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17198667 No.17198667 [Reply] [Original]

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>1.68 and prior versions changelogs:

>Elona Custom Discussion:

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Current Version: Elona+ 1.68 (5/28/2017)
Latest Custom: E+C 1.68.1

>> No.17198687
File: 137 KB, 375x360, 1442867002216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I made it into the OP with my vomit posting
Didn't expect it

>> No.17198716

Then it's a nice little buff to have around. Shame I can't teach it to my pets via custom yet.

>> No.17198732
File: 168 KB, 787x878, Tisha_dot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see that you made a base out off Tisha's curvy sprite

>> No.17198741
File: 341 KB, 1200x1148, momoka_w_dots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would Momoka interest you too?

>> No.17198759

Ass too small

>> No.17198771
File: 501 KB, 2296x3222, Tisha NN 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's sweet Tisha's department

>> No.17198775

What is ZUN doing in the OP picture?

>> No.17198801

Be proud of your vomit anon.

>> No.17198815

That's not me
I'm the vomit drinker

>> No.17198819
File: 63 KB, 600x800, 62664090_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New version of the Younger Sister Pack: http://www.mediafire.com/file/1fbipot1p6umz1j/Younger+Sister+Pack+6.RAR
Fixed the item spritesheet and improved the character spritesheet.

>> No.17198822

Secret final boss of Elona+. You need to beat all inner god forms on the same map at the same time.

>> No.17198826


This man is an impostor. I'm the original vomit drinker.

>> No.17198836

One day I'll bring myself to read the guide and play this seriously.

>> No.17198842

Come on now guys, there's enough Sheena vomit for everyone.

>> No.17198858

I'm not sure which of you I believe.
Maybe we should have a vomit drinking contests to discover the original?

>> No.17198865

Or you can just grab a party and meander about having rp adventures.
Elona has plenty to do for everyone.

>> No.17198927

>not playing snail traveler

>> No.17198986

RP as ZUN. Go around as a gunner and throw beer at everyone.

>> No.17199025
File: 31 KB, 128x192, pcc_body_44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat, many thanks friend.
Any more sprite sheets to work with?

>> No.17199069
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>> No.17199116

Can static artifacts random stats still be rerolled with a scroll of superior change? Or was it nerfed? Because I've used 15+ scrolls without anything changing anyhow.

>> No.17199124

Seems like that "One bonus trait" thing has been completely removed in newer versions.

>> No.17199134

Yeh this would make sense. Fuck me for using all my scrolls in hope for a nice bonus.

>> No.17199158
File: 199 KB, 400x400, tmp_14257-14917160853451969582254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things you can do in Elona:
Dungeon crawl
Tend a farm
Start a business
Design your dream home
Be a traveling minstrel
Punch out the gods
Start a harem
Genetically engineer your perfect waifu
Kill a small child to become a better person
Collect and drink the vomit of your true love
Have sex until you go insane
Be a masochistic snail tourist
Breed sentient beings for their flesh, milk, and shit
Actually follow the plot

>> No.17199202
File: 74 KB, 548x110, terrorism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17199257
File: 220 KB, 768x1216, Younger Sister (9).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be a traveling preacher
Destroy cities with a nuclear bomb
Go to prison
Escape from prison
Rot in prison in real time
Hang yourself while in prison
Be a necromancer
Own a small army composed of nothing but little girls
Be the little girl
Eat little girls
Sell little girls
Buy little girls
Have vanilla sex with little girls
Rape little girls
Drink little girls' vomit
Give little girls away to a pervert at Port Kapul
Seduce a little girl at a small farm town and then use a magical pen to copy her
Visit a mansion owned by little girls
Annoy one of the owners of the mansion owned by little girls
Be swarmed by an infinite number of little girls that look just like each other
Set an infinite number of little girls on fire until one of them drops a rare knife, then leave the mansion a burning wreck as they continuously catch on fire, self-replicate, and die

>> No.17199290

Bring an end
Make another dude bring an end
Eat a candy to bring an end
Build a golem
Unleash a violent giant on religious festivities
Make the enemy die
Choke on mochi
Get bashed to death after choking on mochi

>> No.17199330

Have a snowball fight.
Get pregnant.
Get someone else pregnant.
Have alien children burst from your body and get everyone else pregnant.
Steal a woman's panties off a perverted noble.
Throw those panties at your enemies causing them to go mad and kill themselves.
Develop a taste for human flesh.
Sell a small child's ill mother into slavery for the holidays.
Become a master chef.
Undergo sex change.
Kill little girls for eternal youth.
Get aids.
Become an arena fighter.
Kill yourself through illiteracy.
Tie up an npc in your home and repeatedly stab them without giving them the release of death.
Invoke the power of friendship.
Have your house set on fire by trick or treaters.
Kill a porno director with a couch.
Go to school.
Nuke the thieves guild.
Look on in horror as the thieves guild master strides through the nuclear hell scape towards you.
Try your hand at black jack.

>> No.17199339

>Actually follow the plot
I liked the main story. Being Bethel is suffering.

>> No.17199354

could have sworn a recent update made it possible to purchase scrolls of gain attribute for 3.5 million gold, but I can't find anything about it in the change log or release notes
is this real life or am I having a stroke? if real who sells them?

>> No.17199361

It's scrolls of growth, and they're stocked in souvenir vendors.
Anyone complaining about having too much gold ( Yacatect : NO SUCH THING )should not be able to keep up with the scrolls of growth.

>> No.17199364

Anyone else feels that Elona has too much things to do, at least in combat?
I always like playing as a Jack of all Trades character so I have as many options available in combat as possible. But I just literally lose track of all the things to do.

There's of course meleeing, shooting.
From spellcasting, you have a lot of elemental spells with various debuffing effects, and then other debuffs like slow or vulnerabilities. I'm only medium level but I never really use them all, enemies die fast and I rarely need them. And most of the time they just resist it.
Then you can use scrolls and rods. You can have an entire build based on rods with duplicane. I always have a whole page in my inventory filled with rods, but I barely end up using them.
Then you have dozens of special abilities. Blood sucking, spell-like abilities, magic eyes, melee based abilities like shadow step, etc.
And then other items like grenades, magistus, potion throwing. I never tried all using all those potions that are laying around like poisons.

All these options are there, and the fastest way to kill shit is just spamming magic arrow.

>> No.17199370

>Actually follow the plot
Does it get better? It doesn't seem like we're all that involved in it for the first act.

>> No.17199374

Sounds like your character isn't a jack-of-all-trade at all but is a magic arrow specialist, to me.
You should upgrade to crystal lightning as soon as possible though.

>> No.17199377

The second act ends with Lomias and Larnneire getting ready to fight the final boss only to discover you already took care of it, so yeah.

>> No.17199395

How do I get more slots for custom AI setting? I only have 3 right now.

>> No.17199396

If they'd spent less time on drama and more time and actually fucking fighting, maybe they wouldn't get slaughtered each time i see them in a party quest.
Just saying.

>> No.17199399

I do try to use a bit of everything, though. Magic arrow is my strongest spell, but I only really use it if I get into trouble. Otherwise I use other spells and melee.
I try to be a hybrid and level up my weaker sides, but that spell is just much higher level than others.

Will I have to completely specialize on higher levels on the other two continents? I'd really prefer to keep a mixed playstyle.

>> No.17199402

Either you or your pet needs more Learning, I don't remember who.

>> No.17199414
File: 48 KB, 280x288, tumblr_ni88u3Gdkk1u5ufauo3_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do.
Wish Rebis would stop gushing over gyarus.

>> No.17199424

I think it may be both. My little girl has 14 available slots, whereas my zombie girl only has 5.

>> No.17199426

Aside from King Xabi and the vernis emo, what's the missable cards in act 1 ?
In act 2 there's none if i remember IIRC

>> No.17199434


Stop using magic arrow. It's a shit spell only used in the beginning.

>> No.17199485

Not him but magic arrow does the most damage for me too - naturally because I cast it the most. How does Crystal Spear stack up in terms of damage at the same skill level? Learned it off a dream.

Unrelated but are there targeted healing spells or just rain and self?

>> No.17199487

oh, what the hell is the point of that?

>> No.17199491

It's a great spell that can carry you all the way to the final boss of act 2.

>> No.17199511

the guys you meet in lesimas, kill them before you talk to them

>> No.17199513

I feel the same so far, the plot is what convinced me to try and complete act 1 in the first place since I am not a super efficient player.

That honestly makes me a bit sad. I loved act 1's story because you weren't the main guy. Sure you did things, but you were more a background player while the "Main" characters went on their adventure.
Not many games do that.

>> No.17199514

There's healing hand or something called that, you can heal an ally on an adjacent tile with that.

>> No.17199524


Ok. Did the pet cooking thing and that seems to be working. I stumbled onto a potion of potential on the jure festival and oh god they cost 1.5 million each? How is that newby friendly. Right now I'm doing trade routes to gather cash for a home deed. Should I save for a castle or is a regular home good enough?

Also, the same thing that always happens to me is happening again. Beat the puppy cave and now I don't know what to do next. Got me a defender to try and dungeon dive but I still feel unprepared.

>> No.17199529


It has terrible damage scaling. There's no reason to use it when better scaling spells exist. Of course you can use it if you grind it enough, but the fact remains that at the same spell level it's inferior to almost everything else.


Crystal spear is a straight upgrade, and magic ball is even better. Realistically the only combat spells you need are ice ball, ice spear, meteor, and magic ball for shit that resists everything but raw magic. Also healing rain scales better than hands.

>> No.17199531

Thanks, seems like all of them.

>> No.17199536

Almost every "missable" from act 1 can randomly appear in the Void as a boss (King Xabi, Karam, Gwen the innocent, etc.), which is nice because it's also the only way to get the Mournblade if you forget to kill Orphe after beating Zeome. I'm not sure there are any permanent missables anymore, though there's probably something I'm forgetting.

Magic is good early on but it's a bad element to rely on for the endgame. Enemies will eventually get superb+ resistances to every element as you progress into level 100+ areas and awakened dungeons so it can be very difficult to deal high damage without nightmare or element scar backing things up. Not only can you not debuff magic resistance, the spells also have worse damage formulas and no additional effects like the lifesteal from nether.

If you want raw damage, you'll want to go with lightning or cold eventually backed up with wet-inducing spells like water bolt (or you can just spam Meteor if you get enough spell stock). Other good options include nether for lifesteal, chaos for status spam, or maybe sound/mind to reliably confuse enemy spellcasters. I guess it'd still be possible to power through enemy resistances with pure magic damage, but you'd be gimping yourself.

>> No.17199571

>I stumbled onto a potion of potential on the jure festival and oh god they cost 1.5 million each?
That's the souvenir vendor. He sells rare shit at like 20 times the price, aimed at people who have more money than they can spend.
With about 50 negotiation, those potions are only something like 30.000 gold each. Invest twice into magic shop keepers (cost maybe 150k gold total) so they are around level 110, then they sell it quite often.

After the puppy cave, how about you do some questing, explore the world, pick up new skills, try out everything in the game.
And once you get a bit better gear, try other random dungeons around ~level 10, and higher as you get stronger.

>> No.17199583

>ice ball, ice spear,
Doesn't that destroy items? You don't even have magatama equivalent that prevents fire from destroying items.

>> No.17199589


>I stumbled onto a potion of potential on the jure festival and oh god they cost 1.5 million each? How is that newby friendly.

Souvenir vendors have ripoff prices for everything. You don't buy from them until you're drowning in gold and want the stuff you can only buy from them.

The normal way to get potions of potential is by investing in magic vendors where they will cost at most 40kish with poor negotiation, from what I remember. The first round of Invest 50 isn't too expensive, I think it might've been as low as 50k?, and potions of potential start showing up at that point. Very, very rarely, though. Can't count on getting them after only investing once without savescumming or waiting through many restocks.

If you're feeling unprepared for dungeons stick to roaming from town to town doing the board quests you can. For money get a shop and a ranch and a BBQ set. Food shop selling steaks will provide you with the money to get potions of potential. I was too lazy to do it myself but you might as well do some cargo trading while you're on the town circuit for extra money and negotiation training.

