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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 94 KB, 807x462, mefayt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1712253 No.1712253 [Reply] [Original]


>"The eyes are way too Asian."

>"There's no way Japanese would accept a face like that."

>"Everyone knows Western female game characters are ugly."

>"Well, Japanese people have the stereotype that Americans are fat, bald and clumsy. It's the same."

>"For Westerns, there's not much difference between the faces that eat kimchi and the faces that eat soy sauce."

What does that even mean?

>> No.1712255

>>"For Westerns, there's not much difference between the faces that eat kimchi and the faces that eat soy sauce."

It means the japs can't even tell the difference between a korean and a south east asian.

>> No.1712256

Do southeast Asians eat a lot of soy sauce? I thought it was mostly east asians.

>> No.1712260

I like how in the first article they got some American faggot named "torokun" off deviantart to be their expert on Japan affairs

>> No.1712263

She's fucking hideous.

And every time someone links to kotaku on /jp/, a part of me dies... about three months prior.

>> No.1712266

>"The eyes are way too Asian."
Too true to life

>"There's no way Japanese would accept a face like that."
>>"There's no way a nerd would accept a face that's not moe."

>"Everyone knows Western female game characters are ugly."
We think huge eyed anime is cute, and that everyone else must also think so.
(Although Western female game characters ARE often ugly, that isn't what they really mean)

>"Well, Japanese people have the stereotype that Americans are fat, bald and clumsy. It's the same."
Americans are middle aged Japanese business men and we don't constantly portray them as big nosed, blond haired, and blue eyed.

>"For Westerns, there's not much difference between the faces that eat kimchi and the faces that eat soy sauce."

>> No.1712270


I dunno is it worse then sankaku complex?

>> No.1712271

>In its various forms it is widely used in East and Southeast Asian cuisines
It's pretty universal. It was invented in China, too.

>> No.1712279


You raise a fair point, but I don't think either needs to be used. This shit is dumb to begin with and is really more of a /v/ thing. They love bitching over trivial shit, whereas I'm pretty sure we don't care about the game or what Japan thinks of the ugly cunt in it.

>> No.1712281


Eh, I didn't think Kotaku would be linked much on /jp/. Considering it's a gaming blog.

>> No.1712287
File: 210 KB, 1022x1143, 1228388331310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese american is rare than Korean and Chinese american. So many Hollywood movies use Korean and Chinese actors for the Japanese characters. but "The Last Samurai", they use many Japanese actors, and non-Japanese people says "Japanese actors do not look like Japanese. They must be half Japanese or something". Western people are really racists. The pic is Korean.

>> No.1712289

44 名前: あしたば(大分県)[sage] 投稿日:2008/12/02(火) 14:42:00.71 ID:R1WexZSO

>> No.1712293

Japan truly is inferior then. Westerners and Asians agree.

>> No.1712296


>You raise a fair point, but I don't think either needs to be used

That is exactly my point

>> No.1712300
File: 174 KB, 680x471, 1228388630193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this face eat kimchi

>> No.1712302

>"If you really sit and think about it, in America, Lucy Liu is an angel, right?"

>> No.1712306
File: 53 KB, 675x405, 1228388726939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you know that many "Ugly Japanese" in Hollywood movies are Korean American actors?

>> No.1712310

Korean-Americans are beautiful. You have never seen one before

>> No.1712313

When we had this thread yesterday, it derailed to a corea haters vs. jap haters shit wrestling tournament. I see we are on that way today too.

>> No.1712314
File: 59 KB, 508x380, 1228388915266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Well, Japanese people have the stereotype that Americans are fat, bald and clumsy. It's the same."

>"For Westerns, there's not much difference between the faces that eat kimchi and the faces that eat soy sauce."

>> No.1712317
File: 175 KB, 548x608, 1228389000620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody knows Korean are ugly. and you should check many ugly Japanese in American movies are Korean American actors.

>> No.1712318


She's nothing special, really.

She's just like one of three Asian actresses who are famous so the standards aren't that high in the first place.

>> No.1712319


Of course. Every time we have a thread that can be an appropriate platform for it, that one guy does into his whole fake Korean vs. fake Jap routine.

