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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 137 KB, 650x930, __nagato_yuki_suzumiya_haruhi_no_yuuutsu_drawn_by_youkan__057f7ac5d88150d1a95f93c4702b666f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17012054 No.17012054 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>16974668

ITT: We discuss onaholes, dolls, and every thing else we stick our junk into because using just your hand is for peasants.

The guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a

Read the guide, use the archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

Length, girth, budget and location are important in determining your next best course of action!

Use the chat for small questions and try to extend the life of the thread.

Please refrain from creating new threads till page 10.

Onahole Chat:

>> No.17012096


Yeah, it really sucks. It makes sex a huge pain in the ass. Lots of foreplay + lots of lube is absolutely necessary. My girlfriend hates it and wishes I was smaller. I hope it doesn't make onaholes unusable too.

Although tearing an onahole that looks like a little girl's vagina does sound kinda hot...

Why couldn't I have a little-girl-compatible dicks?

The Girl in the Box should get here in a day or two though. I'll report to the thread with the results! Do you guys like pictures?

>> No.17012099
File: 483 KB, 2463x1500, holecomp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been using my Venus Real Soft for 2+ years and it's still my favorite after trying like 8 other holes

It's starting to feel a little weird and the texture is chafing off a bit. Decided to buy a new one. There's also been a slight design change last year.

>> No.17012129

I've been using my tomaxes for years and never powdered them. I just wrap them up in an old t-shirt which is great for storage.

I'm a fan of the flip using a condom, hands-free, leaving it unclosed. Lube isn't even required. It's good for people with sensitive heads during cumming.

I do wonder how many people here do hands-free. It's way better to use some pillows and actually hump away. It's only something I thought to try after having sex

>> No.17012135

>It's only something I thought to try after having sex

Why though? Don't you find thrusting tiring/burdensome, or does your girl ride you/move her hips a lot too?

>> No.17012142

Anyone have any good recommendations for dick bullies with a fuckable womb? Lolinco virgo is the only hole I own right now, so I'm open to suggestions of sleeves or hips. Loli ones would be great, but it's not necessary.

>> No.17012158

Is the Hanjuku really good enough to drop $100 on including shipping?

It looks like a nice inbetween size compared to a hip but it's really not that much cheaper...

>> No.17012216

Do oral holes actually feel any different than other holes?

I have a bit of an oral fetish, and I've been thinking about buying an oral hole, but if they're the same as others (which as best I can tell from looking at internal structures they are) I'm not going to bother.

>> No.17012232

>too lazy to even have sex
Bro, thrusting feels good.
Burns calories too.

>> No.17012309

Those are both Soft? Is the new one bigger or is the front part just like that?

>> No.17012312


>> No.17012322
File: 55 KB, 900x677, 1472763197662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice blog normalfag.
As if you weren't content sharing your life story in the other thread, you decided you needed to bring it into this one too for some reason.

>> No.17012323

Where do you hide your hole

>> No.17012351


>> No.17012352


>> No.17012355

In a locked seward trunk.

>> No.17012357

Imagine being this triggered about someone talking about their big dick

>> No.17012360


I was about to reply in that other thread but then someone just posted this one, so I posted here instead.

If I'm here and buying a loli onahole, am I really a normalfag?

>> No.17012366

A pitiful normalfag but yes

>> No.17012378

If all he was talking about is how his big dick keeps breaking onaholes, that would be fine, that's the kind of stuff you come to these threads to get help with.
But no one fucking cares about the sex he has with his girlfriend >>>/reddit/ is that way if he wants to blog about shit like that.

Yes. Yes you are.

>> No.17012392

His original post was about concern that his dick would break The Girl in the Box because of the hole diameter wasn't it? I think >>17010053 is him

>> No.17012427


I don't use reddit. imageboards and IRC are about as social-media as I get. I never use FB/skype/discord/reddit/twitter/IG/etc. I've been on imageboards for a decade now, how is any of that normie?


Yes that was me. We'll find out in a couple days if it does! I hope it's okay. Has anyone who has used the GitB noticed how much of a bulge it produces? I have a fetish for stomach distortion from fucking really little girls.

>> No.17012430

Simply using imageboards doesn't really mean you aren't a normie these days, friend-o.

>> No.17012437


Yes, but the fact that I've been using them for over a decade is a bit different than someone who is using them right now and goes on /b/, /v/, /soc/.

How about this?

I'm developing an incredibly detailed game form scratch in C++ without a game engine where you kidnap and rape little girls. It has genetics systems, keeps track of how much urine is in their bladders, their personalities and what kind of things they associate together, their vaginal/anus sizes, etc.

Is that still normie?

>> No.17012442

Computer desk cupboard in a freezer bag in a Nintendo switch box. (As a decoy. I keep all my empty boxes in there so unless you pick it up you'd assume it was empty too.)

>> No.17012483
File: 16 KB, 662x199, whathaveidone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now we wait...

>> No.17012486

>those giant tits
gross, should have gotten something normal sized

>> No.17012490

>normal sized

>> No.17012494


You man you should have gotten something flat? Should've gotten a flat 120cm tall little girl instead of that 158cm titty monster.

I mean, there's even those dolls modeled after candydolls, right? Trollta or something? Or at least someone dressed them all up in the same outfits as CDs.

>> No.17012509
File: 116 KB, 900x1600, 1481307424601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trollta or troika or whatever they fuck they are look like little monsters.

dsdoll/exdoll makes cute short dolls. Cant get small dolls with small breasts on the US store though, only the Chinese store has the small breast version

>> No.17012518

Oh shit nigger!
You actually did it, you absolute mad man!

>> No.17012521

Dolls are way too off putting for me to ever get aroused by.
I kinda wish I didn't have this phobia, but at the same time feel like it's there for a reason.

>> No.17012530

holy shit unboxing pics when she arrives please

>> No.17012546


What if you wanted to buy one that genuinely look like little girls? Is there anywhere on earth that sells realistic fuckable kindergartner (or even grade 1-3) dolls?

>> No.17012581
File: 43 KB, 460x569, a9rnVLK_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a paizuri fetish, my dude.
That's why I'm buying a blindfold to not look into her dead motionless eyes.
Will do.

Time to shop for accessories, I guess.

>> No.17012603

If you use the word 'normie', then yes, you are 100% normalfag and must have been on 4chan less than 4-5 years because that was not even a thing until faggots started swarming in here in strenght from other shitholes.

>> No.17012613

>want to bring in my slut announcer that has been sitting in my car for over a year
>dont know what to fap to
Not worth rbing in just so I can fap to some H-doujin

>> No.17012644


I was here before /fit/, etc were even boards. Back when it was just on 7chan that you had /fit/, (rip ZC). before /jp/, before a lot of other boards. Back when WHEN I WAS was getting spammed all the time on /b/. back when loli-chan was still a thing. Where did the time go? Hell, you can even probably find my posts on /jp/ from 2012 when I was first planning my loli kidnapping simulator.

>> No.17012653

What's the Hanjuku (half Mature) under on en-nls?
Also, is en-nls the go-to site or is there better?

>> No.17012727


>> No.17012811

My Puni ana SPDX arrived today, and I was so excited I used it twice, and if I hadn't cleaned it already I'd have used it a third time. It's surprisingly easy to clean, even without a tub. Is there any way I should store it, I'd like it to last for a long while.

>> No.17012813

I fell for the meme and bought Lolinco virgo.

Also, Lolinco soft is my favourite hole now.

>> No.17013010

Hey dollanon, do you sleep with your doll, is that even possible? I'd like to know whether I should keep saving up for a doll or spend it on some other frivolous waste of money, and that's a bit of a deal breaker or maker.

>> No.17013160

Does onahole lube like ona tsuya work for real sex?

>> No.17013189

No, it has anti-normalfag chemicals in it that react with real vagina juices and turn said vag into a pit of acid.

>> No.17013317

Relax dude, it was more of a functional q since vag may or may not have same absorption rate or may make too slippery or reduce sensation.

>> No.17013495

Daisuki Hold is a fairly high stim hole with a decent womb.

>> No.17013804

And the vagina will grow teeth too.

>> No.17014262 [SPOILER] 
File: 394 KB, 1920x1080, 1494683874306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can sleep with it. I just never have. If you do pull the trigger get lots of white cotton sheets because dyed fabric will rub off on the doll if left in/on for an extended amount of time.

and dont mind the staticy butt, those hairs come off easily enough with one of those air in a can things used for cleaning PCs/keyboards whos name escapes me right now

>> No.17014273

whats the closest i can get to venus real soft in maple moose land seeing as no one ships out here

>> No.17014280
File: 1.26 MB, 1920x1080, screenshot001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can email Queencat requesting a paypal invoice and shipping to Canada for it. That's what I did, works fine.

>> No.17014307 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 500x500, 51gOokO5EDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for my second onahole something "different" from average onahole stimulation.
I was thinking about "Campus Life Job hunting type" since it's filled with balls of rubber spikes.
I'm not interested in loli type tight holes with no special feature.

>> No.17014313

brilliant. and sexy.

