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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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16833909 No.16833909 [Reply] [Original]


It's finally out.

>> No.16833942 [DELETED] 

Nothing but tits.

>> No.16833944

It's nothing but tits.

>> No.16836040

It's been out since August 2016 but Maikaze has been taking down every reprint in sight, making every reprint attempt not lasting more than one week. I recommand to grab this one as soon as possible, as I don't know if the circle is still active in taking down reprints.

>> No.16836196

But it's still shit.

>> No.16836909

I want to receive a running hug from Remi too.

>> No.16836910

Anyone got a link to 2.5?

>> No.16837266

Everytime I hear Marisa speak with Sawashiro's voice it makes me wish I was deaf.

>> No.16837552

People like you think everything is shit, no matter what. Why don't you just kill yourself?

>> No.16837594

They really had to go straight out with Sakuya's Jojo reference, didn't they? They couldn't have made it more subtle.

>> No.16837607

This is kind of interesting. Is there a link with the previous episodes subtitled?

Marisa's voice is way unfitting though

>> No.16837649

Is marisa a tranny or an old lady pretending to be young in those ? Goddamn.

>> No.16837957

Does anyone know anything about the production circumstances of this series? Tokine is credited with direction, art direction, animation direction, storyboarding and writing, and he also composed the music and sung the OPs. He is a ZUN-like renaissance man if that's true, but who did all the other production work? And why does Touhou doujin anime seem to not attract any real attention (that I've seen), no matter how high quality it is?

>> No.16838251

Is this the same episode as one of the previous eps, or have there been unsubbed releases before? As I'm sure I remember seeing basically the entire episode before, and I didn't see any parts that I really felt were new footage, and I'm really not sure why?

>> No.16838345

Because those have a gross tendency to go full fanfiction, rather than adapting what the fans know and love. Memories of Phantasm started out strong by following PCB's storyline (if rushing it a little) more or less accurately, then dropped the ball hard with the EoSD episodes. A Summer Day's Dream was fanfiction to start with, and licensed VAs aren't good enough to save it.

If you really don't want to adapt the core games' stories, there's the side games. If you don't want to do those, there's several manga of differing flavours. If you don't want those, there's a bunch of print works to choose and pick from. When I watch a Touhou animation, I expect Touhou, not some Japanese schmuck's wet yuri fantasy.

>> No.16838433
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You're so cute when you're strict, anon. I'm taking you home!

>> No.16838671

I'd rather see an original story than an adaptation of official material. By your logic you must dislike any doujin manga. Why should animation be different?

>> No.16840547

>Because those have a gross tendency to go full fanfiction, rather than adapting what the fans know and love
>Memories of Phantasm started out strong by following PCB's storyline (if rushing it a little) more or less accurately, then dropped the ball hard with the EoSD episodes
What a contradiction. Memories of Phantasm gets shit for trying to adapt existing stories but going off the rails because there isn't enough content to fill the episodes. They would've been far better off creating a unique story, but considering their main flaw is that they have poor writers, that isn't a particularly good idea for them either. Their strength is in the plotless action-heavy PVs that just have cool shit happening for them to animate.

>> No.16841165

I can't wait for >>16838345 to find out about doujinshi and fangames.

>> No.16841195
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I'd rather see an original story following the touhou canon. Lots of personalities have been clearly conveyed and there's no yuri. I think the person you're responding has a pretty natural opinion to have. They like Touhou for what it is and dislikes extreme meddling.

>> No.16841219

Is there anywhere to dl all the episodes (1-3) that isn't shitty youtube?

>> No.16841220

Why, yes, I do dislike fanworks that blatantly ignore the established canon while being neither porn nor parody/AU. Why do you ask?