I'd recommend saving any gear with a bonus to investment you see as it can add up to a big discount. I've only got like 5 pieces with only a single # each but it knocks off a full 100-200k off an Invest 50 of a million.

>> No.17199596

Not that guy, but where do you get a BBQ set?
I have the two furniture vendor at the Embassy at level 110 or so and never even seen it.

>> No.17199611

Pickpocketing them from Party Time quests is the reliable way to get them. I've also seen them show up as I Want It target items so after I trade for the set I just let the quest fail, but that relies on random chance of course.

>> No.17199620


I think most everybody steals them from a party. That's where I got mine.

I'm allergic to math so I don't know the formula for stealing (check the wiki if you care), but I spotted one in a fairly secluded corner and killed or teleported away the 3-4 dudes that were there and easily stole it with a Pickpocket skill in the low single digits. So I think basically anyone can steal them easily once you clear out any witnesses, unless you have comically low strength.

>> No.17199622

I got mine from a general vendor

>> No.17199623


Ok. Hit a roadblock since I got an etherwind mutation for hooves and now I need to wait for a lucky day to hit the casi no so I can wear my 7leagues again.

>> No.17199624


Ice spear destroys shit, but I haven't seen ice ball do it. I just tried to destroy shit with both of them and I couldn't get ice ball to break things. If anyone can confirm that'd be nice. Anyway, destroying shit isn't really a big concern of mine, I tend to just avoid shooting over something that's on a tile I want to pick up, and I'm not sure if it actually destroys things in the inventory of monsters.

At any rate, the extra damage for wet status is worth it. If there was a water bolt that shot oil I'd say go with fire but there's not.

>> No.17199633

That's hardly a roadblock. You know you can play the game without fast travel.

>> No.17199635

>extra damage for wet status
Isn't that for lightning though?

>> No.17199638


It works for cold too, and ice scales better than lightning.

>> No.17199640


I was making cash by running the port > vernis > noyel trade route so it does hurt a bit, but I can just farm plats in the meantime.

>> No.17199649


That's rough, but keep in mind that the necessity of 7 league boots is largely overstated. Just ignore the ones sending you to Noyel or Lumiest from the other side of the world and you should still be able to quest normally, barring maybe passing up the occasional 2d before it's too late if you don't think you can make it without missing a sleep window.

>> No.17199660

>you don't think you can make it without missing a sleep window.
Or just bring coffee.

>> No.17199677
File: 1.57 MB, 477x352, Yuyuko lording her truck over all the truckless just because shes friends with Yukari, TAKE THAT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 50/50 on it myself. It's one thing where you're not the chosen one, but it's another where your "story activity" is just "GO HERE, DO THIS, KILL THAT", it doesn't feel like you're actually accomplishing anything that saves/changes the world is what I'm suggesting.

Then again I'm only done with part 1 and grinding before I do 2.

I killed his ass as soon as he started vomiting that condescending bullshit. Nothing reeks of evil like pretentious "godly being" descending from out of nowhere to talk shit with flavor text of "YOU HAVE DIFFICULTIES MOVING AND FEEL NERVOUS ABOUT TO WET YOURSELF OMG THE PRESENCE IS SO STRONG I'M SCARED MOMMY/ETC": like fuck I do, get gibbed, blatantly evil fucker.

>> No.17199687

>I killed his ass as soon as he started vomiting that condescending bullshit
I think everybody has the same reaction.

>> No.17199695

I'm scared to kill main quest NPCs.

>> No.17199697


Any advice for getting stronger? I am doing the Main Quest in South Tyris but the bosses kill both my pets and it ends up a battle of spamming my 5+ buffs and cure of jua while punching them.

Probably because I only just recently switched to martial artist? I've been doing a jack of all trades magic/melee/ranged. My ranged cross bow attacks seem to hit harder but still miss a lot too. Just dismiss pets and solo dungeon crawl until It's higher and find some good randart claws? I still have a few resist holes and pets are in hodgepodge gear.

Otherwise it's just fill resist holes, get speed up as much as possible, pump up magic vendors to 200 for potential pots, stat grinding, and rounding out my pets?

I haven't done the Valley of Hereafter yet because level 55+ dungeons and the previous story quest stuff gave me a run for my money (wasn't in any real danger on Vasda unless my buffs dropped, prob because max MR).

how do you guys deal with those packs rooms that have a million spell casters and you're at the door? Attribute shield and pray?

>> No.17199705

Go back behind the wall and kill them one by one as the exit the room.
>what if there's no wall
Bitch you MAKE the wall.

>> No.17199712

How else are you going to get their one-time-only statues for your museum?
I make a point of murdering every unique NPC at least once.

>> No.17199714

I couldn't understand what the fuck he was talking about and shit him because I didn't see the free book I was supposed to read with everything that ever happened written in it

>> No.17199721

even poor Gwen? You're a monster

>> No.17199722

Kek, you had him nailed. gg

>> No.17199741

That worked, thanks. Found a BBQ set at a party. Teleported most NPCs away but two kept coming back and I killed them, hopefully won't have any bad consequences.

I got my BBQ set and turned it into paper to reduce the weight. It wont, uh... burn away, right?

>> No.17199786

>murdering people for BBQ
truly life is cheap in Irva

>> No.17199809

Once you get to the bottom of rehmido all you need to worry about is fire ice and mind resist and damage output. Meshera cocoon can summon blizzard lizards, griffins and peris and they will fuck you up way harder than meshera alpha. Eat more herbed curaria for more stats, I had 215 in my primary damage boosting stat and 100 in my combat and weapon type skills. Focus on leveling and gearing your golden knight, quickling, maybe the defender too. Go to Leold in the refugee camp and learn rampage. Keep meshera drunk and your party cheered at all times. Use rampage when meshera alpha is close to 25% hp. This floor resets when you leave, and you can't escape or return on it, so fight alpha near the stairs so you can back out if can't break through super regen. Spend your pets' AP on speed before the fight, and Rankis with Twin Edge on your primary melee damage dealer is very helpful.

>> No.17199813
File: 15 KB, 300x250, 59dGYCp7jy-8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no Time Stop spell like on weapon procs
>tfw no fireball/grenade-like spell
>tfw no breath/cone shaped spell
>tfw no targeted teleport spell
>tfw no multicast buff spell like on Exile pet
>tfw no trap/glyph on ground/magic circle spell
>tfw no vampiric spell that damages and heals in the same turn

>> No.17199820


What's an easy way to learn pickpocket if I don't have access to the thief guild? I want a BQQ too.

>> No.17199837

Get teleport other spell and disguise kit or incognito spell.
Teleport away guard, get downstairs, use disguise, go left and up into the northwest room, talk to trainer.
Also use scroll/spell of return to home after taking a few steps, it will go off just when you're done.

>> No.17199847

Just channel your inner Greece for a few months, join the guild and learn the skill, then pay your debts and return to whatever you were doing. "I don't have access to the guild" is not a valid excuse because the only entrance requirement is in-game time, which can be had in infinite supply.

>> No.17199884

The original Gwen stops existing after you clear act 1 and is replaced with another character named Gwen.

>> No.17199893


>tfw no fireball/grenade-like spell
You mean fire ball?

>tfw no targeted teleport spell
Teleport other

>tfw no vampiric spell that damages and heals in the same turn
All nether spells

>> No.17199896

I know this comes up all the time, but what are some good feats? I'm really getting conflicting info.
The guide in OP post says luck is good, but the general consensus in the thread seems to be that it's way too expensive for less than a happy apple.

Playing a warmage now. I have vampirism, magic eyes, maxed HP so far.

>> No.17199897

*grows up

>> No.17199899
File: 105 KB, 446x144, yum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17199902

You reapawn unless you were foolish enough to try life on Inferno like the king.

>> No.17199905

Fireball explodes on top of you. I meant something that you can throw and cause an explosion in the middle of the room.
And with targeted teleport, I meant teleporting to a selected tile instead randomly.

>> No.17199910

>fire ball
He wants the ball to originate at a distant target, like a classic ball spell. It is a bit of a shock when you finally get an Elona ball spell and realize that it's a surround spell and not a targeted spell.

>targeted teleport spell
He means selecting the tile to which you teleport, like when you get control teleport in Nethack.

>> No.17199912



>> No.17199915

Luck feats are dogshit.
The good feats are ones that give special actions. The one that gives you Rage is a really fun one.
Of stat feats, most of them aren't worth it except maybe the stamina ones. They give a good chunk.

>> No.17199921

I'm using that and it's great. Not a spell though, scales with some crating instead of being an easily trainable spell.

>> No.17199931


Not to mention the damage is underwhelming even completely maxed out. I agree we could use some cooler more wizard like spells.

>> No.17199943

That's what they want you to think.

>> No.17199987

Rain clouds following you is the comfiest ether disease.
Also makes me less angry for that last Rachel book not dropping.

>> No.17199999


Yea that disease is actually beneficial. Wish I could have it all the time.

>> No.17200006

Can I and should I turn Living weapons into artifacts with Garroks hammer?

Kind of at a loss of how to make super weapons in this.

>> No.17200016

Do I lose karma for selling rotten food in my shop?

>> No.17200034

P.S. You can avoid the karma penalty from delivering cursed food to a quest client by leaving town before they finish eating it (probably by teleporting till you near an edge) and re entering.

>> No.17200073


Speaking as a greedfag who always grabs luck when starting a character and always regrets it, seriously don't.

Quartermaster feat was buffed with the addition of bronze coins, I think. I'd definitely grab it early now, that extra coin will add up over time.

>> No.17200086

Living weapons can't not be artefacts already.
As for the best weapons, a living weapon is the prime candidate, but closely followed by normal weapon without any attribute artefacted with the hammer and filled with magic damage through artefact fusion.
And the inner god weapon. After lots of flying scrolls.

>> No.17200090

Aren't bronze coins barely useful?
You can upgrade your cart to 200+ with the coins you get while leveling up to level 30 or so. And I get enough coins without quartermaster to level my shopkeeper pet and occasionally buy food.
Honestly I never really needed more bronze coins than what I got.

>> No.17200111

Are there any other souvenir shops than the Noel festival and the one in South Tyris?

>> No.17200113


I don't know. It depends on how shopkeeper training prices scale up and what Ano adds for bronze coins in the future. My first shopkeeper costs 2 per training now and they seem like they could use more training every single day, so I never feel like I have enough. But I haven't passed through Yowyn in a while.

>> No.17200133
File: 460 KB, 814x632, BloodInStreets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seyrea's please get your bleeding under control! I entered Palmia thinking some horrible monster came in and butchered the people considering all the blood in the streets.

I'd probably work on getting stamina and speed feats. If you cast spells look at getting the magical gene feats. They're like the ascetic line feats but for MP.

You can get all the feats in the game so I wouldn't exactly say getting the luck feat is a cause of regret or anything. It can only help you out. Probably other feats you want to focus on getting before the luck feat as you need quite a bit of luck to see even a marginal increase in things such as better gear finds in dungeons and crafting.


>> No.17200137

>do farming and cook everything
>110 gardening, 40 cooking skill

>> No.17200146

Is there a reason to use uncontrollable power? It seems rampage does the same thing but it doesn't give you confusion.

>> No.17200153

I completely forgot about the existence of that town.

>> No.17200155

Give her an uncurse or vanish curse scroll, I'm surprised more people don't take care of their favorite adventurers since they'll frequently equip freshly picked up cursed shit and be unable to dequip it.

>> No.17200202

If you raise a skill or attribute to 2000, then take a feat that raises that skill/attribute, does the value go past 2000?

>> No.17200207

But. Larna is the shortcut to act 3.

>> No.17200233
File: 247 KB, 619x407, first jewel core.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first jewel core was a let down

>> No.17200249
File: 325 KB, 814x639, uncontrollable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ended up just trading her a random miracle armor I was going to sell for the cursed item. The whole northern part of the city was overflowing with blood and for the greater good that cursed item needed to go.