>> No.17014316 [SPOILER] 
File: 64 KB, 500x500, 1494685569902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for my second onahole something "different" from average onahole stimulation.
I was thinking about "Campus Life Job hunting type" since it's filled with balls of rubber spikes.
I'm not interested in loli type tight holes with no special feature.

>> No.17014330

It is called air in a can usually, do you powder her butt like an onahole or is it really not needed?

>> No.17014338

If you finish on the butt, yeah you better wipe it down, dry and powder it.

but its generally not an issue

>> No.17014341

Onatsuyu specifically says on the bottle "for onahole use only", if you want to risk giving your flesh vagina an infection go right ahead but you should probably buy specific lube for your flesh vaginas.
Also your rubber vaginas will get jealous.

>> No.17014354

The artwork is so cute, I wish I hadn't said for them to remove the packaging, anyone know who the artist is so I can look at more cuteness?

>> No.17014543

Can you show what the holes look like?

>> No.17014884

They closed up the opening a tiny bit and added some really fine texture to the opening to help keep lube in, but otherwise they are the same as the old ones.

new ones are the same size, onaholes will shrink slightly over time due to plasticizer loss as all TPE type materials will do over long periods of time.

>> No.17014906

I think it looks pretty good.

>> No.17014949
File: 181 KB, 375x370, ibspicvjpx8y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want my onaholes to shrivel and die

If my Venus Real dies and they stop making it or go out of business I'll die

>> No.17014967
File: 228 KB, 640x427, lingerie1-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TPE dolls will stain sheets and clothing if left on for too long due to oil seep, silicone dolls don't have this problem but are way more expensive than TPE dolls and tend to not be as soft.

If you want to sleep/cuddle with a doll in bed, plush dolls are probably the way to go.

Which reminds me, one of these days I need to find out if these guys will ship outside japan...


>> No.17014971

It takes years for noticeable shrinkage to happen, your dick will rip it to pieces long before it shrinks enough for shrinkage to be a problem.

>> No.17014983

Onahole mortality is terrifying

>> No.17015060

what the hell is up with that neck stump, it's freaking me out a little, do you just stick googly eyes on it or what?

everything shrivels up and dies, friend.

>> No.17015127

you buy a head separately and stick it on

>> No.17015136

I see, that is far less silly than what I was thinking.

>> No.17015298
File: 258 KB, 500x351, 1480088004895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>realistic fuckable kindergartner (or even grade 1-3)

>> No.17015433

thats a pretty dangerous question to ask anon, its the kind of thing that gets men in suits to drag you away and investigate how many children you've violated/eaten.

>> No.17015788

>Delivery 2-4 weeks from now

gonna be a long month of witing

>> No.17015805

There is not.
The reason the US dsdoll store stopped selling the small breast version of the ~142cm doll is that customs was destroying them

>> No.17015831


I meant like, what if you're in Japan?

>> No.17015851
File: 2.28 MB, 2880x2560, girlinthebox unboxing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's here! The girl in the box. It's so tiny.... that guy wasn't kidding about the absolutely tiny entrance...

So.. do I wash it or powder it or anything before first use? I assume wash, but I guess I wouldn't need to try it first?

>> No.17016030

I managed to fit into the GitB... it's so tight though and took a lot of lube...cant get close to going all the way in though since it bumps up against the back. I don't think I'd be able to last very long in this (and it's the soft one not the hard).

It keeps pushing my dick out very hard. I have to really hold it on or it just flies off like a rocket... which is kind of amusing.

are the Puni DX/SPDX or the Cocolo less tight?

>> No.17016033

The artist's name is Shouji Ayumu. She is quite prolific in the lolicon scene.

Does anybody know of any good low viscosity/thin onahole lubes? I've totally fallen in love with Omochadreams' "Velvet" but its been out of stock for months now.

>> No.17016137

>using any new product meant to be in close contact with your body without washing it
I bet you don't fucking wash the new clothes you buy before wearing it.

>> No.17016242

Wash it before using it. No need to powder yet, do that when you're done for today

>> No.17016273


I do wash my clothes after buying. I washed (but didn't dry or powder) the onahole before use. I just used it twice and then washed, dried and powdered it.

The USB onahole warmer was a nice addition, but I had to keep re-inserting it throughout the fap to keep it warm. Was a lot more like the real thing with the warmer. I really, really, really wish I could balls-deep insert though, since that's how I would like to cum, instead of pushing then a huge bulge coming out of the chest which then makes me worries I'll break it...

>> No.17016285

thank you

>> No.17016395

>bough a venus clone
>it's my favorite yet
>might be defective since it oozes oil like a fat man climbing stairs despite washing it with soft and powdering it
>the silicone also regularly strips off and forms clumpy little balls that are ugly as hell
>washing it off just puts me in an infinite loop of making more balls and cleaning it off

>> No.17016403

>with soft
with soap*

>> No.17016492

You can make lube thinner by adding water to it. Just add a few drops to the hole.

>> No.17016553

Thrusting changes how it feels and is a good simulation. We've evolved from animals doing this for millions of years so it's part of our genetics to want to hump things.

It's tiring at first but it does build up some muscle

>> No.17016569

I have like 5 Tomax holes and none of them do what you're describing.

>> No.17016597

Guess that's why it might be defective buddy.

>> No.17016675
File: 135 KB, 2026x1137, IMG_0452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got an onahole a few days ago, but due to stress and anxiety I have been unable to get an erection for 4 days now.
I don't even know how that works since I'm still getting all the blue balls.

>> No.17016744

It happens. First time with onahole also was a mess for me, managed to go in and then dick go full soft in action and impossible to get it hard again for 2 days after this fail.
Try to fap the normal way and if you are hard enough, lube your hole & stimulate your tip with it, don't go full rambo in.

>> No.17016773

That's a relief to hear.
I thought I reached new levels of pathetic in not being able to get it up for a goddamn toy.
I'm abstaining from porn and fapping for a week to see if that helps my fappetite.

>> No.17016958

>water based lube can be diluted
i-i didn't know

>> No.17016965

How important is it to use soap when washing? Will just water and drying it be fine for a week until I can get proper soap that smells nice

>> No.17016997

I've never used soap to wash my onas
I just rinse with hot water, turn it upside down and squeeze excess content out, while also carefully finger around for a min to detect leftovers

>> No.17017104

Doesn't really matter unless you have actual dirt on the hole or aren't rinsing very well. I really only soap mine every once in a while.

>> No.17017156

Up to you, I guess. Personally, I wouldn't want trace amounts of cum fermenting inside an orifice I plan to stick my dick into.

>> No.17017806

Has anyone here ever taken turns on an onahole with another guy? Or double-penetrated a dual-hole like a Puni DX/SPDX?

>> No.17017819
File: 9 KB, 200x263, f3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17017823

NO, and why the fuck would you want to?

>> No.17017828


It's more cost-efficient. The semen works as lube, plus you can re-use lube from the other guy.

>> No.17017833

>Having IRL onahole friends

>> No.17017836
File: 51 KB, 460x482, 1471291567505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do not taint this sacred general with this filth

>> No.17017842
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>> No.17017844


It has two holes for a reason.

>> No.17017885
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>> No.17017951
File: 745 KB, 2523x1600, pills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does /ona/ take supplements for optimum performance? I tried a bunch from some pastebin from a while ago, took them for 6+ months. Then didn't bother for about 3 months. Noticed I didn't feel very horny anymore, took some again, and it really feels like it has an effect.

>> No.17017979

opposite. cut my meds, no recreational drugs, no performance enhancers. best dick health in my life.

>> No.17017990

Oh yeah, not talking about real meds or drugs. Just supplements like L-arginine and saw palmetto

>> No.17018038

>L-arginine and saw palmetto
Anon, I...

>> No.17018041

ZMA and fish oil because I don't usually get enough of it in my diet. The ZMA especially increases sperm count. I recommend everyone to take it though.

>> No.17018112
File: 118 KB, 1200x801, C-gYP6rUMAA78R8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dollfriends, what made you pull the trigger? what sold you? I'm ready to accept there's no helping me anymore.

>> No.17018152

I want one so bad now :(

>> No.17018159
File: 86 KB, 1200x800, C8VX3FmVYAM3t0S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have mercy

>> No.17018358

the only thing holding me back from number 3 is disposable funds for it. A number of years back i had saved up 8k for a Orient candy jewel one, then the exchange rate changed and i lost that as being disposable before i could drop on it.

candy jewel is still the dream, but no way im getting the 7-10k needed anytime soon, so 1.5-2k dolls it is.

>> No.17018380

Things went better tonight... I guess.
Is it a mistake for someone used to vigorous hand masturbation to start with something too soft?
I thought hard sounded unpleasant, but after going at the puni virgin 1000 soft for an hour and not coming they are starting to sound more appealing.

>> No.17018397

My first ona was soft, and I couldn't feel anything without death gripping it on my dick. It gets better over time though. This is why I always recommend newcomers hard holes, especially if your circumcised.

>> No.17018401

a-are you pounding it soft? even when i was on ssri's some gentle coaxing brought things to life. you need to find things that put you in the mood. watch some hentai, listen to asmr. look for new things that are a jolt to the senses.

