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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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17221661 No.17221661 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>17196314

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.17221743

Obscene, titillating scenes are holding back adventure games.

>> No.17221747

Heroines themselves are.

>> No.17221820


Humans are holding back adventure games.

>> No.17221928

She's my favorite delinquent!

>> No.17221949
File: 314 KB, 1280x1840, img005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remove girls from eroge!

>> No.17222395

Villains were already fucking, can't do that with the main character too.

>> No.17222512

At this point we should all just head to the Yaoi general

>> No.17222561
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Apeiria trial is up, from the writer of Haretaka.

>> No.17222612
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So completely logically speaking. Eroge already lost the "ge". Nowadays heroines come after one choice, or if there's more than that it's super obvious. Almost nobody even dares to do anything resembling a game.

We now have ero left. In other words, this would be the エロスレ.

Obviously it'll be shortened even further, because that's what already happened once and nobody likes ero. Eroge would then be left as E. エスレ. So probably 絵スレ? Or maybe 餌スレ? 縁スレ? I'm sure it's only a question of when, not if.

>> No.17222619

What about untranslated non-H VNs?

>> No.17222652

KeroQ and Makura live event is tomorrow. Do you think we will get Sakura no Toki full reveal there?

>> No.17222670

Thanks for heads up.

>> No.17222683

Honestly I never liked complex flag systems.
Fate did it right because of the massive amount of dead ends, but usually I just look at a guide to get the girl I want and best end.
In scenario games it's okay, but I definitely not want to fuck up in a moege and get the shitty girl or a bad end.

>> No.17222718

Everyone should just copy Applique. Their flowchart system makes walkthroughs obsolete, it's so smooth. Really confused why more companies aren't doing that

I'm also hoping one day we'll get % completed or some kind of other indicator of how much you have left in a route. Would make slow pacing much more bearable if you actually feel like you are getting closer to something

>> No.17222723

I'm surprised how well it worked in yuzusoft's last game. I think they ended up using the same extensions for it.

>> No.17222729

Or maybe an indicator for % left until next naked girls scene.

>> No.17222823

Speaking of Sakura no Toki wasn't this meant to be a fake April Fools pranks, because if I remember correctly it was on Scaji's twitter on April 1st. If that's the case why did they keep the image?


>> No.17222854

What do you mean?

The subtitle was also confirmed on some bags Makura was selling on some event, Character1, I believe.

>> No.17222877

Yes I know it has the proper name, but what I mean is, if something like a release or an image surfaces on April 1st.
Wouldn't you assume it's fake?
I assumed it was.

>> No.17222918

What about the image can be fake? It's just silhouettes of obvious heroines for Sakura no Toki.

The text says the game is in production. This is a fact explicitly confirmed by Sca-ji in his interview in the artbook you get with Sakura no Uta.

To be honest, you strike me as someone who didn't read Sakura no Uta and is now posting random guesses from the position of ignorance.

>> No.17222948

I'm only saying because it was first seen on April 1st, that's it really.
I thought Scaji was playing a prank.
Lots of companies partake in this, like what idol master did, by releasing legit looking images of old women models in their next game
I thought it was similar.

>> No.17222982

If you played Sakura no Uta, you'd know that's not the case here.

>> No.17222993
File: 25 KB, 400x225, April-Fools-Day-2017_Senran-Kagura-PBS-400x225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad I mean Senran Kagura.
I'm just saying a bunch of companies did it and I assumed this was the case too.
The timing was too convenient.

New Chaos head

New DB Super

and so-on.

>> No.17223011

People making comments from the position of ignorance (about games they didn't play) are among the things making this thread worse.

>> No.17223030
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Pic. Fun fact, they ditched the engine for some weird Java bullshit so you could play the trial in the browser or something and had to patch it a million times to work.

>> No.17223058
File: 41 KB, 622x418, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if you're trolling at this point, I'm clearly not the only person who thought this.
It's a simple mistake.

>> No.17223090 [DELETED] 

Hey guys. I'm from DJT.
Does anyone know if they released the translated Dies irae yet?

>> No.17223095

Scaji also tweeted a million progress updates and the like about it before and after April 1st.

>> No.17223107 [DELETED] 

Sorry, dude. The truth is... I can't really read Japanese yet.

>> No.17223117

I was starting to think you're trolling.

>> No.17223140

And like I said it's a simple mistake and I had my doubts likes these people
I'm sure we weren't the only ones.
Judging by responses and the ip count.
I assume you guys are trolling so I'll leave things as they are, I've said my reasoning.

>> No.17223256
File: 1.03 MB, 1296x759, 111_2017-06-22_00-03-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>setting infodumps
Weird, I never got that impression from the common route and Mashiro's route which I just recently finished. The common route pretty much just introduced the basics of the sports and that was that. If anything, I don't think there's much infodumps.
>and sports
Well, I guess this is where I really enjoyed it. Only during the big events, not the practices though.

Like I felt the sports itself gets less relevant as the story goes on and is only a means to just make the plot forward. It's there, you don't need to know all the details. You can just observe the characters. I'm not really good with explaining but take for instance Mashiro. She's your typical 頑張り屋. She struggles with FC but keeps at it anyway. Change FC to something like, say, cooking, basketball etc. It doesn't change her side of the story that you want to see her be better at doing something.

As for this month's releases, not much interests me because Omokage Railback and that Marmalade game got delayed. Would like to try 春音アリス*グラム when it comes out but there's something off-putting about their tits.

>> No.17223283

You are a genius.

I think there are quite a number of boring moege that could profit from bad ends, like sharks appearing in pools.

>> No.17223299

Bad ends were good in School Days since the game was so short, but I don't want to read for days only to get cucked.

>> No.17223328
File: 43 KB, 600x480, sweating man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kikyou's first h-scene in Nanairo Reincarnation
holy shit dudes, i wasn't expecting that scene to be so hot. I guess it is as expected from a Silky's game though. The old Silky's used to make some really great nukige.

>> No.17223401


Yeah, terrible to think a second about what to chose and maybe needing to skip a few minutes as "punishment".
I mean it's not even like people want something like a certain Aoi Shiro bad endings, that flags early and triggers hours later.

Also, there'll always be walkthroughs. So if you really don't want to accidentally get into something you don't want, you can use them.

>> No.17223451

does anybody here use a 4k screen? lets say on 27+ inches.

I wont even ask about 640x480 titles, but how small do 800x600 games in windowed mode look on them? how about XGA res?

>> No.17223476

That and Fuyou's are probably my favourites, their designs are so hot.

>> No.17223486
File: 1.92 MB, 1366x768, 春音アリス*グラム 体験版.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would like to try 春音アリス*グラム

I've finished the trial it was pretty decent, I'm planning on getting the full game the 30th.
It's like Leyline but more SOL and less fantasy.
I don't really like the all the main girls though, but the large cast feels inviting and really upped the mood.
The sex scenes weren't that great but they were short and one of them seemed like actual sex with a real person, rather than screaming 'kimochi!'.
More like pillow talk, small jokes and love talk during sex. It was oddly pleasant.

Yeah, I do but I don't really play on it. I've used smaller TVs though, I don't seem to have much issues with resolution.

>> No.17223513
File: 379 KB, 4096x2160, 4k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just look at a 4k picture and use your imagination for the rest. (as in fullscreen the pic and if you don't have a 27+ screen it'll be a bit bigger obviously, depending on how much bigger the size is)

>> No.17223542

dont the games appear to be very tiny on these high resolutions? 800x600 on 1920x1200 is still acceptable, but should it not be much worse on 3840x2160 (unless its a 40" screen or w/e)? I am only thinking of windowed mode here

>> No.17223559

You have to change the resolution to a lower one in your display settings. I have a 1440p monitor and I have to change to 900p when playing 600x800 games.

>> No.17223611

I really recommend playing full screen, I can't imagine to read tiny text like that without making it full-screen.

>> No.17223656

>Women have risen to absolute power, and a new era of laws are passed.
>First and foremost... anything a woman says must be obeyed.
>Next... if a woman does it to a man, it's legal.
>Women with contempt exploit the laws for personal entertainment.
>Abuse is rampant, oppression defines the lives of all men.
>Cowed and pathetic, no one dares to defy the system, except one...
>the Otoshiya... taking a stand... taking revenge!


I really don't know what to make of this...

>> No.17223664

>>Next... if a woman does it to a man, it's legal.
This is actually already reality.

>> No.17223667

April 1st is also the start of the fiscal year for most japanese companies hence beside the jokes there usually are plenty of real announcments that day too.

>> No.17223778

kind of hard to use your imagination for these rather subtle differences

playing non-native res on LCDs or OLEDs is poison for picture quality though

stretching 2D art is a bad idea though

>> No.17223779

I'm not the one to go around ranting about this but I really have to say this is masculine insecurity: the eroge. Kind of cringy.

>> No.17223798
File: 230 KB, 256x363, 1472719752650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here play W-Standard,Wonderland? It seems to be a pretty well liked doujin game with impressive 演出

>> No.17223819
File: 455 KB, 800x600, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stretching 2D art is a bad idea though

Not really it still works, games like Panetarian automatically changes your screen's resolution so it doesn't look odd.

>> No.17223826

I wanted to, but was too lazy to find a download.

>> No.17223862
File: 215 KB, 800x600, 88678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks interesting, but I have weak stomach for guro and horror.

>> No.17223903

It's by the same team as Myth right?
I thought Myth was mediocre as hell, sure hope it's better

>> No.17223926

I saw a EGS review that said the scenario is a lot easier to understand this time around so I guess it's less convoluted.

>> No.17224052

>High-Rise: The VN from the guy who did Chronobox
Yes please that would be fucking lovely.

It would also be nice to see reasons why the mc keeps running into roving bands of cute girls if he doesn't have to meet them every day for school/club reasons.

>> No.17224084

>subtle differences

Is it necessary then? I mean, I can see pretty easily that 800*600 isn't something you want on 4k. Probably not even 720p anymore, because that's honestly not THAT different. So you change your resolution of the screen to something more manageable. Ideally to something that scales good. As in halving the resolution. (i.e. 2160p->1080p) 4k screens tend to have high pixel-density, so you'd obviously loose that advantage during the lower resolution, but for VNs that's better as the small screen is just ass otherwise. Add to that that most VNs have utter shit scaling. The best you get is bicubic filter, which is fine for 720p @ 1080p. But that's maybe in 5% of all titles...

>> No.17224140

From michi's blog, About Kanesen:
>There’s only happy ends, and also a focus on more ero in H scenes (particularly using different perspectives).
>Played a few more trials this week. Kanesen was somewhat interesting. I wonder how they will be able to avoid the bad end

I actually asked this a couple weeks earlier but got no reply, now I'd like to ask again. How does he know that there'll be full happy endings without the actual release? Did the company actually put all endings at the trial like a retard or spoiled game at some speech?

>> No.17224141

I thought the reason for high school settings was obvious?
That that's the time of youth and with Japan having the world's longest working hours there's not much time for freedom.
Sure you can try to write a story about it, but unless it's an interesting job like a cop or a soldier it may be better to just have a high school setting.
It's kinda sad really.

