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File: 153 KB, 1024x1435, 64147944e9ebbc5aa22038a99546c19c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17105260 No.17105260 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>17089444

[New to the Game? Read first, ask later]

EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com
EN: http://en.kancollewiki.net
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/

Recent Updates: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Recent_Updates

KanColle STAFF Twitter: https://twitter.com/KanColle_STAFF

Anon's guide to KanColle: http://pastebin.com/ec862KsG

Air superiority calculator/fleet builder:

Combat mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Combat

Fit guns for BBs:
Others: http://ch.nicovideo.jp/pixy_for_ever/blomaga/ar994724
Iowa: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14q3M_N9HXVC0g2Jp9gA42qkEChq0EeHKeWHn7Hrt1L8/edit#gid=961378818
Warspite: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HHpzOklOtf0l4UaKRQ5_5kKXoFfTK6qGFAXBvzJmemI/edit#gid=0

Equipment upgrade values: http://i.imgur.com/1JfCOmJ.png

Useful Akashi upgrades table: http://akashi-list.me

Drop/construction statistics:

Voices/sprites/furniture preview: http://www51.atpages.jp/kancollev

KanColle Viewer (JP): https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN 1): https://github.com/Yuubari/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN 2): https://github.com/gakada/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (KR): https://github.com/CirnoV/KanColleViewer
Electronic Observer (JP): https://github.com/andanteyk/ElectronicObserver
Electronic Observer (EN): https://github.com/silfumus/ElectronicObserver

PS Vita game: http://kancolle-vita.com
KanColle Arcade: http://kancolle-a.sega.jp
Official arcade gameplay demonstration: https://youtu.be/GAjOfoutg5s https://youtu.be/IPfFSo-hiWI https://youtu.be/LYlzkMGYtEA
KanColle Arcade's second event has been announced for this spring, with Southern Oni and Southern War Oni as the bosses, and Armored Carrier Oni also encounterable.

The KanColle movie is out. Movie trailers: https://youtu.be/7udGu_a0AvY https://youtu.be/Puj4vB_Kh2E

-There will be a maintenance update for June 6th for unannounced updates.
-Ranking rewards are out with the new 41cm Triple Gun Mount Kai and can be improved by Nagato Kai 2.
-Nagato can now be remodeled to Kai 2 at level 88 with a blueprint. The Nagato-class BBs now also have unique fit gun modifiers for 41cm, proto and kai guns.
-Four new quests have been implemented, of which two require Nagato Kai 2 and reward a large extension bulge, one rewards a furniture worker, and one is a monthly expedition quest rewarding two large furniture boxes.
-A bug where the voice line remodeling Kasuga Maru into Taiyou doesn't work properly has been fixed.
-A Kai 2 is planned for Kumano and Yura this early summer. Saratoga and at least one more BB and CL will also get a second remodel.
-The 5th year of KanColle will see something "interesting" regarding foreign ships.
-New Akizuki and Matsu-class destroyers are under plans to be added.

>> No.17105273

I wouldn't mind Makigumo be the first gumo kai 2 remodel

>> No.17105280

With 150 points difference to the top 500, Am I safe yet?

>> No.17105286

That's where I'm at right now as well. I'm hoping it's enough, because I really need to take a break from 5-4.

>> No.17105291

Hope it goes well for both.

>> No.17105300

The last reset only last for 7hours. What's the max # of 5-4 you can do in 7hours? Not many.

>> No.17105305
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>> No.17105309

Me too. Good luck, TTK.

>> No.17105312
File: 79 KB, 800x1371, Taiyou-san.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17105319

Disgusting, fix it.

>> No.17105340

I don't exactly know but I want to believe that at worst they will end up 10 points behind me.

>> No.17105348

Does she have Yamatos pads?

>> No.17105363


You can rest now. Realistically speaking, it's almost impossible to get 150 pts within 7 hours. And if you're a ranker, you'll know that EO cannon is just a meme. However, a new equipment this month will be shit because of 41cm.

>> No.17105366

A shit.

>> No.17105379

Thanks anon, and yeah once they revealed the new 41cm gun I realized this month is going to be shit for rewards.

>> No.17105382

What's the Zara comp for 4-5?

>> No.17105437

Zara due, Nagato Kai Ni/Iowa, Choukai, Haguro, Armored Cranes. If you want overkill or don't have Iowa then use a hotel.

>> No.17105439

Same as with any other CAs.

>> No.17105472

Mucchan is the featured article on bong wikipedia.
Mucchan kai 2 confirmed for soon.

>> No.17105478
File: 67 KB, 600x800, __mutsu_kantai_collection_drawn_by_airotagivan__78f33ada8db15dfefe3c2c13a32c8e81[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17105484

I want to believe

>> No.17105498

Wow, that is super interesting.

>> No.17105504

The "other" BB kai2 being worked tweet was referring to Mucchan. Think about it, who else can it be? Shitbafu can't draw and Iowa won't be getting K2 anytime soon.

>> No.17105515

>Shitbafu can't draw
Yeah, he's never drawing again. It's not like they just put him up on planes or anything or like there's some big Zuiun tie in happening.

>> No.17105524

That could be a sufficient reason, as he is busy drawing (slightly less) shitty collab art.

>> No.17105525

>Shitbafu can't draw
They'd look like total shit, that is for sure.

>> No.17105546
File: 966 KB, 1000x1414, 1c2ae84e219458265ecac79bdf199d64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's that semen demon's birthday today, so please sacrifice all your semen to her.

>> No.17105550

Not only that but they had Ayane Sakura doing new voice work for Nagato. Wouldn't be surprising for them to record new lines for Mucchan as well.

Meanwhile if it the 2potato BB, they would need to get Ootsubo Yuka into the studio.

>> No.17105559

I still don't get it how a more adult Atago (playful and cheerful) like character turne into the physical and mental stunner that is Mutsu.

>> No.17105560
File: 727 KB, 600x900, __akatsuki_hibiki_ikazuchi_inazuma_and_mutsu_kantai_collection_drawn_by_hikawa79__63b711715d3779387097c467d8aaa4e1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


easy access

>> No.17105571

Zuikaku is a bitch and a whore.

>> No.17105576

Calm down, Kaga(fag).

>> No.17105581

What did that Hibiki do there?

>> No.17105582

Tried to pull out a ball stuck in Mutsus' exhaust port?

>> No.17105593

One thousand years of pain.

>> No.17105598
File: 199 KB, 1200x800, DBFOQeqVYAIBOdG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cute.

>> No.17105606

Good for giving a false sense of security, then betraying her trust and keeping as a pet-cumdump.

>> No.17105607
File: 321 KB, 600x855, __mutsu_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ofuro_mantarou__b0b7417e92f296a258f73dd4604c71b6[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The natural response to this soft target being presented to you.

>> No.17105609


>> No.17105624
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x1080, Akkongou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, hey, hey, Teitoku!!!

>> No.17105628
File: 17 KB, 490x300, b0aee8c24b06b09aef5b660c0f7b360f7cf190571496207172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people think this is a K2. I think it's just the Zuiun Festival costume.

>> No.17105631

It looks like some potato holding a Zuiun model. Doubt it has anything to do with a K2.

>> No.17105633
File: 66 KB, 614x763, 1492942644387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lock the door you little slut.

>> No.17105649
File: 33 KB, 287x430, these.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This niggas or max tank for 6-5?

>> No.17105658

Any info on what the fuck does this do? Aside from being a landinf force like daihatsu.
Either way, i think the max tank will be better.

>> No.17105669

I can't, so fuck it I'm staying
You are the type of person this game is geared for
Never knew Yukikaze remodelled into a Chinese ship

>> No.17105680

Fuck off.

>> No.17105681

Fuck off.

>> No.17105685

I wonder if this shit is better than maxed marines or nonmaxed tank though.

>> No.17105698


>> No.17105706

Considering it's a Toku daihatsu with 2 tanks, it should be stronger than the landing force. But a maxed tank should still be better.
Can't wait for this to be upgradable with 1-2 tokus per level, cause they are so fucking easy to get.

>> No.17105718
File: 264 KB, 454x367, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this game so fucking much, and all of you as well!

>> No.17105724

LSC is one of the best parts of this game.

>> No.17105737

Get good shitter.

>> No.17105807
File: 435 KB, 533x1000, Bismarck.(Kantai.Collection).full.2020683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone is trying to construct Taihou while I'm trying to construct Bisko.
Am I the only one who likes this beautiful german BB?

>> No.17105817

You're the only one who doesn't have her

>> No.17105823
File: 164 KB, 392x232, KanColle-170531-18392508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for a tekan session.

>> No.17105824

There are people who don't have her?

>> No.17105827

I like her, but she doesn't want to come.

There are at least 2 of us.

>> No.17105829

Oh fuck KCV

>> No.17105842

well not mu fault if I just unlock the LSC last month and just trying it out since Event just finished recently.
I feel you bro.
I had 4 tries after the event unfortunately i got 2 mutsu and 2 ugly sumbarines

>> No.17105846

I want to marry Myoukou but her marriage line sounds like a low key rejection. I'm proposing to you for christ's sake be more excited.

>> No.17105857

How about 20? How about no ammo and steel left?

>> No.17105867

Everyone gets Bisko soon after unlocking LSC.

>> No.17105871

This guy >>17105857
How do you get subs? I only get BBs and nothing else with 4/6/7/2-20.

I didn't.

>> No.17105872

im already out and not enough for LSC, I'm currently farming it out and try again, its all for nothing for the prettiest and sexiest BB.

>> No.17105886

Maruyu is a sub

>> No.17105893

>all these scrubs without Biscuit or Taiha
Meanwhile I have a 2 taihas and got dupe hotels from 6 tries for a dupe Biscuit. All I wanted was another cutie Biscuit and instead got more useless hotels.

>> No.17105898

>calls people scrubs but can't get the shit he wants himself

>> No.17105901

>2 ugly sumbarines
Protip, in the late game, Maruyu is more important than biscuit and useless hotels.

>> No.17105902

Should have listened to Fujinami's.

>> No.17105903

At least I have a married Biscuit and 4 armored carriers.

>> No.17105906

>How do you get subs
I got subs on 1-5 when doing weeklies and I recently obtain I-8 thats I'm going for bisko after event.

>> No.17105914

>I-8 thats I'm going for bisko after event.
You do realize you need to do the Z1 quest to unlock Bisko in LSC right?

>> No.17105915

I meant how he got subs from BB LSC, as i got only BBs from 20 tries.

>> No.17105919

>in the late game, Maruyu
I'm leveling them for kai and waiting for more Maruyu for higher luck in modernization, and looks like I need to use my card for adding more ship slots.

>> No.17105925

>Z1 quest
fuck looks like I missed something, gona check the quest list.

>> No.17105929

Least you didn't get Kaga while trying to construct Taihou.

>> No.17105933

You can get Maruyus

>> No.17105979
File: 64 KB, 800x480, 20170531_07213282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These new kai2 level has been getting pretty ridiculous. Gonna finish ranking soon and I still can't kai2 Taiyou and Suzuya.

>> No.17105986

What kind of ranker didn't have Suzuya at 99 already?

>> No.17106001

The one who used subs?

>> No.17106004
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>> No.17106012

Second Suzuya my friend.

>> No.17106017

What do you have against the best skilled plane sources?

>> No.17106031

zero 601s and hayabusa is enough probably

>> No.17106035

He's the shitter who doesn't use Shibafu ships.

>> No.17106039

Was kind of expecting 5 Kaga's in your picture.

>> No.17106287
File: 287 KB, 725x980, __mutsu_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kawaty__6d1499388ab59f582b1f645930557d58[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rest assured, I will.

>> No.17106401

She's my first Snail, so I'm going to give her some cum

>> No.17106542
File: 218 KB, 825x1100, __asakaze_and_matsukaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_deco_geigeki_honey__0a0e01752c821442330b61997d6a6102[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17106564

Fucking expedition slaves, why so touchy?

>> No.17106599

Everyone needs somebody to love.

>> No.17106606

>not wanting them to sexually touch your dick

>> No.17106629

They're expedition sluts.

>> No.17106644

Cutest class.

>> No.17106657 [DELETED] 

I don't like them that much. I came to care so much about ship stats that I don't give a shit about useless ships, and have grown to hate useless DDs. there's only one Exception, Nenohi, She's cute as a button. and because of that I can't bring myself to use her like fodder.
I don't
Well, OK
Granny class

>> No.17106755 [DELETED] 

An annoying newfag with shit taste to boot.

>> No.17106769
File: 638 KB, 711x1050, __admiral_kasuga_maru_and_taiyou_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ido_teketeke__f10826c8bda41731d25c1a06d56b42ca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17106795 [DELETED] 

Are you that retarded newfag that "hurr durr muh entitle idea will save the game!!!!! XD" gay bullshit? Fuck off already Jesus.

>> No.17106802
File: 444 KB, 746x800, 1495440203304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahead by 30 points + fifty 5-4 runs. This shit's better be enough or I'm quitting this game.

>> No.17106809 [DELETED] 

entitled*. Fuck these shit hands

>> No.17106812 [DELETED] 

No, I'm not going to leave.

>> No.17106819

It wont. Goodbye.

>> No.17106828

If you are in Hashitjirama then it is not enough.

>> No.17106839 [DELETED] 

You better talk less then. I wasn't in that thread to shit on your gay ideas.
>implying this game will die THAT easily to the point it needs your retarded ideas that will do nothing but killing this game faster.

>> No.17106845
File: 535 KB, 938x938, 1480146861678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's 51 runs now so I'll definitely make it.
They're totally fucked.

>> No.17106862

Hahah, good joke.
I tried +50 last event and got BTFO.

>> No.17106889 [DELETED] 

I can talk as much as I want, I'll keep putting my ideas here. You can continue bellowing at me to fuck off, but I won't do as you say.
>Implying you have any better ideas
>Implying this game is that significant to the franchise, and could not easily be canned for not making enough money and they go to selling goods
>Implying Free to play can last long

>> No.17106895

Absolutely Kuso.

>> No.17106896 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.17106931 [DELETED] 

Free to play games lasting 3+ years is already a good indicator that the might just keep going, especially if they have high active population.

>> No.17106944 [DELETED] 
File: 1.62 MB, 300x168, this much implying LUL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this much implying
>implying everyone plays this game only for "muh cumboats"
Admittedly I knew next to nothing about history before playing this game, but after playing honestly Tanaka just teach me way too much even to this day. Retarded people like you would leave this game soon enough so I don't even have to do anything kek.
>muh "gameplay"
Fuck right off back to /v/. This game was meant to teach people much more than fapping to a bunch of trash-tier useless metals. A lot of people talking shit like you, and of course they all quit without realizing the real purpose of this game. Quite sad I guess.

>> No.17106958

You're underestimating autism.

>> No.17106964 [DELETED] 

>Implying you have any better ideas
I don't need any better ideas. This game is as fine as it is. Only retarded people think otherwise.

>> No.17106978

>This game is as fine as it is
Not him but it isn't, if it wasn't for my obsession with some of my girls I would've stopped playing ages ago.

>> No.17106997

A lot of shit could be tweaked. It's not broken but it isn't perfect either, way too many useless stuff that could have better purpose.

>> No.17106998 [DELETED] 

Well for me I would like to know more. Of course for the girls too but linking between the girls' qoutes and history itself was just too good. And Tanaka is good at that. So I can just do my best and let my girls "have their second life living to the fullest."

>> No.17107006 [DELETED] 

I wanted to write something retarded, but unfortunately i didn't reach the level autism necessary to go in detail about this "fine".

>> No.17107013 [DELETED] 

Pffffttt you did yesterday or the day before anyway LUL.

>> No.17107020 [DELETED] 

This system is hard to sustain, Considering how it's declining, the money on advertising and such, the hundred and so thoughts the game is falling, the constant rate of drop off which will increase depending on if the difficulty rise of the game, and how things like Sega arcade can suck so much cash, and how it's much more profitable to sell merchandise and shit, it doesn't seem to hard
First, that shit is a big part of why people play, casuals are everywhere sadly, not to mention how this game is about collecting these cumboats. And if you're so damn fucking smart, why don't you answer the question you put up "The purpose of this game", as far as I see, it's collecting cumboats.
I thought this thread was an autism free zone
Dude, I've seen so much complaints about this game and Tanaka, I can tell that this is bullshit

>> No.17107024
File: 178 KB, 1280x960, __yukikaze_and_yukikaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_hettsuaa__946b595c9b35679adf04290972ecfc51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animal shipgirls are hilarious.

>> No.17107027 [DELETED] 

I'm not that guy you LULbrain.

>> No.17107047

>I thought this thread was an autism free zone
I wish that was the case, the last few threads were ok though.

>> No.17107061 [DELETED] 

>Considering how it's declining

Stopped reading there, you're just making up bullshit.

>> No.17107062 [DELETED] 

>casuals are everywhere sadly
I hope you collected all the medals, trophys and awards in your school and university, hardcore tryhard fag.
Not everyone likes to wake up with pulsating brain everyday, especially if you want to fucking relax and enjoy and not jump from one job to "another".

>> No.17107080

It's fine in the sense that it doesn't need some retarded ideas to stay alive. You're still playing after all.

>> No.17107081

Well fuck. I hope next month's rewards will be SHIT.
At least I managed to 99 Shimu this way.

>> No.17107085 [DELETED] 

No, Ever read those "KanColle is dead/dying/cancer" posts? Even if they're shitposts, ironic posters become serious after some time, consider that it has gone from number 1 on DMM to number 2
I'm not even on that side of the argument

>> No.17107086

meant for >>17106978

>> No.17107094

Oh no, some idiots like you shitposting on /jp/ said it's dead so I guess that makes it true.

>> No.17107096

He's too obsessed with the girls to leave

>> No.17107112 [DELETED] 

The line between irony and seriousness gets crossed after some time, no shitpost stays a shitpost

>> No.17107116 [DELETED] 

>This system is hard to sustain
Yeah for Tanaka and co. but they keep doing it, not giving a fuck. They never create this game for money, unlike other shit games.
>it's declining
So does Touhou right?
>the hundred and so thoughts the game is falling
Yea complain to them not /jp/ and annoy the fuck out of us.
>constant rate of drop off which will increase
Come again?
>and how things like Sega
More exposure. Good for the franchise.
> how it's much more profitable to sell merchandise and shit
And? It's bad?
> why don't you answer the question you put up
You need to read more. Like A LOT more. Tanaka's purpose for this game, references, etc. You will see that unlike other retarded chink knockoff games with fantasy gameplay and shit, Tanaka always tries his damn hardest to deliver the best he could. Why normal CV using bows, why Taihou using crossbow, why Sara use a fucking Thompson submachine gun etc. It's all about being realistic as much as possible.
>Dude, I've seen so much complaints
People are retarded. What's new. You contribute to that too by shitting in these threads anyway. So far only retards from wikia do that by casually shitting in these threads so.

>> No.17107124

>consider that it has gone from number 1 on DMM to number 2

It always drops from first place when there's no event or update happening. This is nothing new and the game is still not declining.

>> No.17107148

> keeping useless shit

>> No.17107164

Do I have time to do 10 1-5 runs? What time do monthly quests reset?

>> No.17107168

>You're still playing after all.
But not enjoying it, I'm pretty sure that's the point.

>> No.17107173

Same as any other quests.

>> No.17107177

You didn't answer the question you fucking autistic retard

>> No.17107206 [DELETED] 

A company is a company, All companies exist to make money, It economically nearly impossible to do something out the kindness of your heart,

The drop-off is quitting players, which if events become harder, will increase.

Plus, those whiners are anons, we can't tell them apart. so there's no way I can complain to them, chances are they're reading this without anyone noticing.

Merch might replace the game, as it may be a more profitable thing to do instead of making a game which may or may not bring profit, same as Sega

Besides, if Tanaka was that dedicated to his craft, wouldn't he have released phase 2 or at least started working on it? wouldn't things come out faster and or better? Wouldn't people forgive him for making things the way they are? If he was that dedicated to quality, would people be calling him a "Lazy fat fuck"?

>> No.17107209

Read the wiki if you don't even know the time dailies reset.

>> No.17107216 [DELETED] 

>They never create this game for money
I can just see how Tanaka and co pay from their pockets to maintain this game. Definitely.
Games don't get maintained if they don't provide at least some form of revenue, and the pay or you can't colle them all is a great alternative to buying rolls.

>You will see that unlike other retarded chink knockoff games with fantasy gameplay and shit, Tanaka always tries his damn hardest to deliver the best he could
Because devs never lie to people about why and how they make games? All devs talk about doing their hardest, but sometimes the result leaves many questions of "why" to be open.

>Why normal CV using bows.... It's all about being realistic as much as possible.
>with fantasy gameplay and shit
Oh yeah, realism.

The game keeps moving, but it's far from being fine.

>> No.17107249

>I can just see how Tanaka and co pay from their pockets to maintain this game. Definitely.
>Games don't get maintained if they don't provide at least some form of revenue, and the pay or you can't colle them all is a great alternative to buying rolls.
This type of game is extremely cheap to maintain afloat, even when income is small. The most expensive part is the servers but that's still pretty cheap compared to the things you must do with other games.

>> No.17107269

Whoa. So much missing the point there. Browser is the source material that keeps on producing sources. And where did the drop off come from? They just opened several new servers recently.

>> No.17107302 [DELETED] 

Are you comparing a browser/mobile game maintenance cost to that of normal ones? Cause i don't ubnderstand what you mean with this
>cheap compared to the things you must do with other games.
I'm not saying you need to make big bucks, but there is still a bottom revenue line that, if it stays there long enough, will make the creators close the project.
But KC has enough whales who buy tons of stupid shit to keep the game afloat for a long while as long as cute girls/seasonals are delivered.

>> No.17107319 [DELETED] 

They can still say "fuck it" and abandon it, they don't rely on the game to do much

>> No.17107323

>The drop-off is quitting players, which if events become harder, will increase.
Wow, some fags are still complaining about it being too difficult when last event almost 50% cleared on hard?

>> No.17107327 [DELETED] 


>> No.17107329

Tell about too easy when 90% clear it on hard.

>> No.17107334 [DELETED] 

I think you need to learn more about nippon way of doing things, anon. They don't abandon anything easily, especially KDKW group.