>> No.17018408

What's so strange about this? This is 4chan, no facebook, the only strange or disturbing this about this would be that Anon here actually has friends IRL.

>> No.17018413

I had stuff playing on my tablet next to me.
I actually stayed hard for 45 minutes, but I got frustrated after a while and and stopped with the puni and took matters into my own hands (pun intended) and finished with a lubey hand fap.
I think my previous problems were mostly fear of being found or having my toy discovered that kept me from getting hard. I just stopped giving a fuck tonight.

>> No.17018414

>What's so strange about this?
>being this far gone

>> No.17018416

I'm horny, ugly, live alone and can afford one.

>> No.17018420


This is /jp/ we're talking about. The board full of piss-bottles and onaholes.

>> No.17018424

This seems related to the Squamate hole (all by Ligre), what is its selling point that differentiates from the Squamate?

"Sea Mascot" onahole is its name?


Also, why the fuck is it called Squamate hole when the name is "Fish Scale-like hole." There's a fucking mermaid on the package, why isn't the name "Mermaid Hole" for translation?

>> No.17018445

Apparently it's full of normalfags now

>> No.17018481

I only use soap when there are visible clumps of dirt on the outer surface

>> No.17018489

**of course it's filled with normalfags this is 4chan we're talking about**

>> No.17018498

This is why you don't cross-chan kids

>> No.17018871

What places uses that shit? I haven't been to any others in years and years.

>> No.17019045

Looking for the most realistic vagina experience with an onahole. This even means less stimulation/sensation, I'm really trying to get as real as I can get.

I narrowed it down to the Kabejiri, GITB, Julia+, ZXY. I was told the ZXY has an overpronounced g-spot which kills the whole realism factor so that is last on my list. Any other recommendations?

>> No.17019143

Wow, the face and the hair looks really good.

>> No.17019153

8ch my main board.

>> No.17019319

Venus Real soft desu

>> No.17019414

I remember having trouble with my Bordeaux soft the first time but i got used to it.
Puni virgin 1000 does not look like an easy hand grip i'll give you that.

>> No.17019548

Most realistic vagina experience would be hiring a hooker.

Onaholes can't simulate self-warming, self-lubrication, muscle contractions and movement of itself.

They also don't ask for cuddles, and don't nag if they don't like something, which is a part of the whole experience.

That being said, getting a Venus Real with a warmer and Onatsuyu would probably be the closest thing. Could also try to rig some sort of an automated mount that moves by itself.

>> No.17020513
File: 729 KB, 568x1010, doll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where's the catch

1400 for a doll of this quality seems like it's way too good of a deal for omochajews

so where's the catch

>> No.17020514
File: 1.92 MB, 275x288, nope1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like where I live but its mostly trash tier women
>aimed low in life
>few weekend classes
>became pharmacist
>9-5 hours
>weekends off
>dating has been shit because small town
>one woman
>first week or so things went fine
>after sex the next day she came and asked for help with a car payment
>threw a temper tantrum when I said no
>another woman
>got clingy way too fast
>asked to move in within 2 weeks
>said it was way too early
>she threatened rape charges
>ask her what she was going to do about proof and the rest of her life if this worked
>she threw a rock through my window
>hangup calls for weeks later
>there were other women but lets get to the kicker
>last woman before the doll
cont because last one is a little long

>> No.17020521

I'd like to know too, what distinguishes a 2k doll from an 8k one?

>> No.17020538

Wow, I felt bad for myself because my social skills are absolute shit. Then here you are making all this effort for the absolute worst experiences. You've earned it.

>> No.17020598

>They also don't ask for cuddles, and don't nag if they don't like something, which is a part of the whole experience.

Why do you talk about asking for cuddles in the same way as nagging? Cuddles are great. On par with sex IMO (assuming it's someone you love and not a random hookup). Especially post-sex cuddles.

>> No.17020688
File: 1.99 MB, 480x270, nope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>half asian half white
>great looking
>had her own job
>dating for 3 months
>she invited me to her parents for dinner
>nice neighborhood/house
>her other family members slowly started to trickle in
>she didnt say anything about her brothers and sisters coming
>lots of nieces and nephews
>dinner was going great
>but notice something at the start of dinner
>one of these kids was not like the others
>half black, curly hair
>sea of white skin and strait hair from the blood family members and wavy hair from the inlaws
>adults in one room
>kids in another
>find myself looking at family photos in the dining room while eating
>no black husband or kids in any of them
>feel my face going cold
>look at girlfriend
>she looks worried as fuck
>she wants to introduce me to someone she said
>room goes quiet
>all eyes on me
>she comes back with the half black kid
>all eyes are burning holes in me
>"id like you to meet my son"
>spaghetti moment or spergmaster moment i dunno what to do
>i have to start the scene to buy myself a few seconds to make it out of here alive i thought
>stand up and say sternly
>"you lied to me for three months?"
>mother starts sobbing
>reaction from other family members vary from seen this coming to gasps
>start walking out
>years of suppressed single mother rage starts unfolding
>get punched and back slapped as I walk out
>get into car
>plates and platters come flying at me from now exgirlfriend
>cracked side and front car windows
worst part?
>still a pharmacist
>see her every now and again
>my skin crawls whenever one of the pharma assistants asks her if she has any questions for the pharmacist
And then I bought a sexdoll. and now im debating on buying a second one for one of those K-cup models

>> No.17020695

Dickcancer chinkshit vs the real deal

>> No.17020803

2k doll is probably TPE, cheaper, maximum lifespan of 4 or 5 years, and probably will not have finger/hand "bones"

8k doll is probably intricate as fuck, possible royalties paying people for their face/vaginis molds, longer lifespan, tougher material, more well done skeleton, heavier, and made in murrica for a mareican premium

I like the 2k dolls because they are more anime like in the face/body, makes for easier cosplaying

>> No.17020926

Fuck off mate

>> No.17020954

Im done, and only did because someone asked.

You may now go back to discussing masturbation with other anons.

>> No.17021015

some people are posting meiki ozawa > venus real soft, agree?

>> No.17021020

Venus real over all of the ones I mentioned above, why?

>> No.17021099

Venus Real is the consensus for realism here, as guided by the based Toucan, that wrote the pastebin and stewarded /ohg/. Afaik Meiki doesn't get a lot of play here any more since apparent manufacturing changes that affected durability. I've not heard anything bad about them besides that though so ymmv.

>> No.17021106

Going to the holy land for 2 weeks. If I thoroughly clean the onaholes with soap, and stuff the openings with clean microfiber cloths, will it survive the 2 weeks without cleaning?

>> No.17021150

Fair enough. Any experiences with the Kabejiri or GITB?

>> No.17021243

I hope you learned from these experiences rather than wasting all that. I mean no judgement on the dolls but you went through so much. Just remember breaking up is an art form, I would seriously beg you to read The Breakup Bible. Its filled with great tactics and info. Think on all the ways you might have escalated a situation by abusing or ignoring your partner, I can read in these stories where you might have been doing this.

Then again I am a 38 year old virgin so fuck it. I think I will study to be a pharmacist after reading your story, I have the credits almost done.

Do you think God cursed you to never be able to achieve a wife? I think of myself this way too, maybe I shouldn't be such a prick to everyone, I deserve loneliness.

>> No.17021332

Well that was certainly an interesting and horrible read.
Kabejiri apparently has short holes but is ok and GitB looks like a roast chicken, infernal monkey did reviews for both if I recall correctly.

>> No.17021458

What type of firmness should i get if i just want to bang the shit out of it and cum under 5 minutes?

I have a succubus in regular and i think it does okay but i'm wondering if it can be better. Sometimes i can feel a bit numb after a while.

>> No.17021467

Hard firmness will do you if you want to powerfap, I have a daisyuki hold and that can finish me off in 2 mins if I go hard with it.

>> No.17021476

Hard has higher stimulation, whereas soft has lower stimulation. If you want to edge or just finish as fast as possible hard would be your best bet.

>> No.17021529

there is rich soft and very soft now. i'm confused, which one would simulate real vagina the most?

>> No.17021548

Just regular Soft

>> No.17021576

is the very soft/rich soft made for guys to last eternities edging or wtf is up with the reason they came out with them?

>> No.17021586

Afaik it was just customer demand, people asked so they do it.

>> No.17021598
File: 104 KB, 1200x675, 31f3b55255abcb98476bed28fb3253a7ce7a33c65bb874dbe0b3f3c71c431da5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In some countries full sized loli onaholes are examined by trained professionals to make sure you will feel good.

>> No.17021631

If I won't convince my gf to ageplay I definitely going to buy a loli doll, maybe rent a room just for the doll when I have more money. I'm a pedo and a loli doll will be perfect -more anime-like, can do whatever I want with her. It's much better than a chemical castration or being a registered child sex offender.

>> No.17021661


How are you going to get a loli doll? Also what age(s) of doll are you looking for / are attracted to? 1:1 scale?

As a side note - if you can't get her to age-play, try daddy-daughter play. That way in her mind she is like 20, but in your mind she is like 5. Worked for mine.

