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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 108 KB, 1200x800, flying_colors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16862477 No.16862477 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for discussion and recommendation of Japanese TV and movies.

It's been a while since we had one. Please put sauce in the filename if posting pictures/gifs/webms.

>> No.16862512


I saw this recently and I thought it was decent.

>> No.16862525

Watched Mr. Nietzsche in the Convenience Store recently, thought it was pretty funny. The parts where the manager went on rants, his actor is a well-liked comedian I think, and the other guys were breaking character and trying to hold in their laughter were great, I liked how they kept those scenes in. Especially the one with the squid chocolate.

>> No.16862527
File: 38 KB, 290x400, gantz.o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watched Gantz:O. I haven't watched any of the live action movies, are they any good?

>> No.16862534
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>> No.16862695
File: 104 KB, 848x480, vlcsnap-00380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone watching Quartet? It's by the same guy as soredemo ikite yuku.

It's pretty good

>> No.16862825



>> No.16862891



>> No.16862945
File: 37 KB, 620x413, C7vD7wzV4AAFZPC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The ace of Stardust Promotion
>Proven box office draw with crossover potential
>Superior haafu facial features
>Three beauty marks gifted by God
>Indie darling with mainstream appeal
>In a love triangle with "Man of the Year" Masaki Suda and G-Dragon
>Breakout performance Kawaki, her first starring role
>Starred in numerous seinen adaptations for the geeks
>Starred in numerous shojo adaptations for the girls
>Portraying best JoJos girl Yukako Yamagishi
>Hochi Film Award's Best New Artist of the Year in 2014
>Japan Academy Prize's Newcomer of the Year in 2015
>Mainichi Film Award's Newcomer of the Year in 2015
>Yokohama Film Festival's Best Newcomer of 2017
90th Kinema Junpo Awards's Best New Actress of 2017
>The future of acting

>> No.16863309
File: 54 KB, 600x453, 9625d4_347003cf80b648a68a9f5f2385f18f35-mv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this actually good or just a meme?

>> No.16864189

I thought it was fun, albeit dark and fucked up at times. There are several amazing performances, including Komatsu and the lead, that carry the film. It's not something I would suggest to anyone.

>> No.16864241

Will Gin to Kin be subbed?

>> No.16864439



>> No.16865445

True kino

>> No.16866385
File: 188 KB, 640x480, 740full-radietta-fanbelt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some 90s shows or dramas with the style of Carranger, but not necessarily Super Sentai?

>> No.16866588

Nana's not hafu

>> No.16866620

But supposedly she looks hafu. According to a study at least 3.6% of Japanese born between 1990 and 2014 would have one foreign parent or grandparent, so it's not out of the question that she might have a hafu grandfather or mother

>> No.16869826
File: 85 KB, 1280x690, Heroine Shikkaku (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about some Heroine Shikkaku? Mostly just a romcom thats fun to watch

>> No.16869848

She's half Okinawan, she says. Okinawans are sometimes different.

>> No.16870054

I just watched the first episode and I laughed really hard. So much fun.
Thanks, anon, for mentioning this.

>> No.16871300

How come the drama and movie sub scene is much worse off than the anime one?
If it's not officially licensed on Netflix or Crunchyroll or whatever, odds are the subtitles are going to be non-existent or really shitty crabsticks-tier subtitles done by Pinoys or ESL shitters. Can't tell you how many subtitle tracks I've had to edit in Aegisub by now. Granted, I can probably, more or less, understand basic conversational Japanese enough now to get me through a movie, but the lack of good subtitles is definitely something that keeps me from watching more.

>> No.16872169
File: 306 KB, 1100x1600, GNPP_01_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you guys download your japanese media from?

Pic unrelated.

>> No.16872332

Why is her skirt so short?

>> No.16872364
File: 23 KB, 503x211, JsQynP7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in pic related, which covers most of my needs. Heard some anons talk about some Chinese open sites that have some pretty good libraries, but I don't know much about them.

>> No.16872576


B-but anon, that is invite only. ;_;

>> No.16872747

Isn't Japan great

>> No.16873200

You can trade invites/beg pretty easily.
It's also open a lot of times for special weeks and events.

>> No.16873548

This. A lot of anons here have accounts there. Throw an e-mail (one you won't use to sign up with) and hope for a good samaritan to come along.

>> No.16874107

Can someone send me an invite to >>16872364


>> No.16874145

sent ;)

>> No.16875507

Anyone here watch Confessions / Kokuhaku (2010)? Wondering if I should check it out it.

>> No.16875675

It's a good movie, definitely give it a go.

>> No.16876305

its just horrible, dont even bother

>> No.16876343

no u

>> No.16876533
File: 190 KB, 442x650, 1460308214800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good romances?

I'm so lonely ;_;

>> No.16879042
File: 54 KB, 390x450, Kanako_Momota-p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stardust ace, coming through

>> No.16879214

Man, they really dropped the ball with Ataru.
The TV series was nice and had some strong themes but the following OVA and movies were absolutely meaningless and even ruined characters retrospectively.

>> No.16879317

why so you can download 100mb of kpop and never log in again? I dont think so bud

>> No.16879345

Anyone know any good shows with a yandere guy ?

>> No.16879729
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, Tokyo Tarareba Musume.43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16879763
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news - oha!4

>> No.16879840

>How come the drama and movie sub scene is much worse off than the anime one?
Because more fucking koreaboos and accessibility becoming less and less.

>100mb of kpop
That filesize is fitting for an average full album.