I like uncontrollable. It's a really good buff as long as you keep in mind how it works. Aside from putting fury on you like what rampage does it also buffs your strength and speed considerably. Like for me it buffed them by 641 points. On the flip side it weakened my dexterity and willpower by 640 temporarily. The cost of hulking out I imagine. It also stacks with other buffs like Hero and speed as well as shift cores to drive attribute numbers and in turn your melee damage through the roof.

It does make you confused for a bit but you can often cheat confusion and keep attacking through it by spamming shadow step while confused until it's over. Overall, uncontrollable is a bigger and better rampage.

>> No.17200261

I-Is that you Kai-sama

>> No.17200267


I see, I didn't know it boosted speed and str. In that case the confusion is negligible. Speaking of cores, do you use omega? I'm looking into getting one right now.

>> No.17200323
File: 1.27 MB, 1622x636, MA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The display will stay locked at 2000 however you can see the bonus with Yacatect's glasses. That extra bonus though does take effect though whether it be through feats or gear. For instance, I have some gear that increases the martial arts skill and while my skill is locked at 2000 the bonus is running and my fists do more than 2d255. So it's possible I guess for fists to get even stronger through nefia core farming but I personally wouldn't sacrifice resists to do it.

Hey there.

Yes, I use the omega shift core.

>> No.17200375

I'm kind of bothered by how overpowered martial arts is compared to everything else. 8 potential attacks in one turn followed by even more element attacks is crazy along with all the buffs you can get. The only downside is you sacrifice 2 whole slots of equipment.

My autism wants me to strive to see the biggest numbers on my screen humanly possible, but I don't want to punch things, I want to blow them up with magic.

>> No.17200389
File: 645 KB, 872x670, shiftcores.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this accurate?

>> No.17200393

Very much so.

>> No.17200403

Man, I should probably get an Omega core with my next wish.

>> No.17200405

I wonder if someone tried a 27 slot mutant relying on the gamma core.
Seems powerful.

>> No.17200440

Besides upgrading through the release that implemented them, how do you get these?

>> No.17200451

Ask the wish goddess nicely

>> No.17200466

I'll ask warmly, thank you very much.

>> No.17200501
File: 411 KB, 854x634, shiftcores.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

webm version

>> No.17200604

What does that mean for those of us that don't play Guilty Gear?

>> No.17200631

It means you're a bad guy

>> No.17200638
File: 34 KB, 1077x31, ss (2017-06-16 at 01.07.02).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reselling scrolls/books/rods/deeds of heirship in a single magic store brings me ~400k a day on average.
It's so easy (and tedious) I don't think I'll be missing it with the new update. Maybe then money will mean something and I'll have to try different ways of income.

>> No.17200657

Omega shift core gives big buffs for a period of time and slowly reduces life while it lasts. Sol Badguy is activating dragon install which for a short period of time gives him a big boost to his strength and speed among other things. Lasts for a brief amount of time and becomes dizzy when dragon install ends. Similarities are that they're buffs that greatly enhances power but comes at a cost.

>> No.17200902

Even adventurers have periods you know!

>> No.17200993

Actually in act 3 killing certain NPCs does seem to have consequences for the story. There's a ''good'' npc in the Cradle of Chaos that attacks you, but you don't have to kill them to proceed. If you kill them anyway it changes future events.

>> No.17201108

You mispelled Detroit.

>> No.17201135

For real? I've bought two of them at the embassy vendors, no joke.

>> No.17201280
File: 2 KB, 344x20, mia steak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh Mia-chan... With this we can finally become one

>> No.17201281
File: 192 KB, 450x608, pc6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a godly one in a dungeon, but beforehand I used the party stolen one.

I plan to do goblin run with my imouto, so if I were to get all the goodies obtained from updating between specific versions of the game, which version should I look for?
AKA which milestone elona version must I keep?
pic related.

>> No.17201282
File: 66 KB, 482x335, hannibal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17201312

I wish eating her meat would give you a feat to understand cats

>> No.17201314

I see you can breed cute fairies to get more seeds, will that work with Yacatect's goose too? It's pretty capricious though, barely gives any plat.

>> No.17201408

I'm curious, why do I see a Elona thread every day on /jp/ since two years or more but I just saw by searching a video of the game on Youtube that the game is 7 years old or more ?
What make the game so great to see a thread about that on /jp/ for so many time ?

>> No.17201439

I was thinking of dragon install second form from Accent Core when I made it. It drains hp quickly until the round ends while increasing attack and move and attack speed.

>> No.17201470

This game is comfy to play, almost let do anything and is still developped.
There's a learning curve but it's not hard

>> No.17201473

It's one of a kind.
I keep searching for one like it, but no luck so far.

>> No.17201498

I started the game as female, did I fuck up?

>> No.17201501

Looks good so far.

>> No.17201550

Good, now I want to change my portrait I did as told in here http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Thread:18329 but the portrait is too big to fit.
How do I fix this?

>> No.17201555

Character portraits are 80 pixels wide and 112 high. They also need to be saved in .bmp format. Use photoshop or gimp to work with sprites.
Don't get too attached to your character anway. You will learn and try out many things and start over again.

>> No.17201559

Thanks, I just I don't die too much from starving since getting food seems hard if you're not a baker.

>> No.17201582

Elin soon.
Let's hope it get good in a few years.
Hopefully it stay fully moddable.
>Don't get too attached to your character anway. You will learn and try out many things and start over again.

My 6yo Elea send you her regards.

>> No.17201586

Was that Elea your first and main character? If so, kudos to you.

>> No.17201597

There is a lot to do, as evidenced by the list earlier in the thread, and it gets frequent content updates.

>> No.17201598


Buy the first portable cooking tool you see and bash fruit trees for fruit. Food's only ever an issue at the very beginning of the game. You can eat food off the floor with no penalty although it can be cursed if you're unlucky. Vernis has some stick bread in the bakery plus there's some food in the house with the wizard and trainer and probably in some of the other houses.

>> No.17201605

Most of them are.

>> No.17201607

Nice, also I seem to have this problem that I can't equip any helmets or boots even though they're not that heavy, why is that?

>> No.17201609
File: 318 KB, 844x622, 36818553_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that rage in comments section of the gunner class on the wiki. Delightful.

>> No.17201624

2nd one technically, the 1st died in a save corruption accident around elona 1.10 or something, so I redid her as close as possible, faithfully playing her each summer, even the busy ones.
Not that many hour in total though.

>> No.17201633

People have thousands of hours in the game and it's under active development adding tons of new shit all the time.

I've been playing for 2 years or so and it's nearly a different game at this point with new contients.

>> No.17201660

>playing her each summer
You kidding? So do I.

>> No.17201665

Cuz this is the best game evar. Not kidding.

>> No.17201682

The real reason is autism

>> No.17201709

You probably have an ether mutation that prevents you from wearing headgear. Check to see if you have animal ears in the mutations and feats section of your char sheet.

>> No.17201733
File: 549 KB, 699x419, Sans titre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I do that?

>> No.17201736


>> No.17201744
File: 886 KB, 755x944, 9e0293fe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not kidding. This way I'll never get sick of it and it doesn't over-consume my finite time.
Autism akbar, too bad the normalfags will never understand that greatness.

>> No.17201746
File: 214 KB, 670x342, Sans titre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear god, how do I fix this?

>> No.17201753
File: 204 KB, 806x900, ten569b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cure your corruption through bottle of the same name.
Not like you can neck yourself anymore

>> No.17201755

Potions of cure corruption, preferably blessed.

>> No.17201759

Go to Palmia, play blackjack. Since you're only level 10 you'll probably have shit luck so you'll have to savescum until you get 3 potions of ether corruption from your 10 starter coins. You get one if you win 5 times in a row.

>> No.17201767

I'm a bit confused because your race is human, but you have the racial feat of mutant. Either way it's probably that you haven't yet mutated a helmet or boot slot.

>> No.17201815

>use Ensemble at 75 stamina
>instant fail because you're too tired
Are you fucking shitting me

>> No.17201833
File: 469 KB, 800x596, Sans titre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you kidding me?
This is the fourth time I'm killed inside a town by a monster, what's going on?

>> No.17201839

Potions of cure corruption. You will need several and preferably blessed. And remember that with "poison hands" disease any potion you pick off ground may be permanently spoiled. So, if you find one on ground - drink it without picking up.

>> No.17201842

Someone in town wears cursed equipment which attracts monsters.

>> No.17201843

Either you, your companion or most likely a random adventurer has cursed gear that summons monsters.

>> No.17201844

Sure is. Man I remember how fun I had when I first found elona.

>> No.17201850

It's kind of like a single player MMORPG. Addicting, comfy, lots of things to do.

>> No.17201862

I got a Juere warrior with about 40 charisma and 30 negotiation (not high enough level for master thief) for my shopkeeper, also upped his potentials with bronze coins.
I dropped at least 200k worth of stuff in the store, ranging from cheap to expensive stuff, about 150 items in total. He only makes about 100-500 gold a day. Is he supposed to suck this bad?

>> No.17201894

What graphics pack and interface is that?

>> No.17201905

Shop rank greatly influences amount of customers and thus chances of selling. I started with a 15 negotiation 30 charisma citizen girl that got about the same results, but now many months later the shop rank is 51, she has 100CHA/195 negotiation and sells upwards of 100k a day. Make sure to drop by and train them every once in a while.

>> No.17201909

>beggar dropped platinum coin
wow is there literally any reason not to slaughter them always? I bet locals are thankful too for cleaning the streets

>> No.17201919

{Hard Gay} protector of the innocent will come to stop you

>> No.17201927

Found it.
+ All-in-one Graphics Pack 1.66 (Outdated, Elona+ 1.66) from pastebin.

>> No.17201945

Great, I hire a guard for my house only for him to kill me each time I go there.

>> No.17201950

I'm fairly certain you can update it by simply comparing the .bmp files of it and the latest version, and copying over sprites from the new sheet into the old one.

>> No.17201952

He can't stop me if I cover myself in little girl juices

>> No.17201965


Become strong enough to string him up on a sandbag and torture him for eternity.

>> No.17201973

yeah, that's stupid desu. That's why I use a private younger sister military force to kill those "guests" violating NAP by not leaving my property.

>> No.17201983

Yeah I gotta try that. Still though, is there an enhanced default spritesheet or something? I'm not very fond of seeing Asuka as the rogue boss or Meiling running around as an npc adventurer, and other stuff like that.

>> No.17201995

Someone drank from the fountain.

>> No.17202001

I dunno man, I've used the default for years. The new E+ defaults look great to me. I'm still really happy they reworked all the sprites from the vanilla ones, the defaults we got now are less like a step and more like a whole staircase upwards.

>> No.17202003
File: 9 KB, 519x16, ElonaC_2017-06-19_17-20-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh come on they don't even have hands

>> No.17202008

So, what is the best town?
Where you spend most of your time?

>> No.17202012

Derphy is objectively the best town. The only place where people are truly free

>> No.17202018
File: 233 KB, 393x397, 1394605374527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When your music is so bad a horse gains the power of telekinesis to throw a rock at you

>> No.17202019


Palmia is the best gameplay town but lumiest is the comfiest.

>> No.17202023

Try sisters' mansion. There isn't any high level character besides a younger sister inside the building so as long as you play outside you're safe from rocks.

>> No.17202027

Port Kapul for me. Love the sea side atmosphere, and it has just about everything I want including the fighters guild.

>> No.17202031

But Vernis feels like a second home. The music there is super comfy.

>> No.17202043

That one spritesheet in + Elona Plus Beautify and * Unnamed graphics pack was the thing I needed. Thanks anyway.

>> No.17202047
File: 424 KB, 1280x768, ElonaC_2017-06-19_17-32-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least Gwen likes it. Brought her behind a building to show my musical skills.
>following suspicious skeletons

>> No.17202099

To those who invested lots (200+) into their magic shop, what changed? More stocks of useful scrolls?

>> No.17202104
File: 13 KB, 80x112, rattle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute skell

>> No.17202121

Use incognito scroll then fire him.

>> No.17202162
File: 230 KB, 590x391, ElonaC_2017-06-19_17-02-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the christ. I want to eat it

>> No.17202210

Press t and use it.

