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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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16774881 No.16774881 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>16739917

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.16774892

>still no J.Q.V人類救済部~With love from isotope~ Lost Route エデンの証明

>> No.16774958
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>> No.16774980

Anything good come out in the past 3 months?

Been out of the scene for a while.

>> No.16775033

I appreciate that she and her brother look alike. Makes the incest hotter.

>> No.16775045
File: 308 KB, 1280x720, maken_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how this game is on one hand a typical eroge, but on the other hand still sometimes is awfully grounded in reality. So plot-device that leads to girls being horny and want sex? Sure exists. And then she realized "damn, I could be pregnant with all the cumming inside".
Art is actually the same, not exaggerating all the typical fluids that most artists like to exaggerate to the point people don't even consider it as such anymore.

>> No.16775107

Silverio Trinity

>> No.16775169


Tokihate, Shinsou Noise, Akikuru, and that Phoenix Wright esque eroge come to mind. Tsukikage no Simurakura (or whatever) also got a not-free eroge version with added content, mid-price. Was pretty well received as well.

For relatively recent recommendations you can also check EGS. They have that there as well. You should find a few more titles there than I remembered.

>> No.16775177


>> No.16775191


For many people: Yes. I can't say much about Akikuru myself, but Tokihate is one of the better games out there for sure. Has problems, but I really like where the author is going.
I actually rarely, if ever, say this but Tokihate needs a sequel. That last part was too good to not build something on it. (provided you like your crazy psycho girls)

>> No.16775252

Do you also like Sakura Mori Dreamers?

>> No.16775373

I also wanted to ask this. I relatively liked Sakura Mori but I got the idea that they were pretty different.

>> No.16775382
File: 664 KB, 1280x720, 妹のおかげでモテすぎてヤバい。_2017-03-27_08-33-41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy crap this game is excellent, thanks for the post.
Putting aside the magic spell stuff, the premise of the game is so simple yet so enjoyable. The MC wants to date the girl on the right, so with his sister's training, he works out and studies and so on and basically transitions from a sullen loner to a full-blown ikemen. So he goes to school and he's such a cool, handsome guy that almost every girl falls for him. And the game is just showing him like casually saying "I'm lucky to have become friends with girls as cute as you two" and getting reactions like pic related. It's such a fantasy, it's great.

>> No.16775420
File: 602 KB, 1280x720, 妹のおかげでモテすぎてヤバい。_2017-03-27_08-45-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it was an all-girls school before the year the MC enters (he's a 2nd year) so all the girls are somewhat awkward / not used to men, so it's basically like MC is an Adonis descending among awkward virgins.
For example, the topic shifted to MC having a muscular body and Maina got up close and jokingly looking over him with a perverted gaze, but then realized he looked uncomfortable and stopped, apologizing nervously and saying she had gone too far (worried that she had just embarrassed herself and made based ikemen MC think less of her).

>> No.16775675
File: 535 KB, 1280x800, Noraneko Heart Shachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shachi's route pretty much became a nukige after they started dating. I really liked the common route and even thought her drama was endearing but the last stretch lost me since it was just sex scenes with barely anything between them and all of the comedy was gone.

>> No.16775729

Yeah I definitely agree as well. Her drama & start of the route and the wing stuff were pretty enjoyable imo, specially the flashbacks, but after they resolved it felt like writer didnt want to bother with anything new and just threw some h-scenes to make it end.

Well there'll be some after stories at noraneko 2 so maybe they can redeem it.

>> No.16775851

The flashbacks were really cute. I expected the plot about the wings to go somewhere since it seemed to set up more drama but then the game just ended. Anyway I thought I don't feel like reading more right now but I just read the first few minutes of Yuuki's route and the game went back to being enjoyable, so I guess I'll continue.

>> No.16775869
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you have been properly disposing of your kanojos after use, right?

>> No.16775894
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Speaking of elf, their site is completely dead now. At least Okie is released on AW today.

>> No.16776037


I haven't finished it. It's like twice as long, and that obviously affects the pacing. What I've read of it, I mostly enjoyed though. It's hard to compare these two though, as a big part of why I'm a fan of Tokihate is because of it's final ~hour or so.
I found the prologues in both games pretty fun, and after that it feels both games lose quite a bit of strength, with a few bursts here and there. The question with Mori Dreamers would be, how well it ends up doing its endgame. Funny enough, I don't think anyone (or at least not many) here have gotten there.


Same universe, as that private detective is referenced in Tokihate, as are these... things. (Don't remember their name, but you probably know what I mean if you played Sakura Mori Dreamers) In one of the endings at least.
They do deal with some different things, but there are also similarities. Mostly atmosphere. Although if you've played Natsu no Iro no Nostalgia you'll also recognize a few music tracks (I think) and definitely some backgrounds. (some parts of the town, a zoo) Could just be them saving budget (which is what I'd bet on), but would be pretty funny if not.

>> No.16776054

>It's like twice as long
It's at 25h whereas the other one is at 18h on EGS. Though I guess if a game is boring it feels endless.

>> No.16776070

To be fair, almost no one even bothers with the game after the main route and maybe Kureha's.

>> No.16776104


That's a common EGS effect. Tokihate is ~1mb, while Sakura Dreamers is above 2mb.

One of the reason for this is, that the longer a game is, the more people drop it, and the more do early drops influence the average time. There are a few other factors as well, but what's important is that until ~20hours it tends to be relatively accurate, above that and it's usually pretty damn off.

>> No.16776206


Can you patch it yourself?

>> No.16776454

I noticed I really like girls that use ええ and かしら. Like Aqua.

>> No.16776517
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>install and start old VN in Japanese locale
>it still does the gibberish text thing
What the fuck?

>> No.16776560

You change the format (dates and times) to Japanese too?
Often locale alone is not enough.

>> No.16776564
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What do you do when one girl is so clearly best girl that the others don't even hold a candle in a hurricane to her, but you know the route branches are still miles away and just the thought of having to go through all the inevitable moments where they'll try and show off the other girls is actually kinda unpleasant because you don't even want to be convinced otherwise?

With you on that one. Something about the feigned sense of distance or whatever it is tickles the cockles of my heart just so.

>> No.16776601

Thanks, it works perfectly now.

>> No.16776935

>and that Phoenix Wright esque eroge come to min
What eroge?

>> No.16777136

ニュートンと林檎の樹 demo is up.
Newton would be proud.

>> No.16777213

I like how they made sure to tell players the game will be light-hearted fun, nothing difficult.

>> No.16777593

>newton and the apple tree
rly makes me thing

>> No.16777774

I really liked that game until the magic shenanigans started. Somehow I can't get into moege with magic.

>> No.16777816
File: 343 KB, 1920x1080, 千恋万花_2017-03-27_18-04-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

千恋*万花 has been pretty good so far. Just finished mako route (so cute). Why don't more VNs give us flow chart? Makes life way easier.

>> No.16777937

So until about 45 minutes in when the sister used magic to make girls want to hop on the protagonist's dick?

>> No.16777953

Exactly. The fun wasn't long, but I liked the characters.

>> No.16777984

I'm pretty sure the only characters introduced by that point are the MC and the imouto.
Anyway, I'm just pretending the spell was fake and everything that's happening is because he's based ikemen.
Not like the magic "actually" matters.

>> No.16777999

>I'm pretty sure the only characters introduced by that point are the MC and the imouto.

You're forgetting the heterochromia girl. I played a bit after she used her magic or whatever. I think I dropped it when she talked with him in school via telepathy.

>> No.16778015

Heterochromia girl had no lines of dialogue (except like 2) before that, so I didn't count her.
Telepathy was pretty cringeworthy though, yeah.

>> No.16778473

I wish I had a hot sister I could telepathically communicate with and beam all my lewd thoughts about her at her.
I don't remember if that happened in her route or not but if it didn't, it's a waste.

>> No.16778546

All Applique VNs have flowcharts. It's just too much extra work for VNs which are already very simple. Why would you ever need it if there are 2 choices in the entire game etc.

>> No.16778604

I use freEshop to download 3ds games, but the titles i want are japanese and more obscure so i cant find any title keys, anyone know a japanese game title key database or a way to download more obscure japanese games on the 3ds?

>> No.16778737

What happened to the staffs like Doten Meikai? He's too good to disappear from this industry.

>> No.16778889

Was it ever confirmed that he and Hiruta Masato are the same person?

>> No.16779931


>> No.16781281

Is there any site to pirate Android VNs?

>> No.16781905

What do you want to play? 一緒にいきましょう?

>> No.16782450

why is her face so fat compared to her body

>> No.16782474

A moege but anything is fine, I'm traveling next week so I want a VN to read on my phone.

>> No.16782486

If you have money to travel you have enough money to buy a 500 Yen game.

>> No.16782511


I don't, my sister is paying for everything, also that doesn't answer the question.

>> No.16782715


>> No.16782758

>"Oh no! I'm groping boobs!"
>"This is the absolute worst"
>"So crazy!"

Quoted from his inner thoughts

>> No.16782993

Ive been waiting for this for a long time.
I've asked here for that name but didn't get a reply

>> No.16783096

Stop writing in Japanese. You suck at it.

>> No.16783139

彼女 is not a good choice here.

Nor is 外す here.

>> No.16783187

Wow I've never closed a trial as quick as I did for that one. What a shame.

>> No.16783238

Why? Is it boring?

>> No.16783281

It literally opened with the MC's hands in two girls' boobs. I lost all faith immediately. Of course I didn't ever expect it to be anything special, but starting immediately with that just killed it for me.

>> No.16783320

Android has a psp emulator which has heaps of VNs on it (check vndb)

>> No.16783324

Harsh, but understandable.

>> No.16783329

It's just a moege, not sure what you expected. I've seen worse.

>> No.16783340

I would be much more forgiving of something like that even 5 minutes in. Like I said, I wasn't expecting anything special. But when its the first thing that pops up on the screen I couldn't help but shake my head in disappointment. Perhaps it will actually end up being entertaining. I suppose we'll see.

>> No.16783344

Picked up, thanks.

>> No.16783349 [DELETED] 
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what the fuck am I reading

>> No.16783358

>just a moege

That makes it worse, imo. There isn't much you can expect from them in terms of plot so the very least it should offer is not grinding your gears.

>> No.16783381

What he said doesn't grind my gears though.

>> No.16783404

No shit, deal breakers are obviously different for different people. Game starting with an (accidental) boob grab might not be enough for me do to flat out drop it but I definitely can get behind the reason why someone would do that.

>> No.16784371

It's just a language bro
I bet you'd get angry if I'd use
The Red Sox' fans
instead of
The Red Sox's fans

>> No.16784703
File: 233 KB, 1366x768, 紙の上の魔法使い_2017-03-29_14-40-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Kimimaho. It was a really nice and unique story, good mix of mystery, light fantasy, and romance. The central theme seems to be that you can't find true happiness in reading fiction all day and you need to go out and find real friends and a normal life, which kind of denies my entire lifestyle, but oh well, it was really nicely told.

There were some problems though, particularly with editing. It wasn't just the numerous typos, there was one voice line I think the voice producer forgot to stop the recording or something. It was hilarious of course but also ruined immersion pretty bad to hear the seiyuu's normal non-acting voice mid-scene. I guess everyone just zoomed onwards as soon as the line ended and never noticed it.

Kanami > Kisaki > Misaki > Rio > Nagisa > Chrysoberyl > Yoruko

>> No.16784749

finally, a tier list I can agree with.

think I remember that one specific line, too. these guys really gotta get someone to check over their work.

were you the guy reading it right before Istoria came out? they're quite similar in terms of plot structure and the mix of mystery/fantasy/romance you point out (though a bit heavier on the mystery and subplots) and it seems like it's shaping up to be almost the same length, so unless you're craving more of that style of story, you might wanna mix it up a little with something else first. all too easy to get burned out, which'd be a shame since it's hitting the drama beats real well.

>> No.16784777
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Yup, my plan to finish this so I can be prepared to read Istoria when it comes out really didn't work out, definitely need a break with some other different VNs before I come back to it. I'm glad to hear it's the same structure and even heavier on the mystery, which was great, though, I look forward to reading it. Keep us updated on what it's like.

>> No.16784901

I've looked through the archive, and well there was tons of hype for danganronpa 2 and well v3 was released this year but there was barely any discussion on it.
Did everybody leave?
Did they go to /vg/'s danganronpa general?
2ch had a thread for each character when v3 came out.

>> No.16784905

Console game.

>> No.16784918

Youve piqued my interest. Im going to give this a try once im done with what im reading now.