>> No.16879938

This is hilarious. Thank you

>> No.16883323

Uso nante hitotsu mo nai

>> No.16883349


>> No.16883386
File: 160 KB, 496x700, 20170208-jojo03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back.

>> No.16883687
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watching this now.
hope it's good, but I expect it to be cheesy.

>> No.16883701

Not 90s, but Sukeban Deka from the 80s is similar.

>> No.16883714

Which one is that?

>> No.16883725
File: 317 KB, 1008x1452, E69982E38292E3818BE38191E3828BE5B091E5A5B3.JPG?d=a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girl who leapt through time

>> No.16883746

I was asking which one of the gajillion adaptions it was. I haven't watched that one yet. Report back how well it went.

>> No.16883894

Do they deactivate accounts if they're not in use? I made mine during the free signup period and after 2 months of using it only once to get subs, I wasn't able to login again.

>> No.16883932

Yeah your account is permanently gone now. Any new account that just lurks and doesn't download/upload anything for 30 days is purged.

>> No.16884067
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, I just finished it.
It was actually pretty bittersweet, and somewhat confusing. the main girl is cute.
I wonder if the time travel parts were really just a metaphor for something else though.
it's a nice flick though, definitely kept me interested.

>> No.16884260
File: 157 KB, 1280x720, kt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kizoku Tantei and CRISIS looks pretty good.

>> No.16884263

This is too good. I'm halfway through the manga.

>> No.16887020

>A story revolves around 24-year-old Makoto who dreams of becoming a pilot. As he has social phobia, he is leading a stay-at-home life for a long time. One day, however, a candid-camera and an encounter with a girl of the same name change his life.

Getting Welcome to the NHK vibes. Also this show aired on NHK BS Premium.

>> No.16887964
File: 178 KB, 1756x1318, ran61[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16888843

It's real good from what I remember.

>> No.16888863 [DELETED] 

Anyoned knows where I can get Sono Sion's The Whispering star (torrent or something)? I really looked for it but nothing...(maybe Avistaz but I don't have an account)
(unless someone nice sends an invite)

>> No.16888873

Are there any good fantasy/SF shows that are not sentai/metal heroes/etc, and not adapted from anime or manga either?
More generally, good original series from Japan?

>> No.16888884

Anyoned knows where I can get Sono Sion's The Whispering star (torrent or something)? I really looked for it but nothing...(maybe Avistaz but I don't have an account)
(unless someone nice sends an invite)

>> No.16888886
File: 179 KB, 460x650, yuusha_yoshihiko_to_michibikareshi_shichinin_2081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I just finding out about season 3 now???

>> No.16889043

I have the same problem of keeping track of new sequels except it's for western media. I don't have the same problem with jdrama because I can just check d-add wiki every new season.

>> No.16889355

Great cinematography and dialogue, I know but it all felt "What was it all for?"

I love Kagemusha more

>> No.16890377

mega (DOT) nz/#!gzgkyKDY!snLfUFeLVWPZ3lMIWf8rjDWCXbkPI8nfx_9DaarwZnE
No subtitles though

>> No.16892626

Aw damn. Not sure if anyone's ever gonna sub this. I better learn japanese in another life. Still, thanks.

May I ask where you found it by any chance? I'm used to looking for "unpopular" stuff but I was really stuck finding this one.

>> No.16892675

Yeah, there is no official subs, so we're gonna have to wait for a fan-sub.

>> No.16892772

Cyborg She is a nice movie. Mecha waifu coming from the future to save her inventor was the story I believe

>> No.16892805
File: 68 KB, 580x419, eihi_shiina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone into Nishimura's works or B-splatter-movies in general? I still gotta watch Helldriver

>> No.16895667
File: 2.58 MB, 640x360, 1492642098576.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kitano is shooting the latest and last outrage movie.

>> No.16895931

Excuse the meme term, but which of his films is the most kino? I've only seen Sonatine which was pretty great, not had the chance to check out anything else yet

>> No.16895936
File: 15 KB, 220x305, 220px-Moonlight-Whispers-poster[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was good.

>> No.16895938

I'm interested in watching Karate Kill, but I guess that movie is never coming out.

>> No.16896398

As someone who hasn't really watched any Japanese TV shows/doramas before. What do you recommend? I'm into the more serious thriller type shows but don't care too much as long as the story is actually good

>> No.16896741

Check out MOZU and Ouroboros. Also the obligatory Hanzawa Naoki, I guess.

>> No.16896787
File: 106 KB, 400x571, large_jG0cguPMSqyQXnJQklu175Z38J1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have in no way seen all his movies, so can't really judge, but Kikujiro is great.

>> No.16900498

I love that film!

>> No.16901261

This and Kid's return

>> No.16901458

Is Hibana from netflix any good? where can I watch it? and is japanese tv good again yet?

>> No.16901847

There's always something decent but no
No one has made jdrama great again yet

>> No.16901981

Any J-drama recommendations? I usually just watch k-drama, but I've been thinking something japanese for a change.

>> No.16901992

You should watch Densetsu no kyoushi
It's a comedy Jdrama casting Matsumoto Hitoshi and Nakai from SMAP.


>> No.16902003



>> No.16903221

How do you manage to have a ratio going? Do you just waste power for days to slowly gain BP and then convert them to upload, do you donate or are you lucky and downloaders actually connect to you?
I've never managed to seed anything other than a few MBs. It doesn't seem like there are files with reasonable s/l ratio to allow your upload to be of any use alongside hundreds of others.

>> No.16903255

Free leech. sort torrents by free leech and their popularity. It will be slow at first, but once you build up a few gb you move over to newly released highly popular torrents. All of the sudden you have more upload than you know what to do with it.