>> No.17021786

I'm interested in 100-130cm dolls like this (7-11 years old I guess) - https://www.aliexpress.com/item/CATDOLL-126cm-Rosie-lifelike-black-sex-dolls-flat-chest-real-love-doll-for-men-solid-silicone/32799838264.html?spm=2114.01010208.3.1.m1hAp8&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_5_10152_10065_10151_10068_5160014_436_10136_10137_10157_10060_10138_10155_10062_10156_10154_10056_10055_10054_10059_100032_100033_100031_10099_10103_10102_10096_10169_10147_10052_10053_10107_10050_10142_10051_5150014_10084_10083_10080_10082_10081_10110_10111_10112_10113_10114_10181_10183_10182_10185_10078_10079_10073_10123,searchweb201603_2,ppcSwitch_4&btsid=8a80030b-c9cc-463f-90d4-b4d45bae4aeb&algo_expid=bf3ac9ef-97ae-4c4a-803b-3574b15a35e2-0&algo_pvid=bf3ac9ef-97ae-4c4a-803b-3574b15a35e2

But I'll wait 1-3 years before making this purchase, my emotional intellect is not good enough and I'm very introverted, the doll can fuck me up seriously.

I'm slowly trying to get into ddlg and ageplay, it's awesome that it worked for you.

>> No.17021854


Do you like <7 as well? It would be nice to get two dolls. Maybe a 5yo and a 9yo, for the variety. You could even pretend they're sisters...

What about your gf? Is she okay with the doll? Or did you mean you would dump her and replace her with the doll?

And well, DD/LG play was pretty easy since she already had daddy issues...

>> No.17021899

<7 are good too if they are nice looking.

gf is open minded and ok with lolis but with low libido and we just started exploring fetishes.

>> No.17021909 [DELETED] 


Do you use IRC? We should talk elsewhere instead of cluttering up the thread.

>> No.17021926 [DELETED] 


Do you use IRC? We should talk elsewhere instead of cluttering up the thread. Join #$chan-/loli/ (where $ is the number that is 4+4) on irc.rizon.net (you can use https://chat.rizon.net/ if you don't have a client, set that as the channel)

>> No.17022064

They are visibly uncomfortable.

>> No.17022067

I got the rich soft, and I can barely last a minute when I'm really horny.

>> No.17022089

feel like real vagina or softer?

>> No.17022135

Real, although it depends entirely on libido.

If I try to use it with morning wood then it's utter trash, but when I'm dripping with precum it's the best hole I've ever owned.
It has a slight suction effect and puts a soft pressure on your shaft and head. Every texture is clear and refined despite being so viscid. Definitely the closest simulation of a real vagina I've ever experienced, but it depends entirely on how horny you are.

>> No.17022223

do you notice anymore oil leakage than other firmness onaholes? I had the ZXY and it felt like I was humping a french fry, I am wondering if something made to be so soft oozes even more oil

>> No.17022291
File: 43 KB, 555x986, 20170514_152632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mixed up a batch of JLube with about the same color and consistency as cum.
Pretty fun stuff.

>> No.17022420

How do I make this? please tell me alchemist.

>> No.17022433

what the fuck look how long the middle finger on its left hand is.

>> No.17022456

Feels strange reading about people being unable to cum after an hour of using an onahole while I'm at the completely opposite end of the issue, having a hard time lasting more than 30 sec unless I take breaks for probably twice as long, and sometimes coming in less than 10-15 seconds if I'm not careful.

Does anyone have any tips on how to last longer? I should note that I've been having phimosis for most of my life and only recently cured it by stretching about half a year ago so i'm extremely sensitive and for quite a while touching the head was quite uncormfortable. I have improved a lot in that regard by just getting used to touching it more but I still cum far too quickly and it's not very fun to have to spent 10-20 times as long cleaning as you do using the hole. And that's using a very soft venus real, I don't even want to imagine how quickly I will cum with a harder/tighter onahole.

>> No.17022726

Now i'm scared.
I wanted to get a big breasted petite brown knife ear one.

>> No.17022746
File: 34 KB, 123x124, Why am I here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17022779

>Feels strange reading about people being unable to cum after an hour of using an onahole

Read again, they're on antidepressants which unfortunately dampens the libido. On the flipside someone else posted an account of getting off the meds and describing the experience as "a second puberty," sort of like Goku training in the gravity machine then going full strength when gravity is normalized.

>> No.17022781

you might be ok with the mega milkers, do some research.

>> No.17023124
File: 31 KB, 239x679, JLube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought this. https://www.amazon.com/JorVet-J0109-J-Lube-Lubric-Pwd-10Oz/dp/B006G2S17A
It lasts a very long time. This is my 3rd or 4th batch of lube that I've made in half a year. 3 of the batches I went extremely heavy on the powder. I'm not even half way through the bottle. I even waste a lot of it too.

I don't really have an exact measurement. I just turn the bottle over and squeeze a few puffs out into a cup or container. Put some warm or hot water in it and mix it up. It clumps up so I usually let it set for a night or two.
A little bit of this stuff goes a loooooooooooooong way.

This latest batch I made is pretty damn thick. Almost too thick. (but I like it that way) Feels like Jav Nuru gel. But you can get any consistency you want.

The 10oz bottle will give you more than enough to experiment with.
You can also google Jlube mixtures for good guides on lube consistency.

>> No.17023203
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>> No.17023241


>> No.17023348

So I'm just under 6", no idea the width though. What's a good hole for me?

I have read the guide though it doesn't seem to be all that updated.

>> No.17023396

>What's a good hole for me
No idea. There's a lot of different things you might want to look for in deciding what hole to get.

I'd suggest looking at physical descriptions of tunnel length/over all length to see what's close to your length. Don't want wasted hole after all, or a hole that's too small.

There's also dick bullies and penis pillows, super tight holes with high stimulation or loose holes with low stimulation.

I'd suggest getting something in the $20-30 range first at max so you don't waste a bunch of money on something you might not like. I would also personally suggest a softer hole with lower stimulation for a first hole so you don't think they're all dick bullies from the get go.

>> No.17023445


>> No.17024347

>will it survive the 2 weeks without cleaning?
Onaholes survive for months/years without cleaning. You only need to clean them if you use them.

>what the fuck look how long the middle finger on its left hand is.
I think that's just a result of finger angle and 2D camera.

>> No.17024604

Is La vie en ROSES a good purchase for the anal hole itself?

>> No.17024758


>> No.17025427

What's the consensus on whole as pieces
Worth the money?

>> No.17025570

Yeah, looked it up. You have to play extremely hard enough to expose it or if it is already, you shouldn't be playing at all. Carry on.

>> No.17026348
File: 939 KB, 750x3775, daki_oppai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best oppai product for my daki? I have found a couple so far:



>> No.17026364

I don't see a problem with people owning these.

>> No.17027228

What hip onahole would you guys recommend? I'm planning to buy from https://www.motsutoys.com/masturbators.html as I don't really want to risk having to deal with import taxes and they are one of the few european shops that exist that seem to also have onatsuyu lube.

I'm leaning towards the puni ana dx fuwatora but I'm open to any other suggestions. I was also considering the Hanjuku but am worried that it will be too similar to venus real and that I will end up regretting not getting a proper hip.

>> No.17027231
File: 665 KB, 385x911, OMO538_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to buy the onahole in pic related, anyone have experience with it? Is it hard to clean?

>> No.17027261

My Puni Ana DX Hard has treated me very nicely. Is Fuwatoro the soft version or something?

>> No.17027360


Didn't actually know there were different versions but it seems to be that way yeah. Good thing I prefer soft as they only seem to have that version available.

Curious if anyone has any experience with some of their other onaholes like puni fuwa mochi 2000 or the puni virgin 1000 and how they compare to the puni ana.

>> No.17027444

Recommend me some good and not too expensive onaholes from J-list. Preferrably easy to clean too

>> No.17027454
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>> No.17027483

I only have the Puni Ana DX Hard, but I can tell that the Puni Fuwa Mocchi 2000 is meant for primarily doggy style, so it's not as versatile. The Puni Virgin 1000 is quite a bit smaller too. It's missing a nice plump ass like the Mocchi and Ana have.

>> No.17027498

What's wrong with J-list

>> No.17027503

Read the guide.

>> No.17027504

From the pastebin (which I assume you didn't even look at)
>Based in Japan, advertises to exploit first time onahole buyers and “otaku”. Markups as high as 300%. Plus shipping. FROM JAPAN. Almost anything stocked on Jlist is cheaper someplace else. Dont let Peter Payne rape your butthole. Shop smart, and if all else fails, J-list.

>> No.17027611
File: 537 KB, 1080x1618, 1492672579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

160 or 170 cm?

>> No.17027634

160 unless your stretch armstrong or like tall women

>> No.17027710

J-list is in japan and sell his stuff like it was already taxed/imported. Remember you still have to pay 15/20$min shipping with that.
Either go NLS or Otonajp if you want import. If you don't mind paying more, check your continental online shops.

