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1723908 No.1723908 [Reply] [Original]

God, choosing to protect so fucking wrong.
Game should've gone Mind of Steel route, kill Sakura, take Rider, fight Archer, Rider gets killed, fight Archer barehanded, UBW, kick everything else's ass until the end.
TL;DR : HF is fucking up Shirou's character.

>> No.1723913

It's not fucking it up.
Just a new perspective due to different circumstances.

>> No.1723916

>HF is fucking up Shirou's character.
I agree completely with your post

UBW and Fate ftw

>> No.1723918

Every route was supposed to fuck up Shirou's character.

Fate - Delving futher into retardation
UBW - Knowing that everyone can't be saved
HF - Sacrificing everything

>> No.1723924

100% agreed.

>> No.1723928

HF: Goin the extra mile for a whore.

Hmmm, Reminds me of an old movie I once saw.

>> No.1723931

>raep Sakura
I fixed that for you

>> No.1723932

Aw come on, Shirou's basis in life was to save people, Okay, in UBW he realises he can't save everyone, but still, he does it anyway.
HF on the other hand, just has him going " Oh hey, I've been wanting to do this all my life, but since I just started caring about my friend I haven't given a shit about for the last few years, I'm just going to screw all this."
Geez, Heaven't Feel should've been a whole Mind of Steel route.

>> No.1723935

UBW and Fate were the same, Shirou saving everyone he could.

HF shat all over my King

>> No.1723937

HF was fine. What you want is some retarded mix of UBW and HF.

If you don't like it, don't play it again.

Incidentally Rin was at her best here I think. I wanted a Rin end over Sakura personally, but that'd go against the entire theme of the route.

>> No.1723945

It wasn't even Shirou's ideal - it was Kiritsugu's. Heaven forbid Shirou does his own thing.

This though, I will agree on. Saber (and Gil, incidentally) got shafted hard in HF. Still, Shirou beating Dark Saber was satisfying. Route made up for it with Ilya and Kotomine though.

>> No.1723942

He doesn't just say 'screw all other people'.
But instead of puting everyone else in higher priority than himself, , now Sakura becomes the first.

Of course, if you don't like Sakura, that doesn't help much.

>> No.1723944

op got a higher resolution picture? can't really see Ilya in that one

>> No.1723953

What I wanted was UBW with the few moments of awesome HF had.
Suddenly changing a character's personality thanks to a little girl's comment in a park is stupid.
I half expected Shirou to decapitate her right after choosing to be a superhero.

>> No.1723947

exactly Sakura sucks

>> No.1723951

The problem with HF is that Sakura is a realistic female character. Saber and Rin are basically men with tits+vagina - the idealized perfect female. Sakura is just like the real life females who ruin our lives, so it's particularly rage inducing when Shirou starts thinking with his dick and fails at everything because of her.

>> No.1723952
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Sakura is #1

>> No.1723955

Accepting your father's ideal is a very good and manly thing to do.

>> No.1723957
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>Shirou starts thinking with his dick
I, for one, don't blame him...

>> No.1723959

Sorry, I don't.

>> No.1723961
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>>UBW ftw

I guess I would have liked Fate route more, if I hadn't watched that mediocre anime first. The best thing about HF Shirou is that although he sacrifices everything for a whore, he at least isn't as retarded as Fate Shirou. God, he was intolerable bastard!

>> No.1723962
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And self-destructive.

Anyway, HF is good enough for this 'true' ending.

>> No.1723966

I for one do.
This is a war, you're supposed to kill people, not think about your slut friend who should've died already.
The sex in F/SN annoys me.

>> No.1723967

So. Archer.

How's 'bout that there archer the eh guys?
goes around
fuckin with time causin paradoxes.

>> No.1723972

Fate/zero VN where?

>> No.1723979

Yes, cause Shirou always goes enthusiastically into war, marching in his white horse, challenging Servants in the other routes.

>> No.1723980

In fact, I want an Archer route.

>> No.1723983


I want to see my King in an Armani

>> No.1723984

It's not a war you dumb shit.
That's just the name for it.
It's people like you that makes the grail war so damn violent.

>> No.1723987

I don't really like Sakura, but she's pretty hot. Too bad Nasu sex scenes suck. Or well, eroge sex scenes suck period. A Heavens Feel OVA should come with all the hot dickings animated, that'd basically be the best thing ever.

>> No.1723998


I am annoyed by Sakura's generic moe voice. Taiga on the other hand is fucking win.

>> No.1723996

I'm talking about what I would've rather liked to have.
Now, if you want the guy to care about the girl he hasn't given a damn about until here and just scrap all he's been doing until now, go ahead.

>> No.1724007


turns out gil was a girl all along.