That's what I did, and now I have over a tb upload, great ratio and a fuck ton of BP.

>> No.16903298

Me in the chicken suit.

>> No.16903311

>Do you just waste power for days

Who the fuck turns off their computer nowadays?

>> No.16903366

I see. Doing that seems to only gives me huge torrents though (if I choose the newbie-downloadable option; however I know that for some reason I actually can download torrents that fall outside of that category), is that the way to go?

>> No.16903538 [DELETED] 

Download Freeleech. Especially the new ones. If too big, first episodes of each Korean dramas are freeleech.

Another way to build ratio is through the bonus system. Sort the torrents by size in ascending order, download the top 100 smallest torrents (skip the ones with less than 2 seeders). Then seed them. You will get 2 bonus points per hour.

>> No.16903569

Alright. Also, so seeding torrents without leechers for bonus points is cumulative? That's good to know.

>> No.16903609

You can download the small freeleech torrents, especially the new ones.

But if you have to download a big freeleech torrent, they are big in size because they contain multiple files or episodes. So just tell your torrent client to download the first file, usually episode 1. (by unchecking everything except 1 file)

>> No.16903622


>> No.16903627

Thanks a lot

>> No.16903855

Still looking for an Avistaz invite, I swear I'll be a good boy and seed.

>> No.16903928

is hayashi kento in anything good other than hibana? i really liked him in that

>> No.16904143

Does anyone know where i can watch some slightly older subbed japanese series? For example Dokuganryu?

>> No.16904356

How was that one?
I've been interested on that drama before.

>> No.16904414

this series sounds fun, where can i find it in non-shit quality?

>> No.16904781

It's really good. Like most of the stuff that the director puts out.

>> No.16904802

I've watched everything I could get my hands on in one way or another. I was lucky enough to find Tokyo Gore Police translated on a physical DvD which was neat. The cover art is pretty sugoi so I'm glad to have it.
I also love Noboru Iguchi's works. Good stuff.

All that shite is really fun to watch and they are the kinds that I watch every few years and always have a good time. Its a good break from all the 2deep4u movies that I usually watch.

>> No.16905395
File: 58 KB, 712x394, mpv-shot0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watched Maid in Akihabara

any others Akiba doramas? or maido related??

>> No.16905648
File: 116 KB, 575x512, 1490682767975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to act like a know-it-all and you probably won't believe me, but I did some research for a uni project some time ago and found that the ancestors of today's Japan, the ainu, had a relatively big genetic influx from the area that is today's Russia. So basically Japs have their distinguished looks because there's some Russki mixed in. It's quite apparent when you look at them.

>> No.16905724

>the ancestors of today's Japan, the ainu
Not quite right

>> No.16905985

Is flying colors good?

>> No.16906006

Keke you know the japanese are split into two "ancestry" groups, right? The yayoi and the jomon. Try again.

>> No.16906017

Also before any smartass points it out, I'm fully aware they're primarily names for the pre-historical periods of japanese history. Also to be honest I don't know if it's *genetically* the case but the japanese definitively see themselves as split into these two groups, which they also based on physical characteristics.

>> No.16907983

They were open registration every weekened in 2016.

They were open registration last Easter 2017, which was a few weeks ago this month of April.

>> No.16908222

I started watching it yesterday after reading this comment, and now i'm almost done with it, it's really good. Thanks anon

>> No.16908507

In many ways it has its fair share of cliches but it was really entertaining imo, would recommend. Arimura Kasumi was really fun as the main character and you can't really go wrong with Itou Atsushi as a nice nerdy-feel guy.

>> No.16908543

Where do you guys find new shows to watch?

>> No.16908766

If you mean downloading, I use chink shit.

>> No.16909771

Do more subdued jdramas exist? Everything I see is so over the top. I don't dislike it necessarily, but sometimes I want something a little more nuanced.

>> No.16910000

Not otaku culture, this belongs on /tv/

>> No.16910014

Define otaku culture.

>> No.16910036


>> No.16910327

What's the current meme show in Japan? I like staying current with what's popular there.

>> No.16910355

customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of otaku.

>> No.16910370

Hana-bi is my all time favorite. Also, please refrain from using that term from now on.

>> No.16910456

has any episode past 3 been subbed?

>> No.16912944
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>> No.16912949


>> No.16913103

A chore to watch unless you like the main girl

>> No.16915759

Has Japan produced any period films of the same caliber as Yamada Yoji's Samurai Trilogy in the last ten years?

I'm really in the mood for some Japanese or Chinese period pieces, but looking at the recent Wu Xia offerings it doesn't seem like the Chinese have made much of note in recent years comapred to the 2000's. How about Japan?

>> No.16917614


>> No.16917639

Can you tell me why people watch that shit? I've tried multiple times to get into them and I could never stomach it. They always felt empty or something.

>> No.16917880

Because it tries to copy Hollywood.

>> No.16919304
File: 59 KB, 710x300, d00094_ph00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching Amachan for the first time, very comfy

>> No.16919940


Poor Rena.

>> No.16924510
File: 99 KB, 800x600, 800full-orange-days-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a good drama based on university life, with academics not being totally ignored?

The only one I can think of which had this theme was Orange Days which was great but it mainly ignored actual university life.

>> No.16924801

>CRISIS theme song's performed by a flip
Second episode's Video Research rating is 11.2%. Golden Time that day was tense in terms of ratings.

>> No.16924803

Any documentaries or shows about hikki/neets?

>> No.16925139

Do you want one where you see the protagonist living a miserable life with challenges they fail to overcome or do you want an inspiring one where they grow out of the hikki/neet phase?

