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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.76 MB, 2000x2732, Horizon5A_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16788984 No.16788984 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16788986
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>> No.16789606
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>> No.16789766

Why are the translations so slow?

There is nothing of Kamachi if I'm not wrong, or Js06 is on vacation and shit?

>> No.16789892

>nothing of Kamachi
The Weakness of Beatrice and Bloodsign have both been getting regular updates the past few weeks.

>> No.16789969

Stop complaining, you should know by now.
Do you have to do this shit in every thread?
Ungrateful as ever.

>> No.16790220

Can you bed a Mouse

>> No.16790231

js06.exe needs personal time too anon

>> No.16790343

I like how those boobs look.

>> No.16790353

Pretty sure Maeda Toshiie and that one soldier in the Mikawa watchtower that got maid assassinated might have tried.

>> No.16790363

They're so cute.

>> No.16790465
File: 2.60 MB, 3000x1582, Horizon LN illustration4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compare with the manga
Both styles are pretty good, I think. It's not nearly as soft as Satoyasu's, but the art still brings out the curves on the skintight bodysuit on KagamiX2 and the creases in Horinouchi's uniform are exactly where they should be to give a feeling of depth..

>> No.16790568

With Hexennacht being officially over in 10 days, what do you guys think will happen next?
The 2nd of the countless OBSTACLES or are there any chances of EDGE suddenly popping up?

>> No.16790982

First of all, to clarify, I did not read the Hexennacht spoilers that were posted here when the manga ended.

>The 2nd of the countless OBSTACLES
Given that OnC was the 1st AHEAD but nothing has happened yet, over ten years later, I hesitate to say that he'll jump into another series set in the same era right away.
Then again, OnC is on an entirely different scale to Hexennacht, and for all I know Kawakami might have purposefully made Hexennacht short (by his standards) so that he can continue expanding OBSTACLE through more than one overarching plot.

Given that EDGE is the only era we haven't seen yet, I don't think it would come suddenly. There'd be a buildup, especially since it might spoil some part of Horizon (the vagueness of what "the heavens" were).

>> No.16791096

The thing about OBSTACLE is that it explicitely says "1st of countless" in the back cover of the books, unlike his books about other eras.
Personally I think it'll be more OBSTACLE. Maybe EDGE will be the next huge series after Horizon ends.

>> No.16791117

So what does Please Kill Me All actually mean, as in, what would it be in non-broken English?

>> No.16791196

Assuming it was just Google translated (I think Kawakami's English skills are above that, though), simply reverse translating it might give us the answer.
EN -> JP
Please kill me all -> 私をすべて殺してください

>> No.16791199

Reverse translation is notoriously inaccurate in g. translate.

>> No.16791326

In this case, JP -> EN with that phrase really does give "please kill me all".
This wasn't meant to be a serious solution to the question anyway, as it didn't actually answer the question of what it would be in non-broken English.
If I had to make a serious guess, since it appeared in front of Horizon's grave, it might be "Please kill me completely".
That is, IF it's a message from Nobunaga, since she apparently resembles Horizon. The spiriting away incidents have to do with the Genesis plan, right?

>> No.16791357

You know sometimes I wonder what would've happened if Lust was the first emotion Horizon regained.

>> No.16792080

I could explain what the messages mean using spoiler knowledge, but I don't want to be an ass

>> No.16792254

Yes you can. Just put it in an automaton.

>> No.16792258

Doesn't count tho

>> No.16792263

Why would you want to break the poor little thing is what's beyond my comprehension.

>> No.16792265

I mean it's a spiritual thing, surely it can increase in size!

>> No.16792276

I'm sure that something will happen if you fill it with love juices.

>> No.16794445

>S3 gets announced but it's an April Fools joke

>> No.16794900

Ah, yes, the dreaded day is upon us yet again.

>> No.16795548

Seeing how she handles her other emotions, not much other than a recurring "I'll be in my bunk" joke, and she'd be adding Nate and Asama to her harem, not Toori's.
And probably give Kimi a run for her money with lewd jokes.

>> No.16795586

Every time she activates her emotion for the first time there's an overflow though
Would she have just jumped Toori then and there?

>> No.16795849

Probably, but Toori's responsible, he'd hold her back for the most of it.

>> No.16802472

>“The point is,” explained Yoshiyasu as she set a virtual foothold in midair
Is this the inspiration for the foothold spell used by a certain other flat-chested girl?

>> No.16803503

>a man who walks around with a God Mosaic covering his naughty bits and has an IQ equal to his (manlet) height in inches is more responsible and a more charismatic leader than you are
How is this even possible

>> No.16803597

Kimi'd probably hold her off and take her for some, heh heh, bridal training.

I actually think both of the Aoi siblings are pretty smart. Toori was clearly planning his power distribution trick for years, Kimi's given more exposition than even Neshinbara if you count the after chapter remarks and figured out how to use her Ootsubaki contract to "fight" at the vice chancellor level with no combat training, and they're both extremely high level shrine maidens (or whatever the term would be in Toori's case (maybe still shrine maiden, given how often he crossdresses))for civilians.

It's just that they're so unshackled by common sense that they seem to have screws loose.

>> No.16803609

>more charismatic
The God Mosaic hides a snake worthy of God.

>more responsible
No one can beat the cock, ergo the cock is power. Because he has the Cock of God, he therefore has godlike power, and with godlike power comes godlike responsibility. Proof complete.

>> No.16803941

And there's the matter of how he leads.
He knows he's useless on his own, so he gives the job to the best person for it instead of trying to do it himself. He's the captain, and leads the piloting to someone else, so to speak.

>> No.16804578

Any news on vol. 10?

>> No.16804982
File: 72 KB, 460x640, C8aTsiKVoAAP5ph.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly, not a big one yet again.

>> No.16808123

What's the release day again? 8th?

>> No.16808816

Yeah. They're pretty slow with the preview this time.

>> No.16808824

Well, in a few days we'll know if Kawakami is doing something for June.
Otherwise, maybe Hexennacht's afterword will have some information about it.

>> No.16809391

I'll make sure to go pick it up. Make sure I have money to pick it up.

>> No.16813747
File: 272 KB, 460x656, pc_1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The preview's out.

>> No.16814361
File: 151 KB, 460x656, pc_58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They sure took their sweet time.
For that the last volume is only 424 pages they really did give us quite the amount of preview pages.