>> No.17107340 [DELETED] 

You sound like a worrywart. At least now I know you have no intention to talk shit about the game so I will cease my hostility for a bit.
>All companies exist to make money
C2 (Tanaka and co) is not a company. Kadokawa is. and C2 works for them.
>to do something out the kindness of your heart
You didn't play enough good games anon. There were DotA, LoL, Touhou etc. That were really really good games and "out the kindness of your heart."
Yes meaning that those games are shit now. I used to be a touhoufag. I did remember talking shit about this game before playing like "there's no way someone can do shit better than ZUN "(he's one man army so holy shit he's amazing). But yeah I was dead wrong and I have to thank god everyday for letting me play this game.
>which if events become harder, will increase.
There's always 丙 mode for them.
>those whiners are anons
Uh no. Native /jp/ are all elitists. We're stuck in this game. Only outsiders/crossies can talk shit.
>Merch might replace the game
Funnily, the whole shit that happened last year after spring 2016 was because people thought Tanaka was gonna quit. So they sue Kadokawa or some shit. It's actually 2 issues that mixed in together but I think one of the reasons was because people thought Tanaka was gonna quit. Unless Tanaka got bad shit and can't do KanColle anymore there's no way this game is gonna die that fast.
>phase 2
There was a time where "friends" were consider an option. Playing with friends n shit.
>Wouldn't people forgive him
He did nothing wrong besides the bugfest that was spring 2016.
>If he was that dedicated to quality, would people be calling him a "Lazy fat fuck"?
Shitposters from wikia or himebuta. /jp/ is autistic as fuck so we don't talk much, especially talking shit about this game.
>Because devs never lie to people about why and how they make games?
I don't remember devs of this game actually lie, considering they owe us a lot.
>but it's far from being fine.
It's far from "not being fine" too. You ain't fix it if it's not broken.
>extremely cheap to maintain
Actually most of the game revenue is used for paying seiyuu. We're literally Seiyuu Collection right now.

>> No.17107347

>not keeping useless shit

>> No.17107349

So you want every newfag with unmodernized level 30 ships and yellow guns on their BBs to be able to do it? It's good that you're not in charge.

>> No.17107354 [DELETED] 

>were consider
were considered*. Reeee.

>> No.17107356

Yeah, people scrap "useless shit" and then when there's a quest, Akashi upgrade or gimmick like Saiuns that needs it they always complain about it.

>> No.17107359


I thought Super Multi Plane Zuiun was just Warspite being weird, but now they're using it again. Is it an actual technical term?

>> No.17107370 [DELETED] 

>considering they owe us a lot.
Maybe i'm not familiar with Japan ways of loyalty, but there were a lot of games who owed their popularity to the fanbases, then proceeded to shit out the same shit after another or do retarded decicions and not give a fuck about anything cause reasons similar to "you're here forever".

I hope that there is an event that you can't get your memedal for whatever reason and leave the game. Your "better elitism" doesn't help anyone else.

>> No.17107373 [DELETED] 
File: 306 KB, 680x740, 53227984_p10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, why do you guys keep replying to that idiot who played for 2 months and keep blogging about how the game should be "fixed" with his retarded ideas or die?

>> No.17107383 [DELETED] 

>Only outsiders/crossies can talk shit
I've talked shit about it before yet I don't give two turds about other boards and I'm also pretty sure I'm not the only one inb4 hurr durr wikiafag, you're taking the /jp/ memes too seriously. Being an elitist doesn't mean you can be self aware of the problems with the thinks you like.

>> No.17107405
File: 44 KB, 408x408, 1490644804024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17107407 [DELETED] 
File: 217 KB, 421x293, memedal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope that there is an event that you can't get your memedal for whatever reason and leave the game.

Sorry, not happening.

>> No.17107410 [DELETED] 

I think it's funny to see what stupid shit he comes up with.

>> No.17107423 [DELETED] 


>> No.17107430 [DELETED] 

>then proceeded to shit
Like I said Tanaka's purpose wasn't making money. He do it for the dead people and useless metals that were all forgotten. A kind of self-satisfaction I guess. A good one. So naturally they owe us a lot. And we do too if people learnt history, well, the naval one.
>I've talked shit about it before
Because you were bad. That's it. If you have the dedication for this game and become a real /jp/ then instead of talking shit you will talk less and keep being better and better. Simple right?
But who cares anyway people shitposting from time to time like myself so LUL.

>> No.17107435 [DELETED] 

Slow threads generate weird topics.

>> No.17107445 [DELETED] 

>He do it for the dead people and useless metals that were all forgotten. A kind of self-satisfaction I guess. A good one. So naturally they owe us a lot. And we do too if people learnt history, well, the naval one.
You're taking his dramatic speeches too seriously, the guy just has a boner for ships.

>> No.17107455 [DELETED] 

If it gets harder, more people will quit
Any guy who quits
I don't expect them to do it, they are not samurai, they'd probably give up then commit seppaku in their back yard
I don't hate the game, I personally use it as a good time-killer because it's quite nice to spend a lot of time working on shit and looking back over my achievements with pride. It's enjoyable, I just thought that it might need some tweaking to be a more enjoyable experience, and maybe cut down on the shit talked
Personally, I saw in most communities, nothing but complaints about the game and Tanaka, and then I saw this community about this Chinese game, and no one hated the creators, and I thought "They must be doing something right that Tanaka might be able to benefit from" and I tried to suggest an Idea thinking it might be good, or something which is I though an algorithm to success and cut whining, and then everyone attacked it and we shifted from topic to topic, Only because neither side of the argument is willing to back down.

I'm not backing down, neither does /jp/, and so it continues, I just wanted to not be the pushover that gave way, but the board doesn't want to either, Because I don't want to be known for Being BTFO

The worst part is that I have different opinions to /jp/ and this any post I make is immediately attacked

>> No.17107461

I'm under the impression it's just Hyuuga being goofy again, trying to communicate her love for Zuiun to the foreigner. The phrase itself is more of a meme on the Japanese side from what I can tell.

>> No.17107463 [DELETED] 

>He do it for the dead people and useless metals that were all forgotten.
I genuinely believe that's not his motivation at all even if I like the guy.

>> No.17107475 [DELETED] 

I know several guys who come back after they have enough of bootlegs, they said those bootlegs are just a shell without any soul.

>> No.17107485 [DELETED] 

implying chink shit communities are not bunch of KC dropout casuls

>> No.17107490 [DELETED] 

>>I've talked shit about it before
What does the paragraph after this mean? I've come to terms about me being shit but didn't write anything about the game being bad.

A bit too overdramatic first part, but i still don't see what he owes the fanbase any more than any other game.
His first personal idea about ww2 boatgirls was there, but i don't think it holds up now to the way it was when Tanaka thought the game would die. Older girls that don't know the existence of newer ones (and never will cuase the lazy) is one of the examples of that.

>> No.17107492 [DELETED] 

>Chinks prefer bootlegs

>> No.17107493 [DELETED] 

I am in a community that does otherwise

>> No.17107498 [DELETED] 

>and never will cuase the lazy
Voice acting is the most expensive part of CanThis, dude.

>> No.17107500 [DELETED] 

liking chink shit bootleg just means you have a very shitty taste and should not be allowed to post in this thread

>> No.17107510 [DELETED] 

The game's mainly about the ships, there's very little in the game that's actually about the dead sailors. If he's actually doing it in homage to those who lost their lives in those ships then he's making a pretty bad job.

>> No.17107519 [DELETED] 

Yet he can introduce new characters no problem, so it's a qustion of being cost efficient rather than caring, at least for now.

>> No.17107523 [DELETED] 

So you saw some wikiashitters and redditors complain about "salt" and thought making the game more like Chinkcolle is what needs to be done, amazing.

>> No.17107538 [DELETED] 

He did make a shit plane stronger than some named pilots on better planes just because it had fucking #64 written on it.

>> No.17107541


>> No.17107548 [DELETED] 

>the guy just has a boner for ships.
And create this game, that's the important part. Even if he's an autist that wants to rub and cum on ships he's still the one who create this game anons.
>I've come to terms about me being shit
Well knowing yourself being shit is the very first step of "how to stop being shit."
>the lazy
Oh you're still shit LUL. My bad.
> the dead sailors
>implying KanColle wasn't about a bunch of japanese men in steel wings from the start.
Yes we're all gay for loving the girls LUL.
>If he's actually doing it
Iwamoto's last wish was to be able to fly again. And yes he can 70 years later in a moe chibi blob form. But his dream did become true.

>> No.17107551 [DELETED] 

So, at the end, did you know any real statistics or at least nippons opinion (the only population that matters)? They have enough money to shit out Super Multi plane event.

All your mentions are from chinks, who drops, stole and copy everything for themselves.
Protips: Overseas doesn't matter.

>> No.17107563 [DELETED] 

They're not all Chinese man
Most these communities play both games
Hey, Everyone does what they want, taste is subjective.

Saying shit like this just makes every other fandom ever think we do nothing but run a large Echobox, it makes this fandom look like assholes if you ask me, if the fandom looks like shit, their fandoms might get more traffic for not being assholes

>> No.17107573 [DELETED] 

Are you sure? Chinks blood spread all over the world.

>> No.17107578 [DELETED] 

We're assholes that shit on everything worse than us so your logic is invalid. You're in /jp/.

>> No.17107583 [DELETED] 

Because by now, Tanaka spends more money on collabs and merch than the game? It just looks to me that way.
Didn't mention anything about chinks or whatever.

>> No.17107585

Poor sailors, pilots always take all the glory.

>> No.17107588 [DELETED] 

Who gives a shit what other fandoms think and if they get more traffic from fags who cant handle insults on the internet.

>> No.17107590 [DELETED] 

>caring about chinks with shit tastes
where the fuck do you think you are

>> No.17107592 [DELETED] 

That's just mean they have enough money to do shit.

>> No.17107597

Is it just me, or is there more ESL and hugboxing lately?

>> No.17107598 [DELETED] 

>Saying shit like this just makes every other fandom ever think we do nothing but run a large Echobox
Welcome to /jp/, enjoy your stay.

>> No.17107602 [DELETED] 

Quit avoiding my question, do you know the actual situation in Japan?

>> No.17107605 [DELETED] 

>Oh you're still shit LUL. My bad.
Could you elaborate without stupid memes. Or are you shitposting for the sake of shitposting.

The important part is what they spend it on rather than whether they have enough. Because i know KC has enough.

>> No.17107616 [DELETED] 

And those events are bad things?

>> No.17107618 [DELETED] 

funny no one in this thread wants to talk about or know anything about chinkcolle and other retarded bootleg but some fucker always need to mention it and stir shit up, fucking chinks i swear to god

>> No.17107624 [DELETED] 

>Could you elaborate
You said they are lazy. The game would be long dead if they are lazy. This game greatest point right now was about the new girls. They have to make sure the new girls can pull people back in/or even more newfags. So if they are lazy then that can absolutely not happen. That's why I call you for your bullshit.

>> No.17107627 [DELETED] 

Yeah, I'm sure
Personally, I bet most people here haven't even played a single one of these games, and shit on them for not coming first like KanColle, Let's just clarify/object to this statement
Not everyone on the planet has thick skin, so a fair chunk of people might go there
Well, I guess I have yet to learn about /jp/
No, I only come to this board for this thread to discuss KanColle, and occasionally get sidetracked to the Touhou boobs thread or some random shitpost

>> No.17107636
File: 825 KB, 711x1200, __haruna_kikuzuki_nagato_and_ooyodo_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ido_teketeke__a820fa0b15a02d82086d1639da88413f[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want that Richelieu gun.

>> No.17107642 [DELETED] 


Japan doesn't mean /jp/ you retard.

>> No.17107644
File: 770 KB, 1000x773, 61795990_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously. Why do you guys keep replying? He has been shitting the thread for 2 or 3 days (guess I spend too many time here). At this point he must be trolling, since he keeps blogposting, bitching about /jp/ and comparing "us" with other, non-anonymous, sites/communities (like if we care), telling how the crappy Chinese rip-offs are better and assuming that Tanaka and /jp/ care about his feelings. If he isn't funposting he must be legally retarded.

Ignore, report and hide.

>> No.17107652

Cute Fumizuki dude.

>> No.17107654 [DELETED] 

Didn't say they are bad. But it just shows what the devs are more focused on.

You faggot said that Tanaka made the game in memory of ships instead of money, yet old ships get mostly forgotten while he keeps doing new ones and collabs, which is a clear case of following what's more profitable.
Or is having a third of the cast almost completely forgotten a way of showing how you care?

>> No.17107659

Would bully.

>> No.17107664 [DELETED] 

I think he one of three people, I'm betting he's EchIII. The fact he wants to bash retarded/gay dreams and the constant usage of "LUL" seems to point at him

This is just an approximation, I could be wrong, but this is my best guess by detective skills from some knowledge I posses about the guy, so please, do not bandwaggoningly jump onto the guy

I think it might have been an old meme or whatever

>> No.17107679 [DELETED] 

>I bet most people here haven't even played a single one of these games
We don't need to. If you still don't understand then just read like I've said before. Read more about this game then you will understand how great this game is for history enthusiasts. This game uses realistic scale instead of gay fantasy abilies bullshit like the other shit games. You have to understand that first.
I was thinking like you but we can't keep getting raided like this anon. I have to stand up and call him for his bullshit.
Because he also has do to fanservice too you fucktard. Stop with your retarded " hurr durr
muh entitled idea already."
>implying they are forgotten.
There's always "that guy" who loves the girls you don't. Fucking retard.

>> No.17107691 [DELETED] 

>implying I'm that retard that knows shit about the game
LUL. Fuckoff redditard.

>> No.17107704 [DELETED] 

You first redditard, now go back to the reddit warships discord.

>> No.17107712 [DELETED] 

Yes, probably just another shitter from reddit or wikia who found his way here. I blame that recent DE bullshit.

>> No.17107715 [DELETED] 

>I thought this thread was an autism free zone
Top fucking kek. The opposite is true.

Wait what?

>> No.17107733
File: 406 KB, 799x395, yasen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Arashio just won't drop. Help me, /jp/ magic!

>> No.17107736 [DELETED] 

I'm not the guy with "making better" ideas, you self centered ass.
"that guy" in the amounts of 1-5 people is hardly and indication of something being remembered or interesting to some new players comming, as there are ships having a dozen seasonals while others get 1 if any. That's is a fucking "good" way to make ships be remembered or more interestin as well.
What fucking fanservice you fucktard? Ignoring old ships? What does it have to do with Tanaka making the game in memory of ships when a good deal of them are mostly forgotten?

You don't really need to hunt for her.

>> No.17107745 [DELETED] 

Who do you think you are to tell anyone here to fuck off?

>> No.17107753 [DELETED] 

I know she's a common drop and I got her numerous times before. But now, when I actually need her, she didn't drop a single time after 3 days of constant 2-3.

>> No.17107756

Your fault for scrapping her.

>> No.17107757 [DELETED] 

I don't give a shit

>> No.17107779

100 slotter life is hard.

>> No.17107787

And harder after each event. Buy some slots, howaito piggu.

>> No.17107792 [DELETED] 

>you're from /pol/ if you think this thread is full of autism

>> No.17107809 [DELETED] 


>> No.17107811 [DELETED] 

>implying that shill were only ever on reddit
What the fuck is a "reddit warships discord" anyway? Some discord with chink knockoff games? LUL
There was a time I lurked in himebuta. And he got buttblasted there. Didn't know his fate afterwards. But considering the reddit guide that posted here was his then he would most likely have a new start there.
Now fuck off redditard, you last (You).
Oh did you misuderstand that I meant "muh entitled idea." for him not for you? My bad on the wording part then.
>What fucking fanservice you fucktard?
So you do not want Suzuya in a santa outfit or what you fucking duckface? Who fucking cares about your entitled idea you self centered ass.
As long as there're people that masturbate to Mochizuki that's fucking enough. Who fucking cares? Tanaka did his job. Do you fucking think he has to deliver ALL of the seasonals of EVERY girls IN THE SAME FUCKING YEAR?
Stop with your entitled shit already. They're humans. IF ten years later and Mochizuki still doesn't have her seasonal art then we'll talk.
Read more dude. Start from this
Well I know no other links so forgive me on that.

>> No.17107841

I would, if they made more porn of her that doesn't involving a shota.

>> No.17107849 [DELETED] 

Even some shitter like Uranami probably still has hundreds or a thousand people that care about her, they don't need nonstop seasonals and merchandise for everyone.

>> No.17107850 [DELETED] 

Dear mods, read this thread and the next couple of threads. Then remove Kantai Collection from /jp/.

>> No.17107876 [DELETED] 

I keep forgetting Tanaka's roots.

>Then remove Kantai Collection from /jp/.
About time.

>> No.17107901 [DELETED] 

>Stop with your entitled shit already.
When did i say anything about the same fucking year? Why should people care about your fucking entitled idea? Because you think it's good that Tanaka is paying attention to some ships and forgetting others?
Why can't he spread out the "fanservice" across different girls and not make dozens for some and forget the rest? Or is this idea a fucking gamebreaker to you?
The amount of seasonals at the moment could have easily be spread across all the girls we have right now, yet some have (and a few to boot) while others don't. That is a good fucking example of your
>for the metals that were all forgotten
being a load of bull, cause he clearly doesn't care about some just like any other dude.

>> No.17107911
File: 927 KB, 812x1200, 61782113_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there're people that masturbate to Mochizuki
Just imagine a threesome with her and Hatsuyuki.

>> No.17107932

Too lewd.

>> No.17107955 [DELETED] 

Nip artists aren't workers who work for cheapmoney like their chink counterparts. They do what they want to. Say about how lazy shibafu is, but they aren't​ bound to that kind of labour intensive jobs.
Also, Tanaka is slow at delivery but we have some of unpopular girl seasonals now.

>> No.17107963

Saiuns were never useless. Also no Akashi upgrades or 'skilled' gimmicks will save that plane.

>> No.17107965 [DELETED] 

Your fucking entitled idea. Had he forgotten them then they would have never been existed in the first place.
> Why should people care about your fucking entitled idea
I don't need anyone to fucking care about my idea. They HAVE to argee with it. If not then fuck them just like you. Why the fuck I have to do shit for you when I can do shit for the larger audience that needs me just as much as you. If you don't like it then you can just fuck right off to the side. But hey I can't know Tanaka's mind so maybe he will do something even better than us arguing this shit here.
>could have easily be spread across all the girls
Show your proofs. There're at least 2/3 of the DDs that got nothing but seasonal voices if my brain didn't fart. And seasonal voices are fucking enough. Always whining and asking for more, fucking shitters like you.
You don't even have enough knowledge and are already talking shit. LUL. Just like every other newfags.
In my wildest dreams.

>> No.17107991

reminder even 7.7mm AA was used for something

>> No.17107992 [DELETED] 

Why are you acting like he's the one who draws all the seasonals and it's the only thing that matters? There's ships you call "forgotten" that have them while someone like Shimakaze has none.

>> No.17108015

Having multiple Saiuns is useless.

>> No.17108020

So? You can get them virtually everywhere. Shitty rocket AA is a better example actually. I scrapped them all just before they're became useful for Akashi. And still, I cleared all installation-heavy events no problem even without a million of +10 tank daihatsus.

>> No.17108046

They give a huge amount of LoS, so if Tanaka really wanted to fuck with the new players (like these whinny bitches always cry), he could add a 甲 map with a really high LoS requirement, making multiple saiun (and upgraded seaplanes) necessary. That would bock new players for real.

Also, you need 3 for base defense, you double kuso.

>> No.17108058

Who is the cutest DD?

>> No.17108064

I want to lick those destroyer thighs.

>> No.17108073

My wife.

>> No.17108075


>> No.17108076 [DELETED] 

Not from pol, If someone says
They are told to go to pol
Dude, That "LUL" you use is annoying, it makes you sound legit retarded. Plus I'm not required to listen to your "Fuck off".

It's about time autistic shit show was put to rest.

>> No.17108077

Wow. Nips also have questions about USN planes' performances.

>> No.17108085

We had that in AL when they couldn't even the lower difficulty.
I want something like that again so I can use my upgraded planes and radars.

>> No.17108086

Your starter.

>> No.17108093

I unironically want that cell phone case

>> No.17108100 [DELETED] 

>is annoying
It's intentional to chase out retards/annoying pests.
>legit retarded
Yeah "how does it feel to be beaten by a retard" is of course intentional. And I don't do wrong so only retards/pests have to deal with it.

>> No.17108114

>We had that in AL when they couldn't even the lower difficulty
And, like HP bar regen, Tanaka got rid of it because he wants the event more friendly to new players. A lot of idiots fail to realize that the "hardcore" players are just a vocal minority and this game doesn't cater only for them.

>> No.17108124 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 734x1000, 1496246275157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17108133

My japanese have failed me. Do they think that +8 is too small for hellcat?

>> No.17108142


>> No.17108153 [DELETED] 


>> No.17108169 [DELETED] 


>> No.17108185

Someone here never went through AL/MI. Or heck, winter 2017.

>> No.17108192
File: 3.45 MB, 1284x1992, __kunashiri_serval_and_shimushu_kantai_collection_and_kemono_friends_drawn_by_yamano_yamanoh__db48354caf767073d46f84d50f17f0ef[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute escorts

>> No.17108207 [DELETED] 

Only if they use Kek in the context of referring to an entity. That example wasn't.

>> No.17108210

Are those girls even smaller/younger than DDs?

>> No.17108218
File: 18 KB, 400x223, 1475480439503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17108219

Smaller yes. Younger, not necessarily.

>> No.17108221 [DELETED] 

People haven't learnt from the Saratogafags and the Kagafags

Some people/person had constantly posted on how Saratoga was better than Kaga, and kept pushing the "Old and busted" meme, which didn't drive out the Kagafags

>> No.17108223

Why do they have those fluffy things?

>> No.17108230
File: 3.00 MB, 1627x2480, __kamoi_kantai_collection_drawn_by_yamano_yamanoh__bd121e243014b98a3f159bfe9e7dac22[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a nice artist.

>> No.17108235

Me from 5 minutes ago:
"so much taihou crafting salt in this thread"
"well, I have sub 25k bauxite and the next event's far off"
"fuck it."
All dupes

Now I remember why I stopped doing LSC.

>> No.17108242

cool story bro

>> No.17108243

This thing tried to download something on my machine, be careful.

>> No.17108249


>> No.17108255

Guess he means Akisumaru.

>> No.17108264 [DELETED] 

What does your post have to do with my post senpai? I don't get it.

>> No.17108266

I wish.

>> No.17108267
File: 427 KB, 1356x3627, 1492116448296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what you get for trusting Koreans.

>> No.17108278


>>17108255 Is correct. Sorry.

>> No.17108283

Not really, Etorofu looks like a Mutsuki and the other two could fit in anywhere besides Akizuki and Kagerou class.

>> No.17108285

Found the Chrome user.
Fuck off.