>> No.16841231

Their opinion is pretty strict actually, and where is this yuri stuff coming from? I don't remember such things in either fanimations, but then again I haven't watched either in a while so what do I know.
Either way: he's flat out saying "I want an animated Touhou derivative work that's an official material but animated, anything less is shit"

If you go into fanworks expecting them to strictly adhere to official lore then getting upset and deeming them shit when they don't, I'm sorry but you're honestly an idiot.
Someone like that just comes off as an elitist who doesn't know how to separate canon and fanon and find themselves able to enjoy them separately.
You may as well just give up Touhou fanworks (music, comics, games), maybe even Touhou entirely and never enter a discussion on anything fan related, lest you a blow a gasket.

>> No.16841248

>If you go into fanworks expecting them to strictly adhere to official lore
If you go into fanworks that make every pretence of being adaptations of the games, and find them rather shamelessly inserting the authors' personal fantasies into what otherwise WOULD be a somewhat faithful adaptation, then that fucking sucks.

Nothing against fanworks that don't pretend to be adaptations and just do their own thing using the setting. I loved Tempest, for instance, and I regularly jack it to 2hu porn. What's so hard to understand?

>> No.16841274

>If you go into fanworks that make every pretence of being adaptations of the games
If you go by that, then not even the first episode of Memories of Phantasm was never even close to what it was in canon.
Why was Aya there? How come Reimu got to skip straight through stages 1-5, why no battle against Cirno, Letty, Cirno, Alice, Lily, or the Prismrivers? Where was the battle against the Yakumos? How come Sakuya did absolutely nothing?
The whole thing took extreme (and actually unnecessary with Aya's inclusion) liberties left and right from the very beginning, despite this >>16838345 even said it was okay.
There was never some sort of strict adaption, I guess it's hard to understand what your point is when the rules are so bent around to your will.

>> No.16841284
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>> No.16841455

"More or less." It was nowhere near the headcanon-ridden clusterfuck the EoSD episodes were. It was watchable. As opposed to some other pseudo-adaptations.

>> No.16841466

So all their money went to getting voice actors because they knew the shit animation and godawful plot wouldn't carry that trainwreck.

>> No.16841601

"More or less."
I would say it was about all less considering that it should be a 1:1 adaptation of PCB by your rules, and wouldn't it have been shit since it didn't follow them?v It being watchable doesn't change that. It's pretty much on the same level of "headcanon" and "fanfiction" as the EoSD episodes and later ones for the reasons stated above, specifically adding a character to the story who wasn't even introduced until later in Touhou Project.
Just saying "it was watchable" just says to me that you only think it's okay if you like it.

I think we're getting off track arguing these semantics, bottom line is that it's stupid to ask for a fanimation to remake the official materials 1:1. Have you ever even heard of an adaptation of anything to anything (comic to cartoon, LN to anime for example) that is exactly by the numbers? Because most (and I say most because I've honestly never known one) of the time, they take liberties.
Memories of Phantasm was never even close to 1:1 from the very beginning, the only thing I learned from watching them is that they're just fanservice, by fans and for fans.

>> No.16841636

And then they miscast and misdirected them, to the point where even the A-list actors sound like shit.

>> No.16841780 [DELETED] 

>Inoue Kikuko is really Yukari

>> No.16841801

>Endo Aya as Yukari
Nah, that's Koumajou Densetsu 2.

Inoue Kikuko is Yukari here according to the credits.

>> No.16842210

>I'd rather see an original story following the touhou canon.

>> No.16845577

/jp/ sure doesn't like Touhou fanworks, even when they are high quality like ASDD. Maybe it's because this place is just full of ledditor tourists. There really is nothing otaku about this place.

>> No.16845596

This, I need to see what the fuck happened with Youmu and Reisen

>> No.16845691

Feel free to fuck off anytime.

>> No.16845734

Take a chill pill, nigger

>> No.16845743

what's with the humongous titties

>> No.16845751

/jp/ began being obsessed with the notion of being a "primary" ages ago even though the people who they deride as secondaries and produce secondary content usually know more than them and occasionally get invited out by ZUN himself to talk about Touhou Project. What you see today is the end result of self-consuming elitism.

