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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.31 MB, 1241x1710, 1485112206368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17126696 No.17126696 [Reply] [Original]

Okay so I just finished Fate Stay Night, now can we argue power levels or am I too late? I suspected most of /jp/ had already moved on..

>> No.17126852

can shiki kill servants? explain?

>> No.17127007

It's been very long, and I'd like to join the discussion, but I have trouble remembering how many Shikis there are and which one are you talking about?

>> No.17131602

In theory yes

In practice... This one is actually harder, but I'd say no

More interesting is the question what would happen if shiki kills servants. Does that remove them from the Throne?

>> No.17131615

No, but it could prevent the original from getting the memories from the instance shiki kills.

>> No.17131660

Who is stronger, Ryougi Shiki or Tohno Shiki?

>> No.17131673

If he hides his ability and the servants get cocky, I could see it happening.

>> No.17132053

they are kind of all over the place.
an example of this is berserker, even after nerfing is original power, the dude is still in theory unkillable by standard heroic spirits, simply because unmatched stat + 12 lives
they could only get away with more bullshit like deleting several lives with one strike or even greater bullshit power such as gilgamesh gate of babylon and even that wouldn't do, berserker would get to CC and wreck him without him having times to pull more noble phantasm
also the fact that heroic spirit like cu culann or true assassin can potentially one-shot anyone
and of course there is also the fact that mages can somehow beat the crap out of heroic spirit. Looking at you main protagonist

>> No.17135933

Shiki can kill anything, that's the point.
The better question is if Shiki could win in a fight against servants, which in most cases the answer is no.

>> No.17135953

Can Shiki kill Shiki Eiki?

>> No.17136033
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I just finished Tsukihime - Ciel route
What was the deal with Roa? Is Shiki part vampire now? Why does Ciel eat so much fucking curry?

>> No.17136193
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>> No.17137423
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>Is Shiki part vampire now?
>Why does Ciel eat so much fucking curry?
because she's fat

>> No.17137818
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Ryougi's MEoDP are waay stronger than Tohno's by virtue of them not shortening her lifespan or mindfucking her everytime she uses them. Ryougi's got this in the bag.

The real question is, Archetype Arc, or Ryougi?

>> No.17137839

That doesn't make them stronger, it just makes them easier to use.

>> No.17138495
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how was "you can only save the people you see" conveyed in tsukihime?
I don't really get this

>> No.17138525

More Shikis personality than anything else. He definitely had a relativistic view of things. It's not that he made a point to express this philosophy in the series, that's just how he acted. He never complained about not being able to save all of humanity or anything else like that.

>> No.17138546

ah, I see.
I guess he forgot that whole business with the girl in the park pretty quickly

>> No.17138582

>Archetype Arc or Ryougi?

Archetype Earth would destroy any version of any Shiki. It wouldn't even be close.

If it was her sister, you might have something then.

>> No.17138674

>Archetype Arc, or Ryougi?
Doesn't Arc have DBZ bullshit levels of physical strength?

>> No.17139736

Yeah that's what I really meant. Basically Shiki blows Shiki out of the water.
Would physical strength really matter when all Shiki has to do is touch Arc?

>> No.17139782

FGO is a mistake.

>> No.17139833

Fate was a mistake period. Just imagine how many things Nasu could have written by now if he wasn't riding the Fate gravy train.

>> No.17139896
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Extra/Extella was a massive mistake.

>> No.17139904

Can he kill Saitama?

>> No.17139995

If Shirou activated UBW and Shiki cut the lines on the ground would Shirou get mind broken?

>> No.17140019

Completely agree.
Those two were the first ringing of the franchise's death bell.

>> No.17140031

It'd just be some dumb thing about killing the other Types and turning them into girls.

>> No.17140034

No, you can break parts of a reality marble and not have it be a 1:1 "that just cost you a bunch of brain cells" thing. At a point it just collapses because you don't have the MP to tell the planet red is actually blue anymore.

>> No.17140035

It's too bad Nasu will never go back to the DARK GOTHIC MOODING ATMOSPHERE of Tsukihime.

Or will he?

>> No.17140050

So what will happen to Shirou if his UBW is shot by a kigendan?

