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File: 188 KB, 320x240, e0088742_21533377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16925720 No.16925720 [Reply] [Original]

Supposedly getting a demo on May 7th
What shot are you going in first for /jp/?
Previous thread: >>16891489

>> No.16925735

It's going to be a "1 shot type per character", isn't it?
It's shit.

>> No.16925777

Maybe. Maybe not.

>> No.16926420

What did you expect? 2 shot types per character? That would mean 8 total and that hasn't happened since IN.

Of course it's only gonna be 4.
ZUN has been getting really lazy lately.

>> No.16926423
File: 15 KB, 404x627, 1478047106648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slowly but surely progressing forward.

>> No.16926439
File: 311 KB, 638x480, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are those green things while you're fighting Meiling in EoSD? I remember playing years ago and wondering, but now I see them again after trying the game out a few days ago(which by the way, it won't go into windowed mode anymore for some reason and have no idea how to fix) they look weird as shit and not like trees that I assumed them to be. I mean during the fight the screen changes to this red carpet/lake background with these... green stacked spheres. Are they really supposed to be trees?

Also why does the screen fade out and become blurry/distorted on the sidebar except the numbers, except when I'm pausing or something? Did it always do that? The way it fades into that makes me think it's some weird setting that got stuck on.

>> No.16926492

If Cirno's not too weak then Cirno, otherwise Aya. Unless of course Reimu/Marisa's shots aren't too similar to their shots in the past, but I bet ZUN's going to go the lazy route and do the default unfocused homing focused needles fantasy seal bomb for Reimu and probably unfocused lasers focused rockets master spark bomb for Marisa, which is getting real old at this point.

>> No.16926510

Okay, I just cleared MoF Extra.

With Marisa B.

I feel dirty and unworthy.

>> No.16926542

They're magical floating balls, duh. You play a game with flying shrine maidens that shoot missiles and maid who can stop time and warp reality and you question some floating balls?

>> No.16926575

In what world is having four shot types considered "lazy"? Please, people.

>> No.16926688
File: 39 KB, 305x276, 1490140866495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wouldn't be surprised if zun's releases are getting slower and less elaborated, he's getting old and he has a family to maintain.

btw, what are his other business? beer?

>> No.16926772

>zun's releases are getting slower
We're getting new game every 2 years since UFO, he's writing shitton of supplementary works plus another spin-off game is in works. I swear you people are spoiled as fuck.

>> No.16926965

Beat Glorious and Huge Singer on my first try (normal, lol).

>> No.16927019

It's okay, anon. You can do it for real another time.

On another note, why is Koishi considered hard? I would honestly pitch her as the easiest instead as even Suwako's nonspells are more difficult to dodge...

>> No.16927134

>Suwako's nonspells are more difficult to dodge
You aren't going to be taken seriously with lines like that.

>> No.16927157

Koishi along with the rest of SA is mostly memory based, and does not require too high of a level of execution if you're just trying to survive. When you just start, everything looks daunting because you don't understand the patterns. Once you take the time to learn all the gimmicks, it's one of the easier titles in the series. This is why you hear people say that SA has a hard normal, because you're still learning patterns at that point, but an easy lunatic, because you know the patterns already.

>> No.16927447

It's only newfags that think they know everything because they've been here for a couple months.

>> No.16927677

>boss comes out of the side moving at mach 20 speed
>"sorry anon, but you lose a life because you happened to be positioned at the wrong side of the screen :^)"
Fuck this game, only fucking virgins like these games anyway.

>> No.16927701

Someone tell me how to fuck Star. For some reason I have problems with her on every route. Mainly the fireballs that leave stars behind them and the swirling star that hovers above your position, though the latter is because I keep freezing it early and it keeps moving while being frozen, something I hate about that game in general.

>> No.16927776

what boss is that?

>> No.16927826

>Someone tell me how to fuck Star.
1) Put ponos to vagooo

>> No.16927902

Dying several times before you get the hang of it is normal. Only an extremely lucky person could get a 1CC on their first time.

>> No.16928001

Cause he's done more than that before multiple times.

>> No.16928079

It's a 4 character game, of course it's going to be.

IN doesn't really count as 8. It's pretty obvious that the teams are the real "shots", as all the solo shots feel like playing with an unfinished shot, the exception being Youmu and maybe Remilia.

>> No.16928092

Same as every game.
My wife!

I doubt Cirno will intentionally be given an underpowered shot, if shot power had anything to do with canon strength then Reimu would be op in every game.
>I bet ZUN's going to go the lazy route and do the default unfocused homing focused needles fantasy seal bomb for Reimu and probably unfocused lasers focused rockets master spark bomb for Marisa, which is getting real old at this point.
I suggest you take another look at the screenshots. Reimu seems to be using some new spread shot this time, and while we can't see Marisa's shot the familiars are arranged in a way that's reminiscent of her DDC flamethrower.

>> No.16928153

Who are you quoting?

>> No.16928343

>Reimu seems to be using some new spread shot
The bullets look like they're pointed towards the big fairies in different angles, which is more likely to be a homed shot than shots that rotate as they move upwards. Just because they're not amulets doesn't mean they can't home.

>Marisa's shot the familiars are arranged in a way that's reminiscent of her DDC flamethrower.
Notice how you can't see the hitbox, which mean's she's unfocused. Unfocused Marisa A/B has the same familiar layout in DDC. I do see the little bit of blue directly under her though, even though she's at 2.x power with 2 familiars above her, so maybe there's something new going on there.

>> No.16928513

The only game that's unfair like that is SoEW; that's the reason it's also my least favorite Touhou game.

>> No.16928518


Not the anon you're replying to but if you notice in Reimu's picture she has 2 different types of options, the yin yang balls and what look like red leaves (remind you of someone?). Then in Aya's picture you can see she's shooting similar danmaku to what Reimu's options are shooting. I think maybe there's some sort of new system around getting to choose or pick up a second kind of option that's based on the shot another character has. ZUN said the game wouldn't have gimmicks so maybe it's just something you choose after your initial character select, but it could also be some sort of powerup system. Either way I think the secondary options are unrelated to regular power as Reimu has 3 of them in addition to her 2 yin yangs despite being only at 2 power.

>> No.16928536

The Reimu shot doesn't look like it's homing, but it's tough to tell from a still image. You're right about Marisa though, the extra familiars had me confused.

>I do see the little bit of blue directly under her though, even though she's at 2.x power with 2 familiars above her, so maybe there's something new going on there.
You can see similar things firing bullets in Reimu's screenshot too. They seem to be familiars that fire shots along with your standard shot, who's number is independent of your power (and call me crazy, but they look like little flowers to me).
It seems like their tied to the new bar in the bottom left. Notice how both Reimu and Marisa have both a full bar and 3 bonus familiars, while Aya's bar isn't and she has none. Judging by Aya's image, bombing may deplete your bar and destroy your bonus familiars. Also worth noting, enemies that are being shot appear to be dropping something akin to flower petals. Curious.

>> No.16928550

I've been playing EOSD on Normal and been struggling. I know I'm bad, is there any advice for learning how to get good at these games?

>> No.16928555

>Stage 4 (powerful)
>Deaths: 1 (stage); 2 (boss);
>Stage 5
>Deaths: 2 (stage); 0 (boss);
Quoting my last playthrough.
Why Marisa is so hard? Reisen is easier than her, and she is the next stage boss. It shouldn't be allowed.
I mean seriously. Reisen's nonspells are easy, you just have to stay at the bottom and you're safe.
Marisa's nonspells are fucking murderous stars everywhere.
Reisen's cards are easy too, you won't die if you know what are you doing.
Marisa's cards are fucking murderous stars everywhere again, but now with lasers and from every direction.
And she has TWO spells as a midboss. They're easier than her boss spells, sure, but there's still two of them.