Back in the old days I think it was someone else, and probably two separate people, because the act used to be so much better.

>> No.1712324
File: 41 KB, 750x563, 1228389150447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this face eat soy sauce

>> No.1712327

>"For Westerns, there's not much difference between the faces that eat kimchi and the faces that eat soy sauce."

That's because they both look the same.

>> No.1712332
File: 150 KB, 971x707, 1228389354030.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1712336


>> No.1712356

It's the same as what Asian cannot understand whether Westerners gained weight by hamburgers or pizzas

>> No.1712359
File: 7 KB, 251x189, 1228389914403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>for the japanese personality is more important then blood

>> No.1712358

so pig disgusting

also, "eat" soy sauce? I can't think of a way in which that doesn't sound gross

>> No.1712360

Gooks are disgusting, flat faced animals

I'm an American who have lived in several Asian countries, and I can tell you that you gooks are the worst people, the most racist people on earth. Chinese people are so humble and have so much more confidence than you ugly, barbaric, dogeating flat faced, ugly 588 layers of makeup wearing gooks. Japanese people are much kinder and open to foreigners than you dog-eating, flat-faced, garlic breathed barbarians.

>> No.1712362

oh u

>> No.1712366

It's not the eyes, it's her super high cheeck bones that turns off people.

>> No.1712369



>> No.1712371

moar like japanese hivemind amirite

>> No.1712373

Yes. High cheekbone is the sign of Korean, at least in Japan. Japanese do not want it, they never think these kind of people as beautiful. if anon have a brain, you can find the people in >>1712306 are typical high cheekbone Korean faces.

>> No.1712374


Is this a copypasta/troll or is this serious?

>> No.1712375

high cheekbones are considered beautiful in western society

>> No.1712378
File: 45 KB, 390x339, 1228390827403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1712381

So that is why ugly asian face is treated as asian beauty? It is not politically correct. You should know that asian people think it is so vindictive.

>> No.1712384

>asian people think it is so vindictive

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

>> No.1712390


Right one could never be taken seriously in a setting like that of Mirror's Edge. For once developers did a good thing in shaping up a strong independent female character, both in personality and appearance (something that even Rare and Valve failed at, with Johanna and Alyx), and all of a sudden you have weeaboos up in arms demanding that she should have looked like a 13 years old whore. What a world.

>> No.1712396


>> No.1712397

She reminds me of Lucy Liu.

But still, it's made by a Swedish company so I cannot see how it can be accurate in any form.

By the way, is this game any good?

>> No.1712399
File: 237 KB, 800x533, 1228391598416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1712402

Funny why do they have the same teeth problems at the same places and even the tongue is same everything about the mouth is same...

>> No.1712403

>"Well, Japanese people have the stereotype that Americans are fat, bald and clumsy. It's the same."

This is pretty much the best comment. He's saying that she looks like an ignorant caricature of Asian stereotypes, just like how you see stupid, fat Americans in Japanese things. Or, more accurately than he put it, blond-haired, blue-eyed bodybuilders wearing clothing from the '80s and accessories that look like the American flag.

>> No.1712404


Yes, but it's also short. I advise you download the demo first, before deciding whether to buy or rent it.

>> No.1712406

>She reminds me of Lucy Liu.
She is said ugly in Japan. and Japanese people think it is malicious that White people treat her as asian beauty.

>> No.1712408


hideous = strong
whore = liberated

lol feminism

>> No.1712409


Yeah, maybe if she had shredders for teeth she would've been held in higher regard by the Nips.

>> No.1712412

Why you say Nips? You really don't have a brain?

>> No.1712420

Japs and Nips are words for the persons who want to prove one's stupidity

>> No.1712421

no offense but japanese people dont really give a fuck what some western company does.

>> No.1712422

Malicious? Really?

To be frank, who cares about what the Japanese think? Do they stop and consider what Americans would think about Japanese sex symbols?

(And Lucy Liu hasn't even been all that popular in years.)

>> No.1712425

>>1712408whore = liberated
I will never understand this mentality.