>> No.16845785
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Who is this /jp/ person and why are you unironically using words like ledditor?

>> No.16845791

/jp/ isn't a person
I can't even tell if this is sarcasm or irony or what

>> No.16845803

how many people are in the circle? Assuming one episode of anime costs $150,000 on average (and the animation isn't bad here), the circle would still be spending more than $400 per day to produce one episode per year.

>> No.16845812

idk but it probably didn't cost that much
as if, look at the animation tricks they use (minimal animation, e.g. alice standing frozen for a few seconds, or the 3d cg door when alice enters marisa's house)
i think maybe $60000 more realistic? then again its still well made (and circle would still be spending $160/day for one ep per year)

>> No.16845818
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Yes! /jp/ is a lost cause! Please return to whatever you came from!

>> No.16845820
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>> No.16845843

I was here first, so no.

>> No.16846046

How does any of that turn you into a primary? lol
Being mainly attracted to the main games and gitting gud at them is what makes you a primary, nothing more.

>> No.16846064

Cripes, mate, if you're just going to put arguments in my mouth, then there's no way I can respond in a constructive fashion. Way to kill the discussion. Fucking killjoy.

>> No.16846634
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>> No.16847359

Some of those subs are...not good.

>That's strange, is there a reason why that person must do a thing like such?

I can barely understand what that means but no one talks like that.

>> No.16847852
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Not that guy but considering more than one person has said your logic is bizarre and faulty, maybe you shouldn't say dumb things like Phantasm pretended to be a "faithful" adaptation of the games. It's always been a fanwork, and never pretended to be anything else.

Why are you even bringing up yuri as if its been a problem or shoved everywhere in either series? The only thing that was even remotely close was Cirno and Big Fairy in the weird Soku spinoff. This makes it seem like your problem is just the content of the fanwork (which is perfectly fine) but you're trying to pass it off as being some bigger issue with doujin works in general (which is retarded). It really seems like you're using it as an excuse because you think it's forcing yuri or something and you don't like that. As someone told you, PCB was already riddled with headcanons and different interpretations of the events of the game, and even cut out basically 2/3 of the game's actual content and fights. Phantasm loosely follows the games structures but very obviously goes off the rails in every episode because they wanted to make a longer story.

I feel like I'm looking at that dumb "heres CANON Alice vs FANON Alice" image again, where the "CANON" side is taking just as much liberties with the character and interpreting her in an inconsistent way as well.

I don't know if you're aware but any fanwork is going to take liberties with characters. Isn't Summer Dream an "original story following touhou canon"? Goldfish Bowl is a story most people here (including myself) seem to like and it takes liberties, particularly with Ran. If you're putting characters into non-canon situations each character is going to react in a way that the author thinks they would, which might not match up with your own personal interpretation of the character. The most interesting "original work" is going to push a character into an uncomfortable situation or look at Gensokyo in a different light. Hell the best parts of the official mangas are when characters are forced into doing things they don't want to, or when entirely new concepts and information are introduced into Gensokyo's lore.

Take Reimu for an example. Reimu is probably the most fleshed-out and "well-defined" personality in Touhou. And yet people still have wildly different interpretations of her as a character. Even in official works she acts different enough between them, compare say, Reimu in WaHH versus Reimu in FS. If you were to write a story about Reimu and wanted to keep it "close to canon" you'd likely have to strip her down to her most basic characteristics. To say nothing of the characters who are less developed than Reimu, of which there are a lot. If you try to write a story about most of them you're not going to have much to work on. Just look at Flandre, who is one of the most popular characters in the series by far.