>> No.16928818
File: 292 KB, 1500x2000, GJV4z0T3G7U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is keyboard response really slow in EoSD and PCB or I'm just getting old? It seems to me that there is some kind of interval when you are moving your character.

>> No.16928860
File: 423 KB, 1629x481, e0088742_21533377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like both Reimu and Aya are using the same type of bullets with their options, except Aya's are more spread out.
I think it might have something to do with the season thing?
Your shot changes depending which season you have active?

>ZUN said the game wouldn't have gimmicks

I don't think there isn't going to be any gimmick at all.
You can see some kind of a bar at the bottom, so there's definitely going to be something.
He said he wants to go back to the basics and make it simple, which he had said multiple times before when releasing a new game and all those games had some gimmicks.
By "no big twists" I think me means nothing like LoLK's PD mode.

>> No.16928873

You need to use vpatch for the older games.

>> No.16928892

thank you a lot

>> No.16928900


>> No.16928908

What kind of advice do you expect to get other than to practice and play more?

Everyone struggles with these games at first, son.
Especially if you're not playing danmaku games on a daily basis.

You need to practice your reaction time, get more dexterous with your fingers, learn the - dare I say it - shmup fundamentals, streaming, restreaming, micro dodging, managing your resources, bombing in time, bullet reading, pattern recognition etc.
Watch some replays, learn the stage routes that work best for you, memorize the Spellcard patterns when possible , use Practice Mode to your advantage.

But most importantly of all, you need to have fun :^).

>> No.16928932

Please do abuse spoiler function for your low quality emoticons.

>> No.16928944

>have fun

>> No.16928974
File: 117 KB, 850x680, 1492709628730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16929049
File: 100 KB, 374x400, 1450319354313.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you good sir, my sides are in fucking orbit.

>> No.16929327

I tried the vsync patch with EoSD recently, and the only difference it makes is that the framerate is more jagged than before. Still 60fps, but not as smooth.

>> No.16929799

Because the Marisa fight takes up a majority of the stage, and is longer than a standard stage 4 boss.

>> No.16929920

That is definitely not a regular result.

>> No.16929929

Except that's a terribly stupid reason. Just because he went above and beyond in effort for something before, doesn't make anything less than that lazy.

>> No.16930075

The ones with two or three characters have six shots.

>> No.16930376

And the ones with four characters have four shots. Your point?

>> No.16930996

>They're easier than her boss spells
>Asteroid Turd
Nice trips

>> No.16931173

I always just assumed they're some pruned and maintained trees in the mansion's front yard, the other stage backgrounds for EoSD aren't all that detailed either

>> No.16931627

Why don't use trance before Nue shows up? Those fairies drop 1 pink spirit each, and if you time it right, you can get Nue to interrupt your trance which will leave 1+ on the gauge, doing this you can refill it and use it again for what Nue drops when she leaves. This might involve bombing and shotgunning her second tho.
I don't have a whole lot to say anon, you pretty much have it down already, bombing her survival and shotgunning a Mami gives you trance as it would do on nons. Also, Maybe bomb the last non so you can at least trance after death on stupid shrine maiden or instead of using it in doggos and birbs from the side, save it.
Have you gotten to her last card? Its fairly easy

>> No.16932049

hey that's a cool chart, mind if I have a blank copy w/ colors?

>> No.16932066
File: 13 KB, 400x1080, template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16932082 [DELETED] 

Holy shit I fucking lost it at 2:17

>> No.16932085

is that OC anon? very cool, thanks

>> No.16932139

Looks to me like they're having fun.

>> No.16932167

Rephrasing, if you got that from somewhere could you link me as well?

>> No.16932175
File: 519 B, 73x88, hsifs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure who made it but I got it off these threads. There's another version with the romaji names (e.g. Koumakyou for EoSD) floating around for the weebs.
I whipped up a quick addition to it for 16 but since we don't know if there are A/B shots (there probably won't be) or the order of Cirno/Aya it might be a bit too early. Feel free to use it if you want though. Add it to the right of LoLK.

>> No.16932200

Get rekt gapfags

>> No.16932214
File: 434 KB, 200x216, aab178d8fe1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>archived.moe has search disabled for this board

oh well, thanks anon

>pic related

>> No.16932294
File: 902 KB, 640x480, 1489675748001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1cc under 2 hours. Thank you Nitori, you're my greatest ally.

>> No.16932375
File: 10 KB, 400x1080, Touhou 1cc chart 2 template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't make the original, but I was the person that created both the expanded versions. I'm happy that there are people who have gotten some use out of them.
>I whipped up a quick addition to it for 16 but since we don't know if there are A/B shots (there probably won't be) or the order of Cirno/Aya it might be a bit too early.
Cool. I was going to do that myself once the cover art was released (most of the colors I used for the games are based off one of the colors used on the game's respective cover arts). I would personally suggest changing Aya's A to AY, though, just to keep it consistent with the abbreviation I used for her PoFV slot.
And here's the weeb version.

>> No.16932394
File: 895 KB, 1000x1200, Yuyuko (470).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! Tell'em boy

>> No.16932486
File: 532 B, 73x88, hsifs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of the colors I used for the games are based off one of the colors used on the game's respective cover arts
Ah, I just picked the first color I saw that didn't completely overlap with the others.
>I would personally suggest changing Aya's A to AY, though, just to keep it consistent with the abbreviation I used for her PoFV slot.
Right, forgot Alice solo was a thing so A was taken.

>> No.16932555
File: 99 KB, 639x479, IMG_3455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I have 2b+ in three difficulties in this game. Woohoo.

>> No.16932620
File: 24 KB, 400x1080, theng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, here's english with no bomb edited in

>> No.16932627
File: 27 KB, 400x1080, thjap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and the jap version too

>> No.16932635

For LoLK you do have to 1LC in order to get the good Legacy ending, perhaps that should be noted?

>> No.16932673

>Why don't use trance before Nue shows up?
Because I really hate Nue's card, and because my current setup gives me the same amount of life pieces and more bomb pieces than if I tranced before the boss. Nue drops two bomb pieces and one life piece after each spellcard; if I trance right before the spirits from her first card disappear, grab those, and finish her second card before it ends (I have the timing down to finish her second card without auto-failing her third), I get four life pieces and eight bomb pieces from my trance instead of four life pieces and four bomb pieces.
>Have you gotten to her last card?
Exactly once with no lives or bombs left, and I didn't know the strategy for it because I staunchly believe in not watching parts of the game that you haven't directly played yet so I died about halfway through the attack. I haven't had any other good runs since that one though, and I've been taking a break from Mamizou to try and tackle Len'en it hasn't been going well, the game is full of stupid shit, but I'm learning how to supergraze at least since it's required for the game

>> No.16932702
File: 13 KB, 400x1080, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't the 1LC Legacy ending the same as the PD ending?

I prefer my own system for NBs (pic related) because I can add the miss count in and because of how perfectly it fits inside the square, but it's still not the best because there's some other things I can't mark like no border breaks/no trance/no focus etc. Wonder if anyone can come up with a comprehensive system for these extra things based on the current layout.

>> No.16932726

>and because my current setup gives me the same amount of life pieces and more bomb pieces than if I tranced before the boss
Yeah but you don't have enough trance for using it with Nue's last card this way, which drops 2 pinks.
I didn't share with you a replay before because I didn't have one but now I do! http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=43021
Youmu is fucking great, I was missing out.

>> No.16932727

1. While that is true, it seems a bit silly that one mode has a good ending which can be extremely difficult for the other to achieve. P and L are separate columns, so should the requirement be changed for just the L columns?

2. That's actually brilliant. The square is 16x16, giving exactly 2 pixels of padding between four 5x5 letters. It should definitely be expanded on.