>> No.16814414
File: 148 KB, 460x656, pc_86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I adore Satoyasu shading.

>> No.16817732

Jesus christ.

>> No.16821453
File: 300 KB, 1211x1769, GEN01_11_369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16824840

Is there a png of the God Mosaic sign frame? I think I remember seeing one at some point, but I'm not sure.

>> No.16825020
File: 145 KB, 1424x1187, Horizon God Mosaic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not my creation, I just saved this.

>> No.16826037

>Hee hee. Don’t you worry, Toori-kun. Horizon, Kimi, Mito? You three could learn a thing or two from Toori-kun about not worrying. Okay?

Asama, I don't know how you've missed it, but I'm pretty sure Kimi's been worried only once in her life, and never since then.

>> No.16826105

Kimi has only cried once in her life.

>> No.16827311

Nothing Kawakami in June.

>> No.16829430
File: 481 KB, 1024x768, 23210268_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they call her Seijun again?

>> No.16829501
File: 392 KB, 1407x1000, Horizon はにくら Masazumi Futayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a kanji joke, same as calling Suzu Bell.
正純 -> Masazumi
正 -> Sei
純 -> Jun

>> No.16829524
File: 508 KB, 1000x800, 6274182_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see, thanks.

>> No.16831026
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Okay, I got it.

>> No.16831043
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>> No.16831046
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>> No.16831048
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>> No.16831050
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>> No.16831894


The other please?

>> No.16832226 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.13 MB, 2028x3000, 1491661458477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one more while we wait for the anon to continue.

>> No.16832259

Elsie is cutest.

>> No.16832374

This is quite beautiful.

>> No.16832726

What happened at the end?

Is the same shit of the manga original what?

>> No.16832835

What do you mean original?
The manga is an adaption of the novel, they were simply released simultaneously this time, is all.

>> No.16833154

Nope. The manga ended while ago and it seems volume 4 has the same finale.

That means this part of obstacle is done.

>> No.16833202

It's probably greatly expanded upon.
The manga seemed king rushed.

>> No.16833251

The question is, why the fuck Kawakami said that we need to look for something in v4.

Js06 is dead for now and we don't have any spoilers.

>> No.16833325

Probably a hint to what's to come?

>> No.16834049

He almost certainly doesn't even have his copy yet, just how impatient can you people get?

>> No.16834197
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>> No.16834201
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>> No.16834205
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>> No.16834208
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>> No.16834210
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>> No.16834211
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>> No.16834212
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>> No.16834213
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>> No.16834216
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>> No.16834218
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>> No.16834220
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>> No.16834223
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>> No.16834228
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>> No.16834233
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>> No.16834236
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>> No.16834238
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>> No.16834244
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>> No.16834248
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>> No.16834249
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>> No.16834253
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>> No.16834256
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>> No.16834261
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>> No.16834268

Thanks a lot.

>> No.16834290



>> No.16834377

>not one Bitches` nails joke

You`re losing your edge, /kwk/.

>> No.16834426

>same shitty ending

Hexennacht was a mistake.

>> No.16834540

Making fun of my nails is not cool.

>> No.16834557
File: 854 KB, 2048x1463, p390-391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the huge delay, I was quite busy as of late.
I'll try to catch up to Horizon next.


Last Hexenancht manga volume on Sunday.
As well as Boo Boo 4 for js06.

>> No.16834586


Thanks Muton :)

>> No.16834817


>> No.16834854

Fantastic, thanks so much.

>> No.16834955

Come on, you know we love you.

>> No.16835235

js06, will you do translations for the mechanical detail pages of Hexennacht?

>> No.16836492

Anon can you please post or upload the epilogue and final words?

I can translate it and check if this is the last story of Obstacle. Better than wait for weeks for js06 to come here.

>> No.16837701
File: 768 KB, 1441x2048, 189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hexennacht manga volume 4:

Boo Boo volume 4:


>> No.16837778

So, Kagami's hair wasn't white/gray? Was it a effect of her "godhood" inside the world of the book?

>> No.16837841

How the hell do you catch up on this shit. Has everyone here just been reading it for years?

>> No.16837845

Binge, binge, and binge some more. I got started on OnC during an 11-hour train ride from New York to Montreal.

>> No.16837922

For the past few years I show up to work a half-hour early and read, then read during my breaks. Comes out to maybe 60 pages a day for your average English paperback. Net-net that ends up being something like 17,000 pages per year just doing that. Not counting reading at the cabin.

Just keep reading.

>> No.16837936

I read while going to college and before sleep. It's not that hard, though I am not up to date with the City series so there's that. And OnC volumes are shorter than Horizon's.

>> No.16838142

Is it me of the first part of manga covered Vol.3 of the novel and everything plays out completely differently? Or it's rather some sort of mix of Vol.3 and 4 parts.

>> No.16838710

It`s not that long and very entertaining. I just wait for the whole arc to be finished, then read when commuting.

But then I ate up Clavell while commuting as well.

>> No.16838978

He says that it was originally going to be three volumes but got extended to four and that short stories like this fit the Obstacle universe (which could suggest more to come).

Also that next will be Girls Talk.

>> No.16839109

>Girls Talk next

Kawakami really wants to release Horizon X as a single massive 2000-pages book.

>> No.16839128

That's not enough.
The average for his 3-part-volumes is ~2500.
We need more for the finale.

>> No.16839267

OnC vol 7 was shorter than most volumes, in total.

>> No.16839356

Isn't that due to DC being separated?

>> No.16839361

Printing anything thicker will probably destroy their printer with that small LN format.
So I sincerely hope they don't do this for Horizon and he simply goes totally mad and released three 2-B size books for the finale.

>> No.16839371

Even if DC had been included I don't think it would push it over. DC is basically a single extra chapter.

>> No.16841504


Thanks we will wait for the images of horizon

>> No.16842052

>Girls Talk
Speaking of Girls Talk, should I scan the second volume since I'm having some time this week or are you already on it, Ivan?

I believe this post is from you, just a quote in case.

>> No.16842295

Someone has REAL spoilers or info about the last vol of hexennacht?

Seriously, so much hype about the difference with the manga version and the chances for something from Kawakami like a continuation and we still don't know shit.

Also where is js06? He already finished the new Kamachi trash.

>> No.16842599

Yep, that was me. Was it ` instead of ' that outed me?