>> No.1724001

From Rin's perspective. And then a Lancer route, a Saber route, and then for shits and giggles a Gil route.

Would be the most awesome thing ever.

>> No.1724005

Well, we are fighting other masters to get the grail, call it a war, a fight or a competition if you may, beating the others is what we do.

>> No.1724006

Rin lead-up to the sex scene and Akiha's sex scene were good at least.

Picturing Akiha thrashing around with your slightest touch...
Excuse me , gotta read a certain doujin

>> No.1724020

>Picturing Akiha thrashing around with your slightest touch...
>Excuse me , gotta read a certain doujin
please share

>> No.1724022
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The guy just wanted a piece of Sakura's ass. How can you blame him?

>> No.1724025

I didn't really like those, but you know what, I was wrong. Shiki's dream where Akiha is watching, hot damn. That's probably one of the hottest things I've ever read.

>> No.1724034

Taiga's VA sucks

>> No.1724035

An Infatuated Girl.

Loli and gym-Clothes Akiha loving with decent art,

>> No.1724036

Than, he should've simply raped her after killing Shinji, not like she wouldn't like it anyway.

>> No.1724039
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Posting related material.

>> No.1724043

I still have a save file right there. I'm probably going to go fap to that later, thanks.

>> No.1724046

You're expecting too much from Shirou... I think you lost him...

>> No.1724051

Well, true this isn't very in character.

>> No.1724061

They should have had more explicit CGs for this...
fap fap fap fap...

>> No.1724065

Why couldn't every scene be as hot as this?

>> No.1724069


What and Sakura's is good? Ha! That's funny!

>> No.1724070

The only good sex scene he ever wr

>> No.1724076
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Sakura's was moe~

>> No.1724078

Fucking agree.

>> No.1724081

Because it's the zenith of h-scenes, it's perfect.

>> No.1724113

>realistic woman character
More like idealized Japanese woman character

>> No.1724121

>Taiga's VA sucks


>> No.1724125

Also, I hate the fact that Kotomine is here so awesome while he does not much aside from being last boss in fate and last boss's master in UBW.

>> No.1724128
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Taiga's VA - Sachiko
Rin's VA - Yumi

Marimite/stay night

>> No.1724137

While he is clearly awesome in HF, he is much like Roa.
May not see much, but what he has set in motion is incredible.

>> No.1724156

Yeah, I understand he's been doing all this during the routes.
But I hate the fact that I only get to see it now.
Like how he uses up his magic crest just to make Shirou and Rin suffer more.
It's so awesome.

>> No.1724157

And when he appears, he's the star of the stage for that time.

Sometimes, good characters should appear sparingly, so that other, lesser characters don't get pushed into oblivion.

>> No.1724167
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This is why team GAR never got to fight together as a team.

>> No.1724169

If they did, there'd be no Fate/Stay Night. It would self-destruct under the weight of their awesome.

Seriously, the three most awesome characters from the game together at one time? United?

>> No.1724209

Kotomine lets Lancer fight seriously and spam minor Gae Bolg. Gil goes serious on all the Servants that survived. Kotomine finishes off rogue Masters. War ends in three days. Maybe less.

>> No.1724219

Archer goes UBW against Gil but gets Gae Bolg'd.

>> No.1724228

Seriously, what the fuck was Kotomine thinking when he commanded Lancer to take it easy?

>> No.1724241
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>> No.1724251

Get enough info to make the Grail War even a greater Clusterfuck.

>> No.1724255

I lol'd in UBW when he ordered Lancer to kill himself

>> No.1724257

I'd like to see a REAL 5th Heaven's Feel.Where:

Zouken is present
Matou Sakura fights
Lancer and Gil don't get eaten

>> No.1724259

>Yes, cause Shirou always goes enthusiastically into war, marching in his white horse, challenging Servants in the other routes.
His father did!

>> No.1724268

More like he would sneak around blackmailing, taking hostages and assassinating whilst Saber went around fighting her 'honorable duels'.

>> No.1724272

And the whole point of the game is that Emiya Shirou is Emiya Shirou, not Emiya Kiritsugu.

>> No.1724278

The point of the game is that Emiya Shirou has taken Kiritsugu's ideals in 2/3 of the game.
Slightly styled them in Fate, gone semi 4th War Kiritsugu in UBW and completely dropped them in HF.
Obviously, Kiritsugu's ideals are a bigger topic in game than saving the slut.

>> No.1724281

>Game should've gone Mind of Steel route

Reload a UBW save.

>> No.1724285

Haha, but that taking Kiritsugu ideals wasn't an answer, but saving Sakura indeed is. Fate and UBW only explains "who is Emiya Shirou", nothing more, nothing less.

Look to Fate/Zero as well. Your beloved Kiritsugu ends EXACTLY as HF Shirou, but realizing it too late to save Iri.

