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17036629 No.17036629 [Reply] [Original]

I'm curious, what's /jp/ favourite Stage 6 Boss in Touhou? and why? whether it's her theme, design, story behind the character or simply because the gameplay and her spell cards.

Mine is Yuyuko, she is one of my favourite characters of them all plus her theme is definitely in my top 5, it's really fun to play against and her final spell along with the music creates a great game finale. The runner-up of my list was Okuu.

You can tell us about your favourite Extra stage too.

>> No.17036710
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You posted her. I never knew about Yuyuko's final spell back in the day so when it first happened it blew my mind. Same experience I had when I first played Street Fighter III.

>> No.17036711
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Kaguya because she's the 1st Stage 6 boss I've 1cc'd. Also, while I personally don't like Kaguya as a character, her theme song is lovely.

>> No.17036747
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You're talking to the guy who keeps bumping the only Miko thread in this entire board almost everyday, so what do you think?

>> No.17037048

Lunatic Princess is actually my favourite theme in Touhou, but Yuyu is still number one because she gave me my first 1cc.

>> No.17037070

Mine is also Yuyuko. It would probably be Yuuka but I've only ever played PoFV and not LLS.

>> No.17037134

Yeah, it's one of ZUN's best. The intro is amazing and I'd say what makes it stand out the most, too.

>> No.17037171


The dialog where she is excited to see the heroines and asks the protagonists if they're there to help always makes me sad. The fact that she was so deeply tricked by Seija (who is also one of my favorite characters) that she feels like she has to fight is sad. Little Princess is a great song and the entire situation has a melancholy feeling to it, which leaves a more lasting impression on me than most of the other final stages and bosses. I love Remilia because of how fitting Septette is, Yuyuko's aesthetics and Border of Life are fantastic, and Lunatic Princess is one of the most fitting "final boss" themes in a Touhou game. But for me Shinmyoumaru is the most complete package and the almost sad resignation that she's fighting for what she believes is right is what makes her stand above.

Mokou is my favorite Extra but that's a bit unfair because she is my favorite character in the series.

>> No.17037223

Because Touhou 13 ~ Ten Desires is my favorite Touhou game.

>> No.17037230
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I absolutely love Shinki's fight, it's just perfect in so many ways. That music that reflects your feelings throughout the fight so perfectly, the boss's design and the changes that she goes through between the different stages of the fight, the iconic and visually stunning patterns, and the little details such as the fight starting in a cityscape and ending in the same cityscape but in flames.

Favorite extra is impossible to say, they all convey completely different feelings.
Mamizou for an upbeat, festive feeling boss, Mokou for a melancholy extra, or Alice for just overall danmaku and cool imagery I suppose.

>> No.17037256
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It's gotta be this one for me. Her theme is basically designed around her fight, and the way her spellcards are ordered are made to have you start dodge in a slow and calculative manner before building up to sheer reaction dodging with fast movement.

Not to mention the mid-battle lines kind of gave it a bit of narrative to the fight itself.

>> No.17037327

Also I like Okuu's a lot, the aesthetics are great and the flashing nuclear WARNING every time she uses a spellcard is one of my favorite effects in Touhou. But I tend to kind of forget her because Orin's stage leaves a stronger impression on me.

>> No.17037379

Shinmyoumaru is my favorite. I love her character, her theme, and the fight itself was one of the more memorable ones despite its gimmicks. >>17037171 explained everything that makes it great in larger detail.

I've yet to actually finish an extra, but I guess I'll say that Mokou has my favorite extra boss theme and Alice in Wonderland is my favorite stage theme

>> No.17037531

MS Extra Alice is just cool as hell with the hexagrams and circles dancing in the background and the colours changing throughout the fight.

>> No.17037864

It has gotta be Okuu. Her theme is amazing to the point it gave me an adrenaline rush when reaching her last two spellcards with one life left, I love her design and how she throws suns at you, her spells and non-spells are pretty fun and those warning noises each time she activates a spellcard is a really nice touch to an already great boss. Close runner-ups would be either Yuyuko or Byakuren.

