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File: 116 KB, 500x712, Akuma Family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16803162 No.16803162 [Reply] [Original]

What are you reading? Untranslated or translated, both are welcome. Last thread will die soon.

>> No.16803450
File: 114 KB, 1356x1055, Cast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone wondering, this is a fantasy version of Angel Densetsu.

>> No.16809116

When does the sequel to Shuumatsu happen chronologically?
After of before Willem comes back?

>> No.16811465

Started Boogiepop. I like it so far.

>> No.16816404


>> No.16816568

Just finished 狼と香辛料VI. I guess next I will read volume seven.

>> No.16820332

Danmachi volume 7

>> No.16820350

I've been reading Mondaiji while waiting for the lastest Overlord volume to arrive.

I'd forgotten how fun this series was.

>> No.16820464
File: 121 KB, 574x800, Ningen_4_Bunkobon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This one. It's very meh, it's as if Nisio just had this list of random scenes that didin't make it into Zaregoto or Ningen, and cobbled up four novels out of them. Quite short by his standards, still feels very padded.

>> No.16820555

can someone give me a recommendation on a good LN to get started with? i've never tried them

>> No.16820563


>> No.16820597
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Unbreakable Machine-doll

>> No.16821645
File: 563 KB, 1135x1600, p037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been buying LNs on sale since I started learning moon.
So I tried reading 近すぎる彼らの、十七歳の遠い関係 but I'm not good enough yet.
Translated one I'm currently reading would be The Faraway Paladin.

>> No.16821666

mah nigga

>> No.16821719


>learning moon
same here. i'm still very early into it so i'd need furigana to make sense of anything. any LN series that use furigana?

>> No.16821731
File: 795 KB, 500x278, tumblr_muta9texrZ1rmf97co1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think any LN series uses furigana frequently the way some manga do.

It's mostly pretty inconsistent.

>> No.16821976

It's not full furigana like in many manga, but Eromanga Sensei has a really high amount of furigana. I'm assuming Oreimo would be similiar, since it's by the same author and publisher.

>> No.16822222

A lot of books have furigana for "obscure" words, but I don't think there are any with full furigana like you see in manga. Also, try asking in DJT.

>> No.16822286

Kusuriya no hitorigoto

>> No.16822372

DJT has a bunch of LNs online so you can use rikai if you can't read any of it.

>> No.16822539

Terrible habit to pick up, Rikaisama isn't supposed to be used as a crutch unless you don't want to learn Japanese.

>> No.16822673

It's exactly the same thing as using a dictionary, just 100 times faster.

>> No.16822712

Is there any free VPN that I can use for like 10 seconds to buy from amazon? All the ones on Google seems to be paid services

>> No.16822720

You don't need a VPN, any random Japanese proxy will do.

>> No.16822793

Hm, alright. I installed one of those Chrome proxy add-ons and it seems to work. The proxies I found on Google don't seem to though. Well two of the "Japanese" ones worked but they gave me Canadian locations

>> No.16822833

You don't need any sort of proxy or VPN to buy from Amazon, though.

>> No.16822843

I'm pretty sure you do need to use one the first time you make an account. Or at least I remember having to do that a long time ago.

>> No.16823020

Hey friends,

So Im here to bring you another WN I've recently found:

It's romance that reminds me of Uchi no Musume. The writing is very advanced, and even Im occasionally having trouble understanding the structure.

Im only on chapter 5 so far, but it's shaping up to be pretty exciting. Even if no conflict appears, though I believe there will be soon, Im content reading these beautiful descriptions of character.

>> No.16823054

Where is this advanced writing you're speaking of? I got interested and the first chapter was just the usual boring plain isekai trite with short sentences.

I don't really understand why anyone would read amateur and often unedited WNs over LNs. Even the Mushoku Tensei LN is much better than the WN. I guess being free is the only reason

>> No.16823061

Hi, I think I remember you from the previous thread.

If you're not interested, that's fine. I suppose we have different ideas of what constitutes good writing.
And if you're trolling, you're going to have to do a better job.

>> No.16823088

No you don't, you're just suffering from boogeyman paranoia.

Anyways, you said advanced, not good. Your reviews aren't helpful if you just straight up lie to people. This wouldn't fall under good either if you really want to go there, as said it's the awfully generic writing you find in every other narou novel.

>> No.16823099


No thanks.

>> No.16823119

Try harder

>> No.16823123

Not an argument.

>> No.16823150

Classic. You'll need better bait than that

>> No.16823167

I think it's clear that you're just insecure and can't handle anyone calling out your bullshit without starting to spout "lol u troll" constantly.

>> No.16823264

Stop responding to him, he is retarded. But only with your help can he shit up the thread.

>> No.16823287

this desu.

>> No.16823295

I love that wordfilter.

>> No.16823318
File: 82 KB, 447x545, 01_000a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started reading アクセル・ワールド. I liked the anime so I decided to give the LN a go. I'm having a hard time since it's the first thing I have tried to read in japanese, but I'm hoping I'll get better at it over time if I persist.