>> No.16926693

Not the same anon but I would be really interested in the latter if you know of any such shows.

>> No.16926799

Watched the first two episodes of that. Looks really cute.

>> No.16926819

of course a jp cuckster would love that movie

>> No.16926846 [SPOILER] 
File: 397 KB, 1279x720, 1493243271318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha, fucking brilliant. What a bunch of faggots.

>> No.16928377

miserable life with challenges

>> No.16928394

Any feel-good ones shows? I'm not looking for any drama.

Real life is hard enough.

>> No.16929710

pick two

>> No.16929730

I would also like this - any shows focused on the lives of japanese children? Sort of like the American show "The Wonder Years" which follows 3 kids's coming-of-age through the late 1960s and early 1970s

>> No.16929842

I just want a show not about high schoolers or middle aged people for once. Since I'm in university I want to watch something I can relate to, with a protagonist who becomes inspired and reaches his potential.

I'll properly answer you boys tomorrow morning, had a long day today.

>> No.16930125

Then watch american shows.

>> No.16930239

thanks 先輩、I'll be waiting patiently.

>> No.16931038

Reply 1997 (or Answer Me 1997)

it won't feel empty, give it a try

Rainbow Song (2006)

>> No.16931134

I was also lucky to find an uncut version I got shipped from britain. Truly a good feel to own the movie. Noboru is really talented, I enjoyed especially mutant girls squad.
Today I found a trailer for thi and it looks promising.


>> No.16932686

Cute gooks

>> No.16933591

the fucks your problem its a good movie

>> No.16935093

See you tomorrow, everyone

>> No.16935346
File: 2.97 MB, 1280x720, Heavenly.Forest..webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name a more beautiful actress

>> No.16935531

>I'm in university I want to watch something I can relate to

Why? I'm in university and I don't want to see anything resembling my situation because it fucking sucks, entertainment is escapism. I don't want sit down and go "Gee I need a break, time to watch some J-Dramas!" and get reminded of how I also need to do exams or how I don't have a love life or how their lives are much better than mine despite us being in similar situations in life, or how there's a pressure to succeed for the sake of my future. Fuck that, I'd rather watch high school kids or whatever, since that's a period in my life that's passed so there's no point in worrying about it.

>> No.16935816

Yonekura Ryouko

>> No.16937884

anon could you post those neet recs please

>> No.16937962

the girl was an idol and she is a cutie.
The singing sequence at the end was very cute

>> No.16938849

I think I just fell in love...

>> No.16938970

Omukae death

>> No.16938977

35 year old highschool student

>> No.16939117

is this depressing? I need something that will make me want to off myself

>> No.16939143

No. It's a light drama about friendship and youth.

>> No.16939172

Is there anywhere good to get old variety shows? Big packs of hundreds of episodes.

>> No.16939472
File: 136 KB, 500x500, 254119007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone subbing Code: M yet?

>> No.16939556

How old?

>> No.16939592

A decade or two? Variety seems to be very much a "watch within a few weeks" type of deal, with anything older being long dead. Nips don't seem to care about preserving these kinds of shows, either.

>> No.16939806


>> No.16940229

I won't be surprised if one of those livejournal subbers are doing it but I've no access to their subs.

>> No.16940326

I don't care about idol shows.

>> No.16940924

>Name a more beautiful adulteress

>> No.16941225

Gonna check out Hibana from Netflix. Apparently the book is extremely popular and made quite the waves. Anyone here seen it?

>> No.16941744
File: 43 KB, 684x643, baigaeshida3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was he transferred?

>> No.16941818

read the book maybe I haven't

>> No.16941938

English subtitles makes it sound so retarded.

>> No.16942224

The Japanese isn't that great sounding either, even other characters laugh at it. I think it sounds better if you make it "double the payback"

>> No.16943647

asiandvdclub, bakabt, passthepopcorn

>> No.16946157

If you're still around, yes. The entire third season is.

>> No.16946962

any recommendation if i liked 'All About Lily Chou'? Havent watch many jap films yet

>> No.16946966

Tamako in Moratorium
100 Yen Love

>> No.16946973

meant for >>16924803

>> No.16947568

Because I was watching rewatching Gokusen:The Movie(2009),I immediately recognized the biker gang leader in 1 scene(he was Emperor Z in Ressha Sentai ToQGer and Aizen Sosuke in Bleach:The musical).


Also,Kazama Ren''s actor (Gokusen season 3) is currently in Shingeki no Kyojin(aka Attack of the Titans) live-action movies.

>> No.16949343
File: 1.69 MB, 3217x2140, Boku wa Mari no Naka - 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone know where I can find this show please?

>> No.16949347

This is one of the worst manga I have ever read.

>> No.16951197

Avistaz has none of the shows I've been looking for the past few days. I need to go deeper.
Does anyone know how the fuck piracy works in Japan? I know a decent amount of Japanese but I just have no idea how to look this shit up. I know they used to use perfect dark but I haven't been able to find any of the shows I want on there so far. Surely there must be a pirate community in Japan, right? I need access to it or another source of
>seasons 3 and 4 of Manben in decent quality
>A bunch of other shit I searched for months ago but have given up on
I just want to watch my superior nippon terebi

>> No.16953149

ishihara satomi.

>> No.16953933

Thanks I didn't know this existed
I wouldn't know about the latter part because I haven't read it but I did enjoy the start

>> No.16954032

Nyaa is dead, where to download now? Any suggestions?

>> No.16954052

I never even used nyaa for drama. Avistaz.