>> No.16932756

I guess if you want to interpret the point of 1cc's directly as "good endings" then the distinction is important, but otherwise I don't know if you really need it for a "1cc chart". Personally I think it suffices to leave it as it is and if you do manage to NM it, just mark it as such with some symbol or writing it out like I did.

>> No.16932770

good enough, just mentioned it because AFAIK it's the only one that's different in that way

>> No.16932774

We are slowly but surely being replaced.

>> No.16932794
File: 24 KB, 400x1080, theng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In that case, here's the eng version with 16 edited in instead

hopefully i'll find the right place to discuss this as it's pretty useful

>> No.16932800
File: 219 KB, 333x777, Yuyuko (486).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's great anon!
2.75b+ when?

>> No.16932822
File: 1.17 MB, 1300x1360, IMG_2240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man. Hopefully soon in Lunatic!

>> No.16932895

how do i stop being untalented

>> No.16932916


>> No.16932956

The more time you put into these games, the more regretful you will be when you finally quit.

>> No.16932967
File: 556 KB, 640x480, th016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, now I see what you mean. You're right, I was able to get three extra life pieces doing it your way, though I had to bomb on both of Nue's cards to make sure I had enough. The idea of not capturing any of her cards at all makes me feel bad inside but I'll get over it. With this many life pieces at the start of the Mamizou fight I only need to collect three pieces under trance to get a fifth extra life, thank you for the advice.
As to skipping trance on the seventh transformation and using it on her eighth, I find her eighth transformation to be much easier than her seventh, despite me completely flubbing it in the practice I posted.
I'm very envious of your dodging skills, you're a much better player than me because of them. I hope I can one day improve my horrible lack of ability in weaving through bullets.

>> No.16933078

I always start with Reimu because that seems logical story-wise.

>> No.16933092

its not working

>> No.16933130

Yeah I always assumed they were just trees, you are after all fighting Meiling in the entry courtyard or the path leading up to the outer gate of the SDM, so having maintained aesthetic trees only makes sense.

>> No.16933166

Do people forget that 1 shottype for each character will mean an actual meaningful and interesting difference between their focused and unfocused shots.
Every game with tons of shottypes results in the unfocused shot's source just getting pulled in close to the PC's sprite, which I find way less interesting than what we get when we only have a few shottypes.

>> No.16933189

It's okay anon, Wriggle is a professional soccer/football player, it's to be expected that she can pack quite a kick.

>> No.16933199

I fucking can't handle Marisa no matter what. Just the density and small-scale randomness of the movements of her star bullets make her devour at least a few of my resources every time.
I'm always shocked when someone says they find Marisa easier, because Reimu is a complete cakewalk for me, especially compared to Maria.

>> No.16933208

It definitely seems like ZUN's making each character strictly tied to each season, I really don't expect any mix-and-matching of characters with different seasons in-game. The shared bullet-types are probably just going to be thematic or story-related and shared between all characters. Might be a way to explain Cirno being on a comparable powerlevel to the other 3; they're all possessed a bit by the seasons or something.

>> No.16933248

More practice.

>> No.16933375

Thanks Yuyu. Moving out on UFO.

>> No.16933708

Look for videos on YT.

>> No.16934134
File: 225 KB, 360x423, desire for death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a no-death run against Mamizou all the way up to her fifth transformation, then fucked up my trance by dying on her sixth transformation, died twice to her seventh because no trance, and had no power to take on her eighth so I bungled the entire run. Ten Desires' gimmick is going from annoying to infuriating the more I play the game.

>> No.16934668

Compared to Koishi's nonspells they are, for me.

So this kind of thing is circulated by newcomers, for newcomers, rather than people looking to NMNB an extra (for example). That makes sense.

>> No.16934672

Koishi's nonspells are just continous left and right movement.

>> No.16935102

SA is a tougher Lunatic than most games.

>> No.16935360

SA has some really hard stuff but gives a lot of extra lives and has some memo stuff to compensate, as well as easy stage 1-3. It's probably average in terms of difficulty for getting a first 1cc

>> No.16935408

It really isn't. If you're going for survival, you just need to take the time to memorize which sections give you back a whole bunch of power, and bomb gratuitously before/during those sections on anything that scares you.

>> No.16935441

I prefer it that way, sometimes the shots get messy otherwise
Man I wish netherworld team had to face Reimu instead of Marisa

>> No.16935645

4 shots per character 1 for each season

>> No.16935736

I'm the exact opposite, I can't deal with Reimu at all. I'm actually better at survival and scoring with Magic Team than Border Team but Reimu completely wipes the floor with me. Once she starts moving I'm completely fucked.

>> No.16936103
File: 14 KB, 246x246, 1343298711123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost to Kanako on her last spellcard in normal, I got there with 1 life left, atleast I feel closer to getting the 1cc now.

>> No.16936192


Not really always the case. MoF's Reimu C is a personal favorite of mine and focused/unfocused were pretty distinct.

>> No.16936302

I found it very hard too, since it was the first 2hu I played and 1cc'ed, but now its the easiest boss spell card. It taught me to let go of shift and how, maybe you're doing the same mistake I did.

>> No.16936315

I've hard 1cc'd every game but LoLK. Is it really worth my time and dedication? I haven't even done its extra to be honest.

>> No.16936351

How do I into PoFV? Starting on stage 6 I start to need to eat a life on every fight, occasionally 2, and Eiki seems impossible without throwing at least 2 lives at her. Anyone have some general advice? I'm playing on Lunatic with Marisa by the way and am just looking for a 1cc.

>> No.16936721

Try Aya.

>> No.16937042

I can't even clear past the beginning of stage 5 in Eosd on normal

kill me

>> No.16937289


>> No.16937303

I think I had to do that at the beginning of stage 4, idk some people say MoF is one of the easiest to Normal 1cc but I think IN is easier (with Kaguya's ending) but that just might be because I spended way more time on that game

>> No.16937842

still not working
when do i give up

>> No.16937857

IN being easy doesn't mean MoF isn't also easy.

>> No.16937910

Aya, who else? I hope I can handle her speed!

>> No.16937931


>> No.16938263

Play aya or medicine if you just want a 1cc, other than that losing 1 life on stages 6, 7, and 8 is fine if you can get enough extends to have 3 lives for eiki and play well against her, but more is preferable. Due to how the game works you will either have to get lucky or get really really good at eikis fight (or pick medicine/aya).

>> No.16938356

Oh well. You need to get this "untalented" nonsense out of your mind.
You won't make any progress while thinking like this. Why? You don't believe in practice, thus you are not really trying while practicing because you think it's useless, thus you aren't making any progress, thus you believe in practice even less. No one starts perfect. Watch "my first Touhou playthrough" videos on youtube if you don't believe me. Practice will help you. If you don't want to practice, however, then Touhou is just not for you, go play something else.

>> No.16938417

>and am just looking for a 1cc
>I'm playing on Lunatic
These two statements contradict one another. If you just want a 1cc, play on normal. If you really want a lunatic 1cc, say so.

>> No.16938448

how do you keep getting dragged along by them

>> No.16938457

Uh, the implication is that they want a Lunatic 1cc, anon. "Just looking for a 1cc" meaning "no particular goals like score or remaining lives outside of clearing".

>> No.16938485

my dream is to clear at least one game. I always enjoyed 9 the most, but I can't even clear that after all these years. How come you guys are so good? I'm really good at rts and simulation games, but I just suck ASS in bullet hell games. How do I get good?

>> No.16938488

What are you even talking about?
Practice is not a meme which mythical "talented" people use when they want to laugh at and misdirect an "untalented" person. Everyone says you to practice because this is what you need to do, that's all.
No magical "talent" thing for you which will make you lunatic 1cc pacifist nobomb nodeath scorerunner in one day.
But at this point I think that you're a troll. Elaborate on your "untalentedness" or get out of this thread.