>> No.17224164

Where does he say that? I only found him saying the second part
>Played a few more trials this week. Kanesen was somewhat interesting. I wonder how they will be able to avoid the bad end.

>> No.17224175

The only happy endings part is in the "June 2017 Eroge Releases" thread.

>> No.17224208


And on top of it they also have some of the longest school hours, right? Whole day school till the afternoon, at times even saturday and still homework. Even homework over summer break, or breaks in general with the exception of maybe the break they have in between school years.

I dunno, I feel like I had way less school shit going on.

>> No.17224224

I'd say the worst part of their schools is that you must absolutely go to a cram school if you want to go to university, which is even more hours wasted studying.
At least in my country, as long as you study what you are being taught at school, you can pass entrance exams comfortably and private ones don't even bother with that shit.

>> No.17224250

Okay I can't find much information so I'm gonna go on a limb here and say, maybe it's the company that told him.
I mean think about it, he runs a blog that gives reviews and updates on what to play, plus he runs ads from those very companies it might not be too far-fetched to say the company asked him to play a few games and gave him information too. I notice he talks a lot about games even before trials. Still this is just a theory and I don't think companies would be interested in an English site even if it did advertise their games.

Either that or maybe he found some information on sites like 2ch, twitter that may be from the devs.

Still your guess is as good as mine.

>> No.17224260

Very true. Sadly it seems like most people here do this, i.e. talking about a game being bad/good based on egs, vndb, e-celebs, or reputation when they've never played it themselves.

>> No.17224266

Do you perhaps have autism? Honest question.

>> No.17224271

What about escapism, then? The "I have a shitty job, I wish I could experience the life of someone with a better job" kind. There's more to it than that.

>> No.17224274

He gets his information from somewhere, feel free to make any guesses

>> No.17224472

The reason for school setting is more obvious than that.
It's safe and tried. People bought it in the past and keep buying it still - so they keep making same shit over. You take a risky move and it fails - you take ALL the blame and your career is over. You take part in a mediocre project that fails - you can blame anything, the weather, the crisis, w.e. and get away with it.
It's not just Japan, but right now conservative / sheep mentality there is on the rise and it's getting worse.

>> No.17224679

Poorly written media is holding back humanity as a whole

>> No.17224704

Humans are holding back humanity.

>> No.17224747

Is Himawari good?

>> No.17224753


>> No.17224757

Even if I'd play it for the plot, not the girls?

>> No.17224768

It's considered one of the best scenario games of all time, so yes.

>> No.17224780

Well, you convinced me. Gonna get it for my cute Vita.

>> No.17225038

I love maids.

>> No.17225051

I think it's because you're doing Mashiro's route right now. Her and Kana's routes this is true, FC could be replaced with any random club activity and it would be the same game. It's definitely not true of Asuka or Misaki's routes.

>> No.17225648

It's also an easy way to force interaction between characters

>> No.17225737

I know that some people in this thread use JDownloader for baidu.
I'm scared of adware, is their malware-free link actually legit?
Alternatively, can anyone tell me if the Linux PPA for it is clean?

>> No.17225765

If you mean the link on the JDownloader forum, yeah that is legit clean. But JDownloader constantly updates itself, and the devs could push ads on a later update ala daemon tools/utorrent.

>> No.17225901

What eroge has the best OST and why is it still Sumaga?

>> No.17225909

Hopefully the robot uprising will happen soon.

>> No.17226043


>> No.17226359

Not really

>> No.17226650

Could someone upload ルーデシア Spidering and Scrapin?

>> No.17226659

check rutracker

>> No.17226667

Thanks, anon!

>> No.17226692

Never played a Rance game, is Sengoku a good place to start?

>> No.17226760
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>> No.17226847

You could but I don't recommend it as I think it's too complicated and the gameplay quite a lot different from the other Rances. Rance 01 + 03 remake or VI are better points imo

>> No.17226900

I want more surprise yaoi routes. Just mainly because it's a topic unexplored in VNs and I'm tired of the generic shit.

>> No.17226959

Same, some of the guys in eroge are interesting even more than the girls.
It would be nice having guy routes without romance.
I wouldn't mind kissing and stuff but sex is too much.

>> No.17226968


Unless you like traps it's incredibly unlikely. If there's any surprise something in a typical male oriented eroge, it'd be traps or yuri, and only little of it as well. Yaoi can be there as a joke of sorts, but I don't think you mean that.

>> No.17227004
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>> No.17227014

Why don't you just play homoge then?

>> No.17227030

Remember to play through Aqua After as well after completing the main game as it's not included in the console port / all ages remake. It's more of a short final route than just a fan disc.

>> No.17227081

There actually is surprisingly a few (considering I thought there'd be none). But they're all in older eroge from the ones I've seen. Not sure why, I guess it took awhile for them to realize most don't like it. Of course if you count traps then the number goes way up.
Being bisexual sure is swell.

>> No.17227084

I just want to hit on guys and see them act embarrassed. I don't want to play through horridly drawn and written fujoshit.

>> No.17227090

>through horridly drawn and written fujoshit.
In contrast to horridly drawn and written not-fujoshit?

>> No.17227091

Traps are basically girls though.
Even their personality would work on girls.
The artist just drew a dick and balls.

>> No.17227093

I want things to be there when they aren't the main selling point. A surprise. Or have the romance be mostly irrelevant to the plot, but still a nice thing to have.

>> No.17227095

神学校 is apparently really good for its scenario even if you aren't gay. I want to play it one day

>> No.17227097

Then it's never going to happen, it'd threaten players' sexuality.

>> No.17227100

It still has a big focus on repressed homosexuality in a catholic mission school, the one route that is actually good is very good though.

>> No.17227101

guys are often some of the best characters even in harem eroge

>> No.17227102

Yeah, I don't really like the whole "draw a girl then just say it's a boy" thing most do for traps. It feels lazy or half-assed. That's probably why I never got into traps even though I can like everything else.

>> No.17227109

I like them in mesu ochi stories where they at least act like males before huge amounts of rape and mindbreak.

>> No.17227114
File: 192 KB, 1280x720, nanatsu_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can argue about that a lot. To me traps are traps. They aren't girls. Like at all. Also a lot of them are surprisingly annoying, but that's another thing.

>> No.17227125

It's a character trait really.
I like seeing them shy, flustered and embarrassed, not like an actual shy girl personality, but more like walking around with a vibrator or no panties kind of shy only not as sexual.

Depends on the guy really, and if they look like girls to begin with.
I admit characters that look like guys dressing as girls is weird but guys that look like girls dressing up as girls doesn't look as weird especially since it's a drawing and it just works.

>> No.17227130
File: 771 KB, 1024x768, はぴねす!えもーしょん_2017-06-23_18-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One moege I'm reading right now (Happiness) I find one of the male characters to be more interesting/funny/etc. than the heroines. Admittedly the heroines are surprisingly dull, but still. And it's not the trap that everyone loves (I actually find him a little annoying). Ironically his sister is the only heroine that caught my eye but actually I think she's only a subheroine/fandisc one.

I mean if I'm going to escape to a world of schoolgirl harem I also want a bro or two as well, complete the ideal highschool life.

>> No.17227138

i want to bully them myself

>> No.17227177

>but guys that look like girls dressing up as girls doesn't look as weird especially since it's a drawing and it just works.

Like I said, you can argue about that. It doesn't work for me, they won't become girls, or equivalent to girls or whatever. A trap will always be a trap for me. Even to the extend, that with some annoying traps I feel that I'd like them more if they'd actually be girls. Though I guess that's a somewhat general thing to me.

>> No.17227237
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>> No.17227261

I don't even get why people will say traps aren't guys. Isn't that literally their appeal, a guy that looks like a girl? Why not go for a futa if you like them having a dick but don't like the idea of them being actual guys? Well I can't remember the last time I saw a futa heroine compared to a trap one, but I mean more ero manga and stuff.

>> No.17227271

Futacocks are awful, mostly.

>> No.17227287

It's both penis and vagina.

Plus I'm not interested in the penis, I'm interested in the personality of the character.
If they acted normal, I wouldn't be interested.

>> No.17227333

What if you don't know it's a trap yet and you fall in love with her though?

>> No.17227337

The appeal of a guy looking like a girl disappears if you can't tell the difference between them and real girls unless you see them naked.

>> No.17227338

Doesn't that happen in schoolday?

>> No.17227577

A sequel to Akatoki coming out in September, 7 years later... Interesting.

>> No.17227597

Why do new eroge suck so much, it's all same copy-paste garbage and i'm tired of it, give me some good sci fi or mystery eroge /jp/

>> No.17227604

My Merry May

>> No.17227616


I can't answer that as it never happened. And I doubt it ever would. Like how often is that stuff actually a secret and you really don't know?

>> No.17227627

Tantei Seven is coming out in 6 days
You can also try Leyline and Choas Child

>> No.17227687

Chronobox is good mystery

>> No.17227697
File: 279 KB, 1280x720, newton_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you want science, Newton could help ya. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYOOWM8QtOM (ignore the korean or whatever subs, I didn't find anything better right now)

>> No.17227736

I had no idea this game had sick denpa beats like this.

>> No.17227788


Those videos have them, the normal OST doesn't. It still has some damn good tracks, but alas.. 11 tracks in total. 11 short tracks.

>> No.17227858

I am downloading it now. I thought this game was 100% serious genderbend like Fate so avoided it but after seeing that video and the teaser it looks like it could be tongue-in-cheek and entertaining.

>> No.17227894
File: 44 KB, 720x360, daemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking of playing full metal daemon muramasa.
How hard is it's japanese?

>> No.17227913

Harder than Hello Lady but easier than Hanahira.

>> No.17228060

Try hanachirasu before that

>> No.17228166

It's not that hard but given that it's 2017 you could play easily with the tools available for translation and play it easily.

That said play games that you want rather than difficulty, I think that's what everybody here does.
I'd say try this >>17228060 for good gauge for difficulty, if plan to play without looking up words.

>> No.17228266

It's too hard if you need to ask.

>> No.17228288

I take it you've never read the synopsis of a Softhouse Seal game before.

>> No.17228426

It's harder than a moege, but not particularly difficult. It's easier than reading a Wikipedia article or a newspaper.
If you've already finished a VN, you shouldn't find it particularly difficult.

>> No.17228493

That really defines most 凌辱ゲー in general.

>> No.17228715

No thanks. I can't believe they're paying money for that.

>> No.17228741

Compared to most ear-destroying eroge singers, she's not even bad, probably cheap too considering how many songs she gets a year.

>> No.17228775

What's the best walkthrough for Baldr Sky? There seem to be quite a few on a quick search

>> No.17228826

I used this http://als.sakura.ne.jp/ko-ji/game/giga/bdsky/index.html
Has CGs, battles and stuff.
Also remember to start playing directly from dive2, it's more convenient.

>> No.17229574
File: 1.19 MB, 1511x2025, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you read old eroge magazines?