Considering GT2, go for it, absolutely. I`m up the total shit creek at the moment, but there may be a better laptop screen at the end of it...

>> No.16842622

Yeah, they're unique to you in these threads, I think.
Got it, I'll finish the scan this week, cleaning might take a bit longer.

You still going through hell and cleaning on that screen at work?
I got myself a new IPS screen, let's see how much of a difference it will make.

>> No.16842657

From the very beginning, there was no way that he would have changed the ending.

Some anon already summarized the afterword which might, or might not, indicate that we'll continue to get short stories set in the OBSTACLE universe.

>> No.16842809

I finally got fed up with trying to do things on a five-years old 11.6 768p TN matrix coupled with the processor that any current Atom has beat, especially that monster of a picture. Even simple batch levelling of text takes hours. So that`s the motivation for a new machine.

At least it will be a decent 1080p 13-incher coupled with fresh i5, with a tentative promise from someone to let me borrow his Spyder thing even, and then I`m going right back into Photoshop.

>> No.16842867

Oh my, that image was probably killing it quite hard.
My Photoshop died on it several times as well because of that shitty zoom bug and frustrated me greatly.
CC 2017 seems to have that fixed but the export as function is still not working properly.

>> No.16845971
File: 108 KB, 707x576, C9BxWl_UQAATROO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is this? Some new additions to Android game? Site says nothing.

>> No.16845985

Beginning of summer there will be an update for OO-Formation.

>> No.16846301

The game always had a Horizon storyline in the works, I guess they finally made it.

>> No.16849831
File: 274 KB, 1215x1775, GEN01_11_393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16850474

Wait a minute. Because reasons, I was looking at a list of earthquakes that have hit Japan. In OnC, the Great Kansai Earthquake is obviously a big deal, and is described as at the end of 1995. On wikipedia's list at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_earthquakes_in_Japan there's one in January, but that's the only one listed for 1995, the Great Hanshin Earthquake. Is the Great Kansai Earthquake made up, or is wikipedia incomplete, or are they the same quake under different names and there's something messed up with the timeframe?

>> No.16850623

I think that he is referencing the same quake but just calling it a different name. Kobe is in Kansai after all.

>> No.16852781
File: 2.75 MB, 1360x1920, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They certainly weren't stingy with the amount of glue in this one, the amount is ridiculous. God dammit.

>> No.16852950

Wow! Nate is even flatter in this! Is this Girls Talk or is it from that Obstacle game?

>> No.16852986


Girls Talk

>> No.16853059


>> No.16853219


I know Kawakami loves his oppai, but im glad he gives us dfc lovers some love too.

>> No.16854068

Just leave her hips alone. Then we have an agreement. Pear shaped + DFC is perfection!

>> No.16855595

Out of the two, Satoyasu seems to be the hips maniac.

>> No.16857001

Yeah, I just finished reading Hexennacht and then checked through the manga. The manga pretty much skips straight from halfway through Vol. 3 to halfway through Vol. 4.

Weirdly, the manga also changes the majority of the dialogue for the final scene. It removes/changes the explanation for what happened and it changes Kagami and Horinouchi's final dialogue to something less thematically appropriate.

>> No.16857305

That's certainly weird.
Now, I'm looking even more forward to your translation.

>> No.16857613

Do you guys have Hexennacht vol.3 pdf? Can't find anywhere.

>> No.16858128

You can convert it from the epub. It's really simple.

>> No.16858593
File: 164 KB, 1536x2048, C9QyM8UUMAEK_Oa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leave Katsuie to me.

>> No.16859578

Did you saw something like a hint from kawakami regarding what's going to happen with Obstacle?

>> No.16860203

>this is your ln writer tonight

>> No.16861095

He implies there could be more Obstacle stories and that they would probably all be shorter series like Hexennacht, but nothing more than that.

>> No.16861763
File: 1.92 MB, 1427x2000, 247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halfway through.

>> No.16861784

That chapter is great.

>> No.16861811

EDGE never

>> No.16861814
File: 1.42 MB, 1392x2000, 249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't read a damn in it, but simply scanning it, it already seems like fun.

>> No.16861869

Is this 9A?

>> No.16861880
File: 2.09 MB, 1438x2000, 079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls Talk 2.

>> No.16862431

Basically Obstacle is going to be another CITY series.

Between CITY and hexennacht, City is superior by a lot and that's considering how old is that story. Hexenancht was weak on world building, characters and story as a whole.

Hexennacht is the weakest story created by Kawakami so far.

>> No.16862439
File: 91 KB, 728x516, 1427721509047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on with Kawakami? nothing about Horizon, nothing about Obstacle, nothing about a new LN placed maybe on 2nd AHEAD or at least EDGE.

Is he sick or taking a break?

>> No.16862796

The last LN release was six days ago.

>> No.16863180

>Basically Obstacle could be another CITY series.
Don't forget we already have two games and some misc other works based in OBSTACLE.

I fully expect the variety of works in OBSTACLE will expand but not necessarily that we will get more "short" novel series.

Anyway, Girls Talk is next. Then Horizon is running down so perhaps EDGE isn't far off.

>> No.16864327
File: 173 KB, 460x656, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16865365

>“So they used kanji and English in another world?”
>“Horinouchi, please tell my sister that the next time you see her. That is a truly bad habit of hers, but she only ever says, ‘But everyone’s doing it!’ ”

That sounds fairly familiar. Right, Kawakami?

>> No.16872142

Why is this place so dead, lack of updates?

>> No.16872179

Confirmed S3 never wiped my hopes and dreams. My smile is gone for good.

>> No.16872252

Isn't that it? The pace of updates isn't super fast, there are no plans for S3, and there's not a whole lot to discuss.

There's only so much of the usual Kawakamin-addiction proclamations and comments about Satoyasu's art that we can take before it gets really repetitive.

>> No.16872274
File: 1.86 MB, 1437x2000, 451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scanning done.
Next up are Kimitoasamade and Horizon 5-A edits.

Currently uploading the 'raw' scans if anyone wants to help out.
There's a text file (000.txt) which indicates the images I'm currently working on so there's no need to do these.
If you decide to work on one of the pages simply quote this post so that I don't do it as well.


>> No.16872303

>That cover
*steam blows out ears*

>> No.16873181

>The pace of updates isn't super fast

I think that's the problem. I remember the last year we got more constant updates even when js06 was working on Kamachi's light novels.

