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1707910 No.1707910 [Reply] [Original]

ITT things about Japan that make no sense:

- KFC is the traditional Japanese christmas meal
- The high price of fresh fruit (both domestic and imported)
- The incredibly low price of fresh fruit juice
- The fact that the most popular car colour (by far) is white

>> No.1707923

What's wrong with white cars?

>> No.1707930


Sugoi Hanashi, Aniki

>> No.1707931

- Japan hates niggers but loves KFC

>> No.1707933


They get dirtier easier.

>> No.1707934
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>> No.1707935


>> No.1707937

They're ugly

>> No.1707941


They hate women drivers that much?

>> No.1707942



>> No.1707943

OH FUCK 67%OFF!!!!!!

>> No.1707945

Should have let a man park it for her.

>> No.1707946

looks like she's getting bullied for being a nip, in china

>> No.1707950


that's not true. Some of the girls want to be nigras

>> No.1707954

It's not about a different degree of hate, it's a different degree of honesty.

>> No.1707957


>> No.1707958

That list makes perfect sense to me, except the white car bit. Not sure I get that.

>> No.1707962


No wonder she's upset, the steering wheel is on the wrong side of the car.

>> No.1707964

- They drive on the left
- There is no such thing as trial by jury and you are guilty until proven innocent, fuelling a 99%+ conviction rate
- Loli
- The extra packaging on Japanese candy (I already opened the packet once, why do i have to unwrap everything two more times to get to the candy? ffffff)

>> No.1707974

>- The high price of fresh fruit (both domestic and imported)
>- The incredibly low price of fresh fruit juice

Are you sure it's fresh? Industrialized juices contain a very low portion of concentrated natural juice (30% is considered high).

>> No.1707979

I know 2 Japanese girls and 4 Chinese girls. They all hate black people. They'll come out with suck phrases as "Wow! you are so white!, I am yellow, but not black, black is bad!" and while passing a restaurant we were going to eat in "Ohh, there are black girls in there..." (continue walking). If one of the black guys comes over to talk to me, they will immediately stop talking and just sit there till he goes away. They're all like this.

Would be nice if it was still acceptable for everyone to show their true feelings like that.

>> No.1707981

"fresh squeezed" as opposed to "from concentrate"

e.g. tropicana

>> No.1707983

White is the most popular car color for most nations.

>> No.1707984


If that's the case, the difference in prize could be explained by bulk purchases.

>> No.1707988

- 5 vowel sounds
- One western union in the entire country (seriously, and it's always incredibly busy)
- Green tea (tastes like nothing with a biscuit aftertaste)

>> No.1707990

What? are you some sort of economics professor?

>> No.1707991

Fuck you, green tea is awesome.

>> No.1707993

>67% off

What the fuck?

>> No.1707995

More like he knows how to use common sense.

>> No.1707998
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>> No.1708004

Perhaps the whole box is ~$20

>> No.1708009
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>> No.1708010

>KFC is the traditional Japanese christmas meal
I don't think so Kim.
>The high price of fresh fruit (both domestic and imported)
Do you know "gift culture" of Japan, Kim? High price fruits are bought for present for somebody.

>The fact that the most popular car colour (by far) is white
Do you know Japanese summer is so hot, Kim?

>> No.1708013

My name's not Kim, Brian. My name is Steve.

>> No.1708014


Still a fucking rip-off. How many kilos can that box hold?

>> No.1708017


I hope so. I'd eat some babies if an apfel was $20

>> No.1708021

- The men treat the women like slaves, then bitch and moan when they leave them in the dust for a gaijin who treats her like a person

>> No.1708029


>> No.1708028

that's a pretty weird typo

>> No.1708043


No it's not. It's normal.

>> No.1708044

LOL Daydreaming gaijin. Gaijins are notorious they treat asian women like whores.

>> No.1708047

Most gaijins are probably worse, as the Japs are probably feeling guilty by now, while gaijins go there to find the submissive housewives they've heard so much about.

>> No.1708049
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>> No.1708052

Five, perhaps.

>> No.1708055

-Soda vending machines on every street, but the closest thing you get to soda in restaurants is ginger ale.

>> No.1708071



Silly fucking weeaboos.

>> No.1708075
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Fruit is expensive in Japan because there's not a lot of available land for cultivation therefore they have to import to meet domestic demands. The few fruits that are produced in Japan simply meet the price of the imported goods.

It's not every fruit that is expensive there. Mostly just tropical goods. You think that apple is expensive?

>> No.1708109

Here in Europe we import too.

Your argument falls apart when I go and buy cheap tropical fruit in the middle of winter in Finland, imported from further away than Japan does.

Of course, there's probably more demand here, since we eat food in Europe, not just fish and rice

>> No.1708139

Uhh, the BOX is $20 AFTER the 67% off. Damn you guys are a bunch of niggers.

Yeah, food is expensive, it's called IMPORTING.