>> No.17027814

170 cm is like 5 and a half feet tall.

how short are you?

>> No.17027892

What the fuck is that face

>> No.17028022


>> No.17028035

Markup over retail. no wholesale margins. Shop around, you should know better.

>> No.17028179

Why would i wash before usage, i never wash new holes, i just smash

>> No.17028371

what's the best and fastest way to heat the onahole up so it's not too cold when using it?

>> No.17028394

Put your dick in it.

>> No.17028485

how annoying is it to clean these as opposed to just a sleeve?

>> No.17028490

Takes all of 5 seconds to go from corpse to body temp thanks to your dick.

>> No.17028494

j-jam it in

>> No.17028498

rate spit lube out of 10

>> No.17028618

I just found a way to dry my onaholes:

Lining them up with my laptop heat exhaust.

>> No.17028666

i would imagine thats a good way to warm them up too no?

>> No.17028672

got some masturbatory science up in this thread

>> No.17029116

they're good for bj based holes

>> No.17029140
File: 210 KB, 500x309, muses_kokalo_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Review of Muses Kokalo Rich Soft

I have a preference for soft holes.

It's incredibly soft, much softer than my Venus Real Soft, it's not as compressive as the Hotpowers Smoking Phantom, but it feels softer due to a much faster rebound and almost no tackiness.
It flops under it's own weight, and using a hands-free holder causes you to hit the wall depending on the angle of the holder. An inflatable holder would solve this, but they're too much faff for me to bother with, and the large size of the Kokalo would make using one difficult.

The texture is not hugely stimulating in this softness, but it feels good.

Vacuum / tightness
This is not a vacuum hole, not much vacuum is achievable, and it's awkward to do so. Could do with having a smaller diameter cavity at this softness.

I had the hole in NLS' hands-free holder, wrapped singly in a thin cloth. The motions of using it caused slight friction tears on the outside of the hole. A thicker cloth would help, but due to the large outer diamater, most inflatable holders would cause damage trying to get the ona in. I expect regular drying of the inside with rolled up kitchen roll will damage it before too long.
The hole stretches a long way without damage, but I wouldn't recommend turning it inside-out for cleaning.

I use the G Project hole cleaner, and cleaning is very easy. Squirt some in, add some water, swish it round with my fingers, rinse, and dry with kitchen roll.
I would not use the microfibre cloth-on-a-stick dryers for fear of damage.

I have problems with onatsuyu drying out quickly, so I tried the Insomnia lube sachet that came with the hole. It's less viscous than onatsuyu, and I didn't have any problems with it drying at all.
This would be my new go-to lube, but omochajews don't seem to have it listed so I'm not sure where I'll easily get more in the EU.

Would I recommend this? Yes - but not as a first ona. I would go for a Venus Real / Clone in Rich Soft before getting a Kokalo again.
This softness will not be for everyone.

>> No.17029225
File: 118 KB, 712x699, MY DUMB CATS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats some good way to fap iwth your onahole?

what should i watch?

what do u guys do

>> No.17029431
File: 191 KB, 419x398, 1483604264275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the sort-of off-topic question. Lately I've been using my onaholes less and less over the past year or so, but the problem is that I've gotten addicted to the feeling of using Jap-lube to masturbate.

This is good and all, but the problem is my go-to Jap-lube brands usually make a mess outside of an onahole (Onatsuyu/PePe). Anyone have some recs for good lube that matches the consistency of those but don't require running your hands under water for minutes to rinse it all off afterwards?

>> No.17029746

I remember an anon who stores his onahole in his pc case. Warmed up and ready to go anytime.

>> No.17029747

>I have problems with onatsuyu drying out quickly, so I tried the Insomnia lube sachet that came with the hole. It's less viscous than onatsuyu, and I didn't have any problems with it drying at all.
>This would be my new go-to lube, but omochajews don't seem to have it listed so I'm not sure where I'll easily get more in the EU.
omochadreams relabels tomax lubes, so might have it:

anyway, not sure how using a japanese forwarder is considered not easy.
it's also like half the cost if you fill up some 2kg SAL parcel.

>> No.17029945

Sounds like a nice way to get dust, damage, and culture bacteria.

>> No.17030047

17 evo good for a starter hole?

>> No.17031357

You should go for newer version of line like Twenty or Bordeaux soft.

>> No.17031411

Why do people even recommend the Bordeaux anymore? I've used mine like 10 times and it's falling apart already.

Read the Guide if you haven't already and give your length and girth next time. Really helps recommending shit.

>> No.17031515

Looks like my first ona is getting delivered tomorrow and I am getting shaky. Should I use it right now or do I have to wait a few days? I only have a day of nofap. Wondering if it's worth it or the first time is completely worthless and the experience will keep on improving over time.

I'm getting really excited about this.

>> No.17031662

Say what you want about the gspot but the thing massages the absolute fuck out of your dick. I literally just used it.

>> No.17031670
File: 2.15 MB, 2988x5312, 20170517_000246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my new Fleshlight is not even a week old, and it starts to wear out?
started to see signs a day after I first used it. its a FL lotus sleeve. I dry it, powdered it and using water based pe pe lube. is this normal?

>> No.17031686

Whats the heaviest/best hip for around 200usd?

>> No.17031703

Same thing happened to my one of my muses. But it been the same every since. Maybe the hole was to tight. Congrats, you broke.a sex tpys hymen.Just keep an eye on it and dont go too hardcore on it.

>> No.17031704

I would say no, before I threw out my fleshlights I had them for over a year and didn't have any damage like that, I even dried them out rough turning them partially inside out and everything.

>> No.17031716

I hope you are right
maybe I should contact the store.. sucks

>> No.17031727

A hooker.

>> No.17031766

That would only be normal if you had a dick with the diameter of a coke can.

>> No.17031864

unfortunately(?) that's not the case

anyone has any idea what could cause this?

>> No.17032004
File: 171 KB, 697x1239, 20170516_183049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She finally arrived

>> No.17032011

I know you're shaking and excited and all, but could you please snap some more pictures? I'm curious.

>> No.17032013
File: 237 KB, 1239x697, 20170516_165122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly my camera is busted as you can see, so it's not actually any point until i get it fixed

>> No.17032177

Little late but I have it, it's a bit flimsy but incredibly easy to turn inside out and clean. Great hole for its price

>> No.17032189


less nun outfit and more lewd poses please

>> No.17032190

Do you have any other cosplay outfits besides nun?

>> No.17032207

Yes, Tifa from FF7, Chun Li from Street Fighter and Hestia from some anime.

Also Harley Quinn (Arkham Knight version) but it's too small

>> No.17032208


She looks like an actual retard in these pictures

>> No.17032212

How much was it? Hows it feel?
Also, the plain doll from bloodborne would be a cool cosplay.

>> No.17032221

In total with cosplay, about 1300$ (this includes an extra asian head/wig and heating system to heat her up to body temperature)
Feels great. Tits could be a little softer, but they're good.

Only issue is that she's kinda heavy (32kg), but i knew what i signed up for.

>> No.17032222

Regular or soft ? I have no problem with the soft version after 2 months. But everyone doesn't fap the same way...

Blurry pics but nice, close up of the face please. Show some lewds too.

>> No.17032229

Nice man. Good taste.

>> No.17032233

no bully

>> No.17032244

That's a great price, where did you order her?

>> No.17032261

Regular, 7" long and 6" girth. The layer separation is the main problem I have with it. I don't think I use it too roughly but who knows, maybe I mistreated it
Nice Quads m8

>> No.17032267

Alibaba, spesifically Shenzhen Yiyi Technology Co. Gotta say they impressed me with their service. The doll (163cm) itself costed 1150 (with the extra head and heating)

>> No.17032320

I wonder what it takes to join these types of companies. There isn't exactly a sex toy major in school.

>> No.17032406

>wrap hole in pillow or towel
>cant even feel the texture, just fucking a wet hole
>use hand
>feel every little bump
>inb4 death grip
maybe its time to get a doll

>> No.17032425

Not sure if a doll gonna cure your problem.
First do a cease and desist week.

>> No.17032428

Get drunk or something, it enhances the sensation

>> No.17032493

I'm more worried about that massive areola

>> No.17032497


>> No.17032511

just ordered a lolinco from NLS, removed the packaging just to be safe, but i'm still a little worried about customs

someone make me feel better

>> No.17032523

If you removed the packaging you are good, my dear leaf(?).
Even if customs open it, they'll just see a regular fleshlight.

>> No.17032539

i'm usa actually, but in a state where loli stuff is illegal

beyond it just being seized though, i'm not sure i understand the whole import duty thing. has that already been paid or will they contact me asking for duties later?
seems like DHL handles that

>> No.17032563

Could've just used toydemon to avoid customs if you're that worried.

>> No.17032570

Again is doesnt matter because without the packaging there is no way to tell if it is loli or not

They dont have a chart with all the onaholes on it to reference whenever an unmarked hole comes in

>> No.17032572

i'm not really *worried*
just confused on what i have to do from here if anything.