>> No.16938546

Okay, I assume this is you.
>I always enjoyed 9 the most
Perhaps you should play some other game. PoFV, being a versus game, is different from the others. It's less focused on spellcards and more focused on dodging chaotic mess of bullets.
Therefore I assume your approach to Touhou is too straightforward and equates to just dodging the bullets. That's a very bad idea on every difficulty sans Easy. And this is why you shouldn't play on Easy, by the way. What is really important is pattern recognition. Everything becomes much easier once you'll start to analyze spellcards (and everything else too, but spellcards are the most important) to understand how to capture (or at least survive) them easier.
Exagarrated example:
Cirno casts Ice Sign「Icicle Fall」~Easy~.
You: aaaargh so many bullets how do i dodge ~pichuun~
Adequate player: moves close to Cirno.
It's the same with every other spellcard, nonspell and stage, just with more complicated strategies to follow.

>> No.16938558

Why do you answer to an obvious troll?

>> No.16938565

Holy shit anon calm down. I'm saying the person making two-word posts saying they're untalented in every thread *is* just a troll wanting to get replies and you're just getting dragged along for the ride. It should have been super obvious from their replies being "ok I practiced it's not working". You have completely failed at this point.

>> No.16938573

I want /shmupg/ to leave.

>> No.16939935

>Practice is not a meme which mythical "talented" people use when they want to laugh at and misdirect an "untalented" person.
Wait, it's not?

>> No.16940007

It is. He's just baiting for replies.

Have you ever seen talented people "practice"?
You're either good or you're not, that's all there is to it.

>> No.16940212

we're not talking about "lunatic 1cc pacifist nobomb nodeath scorerunner in one day," we're talking about playing for thousands of hours and still being as shit and inconsistent as you were on your first couple hundred hours compared to playing for a couple hundred hours and being able to get near wr scores every other session of playing. talent is the everything, practice and effort are meaningless in its absence. this is fact.

>> No.16940420

>Have you ever seen talented people "practice"?

>> No.16940428

>Have you ever seen talented people "practice"?

Are you for real?

>> No.16940548

tfw not born jap

>> No.16940644

I don't think its quite like that, but its not completely wrong. Though its not just talent. Some people are just worse at reading patterns and such, but practice always helps. How you practice matters a bunch too. I SUCK at Touhou games, but I'm really good at Starcraft 2, largely because of practice and most importantly, because of correct practice. If you teach yourself to do something wrong, it's hard to unlearn it.

>> No.16940658

Are you guys really this dense?

How can you even look at >>16940007 and not think "this is obvious bait"? Am I the one being baited by responding to you pretending to be this stupid? I sure hope so.

>> No.16940667

Talent certainly comes into play when you talk about top rankings and stuff but just to be decent (at anything not just 2hu games) practice is still important either way.

Practicing well is what is really the key, like with a guitar for example you can start practicing how to play super fast from day one for months but if you can't even play cleanly slow first you will always suck.

Imo talent is mostly just when people have an easier innate understanding of how to correctly practice a certain task, which can be matched by someone with less talent to a certain point by just doing research on how to improve their habits. It's absolutely unfair to act like talent isn't an advantage but at the same time it's ridiculous to imply you can't be good at anything without it or that just because someone is talented they don't have to put work in to realize their potential.

That looks like bait but>>16940212
seems more genuine

>> No.16941975
File: 82 KB, 420x248, 1396325957753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same thing happened to me just now. Literally one bomb away from getting my first 1cc in EoSD. I never managed to even beat Remilia using all of my continues before so I have no idea how I managed that.

>> No.16942009
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I lost to her like 5 more times after posting that, all of them in her last spellcard, the thing is that if I died there I couldn't pick up my Power powerups and my shots were doing 0 damage while the timer still had like 55 seconds remaining.

This is my 3rd 1cc, I'll go for Ten Desires next.

>> No.16942186
File: 26 KB, 676x238, pofv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the tip. The grind to unlock them was a pain but they really turn the story mode into a joke. Maybe I'll come back when I get better and try it on a non-broken character.

>> No.16942197

Yup, Trance being automatically used upon death can really hurt your run badly in higher difficulties or Extra where resources are tight.

>> No.16942217

Sounds like the fairies are already doing that, no need for my help there friend.
I assume you're new to the games so I hope you're not playing on Easy, particularly on EoSD otherwise have fun when you finally beat Stage 5.

>> No.16942306
File: 116 KB, 1281x799, shinki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll get you next time.

>> No.16942320

>playing for thousands of hours and still being as shit and inconsistent as you were on your first couple hundred hours
Yeah I don't believe this one bit. On the off-chance this is true, give up because you're doing something fundamentally wrong in order to not learn or improve in any way whatsoever. I'd tell you to continue anyways if your whining in this thread didn't indicate that you weren't enjoying yourself at all despite sinking thousands of hours into it.
So you're not enjoying it and are somehow so magically un-skilled that practice has no effect on you, then there's no answer at all other than the suggestion to give up.

>> No.16942395

I'm playing on normal.
I've been able to get to sayaka sort of consistently now but still not beat her. I keep dying to stupid shit early on in stage 3/4 so I don't have enough lives to fuck up very much.

>> No.16942505

jeez, just how new are you

>> No.16942526

Talent born here. You don't need to practice at all, so don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You just pick up the game, and if you don't get your LNMNB on the first try, then you should just give up because you have inferior genetics when it comes to playing computer games. No amount of practice will change your genetics.

>> No.16942715
File: 367 KB, 576x760, angery not-mima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the past few days this exact occurrence has been the EXACT thing to end ALL my runs in TD that don't end to some stupid thing like dying to the stage portion and resetting. Every single run seems to follow the pattern of getting a perfect (except for pre-planned bombs and trances during the stage portion to max out the life pieces I can get) up to Mamizou's fourth card which I then trance, dying to the fifth card as usual, then fucking up when I try to get the necessary trance for the seventh card, which then both eats up all my lives and DESTROYS my power so I'm too weak to beat the eighth card, meaning I have to time it out which always brings me to like zero resources, then I die quietly to the survival card. It's like a goddamned rut.

>> No.16942764

Then invest some heavy practice into the 4th, 5h, 7th cards and the survival.
On the survival, you can bomb before it gets real bad so you get enough trance for the last one.
Come on anon, you can get this.

>> No.16942951 [DELETED] 

tfw no talent

>> No.16943041 [DELETED] 


>> No.16943129

I can clear the fourth card with relative confidence, but if I wait until the fifth card to use trance there's no way I'll get the three end-of-card trances I need to get the fifth extra life (which I have not succeeded at getting once so far). Perhaps I need to try going even earlier and using trance on the third card.

>> No.16943404

Technically you need to practice 2-3 hours for LNMNB as there is some memorization involved but otherwise this is correct

>> No.16944029

I'm not thinking quick enough to use bombs and my autism is preventing me from saying "yes" to a continue after I lose my last life. How the fuck do I get over myself?

>> No.16944170

Human reaction time is larger than time window of deathbomb. You have to anticipate when you're going to be hit, and plan your run accordingly.

>> No.16944354
File: 34 KB, 500x500, m8bc69jgHk1r2oqob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's tempting to catch every spell but i swear i can never get past the 4th stage without starting my bombing. just get used to using it before you lose it.
deathbombs are the only way i made it through PoFV on lunatic. i'm not sure how long you've been playing but it gets easier to hit that border after awhile. also Reimu usually has a longer gap of time in certain games.

>> No.16944466

You cant 'react' to dying though . You can only anticipate when you are going to die and try to press the button before actually die, which you did.