>> No.17140056

I really doubt it.

>> No.17140059

That shit sells does it.

Nowadays every kids love Dark Souls and Bloodbornes.
Gothic is the new standard.

>> No.17140081
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Remember when Nasu rated ORT as the strongest being in Nasuverse?

>> No.17140087

Wouldn't Shiki being the one getting mindfucked?

>> No.17140239
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Don't mind me, I'm just being the single most powerful character in the entire Fate franchise.

>> No.17140245
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I'm sure Remake Arc is going to BTFO all these Fate guys into oblivion. Right guys?

>> No.17140255

>Would physical strength really matter when all Shiki has to do is touch Arc?
It would when Arc can move faster than Shikis visions can keep up. We don't know her upper limits aside from the fact that she is a strong as nature itself, but there were multiple scenes in the VN where she moved so quickly that Shiki couldn't even see her.

>> No.17140257

>Archetype Earth vs an Anti-World NP
Kiara is a hard counter to Arc.

>> No.17140261

I don't know what that is.

>> No.17140274
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She can literally only be defeated by gameplay meta. What the actual fuck Nasu.

>> No.17140292
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Slutty nuns are the ultimate lifeform.

>> No.17140489

The severing bullet from Fate Zero.

>> No.17140529

This picture reminds me, I have to apply for jobs soon and Canada Post is hiring carriers in my city

Thanks Saber. Here's to 150 years

>> No.17141133

It became boring for me when they killed "Barsaka".

>> No.17141200

Probs nothing, since it fucks up magic circuits and a reality marble doesn't have those.

>> No.17142366
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What about his edgy Alter self?

>> No.17142443

Arthur would defeat him.

>> No.17149299
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I stopped playing after it had become boring.

>> No.17149335

>Don't piss me off, I watched over 700 episodes of Detective Conan, Know more than 600 ways to murder someone, mastered 200 methods of creating a sealed room murder, am a expert with piano wire, toilet, daggers, poisoned needles and other tools of crime, do remember not to piss me off, otherwise you won't even know how you died.
What did Mokou mean by this?

>> No.17150765
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Arthur, yeah. But could Artoria?

And on that, Arthur vs Artoria?
That version is from the LN Fate/Strange Fake. Not that great, more references to other TM shit and attempts to hype itself up than actual story, and we're 4 volumes in and only on the second day.

Better than Apocrypha, at least.

>> No.17151130

i like how the first result on google image search for this picture is this thread

>> No.17151391

Yeah I moved my heart away from typemoon. Its become something soulless, or maybe it was from the start and I never noticed
Its cold. typemoon has become so cold.

>> No.17151475


You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.17152012
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the franchise was doomed to turn to stuff like F/GO, Illya kaleid pedobear magical girl and other stuff from the moment it become popular
i mean, it comes from an erogame, of course it's going to pander to the worst aspect of otaku culture
i think we are lucky we get some good stuff like ufotable adaptation of fate zero not that great and UBWhalf of the first season is slice of life filler, and shirou is still shirou, at least the debate with archer was kinda interesting

>> No.17152037
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the first half of the UBW anime by ufotable had some good dark atmosphere, outside of boring slice of life and awesome epic fights

>> No.17152117
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>outside of boring slice of life
This is the main problem with f/sn. I've been a fan since 2006, and I still haven't managed to get much farther than the first fight against Berserker due to how boring the SOL is. Why are they so obsessed with food?

>> No.17152259

Only low tiers care about powerlevels. Us true otaku argue about which girl is the cutest.

>> No.17152319
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the choice is obvious!

>> No.17152641

The only thing I really liked about UBW was caster.

>> No.17152656

You've been a fan since 2006 but you've never finished the game?

>> No.17152821
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Shirou was the best part about the anime, tbqh.

Then again, that's true for the entirety of Stay Night..

>> No.17152867

It's very difficult for me to stay focused on something that I don't find interesting. I love F/SN, I love the characters, the story, etc. but when those boring cooking segments happen, I just can't physically read anymore. My eyes move away on their own and so does my mind. Then I have to save, quit, and try again later.

>> No.17152894

Why not just switch to auto read? It's what I do.