I agree with that article we've discussed here before; sexual liberation should be freedom to choose whatever you want in regard to sex, including not to do it at all. Instead they just decided to make women as slutty as men, and now you pretty much have to put having sex as your greatest goal/accomplishment in life.

>> No.1712426

Most Japanese companies in foreign countries do the local employment

>> No.1712427


If I have to be frank, I was thinking about using Gook as a blanket term for the flawed yellow race, but I feared I would come off a little too much Nixon-ish.

>> No.1712428


If I have to be frank, I was thinking of using Gook as a blanket term for the flawed yellow race as a whole, but I feared I would come off a little too much Nixon-ish.

>> No.1712429

Some of them probably do. The guy who pointed out Japanese stereotypes for Americans (fat, bald, clumsy) is probably aware that the Japanese idea of an attractive American woman is also different than Americans' idea of one.

>> No.1712431

Yes. Japanese people really angry with it. They really think it is malice of white people that high cheekbone, flat square face, slanted eye asian is treated like asian beauty.

>> No.1712437

I meant, would they actually go so far as to redesign a character in a game, or leave a picture of an idol out of a magazine, if those magazines or games weren't meant for westerners? Would they censor themselves to be politically correct, as they're asking us to do?

Again, why does that matter? People have different standards of beauty all over the world. Learn to live with it.

>> No.1712440

>Again, why does that matter? People have different standards of beauty all over the world. Learn to live with it.
It is YOU should learn it. Your activeties are thought that full of malice by Japanese. You don't know it until now, right?

>> No.1712443

What the hell are you talking about?

>> No.1712444

japanese overlords etc

>> No.1712445

Go to bed, preteen boooooy.

>> No.1712448

Are you coming on to me?

>> No.1712449

>>1712437I meant, would they actually go so far as to redesign a character in a game, or leave a picture of an idol out of a magazine, if those magazines or games weren't meant for westerners? Would they censor themselves to be politically correct, as they're asking us to do?
Of course they wouldn't do that. Most likely, the ones who are complaining about it are not involved in the production of games in Japan, or any media for that matter.

>> No.1712450

>We are a bunch of faggots with standards warped by plastic characters from our shitty games.

>> No.1712451

That is why Western games do not sell well in Japan. It is easy to understand, right? stupid Western boy?

>> No.1712457


Thank you.

>> No.1712458

Western girl, actually.

Japanese games with super kawaii moe girls usually don't sell very well here, either.

>> No.1712459


Yeah, let's have a moody, adult plot with MOE MOE KAWAII characters ^____^.
They'll surely fit well in it.

>> No.1712461

>To be frank, who cares about what the Japanese think?
What those faggots think shape how our animus turn out, which is why fantastical narratives have gradually been replaced by fetishist character circlejerks (aka moe anime) this last decade.

>> No.1712463

Do you have a brain? Moe girls are not politically incorrect. Do Western game makers make super big lips black characters?

>> No.1712467

Well, what do you expect. Look at the culture that has grown in Japan in the last 10 years, and tell me that it isn't equally shit.

>> No.1712468

There's nothing from Nippon these days that does not have MOE MOE KAWAII characters ^____^
just look at higurashi

>> No.1712472


This has nothing to do with political incorrectness, and you know it.

>> No.1712473


Doesn't /tg/ basically spends it's time cuming all over those though ?

>> No.1712477

Why you are so stupid like that? In fact, you don't make black characters with super big lips, right? It is the same. You are just stupid.

>> No.1712481

It makes me sad, because if you look at something Aria or Shimoun, the worldbuilding is better than almost anything from the west, and the fundamental intrigue isn't that bad either. But then there's the characters. Oh those horrible dumb, childish, squeaky voiced characters!

>> No.1712483

Is she japanese? Was it said that she was japanese and not say, viet, or something?

>> No.1712488

How on Earth is that the same? Do you even know what you're talking about?

>> No.1712494

replace /tg/ with /a/ and you would be right.

>> No.1712497

Wikipedia just calls her East Asian.

Honestly, when I saw the commercials I thought she was supposed to be Korean.

>> No.1712499

So you want to say "political correctness" is only for Blacks, right? You can make ugly asian character as you like, and nobody can not have the right to say something about it, right?