>> No.17229687
File: 52 KB, 932x739, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's this hard: https://vnscripts.neocities.org/stats.html

>> No.17229804

This DJT EOPery takes away all the joy from discovering the game by yourself.

>> No.17229826

This. I can't enjoy Muramasa now that I know it has 3071 total kanji and 1,400,558 characters.

>> No.17229852

>your favourite girl is one of like three people in a large cast who isn't an abhorrent, vile excuse for a human being
jesus fucking christ
at least I have good taste, though.

>> No.17229883 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.47 MB, 1286x768, 1498333328504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool beginning. (Apeiria)

>> No.17229977

That's a very small load for an eroge guy

>> No.17229985

Is it actually cum or snow or something

>> No.17230003

Who told them that it's a good idea to design the menu like that?

>> No.17230090


>> No.17230130

Done with ChronoBox. Good stuff, wild ride, my soul hurts. Is there an alternate ending or is it linear?

If not I'll do up a review in a bit, it was worth talking about.

>> No.17230135

You have the true ending left still.

>> No.17230142
File: 1.23 MB, 1286x768, d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17230188

guhhhhh I liked that ending a lot and am already pretty emotionally drained. D'you happen to know when the branch is/how to get to it? My last save is a while back and that means I'm gonna have to go through a lot of stuff. Stuff I don't even wanna see on fast-forward.

>> No.17230261

You need to have seen every single scene in the game, that's all.

>> No.17230285

Ah okay, thanks. Fuck, I'm missing a couple in all kinds of places. Once more into the breach, I guess.

>> No.17230292

Probably, quite a few places don't let you see all, so check a walkthrough just in case.

>> No.17230353

the true ending is perfect, best thing happen with eroge since cross channel

>> No.17230362


>> No.17230397


>> No.17230417

Reminder that Uchikoshi is a hack.
Every game is a rehash of Ever17.

>> No.17230438


>> No.17230501

my bad

>> No.17230503

Never7 barely has anything in common with the rest, not to mention how crap it is.

>> No.17230539

Exactly. I know all JLPT Kanji so I read Muramasa fluently. Like the main idea is Good Evil Together Kill, main character Harbor Shadowlight saving his sister from a pervert monk and his turtle friend. Muramasa difficulty is overrated by EOPs for sure.

>> No.17230704

Where do you download untranslated stuff? Nyaa doesn't have much untranslated I feel like

>> No.17230720

search with Japanese title on sukubei. That or animesharing.

>> No.17230726
File: 248 KB, 1294x766, 1498341903031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's all for ChronoBox. Christ it's impossible to find a CG that's both interesting and neither porn nor a huge spoiler.

I should preface this by saying I haven't read much denpa stuff, but have played a lot of horror video games of a wide variety. Use this to modify the following opinions as you see fit.

First off, the good stuff. The atmosphere, mood, and overall 'something's not right here' bits were absolutely top notch and it was immensely satisfying to see almost all of it get either explained, referenced, or otherwise pay off in some way in the end. It nailed that balance of just enough things making sense and just enough not to make you feel as though there is definitely some sort of logic to it all if only you can figure it out, and then it all slid neatly into place at the end. And they thankfully had a wide variety of different 'bad things are afoot' music tracks so it never felt stale when things got creepy. Personal experience will vary of course, but I also felt like every time I thought I had come up with a good theory they smashed it down with perfect timing. Pacing was also really tight, with the exception of the last quarter of the game when it chugged a bit before picking up steam, mostly due to the change in tone.

Overall a real joy to read, like some sort of combination of snowball and rollercoaster, everything piling on itself, getting wilder and wilder each time. One of those games where you really *want* to figure out what the fuck is going on and don't feel cheated when you do.

Endings were nice and satisfying for the most part, though I think I prefer the normal/bad end mostly due to my tastes. Didn't catch myself saying 'that's fucking dumb' like so often happens with mystery stuff.

Though I do have some points to bitch about: there's a LOT of sex, and while it actually has a point and ties into it all thematically and everything, it takes a while to get "interesting" and the writing during those scenes is pretty bleh. Lots of play-by-play descriptions, lots of spoken sound effects, not a lot of variation in words/phrases. Granted there's some lovely fucked-up shit later that make them worth reading every line, there's also a lot of just plain BOKKI CHINKO KIMOCHII rerorerochuchu shit to have to wade through as well. And that goes for the horror bits too. Lotta people describing things happening to them in cases where it seems a bit implausible, if not outright silly.

But seriously, if they'd had better, tighter writing in the sex scenes it'd be a must read. I wouldn't call it much more than a popcorn flick, as in you're not gonna find the meaning of life in here anywhere, but it was a damn good one. Entertaining as all hell and I couldn't stop reading once I hit the last third.

also Shie "Fast Wheels" was best girl and not even the game itself can tell me otherwise.

>> No.17230836

I just finished this yesterday too, and I was satisfied with the ending, they manged to explain all the stuff. It was pretty bittersweet ending though, I wish they would have at least gave 3-4 extra hours for all the characters epilogue, I got too attached to them for writer to tell me " all right, the fucked up stuff are over, everyone go home "

I have a question though
What happened to Shie, Niwaka, mega and Senpai? Were they models made for the log world? After the MC left the log world, they were never mentioned again

What did you think of the moment when they revealed the MC's disabled body? That moment broke my heart. Especially when Kabane told him " I wanted to support your body my whole life "
I shed tears there, the best part of the whole game for me.

If we look at Chronobox objectively it deserves only 6-7/10. But this game deserves a solid 8.5/10 based on the enjoyment factor only. The slice of life parts were good, the H-scenes were great and there were always something happening that stops you from getting bored. I am looking forward for " No Brand " and this writer next game.

>> No.17230858

>But this game deserves a solid 8.5/10 based on the enjoyment factor only
If you like floods of bad H-scenes maybe. 45 scenes for a 15h game is too much and the scenario isn't good enough to make up for it.

>> No.17230875
File: 431 KB, 1280x720, ChronoBox_2017-05-31_17-19-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you gay? the art is so fucking hot, how can you not fap to most of hscenes?

>> No.17230891

Ero is holding back eroge, this medium could be so much more.

>> No.17230902

Otome doesn't have ero, still isn't magically good.

>> No.17230905

I used to be able to fap to any H-scene no matter how bland, but after finishing at least 50 games (probably played 200 or more) I can't anymore unless they hit most of my specific fetishes. H-scenes are simply not 衝撃的 anymore.

>> No.17230926

By not being a hormonal teenager for one.

>> No.17230990
File: 104 KB, 600x928, 1498229823168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just need better art and maybe not shoehorn it in

>> No.17231001

>I have a question though
I had the exact same question and was wondering if I missed something. I guess they were other test subjects? Or maybe just NPCs? It was weird their dynamics fit in so well with the others, though. But there's that bit at the end of Urara's first route-thing where Yayamo-senpai goes full femdom and the avatar is like 'if you do any worse to Nayuta we'll delete you,' so I guess they're like NPCs? I thought for sure Misochi had to be related to it all. Sucks that my favourite girl isn't even real but when you look at the 'real' girls in this it's probably better that way...

and yeah, same, I shed a tear or two there. Fuck, that entire reveal was perfect, everything just clicked right then.
>that conversation with Tsutsujiko where he's wondering why he always wears his watch on his left arm despite being left-handed
so many little fucking things

Most of them had something more to offer than just "time to jerk off." It was fun combing through them to find the stuff that felt off. Though like I said, the writing in them wasn't the best.

>> No.17231136

>What happened to Shie, Niwaka, mega and Senpai?

Shie is number 100, Niwaka is 70, mega is 60 and Yayamo is 68. Odd numbers are real people while even numbers are gifts from the previous odd number, therefore they're all gifts. They mention that "everyone" is in Log World, so since there are at least 100 characters in Eden they're most probably gifts of people we didn't get to see.

Shie is especially interesting, she's not only number 100 but she always seems to be knowledgeable about what's going on. I wonder who she came from. I haven't read her trial route, if there's anything interesting there please spoil me.

>'if you do any worse to Nayuta we'll delete you,'

This is an interesting point, but they reassure at the end that
1. Every gift (even number) has a real person from where they come from (previous odd number)
2. There are more people in Eden/Log World

Therefore it doesn't seem likely that they themselves are NPCs; it feels more like that message was directed to the person from where the gift stems from, and that person may be easily replaceable.

Also does anyone know what that death message (SEI) meant?

>> No.17231231

Oh christ I remember that now, it just didn't click since they immediately followed it up with an avalanche of other twists. Thanks, that makes sense.

I read her trial, sadly it doesn't seem to answer any of that. I had thought she was Niwaka's gift though, since she disappears at the end of it and Niwaka is then missing an eye, but the numbering system torpedoes that. Didn't read Niwaka's trial route but now I think I will to see if that clears up anything. Shie did know who Kabane was, though, and also about the box. Maybe she's Kabane-mama letting off some steam.

A play on sei as in so and so's fault + sei as in 性? Since the whole situation is kind of both of those.

>> No.17231238

sei is 153

>> No.17231438

More Chrono box questions

Whats the deal with Himeji Amami? isn't she Fuka's gift?She wrote to the MC in the letter, the same thing that Kabane said, " I vow that my feelings for you are real", Somehow this gift is getting a special treatment

Another one about Fuka
So what did she mean in the first week/loop when she said " over this sky, the place I should return to " and " my real master" I still didn't get this.

>> No.17231546

About Shie and Niwaka

I remembered now, when Kabane'a mom was first monologuing about Eden, she mentioned that this place have many different kind of patients, like someone who can walk but she thinks she can't , and someone who thinks of herself as an older sister, even though she is the younger one. She is refering for Shie and Niwaka for sure here.

>> No.17231651

How can you get absorbed into a story to the point of deluding yourself that you're actually dating someone?

Every time I've read a VN I am always reading it from a 3rd party perspective.

I feel like the only way I could imagine myself being the MC is if he didn't talk and only girls interacted with him.

Do games like this exist? Is there a tag for it?

Even if they do it's very limiting, my question is how can you delude yourself to the point of "being" the MC?

I cannot imagine myself making almost any decision they do, and let's be realistic it's not like VN's really give you any options that are relevant.

>> No.17231665

Lack of empathy has a medical name. What was it?

>> No.17231741

What does this have to do with empathy?

>> No.17231882


>> No.17232156

I focus on the girl's face and voice. I can increase my immersion a bit by instead of just reading the text, I look into her eyes and just listen to what she's saying. Of course if I didn't understand from that I'll need to actually read the line, but usually that doesn't ruin the illusion that much.

Also if there is a girl I particularly like in the story I sometimes like to fantasize about her when not reading the VN. When I'm bored, walking on the street, trying to fall asleep and so on. Either I replay a scene from the VN in my head or come up with a situation where I can talk to her in my head. You could say I sometimes turn girls from VNs into temporary imaginary girlfriends.

>> No.17232244

I've never been able to self-insert into a character in anything. It's not really a problem except that it makes some blank-slate protagonists more boring.

>> No.17232315

>How can you get absorbed into a story to the point of deluding yourself that you're actually dating someone?
Why the fuck do you want to do that? Get over yourself.