>> No.17202383

I really feel tempted to throw an infographic/collage together using all these to try and convince people to play Elona.
Any anons mind sharing a couple of screenshots?

>> No.17202397


Openly inviting people will just make this thread, which is one of the only places on this website not infested, a worst place.

>> No.17202404

Go through the old threads, you'll find plenty of material. But I wouldn't try to convince people to play, if they want to they'll come on their own, as recent increase in activity has shown.

>> No.17202408
File: 1002 KB, 250x251, a birdo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At what gardening level should I start planting herbs so they won't wither?

>> No.17202427

Hmmm. I guess you're both right.
I was honestly mainly thinking of doing as a little side project and to show my friends. But when it comes to them I could just as easily pull out my laptop and show them rather than make a meme image.

>> No.17202432
File: 181 KB, 636x445, 四百二十燃やせのオカマやろう!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They will ALWAYS wither and it fucking sucks. The only way to combat this is to horde tons of kumiromi rejuvenation gems. I have 5 farms and 10 gems and it still isn't enough even at 256 gardening. You can look at the wiki to get a better idea of levels and seed types though.

>> No.17202455

Thanks, anon.

>> No.17202490

Sorry if I missed this in the guide but how do I customize and change my character sprite?

>> No.17202500

>if they want to they'll come on their own
You know a lot of "new" people are just old players returning because of patches. I doubt people who like roguelites are going to look in /jp/.
There's occasionally a mention on /v/ which sends some new blood, but that's all.

>> No.17202564

what can I do with useless jewel cores? will my pets sell them in town?

>> No.17202583

Does high quality cooked food train more than stomafilia?

>> No.17202584
File: 18 KB, 476x32, ElonaC_2017-06-19_18-46-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17202610

>shoot firebolt
>apple catches fire
>apple turns to sherbet
this is not a fire bolt this is bolt of conjure food

>> No.17202717

I really like one of the NPC sprites and I want to use it.

>> No.17202731

Bear in mind that using an NPC sprite means you no longer face directions or have a walking animation.
If you still want to, I'm pretty sure it's an inspect option. You will need to edit character.bmp and place the desired sprite in one of the custom slots beforehand.

>> No.17202782
File: 492 KB, 1174x398, lucky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I jump for joy?

>> No.17202815


That's garbage. It's nothing but useless enchantments.

>> No.17202821
File: 597 KB, 1280x768, ElonaC_2017-06-19_20-38-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

viva la revolution.
Monarchy is no more.
I didn't even start the fire

>> No.17202829

What even makes an item good in elona. I haven't played long enough to be able to tell.

>> No.17202832
File: 135 KB, 500x300, 104810518051.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fear/confusion are two of the most common immunities you can find on equipment, it has a single not-very high resistance, and it can't be patched up with artifact fusion because of the sheer amount of garbage stat-ups and maintains. If you're fairly early in the game then definitely keep it on hand because the attributes will come in handy, but it's not going to be something you keep with you for very long.

Even as someone who gets hot and bothered if I don't have all of my stats maintained by equipment, those gloves are complete shit. Sorry.

>> No.17202837

Resistances, immunities, special bonuses like spell damage/extra attacks/interlock/etc.

>> No.17202861

>almost no resists

>> No.17202877

It's mostly four things. Resistances, condition immunities, extra attacks/increased spellpower/high amounts of bonus elemental damage/other similar offensive buffs, and good invokes on weapons.

Anything else is going to be either highly situational or completely negligible later on. In fact, it's best to have as few maintains or stat/attribute-ups on your equipment as possible (except maybe Speed) because it eats up space that could have been used for artifact fusion.

>> No.17202957

Hey, I too find myself drawn back to Elona every summer. Strange isn't it. Too bad work takes up a lot of my time. I did however play this back when I was a NEET.

>> No.17203238

Does anybody have more of OP images?

>> No.17203299
File: 581 KB, 715x434, Sans titre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the late reply, I'm enjoying the game so much I lost track of time.
You mean replace user graphics 2 and so on?
I don't have to start over right?
Btw here is my profile and I want to use the Eila sprite from the graphics pack.

>> No.17203369
File: 69 KB, 338x320, gtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is probably related to the stayer splicing bug

>> No.17203409

>You mean replace user graphics 2 and so on?
No, I mean you need to take character.bmp, open it up in an image editor, copy and paste the sprite you want to use into one of the custom icon slots, then change to that sprite by using the in game appearance editor.
I am assuming you are trying to use an NPC Sprite and not a PCC.

>I don't have to start over right?
Nothing custom graphics related will ever require that.

>> No.17203416

Is the image a static sprite or has it multiple sprites to simulate movement? In the second case you need to put the file into your graphic/PCCs folder and rename it to pcc_body_3 or whatever number comes after your last body sprite. Change your body sprite by pressing c and then p.

>> No.17203438


>> No.17203469
File: 166 KB, 519x320, Sans titre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a sprite
I assume custom icon slots is where I put Eila, but the game still doesn't give me the option to change sprite, only body parts.

>> No.17203473

Check the archive. I make a new one for every thread, but I've only OP'd 8 threads so far and the first was just a Rueken pic.

>> No.17203498

You can't do that anon, the player sprite is intended to always be animated and thus uses a 128x192 spritesheet of 32x48 frames of animation. The files are in the graphic folder and are called pcc_body_(number). They're selected with the body option in the appearance menu.

If you REALLY want your static sprite, here are the steps:

-Copy a pcc, get rid of the sprites in it and copy over your static sprite on all 16 rectangles
-Align them properly so that it doesn't spaz around in-game
-Have a solid background
-Do not save color space info+save as 24bit R8G8B8
-Name pcc_body_anynumberafter2 and put in elona/graphic folder (with the other bodies)
-Select it under body in-game, don't even need to close the game for stuff like this

>> No.17203529
File: 17 KB, 617x25, well....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17203598
File: 389 KB, 544x404, Sans titre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried but for some reason there is some clothes left even though I set everything to zero ( compare right to left sprite).

>> No.17203612

That's the armor you are actually wearing. Find a dresser (in Palmia is one) and you can disable it.

>> No.17203653
File: 537 KB, 692x398, Sans titre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, finally done.
Here is my cute pet.

>> No.17203667
File: 10 KB, 128x192, eila.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alternatively use this. Didn't take very long to edit

>> No.17203691

Withering isn't even that much of a problem, the problem is when you harvest them and they don't grow back, leaving an empty tile. There's a good chance of that occurring even at a high (100+ for me) gardening.

>> No.17203728


That can be fixed by killing Amurdad. You can never permenantly solve withering.

>> No.17203770

Maybe those behemoths and these random people just really like your fruit trees

>> No.17203793

The tree of knowledge.

>> No.17204114

Updated monster girl spritesheet when?

>> No.17204191

Does AP speed upgrade cost take into account the speed gained through evolution? If so, is it better to wait until at least 500-800 cap is reached before evolving a pet (or does it even matter, in the grand scale of things)?

>> No.17204234

That looks pretty nice, thanks!
How did you make it btw?

>> No.17204268

Yes it does, since evolution just adds levels and the AP is checking the base.

>> No.17204288

wow awakened dungeons are amazing, every single kill is giving AP

>> No.17204374

I mean evolution as in using hearts, e.g. Magic Heart, God Heart. It often adds stats, incl. speed, which is why I'm wondering if it's counted in to AP upgrade cost.

>> No.17204497

I know. It just gives them x more to y stat. If they had 80 speed and you add 20 from pet evolution they'll then have 100 and will be treated as such for AP costs.

>> No.17204599
File: 1.29 MB, 1622x637, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, my archer pet is now where I need her to be. Attributes capped and with her marksman and bow skill at around 1000. With that the final member of my party is now complete and I just need to finish up wrapping loose ends with gearing my pets. Not long now until I begin my descent into the void and reach void floor 6666 or have Kai die trying. Hopefully he makes it to 6,666 and stands on the heap of corpses as the strongest character I've made. Then after that I'll retire him to his harem and that will conclude his adventure where he'll only come out for additions to the story.

First order of business now is putting in an enormous order of descent potions and gain attribute scrolls for artifact fusion that I'll use on my pets gear. Wish goddess chan is going to be busy.

>> No.17204698

People have gotten into the code before. Why can't we look and see if the void really does end at 6666?

>> No.17204718

I'd hazard a guess and assume the Void doesn't actually end at 6666, but at some ridiculously huge number, at which point going past that would probably crash the game.

>> No.17204753

Has no one tried to get to the bottom of it before? In wizard mode for example?

>> No.17204754

Maybe 65536. Probably 4294967296.

>> No.17204780


I guess with wizard mode and elosnack you could theoretically create a perfect maxed character with min maxed artifact fused equipment. I don't think anyone has tried. It would still take a while.

>> No.17204798

Maybe you can simply change current max void level then cast return to go there.

>> No.17205147

I just encountered a sin gorilla for the first time and watched in horror as he destroyed the ground around me in such a flashy animation. I thought for sure I was insta dead.

>> No.17205210

Do I just ignore picking up most items in dungeons if I don't have any scrolls/rods of identify with me?
My inventory(73lbs) is filling up so fast going to dungeons feels like such a damn chore since I'm rushing back and forth between them, my cave, and the towns to store or sell shit. Level 12 right now.

I didn't have this problem when I played 2 or 3 years ago so I must be doing something really different.

>> No.17205220

Don't bother with equipment unless sense quality tells you it's miracle or better.
Other than that unless it's high value low weight I don't bother either.

Hording is not necessary. Just take what you need/want instead of trying to sqeeze every bit of gold out of every dungeon.

>> No.17205222

Probably your sense quality skill is too low (or you didn't learn it). Once you can at least tell the quality of items even if you can't completely identify, you can ignore everything below miracle/godly.

>> No.17205237

Speaking of animations destroying the environment, extermination breath is just so satisfying to use.

>> No.17205244

I pick up every piece of gear I find and dump it in my shop
The profit is modest but it is fairly easy if I drop nonessential scrolls and potions before starting a dungeon.

>> No.17205248

What kind of benchmarks should I meet before trying to kill Amurdad? I need those fucking scissors.

>> No.17205252

That's viable with enough weight lifting and strength, but probably not so much at level 12.

>> No.17205255

Thanks, that sounds about right. Thought I had something last time that gave me an idea if I should identify or drop something. Looking at my stats, sense quality is really low. Gonna have to work on training that up before I go delving again.

>> No.17205319

Does shield tonfa train shields?
I never used anything else in my offhand and my shield skill is training like crazy.

Does it add bonus from shield skill too?

>> No.17205344

So for gods, I've been grinding favor and getting their pet / gem stone / weapon but what's the end game?

What's the god I should stick with power gaming wise at max level? Kuromi?

>> No.17205354

Lulwy because speed is god.

>> No.17205359


Right now that guy is the goal in the distance that I'm working towards. I'm going to try and one shot him with omega core, charge attack, fury, divine wisdom, and meteor.

>> No.17205361

Kumiromi up untill endest game levels because of that stamina recovery.
Once your stamina goes over 300 that's probably not going to matter anymore so you should switch to someone else.
It mostly depends on your playstyle, but Lulwy is an all around good choice.

>> No.17205413
File: 630 KB, 814x642, why did he do this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can I only brew 10 tea at a time? I'm pretty sure I've made >10 riceballs at once before.

>> No.17205421

Riceballs make 10 per craft, so making 10 times would yield 100 items.
I've never been able to select higher than 10 there.

>> No.17205436

I haven't had a lucky day in years. I have thousands of materials help

>> No.17205443



You know what to do billy.

>> No.17205480

well fuck ano then, this is a pointless limit
as if pot for fusion isn't an unnecessarily tedious as it is with +enchant levels being treated as separate entities

>> No.17205501

How do people run with more than two pets before 3rd chapter (where you get artifact fusion, I assume)?
I've run into serious resistance bottlenecks with mine where no matter how high I grind up their other stats getting low enough in void gets them gibbed. I already gave them all +res artifact eqips I could find but the measly resists from the rest of the normal gear just aren't enough.

>> No.17205593

Why is my meditation not training at all even at 400% potential?