>> No.1712501

By the way, are the Western people dissatisfied with Westerners coming out to the game that Japanese made?

>> No.1712502

Actually, on second thought, they might. They even have on some occasions. Perhaps not in exactly the same way (racial stereotype PC stuff), but they do think of foreign markets, possibly even more than American game makers do.

Part of the reason that Tales of the Abyss and Tales of Vesperia have more complex stories and main characters that aren't young men just out on a journey to save the world is that Westerners don't like that archetype much. Up until those games, they made it a point to make main characters like Kyle and Lloyd as clueless as possible to make them more like earlier heroes of the series, Stahn and Reid. In order to get more sales abroad, Yuri is a very different protagonist.

Another example is the Corsair job in Final Fantasy XI. The classic job it is based on is the Gambler, and in fact the developers had basically planned on adding Gambler to FFXI. They changed it to Corsair, supposedly, because gamblers have a negative connotation in the West, but pirates do not. They also celebrate distinctly Western holidays in the game, like Halloween.

The difference probably has to do with market sizes and sales numbers. Ever since the early days of gaming Japanese companies have relied on sales in America and other Western states, but many Western developers do not take their games abroad at all. The ones who do are usually more interested in selling to places like China and Korea.

>> No.1712503

not someone related to this, but yes blacks used to be portrayed with big black lips and a sloped forehead in animation. Until the 30s or 40s for the US and until the mid to late 70s (maybe even 80s) for Japan. Wouldn't surprise me if game development did the same thing during those periods if it was a viable option.

>> No.1712509

Look at that face. She is clearly Russian.

>> No.1712517

You may think you're joking but you're actually telling the truth.
Faith is east russian, not 'asian'.
If anyone here's ever been to vladivostok, she's exactly what the locals look like.

>> No.1712518


The thing is, those aren't stereotypes.

They're truisms.

>> No.1712521

She's ugly to Japanese people. You guys don't have the only say in attractiveness.

Sometimes. But mostly we laugh at the naivety of how we're depicted in anime and games. All foreigners have blonde hair and blue/green eyes, can speak Japanese perfectly (but can barely pronounce a single word of English), etc.

That's interesting. I figured that foreign appeal would be more of a bonus.

>> No.1712538



what. I think I know what people look like where I live.

>> No.1712541

>She's ugly to Japanese people. You guys don't have the only say in attractiveness.

Neither do the Japanese. They should stop trying to force their beliefs on us.

>> No.1712544

russia's a big place
'where you live' could be islamic for all i know.

>> No.1712552

I'm not the Japanese guy. "You guys" was referring to the Japanese.

>> No.1712559

You mean "foreign appeal" as in Japanese games being appealing because they have foreign elements to Westerners?

I think that did help a lot in different times. Part of the reason things like FFVII sold so well was that very few people outside Japan had played a game like it before. Currently America (not sure about Australia/Europe) is on the whole "JRPGs and top-down shooters suck, WRPGs and FPSs are awesome" thing though, so developers/publishers are having to alter their strategies. Things like anime are also selling worse in the US; it's sort of like many people have gotten over the "new" feeling they had for Japanese media exports in the '90s.

>> No.1712562

I think I lost the ability to read.

>> No.1712571

At least, you know that YOUR ASIAN BEAUTY is not beautiful for Japanese. It is natural Western games do not sell well in Japan. You can not blame Japanese about it. I know many Western people say discriminative things about it. But it is your fault it doesn't sell well in Japan.

>> No.1712579

...They're right.

The original design is kinda ugly and the fanart is a little more appealing.


>We wanted her to be attractive, but we didn’t want her to be a supermodel.


Wrong way of thinking when you're trying to use sex appeal as a marketing device.

In fiction, aesthetics and pure visual appeal are sometimes more important than realism.

To a fairly large extent, at least.

>> No.1712580

>You mean "foreign appeal" as in Japanese games being appealing because they have foreign elements to Westerners?

Sort of. I meant that most of their media seems to be "by the Japanese for the Japanese", so a game becoming a hit outside of Japan would be a bonus for the company - they wouldn't go out of their way to make their products more acceptable to foreigners.