>> No.16945049

Does anyone here stream their runs on twitch?

>> No.16945055

i do but noone watches :^)

>> No.16945454

just ccd pofv or any touhou for that matter on normal with _Aya_

feels p good. meanwhile in every other touhou i die at the 4th boss

>> No.16946052

Go play MoF as Marisa B now.

>> No.16947592

After fapping to Touhou hundreds of times I've decided to play the games and get into it.
I beat TH02-05 and I liked em a lot. But I have a question, when I bomb, can I still hurt the boss while firing?

>> No.16947610

Okay, now this is annoying. What the flying FUCK am I supposed to do during Marisa A Satori's 2nd custom spellcard? This is really getting on my nerves.

>> No.16947634

It's simple streaming. Just watch a video how to do it.

>> No.16947670
File: 463 KB, 629x471, pcbnormalsa1cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same thing happened to me a while ago where i was about 4 seconds away from surviving Yuyuko's last spell card on normal, after attempting it a few more times I finally did it.

Grats Anon, I just got my 3rd 1cc today.

Ten desires was my first 1cc and by far the easiest out of the 3 (other 2 being EoSD and PCB)

>> No.16947696

Quoting my last SA run:
>do fairly well throughout the early stages, make it to stage 5 with some 4 extra lives
>Orin is annoying so I bomb whenever I get stuck, which nets me a stage 6 entrance with 3 extra lives
>somehow get caught in Youkai Blazing Wheel (dunno how I did) and waste a life because seriously, who the fuck has the reflex to deathbomb at Youkai fucking Blazing Wheel?
>decide to unload a bomb at short range (Marisa A) to skip that shit because I'm not sure I'll make it through
>somehow gets caught on the side of the spell, no way to damage Orin from that position
>waste another life
>the last extra life is somehow wasted right afterwards
>"Oh hey Okuu, mind if I take you on with zero lives and no way to recover any before the next 4 life pieces?"
>"Sure, just try."

Fuck this shit.

>> No.16947866

>when I bomb, can I still hurt the boss while firing?
Yes, as long as it isn't one of those rare occasions when the boss is immune to bombs, in which case the boss becomes completely invincible until the bomb ends.

>> No.16947868

Don't abuse the quote feature like that and git gud. Don't try to deathbomb via "reflex," anticipate when you're going to die and use your bomb then before it happens. You can bomb twice during that attack and get your power back.

>> No.16947878

Do you often anticipate death during that spell? Because I don't. Going left and right like that hypnotizes you and heavily lowers your attention, no matter how good you are.
It's such a simple spell, but you fuck up more often than you wish you wouldn't on Hard and Lunatic mode because of the spokes of the wheel.
Cuz yes, I am playing in Hard mode.

>> No.16947887

>Do you often anticipate death during that spell?
Yes, and I'm a Normal shitter so my version is even easier than yours. I just don't take chances with that attack since it kills me way more than it should and since you can bomb it basically for free if your power is maxed.

>> No.16947953

What is that one spellcard that makes you automatically go "nope" no matter the difficulty settings? (remember, Easy mode is not a difficulty)
Mine is Heaven and Hell Meltdown/Hell's Tokamak

>> No.16948198

Nightmare of Heiankyou. I don't even attempt to dodge, I just bombspam.
Thank God I don't have to see that EX stage again.

>> No.16948283

Scarlet Meister.

>> No.16948882

Score Desire Eater. I can time it out just fine but capturing it is impossible.

>> No.16949088
File: 101 KB, 1282x797, cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that sucks. You can even that see she was about to explode.

>> No.16949397

Thanks, grats to you too, and yeah my run on PCB went the same as yours, the thing is that even if that last spell is easy it's exhausting to do under the pressure of having less than 3 lifes left, most of them lost against Youmu.

If you like Sakuya try doing it with ReimuA sometime.

>> No.16949653

Buddha's Light "Vajra of Perfect Buddhism" with anyone but Reimu B at full power.

>> No.16949979
File: 13 KB, 400x1080, Summary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished TD with all chars. Youmu is a pain to play as. Still, ending 7 is fun. Yuyuko is best girl, as usual.

>> No.16949996

What are you going to clear next? Why is mystic square and LLS empty?

>> No.16950006

I was thinking about filling the holes in MoF but I bored as fuck right now so I'm off to do something else.

>> No.16950019

Oh and about MS and LLS, I can't seem to have the games work properly (meaning "without dropped frames") with my emulator Neko Project II. The games work fine at first, but once bullets start filling the screen, it lags.

>> No.16950034

Are you using the fmgen build? Try setting the clock multiplier way higher. As long as your computer isn't a toaster, it should run fine.

>> No.16950062


Seconding this, I bomb this spell literally every time.

>> No.16950075

Asteroid Belt

>> No.16950090
File: 88 KB, 140x265, happy yuyu!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yuyuko is best girl, as usual.
That's an excellent display of good taste you got there anon, but why are all of her squares in IN blank empty?
Other than that congrats for clearing all the normals in TD, when's Mamizou?

>> No.16950363

When I can clear Extra stages beyond Yukari.

>> No.16950389

All of them.

>> No.16950805

firefly phenomenon

>> No.16950918


>> No.16950968

It's just simple streaming anons
If you wanna complain about her, say fucking Unseasonal Butterfly Storm.

>> No.16951007

are you literally retarded

>> No.16951042

not the person you are responding to but i am

>> No.16951091 [DELETED] 

thanks for sharing (more like sharting XD)

>> No.16951317

How do I clear flying insects nest in SA? If I stay in the center than I get hit by the dots, but if I move around to avoid the dots I'll get caught on the sides where theres like no room to dodge the lasers.

>> No.16951589
File: 107 KB, 400x593, 1493657906288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys cope with frustration and tilt? I've been going at EoSD for a few month now and I've been finding myself getting extra bitter recently and actually getting tilted whenever I see Cirno's Icicle Fall. Today I finally had enough and went and started PCB. The new mechanics and music were refreshing to say the least and I absolutely adore the new danmaku patterns and bullet types. Also my waifu's waiting for me at the very end so that was a super motivation booster on top of all that. Should I just git gud? Maybe switch it up and play some other Touhou games in between? Or maybe just take it easy? How often do you guys practice and what do you do to untilt? sorry for the blog

>> No.16951657

Can you at least beat EoSD with continuous?
I did that with every game except PoFV before jumping on to the next when I was new.
Also, Icicle fall can be done pretty easily of you go up high, close to Cirno.

>> No.16951659

Don't torture yourself over not being able to 1cc the game, if you manage to beat it using continues or feeling a bit frustrated you can jump into the next one and come back later. However if you really want the 1cc you should use practice mode to practice the stage or boss that is giving you the most trouble until you get the hand of it.

You can also watch some normal mode runs on youtube to learn about techniques such as streaming bullets or patterns you could try, some spellcards have some tricks or ways of fighting against that would be really useful, for example there was one specific spell from Yuyuko that I really didn't knew what to do so I would waste my bombs on it, till I watched some replays and figured out the best way to deal with it was positioning on the bottom right.

As for the anger issues just take it easy, if you get tilted and start losing at stuff you would never die to just take a break and come back when you feel ready for another run.

>> No.16951730
File: 1.35 MB, 533x800, crying_yukarin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the advice! I've been watching my own replays and it wasn't really helping but I'm sure watching some youtube videos on the spell cards will help a lot. My biggest trouble is with stage 4 and I think I need to bomb more often. In fact I only found out a week ago that the bombs reset when you lose a life ;-; Though I noticed the death bomb time frame is a bit longer in PCB and hopefully the later games so I think that's kinda nice.

>> No.16951854

For the bombing what I do now is to plan which cards I'm going to bomb, they are usually 2 or 3 on each game atleast for me.