If you don't like it, forget about Fate/stay night.

>> No.1724293

but Kiritsugu doesn't save Sakura, so hes a winner

>> No.1724299

>Look to Fate/Zero as well. Your beloved Kiritsugu ends EXACTLY as HF Shirou, but realizing it too late to save Iri.

the same Kiritsugu who shot without remorse an illusion of Irisviel without knowing it was a fake?

>> No.1724303

Same difference.

>> No.1724312

At first, she was tight, like anoos of seven year old.
Now, her vagine hang loose, like sleeve of wizard.

>> No.1724307

Kiritsugu betrays her in the end, so that nobody gets the holy grail.
I don't see Shirou betraying Sakura here.

>> No.1724313

Wrong. Kiritsugu is not UBW Shirou. Kiritsugu is like a much, much darker version of Archer. Both of them had ideals that they started out with, but ended up being betrayed by WHILE also betraying them. Instead of resisting the contradiction, moving forward while refusing to betray the ideal, and accepting the pain, Archer and Kiritsugu grew cold inside and stopped thinking about the ideal, only concentrating on the results. They lost sight of the process completely.

UBW Shirou made a promise to never lose sight of the here and now, the people in front of him, and what he has to do at the moment, instead of only working for a future result. Kiritsugu would've never been able to do that. He could only calculate the risks and chance of success for a result, then take the action needed for it.

Archer, when he lost sight of himself, did the same thing.

>> No.1724320

Except Archer, like Shirou, sucks at results, so he lived an even more painful like than Kiritsugu because he wasn't as good as him at getting the results he was willing to betray himself for.

>> No.1724329

He betrays her because it's too late. The Grail can't grant that, Iri is lost and he will never see Ilya again.

So he breaks apart. His final wish, live happily with Iri and Ilya, can't be granted because it's too late.

>> No.1724344

What's "Mind of Steel"?

>> No.1724350
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>> No.1724353

A "bad end" in which Shirou decides to not betray his ideals, refuses to save Sakura when Rin goes to end her, and Kiritsugu praises him as being "Emiya Kiritsugu" reborn.

The defining quote is when he talks to Illya, he decides what he must do, and turns his mind to steel, so that no doubt can dissuade him.

He wins the Grail War.

>> No.1724354

It's when you're so determined, nothing can make you sway from your objective.
It's the name we call the " I want to be a superhero" bad end.

>> No.1724356

Shirou becomes badass and defeats everyone. To avenge Saber, of course

>> No.1724358

That being said, I would've liked the bad end to last a bit longer, enough to see him kick ass, that is.

>> No.1724368




>> No.1724365

Saber gets no love in HF. She's part of the reason you decide to TURN YOUR MIND TO STEEL, and that's a bad end. You get the chance to spare her, but doing so is also a bad end.

Nasu fucking hates Saber/Shirou. The only time she doesn't die/fade into sparkles is when she becomes Rin's pet.

>> No.1724375

Indeed, that's why he made the first route focus on that, and unlike Shirou/Rin or Shirou/Sakura routes, there are far less obstructions during their interactions.

>> No.1724376
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I know.

Rin gets three sex scenes, Sakura gets like 10, and Saber is only done once.

Even though she got that extra end in the PS2 port.

>> No.1724381
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Because Saber/Rin is canon. Shirou can go fuck that slut Sakura.

>> No.1724380

The point of the bad end, and the reason it is a bad end ,is that he replaces his humanity completely with his ideal, making the same mistake as Kiritsugu.
The story might be enjoyable in a "fuck year rip and tear!" kind of way but it is his loss.

>> No.1724382

Oh, that. Completed it some time back but didn't make the connection. Got it.

>> No.1724384

It's not even a real ending.
It's a followup of the FATE end, to make you feel a little less bitter and depressed.

>> No.1724387

>Game should've gone Mind of Steel route, kill Sakura, take Rider, fight Archer, team up with Kotomine to kill Zoken/True Assassin, fight Archer barehanded, UBW, kick everything else's ass until the end, fight Kotomine barehanded while discussing the false dichotomy of good and evil.

Then you keep Rider after the end of the war.

>> No.1724389

Saber gets "mana injection" twice actually. Once before Berserker and once before Gilg.

>> No.1724400

No, that was Rin's sex scene

>> No.1724412

And proceed to have sex with her in F/ha.

>> No.1724419

Oh, sounds nice, too.

>> No.1724441

Shirou will not enjoy it, at that point, he is like a robot after all.

>> No.1724444

That's why Rider is there to bring him back.

With sex.

>> No.1724557

Its a shame Ilya got shafted in UBW

>> No.1724568

I want to shaft Saber, if you know what I mean