>> No.1712584

>"Everyone knows Western female game characters are ugly."
Well, at least they are honest.

>> No.1712590


Sale lost.

>> No.1712591

Things appealing to Americans and Europeans won't necessarily be received well in Japan. Nobody is "blaming" anybody.

And yes, I know that OUR ASIAN BEAUTY isn't beautiful to the Japanese. She isn't supposed to be.

>> No.1712593

As one Japanese, The person should not buy the software if he does not like the design of the Japanese character .

>> No.1712597

Faith isn't Japanese.

>> No.1712599



SquareEnix has gone on record a few times saying that they're aiming to appeal more to westerners.

Of course, Square Enix has been mostly garbage anyways... I miss Squaresoft. ;_;

>> No.1712608

The Japanese and western markets are very different, and they tend to have different demands. Western game developers tend to focus on the western market, as this is where they expect to primarily be able to sell. Therefore, when designing a stereotypical strong Asian female heroine, they design her to best appeal to the western market. Complaining about this is like complaining that foreigners in Japanese fiction always have blond hair and huge boobs.

>> No.1712610


I miss Enix.

Or, rather, I miss Quintet and other developers whose games were published by Enix.

>> No.1712614

Are we all in agreement that the one on the right is the more attractive then?

>> No.1712619

Thanks for the links. I haven't really followed gaming news in years, but it'd be interesting to see how close they get to their %50 goal.

>> No.1712622

Attractive, yes.

Interesting, no.

>> No.1712626
File: 302 KB, 512x2709, 1228398419676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1712629

The one on the left looks too much like a slightly feminine man, while the one on the right looks to childish, fake and has too big boobs. Can I say that none of them are more attractive?

>> No.1712630

Hm. I don't see the problem here. She's going to be punching people in the dick, not sucking them, so it's frankly more credible to see an 'agressive' face. Silly folks, them Japanese.

>> No.1712632
File: 384 KB, 630x3610, 1228398484378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1712634


>> No.1712637

Faith is the summation of Asian fetishes and twisted ideas of what white people think an attractive Asian looks like. She's just a super slanty, ultra high cheekbone Lucy Liu.

>> No.1712638

... I'm not seeing it.

>> No.1712640
File: 46 KB, 800x306, 1228398740362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korea Japan Thailand

>> No.1712641

Things don't have to be "Asian-themed" to appeal to the Japanese. Just the opposite happens - a faux European or American setting can be appealing to them just as a faux Japanese setting with samurai and geisha is appealing to Westerners.

>> No.1712644

What is the faith?
We cannot understand each other's all.I think that anyone wants the persons of the circumference to evaluate oneself well.But there is not the person fantastically so oneself thinks actually.
So he should not play if he doesn't like it.
His right is only it.

>> No.1712645


There are people out there that actually find geisha attractive?

>> No.1712647
File: 67 KB, 324x432, 1228399010703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one on the right looks like Gally. Which of course is awesome. Also I just realized Faith's hair is not only fugly but also that stereotypical bowl-cut that Asians have in old non-PC stuff. If only she had mild buck teeth she'd be perfect.

>> No.1712648

Not necessarily attractive, but interesting and foreign-y.

>> No.1712649
File: 30 KB, 450x157, 1228399094145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China Korea Thailand

>> No.1712650

Faith is supposed to be Korean right? Because that's a sort of a stereotypical Korean-American, sort of like 'Grace' becaiseKorean-Americans are all crazy for Jesus, I mean not like normal but they GO OUT OF THEIR WAY TO TRY TO CONVERT YOU AT RANDOM.

>> No.1712653


Meh, I don't think that many people go to watch samurai movies or play samurai videogames hoping to see geisha.

They'd rather see kunoichi being sexy and flipping around in short skirts.

>> No.1712655

I talked about the subject of this BBS.
I don't care about your faith.

>> No.1712659

I just watched Memoirs of a Geisha over the weekend, I guess geisha are fresh in my mind.

>They'd rather see kunoichi being sexy and flipping around in short skirts.