For Ex-Bosses, overall it's Mokou but granted she's my most favorite character in the series. I do like Pristine Beat more than Reach For the Moon, Immortal Smoke for the Ex-boss theme though. It's one those themes that made me fuck up a lot during my first few runs since I was too busy listening to her theme and not focusing on her danmaku but both of those themes are pretty damn great anyway.

>> No.17038094

Final bosses

Best overall: Yuyuko
Most strategical challenge: Okuu
Most fun: Remi
Most balanced: Kanako, Eirin
Most tactical challenge: Junko
Most final: Eiki
Most disappointing: Byakuren
Most bullshit: Kaguya
Worst overall: Miko, Shinmyoumaru


Best overall: Nue, Hecatia
Most challenging: Koishi
Most fun: Yukari, Flandre
Most disappointing: Ran
Most balanced: Suwako, Raiko
Most boring: Mamizou
Worst overall: Mokou

>> No.17038111

Yeah, that's why Okuu almost had it on my list, the background aesthethics, the suns she throws at you, and the adrenaline rush the music gives especially when you have 1 life left and you are nearly beating her, it's truly one of the most epic displays. The only thing she lacked was to be a lovely character, so I just remember her as a badass enemy and nothing more.

>> No.17038505
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Woah are you me OP?
I share most of you opinion's, thanks to her godly boss fight, lovely characteristics and beauty, she has become my favorite character overall.
her last spells blew me off completely, and I was already impressed by the fight, I love the fan.
Then again, Utsuho had the best fight in terms of hype, and I agree she fits more as a "badass character you must defeat no matter what" but Yuyu as a whole is too amazing.
For some reason PCB was one of the last games I 1cc'd on normal though.

>> No.17038594

I knew you were going to show up, I've seen you in the Touhou Gameplay threads, looks like almost everybody likes her or atleast I've yet to see someone who dislikes Yuyu.

>> No.17038613

Why is Mokou so popular on /jp/?

>> No.17038619

she's pretty hot

>> No.17038677
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She has always been a meme.

>> No.17038681
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Me too, she is awesome like that.

>> No.17038699
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She's just a pretty great character.

>> No.17038724

Okuu, hands down. Everything about the fight just makes it feel so epic and amazing thanks to how impressive her flares and miniature suns are, and how every spellcard gives the WARNING!!! signs before going off.

>> No.17038744
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I've never reached a stage 6 boss.

However, from playthroughs I've seen and stuff, including knowledge about the character, my favorite "as a boss" is Junko.

I like Yuyuko more than her all in all, but Junko's awesome.

Of course I haven't faced any extra stage characters either but...Raiko sure seemed cool.

>> No.17038747

but why

>> No.17038750

Everything about her is pretty great.

>> No.17038769

I was expecting PCB to be your first 1cc too for some reason, how many pictures of her do you have on your disk?

Would you try to reach one again? I know you can do it anon.

>> No.17038776

>Would you try to reach one again? I know you can do it anon.
I'll do it someday, I know it.

My main problems are being too cautious and being afraid of using bombs. Oh, and how I just plain suck!

>> No.17038815
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I would say around 1300 if I start deleting duplicates.
IN was my first 1cc because why beating her when you can get a clear together?
>My main problems are being too cautious and being afraid of using bombs
Don't you worry anon, everyone goes through that at some point, you'll get the hang of it I'm sure.

>> No.17038866

Final bosses

Best overall: Yuyuko
>Personal preference.
Most strategical challenge: Okuu
>Requires the most skill in the general sense.
Most fun: Remi
>Again, personal preference.
Most balanced: Kanako, Eirin
>Spell cards are the most well rounded, fair and sensible.
Most tactical challenge: Junko
>Requires the most circumstantial skill and memorization of what comes next.
Most final: Eiki
>The sense of finality is the greatest. The theme and the gameplay feel like a final boss battle should. Too easy though.
Most disappointing: Byakuren
>The game builds up to a boring 6th stage and a boss without a proper sense of resolution. The UFO-gimmic is way too easy to exploit for extra lives.
Most bullshit: Kaguya
>Last spells bring her here.
Worst overall: Miko, Shinmyoumaru
>Just shit.