>> No.17232456

Where can you read them?

>> No.17232467

This, I looked for bugbug magazines for fun but couldn't find any

>> No.17232585

Read the protagonist's lines out loud.

>> No.17232712

If you remove all the shit from a pile of piss and shit, you're still left with a puddle of piss.

>> No.17232796

It's not really self-inserting as it is feeling the same emotions that they would, which is what you want.
It's easy just get player input more often to feel like part of the story.
This normally happens regardless of what I do in games where the character talks from my dialogue options.
I consider things in three chategories.

Take Persona or Huniepop for example, the character 'only talks' when you have dialogue options, personality that forms from your inputs and have almost complete control of them in movement. In that way you pretty much are the player, I can't see myself other than them. If they get the girl I feel like I got the girl. Sure they may be times that I don't feel like them but I still feel like I share their emotions even still, which is almost the same thing to me.

Games like Fureraba, Phoenix Wright where the protagonist talks and have a personality, however you have control over them. I still feel the same emotions they do when something happens, yet I see them as their own character. Sure I may not connect with fureraba as I don't have as much control like with Phoenix Wright but I still connect with the amount of control.

The protagonist has a personality and you make little to no choices. I normally just feel like an observer at this point, reading a story. I don't connect unless they really put me close with the protagonist, or make him likable. If they put a generic protagonist, I don't like them but feel like since they are the protagonist I get the urge to route for them. Also because I want the girls to be happy or find out what happens to them.
If you want, try reading their dialogue to yourself, see if that helps, as the protagonist doesn't talk you may give yourself a false sense of input by giving him a voice like the other characters in the story. Thus by involving yourself you may feel like you are a character, I do recommend reading the same pace as them.

In short, video games let you be the player that's why they they're popular and different from movies and books. Older VNs had you go after the girl and gave you lots of input which let you feel like you were the protagonist, some do today.
The Vns where you can't self insert is because the protagonist has a personality that you can't connect with or they give a generic as fuck personality to a point it feels boring but you only play to see what happens to the cute girl.
VNs need more input making you feel like the protagonist or make the protagonist mute or almost non-existent.

>> No.17232818

One option is to create your character from scratch like most good RPGs allow you to, in which case you may or may not self-insert, it's all up to you - you may 'roleplay' as anything, hence the first two letters in RPG. That's part of the appeal to the genre and why most JRPGs fucking suck. I can't create a main in Persona, and yet the mains in Personas past 2 are bland as fuck. What's the point then?

The other option is having a strong personality main that you don't need "insert yourself" in - you're just reading someone's else's story, and if the story is good, all is good.

VNs with a bland self-insert protagonist are just shit, like movies or books with a bland, forgettable main are shit.

>> No.17232875

Some are on archive.org

>> No.17232888

I personally don't like character creators (mainly cause I suck) and don't like self-inserting that much.
I was just answering on how to self-insert better to anon.

>> No.17232891

I will admit you better self-insert better through most character creators though

>> No.17233221

this. i put emotion to it too

>> No.17233231


I don't think self-insert and roleplaying are the same thing. Roleplaying means you are aware that whatever you roleplay as is NOT you. You roleplay as that character, which even means you could let the character do things, that you yourself would never do. For example maybe you are a nice person, but like to play an evil alignment character.
Self-insert means you assume you ARE that character. That means the character acting in ways you'd not do yourself is bad.

Character creation is an idea for role-playing. What role do you wanna play? Spellcaster? Warrior? Thief? Male? Female? Beast?
Self-insert on the other hand tries nothing of that. You are NO thief, spellcaster, beast, whatever. So no character creation is necessary. You simply get a human that's relatively normal, so most people can see themselves in that person and keeps it simple. Of course, a big reason for really simple and bland protagonists is also that that makes it WAY easier to write for 4 random people. You don't really need to coordinate much, if the only thing they share is a protagonist nobody gave a real character. If heroines are shared, you'll usually pretty quickly have the funny experience, that a specific girl is way better outside of her route.

>> No.17233288
File: 310 KB, 960x540, ノラと皇女と野良猫ハート_2017-06-25_17-32-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just 100% cleared this.
it has fun moments and lovable characters so i'm no longer wondering why 2ch voted it as #2 of 2016.

Patricia's route is the highlight and i like her the most.
Kuroki is cute and the 1st half of her route is interesting but the 2nd half is meh and the ending is surprise wtf
Shachi's route is basically a nukige but Yuu Asakawa's voice made it worthy for me
Asuhara's route had more melodrama but allowed the supporting characters esp. Nobuchina to shine outside of comedy scenes

Nora is just a generic self-insert. but self-inserting into a person that unwillingly turns into a cat is fun.

>> No.17233294

Psychopathy or autistic psychopathy aka asperger's.

>> No.17233335
File: 138 KB, 800x600, conboku_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan and their thin walls. Sorry neighbor loli.

>> No.17233461

I hope the anime that will air soon give the game it's justice

>> No.17233466

>Shachi's route is basically a nukige
I started with her because I liked her a lot from the common routte and was really disappointed. Then I did Yuuki which was a huge improvement and now I'm on Kuroki's route. I'll be doing Patricia last, because I assume the effort when writing the routes went like this
Patricia > Kuroki > Asuhara > Common > Shachi

>> No.17233471

>it has fun moments and lovable characters so i'm no longer wondering why 2ch voted it as #2 of 2016.

Can you give me a link for that? I couldnt find 2ch's 2016 ranking.

For noraneko, I pretty much agree everything with you. Kuroki's ending were really really nice imo, the last part kinda ruined it but I really enjoyed the Patricia & Kuroki's speech at the beach.

Shachi route's flashbacks were awesome as fuck, but as you've said other than that its just a nukige. Well I still hope for a proper after story in the fandisc at least.

>> No.17233489
File: 937 KB, 1920x1400, 1cf27489141d3e98ea1dce6d02396816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best girl is coming up soon.

>> No.17233499

I have no idea why they didn't give her a route in the original game, it's almost universally agreed that she's by the far the best girl. Maybe they were afraid people would just read her route and drop the game because it has nothing else to offer them.

>> No.17233516

i think they're going for all oppai heroines for this one.

>> No.17233520

Maybe they didnt want to use all of their cards and saved her for a possible fandisc? I mean thanks to her they will sell the sequel like hotcakes so as marketing I think its safe to count as a succesful one. Without her route the sequel wouldnt have the same impact at all.

>> No.17233552


>> No.17233563

Guess I should get around to Re:LieF

>> No.17233592

i had that sitting on my hard drive due to that list too but i'll wait when i'm in the mood for serious drama and possible surprise genre shift

it kinda looked like it came out of nowhere with that new brand and mostly new staff

>> No.17233673
File: 101 KB, 1279x719, relive01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It certainly had a gorgeous art direction. That made it earn many points. But the depressive start made me stop.

>> No.17233694


Have you seen how it'll look like?

It's just a short advertisement show so people hopefully pick up the game within the next 3 months and play it in time for the sequel.

>> No.17234134

Anyone ever read "マブラヴ Windows 7 対応版".

It keeps randomly crashing for me when I get to certain parts and I cannot progress more than a few minutes.

>> No.17234578

Fandisc/sequel bait, tons of games do it.

>> No.17234645
File: 194 KB, 800x600, conboku_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with the Ayana and Maho routes in conboku.

Ayana was weird. She was literally missing a character. You could've removed her from the game, and nothing would really change during common and her route is working about as well as you could think it can with such an issue. You don't get to know anything about her. Family, hobbies, specific special friends.. nothing. Not even her relationship with the protagonist was very well defined. Kinda a childhoodfriend, but still kinda distant. Feels like just another classmate pretty much.
So yeah, the route didn't work. The romance was just a switch essentially. Why that switch was hit I don't know, not even from the protagonist's side. For a main-heroine that really was awkward. Personally it didn't help that I already saw its final story somewhere else I don't remember, so that wasn't particularly interesting either.

Maho was better, as in she actually had a character. (Well, probably all other characters other than Ayana are fine there) Her banter with the protagonist is probably why you'd play this. The route was ultimately not a lot better than Ayana's to me, but that's because I have no interest or idea of baseball, and the game didn't particularly care about making me interested and still built it's whole finale on a baseball game which was essentially decided before it even started. So the route may as well not have had a finale for me. Maho's plot was also very unsatisfactory finished, which is I suppose a rather common thing with the author. It actually felt pretty ass, given that her character seemed so very much built around her social issues, and then you get an irrelevant baseball game instead.

I think that's it for me for the game. Maho's banter is over, that should've been the best of it. I could try continuing, but I'm pretty bad with that, if what I'd consider is gonna be the best anyway is over already. Ayana and Maho also seem like the pretty obvious main heroines, so eh.

>> No.17234702 [DELETED] 

Any girls here?

>> No.17235082
File: 54 KB, 598x662, do saki nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17235756

I hope this makes sense, but is there any recent title that incorporates silence and background noise into its atmosphere? I feel like every single title nowadays constantly has monotonous bgm or flashy sound effects running in the background where it could have just benefits from an ambient background with the characters' voices alone.
Majority of the time the bgms are unremarkable and exist just because. This sensory overload only serves to detract from the game itself and makes reading a chore.

>> No.17235788

>where it could have just benefits from an ambient background with the characters' voices alone.
You realize games let you mute the BGM? I'd never do it because it's a huge part of VNs for me, but the option is there if it annoys you that much. For your question, you could play Swan Song if you haven't yet. That has good minimalist sound direction.

>> No.17235792

Sex scenes in Tsuushinbo/Kakurenbo

>> No.17235802 [DELETED] 

other thread

>> No.17236159


Probably not. That'd need two other routes before and I can't say I'm interested anyway. Not right now at least.

>> No.17236527
File: 91 KB, 387x432, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like noraneko2's website got updated. Nobuchina's sister is pretty hot, but there is still no info about the older heroines. I really would like to see some proper after stories for them, hopefully they wont do something like tsuyokiss series or completely ignore them since they already have a new common route and 5 new routes in it.

>> No.17236631


I still think Noraneko never needed a sequel. And with every new character I'm getting less and less interested in it. Like why did they give Nobuchina a freakin' sister? I don't even.

>> No.17236643


just play GPM

>> No.17236662

Noraneko was always like a slice of life anime type game, I want more funny events with the characters.

>> No.17236726


That's in pretty heavy danger though. Every new character makes it more and more likely, that the previous character dynamics get destroyed and turned into something not enjoyable.

>> No.17236984

Yeah, with every sequel or fandisc that comes out for a work that I liked I'm always wary. I'd rather them stop while ahead. That's why I'm afraid of Navel and the Tsuriotsu series milking. But at the same time surprised that they seem to be doing well (haven't read any but the first game myself, but just from reviews).

>> No.17237228
File: 215 KB, 1280x720, mbi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had forgotten how troublesome is getting certain GIGA games to run thanks to that piece of shit Alpharom (specifically talking about updating to 1.11 version which renders the default crack useless).

Pretty much gave up after trying multiple fixes until it suddenly worked.