>> No.16784919

Play their newly released game instead. Be our pigeon pig.

>> No.16784937

I don't follow...
So were danganronpa 1 and danganronpa 2.
2 was talked about here quite a bit when it came out

>> No.16784939

Both of those are on PC.

>> No.16784967

yeah but when they were released they were on console and people here were talking about 2 when it was relased on psp.

>> No.16784990

Quick give a rating for what you're reading right now.

Sakura No Uta
Please don't hate me, I just dont love it as much as you guys, some bits are too boring and/or slow. The writing can be really well done at times.
I'm on Kuzu's route.
She's the best girl.

>> No.16784995


>> No.16785016
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Rina's route was very great.

>> No.16785067

I read the first two routes months ago, they were good though not great.
I realize the later routes are supposed to be the best but I felt so burned out after what felt like the longest common route. Followed by two routes that were much longer than they had any right to be. I've always been planning to get back to it sometime, just hasn't happened yet.

>> No.16785069

Utawarerumono 2
Every character is great. The plot is just okay but the comedy and character interaction, along with the worldbuilding (in terms of fleshing out the fantasy culture), is great. This is definitely the first "fantasy" VN I've read and considered to be truly great. Aiyoku no Eustia was just okay and too popcorny.

>> No.16785075

Dies Irae Interview with Kaziklu Bey

I'm not a far in, but so far it's as good as you'd expect it to be. If you liked Wilhelm, read it.

>> No.16785079

Just finished the common route for hanasaki workspring.
7.0 so far, its kind of boring.
The soundtrack is really goodand I cant help but having the biggest grin when Hikari shows up on screen.

>> No.16785082

same i put it off for almost half a year or just read now and again but i eventually struggled and got through them and it gets better for a while bit then gets slow again

>> No.16785094
File: 50 KB, 512x288, images (51).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's the best girl.
I finished her route and ctrl'd through the rest.
Apparently there's a story but I didnt really bother.

The imouto is shit and the rest of the girls are too, one uses you as a replacement for her old love, another for their vibrator, another threatens to cheat on you while having sex, your imouto is shit and makes fun of you and isn't loyal, another is a lesbian that hates men.

>> No.16785101

>7.0 so far, its kind of boring.
Thats like every sagaplanets game for me except hatsuyuki.

>> No.16785108

did you play natsuyume nagisa i heard that's on par on hatsuyuki sakura

>> No.16785110

Their newer games suck, go play Natsuyume Nagisa.

>> No.16785117

She is just boring moeblob.

>> No.16785120


>> No.16785121

and is also the best girl

>> No.16785136

nope, best girl is osanajimi-kun

>> No.16785153

It's a solid moege, whatever that statement is worth. I actually read all the routes which i don't usually do. I do remember the ecchi being top notch if that's a big deal for you. I guess I'd give it a 7.5.

>> No.16785164

I think it's getting damn near 6 months since I last touched it.
I'm sure it will all be worth the effort in the end, I'll endeavor to pick it back up soon.

>> No.16785171

Are you sure? You already throught it was slow, it doesn't really get faster.

>> No.16785182

At least this time I know I'm already like 50% done before i get back into it.
Plus the latter heroines always looked more interesting. If they're not then well, fuck.

>> No.16785189

Rina, Yuumi and Shizuku are interesting, Rin gets interesting in later chapters too. Just the game's overall pace doesn't really speed up.

>> No.16785194

I love genki/outgoing girls and osanajimis like Rina from kimi no tonari

Though mainly if they are just genki/outgoing
Akane from chuunibyou love equation
Nanoha from panical confusion
I also like osanajimi as they can be cute like
Rin from sakura no uta
Minari from fureraba
but Wakaba is shit, I was disappointed, I was expecting to like her.

I loved the sex art and positions but the sex voices weren't that imprressive. Maybe its just the seiiyuus?

>> No.16785223

My Merry Maybe
Someone recommended it a few weeks ago on this thread. Very surprised the enormous length is actually well utilized and how the writers put legitimate effort in exploring several sides of the good old human/robot dichotomy.

>> No.16785230

Not him but I looked forward to Rina's chapter and well the beginning with the stage play was pretty interesting and I really loved the art style but the rest didn't quite wow me.

It was just kinda weird to see them bouncing back with, Why did Naoya give me his 'last', why don't I tell Naoya the truth that I like him, plus Naoya's confession was pretty random and out of place.
Their talk under under the tree was interesting and I guess a high point but there's not much really.

I admit them meeting up as kids was cool though and well written.
Also why do kids have knives?

>> No.16785247
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, WA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little help, /jp/
I was forced to reformat my pc today and along with it came my sav data for White Album 2.
The game is too long and I do not really want to play it again. But H-scenes are just so romantic that I replay them every once in a while so the loss of the sav kinda hurts me

By any chance, does anyone here have the link for the 100% complete sav of various games including White Album 2?
Thanks in advance

>> No.16785253

Honestly are the sex voices ever impressive?
Not to mention you hear the same lines in just about every scene, in every game.
Good positions and art are all I hope for when it comes to ecchi.

>> No.16785260

Go to http://sagaoz.net/savedata/ and search for White Album 2. They have a pretty comprehensive list of user uploaded 100% eroge save files.

>> No.16785265

Also playing it, just finished Lease endings yesterday.

What a hidden gem. That's why I'll always like this thread, no matter how slow it gets, you can really get some awesome recommendations.

>> No.16785286

It's not slow enough, I keep seeing good candidates to add to my back log which never seems to get any smaller.

>> No.16785290
File: 575 KB, 740x555, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminds me
if you liked fureraba play this
I love this so much, I can't finish it due to a bug but its so fun cheerful and a great summer game.

I had it on my pc some time ago I played the first couple of minutes and wasn't impressed and turned it away as some kusoge then for some reason tried it out and it got better and better and i really loved it.

My problem is I don't like maids and that's the theme, they run a maid cafe but the wacky hijinks make up for it. Also the slow start up a to get good.
I like it better than fureraba in most regards.

Kaho is best girl, but I like the derdere kouhai and I like kuudere girls like Satsuki in general.

>> No.16785293

It'll never get smaller, trust me.

>> No.16785298

That was quick.
Thanks a lot, man

>> No.16785303


Yes they can be. It has to do with the ero-writing as well, and what the actors are asked to do, but yes, they can be. It's kinda rare though.

It's also obviously depending on which actors you like, though there are definitely more than enough cases where a character sounds great and then h comes along and it sounds super weird. Usually goes hand in hand with the character being written out of character during the scene though I feel.

>> No.16785308

I pretty much thought that but sometimes you can tell if the seiiyuus are into it. For me I loved the sex positions and the art really complimented it and I couldn't think of better postions for them, but it felt like the seiyuus weren't into it. It kinda turned me off.

>> No.16785311

No worries, I use it sometimes to get 100% CG in nukige I can't really be assed reading thoroughly.

>> No.16785322

The one character I love mostly for her voice and how she sounds in sex scenes is Sakura in Baldr Sky Zero (especially her first scene in BSZ Extreme is great). She always talks really rude without trying to be dominant or anything and I find that very erotic. Also there's a lot of moaning instead of constantly describing what's happening which also helps the scenes.

>> No.16785323

I've read alot of ero but I'm honestly struggling to recall a good example of a seiyuu killing it in a sex scene.
Got any good suggestions?

>> No.16785400

I feel like Hikari from hanasaki workspring like i mentioned earlier.
I love her art and her main game sex scenes and positions, but her voice in the first sex scene is kinda off.
I don't know how to put it, but it's not hot or erotic its just noises of sex.
It's been a while I'm not sure about the others but it felt that way when i did the first sex scene.

>> No.16785403

Look up what "killing it" means ESL kun.

>> No.16785421

oh right didn't read too well. I guess the vampire from bishoujou mangekyuu, during the bath when she gives in and wants the dick.
She full on breaks down and he gives it to her to her so bad. Its so hot.

>> No.16785506


While I didn't really like her performance too much in that game, Aoba Ringo is in my opinion definitely capable to perform well. Provided the role isn't too loli. I generally like her characters as well though, with a few exceptions.

I don't think there is a general answer to this though. Everyone finds different things hot. I find it a bit weird to see you not having an idea at all how voices can really heavily improve on a scene. I know it's not THAT common to be "outstanding", but still.

>> No.16785508

>Changable clothes
Actually hoping for new games to have this feature. Changing the heroine's clothes/hair during their route feels refreshing.

>> No.16786017

I got back into reading, but I forgot how to join threads in ITHVNR, what was the command again? something like L1:L3? for thread 0001 and 0003?

>> No.16786043

I dunno, try asking in DJT.

>> No.16786080

I tried that before but they run like shit.

>> No.16786174

Misonoo Mei all the time, dude.

>> No.16786519

Anyone tried to play recent VNs on those cheap chink tablets like Chuwi or Teclast? How do they run? Are the 2gbs of ram enough?

>> No.16786607

Been thinking of getting one basically just for vns and writing. Still torn on which one to buy.

>> No.16786878

Okay, now that Love ChuChu is out, give us a date for Anonymous;Code already, Chiyomaru.

>> No.16787642

What are some GOAT utsuge?

>> No.16787660

Hello World, Narcissu

>> No.16787697

After Zypressen it was a nonstop roller coaster for me. I think more importantly is how the game attaches to your head afterwards so you dont remember how slow it was.

>> No.16788108

Also reading SnU.

9.0 for me, the start was very boring and slow I kept trying to speed up to "the good parts" until I finally got it and understood what Scaji was doing. I reread everything from the start, started reading more slowly and realized how retarded I was being and how good the novel was. I honestly kind of hated it for a while at first because people were saying it was good so I wanted to get to the good parts, and I just wasn't getting it. Then I got it. I fell in love with Rin and Ai on my second play. Still have not finished the novel, I'm just taking it easy and reading Natsume Soseki and Kenji Miyazawa in my spare time when I'm away from the pc.

Also Doushite, Sonna ni Kuroi Kami ga Suki na no?

8.0 It's a Romcom that manages to be funny and entertaining, with VERY little fluff or filler text, what I love about the game is the fucking pacing is soo good. The girls are all cute, the sex scenes were steamy, I love the characters, traditional japanese clothes and long dark hair so it was perfect for me. So far only finished 2 routes and have yet to finish the game.

Also dabbling in on a few other games but non have really caught me, like daitoshokan, baldur hearts and koikake.

>> No.16788334

>I think more importantly is how the game attaches to your head afterwards so you dont remember how slow it was.

This is important with Subahibi too. I felt It's My Own Invention was kinda slow in some parts, but after Insects and with Jabberwocky things got too real to not be interesting, so I was hooked and even went back to reread some parts of Invention.

I'm so hyped for Rin route in Sakura no Toki. Surely Sca-ji has to deliver one.

>> No.16788394

>I'm so hyped for Rin route in Sakura no Toki.

Rin is by far my favorite, there is no character like her that I have encountered, I really hope we get more.

>> No.16788678

This guy sorts them by build quality

>> No.16788733

does this https://sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=1971987
contain all the appends from here http://www.lose.jp/official/monobeno/download or do I have to download em?

>> No.16788745


>まいてつ&ものべの 仲良しセット」のご説明
>最新作「まいてつ」に、Lose第2作で既にロットアップ、中古価格も高騰しております 「ものべの -happy end-」に「ものべの -more smile-」シリーズやweb追加Hシーン企画などで作成したHシーンパッチを適用した完全版をセットにしたものです!

>> No.16788759


>> No.16788769

。。。 looks terrible. Use the proper nice 三点リーダー -> …

You can reconize it by it just being one character compared to your 。。。 being three.

>> No.16788772


>> No.16788808

>> No.16788823

-> looks terrible. Use the proper 矢印 → →

You can recognize it by it just being one character compared to your -> being two.

>> No.16789009
File: 302 KB, 960x783, 08[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here played some of Shigeta's less popular games? Meaning the ones other than Pricchi, KuruKuru and MagiCha.

Also, I don't know if I'm being a slowpoke but he seems to be working on a new game Paradise Ocean and the game website at least doesn't list any other writers.

>> No.16789030

I finally wanted to read tokyo necro and fairytale requiem. What's the general consensus on them, are they worth a read?

>> No.16789033

Former is very good. Latter is alright.

>> No.16789071

I know there are games that use a custom name.
However do they do voice mixing to say the name?
Or do they just get the first kana?

>> No.16789085
File: 243 KB, 1280x720, planned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Most use awkward silences or "senpai" or whatever in that regard.

I think the cation games may actually voice some names? I don't know. Only played one, and only one route of it, and somehow got stuck with senpai/onii-san or some shit, so hell if I know.