Now we have to wait for weeks for a single chapter of anything related to Kawakami, meanwhile js06 just say on Raildex threads that he's going to work fast as fuck with that stuff.

What about giving to Horizon a little bit more love? OnC is fully translated so there is no excuse to avoid horizon and Hexennacht is short so that's not an excuse either.

>inb4 anons calling me ungrateful fuck!

>> No.16873193

js06 is almost completely caught up with Kamachi's stuff. Horizon might pick up soon.

>> No.16873255

But there is another problem, Kamachi will have updates each month, that means at least 1 volume of any of his works each month.

I'm willing to pay Js06 to have regular updates on Horizon, I have a good job and money to spare and is not the first time I do these deals since I did it with Nomi's translations.

>> No.16873275

Have you seen how fast he translates Kamachi's stuff when he's caught up? A week to a week and a half at most.

>> No.16873414
File: 561 KB, 1174x1600, Kimitoasamade_2B_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16875119

So, I read through Neitomama and Neitopapa making Neito and wew, shit was amazing, Neitomama is a madwoman for telling her 10-year old kid all that.

>> No.16877035
File: 2.42 MB, 2233x3200, 465_10-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really starting to like the surface blur method, on some illustrations it seems to work quite well.
Does this look acceptable to you guys? Not burned/dodged yet, JFYI.

>> No.16877187

Is okay but the city down there looks too damn dark. Can you use gray or maybe a less-dark black in there?

>> No.16877219
File: 2.46 MB, 2233x3200, 465_G15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can set the dot gain to 15% (pic related) but it affects everything.
The other method would be to level it less (blur it less as well) and burn the blacks manually which takes forever and this is exactly what I'm trying to avoid by using surface blur since it saves a great deal of time.

>> No.16877225
File: 2.44 MB, 2233x3200, 465_G10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's 10%.

>> No.16877549
File: 2.72 MB, 1810x2590, 173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one the best.

I also fucking abhor glue.

>> No.16877566

This one looks the best, you can even see a little more details than this one >>16877035

>> No.16877634
File: 3.75 MB, 2240x3200, 097_10-15_G10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it.
Yeah, my copy of GT2 had a serious amount of it.
Sometimes it was literally flowing even though I paid a lot of attention not to heat it too much.

Okay, I'll try to orientate the illustrations at 10%. This also seems to be the closest to the digital PV when I compare them.

>> No.16877884

He literally has only one Kamachi's volume in his backlog so don't start freaking out, the update to Kawakami's stuff are already steady and also the average chapter is longer than other series'.

And yes, Kamachi's stuff comes out almost monthly but he's still fast, HO13 came out a week ago and the only thing missing is the epilogue.

>> No.16879463

Muton, check your mail.

>> No.16880408

Got it, thanks.

>> No.16881047

It's kinda weird reading about all these people that are historically doomed to die and the way they come to terms with that fact.

>> No.16883446

This. The historical recreation is a really interesting concept that (as far as I know) isn't done anywhere else.

The entire notion of taking on the role of some historical figure and, in a sense, knowing one's destiny is pretty crazy. Kawakami comes up with some awesome things.

>> No.16884270

I have a wonderful news for all of us. Kazuma Kamachi announced new novel series called Deguchi wa Kochira ni Narimasu with illustrations by U-U Zan.

>> No.16884275

It's a short magazine SS. js06 probably won't even touch it.

>> No.16884312

Either way, it's literally 1 page long.

>> No.16888907
File: 1.68 MB, 3620x2629, Horizon_5A_010-011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Editing these, only now am I noticing just how many characters we have accumulated already.

>> No.16890505

Christ, 3-C was fucking intense, so many fun people went to the great beyond too and Oda has weaponized Chernobyl.

>> No.16898605
File: 366 KB, 819x647, C99NBtWV0AAtal9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16898861

Shhhh we're on sleepy time here, no updates and turning into skeletons for translations.

>> No.16898890

Fuck off.

The feet are kinda strange but the butt is eroundic.

>> No.16898926
File: 186 KB, 2212x1348, 007458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been brooding over this for a while now, but where do you guys prefer the inside stories and installations (on the inside of the dust jacket of the printed version) to be placed in the e-book?
The official Japanese e-books have them at the end of the book as I have been doing for Kimitoasamade and Hexennacht. But for Horizon's main story I have them at the beginning.
Should I put them at the end as well or leave it as be?

>> No.16899027

I better at the beginning because it helps the faggots to understand a bit more about it.

>> No.16899032

No sense in fixing what's not broken.

>> No.16899180

I'll leave it as is then.

>> No.16905369

Well, new kamachi stuff been announced about a while now and Js06 is giving any sights of life.


>> No.16905433

Don't you get tired of this shit? Seriously.

>> No.16905711

Not the same guy but I can understand why some people is impatient.

Horizon is receiving translations like twice a month, while a whole volume of Index with around 400+ pages, or HO with the same amount of pages is being translated in days.

Back in the days of OnC translation we were used to get chapters quite often but now looks like Js06's focus is almost 100% Kamachi's titles.

Do we need to ask other translators that do their job under payment to get regular translations or what? because Js06 isn't even saying anything about Horizon or Hexennacht and we have to wait for weeks for a single chapter even if is a short one.

>> No.16905757

>Back in the days of OnC translation we were used to get chapters quite often but now looks like Js06's focus is almost 100% Kamachi's titles.
THIS. Go and check Raildex threads and you can see how he said everything will be translated ASAP for them.

>> No.16905787

Nothing new from Kamachi has been announced at all.

>> No.16905795


Man, i don't complain much since well the Js06 is doing it without payment, but at least if he gonna give up a little on Kawakami just a little warning would be cool, or the raws of Hexennacht (but this is another question)

>> No.16905807

He posted here 10 days ago.

>> No.16905846
File: 271 KB, 491x835, Screenshot_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it counts right ?

>> No.16905863

Yes, because he fell behind quite hard on Kamachi stuff. Kamachi were always his priority novels, just stop complaining already and be patient. Patience is one of the strongest points of a Kawakamifag.

>raws of Hexennacht
What do you mean? We have all raws except the latest volume.

>> No.16905869

Not really. It's a one-page story paired with a single illustration in the Dengeki magazine, I'm pretty sure Kamachi did quite a few magazine SS already (that were also longer than one single page) and I don't think js06 ever translated any of those.