>> No.17237847
File: 1.22 MB, 1024x576, WA2_2017-06-26_01-36-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is the power of foreshadowing, eh

>> No.17238353
File: 158 KB, 255x834, Takizawa.Sou.full.1999447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does he look like such a faggot?

>> No.17238493
File: 56 KB, 256x348, 1474426452749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How difficult of a read is this?

>> No.17238518

If you aren't a native don't even attempt it.

>> No.17238546
File: 1.56 MB, 1296x758, its a hard life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was like my third VN in Japanese, not hard at all really. Standard stuff.

>> No.17238602

What were your first two?

>> No.17238609

帝都飛天大作戦 and 霞外籠逗留記.

>> No.17238611

Ma*ko Hunter and Kangoku Senkan.
These >>17238609 were my fourth and fifth.

>> No.17238652

What did you think of it?

>> No.17238757

Strongly not recommended for a first or second Mareni title, honestly the setting was so dense and incomprehensible (in a certain way) that his writing came off as far more obtuse than it is in other works by him. Was hard to enjoy because of that.

>> No.17238780

What exactly makes it denser/more obtuse than Benga/Albatross? It looked the most interesting out of the three to me and it was the first one written.

>> No.17238806

Dumb easy. Speaking of which, I was about to play tsuushinbo next.

>> No.17238821

If you're particularly interested in it I would say feel free to jump right in. It may be the most difficult to get into in my opinion but there's no reason to avoid it because of that.

It's hard to describe why it's more obtuse than those games. I think it's mainly just the setting like I mentioned feels far more wild and outside of my western mind than anything else. I was constantly looking up words relating to 1800s Japanese architecture and culture, and just struggling to get in the mood of the work while being blown the fuck out by the setting. Meanwhile Bengarachou felt much more comfortable without the setting slowing my pace down.

Basically it's all anecdotal and just do what you want, pay me no mind.

>> No.17238929

>tfw you'll never get into mareni shit

I'll never get the appeal for these gimmicky styles that add nothing to the narrative as opposed to actually good works.

I know besides Japanese, French and Portuguese, and also read award winning, nobel prize works from Japan, but I'll never get the appeal of this type of writing. I can't help but connect these people with Gravity's Rainbow/Infinite Jest non-clothed emperors, but I also have some niche stuff that I like that is different from all else so I'm not one to judge.

I'll never touch these myself though, probably. But I'd read Les Miserables before Infinite Jest any day, with the first (in French) still telling an amazing story without resorting to gimmicks and falling on a niche that imho doesn't really make it shine over other Japanese works, even in the same medium.

>> No.17238934

Never say never. I thought the same as you at some point but then I got older.

>> No.17238935


>> No.17238947

IDK man, maybe. I'd appreciate Mareni's work if it was dense and more concise. I could agree with that, and follow it ala Marlowe's Heart of Darkness.

But honestly it bores me to death, some of his sentences seem straight up #9 of reader's manifesto
> The word boring may as well be a synonym to the word scholarly. Along the lines of rule number one, you cannot write naturally, or make your words interesting.
>It is simply not scholarly. People are not supposed to be able to understand your writing, they are only supposed to realize that your writing is brilliant, because it just might be the cure for insomnia.

I understand the niche exists, I'll never get the appeal though. At least the people I met who enjoyed his works aren't huge douchebags so that's a plus I suppose.

>> No.17238956

>I'd appreciate Mareni's work if it was... more concise
You may be interested in Daimeikyuu Daimeiwaku cause the ADV format and smaller textbox constricted how much he could write by a fair margin.
Though in my opinion a concise Mareni is not Mareni at all.

>> No.17238968

I wouldn't go as far as asking him to stop being "Mareni" since I understand there are people who flow into this words.

But I'll forever be on the "brevity is the soul of wit" side, and I'll always be on the "do too much with the least possible" on the style of Sun Tzu's Art of War (strategy of writing to be too resourceful in your limitations), which some of the best writers follow in my experience.

I raise an eyebrow when I see dudes claiming they unironically enjoy his works but well, what am I to say. There's some weird shit I enjoy people don't understand so it's not like I can't relate.

>> No.17238985

I actually hate dense, long-winded writing in English myself but Mareni for some reason feels very smooth and enjoyable to me. Though it's not just the writing that draws me to him but his weird mind in general - the worlds and atmospheres he creates are fascinating unlike anything else out there and I was always attracted to the fantastical since my childhood. This might be a weird comparison but Mareni to me is kind of the equivalent of Ghibli movies for adults in giving you that same sense of wonder if that makes sense.

>> No.17238996


That's more Sakurai for me. (Inganock) Though I suppose Liar in general goes into that direction. I really need to get into the whole steampunk series and not just leave it at Inganock. At least I've the first one installed already by now.

>> No.17239018

Well, rule of thumb is that it's either dense and good, or long-winded and hopefully good. In Gravity's Rainbow example is usually the very long winded, sometimes dense is actually justifiable (most of the times) because the subject matter that you're reading (chemistry of rockets, physics of rockets, synchronicity, etc.) is not something you should be unless your IQ is above 115 in the first place. Second is its gimmicky footnotes that create a non-linear narrative is also somewhat justified in the period written when post modernists were experimenting with language.

But when I read Albatross I could not justify that style, or did I find anything to justify it. You could write many of the sentences 1/3rd shorter and, if he managed to expose all the meaning, then he'd have my respect.

I'm not sure if I'm exploding this a bit out of proportion by comparing a niche VN writer with niche (albeit prize winning) writers (as I should compare him with actual, Japanese prize winning writers), but it's just some thought that, unless your style is adding something that could be justified in the context of your work while not putting the reader to sleep then maybe you should re-evaluate if you can re-do it in less, and do more with less.

If you're reading Mareni because you want to challenge yourself as a reader, I'd say there's better stuff out there from novelists from past century, but maybe you just want to get into his niche for whatever reason. He'll always be a #1 (if your writing is too natural, then in no way is it scholarly) and #9 from reader's manifesto for me though.

>> No.17239026

I heard the first one is the most unimpressive of the bunch, though it's probably the most adventurous

it's funny how Sakurai uses a color for each title though
Blue - Celenaria
Red - Inganock
Black - Sharnoth
White - Valusia
Purple - Sona-nyl
Yellow - Gahkthun
Scarlet - Vulthoom (unreleased)

as for me, I think I'll read Sona-nyl next. I haven't had a female protag in a while and it's been so long since i read Sharnoth

>> No.17239080

i like celenaria more than gakhthun for its adventure atmosphere and revenge as main plot line.
Gahkthun is honestly too normal for liar soft.

>> No.17239086

I see what you're saying. In the case of the example you gave is that the dense and tough style is justified by the naturally difficult subject matter, while the VN it's a fantasy novel that does not require its style and its niche to be such since it's not groundbreaking or remarkable in anyway, but creates a niche anyway for the sake of doing so and nothing else?

>> No.17239113

Yes. I'm sure if there are people who enjoy Mareni's style would probably be entertained by other writers (since the niche is after all a niche and nothing more). But I still find fans even in Japanese boards who will defend him to death, though, I've also met people who defend this horrible type of prose too
>hough stimulated by her patronage - Gardner was one of the first to see Loeffler not only as a virtuoso but as the composer he wished to be and increasingly today is regarded as - Loeffler grew to feel at one point distinctly imposed upon by Gardner, who seemed to him possessive and only too willing to "show him off" in Ralph Locke's words, as "a kind of in-house virtuoso" in the Gardner music room, all of this, or (sic) course, quite classic behavior on the part of humble but artful, trustworthy but vain, kind but cruel and rampagingly dominant Isabella!'

For reference. It's usually a matter of lack of experience from contrasting, exceptional writers (like Woolf and Balzac) to actual Japanese novelists like the once mentioned in these threads Kawabata and Murakami. They do tend to get pissed when you confront them which is understandable. I usually don't out of experience with hardcore Mareni fans.

>> No.17239129

That was a NYT best seller.

>> No.17239149
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Well I'm not really interested in arguing any writing "rules" and the like (and am usually drawn to writers that break conventions in fact) but I can't really get behind what you call "justified" or "unjustified". I think a more simple way to phrase it is "like" or "don't like". For me Pynchon's writing style is really boring and puts me to sleep, and Mareni's isn't. So the latter is the better writer for me and I wouldn't want him to restrain himself nor shorten his sentences or whatever as I like writers the most when they're at their "purest" and just do what they want and are passionate about (and I wouldn't ask Pynchon to write differently either or call what he does unjustified - clearly there's a lot of people that like the style). At the end of the day I don't think there is really any reason to eternally ponder about why you don't like something, just gotta accept not everything is for you and move on.
>too normal
I'd say Gahkthun is the most balanced however and thus a great rec for newcomers to the series.

>> No.17239166

That is the common Mareni fan response really. Pynchon's writing style will bore you if the subject matter does. It's not really for everyone indeed, but if you like the subject he writes about then for sure you'll understand why he's doing it in the way he's doing it.

As far as Mareni, I don't see the same reason. The world he was drawing could be made more accessible. If you asked me why Marlowe, Pynchon, Woolf, or Balzac, Murakami etc. write the way they do I can certainly give you an answer.

For Mareni, usually the fans bullshit a little bit and say it's necessary to draw his stories. From here on I really have two options. I actually compare his works from other novelists and completely crush them, coming off as an autistic jerk, or I leave them to their opinions and end it as "i guess i just dont like it bro".

After some bad, bad experiences in Japanese boards, I ended up picking the second. There's some stuff you have to realize, understand and comprehend on your own and not by the words of others.

>> No.17239187

sounds retarded

>> No.17239195

Such is life, my man.

>> No.17239203

>As far as Mareni, I don't see the same reason
Not part of that debate but the reason is simple, Mareni tries to go for an evolution of the naturalism style
It's a style that (try to) appeal to the senses, the world and the characters are all melted together in some sort of potpourri you can almost smell and taste

It's funny you mention Balzac since I always saw Mareni as very influenced by him
In La cousine Bette for example:

Cette vieille fille portait une robe de mérinos, couleur raisin de Corinthe, dont la coupe et les lisérés dataient de la Restauration, une collerette brodée qui pouvait valoir trois francs, un chapeau de paille cousue à coques de satin bleu bordées de paille comme on en voit aux revendeuses de la Halle. À l’aspect de souliers en peau de chèvre dont la façon annonçait un cordonnier du dernier ordre, un étranger aurait hésité à saluer la cousine Bette comme une parente de la maison, car elle ressemblait tout à fait à une couturière en journée. Néanmoins, la vieille fille ne sortit pas sans faire un petit salut affectueux à M. Crevel, salut auquel ce personnage répondit par un signe d’intelligence

You can see the influence but Mareni tries to go farther with a slight fantastical spin to it.
I would call his style sensualism.

Both Balzac and Mareni would write great erotic novels

>> No.17239210

I don't think you responded to him properly. That anon said the "justified" (aka "why") doesn't matter, but then in your reply you focus on how you can point out how other writers justify their style etc. I don't think you read his post properly.