>> No.16789106
File: 356 KB, 925x695, Lovely Call.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean custom protagonist names? Most of the time it's unvoiced, so characters saying the custom name have an unnatural pause mid-sentence. That, or they don't say the name at all and get around by saying "you", "senpai", the protagonist's title like "master" etc. There's also some games that have a custom name input at the beginning in which case it's unvoiced, but also a default name that gets properly voiced if you don't change it like Fureraba or Hoshi Ori Yume Mirai.

x Cation series and Love Plus are some exceptions with a selection of voiced custom names, though obviously a limited amount of them. Basically you write the name yourself and then choose the appropriate or nearest similar voiced name from a list. Cation games also only voice the protagonist's first name, surnames get the unvoiced pause or one the mentioned workarounds.

>> No.16789111
File: 965 KB, 1600x900, PC2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screenshot is from Pretty Cation 2.
There's a pretty impressive list of names and nicknames you can choose for each girl to call you.
You can also set how you refer to them and what they call your dick.

>> No.16789127

>tfw disgusting gaijin whose name is foreign enough that there's no close equivalent

>> No.16789161


Sorry to hear that Vyacheslav.

Also I can't help but think it's gotta be more awkward than anything else to have your name called like that. Then again, self-insert. I don't really mind Senpai myself though. If you ever like to go back to h-scenes, something neutral like Senpai is pretty nice.

>> No.16789196

After playing Subarashiki Hibi, Sakurano Uta feels very slowly.
Its speed of developing is not particular I know...

>> No.16789207

Yes you already posted this a few times. SH's pacing wasn't very good either until the last two chapters.

>> No.16789222

But SH's 2nd chapter is my best scenario in all eroge I played

>> No.16789227

Cause I remember that in fureraba they said the first kana for the protagonist's name, after replaying I remembered that the protagonist could be named.

I didn't go back and check but it was pretty interesting if people changed what they call you from your name.

I wanted to see if anybody noticed.

>> No.16789232
File: 502 KB, 800x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quiku sebu did error
anyone can help me figure out how to fix it? maybe someone has reg files for this?

>> No.16789424

Make sure to post your impressions as you finish the routes, IMO every route of the game deserves a discussion.

>> No.16789616
File: 115 KB, 1024x600, screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kimi ga Ita Kisetsu
I don't know the hate for this VN, it's nothing stellar, but so far they handled the drama just fine and not overstaying its welcome. Things got rushed out a bit near the end, but it's not that bad.

But I will rate it 3 with rUGP crashes. Holy shit, how the hell can one fuck up a visual novel engine?

>> No.16789876


I like that one. I only installed a game with that and checked if it's starting. And while that works, if I ever restart it it basically thinks it crashed and wants to do some safety-start with everything disabled or some bullshit. Quality engine.

>> No.16789972

Sucks to be you. I'm いっくん in Cation games.

>> No.16790012



I see what you did there.

>> No.16790239

Tokimemo 2 had a whole system to even pick the intonation of a name's syllables, it was fucking science. Then you had to eat a few blocks of your memory card to save that and pull it in the game - a 5 CD dating sim. They really didn't hold back one bit.

>> No.16790727

あした出逢った少女 is so good. I recommend it if you're into games where you make theories with lots of foreshadowing and a slowly unraveling mystery. It's also just a nice atmospheric suspense and very short (like 12 hours).

>> No.16790768

Seems everybody is posting Sca-ji the last couple days. Just wanted to ask, is there any difference between the 2010 Subahibi release and the 2016 download edition in content? Doesn't seem like it based on the VNDB page and I haven't heard anyone mention anything about different versions but I thought I'd ask.

>> No.16790776


>> No.16790833

All right, thanks.

>> No.16791078
File: 300 KB, 1280x720, kotsu_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, finished with this. Man was the main-story a mess. The main-heroine lacks a big chunk of the main-plot which for some reason another girl got, that however doesn't even feel like she should've been a heroine in the first place. Then the fandisc ignores that and kinda acts as if it was one thing after all.. but still offers separate stories again, even though they would've again benefited to not be randomly split? Like what the fuck. Also inconsistent with the original. The writer should've probably read the original before writing the fd..

I know eroge need the ero, but there've been enough examples how to do this without traditional routes. It especially hurts here, as one of the "main-goals" is a thing in most of the routes and gets recycled again and again and again. The main-writer also used a bit too much overdramatization for my liking. There's lot of information purposely withhold from the reader to make things more dramatic than they end up being. If drama, then real one, or keep it realistic please. It just sucks to go from "this teacher let their 'club-garage' get destroyed with their glider and everything in it" to "the glider wasn't actually in it. Oh and the teacher only ever was legitimately worried about their well being and is actually not against their club or anything"...

Just... please. And yet this writer (Konno Asta) seems to be quite liked, also for these routes? Weird. Sure there's way worse out there, but the drama is mostly.. ugh, and the story structure just flat out terrible.
Ageha was definitely even worse though, although it gave birth to an awesome Hotaru. But given she auto-loses, that's actually not good. It's Ageha's route after all. Hotaru gets her route in the fandisc, but unfortunately it doesn't branch of Ageha's original route. The result is still okay, but the short little (mostly ero) sequel to Ageha's route still had the best Hotaru scene of the fandisc in it. Go figure.

And then the twins. This was actually the most grounded stuff and what I liked the most. Still, these didn't need to have regular routes either, like Amane. In fact most of what makes this route great is the relationship between the twins and how they grow and what great characters they are. Not exactly what people look for in "heroines" all the time. Especially Yoru grew a ton on me, featuring also a really great final part. I wonder who wrote this. Knowing my luck it was the guy who only worked on this game.

Still worth playing, though the main-story really takes a nose-dive past the split. Main-girl has another fandisc with a 3d model for Kotori and all which was technically interesting to see, but short (~2h) and well.. not looking too good. Cool idea though.

>> No.16791130

Pretty much only popular things we can talk about and with that only popular things here.
Like fureraba, Love caution, Leyline.
I'd like to talk about Gyakutan Saiban and other things but wouldn't get much responses.
As they pretty much have to be popular here and not really translated.
Its kinda sad really.
At least I can talk about some jap only stuff on/vg/ like persona 5, Danganronpa v3 and have people who know jap to talk about it with.

On that note the people on/vg/ translate shit fast. I normally check over my work. By the time it takes me translate something like a manga strip or a yugioh card. It was already translated and posted in like a few seconds.
Its ridiculous, I think there are actual translators there.

>> No.16791161

Or you can talk about stuff that hasn't already been released and discussed for several years. Anytime I post about a novel that has be released in the last month or two I always get a response. Unless a vn was truly great no one cares about your years late opinion.

Sakura no Uta is a special case because the game was so slow people are only now done with the novel!

Also you can go back to /vn/, no one will miss you.

>> No.16791170

I love Gyakuten Saiban but have only played it in English on the DS and haven't read the new ones. I'll get on it someday.

Only being able to talk about 'popular' stuff is just how this sort of thing works due to the western eroge community not being too large. The only way you'd get people talking about older releases all at once is if there were some sort of reading club, and I don't think too many people would be interested in that.

>> No.16791178

>Unless a vn was truly great no one cares about your years late opinion
That's as wrong as wrong can get. I don't care about someone posting about the newest moege clone and rather have people talk about underrated old games like >>16790727

>> No.16791207

>rather have people talk about underrated old games like >>16790727 #

It's just a shame no one else cares. I would rather talk about はるるみなもに it's been great so far. I need to read more before talking about it though I just got past the demo's content. Also looking forward to that novel about the android that looks like the mc's dead little sister. I forgot the name of it.

>> No.16791209

Go back to the vg then.

>> No.16791210
File: 464 KB, 1296x778, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They really dialed up the vanilla in this release, appear to have gone full charge instead of having a cross route plot making the overall scenario quite a bit weaker in the process. Still enjoying it though

>> No.16791220


I fucking love the outfits in the game, especially the little sister's. Is there a name or tag for that kind of look? It seems to just fall under kimono, but really it's heian aristocracy layered clothing.

>> No.16791240

>making the overall scenario quite a bit weaker in the process
How can Clochette fall even lower than usual? Impressive.

>> No.16791252

I want to say something to defend Clochette but I honestly can't with any conviction. But Haruru is not a bad vn.

>> No.16791265

>we can talk about

You can talk about anything. But what delusion lead you to believe anyone has to reply?

But then the last two points of your posts reveal it's a shitty bait.

>> No.16791310

Where did you get /vn/ from?
I only go on persona general, Danganronpa general and yugioh general on /vg/. Mainly cause I'm interested in those games.
Those were the ones I listed, I don't go on /vn/.
Maybe you misread?

Also to my knowledge quite a few people finsihed SnU in 2 weeks of the release and that's when most of the discussion happened here, it died down after a month.
I started but lost interest and go back to now and again.

Same I got into it back in high school, and was really into it so much.
Most people on /v/ like 逆転検事2 the best, I personally hate the end because of the clown, the game just went generic good guy was evil let's make him as evil as possible. He hates everybody and animals and has a generic bad guy breakdown. It was the lowest point of the series.

I play both english and japanese versions for many games.
In my opinion japanese carrys a stronger tone and makes things much more darker and serious, which works really well for stuff like Drakoi (I love this game so much for its writing it's so well done and the destruction and fights felt terrifying), and I think english does light-hearted hunour and themes better.
Like persona 3 is better in japanese to me and persona 4 is better in english. Also in persona 5 Igor's japanese voice is pure sex. https://streamable.com/ozmkk

Also there was an idea for a reading club but some people were really against it. Like actually holding animosity against it. I don't know why it just seemed that way.

You could've helped out stabilish the old vn reading we had... Unless you already helped out or instigated it, in which case thanks. I really want us to read different things together so we can talk about them.

I mean sure you can talk about it but won't get as much replies as something popular here. Like I wanted to talk a lot about Danganronpa v3 when it came out but people here wouldn't really budge, I ended up goong to 2ch, /drg/ and /v/.
On that note I was surprised they had a thread for each character.

>> No.16791318

oh shit i fucked up my spoiler

>> No.16791333

why do you talk like an idiot

>> No.16791355 [DELETED] 

>Also to my knowledge quite a few people finsihed SnU in 2 weeks

What I said about SnU was joke obviously. Your /v/ is showing.

>> No.16791372

The art is so hot but damn I'm so tired of traditional settings and aesthetics.

>> No.16791377

I go on multiple boards
/co/, /sci/, /jp/, /v/, /fit/, /vg/, /fa/, /int/, /vp/ and so-on.
Its better to have a variety of interests.

>> No.16791430

Really? I'm not, I'm more sick of school uniforms and daily high school life. I love traditional Japanese aesthetics I can't get enough of it. What are some vns that made you sick of it? Maybe you read senren banka, then I could see how yuzu killed it for you.

>> No.16791450

Will Minori's new novel finally live up to Ef? Lie to me and just say yes.

>> No.16791510

If it was only on the level of yorino again that'd be fine too, but it looks even below tsuminohi.

>> No.16791732

I have a question, anime refers to the Japanese animation but also can refer to the art style, like VNs and games can be considered anime VNs or anime games even if they don't have animation.

Is there a specific term for the art style or a way to seperate it from shows or no?

>> No.16791752

I think it's most commonly referred to as weebshit. Anyways off topic, take that to /a/.

>> No.16791828

How is it off topic? I'm talking about the artstyle of most VNs if not all discussed here.
Do you read VNs without an anime artstyle?

>> No.16791846

Speaking of artstyle what year was your favourite?
I liked the late 2000's to early 2010's and then it went bad for a while but I like the more recent ones now.

>> No.16791865
File: 203 KB, 639x299, p.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this kind

>> No.16791878

I like it better when it's more pretty than cute, or bijin instead of kawaii, if that gives you a better idea of what I mean.

>> No.16791898

Today's art. I do like the aesthetics of dithered 80s art, but I think people look fondly on old art because they seldom remember the shitty looking games. When you look at stuff like resolution and color palette, special effects today's artists are on another level. I think the problem is more that for every gorgeous game you get 3-4 budget games. I love Sakura no Uta's art, Haruru's art, it's all great. August also has great art, too bad the writing in their last novel sucked. Mahou Tsukai no Yoru/12 tsuki no eve were gorgeous too bad they kinda sucked.

I do agree that it's too easy for hacks that have never picked up a book on color theory or anatomy to become artists for otaku culture. There are some vns out there where the color palette burns my eyes.

>> No.16791922
File: 744 KB, 916x402, whyyyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put everything in, why won't it do anything?