I noticed you really like Yukari so try out Imperishable Night, she is on a team with Reimu and you get to use them both, also their special ability is having the longest death bomb time frame of the game.

>> No.16951872

Stop abusing spoiler function kudasai.

>> No.16951913

Learn what abuse is first.

>> No.16952332


The deaf bomb time frame in EOSD is 6 frames, in PCB it depends on character (Reimu=12, Marisa=8, Sakuya=6), in IN it depends on character and some other factors but generally it's longer than other games especially if you're playing Border team. After that it's just always 8 frames. So the window does get bigger in general after ESOD but only by a little bit.

>> No.16953232
File: 13 KB, 400x1080, Summary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There, beloved, there. Not sure if I can deal with Hard mode, especially with youkai side only, just yet but I'll see what I can do.

>> No.16953246
File: 176 KB, 848x480, Yuyuko (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice!

>> No.16953982
File: 1.50 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20170501_225422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your favourite title screen?

>> No.16954010
File: 65 KB, 636x765, 1471813016372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've never been around for a trial release. When the trials for 15.5 and 16 get released, would they be uploaded online quickly, or do we need to wait until someone who goes to the convention uploads the trial themselves?

>> No.16954023
File: 887 KB, 800x756, 1490997178009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll know what I mean when the time comes

>> No.16954205

Went to Orin battle with 9 lives came out with 0.
Fuck this cat

>> No.16954287

you mean 2 hours since playing for the first time or 2 hours in one sitting?

>> No.16954496

How the fuck can you use up some many lives on Orin? What's your difficulty level?

>> No.16954772

Are you of good cheer yet?

>> No.16954805

I've 1cc'ed with Reimu A and trying with Marisa B for more options in extra stage. Okuu is a lot harder with bigger hitbox.

>> No.16954837

The hitbox is the same for both Reimu and Marisa as far as I know. But Reimu A is a bit too powerful with zero downside.

>> No.16955979

Pretty new, I've only been here for 9 years.

>> No.16956003

Graze Inferno and Wild Deserted Island. I've seen other people do them easily and I understand the concept, but I find executing them to be actually impossible, no matter how many times I try.

>> No.16956027

I'm not that guy, in fact I never play on Lunatic so I had to look up what card it was, and it looks like he's right. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMIt00DDw5M
What's complicated here?

>> No.16956136

IN scorers reset all the time over it. It can give a shitton of time and is RNG reliant.

>> No.16956260

Why in IN telling me I should try playing without using a continue? I never used a continue in my last playthrough. reee etc.

Does it have anything to do with choosing stage 6A or something? I chose to fight Eirin.

>> No.16956298

Yeah. Even if you finish without a continue, route A will net you this comment because it's not the true ending (I believe).
Also, ending B NEEDS to be a 1CC. Should you fail a any point, ending B will not be available and your run will automatically lead to bad end if you lose you last life on Final B.

>> No.16956390


Yes, you get bad endings by losing at Final B or if you reach 5:00 AM. Final A will give you the normal endings doesn't matter if you used a continue or not. You must defeat Kaguya (Final B 1cc) in order to get the good endings.

>> No.16956465

Any tips for helping to farm time orbs well? I've had some trouble getting enough of them for some stages. Which is somewhat worrying against Kaguya. I'm not too worried about losing fighting Kaguya's five desires, since I had 6 lives when choosing to fight Eirin, but it was quite late by the time I reached stage 6, which could be a problem especially since I'm not very good against Kaguya's final spells that advance time if you fail them. I haven't 1cc'ed on 6B yet(or tried, though I have some practice mode practice on it), but I'm guessing that a run that's been fairly preservative of time is probably a good idea before approaching Kaguya.

>> No.16956490

Dude, the last spells are of no importance. What matters is if you can defeat Kaguya's Rainbow Danmaku. The Last Spells are optional.

>> No.16956537

As >>16956490 said, don't worry about those, if your time runs out there you just lose the opportunity of getting a highscore bonus. If you managed to beat Eirin you shouldn't have trouble with Kaguya, atleast for me Eirin was harder and she is believed to be more powerful than Kaguya.

Go ahead and try it!

>> No.16957078

Ah, okay then, that should make things easier. I assumed that reaching 5am = game over
+ the time-advancing bit on last spell fails would make me fail a run if it reached 5am before going through them all.

>> No.16957111

Those last spells are Kaguya tearing your team's time stopping spell.

>> No.16957269

its impossible

>> No.16957350

hmm I see. I don't really like bombing too often because it feels cheat. It makes me wonder if I'll really improve if I'm skipping all the tough patterns on normal mode.

>> No.16957393

How do you unlock the extra stage for GFW? I cleared all the routes and it still hasn't opened.

>> No.16957419

There's a bug that causes clears not to be registered, and corrupts replays if you Esc+R at any point after Stage 1.

>> No.16958247

Well for boss fights I only use them on stage 4 and 5 bosses at that one spellcard that really gives most troube, although I always try to beat them without bombing until I see a bullet that is going to hit me and I don't have any place to go.

During stage I would only use them when you make a silly mistake and get yourself in a position you know you can't escape or it's too risky, don't be afraid to use bombs, I think they are meant to be used, but just don't abuse them as a "fuck this" for every tricky pattern without even trying first.

>> No.16959117

Wow, so we'll get multiple half-baked ideas mashed together that either are completely broken (like every DDC shot) or weak since they have to nerf eachother to be balanced.

You know why post-TD reimu's amulets are so slow? Can't have fast amulets when you have needles. Know why Marisa's lasers don't pierce anymore? Can't have piercing lasers when you have missiles.

>> No.16960001
File: 139 KB, 640x480, how.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone help me with this? I already captured it with Youmu in ~30 or so attempts and it wasn't that bad, but with Reimu I'm somehow not doing enough damage with the same strategy. What I'm doing now is treating the energy balls like a dense stream while trying to avoid the lasers, going bottom-of-the-screen left-side-further-up bottom-of-the-screen right-side-further-up and tehn repeating. However going by my attempts so far even if I manage to kill her before the time limit there'll be less than 10 seconds remaining.
Is there a strategy that allows you to stay near the middle for longer periods of time?

>> No.16961946

Are you still sane?

>> No.16962107

The entire Junko fight is like one giant NOPE for me.

>> No.16962191

It was only like 2 hours total over two "sessions", and the spell is actually fun. So yes, quite sane.
I take it you haven't played STB/DS/ISC?

>> No.16963667

Finally cleared eosd normal
I only used 2 continues which is a lot better than I thought.

>> No.16963769
File: 112 KB, 392x486, 094 - OOG7jEn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job! Keep trying until you get a 1cc, I'm sure you'll improve at a great pace!

>> No.16963960

>Finally cleared
>used 2 continues

And probably not even with default lives?

>> No.16964305

Marisa's hitbox is larger mate.

>> No.16964528
File: 708 KB, 640x480, th12.8_ud0006 (GFW) Hard 1cc - A2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only games to clear on hard left are SA, UFO and LoLK!
Might do some more routes in this one before moving on tho

>> No.16964593

Fuck off, nobody cares.

>> No.16965085
File: 29 KB, 1280x800, magicalquadrilateral.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16965119
File: 155 KB, 1200x1400, f9105085193d94f23e88554a8ddbeea8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16966977

This chick has fanart?

>> No.16967919

>think I'm going to finally 1cc TD
>make it to stage 5 without dying once
>lose all of my lives to the spirits that spawn in a circle and can spawn on top of you
>game over at mononobe's fire spell
Can you guys recommend a good way for me to kill myself?

>> No.16968085

Spirits won't spawn on top of you if you don't stand where the spirits spawn.
Just keep to the middle and you'll be fine.