>> No.16905882

Yeah, i mean the 4 volume.

>> No.16905898

I only have 1 more Kamachi LN before being entirely caught up. From that point on, the vast majority of my focus will be on Kawakami with the exception of new Kamachi releases which won't take too much time.

I know I've been neglecting Kawakami lately, but I really want to finally catch up with Kamachi.
Just be patient a while longer. The lack of a Kamachi LN backlog is really going to help in the long run.

That's only one page long and it's already been released.
And to be clear, my main focus with Kamachi are his LN releases. Magazine releases, online releases, and anything else aren't as much of a priority.

>> No.16905918

That's because the printed and digital release dates are one month apart.
Not even my printed copy has shipped yet, to be honest. Probably delayed due to Easter.

>> No.16905936

>And to be clear, my main focus with Kamachi are his LN releases. Magazine releases, online releases, and anything else aren't as much of a priority.

What about the games?

Oh also do you know if there is any news about volume 10 of Horizon? it's been months without news.

>> No.16905953

Thanks for the update. It's great that you're taking the time to tell us about stuff like this --- appreciate it!

>> No.16905976

Games would fall under "anything else".

As for Horizon, I only know what Hexennacht 4's afterword said: Girl's Talk is next.
Of course, Hexennacht 3's afterword said the same thing and yet nothing else was released until Hexennacht 4, so who even knows.

Yeah, I should have said something earlier. My bad.

>> No.16906153

Thanks for all you do for us, JS. I still need to catch up on Kamachi stuff one of these days. I stopped around NT13.

>> No.16907688

Stop bitching about free stuff, you're not paying him so you have no right to demand anything from him, be happy you're even getting anything.

>> No.16908402

>20.  4,282  6,992 Gekitotsu no Hexennacht Vol.4

Whelp, that's not good at all.

>> No.16908482

Probably usual.

>> No.16908659

Hexennacth is niche within an already niche series.

>> No.16910313

That's the usual for light novels without an anime, the strange thinh is for all the success of Horizon anime the novels didn't get boosted, while OnC sold really well for its time.

>> No.16911259
File: 3.92 MB, 3053x2240, Horizon_5A_006-007_2240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one page to go and I can drop dead for a bit.

>> No.16911264

Great work. As always, thank you!

>> No.16911388
File: 1.88 MB, 1433x2048, Hexennacht_v03_008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you going to edited hexennacht color pages or are to tricky?

>> No.16911406

I tried several times already, but they're a huge pain and I never manage to get satisfying results.
For now, no. If I ever get good enough/patient enough, I'll try again.
If anyone else wants to edit them, go ahead.

>> No.16912365


>> No.16915658
File: 572 KB, 850x1047, Futayo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16915772

Cavewoman, pls.

>> No.16915791

Yet another thing I'm sure Wise Sis could giver her a, hehehe, private lesson or two about.

>> No.16916902

Hell, seeing as she's pretty much a high priestess of the god of pole dancers, it's probably a holy duty worth a LOT of blessings.

>> No.16919412

Toori's and Kimi's mama is fucking hardcore, the woman turns baguettes into missiles.

>> No.16919601

wait, I heard she rescued Futayo and used a loaf of bread to fight... I assumed she used it like a sword, now she's turning them into missiles?!

>> No.16919645

She fucking chucks them with a flick of her wrist there.

>> No.16919650

How crazy are Aoi Mama and Makiko on their prime?

>> No.16919718
File: 1.47 MB, 1810x2603, 031_nohair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I`ve been faster last week.

Muton, check your mail.

>> No.16920059
File: 2.68 MB, 1796x2560, 331_8-13_G10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks as usual.
I actually started 331, maybe I was late in updating the text file on the MEGA.
I uploaded the new file right now.
But all I did so far is cropping and leveling so you're still free to do it.

On another note, I'll start some serious cleaning on this weekend after I'm done with the last 5A typeset.

>> No.16921124
File: 1012 KB, 1800x2555, p000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16925977
File: 227 KB, 1091x1600, Horizon4C_0109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strip the Ookubo!

>> No.16927289
File: 2.96 MB, 1542x2240, Horizon_5A_008_2240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure about the fonts yet (bar the heading) but with this we're caught up.

>> No.16929354
File: 678 KB, 1810x2624, 109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Muton, check your mail.
Are you fine with me taking on Horizon losing her shit in 079?

>> No.16930049

I'm already working on that one, it's in the MEGA text file. Sorry.
I plan to finish everything labeled WIP this weekend, or even more.

The free ones are currently 13, 43, 67, 87, 141, 159, 197, 247, 269, 289, 319, 339, 367, 377, 399, 423, 451, and 469.

But if you want it, take it.

>> No.16930331

Totally forgot about it, but as per your suggestion some time ago, I do have the illustrations with heavy degraining or with it and sharpening.
If you want those just say so, my connection isn't the best so it will take some time to upload.

>> No.16930336

Here I go and fail to quote.

>> No.16930607

That`s why I asked!

I guess I`ll take a dodgy cavewoman on 159 then.

>> No.16930786
File: 371 KB, 2000x1455, Urquiaga_body3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy hell, when dragonbro gets serious there's no stopping him, volume 4 was fun.

>> No.16931020

Him having a human form was kinda meh though. Always sad to see that they need to have a bishounen form to appease the nips.

>> No.16931024

Maybe Kawakami wasn`t ready to go full bestiality just yet. He certainly made up his mind with the tentacle monster though.

>> No.16931037

I'll wait and see on this one. It's kinda strange though. They are okay with tentacles but add some scales and it's a no-go?

>> No.16931083

Consentacles best tentacles.

>> No.16931097

Narumi already expressed her preference though, and it wasn't for the bishie version. I actually thought it was kind of great, he pulls the storybook classic transformation into hot guy and her response is essentially 'nah, go back'.

Bet she likes being pinned down by the size of him in half-dragon mode when they're doing the bedtop sport for indoor types.

>> No.16931167

Removable limbs, xbox hueg posessive dragon lover, living among the maniacs.

She totally has a helplessness fetish.

>> No.16931179

Narumi likes the dragon dick better though. Woman has good taste.

>> No.16931183

Considering her life up to that point it's not really strange. She has to unwind somehow.

>> No.16931283


Don't you mean unturn?

>> No.16931293

Not to mention that his family makes bondage beds.