>> No.17152900

I did switch to auto read. Combined with the voice patch, it makes it easier, but I still have the same problem. I don't know why I'm like that. I had to drop out of highschool for the same reason.

>> No.17152928

I'm not a psychologist but that kinda sounds like a severe case of ADHD.

>> No.17152979
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Yeah it's most likely you and not the game. Granted, I would probably enjoy the SOL more scenes if they actually contributed to something, or if there was more chemistry to them.

They're just so goddamn boring. Not to mention Nasu (or any writer in TM) is absolutely dogshit in writing comedy or anything close to it.

>> No.17153074
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I don't know, some scenes were funny.

>> No.17154109

The franchise was always that way anon. It just pandered to you at the time or you were too naive to realize that's all there was.

>> No.17154112
File: 2.32 MB, 1740x2475, __altera_fate_extella_fate_extra_fate_grand_order_and_fate_series_drawn_by_reroi__18d905964398be4c1cba9cec5d957778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have some hope in Extella and the sci-fi aspects of Fate, especially if Nasu is writing it this time around.

>> No.17154275

personally it's fate apocrypha that i'm waiting for, i hope we will get some neat battles, outside of edgy wank and fanservice

>> No.17154343

Does anyone remember which scene bazette said that quote

>> No.17154445

Nasu was writing Extella and it's pure dogshit. Attila was shit too.

>> No.17154767

I'm looking forward to more Karna.

Extella was ghost written by Sakurai.

>> No.17155075

>ghost written by Sakurai
I'm tired of this meme. Nasu wrote it WITH Sakurai, yes. But it was mainly Nasu.

It was shit and it was Nasu's fault it was shit. Get over it.

Apocrypha is pure garbage, so don't expect much.

>> No.17155560

is that so ?
i like the idea of a team deathmatch version of the holy grail war
why is it shit ? i've only read some bit here and there, like edgy-cringy jack the ripper loli

>> No.17155669
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Higashide clearly didn't know what the fuck he was doing, couldn't write outside of fight scenes, coupled with the overly bloated shit-infested cast, made for a bad LN. Only good thing the anime will bring is the fight scenes, but considering its A-1 adapting, we'll most definitely get QUALITY as well.

Fuck, half the cast just died for no reason (and there was barely any emotional attachment) other than him not knowing how to write them off.

There were also too many genderbends, Astolfo is in a league of shit on his own, Sieg is just a super shitty LN self-insert that gains the power of a servants through a heart transplant for literally no reason-and still continued to take the powers of other dying servants, plus Higashide frequently copying other scenes from Stay Night and Zero, like the Last Episode between Shirou and Saber (for Jeanne and Sieg), psychotic wayward pair of Master (who's a human with no magical experience) and Servant (that enables them) that doesn't follow the Grail War(Jack and Reika) and all the servants team up to kill the Big Bad.

It's not good. At all.

>> No.17156070

well, the fights have always been fate forte, even in deen abomination

>> No.17157058

To be honest, I stopped giving a shit about servant fights after Zero. I wanted more magi battles but nothing even comes close to being good as the ones in Zero, much as I hate it.

>> No.17159500

Nasu is still a hack. Even if the quality of his prose has improved, which is debatable, the content itself has actually gotten worse. Tsukihime being held in such high regard even after all these years is more than just nostalgiafaggotry.

>> No.17159588
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Nasu's writing has definitely improved, there's no doubt about it.

But you're right on that what he writes about is actually degrading in quality. I still hold out hope that Re: Tsukihime will be the greatest shit Nasu's written in a decade. Because even if Tsukihime is old news, the girls are still far superior to what Fate shits out.

>> No.17160089

>the girls are still far superior to what Fate shits out.
You can't be serious. They're all pretty ugly.

>> No.17160206


>> No.17160301
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>> No.17160777

what ? i always thought the magi fights were dogshit in zero different tastes all that
only the fight between kiritsugu and kayneth was kinda good i do not consider the matrix fight at the end of the anime as a magi battle, though it was cool
especially when you compare it to the fights in UBW of ufotable

>> No.17160870
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powerlevel arguments are rife in /fgog/ over on /vg/

>thinking tuskihimay remake will launch in the age of fateshit

>> No.17160903

He's been working on it since before Mahoyo was released, hasn't he? Eventually it's going to get to a point where there's a clear difference in the parts he wrote a decade ago and the parts he just recently wrote. He'll probably get autistic about that and either trash the whole idea or start over.