>> No.16791942
File: 337 KB, 1280x720, zoolander the vn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recent, i mean just look as these intricately designed outfits and complimenting color schema.

jokes aside I find myself having difficulty playing older stuff even if it interests me and I've heard lots of good things, all the more if it does have ero. I got onto the scene too late and now I've been spoiled.

>> No.16792005
File: 21 KB, 250x300, 68902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Anim artist really tickles my busty girls with short hair fetish. It's a damn shame he wastes them on NTR games.

>> No.16792605

My whole problem with it is the text itself is overly long and drawn out.

>> No.16792790

>I love Sakura no Uta's art
I wish the artist understood basic anatomy.

>> No.16792869

Finally someone else who likes Ashisho. Game's Fucking crazy. Have you played Dokoiku?

>> No.16793202

I love kira's art too but like
>>16792790 said she has problems with some stuff.

Which is a shame, I was looking forward to playing SnU from the art at the beginning. I loved seitokai no ichizon and that got me interested in SnU.

>> No.16795171
File: 563 KB, 606x676, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16795415
File: 1.34 MB, 1366x523, 無題.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16795423

Nice, Nonomi route confirmed.

>> No.16795431

That's all the JKs and JCs, can't wait for Ruriho's route

>> No.16795438

Ruriwo is clearly the most sexually curious of them all. Hopefully Sca-ji explores this.

>> No.16795483


>> No.16795596

Just do Common + Kureha if you want to save time and get the interesting parts.

>> No.16796054


It's not even really that I got bored. I'm just really "bad" with that genre and yet love it. Same happened with Corpse Party. Though that also had pretty shitty gameplay I suppose. Dodging random shit was just so clunky. And bugged. One time I left a room, I had an enemy in my face and got an instant game-over there.

>> No.16796078

I... don't think you love it then. If you find something engaging the natural response is to, well, engage in it more and not avoid it.

>> No.16796165

Maybe mid 2000's. I like clean designs that aren't overly detailed.

>> No.16796217

Does anyone know a game where a heroine sends lewds to the protagonist's phone or mail?

>> No.16796288


Horror succeeds if it creates an atmosphere where you "don't want to be there". Doubly so in games like Corpse Party where the whole idea is "to get out".

>> No.16796420

"don't want to be there" and "don't want to play this game" is very different.
If someone walked out of a horror movie 5 minutes in because they got scared I have a hard time believing their reaction would be "10/10 love it". People who like horror actively seek it out to get the "thrill". If you do the opposite, avoiding it, you either don't like that feeling all that much OR your genuine fear heavily outweighs the exciting thrill part. In both cases the statement of "I love horror" couldn't be made.

>> No.16796559

Your logic error is
>your genuine fear heavily outweighs the exciting thrill part.
>In both cases the statement of "I love horror" couldn't be made.
Why could someone not say they love horror just because genuine fear outweighs exciting thrill? People can like feeling genuine fear.

>> No.16796575

I was gonna ask if there are any april fool jokes but it seems like there are already.

>> No.16796590

so its girls you couldn't romance in SnU?
Wow, so are you still Naoya?

>> No.16796596

Because "love" by definition means you like it and want more of it. If you avoid it, then you clearly don't want it.
>People can like feeling genuine fear
Eh, no. The part people like is the thrill that comes WITH the fear, as said. That's why people go bungee jumping, on rollercoasters etc. Fear itself is purely a negative emotion.

>> No.16796597

>That's all the JKs and JCs,

>> No.16796618


That may be true, if we'd not be in the world we are.
The movie analogy isn't very good, because you go see a movie with the intention to do so for the next x minutes. It being scary is what you paid for, so you'd stay.
A VN is a bit different. These are LONG. And you don't always feel like going into a horror atmosphere every day for days. Gloomy, quiet and so on. On top of that there are many other things you could do. And then you just leave it be.

I fully intend to go back to it. Stuff doesn't run away. Breaks can be a good thing. Maybe we are just different, but that's how I do it. I also mostly leave sequels and fandiscs for a while later. I have read Leyline 1 about a year ago, Leyline 2 maybe half a year ago, and I'm recently starting to feel like reading Leyline again, which would then obviously be Leyline 3. I suppose you could say, 'hey if you'd really love the living shit out of Leyline, that wouldn't happen'.., true. Maybe. But they are pretty good. And Mori Dreamers isn't the absolutely perfect game either, obviously. Finding that stuff is super rare. Although if something is REALLY good I still have the habit of just taking a break, because I want to savor it. So I guess it doesn't really matter how good something is in the end.

I know other people really like to get into something, the longer the better. I'm different there. I blame anime which come in seasons and tend to never end their plot anyway, and all those rpgs I played with half-assed endings/seconds parts. I'm also really really resistant against cliff-hangers and such. Those don't work on me. I'd probably be crazy at this point if they'd still do, after all the incomplete stories I saw/played. Makes it all the more special that I really want a sequel for Tokihate. That too is the reason why I will be reading Mori Dreamers till the end at some point. All routes as well.

>> No.16796652

Did you read SnU? If you had, it should make sense to you.

>> No.16796657

Hi guys, I'm learning Japanese, and I won't have internet for the next few months. I'm planning to download a bunch of VNs to (slowly) read through, but I'm having a hard time finding untranslated visual novels. Could any of you guys tell me the best place to get untranslated VNs? (I can't afford internet, so I'cant afford to buy them) I can only seem to find translated ones on nyaa and AnimeBytes.

I get that the thread is for discussing visual novels and not how to download them but please help out, I'm not adept enough at japanese to google in japanese yet ;_;

>> No.16796663

not that guy but i'm gonna have to disagree with that. you can love a thing and not want more of it. requiem for a dream was a fantastic movie and i loved it but i would rather not watch it again. you can love the negative emotions something instills in you simply because it makes you feel strong emotions you might not otherwise. or that would otherwise be associated with real life unpleasantries.

it's not just the thrill. purely unfun emotions can be interesting to experience in a controlled environment like fiction. gore, rape, ntr, death, betrayal, etc., people can find these interesting in a fictional context (besides the folks who get off to that stuff) because it lets you experience something you wouldn't be able to otherwise.

>> No.16796667

Search for the Japanese names on nyaa. And ask DJT next time.

>> No.16796668

search by the name in moonrunes on nyaa. go to vndb and copypaste the title if you have to.

>> No.16796681


>> No.16796726

Didn't finish it yet
I finished Rina's route

>> No.16796733

I can see where you're coming from. But I maintain the point that your use of the word "love" was an exaggeration.

>gore, rape, ntr, death, betrayal
See none of those are "purely unfun emotions". They're can be very exciting and fun for many people for different reasons. Rape: Feeling of dominance, unleashing sexual urges -> positive. One might also feel guilt, but if the positive ones outweigh the guilt it feels good. Of course, one can also remove the negative by simply playing 2D porn games. Even if you say you "don't get off to it" you probably feel at least a tiny bit of these things if you enjoyed stuff with it, just not to the extent it would cause you to blow a load. Fear, disconnected from everything else (in this example, the thrill and adrenaline that comes with horror) in isolation, is purely negative. It's a primitive, high stress reaction telling you to get the fuck out of whatever situation you're in and into safety.

>> No.16796789

One can like fear without being able to handle it well; one can want more fear while being overwhelmed by it when it comes.
You do not speak for all horror fans, and you cannot say everyone only likes it for the thrill.
And finally, just like masochists exists, an emotion being negative does not preclude people from liking it.

>> No.16797703

TRINOLINE and it's crack are out! Time to find out if Minori is back!

>> No.16797788

Do you all pirate?

>> No.16797855


>> No.16797863


>> No.16797888


>> No.16797907
File: 572 KB, 1000x751, 1c7d1f45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm lookong forward to Newton and Hatukoi syndrone, also maybe 999

>> No.16798012

Why the autism? It's not cute or neat or interesting or anything?

>> No.16798024

It's what micchi does?
It's his thing?

>> No.16798030

Not once in this month's post.

>> No.16798031

awful month but worth a read just for how much zen hates grisaia. is that a spinoff series or what? i haven't been following it at all.

>> No.16798045

He normally does, besides it's better to have somebody talk than have something like this.
Sure you can read it but I prefer micchi and Zen's commentary.

>> No.16798357

Hyped for 9koro. Banya title looks interesting too with the female protags.

Also Zen's top 3 this month is a good example of why you should never take his opinions seriously...

>> No.16798372


>> No.16798394


Completely empty month. That's alright. Around then, maybe Istoria got a patch. And maybe that makes me actually play some february games. Some were rather well received. Especially that one with the Phoenix Wright esque gameplay and separated main-story from routes sounds quite interested. At least some vertical text though. I suck at that. Suppose it's a good way to get better at it...

>> No.16798413

Definitely going to check out Palettes new game and perhaps LxC despite not being too impressed from the demo.

>> No.16798499
File: 108 KB, 640x640, chaos-child-406533.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a vpk or maidump of Chaos;Child?

>> No.16798507

holy shit
is it true or joke

>> No.16798509

https://twitter.com/confure/status/847831372668452864 looks like it's real.

>> No.16798556

Also curious for this

>> No.16798646

He's vastly overrated but there's still a chance of it being worthwhile.

>> No.16798674

That's a pretty funny post.

>> No.16798692


>> No.16798862


I really wonder who is the dumb enough to ask those questions to the original owner.

>> No.16798875

EOPs, it seems.

>> No.16798908

>So, most of messages about the game from foreign country people does make me negative feeling
>negative feeling
>teaching feeling

>> No.16799293

1 - It's sad that his game is literally the best-selling DLsite game *of all time* and he's still complaining about pirates
2 - It's doubly sad that people are telling him they enjoy his work but his first thought is to be upset because they didn't pay him before enjoying it.

>> No.16799572

That's like saying 'you have money, fuck you, you don't need more'. Are you against Capitilism?
It doesn't make it okay, I mean it is translated, and it's not like it's not availiable digitally.

However, main problem here isn't the priacy as all games have issues with it.
Rather it's the pirates asking him to fix stuff or talking to him about. Naturally I don't think he's angry at people who bought the game and ask him stuff, but rather people who pirated it and asks him to fix it.

It's like I copied your Assignment paper without your permission and asked you to fix up some stuff. You'd probably go how dare you, it's more like that.

>> No.16799591

so now a complaint is invalid if it comes from a pirate? doesn't the game still need fixing if it's a real issue? I don't see the problem.

>> No.16799595

His reaction to it is pretty pathetic.

>> No.16799621

I'm not saying "fuck you" or anything about that.
I'm just saying, at the point where you've made the most money out of anyone from a single game on DLsite, I think piracy should stop being such a big concern. I can understand when games sell very poorly, devs can see pirates as the source and blame them and get upset. That's wrong but I can understand it. But in this case his game sold GREAT. He's #1. And yet despite that he's still getting up in arms about money. It's not that I think he should be fucked for wanting more money. I'm just sad that he has a ton of money but money still dominates his mind to the point he gets upset about people pirating it, even when they praise his work. Really missing the forest for the trees.

It's just like, to me, a grim reminder. This guy made a work of art people felt touched by and loved. But in the end, he doesn't care people were touched by it and lover it. He cares about their money. To me, that's sad.

As for your issues post:
>Some user send me message that say
>“Hey, your work was translated by my country people, and I downloaded that. it was awesome! good job!”
>I really really hate to see that kind of things.

He literally says he hates to see people saying "awesome, good job!" if they read the TL'd versions because he thinks they're pirates. Not just for issues.

>> No.16799643

Your argument is basically
>because it's sold a ton pirating it is justified
I'd get mad too if I was him, you don't just go and tell the creator you really enjoyed his work while not paying a single yen.

>> No.16799689

I did not say that.
I said it's sad that he cares more about people pirating than about people enjoying the game. I do not think selling well makes piracy justified. I think selling well - literally the best-selling game on DLsite - "should" shift ones values away from money, at least to the point where one can appreciate people enjoying their work without caring more about whether they paid or not.
That is to say: Piracy, not justified. Caring so much about piracy instead of people enjoying your game, sad.
To emphasis a third time. In my ideals, I would like for artistic creators to put the experience of their consumers above all else. That is to say, I would like for creators to find praise meaningful, to find people enjoying their works to be the paramount joy for them. I do not like to see artistic creators put money above all else.
I do not like seeing artistic creators make bank on the best-selling dlsite game of all time, and then get upset at fans who tell him they love their game for not giving them more money. Keep in mind: He literally said he REALLY, REALLY HATES to see people say "awesome! good work!" if he thinks they didn't pay him. His words.