>> No.16954115

Anyone watched Hana Kimi (2007)? I really liked that series and just rewatched it. I have only now realized that it had great OST.

>> No.16954602

I really liked the 2007 one with Maki Horikita. It's silly at times for obvious reasons but really enjoyable. I really wished the special would be a conclusion to the story and not some .5 episode. Is 2011 one any good? If the story's the same, it might get boring after a few episodes and the main actress doesn't have that spark as Maki from what I saw. Btw, if you liked the humor, try watching another classic "My Boss, My Hero". It's overacted but in a funny, not cringey, way.

Other stuff I recently saw: "Your Lie in April" (movie) - enjoyable, couldn't believe the actors actually prepared six months in advance to play the instruments for this comedy fluff. "Kuzu no Honkai" (drama) - pretty good but gets repetitive at times.

"Maiko wa Lady" - slice of life movie about a maiko wannabe with the actress who voiced the girl in Kimi no Na Wa; "Too Young to Die" - pretty cool flick about a teen who dies and goes to hell filled with demons who play rock and try to rock their way out of hell (sic); "Tennen Kokekko", "Our Little Sister", "Taste of Tea", Sion Sono's "Guilty of Romance" and his absolute masterpiece "Love Exposure" (4hr run time may be off-putting to some which is a shame because it's that good).

>> No.16954613

Haven't watched the 2011 yet. But I really enjoyed the 2007 one.

>> No.16955849

2011 was awful. Didnt bother finishing it.

>> No.16959090

Any tv and movies about NEETs?

>> No.16959150 [DELETED] 

Virgin detected.

Also, why asian girls act like fucking retards.

>> No.16959156 [DELETED] 

Is she korean?
She looks korean.

Also, the uniform.

>> No.16959160

She is not she is Japanese

>> No.16960334

Why can't Japan into thrillers? Is it because the country's so safe? Every time I watch one it always feels kind of contrived and sometimes it feels kind of anime.

>> No.16961066

I hated her father (MC) and she doesn't appear much. Retarded shit.

>> No.16963701

Bumping this, would really love to download/watch this show but cannot find it anywhere, please help /jp/


>> No.16963812

>All eight episodes
>March 31

It probably hasn't been uploaded anywhere at all and won't be for sometime soon.

>> No.16963892

Ah I figured it was already out somewhere, I'll wait then.

Unrelated, but how about Detroit Metal City 2008? Struggling to find a download for that movie too.

>> No.16963988

Anyone can tell if that drama featuring a father and son playing FFXIV is any good?

>> No.16964041

>casuals playing an MMO


>> No.16964103

Been out of the J-Drama/movie game for about 2 or so years. Legal High SP was the last J-Drama I had watched before getting back in recently.

Anyone seen Nigeru wa Haji da ga Yaku ni Tatsu? (We Married as Job). It's pretty damn entertaining. Has Yui Aragaki (from Legal High fem MC) as someone who can't get a proper job and ends up marrying the mc as a job to be a housewife. Lots of references to other J-Shows/dramas and anime. It's a fun and endearing show, highly recommend it.

Might try Loan Shark or From Five To Nine next.

>> No.16964109

What happened? People caught up to her being autistic? Just makes her more endearing.

>> No.16965385

Have you watched Legal High 2 as well?

>> No.16965789

5 to nine was good. Good morning call also

>> No.16969653

Anyone here watched Tsumi no Yohaku? Do you know if there's official of fansubs in English? Thanks

>> No.16970777

any more recommendations

>> No.16973991

>subs before raws
what is this insanity

>> No.16974002

>Anyone seen Nigeru wa Haji da ga Yaku ni Tatsu? (We Married as Job).
Yeah. Really enjoyed it. I've loved everything I've seen written by Akiko Nogi. I'm a big fan of hers. Juhan Shuttai is probably my favourite drama of hers. A really good one about editors for a manga magazine. She's also written two other dramas starring Yui Aragaki, Okitegami Kyoko and Soratobu Kouhoushitsu.

>> No.16976916

What does /jp/ think about Departures?

>> No.16977164

It's called Okuribito and it's a great movie with a fantastic soundtrack.

>> No.16978844

Now that nyaa is dead. Where are you guys downloading dramas?

That doesn't require membership

>> No.16979718


>> No.16979910
File: 319 KB, 450x366, ea7c3c7576fa4b7abdfffb03c5eb5406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started watching talent tag and I can't stop.

>> No.16982296


>> No.16984242


Just finished this dorama. Is there a secret ending episode ? I dont understand.

>> No.16985629

waiting for Lets Go Jets for suzu chan

>> No.16986172

Legal High is the best jdrama in the last decade

NigeHaji was cute but a bit over hyped imo.

>> No.16986404

No that was the end. There's season 2 coming though I think. What is there not to understand? He didn't get promoted.

>> No.16986944

But why did he get transfer out. Moreover, the place Owada was teasing him to go. And at marketing. This is obviously a pushishment as some sort.
Is chairman scared of him ? Obviously Hanzawa won't be en lice to be a contentent yet. I don't get it.

>> No.16987114

Yeah it's a punishment. MC just rekt one of his friend. I bet he is not too happy about it. MC wanted to move up the corporate ladder and he didn't want him to have it.

>> No.16987139

I'll be the edgelord contrarian to say that I didn't like it. The premise is good, but it felt too much like a book because it was explaining everything half the time either through narration or flashbacks.
But that's probably because the source material was a book and they tried to put """everything""" into the movie. They should've just picked their spots or just changed some things so the movie wasn't just summarizing the book then jamming everything in the last 20mins for a conclusion.