>> No.16968334

>Can you guys recommend a good way for me to kill myself?
Yeah, first boot up Ten Desires and go to Stage 5, and stay at the bottom of the screen so that the spirits spawn on top you. It's a really quick and easy way to kill yourself.

>> No.16968408

I'm currently trying to 1cc TD too, main problem I have right now is that I time out most of the Yoshika spells and it's really annoying, I manage to reach Mononobe without dying but I fuck up while fighting against her. Try to keep your position to the middle of the screen against those spirits, then later use a bomb or spiritual realm if you find yourself in trouble after the multiple wave of fairies that appear right before Mononobe appears.

>> No.16968660
File: 521 KB, 640x480, th001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I finally got it after posting that, went loaded with 4 lives, lost one in her spellcard #4 then I killed myself trying to grab a purple spirit crashing at her sprite right before her last spell, that made me so mad that I almost choked.

My god that was a horrible run, I might try to do it better in the future.

>> No.16968749

You need to see the alternate endings now, i can't remember, but you need to clear 1cc with 3 bombs or 3 lifes? something like that

>> No.16968775
File: 517 KB, 640x480, TD extra 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if you need to beat Mami first tho

>> No.16968839

If it's required to beat Extra first then I'll see them next year or something.

>> No.16969503
File: 530 KB, 640x480, th13_ud0008 (TD) Extra Clear - Sanae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking finally!!!!
I'm so happy bros, been a while since it felt like this to get something done on these games!

>> No.16969531

Congrats anon! Well that's how these games are, I don't recall any other game giving that much excitement after beating them more than Touhou, atleast for me.

Since when you have been trying to clear that Extra?

>> No.16969555

>Since when you have been trying to clear that Extra?
Almost a week with Sanae! Got some close calls last weekend and haven't played since then, it's just so great what just happened

>> No.16969902
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>> No.16969949


>> No.16970699
File: 394 KB, 800x720, 56248922_p24_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to play local vs. player in ULiL, but I think the game will only register one of my USB controllers, with the keyboard as the other. When I unplug the keyboard and restart the game, 2p doesn't have an input device at all.

What gives?

>> No.16970705

It isn't a problem with the controller, either of them work fine individually.

>> No.16970760

DDC had Sakuya printed on the demo disc, LoLK had Seiran.
So that's the stage 1 boss, I'm assuming?

>> No.16974247
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Is that her sleepwear?
Why is she blushing?
Is this supposed to be fanservice?
I am slightly aroused.

>> No.16974281
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This is breaking me bros
She's very cute on that, congrats for the clear anon.

>> No.16974285

Just watched this, impressive! anyone else here has some Extra Stage replays to share? from EoSD to TD.

>> No.16974295

I guess if you like come backs I could show you this also http://replays.gensokyo.org/download.php?id=43103

>> No.16974304


fuck, i tought it was on May 6th

>> No.16974308


i guess so, doubt that a butterfly would be strong.

a moth maybe, but not a butterfly

>> No.16974330

No one would suspect a butterfly though

>> No.16974378

Are there broken characters in PoDD? I'm having a lot of trouble.

>> No.16974432

I think I'm ready to play EoSD again

Japanese binaries with 1.02h
Retexture patch with hitbox
thcrap vsync patch
thcrap sandbox English patch

Looks a little weird, but you get the both world

>> No.16974480

>Retexture pack with hitbox
Literally suicide-tier

>> No.16974595
File: 34 KB, 96x118, hit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUUUUUUUUUUUUUNN wtf are those hitboxes

>> No.16974826

Oh you were >>16969503
That was really intense compared to the Youmu run that was so smooth. I can't beat these by myself so I enjoy watching others.

>> No.16974850

Well I was sick when playing with Sanae and Youmu is such a good shot for the Ex stage.
If you enjoy watching other then you should google touhou TRS and check it out too

>> No.16975019
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>comprehensive system
If this is not comprehensive enough for you, you'll have to resort to binary representation.
I also doubled the width of the chart because it was too tall and I had to scroll, and fixed the width of several squares (for example, DS Hatate's column was one pixel wider than it should be).

>> No.16975047

Yumemi and perhaps Reimu should be easier for a 1cc. Still not an easy game though.

>> No.16975057
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I decided to try out th15 for a change and what started as a harmless point device run turned into 2 hours of hell.

At least I'll know for next time which spells I should save my bombs for.

>> No.16975067
File: 943 KB, 1192x588, Screenshot_21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This counts as a 1cc right? (・ヘ・?)

>> No.16975075

Well if you are using charts like >>16975019 then you can mark it down there and it also unlocks the extra so yeah

>> No.16975102

>Retexture patch with hitbox
>thcrap sandbox English patch
Please do not do this. The only acceptable way to play EoSD is in Japanese with vpatch only. If you need a hitbox patch badly, then use the runtime patch.

>> No.16975558

Very close to beating koishi but cant figure out how to do depths of the subconcious mind.
Also I have no idea why Reimu is in moriya shrine, what has kanako done wrong?

>> No.16975630

Are there static (not thcrap) translation patches for 14 and 15?

>> No.16975674

Why don't you just read them on the wiki?
Story isn't that complex

>> No.16975830

>Also I have no idea why Reimu is in moriya shrine, what has kanako done wrong?

You mean other than the fact that she's responsible for the whole SA incident?

>> No.16975836

What about the endings?

>> No.16975872

As far as I know oku ate sun god and orin sent evil spirits from the geyser okuu formed so that someone would come and beat okuu.

>> No.16975877

Kanako was the one who fed the sun god to Okuu.

>> No.16975885

Where is this expressed in the game though, Im guessing its some combination I didnt play.

>> No.16976029

It's stated in practically every route, if not in the pre-fight dialogue, then in the ending.

>> No.16976043

But I want to read the dialogue as I play.

>> No.16976076

Try ReimuB! The ending answers pretty much all story related questions.

>> No.16976235

Somebody knows a way to use save states on T98-Next? I need to practice dodging cheetos and yumeko's lasers

>> No.16976257

Runtime patch? Is that the modded D3D8 dll?

>> No.16976691
File: 97 KB, 1155x722, yumemi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it get easier the more lives you lose on a stage, like in PoFV? I died 3 times to Yumemi and still got perfected. Somehow in my third attempt I got her down to 1 heart though.

>> No.16976709

Yes. It's the one by jisakujien.

>> No.16976768

>Retexture patch with hitbox
So you're going to cheat, then?

>> No.16976799

Windows 10 can't play EoSD...
I get 600+ frames and I'm unable to start playing at all.

>> No.16976816
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I took a week-long break because of finals and now I'm back and I'm dying to Mamizou's fucking nonspells now. Not even the later ones whose patterns are kind of obscured, the early ones that are just "move to the left/right in set intervals."

>> No.16976838

only vpatch

>> No.16976938

How do I run MoF windowed?
Last thing I remember was double clicking the window by mistake and now I can't find the option to exit fullscreen anywhere.

>> No.16976940
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>> No.16976970

You can time out the spells without any consequence if you're just playing for survival, though. You don't need to capture them. They're well-known to be a pain in the ass to capture(Kogasa even fucking says so so it's obviously intended to be that way)so not being able to isn't that surprising. If you really insist on capturing them, though, off to spell practice you go.

>> No.16977035

Check the custom file?

>> No.16977052

Thank you!

>> No.16977103

No, now fuck off.

>> No.16977124

Well I managed to get the 1cc anyways so I'm happy with that, I was mad at that time because it's very frustrating to play against when you are in a hurry to reach Stage 4 and 5.

>> No.16977181

>not thcrap
And another mentally challenged person appears. Thcrap is the best thing ever, use it faggot.
Is there a way to change controls in PoDD so I won't have to oscilliate Z?