>you don't just go and tell the creator you really enjoyed his work while not paying a single yen.
There's no problem with reading used, shared books.

>> No.16799693

I guess it's not invalid but rather kinda sad and I would feel for him.
Like the assignment paper I mentioned, sure the person who wrote would want to fix it but it would leave a bad taste in their mouth, knowing that it would only be copied again with their revised edition.

Still that's what Capitilism is, imagine if Rance or Muv Luv or some other top tier work sold as well as kusoge. Eventually the dev would say 'hey I don't need to put as much effort if I get the same return' . So they might not be bothered in the future. Eventually the market goes stale as a whole. That's if their wasn't any capitalism.

Sure you can argue he made a lot of money but that's like saying it's okay to steal from the rich they have money left over.

Also yeah I guess I didn't read that too well. I assume he hates them because he can't tell if they were pirating the game and hates that. What person would hate somebody who bought their work and thanked them? I mean he doesn't seem like somebody extremely Xenophobic or hates when people don't read the original japanese text or something. More than lokely he hates the faxt pirates were thanking him

>> No.16799700

Why not? Positive reinforcement is always nice. Also I doubt the people messaging him go "Haha I pirated your game, good job with it" hell most wouldn't even mention it. He probably interfered that by himself seeing their twitter profile in English or whatever.
In fact that post doesn't sound worried about piracy but rather like racism since he's OK with Japanese people pirating.
>I know many Japanese also playing pirate ver, but they don’t send me messages like “I played pirate ver”.
>I know some people who are not Japanese pay for the game and respect me, but I think majority are not.

>> No.16799701

>Still that's what Capitilism is
Capitalism is the environment these artistic work in, but that doesn't mean I have to be happy about capitalism flowing through artists to the extent they care more about people paying them than enjoying their work.

>> No.16799751

I wanna say I agree sure the dev would love for people to enjoy their work. However I do think they are in the right to be mad.
Suppose it was the highest selling media in japan and people still pirated it. At that point if he got angry, I would say he made a ton of money and the potential amount lossed isn't that much.
Still I do think he is in the right to be angry, though I wouldn't say much if at all even.

In the end its the percentage really.
Losing 5 dollars from 10 is quite big, while losing 1000 from 1000000 isn't as big. How angry he gets could say much about his character, if he's greedy, overeacting or in his limits.

>> No.16799784

Also from what I heard, I'd like to add people tweeted him saying they pirated his game and trabslated it, then asked him to fix stuff.
He made his twitter private after that.
I mean I'd be ticked too if that happened.
He made his twitter private afterwards.

I guess it might not be the money but could also just be him getting angry at the pirates for mocking him like that.

>> No.16799888

Trinoline is kinda shitty so far, really disappointed, they are really trying to build up the imouto's death and Sara's return but because you don't know either of those characters it falls really flat.

>Eventually the dev would say 'hey I don't need to put as much effort if I get the same return' . So they might not be bothered in the future. Eventually the market goes stale as a whole. That's if their wasn't any capitalism.

This is really the sad part, you could pour your heart into a work that is actually good and be outsold by neko para. It makes me wonder why people still try. That's why I buy VN that I really enjoy and never pay for nukige shit. It's also time devs learned to port their games to consoles even if they have to remove ero scenes. I would buy Sakura no Uta without the ero scenes on vita or ps4.

>> No.16799896

When is Purple Software usually announcing their new games? Surprised it hasn't happened this year yet. Amatsutsumi had its trial 6 days from now on last year

>> No.16799897

I just think as an artist anyone would hate it. Any creator would hate to see his work pirated. And if you are going to pirate don't have the gall to show it off.

>> No.16799903

Hopefully never.

>> No.16799921

>I just think as an artist anyone would hate it.
>Any creator would hate to see his work pirated.
Watch the video >>16799689

Also, it's fine to not like piracy, but when your dislike for piracy is so large you actually start hating hearing people praise your art if they didn't buy it... I think that's putting the cart before the horse, and isn't a good thing.

>> No.16800017

I think the appropriate response here would have been something like this "I'm happy to see you are enjoying my game(s) but buy the game instead of pirating it". I mean I don't see an issue with somebody buying the game and then applying a translation patch considering he still gets his money right?

>> No.16800019
File: 93 KB, 1149x278, Screenshot_23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also wanna add this screenshot, some people are dick

>> No.16800041

I just went to his twitter. His pinned tweet is
>People who are not Japanese, please read it.
Aka, other anon is right, this is pretty much thinly veiled racism.

>> No.16800092

I think its kinda racist but at the same time he just doesn't want to deal with it.
he says he feels sorry for his fans and well he doesn't know who bought it or not.

I'd say both sides are kinda in the wrong.

Still if this goes bad maybe other people will start putting gaijin block on things on dlsite. Seeing as this is the most popular and caused thos much issues

>> No.16800168

>Still if this goes bad maybe other people will start putting gaijin block on things on dlsite.

I really want them to put more drm on vns. not even joking. Pirates are cancer as it is, eop pirates are on another level.

>> No.16800171

Post your eroge shelf.

>> No.16800311

I've seen people saying its okay to do so and its justifyable as the games were not coming to the west.
Also that the devs should feel honoured that somebody not in their target audience is playing it.
It also doesn't count as lost sales because they weren't planning on buying it.
Also some other reasons.
It's really weird.

>> No.16800318

I do, I think I got it from the homebrew general on /vg/. Check the Vita section of their OP.

>> No.16800333

>its justifyable as the games were not coming to the west.

The same people won't buy it even if it comes to the west. The sad fact is the vn community in the west are all parasites for the most part.

>> No.16800340

Post your eroge shelf.

>> No.16800352

>The sad fact is the vn community in the west are all parasites for the most part.
I used to believe this but now I go on 2ch and people talk about pirating all the time so yeah. I guess the main difference would be that we are openly fine about it but on 2ch there's always at least one annoying guy who flames pirates.
Bold move repeating that line after last time

>> No.16800404

Should I play chaos;child if I never read chaos;head? I don't even care about the story but they chuu chuu spin off looks good.

>> No.16800417

>I don't even care about the story but they chuu chuu spin off looks good.
No. Go play the latest low quality title by Clochette instead.

>> No.16800440

Is chaos head any good I've seen it talked about a lot, I haven't played anything else in the series.
What is it science fiction?
Chuuni or plotge?

>> No.16800481

No, people only talk about bad games.
None of those, it's a racing simulator.

>> No.16800578

it starts out real good as a nice paranoid delusional NEET simulator but loses steam in the last third when it genre shifts to something less atmospheric and more...direct. probably worth a read though, it's an excellent mood-setter.

assuming "terrified and hallucinating otaku loser" is a mood you're interested in experiencing.

>> No.16800604

I already finished routes I wanted to read for Haruru Minamo ni!.

>> No.16800635
File: 1.44 MB, 1282x718, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are some serious death flags, does this poor bloke lose his sister twice? Time to find out!

>> No.16800671

Poor girl isn't even the main heroine.

>> No.16800676

Yea it seems like no matter what every scene becomes about Sara.

>> No.16801029

jokes on you I like racing games
I might try, do I need to try the other games?

>> No.16801038

she's getting a vn


>> No.16801057
File: 414 KB, 1024x576, capture_059_27012014_031921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely more plotge. Chaos;Head is decent. Focus is on horror and mystery (the main deal is a string of gruesome murders) with quite a bit of denpa aspects as well, but takes a rather different approach towards the end like the other anon said, which you may or may not like very much.

Chaos;Child is a sequel with a new cast of characters and takes a similar approach from the beginning, and I think it's also one of its bigger issues because rather than just directly continuing from where ;Head left off it tries to set a similar horror mystery tone, but the players already know the bigger underlying plot stuff of ;Head so it comes off as a bit boring since you can easily surmise what's roughly going on despite the main characters themselves being completely puzzled at the mysterious murders. My recommendation would be to just play Chaos;Head and if you happen to have been left wanting more of the same then play Chaos;Child.

Steins;Gate on the other hand is a completely different brand of sci-fi with absolutely zero relation to C;H and C;C. Without spoiling anything, the basic premise is a group of university students creating a time machine on accident and then experimenting with it in different ways, and the plot goes from there. Whereas C;H and C;C are just sort of okay with their share of rather big issues, S;G is one of my favorite VNs in general and could easily recommend it to everyone.

>> No.16801074

Id buy it.

>> No.16801080 [DELETED] 
File: 517 KB, 1000x1000, 10225654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I humbly request a translation.

>> No.16801133

Fuck off.

>> No.16801168

I used to be a creator, many (and most, I'd say) people pirated my work (and I also "pirated" it once before I wanted to listen to the results since master pressed copies didn't arrive to my place until like 3 months later) and I didn't give much of a shit. I knew many people who listened to it had pirated it but I was glad that they enjoyed it. In fact it wouldn't have had the reach it had because my most popular work was sold as an event-only limited edition at Comiket, there's no way so many people would've have it.

Several Japanese artists don't give much of a shit either, although japs are often more sensitive about this kind of stuff in average.

>> No.16801176

its not april 1st in japan anymore right?
So its real?

>> No.16801177

Personally I don't really care either. I support what I like and when companies die at least I have my pretty boxes and ost. Some company will always come in to fill the gaps others have left. But don't pick on a guy because he doesn't want to talk to filthy gaijin pirates.

>> No.16801181

Don't hope anon, hope if the seed of despair.

>> No.16801184

Damn she gets to 100k+ views so fast these days

>> No.16801192

Her videos are always good and funny. The character is nice too but the humor is spot on.

>> No.16801196

pretty much this, the humour is there but sometimes strays a bit too far from 二次元 sometimes, which kinda bugs me

>> No.16801200

Yeah I don't think anyone is really picking on him, I mean not agreeing with his reaction is not picking on him. Conversely, no one ever came to me saying explicitly that they had pirated my work, that would've been uncomfortable. But not infuriating, it's not like I didn't know. But I can see EOPs being very KY about it to the point of getting under his skin. But he's basically implying in his text that he doesn't want foreigners talking to him at all, even though he knows there are legit buyers, which seems like going a bit too far to me.

>> No.16801212

>he doesn't want foreigners talking to him at all,
98% chance it's a pirate to be fair.

>> No.16801245

This is hilarious
she dates herself in the VN, she gives self commentary on her self calling herself a whore by how eaaily she goes along with stuff and finally ends up with

I recommend watching

>> No.16801256

I was on the floor when I heard that.

>> No.16801338

>I don't think anybody is picking on him

>> No.16801352

Right, I thought you were talking about the people in this thread.
Was that a reply to the message he posted by the way?

>> No.16801385
File: 1.78 MB, 1360x768, damn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been fun so far, thankfully the pacing got better, honestly the break down mom had was great. That's what I would have expected from the start.

>> No.16801393

I wasn't the person you replied to,
I think all of us aren't EOPs so we wouldn't be bothered by something like this.
This is just something I found, it's a pretty dick move to do to a dev, to be honest.

>> No.16801409

This art looks hot, how's the sex scenes?

>> No.16801427
File: 955 KB, 1360x768, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't seen one yet, but apparently it has early sex scenes so here is to hoping I see some action soon. Anyone have suggestion on who to get first?

>> No.16801440

I guess Shirone>Yuuri>Sara, the common route flows well for Shirone to start with and Sara is locked.

>> No.16801451

damn, really didn't want to do all 3, the vn isn't THAT great and I have a back log. Hopefully the routes are not too long.

>> No.16801510

I'm mostly in it for Sara, I honestly believe she's really fucked up in the head and that her route will be a blast in that regard.
That or she is a female cuckold.

>> No.16801555

100% agree on both ends.

>> No.16801657

Really fucked up in the head heroines are usually the best ones.

>> No.16801664

In true Minori fashion, the crazier, the better.

>> No.16801673

Why did Sara make a robot with a working vagina? Never mind that's a dumb question.

>> No.16801681

With a working vagina that also has to comply with every single request a human makes to her.

>> No.16801704

Shirone can't eat, but can she give oral? Deep questions that require answers. Must keep reading.

>> No.16801716

She turns the semen into breastmilk.
Truly a miracle of engineering, thanks Sara.

>> No.16801722

>Truly a miracle of engineering, thanks Sara.
Nobel prize when?

>> No.16801734


It's realistic. Robots will first be able to serve sexual purposes before useless things like "being able to eat" become a thing. Who'd need that? Okay, those who like their scat. But I mean, that's still coming later. And I'm not sure if scat-fetish can be satisfied with robo-shit. That'd need some serious scientific research.