>> No.16987153

He was an destructive element to keep around. Big boss was corrupt as well and having whistleblowers is a liability when he wants to do bad things. I also think this was a commentary on the Japanese corporate hierarchy of respecting your elders and not fucking the chain of command up even if they were doing the wrong things.

>> No.16987160

Great film with great actors. If Japan does anything extremely well it's these slice-of-life movies.

>> No.16987197

Anyone know where I could find a download for Detroit Metal City please?

>> No.16987867

I might be using this term incorrectly but I think it's the sense of "mono-no-aware" they've honed over the centuries.
I've seen the anime and it had that kind of feeling, but has anyone seen the live action Fune wo Amu? Is there a good rip of it out there?

>> No.16988127

Just finished My Boss, My Hero. It was pretty good fun too

>> No.16988315

Are there any "dark comedy"J Dramas? I'm looking for something with the tone of the US version of Wilfred or BoJack Horseman.

>> No.16988637

There's a BDrip of it on AvistaZ

>> No.16988758

The same fucking encode is on nyaa and is still being seeded by 3 people you fucking retarded sekrit klub cocksucker.

>> No.16988794


>> No.16988815

And the nyaa mirrors/database doesn't work for shit

>> No.16988900


>> No.16988984
File: 2.91 MB, 640x360, 1494194056341.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't stop watching the news

>> No.16989583

Does anyone know of a website to stream live japanese tv? It can be of anything where people are speaking japanese, it should just be a constant stream of content. I'm having a hard time finding anything thats still up, thanks.

>> No.16989873

Yeah, Fune wo Amu was very good.
And Avistaz.

>> No.16990499



>> No.16991490

Calm down, mate. Nyaa is down so why would I bother to check. Maybe one day you'll be able to join too.

>> No.16992137

Thanks bb.

>> No.16992303

Nyaa has a bunch of mirrors and archives you stuipd fuck.
And how the fuck do you think I knew it was the same encode, retard?

>> No.16992328

what ever happened to this actress?

>> No.16992458

Still alive. Her career on the other hand
From what I remember is she tried to unilaterally transfer to another (new?) management company which is a big no no and got black listed. She's still posting on her blog last time I checked.

>> No.16992533

Why is transferring to a new company bad?

>> No.16993447

her manager (her mom) had created a company on her own and tried to sell items based on nonen's popularity without her agency's approval. then told nonen to quit that agency. of course that resulted in backlash from the agency (they cancelled all her cm contracts and any bookings on dramas and tv shows). so she instantly vanished from the public eye. shes reappeared under the name "non".

>> No.16994317

>spanish subs only
no me gusta

>> No.16995156

She's recently resurfaced in ad for LINE.


We'll see if it's a real 'comeback' or not soon enough I guess. It's unfortunate what happened with her but it's clear she (and her mum) let the ASADORA go to her head too much. In fairness, the subsequent shows haven't had the same level of buzz around them, but she was never 'big' enough to make it outside of the system.

>> No.16996337

This 中川絵美里 girl looks breddy cute!

>> No.16998145

I just watched wood job and really liked it - anything similar?

>> No.17006716
File: 13 KB, 480x360, mig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vermilion Pleasure Night EP 1


>> No.17006783
File: 72 KB, 320x180, 10826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and what is about THE IDOLM@STER.KR ?

>> No.17007106
File: 69 KB, 1262x500, matango.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make a point to watch this if you have not.

This really holds up. What an atmosphere!

>> No.17007373

Thanks for this, I watched it all in one sitting, loved it.

>> No.17007763

Was Nanimono any good? Also, where the hell can I download it? I haven't seen it show up on Avistaz.

>> No.17007766

She looks korean.

>> No.17007846

Besides this qt mc, the movie was pretty average

>> No.17007955

Watched it because I saw it mentioned ITT, and yeah I think it's pretty good. Episode quality is slightly inconsistent but when the director's good it's great, the actors are all really good.

>> No.17008231 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 283x400, The_World_of_Kanako_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The movie is briliant in the sense that it comeplety understands how emasculated Japan as a society is which only deteriated the family unit in Japan after ww2. Men have lost any idea sadly for knowing how to love their duaghters and wives which has lead to women in Japan using sex for power and money while having no self respect becauze they themselves have never truly been loved properly by the tragic men of japanese society.

Japanese cinema these last 10 years is so damn nighlistic and self reflecting to the point where every dorector and writter Japan is almost a dead or dying nation with no going back.

Kanako was just so fucking brutal.
It blames both japanese men and women not knowing how to show or understand what love is. World of Kanako was the most ''"super flat"'' movie ever made to this day in Jaapanese cinema.

The movie came off as a sequal of a series with its introduction, but this could just be ironic story telling of a desperate father thinking this was his second chance in life to earn his family back.

Ill be starting a website of my own for films like these.
It was sad and a story that a large portion of Japamese fathers hearts would break over.

>> No.17008263 [DELETED] 
File: 219 KB, 300x386, the-world-of-kanako-blu-ray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The father is suppose to be the reperesentation of all Japanese men in modern Japanese society. A tragic idiot who didnt know how to show he cared because he in turn was never taught how to be a man by the last generation which also used Japanese women as disposable objects.

Hes someone to be pittied and empathize with rather than blamed fully for at the same time women of Japan also have taken advamtagr of the systems collapse of a traftional household anf marrige.