>> No.17205623

Are you regaining MP?

>> No.17205624

My tourist is coming along well I think.
Level 13. Still trying to get all the non guild skills but am slightly sidetracked by spending plat training alchemy to eventually get duplicane and creating horse abominations until I had enough gene engineer to give my little girl cooking.
Only died twice so far even with being unable to find decent gear. Probably gonna fail a couple of quests to get my fame under control.

When you do go on your final void crusade Kai I hope you give updates on any close calls or unforseen issues. Even if you dress it up in rp speak.

>> No.17205645



>> No.17205653

Is there really no gauge article on the wiki or am I just too retarded to find it?

>> No.17205663

Does killing void bosses have an effect on spawning dungeon level? Suddenly I have 200+ dungeons everywhere while even ~130 are a pain to get through with my shitty gear.

>> No.17205673

Are you going to be making a new character or taking a break from Elona after that's done, do you think?

>> No.17205683
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crafting, by me and my pets
I sometimes pop into nefia first floors to check for deposits near the stairs and big daddies

>> No.17205704

Are the "get low HP for bonus stuff" AP feats worth getting? I'm thinking of dim + MP shield, not sure how useful dim will be though.

>> No.17205726

My crafting is lagging behind. Not sure how to bring it up to par though aside from grinding cheapest recipes with platinum for 300%+ and material scrolls, though even reading ~250 or so at once didn't give as much stuff as I was hoping for. ~1000 at once would be a decent number I suppose.

Pets help but there's the Catch 22 where I can't get more pets until I get the gear to stop them getting melted.

>> No.17205731

only one can make something over night, so it doesn't matter

>> No.17205736

I thought it was only because my other pet's skill was low. Guess that's out, then.

>> No.17205778
File: 359 KB, 810x631, Ehekatl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really have to make sure to donate some more fish to the cat goddess. Thank you for your statues that give 2500 turn luck. I'll put this to good use as I attempt to craft even better stuff for my pets.

This guy gets it. >>17205361
You should probably stick with a god that will benefit your playstyle and help cover any weakness your character has. As you go through the game and your character develops, certain gods will fall and rise in how beneficial they are to you.

I personally really like Jure's heal for my character at the stage of the game I'm in. Silence is one major problem I haven't been able to stomp out and Jure's prayer is a solid counter to it insofar as I still have healing options through her. Silence is a major problem in the void so I feel much safer with Jure's prayer. I think have enough stamina to spam special actions so I don't really feel like I need Kumiromi's help.

As far as Lulwy is concerned, she can definitely be useful in helping prop up speed but I'd temper expectations of speed past 2000. The void enemies I fight have around 1300-2000 speed currently. I can buff myself to 4000 speed temporarily and you would think that all the enemies would look frozen to me but that's not the case. Sometimes I get 2 actions to their 1 and sometimes it's still 1:1.

Crafting and shop trade ins have carried my pets so far. I'm just starting to get around to artifact fusion for them as I've mainly focused on just using it for myself. Before I take advantage of artifact fusion I want to craft good base equipment for slots that I feel I could do better.

>> No.17205859

Will do.

I don't intend to make a new character but who knows. When some time passes to recharge the grinding batteries and I have time might do a lets play. No promises on that though.

For the most part, I just see myself hopefully giving useful advice to a new generation of godslayers in these threads and fading into the background. It's time for new powerful adventurers and I look forward to seeing how people in these threads progress.

>> No.17206091

Look in the pastebin, download the chinese anon graphics pack. Use your image editing program of choice, you can take existing pccs and shift around color values/hues or just rework them entirely.

>> No.17206151
File: 972 KB, 1280x760, 68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's a start. Soon I can play with the big boys.

>> No.17206218

To update on riding AP gain, unmounting gave me a massive boost - a void level that gave me 1 AP per kill now gives 10. Turns out riding is shit this game, oh well.

>> No.17206270

Cute house.

>> No.17206285

Thanks. I've put a lot of effort into it back in the day.

>> No.17206292

Tonfas are shields and train both shield and unarmed, yes.

>> No.17206297

What is turns to in-game time ratio on average?

>> No.17206389

First time with this game, using +Custom. I'm level 6 and still can't complete the puppy dungeon. Am I retarded? Should I still be grinding skills or whatever at this point? My little girl is probably so disappointed in me...

>> No.17206407

The puppy dungeon is a static four floor dungeon where every floor's random ever time you move between floors. You can't actually complete it, it's there for grinding stats, skills and items.

>> No.17206436

You "complete" it once you rescue that dog at the bottom floor. You get the quest for that in Vernis.

>> No.17206451

Yeah, sorry. Should have specified, haven't managed to get the dog and get out yet

>> No.17206463

To rescue the dog you need to have an empty ally slot, just so you know. Also, once you do have the dog with you you can't teleport out.

Just wondering, has anyone actually kept the dog for themself?

>> No.17206609


Level means very little in this game, but all the guides will tell you to mostly avoid combat at the very start, so no it doesn't necessarily mean you're retarded. If you're having trouble with the Puppy Cave then put it off for now, the dog won't go anywhere. Go from town to town doing the board quests you can and putting the platinum into new skills. Check every adventurer you see in towns for trades you can make. Teach your little girl cooking and tailoring/carpentry as soon as possible. If you're lucky you might wake up with a nice upgrade.

>> No.17206738

How do I make my pet use Zero Shoot through Custom+? It doesn't show up on the list of actions (Move Forward etc.) even though Leold taught her it.

>> No.17207040

why do I keep finding mag-abyss every 2 feet?

Also is it worth using blessed flying scrolls on Vesda's wing? 15st pisses me off because it pushes me into heavy armor and I can't heal pets or res very well.

>> No.17207090
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, sif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give dog a sword
>dog slashes X
is this how it works?

>> No.17207091

>why do I keep finding mag-abyss every 2 feet?
They upped the drop chance of every single rare item by like x5 in 1.66. This is to balance the anti-savescumming trigger.

>> No.17207099
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Apparently it's a meme in Japan.

>> No.17207108

>tacticool doggo

>> No.17207113
File: 23 KB, 898x799, doggo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is this how it works?
Knowing Elona, it probably works like this

>> No.17207131

He DOES seem to have a hand slot and two leg slots

>> No.17207136

Entirely depends on your speed. The faster you go the more turns you get per real time so days go MUCH slower.

>> No.17207154

Is curtain of smoke useful? Just got it and had no idea it had even been added to the game.

>> No.17207190
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Got into South Tyris a few days ago, I'm saving up AP of my pets (around 1500 right now) in order to get the barrier trait as their first AP upgrade, but I've reached the point where very few enemies give AP anymore, and I can't proceed further into the void either. Should I keep saving up or spend everything into speed + chara quality up?

>> No.17207223

U wot? Grind a little, upgrade your gear to +10. chow some herbs, and craft on a lucky day for resists and you should be strong enough to swim in AP. I'm not even in South Tyris yet, but with total earned AP per partymember over ~2500 I still get AP from pretty much everything. Dungeon DLs I have been doing are 100-120 though. Also getting AP when it is already at max makes it easier to earn more later, something to keep in mind.

>> No.17207359

>Also getting AP when it is already at max makes it easier to earn more later, something to keep in mind.
How does that work? Didn't AP stop growing after reaching the 2000 max value?

>> No.17207363

Where does a fire dragon child spawn with the highest %?

>> No.17207368

Just bumble about in the Puppy Cave.

>> No.17207376


How does a high level holy veil stack up for silence? Of course it requires identifying monsters that can silence before they hit you but that shouldn't be an issue when you're far enough into the void for silence to be a big problem.

>> No.17207381

Yes it does, but when you get AP after reaching that max, it deducts from the future calculation of whether you even get any AP. Because as you know, the more you have earned, the harder (read: higher stats) enemies you need to defeat to get any more. So the AP is not completely wasted even if you get points after reaching the 2k cap.

>> No.17207407

I recently did a run through lomas keeping him alive playing a low level warmage, puppers has given me a few scares here and there and a couple savescums when bolts went through me to get him, remember to cast slow on the little bastard so you can sprint ahead and kill things before he nips at him. Its fun, reminds me of the challenge where you keep dogmeat alive in fallout 1.

>> No.17207419


Can you not use the call familiar special action to send him back to the town?

>> No.17207422

That has the net effect of canceling however much you went over by though, no?
In that you're not being penalized for going over the cap but it's not like you're getting a bonus for doing so.

>> No.17207425

Puppy cave or wilderness

That said, the chances are much shittier if you're higher level

>> No.17207436

He's not yours, you can't make him wait or anything like that so he'll just midlessly follow you like a lost puppy, use your leash tactically.
Besides, where's the fun in just sending him away when you could be trying to protect him and risking your butt? Don't be a bitch anon

>> No.17207442

Yeah I think so. Just saying you don't need to be scared of wasting your AP after hitting 2000, so you can grind with no worries.

>> No.17207448


Why would I choose to protect such a lowly creature?

>> No.17207451

I recommend throwing the first monster ball you get at the first firedragon you can weaken in puppy cave. If you mutate arms onto them their high life makes them a companion you can keep for the rest of the game.

>> No.17207462

I get that you're a cuckchanner so you don't feel protective of things like wives and girlfriends but not wanting to protect a cute puppy is literally inhuman. Evaluate your life.

>> No.17207466

A magical mystical box which makes it so that any edible item currently inside it will not rot.

>> No.17207477


Lol this is jp otaku culture buddy we eat puppies for breakfast.

>> No.17207480

The mystic food box of corpse holding is great, especially when you just drop it on a pets lap and forget about it while you starve to death in the wild hunting nuts. Do they spawn anywhere else outside of that quest though if you lose or accidentally sell a pet with one?

>> No.17207483

It's that edgy guy that starts every post with an empty line, look for it you can identify every single post he's made that way.

>> No.17207487
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It's not about where, it's about when.

>> No.17207491

Yeah, maybe seven years ago.

>> No.17207494
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>> No.17207496

Alright got lucky day, haven't crafted in years. Is there an optimal spending of your materials when leveling? I see some recipes share in common rare materials and I'm guessing it's mostly spam low level shit with high mat stock so I save them for the good shit?

>> No.17207499

You can use the little sister quest to get duplicates, even more than one at a time.

>> No.17207507
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But I guess its only natural if you do idolize asians.
I can't tell if its worse than reddit spacing or not.

>> No.17207517

>You are fired

>> No.17207518
File: 383 KB, 589x366, 2919e884aa8d4a45f064f2c325ae203a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try mine

>> No.17207532

>hiring male maids

>> No.17207536

I think you got my base name instead, I've been too lazy to upgrade to Palace because I've got 3 extra floors to clean up first.

>> No.17207538
File: 1.97 MB, 260x320, o no he di didnt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not playing as a female with cute butlers and a fox brother

>> No.17207542

>You are hired

>> No.17207544

By the way, what's a good way to find big daddies? Don't they spawn less if you kill/capture too many little sisters?

>> No.17207545

Herbed curaria is crazy for pets. All of his stats went from 60 to 65 from a single food.

>> No.17207547

Only killing decreases the probability of them spawning. Just blitz through low-level dungeons until one pops up and then capture the little sister that spawns. It's that simple.

>> No.17207551
File: 20 KB, 570x479, outta here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brb going to start making herb in

>> No.17207555

They only spawn less if you intentionally kill the little sisters. So you'll keep finding them at the same rate if you just capture them. If the little sister doesn't die because of you (e.g. you captured them and they got killed by enemies) it doesn't count as a kill. I see daddies quite frequently, sometimes multiple per dungeon. Just have to keep beating dungeons.

>> No.17207563

What's the best level/difficulty to find arkhais in dungeon or monster hunting quests? I've been trying for a while to find them with no luck yet.

>> No.17207574

Okay so I just got myself a palace and a dungeon. What now? I suck at being creative.

>> No.17207577

So in Elona the little sister quest requires one extra each time, is there a cap on how many it'll require or if I farm it will I be needing to deliver upwards of fifty a time?

>> No.17207581

It caps at 10. Read the wiki.

