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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 419 KB, 628x546, 63095753_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17089444 No.17089444 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>17074855

[New to the Game? Read first, ask later]

EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com
EN: http://en.kancollewiki.net
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/

Recent Updates: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Recent_Updates

KanColle STAFF Twitter: https://twitter.com/KanColle_STAFF

Anon's guide to KanColle: http://pastebin.com/ec862KsG

Air superiority calculator/fleet builder:

Combat mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Combat

Fit guns for BBs:
Others: http://ch.nicovideo.jp/pixy_for_ever/blomaga/ar994724
Iowa: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14q3M_N9HXVC0g2Jp9gA42qkEChq0EeHKeWHn7Hrt1L8/edit#gid=961378818
Warspite: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HHpzOklOtf0l4UaKRQ5_5kKXoFfTK6qGFAXBvzJmemI/edit#gid=0

Equipment upgrade values: http://i.imgur.com/1JfCOmJ.png

Useful Akashi upgrades table: http://akashi-list.me

Drop/construction statistics:

Voices/sprites/furniture preview: http://www51.atpages.jp/kancollev

KanColle Viewer (JP): https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN 1): https://github.com/Yuubari/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN 2): https://github.com/gakada/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (KR): https://github.com/CirnoV/KanColleViewer
Electronic Observer (JP): https://github.com/andanteyk/ElectronicObserver
Electronic Observer (EN): https://github.com/silfumus/ElectronicObserver

PS Vita game: http://kancolle-vita.com
KanColle Arcade: http://kancolle-a.sega.jp
Official arcade gameplay demonstration: https://youtu.be/GAjOfoutg5s h
KanColle Arcade's second event has been announced for this spring, with Southern Oni and Southern War Oni as the bosses, and Armored Carrier Oni also encounterable.

The KanColle movie is out. Movie trailers: https://youtu.be/7udGu_a0AvY https://youtu.be/Puj4vB_Kh2E

-The Spring 2017 event has ended.
-Anniversary seasonal sprites have been replaced with hanataba seasonal sprites, which have been implemented for Yuugumo, Naganami, Harusame Kai, and Mizuho.
-Nagato can now be remodelled to Kai 2 at level 88 with a blueprint. The Nagato-class BBs now also have unique gun modifiers.
-Four new quests have been implemented, of which two require Nagato Kai 2 and reward a large extension bulge, one rewards a furniture worker, and one is a monthly expedition quest rewarding two large furniture boxes.
-A bug where the voice line remodelling Kasuga Maru into Taiyou doesn't work properly has been fixed.
-A Kai 2 is planned for Kumano and Yura this early summer. Saratoga and at least one more BB and CL will also get a second remodel.
-The 5th year of KanColle will see something "interesting" regarding foreign ships.
-New Akizuki- and Matsu-class destroyers are under plans to be added.

>> No.17089459
File: 117 KB, 834x1160, Kaga Sexy 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>started 3 weeks ago
I tried crafting some carriers and looks like I got the cutest and the strongest carrier in the game.

>> No.17089471

Congrats on Hiryu.

>> No.17089473

Wow, you already got Taihou?

>> No.17089488
File: 213 KB, 850x1802, 0e5b6d089b75d4e75cac26faeb1df826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad yoshinori gave sara a real american weapon instead of a gay ass bow like all the chinese artists. I wonder what enterprise will have.

>> No.17089497

Enterprise is Rambo, so she'll likely to have a machine gun.

>> No.17089499

So according to this, 381s get slightly worse fit bonus from marriage. Did the programmers have a brainfart and mix up the minus signs?

>> No.17089501

It probably just multiplies the accuracy and since 381mm have negative accuracy you get that.

>> No.17089504

Has anyone figured out how Gangut performs with various battleship guns-which ones give her fit bonuses and which ones give her weight penalties?

>> No.17089521 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17089523

Looks like shit

>> No.17089529

No artist can make Fubuki not shit.

>> No.17089552


>> No.17089562 [DELETED] 
File: 207 KB, 1280x1807, IMG_0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post doujins

>> No.17089564 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17089570

what kind of machinegun? one that was used on aircraft like the m1919? or a BAR? although there was that guy on iwo jima that had a custom machinegun recovered from a crashed plane.

>> No.17089580 [DELETED] 
File: 971 KB, 5748x4722, 30 cal BMG024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funnily enough, the US Army actually tried designing a man-portable M1919 in response to the MG42.

>> No.17089582
File: 27 KB, 391x57, noregret.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short a BP, would remodel now otherwise.

>> No.17089599

I was specifically thinking of this one. apparently there were 6 guys with them.

>> No.17089603

I've finish quest B96 together with B98 but on quest B98 is still 80% after I finished 1-6 that should have been completed already, any maps I need to clear after clearing 1-3, 1-4, 1-5 and 1-6 for quest B98?

>> No.17089606 [DELETED] 
File: 312 KB, 1280x1360, tumblr_oc35mfd5Pc1tdtuaeo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17089608 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.17089610 [DELETED] 


>> No.17089612

You forgot 1-2

>> No.17089619

I finished it, since its also a map required for quest B96. but I'm trying to re-run 1-2, 1-3 and 1-4 with DE and DDs only.

>> No.17089623

No, you probably didn't S-rank one of them or didn't bring enough DDs.

>> No.17089627

I S rank them all but only brought 3 DEs when clearing them, maybe one of 1-2,1-3 and 1-4 needs more than 3 DD/DEs.

>> No.17089631

You can always bring up to 3wild card

>> No.17089636
File: 500 KB, 525x677, im6749745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giving granny a new phone!

>> No.17089637

hmmm... let me check 1-5 I might notice that one of the subs might be has 1hp and made me thought i had S-ranked it.

>> No.17089639

I did this quest recently, and I can guarantee you that you only need 3 DD/DEs.

Are you using a logger or viewer that logs? Show us your sortie history; I'm sure it's something silly you're just overlooking.

>> No.17089646

Bad idea, she's going to try to send nudes and end up sending it to everyone.

>> No.17089651

I don't have viewer or anything but I'll check 1-5. may be i over look that. since my moral of my fleet that time is low cause of the damn 1-3 routing.

>> No.17089655 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 480x360, 1495939947899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only granny in the game is Iowa.

>> No.17089659

No the one you're replying to is, you retard.

>> No.17089669

Kamikaze was around for 25 years. Iowa has been around for three times that long.

>> No.17089672
File: 18 KB, 314x198, 1495883148857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they going to make Russian guns upgrade-able?

>> No.17089673

>hurr durr
You keep spouting that yet the game never refers to that instead of when they were made. You are a retard.

>> No.17089679 [DELETED] 
File: 480 KB, 576x768, WIN81r5aPH51DoFD4z3ClXZaF_cM2VG45VwfR-QJZqI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17089686

I hope Summer is actually hard again given how easy this last event was.

When are we going to get regenerating boss gauges again?

>> No.17089688

The only retard in this thread is (You).

>> No.17089691

>When are we going to get regenerating boss gauges again?
Never, have more Land Base gimmicks instead.

>> No.17089703

>When are we going to get regenerating boss gauges again?
Never ever, have fun hitting far away nodes to unlock and debuff.

>> No.17089706

This is good
Let you farm kuso mode without resetting the map.

>> No.17089722 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 900x688, m1q9tabgbozy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Musashi's wreck is found
>devs celebrate with dedicated furniture & LSC drop-rate increase
>Goya's wreck is found
>devs do nothing

What gives here? In terms of damage inflicted on the eneny, Goya accomplished far more than Musashit.

>> No.17089731

>sunk some ca at the end when it didn't matter
Who gives a shit, and she's common as fuck unlike the motel.

>> No.17089732

I don't think it has been confirmed for certain that it was Goya yet.

>> No.17089736

I thought it wasn't confirmed yet

>> No.17089742

>big famous ship that you can only get in LSC
>some random submarine that drops all the time from regular maps

>> No.17089755

Why would anyone care about a slave?

>> No.17089763

Also that furniture wasn't new they just made it available again.

>> No.17089773

Not famous enough, and not confirmed either.
The only ships that will come close to Musashi's discovery are going to be ones of the Kido Butai sunk at Midway.

>> No.17089799


>> No.17089824

Looking like a slut even after sinking, how lewd.

>> No.17089850
File: 78 KB, 768x518, eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL3Bicy50d2ltZy5jb20vbWVkaWEvQ3lxLXl1bVVVQUU5bzhwLmpwZzpsYXJnZSJ9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain this

>> No.17089866 [DELETED] 
File: 175 KB, 800x800, 4068760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many ships did Musashi sink?

>> No.17089877
File: 155 KB, 850x726, 1495420309737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None, and yet she is the one remembered. Sucks don't it?

>> No.17089883

>being happy that a ship that did nothing is celebrated so much

>> No.17089899

An attempt at game balance and modelling reality at the same time?

>> No.17089902

What is this?

>> No.17089921 [DELETED] 
File: 560 KB, 733x900, 63095290_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17089928

Translate it weebs

>> No.17089934

Who's going to yank her chain?

>> No.17089938

how do I unlock quest a68? wiki says the only requirement is a60 which I did but I still don't have it on my list even after doing my weekly quests.

>> No.17089945

>wiki says the only requirement is a60

No idea which wiki you're looking at.

>> No.17089963


>> No.17089979

both of them

>> No.17089994
File: 454 KB, 732x726, 25372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want Tanaka to add her to the LSC pool?

>> No.17090005
File: 13 KB, 1239x118, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you're fucking blind.

>> No.17090053

b53 is required for a60 so I already did that too.

>> No.17090087
File: 587 KB, 800x480, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck does this dumb slut think she's doing?

>> No.17090093

What the fuck is this dumb poster doing?

>> No.17090112

Clearly you didn't.

>> No.17090115


>> No.17090121

they're both part of the quest chain for one of the catapults so I had to have done them since I have both cranes at k2

>> No.17090136

And you're sure you didn't use event catapults for one of them?

>> No.17090146

I swear to fucking god if I don't get a boss kill soon I'm never doing this bullshit quest again. I'll just convert my meme medal into screws so I can finish making my jet and then fuck upgrading too.

>> No.17090152

Then you probably did A68 already.

>> No.17090184

Are you going to explain what it is or not?

>> No.17090218

Not that guy, but this is a breakdown of AA multipliers for AA guns, HA guns and air radars in that order. From left to right: adjusted AA multiplier, improvement multiplier for adj. AA, fleet AA multiplier, improvement multiplier for fleet AA.

If none of these terms make sense for you, read the wiki.

>> No.17090341

/jp/ help.

How do I not get my Nagato fleet raped at the sub node on 5-5?

>> No.17090392

Taiyou K2.

>> No.17090395

Don't go to the sub node.

>> No.17090463

Is this game worth picking up again? I haven't played in years. I think my last event was Summer 2014. How is the power creep? Do my old equipment pale in comparison to all the new stuff?

I remember quitting because I let my brother use my account for a bit and he sank my favorite ship (Kirishima). Should I just make a new account or try to get her again?

>> No.17090471


>> No.17090478

You're missing all the landbase stuff and you don't have any upgraded equipment from Akashi.

>> No.17090516
File: 317 KB, 800x480, 20170524_21141206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use Taiyou

>> No.17090522 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.17090524
File: 574 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170526-18030881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sub node

>> No.17090525

Events have easy mode, so you won't struggle that much.

>> No.17090528

I don't think I did because I scrapped my sendai a while ago and only just now relevelled a new one

>> No.17090532
File: 289 KB, 2100x700, __bismarck_gangut_iowa_littorio_roma_and_others_kantai_collection_drawn_by_hita_hitapita__fd1e24d11da1997552640a64f86cade0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed 3 years worth of unique foreighn ships.

>> No.17090616

They should make another american event and put Iowa in LSC already.

>> No.17090631

The old best ships are still very good, most important changes are Cranes being the best carriers now and Abukuma is a regular CL with opening torp.
But your equipment will be shit, missed a ton of event stuff like all the good planes for the land-base added last year and Akashi can upgrade equipment for screws you get from quests or buy from the shop. Also you're going to need a while to catch up with all the new blueprints remodels.

>> No.17090635

Fubuki is cute.

>> No.17090645

Should I take the Type 2 Seaplane Fighter Kai or the PBY-5A Catalina? I have one Ro.44 Seaplane Fighter and one Type 2 large flying boat.

>> No.17090658

Catalina is just an inferior Taitei and you can get it from Iowa

>> No.17090667

Iowa is my favorite flying boat tender.

>> No.17090668

T2 is craftable, Catalina isn't.

>> No.17090676

Get the seaplane fighter if you want something useful now.
Get Catalina if you're paranoid and believe in 2 or 3 years it wont be shit.

>> No.17090770
File: 50 KB, 347x486, Screenshot_136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does /jp/ like Yuudachi?

>> No.17090780

Catalina. If not for her, my land bases would be absolutely useless. With her they're just regularly useless.

>> No.17090805
File: 87 KB, 846x900, __akitsushima_and_kamoi_kantai_collection_drawn_by_tsukira_amayadori__68f1d1e158776f63f075bc85ff2f6d9d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17090817


>> No.17090857
File: 211 KB, 850x656, goes straight to her boobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat healthy, kids.

>> No.17090942


>> No.17090973

Poor effort. I'll fap to it out of pity.

>> No.17090993


>> No.17091208

What happened to the KanColle general in /a/?

>> No.17091225


>implying they spell it correctly on /a/

>> No.17091226

It's gone for good.

>> No.17091229

Banned for being an imagedump. Kinda like this thread is edging on becoming, not in small part due to /a/ thread being closed.

>> No.17091236

Just above half of the people here spell it as k(K)ancolle as well. Hopefullu to trigger the spelling autist.

>> No.17091243

What's its reaction to kanColle?

>> No.17091254


Is it? I occasionally can see a thread up when there is newly translated material. But that is like sometimes ago.

>> No.17091260

>Banned for being an imagedump.

And yet they are currently having a waifu claiming thread up.

>> No.17091265

That's just /a/ being shit in general.

>> No.17091321

Waifu claiming thread isn't a general. The mods waged open war against nipples and generals.

>> No.17091326


So can we circumvent that by disguising it as "Kanmusu waifu claiming thread"?

>> No.17091347

If it is seen everyday it will be deleted on sight as well there can be no victory.

>> No.17091359

she was the destroyer I wanted most when I started the game and the first one that dropped for me from 1-1. I think I kept her as my flagship all the way until k2 remodel level.

>> No.17091367
File: 153 KB, 849x1200, C51se9zVUAAS5gX[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17091371



>> No.17091374

Some day. I'll be waiting, even though i don't really like her.

>> No.17091375


>ded artist
>ded voice

>> No.17091381

The artist isn't ded, Tanaka just doesn't acknowledges her existence anymore.

>> No.17091386

Kujo Ichiso
Takahashi Rie

>> No.17091387

You're all a bunch of fucking faggots.
Also, SEAMonkeys should be gassed ASAP.

>> No.17091392

Calm down, anon, and tell us what happened.

>> No.17091396

Woah there you seem upset, maybe you should go back to that website that has an alien for its mascot.

>> No.17091475
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>> No.17091484

>Banned for being an imagedump
now the /jp/ thread gets those image dump.

>> No.17091488

does 7000/7000/7000/5200/1 make taiho or have I been wasting my resources? I already spent over 30k bauxite just this month and all I get is 4 potato and 2 cuckoos. I think I've probably spent 100k total now without getting her.

>> No.17091492

If you want to post pictures then at least don't post garbage. Please.

>> No.17091497

Never. The 16 MK 7 is too good.

>> No.17091523 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 1280x720, 6750089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17091530


>> No.17091537 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 400x560, 62749765_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lies, Gangut is fit, unlike that fatass Iowa.

>> No.17091539

LSC is the perfect way to fuck over anyone who hasn't gotter Iowa on her event.
I already spent the same amount of fuel and ammo i used to farm for Littorio and Roma on trying to craft Bismark while getting less than half of the "useless along the way" drops while doing so.
Summer just might be the event i start with the least "farming" resources i had thus far.

>> No.17091553

Malnourished, more like.

>> No.17091597


>> No.17091624


>> No.17091635 [DELETED] 


>> No.17091666


>> No.17091673
File: 247 KB, 1013x496, library of failures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bauxite is the most important resource to put up when crafting Taihou.
5500 was my lucky number.

>> No.17091681

Is it cool to get your Shiden K in a game where fighter power seems completely unnecessary?

>> No.17091687

How can somebody look at that pizza burger or bacon wrapped whatever and say "yep, looks delicious and not repulsive at all"?

>> No.17091696


I wanna fuck the compass fairies too.