>> No.17108286

It's just a discussion about overall USN plane vs IJN counterparts, history, the idea of landbase planes conversion in KanColle world and general chitchat: foreign planes, possible upcoming plane, skilled pilot, etc. Similar to /jp/ discussion that comes up from times to times. That's what I can graps from the thread.

>> No.17108294


>> No.17108296

Yes, now let's argue which browser is superior.

>> No.17108297
File: 1.08 MB, 538x337, atago-ryuujou-shimakaze.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17108304


>> No.17108310 [DELETED] 

This guy whom constantly uses "LUL" was probably trying to

>Chase out retards/annoying pests

But solved nothing

>> No.17108311
File: 169 KB, 851x1200, prs8b603oeqy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17108312


>> No.17108319 [DELETED] 

>They HAVE to argee with it
Entitled as fukc.
>Why the fuck I have to do shit for you when I can do shit for the larger audience that needs me just as much as you
So making 2 seasonals for one ship is catering to a bigger audience than making 1 seasonal for 2 ships each? You need to become a lead game designer with that point of view.

>> No.17108321 [DELETED] 

Uhh but I just solved it. Wtf senpai. Are you that

>> No.17108323
File: 838 KB, 850x1133, takagaki_maya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pan paka pan.
More like.
Pan licking pan.

>> No.17108339 [DELETED] 

Sure is wikia in here.

>> No.17108343 [DELETED] 

Solved what? LUL

>> No.17108345 [DELETED] 

Who's your favorite CVB?

>> No.17108346

I think Mutsuki class, Shimushu, and Shiri are late JS- early JC while Etorofu is early JS a.k.a literal perfection.

>> No.17108357
File: 264 KB, 960x1270, Richelieu_Ney_York[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already have one french ship. French FBB is only a matter of time. But when? I want that beauty now, goddamnit.

>> No.17108369

>JS a.k.a literal perfection
I see a pedo.

>> No.17108370

Can't wait for the gun to be overwheight on everything and have less FP than twin41.

>> No.17108375

Everyone likes to call Atago fat but deep inside you all know how much you like her. She's lovely and cheerful.

>> No.17108394

This, its going to be pure junk.

>> No.17108396

What if it counts as 2 guns and become the new meta?

>> No.17108399

That normally happens when you have been surrounded by DDs for a long time, your fuckable age ranges get lower.

>> No.17108402

Fitting, for a worthless piece of shit like Riche

>> No.17108403

And uses 2 slots. Excellent.

>> No.17108405

They should add a Dutch ship first because the Dutch effort in WW2 was very underated. If they added a French ship they should add the De Reuyter as well.

>> No.17108408 [DELETED] 


Oh I haven't solved it yet. Nice.

>Entitled as fukc.
If I could satisfy more of my fans then sure, still better than your shit.
>So making 2 seasonals for one ship is catering to a bigger audience than making 1 seasonal for 2 ships each?
And? Stop fucking whining already. People like Mintgure so give them a little bit more is bad? So next you're gonna tell me that because Suzuya has been already too popular so she shouldn't get a bonus outfit? Or Nagato has been good already so she shouldn't have her kai2? I don't understand your logic. Their seasonal voices are too good already. If they're forgotten like you said then they wouldn't even have seasonal voices. Just your entitled shit that even think about "hurr durr muh EQUALITY" or some dumb shit.

Chill senpai he suddenly decided to be an annoying pest again.

>> No.17108414

Even Kisaragi?

>> No.17108429
File: 128 KB, 850x1133, suzuya blows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because nothing can be better than japanese steel.
First, rude. Second, personally, I'll be fine with any shit stats if she's as beautiful as her real life equivalent,

>> No.17108434

You better stop posting Fumicute before /jp/ thinks she's cancer.

>> No.17108444

Yeah. Early JCs who realize their charm aren't that uncommon.

>> No.17108453

What an ugly Mutsuki.

>> No.17108462

Yeah, that's why we have easy mode now for all the casuals who just want to Colle. Yet they still try to do hard and then complain about the event being bullshit.

>> No.17108464 [DELETED] 

Did i in any way say that he shouldn't add seasonals to already popular ships or something? And i never said i have problems with new ships getting seasonals fast.
But there are ships that have 2 seasonals while others, just as old have, none. Doesn't sound like he genuinely cares about the sunken and forgotten ships, the way you made it sound at the start of the arguement.
That was me, senpai.

>> No.17108470

I'm sure she will be beautiful. Teste-san's beauty already proved that.

>> No.17108471

How can they complain about events being bullshit if they are easy?

>> No.17108479

Is there any point in getting Skilled 52s? They don't seem to have any substantial benefits over the Skilled 21s and even loses one point in range for Land Base.

>> No.17108489

I don't know, I think they'll keep calling it hard until they can clear events with only a Maruyu.

>> No.17108490

>Teste-san's beauty
So she is gonna look like shit. Well that sucks, shame she won't be Kamoi quality at the very least.

>> No.17108508

If you have a dozen planes with 10AA +placebo, then yes, there is no point.

I want to clear events on hard without solely relying on green T, sparkles and supports. So far, even with BBs and CVs i get BTFO more than i could call easy.

>> No.17108522

Oh shut up. Any gentlemen with refined taste would prefer Teste and Kamoi is a fancervice whore.

>> No.17108539

They ate more than they can chew, simple as that.

Lower bauxite cost while having +11 AA, helping in ranking and bauxite intensive stage.
Model 52: 5
Re.2005: 6
Reppuu 601: 7

W-what I thought you're a fellow who can appreciate Akira's nonabyssal arts.

>> No.17108560 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 403x433, 6849d19c91e94b7f92f15bd404567247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I now have to explain "hurr durr muh philosophyz" for you too? Jesus. We are born equal. (As an value of 1, like every other living creatures too). But we are not fucking equal. It's decided by every other factors in life. Your stand in society, your stats bla bla. You may be a harvard student, I may be a neet, but I play and love this game more than you for example. Comparing that was just unfair. It's like compare me - a neet, to you - a harvard student.
Same logic applies with KanColle
Their own existences all have a start value of 1. But the fans decide other things. So they are born equal but not are equal at all. Why would I like Imuya when Iku was just, a much better choice? And it's decided by the majority. Mintgure is the chosen one so she gets more. Suzuya is the chosen one so she gets more.
>Shimakaze gets nothing besides all those trap doujinshis
They are born equal, just like us. They are NOT equal, just like us. Jesus I have to write this much.

>> No.17108579

>a fellow who can appreciate Akira's nonabyssal arts
I am >>17108522.

>> No.17108583

Kamoi is a nonabyssal art.

>> No.17108595 [DELETED] 

So i get your point, he doesn't really care. You could have just said that, but decided to insult me and go some philosophical way.
>Jesus I have to write this much.
>Oh I haven't solved it yet. Nice.
Are you trying to be contrarian?

>> No.17108604 [DELETED] 

Seasonals aren't the only thing that matter you retard. Fuckbucky didn't have any until last fall, clearly that means Tanaka didn't care about her.

>> No.17108610 [DELETED] 

Promotional art doesn't count?

>> No.17108643 [DELETED] 

>he doesn't really care
Wrong. He cares, just not as much as you do. Because in the end he owes his fan more so he has to do for their favor first. And your idea became too "entitled" so I call you out.
>Are you trying to be contrarian?
I don't think I have to bring bullshit philosophyz to talk with people in a cumboat game. So I don't like to write all these bullshit that much.

>> No.17108647

Oh thank god most of Nagato's combat old lines are still there.

>> No.17108657 [DELETED] 

>his fan
LUL. fans*

>> No.17108702 [DELETED] 

>He cares, just not as much as you do
Okay, i guess that's on my end.
>Because in the end he owes his fans more so he has to do for their favor first
You write this again and i have no idea what it means. How do you please more fans by paying more attention to less ships, thus, less fan groups? Or am i understanding it wrongly?
And why do you think he really owes his fans that much? Like i said before, there are other games that owe their popularity to the active fanbase, yet they slowly forget about it once they get really popular. Most browser/mobile games rely on user activity to survive. What makes KanColle any special that he owes us anything?

>> No.17108746

Shipgirls are cute.

>> No.17108749 [DELETED] 

Fuck off back to discord Daxyn cock sucker.

>> No.17108757

I like hotel.

I wish people would draw her as tall as she actually is though

She's very cute when flustered

>> No.17108762

>Japanese girls

>> No.17108766

180cm, 200+cm or 250m?

>> No.17108799

180cm is very tall for a girl.

>> No.17108808

Why do you keep mentioning your retarded discord group friends here? This is an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.17108819 [DELETED] 

Sharp as a pillow.

At least 6+ feet. Maybe eh, 190ish cm?
Poor girl. All that heft and Musashi stole all he breast genes.

>> No.17108823 [DELETED] 

>At least 6+ feet. Maybe eh, 190ish cm?
You're retarded.

>> No.17108831 [DELETED] 

>stole all her breast genes
Nice headcanon.

>> No.17108832
File: 333 KB, 1200x552, heights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea what this is based on, but 191 with those heels.

>> No.17108835

It's just the artist's headcanon.

>> No.17108856

Why did noone do an indepth size research on the clothes and items the girls have to make a more or less comprehensive size chart? It may make some have fucked up height, but still something to consider.

>> No.17108858 [DELETED] 

Sharp as a pillow.

Sharp as a pillow.

>> No.17108861

If you're that desperate just use the movie's height chart which has Nagato and the shitty hotel as the same height.

>> No.17108868 [DELETED] 

Her AP-bra is a makeshift sarashi historically so whatever you say.

>> No.17108870

You mean all the random kimonos or shirts that could be literally any size?

>> No.17108876

I've been making one, the difficulty is nobody likes to draw girls standing fully upright and I have issues getting high enough resolution images when I do find girls in that pose. I'll probably just steal from this >>17108832

I don't think you read that comment.

>> No.17108880

CL/CA is perfect height. Though, Iku is very, very tempting.
Inconsistency, I guess.

>> No.17108882 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 2.45 MB, 995x2189, 1496251966315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you please more fans by paying more attention to less ships
You please more fans by targeting the largest fanbases. Mintgure, Suzuya, Fujikawafags etc.
They will most likely have more fans than for example, the whole Mutsuki-class. Oh and Kashima too for example, She has 2 sprites. So combine those fanbases they will definitely have more fans than, 20 literal whos.
>he really owes his fans that much
He lives by his own ideology, not the money type. And his fans answered his call. You still don't understand why were Yamatos release so soon? Because he was desperate. Literally miracle right there.
>slowly forget about it once they get really popular
Both Touhou and LoL gave me that experience so yea I can talk a bit more.
Well ZUN has a family now so auto rip.
/pol/ shit. Multiculturalism. Things aren't meant to be mixed. Shaken, not stirred. See pic related.
>What makes KanColle any special that he owes us anything?
Unlike other shit games there's no "mix" in here. Only Tanaka's autism. So he couldn't forget that miracle. That's why like I said KanColle is my last hope.
Uhhh who? I'm not a fucking redditard cocksucker like you so... wtf?

>> No.17108885

Because you can't.

>> No.17108892

>I'll probably just steal from this >>17108832
The artist made 3 images with height charts, look it up on danbooru.

>> No.17108905

>Because he was desperate.
But that's wrong you fucking retard. He released them early because no one thought the game was going to last more than 6 months, including him, so he wanted to get the hotels out before he had to shut down the game.

>> No.17108910 [DELETED] 

Jesus Christ dude.

Oh did he? Well that's nice I'll search for that

Please leave pol posting out of kancolle threads

>> No.17108923 [DELETED] 

>no one thought the game was going to last more than 6 months
And that wasn't desperation are you fucking retarded?
I put it in spoiler so. Never meant to go further than that.

>> No.17108935 [DELETED] 

It's still pretty stupid to complain about multiculturalism, the thing that results from people hating each other less.

>> No.17108936
File: 588 KB, 800x480, 20170531_10384827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another month, another easy 4-5 clear.

>> No.17108940 [DELETED] 

>And that wasn't desperation are you fucking retarded?
It wasn't, and you'd know that if you bothered to read the fucking interviews.

>> No.17108941

Akagi is a bitch and a whore.

>> No.17108948

Let's talk about Yamato again

How tall would you want your Yamato to be?

>> No.17108951

Fuck off hotelfag.

>> No.17108955 [DELETED] 

I would call that pessimism rather than any kind of desperation.

>> No.17108962


>> No.17108971

Satsuki is a cunt and a shithead.

>> No.17108981

Wait wasn't the increased damage cap supposed to make this map harder?

>> No.17108983

>largest fanbases

More like largest hipsters.

>> No.17108984 [DELETED] 

Please so you're going to tell me Ten-gou wasn't a desperation too? What Tanaka did was literally a Ten-gou for himself, lasting only 6 months.
But it decrease productivity because of "cognitive dissonance." Good for people, bad for products. And my games got all stucked with that. Well but this /pol/ tier shit should be stopped here.
Hmm I see.... haven't think about this word yet. But miracle still did happen and he owes the fans so my main point still stands.

>> No.17108990

DD sized

>> No.17109007 [DELETED] 

I don't give a fuck about "products". I'm a person, not a resource. I work to make myself and my country great, not profitable.

Y tho

>> No.17109008

SHE DINDU NUFFIN! Like, literally, useless Hotel.

>> No.17109014 [DELETED] 

DDs are cute. BBs aren't.

>> No.17109015

They had a thread 2 days ago about E-chan too.

>> No.17109035
File: 189 KB, 600x752, 1422181098211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would Nagato do if she turned to loli and what would you do to her?

>> No.17109043

I think there was already a doujin about that.

>> No.17109048 [DELETED] 
File: 306 KB, 480x480, haruna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BBs aren't cu-

>> No.17109049

There's a doujin about anything.

>> No.17109050

The size that makes her not useless.

>> No.17109052

Tall enough to she has trouble not hitting her head on the roof

would be fun to watch, tits at face level are a plus too.

>> No.17109055

Nips love Big E so that's not a surprise.

>> No.17109057

You are getting Dunkerque and you are going to like it!

>> No.17109060

Yamato is very cute, especially when she's embarrassed about being so tall.

Yeah, so? Doesn't make her bad, just unlucky and commanded by monkeys. I'll have you know she's very useful around the house.

I don't know if I want Yamato to be shaq

>> No.17109070

Got a link to that one?

>> No.17109073

The best shipgirl is the one you love.

>> No.17109074


im a retard that does not proofread pls rape my face

>> No.17109084

> Dunkerque
They don't even look different. One is just a bit smaller.

>> No.17109099

That's just a shittier version of Riche.

>> No.17109102

You mean her prototype.

>> No.17109103

I only found one which is only four pages long.

>> No.17109104

But I love like 18 of them. Which one loves me?

>> No.17109109

No. It's already been terminated. Probably should have taken a picture.

>> No.17109127

Her plans had her with 41cm guns and not 46cm ones, dude.

>> No.17109135

>Model 52: 5
>Re.2005: 6
>Reppuu 601: 7
That applies outside of LBAS? Chance of losing a plane on a big slot or something?

>> No.17109151

found it.

>> No.17109158

Thanks for cleaning up the trash from the chinkcolle apologist, janny.

>> No.17109164

What did she do to you?

>> No.17109185

She called him cute.

>> No.17109192

Holyfuck thanks anon, I confused it with resupply costs.

>> No.17109196
File: 240 KB, 990x1600, christian imageboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extreme sexual frustration.

>> No.17109200

All i see there are some carrier and some other stuff discussion.

>> No.17109202

>still censored after removing Fubuki

>> No.17109205

Too entitled due to a lack of actual hard events.

>> No.17109207

>What should we call her?
I like this one.

>> No.17109217

I misread that as futa blog

>> No.17109221

So if the events are too hard for them they shouldn't call them hard and wait for events they can barely clear on medium or kuso?

>> No.17109236


I really really want to rape ushio
But I don't want her to completely hate me for it, I want it to be loving rape that she secretly admits she likes

I want the ideal abusive relationship

What should I do about this

>> No.17109254

It's the highest AA plane you can get en masse. Until they make Reppuu upgradable so probably never.

They're also the best range 6 planes in LBAS.

I'll pick the 11 AA plane with shitty placebo stats over the 10 AA plane with good placebo stats.

>Why would I like Imuya when Iku was just, a much better choice?
Iku is just the stronger sub.

>> No.17109258

Rape Yamakaze. She won't be able to say no and will come to love it as well if you show her attention by raping her frequently (aka need her).

>> No.17109259

Monkeys aren't cute. She isn't cute.

>> No.17109263
File: 34 KB, 260x260, Type_1_Fighter_Hayabusa_Model_III_A_222_Card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're also the best range 6 planes in LBAS.

>> No.17109266

I mean for the ones you can get en masse.

>> No.17109269

I don't get this joke.

>> No.17109274

Exactly. A few events like that and when we get back to easy events they won't complain about them anymore.

>> No.17109285

You obviously know very little of this world if you think that way.
Hard events after extra hard events won't make people complain less.

>> No.17109296

That's if the events were hard to begin with. But they aren't.

>> No.17109310

How many fighters do you realistically need for LBAS?
3 to 5. And now we got three hayabusas that are at least equal to max upgraded M52 Zero.

>> No.17109313

They aren't for you, but they are for some.

>> No.17109336

Should be 9 for IF scenario (lit. History revision) of Tengo, bombing of Kure, and many air denial scenario.

>> No.17109345

Leyte when?

>> No.17109349

That's why I'm saying 'realistically' and not 'autistically'.
If we're speaking autism, then you need 16 at least right. Or 32 if Tanaker will add plane tagging. Or 48 if there are three tags.
Autists are insane like that.

>> No.17109353

When they add Mogami Kai 2, Michishio Kai 2, Yamagumo Kai 2, and Asagumo Kai 2. All requiring blueprints of course. We can't have Leyte until the Surigao crew is at their strongest for a rematch.

>> No.17109359

>Autists are insane like that.
Are you saying not everyone has 24 Egusas or is working on getting 24?

>> No.17109364

There's only 3 land bases so 12. And it's not that retarded because I used all bases with fighters before.

>> No.17109365

Whenever they finish up the other losers with their Kai 2s.

>> No.17109367

Confirmed for not being around during IBS. There are still plenty of fags from then who still maintain that there hasn't been a single hard event since IBS.

Ditto for 2nd SN, at least for those who went through it on hard mode.

I'm planning for 12 of each range in case Tanaka somehow forces the players to go all fighters for whatever reason, plus more on the fleet I'm sortieing. Now that we have the Hayabusa series, the number to plan for has been reduced by 3 for 6 range planes, and 2 for 7 range planes. It's a safe bet that I won't be needing more than 10 Zero M21s, at least.

>> No.17109373 [SPOILER] 
File: 211 KB, 1269x734, 1496256475455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


RJ is tiny by that movie chart.

>> No.17109374

>Are you saying not everyone has 24 Egusas or is working on getting 24?
Exactly my point.

Well what IF there will be 4th base? Haha, now you need 4 maxed fighters more.

>> No.17109375

>And it's not that retarded because I used all bases with fighters before
Now, that's retarded.

>> No.17109380

What does me not being at an event have to do with people not whining when events are to hard for them? Why do oldfags think newfags should have the same opinion as the former?

>> No.17109384

Because newfags don't have the right to an opinion.

>> No.17109387

Well of course any event would be hard if their equipment setup is retarded. And I'm willing to wager that for any given random complainer, there's at least an 80% chance that they're not bringing the best out of their equipment and are running some suboptimal setup considering the equipment they have.

>> No.17109391

>No Aoba
>No Furutaka
How is this Movie scale, when these two were the life blood of that thing, they were the most important secondaries, dare I say main characters of that concoction.

>> No.17109395

Except that's wrong, it was Choukai.

>> No.17109400

That's because she was small, the only reason why she gets pumps is because she had a double stack hanger letting her carry a larger accompaniment of planes.

>> No.17109402

Like those times people post optimal setups and the best the "eeleet" have to offer is to say "git gud"?
Or you think after asking for comps in /jp/ they still use their wrong ones to prove your point or something?

>> No.17109405
File: 2.86 MB, 480x288, 【MMD艦これ】胸が踊るよ?龍驤・愛宕・伊19でくるくるぱぁ.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forever tiny.

>> No.17109407

But RJ has a big ass compared to her size.

>> No.17109414
File: 219 KB, 900x1200, 1480227182183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Someone needs to scan the promotional material for us instead of cell phone cam.

>> No.17109417

No, Last I checked, Aoba caused the disaster that lead to Fubuki sinking, and Furutaka followed Fubuki in that fuckfest

Choukai did neither of those so I do not see how she was important to the plot

Even if People I heard from were fucking retarded and couldn't tell Aoba and Furutaka from Choukai (In that case, they deserve the assblasting they got in Himeueta channel) Choukai isn't there either, it's not anime either since it's missing Atago, Takao, Bongous, snails.etc
More likely culprit I see

>> No.17109419

Where have you been? Lately, /jp/ always give suggestions. Unless those shitter did something glaringly wrong, they just need to wait for a serious answer.

>> No.17109427

>No, Last I checked, Aoba caused the disaster that lead to Fubuki sinking, and Furutaka followed Fubuki in that fuckfest
That didn't happen in the movie.

>> No.17109428

I don't know what you're talking about because Fubuki didn't sink in the movie.

>> No.17109435

The th base will come after the 5th fleet that needs all Aganos to unlock :^)

When they complain and ask for help, I always ask them to post their entire ship and equipment list, and not without good reason. And for those who do, far more likely than not it won't be a case where I can't improve on the setup. For those who come back and whine again, they typically post a somewhat improved setup, but it's still not the best setup they could've gone with.

And this is in /jp/ of all places. For other places like wikia, who likely follow trash guides like the one a certain rabbit shat out, it's probably much, much worse.

>> No.17109443

*4th base

>> No.17109446

More like 100%, just look at >>17108508

>> No.17109450

For every completely retarded comp question, i see five normal ones that get answered for an extremely marginal performance improvement or to wait for better rng rolls. That isn't how you get "better", but what do i know.

>> No.17109464

Wasn't the plot about "Bucky enters fight, goes away, from disaster. gets a Kisaragi drop that retains memory of sinking and slowly becomes an abyssal. hears whining from the ocean and finds Edgebuki and fights her not before realising she had sunk all along and accepts her sinking as she fights with abyssal Kisaragi and becomes light" or something?

>> No.17109467

Why can't kusofags just go kuso where they belong?

>> No.17109468

So events are so easy that you have to throw everything you have and more at them to win?
Nice definition of "easy".

>> No.17109470

No you fucking retard.

>> No.17109478

I beg to differ. Speaking from past experience in helping other people, even small changes to their fleet or equipment setup can and does often give far higher than a marginal performance improvement.