>> No.17207584

Open the elona map editor and place some whores around your dungeon, make it a town and keep spare loot there.
Otherwise make your palace pretty?? how can you suck at being creative just spend time making things look nice and travel around in search of furniture.

>> No.17207591

Did you think the herb was a joke?
There's a reason for the herb plantations that keep showing up in these threads.

>> No.17207593

Yeah dude how can you suck at being social just spend time outside talking to girls and shit.

>> No.17207596

Throw some random items on the ground, keep telling yourself that you'll arrange them better soon, leave it like that forever.

>> No.17207609
File: 264 KB, 797x601, 1458057832426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm honestly very surprised by how versatile a mage/range character is. I have like, 50 different ways of shooting at people now instead of just 1.

>> No.17207617

I have herb farms but I usually stuff that shit in me/pets raw so they can eat more faster. I wasn't aware cooking made the improvements fuckhuge tier
>grinding chasing tail for charisma when you could be eating herbed food to get fuckhuge and become a smart sooth talker.

>> No.17207633

The herb infusion is what makes the herbs worthwhile.
If you haven't been using it yet you are going to both be kicking yourself over not doing it sooner and loving the immense gains.

>> No.17207636

-Foyer with salary chest, house board, table and chairs for visitors
-A room with bed/dresser/table/etc for each of your pets
-Easy to access bedroom
-Rooms for your merchants
-Room to craft in
-Statue/treasure/gene engineering room

Don't be afraid to tear down and build walls, use rods/spells of make door, and (b)ash doors until they break to remove ones you don't want.

>> No.17207646
File: 17 KB, 635x31, wow dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel enlightened.

>> No.17207652
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>you pat your stomach
Preparing to take a monstrous dump?

>> No.17207658

Oh and keep in mind your routine when building shit. Places you use and need to be at most often, should be the closest to the entrance. Places that don't serve a practical purpose or are used less (e.g. pet rooms) furthest. This actually holds true for and can make you more efficient in other games too.

>> No.17207663

Do I need to have good potentials to enjoy herbed herbs?

>> No.17207664

What are some of your favorite traits for an Elea warmage? Going for uncontrollable power for melee and I'm trying to think of what else would be good, dimensional move saves bacon early but teleporting is just as fine, what's worth it to take?

>> No.17207673

Herbs and food train your potential anyway

>> No.17207678

They have the greatest effect then, but they also give a bit of potential.
Early on when herbs are scarce I would save them until you can get some blessed potions of potential if your potentials are shabby.

>> No.17207682

>dimensional move saves bacon early but teleporting is just as fine
Dimensional move can also be performed when you're silenced.

>> No.17207685
File: 3.42 MB, 2480x3508, 1497771224095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your warmage's cuteness levels, portrait and pcc are way more important (I'd take extra HP)

>> No.17207701

to glarify :D only one of tailoring or garbendry :D can proc per night no matter how many bets :D you have
according to last thread only the kill that puts you over 2000 subtracts the leftover from total ever earned, you cannot continue grinding total earned AP to zero

>> No.17207704

I had an amazing fairy pcc, I've got some nice stuff with an elf body if I can find an outfit I like. I'm tempted to save that picture and cut part of it down to size now because elves eating sandwich a cute.
I did random gender after picking the cutie as an alias so I've put the forbidden meat on my to eat list, will make them cute anyway.

>> No.17207715

So can rods no?

>> No.17207721

I use them to teleport bosses away.

>> No.17207739


>> No.17207744

-Fire breathing is a must, since there are no cone shaped spells. Extermination breath seems to scale with your max mana which you will have a lot. It's very good for room clearing from a door.
-Eye of mind is pretty overpowered, especially after you get that wide skill that buffs it massively. A very strong single target ability that costs no mana.
-Extra HP traits since your HP will be shit
-Vampirism is godlike early on for those times when your mana runs out, since you can spam it to maintain your health and slowly wear down enemies. Doesn't scale that great for higher levels, but it can save your ass.
-The new magic plants feat is very powerful if you want to train gardening which you should anyway.
-Knockout is useful for every character.
-Extra stamina feats are useful too.

You can just use a rod.

>> No.17207760

I've really enjoyed strings assassin if you haven't tried it yet, lets you lay down traps which are basically mines for enemies to step on. Its OP early game and scales with tactics and dexterity but I haven't tried it midgame. I did get TO midgame using it almost exclusively once though and found its an absurdly good way to train tactics.

>> No.17207779

That sounds really cool, I missed having trap like spells.
Can you put down multiple traps and kite enemies through it?

>> No.17207791

Yeah, I've killed dungeon bosses by making them run across a sea of traps however you can trigger them along with your pets if neither of you float! Just throw a cheap set of wings on them and you're golden. By eye of mind did you mean the magic eye feat?

>> No.17207795

Yes, mixed up the name. It's magic eyes.

>> No.17207802

What wide skill buffs it? And is it really OP? I remember hearing it was shit somewhere so I never tried it, it seems to lead to eye of illusion and the wiki has jack shit on that.

>> No.17207806

Abyss in the eye.

>> No.17207811

Abyss gives you a buff for 50 turns that increases crit chance for you and every pet that you can see while casting, and makes your gaze-type abilities (that you get from the same feat) absorb HP, MP and gauge.

While the 50 turn buff is up you can spam your eyes of illusion and do a good amount of ranged damage while absorbing hp, mp and gauge (it costs SP, though). You can use this ability when you run out of mana and just drain it back while healing yourself and killing stuff.

>> No.17207817

Also if you have vampirism feat too using that gives you a net gain of SP and healing, so if you alternate between vampire bite and eyes of illusion you can recharge yourself from low mana and SP and keep going on forever.

>> No.17207820

I just can't settle on a combat style for my pets.
How are you supposed to pick, especially for the god pets that can really go into any style? I suppose scythes make good sense for the Black Cat.

>> No.17207857

I want to raise a slimegirl pet
What should she do? I already have a fire@dragon with a lasergun, a full-plate claymore-wielding nee-san, a little witch, a magic spirit and a skelly berserker who is growing up to be a undead dragon

>> No.17207859
File: 85 KB, 600x1050, ed991193cc290b794d247b8e268582ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Houtengeki has a lot of nice elves. For PCC, this guy made the bases that you can find in the chinese anon pack and also a lot of popular sprites. He posted the parts for his characters on his blog too, so you can mix and match clothes and hair. http://blog.goo.ne.jp/jinnno-cf/c/e05e4fdb971877fb5f977bba53849369/3

>> No.17207868

Martial arts, make her sumo squeeze enemies to death

>> No.17207919
File: 11 KB, 861x17, ElonaC_2017-06-20_19-19-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. WHY
Son of a bitch, someone is getting lynched. This is work of werewolf right?

>> No.17207926

Looks more like she was wearing cursed equipment.

>> No.17207945

Do shopkeepers count towards pet limit?

>> No.17207954


>> No.17207977

That's too bad, I am not ready to sacrifice pet slots for the sake of making cute shops and saving myself 10k

>> No.17207978

Cursed equipment. Pickpocket that shit off of her.

>> No.17208011
File: 38 KB, 432x600, 2rnwyg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a dummy, must have picked up something another adventurer trashed on the ground.

>> No.17208023

I want to pat her head

>> No.17208041

If a melee pet is reduced to 0% movement chance through AP, and only have shadow step added as a special action, would it spam shadow step ?

>> No.17208044
File: 286 KB, 540x304, oodn4zcAOA1unb18k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17208088
File: 2 KB, 21x23, Subararia_Helm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any way to make this thing useful?

>> No.17208093

You can just make them a custom AI with E+Custom.

>> No.17208115

I used to use this all the time before I got a decent fairy hat, just get a Crimson Plate for your waist. It pretty much stops most of the damage. Although, it still interrupts multi turn actions which is annoying.

>> No.17208147

Dunno if sacrificing 1 out of 15 pet slots to earn ~0.5-1mil a day by mid-ch2 that could go towards keeping your other pets maxed at all times is worth it, true.

>> No.17208148
File: 5 KB, 128x192, sadahr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seperate hair for thicc body, save as e.g. pcc_hair_19 and you can select it in-game and color the 27 default colors

>> No.17208158

how much do you train your skills? It doesn't seem worth it to raise everything to 400% since it drops way too fast from there.

>> No.17208166

Production 400%, regular grind shit 200%

>> No.17208177

>to earn ~0.5-1mil a day
It's only going to be a fraction of that compared to just selling them yourself come 1.69

>> No.17208210

I used to care but once a few stores got running it stopped being relevant. If you earn 1.5 mil a day from 3-4 stores, what does a few hundred thousand overspent on training matter? Better keep those % rising as fast as possible, though again it doesn't matter because not having good resists fucks me and my pets anyway.

>> No.17208212
File: 9 KB, 128x192, telf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elf base

>> No.17208222

That's one HEALTHY elf there lad

>> No.17208227

I only hope so. Right now shit sells too fast, at too high a price. They need to drastically lower the amount sold a day, at least (they can keep everything else) - this way it's not Recettear 2.0 Beast Mode Edition where you feel like you're wasting so much money if your stocks aren't full all the time and they run out sooooo damn fast.

>> No.17208236

Well their method seems like it will be to just nerf their max sell price down to the player's level, then give them a 20% bonus.
No changes to sell rate as far as I saw.

>> No.17208261
File: 6 KB, 128x192, tdelf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark elf

>> No.17208278
File: 5 KB, 128x192, tdelfhr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same hair for with the elf body (realized I had to cut out holes for the ears to poke through...)

>> No.17208294

So basically shops become worthless?
If I can get 20k more from a 100k item I'm not going to give a shit.

>> No.17208303

Does anyone know a way to add more than 20 shortcuts (on top of the regular + shift ones)? 20 really isn't enough when you're playing a mage and using a spellbook that has a gazillion pages is such a pita.

>> No.17208306

It looks like the food shop is going to be the only one worth something.

>> No.17208308
File: 58 KB, 361x304, erufu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And finally example of all parts in-game.

>> No.17208313

You still get the chance to re-roll useless miracle/godly equipment, worth it for that alone. Unless you're insane enough to actually utilize all 15 pets fully in the field, in which case I salute you.

>> No.17208322

What the heck is abyss in the eye? Is my PC chuni now?

>> No.17208330

You misunderstood me, I do have one shop

I just don't see the reason to get more than one, since the shop specialization can we switched for as little as 10k and my little sister sells everything in 2-3 days

>> No.17208376

>Level means very little in this game
Why do I keep seeing this when the monsters that kill me are high level and the strongest person in this thread has levels in the thousands?

>> No.17208387

Those are secondary.
You could be level fucktillion but if your attributes are shit that just means it'll be a few extra rounds until you die.

>> No.17208401

Because level only determines your HP and MP scaling, some special actions you have access to, and nothing else. IIt's more a measure of time played, and that's the important part.

If you put on a massive amount of equipment that disturbs your growth to remain level 1 forever, you could still clear everything through act 3 and beyond. You'd just have less HP and MP to do it with.

>> No.17208442

That same 6000 level guy has a 177 level pet with same attributes as him (didn't see the stats). Levels are a rule-of-thumb indicator of enemy power, but they don't affect the player much.

A better indicator of player power is how many herbs he can grow and the resists/immunes on equips (which come from crafting skill). Lacking those slows you down more than anything else, at least in my case.

>> No.17208483

Don't forget artifact fusion which is the real key to perfect equips.

>> No.17208543

How the heck do you beat Yerleswood?

>> No.17208551

Shoot at it until it dies.

>> No.17208570

Use the power of true friendship

>> No.17208576
File: 8 KB, 529x17, ElonaC_2017-06-20_22-27-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the enemy of all artists. Didn't notice him in party quest

>> No.17208583

Should I train guns, or some physical weapon to cover magic resistant enemies? I think guns would be more effective but using a spear or something is cooler from an rp perspective.

>> No.17208585

>>17199524 here.

I did it. I bought a cyberhouse and hired a magic vendor and spent nearly 500k raising her level to 106 (dunno why the jump from the first 50 rank to the second was so big). Still no sign of a potion of potential.