>> No.16823325

Oh dude Accel World has an insane vocabulary. It was also my first, but if you get through the first two volumes you will be golden and everything else will seem easy. I'm glad I started with something hard. Finish it, then go back and read it in 5 months to feel the gains.

>> No.16823338

Does the anime end on a cliffhanger or something? I was actually thinking of watching it, but 20+ volumes of novels is too much

>> No.16823349

well, suppose I better get to it then. slow and steady wins the race I guess.

It doesn't end on a cliffhanger, but the story is never finished. It kind of pulls a re:zero, and just kinda.. ends.. which is why I decided to try reading the LN.

>> No.16823432

There is no cliff hanger, it ends at the end of an arc and right as the good parts were about to start. There is a whole world of lore about the brain burst world.

>> No.16823604

Except there are a lot of examples where the editor keeps literally ruining the original work. Hell the work looses tons of support and gets shit on precisely because of the editors fuck up.

Also you mentioned MT for some reason but tell me just this, heck even the manga adapted it recently but what was the reason behind adding new content of a smuggler attack on the beastmen village only for the MC to conveniently escape, save the village, earn respect and so on and on. Like why? What purpose does it serve? Then they wonder why the LN doesn't sell. Of course it won't sell with cheap shit like this as if the story already didn't have enough.
I think the MTfags should be praying to the editor to fix some of the trainwreck volumes in the later half because now THOSE need editing.

Anyway you trust editors too much. I won't deny they fix a lot of issues and are even able to sell LNs by themselves but in a lot of cases they're just as terrible as the authors themselves.

>> No.16824118

Don't submit personal details through public proxies.

>> No.16824127

There's nothing wrong with this if you check the cert beforehand.

>> No.16824172

tor > VPN > tor > 7 proxies
and you should be good.

>> No.16826470
File: 1.16 MB, 662x940, Yuusha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone read Nanasawa's works?

>> No.16826670

I am computer illiterate, why is this bad?

>> No.16826694

A free proxy exists to make money off of YOU. All of your information is being sent through the proxy server, so if you do something dumb like send your CC# to a website through that proxy, the guys running the proxy can see it and steal it. The solution to this is using reputable, trustworthy proxies instead of random free ones on the internet.

>> No.16826724

just finished Danmachi volume 7 now I need to wait for vol 8 to be release.
meanwhile starting Re:Zero

>> No.16826815

Creepy. I guess there really is no such thing as a free lunch.

>> No.16827065

Saekano and Konosuba ebooks are on Amazon sale now

>> No.16827520

Shinigami is best, Yuusha is also great. Still need to read the rest.

>> No.16827526


>> No.16827954

Last time I checked, you could create your own vpn. That solves the problem of network looking at things, plus it is encrypted.

>> No.16827961

Not without investing money

>> No.16828198

You don't even need a vpn or any sort of location spoofing to gets ebooks from amazon.co.jp, so this discussion is completely pointless, or at the very least irrelevant to the thread.

>> No.16828218

Just because you don't doesn't mean that is the case for everyone. There had been cases where amazon locks gaijins who buy too many ebooks or even randomly deletes their entire ebook library. Many people can't even buy in the first place without a VPN/proxy.
To be safe your first purchase should be from a Japanese IP, after that your account gets marked and you shouldn't have trouble from other places.

>> No.16829795

Anyone here read 雨の日のアイリス? It has pretty nice reviews on amazon

>> No.16829892

+1 Well said
But dont feed the troll.

>> No.16829961

But if your goal is to appear as if you are in Japan, you need a computer that actually physically exists in Japan to act as the vpn endpoint.

>> No.16830189

Can't you read that on baka-tsuki? I remember starting it then being too pussy to continue

>> No.16831368

You should leave and go back to where you came from.

>> No.16832095

The only way to get "good enough" is to force yourself to struggle through things you think you're not good enough to read. The first LN I read was only 220 pages and it took me 18 days of reading 8-10 hours per day.

>> No.16832109

does anyone know good light novels that are fairly easy for a new reader in Japanese that have furigana maybe?

>> No.16832112


>> No.16832123

I know the manga have furigana but the novel also have?

>> No.16832131

Sometimes. There are no novels that have furigana for every single simple word. And furigana crutch is bad for you anyways, looking up words helps you memorize them better.

>> No.16832433

Y so mad

>> No.16833179

There are, but those are novels for grade schoolers, and they're about as interesting as you'd expect novels for grade schoolers to be.


>> No.16833335

This, accept you are going to suffer or give up.

>> No.16838402
File: 881 KB, 664x911, Monkey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone miss the adventures of the monkey?

>> No.16838427

Whar is this? I'm intrigued

>> No.16838658
File: 645 KB, 720x561, Game... Gaem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reincarnation into villainess game character. Doesn't want to get a bad end. Ends up having a harem of every girl and guy loving her.

>> No.16839365

"I was reborn as a villainess in an otome game and there's nothing but death flags everywhere!"

Or something.

>> No.16839871


>> No.16839896

faraway paladin vol 2 when?

>> No.16839904

April 27.

>> No.16845024
File: 1.02 MB, 1503x1079, Harem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone read LNs with chinese-style historical worldbuilding?

>> No.16845159

meh. might as well go for legend of zhen huan