>> No.17160931

He's been "working on it". And by that, it's been sitting on a shelf ever since Fate started raking in millions.

>> No.17161452

I'll be honest. As much as I hate Urobuchi's writing, his gun and machine wank, and Kiritsugu's whole Magus Killer shtick, I liked the Kayneth vs Kiritsugu battles because it honestly felt like it was planned through as a magi going to fight another magi.

>> No.17161499
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We try to pretend, but no one ever really moves on.

>> No.17161578

guys, you make me happy that you still talk about tsukihime.

>> No.17161586

I love the character designs but don't want to have to play a mobage that has no gameplay to enjoy them, so I just save pictures and read about the figures they're based on. Also, someone recently brought up the 'most powerful character in the fate universe', that woman with big horns and is often shown in pink or magenta clothes. What is her name, or which historical figure is she based off?

>> No.17161600

do you guys still playing melty?

>> No.17161905
File: 112 KB, 385x545, Kiarastage04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her names's Kiara and she's an actual slut from CCC whose Noble Phantasm involved her using the earth as a masturbatory tool.

The reason why she's so powerful is because she became a Beast of Humanity in the Grand Order/CCC collab event and all of her skills and Noble Phantasms involve her mindbreaking her opponent with pleasure they have literally no way of resisting.

And the way she was defeated? Gameplay meta from an AI she turned into her slave. Meaning she can't be defeated through any normal means.

My words can't do her any justice, so:



>> No.17163476

>that video
who the fuck approved this?

>> No.17163655
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Nasu wanted to know how lewd they would let him go, so he pushed the limits.

>> No.17165264


I guess there's a new erotical black hole in town.

>> No.17165576
File: 231 KB, 1920x1080, zdfP3l9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it can shit all over the Moon and Earth.


>> No.17167639 [DELETED] 
File: 458 KB, 821x659, the faggot could have saved her.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't sign up for this.

>> No.17167677

Why can't ORT or the other Types kill her, again?

>> No.17168046

Cause she can just absorb them in her cooch and mindbreak them with pleasure.

>> No.17168066

But ORT doesn't even have a human concept of pleasure or attractiveness. Can it even breed? Won't her cooch just turn to Mercury's surface?

>> No.17168159

>But ORT doesn't even have a human concept of pleasure or attractiveness
Neither did Zepar and Kiara turned it into a cockslut.

>> No.17168169

Heaven's Hole does more damage the more intelligent a being is. Types don't stand a chance.

>> No.17168301


She really IS the most powerful being in the Nasuverse.

>> No.17168373

>got fucked up by an ordinary girl

>> No.17168422

Which only happened through gameplay meta.

>> No.17170114

What does "gameplay meta" mean? Deus ex machina? or some long & complicated Nasuverse concept?

>> No.17170140

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say they're probably the same thing.

>> No.17170219
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It's a wombo-combo of "Beasts will always be defeated by Humans because Humanity, Fuck Yeah!" Fateverse shit and the fact she's the final boss in an RPG, you're going to beat her as a matter of course, it just gets explained away by Kiara being too smug for her own good.

>> No.17171105

wasn't it 'cause the people absorbed in her body liked the MC so much that they fucked her abilities or something?

>> No.17174079
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I hate TM powerlevels cause if there were actual powerlevels in Stay Night then Heracles would have trashed King Arthur and all of the other non-relevant servants with his EX strength and non-shitty, actually relevant to his history Noble Phantasms.

And he wouldn't look like some weird rock monster (but that's just my idealism).

>> No.17179841

He should have poison blood that poisons anyone who hurts him. (from those hydra arrows he shot into the centaur or whatever that was poisonous enough that the centaurs' blood covered shirt was still poisonous years later when her put it on.)

Is there an archer variant of him in the spinoffs that shoots people with those insane arrows?