>> No.17091701

You have to be American.

>> No.17091711


>Compass fairies
>Not fairy-sized

It's shit.

>> No.17091714

I want to fuck error-musume.

>> No.17091721

I want to beat the shit out of the lazy compass fairy.
Spin it harder bitch, stop tossing me to nodes I don't want.

>> No.17091728 [DELETED] 
File: 1.15 MB, 1191x1684, 63077517_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17091738

Most people in America don't eat it either unless it's a a dare.

>> No.17091749


>> No.17091757

Is she embarrased of aroused? I can't tell.

>> No.17091758


>> No.17091762

Supposed to be embarassed.

>> No.17091764

I don't know why, but something about the face keeps reminding me of Asanagi/fatalpulse.

>> No.17091765

Probably still too early to say. Get her to 99 then do 1000 1-1 runs with each gun takes some time and coffee.

>> No.17091771
File: 887 KB, 810x990, 1495841746872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that Suzuya is an ugly ducking before she became an enkou.

>> No.17091774

The game seems to emphasize "kantai kessen" and you can perform without carriers just as good, if not better, than with them.
At least that's what i get from watching all those replays posted here.

>> No.17091777
File: 657 KB, 849x1234, __gangut_hibiki_and_verniy_kantai_collection_drawn_by_curry_soba__2673b31a04b0398e6983c056989ae4f5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about those faces? Reminds you of anyone?

>> No.17091783

If you have no planes and the enemy has a lot, you are gonna get raped.

>> No.17091787

As always with those types, she was better before.

>> No.17091788


>> No.17091793

Those are drawn by an obvious copycat, but I swear I have seen that same expression Kamikaze has there drawn by Asanagi before and can't remember where.

>> No.17091794

Then what about the Hime and Wo (flag?) barely doing anything airwise? Or was the AS requirement really low in that map?

>> No.17091802

Why haven't you married Kongou when she canonically loves you?

>> No.17091805

What does /jp/ think about Saratoga?

>> No.17091811

What does /jp/ think about my /a/ level questions?

>> No.17091812

Good girl, good carrier. Bland design, almost as bad as Warspite.

>> No.17091816

I think we should follow up by posting the exact same image every thread.

>> No.17091818

A cute, but you are a shit to be honest.

This this this!

>> No.17091820

Your jelly is showing, Kagasan.

>> No.17091828

Well, I've been in a community before, I never knew how I could disagree with them,

They constantly whined about how they fucking wanted KanColle arcade to be ported to PC

OVanBruce in particular talked about it a lot

But looking at this shit, the game, for the slight fun content it may have, looks like it's fucking hell to me, Those constant blaring buzzers and constant Quick time events that can fuck up easily

Just seems like too much chaos and shit flung at you, it looks like it'll be hell to play

>> No.17091850

It's designed for arcade. Of course it's looks and sounds like hell. Remember those things, those arcades? Remember how they bombarded you with sound and visuals back in the days?

>> No.17091872

A shit, just saying.

>> No.17091873

I personally think it'll be bad because I'll suck at it, and I bet most people will

But I do remember, but they didn't overdo it like this place did

At least this is all my opinion

Combined with how I remember people reacting

I'm worried how they'll respond to me talking about how they felt

Might have gotten it wrong again

It might get hell sent upon them again

They never wanted to talk to me again, yet talk shit about me, again

>> No.17091875

But I thought Sara was a Kagafriend.

>> No.17091878

Something happened to this thread. I don't remember it being so shit yesterday.

>> No.17091880

Because she's a shit.

>> No.17091883 [DELETED] 


Would you mind not using reddit spacing here? Nobody will care if you put all of those lines in a single paragraph.

>> No.17091885 [DELETED] 
File: 315 KB, 720x900, 63096955_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17091890 [DELETED] 

Oh, sorry, I'll stop

>> No.17091902
File: 145 KB, 500x500, OIAV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17091911 [DELETED] 
File: 3.92 MB, 2157x2184, What+are+you+gay+_01b1f8a15e6a2bc4c671bf5fef2b9424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17091939

Enterprise will have a Business suit girl.
Because Enterprise. Muh capitalism

>> No.17091943

Not slutty enough for Yoshinori.

>> No.17091947


Enterprise will have a red shirt.

>> No.17091953 [DELETED] 
File: 442 KB, 1920x937, Screen Shot 2017-05-28 at 10.37.14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17091956

Hopefully it drops in the ocean.

>> No.17091978


>Somehow manages to land directly on top of the missing Malaysian plane

>> No.17091989

Linkin park?

>> No.17091994


>going to Bangkok

Are there Thai players?

>> No.17092005
File: 513 KB, 800x1131, adult woman charms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you can't make slutty-lookin business lady
In fact, it'll be hard to make a non-slutty one.
We'll never see enterprise. We already have one carrier and for the sake of variety, next burger ship will be a destroyer of cruiser. Then another BB. Some subs. And only then, maybe, another CV. But it'll be Hornet, because fuck you.

>> No.17092013


>still believing the 6 ships per foreign fleet meme

>> No.17092016

Where's the next german ship then, dipshit?

>> No.17092017

>I-it will be Hornet
Nah, because you're stupid.

>> No.17092018

You have something to disprove this belief?

>> No.17092024

Do we have anything to debunk it at the moment since the last german vessel?

>> No.17092027

Why not?

>> No.17092074

If you ever paid attention to the Vita datamine, for the 381mm series only, the marriage modifier of x0.6 applies whether the fitness modifier is positive (a bonus) or negative (a malus). For all other guns, the marriage modifier only applies if the fitness modifier is negative.

>> No.17092088


Well all ships are sluts.

>> No.17092102

All the people on /a/ and /jp/ who use small c there are proven shitposters from /tg/ and /v/.

>> No.17092107 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 600x436, Harmfulmarine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wishing for the deaths of innocent people just because you don't like the design on the plane they're in

>> No.17092108

Wouldn't that make the mojority of KanCole fans to be shitposters?

>> No.17092110

The voice isn't ded though.

Just use dupes.

>> No.17092118

Dupes of what? I don't have Bismarck.

>> No.17092121

Pretty much.

>> No.17092131

Compare the size of the WW2 USN to that of the Kriegsmarine.

>> No.17092137

I meant to quote >>17091488 (use dupe cranes) but it seems to apply to you too so I'd suggest using dupe Kongous in the meantime, which was what I did before pastas existed. Bismarck isn't worth LSCing for unless you really, really want her.

>> No.17092146 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 700x700, DAlopu6XYAEJ0A7.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17092151

The hordes of Us say hi.

I already do. I just want my big Akatsuki.

>> No.17092158


Do you really want a salve U-boat fleet?

>> No.17092172 [DELETED] 
File: 252 KB, 800x1200, __asashio_and_nagato_kantai_collection_drawn_by_richou_zerozero1101__2692412e3f02ccbc938e508ef000095d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17092201

Why not?
3-2, 5-4 and nondupe fags will enjoy more unique rotation tools.

>> No.17092217 [DELETED] 
File: 591 KB, 1280x1843, 02_img001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17092234

That doesn't prove anything.
And what if the added a new German ship before USA gets to six?

>> No.17092250

>has much more ships to choose from
>"doesn't prove anything"

>> No.17092260
File: 461 KB, 700x1957, __ashigara_mamiya_ooi_shimakaze_and_tenryuu_kantai_collection_drawn_by_sakazaki_freddy__4862109006e6acbedce83faac6452a02[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ashigara will be pure as long as this remains half-translated.

>> No.17092262

What rank do you guys aim for before the last cutoff assuming you're trying to get in the top 500?

>> No.17092281

Unless some foreign navy gets a 7th ship, there is no reason to not take the "one foreign fleet" meme into account.
And the time since the last German ship holds true to that, for now.

>> No.17092283

Germans clearly had enough ships for more than six.

>> No.17092286 [DELETED] 


>> No.17092327 [DELETED] 
File: 309 KB, 1080x1593, 63085947_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17092394

Actually 6 ships is for axis countries only, allies only get 2 ships, prove me wrong.

>> No.17092403

Wasn't Kamoi built in USA?

>> No.17092407

So pastas and croissants can get 8 right?

>> No.17092419


Teste counts as one Pasta and one Kraut ship too.

>> No.17092424 [DELETED] 
File: 1023 KB, 900x1300, __noshiro_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kanna_horntp__4389852266d6ec5138cceb2cc56e25a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17092438

This doesn't make any sense.

>> No.17092444


It is if you read about her history.

>> No.17092445

Teste never actually served in the Kriegsmarine you dipshit.

>> No.17092446

U is German, but Ro is technically Japanese.

>> No.17092482 [DELETED] 


>> No.17092533 [DELETED] 
File: 496 KB, 666x1000, 62793166_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17092579 [DELETED] 
File: 992 KB, 1521x1921, e41te4a5p60z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17092581

Will anyone ever recognize her any other way?

>> No.17092606 [DELETED] 
File: 440 KB, 576x768, JvdT3tZRxt5Ixdh0tEtUXHq6VasjwQbRzSojQzHwYxA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17092619 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 500x606, vGWXT_nHtWE93uv38brnrg2ryH6r5rtSpeZTtt0xqC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17092627

Stop posting garbage. Or better yet, stop posting.

>> No.17092634

Kisaragi makes everything better.

>> No.17092637 [DELETED] 
File: 157 KB, 668x740, Rbezbok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17092642

Why does she want to treat her like a daughter, its too random.

>> No.17092645

Slut mother slut daughter

>> No.17092646

They're both sluts.

>> No.17092649


There's something off about this.

>> No.17092654

All boatsluts are sluts. What is special about these two?

>> No.17092660

My guess is that the artist just felt like drawing them together.

>> No.17092681


>> No.17092692 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 700x700, CyvVLKPUQAApcM6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that all?

>> No.17092696

That is deep.

>> No.17092702
File: 1.82 MB, 2480x3508, cool Hibek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17092706

Lil' Gangut is so cute.

>> No.17092734 [DELETED] 
File: 210 KB, 1600x1000, DA7Cz6NVwAEmPNn.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17092754

K2 soon?

>> No.17092757

Not soon enough.

>> No.17092774

Not before Arare and her dorky hat.

>> No.17092792

Dorky hats aren't allowed in private school.

>> No.17092797

>It’s been much more fun walking around the Toronto Congress Centre during the Conservative leadership event here than I expected. The Tories can’t take the credit, though. They just lucked out in sharing the convention venue, out near Pearson International Airport, with Anime North 2017, a gathering of fans of anime TV shows, movies and games.
>I introduced myself. It turned out that George, 22, who asked me not to use his last name, is both a veteran anime aficionado and a more recently signed-up Conservative Party of Canada member. He was looking for where to vote for the party’s next leader, so I showed him. After he cast his ballot, he paused to let me ask a few questions.
>His banner featured characters from the Kantai Collection web-browser games, in which, and please don’t take my word for this, I am given to understand World War II warships are depicted as attractive girls.
>George didn’t seem to know all that much about the candidates, but said his first pick on the ranked ballot was MP Erin O’Toole, whose pre-politics career as a Royal Canadian Air Force officer impressed him. “Anyone who manages the military, I think that’s honourable,” he said.
Sorry your guy didn't win, George

>> No.17092798


Arare K2 should have 2hat to make up for the one Ooshio lost.

>> No.17092802

Wrong board.

>> No.17092803

A revertible K2 with Hat A and Hat B.

>> No.17092817 [DELETED] 
File: 478 KB, 1280x1852, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17092819

Hat A is a daihatsu. Hat B is an AA nest.

>> No.17092823




>> No.17092826

This whole board is pointless.

>> No.17092835
File: 58 KB, 997x806, __akebono_and_sazanami_kantai_collection_drawn_by_coupon_skyth__aca3f45a1cd0e52f55db0f43f771e9b8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17092837
File: 259 KB, 691x971, 3ebadd38a5e9e6938a5780e06331478b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hats got remodelled.

>> No.17092856

> an AA nest

>> No.17092858 [DELETED] 
File: 899 KB, 1104x1000, 62974212_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ya scared?

>> No.17092881 [DELETED] 

ah, wikia banned Tsubakura

>> No.17092889 [DELETED] 


>> No.17092897

I am glad Gangrene is not that popular.

>> No.17092900 [DELETED] 

Good job. At least they aren't completely lost.

The KBK abbrveviation shitflinger.

>> No.17092910 [DELETED] 

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.17092923 [DELETED] 

>Here's the list of things I actually like
>Generally, cute destroyers and good looking ships

>Shit talking my Tsunderes.
>Generally being a pain in my ass.
>Belonging to the 5th group of people.
>Vandalizing my work.
>Trying to argue with me using personal feelings as an argument.
Good, this guy seemed to be an unbearable forum faggot with a superiority complex.

>> No.17092928

Gangut is one if the shittiest ships we have had in awhile.

>> No.17092940 [DELETED] 
File: 339 KB, 900x1148, 6036914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Belonging to the 5th group of people.

>> No.17092956 [DELETED] 

with that, the wikia has become dead now that they got rid of the most active contributor there. time to move on to en.kancollewiki.

>> No.17092963 [DELETED] 

>And finally, the people who knows nothing about the game and act like smart asses. The people who gives bad advice and act like they are veteran, when they do not even know the most basic mechanics or realize what they're saying is wrong. The people who keeps complaining about not being able to clear something, while also ignoring all the advice and doing whatever the hell they want. The people who have been playing this game for a while and insists to keep using old metas and strategies, while also telling me that I'm wrong, even though the current mechanics does not support their idea. These people are the cancer of the community and if I catch you being one of them, you are going to be in my block list for a long long time. In other words, if you belong here in this group, you can fuck off.
He became what he hated

>> No.17092974 [DELETED] 
File: 1.26 MB, 1024x1280, laughing granny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cutest and strongest

>> No.17092975 [DELETED] 

looks like his banned got extended to 1 month, because it turns out that tsubakura guy was correct after all. no wonder wikia is shit if its run by such staff.

>> No.17092990 [DELETED] 
File: 379 KB, 1100x778, 1xyd5wt6yizy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17092995 [DELETED] 

Wikia having retarded ways doesn't make the "entitled" guy any better.

>> No.17093000 [DELETED] 

>Don't be a jerk.
>Respect other people. Be nice and don't try to cause unnecessary strife.
What the fuck is this cutesy shit. Jesus Christ those places are truly cancerous. So it means you have to tolerate shitty cancerkoll (we play KanColle, they play this) community just to not get your ass banned? What a fucking hell.

>> No.17093007 [DELETED] 

im not defending him at all. im simply stating my suspicion that wikia is managed by a bunch of incompetents. its better off euthanized at this point.

>> No.17093011 [DELETED] 

>my suspicion that wikia is managed by a bunch of incompetents

We've known that for years.

>> No.17093014 [DELETED] 

Or just use wikiwiki.

>> No.17093019 [DELETED] 

Oh wow, I looked at his profile and he has fucking "KC exams" there.

>> No.17093023 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 1050x1492, 0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A wild Ooshio doujin appeared!

>> No.17093035

Well, I guess that's that. Time to forget that the wikia page has a 'community' and every page has a 'comment section' until the next event.

>> No.17093038

Why do you think banning some dude will make that happen?

>> No.17093040 [DELETED] 
File: 257 KB, 1800x1400, 3l35plde6hux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17093041 [DELETED] 

>russian ship gets added
>wikia starts a purge

>> No.17093046

You can block comments with uBlock.

>> No.17093047 [DELETED] 

Did he get banned because one of his test questions was "wrong"?
I don't support anyone there, but, what the fuck.

>> No.17093049 [DELETED] 

It's "poetry" you illiterate fucks.

>> No.17093051

considering he was the reason wikia was kept alive as it is today, wikia has gone from shit to deep shit by banning him.

>> No.17093054 [DELETED] 

Pottery can be just as much an art as poetry.

>> No.17093055 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.17093056


I mean for myself. The escort designation drama was fun and I only paid enough attention to see if he or whoever else got banned for trying to pull a fast one with that wikia-only poll. And now that it happened, I don't have any more interest in keeping track with their petty bullshit anymore until more event retardation happens.

>> No.17093059

Why is Gangut treated as a fast battleship when she's slow? Did Kadokawa get taken over by Gaijin Entertainment or something?

>> No.17093060 [DELETED] 

turns out that the "wrong" question wasnt actually wrong, it was that fuji guy being illiterate.

>> No.17093061 [DELETED] 
File: 332 KB, 754x627, 1492757530879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a (you)

>> No.17093067 [DELETED] 

What does Kaga have to do with this?