The things "most fans know and love" is likely heavily influenced by their own headcanons and interpretations of characters. Look at the stupid shitstorm over Ran a few months ago where people didn't even know what a shikigami was before ZUN reiterated it. Look at Alice. Touhou is a series where ZUN has intentionally given a framework of characters to enjoy so people can come up with their own ideas and make their own material, and thats not going to change. Literally every doujin work is filled with headcanons and differential interpretations. That's what most fans like and want, and why its so popular. There's no romance in Touhou, straight or yuri. Sanae and Aya aren't cockhounds.

It's dumb to answer the question "why don't people pay Touhou doujin anime attention" with "those have a gross tendency to go full fanfiction, rather than adapting what the fans know and love". All fans have different likes and dislikes. All doujin material is fanfiction. "Original material following canon" is fanfiction, it doesn't matter how closely you think you're hitting canon personalities, its still your own story.

The real answer to that guys question is because there are very few Touhou doujin anime compared to the massive amount of print works. If you don't like some "popular" manga writer like Zounose for example, you're free to ignore it and go through plenty of other doujins. If you don't like Phantasm or Summer Dream you're kind of out of luck as far as high quality/long animations go.

You're free to not like a fanwork because it isn't pandering to your own interests. That's perfectly normal. I think most doujins that feature new male OCs are dumb. I want stories about actual Touhou characters. As >>16840547 said people tend not to like Phantasm because it goes off the rails which is perfectly fine. But don't act like its anything more than your own personal preference.

As an aside I agree that a Touhou anime that is basically just banter and then fight scenes would be cool. So would an adaptation of the official mangas. I'd enjoy seeing it a lot.

>> No.16848034
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tl;dr: "I'm a secondary therefore everyone else is as well!"

>> No.16848179

So what's with people hating Sawashiro as Marisa?

>> No.16848214


>> No.16848619

Or maybe I understand that fanworks are fanworks, don't expect them to be a 1:1 adaptation, and that not all fanworks are meant to appeal to me personally. It's not hard to make that distinction. Sorry if you think everyone agrees with you but not everyone shares the same opinion of what's good and what isn't.

Nice reading comprehension. I've played the games and keep up with the mangas which you somehow didn't understand. Sorry if not sperging out about some fanwank doujin anime makes me a "secondary".

>> No.16848971

OK, here it is in simple terms:
1) Works like Memories of Phantasm give the impression of being based on the plots of the games.
2) The fans who pursue Memories of Phantasm likely expect the episodes to "more or less" follow the plot accurately.
3) When they go off-the-rails, fans are disappointed. Yes, they can still be enjoyed on their own merits, but for many the initial broken impression will have soured the experience.
4) Works the like of A Summer Day's Dream do NOT follow a canon plot, and are instead following an original storyline.
5) However, A Summer Day's Dream is still set in Gensokyo, which creates certain expectations - like characters acting like their canon selves, or rules (like Spell Card rules, or rules of magic) being followed. They don't, and rules aren't. Thus, people are disappointed.

Compare that to animations like Touhou HakureiSou, which are so completely removed from the canon they can easily get away with inaccurate portrayals, and indeed do so. I haven't seen anybody seriously criticise HakureiSou's apparent non-canonicity, because the sheer idea is ridiculous. As it should be.

>> No.16849248
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It's not Marisa's canon voice.

>> No.16849814

None are. Your point?

>> No.16849905

It was a joke. Mocking people complaining about canon.

>> No.16849965

I think Remi's a little too bubbly.

>> No.16850025

After watching 2.5 I felt like the series was going to lead into th13. I don't think it would do it's own thing.

also them tits though.

>> No.16850614

She's so cute and endearing in this that I overlook it.

>> No.16850662

Holy shit dude, learn how to summarize.

>> No.16851150

I just simply can't stand Sawashiro's voice in general, be it Marisa or not.

>> No.16851467

All this secondary shit is annoying as fuck.

You wanna talk canon? Then let's talk canon.