>> No.17179928

What the fuck is this.

>> No.17179999

So what I'm seeing here is that one should absolutely not even try to follow this series past FSN and Zero. Is that about right?

>> No.17180010


>> No.17180035


>> No.17180123

What do you mean by "this series"? There are things set in the same universe like Kara no Kyoukai, Tsukihime, and Mahoyo (which I'm just starting to read). There's also Fate/Hollow Ataraxia which I dropped probably less than halfway through although it certainly did have it's funny moments. Carnival phantasm is decently funny although you should probably read at least some of Tsukihime first for that.

The Nasuverse isn't exactly a masterpiece, but saying that one should absolutely not try to follow the series past FSN and Zero is probably a bit too harsh of a statement... unless you were referring to the Mobage(s) or that Ilya magical girl anime (which to be fair I haven't actually watched, but I'm going to judge harshly anyway).

>> No.17182063

One should avoid everything Type Moon like the plague. This includes FSN and Zero. The only thing remotely worth anybody's time is the H-doujinshi.

>> No.17182091

FSN is still my favorite story ever. Zero was good, but I feel like it's overrated. I don't understand why so many people claim that it's better than FSN.

>> No.17182683

less shirou, no teenage with angst save the world, etc
it was supposed to be a true grail war, for adults with grit and Game of thrones style schemes
but i agree with you, fate zero is overrated
the father is as insufferable as the son

>> No.17183617

>for adults
>game of thrones

>> No.17183690
File: 140 KB, 522x658, tumblr_nva0ioN17o1u8n0vho3_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most powerful being in the Nasuverse.

>> No.17183697

His Archer Alter version is retardedly edgy, but has Nine Lives, NP steal, and another NP trick that lets him use certain tools/summon things from his legend, like Cerberus.

>> No.17183734

Kiritsugu is ten times worse than Shirou because holy fuck the melodrama is way too damn much.

Same. To me its just a bunch of idiotic manchildren fighting with absolute shit-tier, uninteresting servants.

And yet its still better than most of the Fateshit that comes out after it.

>> No.17184189

Sorry i only remember raping a nun and having fun at the pool with seiba

>> No.17188417

i mean that this is a serious grail war, the protag are not teens going to school and having fun while an ennemy could show up and fuck their shit up
it seems more mature, more serious in tone because of that
and the mage being all dicks that plot against each others is reminiscent og the characters in GoT

>> No.17189072

What emotion is Shirou trying to convey here? I seriously can't tell. Very poor art.

>> No.17189524

Shirou doesn't have any emotions.

>> No.17190224

I've seen Zero be described as many things, but Game of Thrones-like is just hilarious.

>> No.17191720

well he does feel confused sometimes

>> No.17191878

And annoyed. And turned on.

>> No.17193753

I want Nrvnqsr Chaos to absorb me.

>> No.17195016

Gay. I'd only get absorbed by a cute girl.

>> No.17195098

it has been a long time since i watched it

>> No.17196567
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Quick and painless or slow and painful?

>> No.17197080
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, ss+(2017-06-18+at+11.42.34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slow and SENSUAL

>> No.17197664


What the fuck man?

>> No.17198314

Is there a single female character in the Tsukihimeverse who doesn't fall in love with Shiki?

>> No.17198938
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Nrvnqsr is not for sexualization, he is for terror.

>> No.17199081

It's her version of the navy seal copypasta alright

>> No.17199092

Does the horse girl thing fall in love with Shiki?

>> No.17199101

>horse girl thing

>> No.17199488
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>> No.17200116

Isn't she in it with Arihiko?

>> No.17202521
File: 68 KB, 786x480, NLBW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<span class="sjis">Trace on...[/spoiler]

<span class="sjis">Trigger off...[/spoiler]

<span class="sjis">Set...[/spoiler]
Nine Lives Blade Works

>> No.17212717

ORT isn't even the strongest of the 8 invading types (is Pluto going to be retcon'd?). The stronger ones might have ridiculous powers that shit all over the solar system.

>> No.17212747
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>i mean, it comes from an erogame, of course it's going to pander to the worst aspect of otaku culture
But erogames are some of the best parts of otaku culture

>> No.17212780

Nasu ranked ORT as the #1 most powerful, period.