I infiltrated the thieves' guild, learned to pickpocket and ran away before the koolaid man finished tearing through the walls. I got into a party and stole a BBQ and I set a store and ranch next to each other to keep the food going. I actually had to set two ranches (and a second farm) since food sells so fast I can't supply all that demand.

What now? Almost level 20.

I was thinking of grinding performance to raise my charisma since I'm capped on pets (is the mad scientist worth it? Seemed unique) since I hit another sort of wall on dungeon diving. They're either so easy I literally do nothing but walk to the next set of stairs or so hard my pets melt. I guess I need more resistances for them.

How important are raw DV/PV in relation to other bonuses offered by armor?

I also capped all the rewards from Jure except the one you get through summoning. Should I stick with her or move on to another god?
And what's the best way to farm water bottles?

>> No.17208595

>small projectile shooty tooty device
>{Mega Homo} super nuclear magic spear

>> No.17208605

I'm not sure which one you're trying to promote.

>> No.17208608
File: 102 KB, 640x640, 36657218_p7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naisu. You got a .zip for the whole shebang?

>> No.17208610

You can craft spears, which means it's easy to get a godly one if you wait for a lucky day.

>> No.17208635

I'm new to Elona, which is better, Shotgun or Sniper?

>> No.17208639

Laser beams.

>> No.17208655

I've yet to find one.

>> No.17208665

bleeding will train healing bigly, you'll be invincible
>Ford Taurus
>can't catch a 25 year old stock Skyline

>> No.17208682
File: 6 KB, 285x425, hr2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll update it when I make new sprites. I fixed the ones I posted just now too, the hair was covering the eyes in-game.

>> No.17208721

Feel free to return the favor in the future, he's an ass.

>> No.17208728

Hopefully someone remembers to add this to the pastebin, deserves it.

>> No.17208737

Does the crone respawn? Can I kill her for the Blood Shiny rod?

>> No.17208744


>> No.17208753

Where do I find them?

>> No.17208772

Sniper can decapitate enemies below like 10% health for fun times. And I am certain they have a better usable range since you are likely a squishy mage and shotguns are up close and personal.
Or you can try to somehow cheese Ultima to get the railgun of fun.

>> No.17208783

Sniper rifles can also be used effectively at point blank with the Zero Shoot skill (which also makes them roll for max damage.)

>> No.17208794

Sniper it is then, is there any way I can increase accuracy?
I only found firepower in skills.

>> No.17208798
File: 580 KB, 1280x760, 69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking little shits.

>> No.17208807
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>> No.17208809

Marksman, Firearms skills.

>> No.17208811

Why are you sitting on so much platinum?

>> No.17208821

>I only found firepower in skills.
You only have like a third of the skills when you start off. You need to learn the rest. And some skills can only be learned at a single trainer.
Look at the list so you don't miss some guild specific skills.

>> No.17208823

I actually don't know. I'll go train some things.

>> No.17208829
File: 7 KB, 420x19, ElonaC_2017-06-20_23-23-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[sweats internally]

>> No.17208832

Throw enough of them and you will be rewarded with something.

>> No.17208835

Please murder me for my loot

>> No.17208839


>> No.17208847

>mfw imouto has 140 negotiation from playing recettear
I bet you guys have imoutos with more nego than yacatect

>> No.17208861
File: 55 KB, 591x404, rainbow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad I guess

>> No.17208871

>the blessed ephemeral chain mail <Lame Wife> [7,0]
>It decreases your Charisma by 38

>> No.17208876


>> No.17208878
File: 17 KB, 477x53, puyun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your imouto's oneechan

>> No.17208910

>leaving your imouto alone in the shop and not taking her with you
I just bought a slave for that.

>> No.17208914

>not riding your imouto so you would be as close as possible

>> No.17208917
File: 16 KB, 146x143, little fag attempting to raid fridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I had an arkhai show up out of nowhere and I have no idea how he got here. I'm pretty sure nobody has gear that attracts monsters. Months later he's still living in my house. I'd sell him to you for 3 api nuts if I could.

But I'd try just doing dungeons of level 60 and upwards if I were you.

>> No.17208922

Not fuseable and has two mediocre enchants.

>> No.17208926

Wiki says there are some fixed spawns though I don't know if you can capture those.

>> No.17208927

>not giving your imouto a second head so that you can get a double blowjob whenever you like

>> No.17208933

The /jp/ music box from dropbox doesn't seem working and always tell me that the file is corrupt, am I supposed to set my own music now?

>> No.17208935

I saw one in one of those, but it was a male sadly. Apparently they're quite rare. Though now that I think about it, I could have put that male into a ranch to create females.
Not catchable sadly.

>> No.17208936

You could also have given him forbidden meat, you wasted your chance

>> No.17208944

Fuck I completely forgot that too. Though I hadn't played for several years so I didn't remember about that meat.

>> No.17208947

>bringing your imouto to fight ancient warlocks, world-destroying viruses and gods
I just want to keep her safe

>> No.17208950

Irva is not a safe place. An adventurer with cursed gear that summons tentacle dick monsters could step into your shop at any moment. If you love your imouto you must train her into the strongest girl so she can protect herself.

>> No.17208951

+5/+3 resist on gloves is p. damn good, IMO. Makes the color bead inventory game easier.

>> No.17208953

Post a screencap boyo, I need it for nefarious purposes

>> No.17208977
File: 790 KB, 1280x760, 70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky. My pet didn't sell it.

>> No.17208987
File: 27 KB, 173x276, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, good

>> No.17209029

Did for me, because I resurrect everyone after I duel glove them for shit.

>> No.17209050

I was going to see what declaring a birthday actually does but realized the day I was setting it for was in the first 3rd of a third month.
Will I miss out on some amazing birthday event or something thanks to ether wind? The wiki doesn't have much info on birthdays.

>> No.17209064

It's really hard to keep up with monster hex spell power deep in the void or in high level awakened dungeons. My holy veil is currently lv 250+ and it doesn't really help too much. A lot of hexes go right through. I'm still leveling it in hopes that it will protect one day but so far it isn't too helpful and I've had to rely on Jure's heal when I get silenced.

>> No.17209066
File: 204 KB, 555x358, yutasu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice utopia faggot

>> No.17209069

People who aren't hostile or annoyed (pets included) by you wish you congratulate you. If there's nobody near you the wish goddess does it instead.

>> No.17209123

is a shop worth it if i can't currently get a pet with high charisma/negotiation?

bought my farm so i'm trying to figure out what to aim for next.

>> No.17209164

Get a ranch and catch yourself a moster whose corpse increase your stats (ex. putits' corpses give you charisma). Also you will likely get a skin that sells well.

>> No.17209172


I bought a rogue from the slaver and through selling crap his charisma is over 30 and his negotiation over 60. You just dump trash in there and feed him some copper coins every once in a while.

>> No.17209174

cha/neg rise very fast, just do harvest quest for bronze coins to raise your shopkeeper's potentials

>> No.17209179


Shop is always worth it, as early as possible, at least until 1.69 completely guts them. By the time you can get those high
charisma/negotiation pets the rogue warrior or whoever you stuck in your shop will have surpassed their stats. Things will be slow at first until your shop level rises. If you have the pet slot set up a rabbit ranch or two to supply the shop, cooked meat sells really well. Switch between the different specialty shops depending on what you're looking to sell, the default sell everything shop sucks ass don't use it unless you have to.

>> No.17209189

I passed two birthdays and nothing happened at all.
I was looking forward for it too.

>> No.17209225
File: 38 KB, 423x525, 1439553052261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not giving yourself a forehead penis so she can give you the succ while also giving the fucc

>> No.17209244

Was this implying something?

>> No.17209249

>Not making a penis hedgehog with penises for quills.
They also can break off and get stuck in things

>> No.17209252

How can I improve my hit chance as a martial artist?

>> No.17209260

Punch enemies. Weapon skill improves it.

>> No.17209263

Wear rubynus gloves.

>> No.17209265

Oh. Hm. Should I try using Claws, or just go bare handed?

>> No.17209269

Huh, that's actually nice considering how antagonistic npcs can be at times.
Guess I'll have a little party in the shelter.

>> No.17209278
File: 400 KB, 805x828, __shoebill_kemono_friends_drawn_by_disco_brando__0b2c69e5df2659145926b218e0268239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find a godly rubynus katana
>all enchantments are useless

>> No.17209296


>I did it. I bought a cyberhouse and hired a magic vendor and spent nearly 500k raising her level to 106 (dunno why the jump from the first 50 rank to the second was so big). Still no sign of a potion of potential.

They show up rarely, at least at low shop levels, so it can take a while if you're unlucky, but you definitely can get them from your shop.

I can't answer all your questions but it looks like you're on the right track. For water buy all the salt solutions and rods of fire wall you see and make your own. Drop at least the first cheap invest 50 in the town magic vendors so you have a small chance of seeing potentials whenever you're passing through. Remember to pump investing potential before you invest, too, that will train your charisma as well as investing which makes future investing cheaper. Dump the unique pets like mad scientist in the doujou so they don't waste a slot, or you can breed them on a ranch for shade roulette. Make sure you don't neglect crafting. Buy up the gain material scrolls as you're checking magic vendors and bless them when you have a huge enough stack, craft when you get a lucky day and hope for upgrades with nice resists.

>> No.17209298
File: 99 KB, 768x575, Kemono-Friends-1-1-768x575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put it in your shop, it might get rerolled into something good.

>> No.17209355

Is there an item I can store random items in? I want to have storage in my house without just having bags lying all over.

>> No.17209385
File: 254 KB, 506x595, lightsabres.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


can get silly things form crafting gear on lucky days

>> No.17209403

Claws train unarmed, as does using only shields.

>> No.17209405

At low skill levels claws are ideal.
Later on you'll want to take them off since you won't get all your bonus attacks with them on, but until then you'll want them to hit shit.

>> No.17209417

Do you have to worry about them getting stuck with the "it's too unfair" tag when doing that?

>> No.17209422

Don't skins only sell in general store? They have a high price but 1x modifier makes it not worth bothering with, probably, I wonder if anyone tested it.

>> No.17209432

Why do people like lightsabres? Looks like they have super low damage.

>> No.17209442
File: 483 KB, 1287x792, decapitation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you based thicc sister and kumiromi for the scythe

>> No.17209462


I think the unfair flag is triggered only by ridiculous hit + damage bonuses, or maybe DV/PV too. If you managed to get a lightsaber that's too unfair to equip, it really would be too unfair.


100% pierce and the dice can be improved.

>> No.17209530

4d mirror dressing room

>> No.17209557

For me it's personal preference. Would probably use a laser sword even if they were a shitty weapon.

>> No.17209701
File: 2.94 MB, 740x416, 1406555838208.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I upgraded from 1.66 bc I couldn't craft a cheaty living ls because I didn't know about lucky day
fug D:

>> No.17209728
File: 1.18 MB, 1622x636, Yaca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Yacatect. There probably are imoutos with higher negotiation. She's trying her best guys don't bully her.

>> No.17209732

Also too tall
who likes 194cm girls?

>> No.17209738

old hag

>> No.17209744
File: 560 KB, 750x750, ネコ科のデビル - 今日は妹の日だ。.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praise to be the man uploading Younger Sister sprites on ElonaUploader.

>> No.17209747


>> No.17209859

cute sprites!

>> No.17209861
File: 31 KB, 848x480, adorable-toyone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who likes 194cm girls?
Yeah, when 197cm girls are so much better, amirite?

>> No.17209875

I do! The taller the better.

>> No.17209877

Making a rubynus items only cost 13 blessed change and 3 superior material scrolls.
Generally less since you can start in the middle of the material chain.

>> No.17209894

If you lower weight through flying scroll then change the material, what happens to the weight ?
Reset, stays low through modified by the weight factors difference of the material, something else ?

>> No.17209907

Wow she's not cute at all.

>> No.17209926

It's ok anon. You can have whatever strange tastes you want.

>> No.17209935


If it's godly wouldn't you need a material kit?

>> No.17209968

My guess would be reset to whatever weight the new material has.

>> No.17210094

Yes, thank Yacatect for Garok.