[Spoiler/]hes seen trying to dig up his dead daughter to fix the mistake of failing her as a father just so he can kill her as she is the same mistakes he made. This is a metaphore for that if Japanese men dont lead the way to moral and societal change than its too late to save the daughters of Japan and women as a whole in Japan. You see the teacher first laughing at how insaine the father is to actually looking for his duaghter in a baraon snow storm saying shes alive, but then her luaghter turns into a real sadness as she starts to cry her eyes out realizing how much of a fuck up tue father is yet still wants to save his daughter from the desestruction of herself and everyone around her, since he feels responsible for how he never showed her to love or love herself. Its a sad movie that pretty much says Japan is dead and thwres nothing they can do for this generation but to somehow start over in a cold icey Japan. Japanese men still keep going even after all the mortal wounds people inflict on them and themselves in their society, but the woman is already dead as the rrmaining women weep for the disaster they caused on thelsevles and men in regret and age. [\spoiler]

>> No.17008285

Sounds like another attempt to be like hypermasculine gaijins by pointing out the "inadequacies" of Japanese man.

How about something else for a change?

>> No.17010003 [DELETED] 

The Japanese men arent inadiquate, but rather the movie highlights the ignima and complex that is Japan.

This is the self naration of Japanese society. This is what film is about. This is what the director showcases. If you cant take the heat than dont hop inti thr Japanese frying pan.

The message of the movie isnt hard to picl up on if yourr familiar with japanese culture and super flat.

If you your own interpritation by all means share. Calling someone out as if the person is ridiculing a cwrtian group while not offering your own narative isnt acomplishing anything in a counter argument.

>> No.17010042

Please don't post on 4chan on your phone. It's excruciating to decipher what you're saying.

>> No.17012173
File: 97 KB, 638x900, Theletterposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this recently. This is pretty good.

>> No.17014879

It was intended to be a Shakespearean tragedy.

>> No.17022905

What is it?

>> No.17023185 [DELETED] 

That is the orginal adaptation of the same man that made HOUSE 1979.

Hes a genious witha lot of movies just like that one released. I suggest School in the Cross Hairs aka The Ained Highchool.

Its better than that one. Pretty mellow dramatic. I own a fe compues of each movie. Working on putchasing the movie rites for distribution.

>> No.17023198 [DELETED] 

It was popular with children like Godzilla. Its suppose to be the same universe.

Most of America received an english afaptation dubbing back in the day I beleive.

>> No.17025114

It is a movie about the protagonist being discriminated by society because his brother is a criminal.

>> No.17026407

any cool gangster movies or dark movies? I've seen most of Miike's movies, tried watching Sonatine but it was extremely slow for my tastes

>> No.17027939

japanese is not for lewd!

>> No.17030478

Any other recommendations like this one? Havent watched a lot of jdramas (new to it, other thing watched was gto 2012) but I kinda liked this. Especially liked baba's acting

>> No.17031197
File: 2.95 MB, 640x360, Tokyo Tarareba Musume.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17031270
File: 142 KB, 1400x927, 1494133047099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic unrelated.

Take responsibility, I just watched this. I NEED MOAR LIKE THIS.

>> No.17033365

Recommend me feel-good shows/movies please. Need a pick me up

+ Bonus if there's cute girls

>> No.17034611

Juhan Shuttai

>> No.17034887

Operation: proposal; tumbling

>> No.17034896

My little lover

>> No.17034938 [DELETED] 
File: 154 KB, 1341x571, the parting of the lake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah there were two slightly different endings (which were both a kick in the balls)
one for palefaces and one for slopes.

>> No.17035584


Why Dont You Play in Hell is good if youve not already.

>> No.17035610
File: 90 KB, 670x377, tokyo-vampire-hotel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


cant wait

>> No.17038605

usually im anti-streaming but i've found its bretty comfy laying down in bed and watching dramas on your phone. is there any place better than kissasian?

>> No.17039502


>> No.17042749

I usually am as well, but a fair bit of non-toku J-Dramas I've watched have been on Crunchyroll or Netflix - they're the only way I can get subs that have been competently done. Most fansubs either have shitty fonts, practices like adding in websites or names during CM breaks or the title screen, poor timing, or have been done by people who are ESL.

>> No.17045790

Yeah, official streams are the only time I bother with streaming. I had a CR subscription for a while cause they were bringing over jdrama. But sadly they stopped so I had to cancel. I wish jdrama got the kind of support kdramas do

>> No.17049460
File: 2.36 MB, 320x287, 1462110976594.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody's subbed Cutie Honey Tears


>> No.17049669

What's the best place to go now that nyaa is dead? I want to watch more Boku, Unmei no Hito

>> No.17049891

Avistaz. Or if you don't mind Chinese hardcoded subs for Boku Unmei, Google zhuixinfan. They put episodes up around 24 hours after it airs, which is super fast.

>> No.17050137

Kissasian? It's at ep 5 now. Btw is this show good? Dropped it 15 mins in

>> No.17051672

The DoA encodes are also put up on acngx.se and nyaa.si

And now that I mention it, it really annoys me how AvistaZ is now only getting these crappy AOZ encodes and then subbers are using those for their script files. Bloody hell, those encodes are so obviously inferior to DoA and then the scripts don't time well with DoA.

>> No.17051820
File: 742 KB, 1280x1024, mpc-hc 2016-11-06 04-47-57-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah they weren't very good. This coming from someone who usually likes live action adaptions.

>> No.17051832

>tfw 269 up and 304 down
I fucked up.

If I ever want to binge download again I'll just donate though, I feel like I've used the sites quite enough for them to deserve some money, especially the porn sister site.