>> No.1712673

I'm fucking DISGUSTED with the shit Japanese people have been saying about Faith. If you think that Faith looks like an American stereotype of Asian women, that's fine. There's a lot of racism here in America, and that needs to be addressed.

But there's a lot of racism in Japan, too, as evidenced by the キムチ comments. Jesus Christ. The annexation of Korea ended sixty fucking years ago. How do you even know Faith is Japanese? Why do you ASSUME that an Asian woman in a video game is Japanese?

Furthermore, how can you argue that Americans are objectifying Japanese women and then turn around and objectify Japanese women yourselves (i.e., ACT LIKE FUCKING ASSHOLES)? How DARE you make Faith into some big-breasted 12-year-old! Why do women have to fit YOUR conception of female beauty? Just in case you haven't noticed, ASIAN WOMEN GENERALLY DO NOT HAVE BIG BREASTS. Why do ALL WOMEN have to be sex objects, something you can look at and get hard to while you play your fucking video games?

You people need to get your goddamn SHIT TOGETHER.


Fuck all of you.

>> No.1712678



>> No.1712682

Even if this is a troll, I agree with it.

>> No.1712683


>> No.1712684



>> No.1712687

My god, haven't laughed this much in a while.

>> No.1712685


>> No.1712686


>> No.1712689

アホか。日本のアニメを見たことないのか? 貧乳はステイタスだという言
葉を知らないのか? 欧米のゲームや映画ドラマ等のほうがセクシーな女

>> No.1712695


>> No.1712701


>> No.1712705

毛唐って本当に頬骨が高いチョン顔を美人と思ってるの? 本当にありえな

>> No.1712708

Right one looks like a hugely stereotypical "Asian female" as American white males like. Cartoonishly tiny, slanted eyes and cheekbones that could cut glass.

Pic on the left looks more like a realistic Eastern female, albeit stylized a little. Reminds me of Final Fantasy CGI graphics.

>> No.1712709


>> No.1712714


>> No.1712717
File: 51 KB, 640x480, 1228401827493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pic is famous Korean in Japan. Do White men really think she is beautiful?

>> No.1712718

if Americans considers that as asian beauty, maybe Japanese poop would be a cuisine for them

>> No.1712720

You don't know the difference between right and left? Seriously?

>> No.1712722


>> No.1712724

>I never go outside of my "safe place"

>> No.1712726

No, because she's ugly.

>> No.1712730


>> No.1712733


that was an epic failure right there

sorry bros, i will now commit suicide to avail myself of this error

>> No.1712735

Why? typical high cheekbone, slant eye, asian beauty for you.

>> No.1712745

The whole is not equal to the sum of its parts.

>> No.1712751


>> No.1712766

>more like a realistic Eastern female

Impossible, look at the size of the breasts.

>> No.1712763


that was cool, bro.

let me try


>> No.1712768


>> No.1712775
File: 26 KB, 405x405, 1228403014480.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the Asian Beauty for White men

>> No.1712773

Let's War.

>> No.1712774


Only on /jp/ could someone retort with an argument of "Japan loev DFC". Japan is full of lonely people who have nothing better to do than come up with various fetishes for all of the abnormal and strange women in the country.

Because otherwise, everybody looks the same!


The one on the left doesn't look Asian, more so goth/emo American.

And let's face it. The one on the left is ugly.

>> No.1712785


>> No.1712787

Holy crap. You just apologised on 4chan. I... I think something should be done in honor of it, but I'm torn between flinging poop at you and shaking your hand.

But frankly, has anyone considered the possibility that this Faith-character was possibly meant to be an ugly asian, instead of the universal representative of an asian female?

>> No.1712791


Yeah, what the fuck were they thinking? Let's glorify ugly people by making them the star of this videogame?

>> No.1712795


>> No.1712797
File: 152 KB, 548x515, 1228403502997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White men love ugly Korean women. Japanes men hate ugly Korean women. No problem at all. White men, enjoy sex with ugly Korean women.

>> No.1712798

I thought they were going for badass or fierce rather than attractive.

>> No.1712802

You can have badass/fierce as well as attractive. You can have anything with attractive. It's just that attractiveness is stupid rare.