>> No.17109480

I want 4-5 is hard guy back, at least he's just a newfag who doesn't know better. You on the other hand are a whining little bitch who doesn't know how to play the game.

>> No.17109484

I think it's normal when people hear someone call something "easy" and try to do that "easy", find out that it isn't fucking "easy" and whine about people lying about it.

>> No.17109485

Guess people can't fucking recount properly

What fucking happens then?

>> No.17109488

Look for the patsebin on /a/'s archive.

>> No.17109489

Yes, because when they're actually hard you will still fail a lot even with the best possible setup. While something like last event becomes back to back S-ranks if you use optimal comps.

>> No.17109500

This is dice rolling simulator:
Easy=easy to tip the dice to your favor.
Also, you don't need any of those conditions​ to get S rank in last event.

/jp/ active player are mostly veterans (who ranks or stockpile or both), you need to take that in mind when you see their opinion.

>> No.17109506

/jp/ magic please just give me Shoukaku, I'm running out of resources.

>> No.17109509

Why would you want an NTR slut?

>> No.17109511

What're you doing? Just spam 5-4.

>> No.17109514

I'd post my full lists next event and expect a "hard" clear with softcap with all the /jp/ help, but i'd rather suicide bomb myself on the Kadokawa building than do permasparkling for fleets and supports to clear easy events.

>> No.17109516

Catapult quest.
That's what I'm doing.

>> No.17109518
File: 3.93 MB, 3199x2399, 52890637_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want En-ko to come play with ZuiZui already.

>> No.17109519

Post your full fleet and equipment list now, I want to see just how much of a scrub you are.

>> No.17109526

The reason why oldfags and newfags have different opinions is because they went through different things. The older events were much harder than the newer events. Newfags didn't go through those so as a result the threshold for a hard event is much lower for them.

So the idea behind the suggestion to implement an event that's hard even for oldfags, is to give newfags a taste of what oldfags consider hard, so that they realise that they've been having it easy all along, and hopefully not whine so much during future easy events.

>> No.17109543

I used support one whole time last event and it didn't even do anything. I didn't sparkle either. I think you just suck.

>> No.17109546

So, shibuya rin with golden hair?

>> No.17109550

Please do not compare E-chan with that piece of shit CG cancer Rin.

>> No.17109554

I did. Needed a fucking top dmg roll on Kasumi to not choke on my final kill even on medium.
Why should some vetarans opinion take priority over my current experience, that is shit even when i adhered to his advice?

I bet non of the old events would be "hard" for the oldfags now that almost all the game mechanics are known.
And i don't think people will stop whining about things that are to hard for them if they had something even harder before that.

>> No.17109561

>I bet non of the old events would be "hard" for the oldfags now that almost all the game mechanics are known.
Game mechanics were already known in 2nd SN. Didn't stop E-7 from being hard.

>> No.17109569

I'll post it in two days after work so i could listen to all your "stupid fag doesn't have top shit that's why he suck" with full attention.

>> No.17109574

>Why should some vetarans opinion take priority over my current experience, that is shit even when i adhered to his advice?
Because >>17109526
>The older events were much harder than the newer events. Newfags didn't go through those so as a result the threshold for a hard event is much lower for them.

>> No.17109579

Post it now.

>> No.17109587

Question to /jp/ elitists:

Do you actively seek stupidity to make fun of, or do you make fun of it as it passes by?

I'm trying to see how the personality of these veterans would be like if the entire newfag population quit and oldfags were the only people playing KanColle?

>> No.17109591

The point is that a newfag can't line himself up with oldfags cause they have neither levels nor shit, sometimes even ships.
Why should the bottom feeder compare himself to the top of the food chain when he has no means to stand up to that?

>> No.17109610

Micronitpicking and shittaste discussion. Nothing out of the ordinary.

>> No.17109620

>do you make fun of it as it passes by?
Obviously, otherwise Egusas would take longer to farm.

>I'm trying to see how the personality of these veterans would be like if the entire newfag population quit and oldfags were the only people playing KanColle?
Call other people's married ships shit while min maxing everything.

>> No.17109632

I'm not such a big fan of yamakaze though, why do you like her?

And like I don't want to hurt Ushio. I want to hurt her without hurting her, somehow

>> No.17109643

I finally got 5 Maruyus to use, which ship should I luck mod first?

>> No.17109647

Your wife.

>> No.17109650

You're waifu.
Or someone who has luck close to 50 (60 is a cap, iirc).

>> No.17109654

You either hurt her untill she likes it, or go extra rough on the start then turn full vanilla as it keeps going to turn pain into pleasure.
Or something like that.

>> No.17109657

Discussion, speculation, testing some crazy theory.

>> No.17109658

It's not that you need permanent sparkles and support. I know I didn't use it, because I did fine without it.
But if you DO have trouble and still refuse to do it to compensate for your inferior ships and equipment then that's your problem.

>> No.17109660

General rule of thumb is:

A super easy event is a braindead event where you don't need optimal setups to steamroll it. Eg. Winter 2013-14.

An easy event is one that you can easily S rank the boss during chipping and last kill with an optimal setup. In general, a newfag who knows what he's doing will be able to clear it on hard even if it's first event (too bad most newfags these days have single digit IQ). Eg. Spring 2015.

A medium event is one where you have maybe a 10-20% chance of killing the boss during last kill every time you get there. Eg. Spring 2014, Winter 2015.

A hard event is one where if your setup is even slightly suboptimal, you can easily need 6 digit resources to clear it. Eg. Autumn 2013, Summer 2015.

That's assuming familiarity with the mechanics. Summer 2014 is an interesting case because ship locking was much more stringent, so you can kiss your chances of clearing the map goodbye if you locked too many ships that would have come in handy for E6. By other indications it would have been a medium difficulty event, but it had sufficient fake difficulty that only Autumn 2013 had a lower clear rate.

Indeed, IBS would have been easier if it came out now (most maps would, for that matter), but not just because of that. For one, we now have yasen equipment, WG42s, the works. E4's difficulty was due to a number of factors, which even power creep and knowledge of the game mechanics cannot completely mitigate. Namely, gauge regen, 50% chance to reach the boss, night to day requirements.

>> No.17109662

Fubuki is cute.

>> No.17109668


>> No.17109680


>> No.17109683

>I bet non of the old events would be "hard" for the oldfags now that almost all the game mechanics are known.
So you didn't even go through summer 2015.

>> No.17109693

Sorry for being a shitty shitter, but i need to go to bed now. You'll have you share of bullying in two days.
I use KC3.

>> No.17109700

>I use KC3.
Fuck off wikiafag.

>> No.17109709

I feel like trying something different for 2-5 this month instead of bobsquad, what do you guys use for south?

>> No.17109719

Belive it or not, /jp/ is the place i was born into KanColle. You have only this board to blame.

>> No.17109739

That sounds dirty. I think I've heard that before somewhere.

>> No.17109744

3 CVL 1 CL 2 DD

>> No.17109759

ABKM for torp spam.

>> No.17109770

At least switch to the other viewer before posting your fleet, for the sake of better listing.

>> No.17109790
File: 57 KB, 1100x778, savannah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17109794

You want me to set up a viewer i have no knowledge of use just so you could laugh and shit on me?
I'll think about it.

>> No.17109796

I only make fun of the annoying ones. I'm sure there's plenty of newfags that aren't retards but you don't see them often because they're not constantly complaining about every little thing.

>> No.17109804
File: 513 KB, 1100x800, [loud monster noises].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, that's right, I wanted to post that, you beat me to it. Savanna striped giant slug is the best meme.

>> No.17109809

But how exactly do I do that without getting her to call the police

>> No.17109813

KC3 is fine as long as you don't use that terrible showcase that only lists like 5 things per category.

>> No.17109816

Yes. Click "Manager", not "showcase".

>> No.17109821

Usually, the victim is busy being raped.
Your aproach should have her enjoy the process too much by the end to even consider giving up your precious cock to the MPs.

>> No.17109827

But manager has only current or saved fleets? The showcase export allows for a full list of ships in a fullscreen box or an oversized equip list that is only a bit uncomfortable.

>> No.17109837

I just wonder, why does Suzuya get a Kai Ni sooner than Kumano even though Kumano had excelled in warfare, survived hell and fought till her last breath, hell even american admirals feel bad for her, yet she takes the back seat to her slutty looking sister.

>> No.17109847

Only current yes. But showcase doesn't show all ships either.
You can just use "ship list" for ship, if you sort them by type, but that list will still be a chore to look through. And combine it in paint or PS with equip list from showcase.

>> No.17109855

> slutty looking sister
Exactly because of that. Popularity is a thing, good-looking people always get the best without even working to earn it.

>> No.17109863

The showcase has an export feature that allows to export a full or locked ship and equipment list that has everything in it. Not the main showcase screen that shows only 6 ships/class and 4 equips/type.

>> No.17109864

Suzuya works hard if you praise her

>> No.17109869

Didn't Kinu and Arashio getting Kai Nis as oppose to Atago and or Tenryuu teach you Kai Nis are not based off popularity?

>> No.17109870

They flipped a coin and Suzuya won.
She's cuter anyway.

>> No.17109871

>if you pay her
I never tried that. If that works, sure.

>> No.17109879

That seems more like the answer

>> No.17109883

I assume Suzuya is a favorite of someone in the dev team.

>> No.17109897

If you pay her with pats and a ring, yes.

>> No.17109901

Please don't spread bad rumors about her

>> No.17109910

Or maybe it's just because she is older or they wanted to leave possibly stronger sister for later.
But that rumor is true and everybody should know it before dealing with her.

>> No.17109912

How much?

>> No.17109917

700 yen

>> No.17109974

So she's cheap, huh? Makes me reluctant.

>> No.17109977

How many blueprints you got?

>> No.17109979


>> No.17109981

Good enough, pay up.

>> No.17109995

Night to day requirement was one of the biggest BS along with 50% chance to reach the boss.

Even with a pristine fleet, having everyone focusing everything but the boss was basically the worst battle you can even hope for.

I can't blame those who resorted to the kuso way. That map alone broke way too many people for stupid map design reasons.

>> No.17110002

She only accepts it at level 99.

>> No.17110006

>focusing everything but the boss was basically the worst battle you can even hope for.
It's funny how now that's the desired thing to have before yasen.

>> No.17110011

But then how am I supposed to do that? Lock her in my basement? And what's the secret rape technique? I've only got one chance at this

>> No.17110015

>I've only got one chance at this
Could always feed her to Re.

>> No.17110038

Fuck off ushio is mine,I could never do that to her

>> No.17110039

tell me about it. Even the others bosses, you really wanted to chip the boss as much as you could, thanks to the HP regen.

A lot of non veterans really have no idea how the game was stressful back then. We didn't have any high yield expedition like Tokyo Express, and there wasn't any QoL stuff like yasen equipment or artillery spotting.

I remember clearly how the Dyson was also an absolute nightmare as it was the very first time a boss unit was THAT bulky.

I honestly think that if IBS E4 was to resurface with the exact same conditions (no yasen equipment etc) and with just nowadays mechanic knowledge, there would be still a lot of disastrous experience, kuso path or not.

>> No.17110045
File: 610 KB, 800x480, 20170531_13553671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear these Ri Kai cut-ins are going to give me a heart attack one day.

>> No.17110046

It always has been. Night to day is a different matter compared to day to night.

>> No.17110049


>> No.17110050
File: 362 KB, 800x480, 20170531_22561319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17110056

Hotel and Bisko dupes aren't bad actually, at least if you're done with blueprint remodels or only have shit like Ryuuhou left. Abukuma dupes are also a good idea.

>> No.17110057

The first time Dyson came out she wasn't that bad actually since compared to E4, E5 wasn't so bad. It was the second time she came out that gave her the moniker since it was the first time an enemy unit not in the flagship spot was so bulky.

>> No.17110066

Ah, indeed, I mixed up with Sakawa's event. She acted as the "gatekeeper" in the middle of the map and just tagged along with the isolated island boss.

>> No.17110072

I want BB Hime to have her stats updated with BB Summer Hime's stats.

>> No.17110087

She's a lovely shipgirl who deserves love.

>> No.17110102
File: 75 KB, 1727x668, 1489471510552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Side items are usually drawn inconsistently in art, but it would be interesting to see the results. What we really need is official commentary from the artists or staff. Maybe get some magazine interviewer to ask about it.

Something over 6 feet but in the realistic human range. 186cm would put her in the 99.961 percentile, so around there or slightly taller.

>> No.17110115

>nip girls
>6 feet

>> No.17110122

>2D girls

>> No.17110145
File: 325 KB, 2048x876, CyUpS-oVEAEFoSB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only official material says Nagato, Mutsu, and Yamato are all the same height.

>> No.17110153

And they're all on high heels.

>> No.17110157

Right, so realistically they're only a bit taller than Myoukou-class which are all adults anyways.

>> No.17110167

>which are all adults anyways
Again, we don't even know how that "kanmusu" thing works. I mean, one of them wakes up some morning and say "holy crap, I'm a boat?!" or something? Sometimes the lack of setting is pretty weird.

>> No.17110172

Adults as in an adult body, I never touched on age.

>> No.17110181

Some of them are clearly adults. They even drink alcohol, and you can't have minors doing that in a Shintoist game.

>> No.17110192

2hu is a shintoist game though, and all 2hus are drinking like no tomorrow.

>> No.17110195

>you can't have minors doing that in a Shintoist game.
Tell that to Houshou, in one of the LNs she gave sake to DDs because she wanted them to be able to experience alcohol at least once in their life in case they sink. And some DDs drink beer or sake regardless based on the counter bar. Seems Hayashimo likes to accompany Nachi and Ashigara for whiskey.

>> No.17110198

Didn't realize I forgot to put the source.

>> No.17110210

Doujin game. Also, we don't know the 2hoes age not Gensokyou alcohol regulations.

Holy crap. Someone, call the military police!

>> No.17110213

Aren't they all immortals who are way older than how they appear to be?

>> No.17110218

If they were they wouldn't need the spell card system to make sure Reimu doesn't die or go on a genocidal spree.

>> No.17110221

Well they're actually over 70 years old, so they aren't minors.

>> No.17110222

Not every one of them. Humans are drinking day&night also.

> she gave sake to DDs because she wanted them to be able to experience alcohol at least once in their life in case they sink
Oh, this is nice.

>> No.17110223 [DELETED] 

Only Kaguya and Mokou are confirmed immortals.

>> No.17110228

What are you doing here? Are you lost, Anon?

>> No.17110236

Only Kaguya, Eirin, Mokou, and a literal who goddess that has only been mentioned a few times are confirmed immortals.

>> No.17110266

>1 P.M. To just daydream with Commander-sama like this, it's somehow relaxing~...
I want to show Makigumo the wonders of motherhood.

>> No.17110272

Her body is not ready for that. Yet.

>> No.17110273
File: 356 KB, 900x900, 3fd687c7d806acf0bb9071397ba18e54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mamiya serves alcohol to little boats.

>> No.17110278

As people who hate the drinking age in the states sometimes say, old enough to fight old enough to drink. You could say it applies to shipgirls and they can ignore Japan's 20 year drinking age.

>> No.17110317

This is the KanColle general thread. Are you really surprised to see people who know nothing about 2hu?

>> No.17110333

Honestly I'm not because /jp/ has always been extremely shitty. Posting on /jp/ unaware of 2hu is like posting on /g/ unaware of Linux.

>> No.17110336

To be fair to them I only know it's a shooter game and that it's shinto. Also I only know of Eirin due to that song I watched a video of once.

>> No.17110343

>This is the KanColle general thread
No, it isn't. This is the KanColle thread.

>Are you really surprised to see people who know nothing about 2hu?
In /jp/? Yes. I won't expect everyone to complete the games on lunatic, but at least they should know that Reimu is human.

>> No.17110358
File: 302 KB, 760x746, fng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is not only called otaku culture because of modern Japanese culture, but also traditional. What is traditional Japanese culture? Honor is one aspect of it. You are very dishonorable to your board by failing to maintain its traditions. It shouldn't even be called "your" board. You are like a zainichi who tries to assimilate into Japan. You'll never belong on /jp/. But you can at least be a little less hated by respecting traditions.

>> No.17110364

I don't really care about belonging on /jp/.

>> No.17110369

Then leave.

>> No.17110371

Nobody cares what you care about, hopefully this helps you realize how stupid you are so you can fuck off.

>> No.17110382

>In /jp/? Yes. I won't expect everyone to complete the games on lunatic, but at least they should know that Reimu is human.
The entire website has had a huge influx of people. /jp/ is no exception. Even in touhou threads you find people who don't even know basic facts.

>> No.17110389

Yeah that's right. Lurking more is for faggots.

>> No.17110418

zui zui

>> No.17110421
File: 233 KB, 1600x1000, __mogami_oyashio_and_zuihou_kantai_collection_drawn_by_hamu_koutarou__26461a2988e37492f0d9d2f1934d0bfc[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17110424

Cute dork.

>> No.17110429

(ง˘ω˘)ว (ว˘ω˘)ง (ง˘ω˘)ว (ว˘ω˘)ง

>> No.17110434

Here's the self-denial fag again. Only people in this thread would not consider this a general. Anyone else in /jp/ would call this a general.

>> No.17110436

> Only people in this thread would not consider this a general
What? Of course it's a general.

>> No.17110438


>> No.17110440

No it's an admiral.

>> No.17110442

It's not just that. Lurking is just way too inefficient. Posting without lurking teaches you more about board culture in a day than lurking for a year would.

>> No.17110443

And here's the newfag again. Go yo /vg/ if you want the KanColle general, you may find it sometimes.

>> No.17110444 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 320x320, 18252894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smh, leaving this thread will come back tomorrow

>> No.17110449 [DELETED] 


>> No.17110455 [DELETED] 

Don't do this shit here, Kaga-san. It's not in out customs.

>> No.17110456 [DELETED] 


Post your twitch stream, faggot.

>> No.17110461

Dumb dork

>> No.17110463
File: 103 KB, 800x600, Z1reVAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17110470

Not that guy but I'm only here because the /a/ mods purged the threads.

>> No.17110474

Even /a/ knows basic shit about Touhou. In fact you see threads for Forbidden Scrollery when a new chapter comes out on /a/.

>> No.17110478

I didn't say everyone here thought that, only that the only people who did are in here.

/wowsg/ pls.

>> No.17110482

Joke's on you, we're (post split) /a/ and everybody here knows at least the basics about 2ho.

>> No.17110483
File: 64 KB, 422x600, i24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17110492

Damn, since when did Zuikaku become sexy

>> No.17110507

Depends on the person. If they really care that little about 2hu they wouldn't know shit about it even if they've been exposed to it for years. For the longest time all I knew about it was that it was full of girls, that's how little I cared about it.

>> No.17110510
File: 60 KB, 600x636, 00096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's always been.
Just stare at her perfect breast.

>> No.17110521

What breast?

>> No.17110527

It's a (not)general thread because it doesn't have general in the title.

>> No.17110534
File: 2.06 MB, 4429x888, ship-height-guesses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took numbers from the two charts above >>17108832
>>17110102 and tried to match them to the red lines in the movie chart >>17109373

The spreadsheet puts Fubuki and Kagerou at 140cm, and the drawing uses 140 for Kagerou, so I used that as Fubuki's height. I measured the number of pixels between the lines at two places, averaged them, and multiplied based on 142cm (140 plus 2cm to account for hair). Then I added a disclaimer because niggers are probably going to repost this and act like it's cannon fact.

With the converted averages in red, the destroyers end up matching the other estimates very well, but the larger ships are tiny. Yamato and Nagato would be nearly 5'6" with heels, and probably between 5'3" and 5'4" without heels.

>> No.17110537

Looks like you're rejecting /jp/'s board culture.

The /a/ thread thought so for their thread too. Then the purge happened.

>> No.17110549

What is the point of this when it's just using random numbers from made up charts? Do people care about boat heights that much?

>> No.17110552

I agree it's a general, all I am saying is that is how people in this thread think. You are correct about /a/.
I guess the only reason this has remained on /jp/ is due to no one else wanting people who make spreadsheets for a browser game.

>> No.17110556

Yeah, dude, Sometimes I forget /jp/ was the board made to keep generals out of /a/. That would explain why you don't need to know anything about Touhou here.

>> No.17110560

Wait, I don't see Maya there. What the fuck?!

>> No.17110564

English communities maybe. Chinese and Japanese communities are chock full of spreadsheet fags.

>> No.17110566

Maya wasn't in the movie.

>> No.17110568
File: 129 KB, 314x278, confused yasen baka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the new Z quest is a quarterly, why do I have the quest available when I just cleared it last month?

>> No.17110571

Yet another reason to skip this garbage.

>> No.17110574

who are you quoting

>> No.17110579

>Do people care about boat heights that much?
The Japanese have always cared.

>> No.17110583

Because quarterlies reset every March/June/September/December you moron

>> No.17110588
File: 199 KB, 464x191, anwfianwf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's already June

>> No.17110589
File: 71 KB, 976x330, 5e48491d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like someone at the model company is a Kagafag too.

>> No.17110592

>Yamato having a higher height than Nagato when the only official chart clearly shows they're the same height
Are you retarded?

>> No.17110598

Look at the eye level, she's slightly taller.

>> No.17110606

/jp/ is the board for discussing non-English Japanese otaku games. The only reason the /a/ thread got purged is it was full of the worst kinds of shitposters and spammers for years. The reason there's no /vg/ thread is everyone hated kcgfag. If shitposters didn't exist, we'd have healthy threads on all three boards right now.

>> No.17110613

Maya wasn't part of the 8th Fleet, dumbass. The reason Choukai is there is because she was the flagship of the 8th Fleet.

It's the same level, if you look close you'll realize that Yamato is tilting her head so it looks like it's higher.

>> No.17110616

Who are you quoting, and why are you trying to call me retarded for following the only official chart, retard?

>> No.17110617

We did try to seriously move to /vg/ early 2014 iirc but no one wanted to move. Just 4-5 people who just posted a bunch of bs to keep the thread from dying.

>> No.17110619

Even if she is there's no way the difference is as big as 185 to 172.

>> No.17110621

The official chart clearly shows Nagato and Yamato are the same height, but the numbers you put there says otherwise.

>> No.17110624

Hasegawa has models for all the new ships.

>> No.17110626

What part of "Yamato and Nagato would be nearly 5'6" with heels, and probably between 5'3" and 5'4" without heels." says otherwise, you illiterate retard? Let me guess, you were too fucking stupid to read the text above the numbers so you don't even know what you're looking at.

>> No.17110630
File: 54 KB, 566x55, ssssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says otherwise, you illiterate retard?
Look at the image you just posted, shitstain.