>> No.17093068

She's not an FBB, FBB is just the closest abrv we can use based on the card class name and whatever the shit Tanaka programmed it to be.

>> No.17093070

its funny because although its that guy who started this shitfest, he was also the one who prevented the wikia from permanently using EE instead of DE.

>> No.17093074 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 589x389, Bann.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when is that DeathUsagi person going to get banned?

>> No.17093079 [DELETED] 


>> No.17093083 [DELETED] 

never obviously

>> No.17093087 [DELETED] 


He's a "girl" so he's not getting banned.

>> No.17093088 [DELETED] 
File: 171 KB, 800x1500, the city of wikia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17093092 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.17093095

What is this cancer?

>> No.17093097 [DELETED] 

Why are you people bringing this wikia cancer here?

>> No.17093105 [DELETED] 

There is very little to discuss about the game right now and wikia shenanigans is one of the closest game related topics at hand.

>> No.17093106 [DELETED] 

For >>17093092

>> No.17093111 [DELETED] 

its fun to see how everything around you goes to shit.

>> No.17093115 [DELETED] 

Other way around, bucko.

>> No.17093120 [DELETED] 



>> No.17093130 [DELETED] 

No it isn't, dipshit.

"Fuck off" is /jp/'s favourite meme to spam when they see shit on here they don't like.

>> No.17093137 [DELETED] 

Exactly, now read that comment again and try to use your 2 little neurons to understand exactly what it is that's wrong.

>> No.17093138 [DELETED] 

Don't say "fuck off", say この海域から出ていけ!
It's KanColle-related, it's /jp/-related, and it's more stylish way to say "fuck off".

>> No.17093146 [DELETED] 

Not everything is a fucking meme.

>> No.17093154 [DELETED] 

Considering how often it is used in regards to anything, by now, or at least in /jp/, i think it is

>> No.17093158 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 548x388, D7xValY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was made by Reddit in response to this.

You know wikia is shit when even Reddit is mocking them.

>> No.17093160

I don't know, but it's been going on since they fixed captcha. Maybe something happened on reddit or /a/ and we have a sudden influx of less cultured posters. I don't like it.

>> No.17093161 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.17093165 [DELETED] 


That's just a horrible typo isn't it? I think I need more context for this shit..

>> No.17093169 [DELETED] 

Make me.

>> No.17093193 [DELETED] 

I don't exactly "need" to read it again because the reason it was posted because he was looking for the typical "fuck off" comment.

>> No.17093196 [DELETED] 

Not sure how you could mistype "Iowa" as "Lexington".

>> No.17093198


>> No.17093205

>since they fixed captcha
What? What happened with captcha?

>> No.17093210 [DELETED] 

Would you prefer "Kill yourself" or "Get out of /jp/" then?

>> No.17093212

I'm not the artist.

>> No.17093215


Isn't there something you can insert in your wikia settings to automatically hide comment sections?

>> No.17093217

Yesterday for a couple of hour only users with 4pass could post.

>> No.17093220

You could simply not scroll to the bottom.

>> No.17093223


>> No.17093230 [DELETED] 

Isn't "Get out of /jp/" part of /jp/ heritage?
Idk about "Kill yourself", universal 4ch emote?

>> No.17093232

I don't remember any posting problems.
How do you plan to pull off this purge?

>> No.17093238

>I don't remember any posting problems.
There were almost 3 empty hours yesterday or two days ago.

>> No.17093242 [DELETED] 


>Sorry, but people without passes are NG.

>> No.17093264

I'm gonna angrily yell at anyone who likes Nu-gato until I learn Jap, them I'm gonna find out who ever made that awful decision and yell at him

>> No.17093266

That's an admirable goal.

>> No.17093270

>"Purging" people by yelling at them

Truly an ingenious plan.

>> No.17093274

The same way that anon who danced angrily at the screen.

>> No.17093278

Be straight with me, /jp/. KC is dead right?
How much longer can I enjoy my waifu ship simulator before they shut down the servers?

>> No.17093285

They just put Fubuki on the side of a plane, it's not going anywhere.

>> No.17093308

I'd consider that a peak. It's all downhill from here.

>> No.17093312
File: 594 KB, 2048x1366, IMG_0559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a fad.

>> No.17093315
File: 17 KB, 210x240, carlos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But Kancolle is just taking off!

>> No.17093316

How many times has KanColle peaked?

>> No.17093330

Once. Around Midway. Everything since then has been reclining.

>> No.17093333


>> No.17093337

They censored Souryuu's smile.

>> No.17093342

Best to let it relax then.

>> No.17093343

After they added a foreign ship? After they survived a year? After they added the Zukis? After they introduced artspotting or LBAS? After the first Allied ship? Some other stuff i don't remember?
I think Tanaka was actually pulling the game uphill in a "slow, but steady pace" for a while now. The amount of slow is really high though, and the last two events feel like pulling stuff down.

>> No.17093352

Were the Zukis really that important?

>> No.17093355

The best DD gun and the introduction of convenient AACI feel like a big deal to me.

>> No.17093360

Until 08/31/2013.

>> No.17093363

Tanaka is running out of ideas, I don't even remember the new mechanics the last 2 events introduced.

>> No.17093377

Does every event need to overhaul the game? Usually that only happens about once a year, and then we never hear the end of how KanColle is dead because this new mechanic is killing it.

>> No.17093386

2in1 (now, almost 3in1) maps, even more shitty debuff nodes/mechanics, scrapping stuff to scrap it at some node again.
But yeah, his "new, improved and interesting" mechanics are more of an extra pain in the ass than something you look forward to.

>> No.17093389

Boats aside, why did they have to make it pink?

>> No.17093391

Why are there no pictures of Unryuu and ushio in cow print being milked

>> No.17093392


Ask the company, they're the ones who painted all their planes pink.

>> No.17093394

Tanaka obviously thinks that rolling out Allied ships will compensate for all the fuck-ups he's made recently. Years from now, when people are analyzing the downfall of KanColle, they'll point to this as one of the root causes.

>> No.17093396

Corporate colors. It's called "Peach", come on.

>> No.17093400

To the allied ships, shitty event gimmicks or the fatman being a lazy ass? Or all of the above?

>> No.17093402

Which ripoff was that, again?

>> No.17093406
File: 301 KB, 1893x744, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do these look pink to you?

>> No.17093408


>> No.17093409


Wrong peach. You have think of Princess Peach and stuff.

>> No.17093415
File: 1.14 MB, 815x885, pink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17093419

That's literally killing a game dude, of all the girls they could pick, they chose shitty potatoes, it's over.

>> No.17093421

Anal-ise all of the colle games you know about and post again when you find something.

So you consider the allied ships Tanakas only/major fault?

>> No.17093422

I'd rather not have more bullshit like LBAS and transport phases.

>> No.17093423
File: 200 KB, 1252x1455, 55582099_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17093429

>So you consider the allied ships Tanakas only/major fault?
No retard. Using them to cover up other mistakes is his major fault.

>> No.17093434

So the GoGames one? Got it.

>> No.17093453

Why and how do you think he can cover up the fuck ups in his "events" by adding allied ships?
Iowa didn't really cover the LBABS when she was added, if i didn't mess up the respective events. And there weren't any problems when Sara was introduced, or i didn't notice any.

>> No.17093459

It doesn't help that the game is restricted to real life. What is left besides mine laying/sweeping and radar artillery spotting?

>> No.17093461
File: 236 KB, 1280x720, 617073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think KanColle Arcade will outlast the browser game?

>> No.17093462

Shibafu ships have been the face of the game since day 1. Pay attention next time you load in. Those potatoes are more palatable to average folk who look down on the typical anime art style. This isn't the first time they've been plastered around in public.

>> No.17093463

At this current pace the game can easily last over a decade on WW2 ships alone. After which is:

WW1 ships
Post-WW2 ships
More in-game collab events

>> No.17093465

It costs too much money to actually play, so no.

>> No.17093478

at this rate though, the playerbase will probably kill each other before the game ends.

>> No.17093481

>It costs too much money to actually play
And yet people continue to pay.

>> No.17093487

Obviously, he is a lazy piece of shit.

>> No.17093490
File: 886 KB, 1554x2150, __akashi_and_ooyodo_kantai_collection_drawn_by_fujikawa__e4f79154597c0fc201339ce3879e685f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No weekly Ooyodo
Its going to be a bad week

>> No.17093492

>shit art
Ugly as hell, good job Kadoshita.

>> No.17093496

Looks like KC is really going downhill.

>> No.17093497

I don't think the game can maintain popularity by just adding new ships to a barely gameplay changing game. KanColle events are scarce as they are and relying on art to carry it will not work for long.

>> No.17093499

She'd better make it when June begins.

>> No.17093507

> relying on art to carry it will not work for long.
It will if they finally implement live 2d.

>> No.17093509


>> No.17093523

>i'm still waiting for that
But i doubt it will add more than a year or two to the game lifespan, which could be enough to come up with some new ideas if Tanaka tries to move his ass.

>> No.17093524

They did try that with the Vita game.
It was utter shit, because Kadokawa are a bunch of cheap mother fuckers.

>> No.17093529

The whole point of the Vita game was to whet player's appetites for Iowa.

>> No.17093532

Vita version is a short and comparitively expensive game that doesn't keep going like the browser or arcade one so of course it wouldn't grow popular. Live2d and early Iowa introduction was its' only interesting points, no reason to pay attention to it once you got that covered.

>> No.17093533

>actually got random programmers off the street to work on that piece of shit
Not even surprised, the EA of Japan has no shame.

>> No.17093542

If that is the kind of live2D Kadokawa wants to hype up, they better just not do it, because it looks like garbage.
Right now, some shitty Chinese rip-off is doing live2D better, and that should put shame into Kadokawa.

>> No.17093551

Which one?
I'd still prefer live2d to the office decoration stuff, cause it's give a false sence of interactivity only a few of the furnitures give.

>> No.17093552

Definitely not because the art was not designed with Live2d in mind, no way. Have you even seen it in motion?

>> No.17093558

Ridiculous as it may sound, in PanzerWaltz, some of the characters that got Live2D after introduction, and had rather weird designs and colouring/shading in still form, came out sufficiently nice in Live2D.

>> No.17093566
File: 244 KB, 1200x907, Cn26eDUVMAEqXmJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How well do you think the arcade game would sell if Sega made a home console port?

>> No.17093574

Like pancakes.

>> No.17093578

Less than what they're getting by draining yens per second at the arcade.

>> No.17093583
File: 312 KB, 1280x1819, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17093589

Ooyodo is an ugly looking cow!

>> No.17093592

Rude and wrong.

>> No.17093595
File: 161 KB, 850x1229, __ooyodo_kantai_collection_and_nyantype_drawn_by_fujikawa__sample-a2cfcd6490ea6ece9b6039982e0b1d01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mom is an ugly-looking cow.

>> No.17093622

Kuroshio looks like shit, Oyashio is the better looking sister

>> No.17093636
File: 231 KB, 666x934, xmkp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17093642
File: 194 KB, 649x603, 0021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your weeklies, scrub.

>> No.17093657

I want to fuck hands drawn by Fujikawa.

>> No.17093661

I'd import it.

>> No.17093664

Me too. And fuck her hands as well.

>> No.17093671
File: 97 KB, 543x767, hFOOwgX_9qlQshtcNc4tu92JTbLH-4qpZJx2DMvizZs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17093674

That depends. If it comes with a card printer & scanner then fuck yeah! Otherwise, fuck no.

>> No.17093683

>implying a console port would use cards

>> No.17093697

It would, but they will be virtual. Like skins, tags and other useless crap that comes from those lootboxes I heard about.

>> No.17093737
File: 424 KB, 800x960, 269132a6f1e3120d1c14dabe22f60cd5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't this the best ship for sexual uses?

>> No.17093742

Make me.

>> No.17093749

How fucking tall is Ooyodo? Those are some long legs and man hands

>> No.17093798
File: 813 KB, 900x1320, 63113302_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this is.

>> No.17093803

If you're a gross pedo, maybe.

>> No.17093805

Amatsukaze is legal.

>> No.17093841
File: 196 KB, 1200x1200, muhlkxeiqrzy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17093859
File: 105 KB, 567x767, MKhB4RLuU0T3TQzXh0QlHr4R1-WR11S438EIQNGMK3M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17093874

Cute potato.

>> No.17093884
File: 698 KB, 1182x837, xxr3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17093901


>> No.17093907
File: 67 KB, 499x560, disgusted yodo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can colley
>those sausage fingers

>> No.17093914


>> No.17093918


>> No.17093931
File: 381 KB, 1920x1137, qiye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of you girls are alright.

Don't go to Midway tomorrow.

>> No.17093966

>Chinks have better art than Shitbafu.
Really makes you think.

>> No.17093974

Care to share Shibafu's Enterprise with the rest of the class?

>> No.17093986

Not really. They have a nice piece here and there, but for the most part, chinese and korean art is utter trash. Overdesigned characters and messy, way too busy with details, drawings. Those people don't know what "restraint" and "taste" is.

>> No.17093989


>> No.17093990

Why is Sakawa such a runt?

>> No.17093994

What's up shitbafu fag? You mad?

>> No.17094021

>A eagle and a bow
Can Chinkshit get anymore stupid?
Also, what the fuck is up with the inconsistencies with the rigging on these girls?
Like some Fletchers have the historical five slot torp launchers, while some have four or three.

>> No.17094026

She didn't get enough of her admiral's love.

>> No.17094035

Did he draw your dog or something? Why do you feel the need to insert him into the conversation?

>> No.17094039

It isn't. Any art that's drawn by chinks that isn't an H doujinshi or Level 1 Zuikaku is automatically worse than Ayaki and Shitbafu.

>> No.17094129
File: 142 KB, 800x1200, DA6_tEdUQAAoNCE[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17094145


Unrecognizable without the wink.

>> No.17094164

Does anyone except gumofags even like Fujinami?

>> No.17094214

I think I might but I've honestly forgotten.
Not really her fault though. The gumos have a pretty disproportionate amount of grade a waifus

>> No.17094232

Are you guys ready for F6F "Grim Reapers Squadron" being a reward tonight?

>> No.17094239

>implying it wouldn't be Q1W Toukai.

>> No.17094245

So long as it's as good as Taiyou and it can activate an extra OASW phase it'd be good.

>> No.17094273

She's grown on me, though I don't know if that was because Takanami also dropped with her in that event, and she got more annoying fairly quickly.

>> No.17094282


I swear on my Iowa it'll be Shooting Stars.

>> No.17094285

>Implying it's a plane

+10 ASW Depth Charge

>> No.17094327

We don't need that shit, Tanaka

>> No.17094338


>> No.17094340

The ranking reward is phase 2.

>> No.17094344


I want to fuck Fujikawa.

>> No.17094348
File: 71 KB, 666x451, farming torches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I wanted was to quickly do the 3 transport daily to enable 20CV weekly.

But the game says otherwise. Apparently I should be farming torches not transports.

>> No.17094356

Since 2013 back and forth

>> No.17094373


>> No.17094375

Tanaka wrote it.

>> No.17094386

https://www.fujiq.jp/en/attraction/tentekomai.html They're painting zuiun onto this

>> No.17094389

How can you tell?

>> No.17094391

so you can somehow control and fly zuiun...

>> No.17094394


>> No.17094397

Just trust me I'm sure that should be Tanaka

>> No.17094401

dev twitter account address is his home address

>> No.17094798

I really like this franchise but feel that the devs are killing the popularity of their own game through bad game design and stupid business decisions like Vita, Arcade, and clothing retailer collabs.

They don't seem to be thinking long term to build a truly lasting franchise, and are just trying to milk as much money before the game dies.

>> No.17094827

>Vita, Arcade, and clothing retailer collabs.
The devs don't have any say in those.

>> No.17094858

>through bad game design
Like what? The game rewards long term perseverance and is surprisingly free of pay2win elements. Most things people complain about have been around for years and don't seem to be hurting its popularity. If you're basing that on the common opinions in these threads, this game has been dead since 2014.
>Vita, Arcade
Arcade seems like the right idea. If they won't allow fan games, they should branch out and offer alternatives. Vita was just a poor choice because it turned out to be awful.

>> No.17094905

You can blame the game's publisher, they're retarded and cheap as fuck.

>> No.17095010
File: 128 KB, 500x300, 1478764060702.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much would it cost to buy the KC ip to theoretically produce a brand new game?

>> No.17095012

Kadokawa execs aren't stupid enough to sell.

>> No.17095031
File: 582 KB, 800x480, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow everyone was dead before shelling even started

>> No.17095072

Hiyou-class strong.