>> No.1712803

Badass fierce does kinda correlate with ugly though. It's much easier to think the people who've beat my face in in the past were rather ugly than pretty, even if for the sake of my own ego alone.

>> No.1712805

Just come out and say that all Japanese haet the kimchi-eating Korean devils and be done with it.

>> No.1712813
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>> No.1712814
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>> No.1712817

>has anyone considered the possibility that this Faith-character was possibly meant to be an ugly asian
I think the term you're looking for is 'rugged heroine'.

>> No.1712821

Korean can't help pretending white men

>> No.1712827


>> No.1712835


>> No.1712837

Korean can't help pretending Japanese

>> No.1712856

Corea = monkey same

>> No.1712867


>> No.1712872


>> No.1712874

[truth]Japs are disgusted by original faith because she looks much more like the average woman in their country than the genki kawaii shoujo ideal to the right. And whenever Japs feel insecure about themselves, their immediate reaction is "Korea is worse."[/truth]

>> No.1712875


Take it easy, this board is smallu

if you want full force, you should try /b/

>> No.1712878

The same could be said of the Asian Americans on Kotaku, although they blame it all on whitey being racist or ignorant or whatever.

>> No.1712879

Too stuipid Korean. I always lol. because all Korean ignore pics of Korean. Do they really have no mirrors? If Koreans have mirrors they can not post like "korean is beautiful".

>> No.1712886


>> No.1712890

Is disgustful gaijin in denial. As for using poor arguement, please stop it.

>> No.1712892
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Kill yourself barbaric Korean.

>> No.1712894

I think this face to be fit in the worldview of that game.

>> No.1712911


>> No.1712918


That is a very reasonable opinion.

I think you are right, but this thread is mostly made of trolls.


>> No.1712925
File: 964 KB, 275x190, 1228406873539.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, koreans are too stupid and poor to even understand what an eleven is. It's just so many of you wapanese faggots are circlejerking to the 2chan detritus posting in here that I felt someone should say it.

>> No.1712927

Gooks a gook, nip nong ching chong fong we arr rook same.

>> No.1712938

LOL typical retard.

>> No.1712942

>LOL typical retard.

>> No.1712946

fuck political correctness!

>> No.1712953

kimchi is great. Japs love it too. and Japs and Kinks look exactly the same.

>> No.1712955


>> No.1712968

Because making fun of other races is wrong but making fun of the disabled is A-okay.

>> No.1712974

im sorry but the fan art looks retarded she looks to young and to soft for the job she has in the game th eorigional is prefered by me becauseshe looks naturally pissed and kinda haggard which fits her character more she does spend al her time running from cops and fighting them in a distopian future after all

>> No.1712987
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>> No.1713028
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>> No.1713049
File: 50 KB, 567x600, 567px-Sandra_Oh_WGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We love Sandra Oh, beautiful korean canadian.

>> No.1713059
File: 210 KB, 500x745, swede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, what the fuck were they thinking? Let's glorify ugly people by making them the star of this videogame?

More likely than you think. Sweden has a feminist party that's even been in the government, and they spread false rumors about a Satan-worshiping male pedophile conspiracy within the Swedish rulers AND get away with it.

If Sweden produces people like that then it's not a stretch to assume the developers of the game genuinely think it's a good idea to push "values of equality" by having an unattractive (unfappable=unsexist="progressive") double minority member as the lead.

>> No.1713512

>she looks to young and to soft for the job
That's the point.
You want to help her, to guide her. You worry about her in light of the challenges she faces. You want to cheer her on as she struggles with an unfair, harsh reality that you wish someone so innocent didn't have to deal with. You feel relieved when she succeeds and sorrowful when she fails.

The left image...meh, she looks like she can take care of herself without my help. How am I supposed to get emotionally attached to that?

>> No.1713570
File: 389 KB, 735x1011, 118561e98ff282237d345217cf34d3db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Faith thread would have been much better had we derailed it immediately into a Feito thread.

>> No.1714621

moe is just bullshit. the idea of the perfect cute submissive woman is just....ugh. Christ.

I want a woman not a doll ffs
