifically proved that the big bang theory is inaccurate. Quite a philosopher you are.

>> No.1725526,1 [INTERNAL] 

*tips fedora in the direction of this fine gentleman*

>> No.1725526,2 [INTERNAL] 

repost the op image

>> No.1725526,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.1725526,4 [INTERNAL] 

*+5 fedora tips*

>> No.1725526,5 [INTERNAL] 

How is this thread Otaku-related?