>> No.17095245

It's dmm if you're talking about game

>> No.17095249

DMM only owns the hosting rights, the IP itself belongs to Kadokawa and the IP is the important part.

>> No.17095250

Actually, the negotiation would be easier if you simply buy off entire dmm

>> No.17095251

Nah, dmm funded the entire game. Kadokawa only owns the right for derivative media like the vita one

>> No.17095255

That's wrong, the servers are owned by Kadokawa.

>> No.17095280 [DELETED] 

The only thing DMM provides is the distribution platform for the browser game. Other than they don't own anything.

>> No.17095282

Yes, server, just server

>> No.17095286

The only thing DMM provides is the distribution platform for the browser game. Other than they don't own anything.

>> No.17095289

Then why do you think DMM pocketed most game revenue?

>> No.17095298

What revenue? All the money the game makes goes towards maintaining the servers. You think the cash shop actually makes them that much more money than it takes to keep it up?

>> No.17095316

You seems to know how it works more than kadokawa ceo.

>> No.17095450

I'm not a gumofag and I like Fujinami.

>> No.17095562

Sasuga Abucute.

>> No.17095588

goddammit I just got a bunch of boss kills for this stupid fucking weekly only to realize I had unselected it so I could do my pvp. why does this piece of shit quest even exist? all of the repeatable quests are garbage. all they do is force you to spam the same maps over and over like a robot.

>> No.17095591

>doing it for less than 300 of resources

>> No.17095596

>getting outskilled by a f2p browser game

>> No.17095597

I only do it once a month because most of the screw quests are stuck behind it.

>> No.17095603
File: 156 KB, 614x740, __hiei_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ao_arashi__e7902702d38f2a44a0b9257a931d63e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hiei making edible food
What sorcery is this?

>> No.17095611

Listen to the Drama CD, it's canon that Hiei's cooking is salvageable with a little work, Kongou managed to make her curry edible with just a small change.

>> No.17095635

Then don't do them you shitter.

>> No.17095647

how else am I going to get the screws to upgrade my hellcats?

>> No.17095648

A GAU-8. It's the only gun worthy of E-chan.

>> No.17095668

If anything it would be Yorktown, she's the name-ship.

>> No.17095671

>Codename "AVENGER"

>> No.17095675

That article is from 2013, before Ironbottom Sound event even happened, and before the game had even hit 1m players.
Marriage rings where not implemented till Feb 2014, and i would bet they are probably one of the most purchased items.

>> No.17095693

Japs have some weird phobia about using food coloring on pastries, they probably consider a green cake horrifying.

>> No.17095704
File: 205 KB, 1800x1150, GAU-8_avenger_VW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a bit bigger than I thought it was

>> No.17095706

Except green tea is popular in sweets.

>> No.17095712

It shouldn't be no problem when those girls use naval guns on daily basis.

>> No.17095719

Good point.

>> No.17095725
File: 5 KB, 160x205, tfw not even EO remembers Oyashio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17095729

but yorktown is the least interesting one

>> No.17095731

Really have to wonder why the hell fairly rare and decently equipped girls show up again in the following event but fucking Oyashio hasn't shown up since. God dammit she's the only one I'm missing.

>> No.17095734

Iowa is the least interesting Iowa-class. Being name-ship matters to tanaka.

>> No.17095737

She's the whoest of whos, devs probably forgot about her.

>> No.17095738

You selected the 5th tab and Oyashio is on the 4th.

>> No.17095739

I selected all the tabs though, since I don't have her she should be in unseen ships I guess?

>> No.17095749

It only shows the ones missing on the selected tab.

>> No.17095753

Oh, I see how it works now, thought it loaded one by one but it's just the last one you selected.

>> No.17095804
File: 75 KB, 842x516, IMG_20170529_161541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were Tanaka, would you really want to hire an artist who can do 1pics/month?

>> No.17095806

It's past 6pm already, where's that Rank rewards tweet?

>> No.17095808

At least the pictures are really good.

>> No.17095809

Sure, quality over quantity. I'd take one good sprite over ten Shibafu scribbles.

>> No.17095810

Why are you so eager for the chance at getting shit.?

>> No.17095812

how can other DDs compete with the most popular DD and also a Witch?

>> No.17095814

>linking to an image on an image board

>> No.17095829

>still using an imageboard that has a puny 3mb/4000px image limit and doesn't even allow sound in wembs.

>> No.17095830

Then why don't you leave?

>> No.17095832

I like you guys.

>> No.17095844

A-are you this guy >>17088987 sir? If you are t-then I have to ask you to leave, Homanon.

>> No.17095859

What are the advantages of the Italian battleships?

>> No.17095865

More firepower
Very long range

>> No.17095869

They are ugly and for people without Biscuit and Iowa.

>> No.17095879

Isn't Bisco useless before her third remodel?

>> No.17095885

Yes and? 2BPs only take 2 months to get.

>> No.17095888
File: 60 KB, 599x915, ranking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A new triple 41cm gun.

>> No.17095899
File: 44 KB, 260x260, 236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It begins!

>> No.17095901

Wew. My max 41cm is finally going to be of some use.

>> No.17095905

You will need to upgrade the Proto 41s.

>> No.17095911
File: 19 KB, 536x443, 41cm triple Kai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are its stats. All it got more of is accuracy.

>> No.17095914 [DELETED] 

Wait no I'm stupid, it didn't gain any accuracy.

>> No.17095916

inb proto 41cm kai

>> No.17095919

Wow it's fucking nothing.

>> No.17095920

Yes it did, you're thinking of 16inch.

>> No.17095922

when are they going to let non-autists get the dechi torpedo?

>> No.17095924

So it's just a shittier version of the 16inch.

>> No.17095926

Do your quests, scrub.

>> No.17095929

When you stop crying so never.

>> No.17095933

Somehow it managed to look worse than the proto.

>> No.17095947

They are better than Bongos.

>> No.17095981
File: 178 KB, 800x1119, large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17095985

Supposedly triple 41cm has more fit bonus than 16inch according to the Nagato kai 2 tweet update

>> No.17095999

Why didn't Nagato kai ni come with this? It's clearly her stock gun.

>> No.17096002

To make you upgrade your proto 41cm into it. You do have them maxed by now, right?

>> No.17096005

So it's useless for everyone else except Nagato?

>> No.17096006

Quests give the non-Dechi version.

>> No.17096007

I don't want to "upgrade" it to have to max the new one so it becomes better than it was.

>> No.17096012

When you upgrade equipment from 1 to another it comes at +3 anyways so it's not that bad, one more upgrade and you reach the 2nd set for it.

>> No.17096020

The bigger question now is, will the fucking twin41 be upgradeable into the fucking proto? Or is this the new "use bp to get a gun to spend infinite screws to upgrade it to a slightly better one" shit.

>> No.17096021

It will still have less firepower until maxed again, same problem Iowa's gun has.

>> No.17096029

No, it will upgrade into the 41cm Kai but it will eat up a proto 41cm.

>> No.17096030

When both options are reasonable always bet on the worst one for the player, so the latter.

>> No.17096032

Obviously the latter.
Tanaka does not want you to hold onto your screws.

>> No.17096035

Cumming inside Asashio.

>> No.17096036

to make you buy screws obviously

>> No.17096041

A new level of jew? Use a bp to get a gun you need to use together with screws to upgrade a base gun into a gun slightly better than the one you got from the bp.
Genious game design.

>> No.17096043
File: 2 KB, 91x15, Screws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's gonna have to try harder to make me spend any.

>> No.17096048

I'd totally do it just to piss off screw jews and then give it out as a reward in E-1 from all difficulties in the next event to fuck with them further.

>> No.17096052

They are stronger than Kongous in every way but their consumption goes past Bismarck Drei levels.
Suppose you could sortie them when you need firepower but not so much that you must deal with the worthless museum's consumption, but if you have all of them then resources are probably the least of your concerns at this point.

>> No.17096062

Not really, the sandbags or whatever on the guns in Nagatos sprite look like the Proto version.

>> No.17096066

What about people who have few screws and a dozen upgrades ahead of them?
And why would screw jews get pissed of by a gun that is worse than 16inch or P51, or even the maxed P41 which you won't be able to use as fodder?

>> No.17096067

>there are "people" ITT who don't already have 10+ proto 41s from farming Fusous for Zuiun M12s

>> No.17096071

>What about people who have few screws and a dozen upgrades ahead of them?
Then they'd obviously not be working on 41cm guns but instead on planes and torps.

>> No.17096076

>farming Zuiun M12s when you only need 2 of them

>> No.17096080

Who the fuck uses M12s instead of Seirans?

>> No.17096084

does devmats affect taiho construction rates? I thought you could make her with one but now I just noticed the wiki says to use 20.

>> No.17096087

M12 are a lot better placebo and AA wise.

>> No.17096090

Go for 100.

>> No.17096092

Spring 2016 E6

1 is enough, wiki is shit.

>> No.17096095

More devmats increase chances for a good result. That said, 20 is enough, 100 is overkill for the minimal extra chance it offers.

>> No.17096097

>Spring 2016 E6
You only needed 2 of them, 1 on Yamashiro and 1 on Fusou to activate the Zuiun Nuke. Using more didn't do shit to the damage.

>> No.17096104

I guess I must be unlucky then since I'm well over 20 attempts now and still don't have her.

>> No.17096108

Increasing resources used also increases chances the same way.

>> No.17096111

What placebo? The Zuiun is worse in everything except AA.

>> No.17096121

I feel you. My Bismarck keeps hiding behind Fusous, Kongous, Ises and a few Nagatos.

That +3AA made me think it added more stuff. Sorry.

>> No.17096123

Why players here dislike Death Usagi guides? Are they bad or somethig?

>> No.17096126 [DELETED] 

Fuck off wikiashitter.

>> No.17096128

Bad and also outdated.

>> No.17096135

They aren't optimised (to the elite levels of /jp/). You can clear events with them, but it'll be a bigger pain in the ass than just asking here, where you'll get the best of you fleet with a nice helping of shit on top.

>> No.17096136

Whoah, I just asked.
Got it.

>> No.17096190

Read the /jp/ statfags guide. Even a 100slotter can get all 10memedals if you follow that.

>> No.17096212

Is it time to point out everything that's wrong with it?

>> No.17096216

>statfags guide
>Anon's guide
>Jew's guide
I've always wondered why it's called differently all the time. The name in the OP is the least helpful in regards to hinting at what the guide is even about.

>> No.17096223

It's harder and harder to be a 100 slotter when they keep giving new ships each event. Just now, 6 new ships. I'm at my limit, man, can't continue like that, not with only 4 free slots. I'll have to make some real money injections this week.

>> No.17096234

Thinking of which girl to level in PvP next, what's Kamoi theoretically good for?

>> No.17096240

If you have Hayasui, nothing.

>> No.17096242

Oil-monger with more survivability and less consumption.

>> No.17096243

So April reward is quite good. May would be shit according to thier pattern.

>> No.17096245

If I don't?
Why would I neen an oil-monger? This class seems as useless as the Whale.

>> No.17096248

She is cheaper than fastsuck and sexier

>> No.17096256

1000yen is not even worth one standard meal in Japan.

>> No.17096258

Actually food in Japan is quite cheap, at a diner you can pay 600 yen for a full meal.

>> No.17096263

There's one good use for Death Usagi guides. If you're too lazy to research the event and want to rush through it out kuso to grab the girls, just copy her fleet templates on youtube. That's what I did for the past two events.

>> No.17096275

I just don't have a cash card or e-wallet. It's such a pain to set this thing up, that's why I didn't do this earlier.

>> No.17096277

Resupply drums

>> No.17096279

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.17096283
File: 630 KB, 1600x1200, __kunashiri_and_shimushu_kantai_collection_drawn_by_gomasamune_and_op__6f654d9d106645637ae3c02006367bf9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Resupply drums
But why? More fuel really gives that much more evasion?

>> No.17096286
File: 496 KB, 1172x800, Nagato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It clearly resembled the kai version more than the old proto and it's especially obvious on the side edges.

>> No.17096300

To be fair the other sprite is like 3 years older.

>> No.17096302

It also replenishes the ammo, which allows even for daytime S ranks due to higher damage output.

>> No.17096305

The gun barrel position is closer to the proto than the kai one.

>> No.17096310

For day time clear.

>> No.17096314

Yeah, main gun looks like the kai one and the secondary guns and sandbags on it look like the old one. It's a bit uncanny.

>> No.17096315
File: 1.48 MB, 1083x1650, __kamoi_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kaerunoko__d69c8ecac206a4a752a9a5e369b78082[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> replenishes the ammo
Huh, guess it has some use after all. Too bad the drums are consumed and you have to stockpile them.

>> No.17096317

You also get ammo which can get rid of the ammo penalty.
It's rarely worth it though. Usually the map is too easy and it just makes you stomp the boss even harder or you still fail and just wasted the drums for nothing.

>> No.17096367

It's reduce the time and resources you have to spend on the boss. Quite suitable for a busy unlucky person like me.

>> No.17096659
File: 149 KB, 850x1213, outfit switch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why Arashi is such a good girl?

>> No.17096720

Kamoi Drawn by Asanagi is the best.

>> No.17096733

>that sameface
>those huge tits
He just can't help himself. Disgusting.

>> No.17096739

>inflated breasts

No thanks.

>> No.17096748

there's also that plate at the bottom of the barrels that is one solid piece in the proto but split in the new one

>> No.17096766

That plate looks uneven as the right gun has that piece right beneath it while the left one has it somehow sticking forward.

>> No.17096778
File: 87 KB, 760x100, Kaiboukanbanner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17096782

You are like a week late, SEA monkey bro.

>> No.17096799

Any reason they gave more sub torps and a seaplane which is only useful for that one time conversion, and another engine that is completely useless without plans to top 5?

>> No.17096829

So you can gid gud at ranking.

>> No.17096844

I may be jelly a bit, and can't imagine what i'd have to do to rank with people having x5-10 of my RP at the end of months.
But what can you do with an engine without plans?

>> No.17096853

I sure should keep up with a dead thread outside of events all the time, and not just drop by the wiki when akashi-list shoves new equip in my face.
While checking stuff there I saw this banner that made me chuckle, so I went and dropped it off here, and you can continue boiling here with your dearest seamonkeys, I'm out.

>> No.17096854


>> No.17096862

Don't forget to take you blog before leaving.

>> No.17096863


Repeatable monthly quests coming with Sara Mk.2 to convert Medals into Plans and Engines and build Burger Jets.

>> No.17096868

>Burger Jets
They'll be just as useless.

>> No.17096872

Makes sense.

Not if they are pure fighters.

>> No.17096873

but I used them this event

>> No.17096902

Sure. But it doesn't change their uselessness. I also bring ships that can't OASW to 1-5 even though they're useless there.

>> No.17096929

>ships that can't OASW to 1-5 even though they're useless there.

I don't think you know what useless means.

>> No.17096932

I found them useful at E-4 when they sank fodder DDs in the jet phase

>> No.17096937

You should bring BBs (not Vs), CAs (not Vs) and CVs (not Ls) to 1-5 and then talk about useless.

>> No.17096938
File: 29 KB, 550x900, large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17096992


new abysmal is giving her bad ideas

>> No.17097082

How would it affect profit distribution?

>> No.17097137

It looks cute so it's fine.

>> No.17097230

All two admins I guess

>> No.17097260 [DELETED] 
File: 481 KB, 800x700, 1479497941790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone construction not working? I can't build a new ship.

>> No.17097276

I just fapped.

>> No.17097330

What is the point of jet fighters?

>> No.17097332

To fight abyssal jets.

>> No.17097341
File: 99 KB, 911x645, large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17097343

For what purpose? AS(+) during jet phase won't give you any bonuses. And they won't shoot down everything anyway.

>> No.17097346

so did anyone find out about Nagato kai ni unique gun modifier?

>> No.17097351

We'll find out when the enemy gets real jets.

>> No.17097357

If they were the faces of the plane, could you considered it as them living their dream?

>> No.17097367

Probably. Look how smug they are. They love it.

>> No.17097381

Too bad it's not them.

>> No.17097464
File: 170 KB, 1000x667, 8e37dff3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are already living the dream.

We have seen the dawn of the age of Advertising Battleships.

>> No.17097494

I really hope potatoman goes 110% on their K2s. Better than he did for the arcade.

>> No.17097664

>not getting the Zuiuns from ranking

>> No.17097695

>ranking to get some Zuiuns

>> No.17097743

>tfw I will never get Zuiun model 12 (361 Airgroup)
Sorry, Hyuga.

>> No.17097810

Well they were as useless for 1-5 as I figured jets were for >>17096932.

>> No.17097823

You don't get enough from ranking.