Best overall: Nue, Hecatia
>Cards are sensible, challenging and fair at the same time. Minimal bullshit.
Most challenging: Koishi
>Pretty clear for those who have played them all.
Most fun: Yukari, Flandre
>Personal preference.
Most disappointing: Ran
>Not even a real extra stage. A watered down Yukari.
Most balanced: Suwako, Raiko
>Both have only 1 card that's explicit bullshit. Every other spell card and non-spell is clear on what needs to be done, but not necessarily easy to deal with.
Most boring: Mamizou
Worst overall: Mokou
>Two types of cards: The ones that are easy as hell and the ones that boil down to luck or other bullshit. Stage doesn't even feel like an extra stage, it's more like a fouth stage or something.

>> No.17038937

it's great that your reasons aren't actually reasons but just you repeating yourself.

>> No.17038969

OP here, I understood what he meant to say, most of those stuff don't need further explanations, let him be.

>> No.17038995


Byakuren is good too. The music really makes it.

>> No.17039032
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Not stage 6, but Tenshi is my favorite final boss. I like her arrogant personality, her rebelliousness and her desire for thrill and adventure, while still pretending to be wiser and enlighted like a regular celestial. She works well as an antagonist since her haughtyness and toughness makes you want to beat her hard.

As for the shooters, I like Kaguya for a similar reason, and Yuyuko, Eiki and Byakuren for being kind of sympathetic. Tenshi, Kaguya and Yuyuko also have really cool fights, like Tenshi collpasing heaven with earthquakes and then kicking you to the stratosphere, Yuyuko reviving herself and Kaguya throwing all those treasures and then breaking the eternal night is pretty fucking impressive.

Besides that I think Byakuren and Kanako have the best themes and I have the most fun with Eirin, Okuu and Junko spell cards.

Yeah Junko probably works better than anyone as a villain. Scenery, theme, motivation, her calm and polite fury, her evil chinese empress look and her deadly spellcards, she's honestly a 10/10 boss.

>>The sense of finality is the greatest. The theme and the gameplay feel like a final boss battle should.
Yeah I agree, specially when playing Yuka and she takes it personally.
>Too easy though.
I also agree kind of want to see the yama go all out.

>> No.17039061

I think I've enjoyed every stage 6 boss I've reached for their spells, the theme, the excitement of getting a 1cc.
Yuyuko's stage and atmosphere is outright beautiful. Her final creates a great amount of pressure and was super satisfying to clear.
Kaguya's final I never beat on a normal 1cc, I ended up having to clear final A and I think Eirin's final is less exciting than Kaguya.
Kanako, though. Kanako's final spell, "Mountain of Faith" on normal, the fact that it's a titledrop for the name of the spell, and it's such a fun spell to dodge and it's no gimmicks, just pure dodging and fun and it's challenging, and when her theme just feels so perfect for that spell, it made my hands shake and made me really anxious but it was so satisfying to clear.
The only other stage 6 boss I've beat is Junko on pointdevice and I was so frustrated after dying to Clownpiece for 2 hours that I just didn't even care about any of her spells, I ended up capping everything on normal except PBH which I just bombed and was glad to be done with LoLK. I like her backstory as a character and her theme is good but LoLK as a full game on normal is just so annoying.
I've made it to Miko a few times but still haven't cleared but her stage and theme and spell cards are all pretty underwhelming.
For extra clears, I really enjoyed what I've got so far, Mokou, Ran, and Suwako. All fun, and Mokou was a hell of a challenge for me. All have really good themes.

>> No.17039070

>all these kaguyaplebs
not only is the fight worse, history of the moon is a much better stage 6 theme

>> No.17039094

Byakuren theme made me feel I was the bad guy of the movie and that she was a nice person.

>it made my hands shake and made me really anxious but it was so satisfying to clear.
Same here, I was with like 1.00 power left and zero lives, and the day I got it I already failed like 4 times to that spell, most satisfying win of them all even though I don't like Kanako myself.