>> No.1708278

So bloody true. Europe is importing its fruits half the year from the other side of the world (and from north Africa the other half of the year). Yet they are at the same (cheap) price all year long.

Apples as depicted in OP picture would be at less than two euro a kilo here. Any time of the year.

>> No.1708297

Expect fruit and vegetable prices to continue to go up as more and more retards buy into corn ethanol and eat up valuable crops for this pipe dream to wasteland. Thank you greenfags for fucking over the world ... again.

>> No.1708311


You two live in Europe and have no clue why it's cheap? Damn are you sure you are European?

damn, lrn2Economics

>> No.1708326

Demand has NOTHING to do with why food is cheap in Europe. Before you reply with "durr hurr supply/demand" you better figure out real quick that European border importation taxes are very low compared to Japan.

/Japan has a wider variety of foreign food consumption per capita than any Euro nation

>> No.1708343

Not an economic major here, I'm lost. It is that fruits are cheap in Europe, or expensive in Japan, or both?

Compared to, say, USA?

>> No.1708355


And, for those of you who don't know metric, about 1 Euro per pound.

>> No.1708361

shipping methods and land usage

>> No.1708362

Does Japan need more farmers? Maybe I can become a farmer in Japan!

>> No.1708372

I think the reason for the fruit juice/fresh fruit thing is because they're ridiculously picky about what kind of fresh fruit they'll actually eat... as in if it's bruised at all, they wont. Since most fruit is bruised at least somewhat, that means a lot of fruit gets throw out (or turned into juice). Thus, only the choice pieces of fruit get sold, and at a premium, where the rest gets juiced and is sold inexpensively.

>> No.1708374

Japan imports 98% of food. Nation subsidizes the 2% of farmers heavily so the importation tax is extremely high on agriculture. This cost is passed onto consumers.

Europe has a Customs Border system (working close to EFTA). So if fruits can be imported for cheap in Italy/Greece/Spain (where most winter fruits are brought in in Europe) then it will cost the same all the way up to Britain/Norway/Sweden. On top of that agriculture isn't subsidized barely at all so food prices are low in general. Therefore fruit is cheap regardless of the season.

The USA is a fake FTA, so companies jack up prices when they want even if it's cheaply imported from Mexico.

>> No.1708397


>> No.1708406

I know that most "fruit juice" is actually just 99% pear juice. Pears are cheaper and taste exactly the same as apples, so I assume they make japanese fruit juice the same.

>> No.1708413

>taste exactly the same as apples

1. no
2. pears are more expensive to grow than apples

>> No.1708415

from what i gather from moon speak

top right: "I'm not japanese so stop it already!"

middle left: (the mans asking her to do something)

middle right: blah blah blah Chinese woman blah

>> No.1708425


>> No.1708442

What? Yeah they do.

>> No.1708448


Drive less, use a carpool, use your public transportation system, walk. If everyone did their part you shouldn't need so much landscape to produce fuel.

>> No.1708487

Its not that, its that corn ethanol takes too much energy to actually make work and in the end is just waste of resources. Even staying in bio-diesils there are better options. Whoever sold the people on corn ethanol really should have done their homework first and looked at the other solutions if their goal really was to make a green solution.

>> No.1708519


Biodiesel requires even more biomass than ethanol to produce.

>> No.1708591

7 vowels, actually, or ten if you get really anal. "Ou" and "uu" count.

>> No.1708604

>>Would be nice if it was still acceptable for everyone to show their true feelings like that.

No it wouldn't be nice. At all. Basically your friends are not even giving them chance to prove that they're good people, bad people etc.

>> No.1708613

Then English has hundreds

>> No.1708614

lol no

>> No.1708621

You may as well say 25 and inclue ae, ea, ie etc.

>> No.1708654

There's a difference between long vowels and diphthongs and Japanese doesn't even have diphthongs (that is, combinations like "ae" are considered as two separate sounds instead of one longer one that changes in between). But yeah even so, long vowels aren't counted as separate from the short versions.

>> No.1708689

You're arguing morphemes, I'm arguing phonemes

phonologically, Japanese has only 5 unique vowel sounds. Use the IPA to transcribe some Japanese speech and you'll see.

>> No.1708699

English doesn't even have pure vowels.

'a' sounds more like ei
'u' is like i+u.

And so on.

>> No.1708702

she is yelling that she isn't japanese but i guess she is in china and looks japanese.
good stuff.

>> No.1708711

>KFC is the traditional Japanese Christmas meal
Its kind of like Jews going out for Chinese food on Christmas

>> No.1708717

>pure vowels.

>> No.1708721


>> No.1708743
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>- KFC is the traditional Japanese christmas meal

oddly enough...

>> No.1708744

English is complicated

same letters can represent different sounds


That's why I love English so much

>> No.1708755

>English is complicated

Only to pronounce. Grammar and syntax are much easier than japanese.

>> No.1708842

No. I was agreeing with you in that there are only five vowels in Japanese. I was just pointing out that long vowels are different from two different vowels following each other.

o rly