>> No.17239232

But Gravity's Rainbow is a great book? It's fun as hell to read. That paranoid wild-goose chase fever dream feel is something that I haven't done as well in anything else. The final part of the book had sections that literally kept me up at night. I wish I could find a VN or something that was similar to it.

>> No.17239252

I think you are too obsessed with being "objectively right" in something as subjective as fiction, and to an extent you also lack the ability to empathize with how others feel and interact with said fiction. So in a way you very much come of as, quoting you:
>autistic jerk

>> No.17239292

No but you're right, Mareni is good but not the second coming like his fanboys make him out to be.
What's good about Mareni is he's unique, I've not seen anyone else write like that. Other than that it's average plot average characters and you have to force yourself to read it like a history book or a manual because there is no tension or buildup to anything whatsoever.
I'm judging by the Kagerou as I've not read anything else and not planning to any time soon.

>> No.17239294

I don't personally see Mareni outdoing Balzac, which is why I usually tell Mareni readers to read him as they'd actually have a better, more fulfilling and more cultured experience.

Not only that, but Balzac's prose is much more open to the public than Mareni, when the latter isn't really outdoing anything that I personally have not experienced elsewhere, while adding nothing to his work on its own.

He tried to reduce to "you simply don't like it bro", which is quite the common response. Since Mareni isn't really an outstanding writer in comparison to the examples I gave, but breaking convention for the sake of doing so, and ending up like "look how well I write, try not to understand it, just accept its grandiosity, because if I sound smart I most likely am" like RM's #9 and I'm left unconvinced that his style is of any benefit to the world he's trying to draw, that could not be done in a more concise, and straight-forward way. He's left with an audience that is either unimpressed for experiencing better elsewhere (even within actual Japanese novels), or bored to tears because his long sentences do not make any sense to them, nor does it seem worth getting into it, and he's left with the "in-between", who I guess finds something interesting. There's no wit in him that was not outdone, and many of the passages could be re-written and still maintaining core meaning while sacrificing little. That was shown possible by other writers, he chooses not to do it to create a useless niche that exists just because.

I never said it wasn't, I meant its readers can come off as annoying. I agree GR is good in many parts (if you can get over the boring, over-explained stuff), but many of its readers attack people who did not like it by calling them "not smart enough". Anyway, many of them are cunts.

Not really man, from experience they (Mareni fans) just get offended easily which can be hard to deal with. When I say I come off as an autistic jerk, it's usually just saying "heyo so this guy does this which i guess you might like, i personally find this writer and this writer more interesting, does what he does better and when you come back you realize there's no reason for him to be that way when it really comes off as trying to re-invent the circle and failing"

So I guess it's a matter of asking for empathy, in which the only way they can see what I'm saying is if they read outside their bubble (usually don't) and then come back and see if they match my point of view (though I can match theirs). I'm not sure if I'm making sense, but overall a matter of bloated ego and oversensitivity can make things complicated to deal with.

>> No.17239307

>I don't personally see Mareni outdoing Balzac
I have never said he was outdoing Balzac, that would be fucking stupid.

It's not a competition you know

>> No.17239323

I know it's not fair to do this (in more ways than one, not a competition and comparing a VN writer, writing for an audience vs a monster is unfair in several levels), but what I mean is Mareni's fans lack of justification in creating the niche he does. They will usually: dodge the subject, attack you or say it does not matter (when it actually does when he could simply find a way to use his style to become a top novelist, or outdo the likes of Joyce and others), and not simply be "yea i write like this, don't like it? screw u bro", and you can just say "sure, its not like im missing out lol"

>> No.17239353

Which I'd like to add, it's quite a shame because it does seem like he writes interesting worlds and situations, it's just a shame he chose to sit in a place where, if you don't go, you're not really missing out much, and if you do go, you'll (likely) later on realize that, you weren't really missing out on much.

Heck, to exemplify further, if you think of Muramasa's prose and writing style. You can justify by the setting and the type of descriptions the writer is aiming at. It serves its purpose quite well and you could agree unanimously that you wouldn't have it any other way for the situations he describes, the fights, the characters, etc (though Muramasa's old Japanese is quite standard for modern novels of old era Japan, there's only so much they can go while being understood by a broader audience).

I can't say the same for Mareni though. If he ever decides to spread out of his niche and actually do something worth noting for actually experienced novel readers, I might check him out, until then I'll probably not get involved with him (or his fans...)

>> No.17239415

>the fights
I could have done without the never ending autistic ramblings while nothing happened to be completely honest. At least Mareni doesn't go out of his way to make them as stale as possible to alienate anyone who doesn't already get off to sword fighting technique and strategy.

>> No.17239439

>but overall a matter of bloated ego and oversensitivity can make things complicated to deal with
I can't tell if you had a moment of clarity here and became self aware or you're referring to the opposite party. Perhaps both. In any case, this still isn't changing that you are speaking like an objective authority with a very arrogant tone in a subjective field, and you seemingly lack any and all understanding of the perspective of human beings other than yourself. Someone can think Mareni is better than all the authors you listed and they wouldn't be a tad bit wrong, nor does someone who isn't a scholar have to justify his every preference in an essay or they're invalid. You can discuss stuff like similarities, what you think is done better etc and this is perfectly fine, but it became very obvious from your posts that you are less interested in an exchange of opinions and more interested in pushing your facts (furigana: opinions) onto others.
I'm sure you have already seen people say dozens of times why they like him or any other author in discussions related to the authors (special brand of humor, evokes a special atmosphere etc) You just choose to ignore them because you don't agree with them. Which is fine and brings us back to the original point - not liking stuff is OK.

Haven't read Muramasa yet, is it different from the sword ramblings in Hanachirasu? Because I really enjoyed it there.

>> No.17239465

I'm the other guy, but I got really sick of Mareni's text in that one. I enjoyed Albatross, but his descriptions totally killed pacing in Daimeikyuu and I just HAD to drop it half-way.

>> No.17239499

Muramasa is better than Hanachirasu and the only VN I could say it would be worth learning Japanese just to read it.
There is some useless porn in it and the last 10% before epilogue chapters felt too rushed and slapstick and not as good as the rest but what can you do, nothing is perfect.

>> No.17239504

Well I can also add that a lot of his fights go full naruto too, but I can also understand why it's like that.

I fail to understand Mareni though. It's not something that would captivate experienced novel readers, and not open enough for less experienced readers to get into. It's kind of in-between where whoever is caught up is caught up and maybe they'll come back to it and see that he could have done it better or differently instead of choosing the position he chose for no reason whatsoever (which maybe would puzzle your mind as well later on)

>> No.17239549
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which game would you vote とても使えた on?

>> No.17239555

Saiminjutsu 2, TOTTEMO used.

>> No.17239558

Himekishi Angelica
Himekishi Olivia
Gakuen Saimin Reido

>> No.17239590

If fap material is okazu, what is the main dish?

>> No.17239600
File: 1.00 MB, 2560x1440, 20170626_180802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And all this time thinking that I had weird tastes.

>> No.17239606

Mind control is great and I'm glad it got more popular despite almost everything using apps.

>> No.17239853

Guys I'd like to ask one small thing about Amayui Castle Meister, does it have a single ending or multiple like kamidori series? A couple threads before some people were saying its single while others saying multiple so I'm kinda confused.

>> No.17239888

>a single ending or multiple?
Only one real ending + one bad-end.

>> No.17239977

it's a patrician fetish desu

>> No.17239995

The game has no routes like Kamidori?

>> No.17240121

Saiminjutsu 2 (it's a shame that 3 sucks so badly)
Oyako Rankan
Sei Shouju

>> No.17240504
File: 237 KB, 1280x720, gangsta_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. Tentacle fetish of little sister discovered. Let's not think about how she was able to buy tentacle ero doujinshi with how young she looks (and is).

>> No.17240526 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 600x338, 49841bbc7be9109fc9b7554afbda620c1465912153_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea if YU-NO is being translated by anyone?

>> No.17240601

Out of all of the "I'm moving into a new school, starting my life fresh, and going to meet some friends" VN's, which one had the most lasting impression for you? Like you really felt like you lived there and were starting your life fresh. I want to read a good version of this with a comfortable atmosphere that will make my cry with nostalgia in 5 years from now.

>> No.17240681


>> No.17240694

Makes me think of ayakashibito

>> No.17240734

Is this any good?

>> No.17240774


>> No.17240790

He said good.

>> No.17240804


Tons of scenes that are easily 20+ minutes of pure audio fellatio, minimal talking, also has one of my favorite ero VAs, 葵時緒

Fucking kamige, can't wait for the groups next release

>> No.17240886

Can anyone who knows Chinese tell me what the password for this is?


I downloaded it but it's password protected.

>> No.17240949

Try qz1991129 (uploader's name) or search for qz1991129 密码 in google

>> No.17240964

Only worth it because of the sequel though, who the hell thought doing the same drama every route while basically shitting on a good cast was a good idea.

>> No.17241097


I'm a bit confused why the author introduces characters and such twice.

>> No.17241237


>> No.17241491

Imaya Minami is a complete beast. She was also insane in 王女&女騎士Wド下品露出~恥辱の見世物奴隷~

>> No.17241536
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>> No.17241641 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 370x320, 10113395@2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wat does this say?

>> No.17241687 [DELETED] 

However, I give permission.

>> No.17241764 [DELETED] 

But, decision ru

>> No.17241858 [DELETED] 


>> No.17241903


>> No.17241918

same artist

>> No.17241958
File: 1.49 MB, 1280x720, 美少女万華鏡-1-_2017-06-25_21-06-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished this. art and production is great and the story is interesting enough for a short nukige.
but for me the highlight has to be Aoba Ringo's voice.
do the "sequels" have excellent voice work too?

>> No.17242061

She really does the vampire voice like no other.
The other games have good art and Hscenes but compared to Noro it didnt match up. Still pretty good though
>childhood friend

>> No.17242066


the one coming up is gonna have a trap too if I remember correctly

>> No.17242332

is this any good?

>> No.17242560

Oh nice, I suppose its a harem ending then. Definitely better than fucking all side characters and leaving them for one main heroine imo, now I can read it.

>> No.17242710

I keep gettimg told to read this but can't find a torrent.
I'd check rutlocker but I don't know russian.

>> No.17242713
File: 91 KB, 394x394, SPAGHETTI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17242726

They have some really good literature (both Portugal and Brazil).

>> No.17242731

literature without cute anime girls is shit

>> No.17242737 [DELETED] 

I think it's talking about that one 御伽噺 work involving the Alice in wonderland setting.
Quite a lot of media likes meme not that I'm complaining, it's a nice setting.

Also I think. It's the one where were the main character suffers Alexithymia and the keep calling him 無関心なやつ. It's similar to Sakurai's it's a wonderrful/beautiful series. If you like that.

>> No.17242738


>> No.17242739

More games need slutty lolis that aren't mentally lolis.

>> No.17242741

Wow thanks

>> No.17242743

>not picturing the character of every book you read as JoJo style anime characters

>> No.17242755

Mainly Nukige or slutty girls in moege.
Biman's a decent choice.
Mainly stuff that the girls ultimately give in to the dick.
The voice actress matters a lot in this too.