>> No.17212819
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remake soon™

>> No.17212859
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The closest thing to a remake will be the Tsukihime/Grand Order event. Nasu even confirmed it in his latest interview.

Expect shitty and forced Fate memes in your Tsukihime.

>> No.17213266

>Expect shitty and forced Fate memes in your Tsukihime.
Like what?

>> No.17214958

Need some source on your bullshit just now.

Character Material - ORT, p.070-071
"It's thought that he's closed himself off in his Crystal Valley until the promised time.
...Actually, might not really be the strongest life form that received Earth's SOS sign.
Can't be killed by Eyes of Instant Death. Doesn't have the concept of death so you'll have to destroy it physically."

>> No.17215403
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Have you not seen every Grand Order event? Like the KnK one? The Tsukihime/Grand Order collab will be just as garbage and disappointing as that one.

>> No.17215557

sorry I don't play mobage trash

>> No.17220558
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Reading the vn 12 years after watching the anime. Not as bad as I thought it would it be, but the fighting scenes are kinda boring, gotta switch to anime for those.

>> No.17229067

What was the point of the character redesigns then?

Are we getting a Tsukihime 2?

>> No.17229096

You are never getting anything from type moon except from fate ever again. Maybe if you're lucky they'll shoehorn your favorite non-fate character into something fate related.

>> No.17230898

I thought Riesbyfe was a lesbo?

>> No.17231992
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Tsuki...hime? What an odd name for a Fate spin off. But it seems like there's already a Saberface, which means it'll sell well I bet!

>> No.17232095

I read Tsukihime and F/SN recently as well. I loved Tsukihime and my favorite route was Kohaku. F/SN was a different story. I liked Fate and UBW well enough, but by the time I finished HF I honestly hated the game. The shit with Sakura was too much, and there was more continually piled on even until the end of the route. Worms, torture, being her brother's sex slave, etc. I had to eventually just emotionally check out because I couldn't care anymore and just wanted the route to end. But like I said, I liked Kohaku's route quite a bit. I think Sakura was just gratuitous, reaching absurd levels of abuse, and communicating it in a lurid manner. Tsukihime was actually restrained and tasteful with how it dealt with Kohaku and it made me more empathetic toward rape victims. Sakura just made me feel disgusted until I resented it, while simultaneously ruining the rest of the game because she doesn't get saved unless her route is chosen.

>> No.17232338

dude its a porno

>> No.17232392

And? The porn amounts to very little of the total content.

>> No.17234091
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Yeah, considering how well he wrote Fujino and Kohaku (and even Caren), Nasu went over the top for how he wrote Sakura. Course, worm rape was the least of her characterization problems. Lack of character and presence in other routes like Rin and Saber, lack of character that can make me go, "Well that's just Sakura." like with Rin's dual nature as a human being incompatible with her magus upbringing, or Saber's simplicity in that she's a king, but also a girl. She's just..there, with no real personality other than a kohai and also the victim.

Makes me wish we could have just gotten Other Night too. Then Nasu could have the Saber, Rin, and Sakura route, while Illya, Medea, and Medusa could get their routes, and things would have been more fleshed out and paced a bit better in Sakura's route.

He could have made her more cheery, give her more character, don't make her such a fucking pushover when it comes to Shinji, and I'd be fine. Make her more active in her own fucking route. Make it so that Sakura actually knows what she's doing with the Matou magecraft, understands what's happening to her, and doesn't want to be saved.

A sort of stockholm syndrome type deal. Make it so that's she's willing to actually kill herself when the Shadow starts chomping people up, no hesitation. Doesn't even wait for other people's opinions.

A self-sacrificing nature like that would have been perfect for Shirou, and a nice parallel to Saber's route. Give her an actual personality and character that just isn't kohai and victim. Fuck.

>> No.17234435
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>> No.17237662

For me the shit with Shinji was the straw that broke the camel's back, I think. That's when it went too far and I didn't like Sakura or HF anymore.

>> No.17239165

>Other Night too.

What's that?