>> No.17097839

Not everyone is European enough to equip just two bombers on their fleet and have them both strike the boss every single time, anon.

>> No.17097871

4 is already pushing it now that you have seaplane fighters.

>> No.17097920

But they were introduced before Spring 2016.

>> No.17097971

Is it worth it to farm for Libeccio at 4-5 or should I just expect her to drop from an event?

>> No.17097975

I thought she doesn't drop at 4-5?

>> No.17097987

I have this itchy feeling that relatively old event ships that get added as LSC and regular map drops will never be event drops again.

>> No.17098009
File: 646 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170525-08112063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's pointless, the drop rank is low. It took me a while to get her.

She drops when I was doing my monthly EO.

>> No.17098010

According to poi she drops mostly at node I

>> No.17098011

Was Katori even an event drop ever?

>> No.17098028

> monthly EO
Oh H or J node, eh? Intredasting. Before I though I'll have to go out of the usual route to get the foreign brown loli.

>> No.17098045

>usual route
>still going south

>> No.17098054

In my case, she drops in Node J, good luck if you're going to farm for her.

>> No.17098064

I always go J, except for when it doesn't work and I have to go for H.
Thanks, I'll need it.

>> No.17098069

>except for when it doesn't work
It always works.

>> No.17098083

Don't tell me RNG doesn't show you it's wonderfull backside.

>> No.17098089

Not in 4-5, it's so rudimentary now that at most I'll get sent back one or twice.

>> No.17098093

Why not node I? Sure it's off route but her drop rate is supposedly 1.8% at I and less than 0.5% on nodes J and H. Unless you haven't finished 4-5 for the month of course.

>> No.17098097

I'll be a picky ass and point out that
>It always works.
>I'll get sent back one or twice.
is an example of not always.

>> No.17098103

Not working in this game would mean that you can never go through that route, even if it's only for last dance. That isn't the case for 4-5, you're doing something wrong.

>> No.17098113

I never said you can't do it. I said that you don't always clear it in 5 runs.

>> No.17098119
File: 67 KB, 800x480, 2017-05-30 04-33-07 56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I got her just now on node I on my 3rd farming run.
Littorio MVP meme magic.

>> No.17098125

>using inferior pasta steel instead of top quality American STEEL

>> No.17098128

What comp?

>> No.17098133

Graduated from LSC, yet still no Libeccio or Taigei.
My career as an admiral was a complete failure.

>> No.17098145
File: 57 KB, 691x216, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb poverty fleet.
1 CL 2 DD are absolutely necessary though.

>> No.17098148

Thank you.

>> No.17098150

I'm at end game upgrading, what the fuck do I upgrade now when everything good is so expensive? Kyoufuu and Skilled T2s? F6F to finally phase out Reppuu? Torpedo bulges?

>> No.17098152

The periscope.

>> No.17098177

Iwamoto, Akiguns, sonars and a few BB guns. Maybe also Ro.43 to +6 (for extra routing LoS) on those days you have nothing else to upgrade with the daily.

>> No.17098179

I'd advise quint torps and seaplane fighters, for one. Also buy more screws.

>> No.17098188

>Ro.43 to +6 (for extra routing LoS)
Not him but you don't need that if you already have max T98 recon and max T0 observ.

>> No.17098203

>max T0 observ
Waste of screws and doesn't give firepower unlike the Ro.43 and the latter just takes one screw (that's refunded via daily) up to +6.

>> No.17098224 [DELETED] 

Favorite BB?

>> No.17098229


>> No.17098234
File: 96 KB, 913x890, hello darkness my old friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, man, fuck you.

>> No.17098239

That was nice.
I think i'll have nightmares tonight.

>> No.17098255

I ain't clicking that shit nigga.

>> No.17098275

What a blast from the past.

>> No.17098326

Scarier than Tenryu

>> No.17098381

Oh Lord, Asashimo has a great voice.

>> No.17098432
File: 945 KB, 1200x1500, __kashima_kayano_ai_and_ro_500_kantai_collection_drawn_by_atsushi_aaa_bbb__9c6a8ce1a51621e53670e944c9a06f7b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kayano Ai is a pro.

>> No.17098460

I don't want to buy screws because I only have 8 meme medals and it feels like a waste of money to buy anything now.

>> No.17098535
File: 298 KB, 353x651, __harusame_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kujou_ichiso__9330ae0f8544d96d8cf52070f7c1b669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure or not pure?

>> No.17098539

Pure cute

>> No.17098550

Can't wait for K2 to give her a cape, scarf, flaps, yellow eyes, and a saber in each hand. She'll keep the same lines and personality, but be in an action pose. Her sabers will be on fire.

>> No.17098553

Not pure. Also that kai CG is pure shit, leave it to such a retarded artist to accomplish that.

>> No.17098608

What the hell are you talking about?

>> No.17098610


>Not Nunchuks made of Drum Canisters

>> No.17098612

Well, Harusame has the history excuse that she participated on the same battle Yuudachi died, so if she goes nightmare of Solomon, it isn't as farfetched as Kawakaze.

>> No.17098695

Not pure, only good for bullying.

>> No.17098813
File: 118 KB, 333x143, fawgagaga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for this very basic question, but how do I use land base on 6-4? I don't see a button anywhere. Well, I see a button, but it doesn't do anything.

>> No.17098815

You unlock it with a quest or buy a bulldozer from the store.

>> No.17098817

I see. Thanks.

>> No.17098908

Yuudachi K2 actually looks good though, unlike Kawakaze K2.

>> No.17098915

yuudachi yuudachi yuudachi poi
da da da ra dada, da ra da da da daaaaa daaa

>> No.17098999

Define end game upgrading?
If you got all your akiduki guns, big guns, 3gou and torpedo all at +6 or +9, it is time to move on. Just upgrade T21 Zero and AP shell daily using screws from the dailies.

>> No.17099113
File: 550 KB, 698x380, 20170529_17043239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mutsu a shit.

>> No.17099127

I like green eyes yudachi

>> No.17099195

Are you ready for Kumano/Yura Kai 2?

>> No.17099229

艦これ」運営鎮守府、今年は鎮守府「瑞雲」祭り! 絶叫マシンの充実でも知られる富士急ハイランドさん、その全面協力を得て、富士の裾野でコラボ展開でお贈りします! 【「艦これ」鎮守府 瑞雲 祭り in 富士急ハイランド泊地】今夏【6/17(土)~7/30(日)】に開催です!

>> No.17099280

Translate it weebs

>> No.17099287

Zuiun at Fuji Q.

>> No.17099295

It says that Zuikaku is a slut and a whore.

>> No.17099298

>he doesn't know the difference between 瑞雲 and 瑞鶴

>> No.17099301

>he doesn't know an obvious shitty joke.
Autism. Thanks for the (you).

>> No.17099363

The pleasure of Zuiun inside you.

>> No.17099373

Please be excited!

>> No.17099480
File: 57 KB, 638x955, dangit kuro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Browsing artists' Twitter profiles is interesting.

>> No.17099482

>dangit kuro
Welcome to MC Axis, where anything goes.

>> No.17099483


>> No.17099598
File: 358 KB, 950x699, 1476676540959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does this meme of "all shipgirls are sluts" come from?

>> No.17099625

Doujins and that one stupid pun involving seamen inside real-world ships.

>> No.17099682
File: 66 KB, 960x455, DAvMEegUwAAJJXL.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should've been Aer Lingus

>> No.17099686

Yeah but that's like saying Kongo counts as a brit.

>> No.17099712

I'd say that going south route for the rest of the monthly gauge when middle route forces you back even once is a bit ridiculous.

>> No.17099725

I prefer using the north route but if you go south, you use a sub to tank the boss. It should always work unless you get crit by BB on the way.

>> No.17099729

The +3 LoS stat that observ has more than makes up for the lack of +1 firepower since you increase the artillery spotting rate of the entire fleet.

If you had said upgrade Ro.43 to prepare as upgrading fodder for Ro.44 bis it'd be more convincing.

>> No.17099730

Used goods like every other ship girl.

>> No.17099782

It's alright, the hymen regenerates when you bucket them.

>> No.17099792
File: 238 KB, 744x1052, __izumi_sagiri_and_murakumo_eromanga_sensei_and_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kelinch1__b151c92a853efb8103453d403909949e[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17099811
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1173, 63120676_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best flavor of embarrassed?

>> No.17099823

Granny's tits are hanging out.

>> No.17099824

Ah, should be +2. Point still stands though. In fact even a +1 difference is reason enough.

>> No.17099838

>that granny
I would breed that.

>> No.17099844

Sagiri is much better than Shitakumo.

>> No.17099847

I want to show Kamikaze the wonders of childbirth.

>> No.17099858

>On 4 June 1946 while en route to Uragi the vessel ran aground and was later abandoned. In attempts to rescue her, the Japanese destroyer Kamikaze also ran aground
Kunashiri caused Kamikaze's death, she should be scrapped.

>> No.17100327

>There's no neet ships

>> No.17100328


>> No.17100332


>> No.17100336

Sagiri isn't a neet either, she's a hiki but she's not a neet. I wish people would learn the difference.

>> No.17100354

Technically, all ships are employed even if they're on standby doing nothing.

>> No.17100364

Yea a hiki is even a worse form than a neet. Maybe the worst.
t. hiki.

>> No.17100370

At least she's pulling her own weight when it comes to money, unlike neets.

>> No.17100383

Well neets can pull out money too, like streamers for example. They even somehow make millions. Pretty bullshit right? Same. A hiki is just a worse, negative form of a neet. Oh wait Sagiri is also a streamer kek.

>> No.17100385

Sagiri isn't just a streamer, and Japanese streamers don't make the money that western twitch streamers pull. Her income comes from her work as an illustrator for Dengeki Bunko.

>> No.17100388

>ywn be a 12 y.o that illustrates for KanColle.

>> No.17100449
File: 286 KB, 900x450, __arashi_hagikaze_maikaze_and_nowaki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_hita_hitapita__e3a30dc879c04e64e47267322dfa7e99[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17100498

>since you increase the artillery spotting rate of the entire fleet
With 2 base LoS difference per plane you would need around 10 seaplanes equipped to even add an extra 1% chance to the entire fleet's rate, plus that's what they do on their own, upgrading them doesn't help that chance whatsoever so I don't know why even mention upgrading T0 observation planes. If that's what you consider worth spending 24+ (realistically 30+) screws per seaplane on, then good for you, have fun burning dozens of screws to have a few.

>> No.17100908
File: 77 KB, 523x900, Erotofu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't seems to be very popular with the fan artists.

>> No.17100928

did murakuma change franchise? just like the anime magical girl shimakaze?

>> No.17100950

Her boobs are not big enough? (So she doesn't get attention like Kamoi)
She's not cute enough? (Maybe she doesn't seem too cute to many of the fanartists, just looking generic and such?)
She looks like she's Gyatt rip-off from Warship girls? (Look it up yourself, I'm not shitting up this thread for you)
None of the fanartists has her yet? (If you have time to draw about KanColle, chances are your not a professional elite player like you lot of /jp/)
She just looks plain wrong? (She doesn't look like she fits in this franchise)

>> No.17100952

They're completely different characters. And they don't even look similar.

>> No.17101011

Anyone else been leveling Natori? I'm guessing she's the CL after Yura for k2.

>> No.17101026

Hatsuyuki, Mochizuki, Kitakami

>> No.17101067
File: 298 KB, 566x800, __tenryuu_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kichihachi__f119650420bb4c92e604fc31890e8c99[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nagara first.

Why fan favorites never get a K2? What is Tanaka thinking?

>> No.17101073

We just got Nagato.

>> No.17101080

After 4 years he decided to make an exception, eh?

>> No.17101084

Mutsu coming soon
Yura @ 6/6
Kumano together with Yura maybe?
Sara coming soon
More 4th ship of their ship class

We are getting at least 3x amount of K2 this year compare to 2016.

>> No.17101109

We can only hope.
Nobody likes Yura.
We can only hope.
We can only hope.

>> No.17101120
File: 535 KB, 1024x1280, __atago_kantai_collection_drawn_by_mtu_orewamuzituda__a9ad40ac6f358852242502d2c06ded7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atago never.

>> No.17101124

Zuikaku, Shoukaku, Akatsuki, Ushio, Murakumo, Kongou-class, and some more I forgot right now.

>> No.17101125

>Sara coming soon
If wonder. If they ever add Lex or Hornet/Yorktown will they upgrade to their Essex-class version or will they be treated as different ships?
I kind of want to Yorktowns in particular added just to see that explored. There could be some heartbreaking and/or heartwarming stories told about Enterprise and her two sisters that come back from the dead.

>> No.17101129
File: 483 KB, 680x385, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ magic please give me taiho

>> No.17101179

Different ship. We have CV Amagi, who has the same name (and kanji) as CA Amagi aka Akagi's onee-san.

>> No.17101197

All of them are confirmed. You living under a rock?

>> No.17101200

When did they confirm Mutsu?

>> No.17101285


It is going to be Mutsu. You heard it here first.

>> No.17101309
File: 201 KB, 1351x479, Wer doughne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had Taihou, I hope that's /jp/ Magic enough, Please get Taihou

Mutsu was never confirmed, they said a BB and a CL, The BB was Nagato

Yura's Kai Ni is now a bit of a mystery since, it didn't come

Same with Saratoga, Her Kai Ni was announced, but never came

These ideas could end up phased out like Shinano, forgotten

Kumano was an odd one, they said, third one onward, but Suzuya gets a Kai Ni, and Kumano is forgotten, even though Suzuya is a slut who just detonated, while Kumano took fucktonnes of abuse and hits, and became a legend due to her outstanding survival, And she gets Jack shit, Again, confirmed, yet never released.

Damn, Why does Tanaka do shit this slowly, Every damn Chinese game this thread makes fun of creates features faster than this game can do stuff, These games already have rocket destroyers while this game is struggling to get american ships, and is already starting to drop and forget Kai Nis and such
Don't get which part hints Mutsu

>> No.17101318

Typo, not all these games, only warship girls has rocket destroyers (Maybe it's only two, and one only carries AA rockets to be implemented, but still a fast pace, Tanaka's gotta catch up)

>> No.17101326

I got another crane. you stole my luck you nigger.

>> No.17101368

That just means it's going to die faster.

>> No.17101403
File: 3 KB, 1208x19, check it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to do it

>> No.17101408
File: 116 KB, 287x430, 12cm_30-tube_Rocket_Launcher_051_Full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have had AA rockets for a long time.

>> No.17101419

Kitakami isn't a neet.

>> No.17101423

I love it when people like you always bring up the chink games as if it's making a dent at all.

>> No.17101456

Right back at you faggot
Not necessarily, If it can update fast enough, it'll retain people as something new and interesting is happening, if it keeps people in, it can keep money flowing in too.

On the other hand, if the bores out its customers by not implementing shit and continuously saving shit and delaying stuff and crap like this, to the point things get forgotten, (Presumably spending resources on merchandise and advertisement, Because, Planes with adverts and shit), It's just going to bore people out, and cause drop-offs in players, making less money, think about it, well, let's be honest, all these games will die very fast, as they rely on not only if players come, but if they spend, this is just going to drive them to heights to push the game forward to people, and they won't be able to keep it up, doing ludicrous stunts one after the other, trying to get attention and money, which can end in them spending too much for what they have, and they might collapse
They have rockets as well as AA rockets, actual rockets
They may not make a dent by not having the flashiest names and advertisements, but the fan-bases are much happier, In their communities, they don't hate the creators as much as this fandom comes to shit-talk Tanaka, they're doing something, that I think is a good Idea for this game, to step up a bit, release a bit more Kai Nis, or new ships every now and then, sprinkle some interesting things here and there outside the expected cycle, Keep people in a bit more

>> No.17101463

You actually want the game to have bullshit like modern missile destroyer and Wargaming-style paper ships? No thanks.

>> No.17101474


there are simply, not enough commas, don't you think, I don't think you do, at all.

Also Phase 2. I'm just waiting on Phase 2 since forever.

>> No.17101477

No, not this, I was thinking a bit more like, Keeping up with Kai Nis and shit, and adding more ships and such, add new things to keep people in

>> No.17101489

Phase 2 also seems like a good idea. since at this point especially, people are doubting the game, thinking it's, dying and passed it's time. It would really bring a lot of the retired users back in.

>> No.17101495

Then go play the chink game if you like it so much.

>> No.17101498

We're already getting a ton more Kai Nis than last year. Do you want one every week or something? Or is it because muh blueprints?

>> No.17101501

Even if they'd add new kai nis more often most people would be cockblocked by endless blueprints required.