>> No.16931303

Yeah it's kind of funny that by being serious he is probably the strongest fighter in the Musashi's Special Agents along with Nate, but he can only get to be serious in v4 because of Narumi's courtship.

>> No.16931316

Oh you.

>> No.16931358

Go ahead. I updated the text file.

>> No.16931475

>the madmen blew the Musashi mk2 up themselves

>> No.16931521

>Being this filthy plebian who doesn't know the purpose of the human form for Dragons.

Fucking pleb, the human form for dragons is aviable for mating purpose with other races, they can maintain that form with high levels of ether or just use it for certain situations.

Narumi likes the dragon form the most because that's how she met Urquiaga, but at the moment of sex he needs to change that form unless you're a degenerate who wants something like watching a horse fucking a girl, in which case you should neck yourself right away.

>> No.16931585

>but at the moment of sex he needs to change that form
>implying she isn't after that dragon penis

>> No.16931597

Regardless of what you or I think, Narumi pretty clearly is into it. And as long as it's Risk Aware and Consensual, I'm certainly not going to begrudge her her Kink.

>> No.16931678

>Delusional degenerates refusing the explanation from the LN

Thanks for confirming my words. The explanation is right there fags, if you want to believe that crap out of your ass to sleep well at night is your choice.

>> No.16931687

>Narumi pretty clearly is into it. And as long as it's Risk Aware and Consensual, I'm certainly not going to begrudge her her Kink.
You realize that's only what YOU want to think is the truth? long time ago it was explained why the aerial dragons need to change their forms and doesn't even matter what your imagination said, the reason why that happened is something close to that >>16931521 maybe js06 can explain better because this is old story.

tl;dr a human female can't take an aerial dragon unless they change their form, same goes for other different beings like what happened with Masamune's mother.

>> No.16931695

Explanation of in the LN is literally just general case.
This is a world where people eat each other while having sex. General rules don't have to apply all the time.

>> No.16931705

>tl;dr a human female can't take an aerial dragon unless they change their form
Nothing some Asama Shrine strength muscle relaxants couldn't take care of.

>> No.16931733

>“Hm, I seem to have taken in too much Dragon God ether. I don’t look nearly as cool as I usually do.”
>The manner of speech and the voice were just like him. Narumi had no idea what was going on.
>“Eh!? W-wait just a second. …Are you telling me there was someone inside there?”
>“How rude. You are from Date and you still don’t understand? Surely you were able to deduce why Masamune was born in a human form despite inheriting your Dragon God’s power,” he said. “Dragons can take on a human form if the conditions are right. …Your Principal claims she was impregnated by your Dragon God in some kind of mistake, but that would be a lie. It would have been the result of her having a good time with the local Dragon God in his human form. Her children would never have been born as humans otherwise.”
>“Then you took on a human form because…?”
>“It is partially thanks to taking in the Dragon God ether…but I also felt it was best not to keep any secrets between us. I mean, I did strip you bare earlier…”
>“Which do you think is cooler?”
>Narumi laughed quietly at that. And…
>“I’m pretty sure someone protected me when I made my charge earlier.”
>“Some people can be very capricious. Idiots don’t know how to mind their own business.”
>“I like the idiot half-dragon.”
>“Then we’ll go with that.”
Anon, you seem pretty mad about this for some reason, but it very specifically says: "It would have been the result of her having a good time with the local Dragon God in his human form. Her children would never have been born as humans otherwise.”

It very specifically does not say anything about whether the act was possible or not with the Dragon God in dragon form, only that that wouldn't have resulted in Masamune and Kojiro being born as humans.

In fact, there's even an (admittedly weaker) implication that it's quite possible: if the human form was the only way it could have happened, they wouldn't need to talk about forms or bring the children into it at all, it could have just been assumed that of course the Dragon God took on a human form for some late night fun.

Is any of this proof positive she's thirsty for half dragon's Full Dragon? Not really, but there's not any evidence against it, and she does have a demonstrated preference, so I don't think it's out of the question she might.

>> No.16931808

I'm not even the same guy LMAO and you think everyone who disagree with you based on the LN itself is the same person?

Also you're being retarded, you're using A FUCKING GOD as an example instead of a normal Dragon like Urquiaga, seems like you're stupid enough to not understand that mayor difference.

Second, we're talking about Narumi and Urquiaga. Long time ago it was explained that the way how a dragon and a human female can procreate is by using the human form of the dragon, they can use that form at any time but in this particular case Narumi likes the Dragon which doesn't mean she can take the dragon dick you braindead degenerate.

Third, Most of your posts are mere assumptions without basis and the quote from vol 4 you posted there DOESN'T PROVE ANYTHING AT ALL. next time try to be less of a secondary and lurk more.

And finally, read the LN again and learn the difference between races. Masamune's father is a GOD, not a dragon and they have the exact same issues of Narumi and uqui at the moment of mating. The problem with them was explained in the LN itself and that was the brothers inherited part of the god's power, that's why they are different from humans.

This is even worse than reading the delusions of a /b/tard.

>> No.16931824

>but it very specifically says: "It would have been the result of her having a good time with the local Dragon God in his human form. Her children would never have been born as humans otherwise.”

Urquiaga =/= Dragon God, or even better, use the logic of Horizon. Race mixes can't be done except under certain conditions and that happened a lot here.

>> No.16931832
File: 254 KB, 376x476, 1443651735681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Copy/paste part of the chapter
>Is not confirming anything
>Still trying to push the giant dick delusion
>Thinking he's right
This is why newfags should be gassed like the jews.

>> No.16931838


Whoaa! dude

>> No.16931851

I want to get gassed by a pretty voluptuous lady~

>> No.16931852

It's not about it being a fucking fetish or not, it's about it being unique. Come on! It's a world thousands of years ahead of ours, with all those different races, why would it need to conform to our existing rules? But nah, you people get assblasted because something may be threatening your safe space. Just go back to reading High School DXD for some nice cliches and epik fights.

>> No.16931860

>Technohexen can't have kids in a normal way
>Long lived and humans can create literal autist
>Gods can't have kids in their normal forms
>Dragons have a human form for a reason
>Turenne who's a spirit can't get pregnant unless is a hardcore mating induced by drugs produced by her own power

Yep, retarded newfags ruining the thread again.

>> No.16931865

Should just message Kawakami on twitter and see.