>> No.17242773

Found this recently and reminded me of a sofhouse seal game.
Basically beading is giving girls beads to wear maimly done by relatives and when they have the beads amybody can have sex with them.
It reminded me of the sex license in their games.

>> No.17242786

>says beading is aimed at stopping promiscuity among young girls.
>anyone can have sex with them without getting married
How does this make sense?

>> No.17242799

It's different when the girls are doing it on their own, compared to rape anon.

>> No.17242954

Recommend me some good femdom /jp/

>> No.17242956


>> No.17242964

Is there any Black Cyc's eroge with futa on trap?

>> No.17242973

I'm sorry

>> No.17243033

媚肉の香り was really good in that regard.
Also elf games in general.

>> No.17243045

I felt the same but still forced myself through it.
Wasn't worth it even though it's not bad or anything.

>> No.17243107

What did you not like about it, scenario wise?

>> No.17243701

new thread?

>> No.17243744

No. New threads are made after the current one reaches page 10. It's now only on page 5.

I appreciate that you asked about this before acting. Please keep the page 10 tradition alive.

>> No.17243841


I'm actually starting to think that tradition should be abolished. I've been observing this for quite some time now. Whenever we are auto-saging, the activity goes WAY down. Like WAY WAY down. It's actually so heavy that it's easy to see just by the activity that a thread is auto-saging.

That's honestly not worth it. Of course the increase of activity with a new thread may also be in part because people stop writing in the thread during auto-saging and "bottle up", but by earlier threads we'd still stabilize.

It's a bit unfortunate I guess, but deliberately suppressing activity is just as unfortunate.

>> No.17243856

I honestly think its 50% tradition and 50%, if we make the new thread now there will literally be 12~24 hours of two active threads being up at once which is fairly suboptimal. There's arguments for both sides, I just want to say that one side's whole thing isn't just "tradition".

>> No.17243859

If you look at the first few posts of this thread and the large time gap between them you now this is not true. The only people who "bottle up" are crossboarders who don't know that a thread on page 5 still has many, many hours to go.

>> No.17243919

Maitetsu announced for PS4

>> No.17244060

Fuck this shit

>> No.17244208
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>> No.17244351

I thought you guys would be happy since there's no ero.

>> No.17244477


It's not just this thread. There are always times when threads are less active around the day. Like I said, I'm looking at this for quite some time now, and I feel like it's getting worse and worse.

>> No.17244513

We are happy.

>> No.17244558
File: 44 KB, 638x629, 1498375088922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I anybody else here obsessed with kabedon like me?
It's so cool and hot.
I wish more MCs would do it in reguar eroge.

>> No.17244574

It's a girl thing, boys need to be borderline rapists with dark pasts and absolutely no chemistry with them.

>> No.17244605

It would be nice...

>> No.17244608

Read through the Hyakki Ryouran trial. M&M art with uncensored pubic hair. Thank god I lived long enough to see this happen.

>> No.17244627

> uncensored pubic hair.
>Thank god I lived long enough to see this happen.

I get 3D, but it looks so weird on 2D..

>> No.17244635


This reminds me of that one Noratoto scene with Kuroki trying to learn about "romance" or whatever. I don't have a screen unfortunately.

Anyway, I could get behind "reverse kabedon" I suppose?

>> No.17244641

Wouldn't work outside of comedic scenes.

>> No.17244650
File: 63 KB, 750x489, applique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17244657

Not sure I get the generalization. It only looks weird when the artist draws it weird, just like anything else.

>> No.17244662
File: 69 KB, 600x500, CljST7VVYAA00Pl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It shows male dominace
It's romantic
girl's hearts go dokidoki

>> No.17244670
File: 355 KB, 600x331, o0600033113166580402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "reverse kabedon"

>> No.17244708

>male dominance


>> No.17244713

Yes, especially for girls.

>> No.17244758
File: 7 KB, 299x169, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It kinda is, really.
Plus it's in a ton of shoujo, BL, Yaoi media, girls absolutely love it.


>> No.17244783


Last time I checked, this wasn't the otoge thread though.

Also I think the shoujo version is a little different. It's kinda the same idea as the prince. Nice as fuck but still forcing. Basically the "does EVERYTHING she wants without even needing to ask and is just absolutely perfect" thing.
The male version should be a little differently focused.

But I guess that just leads to the typical kabedon!=kabedon. Hard to generalize.

>> No.17244796

>Nice as fuck but still forcing.
No, the shoujo idea is the tormented brute only I can heal, the self-insertion in those stories is even more retarded than normal.

>> No.17244803

I've seen it in non-shoujo material it's sweet and the girl get's all flustered I think of it as the intentional version of seeing pantsu or grabbing without being lewd and getting the girl angry.
It's sweet and girls love it compared to sexual harrassment.

>> No.17244809

Actually just made me realize I'm looking for the same in a girl that girls are looking for in a guy. I want a genki, overbearing heroine to lead me out of my introvert shell. Bonus points if she's still leading in bed and doesn't suddenly turn into a helpless damsel.

>> No.17244816

You want the standard manic pixie girl.

>> No.17244822

I don't see how it's sweet. It makes me think of a guy trying to start shit you with you and start a fight. Young girls are dumb though and wanted to be "raped" but not really, no surprise there.

>> No.17244826
File: 203 KB, 317x317, 5BPD5Qq0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally love genki girls in general, right next to kouhai and imouto.

>> No.17244827

Does anybody know were i can fast download lightBOX2008 初回限定生産?

>> No.17244836

Well you're clearly not a women, they love this.

This also exists in BL, Yaoi, drama and so-on.
It's for women in general even the link here the non-japanese women loved it>>17244758.

>> No.17244848

Yeah but in 2D girls are not harlots. They don't have to like the things real women do.

>> No.17244853

They're based on them.
All the 2D girls I've seen had kabedon done to them go dokidoki.
I've yet to see a single girl not like it.

>> No.17244857

They do though, it's a staple of 2d at this point.

>> No.17244860
File: 495 KB, 1020x834, app.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crowdfunding is truly an unstoppable cancer.

>> No.17244875

>All the 2D girls I've seen had kabedon done to them go dokidoki.
That's because real women draw them and self-insert into them. Anyway it's a good idea to keep shoujo and otome memes out of eroge

>> No.17244889

>out of eroge
They are in eroge though, keep thinking they aren't , you'll be happier.

>> No.17244902

Only in terrible games. Senran Banka was awful outside of the art.

>> No.17244905

I don't get the big deal.
3D girls like kabedon
2D girls like kabedon for guy and female oriented media
2D guys in shounen Ai and Yaoi like kabedon

It's not limited to girls.
I've seen shounen manga/anime, where girls like kabedon.
There's even eroge that girls like kabedon and go dokidoki.

It's just a thing people like.
I get you might not like it and it's okay, but it's clear that girls do.

>> No.17244924

The big deal is that eroge is not meant to pander to the female persuasion, so there's no need for it in eroge. Why do we suddenly care here what women like? That has never been a factor in eroge.

>> No.17244944

Why do women like it? They also have rape fantasies. Then they cry about oppression. Women are disgusting.

>> No.17244953

This, imagine if eroge went off of what real women like and we had every route be some psuedo-rape fantasy 50 Shades of Gray rip-off. The majority of women are irrational and have bad taste.

>> No.17244957

>Why do we suddenly care here what women like?
>That has never been a factor in eroge.

Holding the door open
Saving her from thugs
Calling her by her first name
Acting kakkoi
these are romantic things and things that girls like and clearly play a part in eroge. If women didn't like them what would be the point?
And Kabedon is another, sure you 'obviously' do not like it, but it clearly is something that women both 3d and 2d like.
I've never seen a girl not like it when done from a love interest.

It's romantic?
You could say the same for himedakkou or acting manly and confident that makes girls hearts go dokidoki.
You clearly are reaching here if you are comparing this to rape.

Anyway I've said what I had to say at this point. I'm not sure if you're trolling at this point but point is both 2D and 3D girls like kabedon and I have yet to see a girl not like it. Similarly with himedakou and other things of the such.
You're clearly a guy and don't.

>> No.17244977

>You're clearly a guy
Well that line explains everything.

>> No.17244994

Forgot to finish
*You're clearly a guy and don't understand what women thinks

>> No.17245003

It's a meme and not simply as liked as you think it is.

>> No.17245004

This is just nonsense. "Give us more money and our scenario writer will write more words." The fuck is wrong with these people.

>> No.17245022

Crowdfunding is fine, these goals aren't though. They should have a preset idea of what the game should be, not randomly bloat it up because they got more money.

>> No.17245034

To clarify it's kind of like those situations in eroge where the girl falls butt first into the guy, etc, whatever. It's pretty much a meme, a stable in eroge but most people don't actually like that anymore, but it keeps getting because that's what writers think we like.
Like saying all guys like accidentally titty groping or accidental falling into 69 position in public.

>> No.17245046

I've seen games about it, you can google and get 6.5 million results, find tons of images, dramas have it and people have done tons of fanart or things about it.
It's a thing and massive.
Girls love it.
You're a guy and just don't like it, that's it.
It's not a rape, it's power and assertiveness.
When you see a character like shounen power dude, you don't think of rape, you think of power.
Both men and women like power. Women find power sexy, by being assertive and not only being the nice guy you add a layer of sexiness.
Sure you can get away with just being nice, but assertiveness is also attractive.
Women like this, however like most things of a romantic nature being assertive too much can be overbearing or if not done by a person you love can be sexual assault.

Still at this point I don't know if I'm arguing with /r9k/ or just being baited, consider this my last post on this issue.

>> No.17245057

You're very unlikely to find fast downloads for anything that's not a recent release or a super popular classic, just suck it up and suffer through whatever shitty source you have

>> No.17245073
File: 520 KB, 800x600, スズノネセブン!体験版_2016-05-19_22-12-47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not saying it's rape. I'm saying it's a red flag, women who like that are slutty and probably worthless, similar to women who have rape fantasies. It's not romantic, which is why you don't see it in most pure love eroge or VNs. Women into it have a skewed view of romance and think that a shoujo MC being treated as MC's punching bag is romantic.

>> No.17245091
File: 867 KB, 1220x993, star_citizen_packages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine if you ignore all the projects where the creators basically run off with the money or release a half-finished product. Unfortunately those are most crowdfunding projects, especially video game projects, so I can't call it fine at all.

>> No.17245119

List one eroge project where that happened.

>> No.17245134

Okay now i know you're just messing with me.
Hope you had fun, you win, I can't believe I took you seriously.

>> No.17245159 [DELETED] 

Well, I could list all of Sekai's translation projects. Have there been any eroge crowdfunding projects that weren't for translations?

>> No.17245169 [DELETED] 

They have multiple games successfully released though? Being slow =! "running off with money" and never releasing something.

>> No.17245182
File: 5 KB, 290x120, explorer_2017-06-27_15-00-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update: I learned how to use x64dbg and patched out the error checking that was making it kill itself. Granted, this doesn't make the game actually work properly, but at least now I can actually play the game.