>> No.17032573
File: 174 KB, 640x640, 1Pair-PVC-Swimming-Arm-Ring-Circle-Float-Water-Air-Sleeves-For-Adult-Child-Safety-Training-Inflatable.jpg_640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would floaties work as a cheap hip?

>> No.17032575

What import duties? You just order it and wait for it to come to your door if you are in the USA

>> No.17032582

good point
sweet i guess

>> No.17032688
File: 76 KB, 533x800, IMG_2313[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m-maybe I should get a doll too

Is maintenance as annoying as it seems to be?

>> No.17032900

We never figured out what actual lubes are there under the new labels. I would love to get some insomnia without the hassle of forwarding and customs.
Maybe someone can ask Omocha's support next time they order something,

>> No.17032957

maybe if you could find one without seams, those seams are really harsh on sensitive skin.

>> No.17033023

Damn, she is the best looking doll I've seen. A small one with a small chest would be amazing.

>> No.17033032

You can order from the Chinese store no problem, only difference would be international shipping costs+time

>> No.17033067

and this >>17021598

>> No.17033168

recommende me a large hip

>> No.17033453

>>cant even feel the texture, just fucking a wet hole

>> No.17033834
File: 57 KB, 540x540, 1405720934985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for more like this

>> No.17034026

I love thighs and legs. The only product I've found that focuses on legs are those horrible abominations from Pipe Dreams and dolls, which are out of my price range. Are there any holes that have thighs or similar? Is there any hope for a thighfag like myself?

>> No.17034269

Meiki Extreme Pleasure Hip. I think there's a dual layer version too, but I have no idea how that one compares and don't remember if they're even the same brand. There are vaginal and anal holes. It is pretty heavy for a hip toy and takes a bit of effort to clean. You'll need a good place to hide it too if you don't live alone and don't want people to find it.

Hip toy by TOMAX fucking when?

>> No.17034298

nah. if you are super fucking lazy you will ruin the doll eventually.

but cleanup barely takes a few minutes unless you do something retarded like cum all over it or full body lube it and shit like that
>finish inside any hole
>take wooden rod
>apply cloth around it
>jam it in
>twist and spin
>use other part of same cloth
>jam it back in
good to go to store

>finish outside
>wet cloth
>wipe down
>pat dry

Every 2 or 3 months I give it a full body sponge bath, pat dry and repowdering. but lay it on a large towel or something and the towel will take the powder and you can whip it outside or something

>> No.17034327

anything else?

>> No.17034340

God I would kill for a soft Tomax hip, I've never really been interested in getting a hip but I have a massive love for that soft material.

>unless you do something retarded like cum all over it
Ha ha, yeah, who would do that, right?
I would defile every inch of a doll should I ever get one.

>> No.17034354

Do any of you guys know if removing the packaging is a failproof method of bypassing customs? I coudn't care less for the packaging, but the ones I'm interested have "questionable" artwork. Daisuki Hold and Moster Alreune in this case. Living in Moose Land for reference.

>> No.17034358

well get used to doing full body washes all the time

>> No.17034364

You don't bypass customs, you remove the packaging to remove the content they would maybe object to. In any case getting packaging removed is better than risking it here, you never know who'll object to fictional characters.

Oh I don't doubt it'll be a hassle, but I'm sure it'll be one of those things where in the heat of the moment it'll seem like a great idea, followed by regret.

>> No.17034367

I love thighs and legs too. Would love to have a pair of legs to dress up in pantyhose and panties for the sole purpose of sumata and hotdogging before the eventual ripping and plowing occurs.

>> No.17034381

Does it always have to be a wooden rod? Why not steel, or plastic? Or maybe something that better follows the inner contours? What if the rod snaps? I would hate it if splinter got lost in one of the holes and I know you would too.

>> No.17034407 [DELETED] 


>> No.17034409

It can be whatever you need it to be. other anons report using arrow shafts ductaped together, another used a metal rod. anything that can do the job and be thin and strong enough to the job but also compensate for the cloth adding girth

>> No.17034418

I live 20 minutes from the border so I ship to a place just on the other side. I pick it up, remove any art other than a silhouette myself and bring it home. I haven't heard of anyone having problems asking to have packaging removed, but personally I wouldn't trust anyone other than myself to do it. The little tubes of lube included can also have art on them, and those may not be removed by the shipper. I'm probably overly paranoid, but it's better than ending up like that other guy.

>> No.17034446

Doesn't Canada have to pay import taxes? Don't they ding you on the border?

>> No.17034454

Not below a certain value. I'm not sure what the value is, but I've never had to pay before. The most I've brought back was $120 in stuff. Alcohol is based on volume. I think 2L per person or something is free to import.

>> No.17034588

Thanks brews, ill ask otona if they can remove the lubes as well.
On a second note, what is the best shipping option right now? Ive been having troubles with chinese shipments taking over 3 months to arrive, would EMS be the best option here? SAL could take up to 4 months to arrive. I know EMS is basically guarenteed inspection, but it shouldnt matter if I remove packaging and hopefully lube, right?

>> No.17034594

Certain items dont pay duties. I think plastics toys and such are duty free

>> No.17035089

Blew a load into Ryuko Fuctoi's ass tonight, cleaned it and I am sleepy and tired as fuck and just want sleep.

I like these sleeps.

>> No.17035182
File: 36 KB, 278x278, please_respond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please respond.

>> No.17035224

I have choice between holes shorter, equal, or longer than my own member.

I think one obvious difference is the ability to "bottom out" (hit the end wall of the ona)

Too short and the rest of the member feels neglected (unless you are a loli fetishist), too long and it feels a bit emasculating? (unless you cheat and compress to get farther)

>> No.17035259
File: 36 KB, 293x140, stretch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(unless you cheat and compress to get farther)
you can also "cheat" short holes by stretching them ex. tenga eggs.

>> No.17036045

When I order from NLS using SAL it takes about a week and a half, with EMS I could get it in 3 or 4 days if customs doesn't delay it too much.

It really depends on the monetary value of the items, place of origin, what category they place it in, but most of all it depends on the border agent you get. I've got charged for 40 bucks worth of things and walked free with over 100$.

>> No.17036053


I don't think so but they would probably works a pretty decent holder for an onahole for hands free fucking

>> No.17036373

Omachadreams has the tomax holes in stock again

including the dolphin

>> No.17036402

Welp just used an onahole for the first time. Felt amazing but i was ready to cum pretty much as soon as it went past the head of my dick. Is this normal? It felt great but premature ejaculation isn't cool

>> No.17036425

>1 F000526b Muses Arkhe: MEDIUM Version - Onahole, Masturbator
>2 F000544c Orca2 Dolphin!: HARD Version - Onahole, Masturbator
>3 F000548d Romanesco: RICH SOFT - Onahole, Masturbator
>4 F000544a Orca2 Dolphin!: SOFT Version - Onahole, Masturbator

>>Grand total: 209,80 €

convince me not to


>> No.17036545

Have you ever had Tomax holes before? If not I'd say take it slow, not everyone loves them.

If yes, then god speed you glorious bastard.

>> No.17036587

already own 4 tomaxs

Just can't stop

send help

>> No.17036606

Toydemon has a sell going on and theyre not excepting either of my credit cards. Whats the best alternate methid of payment? Ive never nedded paypal. Im going to miss the sell i want a hip god damn it.

>> No.17036614

Tomax is my favorite.

I'm the guy who rebought the Venus Real Soft after it was worn out. It's much better now.

I also bought a Muses Kokalo in Very Soft and I think it's better. It seems like it grips the skin better, kind of like encapsulating everything

>> No.17036624

Which tomax toys you guys got?

Practice padawana. And patience. Youve been swimming in the kiddie pool and you just drifted into the deep end. It makes you what to buy more to see if you can stumble across that goldie locks onaholes (not a gimmicky theme) the one thats perfect for you. *ahem* zxy *cough venus real cough cough*

And dont think of it as premature. Your not with anybody else. youre playing with a toy. Youre not there to impress anybody, if anything youre there to built your stamina. If you finish early just sit her down take a breather and reset the time clock. Practice padawan.

>> No.17036649

succubus wavy spiral, lilith uterus, venus real, venus cross, dolphin

>> No.17036874

Thanks for the recommendation, added that hole to my order

250 Euros for tomax holes

somebody end this

>> No.17036902


Just get a Paypal account. The fees can be a bitch, but it does tend to be reliable as a backup.

>> No.17037031

T-thanks anon i feel a little better. I have the r20 since i heard she's a beast but realllyyyy wanna try the Zxy when i have a little more disposable income

>> No.17037402

If it makes you feel better, I just had my virginity wrecked by Lilith Uterus earlier and I basically came under 10 minutes. The sensation was new and I'm still getting used to it.

Heck, the first insertion was so overwhelming, I was on nofap so maybe there's that as well.

Although during the last few fast strokes, I noticed that the head of my dick started to hurt and when I came, I was so sensitive that I can't even pull out. I'm a cutfag, does that mean that my lube dried out or wasn't enough?

>> No.17037759

Huh, that was the complete opposite experience for me. My first hole was the Lilith in Regular and I was extremely underwhelmed at first and took me almost an hour to finish.