>> No.16801755

Same with peeing, really, but I'd guess it would take priority because lolibots aren't lolibots without peeing.

>> No.16801768

What if the robots were provided with donor shits? Like instead of shitting in a toilet you shit in a receptacle that collects clear poop with good microbes that the robot can then place inside of containers within it's self for later use. Could also help lower waste water and provide a clean source of probiotics. Three birds with one stone

>> No.16801801

Trinoline's lewds scenes are soo fucking abrupt man. Geeze, no fucking warning and now they are coming back to back, feels forced as fuck, but the tiddies are soo good I don't mind.

>> No.16801880

It seems androids that can't eat CAN give oral!

>> No.16801891

Sara gave her android a hymen... Is that the warranty void if broken seal?

>> No.16801915

Is it just me or does Hatsusaku repeat the same jokes over and over again? I thought the SOL scenes were pretty fun at first, but it really wears on you after a while.

>> No.16801921


The artist didn't get the memo, she's supposed to be not human.

.. or does the story actually talk about her having a hymen and bleeding and shit. If so, why isn't it just a nukige in the first place?

>> No.16801926

>why isn't it just a nukige in the first place?
Because it mostly focuses on the characters while having good porn sprinkled.

>> No.16801930

It does, the comedy runs dry before the common route even ends.

>> No.16801932

>, why isn't it just a nukige in the first place?

Because the story is good, the characters have motivations and emotions, and it has great themes revolving around moral dilemmas?

The porn is an afterthought to me.

>> No.16802054


When they seriously write about hymen of robo-girls, anything not porn-related loses its value. That's just flatout nonsense catering to some sexual fetish and break storytelling. It's not even just the usual purity thing here, as logically speaking, nobody can argue against a robo-girl not bleeding during sex. It's a fucking robot. What's next, bleeding onaholes being normal too?

I suppose we are all a bit used to storytelling suffering for ero, but...

>> No.16802095

Seems pretty narrow minded to me, if you are making an artificial vaginas, self repairing hymens are just the next step.

>> No.16802147

Is there any chance you could upload it to mega? I went through all the links in the vita pastebin and searched the archive and couldn't find it.

>> No.16802192

My bad, I just checked my folder and it's actually C;H not C;C. I guess I should actually play all those pirated Vita games instead of just hoarding them.

>> No.16802214

Damn, someone should have it because there's a dead mega link floating around. Guess the search continues

>> No.16802237

In case you don't know already, the game ID thingy should be PCSG00555. Perhaps that might help.

>> No.16802708

what is that, snatcher? policenauts?

>> No.16802717

>jokes aside I find myself having difficulty playing older stuff even if it interests me and I've heard lots of good things, all the more if it does have ero. I got onto the scene too late and now I've been spoiled.

would you say that about reading novels? like if you had started with 2010s fantasy novels and someone told you that the very best stuff in the genre was written in the 70s and 80s.

>> No.16802719

>The Anim artist really tickles my busty girls with short hair fetish. It's a damn shame he wastes them on NTR games.

theres at least one Anim game where you the player are the one doing the stealing. its nothing special just another nukige but one of the heroines is a short hair busty

>> No.16802734

they are usually not on nyaa but sukebei

>> No.16802742

check baidu, duowan or 3dm. the chinese definitely have one

>> No.16802947

Novels don't have shitty ear bleeding audio and eye scorching visuals, I would be glad to read novelizations of old works.

>> No.16803095

That's just your opinion man.

>> No.16803361

Looks like China have the demo version but the full game hasn't been uploaded yet. I guess the choice is play the shitty pc port or buy it.

>> No.16803381

Possessioner for the PC-98

>> No.16803411

What are people thinking when they make such posts? Of course it's just his opinion. He fucking wrote the post.

>> No.16803548

is it that bad? I thought the issues were mostly Win10 related so one could just run it in a VM or something

>> No.16803645


According to anons in this thread it is really bad even with a good PC. I have a toaster too so it would be even worse for me.

>> No.16803673

it's not a big deal other than skipping and browsing between save/load menus. not something that actually affects the game.

>> No.16803734

actually it crashed a lot during certain scenes, but it may be because of Win10 and DirectX, going by the Steam forums for Steins;Gate because I can't find anything else on it

>> No.16803738

oops that never happened to me, although i use win7

>> No.16803787

Saw the Pulltop 15th Anniversary 15 Titles pack, price-wise seems like a steal, what's the general opinion on the titles in it?

>> No.16803830

Enough of them are good for it to be worth getting.

>> No.16803924 [SPOILER] 
File: 551 KB, 800x600, 1491122459051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading subahibi near the start of It's My Own Invention and this bullying is getting hard to take. I don't even want to read anymore. I am glad I live in America where everything is normal and people are well-adjusted. Apparently in Japan half of the male students are evil sadists who physically torture the weak in broad daylight and the adults encourage it because it is honorable to not acknowledge the torture going on on their school grounds. Seems a worse place to live than a war zone.

>> No.16804104

Christ, I don't know whether to feel sick or just disappointed. I'll put the following in spoiler tags but it isn't really a spoiler, more of a warning for those who haven't read Subahibi yet, although most in this thread probably have already.

In the second chapter of Subahibi, the greatest work of literature Japan has produced from the greatest writer eroge has to offer, there is a gratuitous thousand-line scene where a helpless boy is tortured and raped by a group of evil men. I don't care how much of a Sca-ji dickrider you are, you can't defend that scene being as long and horrible as it was.

While I have been impressed up to this point with most aspects of the experience I have lost a lot of my motivation to continue with this. How much more rape and torture will I have to read through, or alternatively, ctrl through? Can you truly call it a masterpiece if it's littered with filth? I guess I'll continue for the moment since reading this is like a rite of passage for western eroge readers but I definitely have lost respect for the author.

>> No.16804118

Takuji is kind of a shitlord though.
I didn't feel sorry for him much.
And losing respect because the author dared to write how bad things happen to people is stupid.

>> No.16804128
File: 875 KB, 2560x1440, COM_01L_3_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont really read many eroge but 見上げてごらん might be one of my most favorite games that I have read so far. この大空 and ココロ@ファンクション were enjoyable and the fandiscs for those were as well. Can't say anything about the other titles however.

>> No.16804137

I didn't like Subahibi all that much and I definitely think that the content in question was something I'd expect from 3rd-rate authors clawing for recognition by pushing the boundaries of shock value, but you're being a bit of a little bitch.

>> No.16804145

That scene is one of the best ero scenes ever written. Sorry to say anon but I think you just have bad taste.

>> No.16804190

I like Kanishino and Miagete Goran, haven't read anything alse.

>> No.16804192

It's not because "the author dared to write how bad things happen to people" but because its depiction was bad. It's not the subject matter but the treatment of it. What was the point of having it be so long? To make the reader truly feel the suffering Takuji went through? Yeah sure, you could say that but really that's just an excuse. It serves basically only as misery porn for the average reader and as porn porn for those who are a fan of yaoi rape. Again, it's gratuitous. I think >>16804137 put it pretty well with "the content in question was something I'd expect from 3rd-rate authors clawing for recognition by pushing the boundaries of shock value".

I read the majority of the scene but by the end I was mashing enter while skimming to see if there were any worthwhile lines within all the torture and rape but there really weren't. Even if it were content that didn't bother me, that's just tedious. Call me a little bitch if you like but either way I do not think that scene as it was presented was a good addition to the story.

>> No.16804265

I think by now you should have heard the game isn't for sensitive people who overreact to everything. It's also the tamest scene in the game.

>> No.16804292

I choose to believe this is a humorous post predicting the reaction EOPs will have to the game.

>> No.16804311

Hm, maybe it's a bad thing that I found that scene absolutely fucking hilarious, then.

Also, have fun with Looking Glass Insects.

>> No.16804358


Anyone looking forward for this?

>> No.16804369


I'd like to, but all I played from Eushully has some massive flaws. So it's always up to if it's flaws I can deal with and still have fun, or if they kill it for me.
Story is probably super terrible ctrl-tier, so that's not gonna help.

>> No.16804422

Have you played Megami Zero?

>> No.16804424

That came out a decade ago and was written by a different person than Eushully's recent games.

>> No.16804428


>> No.16804486

>recommends C;H
>thinks S;G is anywhere even close to the level of C;C
I puked a little. シットテイストには程がある

>> No.16804560

I picked up Miagete Goran as something to kill some time with little expectation of anything memorable.
Found it to be a fair bit more interesting than I expected, also all the heroines were quite charming in their own way. One of those uncommon eroge where I actually read every route then went on to read the FD right after.
I guess a little more drama would have been nice, felt like Hikari's route was the only with much of it, the other routes while nice got a little boring.

>> No.16804583

Guys, keep me posted.
I'm pretty on the fence about reading it and some mentally unstable heroine drama would be a pretty solid pro.

>> No.16804680

C;C is pretty darn average and somehow manages to be even worse than C;H in places, mainly because of the common route failing to establish a proper atmosphere of horror and mystery despite the vain attempts, while the main plot shitting itself with padding after the said common route was over being another one of its biggest issues.

Despite its faults, as a first game C;H at least manages to hold a semblance of tension since the player is not yet familiar with the sci-fi super powers or the conspiracy whereas in C;C for someone who has played the first game it's painfully obvious how the murders are committed especially since they're shown from the victims' perspectives, not to mention I feel that using such a plot device in general is pretty cheap since you can easily use it to explain any sort of impossible mystery. It comes off as really jarring when the characters spend the majority of the game acting baffled at the seemingly "unsolvable" murders when the players themselves can easily figure shit out with the basic information from the first game.

C;H also doesn't force you to sit through padding side heroine routes that completely throw the main plot out of the window, which is a really big plus in its favor in comparison to C;C.

>> No.16804682

Have fun reading teacher scene and the whole Insects.

>> No.16804700

The main heroine basically made a fuckable robot based on MC's dead sister just so she could finally get in his pants.
ANn this is the basis of the game.

>> No.16804752

I don't agree with anything in this and think you just straight up missed the point of the game. It looks like you went into it expecting some sort of detective fiction when most people know that it is part of the SciADV series and thus has supernatural elements. It's not about figuring out how the murders happened; it's about the "why". Couple that with the best writing of any SciADV game produced to date, endearing characters across the board (especially the protagonist, Takumi can't even begin to compare), a focused common/true route presenting its themes in a clear way while simultaneously breaking the mold by attempting something new and risky in the stale climate of the ADV industry and you have what is one of the most well polished games in recent years.

>> No.16804852

>I don't agree with anything in this and think you just straight up missed the point of the game.
>It's not about figuring out how the murders happened; it's about the "why".
Maybe the game shouldn't have spent so much time with characters pondering and trying to solve the main mystery then, eh? I actually went in expecting scifi first and mystery second while thinking the game would dive into developing the supernatural aspects much earlier, precisely because of the first game already revealing those things and it'd be stupid to set up a similar chain murder mystery as the main plot.

It would've been fine if the game had just straight up started with the scifi stuff, yet instead it opts to take the same approach as the first game with the main characters running in place and being out of the loop for a good while and even when they do catch on it's still just mainly about high-schoolers playing detectives and sticking their heads where they shouldn't. It hardly develops the first game's setting and is content in recycling similar plot devices and tackling the main plot in a way befitting a mystery game (especially with all the questionnaires regarding the murders), except it doesn't work as well as C;H since like I said you're already familiar with the background setting. While I wouldn't call C;C a good mystery game it certainly *tries* to be one for a good while of its main story.

>endearing characters across the board (especially the protagonist, Takumi can't even begin to compare)
Now this is straight up bullshit. Takuru is everything that's wrong with sequel characters: introducing a completely new cast but giving them similar or outright same traits for brand recognizability nonetheless. He feels like a watered down nu-Takumi, not living in a proper housing either and similarly having problems talking to people (though to lesser extent), same delusions etc. with a new pink-haired main heroine who also happens to have a special relation to him. C;C in general is recycling in its prime for another game that didn't really need continuation; New-New Gene murders, similar scenes like straight up same wording with the mysterious chat log between chapters (f.ex. an unknown person telling they're ready to kill Takuru / Takumi), similar characters falling into tried and true archetypes (though not all obviously) etc.

>a focused common/true route presenting its themes in a clear way while simultaneously breaking the mold by attempting something new and risky in the stale climate of the ADV industry
Repeat in non-buzzwords please. I genuinely have no idea what you're referring to by saying that C;C "breaks the mold" when it relies so much on recycling old stuff, not really developing the setting further and the plot developments certainly aren't anything groundshakingly new or risky that we've never seen in the medium before. It's feels pretty much like a game conceived by suits thinking "hey, this Chaos;Head was pretty popular, we need a sequel ASAP".