>> No.16931866

If Reine des Garous eat a lot of her husband's meals which are mainly sweets and shit. What's the smell of her farts?

>> No.16931883

That's some whole new level of shitposting right there, did you run out of arguments after getting debunked so hard that you need to post like a retard?

>> No.16931900


>> No.16933194

>fall for a girl
>but she's not an older sister
>makes her his older sister
The absolute madman.

>> No.16933206

The bastard doesn`t talk to dirty gaijin scum.
Which is sad, he easily could have pulled a Tomare on us.

>> No.16933514

There's too many people whose name starts with Yoshi, I can keep them apart but man.

>> No.16933519

Mori is the saddest tentacle, really want to know how he'll go about courting Naomasa.

>> No.16934314 [DELETED] 

Nate Papa likes to fuck Nate Mama in her doggo mode. She also mentioned that she's no longer using it in battles and it's now for their fuck session.

>> No.16935088

>Nate Papa likes to fuck Nate Mama in her doggo mode
>Implying she has an animal form in any way

Jesus christ these bestiality retards should stay on /b/.

And no, Turenne has human and spirit form you fucking newfag.

>> No.16935560

>On nights of the full moon, a Loup-Garou could transform into a beast’s body and gain elements of the beast. However, this was not such a night and the sky was cloudy.

>Her mother had often shown her that form when she was a child. She remembered her mother making a mainly humanoid transformation and letting her touch her ears and such. But…

>…She stopped doing it once it became clear I couldn’t do it.

>“What if you had used that and unleashed your full power as a beast?”

>“Then that would not have been a confrontation with your mother.”


>She was at a loss for words and her mother nodded.

>“And that form is…yes, it’s only for your father. Now, anyway.”

>“…Eh!? Wait…‘now’!? Still!?”

>“Oh, c’mon.” Her mother wiggled back and forth. “I can’t believe he actually said, ‘This is what they call “furry”, isn’t it!?’. And he always loved small animals, so he’s full of hidden qualities. Yes…would you prefer a little brother or a little sister?”

>“Wh-what are you talking about!? Where did this come from!?”

>> No.16935565

Different anon, but narration specifically calls it a beast's body, and Nate Papa specifically likens it to the furry kink. You maybe could quibble and say a furry mode isn't quite the same thing thing as a doggo mode or an animal form, but the fact remains that Nate Papa clearly enjoys a ride on the wild side.

>> No.16935581
File: 1.59 MB, 2000x3769, Reine des garous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking newfags
Learn your place retards, this is the humanoid form, the full beast mode of Turenne.

Now fuck off and stop pretending you know shit here.

>> No.16935610
File: 3.63 MB, 2250x3200, 1466983658979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Different anon, but narration specifically calls it a beast's body

Call it like that but we already saw a full illustration of Nate maman in her true form. Nate can't achieve that since she's mixed but Kazuya can achieve the beast mode too, same as Nate maman.

Basically you and this guy >>16935560 are wrong. If you don't know something then ask instead of spreading your bullshit.

>> No.16935713

On the off chance this isn't just a troll and in fact two separate people with similar beliefs:
How is directly quoting the source material pretending to know shit? If the source material itself actually is contradictory, that should probably be fixed, maybe get JS06 to take another look at it, but it's pretty ridiculous to expect people to do anything but to take the text at its word.

Ok then, I'll play along and ask. Please spell it out for me. I made 3 statements:
>narration specifically calls it a beast's body
That's exactly what the narration says, so correct.
>Nate Papa specifically likens it to the furry kink
He says ‘This is what they call “furry”, isn’t it!?’, so correct.
>A joking way to state 'Whatever Bête de Modulation is classified as by you, Nate Papa definitely fucks her while she's in it.'
Again, the text specifically says that.

So far as I can tell, the only definitive statements I made are those 3, and they seem to be pretty strongly supported by the text itself. Am I misinterpreting the text somehow, or do you have evidence that the text itself is wrong?

>> No.16935759

1) the text says beast body but is nowhere stated that is a beast, so no, you're not correct
2) nate papa mentioned "furry" but he's wrong and the illustrations and official designs here >>16935581 and here >>16935610 proves that you are wrong, again.
3) Nate papa knows the beast mode of Turenne and he obviously will fuck her in that mode.

Where you're wrong is on 2 things, first you pretend to know what are you talking about when you're only on volume 3, everyone else in these threads knows at least up to volume 7, some of them up to volume 9 and especially Js06.

Second, you're literally saying that Turenne's beast form is almost like a real beast with furr and shit, you tried to do the exact same shit regarding Narumi and Uqui, now you're trying again with Turenne and her husband.

In the end, you don't know shit. Stop pretending and especially since you got debunked twice in a row thanks to your ignorance, We know what are we talking about, the LN supports what are talking about while you have no idea and try too hard to push your delusions and fetish as facts.

>> No.16935776

>On the off chance this isn't just a troll
>Using samefag card after getting his ass blasted


Fuck off, the only troll here is you newshitter.

>> No.16935824

Is this your high school project or something?

>> No.16935846
File: 1.53 MB, 768x432, 1364244013982.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally and specifically did not make any claim about how bestial Bête de Modulation is, but good to know that attempting to make this a useful discussion is worthless.

Sorry I got you so ridiculously incoherent that you thought I'm somehow simultaneously only on Volume 3 and yet talking about Narumi and Uqui from Volume 4.

>> No.16935896

And in the end you run out of arguments which proves my point.

If you don't want to be attacked or people being mean to you, then ask instead of trying too hard to fit in here. Is not that hard to understand you know?

Also you say this is a useful discussion? my sides are in orbit right now, you're literally trying to make your delusions come true on a place where everyone it's been here for at least 6 years, with people who read the LN and know more than you but in the end you insist on this crap, seriously get out or just stop being so pathetic.

The only ridiculous shitposter here is you, stop posting or ask nicely about the LN, your choice.

>> No.16941951 [DELETED] 

So are all the retards in this bestiality argument just ignoring Francis Drake, a definite wolf man who has a human wife?

>> No.16942016 [DELETED] 

It had occurred to me, but given the other side is apparently so sure in their conviction that they're willing to push aside textual evidence, I figured additional textual evidence probably wouldn't be of much use.

>> No.16942502 [DELETED] 

After getting blown the fuck out by someone who knows more than you about the LN you're recently reading, you're still trying?

