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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1711818 No.1711818 [Reply] [Original]

hey /jp/,
in a few months i'll be heading overseas to study abroad at osaka university of arts. anyone with japan studying abroad experience(or japan travel experience in general) have any tips for me?
tips or general info, what to take, things like that?

>> No.1711832


>> No.1711834

You should take clothes, money, and your passport.

>> No.1711840

I'll be doing the same thing, but up in Kyoto, and Japanese, not art. I quit Art school. Kyoto kind of looks like it might suck pretty hard. I kind of wish I applied to more schools in the Kanto area.

>> No.1711857


i didnt really have a choice, OUA is just our sister school over there, but it works for me, from what i've heard and read and seen it looks awesome

>> No.1711882

Namba Station is a fucking underground labyrinth

>> No.1711906

Persons of Osaka is frank.
But Osaka is the one of the dangerous areas in Japan.
Do not worry that much, but had better do that you walk the busy streets alone at night very much.
Because the foods of Osaka delicious, you should eat various things.
” Takoyaki” and  ”Okonomiyaki” in particular

>> No.1711912

Your description of your situation is too vague and your question too general to give a meaningful answer to. Well, not, but the answer would be longer than I'm going to bother to type. Read your orientation package, etc. google.

>> No.1711915

I lol'd.

>> No.1711918
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>> No.1711923

>anyone with japan studying abroad experience(or japan travel experience in general) have any tips for me?
If only we had a board that specialized in this particular topic...

>> No.1711933


Sorry,You should not walk the busy streets alone at night very much.

>> No.1711937

>anyone with japan studying abroad experience(or japan travel experience in general) have any tips for me?

If only we had a board that specialized in this particular topic...

Also, /trv/ isn't exactly happy about getting flooded with japan threads all the time and some of you guys could seriously take a short break from fappan to toehoes every now and then.

>> No.1711940

>walk the busy streets alone at night
If you added up every last inch of "dangerous road" in the country, there's probably less than a mile of "bad streets" in all of Japan.

>> No.1711944

Wait, are you actually serious about this? Oh god, i lol'd again

>> No.1711948

As for where are dangerous in Japan, Kabukicho, Shinjuku of Tokyo, Roppongi, Dotombori of Osaka are put up

>> No.1711950

If you're a foreigner, especially a chick, you should probably just avoid going outside in Japan entirely. You will be gawked at and possibly harassed, as if you rather than they were the yellow monkey.

>> No.1711956

Thanks for showing that you don't know the rules of /jp/. Shit that already has a more specific board doesn't belong here.

>you guys could seriously take a short break from fappan to toehoes every now and then.

>> No.1711957

Osaka looks pretty neat.

Kyoto has its good side too, but we only have one maid cafe for what it's worth. And across the street from said maid cafe, is a temple. That's the problem with this city. You can't build a maid cafe without a temple being at least twenty meters away. How are you supposed to build an wota district under those conditions?

>> No.1711969


There is no rule like that, and we've had RL Japan threads here since early spring at least. Why don't you go bitch at the morning musume fags and tell them to take it to /mu/

You fucking have to be trolling. There are "bad" areas in Osaka but Dotombori sure isn't one of them.

>> No.1711977

oh fuck, meant to say that there's a lot more than a mile, like in southern osaka. But of course, the japanese idea of dangerous is a bit unique...

>> No.1711984

I'm Japanese. and I have walked Dotombori of the night alone.Only Japanese do not live in Japan.
Many criminals come from the foreign countries aim at Japanese.A woman should not walk Dotombori alone at least

>> No.1711992

ok well, OP here, and i am no a woman, i'm 6'2" relatively well-built guy. do we really think i'll get mugged? not being rude or sarcastic, but unless it's not a couple guys or yakuza, i think i'll be alright

>> No.1711996


As a foreigner it's probably better you go unarmed.