>> No.17101552

I'm just trying to suggest something that might improve the game, keep people interested, I do not prefer a game over the other, just making suggestions
Like three have been blocked, Maybe they should finish their projects first
Why do they do this, this endless blueprint cockblock, they should try to make this game a bit easier to the newbies, as the newfaces might end up bringing a lot more money through their amount.

>> No.17101557

>Like three have been blocked


>> No.17101565

You don't see even a half of it when you play overseas. There're many merchandise and events available for Nipponese and that's enough to retain the popularity. The right holders don't want to rely on the game alone.

>> No.17101593

/jp/ magic please give me shoukaku

>> No.17101597

I'm comparing them to an equivalent upgraded Ro.43, duh. And you also have to take into account that it's effect is multiplied compared to +1 firepower which only affects one ship. And the increased damage is postcap damage, and generally not just +1 damage.

>> No.17101617

Meant for >>17100498

>> No.17101627

Yura, Saratoga, Kumano, Promised Kai Nis, didn't happen
Well, if it's like that, KanColle really never mattered, They'll just keep selling merch and people just move on to the next hottest game, Flower Girl Knight or something

>> No.17101642

This. KanColle was at comiket for all three days, and on the first day nearly half the stalls was KanColle.

>> No.17101649
File: 30 KB, 153x492, kai2 medals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can get 6/month, you will get all 3 of the useful must have kai2 in 2months. Then it is just finishing events to stockpile your medals for the rest of the luxurious kai2.

>> No.17101654

Who said they will be right after the spring event?

>> No.17101662

>People will just move on
What is touhou, zelda, mario, ff, elder scrolls. I don't mean to compare their values but what's stick to the wall won't fall down easily.

>> No.17101681

I just married Kongou and the instrumentals of "Teitoku no Kizuna" started playing in the background.

What the fuck? Isn't that song about how all the Bongou sisters sank?

>> No.17101690

no newfag can get 6/month, and if they keep adding kai2 that require them it's gonna feel even worse

>> No.17101700

>Promised Kai Nis, didn't happen

So where did it say we were supposed to get them now? We just got Nagato a few days ago and are getting another one in a week.

>> No.17101707

>Isn't that song about how all the Bongou sisters sank?
Isn't about how the ships sank but the girls who embodied their spirit/soul want TTK's dick?

Anyways, is the standard marriage song, dumb kaffir.

>> No.17101741

At least we should make the game more fun, Let events allow BBs, or something along those lines, Because it's not a good thought, that you're playing this game that might disappear one day and no one will give a shit since they're selling merch and playing the next hot thing.
I just wonder, why do they have to slap a Blueprint on all Kai Nis nowadays
Saratoga was said to have been the earliest promised, yet Nagato cut in line and got a Kai Ni before her, some guy here thought the devs changed their minds, But Yura was Teased like she was 2 steps away from a Kai Ni, yet she was denied
All mentions of God and the future aside for this moment, Just for the fedora tipping atheists sitting in the back laughing on a christian Imageboard, They have a buying system, so they won't fall down to easily since most their profits, are solid, and not riding on the chance somebody is going to buy a pack of ten slots, in this case, Free to play/mobages are like YouTube, and or papers that were sold on the street, these games along with KanColle are in an endless sea of free to play games, where profit lies in a possibility that someone will not only play, but pay, so they have to bring in as much players as possible in the hope that some guy can pay, but this system can end up like Superbowl commercials where you pay too much on ads to the point you can't keep your game running, Or they'll start lying about the game to bring people in, only causing a negative backlash, or worst-ish case, they get desperate for people and make the game piss easy or doing >>17101463 Where they just Add bullshit OP mechanics like Missiles, or Wargaming like Paper ships and or straight up Broken shit, which can end in a complete veteran Evacuation, where every veteran claims it's too easy and leaves, It's bad for the fandom, but good for the game, but the opposite newface evacuation, could definitely end the game, no new players = not much more chances at money, and when elites just have almost all what they need, they don't purchase much, and in that case, Tanaka pulls the plug on the server and in game, your shipgirls and abyssals, can live in peace, and then they escape to merchandising

>> No.17101757

>promise this, promise that
Dude, they never promised anything, they just announce they are working or something or have plans for something. Like hot they implemented the kaiboukans after some years.

>> No.17101763

Last I checked when Saratoga was being announced, everyone goes around like it's 1000% confirmed Guarantee or your money back, Might as well be a promise

>> No.17101768

So, people getting hyped about something turns it into a promise? Are you 12?

>> No.17101780

They never promised shit. They said Saratoga was getting a second remodel and that's it. People expect it to come around Autumn or Christmas.

>> No.17101783

Don't you remember the fuckfest when Midwayfag and newmidwayfag arrived, they were definitely confirming it, not "Being hyped", if you were just hyped you wouldn't be so intent on BTFO'ing someone

>> No.17101803

I'll try to say it in your language, by quoting nobody:
>they don't confirm anything nor give dates
>"totally confirmed dudes, sarabros WW@?!"
Again, are you retarded?

>> No.17101815

No, it's more like
"Damn, that could be anything, they may even lie"
"No, fuck that, it has to be Saratoga, if they say something, it's confirmed, BTFO"

>> No.17101824

>Midwayfag and newmidwayfag


>> No.17101833

One guy who thought Midway was coming, everyone shittalked him

The other one wanted midway because he thought she would look like Midway princess, everyone just flagged it as autism

>> No.17101840

What does this have to do with Sara Kai Ni?

>> No.17101850

The analogy is dumb.
Sara kai2 came from Tanaka mouth himself last year. Sound like a newfag without Sara complaining about nothing.

>> No.17101853

It pretty much is how these two were treated that gave way to the philosophy

Comment from devs = 10000% confirmed undeniable, with the trust they held in the devs, they pretty much seemed to look at it like a promise

>> No.17101862
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Man, I really should do my monthlies. I just wanted to lazy around all the afternoon.

>> No.17101874

Sara K2 hasn't happened yet because she's either the very last K2 that's coming or Tanaka is trying to find a way to fuck with her stats so she's inferior to Kaga.

>> No.17101889

No, Saratoga getting a remodel is confirmed but they never said more than that. The problem is this retard >>17101741 thinking she has to come now and others getting a Kai Ni before means Tanaka lied and broke a promise.
For all we know it could take several more years.

>> No.17101893

Sara is already better than Kaga or at least on par.

>> No.17101905

All the more reason to fuck up her K2 when it finally comes around.

Which is a shame because Sara doesn't deserve that shit.

>> No.17101908

>inferior to Kaga.
1. Cranes
2. Taihou
3. Sara
4. Laughing dragons
5. Akagi
6. Kaga

Kaga is the worst of carrier after Unryuu class

>> No.17101925

I've seen people thought she was like the first to come, It was said she was coming early Spring before they delayed it to autumn/winter.

Plus, if it takes Several more years it just proves my original point that Tanaka is slow as hell, and that could possibly cause fandom of the game to die out, and this game crashing into the ground
Like >>17101874 said, he could fuck her stats and he has a card up his sleeve to do so, the Training carrier downgrade, while I'll admit while I don't think it myself, that it is a highly unlikely event, it is still a possibility

>> No.17101967

You guys are some fucking paranoid retards. Almost makes me wish Kaga gets a Kai Ni that's better.

>> No.17101979

>Tanaka is slow as hell, and that could possibly cause fandom of the game to die out
Actually, is the other way around. Give everything to the newfags and they'll quit in a month.

>> No.17101988

Expect the unexpected, like Kinu Kai Ni, Or Arashio
If it was by that logic, all the veterans would have quit

>> No.17102000

>they'll quit in a month.
Same. I've seen a lot of newfags said something like " I want to have Enterprise in my fleet, marry her, and quit." Just like this certain retarded Kagafag wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

>> No.17102004

>I've seen people thought she was like the first to come, It was said she was coming early Spring before they delayed it to autumn/winter.
Then they're retards and don't know what they're talking about, the only thing said was "We're also planning another remodel for Saratoga herself." That's it.

>> No.17102015

What's unexpected about Kinu and Arashio?

>> No.17102033

Well, I guess that's it then, The OP and some guy are now called retards too, I do have a tendancy to slip up with amounts
They were literal whos, neglected, un-cared for, no one expected they get a Kai Ni, since no one actually knew who they were

>> No.17102052

No, you just can't read. OP only says Sara will get a remodel, not when.

>> No.17102062


>I've seen people thought she was like the first to come, It was said she was coming early Spring before they delayed it to autumn/winter.

Let's draw the line here. Official statement about Sara K2 is that they has a plan for her. When will she get it is just a mere speculation.

>Plus, if it takes Several more years it just proves my original point that Tanaka is slow as hell, and that could possibly cause fandom of the game to die out, and this game crashing into the ground

I thought we went through this slow update for 3 years already.

>> No.17102064

So, you are a retarded Sarafag who doesn't like the based redhead of "I'll slap your shit" pose? Guess that explains a lot of things.

>> No.17102073

And stop using too much commas. It hurts my eyes.

>> No.17102075

Pardon my question, but wouldn't becoming a training carrier make her as weak as Houshou and consume less?

>> No.17102093

To be fair, the Nagara-class as a whole is unpopular. Only screecher gets any fame and that's mostly because of her stats.

>> No.17102096

Hiei, Ooi, and Kuma class used to work as training ships.

>> No.17102100

But they weren't classed as one in the actual games.

>> No.17102101
File: 112 KB, 670x800, __i_19_kantai_collection_drawn_by_suka__7938a80c739c216eb045222304ec7b04[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when does Iku has 3 ponytails? I never noticed.

>> No.17102102


>> No.17102112

Since forever. Pay attention more.

>> No.17102132 [DELETED] 

>They were literal whos, neglected, un-cared for, no one expected they get a Kai Ni, since no one actually knew who they were
Fuck off. "literal whos" have been getting Kai Nis for years and the moment a CL Kai Ni was announced some people expected Kinu. Asashio-class #4 getting one was no surprise either since Tanaka got a boner for them.

>> No.17102139

Bullshit. Chances are that Isuzu, would be the first kai ship of any new player and both "terrible normal sprite, nice butt when damaged" Nagara and "literally who" Natori have good stats. Also, the "sport club" motif gets a decent amount of fanart.

>> No.17102140


>> No.17102148

What did USN do when they use their combat carrier as a training ship?

Did they disarm her guns (-AA -FP)? No.
Did they scape her hull and bulge (-Armor)? No.
Did they dissembled her hangar and flight deck (-slots) and engines (-speed, eva)? No.

>> No.17102166

So Sara won't be weak as a training carrier when she becomes one?

>> No.17102169

Tanaka heavily implied that Sara K2 will be getting jets with her remodel. All these sound like Lagafags false flag.

>> No.17102177

I'll say is the new standard bait for retards. It completely replaced the "Warspite is a cripple" one.

>> No.17102189

No, saying "this ship is a training carrier now" doesn't magically make the ship worse.

>> No.17102192

What do expect from Kagafags, more retarded than Harunafags.

People still say that to shit on her so I wouldn't say its been replaced.

>> No.17102196

I was under the impression it "did" make the ship worse as training ships wouldn't be taking part in big events.

>> No.17102216

Actually she became stronger: funnel was shortened for aircraft traffic and camo (less distictive silhouette), more AA guns, new hydraulic catapults and torpedo blister.

>> No.17102224

Some people are just paranoid that she'll become Aquila-tier just because Tanaka doesn't want her overtaking Kaga. Which is pretty dumb since he already made her crane rivals really strong.

>> No.17102230

Fubuki is very cute.

>> No.17102236

>Which is pretty dumb since he already made her crane rivals really strong.
Kaga K2 will probably fix that.

>> No.17102241
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>> No.17102253

>really strong
You mean just flat out better.

>> No.17102268

She's beautiful when she's not fat

>> No.17102311

Cranes are Enterprise's rival.

>> No.17102348

No it used to say Spring.
That line has been drawn, but all arguments are welcome
For one, I'm not a Sarafag two, have you seen anyone besides you that liked her.
I type how I type
I have no idea what you are referring to
Exactly, retard, The literal whos, who no one knows, are getting Kai Nis. People don't expect that

>> No.17102368

>No it used to say Spring.

No it didn't, not for Sara. The only time it was wrong was when someone changed it to "Saratoga will get a second remodel sometime this year." which was called out for being wrong because it might not even be this year.

>> No.17102383

For fucks sake, stop using commas where you should be using periods.

I wasn't even going to say anything, but you just keep doing it. Your English seems competent enough that I'm assuming you're not ESL, but for gods sake, learn how to properly punctuate your sentences.

>> No.17102387

KanColle is the best thing to have happened to this decade.

>> No.17102398

Well, I've seen it like this.
Quit your yapping, OK. I'll use full stops now.

>> No.17102400

I haven't powerleveled a single ship outside of 5-4 in two years, what's the best way to get levels on Taiyou

>> No.17102402

>the best thing
One of the best things anon. We also have 2hu, gbf, and kemono friends.

>> No.17102409

2hu is a 90s thing. 2000s thing for newfags. Kemono friends is absolutely disgraceful, I can't believe there are people who are liking that.

>> No.17102413

>Exactly, retard, The literal whos, who no one knows, are getting Kai Nis. People don't expect that
Speak for yourself, retard. You just seem like some shitter butthurt his Tenryuu or Atago doesn't have a Kai Ni.

>> No.17102416

5-4. You can up her speed if you want to avoid that maelstrom.

>> No.17102430

>this decade

>> No.17102436

You still use the oil drums right?

>> No.17102439

Speak for yourself faggot, You are the damn minority here. stop acting like you rule the world with your opinion.

>> No.17102443


>> No.17102451

I used 3-2, personally.

>> No.17102452

Anyone else think Atago would have been a lot better if done with blue eyes?
Also what other slight changes would you make to other shipgirls in terms of design?

>> No.17102462 [DELETED] 

I am speaking for myself. You're the one using things like "no one" and "everyone" just because (You) think that way. Now fuck off.

>> No.17102468

I'd like to live in a universe where all the shibafu ships are drawn by anyone else.

>> No.17102470

I'd make the Kongou sisters be green eyed gingers with freckles just because.

>> No.17102471
File: 1.35 MB, 1800x1600, 61897973_p14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2hu is a 90s thing. 2000s thing for newfags
It wasn't really popular until the PC games.

>Kemono friends is absolutely disgraceful
You are absolutely disgraceful.

>> No.17102474

Fucking Christ, Shimushu is annoying.

>> No.17102475

This and add the Ichiso and Yadokari ships as well. The girls are cute but the artstyle is shit.

>> No.17102479

Don't be mean, Unryuus are very economical.

>> No.17102484
File: 433 KB, 920x1095, 攻略編成_20170530-232100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this, anon.

>> No.17102485

That moose girl likes kinda cute I guess.

>> No.17102486 [DELETED] 

I've seen people who think this way, hell, when I asked for it about popularity these two ranked fucking lowest. now, the less popular the girl is, people don't expect her to be much. So people don't even know her, and yet she gets a Kai Ni. If a girl you don't even know her name, gets a Kai Ni, How expected do you think that is?

And stop saying fuck off. I'm not your damn slave and I don't conform to your every desire

>> No.17102492

Thank you

>> No.17102493 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.17102495

I'd add a Dutch ship. Admiral Doorman class destroyer. It would look like a loli Prinz. But with a Kaga personality.

>> No.17102499


>> No.17102503 [DELETED] 

I know the name of every fucking ship, you fag. Fuck off.

>> No.17102505

Given the battle of Java Sea, I think it would be more appropriate to give Doorman a "retarded genki" personality. Though they could try and be original for once. Make it a bipolar ship with a serious side and a baka side.

>> No.17102507 [DELETED] 

>And stop saying fuck off.

Then stop saying things /jp/ doesn't like, dipshit.

>> No.17102513

>If a girl you don't even know her name, I'm not a newfag so that doesn't happen.

>> No.17102516

We already have Nagato and Ooi.

>> No.17102517


>> No.17102518

Also IIrc the Admiral Doorman was a US made Fletcher class. So there would be that "born in US, raised in Netherlands" thing

>> No.17102521 [DELETED] 

>stop telling me what to do
>tells someone else what to do
Fuck off is less a command and more so an expression to show you how unliked you are. It's not like anyone can really force you out of here, rather, they just want you to know how much they detest you.

Also, fuck off.

>> No.17102536

Doorman is the admiral's name, it was a light cruiser, the ship's name was De Ruyter.
Fucking retards.

>> No.17102543 [DELETED] 

Not everyone does.

And I'm not going to fuck off.