Pathetic. The evidence is your ignorance, the LN itself, the illustrations and designs from Satoyasu and how the text support that in many ways.

You're a newfag here, learn your place.

>> No.16942651 [DELETED] 

Just fucking stop. One retard doesn't know anything and think his """"""""""""interpretations""""""""""""" are valid and the other retard is entitled by what he know by reading Horizon.

We're not that kind of scum, if anyone want to learn more just ask, olfags can always help to understand by spoiling shit.

>> No.16942865

Kawakami liked my tweet but didn't answer the question.

>> No.16943395

Jesus Christ, you leave for a day and return to the autismo shitstorm out of nowhere. I understand it's /kwk/ central here, but please keep it civil.

>> No.16943686

He never answer.

>> No.16944526


>> No.16946156
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>> No.16946629

>“But ninjas like us are experts at disguise. He may be an entertainer, but he picked a fight with the wrong people. …You have permission to fire so he doesn’t get hooked on this.
Poor Takigawa, doesn't even realize she failed before she even started.

>> No.16947990

It's his thing. Only talks to those he follows.

>> No.16948651

Why that illustration looks like shit?

>> No.16948658

So... Did js06 finally ended with Kamachi's backlog as he said here? >>16905898

Meaning we're finally going to have regular updates?

>> No.16948753
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Nobody uploaded Ivan's on BT yet.

Seems like he caught up, so it will be like 3 weeks of Kawakami and 1 week of Kamachi (if he releases a volume, NT18 this month and Blood Sign in June, for example) each month.
With him obviously taking breaks as he needs them, since he's no machine.

>> No.16948898


>What kind of academy would use their Chancellor and President as bait?
>…This kind, I suppose.
>She wanted to deny the reality before her eyes, but she could not.

>> No.16950003

Is invincibility against females included in his blessing package with his god?

>> No.16950026

Ironically, I'm pretty sure it actually is even stronger than that. It's some sort of boke-style tsukkomi defense. Knowing entertainment gods, probably it's something like 'as long as the your're acting like a boke, the tsukkomi doesn't actually hurt'. Pretty sure that was explicitly called out as the explanation for how Horizon can launch him so far but he never gets hurt.

>> No.16952202
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>> No.16952771
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So Horizon S3 has been confirmed as never ever happening, but do you guys think there's a chance of anything Kawakami ever getting animated again? I'd love for a new anime to blow a bit of life into these threads, since people seem a bit reluctant to just jump in to several thousand page series just like that.

>> No.16952939

Depends on his ability to get short form right. The way I understand it, CITY didn't catch on right away, very much like Hex.

And Satoyasu should make an artbook already, what the hell.

>> No.16952959

Seems like someone doesn't know what used to be the original project before Horizon.

>> No.16952969

City is quite different from Hexennacht, actually completely different.

City is a whole bunch of stories that doesn't have a clear connection until the last volumes where everything is related and build the entire world on that Era. Also CITY is only 1 world that was intended to be perfect.

Hexennacht is just one of many attempts to create a world that survives, these 4 volumes are just a single story separated from everything else if kawakami does another LN placed in the same world.

>> No.16953950

What do you mean? Are you talking about how Kawakami thought Sunrise would be more interested in making a Owari no Chronicle adaption?
Because that's probably never happening.

>> No.16955370

Yeah, you don't know.

Here is a hint because I hate spoonfeeding. OnC was the one getting adaptation, not Horizon.

>> No.16955782

I'd actually be pretty hyped for a OnC anime. It seems more manageable than Horizon too. It's a little hope (very little) with all these old manga getting adaptations out of nowhere.

>> No.16955832

From what I remember of the interview, the problem is that the reason for S3 never is the amount of design work required, not the length of the novels. And I can't think of any Kawakami work that wouldn't have that problem, regardless of length.

>> No.16955901

Butler might be the only boy but that doesn't make him any less of a best boy.

>> No.16963085
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7 more days for the new NT volume and then we're fucked again.

Time to go on stasis and wake up on 2020.

>> No.16963174

Try killing yourself.

>> No.16964424
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>> No.16965977


>> No.16965996

Top cavewoman.

>> No.16967037

>“Indeed. Lately, I have been kept very busy having sex with Kimi-dono. Isn’t that right, Kimi-dono?”
>“Kimi! Kimi! This is where both Naruze and Masazumi failed spectacularly, but let’s try to use this to negate your usual behavior! Okay!? Okay!?”
>“Heh heh. Asama, you’ve been having sex with me too, haven’t you!? Along with my foolish brother, Horizon, and Mitotsudaira! You often come to our place to have sex, don’t you!? And when my foolish brother gives you what you came for, you say, ‘N-no, it’s so hot. It’s so hot, Toori-kun.’ or ‘Um, I want some bigger meat than this.’ ”
>“Waaaaiiiiit!! How could you say that on an international broadcast!? How could you!?”
>Asama grabbed the collar of Kimi’s track suit and shook her, but the idiot sister did not care. Mitotsudaira was trapped in a state of equal parts blushing and dumbstruck, but Kimi spoke to Futayo.
>“Futayo, we had sex in front of everyone during the special student general assembly, didn’t we?”
>“Judge.” The samurai girl lightly raised Tonbo Spare. “I was reborn by that sex. I may have that to thank for what happened at the end of Novgorod the other day. Fukushima Masanori-dono and I repeatedly swapped positions and traded spears as we had some very fulfilling sex.”
One day Kimi and Futayo are actually going to have sex, and no one will believe it, and it will all be according to the Wise Sis master plan.

>> No.16967361

Will she crash the spear with no survivors?

>> No.16967494

>crashing just a spear
Anon, she is going to crash the Musashi with no casualties while making insertion jokes, get on her level.

>> No.16967820
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who can confirm that they never had sex? huh? >>16967037

>> No.16967872
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, [Final8]Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon II - 07 (BD 10-bit 1280x720 x264 AAC)[5E8FA79B].mkv_snapshot_07.31_[2014.03.31_17.02.57].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kimi or Futayo presumably, but Futayo thinks everything is sex, and Kimi is Wise and knows everything is sex.

Though actually I only meant the present hypothetical tense. As in
>Hey where did Kimi and Futayo go?
>Wise Sis: Hehehe, we're off having sex
>Tonbokiri: Judge, I have much to learn, truly the ways of sex are endless

>> No.16968974
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Stop making me think of impure thoughts of her!