>> No.16804990

Anyone else autistic enough to avoid stuff that has / is getting English translations?

>> No.16805001

I don't have a single clue what's even getting translated at this point anymore, so no.

>> No.16805007

That's the "I started learning Japanese a few months ago and want to feel superior to other people by reading untranslated only" - syndrome. You'll get over it eventually.

>> No.16805146

Are H-Code's still a thing? Where do you find them nowadays?

>> No.16805302

Nah, people just read Japanese nowadays.

>> No.16805436

same, I like that eushully tries to combine storytelling with gameplay but it doesnt do either gameplay or storytelling very well...

>> No.16805447

depends on the quality of translation, no? why avoid whats probably going to be no better than reading it yourself?

>> No.16805796

You're just afraid the west is going to tear the translated title a new asshole like it always does, aren't you?

>> No.16805984

Don't worry the scene was pretty hilarious. It had me laughing my ass off, and I think it was written in a self aware way, >>16804104 is just a pussy.

>> No.16806144
File: 1.40 MB, 1026x596, blade arts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the heck was this all about? It was pretty fun to read, but didn't seem to have much substance to it. I get the idea Jin was dicking around with the setting, pretty much was he says here.

>> No.16806562

I love scaji but subahibi is probably his worst work. Not sure why people love it. I'm pretty sure it's a meme.

>> No.16806579

>best writing of any SciADV game produced to date

Man I wish people would tone that shit down, C;C isn't even as good as C;H.

>> No.16806582

Are you on a trolling streak?

>> No.16806641

I have this disease called, being able to form my own opinion. Be careful it's contagious. Sakura no Uta, Ebiten, H2O, and Ikikoi are all better than subahibi. I don't even know how you can say C;C is better than C;H if you read C;H first.

By the way, none of these works are bad, some are just better than others.

>> No.16806670

>H2O, and Ikikoi
You could have gotten away with Ebiten and Nijuuei as a believable ruse, but this is too obvious my dude. That and you need some space between two extravagant claims on that scale, not just a mere two minutes. Refine your technique and try again in a month when people forgot.

>> No.16806698

You are saying H20 and Ikikoi are bad, how so? Also, I've never read Nijuuei so I can't really say. But lets be honest you are not looking for a discussion, you just want to shove your opinion down other peoples throat and call anyone with a differing opinion a troll.

>> No.16806755


Perhaps the novel, that was quite nice.

>> No.16806946
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>> No.16806968
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>> No.16807038

eroge > anime and ln

>> No.16807351
File: 432 KB, 1256x939, 73789032089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently there will be a VR wedding ceremony to promote the upcoming game 新妻LoveyXCation.

>> No.16807420
File: 569 KB, 1028x772, 運命予報をお知らせします_2017-04-02_19-51-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a bad enough dude to kiss your 実妹 in public despite people watching?

>> No.16807484

ending of her was retarted
i think the writer just hates eroge and its fanbase

>> No.16807653

I think you mean "amazing".

Best imouto route ever IMO.

>> No.16807681

Speaking of Ebiten, is the anime the same as the manga and novel? I watched it when it aired all those years ago and just remember it being complete nonsense, in a fun way.

I actually just got into VNs a few months ago so I find it really funny that the guy who wrote that is the same guy praised as the symbol of intelligence and depth in eroge. Who knows, maybe I was too young and stupid to realize what a true masterpiece Ebiten was.

>> No.16807682

No the novels are extremely different.

>> No.16807716

>no eyes
I hate this self insert meme.
His eyes could show more emotion and passion to the situation.
He could have tears running down or a simply closed to show his concentration to the moment.

If you want why not just do an image where the perspective doesn't show the protagonist's face and eyes at all.

What's worse is when plotge or mc's with a personality get the no eye syndrome.

>> No.16807725

It honestly kinda feels like they are kissing a random generic guy rather the person they fell for.
Which I guess makes it much worse.

I don't know, maybe it's just me and I love romance in general. However it does feel like its somebody other than the mc.

When they pull this shit.

>> No.16807736


You've been reading too many face-less men doujinshi.

That said, it's an old thing that gets more and more rare, even in moege. If, for whatever reason, you see the protagonist, they tend to have a face by now I feel.

>> No.16807770

I know it's showing up more but I mean pics like
I feel like it ruined the moment

>> No.16807922 [DELETED] 
File: 201 KB, 800x976, 1489512027821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are anime characters white?
I tjought they were at first but it seems like its features of both white and asian

I mean even with this chart the eyes don't match up among other things.

>> No.16807926 [DELETED] 

also before you get aangry i mean the anime art style in general not anime shows

>> No.16807992 [DELETED] 

Hirugaishi sui is on sale digitally again on the psn.

>> No.16808012

Higurashi Sui is on sale digitally again on the psn.

>> No.16808059 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 259x319, que-1082289550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are anime characters white?


>> No.16808298

Is C;C really that better than S;G? Keeping any memery of it being untranslated or newer out of it.

>> No.16808328

Can you really expect any better from a person that uses meme arrows and types like a retard? Don't respond seriously to people that type like they are from /v/. To answer you question if something is tled or popular it loses points for some reason. The popularity curse will hit C;C soon because of the anime but not yet, then you will get people shitting on it in favor of 5pb's newest game. All the games are good, people that say x game is vastly better than y game are full of shit.

>> No.16808505

How much?

>> No.16808507
File: 128 KB, 891x96, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2980 yen

>> No.16808524
File: 211 KB, 1027x730, harems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man I'm glad other people are reading this, it's one of my favourites despite its obvious lack of polish. Probably the most hype I've ever been at a confession scene.

I'm with this guy, they actively avoided the retarded ending I was afraid they were going for and then pointed out how retarded that would have been had they gone through with it.

>> No.16808537
File: 477 KB, 1028x772, 運命予報をお知らせします_2017-04-03_00-23-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's pretty good so far, still in the common route though.
Hikari is an elder god-tier imouto for me, her dialogue alone gets me erect. Lucle is really good at writing them.

>> No.16808554

That writer really knows how to do imoutos, every one he's done has been top tier, though Istoria's is a lot weirder than usual and I haven't done her route yet.

I recommend taking all the route branches when they come (assuming you want to do said girl's route at least), it's a bit unusual in that the girls come at you one by one and you have to actively turn them down if you want to get to the next one. There will be no happy harmonious harem ending here.

>> No.16808564

I got the feeling that's how it'd be given how full force imouto love is coming.
Not gonna lie, it'll be hard for me to keep playing after doing the imouto route. She's best girl to me by an order of magnitude. Kind of wets my blanket to know a future without full force imouto dere awaits.

>> No.16808584

I wish I could be bothered to do imouto routes, never like their romances.

>> No.16808606

The other girls are almost as great to be honest, though Kaho's a weird case in that she's built up through the whole story as the ~best~ girl who MC-kun is totally still not over and yet she only gets decent at the very end when you finally do hit her segment.

Honestly though, as good as imouto is, I think Mizuki is best girl. You'll see. Maybe.

It's a thing that's pretty easy to half-ass and so a lot of the time they come off as an annoying store brand childhood friend. Or the MC has zero interest in her until her route and then bam all of a sudden he's alright with fucking his sister.

That game the other anon is playing and kamimaho really do it right in my opinion, their MC have reasons why they'd want to dive headfirst into the incest pool and it doesn't come out of nowhere.

>> No.16808611

>their MC have reasons why they'd want to dive headfirst into the incest pool and it doesn't come out of nowhere.
I just never really get why they are even into each other, as in, I could buy it if they weren't related, but the moment they are brother and sister it's just a huge why.

>> No.16808623

Well a properly plotted story would actually attempt to answer that huge why. Most of the time they don't bother so it ends up feeling like they're just ticking all the 'required eroge heroine role' boxes.

>> No.16808696

>but the moment they are brother and sister it's just a huge why.
Incest is a real phenomenon, it's not like being blood related destroys all sexual love by default automatically or whatever. Humans aren't that simple.

>> No.16808718

>Incest is a real phenomenon
A real, extremely atopical phenomenon that nowadays is almost non existent in developed countries, especially brother-sister.
And normally, being raised together with a person who you are aware is your family and have seen grow up is off-putting, unless you have some heavy psychological problems or are a sexual deviant.
I can even accept the fucking easier than the whole romantic love part.

>> No.16808740

Then they just have to make them a non-normal family, ne? Most of the good imouto routes I've read involve separation as kids or unhealthy levels of codependence or broken families/parent-related trauma or actual heavy psychological problems.

Usually any writer worth the paper they're written on can whip up at least a halfway believeable reason why two people with the same daddies would want to play doctor past the age of 6.

>> No.16808741

Unfortunately that's mostly just you extrapolating incorrectly from biases without a solid grasp on reality, so that's where this conversation ends. No point arguing with air.

>> No.16808770

>And normally, being raised together with a person who you are aware is your family and have seen grow up is off-putting
The Westermarck effect is an actual social construct(unlike gender, race, etc, before triggered /pol/ gets on my ass), and like most social constructs, it's highly fragile and falls apart with the slightest bit of trauma.

Brother/sister romance becomes believable the moment you're told that their parents are never home or something.

>> No.16808847

>Istoria chapter 8
This is the most fucking gut-wrenchingly awful choice I've ever seen in a vn jesus christ, it's pure evil. I swear to fuck if at least one route doesn't have the dad beaten to a bloody pulp by the end of it I'm going to be inconsolably angry.

The opening movie's engrish subtitle promised me a happy ending and I am starting to suspect it is full of shit.

>> No.16808886

Manga is mostly jokes, the LN is an introductory text to logic and how things aren't what they seem.

>> No.16808889

>ending of her was retarted

Spoil what happens.

>> No.16808932

He may be referring to how his dad beats the shit out of him upon being told they had fallen in love and done the deed
And basically more somewhat lame drama to that tune. The ending is otherwise standard.

>> No.16808986

>parents don't approve of incest
i'm failing to see the part where that's retarded.

>> No.16809000
File: 881 KB, 1028x772, 運命予報をお知らせします_2017-04-02_22-26-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I recommend taking all the route branches when they come
I can't say I was too fond of Hikari's branch route. The drama isn't very interesting or worked into the overall themes of the work, the writer pretty much says that you messed up and now the characters are stunted in growth etc etc. I could feel the direction of the story shifting from heading towards a meaningful end towards a generic moege ending, author sighing about how erogamers are dumb and there needs to be a 適当* romance route. I mean the antagonist of the branch route was introduced for the first time immediately after entering the route, having never been mentioned before iirc, and then antagonist of the common route disappeared, never to be seen again. Definitely not satisfying on a thematic level, and viewed on its own the route was really standard moege stuff. Overall my opinion is very poor, the route was noticeably worse than the rest of the game as far as I'm concerned. To put it clearly, the common route of Unmei Yohou was fairly meaningful with depth to the characters and dialogue - it was above average, whereas the branch route was common moege stuff lacking much of the depth and meaning of the common route.

*before anyone memes about this being in Japanese it's a reference to a somewhat hard-hitting line in the game

>> No.16809041

Well the main antagonist disappears for a reason and does so in all routes except Kaho's for that same reason, that's kind of the whole plot of the game.

They're valid complaints I suppose, though I think Hikari's route is intended to be the 'ye have chosen...poorly' option in the first place and so it's only natural no one really grows or develops as a character. Whether that excuses it or not is up to you, and from the sound of it probably not.

Honestly I liked it a fair bit for at least trying to take an incest romance seriously in how the rest of the world would react to it, and also for purposefully avoiding the dumb bullshit of 'society is mean so we'll run away forever and live in a shack innawoods'.

It really feels like Kaho end was the 'real' end and everyone else gets their typical required eroge route, which can be good by sheer virtue of likable characters, but do end up being kinda thematically 適当.

Maybe you're better off just going straight for the end without detours, then. I do recommend sticking with it, you do get that satisfying thematic end and all the loose ends are tied up.