>> No.17210108
File: 1.09 MB, 1624x639, shop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok Yacatect. You may be a bit tall and you may be about a million years old but don't let that get to you. All we need to do is work on your charisma. I mean look at Saya. She absolutely hates retail but everyone comes to see the charismatic flustered dark elf.

>> No.17210156

Anyone knows a good moongates locations?

>> No.17210162

If that shop was a brothel you'be be rich !
I mean, rich by your standard.

>> No.17210179
File: 57 KB, 687x498, elona ai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea why does she spam Cheer even when it has 70 turns left and only attacks like once every 3 turns even when standing next to an enemy?

>> No.17210188

Maybe you should stop using cheating software to play the game and it would run correctly nerd.

>> No.17210204

That's an interesting idea. Too bad shopkeepers/workers take up pet slots and you can't have more than one worker. Maybe one day it might be possible. You know before I opened up an inn to sell all the beer I was crafting with Kai I thought about opening up a hostess club but yeah ran into the problem with can't assign more than one worker and pet slots. Sucks, I wanted to sell alcohol and have people chat up the ladies. I ended up going with an inn in the end out of simplicity but another idea I had spinning was a maid cafe full of everyone's beloved performaids.


>> No.17210207

It's because cheer doesn't buff the person who cast it. Only their allies. So since she never gets hero she spams the hell out of it until she literally can't.

>> No.17210209

What are good classes for a beginner?

>> No.17210212

Oh. Thought it buffed everyone. Thanks, that must be the problem.

>> No.17210219

If you want to use spells at all, then go Elea Warmage.
You can literally do everything and can either stay hybrid or specialize later if you want.

>> No.17210230

>Speed: 221(81)
Damn, cheer and speed spell add up to some pretty massive buff.

>> No.17210234

Nevermind, I'm a dummy. It actually doesn't stack.It even overwrites my better speed buff.

>> No.17210396

I thought Eulderna and lich also gave you a decent magic start?

>> No.17210425

There is no such thing as a decent magic start.

>> No.17210449

Oh come on, magic stops being hard the moment you get a few magic dart books.
>but magic dart sucks
It's killer for Act 1, and if you can't get into the magic guild by then what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.17210502

The point is that Elea and Warmage doesn't tank your strength and HP.
For a beginner without direction, it's a great hybrid start. Can't find spellbooks? You are decent at melee. Stuck out in Etherwind? Elea kind of helps with that.

That combination isn't weak at anything and you can go anywhere with it later.

>> No.17210517

Magic dart is great for early game, that's not the problem. There are two main issues with starting as a pure mage. You won't have enough mana to even finish a hunting quest or dungeon with magic dart when you first start, and will constantly be hiding trying to meditate and being interrupted. Also you will be forced to go through the puppy cave for hours and hours collecting enough vonyich manuscripts to enter the guild so you can actually get the magic rolling.

>> No.17210532

They do. Eulderna and Elea are really good for hybrid magic starts though. Lich is heavy on the magic side of the spectrum and a bit frail. In a sense a lich is a very traditional wizard. Very good at spells but not good at entering into melee.

>> No.17210563
File: 29 KB, 474x71, gun cloak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


craft cloaks if you can for It provides an interlocking shooting mechanism.

>> No.17210630

what I meant is that I wanted to exploit the fact living weapons could exceed the attribute limit prior to 1.67 for amazing resistances

>> No.17210636

My faith skill is skyrocketing now that i use preaching to do the party quests.
I don't know if preaching is less effective than ensemble, but i have no trouble for satisfying anything.

>> No.17210637
File: 302 KB, 563x625, living memes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh that i did it for combat stats and skill boosts.

>> No.17210720
File: 904 KB, 500x532, 1410418510.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Throw what?
>You throw a duel glove. It hits <Little sister>!

>> No.17210813


what the fuck do i do about mutations.

none of the vendors are selling enough of the cure mutation potions, and i have like 8 negatives with 3 positives if i'm lucky. i've lost like 3 equipment slots at this point for big ears, hooves etc and when i do finally find a potion in a shop, it generally just fixes one thing. which by the time i find the next potion is replaced by 2 or 3 more shitty effects.

>> No.17210820

Make sure you're not confusing mutations for corruptions. Corruptions need potions of cure corruption and mutations need cure mutation potions.

>> No.17210844
File: 155 KB, 621x419, monster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, it seems i am apparently.
fuck, i've been giving mine to the noyel lady. i thought they all came from dreams or everwind when on world map, so i just assumed mutations despite seeing "disease".

>> No.17210915

Those who played ADOM would know about the puppy cave's boon to magic users - just walk up/down stairs until you get a spellbook, this way you can get as much spell stock on starting tier spell as you want.

>> No.17210938

go gamble a bit
don't forget to bless them

>> No.17211059

In the Japanese version it says [ether], plainly. Looking at the sheet you'd think it was herpes or something.

>> No.17211145
File: 832 KB, 1024x768, wizard pet custom AI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After a mostly-petless run I decided my damage was too low and have been training up a wizard pet to improve my damage output while trying to make her routine flexible enough that I don't have to babysit her with healing spells. Can any petfags who have experience in E+C weigh in on this AI routine?

>> No.17211200

Are there any cons to simply merging a low level pet with a high level monster to up her stats?

>> No.17211203

Do pets suffer casting penalties from wearing heavy armor or dual wielding?

>> No.17211215

The low-level pet might grow appendages you don't want her to have, like an extra leg, an extra arm, etc.

>> No.17211266

Does the -% speed penalty from extra limbs count into the max speed by chapter? E.g. if ch2 limit is 500, pet gets to 500 then gets an extra limb and her speed is reduced to 450, will she be able to get those 50 back by buying it through AP?

>> No.17211477
File: 67 KB, 500x314, 1444169233720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congraturation! It feels good to see something you made being used by bros

>> No.17211934

"You would have rather eaten human flesh" Is this flavor text or does it lower my stat gains from food?

>> No.17211937


>> No.17212047
File: 897 KB, 1566x1008, cave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did Lomias and Larnneire bothered to rescue the PC and murdered an innocent beggar, feeding his cadaver to you? Even by taking into account the shortest route, at least 1-2 days were needed to carry the unconscious player to the cave.

>> No.17212108

Why not? Doing things that are "fun" to them for no objective reason is archetypal fairy/elf behavior. Save the beggar today, kill him tomorrow.
Same as leaving you with a chest you can't open or making you mine a worthless piece of fake gold.

>> No.17212148

Because Larniere is a caring person, despite her persecution. Lomias is still a bit bitter.

Also I'm almost certain the beggar was dead before any of them got there. The last entry in the adventurers journal in the cave seemed to imply he was going to try his luck at a chaos fort or higher level dungeon. I say that was the beggar who probably dragged himself back to the cave before bleeding out.

>> No.17212151

His attributes will become super unbalanced, like 10 strength and 100 constitution. Some people do incremental gene infusion with different monsters changing between caster and fighter every 10 levels or something.

>> No.17212187

>Not liking girls tall enough that their tits are face level with you

>> No.17212315

>ywn get breastfed by a moneygoddess while standing up both

>> No.17212335

If the girl's head doesn't comfortably fit under my chin as she's burying her head in my chest, she's too tall.

>> No.17212356
File: 49 KB, 473x355, hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you're lying down, it doesn't matter either way

>> No.17212465

>Same as leaving you with a chest you can't open
That's full of really useless shit.

>> No.17212487
File: 751 KB, 1250x1800, 011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure about that?

>> No.17212634
File: 675 KB, 1024x768, 19471941951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fadeless pistol <The wise>
>It is alive. [Lv:1 Exp:0%]
>It brings an end.
Apparently adventurers will trade away world-ending sentient deathguns for a couple bottles of water. Go figure.

>> No.17212640

You should take it as your character tricking a new adventurer who's too dumb to appraise things.

>> No.17212665

Updating from 1.60fix to 1.68. Is it going to be drastic?

>> No.17212673

alt+f4 and then reloading disables rare drops for 10 minutes after loading your game, and until you change the map.
To compensate for fair play, all rare drops got a x5 drop chance multiplier.

>> No.17213220

To most adventurers that would be a wise choice. Kinda hard to find uses to a gun that summons level 80 dragons unless you're high level yourself. Besides, living weapons suck.

>> No.17213232

>Besides, living weapons suck.
I've been memed too hard into believing they're the absolute best things ever. How can a weapon that can only get better be bad aside from them sucking your blood?

>> No.17213261

They used to be good for getting a nice diversity of resistances, especially since they came with no enchants but since 1.67 you can't use artifact fusion on them and each living weapon can only get one kind of resistance on levelup.

>> No.17213276

You can't artifact fuse them? What a load of fucking trash. Why does ano keep trying to destroy fun with every update?

>> No.17213282

1.67 was a sight to behold. I'm still on 1.66 and have no plans to update anytime soon.

>> No.17213287

>each living weapon can only get one kind of resistance on levelup.
Until the next month, that is if the wiki is correct
Because he think he develop an online nethack.

>> No.17213373

What does hardening do, anyway? besides the + next to the name I don't actually see any of the stats go up.

>> No.17213381

Invisible DV/PV for armor, hit bonus for weapons.

>> No.17213383

+1 PV and DV for armor and +1 damage and hit chance for weapons.

>> No.17213392

Oh, so it does go up, but it just doesn't show the item's stat's going up? Okay, thanks.

>> No.17213424

It's visible on the PV/DV sum on your inventory screen, though.

>> No.17213483

This, fuck updating until this is fixed.

>> No.17213570

Can't fix what's been done intentionally. You'll probably not be updating ever.

>> No.17213620

Haven't played the game in a long time and decided to get back in the game. Grabbed the newest version which I think is 1.68. The game is a whole lot more accessible than it has ever been but I had to get used to doing things differently. Still I definitely can't go back to playing like 1.54 or whatever version I was playing. Whatever was done since then just feels right.

>> No.17213644

The one more or less hidden change you should be aware of is the anti-savescum change.
See >>17212673

>> No.17213709
File: 8 KB, 448x20, good job.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17213728

All hail the revival of chat

>> No.17213747

What's with the awful spacing, is it because of your font? I notice this in other anons' modded games too, how can you guys stand this shit?

>> No.17213830

The standard font bothers me more than the occasional awkward spacing.

>> No.17213847


chat back up?

>> No.17213870

Someone made a clone server.

>> No.17213871


>> No.17213882

Well I guess I'm not affected by it then. Didn't even know about the alt f4 thing and always played the game without save scumming largely because I was ignorant of how to even do it. Well at least I can say I'm playing the game honestly.

>> No.17213898

Someone got undone by their own evil petard, kek.

>> No.17213922

I think it also counts for 10 min after loading the game.
Otherwise it would be pretty easy to work around.

>> No.17213952

Default English font is too big and when numbers start getting big you'll see them collide with other text. I'd much rather have the occasional awkward spacing with other fonts than not being able to read anything due to being all mushed up. Don't have the spacing or the font problems when playing in Japanese though.

>> No.17213991

>Finally got a clean Living Lightsaber (Miracle)
K, what do I do with this to make it the best I can?
I'm on 1.62 still.
Do I just pile things like "Magic Damage/Lightning Damage" etc on it? Intending to use it as a weapon.

>> No.17214026

Fuse resists on it.
Then stack whatever elemental damage you want until lv. 15.
Then update the game and use craft repair kit on it for maximum damage.

>> No.17214039

Not godly? Vendor it.

>> No.17214063

Is it possible to get a godly with nothing else on it but living?
Don't even know the MMORPG-Tier-enchanting method to get it to 15 without getting blood sucking on it.

>> No.17214071

It doesn't show wishes which was my favorite part

>> No.17214186

I don't know but you'd need godly level (real life) luck to find it. I've never even seen a miracle item with nothing on it.

>> No.17214236

I'll probably stick with the miracle living with nothing on it then.

>> No.17214461

New: >>17214457

It's a hot summer

>> No.17214533
File: 275 KB, 802x599, 1458057832426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god I accidentally set Yowyn on fire and Gwen keeps destroying walls.

>> No.17214539