So everything has to conform to /jp/'s taste or else it must not be here

For that one faggot who says "4chan is not autistic but you are" I disagree, because this shit is next level autism

Even old players have this.


If I recall: "Fuck off is not some meaningless insult like calling someone a Quadruple nigger on /b/, if you're told to fuck off, you fuck off"
I'll also make this clear, I received this message, I did not write it.

>> No.17102547 [DELETED] 

So, a newfag that doesn't even know the name of every girl (and guess, by extension, can't read nor recognize kanji) are telling "us" who is popular and who isn't? Fuck off.

>stop saying fuck off
That makes you a double newfag. Fuck off.

>> No.17102552 [DELETED] 

Not him but you're shitting up the thread.
You should fuck off.

>> No.17102558

GBF and the new MLP aren't good. And 2hu isn't this decade.

>> No.17102574 [DELETED] 

No. I know girls and I can recognise Kanji, I know "Fuck off" is board fashion, but I refuse to do it.
You know, I'm not the one replying to my posts. I don't care really, I've gotten sick of letting shit pass by. but you just have to reply to my unpopular opinions, you only have yourself to blame, as this is not me alone it's you too.

>> No.17102577

You gorgot GuP and Symphogear.

>> No.17102611

Stop replying to the retard and let him be. How the fuck this shitters even end up here?

>> No.17102622

The recent wikia drama brought a lot of them here.

>> No.17102644

So that's why thread was being so shit lately?

>> No.17102650

It's been shit for years.

>> No.17102657

Guess is one of the causes. Instead of the usual "slow, barely any discussion but new players questions" thread between events we have a lots of idiots blogging and shit flinging.

>> No.17102680

Maybe we should just ignore bad ideas and bring suggestions calmly.

Because if we fight stupidity, no one learns and everyone flings shit at one another.

>> No.17102696 [DELETED] 

Or maybe we should keep with both "ignore, report and hide" and "lurk more, read the wiki, fuck off", depending of the level (and intentionally) of the stupidity. Specially with these new idiots that keep saying "everybody" all the time, that lack of individuality and fear of disapproval isn't "our" thing, everybody knows that.

>> No.17102736
File: 114 KB, 500x519, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what's happening

>> No.17102758

Hey nice spoilers, it's cool to abuse spoilers on /a/ but please don't do it on /jp/ thanks.

>> No.17102778

That was part of the joke, m8.

>> No.17102939

Tanaka if you are reading this add a Chinese ship.

>> No.17102949
File: 735 KB, 715x1000, __tan_yang_and_yukikaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_acea4__57a5ac269bff6c36c730ce8c3f96a233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this instead but know it'll never happen.

>> No.17102950

There is one that is a K2 away from being it.

>> No.17102958

I'll rather get some seasonal sprites of the shipgirls carrying "nanking is a hoax" signs.

>> No.17102972
File: 160 KB, 480x384, it's a conspiracy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> nanking is a hoax
And that's exactly why we'll never have a chinese ship. Thank god.

>> No.17102977

>DD without torps

She would be like an oversized Kaiboukan.

>> No.17102983

>oversized double D
But just big enough for my one D!

>> No.17102992

>without torps
Same reason why American CAs would be shit. Unless they get a fictional torpedo stat, like Zara and that mute quest girl.

>> No.17103010

Or, you know, they could have adequate FP/AA/Armor/EVA to compensate for yasen power.

>> No.17103013

chibi akagi
chibi kaga

>> No.17103026

Like what, BB tier FP and armor? Because that's the next step. AA and EVA stats are a joke.

I'll say they even get torp stat or some gimmick, like triple attack at day or special AACI. Who knows.

>> No.17103028

Which one?

>> No.17103049

Not my fault the fat fuck couldn't give CA normal daytime performance. Now gimmicks or BB tier FP and armor (which will still be less since CA guns are worse than BB ones) is the only way nontorp ships could be useful at all.

>> No.17103058

Rude! Tanaka-kun didn't expect the game to last for that long. Maybe phase 2 would revamp the mechanics.

>> No.17103077

Pensacola and Northampton-classes had torpedoes.

>> No.17103081

Their daytime performance is fine, it's just bosses having more and more armor that you need yasen, carrier crits or AP cut-ins to kill them.
You should've been here when there was no artillery spotting and CAs were considered useless.

>> No.17103086

Why can't we have events that are actual fun?

>> No.17103096

Since we'll get only 1 or 2 CAs (if we get any), I'll rather not get some old Washington treaty interwar crap.

Game isn't about having fun, is about collecting the kantai.

>> No.17103105

Better result than I expected

When was this phase 2 announced, Just wondering, asking questions about things before I can come up with opinions and such.

>> No.17103107

I'm sure Tanaka had a lot of fun watching how people messed up the Saiun quests this winter.

So CA are "fine but shit" without torps? A good example of someone fucking up with class specific stats and their distribution across different classes.
I mean, it took an almost BB tier BP remodel for Zara to become a ship worth using even with magick winebottle torp launchers.

>> No.17103110

I'd love to see gun cut-in changed since nobody uses it by giving it a bigger multiplier but only counting the firepower stat.

>> No.17103120

>When was this phase 2 announced
Since forever, but don't expect it before Mars colonies.

You know what could be cool? Alaska-chan. She could have better stats that Gangut but lack APCI. Also she could be lumped in the "FBB" category to make it even weirder. And we could make unfunny and overused jokes about her being American and fat!

>> No.17103122

Fun for us, not Tanaka Like: Something where you enjoy the event, rather than wrapping your head around: shitty fleet restrictions, and spreadsheet chaos topped of with bullshit amounts of requirements and other miscellaneous shit like stats and debuff ships

Not sure of this fact but I heard from people that the Appregio event was fun

>> No.17103128

How rude of you.
Myoukous and Zaras are as old and nobody had a problems with it.
What difference would 10 years make?
Do you hate Saratoga for being so old?

>> No.17103132

What's fun? I thought E4 in the last event was fun, watching everything melt to bombers just to set up a 1v1 between a CAV with one purpose and an installation. But I bet a lot of people just say "that's too easy" and hate it.

>> No.17103139

>Myoukous and Zaras are as old
Zaras got fictional torpedoes. Also, neither of these two classes adhered the Washington treaty.

>> No.17103141

Can I see the announcement, because I want to see what they have in store for Phase 2

>but don't expect it before Mars colonies.
Why has it been like this?

>> No.17103148

That was possibly the only event Tanaka (purely by mistake or him being drunk) intended to be fun.

Fun would be something like crossroads bonus level ships fighting on a map with retarded Abyssal compositions.
E-4 was a just above average, with the extra of actually usefull LBAS, wait untill your CA(s) not scratch. Not something too exciting considering the CVL oASW spam.

>> No.17103152

The only think we know about phase 2 is that it would include "friends", like you can see in the greyed out friends button.

>Why has it been like this?
Because probably they aren't even working on it.

>> No.17103159
File: 5 KB, 84x49, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phase 2 is just from this button. I don't think they ever announced anything.

>> No.17103161

Explain how you would make RNG fun.

>> No.17103163

Attractive girls and cool music.

>> No.17103167

>Also, neither of these two classes adhered the Washington treaty.
So you just want them to be fat and thick?

>> No.17103172

KC got that covered, but that doesn't make something fun desu.
Siomething more is needed.

>> No.17103176

What? I didn't type this.

>> No.17103179 [DELETED] 

Well, Personally, I never got to see fun in this game to tell what is fun, Aside from 1-1 Full carrier, That shit is amusing to me.

I just see events as never ending suffering: It's constant desk smashing and Miss this and A rank that, and last dance this, and boss not killed that.

I won't lie, I only joined since august last year, You can be all "Fuck off newfag" this and that, but even older players are struggling, the way I see it, this game is made for spreadsheet surfing statfags.

It wasn't too good if you ask me

Well, thinking about that, it doesn't seem like it's going to be much, doesn't look like much, so it might as well be neglected like Samidare Kai Ni and Shinano, it doesn't even seem too good

Sadly, absolutely nothing

>> No.17103190

Because you are a fucking off-site faggot

>> No.17103194

Baka desu senpai

>> No.17103199

That explains why everything is so shit.

>> No.17103201

>but even older players are struggling
No they aren't. They flail their e-peen or just don't care about the grind.
>this game is made for spreadsheet surfing statfags
Some people like that. There are cute girls, seasonals and voice lines for the others. Still, you can't make everyone happy (especially in an RNG numberchruncher game like this).

>> No.17103209 [DELETED] 

>I only joined since august last year
Why the hell are you even complaining? Fuck off if you don't like the game.

>> No.17103221

>even older players are struggling
Yeah, less than 15 whole sorties to clear the final map last event (including debuff and BB hime, obviously), a real hell.

>> No.17103223

Yeah, and the USN ones will get fake torps as well, but still weak.
A USN CL will eclipse in FP stat do to having far more guns, and should make even Maya look weak in AA. If it's a Cleveland class, it will have far better armor than nearly all CAs, except Zara.

>> No.17103225

As far as i see it, he's just asking newfag tier questions.
You could have just reminded him that he'll be here forever.

>> No.17103228

I'm not one to quit. personally I do like me some mindless endless grinding, it really does fill my empty time. Even if I loved this game, I'd still complain, mega statfag or supreme casual, that shit's still annoying

>> No.17103238

A "better than Maya AACI" and still being able to do DA would be cool, but I don't know if they want to dethrone Maya as the AA queen. They could be pretty useful for combined fleets.

>> No.17103240

I really want the next event to be brutal and suffering-inducing. I feel like that might help get all these whiny, insufferable complainers to quit.

>> No.17103248

>and is already starting to drop and forget Kai Nis and such
You're fucking retarded and should read the Comptiq interviews. If you had bothered to keep up with the news you'd know that another BB is getting a Kai 2, Kumano's Kai 2 is slotted for summer, Yura's Kai 2 was for after Spring and other CLs would also get one, and Sara's Kai 2 was never given a date but Fall is the most likely time.

>> No.17103249

Won't work because they'll just drop it to easy or medium and stick around.

>> No.17103252

I don't think Tanaka will add ships with Maya tier AACI AND adequate DA.
Something will definitely end up being shit or barely useable if not focused.

I think it'll just make more people complain.
And it's the memedalfags who couldn't get their memedal are more prone to quit.

>> No.17103253
File: 127 KB, 438x360, Window_with_Teru_teru_bōzu_dolls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems familiar.

>> No.17103259

The Answer is to add an Atlanta-class cruiser. Had both Torpedoes and Guns.
No planes though. Might be a four-slotter like Yuubari since they were overloaded.

>> No.17103263

Tanaka doesn't want to annoy the players, else he'll bring back the gauge regeneration. Somehow a vocal minority that "wants to be hardcore" think the came should cater to them.

A bootleg Dido? No thank you.

>> No.17103264

Fuck. I thought this month was going to be easy for ranking, but it's gotten pretty competitive all of a sudden.

>> No.17103265

>If you had bothered to keep up with the news you'd know that another BB is getting a Kai 2
I only remeber the mention of one BB with a CL afterward.
Was that on the YuubarixYura magazine or some other?

Ushio? and Akatsuki? hanged the bad admiral?

>> No.17103266

Why not Atlanta? No planes and shit evasion. She could have a Maya tier AACI and torps but has the cons above. Not to mention armor is shit like every light cruiser. The question is if she would have 4 slots since Atlanta class cruisers(the first four anyway) were said to be overloaded.

>> No.17103270

Atlantas were better at Anti-aircraft though.

>> No.17103277

You're doing it the wrong way dumbass, because if you make the next event suffering, they'll whine harder before they quit, and some's spirits may not be broken, causing them to whine for future generations, plus, you might create new whiners as people with not perfect setups fail, and now they have a reason to whine.

This'll make your lives hell for a long amount of time until they find their way out, This might also murder the game as these whiners might spread down to their friends and talk about how brutal KanColle is, reducing game traffic drastically and cutting KanColle's budget as a game

Not to mention how spiteful these discussions might grow, as this elite crowd grows into elite utopia (Assuming all newfags are gone and KanColle can go on) the elites will eventually start cannibalising one another, any typos or shit become laughingstocks instantly, and shitstorms will ensue. This fandom might become pure cancer

Tanaka also Shinano is coming in an interview

>> No.17103282

He also said it was mistake to add Yamatos so early, which is why Shinano hasn't come. Not that anyone really cares about her other than bragging rights.

>> No.17103285

With all these shitters complaining about "salt" or "suffering" every event no matter how easy it is I think he's doing a good job at annoying them already.

>> No.17103286

>I only remeber the mention of one BB with a CL afterward.
It was on a tweet you fucking retard.

>> No.17103287

Tanaka is an odd man, no one can be sure of his actions

Plus, I've met a guy with Shinano as his waifu

Never be so sure of everyone, blanket statements can end terribly

>> No.17103290

Adding a Zuki like CL shouldn't be a problem. But i'm interested in how can the fat fuck make torpedoless CA competitive without magictubes or Zara due tier remodels.
And we already have Yodo that is close to Atlanta (gmaplay/design wise).

>> No.17103292

>Plus, I've met a guy with Shinano as his waifu
What the actual ship? Or the Prototype art? Either way he has terrible taste.

>> No.17103300

He could have pulled them out of LSC to give the oldfags extra bragging rights and reintroduced them with some future event when they got buffed/reworked/K2d.
But lets just keep the mistake as it is.

>> No.17103303

>Shinano as his waifu
Probably just another shitter who wants muh megane carrier.

>> No.17103304

You should write more insults in japanese to prove your point even more.

>> No.17103305

>I've seen people thought she was like the first to come
Okay so you are retarded. Look you dumbass, when people said first they meant it was the first Yoshinori Kai 2, as in the first Kai 2 he was given. At the time of the announcement there was no info about any other Kai 2 beside's a CA Kai 2 incoming, which turned out to be Zara a few months later. It was reasonable until March to think Sara would be Yoshinori's first Kai 2 because there was no other Yoshinori Kai 2 announced until the BB was mentioned in an interview. He likely announced Sara's Kai 2 right after the event because she had just come out and she was very popular, so it was something for her admirals to get excited over.

You need to learn to read conversations and not just skim through them.

>> No.17103309

Yodo is more like Brooklyn-class cruisers actually.
Atlantas are closer in size to Agano class(Actually about 10 meters smaller in length and 100 less in tonnage)

>> No.17103312

I meant the 4 slots and high stats.

>> No.17103314

I would say they are more like Yuubari. Overloaded for their size. Four slots and no planes. Bad evasion. Yodo can equip planes.

>> No.17103317

He's my freind don't talk shit
I remember someone specifically stating "cutting in line" though, and someone replied that the devs changed their minds

I forgive you for coming late, everyone wants to have the last say

>> No.17103322

Don't forget the worse than average armor for a 1930s CL.

>> No.17103324 [DELETED] 

Whoever said someone cut in line is a fucking retard, just like you, and should fuck off.

>> No.17103328

The last thing they said about Shinano implement is 4 years ago and they haven't say anything about her since then.

>> No.17103333

Probably because they know she'd be a mistake just like her shitty artist who once drew her.

>> No.17103334

As long as when she does get added they give her a better design I don't care.

>> No.17103336

(He) already did.
I think a CL with bad EVA and armor would be a huge taiha and chuha magnet who'd need to have some hardcore performance to compensate for that.

>> No.17103341

Put her in the second fleet Flagship position if she turns out to have great AACI. Problem solved.

>> No.17103342

If being a redesigned Yamato-class is anything to go by, Yoshinori should make her decent at least.

>> No.17103346

She'd need to be really good to dethrone the Squealer.

>> No.17103348

I'm going to leave the computer soon because real life calls, say as you wish, but I can't sit on this computer for my life, I'll join back tomorrow or something, take it as a breather

Not leaving the thread though

>> No.17103353


>> No.17103358

Depends on the map. If you have a map with a lot of Wo-class and Abukuma is best used on another map then I would say it's okay to use her.

>> No.17103366 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.17103368

Remove cap for gun CI. There, solved.

>> No.17103370

Just stay in your discord group or whever you came from.

>> No.17103376

E4 was the hardest map of last event.

>> No.17103386

As a veteran statfag, I'll say that by now I'll just take whatever shit Tanaka throws at me and accept it. No matter what it is, it's just another challenge to me. So far, I've got all memedals.

>> No.17103389

>Thought it was a comfy month to rank.
>Over 2k points and still can't safely say I secured top 500.
What went wrong? Over 2k just for top500 is ridiculous, I mean ranking it's not meant to be fun but this is too much.

>> No.17103397

Who are you quoting

>> No.17103398
File: 345 KB, 750x476, ugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17103399

The quest, people only use it on the month they rank, so every month there will always be people who use it.

