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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 3.80 MB, 444x250, 14943418881234549.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16998494 No.16998494 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Comfy videos of Japan.
Walking in Japan. Trains going past. People watching. Everything goes.


>> No.16998504

There is no traffic at all? That surprises me.

>> No.16998517

I was surprised about that myself when I was there a few years ago. The only real traffic was people on bikes on the footpath.

>> No.16998523

You linked the wrong video OP. Did you mean this one?


>> No.16998527

.... Awkward. Yes thank you that one.

>> No.16999163


>> No.17000806


>> No.17002546

This one has binaural sound, listen with headphones for maximum comfy.


>> No.17002799

that is max comfy

>> No.17002835

Anymore youtube channels like these?


>> No.17003089

wow great share anon, that was mesmerizing.

>> No.17004364

Thanks, it's from my personal yt channel. Was thinking of putting up more videos with this sort of playlist stuff when I get a chance.

>> No.17004548

We should organize a /jp/ trip to Japan one of these days.

Wouldn't that be fun?

>> No.17004757


>> No.17005387

>ever leaving their basement
Pick one

>> No.17005843


>> No.17006194

Here's one with literally thousands of videos of Japan mostly from the 90s. Pretty comfy.

>> No.17006234

I would love to but I'm poor ;_;

How would it work? We would all fly in on the same day and wait for everyone to arrive, then plan or vote on activities/places to go for the day then split off during the evening? Or would everyone staying at the same hotel and chipping in for the room be a cheaper route? I'm sure there are 10-15+ people rooms at hostels there and those are always affordable.

>> No.17006878

I can't count the number of times I've seen this in anime. But for some reason I remembered Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo.

>> No.17007095

We could rent a huge basement for everyone to stay in, so that the /jp/sies feel like they're still at home.

>> No.17007356

Very nice, I like the subs.

>> No.17007370
File: 2.90 MB, 1280x720, Asuka Saito - Shiosai Making - 齋藤飛鳥『潮騒』メイキング 00.02.51-00.03.03.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17007830

OP here, that video is nice and comfy, thank you.

>> No.17008764

These ones made me feel super comfy. Like it was me there myself, rather than watching someone else.

>> No.17009473
File: 626 KB, 1920x1296, 808_16_Lens_D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17011398

Some of this guy's livestream videos are pretty comfy and most of them are interesting

>> No.17011524

If you do, tell me when you are coming over so I can meet you at Narita and laugh at you.

>> No.17011539

This channel often runs streams (of recorded footage) from buses mainly driving around Japan. From all over the place too, Shikoku, Tokyo, Nagoya, Gifu prefecture.

The chat is always cancer though.

>> No.17013014


>> No.17013021

I'd love to watch these, but the music is utter crap.

>> No.17018254

not a lot of people drive in the first place and if you're walking around after rush hour on a work week it's likely to be empty

>> No.17018265

this is a treasure trove of content

Amazing really how much he has captured although I think he has automated his editing on some videos which often cut off at interesting parts

The time period is also interesting
it's pretty much the last of the golden years and some post bubble Japan

>> No.17019233

This is pretty comfy, I like the night view.

>> No.17019241
File: 11 KB, 332x192, 1494236954400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The music is also cancer....

>> No.17021129

Dead link bro

>> No.17021205

something about just looking out the window of a train.

>> No.17021236

watching these videos just makes me even more depressed and suicidal than I already am...


>> No.17021252
File: 294 KB, 1920x1440, 17668724_10211246348408933_670617033_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheer up chum, sell your neighbours organs and you too can join us in the glorious nippon.

>> No.17025702
File: 422 KB, 1920x1080, Rei 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only my bro, if only...
thanks for the cheer up anyway.

>> No.17025729 [DELETED] 

made this last year.

>> No.17026106
File: 1.52 MB, 2576x1932, 20170404_083527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are waiting for you. All of us.

>> No.17026114

This has subs now, I love whoever put them on there.

>> No.17033702

sauce on that girl?

>> No.17035279

That is Nishino Nanase. Also this thread should be bumped, it is hella comfy.

>> No.17039031

such comfy, I need to go back up there tonight and make a video for myself

>> No.17039946

I'm going to shill my shitty video here since it kind of fits the theme. None of this footage is originally mine I just made it for fun.

>> No.17040067
File: 1.79 MB, 577x1426, death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sleep to this. Really comfy.

>> No.17040187

Holy hell its like im back

>> No.17040190
File: 688 KB, 1920x1080, 592e77edfc1ee19f4bdc75493abea40f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of unrelated but I remember a cute video of a japanese guy getting his hair washed by his imouto that someone linked like a year ago.Anyone know what I'm talking about ?