>> No.17110631

There is no /vg/ thread because nobody wants to go to that shithole and that board is so fast the threads would die all the time.

>> No.17110640

Look at the text in the post you just replied to, dumbfuck.
>Let me guess, you were too fucking stupid to read the text above the numbers so you don't even know what you're looking at.
At this point it's hard to believe anyone could be this stupid. Are you just pretending to be illiterate and retarded to shit up the thread?

>> No.17110646

This thread is faster than a good quarter of the threads in /vg/. /vg/ only looks faster than it actually is because it skips one tenth of the post numbers.

>> No.17110650


>> No.17110653

Why the fuck would you use numbers that are clearly wrong? Are you retarded? Wait don't answer, you're clearly retarded considering you think it's okay to use headcanon garbage from literal who artists and stick it on an official chart without adjusting the numbers to make sure that the hotel and Nagato have the same number. The disclaimer doesn't mean shit when what's seen clearly contradicts it.

>> No.17110682

When a thread there hits bump limit it gets archived after an hour or two, here we can go for whole days.

>> No.17110691

It takes over an hour for a thread to die on /vg/. It would've survived if they had moved the non-manga parts of the /a/ thread over there.

>> No.17110699

Then that just means the threads will be shorter when archived, so we get multiple smaller threads instead of fewer, longer ones. Nothing to do with the posting speed.

>> No.17110702

So you're just unable to separate reality from fiction due to mental illness. That explains it why you can't understand that I did adjust the final numbers and they're different from the source estimates. Time to stop replying to you.

>> No.17110768

>That explains it why you can't understand that I did adjust the final numbers and they're different from the source estimates.
Then why didn't you bother adjusting them so that Nagato, Mutsu, and Yamato had the same number?

>> No.17110792

>I did adjust the final numbers

The source estimates are there to show the work. Changing those would be pointless and it would hide the process behind the 140+2cm destroyer basis.

>> No.17110802

>Nothing to do with the posting speed
It has everything to do with posting speed. >>17089211 has been up for 4 days. That wouldn't be possible without /jp/'s slow posting speed. It would die in /vg/ no problem. Kosuzu a shit.

>> No.17110808

I want to propose to Suzuya.

>> No.17110812

How many blueprints you got?

>> No.17110815

Something something mass-produced.

>> No.17110817

I have love.

>> No.17110822
File: 71 KB, 300x300, 6614586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nice but how many blueprints you got?

>> No.17110827

>4 days

How about since last year >>16242007

>> No.17110850
File: 293 KB, 1450x2048, d7cho78bhiky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teste looks downright stunning when drawn by someone other than Akira.

>> No.17110854

Overpriced slut.

>> No.17110857

That's not what I was getting at faggot. Look closer at the aircraft.

>> No.17110860

Pic unrelated.

>> No.17110879
File: 246 KB, 1200x900, 1477688739607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17110880
File: 138 KB, 850x1143, 1482805332866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic related though.

>> No.17110884

You only need 12blueprints.
Not even a big deal. Downright cheap for such a beauty.

>> No.17110886



>> No.17110894
File: 1.27 MB, 735x980, 63163172_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17110906

where's my 2-4 quest and land bomber conversion then?

>> No.17110923

You need to unlock them again you retard.

>> No.17110963

Yes, and? Are you going to say that the MonMusu general will die in /vg/ as well just because it's currently in /jp/? (At least, at one point it had a browser game on the DMM site. Not sure if it's still around.)

To see whether a general can survive in /vg/, just look at how fast it takes to make 750 posts. This general as of now would take around a day to reach that. Many generals there take longer.

That's in medals, not blueprints.

>> No.17110964

Kiyoshimo pls stop watching shonenshit.

>> No.17110965

>That's in medals, not blueprints.
Not if you want to satisfy her every time she wants to switch between CAV and CVL.

>> No.17110975
File: 66 KB, 499x560, yodo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you done with your EOs yet?

>> No.17110979

Is there a better comp than Abkm+5dd for 3-5?

This is so damn cancerous.

>> No.17110983

3CA3CV if you don't mind spending bauxite.

>> No.17110986


Easy as hell, that little shitter Hoppou is no match for the power of fairy magic.

>> No.17110991

You can do Hayasui, 2CL, DD and AV if you want to keep going south.

>> No.17110992


All the AVs.

>> No.17110997

Wait, they reset already? I checked 5 minutes ago and nothing.

>> No.17110998


>> No.17111001

Reload the game, dumbass. They reset at midnight.

>> No.17111011
File: 1.41 MB, 1061x1500, 63144367_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17111025


I want to milk that cow.

>> No.17111031

Wait, so it's March-May/June-August/September-November/December-Feburary?
Damn. I waste that quest.

>> No.17111033

That's a waste of blueprints. Just get a second Suzuya.

>> No.17111035

Quarterlies essentially reset at the end of an event and last until the end of the next event.

>> No.17111044
File: 154 KB, 1000x750, DAKKRLsUQAMRKPd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17111055

What are the chances that Yura Kai 2 will be added on the 6th? EOs reset today so anyone who only had a blueprint for Nagato last month can get one for Yura now.

>> No.17111056

Fuck. I need a better plan now.
Do you know which month is the most competitive for each quarter?

>> No.17111060

The one after an event ended.

>> No.17111062
File: 171 KB, 1050x1492, 0042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17111065

are there any halfway decent weekly guides

>> No.17111068

Check futaba.

>> No.17111074


Orel 24/7.

>> No.17111095
File: 396 KB, 570x760, b82bebb5df44d81031d5c53b76140ab9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makigumo is an underrated daughter, not wife.

>> No.17111100
File: 12 KB, 465x152, fairy genocide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you don't mind spending bauxite.

>> No.17111108
File: 62 KB, 952x1017, 3-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my, I didn't know EO could automatically make composition images.

>> No.17111109
File: 54 KB, 800x529, Ooyodo_Calls_the_MP's.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17111127

But they don't die-they just bail out.

>> No.17111138

Wait, images like yours? How? I only know how to export to notepad and Deck Builder.

>> No.17111141
File: 119 KB, 1050x1492, 0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17111148

Isn't wonderful how KanColle changed some people?

>> No.17111151
File: 9 KB, 461x429, eo img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see the small gray section in >>17111100 where it says 第一艦隊? Right click on that and select the bottom option that isn't translated, and this window will come up. The 出力モード options determine how big and how much is down. 大型 is this one >>17111108. Give it a title on タイトル and then select where you want to save the image and the filename on the ... button. One you got that done, click okay. I don't know what the red letters button does.

>> No.17111158
File: 390 KB, 640x1000, G2F4jQW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17111171

There must be an update I missed because I don't have that.

>> No.17111172


I half-expected the translation to spit out some unintelligible garbage about suicide or something.

>> No.17111180

What's your version? Mine is 2.6.2 which came out 22 days ago in English.

>> No.17111184
File: 865 KB, 2480x3507, 60195929_p5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17111190
File: 24 KB, 434x546, try.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can also add comments in the コメント section that show up at the bottom. Pretty cool addition I'd say.

>> No.17111198

Yeah, I must've ignored the update popup and then forgot about it.

>> No.17111206

Shoukaku is so lovely.

>> No.17111213
File: 1.45 MB, 1502x1100, 63026371_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is going on here?

>> No.17111214


>> No.17111216

Some guy shitposting on /jp/.

>> No.17111217

You mean Shoukaku is NTRing the admiral away from another shipgirl?

>> No.17111219


>> No.17111224


>> No.17111229

Nagato is a shitty pervert and a whore.

>> No.17111234

I think I'll still stick to List Maker because it looks nicer.

>> No.17111236
File: 416 KB, 1280x1838, 0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17111237

It does look better, but I'll probably use this when I want something quick.

>> No.17111239

And suddenly the spam is back.

>> No.17111266


So that's where her hat went.

>> No.17111268
File: 79 KB, 1422x1231, 4-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty cool, I don't know how long it's been there.

>> No.17111270
File: 657 KB, 1157x1637, 4379517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If shipgirl tits are filled with hopes and dreams, then what are Abyssal tits filled with?

>> No.17111275

Switch Roma and Choukai, man.

>> No.17111283 [DELETED] 


>> No.17111285
File: 995 KB, 1300x1150, __rensouhou_chan_and_shimakaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_moca_blanc__0a2c2a5b1601c7cc26a4da2032df1673[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she still popular?

>> No.17111287

Pessimism and nightmares.

>> No.17111290


>> No.17111298
File: 1.25 MB, 2000x2700, 1582489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always been a huge fan of her but traps and cosplayers and filthy casuals completely destroyer her.
It's like a mild version of having your waifu canonly turn into NTR material.

>> No.17111307

What shipgirls have a great fanbase here but fans aren't vocal about them like some others. I think Ryuujou is a good guess.

>> No.17111310

Fuck off.

>> No.17111313

Fuck off.

>> No.17111315
File: 567 KB, 643x768, cuqhvC3N642ZuUOe8ukN037U0dP8WqSSlWNxxa_BNio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17111318

I wish she had more to her character.

>> No.17111321

Abyssal sand?

>> No.17111322

What kind of relationship would Graf keep with Akagi?

>> No.17111323

None of the ones you'll get as a reply.

>> No.17111326

She's Akagi's daughter.

>> No.17111334

Well not really. They're more like cousins. Or their parents are good friends. Something like that.

>> No.17111340

The kind of relationship that would get you banned for posting here in the form of images.

>> No.17111344
File: 595 KB, 853x1280, 49469419_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17111347

die you freak

>> No.17111352

If you could travel back in time to change something in the way you played KanColle, what would it be? I'd have chosen a better name and not waste green buckets.

>> No.17111353


I'm never seen a bad Nagatsuki fan.
I've never seen any Nagatsuki fan.

>> No.17111354

Pre-register instead of waiting until Jan 2014.

>> No.17111355

Not play.

>> No.17111359

I should had bought some slots and the repair docks early. At the time, I wasn't sure if I was going to play for more than some months.

>> No.17111361


Assuming I can go back further than the first day I started, start earlier and learn the wonders of PvP and Orel so I could get on that earlier and not be discouraged by initial failure. Also I think I accidentally made the account with gender 'female' so change that too.

>> No.17111368
File: 479 KB, 800x949, 0ssj876iigyx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RJ is for hugs, not bullying.

>> No.17111388

She got her own anime this season

>> No.17111401

Trap shimakaze is the best thing to come out of kancolle other than Mikoyan genderswap porn.

If the two were combined I'd probably melt from the lust.

>> No.17111402
File: 808 KB, 1221x1712, 2wuvjxh7ug0z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17111406

>quest forces you to make Suzuya into a CVL
>have to waste even more blueprints to turn her back

Why Tanaka why

>> No.17111409

I kept her as CVL.

>> No.17111413

The reasonable decision is to level a dupe, she dropped quite often in the event.

>> No.17111414

I'm just leveling a dupe.

>> No.17111419

Underneath that autism is a cute girl that just wants attention.

>> No.17111421

Start playing earlier, choose a better name, establish a proper expedition routine from the start, don't use Akagi as modernization fodder right before Summer 2015, don't take breaks and get good LBAS planes.

>> No.17111427

>3 blueprints for a whore
What did Tanaka mean by this?

>> No.17111438

>Akagi as modfod

>> No.17111441

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?

>> No.17111443

I like the joke and understand you're being humorous. But being serious now. There are no shipgirls with genuine autism. I think Hibiki gets close a little. But not much.

>> No.17111461

I don't think about it much but I think Tenryuu is the closest candidate we have to autism spectrum. Is there any other ship that gets into ASD?

>> No.17111462
File: 83 KB, 515x571, 1496213560527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17111468

Haha, your sister died.

>> No.17111474


She got better, right?

>> No.17111482
File: 286 KB, 1228x1736, __wo_class_aircraft_carrier_kantai_collection__bdea4ab79fce40da9be83b116fcf0132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it wrong to love an abyssal?

>> No.17111484

Yes, kill yourself.

>> No.17111486

In other news, the water is wet.

>> No.17111491

Water isn't always wet.

>> No.17111499

What is your opinion on Hiei?

>> No.17111518


coins and salty milk

>> No.17111521
File: 946 KB, 2149x3035, 477c83bec5f5f0bf6d9e01a305f732e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this faker?

>> No.17111526

What if they're just missguided souls? Just look at those cute glowing eyes they just want some hugs

>> No.17111528
File: 547 KB, 1200x800, __atago_and_ryuujou_kantai_collection_drawn_by_nishi_koutarou__311481b2742750ec5c4127f1b0cbe694[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17111546

They're not, fuck off.

>> No.17111548
File: 588 KB, 1280x1824, 09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17111552

Go away already.

>> No.17111556

Born-To-Killfag, pls.

>> No.17111557

Fuck off, don't put me with that shitter.

>> No.17111565

Would interrogate in my bedroom.

>> No.17111566

I'll do it next week.

>> No.17111571

Do it now, it only takes 2 hours if you account for retreats.

>> No.17111588


>> No.17111594
File: 86 KB, 335x1200, DAcPZOlXkAE-UZO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17111601

The same but gloominess too.

>> No.17111603

Maybe, but who cares if it is.

>> No.17111608

You act the same though.

>> No.17111611

Except I don't. I don't complain every time someone uses jets or makes a Hellcat. In fact, I'm making Hellcats.

>> No.17111614

No yodo, I want to finish next week with the weeklies

>> No.17111618

At this point BtKfag is a type of cancer not just one shitter

>> No.17111619

Half the autism is still bad.

>> No.17111628

They are humanity's very enemies. Do not fall for their brainwashing. They're not even attractive.

>> No.17111630
File: 53 KB, 485x234, beaver understand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if he's just pretending to be another guy?

>> No.17111631

Shitting on abyssals is a common thing. Abyssalfags are just monstergirlfags trying to shit up the threads.

>> No.17111646

Not really, I've never seen more than one guy doing it at best, btkfag and not-btkfag.

>> No.17111647

A lot of abyssals don't even look like monster girl shit, please drink bleach.

>> No.17111649

After you /kcg/fag, I see you're back trying to shove your shitty fetish down people's throats. Are you going to start trying to move threads to /vg/ again?

>> No.17111650
File: 244 KB, 720x720, 63137614_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yamakaze's lost it!

>> No.17111652
File: 335 KB, 685x806, 3e2c2a581790b2301b2dbc309a4db133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're not even attractive.
i think you might have the gays m8

>> No.17111654

A shit.

>> No.17111656

>Shitting on abyssals is a common thing.
Most people don't care that much. Also, last time I checked only one fag made this type of posts >>17111628
I wonder who's behind said post.

>> No.17111660

I wonder too because that's not my post.

>> No.17111664

But they want to fuck Wo, not her hat.

>> No.17111667

Now that's some cute paranoia, guess I was right, you're pure autism.

>> No.17111671

They are though, that's why they talk about peaceful seas and shit after defeat.

>> No.17111682

That's not why they do it, they do it because deep down they just want a way to get a dick up their asses since they're all into anal like the degenerates that they are.

>> No.17111687

But shipgirls like anal too.

>> No.17111691

Only Prinz, and she's a kraut so it's okay.

>> No.17111692

That's just the Buddhism talking.

>> No.17111702

The abyssals after becoming buddhists. They can't control their rage but Buddhism helps them cope with it.

>> No.17111703

BtKfag gets butthurt the second someone says anything positive about abyssals. He always fails to see that throwing shit at stuff you don't like to make it go away never fucking works here yet he never stops being so volatile with abyssposting.

>> No.17111704

Someone give me your luck, 4-5 is shitting on me this month. 10 runs and no clear, somehow even managed to get a D twice. I guess this is what happens when you clear it in 5 instead of 6 or 7 the previous month.

>> No.17111711

Post your fleet.

>> No.17111715

Bitch please, they're not even posting the weird ones

>> No.17111720
File: 58 KB, 952x1017, 4-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same one I always use. This month the rng gods just want to shit on me I guess.

Man this EO fleet thing is ceonvenient.

>> No.17111722

She's always been a magnet to bad shit sadly like secondaries and trapfags.

>> No.17111737

Yeah it's RNG. The only difference between yours and mine is I use Sanshiki on my Iowa since I never have trouble taking out all ships but Kowan during day and a Ryuusei on my Shoukaku instead of Tomonaga 97. It's time to sparkle.

>> No.17111740

Ryuusei 601*.

>> No.17111750

All my girls like anal too, specially the subs.

>> No.17111775
File: 36 KB, 640x535, 1480492760067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quarterly 6-1 with subs

>> No.17111779

>I don't know what the red letters button does.
Enables card art. However, you have to delete your cache, reload the game, and open the 編成 page to make it work.

>> No.17111786

Do I have to do that every time or just once?

>> No.17111794

Don't know. I hate clearing my cache, so I never tried.

>> No.17111797

Well time to test it then.

>> No.17111810
File: 469 KB, 677x1150, try.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kamikaze is fucking shit up.

>> No.17111814

Well shit, time to clear cache.

>> No.17111830

Okay cool I got Kamikaze's to work after clearing cache again and now the red kanji button is gone. This looks pretty good, I love it.

>> No.17111840

It looks like it uses the image from the remodel confirmation screen since that part for some reason has the art at a higher res.

>> No.17111844

Yeah, the small one on the other hand uses the icons you see on the page you set up your fleet and the large one uses the card image.

>> No.17111857
File: 564 KB, 800x480, 20170531_23442839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I remembered why I stopped doing 5-5. And L node.

>> No.17111883


>> No.17111909
File: 3.83 MB, 3508x2728, taiyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17111914

She taiha'd 5 times in a row before I benched her.

>> No.17111952

Have you tried love?

>> No.17111982
File: 174 KB, 687x970, 63082722_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17111989
File: 153 KB, 645x911, 63082722_p5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17111994

I don't think he plays tennis

>> No.17112060

How does sinking work in the Arcade?

>> No.17112099

They sink but you can pay money to revive them.

>> No.17112125
File: 575 KB, 800x480, 20170601_00580350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If by love, you mean route support.

>> No.17112255
File: 342 KB, 709x382, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like "FuckOFF", lol

>> No.17112264

>ktkm lvl 76

>> No.17112321
File: 360 KB, 800x480, 20170531_22003473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this?

>> No.17112331


>> No.17112361

>finish expedition 31
>finish expedition 30
>quest isn't done
Can someone explain?

>> No.17112363

Do expedition 30 again.

>> No.17112366

I want to fuck a DD.

>> No.17112374

Any DD?

>> No.17112380
File: 169 KB, 437x448, 1489406828534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not again

>> No.17112381

Enjoy your yet in 48 hours.

>> No.17112386

Turning her back doesn't cost blueprints.

>> No.17112419

4blueprints = 16medals = kyofuu
Cheap as hell

>> No.17112431

What the fuck are you doing? It costs 1BP to turn her into Kai 2 which starts as CAV and gives you Kyofuu through a quest. It then cost 1BP to turn her into a CVL for the M63. It then cost ZERO BP to turn her back into CAV where you can leave her since CVL is useless for events.

>> No.17112439


>> No.17112471
File: 90 KB, 465x658, __i_58_kantai_collection_drawn_by_siephy__0e503316097c146d9393a802d5c40e21[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wheel of suffering must be turning perpetually.

>> No.17112473

Which ones then?
Keep in mind that some of them might call the police.

>> No.17112496
File: 848 KB, 1000x998, __akashi_kantai_collection_drawn_by_tukimisou_d__91e3d80217092f8d862bf785f6b7cf7d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akashi just dropped from 3-5. But I already have the ultimate form Akashi. What should I do with her?

>> No.17112497

Take her crane anyways in case it becomes upgradeable one day.

>> No.17112509
File: 447 KB, 628x886, __akashi_and_nachi_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kamotama__aace7616ebb1be530dd4ea1a8ab39ef0[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naturally. I'll probably even bump her up to 35, to have 2 of those. But thinking of using Akashi for scrap or as mod fodder feels so twisted and wrong, for some reason.

>> No.17112513

That's because above all other girls, Akashi has always been there for you. She's the girl most deserving of a ring.

>> No.17112514

Which ones will call the police?

>> No.17112543

At least Kusobono, Asashio, Kusomi and Kusobono.
Also many of them do have sisters that might call if they hear about it.

>> No.17112574

Humans are evil and therefore our enemies - the abyssals - must be good.

>> No.17112613

Why is this fucking cat so persistent?

>> No.17112619

More Akashi's always a good thing.

>> No.17112641

Akashi is your girl, don't do it.

>> No.17112649 [DELETED] 

Poison, Maybe hatred and murderous rampage

Most likely just some poison, they're monsters that ravage our ships. They probably became human looking to take advantage of admirals.

Or maybe it just has something to do with them being in game enemies, that you do nothing but sink on a constant basis. I know they may be attractive, But I cannot fuck them in game, so it might as well be marked as impossible. It's no use living a fantasy never to come true. I'm playing this game, not some fantasy of fucking the enemies. I'm meant to hate them, not to mention how we can love them deeply, then come to sink them later on.

I just stuck to the cannon and do as is fit, by the Naval base.

Besides, war is terrible. So if there was a way to counter it, it would have been done. Even if not by the Naval base, some admiral would have done it. Guess this is what happens when there is no story and most this shit is "Figure it out yourself" or "Just sink the pale monsters from the deep, K?"

>> No.17112665 [DELETED] 

>Bringing this shit up again after so many hours
Bravo retard.

>> No.17112680 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, I don't give two shit about abyssals but faggots like you are starting to become more obnoxious by the day.

>> No.17112693 [DELETED] 


>> No.17112718

Which one?

>> No.17112748

What if you fuck them all at the same time? They can't call the police if they're busy getting screwed.

>> No.17112752 [DELETED] 

I'm allowed to have my opinion, whether you like it or not.

>> No.17112762 [DELETED] 

And I'm allowed to shit on your opinion.

>> No.17112773 [DELETED] 

And guess what? I can have opinions about autistic long posts replying to a stupid argument that was already over 6+ fucking hours ago too you goddamn idiot.

>> No.17112785
File: 839 KB, 700x979, 1454573826257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How'd you manage to do that and how many at the same time?
They might be little girls, but you only have two hands and of course they can call the police afterwards.
I'd recommend to simply pick one who is lewd enough, like this heavenly tenga. She might resist at first, but afterwards she'll only complain that you are a pervert and stuff.

>> No.17112786

How hard is 6-5 with Suzuya?

>> No.17112795

You can always give them some drinks to keep them submissive. Although I like your idea too.

>> No.17112822
File: 619 KB, 542x456, shoukacucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you /jp/ magic.
This was the last run I could have done because I have 1 bucket left.