Here's the patch if anyone else has this problem for some reason: https://mega.nz/#!xElXTLJL!5InSrbbjoe-9NkeqczLEm0X2k1z7LG3mTn0zxLK3_MY

>> No.17245206 [DELETED] 

They're only translating already finished games, so I'm not sure it's an especially appropriate comparison. I'd argue their translation quality should qualify as running off with the money, since they're clearly not paying translators with it, but they promised Vita versions for a lot of the games they kickstarted. A big part of their initial funding came from Vitafags desperate for English VNs on the system. I don't think they've released a single one. How slow do you have to be before it's never happening?

>> No.17245220
File: 350 KB, 1280x720, newton_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, to be perfectly honest, tsundere girls and such are popular with guys as well. Not with everyone, but they are.
Which is also in part why I assume, that the girls also want the guys to just be perhaps shy or whatever and they are actually good people. And I'd assume most do. Because otherwise... it's pretty much pick related.

>> No.17245233

>You're clearly a guy
No shit.

I'm not comparing it to rape. I just don't think domination is romantic. If you said it was "sexy" then I'd tolerate it because tastes can get pretty skewed in a sexual context but if you find domination romantic then it's fucked up. I wasn't arguing whether females like they or not, I just said they were disgusting for liking it. If you find being dominated romantic then don't complain later that there's a culture of male domination and power.

Another meme. Who would want to do a himedakko in real life unironically?

How is he wrong? Men who like doing that are often trash, it also applies to women in reverse.

>> No.17245259

景の海のアペイリア trial is out. I didn't check the synopsis or the writer, the prologue was really amazing that made me think this game is a thriller dark nukige type of game.
The MC was fapping in the park because he got a message from the future telling him to do so. Then he came on the main heroine's face who is also his step sister who will meet today for the first time
Then everything went to a normal moege with an AI after that. I got really disappointed honestly. But the writer is the same guy who did the Rocket Science game. So we can except this game to go into the depth of AI.

>> No.17245283

what the guy I quoted said - the pacing was ruined by descriptions. I loved 紅殻町博物誌 and albatross though.

>> No.17245301

I'd say people are getting pretty tired of tsundere nowadays unless they're well done and have other qualities beside it.

>> No.17245310

Moderately excited for it but I hope it's not too goofy. If it's good I'll check out Haretaka though the art in that kind of sucks.

>> No.17245375

>Which is also in part why I assume, that the girls also want the guys to just be perhaps shy or whatever and they are actually good people.
That's what I've always thought. Or the whole "changing someone with the power of love" thing. I guess I can see the appeal in it even though it's not what I go for.

Personally I've always found stuff like himedakko and kabedon as more awkward than romantic or even sexy. It gives me secondhand embarrassment.
But I don't like it when games go out of their way to show the protagonist as some slick cool guy that all the heroines cream their pants over anyway. Feels a little too wish-fulfillment even considering I'm playing a game of one guy surrounded by a harem of pure cute virgins.

>> No.17245385

I want a cheeky brat to step on me and spit on my face.

>> No.17245409

On the off chance you're serious.

You are calling something almost an entire gender seems to love disgusting.That's like a women calling sport disgusting.

Please read my posts, it's called being assertive, not treat a women like a dog.
Assertiveness is sexy, power is SEXY. Women like knowing they're with a man that is powerful, but at the same time feel safe.
Being a herbivore male isn't sexy, it's even considered uncool and a turn off.
I'm not saying romance is useless in fact I think you need it for a relationship but assertiveness helps in a relationship.
Taking the lead, women like a guy who takes the lead.

If you're saying that every single medium that has kabedon and everybody who likes it is trash well you just called a good chunk if not the majority of women in japan trash and apparently the guys they go gaga for are too. Reminder these guys are what women want and desire.
Not only that but pretty much every single media designed for women too trash as they all seem to have it as well, not to mention in the video>>17244758 I posted it's clearly not a japanese thing. So these western women are trash too and I'm sure they aren't the only ones.

Look you're a guy and you're calling this thing a lot of women love, trash, it's clearly a gender thing. Not a matter of taste.

Once again I don't see what's hard to get.
If everybody likes pizza and somebody says they don't wouldn't you say they're the odd ones out?
It could be a fetish but given the absolute rididiculous amount of women that like it and adore it, not to mention their idealised versions of men doing I'd say it's something common for women in general.

Still I'm tired about talking about this I made my point it's a women thing and large number of women seem to love it.
Feel free to think what you want.

>> No.17245426

I want more femdom in non-nukige, even if very soft and more just like reversing the MC and heroine roles. With no losing to the cock or 逆転. The only one I've played was Wakoto in Lovely Cation 2. And there might have been some cock losing there, it's been a couple years.

>> No.17245437

Kanojo-tachi no Ryuugi, play it.

>> No.17245442
File: 518 KB, 1920x1080, C;C_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How many typical tsundere girls do even exists nowadays? Even the twintails are getting more along the lines of pic related. Mind you, that's still not very "nice girl" like and they still "abuse" similar to tsundere girls, they just aren't really what we'd consider a typical tsundere.

>> No.17245455 [DELETED] 

>well you just called a good chunk if not the majority of women in japan trash
Yeah, that's exactly what I did.

>> No.17245461

Can someone upload the crack or tell me where I can find it? All of them have died

>> No.17245466 [SPOILER] 
File: 275 KB, 1280x720, 1498593954276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Soft, as in very soft, isn't that rare. Hapymaher, Dokodona. A lot of "boku" protagonist works in general, including trap protagonist works as well. And then there are specific routes/characters. Somewhat nsfw picture.

That said, it's really light and can't even be really called female dominance in an S&M context at least.

>> No.17245470

>If you find being dominated romantic then don't complain later that there's a culture of male domination and power.
your issue is with feminism for preaching stuff with no basis in reality, not with women

>> No.17245488 [DELETED] 

>If you're saying that every single medium that has kabedon and everybody who likes it is trash well you just called a good chunk if not the majority of women in japan trash and apparently the guys they go gaga for are too. Reminder these guys are what women want and desire.
Not only that but pretty much every single media designed for women too trash as they all seem to have it as well, not to mention in the video I posted it's clearly not a japanese thing. So these western women are trash too and I'm sure they aren't the only ones.
What a surprise, most people are trash. Not just women but men as well, before I get redirected to /r9k/.
There's nothing wrong a man being proactive in a relationship but these types of women want to be dominated and meant to feel weak. And those are the types to avoid. For other women probably it's a social thing as well, women are told to like being dominated or like this thing in porn or men won't like them. Same thing happens to guys on a similar scale, if you do x and don't do x and aren't extremely domineering you aren't a real man. So really I don't think popular media is a good representation since it's exaggerated and rarely reflects what real people actually want. Even in a niche like eroge we can't all agree on what we like.

>> No.17245491

Mana from Amatsutsumi

>> No.17245502

>If you're saying that every single medium that has kabedon and everybody who likes it is trash well you just called a good chunk if not the majority of women in japan trash and apparently the guys they go gaga for are too. Reminder these guys are what women want and desire.
>Not only that but pretty much every single media designed for women too trash as they all seem to have it as well, not to mention in the video I posted it's clearly not a japanese thing. So these western women are trash too and I'm sure they aren't the only ones.
What a surprise, most people are trash. Not just women but men as well, before I get redirected to /r9k/.
There's nothing wrong a man being proactive in a relationship but these types of women want to be dominated and meant to feel weak. And those are the types to avoid. For other women probably it's a social thing as well, women are told to like being dominated or like this thing in porn or men won't like them. Same thing happens to guys on a similar scale, if you do x and don't do x and aren't extremely domineering you aren't a real man. So really I don't think popular media is a good representation since it's exaggerated and rarely reflects what real people actually want. Even in a niche like eroge we can't all agree on what we like.

>> No.17245531

>Even in a niche like eroge we can't all agree on what we like.

Most are wanting to step on women, because they started hating real women, or wanting to be stepped on by women (to an extend).
So you either have the girls lose to the d, or step on the d. Middle ground? Have fun searching.

>> No.17245534

>women are told to like being dominated or like this thing in porn or men won't like them
This. Men are also victims of this social pressure, and in fact >>17245409 exerted it by saying this:

>Women like knowing they're with a man that is powerful, but at the same time feel safe.
>Being a herbivore male isn't sexy, it's even considered uncool and a turn off.

>> No.17245550
File: 251 KB, 779x820, 1484131143910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone played the RPG he did art for? They look nice, but not sure if they're actually fun.

>> No.17245610

They're not really good, but I still 100% all of them because to me, they're like the only gameplay eroge in existence where unlocking H-scenes is a decent motivator.

I recommend the first Demonion.

>> No.17245642

The OP and the concept look very cool. I'd like to see what the rest of stories are about. Too bad all torrents are dead.

>> No.17245669

Any other decent ero rpg that have a good mix of plot and ero?
And that isn't Rance/Alicesoft or Eushully

>> No.17245672

King Exit

>> No.17245683

Never heard about this one, it's not on vndb

>> No.17245738


>> No.17245778


>> No.17245787

japan an almost perfect society yet again in the thongs of death by an western invention

>> No.17246290

Uploaded for you at pantsu.

>> No.17246327 [DELETED] 


>> No.17246527
File: 692 KB, 962x594, koiuta_dlc_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they do this. It's my biggest boner killer.

>> No.17246551

Japs are too insecure to accept real 責め. They have to have the heroine completely conquered at the end so they can hold on to the few remaining scraps of their ego.

>> No.17246607
File: 299 KB, 1280x720, Natsukoi_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's literally her character. She tries to be all onee-san, but is absolutely horrible at keeping that up, especially when it comes to lewds. I didn't bother with her route, as pic related is way better in every way, so all of that was made clear pretty early on. You can actually guess that from the text there as well.

>> No.17246968
File: 719 KB, 961x594, koiuta_dlc_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's getting an 受け scene in the DLC instead, so it doesn't seem to be about character. The scenes were chosen by popular poll so it sounds like what >>17246551 said.

>> No.17247304
File: 122 KB, 702x481, petit teens and mini teens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a few old VNs I want to share with people, how do I make torrents? I'm a geologist, I'm computer illiterate.

I see guides online but this 'trackers' thing has me a bit confused. I would like to use anime-sharing or the new nyaa but I don't know what I'm doing. I'm sure it's really simple but don't underestimate my idiocy.

>> No.17247329

1. https://nyaa.pantsu.cat/upload
2. Fill stuff: name, category, language (JP?), short description
3. Torrent file. Create the .torrent file with qBittorrent:
3.a. Tools -> Torrent creator.
3.b. Add file/folder: select the file or folder with the data you want to create a .torrent of.
3.c. -->> Tracker URLs: copy&paste the tracker list from https://nyaa.pantsu.cat/faq
3.d. The rest to default values. Create and save the .torrent file. Upload the .torrent at the .nyaa upload page.
Done. It will show at the index and people will start downloading.

>> No.17247339

If you want to upload adult material make sure you upload to sukebei instead.


>> No.17247578