>> No.17037817

seconding the paypal recommendation. unless you're selling things/receiving money it costs you absolutely nothing to have.

>> No.17038030

Lilith Uterus Soft Vs. Venus Real Soft, which trumps the other in vaginal realism?

>> No.17038110

Ok cool thanks man. Glad to know EMS is pretty quick.

On a side note, do you ask to remove packaging? I wonder if having breasts on the onahole itself might be too much for customs. What have you ordered by the way?

>> No.17038205

Are realistic scented lubes a thing yet?

>> No.17038224

i heard the venus real is more realistic hopefully someone who has both can respond, I own the ZXY and it feels like im fucking a bucket of jello

>> No.17038262

I've gotten not only packaging, but lube and anything else that might have art on it removed from my orders. Breasts on the hole shouldn't be a problem considering the only documented run in with the law concerning these things here was over the Cocolo, and if I remember right they didn't take issue with the hole itself, which is lewd looking and has tits, only the art on the box. Do keep in mind too the better shipping you get the more likely customs is to look at it, with SAL being the least likely and DHL highly likely (I think the anon that got caught shipped DHL too).

I've got a Lolinco, MoT, R20 Puni, Vacuum Witch, Innocent Younger Sister, Give me Your Milk ES, Venus Real soft and Dolphin soft. I've also had an SCP (threw it away because I hated it), a couple of Fleshlights (threw away after discovering onaholes) and a Tenga Flip Black (same). All ordered to Canada, all packaging removed (minus FL, Tenga and Tomax holes), no problems at all.

>> No.17038271

Not sure about lubes, but there's a scent market booming up. Don't know much about it myself but infernal monkey has some reviews up.

>> No.17038563

o shit game changer, anyone have any experiences with these scents?!

>> No.17038712

toydemon told me they don't stock scents yet because they are unsure of the health and safety of the products. thoughts? is it just an excuse

>> No.17038738 [DELETED] 
File: 1.03 MB, 1998x1618, scents v3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They pretty much all suck.

>> No.17038754
File: 1.04 MB, 1998x1618, scents v3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They pretty much all suck.
Forgot the letters.

>> No.17038860

thanks for this, may I know where you got this picture so I can explore this blog/website more?

>> No.17038885

Assuming you're not being sarcastic, I made it.

>> No.17038957

no i wasn't haha I thought you pulled it off a onahole review website

>> No.17038990

As an american company they probably have more rules regulations and suffer more repercussions.

>> No.17039169

Appreciate the info friend. Hate to bother you again, but have you tried otona? Seems to be the cheaper option when it comes to shipping.

>> No.17039190

I used Otona once to get something that wasn't in stock at NLS, went fine. All packaging and lube was removed as requested in the memo box. I think it took a few days longer but I could be wrong, that and they have worse packing in the package itself, but overall I'd say it's good, mostly nitpicks really.

>> No.17039235

The one review I read made it clear it was a fragrance, like perfume or scented soaps, like you'd find in a girls room, not the smell of dirty underwear or anything like that.

>> No.17039449

Sup bros, has anyone tried this ona?
I would be getting a daisuki hold as well, would this one just be overkill?
I'm also getting a seventeen bordeaux soft.

>> No.17039453
File: 136 KB, 900x1200, DAEtvq4V0AA5rLQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17039456

No Kanna, that is not edible!

>> No.17039459

I see, cool. Thanks a lot man, I really appreciate your responses. Looks like I'll be getting a Daisuki Hold and a seventeen bordeaux soft as I already have a VA:A and a MoT.

>> No.17039460

They're pretty much completely different holes. Lilith Uterus has a lot of empty space and is straight. It's good at keeping suction. Venus Real is much thicker and tighter and puts pressure on your dick It has curves inside.

>> No.17039469

Looks interesting but I bet anything in that $20 price range won't be as good as the expensive holes so it's probably not particularly worth using.

>> No.17039825

Tearing is normal if you fuck it like a maniac. Got plenty of torn holes myself. Holes will always degrade in some way. So far my Tomax Lilith Uterus (very soft) did not tear because I was gentle to her.

>> No.17039834
File: 238 KB, 640x448, 3400292-lelouch-1-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I command you to wait 3 days once you have checked the parcels content and let it sit next to you on your pillow.

>> No.17040312
File: 72 KB, 700x983, 3lml2k32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any recommendations for dick length of 6.5" ? I checked the ones in the pastebin but they were either out of my price range or reviews saying they're too tight.

>> No.17040466 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 640x480, [C1]Peter_Pan_no_Bouken_-_10[XviD][E611C70F].avi_snapshot_11.57_[2017.01.05_01.17.20].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took me three hours to cum with my first onahole, this is the stimulation I needed. Though I probably won't get to use it too often considering how long it took, but that is fine, I've been masturbating too much anyways.
Thank you for the pastebin, really helpful.

>> No.17040537

What's your price range ? Europe or America ?
R20 or either seventeen series & Tomax Venus series are the most suitable for over 15cm rod range. If you fear tightness, look the soft variants.

>> No.17040562

This is how they get me

>> No.17040579

>sour cream
>stale digestive biscuit
a-are you testing these while you're in the mood?

>> No.17040608

>omochajews took 4 days just to print the shipping label
for fuck's sake, with the big markups they could at least make an effort

>> No.17040679

Yeah besides the Tomax eu exclusivity, they're kinda meh on the service. Also 10€ to ship to my country (France) when Motsutoys only cost 5€.

>> No.17042191
File: 239 KB, 1000x1500, 71m2JOthGIL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this in from Amazon a week ago (saved on shipping cost to bundle with other things I was buying anyway) and have used it 3-4 times in the past week. I picked it up for under $20 and have only used the lube that came with it. It's my first one and I see myself getting another one once this one eventually tears.

I enjoy it a lot. It's pretty soft and it's good that it stretches because bottoming out on this thing is probably what is going to tear it and make a mess one day. Each time I use it, it feels better. At first I had to grip it pretty hard to feel anything, but last time I used it I didn't grip it in any weird way. Something interesting about the last use was I could actually feel the suction effect for the first time which was a really great feeling.

For my first purchase I'm pretty pleased. It's the only way I fap now. I know it's going to tear sooner than later though so I've been looking at other ones to replace it already. Thinking about something a little harder and I'm going to pick up something with the womb effect. Any suggestions?

>> No.17042212
File: 251 KB, 1239x697, 20170517_191342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been testing different costumes. How the fuck do i make hair buns???

>> No.17042563

It's nice to have a good time with a "blind purchase". By something more "harder", you mean the material or something more "tight" ? Seeing the "chart" on your onahole box you may like the lolinco series i guess.
So far on my onaholes the womb effect were meh besides a little suction at the end (not the overall vaccum).

Check the chun li cosplay forums and videos.

>> No.17042699

how does the daisuki hold compare to the virgin age admission

>> No.17042703
File: 230 KB, 377x489, 1494975980121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17042708

Make a ponytail in the desired location
wrap the hair around the root of the ponytail
hold in place with hair pin

>> No.17042741

I've orgasmed 7 times in a row in less than 5 mins with my onahole, my first orgasm is less than 6 seconds when I use my onahole. When I use my onahole again the next day, hardly anything comes out. Feel very good

>> No.17042750

prove it
I don't have either (plan on getting both), but I heard from people who have both in that they both give very different sensations.

>> No.17042775

heh you might have a knock at the door from a certain person in black for me to show evidence

>> No.17042911

>By something more "harder", you mean the material
Material wise. If the hole were any tighter I'd probably get dick cut off to my blood with this thing. Nips surely have to be smaller on average than us Westerners.

>> No.17043461

so for those with a hip/pussy/ass setup,
how do you do it?
kind of struggling here.

>> No.17043508

It's a workout. Especially if you have a 5kg hip like me. Think of the health benefits!

I generally put the hip on a table that puts it at the right height for me to pound into while standing. I vary by sometimes holding it and pounding it, sometimes I shake it back and forth like a oversized onahole. Other times I put it on the bed and try to find a good angle with which I can do some sexy pushups. Sitting on my knees on my bed while holding it at crotch height also works well.

Just be imaginative.

As for cleaning, if a tap doesn't do it, bring it with you in the shower.

>> No.17043525

>It's a workout. Especially if you have a 5kg hip like me
sounds about how heavy mine is,
I was honestly not expecting this to be this heavy.

>> No.17043708

Shame. It seems like infernalmonkey had good things to say about armpit smells though

>> No.17043838

My Onatsuyu finally arrived this week. It is perfect. Feels nice and slippery just like saliva. I also tried Project G x Pepee which was better than American lubes but a bit too viscous for my taste. Has anyone found anything better than Onatsuyu?

Also, anyone know the cheapest place to buy Venus Real - Soft?

>> No.17043910


VAA gets tighter as you go in.
Daisyuki Hold feels like there's 3 really tight rings in the front, then suddenly the head of your dick is suspended mid-air in the uterus chamber. Push a bit more slowly and paying attention, and you'll feel your tip enter the cervix part.