>> No.17051863

It's worth a try looking online for subs that have been retimed.
I had the same issue with Quartet, where the subs weren't timed properly to the DoA encodes, but someone retimed them and uploaded them on one of those subtitle hosting sites.

>> No.17052245

Where the heck did my Daimajin post go?

>> No.17052276

I'll keep that in mind for the future, thanks.

>> No.17052395


deleted by the janitors for sucking

>> No.17052734
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, Kodoku no Gurume - 03x02.mkv_snapshot_21.10_[2017.05.15_00.46.40].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am enjoying a lot KnGourmet there also another comfy doramas to see in the night? also other movies/series from Taniguchi?

>> No.17054158
File: 1000 KB, 1920x804, Rage2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Rage/Ikari, which I really enjoyed. The movie has some stunning visuals too (I forgot how pretty Okinawa can be, pic related). Unfortunately, the pacing kind of fell apart in the end and dragged out for far too long. Still a good movie though, with great performances from the star-studded cast.

>> No.17054198

Just stumbled on Paradise Kiss on netflix. Is this any good fit someone who liked the manga?

>> No.17054729

Not really. Acting was really bad.

>> No.17055327

Does anybody know where I can get the soundtrack for Itsuka Kono Koi wo Omoidashite Kitto Naiteshimau? Not the vocal tracks but just the orchestral and piano pieces.

>> No.17055731

fucking gook

>> No.17056782

Hey, thanks for posting that OP.
Just watched Flying Colours and really enjoyed it, I could relate to the study nonsense and I feel inspired.

>> No.17056831

If CR died so would a lot of fansub groups since most of them just edit CR subs these days.

I'm with you on editing subs in Aegisub. I actually wanted to properly sub some shows but it was way to much work to find others interested and I don't understand enough jap to be a TL.

>> No.17056848

Watch Orange Days if you haven't It made me warm and fuzzy inside :3

>> No.17057012
File: 113 KB, 670x864, swing girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything by Yaguchi Shinobu or Suo Masayuki (of course excluding his pink films)

>> No.17057257
File: 57 KB, 640x267, eureka1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I ever going to watch a movie this great again? I'm not sure if it's even possible.

>> No.17057281

>3 hours and 38 minutes
too long to watch

>> No.17057287
File: 16 KB, 400x167, eureka_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And every second was perfect, I bet you haven't even watched kagemusha.

>> No.17057296

i'm sorry to say i've only watched one film by Kurosawa and it was shit.

>> No.17057306
File: 52 KB, 640x360, Amachan Episode 1 - Watch Amachan Episode 1 online in high quality.MP4_snapshot_09.45_[2017.05.21_20.24.52].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amachan is very comfy and easy to watch. Episodes are only 15 minutes, so the 156 episodes are actually 52 normal length eps. The show strays from the roots at some point in a pretty ridiculous way but the ending is very touching and emotional. Watching Haruko and Natsu-bappa mend their relationship is somehow healing. I think you'll especially enjoy it if you watch it during summer.

>> No.17057317

Unless you're a movie and history nut or have a crush on toshiro mifune he's very overrated. Kagemush is legit 10/10 though, very well filmed and a ton of cool choreography and play on colours; the plot is pretty decent too.
Other than that Ran and Seven Samurai are worthwhile but a little longer than they should've been.

>> No.17057344

The only nip film to capture my attention for that long was Love Exposure.

>> No.17058134

As.. Sola Aoi?

You mean someone is playing the real-life JAV actress?
That's pretty meta.

>> No.17058322

She had a successful movie with Hot Road post Amachan but that was before the whole mess with leaving the company she was at.

Recently she had a resurgence thanks to due to surprise hit animate film 'In This Corner of the World'. Movie was literally a crowdfunded film with a total budget of 2 mil, ended up being a hit in theaters doing close to 20 mil. With it being a hit and winning awards, it's gotten Non/Rena Nonen back on TV with interviews, which lead to her getting CM/Ads recently. Who knows if this will translate to getting hired for Drama/movie work, if not at least she can do VA for animated movies, she's pretty good at it.

>> No.17058358

Hope it's good, it's been awhile since Sono made something I would consider good, Love & Peace being his last good work. Haven't seen Antiporno since it hasn't come out yet.

>> No.17058501

>In This Corner of the World
based MAPPA

I've thoroughly enjoyed nearly everything they've put out except the 2nd season of the Garo anime. Now that was bad, even for a post-Kouga Garo.

>> No.17059781

what're some popular shows in japan?

>> No.17059956


>> No.17069562

local dvd store has insane stock. if u dl u suck

>> No.17069697

>he doesnt have access to free stuff

>> No.17070383

If you don't mind streaming, it's on kissasian. It's a great movie, I've watched it like 5 times. Way better than the source material, even.

>> No.17070914
File: 2.86 MB, 640x360, 1495551898607.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17072192
File: 121 KB, 1155x1732, Hanel-Choi-Photography-Lauren-Tsai-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been binge watching terrace house on netflix, finished a couple days ago, there are more eps on nf japan but cant be bothered to find a proxy, it's pretty normie but I'm hooked on this shit

>> No.17075196

Anything like Liar Game? Didnt like the korean one tho

>> No.17075377

Any good yuri dramas out there? Subs or not.

>> No.17081568

Can someone make another thread? I wish these were more frequent.

>> No.17082341

Transit Girls

Should be subs floating around somewhere

>> No.17082351 [DELETED] 

It took 2 and a half months to reach bump limit. There's a reason they're not so frequent. You can make a thread if you want.

>> No.17082358

It took 1 and a half months to reach bump limit. There's a reason they're not so frequent. You can make a thread if you want.