>> No.17112845 [DELETED] 

I can't be arsed to continuously argue creating boatloads of autism, and be the only one told to "fuck off" when your inability to not argue over shit is the thing that co-created all this autism

>> No.17112851
File: 266 KB, 520x838, 1458240610371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off.

>> No.17112854 [DELETED] 

I have a better Idea, how about this entire thread fucks off, that way, there'll be no autism.

>> No.17112865 [DELETED] 

Threads are always calm at these hours, no one wants retards reviving old arguments at this time of the day. Now fuck off already.

>> No.17112868

>sliding finger on a rod
>wearing see through clothes
She's clearly a slut seducing men.

>> No.17112877

She wants the dick pretty badly, she just likes to pretend otherwise.

>> No.17112881 [DELETED] 

I'm not going to fuck off, now you can either waste your energy replying to every post of mine telling me to fuck off and shit up the thread. Or we can just all not give a shit.

>> No.17112886 [DELETED] 

Man you're the biggest retard that has showed up in these threads in a long time.

>> No.17112895

what with the random image dumps?

>> No.17112912 [DELETED] 

I guess you think it's retarded not to do as some random guy online says?

>> No.17112917

Are the shipgirls growing older?

For example, Suzuya k2, Arashio k2, Zara k2, etc.

>> No.17112921

Breast sizes vary a little in newer sprites, but sometimes they're smaller instead

>> No.17112932

Only sometimes


That's just the artist being better now.

>> No.17112970

Just artists improving/being inconsistent.

>> No.17113081

Which sprite has improved the most.

>> No.17113087


>> No.17113095
File: 47 KB, 287x430, Type_0_Fighter_Model_52_021_Full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17113353
File: 712 KB, 1200x1600, fcezxurmzqpy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's her birthday.

>> No.17113381
File: 349 KB, 720x1254, 58745153_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17113397
File: 418 KB, 1100x1344, 58745153_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17113399



>> No.17113403

He posted it again!

>> No.17113408


Pot, meet kettle.

>> No.17113420

What is the best comp for 5-5?

>> No.17113426
File: 518 KB, 1080x1920, hnwgt7rms2oy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's her birthday: we should refrain from old and busted memes.

>> No.17113437 [DELETED] 


>> No.17113441

Dammit, I forgot to fap to Mutsu yesterday.

>> No.17113444
File: 412 KB, 2545x823, equips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thank Fujikawa exists every day, now I wait for Reppuu to be fixed because it is still a little off.

>> No.17113447

I posted "He posted that again!" in the previous thread, and it's the first time I see what you linked to. Know why? Because it's a common humorous phrase. Not necessary the same person has to post it everywhere. Contrary to those pictures, which I've seen posted in those threads at least a dozen times by now. And I'm 95% sure they always posted by the sampershun. We get it, stop.

>> No.17113453
File: 472 KB, 600x873, 58970245_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17113459

I'm sad because sad panda is blocked for northern ameriburgers and that's the only place to get good Ikazuchi&kiyoshimo doujins.

>> No.17113465

But I live in the US and I can access it just fine.

>> No.17113472
File: 88 KB, 937x1280, __mutsu_kantai_collection_drawn_by_harukon_halcon__b1cc481eb19de1b69a330ae078e9aeba[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, I forgot too.
Then today I'll fap extra hard to her.

>> No.17113476

Wait was mutsu's birthday yesterday or something

NORTHERN. Anon. And Midwest northern, and even then not every state.

>> No.17113485


>> No.17113492
File: 535 KB, 1013x753, 016d9e6c9c891743844cce868048d8ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yes >>17105546

>> No.17113520 [DELETED] 
File: 703 KB, 800x480, 20170601_23544840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon here, how many Maruyu sets should I feed her until I can move on to the next shipgirl? My first sets were used for my Choukai waifu so she's the second luckmodded girl.

>> No.17113558
File: 374 KB, 850x830, 54992046_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17113565

Holy shit we have the same birthday

Mucchan really is best boat

Just search for it in the archives dude. Plenty of other people have had this issue

>> No.17113566
File: 702 KB, 800x480, 20170601_23544840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon here, how many Maruyu sets should I feed her until I can move on to the next shipgirl? My first sets were used for my Choukai waifu so she's the second luckmodded girl.

>> No.17113574

LUK 50+

>> No.17113583

Until she's 60.at least.

>> No.17113603

You either get her to 50+ or don't even bother.

>> No.17113613


>> No.17113614
File: 664 KB, 972x900, 57156178_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17113615
File: 496 KB, 687x365, KanColleViewer_2017-06-01_09-16-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do those two buttons say? Wiki says that the slider is for guaranteed success, but I can't find anything about the green/blue buttons.

>> No.17113619

Green is cancel and blue is upgrade

>> No.17113621


>> No.17113622

Green to go back
Blue to improve

>> No.17113628

How did Shimakaze trap doujins become so popular anyway?

>> No.17113637

Everything about her just makes her scream "cock sock". Femboys are the ultimate lust driven cock socks, so, well, do the math

What does Mucchan want for hurt birthday?

>> No.17113648
File: 167 KB, 848x1200, Cs3BnZrUIAAOn8O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17113650
File: 627 KB, 691x460, KanColleViewer_2017-06-01_09-21-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was under the impression I would get a quint torpedo for upgrading the quad, but that wasn't the case. I have kitakami as my second ship. Do I have to reach max before it can upgrade to a quint? This is my first time upgrading items. Seems rather expensive.

>> No.17113666
File: 498 KB, 1280x1820, 06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17113668

You can literally farm them from torpedo sluts, why would you upgrade a quad for it?

>> No.17113670
File: 1.18 MB, 1106x1559, __admiral_akitsu_maru_mamiya_mutsu_and_unsinkable_sam_kantai_collection_drawn_by_munmu_san__351b72ce437f115734bce61ab9ccab74[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only some sweet lovin'.

>> No.17113676

You need to upgrade it when it is Max (10 stars) for it to turn into a quint. Upgrading Quads is wasting screws since you can get Quints from leveling KitaOoi dupes.

>> No.17113677

It was mainly to try out upgrading and see how that works. What items should I be focusing on upgrading?

>> No.17113678
File: 1.18 MB, 900x1301, cf56fabd34da2dc7cb1e0af0d7c609d7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only way to make up for forgetting her birthday is wedding day.

>> No.17113684

>tfw no one will translate that sweaty BEP doujin
At least I can read chink.

>> No.17113692

What if I have... Erm... A hard time getting it up?

>> No.17113697

Which doujin are you talking about?

>> No.17113699

Woah there Anon, I like to keep my fantasies at least somewhat realistic. She'd never accept me.

>> No.17113702 [DELETED] 

The same one by that guy.

>> No.17113708

There is one by the same guy.

>> No.17113710

Mucchan is not Suzuya or Maya. She'll probably do something to... encourage you.

>> No.17113715

Hey look at it this way, If America/britain made 2/7 of the worlds population, all Doujins would have to be translated in English near first.

Either that or there are too little English speaking translating from Japanese.

>> No.17113725
File: 802 KB, 900x1200, 63161306_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17113728

>She'd never accept me.
It's ok to explain us why and how does your wife accept you or you don't have one?

>> No.17113729

Some translators translate from chink to English too. Probably have to wait for Stalker to do it because he did the one above.

>> No.17113746
File: 3.09 MB, 3508x2728, 62961482_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she have what it take to be true wife material?

>> No.17113745

Is she going to be crucified?

>> No.17113752

Translating to chink is just easier.

>> No.17113753


>> No.17113756

Well, I like her.

>> No.17113758

I don't even know how her plane launching method even works. Does her big plane break up into smaller planes?

>> No.17113759
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 7da1fcd18374a8b60cfbb90bbe9a97db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not recognizing a good old-fashioned catapult

>> No.17113765 [DELETED] 

Oh, well
It looks more like she's trying to set up an petroleum farm, carrying those fuel pumps
Oh, Of course it's simplified, but fine
Looks like an oil pump for me

>> No.17113766

That's convenient. How do they look?

>> No.17113767

I'm, can you rewrite that?

>> No.17113769
File: 192 KB, 666x934, 62958994_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17113777 [DELETED] 

Are you fucking retarded? How is that an oil pump? And what's with your cancerous posting? Fuck off.

>> No.17113798
File: 983 KB, 1191x1684, 63170883_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17113802 [DELETED] 

Heavy weight attacked to the end and the long shaft make it look like one, same as the icon. Is replying to multiple users in one post cancerous? and I'm surprised people think that if you told someone to fuck off, they'd quiver in their boots and leave as soon as possible

>> No.17113806

Can you tell and/or show me in vivid detail?

I'm having a hard time imagining it.

>> No.17113824

Why Mutsu would not accept you?
Do you have a wife?

>> No.17113835

No. You have doujins to help you with that.

>> No.17113903 [DELETED] 

You can't even read katakana?

>> No.17113911

Well, what would Mutsu get me for my birthday?

>> No.17113925

I'm scrawny, annoying and really rather stupid.

And no. Not yet.

>> No.17113943
File: 394 KB, 1280x1852, 02_IMG_0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17113956


>> No.17113972
File: 79 KB, 512x768, DiaFzBlHVhvLRmHrkG_cg5iTW9wNJGk6vzJ_hdpocOk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17114002

Well that's slutty

>> No.17114006

I want to lick her thighs.

>> No.17114021
File: 251 KB, 899x576, 62792096_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lewding Bep

>> No.17114030

She lewds herself

>> No.17114037
File: 548 KB, 1280x1824, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17114048 [DELETED] 

Holy shit your posts are getting dumber every time.

>> No.17114060 [DELETED] 

You're opinion I guess

>> No.17114062

So what's the deal with submarine radars again? Only now got around to leveling my I-13s. Is the cut-in late model torp exclusive, or does it work with 8-tube/fat? Did anyone do the research already?

>> No.17114066


>> No.17114069 [DELETED] 

It is when you're replying to posts that didn't even quote you so you just look like an attention whore but you probably want that, might as well get a tripcode.

>> No.17114075 [DELETED] 


>> No.17114081 [DELETED] 

I'm not constantly arguing, I don't constantly want to argue, I just reply to a post I see interesting, like some ordinary person who posts here.

>> No.17114090 [DELETED] 

Being a dumb newfag is his gimmick.

>> No.17114091 [DELETED] 
File: 234 KB, 855x1200, 1494684306847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a problem.

>> No.17114096

I hate this meme!

>> No.17114097

What do the Unryuu sisters have to do with Bep?

>> No.17114103
File: 431 KB, 1075x1543, 1495543148463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong pic, was reading nonco's book.

>> No.17114110


>> No.17114122 [DELETED] 

I'm just wondering, how many more threads of these posts can we get

>> No.17114124 [DELETED] 

As long as you're here.

>> No.17114132 [DELETED] 

Well, have fun posting, because I don't have plans on leaving at all

There's no way to remove me from this thread, so lets continue and see how much more threads we can cover in this shit charade

>> No.17114142 [DELETED] 

>There's no way to remove me from this thread

>> No.17114167 [DELETED] 

You must be 12 or have an insult fetish.

>> No.17114217

Does EO have senka tracking fucntion?

>> No.17114227

Hover over your HQ exp.

>> No.17114228


>> No.17114230

Yes, it breaks it down by day, week and month totals.

>> No.17114237

Holy shit. It's just right under my nose for a long time. Thanks anon.

>> No.17114245
File: 343 KB, 1370x1400, 63168153_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17114281

Insults do nothing
I do not care
Gangut isn't this big

>> No.17114293
File: 428 KB, 674x547, __gangut_kantai_collection_drawn_by_and_dokari__4b13665552c239c487f9c783c7b861e6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17114296
File: 382 KB, 707x1000, 7f3a41922b33073934784cbfff80f1ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A wild lvl 99 succubus appears!
What do you do?

>> No.17114299

Glad they don't care about Gangrene.

>> No.17114303

99? I married her back in 2014.

>> No.17114309

Blush and stammer awkwardly​ and try to avoid eye contact

>> No.17114311

What makes you think that?

>> No.17114316

Become petrified from boredom.

>> No.17114319


>> No.17114328

Homo detected.

>> No.17114338
File: 94 KB, 796x1000, Mazin_Noshiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Akashi and Yuubari have been goofing off again I see.

>> No.17114344

Why are their heights so different?

>> No.17114348
File: 110 KB, 786x1100, 327a5b4d5f89a4db0396e6d4f65d3c71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The succubus walks right in front of you and says:
and flashes her tits

>> No.17114352

What's the point of fighter-bombers? Do they have any use?

>> No.17114367

They give AA and dive bomb, except they are fucking dive bombers so they are automatically shit except under specific situations like breaching the gap between AS and AS+.

>> No.17114371

I'd get an eyeful and then slap myself, realizing I'm either dreaming on on candid camera. How cruel of her to play with me like that.

I'd jerk off to it later though, pretending it went better for me

>> No.17114400
File: 107 KB, 428x728, whisper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll suddenly appear when you are fapping to her.

>> No.17114403

Shipgirls can't get pregnant.

>> No.17114413

You haven't been trying hard enough.

>> No.17114414

Her boobs don't look as big as in the photo personally, Maybe because they might have sagged more there

>> No.17114431

If a two dimensional ship impregnates a three dimensional human, to what dimension will the offspring be, and to what species will it belong?

>> No.17114458

Wow then I genuinely don't know what I would do other than possibly have a heart attack

>> No.17114463

I hope you do.

>> No.17114472
File: 1.58 MB, 1066x2400, sm9c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17114474

Germans don't drink coffee.

>> No.17114480
File: 472 KB, 1000x1800, 63172811_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17114494
File: 619 KB, 1000x1040, 62207682_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is my beer delivery?
Japanese trains can't be late.

>> No.17114519

6-1's theme is really, really good. The imitation SONAR pings were a great addition.

>> No.17114522

You should listen to other music when playing KanColle. I recommend Battlestations and Rising Storm soundtrack.

>> No.17114525

This semen demon makes me want to start playing F/GO.

>> No.17114574
File: 460 KB, 1024x1024, _kantai_collection_x_wtmb__armour_by_rukotaro-db4dokv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17114602
File: 134 KB, 1200x704, qqxrzb0m2yuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Four fine young ladies.

>> No.17114622

Shimakaze is a fuck bunny.

>> No.17114635

Seeing these things always gives me eye cancer. There's so much to the evolution of medieval armor. Most existed simultaneously, in the same periods, but just in different parts of Europe and within different classes of society.

>> No.17114649
File: 591 KB, 1280x1843, 02_img001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17114658
File: 883 KB, 900x1200, 7wu4x7t6oaxy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17114659

Those clothes make you look like grannies though, all four of you.

>> No.17114667

Why would you ever wish that on someone

>> No.17114671 [DELETED] 
File: 312 KB, 1280x1819, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17114720
File: 290 KB, 1024x1448, bisko_by_ralol3-dbb59f9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who let this slut into my underwear drawer?

>> No.17114759 [DELETED] 
File: 452 KB, 1024x1024, momma_seaport___by_draekochan-da7llbh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17114770


>> No.17114776

That's my line.

>> No.17114780

Sides of war aside, those tits are so fucking large they're going to crush this guy's noggin like a fucking hydraulic pres from the sheer weight of the pair of breasts.

Not a bad way to die though, Not everyone can say that their head got crushed by a massive pair of breasts

>> No.17114784

You're supposed to post it in the beggining of the thread.

>> No.17114786 [DELETED] 
File: 351 KB, 500x1067, tumblr_inline_o2vj06zcLR1rme3g1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17114809

Stop posting these retarded fucking images.

>> No.17114818

Abyssal TTKs are made of sterner stuff than puny human TTKs.

>> No.17114836

That guy sure looks fairly human, eyepatch and red eye aside. Never knew if the artist intended this admiral for being on the shipgirl or abyssal side, so I guess we'll never find out what this admiral is made of.

This is closest answer we got. though.

>> No.17114839 [DELETED] 
File: 221 KB, 1091x1500, pn001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17114846

Is that a boy or a girl?

>> No.17114850

Look it up on SauceNao.

>> No.17114869 [DELETED] 
File: 638 KB, 1062x752, 63171239_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17114877


>> No.17114882 [DELETED] 
File: 481 KB, 720x900, kanna_kamoi_by_halocapella-db89hy7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17114889

Not a lot of art recieved compared to some other foreign ship debuts.

>> No.17114891

Are you comparing her to Iowa?

>> No.17114892

No wonder Kantai Collection was evicted from /a/.

>> No.17114908 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 600x600, t2cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17114914

>admiral paru
But I saw that crossover coming.

>> No.17114919

I swear to god, those threads were better before the /a/ thing happened.

>> No.17114921
File: 389 KB, 1280x1847, img005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17114952

All those people who only went to /a/ to dump things they found on the first page of danbooru had to go somewhere and apparently /c/ was too boring.

>> No.17115001

How do I approach Prinz?

>> No.17115058

>Damn girl, you're even hotter than Dresden.

>> No.17115078

Warspite and Sara had more art on their debuts too.

>> No.17115091

Hey girl, You got more hips than admiral hipper.

>> No.17115108

Just tell her she's glowing.

>> No.17115371
File: 453 KB, 661x800, 44965982_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you RJ's special person?

>> No.17115387

No single shipgirl would ever want anything to do with anyone who plays games like KanColle.

>> No.17115402

I wish. >>17115387 is right. Same thing when mucchan asked

>> No.17115420
File: 207 KB, 723x834, 39992460_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small details like that won't bother an angel like her.

>> No.17115422
File: 398 KB, 792x540, 1471153845361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish.

>> No.17115424
File: 64 KB, 595x841, __admiral_akatsuki_ikazuchi_inazuma_ryuujou_and_others_kantai_collection_drawn_by_mo_kireinamo__2078e777eb20ec55b9627cc319595314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cutest destroyer

>> No.17115428

But KanColle is fantasy. In KanColle, all the shipgirls canonly love you for who you are. The mastermind, the genius, the brave, the powerful, the elegant admiral that you are.

>> No.17115432

Ah yes, the waifu paradox.
"No anime girl would ever love a man who loves anime girls".

>> No.17115434

>The mastermind, the genius,
The admiral took 1 year to realize he could use spotter planes for better damage and accuracy and 2 years to realize he could just wreck shit with carriers instead of focusing on AA. Yes, such a mastermind and genius.

>> No.17115435

Then why do they show so many fat stupid ugly and outright repulsive ones?

>> No.17115438

Not even Yuubari?

>> No.17115440

Becasuse even they are loved, as you have seen. That's the main point.

>> No.17115441

Yuubari is into yaoi.

>> No.17115443

r9k please leave.

>> No.17115445

Is there a shipgirl that would break this paradox? In mean, who is the Misaki of KanColle?

>> No.17115450

I don't tolerate fake accent / breast envy in my fleet.

>> No.17115453


>tfw you chose female admiral because of not understanding moonrunes.

>> No.17115458

No, you leave. truNEET spirit is a fundamental part of /jp/. It's fine that you are a disgusting normalshit but don't dare to talk about truNEETs. Janny will probaly delete his post as he deleted truNEET threads in the past.

>> No.17115460


I did it as a joke. I didn't think I would keep playing. Now the joke's on me.

>> No.17115465

Nice fanon.

>> No.17115466

I bet you choose female characters in Pokemon too.

>> No.17115470

There is no gender selection for the game.

>> No.17115473
File: 121 KB, 1024x764, 1495888662643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In KanColle, all the shipgirls canonly love you for who you are. The mastermind, the genius, the brave, the powerful, the elegant admiral that you are.
Ooyodo can't call the MPs if I cut the cables first.

Wish me luck.

>> No.17115472

I choose to play female characters only in MMOs, does that count?

>> No.17115476
File: 1.51 MB, 1447x2046, 62729514_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's going to sit on you until you like it.

>> No.17115480
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, fubuki2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17115483

They mean their DMM account.

>> No.17115487

fubuki no

>> No.17115488

I'm not a fabulous gay admiral so no.

>> No.17115489
File: 1.52 MB, 444x764, NieRAutomata 2017-03-27 02-12-22-35.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure, you're going to be staring at that butt for hours.

>> No.17115496

That has no application towards the game.

>> No.17115505

I jerked off to a close up of Blood Raynes' ass in her games. Tust ran close to a wall and roteted the camera in the right angle.

>> No.17115511

Zuiho would be too dork and Houshou to crusty to refuse.

>> No.17115537

Zuihou likes tamago, not the admiral.
Houshou is a "mother something" type of character so of course she wouldn't say no, but in a different light.

>> No.17115552

Well at least she can't make fun of my penis size

Woah hey, don't dickstroke me too much I'm not trying to develop a tulpa here

>> No.17115553

Not unless I scrap her instantly she won't!

>> No.17115565

I jerked off to succubus in diablo 1. Get on my level.

>> No.17115584

The first time I got Empire Earth I jerked off to the stone age female villager sprite because they jumped up and down and had a skirt of some sort.

>> No.17115689

A quarter of the shipgirls shit on the admiral for either being lazy, perverted, cheap, bossy or just being a dick though.

>> No.17115713

They're being tsun.

>> No.17115717

Yet they stay by your side and still listen to your orders. Tsun is a good trait.

>> No.17115723

They all want the torpedo though.

>> No.17115727

The TTK is made out to be weak and spineless so of course the girls can walk all over you.

>> No.17115731

>they stay by your side and still listen to your orders
Not much a bunch of draftees can do about it, you know.

>> No.17115879


>> No.17115891
File: 133 KB, 1000x484, 1496200242958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Zuiun memed in KanColle more when everything before KanColle happened memed Zero fighters and Yamato?

>> No.17115896
File: 392 KB, 707x1000, 1493995652800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17115901
File: 422 KB, 850x1200, __haruna_kantai_collection_drawn_by_sage_joh__50fcc6af4eabb840ad2ea1733860acc8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already miss it.

>> No.17115905

>Have to follow the artist in order to view his art on twitter.

>> No.17115907

Because standard zeros are pointless.

>> No.17115909

Looks like shit so he's doing people a favor.

>> No.17115913

Most motherly shipgirl?

>> No.17115917

You just need a twitter account. And know the artist's username to to check it once in a while, if you care that much. If you don't want, for some reason, to follow him, you don't have to.

>> No.17115920

I still don't understand this image.

>> No.17115923


>> No.17115925

Building a hoteru would be too expensive for Tanaka and multiple Zeroes surived the war, but not a single Zuiun did.

>> No.17115929
File: 388 KB, 3002x2400, zero_fuji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't even get me started.