I use VAA for angry loli rape faps and DH for "squeeze me dry" loli faps because those three rings are so tight, they do wring my entire shaft of cum AND even the lube. My dick is practically clean after pulling out of it.

>> No.17043911

>Has anyone found anything better than Onatsuyu?
Some people like Insomnia, but I haven't personally tried it

>Also, anyone know the cheapest place to buy Venus Real - Soft?
Depends where you are, I'm gonna guess that buying from the regional distributors(Queencat, Omachadreams) is cheaper that buying from Daimaoh and forwarding it with JSS though

>> No.17043913


Oh and VAA will launch out of your dick like slippery soap if you don't hold it, while DH will stay gripping and sucking (if you push the air out before insertion) even if you let go.

>> No.17044081

I'm gonna buy my first hole, recommend me a fairly cheap one.

>> No.17044085

We don't even know what your dick size is, how can we recommend you one?

>> No.17044113

7.5x5.5 in.

>> No.17044156

Ah, you're the same size as me. Lets see, you said fairly cheap so Vacuum Witch and TOMAX Venus series are out of the question. Fuwa Pocha Long and Big Rina are fairly inexpensive, around $25-$30 (minus shipping and all that crap) and I personally enjoyed them. the Fuwa Pocha is thick, but very soft, like a marshmallow, tho its tunnel is very intricate and you can definetely feel the grooves and bumps within. If you get it, buy some cornstarch baby powder cause the surface is sticky and gets dirty easily. Big Rina has these neat little ribs inside, and feels nice, but its a hole thats more of a nice slow buildup to orgasm instead of trying to wring you dry, so you can't be exactly rough with it (i mean you can but you'l,l probably wont get much longtivitiy out of it if you're continouosly rough it)

There are cheaper TOMAX products, but I don't own them. I just gave you my opinions of the cheaper onaholes that I own.

>> No.17044162

USA, no higher than 50-60 bucks

>> No.17044790

Check toydemon & amazon, but like i said you can't go wrong with Toysheart middle price range lineup if you check reviews like onahole blog or infernal monkey.

>> No.17044809

So what is up with Amazon Canada? Didn't Doddler get vanned for the cocolo but it's for sale on Amazon Canada? There is also an eroman there as well. I'll talk to a rep tomorrow, see what the fuck they are trying to pull. Eroman for sure should be banned, but according to Amazon policy, they don't sell illegal products. Any inputs here moose Bros?

>> No.17045044

Hey /jp/, I am about to make my first order. I am considering the seventeen bordeaux as my first onahole, is it any good? How does it compare to the seventeen evo?

>> No.17045068

Make your first order based on whatever preferences you have. Some people like soft holes, some tighter and harder for more stimulation. Some people think they would like something high stim, then order one, and realize they were wrong. You can't really know until you try.

17 Bordeaux is a fairly soft hole. I liked the sensations mine provided. HOWEVER, both me, and a lot of other people had the unfortunate experience of seeing the two layers of the hole separate pretty much right out of the box.
This traps moisture in the area that is really hard to clean, and fucks up the entrance in general.
So I would advise to look for something else.

>> No.17045115

I have the Daisuki Hold and at first I was very much underwhelmed with it but after awhile I realized that I was using it the wrong way, it's not a toy that you stroke with, the three rings at the beginning are meant to grip onto the base of your cock and stay there, you then use the vacuum to pull on your dick and kind of milk it. After learning this I was a lot more satisfied with the results and also I find that I keep coming back to it because it is sooo much more easy to clean and the thing feels a lot more durable than my magiceyes and npg meikis. Toysheart in general is made of really sturdy material

>> No.17045606

If you really want Bordeaux, go for the soft version who seems to have less layers separation.

>> No.17045610

Is it shipped by Amazon or just listed by a third party vendor?

>> No.17045617

Third party seller. But
Pretty much states everything's clean

>> No.17045741

Well, there's two sellers for it and they're both shipped from outside of Canada, so you'd be subject to the same risks as ordering it from anywhere else.

>> No.17045840

Despite the reality I still think they're positive enhancements to the immersion. Even the smell of freshly laundered unmentionables is arousing to me

>> No.17045871

There used to be a Cocolo that had prime shipping if that counts for anything

>> No.17046054

I wonder if I spoiled myself by getting a venus real as my first onahole. got Virgin Age: Admission and Puni Ana DX Fuwatoro and while they weren't terrible I guess I was a bit disappointed, at least the initial impressions.

Virgin Age was what I expected sort of, extremely tight and I did come pretty quickly with it(at least the first time) but outside of that it felt pretty bland. Also as someone who only recently got rid of his phimosis issue my dick was actually too sensitive to go for a second time as it got quite uncomfortable whenever I was about to cum. I suppose it may be useful for getting my dick to be a bit less sensitive though.

as for the Puni Ana DX, it wasn't too bad but I guess I was hoping for it to be somewhat close to the venus real in terms of feel but it's even softer and low stimulation than my venus, and that's a very soft version and so I kinda wish I had gotten a normal or hard version of this. that said I'm not too unhappy with it as I do think it has potential, I just gotta work out the best way to use it(tried it in the bathroom which didn't have a table at the right height, but my own room does) and then I think it should be pretty nice as a low stimulation hole, which isn't too bad considering I have an issue with cumming too early anyway.

I really do hope the smell on it doesnt stay for too long though, its not an awful smell but it just won't go away, the towel and microfiber cloth that I used to dry it are soaked in the smell and I can still smell it on my fingers despite washing my hands several times.

>> No.17046927

First onahole for an anon in Europe (regarding the seller). Read the bin, but I'm a scrub, never even touched a sex toy like that.
I wanted to get one for such a long time but never had spare cash. Now I got my first job and it's celebration time. If the onahole would be an anal one it would be fantastic.
What do you think about buying a relatively cheap, western hole for a start? Would that ruin the experience or make me negatively disposed towards onaholes?

And as a side note, what's the best anal hole? Something I can yearn for. I found Student Council President with the anus ring, but it seems too tight at the base because of it.

>> No.17046956

Should I get the Puni Ana SPDX or the Sujiman Kupa Cocolo (or an entirely different hip/torso onahole)?

I'm 5"x6" and I would like something that's tight and/or has high stimulation.

>> No.17046986

What venus real is best?

>> No.17047036

post pic of sharpie in the butthole

>> No.17047118

Don't fall for anal meme Anon, you gonna have your hopes shattered, go for regular or stimulating hole. Also invest a little more and get a japanese hole. If you don't want to import, try omachodreams or motsutoys.
I bought once for laughs a 9€ hole and it turned very mediocre.
Look for TOMAX (high range prices) or Toyshearts (middle range prices). If you need help to choose, check infernal monkey reviews blog.

There is no "best" Venus real. Find your best choice based on YOUR preferences.

>> No.17047161

>Don't fall for anal meme Anon, you gonna have your hopes shattered, go for regular or stimulating hole.
Please explain what do you mean? Why anal holes are a meme? In general, anal is my fetish so the anal choice seems natural (although I guess the saying "it's what inside what matters" is doubly important in case of onaholes). Motsutoys looks real nice, and even the shipping isn't that bad. I see they have R-20 but even though I heard good things about it, it seems, well, plain. And I'm worried about the length. I know they stretch really well and even without fitting my whole dick it's going to be pleasurable, but the thing is around 14 cm iirc and I'm around 17-18cm on a good day. I don't want to break it, I don't have the money for that.

>> No.17047205

Ive got a little over 50 bucks to blow.
Only hole Ive owned is Mouth of Truth, and recently its ripped on the inside
Is there anything good I should try or should I just get a new MoT?

>> No.17047253

Also, I don't quite get what the reviewers/producers mean regarding the "vacuum". It's good, correct? But do I control it somehow or it's just like, a thing depending on the onahole?

>> No.17047393

Dunno if you are the same dude whos poting chun-li and the nun outfit doll guy, but I fucking told you to shell out more for the extra shipping.

took like 4 or 5 days from china to the west cost for the 80~ dollars more expedited shipping

>> No.17047583

Well there are not many anal onaholes and they are mostly mediocres from the reviews, besides the tightness you expect from a rectum.
I like watching anal too, but i think it's the action to do anal instead than the sensations that excite me.
Best choice for anal option for me would be a realistic onahip like puni dx and actually doing anal. I kinda want to buy one in some months but i wouldn't recommand throwing 100+€ for a first sex toy.
For the length, the R-20 like the seventeen lineup are stretchy enough to fit more than 15cm, i'm 19 and my bordeaux fit it good, just don't expect to go balls deep in a onahole.
Vaccum is good yes, it amplify the penetration effect, sucking you inside the onahole (the air of course push you back if not removed).

>> No.17048032

Has anyone here tried both Venus Real and Venus Clone? Are they so different that it would be worth it buy a Real if I already have a Clone? The Clone is my absolute favourite so far. Love the softness (rich soft) and heavyness.

>> No.17048351

>use doll
>cat sitting and looking at me with piercing wtf was that eyes from the hallway

Do you folks close your doors and stuff to prevent your pets from seeing you?

>> No.17048708

this but it was my mom