>> No.17239281

Medea in a loli body route, Illya route, and Medusa route. Possibly a Shinji route, where Shirou teams up with him.

Was planned but got canned due to time restraints.

>> No.17239306

When I finished writing the Saber and Rin route all in one go, part of me thought the game wouldn't be settled unless I flipped it over. As the theme of Fate/stay night, if we assume the Saber route to be posing a question, the Rin route is the answer and the Sakura route is a practical application. In the beginning there were plans for an Illya route, but if we were to add it, the game would have wound up being incredibly huge. So we had this plan to release the Saber route and Rin route as "Fate/stay night", and the Illya route and Sakura route as "Fate/other night". But when we thought of the 8800 yen price, we decided we should include the Sakura route after all, so in the end, we decided to combine the Illya route and Sakura route into one route. So, although it had been finished during 2002, we took more time to reorganize the plot in January or February of the following year.

It (Normal End) was the only conclusion considered at the time. However, after writing about 2/3 of it, I found that the story itself did not allow such a conclusion. After that, I wrote the original conclusion, and then followed the story and write the happy end. Since this was Shirou's tale of happiness after losing so much, even if Saber and Illya were lost, at least he should let Sakura achieve happiness. And this was the conclusion. Even though Sakura indirectly became a mass murderer, there was no reason to deny her of happiness. I came up with this idea that if one were alive, it was not bad to redeem him/herself while looking forward to happiness. Even though this was hypocrisy, I felt that the story itself strongly demanded this possibility. To be honest, it was the first time that I lost to the story I wrote.

>> No.17239500
File: 255 KB, 643x700, __emiya_kiritsugu_emiya_shirou_and_illyasviel_von_einzbern_fate_stay_night_fate_zero_and_fate_series_drawn_by_kettle21__c74cef18d03fd9f750dee6050a2af6e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only imagine how different things would be if Illya had actually gotten her own route.

>> No.17239608

>lack of character that can make me go, "Well that's just Sakura." like with Rin's dual nature as a human being incompatible with her magus upbringing, or Saber's simplicity in that she's a king, but also a girl. She's just..there, with no real personality other than a kohai and also the victim.
She has plenty of personality. In fact, she has one of the most complicated and multifaceted personalities in the entire VN.

She's a shy unconfident girl with immense amounts of self-hatred and bitterness due to her horrible situation, and yet she also has a fierce determination to endure it all, as well as being really kind-hearted and selfless. She's usually introverted and keeps to herself, but develops to become a lot more energetic and playful before the start of the story due to the influence of Taiga. That said, she's still very modest in comparison to the more generic action heroine personalities of Saber and Rin, and treasures daily life over risky goals. Unlike them, Sakura prefers to lay low and stay out of trouble, but for better or worse, Rin is the one person who brings out Sakura's inner competitiveness, as she simultaneously looks up to and loathes her big sister. Sakura has a bad habit of blaming herself for the faults of others and putting their happiness over her own, but simultaneously, if she's offered hope and happiness, she won't allow anyone to get in the way of it no matter what, as the two things she won't stand for are having the rug pulled out from under her and losing those she cares for. If she's somehow angered, Sakura's rage is cold and calculating, to the point of almost seeming gentle despite its ruthlessness. Even when not angry, Sakura sometimes displays gentle snark and teasing, similar to Tohsaka, but done in a more kind-hearted way.

And that's far from all there is to her.

>> No.17239621

>Lack of character and presence in other routes like Rin and Saber

The reverse of this was one of my problems in UBW. While Fate was definitely Saber's route and HF Sakura's, I didn't feel like I got to know Rin any more in her route than I did from Fate. Her relationship with Shirou felt too similar to what had already been established, the only real change being her winning and even that doesn't actually inform me of anything from a character perspective.

>> No.17242431

What's wrong with F/Zero's adaptation? I think it wasn't so bad myself.

>> No.17242604
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>> No.17243435

Zero LN had very well-written fights. No stupid chuunishit, just man doing man's work - achieving end goal as efficiently as possible. You need to read them in original and not some shit translation, of course.

>> No.17244630

>No stupid chuunishit
Literally the only thing I hate about Shirou. His goddamn shitty powerset.