>> No.17115930
File: 1.33 MB, 1200x1600, __houshou_kantai_collection_drawn_by_celestea_tera__16d4a1ac4c10c216c91facb15f491c77[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canon - Houshou-san.
Meme - Heavenly dragon.

>> No.17115933

Yamakaze doesn't want her admiral around other girls but is too shy to say anything so she has to resort to throwing an autism tantrum and stomping on the floor until her admiral come to tell her to stop.

>> No.17115938

She's acting like a little shit, its not that hard to understand.

>> No.17115941

I have a twitter account and I could have sworn you needed to follow him in order to view his art the last time I viewed his twitter.

>> No.17115947

Disregard this reply, I just realized the thing I was doing wrong was missing the 0 that comes before the one.

>> No.17115955

It must have been hard to take that picture

>> No.17115964
File: 175 KB, 1250x825, rising_sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A photographer inside another plane took it?

>> No.17115985

Put Iowa in 2nd slot.

>> No.17115996

You need to do each twice IIRC

>> No.17115999

Why opening torpedo girls target the same enemy so often?
My 3-5 statistic from five weeks shows that Abukuma and Mizuho shoot at the same target almost half the time.

>> No.17116004

Git gud?

>> No.17116030


>> No.17116050

Playing two games and choosing 1 male 1 female is the patrician choice.

>> No.17116071

It's rigged, the subs do the same thing.

>> No.17116134

Pretty sure >>17113725 is a trebuchet.

>> No.17116297

What handgun is this? A Tok?

>> No.17116336

I unironically married Houshou.

>> No.17116346

Surely if you believe hard enough, she'll get to do oASW someday.

>> No.17116355

If you haven't used her in an event, you just pissed away either your first ring or money.

>> No.17116364

Wow, so daring.

>> No.17116420

You should kill yourself.

>> No.17116425

But why?

>> No.17116426

富士の裾野で展開される鎮守府「瑞雲」祭り、その「瑞雲」ステージにも参加予定のブリドカット セーラ 恵美さん。彼女が声を担当する最上型巡洋艦姉妹の三番艦と四番艦。現在「艦これ」運営鎮守府では、その四番艦のさらなる改装による改鈴谷型航空巡洋艦の実装準備を鋭意進めています!

>> No.17116434

Something about the next special event and mogami-class?

>> No.17116436

Kumano Kai 2.

>> No.17116446
File: 6 KB, 251x189, yes, finally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17116449

I love her.

>> No.17116462

Well, as long as you're fine with it. Congrats? Houshou is really, really nice. If only she wasn't that useless.

>> No.17116471

Just kidding, it's going to be Mikuma.

>> No.17116481

>The 3rd ship and 4th ship of the best type cruiser sisters
Oh google.

>> No.17116486

Even better. Good assessment of Shibafu's skills and dedication to his best girls before inevitable Ise K2.
inb4: THAT mikuma

>> No.17116493

What a downgrade, good to total shit, what a shame.

>> No.17116502
File: 56 KB, 600x550, DAbSAUAWsAIhy35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yurafag back on suicide watch.

He's messing with you.

>> No.17116504

why would they prevent her from suicide
don't they know there's no point in living if everything is suffering...

>> No.17116506

Liking Yura is a meme

>> No.17116509

Suffering is the lifeblood of this kusoge, you can't just stop it.

>> No.17116542
File: 174 KB, 800x800, DA6K0AwV0AAltn7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty Russians are shitty.

>> No.17116564
File: 605 KB, 708x1000, __gangut_hibiki_and_verniy_kantai_collection_drawn_by_harukaze_unipo__0e1ac8869b4834fb705ea8928bb468c6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's the third one?

>> No.17116567

Shimushu su!

>> No.17116577

>are shit

>> No.17116632

This 5-1 quest is the worst experience of my life.

>> No.17116740

It's okay, just scrap her and/or use her as food for other ships.

>> No.17116822
File: 86 KB, 600x674, DBP7a7ZUAAAn47Q[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Shigure is this?

>> No.17116829

Shigure Kai 3

>> No.17116832

How to raise a boring girlfriend like Shigure.

>> No.17116848

>soiling Megumi with shitty art
Kuso Ichishit needs to die.

>> No.17116853

That's supposed to be that boring girl from that shit series? Haha, I couldn't recognize her at all. Way to go Kuso Ichiso.

>> No.17116855
File: 375 KB, 708x1000, 62969619_p5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if Akitsushima was your girlfriend?

>> No.17116857

I'd constantly disappoint her just like I disappoint everyone else until she breaks up with me.

>> No.17116862
File: 408 KB, 708x1000, 62969619_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's more persistent than that.

>> No.17116883

Akitsushima is the cute trendy and preppy girl like Suzuya without the slut trait.

>> No.17116900

I bet you like Utaha or Eri.

>> No.17116905

I don't like any of those cunts, thank you very much.

>> No.17116907

At least you know Utaha and Eri are cunts.

>> No.17116921

Is your Kumano ready to swallow all those blueprints?

>> No.17116936
File: 236 KB, 284x1179, 1496368921456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17116941

To be honest, no.

>> No.17116957
File: 629 KB, 638x1000, __i_58_and_maikaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_deco_geigeki_honey__db1f36b9b97ce34d29190ea2e736d4d8[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb Dechi

>> No.17116965
File: 171 KB, 486x403, 164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17117074


I would cheat on her with Taitei-chan,

>fucking minesweeper

Can't fault him, really.

>> No.17117089
File: 146 KB, 913x518, i need more exp fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking guy didnt change his composition since the beginning, fuck come on.

>> No.17117098


He might be dead.

>> No.17117103

I love monthly EOs, feels like I have a real job.

>> No.17117106

He's busy in the arcade.
Why didn't you do up to 4-5 yesterday?

>> No.17117110

It's past 1pm right now, he might be at work and won't be back until 8pm if he has overtime.

>> No.17117225
File: 249 KB, 960x840, 63053504_p6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compulsory nakadashi. Every weekday.

>> No.17117232

I want to smell her butt.

>> No.17117244

I absolutely know what you mean. Feels kinda nice, right? Is that what "having a job" feels like? I never had one.

>> No.17117254


>> No.17117263

Wow, this artist adopted​ Yoshinori's style very well. Does he have pixiv or tweet?

>> No.17117269

Those are obviously pixiv filenames. Yes, he's on pixiv.

>> No.17117288

Kumano K2 coming on 6/6 right?

>> No.17117292
File: 601 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170602-14150849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone arrives green
>this happens

>> No.17117294
File: 139 KB, 500x731, c3ee616ba679e45145893dc5878eb2cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17117304

You asked for it.
>Tfw my Kumano is lvl 99.
I feel smug too.

>> No.17117310

>only 2 BPs
>I still need to remodel Pagodas, Nagatonne, Oni and Suzuyan
So many remodels around me, I want them all.

>> No.17117312

She has some nice history worthy of a remodel, so she might not need a blueprint.

>> No.17117315

Feels like just yesterday we talked about suzuya unfairly getting the k2 ahead of her decorated sister.

>> No.17117316

I thought there was already a comic about last year's saury.

>> No.17117317

It's about the Spring event, there's a food pun.

>> No.17117319

There's nothing wrong with Fubuki.

>> No.17117325

>Kumano K2 will likely to force you to cough 3 blueprints like Suzuya

>> No.17117365

Why didnt he change his comp to a good one before log out? fuck

>> No.17117366

To fuck with you and anyone else who got him.

>> No.17117371

Does anyone have a link to the original version of
The one I had for taken down

>> No.17117403
File: 406 KB, 1280x720, k--.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going south

>> No.17117417
File: 136 KB, 919x568, 4m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another faggot with his meme comps again
Excellent taste in starter tho.

>> No.17117445
File: 83 KB, 940x275, twiter icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17117517
File: 204 KB, 1200x1679, __iowa_kantai_collection_drawn_by_enosan__e801c0278c15b19c709efe3ce55e0d72[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17117532

Are the game CGs the highest quality of CG there are available?

>> No.17117545
File: 169 KB, 800x485, 12 torpedo power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth to give Kamoi tender a minisub?

>> No.17117546

There are the official art books that are scanned.

>> No.17117568

>12 torpedo stat
Not even a consideration.

>> No.17117643

The in game sprites are significantly lower quality than the original art.

>> No.17117654
File: 2.60 MB, 1137x1600, 013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell no.

>> No.17117675

Are the ones in the wikis ripped from the game? I need some hq ones.

>> No.17117678


>> No.17117749
File: 307 KB, 819x944, __suzuya_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kozou_rifa__3c22c77c4a3a0e207658a1d5147b5df8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who should get a ring. An RJ that worked hard or a Suzuya that has better stats?

RJ's not getting a 3rd remodel anyway so she's stuck there.

>> No.17117757

Your starter

>> No.17117780
File: 222 KB, 1982x1089, nightcrawler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who should get a ring.
The girl you love the most. What a silly question.

>> No.17117784

Give your ring to a young destroyer.

>> No.17117792

help /jp/ I'm running out of bauxite. I can only try a few more times. if I don't get taiha soon I'm going to be really mad.

>> No.17117803

Fuck off.

>> No.17117821

Whichever one you want to have sex with more.

>> No.17117824

>Suzuya that has better stats

Is this a what if question?

>> No.17117845

I use every month CL/DD/DD/DD/DD/AV for 3-5. Should I use CL/CL/DD/DD/AV/AV? I still have a chance to go to node A after all. In the wikia they say that with this fleet I have a higher chance to go to node A. How much higher?

>> No.17117851

Hayasui in place of a DD lowers the chance I believe.

>> No.17117898

I have been playing since almost 3 years, I have done over 100 LSCs and I still don't have Yamato.

Fuck this bullshit. Fuck this game.

>> No.17117925

Does Kamoi guve the same result?

>> No.17117929

Why do you want the useless hotel?

>> No.17117942

I started playing 10 months ago and I have every LSC ship. But findind ships like Yukikaze was a pain.

>> No.17117945

I started the same and have only Yamato.

>> No.17117959

Should the fag from two days ago post his retarded fleet and stuff for you to laugh at, or just forget about it?

>> No.17117960

>I can't answer a simple question

>> No.17117963

I assume so but mine isn't an AO any more.

>> No.17117967

why does 5-1 have to be so cancerous

>> No.17117982

Who are you quoting?

>> No.17117993

She does no damage so bringing her is pointless.

>> No.17118065

Sara when

>> No.17118225

She didn't participate in more actions than Suzuya.

>> No.17118476

But she did survive a whole month longer, took a considerable amount of damage.etc
That's because it was yesterday

>> No.17118518

>That's because it was yesterday
Weren't they announced at the same time?

>> No.17118525

They were both announced at the same time, but Suzuya came first. Which at best is Unfair, and worst case is line cutting. Depending on the intensity of the opinion.

>> No.17118532

>announced together
>one comes first
>unfair to the other one
How? Did you expect Tanaka to introduce sister ships K2 together?

>> No.17118543

This. The last time he did sisters K2 was a surprise one.

>> No.17118548

No, it's nothing. It even was hinted from the start that Suzuya would be first.

>> No.17118551

>torpedo sluts
>laughing dragon sluts
>chichi sluts
tone class?
zuizui class?

>> No.17118558

When was that? 100 years ago?
I see you already miss the good old 2016 with 3 shitty K2s.

>> No.17118562

Honestly, it doesn't bother me when being implemented within months of each other might as well mean at the same time with even considering this year's higher than expected remodel releases. Saying this as someone who prefers Kumano over Suzuya.

>> No.17118565

Dragons and Cranes got theirs months apart.

>> No.17118573

More unfair as Kumano had the worse life and yet Suzuya is given the Kai Ni first, She had enough suffering in her life as a warship, she is given a flat chest while her sister has enormous tits and now she is put in the shadow of her sister. Looks like Tanaka had something against Kumano.
It's another aspect rather than the devs, the ships history is what I was talking about
Just that long wall of text of Kumano's career I read makes me think she was a bit more deserving.

>> No.17118575

Pola is quietly drinking in peace as Zara is spending her time in love hotels rather than checking after her sister.

>> No.17118599

Who gives a fuck, you can cry about unfair if her Kai Ni ends up having worse stats.

>> No.17118603

Maybe they want to spend more time planning Kumano's remodel as befitting her history.

>> No.17118608

Did you get hit by a rock or how did you miss Suzuya being probably the most popular CAV, especially compared to her lady-dolphin-hybrid sister?
I don't know naval history, but i'm sure there were more ships that had it worse than Bearnot yet still don't have a K2.
I have nothing against Kumano K2, but i don't really see any problem with who goes first. Kumano just might be a bit better than Suzuya if combat records were really made her stand out, though doubtful, and superjew Suzuya K2 made me completely lose interest in her sisters future K2.

>> No.17118618

>superjew Suzuya K2
Can you explain what you mean by this?

>> No.17118623

Good point
Last argument about Kai Nis and popularity ended in "Didn't Kinu and the Asashios teach you anything?"

Seriously, I think we need to create an solid opinion since this system of guy A arguing for a topic, and guy B arguing against the topic and someone ends up taking guy A's opinion and then guy B bashes him.

>> No.17118624

He's a newfag without medals.

>> No.17118640

And service history doesn't matter either, see Kisaragi, KitaOoi, Akatsuki, etc. They can choose whoever they want.

>> No.17118643

The thing about the popularity argument is that there are good reasons for the devs to go either way.

>> No.17118645

A convertible K2 with no equips that constantly uses a BP to convert up on top of costing 2 to begin with is a perfect example of going total jew.

>> No.17118648

Since I see how opinions can flipflop and create arguments, I'm creating a poll to seek some sort of final answer or the most common one


>> No.17118652

>A poll for a ~100 posters will give you an adeqaute opinion of what the fuck is going on in fatmans head
Also, that arguement from a few days ago about how Tanaka clearly prefers to keep something more popular the the rest, or something like that.

>> No.17118655
File: 102 KB, 650x906, __suzuya_kantai_collection_drawn_by_exe_xe__4f21d0f8f2bedbfc2f1e0f4a836a4bb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't have 2 Suzuya
Problem anon?

>> No.17118656

I don't really care.
Do you own a car?

>> No.17118665


>> No.17118674

There's not much reason to go back and forth constantly. The larger number and variation in ships mean I can pigeonhole ships for certain roles, which usually leads to convertibles staying in one form. Suzuya's carrier form isn't very high priority either. I appreciate that it's preferable to have the option to convert without the BP cost, though.

>> No.17118691

It doesn't cost BP to convert "down".

>> No.17118692

>there are people who wouldn't FUCK this

>> No.17118696

>A convertible K2 with no equips
So like all of them. And it only costs a blueprint for the initial remodel and whenever you go from CAV to CVL.
Nobody constantly switches between those convertible Kai Nis anyway. You just choose which form you like best and if you want both you suck it up and get a dupe.

>> No.17118707

The fact that you don't switch cause it is mostly pointless doesn't change the fact that he added that bullshit.
The age of 99 level multi-bp/catapult/jetengine/fuckingshit remodels will surely come if the fat asshole thinks he's doing something good making K2 work like this. Or expect to make one ship from combining two lvl99 ones like in some other games with retarded improvement systems.
Thank god Nagato is more or less normal so it leaves room for hope.

>> No.17118734

Nobody is telling you to constantly switch her forms. Some people are also retarded enough to buy resources from the shop even when the devs themselves said it's a waste.

>> No.17118739

I won't. I'm just telling my opinion on the case. It's more than bad.

>> No.17118745

>Some people are also retarded enough to buy resources from the shop even when the devs themselves said it's a waste.
Well it's a waste for LSC. Only time to buy resources is during events and only if you are a rich faggot who forgot to stock up.

>> No.17118755

You know what's really funny about Kumano? Even if she made it to Kure she wouldn't have been repaired.

>> No.17118785

Yeah she was in a worse state in Aoba and they deemed Aoba irreparable at that point in the war. Probably would have been bombed to hell and back just like Aoba too.

>> No.17118845

Is it okay to beat your ship girls while having sex with them? It's how I show my affections to them.

>> No.17118851

They take miniature naval shells to the face and can come back no problem. What makes you think you could harm them in anyway?

>> No.17118859

They can pretend to be hurt. I here SM is all about roleplay.

>> No.17118866

This isn't one of the questions that has a yes or no answer. First and foremost, are you hurting your shipgirls by hitting them, or is it just a fake hitting? You should try to avoid hitting them seriously, as it is detrimental to their health. They might like it even if it hurts so there's also that. More importantly, do you let they know it's how you show affection? Do they understand the gesture? I could go on but you get the point. I think a responsible and loving admiral should make his shipgirls pride by being good at war, and give them headpats instead of beatings.

>> No.17118869

That waht's the point of that question if they just roleplay? Shouldn't bbe a problem either way if they are okay with it

>> No.17118871

Akitsu Maru likes to be choked.

>> No.17118876

Wakaba doesn't mind.

>> No.17118879

Only with their riggings though, and who in the world has sex with his shipgirls with their riggings on?

>> No.17118880

Any official source?

>> No.17118885

Where can I find the original art?

>> No.17118896

The "henshin" with the girls getting powers only while they have the rigs on is my headcanon, but how can you determine when they can or can not transform?

>> No.17118899
File: 1.28 MB, 989x1300, __akitsu_maru_kantai_collection_drawn_by_yuuji_and__d04347db19d4d20de25f5bdeb48c7134[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look for some magazine scans? Even then, you'll probably only find seasonal art and special snowflake gaijin girls.

>> No.17118911

Somehow I find this kind of art extremely arousing.

>> No.17118916

I am in a good mood today so here so here:

>> No.17118924

Sorry to ask but I get a crying panda when I click those links, am I doing something wrong?

>> No.17118934

There's seasonals without any rigging though.

>> No.17118937

Have you ever heard of anyone who loves a seasonal and fucked them?


>> No.17118940

> Somehow

>> No.17118944

You need to fap to that panda 10 times to get access my friend.

>> No.17118955

Not necessarily. Exhentai is a super sekrit club, and panda is a newfriend detector.
Try those. Maybe It'll work, maybe it won't, I don't know.

>> No.17118964

KanColle would be so much better if you could navigate the base like artificial academy and actually fuck the girls

>> No.17118972

Don't worry VR will come with phase 3.

>> No.17118974

That requires some skill to do, they lack on all fronts on that.

>> No.17119001
File: 280 KB, 800x480, 20170602_22201948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just tried this for the first time to level my commie scum, why aren't more people using the sub route?

>> No.17119006

>fuck the girls
My god, I would fuck the brains out of most of the destroyers.

>> No.17119011

Because with CAs it's still cheaper.

>> No.17119035

True but it seems like a lots of people complain about the last kill being tough. This is like an autowin solution once you reach the boss node.

>> No.17119037

Pedo, gross.

>> No.17119070

You don't give your girls turret jobs and violate their sensitive hangars? Don't you want to make Mutsu's third turret explode?

>> No.17119092

Kagerous, Shiratsuyus, Kiyoshimo, Asashios, Akizukis. Yeah. I feel you.

>> No.17119099

What are you, a faggot?

>> No.17119102

>artificial academy
I can imagine ABKM yelling MINNA

>> No.17119118

I found this in a nipple play/nipple stimulation thread on /h/ once, wonder how holding Akitsu Maru's tongue can stimulate her nipples

>> No.17119144

>asking about hentai logic
Technically, people have different, and sometimes really weird, erozones or can be stimulated in ridiculous ways, like having someone brush your teeth.

>> No.17119159

Who here has modding skills?

Dibs on Kiyoshimo and Ikazuchi

>> No.17119161

No dibs, you've got your own, i got mine.

>> No.17119219
File: 64 KB, 742x530, DBPeVtDV0AAmett[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17119270 [DELETED] 

I would do Hatsuharu, for one.

>> No.17119274

I wouldn't do Hatsuharu, for one.

>> No.17119304

Nothing bad about her.
Could've said something like Maruyu, Pale Maru, summer Mikuma or escort princess.
Ok, i can't find really bad girl. Below stellar at best, even potatos.

>> No.17119320

But the ones you named weren't destroyers.

>> No.17119325
File: 876 KB, 943x892, Raiden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The age of 99 level multi-bp/catapult/jetengine/fuckingshit remodels will surely come if the fat asshole thinks he's doing something good making K2 work like this.
I don't see a problem with this.

>Or expect to make one ship from combining two lvl99 ones
Is it finally time for Raiden?

>> No.17119338

In her lines her regret isn't that, it's the fact she didn't make it back home (Japan, not necessarily Kobe). I'm sure even if she hadn't been repaired and got sunk at Kure like the rest of the ships in the Kure Raid she could've been happy to have died back home defending it.

>> No.17119353

>lots of people complain about the last kill being tough
It's just a few faggots who either used shit equipment or got a bad roll in the month.

>> No.17119394

>a few
So you never have bad rolls in any last kill attempts? Cause i think you fit this few fags description at least a few time, wich eventually turns into a majority due to it's rng origin.

>> No.17119419

And mine are Ikazuchi and Kiyoshimo. Plus Inazuma, the Italian bitch, and the shy girl with blue hair.

We can share Akebobo and Kasumi. I only want to brutally rape them anyway

>> No.17119421

I don't, I only get sent home at the sub node from time to time. Boss fights are always guaranteed S ranks unless I forgot to put planes on one of my cranes like last year. Even if I make it to the boss with a chuuha'd ship near taiha I still only have Wanko by yasen and she always dies. The last time I got a bad roll at the boss was the month before cranes Kai 2 was added.

>> No.17119428

Oh and also Ushio.

>> No.17119441

It's like we are playing completely different games, with your having little to no rng whatsoever.

>> No.17119460

Take Saiun then. The only time I can imagine getting bad rolls in that map is in red T.

>> No.17119471

Implying i don't.

>> No.17119480

She have 177 base armor, dude. I don't even remember the last time I had problems with the final kill, but getting bar armor rolls 3 or 4 times in a row is pretty feasible.

>> No.17119495
File: 483 KB, 650x930, IMG_2299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have a grand ol' time with Naganami until morning

>> No.17119499

Well that armor is no good because my torpedo will penetrate her weak spot if you know what I mean *wink*

>> No.17119500

177 is nothing now a days.

>> No.17119510

>get sent home at the sub node from time to time

Are you sure you're talking about 4-5?

>> No.17119515

My Haguro just likes torpedoes too much.

>> No.17119517

>now a days
177 was more than the day cap until less than 3 months ago, and he's talking about more than a year ago. That guy doesn't understand RNG, pretty fun, since seem he keeps having problems with a crappy sub node.

>> No.17119530
File: 743 KB, 1333x1864, 62906698_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Yamashiro, she is my wife and she can stop a sword with her hands.