>> No.1712006

I've lived in Osaka and I, too, have walked Dotombori alone at night. Getting nampa'ed isn't dangerous, I think. But somewhere like Kamagasaki or the backstreets around Tennoji are more dangerous, or at least they feel like it when you're obviously a foreigner carrying a lot of cash.

>> No.1712010

There are a lot of homeless people in Osaka, and there are certain recognizable slum areas. I wouldn't advice walking around there at all, even though it's very unlikely you'd be attacked. I'm the same size as you and I never felt physically threatened in Osaka or elsewhere in Japan.

>> No.1712014


OP again, and no, i don't intend on carrying a lot of cash or weapons, EXCEPT A SWORD!

no just kidding, anyway, anything else?
input has been appreciated.

>> No.1712016

I thought that there was the case you are the woman and spoke.I see You are the man
The possibility that is rolled up in a crime is lower than the Japanese man

>> No.1712023

>i don't intend on carrying a lot of cash

You'll find that having a few hundred dollars worth of cash on you makes your life a lot easier in Japan. I once spent two hours walking around in central Osaka just looking for an ATM that would accept my credit card. Better memorize where they are bro.

>> No.1712031

I just can't help but get the feeling this guy is a really intricate troll.
Anyway, good luck OP. I can't help you, unfortunately, but do you mind keeping us posted once in a while? I've been wondering what it's like over there.

>> No.1712033


mhmm, so i have heard about such difficulties. and yeah, a couple hundred is fine, but i mean i'm not going to be carrying, ya know, everything i have

>> No.1712034


>> No.1712039



>> No.1712042

/jp/ isn't this guy's personal blog either, and the net is full of reports/blogs on gaijin life in Japan and Osaka.

>> No.1712044

err, I wasn't referring to the OP as the troll, but the guy with the heavily broken English. My post turned out wrong.

>> No.1712045


haha, no i promise, no trolling. that's why i wish there was more help around here and a little less sarcasm and foolery. but yeah i plan on keeping a log on my youtube channel

>> No.1712046


Ehh, I have walked around east-shinjuku at night a few times before before and nothing happened, just a lot of drunk people and I was approached a couple of times.

Saw some angry dude attack someone's bag in a druken rage and that was the worst of it. I wouldn't do it alone if I was a girl though.

>> No.1712047

Granted, but if we ever get a thread discussing good places to visit in Japan, I'd appreciate his input.

>> No.1712055

Yep,Fishing or Trolling
Use the false topic to gather people

>> No.1712057


fishing = trolling

That was the original definition at least.

>> No.1712067
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I'm in Osaka right now. Well, okay, I'm about a 10 minute train ride from Osaka.

Bring clothes and such, and if you're gonna be here in the summer PACK SHORTS. It gets freaking hot and humid!

Make sure you check out the aquarium, for it's awesome. Also, make sure you head to Kobe to see the Port Tower and stuff. Also, you'll be spending a fair little on bottled water, so make sure that once you;ve emptied your bottle to fill it back up with tap water. The municipal water in Japan is freaking tasty!

Hankyu Umeda Station and Department Store is a great place. It contains lots of stores and one place that has good booze for cheap. Also, the Hep 5 Department Store is right across the street.

If you have any questions I'll try to remember to come back and check on this thread.

>> No.1712081

>Port Tower
>municipal water in Japan
>Hankyu Umeda Station and Department Store

best be trollin nigga

>> No.1712085

What, have you been?

>> No.1712097

Is trolling popular on this BBS?

>> No.1712102

Not OP, but...
Is there anything worth seeing in terms of landscape and scenery in the area surrounding Osaka? I'm not much of a city person, although that's where I'd like to stay if I ever went to a hotel or something while visiting.

>> No.1712108

Not OP, but...
Is there anything worth seeing in terms of landscape and scenery in the area surrounding Osaka? I'm not much of a city person, although that's where I'd like to stay if I ever went visiting.

>> No.1712110

Oh wow it's like the 90s again.