>> No.17039432

I humbly disagree, but I respect your opinion!

>> No.17039580

I like them about the same. I really like the dissonance at the end of Lunatic Princess although unfortunately it's only for a few seconds before it resolves, but I like the trumpet melody in History of the Moon more than the main melody for Lunatic Princess.

>> No.17039888

Kaguya is easier and her is fight way more flashier so it makes sense.

>> No.17041542
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I could elaborate, but she was well-covered in the thread already. So instead, I'll do this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jv1yYDzvFtQ

>> No.17041555
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The fight has so much importance as you are fighting the god of makai and the world crumbles around you as the fight continues.

>> No.17043915

Its the pants

>> No.17044207

Like mokou, I too, simply want to fucking die

>> No.17044864
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It's because she's a very handsome guy.

>> No.17044870

If you like Little Princess you straight up just don't like Touhou. You don't get it.

>> No.17045273

Same one for me on the grounds that it was the first one I ever got to, without crashing and burning on levels four and five.

>> No.17045969

muh guitars are bad

>> No.17045983

If you like Septette for the Dead Princess you straight up just don't like Touhou. You don't get it.

>> No.17046008

If you like Touhou you straight up just don't like Touhou. You don't get it.

>> No.17046451

>Most strategical challenge: Okuu
Okuu is the easiest final boss if anything. Her spellcards are theatrical. Huge sun-like danmaku never sen before, to symbolize her great power but they're easy to dodge. They're just a few spheres.
The only hard spellcard is the gravity one.

>> No.17046463 [DELETED] 

Was this game designed for autists? Looks like a typical 2D shooter game lol...

>> No.17046564
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I can't believe you newfags don't mentioned Byakuren. She's the only Final Boss who is clear doing nothing wrong, also Fires of Hokkai + Cosmic Mind creates the perfect atmosphere for a final battle, the player wonders something big will show up, and then you see youkai jesus. Her danmaku is pretty and defiant, who didn't screw in her last Spell Card?

Just Yuyuko compares to her in the whole series. If you disagree, you are a secondary.

>> No.17046626

Well she is the hottest one

>> No.17046691
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The best spell she has isn't even her own.

I do agree with the music though, really up there in terms of stage and final boss themes.

>> No.17046795

>She's the only Final Boss who is clear doing nothing wrong

>> No.17048542
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>only Final Boss doing nothing wrong
>youkai jesus
This was my main problem with the Byakuren fight. The dialogue (and music) makes it feel like she's a genuinely nice person you are the one in the wrong, so in the end the fight feels really pointless and it gives off a "what the hell am I fighting her for?" feeling.

>> No.17048719

oh yeah because Remilia just whipping out a parasol doesn't make you feel like that at all

>> No.17049373

>The dialogue (and music) makes it feel like she's a genuinely nice person you are the one in the wrong
what? not at all

Fires of Hokkai is ominous as fuck and the heroines explain why her philosophy is retarded

>> No.17049503

>She's the only Final Boss who is clear doing nothing wrong,
Sure, except the "breaking confinement rightfully put on her for betrayal and crimes against humanity" part. Byakuren is a criminal, and her subordinates were causing trouble in Gensokyo in her name. Then, once Byakuren was broken out, they landed their ship smack dab on top of someone's fucking grave.

You Byakushit zealots are deluded.

>> No.17051028 [DELETED] 

>it's another "Byakuren is EVIL!" episode
I'm quoting rabid Byakuren haters who won't get my (You).

>> No.17051189

So much for jp's freedom of speech.
Also, to answer the topic, Junko or Okuu.

>> No.17051272

You Humanity Fuck Yea idiots need to go back to /tg/

>> No.17051283

Kanako because I love her last spell card

>> No.17051329

Reading Byakuren's profile and backstory makes you a "Humanity Fuck Yea idiot" now? I thought Byakuren was all for youkai, not humanity.

>> No.17057334

How come no one said Mima yet?

>> No.17057363

Well her fight isn't very exciting, it's in a beta game and the music is meh.

>> No.17057381

>music is meh