>> No.16977182

Fuck you leatherman.

>> No.16977240

You seem upset for some reason.

>> No.16977286

Why you don't like the thcrap translation patches? I don't think there is any other than those

>> No.16977426

Unfocus when you are under her.
This is why you should time out spells in SP btw.

>> No.16977520

thanks, works perfectly
I haven't played in so long i forgot the patterns

>> No.16977585
File: 42 KB, 351x374, scared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't the last spellcards of Extra bosses go completely fucking insane in the last thirty seconds if you try to time them out?

>> No.16977587

If you can dodge that to the end, you shouldn't have problem o an actual run where you are hitting the boss

>> No.16977588

I dunno man, that sounds like practicing Lunatic so you can beat Normal.

>> No.16977597

Pls they do not compare.
Not a bad idea tho, using terrible shot types and then switching to your main works in some games too

>> No.16977618

>that sounds like practicing Lunatic so you can beat Normal.
That's a good idea though.

>> No.16977718
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Once upon a time some anon here said "LoLK is a fucking bitch" and I never got to try it for some reason, so I decided to give it a go. Now I understand why he said that.

What are you guys opinions on Point Device mode? it seems like a fun way to practice.

>> No.16977794


Some people seem to hate it but I think it's petty fun, I'm on Junko's last spell card with Sanae (the last character I haven't beaten it with) and I'm doing a no bomb run but dang this card is hard to capture. The first 35 seconds or so being really easy doesn't help either.

>> No.16977911 [DELETED] 

>Some people seem to hate it
Only one particular shitposter does.

>> No.16977921 [DELETED] 

Says the shitposter.

>> No.16977924 [DELETED] 

Nah bro, I hate it too.
It's hell on earth, that's why I 1cc legacy first before clearing PD.

>> No.16977975 [DELETED] 

Hi, shitposter.

>> No.16977983 [DELETED] 


>> No.16978159

I can't 1cc MoF with Marisa B on normal. Help.

>> No.16978219

Bomb more.

>> No.16978461
File: 46 KB, 640x400, anex86_2017-05-06_21-00-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started playing some PC98, anyway to optimize anex so it gives me less slowdown?
This is the only emulator in which the game are playable for me, neko and next all need way too much resources to work well and I'm on a toaster.
I know for windows the max slow allowed is 5% but what about this?
It's really annoying

>> No.16978488

>anyway to optimize anex so it gives me less slowdown?
Yeah, buy a real CPU and get a better emulator

>> No.16978526
File: 84 KB, 154x253, 1463383285396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about a real answer

>> No.16978558

Overclock your current CPU until it melts
Realise you're an idiot
Buy a real CPU

>> No.16978587

I remember playing PC98 in the same toaster I'm using now but i doubt it was optimized, so you could actually get an actual P98 instead..

>> No.16978673 [DELETED] 

You mean overwhelming majority? It's easy to check the threads in archives.
Point device was just an experiment, it failed and I'm glad ZUN never returns to it again.

>> No.16978828

I don't believe you. Any time I try playing on Lunatic, even now (let alone last year) it's an exercise in futility and I just play the first stage over and over again.

>> No.16978842 [DELETED] 

>You mean overwhelming majority?
You samefagging like crazy =/= overwhelming majority

And fuck off, shotty.

>> No.16978857 [DELETED] 

No one even heard about your "shotty" when LoLK came out. Actually lots of people (including me) still don't know who the fuck he is. Because people don't fucking care about your /v/ shitposter.
But IP counters did exist back then and extensions which marked new IPs existed too. It would be easy to see any kind of samefagging. But obviously you needed to be there to know about reaction.

So no, fuck off yourself and go back to /v/.

>> No.16978863 [DELETED] 

kys yourself autist

>> No.16978916
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Well I do not play lunatic to practice normal, but but timing out shit isn't out of this world neither.
Got under 5% so yeah fuck it this should make do for now

>> No.16978991 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 800x672, 1493583156671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one even heard about your "shotty" when LoLK came out.

>But IP counters did exist back then and extensions which marked new IPs existed too. It would be easy to see any kind of samefagging.
I don't think you need that much stuff to see your own samefagging.

Quality contribution to the thread.

>> No.16979022 [DELETED] 

You sound butt devasted my dude

>> No.16979027 [DELETED] 

Your posts is literal definition of shitposting. Please get the fuck out.

>> No.16979471


>> No.16979483

This is an edited LoLK with shitty music implanted into it. Fuck off.

>> No.16980265

How the hell are we going to handle HSiFS now.

>> No.16980333
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>> No.16980407

What would make HSiFS any different than past games? If it has an extra game mode or something like that just add more rows or columns.

>> No.16980438

yes but man, 16 fucking shots
This assuming there are not 2 extra stages or 2 finals or shit like that

>> No.16980447
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>16 fucking shots
You serious? I'm still downloading the trial, are there really four shottypes per character?

>> No.16980516

Yes, you can combine seasons anon, 4 combos for 4 characters.

>> No.16980874

Oh, I see what you mean now that I've played it. The season system is really neat. I think I'm going to try to get used to Summer due to how little of the season meter gets consumed when you use the special season bomb (I don't know the names for these yet). Reminds me of why I used Marisa-A in Touhou 11, lots and lots of bombs for defensive purposes and you're fucked if you use too many, except the power drain is less severe here than in 11.

>> No.16981091

In game, different sub options aren't considered separate shots for score screen purposes. The lazy route would be to ignore it, the autism route would be to have 16 shots, and the middle ground route would be to replace the "bug abuse" slot with a number or letter that indicates the season.

>> No.16981103
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Well, 16 shots it is then. Looks like doubling the width of a chart was a good idea, huh?

>> No.16981115

Thank you chartanon

>> No.16981125

Now wait for A, B and C finals with Phantasm on X.

>> No.16981140

I don't take it as autism considering how different the shots become anon.

>> No.16981146

In game, the characters are ordered Reimu, Cirno, Aya, and Marisa, for Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. Since you ordered the seasons that way I think it makes sense to order the characters like that too.

>> No.16981173

Do you think 16 shots is autistic? I mean, it's just one column wider than SWR.
There is enough space to change bug abuse into season counter, and it's not a very popular flag anyway, but I think legend should be kept game-independent. We could, however, change it not into the season counter, but into game-specific flag, or something like this. It could be season shot flag for HSiFS, Pointdevice/Legacy flag for LoLK and Final A/B flag for IN. Sounds pretty neat.
But there's still a problem with it. In its current state, the legend is fully optional. You can just fill the squares without any effort. If we'll implement game-specific flag, it won't be like this anymore.
I'll say that we would have to do it if the game will have multiple finals like this >>16981125 anon said (it will be a final-only flag for HSiFS then, with shots still being columns), but I don't think we should do it unless absolutely necessary.

>> No.16981190
File: 12 KB, 800x639, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm, you're right. Here, I fixed it.

>> No.16981206

I really depends of if you want the chart to go up or to the side really

>> No.16981329

Well, it's better to be wide than tall, because most people (including me) own wide monitors.
I'm personally okay with HSiFS being 16 columns wide. It's unusual, like IN is unusually tall because of the two finals, but still reasonable. If HSiFS will have multiple finals on the top of having 16 shots, that would be too much, though.
So, HSiFS will stay like this for now but feel free to object if you think that you have the reason to.

>> No.16981484
File: 12 KB, 800x639, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, it looks like I made another mistake! HSiFS bottom-right line was longer than it should be. It's a minor thing, but I don't want to leave it in, so here's the very important fix.

>> No.16981755

Do any of the characters have special abilities apart from their shots?

>> No.16982808

Is th16 going to be IKUSAAAAAAAN?

>> No.16983325

Move on!

New thread