>> No.17103411

Due to the presence of memedals, the events have reached a difficulty limit. As I see it, the way things are now, spring 2017 is as difficult as future events will go, and even that event wasn't that hard. As a result, people take breezing through events for granted, resulting in >>17103285.

Well, the fandom can't really get any worse than it is now.

>> No.17103412

Sorry for being too newfaggy, but can CA with average of 100 fp reach daytime (180) cap that easily? Won't they need really good dmg/armor rolls to have any use of that?
Giving CA CI (or DA) a fp modifier seems like a better idea and giving it to torpless CA would make them competitive to yasen oriented ones, but i don't really know.

>> No.17103417

I meant the nighttime one, which takes torp stat into account. Leave it as is but remove the damage cap.

>> No.17103419

What about people who don't breeze through "easy" events even when not on hard?
Memedals have very little to do with newfags or people with shit equips as well.

>> No.17103426

>this game is made for spreadsheet surfing statfags.

Plenty of people clear events using their luckboosted weak waifus every time. Even more so when the events are getting so easy that you have to do that if you don't want to steamroll the maps in 5 tries.

>> No.17103428

How would that solve the problems with >>17103026 and >>17102992
And i see people use TCI one their lucky CAs with good results as is now.

>> No.17103432

My first serious event was Spring 15 and I've cleared it on hard without too many problems. The idiots who complaint the most or post all that salt memetic shit don't even optimize their equips nor read the wiki.

>> No.17103435

Never said they would. My reply was for the anon who wanted gun CI buffed.

>> No.17103443

>if you don't want to steamroll the maps in 5 tries.
Not everyone has as much free time as you do, anon.

>> No.17103445

Like what, 7-10 japs unrelated to /jp/?

>> No.17103450

Doesn't seem that great because most ships would barely go over the cap and it doesn't apply twice like torp cut-in. I guess it would depend on the boss armor.

>> No.17103454

Call me really bad, but i can "breeze" only on kuso. Even medium forces me to rely on green-T and really good rolls in a good deal of situations.

>> No.17103463

You get 2-3 weeks per event, shitstain.

>> No.17103464

>I guess it would depend on the boss armor.
Pretty much. I figured that gun CI with cap damage removed would at least have a niche when dealing with super high armour bosses. It's not much for most ships, but for a few ships like Haguro it could be very useful.

>> No.17103469

Spare a thought for the doctor who barely gets 1-2 hours of free time a day. I get that being a NEET is the in thing to do here, but some people want to be able to buy in-game stuff.

>> No.17103473

Get your own clinic then.

>> No.17103478

I don't mean the ridiculous shit like transport fleets with 11 DDs. But stuff like Yuugumos in escort fleets or CLs that aren't Abukuma or not using any torpedo sluts.

>> No.17103479

You have a smart phone, use it. If the artists can clear events on hard so can you, stop using your job as an excuse and calling everyone who can clear the event a NEET just because you're garbage. I bet you're also a shitty doctor.

>> No.17103483

Not everyone has to work 14 hours every day either.

>> No.17103488

NEETs detected.

I'm not that doctor, but I understand how he feels now that I got a job that doesn't give me much free time. At least I have like double the free time he has?

>> No.17103491

So you don't even need to do the weeklies for screws? That's even worse. Did you got a doctorate in Faggotry?

>> No.17103508

I'm pretty sure if my doctor were playing anime girl ship shooting simulator while I was trying to get checked out I'd at least feel a little irritated

>> No.17103514

Especially if he has shit taste.

>> No.17103518

I'd just tell him his shipfu a shit and to use better expeditions.

>> No.17103524


>anime girl ship shooting simulator

It's an anime girl ship dice rolling and spreadsheet simulator.

>> No.17103527

Doctors don't even work that many hours normally. I would know, my father's a doctor.

>> No.17103530

Honestly, if I were one of these "I have 3 mortgages and 5 ex-wives so I must work 20 hours each day" guys, I'll be more worried about the lack of time to farm the new girls than clearing the events.

>> No.17103537

>anime girl ship shooting simulator
Azur Lane isn't out yet m8.

And chances are you're going to need a chink ID to play it so there's no point anyway if you aren't from the mainland.

>> No.17103542

Aer Lingus? The Argentina carrier?

>> No.17103553

1-2 hours a day is still 20+ hours throughout the event. And that's why some people take a day leave from job during event time

>> No.17103563

Doesn't count. They fucked with her voice

>> No.17103569

Beaver of course.

>> No.17103571
File: 402 KB, 661x716, DD_Kawakaze_Kai_Ni_469_Full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She got off easy.

>> No.17103572

My friends a doctor in training. He only has 2 days a week of free time and little to no time during the weekdays, especially if he needs to do a double shift. His parents take at least one of his off days so he's left with pretty much one day of the week to relax.
I don't think an rng game (with its' frustration factors) is something he would like to play when he wan't to relax. But he don't play no KanColles, so he's fine.

>> No.17103576

I hope you scrapped your Kawakaze then.

>> No.17103580

We also got Suzuya before Nagato.

>> No.17103582

Ning Hai, Ping Hai and Yat Sen should be fine.

>> No.17103585

>doctor in training
>comparing a trainee with a full doctor
You're retarded.

>> No.17103592

>But he don't play no KanColles
>don't no
So he plays KanColle.

>> No.17103593
File: 384 KB, 549x749, DD_Kawakaze_459_Full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She is forever blue... and smug.

>> No.17103599

You make it sound like a full time dorctor has it super easy.

>> No.17103602

I just got a dupe and the shitty Kai Ni is forever on expedition.

>> No.17103612

Mind the plural. Obviously, at double shift, he can't deal with multiple accounts.

>> No.17103613

Of course he doesn't have it super easy dumbass, but someone who is training or still in the transitioning period between med school and being a doctor is going to have to work more hours than after they're done with training.

>> No.17103621

Since when was anyone talking about multiple accounts? Why would you even bring up multiple accounts?

>> No.17103632

Plural immediately means KanColle + all its ripoffs.

>> No.17103639 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, don't lump the ripoffs together with the original.

>> No.17103640

Whoa dude, you are proving to be even dumber after each post.

>> No.17103643

How many KanColles do you know htat start with a capital K and C?
Or is this the new small "c" meta?

>> No.17103649
File: 996 KB, 1920x789, censored haruna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny that Google Street View's face recognition blurred out Haruna's face.

Irish carrier.

>> No.17103654

EO nearly destroyed my computer, what the fuck man.

>> No.17103655

Its sad that a bunch of chinks made a better game gameplay wise by just updating it, very shameful display.

>> No.17103658

Because it knows of how lewd she is and all the doujins about her?

>> No.17103661

And yet you're still here, funny how that works.

>> No.17103663

>having such a shitty computer that it can't handle a low-resource viewer like EO.

>> No.17103666

Of course, why wouldn't I be?

>> No.17103667 [DELETED] 

If you like it so much why don't you fuck off to /vg/ then?

>> No.17103669
File: 82 KB, 798x479, wan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17103673

Wait, DMM makes robots?

>> No.17103676

Didn't say I liked it, did I strike a nerve?

>> No.17103679

But this was a thing even before small c.

>> No.17103681

No one else has the courage to make sex bots real.

>> No.17103683

>talking about off topic shit
>easy to bait
Shit general? Shit general.

>> No.17103686

I've been using it for a year with no problems, then it suddenly crashed while doing 6-5 and completely fucked up everything. I've been trying to get it to start for 5 hours now, I can't open EO without it crashing again. I don't want to play vanilla, I feel so naked.

>> No.17103687


>> No.17103688

>進撃の手引き -第二期兵站作戦立案書-
It's been mentioned in interviews. Probably just coming at Tanaka's usual pace. If the idea were canned I doubt they'd have brought it back after Android signups replaced the button. Remember that escorts were one of the first things promised back in 2013 and we only just got them now.

>> No.17103691

Delete the original and download it again. Also restart your computer.
>doing 6-5 so late in the month

>> No.17103693

Jump to KCV or one of its clones like ING or poi.

>> No.17103695

Which general? You didn't even posted in the right board, LAMO

>> No.17103697

Never ever, you got duped!

>> No.17103698

There is still a difference of overall quality which leave KC on top.
But the fact that ripoffs do improvements/overhauls to core gameplay that make the game more interesting to watch feels like a real shame.
Or maybe i'm just too used to KC and the other ones look comparatively more interesting at this point.

>> No.17103709

You don't actually love her at all.

>> No.17103712

That might explain the Love Live billboard a few feet down the road; Honoka, Umi, and Kotori are also censored.

>> No.17103735

The escorts should have been added as soon as possible, now they are a pointless addition in my opinion.

>> No.17103750

Or at least together with OASW.

>> No.17103787
File: 196 KB, 850x1202, tani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder is there anyone who have married Tanikaze? She is so underrated.

>> No.17103793

Japan Adult VR Fes

>> No.17103797



>> No.17103872
File: 259 KB, 800x480, kancolle_20170530-171927107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to my waifu?

>> No.17103875

s-She'll live forever in your heart!

>> No.17103880

Don't be mean, Haruna is okay.

>> No.17103883

Died in darkness.

>> No.17103922

Further detail about Fujiq collab

>> No.17103936

That plane ride looks pretty fun.

>> No.17103946

This is how you play it

>> No.17104020

2183 for the cutoff right now.
Seems like if you reach top500 by just doing the +350 ranking points quest

>> No.17104030 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 212x374, 1492400290036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to see into the future... Keep in mind that the world is currently in tensions never seen since the peek of the Cold War... Thermonuclear armaggedon could happen any day and if war between Russia and China against NATO and their allies Tokyo *will* be nuked, even if tactically. That not only spells the destruction of KanColle, but possibly all of anime and even the whole world. Even if there is no thermonuclear war on a global scale, we know North Korea has at least three nukes, and three big neighbors they can aim those at - China, South Korea and yup, you guessed it, Japan -. So just on the grand scale of things there are a lot of variables... Personally this is the second thing I'm the most paranoid about aside from death itself, WW3 is very possible and imminent if world leaders don't play their cards in a very humanistic way. If there is no WW3, there's still a risk of a major economic crisis in the 10 to 30 years. US debt keeps growing and nobody knows how to pay that. If the US defaults, the whole world is going to shit. And guess what happens when there is an economic crisis? The first expenditures that are cut off are those with entertainment, that's where KanColle is in. Also Japan can experience a huge earthquake at any given moment that would devastate Tokyo instantly, a tsunami too. But if we assume that no war, no economic crisis and no natural catastrophe will destroy this era of unprecedented prosperity in human history - specially in Japan - then I think it's safe to say KanColle will stay exactly as it is at least for another 3 years and up to 8 years, with a few additions like merchandise and spinoff games such as the arcade. After 3 - at worst - and 8 - at best - years, we'll start seeing major changes. That's when KanColle will be hugely industrial, appealing more to Western audiences and thus lowering its standards and overall franchise quality. The fanbase will destroy the franchise more and more. Eventually it will have completely changed from its original roots, even if still is technically the same thing... Think of Mario the plumber or PacMan. Does it still exist? Yes. Is it as popular as in the start? Yeah. But is it still the same good old Mario? Nah.

>> No.17104041

Kill yourself you fucking retard >>>/pol/

>> No.17104047
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>> No.17104052 [DELETED] 

nah, even if a war is to be happen, it won't kill anyone, just made them nude

>> No.17104063

Shiranui k2 when?

>> No.17104079 [DELETED] 

* correct link http://en.rocketnews24.com/2017/05/24/japanese-professor-concerned-that-female-soldiers-would-be-naked-after-bombs-blow-off-clothes/

>> No.17104092

Hopefully never, there's better Kagerous to remodel.

>> No.17104112

Amtsukaze, Tokitsukaze, and Isokaze to start.

>> No.17104124

You're dumb if you think anyone will get it before the first 3.

>> No.17104134

Yukikaze to Tan Yang

>> No.17104154

Did he died?

>> No.17104157

Literally this.
I don't know if I will like a Yukikaze without torpedoes but sure.

>> No.17104162

>Yukikaze to Tan Yang

>remodel to a less powerful bote
Besides the right wing crazies over there would firebomb tanaka's house if he did. I'd expect USS Nagamon first.

>> No.17104164

>Besides the right wing crazies over there would firebomb tanaka's house if he did
Just like they fire bombed his place when he added Iowa right? Stop being retarded.

>I'd expect USS Nagamon first.
Jesus Fucking Christ for the last fucking time Nagato was NEVER commissioned into the USN, only Prinz Eugen was.

>> No.17104174

Kawashima the good lady with a lewd body.

>> No.17104176


>> No.17104179


>> No.17104180

nah, in Fujiq they even had a competition about how muvh round you can rotate and if you rotated more than 40 rounds in a go then you can get free ticket to enjoy hot spring (but the promotion have been ended)

>> No.17104193

I would make it to 5 then hurl and pass out

>> No.17104209

Why would someone marry Yuubari

>> No.17104223

Think of what kind of kinky things an experimental cruiser gets up to.

>> No.17104249

She does have that extra slot for, you know, stuff.

>> No.17104261
File: 1.35 MB, 1920x1200, 7DA7DCC5-EDC1-3B8C-E0A4-CA92B3D7A3CC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What keeps you going when the grind gets bad?

>> No.17104262
File: 272 KB, 554x398, 1448344004101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kawashima is the cutest boat

>> No.17104265

There's no grind.

>> No.17104269

old idol is old

>> No.17104274

Get out.

>> No.17104282

Christmas Cakes deserve some love too.

>> No.17104325


>> No.17104341
File: 838 KB, 850x1133, alcoholic ship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17104390

Chinese bootlegs are just another clusterfuck in gameplay. How does it make sense for every ship to have unique combat skills?

>> No.17104391

ha the Zuikaku joke become real

>> No.17104393

What joke?

>> No.17104408
File: 414 KB, 872x884, kagalaugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17104409

Today is the last day that I am grinding 5-4.
Gonna take 3 months break until the next event. Hoping for another sex torp reward.

>> No.17104414

Yesterday when dev twitter was talking about Fujiq and zuiun someone jokingly mentioned zuikaku and now zuikaku will be featured in second day stage there

>> No.17104415


All the money I spent would be wasted if I gave up.

>> No.17104416

What place are you going to stop at? this is my first time trying to rank and I'm terrified I'm going to fall out of the top 500 without realizing it.

>> No.17104420

What were you doing on Twitter?

>> No.17104421

>now zuikaku will be featured in second day stage there
No she won't.

>> No.17104438

If you have a 150+ points lead to the cutoff, you are safe.

>> No.17104454

100 points lead for old server.

>> No.17104459

I also stopped ranking last month. It just gets too stressful, I want to relax for a while.

>> No.17104482

>150+ points lead
Is the last minute rush not that bad? I was worried about a bunch of players suddenly finishing their EOs or something.

Also, how soon do you know what your rank for the month was? Do you just have to wait till rewards are handed out next month?

>> No.17104491


>> No.17104511

I don't know what server you are on but on my server, cutoff right now is about ~2200 which seem par for the course. Add another +70points to the last reset cutoff points and it should be a good estimate.

>> No.17104642

What does ranking feel like?

>> No.17104644

It's pretty fun.

>> No.17104647
File: 179 KB, 650x572, 1496137294419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's that Pokemon?

>> No.17104649

A good time to reconsider killing yourself, that is what it feels like.

>> No.17104650

A Zuiun, you dummy. Just read the text.

>> No.17104654


>> No.17104656

Like slavery without knowing what you're going to get, if you get it.

>> No.17104662

It's like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.

>> No.17104667

Like losing hours every day to running the same map over and over again in the hopes that you might get something decent. Imagine LSC but you're spending resources in the tens of thousands along with hundreds of buckets and you have to be there to babysit the timer as it counts down for a month.

>> No.17104668
File: 74 KB, 497x657, 1492991384300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like life itself.

>> No.17104676

So then why do people willingly rank for items that aren't even that good?

>> No.17104684

E-peen, are you retarded?

>> No.17104688

It is boring.
No point doing it unless you were leveling Taiyou and friends post event.

>> No.17104689

Because sometimes they are good like Reppuu Kai, sex torpedo, unique named planes, expensive to get equipment like T4 sonar, large caliber guns, Kyoufuu from a while ago.

>> No.17104693


Because sometimes it might be good.

>> No.17104699

Because there exists a chance to get something good, like 16 inches or Reppuu kai.

>> No.17104846

what sex torpedo・・・?
six torpedo? or Torpedo do sex・・・?

>> No.17104886

Fuck off newfag.