Flandre is a bigger hikki (not NEET; most 2hus are technically NEETs) than Kaguya, who speaks formally and is perfectly capable of casual conversation.
Remilia is more childish than she would seem, and also probably a Jojo fan (recall that Sakuya has time powers, and the Bread question; it's likely that Remilia discovered Jojo after the internet started existing and after she had hired Sakuya, however, since the SD was Outside until 2002)
Yuuka's not a homicidal dickbag; she just has a /pol/lack's sense of humour (that is to say, a shit one)
Yukari is not too 'whimsical'; almost every 'whim' of hers is planned, and on occasions where she doesn't do something it's because she's a lazy bitch.
Reimu has a love-hate relationship with youkai; she hates them showing up at their shrine because they scare away human visitors, and they love her parties/tea time
Momiji fucking hates Aya, who is ambivalent towards Hatate although she sees her as a rival, who is actually a trustworthy Tengu when it comes to news (relatively)
Nitori is a greedy bitch who is too socially awkward to let out her greedy bitchy side most of the time, and also potentially actually kills humans of Gensokyo without Reimu's knowledge (it's possible the ball she held in HM was not a shirikodama, but are you going to take that bet?)
Kourin is a fucking asshole who deserves to be beaten to a bitter pulp, not some kind shopkeeper who will help any outsider
Meiling is actually the closest to her fanon portrayal, honestly, but only because ZUN actually made her act like that
Shinmyoumaru is technically a subspecies of human, her ancestor being the main human character of a Japanese folk tale (the One Inch Boy)
The Dragon God likely refers to the Yellow Dragon from Chinese mythology, and as such is probably doing more important things than watching over Gensokyo right now, like running the universe alongside all other gods of other pantheons.
Speaking of that, other pantheon gods exist, as evidenced by Hecatia who is technically a greek goddess, and those other pantheons are probably way more powerful than Gensokyo's Youkai.

That's not even the half of it.

>> No.16851592

That post took like 3 minutes to read.

>> No.16851600

>Then let's talk canon.
>and also probably
>and as such is probably doing

>> No.16851646

So... we can pretty much do what ever we want in fan works then?

>> No.16851747

Well yes, they're fan works

>> No.16855325
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Any news regarding the Hifuu Sealing Club Anime?

There was an event recently in Taipei, but I could not attend.

>> No.16855400
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Tell me how Sagume's power works.

>> No.16855403

If she says "I am alive" she will die.

>> No.16855409
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What are Sekibanki's 10 desires?

>> No.16855472

Sekibanki is not a giraffe, damnit.

>> No.16855736
File: 155 KB, 500x291, 1490689464123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/lack's sense of humour (that is to say, a shit one)
I agree to disagree.
Can someone try to edit Cirno's face into the image? My editing skills isn't good enough.

>> No.16855948

You disgust me.

>> No.16856111

It must be nice living a life devoid of humor and challenging opinions.

>> No.16856386

It must be shit being a baka who thinks that anyone would find that at all funny, let alone lacking the basic image manipulation that one develops by spending any reasonable amount of time on imageboards to do what you requested - let alone realizing that making requests like that is a pretty good indicator that one is a giant fucking cunt. Flipping heck the heck out of here you triple dumb.

>> No.16857085

When she talks about something, "the wheel of fortune turns over" for that something.

Let's say you plan to go fishing tomorrow, in an area that contains whales. You have a 99% chance of catching a regular fish, and a 1% chance of catching a whale.
If Sagume talks about your fishing trip, then that gets flipped - you now have a 1% chance of catching a regular fish, and a 99% chance of catching a whale.
If Sagume talked about a fishing trip you had yesterday, then nothing would happen. Likewise, she can't make a whale show up if there aren't any whales in the area to begin with.

>> No.16859777
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Whoa there, chillax, bakanon. Not everyone is out to get you.
Trust me, I used to act like you a long time ago, flipping my shit at anything that I find even remotely irritating, that is until I learned how to take it easy and find humor in everything via meditation.
Peace, anon.