>> No.1712114


one question, how long are you there til? i'll be heading out in march, and having a few contacts might come in handy

>> No.1712129

It's hard to find a place in Japan that is more than a few minutes from a scenic vista. Kobe is maybe a 20 minute train ride (runs you about $4) and it has mountains and ocean right next to eachother. Kyoto isn't far either and it has all kinds of pretty crap.


Naw dude, I'm leaving in January. I will however still have contacts of my own who will be here until June, and I still know my way around.

>> No.1712131
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Yes. Loads of possible day trips (and longer). Amanohashidate is probably the most famous sight, though it can take a while to reach by public transport. Then there's the entire Kii mountain range to the south east, lots of nice smaller mountains and trails around Osaka and Kyoto.

>> No.1712148


I'm heading out in March as well.
Ideally I'd like to make it for Reitaisai on the 8th before heading out to Kyoto, though.

>> No.1712175

The thought of you niggers wasting precious Japan time on Flying Faggot Fairy conventions sickens me

>> No.1712182


And yet here you are!
in /jp/!

>> No.1712189

There's still the occasional enjoyable thread on here, the second shittiest board on 4chan (after /x/).


>> No.1712193


What do you think the best board is.

>> No.1712203

Enjoyment-wise, probably /v/.

Content-wise probably one of the porn boards.

/e/, /c/ etc. probably deliver but I am not a faggot so I do not browse said boards.

>> No.1712208


>Enjoyment-wise, probably /v/.

why does this not surprise me

>> No.1712217

I happen to think this is one of the best boards on 4chan.
The amount of posters and the progress rate of threads is perfect. But what I enjoy most is being able to relate to most people here, as opposed to the other normalfag infested boards.

>> No.1712215

>Enjoyment-wise, probably /v/.
The only boards that are worse than /v/ are /b/, /r9k/, and /mu/. Proof that any board with a large population of normalfags is complete shit.

>> No.1712216

Well you're obviously a fan of this shithole, so I'm not surprised that you are not surprised

>> No.1712224


>Enjoyment-wise, probably /v/.


>> No.1712227

Thanks for ruining a ok thread btw, the hallmark of a /v/ poster.

>> No.1712229


/trv/ threads aren't okay when they're not on /trv/

The more he shits up the thread the more likely it is it might actually get deleted, so more power to the retard.

>> No.1712230

Or that of a successful troll. Alas, we'll never know for certain.

>> No.1712235


I do not see the problem with /trv/ threads when they're about japan????

Especially when they seem to be focused on people going over there to buy anime crap, something which /trv/ isn't likely to care for.

>> No.1712248

/jp/ is only supposed to cover Japanese shit that doesn't already have a board dedicated to it. Travel does have a board. Normally I don't really mind travel threads in /jp/ but they can be irritating when they're posted too often (which they usually are) or when they're just about where in Japan someone can get drunk/fuck sluts. Either way I don't see any reason to post these types of threads in /jp/ instead of /trv/, where they would get better results.

>> No.1712261


Any topic can make for a retarded thread when they're started with a stupid question/no content. It's a problem with the poster not the subject.

And I disagree that /trv/ would yield better results then /jp/ about japan.

I do not mind general discussion about doing things in japan in /jp/ is my point.

>> No.1712264

Then would get cooking and cosplay and god knows what else. Maintaining a hostile attitude towards these types of threads is the only way to prevent the floodgates from opening.

>> No.1712267


YOU don't mind it. Oh, I see. That makes all the difference in the world.

Hey, guys, some tripfag doesn't mind it when we post shit that doesn't belong here. Who wants to talk about anime? I know /a/ is over there but I'm sure I'll get better responses here.

>> No.1712462

Considering there were a few of us making decent replies to this thread, I don't think you're justified in pretending it's a lone tripfag against everyone else.

Also, you could argue that living in Japan isn't related to travelling, and in any case it's clear that threads about Japan aren't exactly welcomed by all the regulars there either.

>Who wants to talk about shooters and eroge? I know /v/ is over there but I'm sure I'll get better responses here.