Also,I find this video comfy

>> No.17041447

thank you!

>> No.17044531

Please stop promoting your personal youtube channel here.

>> No.17045386

why? where else should they share their videos? we are here for the comfy.

>> No.17045747

who cares?

>> No.17047571

I would love to come, but I am way too awkward for that.

>> No.17047608


>> No.17048743

thanks for the comfy!

>> No.17048771

I'm so sad that I will never be able to go there.

>> No.17050080

Why not friend? Put a little money in a jar each time you get pay. In time you can join us in the land of the rising sun.

>> No.17051823

That is almost 100% how I got to Japan. I saved as much money as possible in a jar. Sold off stuff I didn't need. Until one day it hit me that I could get a student visa, part-time work and dorm room in Japan. I mean sure it was a struggle at first, but I finally got a full time job, girlfriend and have been here for 6 years.

>> No.17051921

Any Japanese city in the night is always comfy.

>> No.17052163

Search "walking in [city or district]" on Youtube and you'll see comfy videos like this one

>> No.17052344

You're living the dream, pal.

>> No.17052975


>> No.17053066


>> No.17053210

>Why not friend?
My country requires proof of taxes to authorize entry to Japan. I can barely survive as it is, if I pay taxes I'm never gonna make it.

>> No.17056057

That... what. What country do you live in, if I may ask, that sounds hellish.

Also, more comfy for the comfy god:

>> No.17057421

Accept your fate as I did.
We'll never be able to go there, some people are fucked, and that just happens to be us.

Don't listen to the people who simply say ''have fate breh, u can doo eet !! :)" they are full of shit most of the times.

>> No.17057428

I'll tell you how your story is bullshit.
Tell me where you're from to begin with.

>> No.17059512

all of lost in translation is really comfy, love the handheld quality coppola went for on most of this film and the music was perfect


>> No.17059522

almost forgot this too - music might not be your thing but the footage is beautiful anyway, i found the whole thing so fucking mesmerizing

video is from the yurikamome line over odaiba i believe


fuck i miss japan so much

>> No.17059799

That was the opposite of comfy but I enjoyed it.

>> No.17064129


Once you get used to tuning out the guy rambling these are pretty nice.
Lots of rural Japan videos, and exploration of abandoned houses.

>> No.17065088

this is pretty comfy
Thought it was Ryanboundless for a second, was about to scream.

>> No.17067899

Such comfy.

>> No.17073839

Noooo, don't let the comfy thread die.

>> No.17076243


>> No.17076368

I just got back from a trip. Stayed in Asakusabashi like a faggot and I'd keep missing all the trains because I like shitting around at night. Even ten minutes away from Akiba, it's dead silent on the walk back. I thought I was doing something wrong.

>> No.17076416

holy shit, my barracks is comfier than that and like 4 times the size

>> No.17079622

Sorry if this channel was posted but some driving channels are 60fps. Pretty comfy if you're into that kind of thing.

>> No.17079764

I know right!?!

>> No.17079774

That is some lovely comfy.
I have no idea how they get their videos to be so smooth. I need to invest n some kind of anti-shake device...

>> No.17080296

not comfy tier

>> No.17080356

Are you telling me I could make comfy atmospheric videos of normal shit and my tiny ass aparto while I am staying in Japan and you autists would actually enjoy it?

>> No.17081484

This is probably my favorite video in the whole of youtube.
That person's whole channel is just top tier content.

>> No.17082480

You've never been to Japan, but yes.

>> No.17082487

why are the train ones so comfy?

>> No.17083879
File: 152 KB, 393x393, BK-K_016washimiyaFeelRecordings_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This video is a preview for a sound album which is free at http://bunkai-kei.com/release/bk-k_016/

Seriously, check out the video and the album, such comfy.

>> No.17086089


>> No.17086262
File: 125 KB, 500x574, 1370013232854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17089465
File: 212 KB, 403x365, 6d8d32fb6583dbe375c37e71d84e6c0b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17090523

Jiyuna's channel is pretty good.
He just films himself walking around, eating, commuting to work, drinking, and playing fighting games. mostly its just him walking around and eating to chill music tho.
If you're an fgc guy, you probably already know him; he works with Daigo

>> No.17091992

this is real comfy, also kinda pretty.

>> No.17093118


>> No.17099046


>> No.17099542

Sorry it isn't oil soaked ham floating on butter in a bucket friendo.

>> No.17099605


>> No.17103581

hella comfy

>> No.17104798


>> No.17104828
File: 25 KB, 558x562, 1406156404067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time on /jp/


I really enjoy that guy's videos.

>> No.17118002

not cozy

>> No.17120552

So enjoyable to just share a moment of someone's life. So comfy.