>> No.17119573
File: 58 KB, 627x885, 6dbf02b14c15d5dfc86d746a286f4c80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a faggot.

>> No.17119584

I'd want to brush her hair.

>> No.17119591
File: 56 KB, 800x529, calling the military police.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for another call.

>> No.17119597
File: 465 KB, 756x756, 0ece3fe3b96aff7a889ebfa0229ba11c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her a lot because of her hair_____

>> No.17119605

MP really have a power to do anything to me when I am GENSUI?

>> No.17119608

>Boss fights are always guaranteed S ranks
>I only get sent home at the sub node from time to time
Thats an abstract kind of bad luck desu.

>> No.17119652

>military police
>any power over the military

>> No.17119662

Legal power, but it makes no sense when ~12 yo are made to fight a war.

>> No.17119684

You can send em to war, but you cant rape them.

>> No.17119701

It's a shame you weren't sent to war at that age.

>> No.17119745

But Yuudachi isn't 12 nor does she have the body of a child.

>> No.17119767

She wants to be raped too?

>> No.17119779

Of course she does. She's just shy or jealous or both.

>> No.17119807 [SPOILER] 
File: 55 KB, 513x725, 1496429501073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your calls never did anything before.

>> No.17119965
File: 587 KB, 627x885, __satsuki_custom_maid_3d_2_and_kantai_collection_drawn_by_binsen__e079f93d12c15f90bfbdbe735b6e8a3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Satsuki so sexy compared to other Mutsukis?

I just want to beat and rape her, then coddle her and say that I'm sorry.

>> No.17119977

How can she make a call when she's muted?

>> No.17119981

Kisaragi and Uzuki are better semen demons.

>> No.17120018


I like Minazuki.

>> No.17120028

Well, I'm not a lolicon and cannot jack off to DFC, (I can't get hard to flat chests) so I don't see how the Mutsuki class can be sexy

>> No.17120057

Well after Satsuki I find Yayoi attractive.

>> No.17120068
File: 796 KB, 850x1059, 821c64eabf9f09a122f95569e35df631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't lewd the bunny.

>> No.17120069
File: 208 KB, 1143x1143, 1496234369971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.

>> No.17120070

light bulb

>> No.17120077
File: 2.76 MB, 1770x2515, IMG_0567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17120103 [SPOILER] 
File: 972 KB, 1007x1152, 1496434370508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17120115


>> No.17120133
File: 763 KB, 850x1058, 4c0f4c26db36abca1068e98bfa1fd8c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please no more lewding.

>> No.17120137

I love that image.

>> No.17120223

What route is that exactly? You just go BEHM and pray to not get raped at two hard nodes? Sounds not too unique to me.

>> No.17120235
File: 2.24 MB, 4095x5251, 790c4b9227afda2feb4d3816c61c6621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would happen if Yuubari was the other kai 2 remodel and looks just like this?

>> No.17120241

She's just helping Yura with her fitting.

>> No.17120248

I want to rape and mind break Yuubari.

>> No.17120258

God those fuCKING LIPS!!!

>> No.17120271
File: 114 KB, 535x733, melon bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuubari is a scary place.

>> No.17120276
File: 141 KB, 977x1000, 699609541b79bc02e08af71a6a11d403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'd get punished for stealing the kai 2

>> No.17120309


What if Yuubari's Kai Ni allowed her to equip ANY equipment?

>> No.17120320

Like BB guns, land based aircraft and torpedo bows? Stupid.

>> No.17120329

Kumano seems to be some kind of fucking beauty queen.

>> No.17120358

Depends if she still had 0 planes and if BB guns had overweight penalties.
2xtorpedoes + Kouhyouteki + large searchlight could work if her stats were close to Abukuma.

>> No.17120373

Literally all she needs is CL armor and she would be on par with Ooyodo.

>> No.17120436

Ooyodo has very limited use though.

>> No.17120440

fap time

>> No.17120464

In night battle maybe and even then she can be the ultimate yasen mule

>> No.17120488

Well why else do you need CLs? She's bad at ASW also, and at day DAs.

>> No.17120505

>She's bad at ASW also, and at day DAs.

Are you retarded?

>> No.17120528

No. Are you?

I was kinda wrong about day double attacks though, with 70FP she does okay for a CL.

>> No.17120534
File: 374 KB, 1400x1400, 1488987909529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's the best at both too, though she needs a ring and level 155 to be the very very best at ASW. But really, who wouldn't marry Ooyodo?

>> No.17120545

> She's the best at both
Correct me if I'm wrong, but even at level 155 she can't double attack even at night while having OASW?

>> No.17120555

Yep, you're retarded. Read the wiki before you start spouting shit.
With two guns and FuMO she's way better than any other CL at day.

>> No.17120560

How many CLs do we have that can?

>> No.17120564

Please kill yourself sempai.

> way better
Really now.

>> No.17120578

Doing 6-5 in 3 sorties, I put Hayabusa III and 54th on the first slot, and 64th on the slot to replace Reppuu, and they seem weaker that my LBAS won't swipe most of the enemies or even damage CV Hime. Is it RNG or not?

>> No.17120609

Clearly, how do fighters even affect bomber performance?

>> No.17120647

I wouldn't, she's an awful person.

>> No.17120665

Everyone except Ooyodo.

>> No.17120675

All CL can do OASW and night double attack?
Maybe if married.

>> No.17120676

That's why he said at 155.

>> No.17120679

If only all Anons could follow backlinks.

>> No.17120688

I thought it was a comparison to lvl155 Ooyodo and lvl99 other CLs, hence the "even" part.
I'd need to reach a new level of autism to start comparing all ships based on lvl155 stats.

>> No.17120692

If only all Anons could reach a basic level of reading comprehension.

>> No.17120697

155 Ooyodo needs all 4 slots to OASW.
So she can't even attack that well with it.

>> No.17120700

Only Ooyodo being 155 was mentioned, comperhension guide guy, the "other CLs" were not specified.

>> No.17120706

4 slots > 3 slots > 2 slots > 1 slot anyway

>> No.17120714

>Only Ooyodo being 155 was mentioned, the "other CLs" were not specified
And, thanks to context and reading comprehension, you should understand the "other CLs" are 155 too (or at least married), since only one CL can double attack and do OASW without a ring.

Man, you look dumber with every post.

>> No.17120726

It's a pretty useless setup on anyone except Melon.

>> No.17120740

Double gun and sonar is far from useless.

>> No.17120742

If you can oASW with 2 guns and a sonar that can cover most tasks a CL should do imo.

>> No.17120748
File: 43 KB, 612x866, 22e055ebdcdd1d4c8ee307a5f1d07560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this allowed? This is nowhere near close to her character or how she acts.

>> No.17120752

I believe in Yura.

>> No.17120809
File: 26 KB, 500x357, 1496441481491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo dawg I hear you love torpedoes. So I put torpedoes on your carrier.

>> No.17120812

Yeah, I put my torpedo inside Taihou if you know what I mean.

>> No.17120815

Perfect for short range anti-somalian pirate patrol boat defence-ing. Or am i understanding it wrong?

>> No.17120818

Add some 16inch guns and you got yourself a Re.

>> No.17120823


Is that a regular torpedo or just an anti-torpedo torpedo?

>> No.17120828


It's an anti-anti-torpedo torpedo.

>> No.17120855


>> No.17120859

Which one? Mutsuki/Kisaragi?

2016 had 6 kai 2s.

>> No.17120861
File: 1.55 MB, 700x542, hoppou.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hugging this

>> No.17120864

Why is she so big? Where is the Zero?

>> No.17120865

If you want to max everyone's luck, the only way is to buy resources.

>> No.17120869

I get worse rolls along the way without red T than with.

>> No.17120875

I'm sure you could do it in 20+ years, for whatever reason you'd want to do it.

>> No.17120877

Kigurumi makes anyone look scary though.

>> No.17120879

Sure, but at a price.

>BB guns
Severe accuracy penalty

>land based aircraft
All her slots have 0 planes

>and torpedo bows
Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.17120881

More like Appregio with lasers and reactive armor.

>> No.17120885

You won't, because the devs add ships faster than you can max their luck if you don't whale.

>> No.17120889 [DELETED] 

That's a DD.

>> No.17120900

Since the thread is practically over tell me of something stupid you do thanks to KanColle.
Personally I have grown to enjoy performing the ズイ₍₍(ง˘ω˘)ว⁾⁾ズイ dance from time to time, including the facial expression.

>> No.17120910

I talk to my shipgirls while waiting for repairs to be done.

>> No.17120920

Spend >50% of my waking time thinking about this fucking game

>> No.17120922



>> No.17120930
File: 45 KB, 326x518, C7Jfat_XgAAsIbM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very honorable. A truly dedicated fan!

>> No.17120954


>> No.17120961

You're not allowed to post Shigure on /jp/.

>> No.17120983
File: 91 KB, 842x1000, CdiYTfzUsAMTiR9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post Shigure.

>> No.17120995
File: 1.12 MB, 1000x1414, yuudachi shigure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Shiratsuyus.

>> No.17120996
File: 2.16 MB, 1168x1304, 465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good post.

>> No.17121010

I keep having the urge to repeat some of the verbal ticks, but I know it's fucking stupid. It got pretty bad with Aquila's yoshi yoshi.

>> No.17121029

Me too. I say pan paka pan all the time.

>> No.17121033


>> No.17121039

He's not a slut, he's a loyal sissy

>> No.17121041

I would seriously pay $1,000 for a night with Suzuya if she was real.

>> No.17121044
File: 18 KB, 169x306, 1451281336965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shigure is sensitive you're all responsible for what is about to happen.

>> No.17121048

Good, end it already.

>> No.17121054

Fuck off already Shitgurefag.

>> No.17121056

if you live i'll give you many headpats
there is so much to see shigure

>> No.17121057

Do a flip faggot

>> No.17121061
File: 1.24 MB, 2000x3000, I Shigurely hope you guys don't do this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking headpats from someone who spends their friday night on a /jp/ thread just about to be archived
Would rather die a painful dead

>> No.17121066

You don't have a choice nor spine to say or do otherwise, Shigure.

>> No.17121073

Everyone except a few edgy hipsters like Shigure.

>> No.17121077

But she's almost completely uninteresting. Unlike her sisters.

>> No.17121080

Then why was her entire class named after herself?

>> No.17121084

Now this is a shitpost.

>> No.17121096

You mean the movie-official Yuudachi class?

>> No.17121112

I want a Kaga wife.

>> No.17121121

I want to take a shit on Kaga.

>> No.17121124

What do you like about Kaga?

>> No.17121127

Her demure graceful beauty, strength, pride, and soft side. She's also really sexy and has big breasts.

>> No.17121142


>> No.17121147

While I like Kaga for the same reasons you listed, I think she would be a terrible wife. I don't know if she has a soft side. I'd rather wife someone who won't scold me for not working hard 16 hours a day.

>> No.17121151

Liking Kaga is shitposting with your feelings.

>> No.17121158
File: 225 KB, 506x866, 1460704900995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaga is love Kaga is life

>> No.17121167
File: 1.42 MB, 1000x1414, __abukuma_admiral_ashigara_hibiki_kaname_madoka_and_others_kantai_collection_and_mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica_drawn_by_k2__663d33ded39511ca36bf140f7f669475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone stop this madman!

>> No.17121174

With shit taste like that, of course you do faggot.

>> No.17121178

>Torpedoes on carriers.
>Divebombing in 2017.
What world are we living in /jp/?
What timeline are we living in /jp/?

>> No.17121183

I was surprised to find out that Steven Seagal has quite the cult following in Japan. They especially liked the movie about the battleship.

>> No.17121191

What I want to know is why is he always drawn so young looking?

>> No.17121192
File: 574 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170602-19193120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time. Fuck this map, holy shit.

>> No.17121196

They brought back dive bombing?

>> No.17121198

Because no one likes fat old Seagal.

>> No.17121207
File: 6 KB, 686x30, taihou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got Taihou. I was so excited that I forgot to take a screenshot before using the instant construction.

>> No.17121209

But making him young looking makes it look wrong and come off as "rock solid".

>> No.17121215

Which one?

>> No.17121221

Make dive bombers great again!

>> No.17121232

Today they will announce that the 6th's maintenance Kai 2 is in fact Yura since Kumano's is still under preparation.

>> No.17121255
File: 738 KB, 1200x1000, Abyssal Summer Sprite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are we going to see those beautiful ladies this coming summer event?

>> No.17121258

Broncos still do it.

>> No.17121266

I want double CA Hime to replace dysons as the boss node meatshields.

>> No.17121282

Summer BB Hime was super fucking annoying, so hopefully no.

>> No.17121284

I hope so, now with more bosses wearing swimsuits.

>> No.17121296

I just woke up, what the fuck are DDEs and what do they do?

>> No.17121307

Did you mean DEs?

>> No.17121310

>what do they do
Not be the game yet.

>> No.17121315
File: 207 KB, 466x335, Born to kill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know that some predators use stunning looks only to attract their prey to then kill them?
They are not beautiful, they are enemies of humanity.

>> No.17121319

I don't know why they bother making new enemies. 戦艦棲姫 can't be topped.

>> No.17121324

There's the autist!

>> No.17121328

As an annoying all purpose meatshield that is just barely weak enough to be killed during daytime if you're lucky and strong enough to survive into yasen and cockblock you a kill, sure there's no equal.

>> No.17121330
File: 378 KB, 538x743, Bully2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the predator here.

>> No.17121331

But she has already been topped, most notably by AA hime.

>> No.17121333

>They are not beautiful, they are enemies of humanity.
You can be both though

>> No.17121337



I just woke up, what is this spicy new meme?

>> No.17121338

This actually makes me want to level up Z1/Z3 and Libe.

>> No.17121339

fucking hell you know what I mean

>> No.17121342

Male admirals have evolved and adapted, their dicks will defeat the temptresses from the deep sea with no issue and subdue them.

>> No.17121349

Can confirm.

>> No.17121350

Who is Yukikaze supposed to be representing, that doesn't look like Tojo or Showa.

>> No.17121352


>> No.17121353


Does it matter if I want to fuck either their pussy or their eyesockets? Isn't it human to subjugate and sodomize all it deems worthy to serve him?

>> No.17121354
File: 155 KB, 518x482, 018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What strength!

>> No.17121358
File: 134 KB, 252x449, 897944_d48df0d8a8d9d8e6570ca2416d88d3c8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But why

>> No.17121362

Now that's a shipgirl (male)

>> No.17121364
File: 162 KB, 664x497, Bully.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chiang Kai Shek maybe?

>> No.17121371

Nah looks nothing like him. I guess it really is just Tojo but with no glasses.

>> No.17121373

No shigure! That's not what I meant when I said you were hung!

>> No.17121375

I need more booty hime.

>> No.17121376

>there actually are people who don't take the game's lore seriously
Ok, why? What's the point of even playing KanColle if you won't roleplay as the admiral? It's like watching a harem anime and not self insert as the MC.

>> No.17121378

Now this is a shitpost.

>> No.17121382
File: 123 KB, 960x1440, orig[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17121385


>game's lore

Only "lore" is contained in the event clear messages and even that is very barebones aside from "Area cleared."

>> No.17121386

You can't take the setting seriously if they never show or even mention the outside world's struggles and suffering. We know that something of this magnitude will fuck up the world significantly but we don't know a thing about how world governments are handling their coasts and how the population are reacting.

>> No.17121388

Fuck off.

>> No.17121389

Only wikiafags care about that shit.

>> No.17121405

First off Tanaka himself said the various media are different interpretations of what goes on in the game.
Secondly /jp/ does not care about KanColle light novels.

>> No.17121409

HQ is always on a happy mood. It might be an exception but it gives the impression that everything's going ok.

>> No.17121413

The people who care about that are always cancerous, no thanks.

>> No.17121422

The only lore that matters is having cute shipfus.

>> No.17121426

It's pretty easy for the ones with the power to actually kill Abyssals.

>> No.17121437

Who depend on the resources of other parts of the world too and in the case they also have families they would show some concern regarding other places yet everyone's always as if nothing awful's ever happening. I really doubt hq is the only place behaving like this.

>> No.17121442

Pretty much.

>> No.17121446

I live in a fantasy where I rape and beat every girl that I obtain. So its essentially hentai lore.

>> No.17121474

I do. But before the fun comes the fighting. You can't have fun safely if you don't fight and win first.

What peeves me are those admirals who want the fun without the fighting. Admirals who wants to have fun with their girls should be at least semi-competent.

>> No.17121531

Okay, think for a moment on the lore, and what we know about it.
What are ship girls? Don't know
What is the Abyss? Don't know
What are Fairies? Don't know
Why are we fighting? Don't know
Who are we fighting for? Don't know
Are we even on Earth? Don't know
So, how does anyone invest in something that doesn't even answer the basic questions?

>> No.17121537
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I invest in their smiles.

>> No.17121542
File: 255 KB, 800x960, 20170602_20325781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was doing the 6-4 quarterly and decided to try the 11th tank regiment and found that its sprite overrides the Ka-Mi tank when in theory it should have still been the tank since it's just a landing force. Does this mean it is stronger than the tank?

>> No.17121543

The abyssal fleet hasn't even attacked us.

>> No.17121546

What about their butts?

>> No.17121550

And even then the apparent answer to those questions aren't anything too interesting either.

>> No.17121551


Maybe they're scared shitless because you're sinking all of them while suffering few if any losses of shipgirls yourself.

>> No.17121555
File: 465 KB, 1920x956, 1488264801868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Earth on the Pacific Ocean, are you dumb?

>> No.17121556

They're just anti social.

>> No.17121580

Point to where I can find the Curry Ocean and Jam Island on the globe please, and then we can talk about KanColle being on Earth.

>> No.17121582

The Curry Ocean is the Indian Ocean and Jam Island is Jav Island you dumb fuck. They used food names at the start with real locations and islands but they eventually switched.

>> No.17121584

>Jav Island
Java Sea*

>> No.17121634
File: 829 KB, 1392x570, map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was already settled with the Midway event and the various regular EO maps, it's even more blatant with Summer 2016. The friendly land base is literally a former IJN base, I node is literally Singapore as Harbor Summer Hime, she's even in her damaged form during the final map when you reach I node since you fought her the map before.

>> No.17121653

>tfw AB spot is where I live in.
Oh damn.

>> No.17121696

They do all the time in the flavor text. Hell, we just beat back an invasion of the Kurils last event.

>> No.17121743
File: 255 KB, 768x1024, __isolated_island_oni_and_seaport_hime_kantai_collection_drawn_by_onboro_clunker__345cf4755dfede438fc4813838d5a324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see more of the abyssal girls in bikini this coming summer event

>> No.17121747

Is it in july or august?

>> No.17121752
File: 65 KB, 600x1036, large[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summer is coming.

>> No.17121769
File: 187 KB, 1680x651, __bismarck_graf_zeppelin_prinz_eugen_z1_leberecht_maass_and_z3_max_schultz_kantai_collection_drawn_by_yomo_majidon__53b7b804568a692905da12ee923bfcaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Summer is coming.
I wonder if a German ship girl will also get her new bikini art this summer event, Z3 just wreck my pants last summer.

>> No.17121780

Summer CGs for the submarines might be nice. Yes, I'm aware of the redundancy.

>> No.17121786

Just imagine them in sundresses and straw hats.

>> No.17121787

No can do. I'm a bikini sort of admiral.

>> No.17121789

Micro bikini?

>> No.17121790

I want to see Fujikawa draw Fujinami in a bikini.

>> No.17121792

Such a thing may be too powerful.

>> No.17121793

I would love to see Shioi an Ro in a bikini.

>> No.17121809


I want to see the Operation Crossroads gang in Bikinis.

>> No.17121811
File: 422 KB, 1280x1808, 00283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fujikawa only does tame stuff.

>> No.17121816
File: 1.63 MB, 352x320, Naval Ops Warship Gunner Introwebm.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17121836

Isolated hime would be a nice choice.

>> No.17121881
File: 391 KB, 526x653, 1486377722218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Kazagumo one made my dick explode.

>> No.17121887

Iowa in AMERICAN bikini.

>> No.17121899

Every girl should get a CG like that.

>> No.17121908


Iowa in a traditional Japanese sarashi.

>> No.17121928

Torps are expansive as fuck though. It would be way more practical to just machine-gun them.

>> No.17121932

Yamato wearing Iowa's American flag bikini, Iowa wearing Yamato's sarashi

>> No.17121941

Probably, but we still need to count the dmg bonuses. Also is that unique sprite?

>> No.17121948
File: 308 KB, 801x482, Mikawa fleet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally Finish B41 Mikawa fleet
Please dont tell me there are other quest like that.

>> No.17121965

B44 is at least 10 times worse due to the trash routing of the required fleet.

>> No.17121977

>Hiei, Kirishima, Nagara, Akatsuki, Ikazuchi, and Inazuma.
>2 FFB, 1 CL and 3 DD
I guess time to level Nagara, since shes ugly I had her benched for a long time.

>> No.17122011
File: 71 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150621-16251702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about the Ikazuchi quest
Enjoy your 20% success rate.

>> No.17122018
File: 238 KB, 850x1189, __hagikaze_sendai_shigure_and_yuudachi_kantai_collection_drawn_by_mujakuma__sample-e02d21def3f9e8326597c6e006e613b8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17122020

> Z3 just wreck my pants last summer.
You and everyone else. Those boys(female) a best.

>> No.17122021

>Ikazuchi quest
Are you still bitter that people call it the Akatsuki quest?

>> No.17122023
File: 227 KB, 852x1200, 63190720_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17122024

3 sexy girls and Sendai.

>> No.17122026

Are you calling Sendai not sexy?

>> No.17122029

Too old.

>> No.17122075

What are you even doing in a thread dedicated to 70+ year olds, then?

>> No.17122080

Mikawa is piss easy if you send route support and have the right equipment setup.

You mean Hiei quest.

>> No.17122090

>needing support for that piss easy quest

>> No.17122092
File: 447 KB, 849x1200, prepered to recieve the daihatsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17122114

That's the perfect filename cut off, yotsuba.

>> No.17122127

ESL pls

>> No.17122136

That's just a typo, come on. Anyone could've made that mistake, don't ESL-shame me!

>> No.17122215

I only fap to the girls I married.
I only married one girl so far.

>> No.17122221

Nah, she is shit.

>> No.17122222

Kisaragi is better.

>> No.17122249
File: 178 KB, 701x999, sample-3ea094e6ef89b118941d675c988d7ccc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


quints confirm

>> No.17122253
File: 498 KB, 678x954, 62676683_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would fuck the living daylights out of her.

>> No.17122528