>> No.16809049

Wow, forgot to mention two things.
1 - I do want to make a special note that the H in the route was amusingly poorly written. Even I, a gaijin, can tell the author doesn't have much experience writing porn, though I have read a lot of nukige. That said, the imouto was such an incredible semen demon that I nonetheless had a pretty good fap to the scenes. Really goes to show that banging a well-written character is very rewarding, bringing superior faps to many nukige with bland characters.
2 - The pic I posted has my favourite character in the game by far, and he was lacking in the imouto route, which really bummed me out. For the most part every character in the game is familair but he (and Ringo to an extent) is very fresh, so his scenes are what I end up looking forward to the most.
I don't think it's something that needs to be excused. I haven't finished the game yet so I wouldn't lay the hammer down on this route at this point anyway. As for the antagonist, Ringo mentioned that he would start leaving MC alone, but I'm not insightful enough to figure out why though I can guess it's because he's attempting to get MC with Kaho so as to make his prediction in the past be correct

>> No.16809069
File: 231 KB, 1017x727, pure love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dohoho, how 甘い

Yeah in all honesty I suspect the porn got outsourced or something (or maybe I'd just prefer to think that way) as the writing was a jarring tonal shift into low-quality doujin territory. Though I remember one of the imouto scenes being amusing due to the CG having a door in the background and I thought for sure they were gonna get walked in on.

I do look forward to seeing what you end up thinking of Senpai. He's definitely an interesting guy.

>> No.16809103

Far better, they're in different leagues entirely. S;G isn't bad but it's just popcorn that you forget after a month. C;C actually has something meaningful to say, plus, I can't stress this enough, the writing itself is thoroughly engaging to read. The new guy 5pb picked up, Umehara, hasn't written or even played VNs before and it shows, in a good way. His style is very down to earth and free from the usual exaggerations common among other writers in the medium. Can't wait to see what he does next.

>> No.16809114

So about that Istoria patch, any news?

>> No.16809120

>the writing itself is thoroughly engaging to read.
This is where I disagree, the game is extremely slow and outright boring most of the time, mostly because the comedy is off and the interacions suck, while also failing to build any kind of proper tension or atmosphere, which really should have down considering it'sa sequel to chaos;head.
>and free from the usual exaggerations common among other writers in the medium
Parts of the game are so over the top in a bad way it's not even funny.

>> No.16809124

Too much stuff to fix, not just typos but also engine problems.
I'm still waiting to start in the case they actually bother to.

>> No.16809129

>S;G isn't bad but it's just popcorn that you forget after a month. C;C actually has something meaningful to say, plus, I can't stress this enough, the writing itself is thoroughly engaging to read.
Switch S;G and C;C's places and you're roughly right. C;C is bloated as fuck, not only because of the shitty padding routes and I'm still failing to grasp what you consider "meaningful" or "mold breaking" in it.

>> No.16809130

Given the contents of the patch for kamimaho, I wouldn't count on them to fix any engine and presentation issues. I was going to try to fix some of the engine issues myself to make playing it a little less painful, but this time, the game doesn't seem to work with the easily available kirikiri tools.

>> No.16809144
File: 208 KB, 1290x752, smile status - not protected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that sucks, the plot has got its hooks into me more so than anything i've read in quite some time so it'll be a damn shame if it gets consigned to the bargain bin over technical issues.

then again there's been a CG where they forgot to draw the ground so there's a girl levitating in midair and at least one occasion where there's been double sprites of the same girl so complaints are entirely justified.

>> No.16809150

Peopel seem to have issues with quicksaving crashing the game and similar.
Basically a jewel buried in shit.

>> No.16809160

I can't relate with any of that personally. The only boring parts were the short heroine routes. Other than that? Pretty much perfect pacing. Atmosphere was good too for what it is. Loved the interactions, especially Hinae and family scenes. I guess it just isn't for you. The places it goes isn't really something most people would expect but I'm really glad Umehara didn't hold any punches and just did his thing until the end.

>> No.16809164

don't wanna be that guy who just goes 'lol then don't use it' but, there are people who use quicksaves? never understood the purpose in visual novels, regular save is like one extra click and there aren't exactly tough fights you need to be reloading for repeatedly.

>> No.16809175

For meaningless/porn choices I do, it's nice just clicking a button and have it choose something else.

>> No.16809179

fair enough. maybe i just haven't been playing games with enough choices to make it worthwhile.

>> No.16809182

I use them as basically a bookmark when I'm closing the game, since most games still don't have a suspend/resume feature. I only make actual saves at choices and such.

>> No.16809191


It's also something that you should get a habit of doing, just in case something crashes. I'm not doing it myself, and that was some fucking fun I had in Chaos;Child because of it.

>> No.16809198

mmm, i save in a new slot every time i finish a reading session so the most i ever have to catch up on is like an hour or two's worth of reading, aka about 30 seconds' worth of ctrling. it does seem like something that will suddenly sound real useful after i've already been fucked over, though.

>> No.16809228


If you don't read for long times, that's alright.

C;C is also a bit of a special case I suppose, because skipping takes ages there. And I can't do something else in the time either, as it's "unread" text, if it crashed. Hitting the quicksave button or hotkey every now and then can be quite nice. You know, the "save often" mentality.

>> No.16809236

seems fair, i've heard unflattering stories of C;C as well. most likely i've just fallen into the age-old trap of 'i don't do it therefore no one does'. i honestly can't remember the last time a game crashed on me, though.

heh. maybe it's the quicksaving that causes it.

>> No.16809246

It's a quite shody port with bad pc support for pc.

>> No.16809480

This, people keep telling me C;C is soo meaningful but never tell me how. If I wanted meaningful I would be at /lit/, I want to be entertained. Which C;C has done but it had too many gaps where I felt I could have skipped every line in the scene and not missed anything. It was good, just not the second coming of sliced bread. And that's ok, Sakuuta has similar problems and it's in my top 3.

>> No.16809551

> If I wanted meaningful I would be at /lit/
luv this meme

>> No.16809605

Shouldn't you be busy masturbating to Trinoline or something?

>> No.16809626

Trinoline actually deals with heavy themes that will soon find ourselves face to face with. It's the Bicentennial Man of VNs.

>> No.16809741
File: 243 KB, 1280x720, koinosu_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a short note, that Koinosu Ichacolize is better than you'd probably assume. First of all, it actually has quite a bit of text before you even get the first ero. I needed like.. 3 hours or so?

Apart of that it's not anything special, as far as moege go, but I know some here don't like common routes and would like to just have everything about one girl. And this is exactly that. When you start the game, you immediately choose a girl (you get a short little profile of sorts, but nothing else) and the whole story works as if the other ones don't even exist. The protag is also not in high-school, but a working adult. At least when it comes to the girl I chose. You can name him, though I don't think it matters. (typical onii-chan or whatever) Sidecharacters exist, but aren't really important. (though the boss of the protag is a kinda fun guy)

I tried the game mostly because of Asami Hotori voicing one of the characters. So it's a nice surprise. I'd assume the game becomes much more ero-focused now, just like the cation series does once that stuff starts, but still. Actually nice to see some basic character development, seeing a girl with a few different shades that you get to know as you play on. Basic stuff, but can be surprisingly rare.

Apart of that: Don't underestimate Sachi. She's actually a more fun girl, than you'd think at first. She draws bara doujinshi art for a circle she worked with. Although that's not exactly her absolute favorite. Still, pic related.

>> No.16809772

>The places it goes isn't really something most people would expect but I'm really glad Umehara didn't hold any punches and just did his thing until the end.
By not pulling any punches and being unexpected I assume you're referring to the ending, but it's not like bittersweet ends / bad guys not losing (per se) are anything new, and it really loses its supposed punch by being preceded by the needless side heroine routes breaking pacing because they don't exist in an optional vacuum. Them being compulsory and their newly introduced numerous plot devices mattering fuck all in the true epilogue is certainly unexpected, but not in a "wow this was a great twist, very deep" type of way but "wow, why the fuck did they force me to read through all that completely unrelated shit then" type of way, affecting the enjoyment of the following true ending as well.

The main twist wasn't something I would call mind blowing either. While it's not an outright out of left field asspull and I can see some foreshadowing in earlier parts (like Mio's hostility towards Takuru and co.) it still ends up feeling cheap, because no matter how you slice it it's still saying "majority of the characters were actually secretly insane and looked ugly but no one could tell them because of literal brain problems preventing them from understanding!" that doesn't really seem to fit itself into the main murder mystery plot or Serika's game and its conclusion. Despite the main game having problems with creating a proper atmosphere for the mystery it was trying to construct, I would've probably liked the game more in general if it had just ended at common route's climax.

>> No.16809816

This, people keep telling me C;C is so meaningful but never tell me how.
It should have been obvious that C;C biggest theme is modern society and information processing. You can see how much the easy access to information in this day affects people's behavior and lifestyle. C;C didn't get into pretentious discussion about this idea but just told it through the plot and characters itself. That's why C;C was fucking cool, what started as a gore mystery ended being a meaningful story about modern society and its relationship with data and information.The writing itself was also very mature. God I really want more non-otaku writers doing more eroges and VNs like C;C.

>> No.16809928

>C;C didn't get into pretentious discussion
While that's true there was no discussion, it was indirectly pretentious. You can clearly see the pandering to pseudo intellectual otaku which really turned me off. Off the cuff remarks about Schrodinger's cat, a disdain for normal everyday people living their lives, referring to people talking about everyday life stuff as DQN, hating on リア充. It was very clearly pretentious. C;C was clearly pandering to the audience of teenagers that like to read garbage like Thus Spoke Zarathustra and watch intro courses to quantum mechanics on youtube. And I love it for it.

>> No.16809968

Takuru mentioned once that Schrodinger's cat and Quantum Mechanics were a meme on the Japanese Internet. So I don't think mentioning them has the same impact anymore.

>And I love it for it.
You and I are the same.

>> No.16809979

>a disdain for normal everyday people living their lives, referring to people talking about everyday life stuff as DQN, hating on リア充
I mean if you actually read past the first few chapters you'd know the game actually bashes on people like this and makes fun of Takuru's obsession of being 'different' and 強情

>> No.16809991


>> No.16809994


Actually I don't think it was. That attitude of Takuru was depicted as pretty flawed. That kinda was the whole point of him, actually. The fact that he thinks he is so big, but is actually just as small as everyone else.

Sure, there is the issue of the "masses" and the way information flows, but that's a different thing, and is more the society aspect. Little to do with the single individual. I think he even acknowledged that himself, by admitting that he viewed everything that happened during C;H in a similar way as other people viewed the events he has to struggle through.

>> No.16810001

I'm getting the feeling you're reading too much into things and constructing this overarching "theme" from things that really aren't there.

Would you say Chaos;Head didn't already cover those matters years ago? And what exactly do you mean by mature writing? What I gathered from your previous posts you seem to say it's not very flowery or doesn't exaggerate, but that's hardly something unique to Chaos;Child and you'd be hard pressed to find more VNs attempting the type of writing you seem to dislike in the medium vs. ones employing regular writing style you praise C;C for. It's just plain and that's all there is to it.

On the other hand if by writing you're talking about how the actual plot is handled I would call C;C a direct opposite of mature, even disregarding the silly side heroine routes as it's still about high-schoolers playing detectives and invisible swords granting super powers while world-wide conspiracy acts in the background. The murder mystery it desperately tries to present (and that's what takes the vast majority of the game's play time) is handled in a very cliche way and the gory or supposedly disturbing events come off as trying too hard to be scary, especially since the player can easily surmise what's going on if they have played the previous game. You even get a very silly final battle at the end common route akin to the first game as well.

While the 情強 vs. 情弱 thing is obviously an important part in Takuru's characterization and they do lambast his behavior in the game, I would hardly say it cleverly connects to an overarching meaningful theme like you say it does (at least not in a way that sets the game clear apart from C;H in terms of how "deep" its supposed main themes are). It's just sort of there and easily drowns in the very silly and poor presentation of the game's main plot and twists.

>> No.16810002

>When you start the game, you immediately choose a girl (you get a short little profile of sorts, but nothing else) and the whole story works as if the other ones don't even exist.
I had been wondering if there were moege/romance games where instead of meeting and getting to know a half dozen girls and carefully evaluating their strengths and weaknesses over the course of like an in-game month, you can just say 'you. yes you. we date now.' to a girl soon after meeting her.

>> No.16810020

The difference is C;H is tled and C;C is not, so C;C is obviously better and deeper.

>> No.16810029


That's pretty much the cation games, as far as I know. Although you obviously need to still build the relationship and actually get to the "dating" part.

In Koinosu's case it's just that you essentially choose a story, and not really "choose a girl". As, again, the other girls don't actually exist in the other stories.

>> No.16810045

Eh, well, to be fair in a moege the girl is the story. No reason to surround yourself in skirts if you already have your favourite skirt picked out.

but thanks for the tip, sounds like a neat idea. Less guilt over the ones not chosen.

>> No.16810053
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Not to mention metal gear already did the whole information age conflict bigger and better.

>> No.16810066

Doctor Pepper > Mountain Dew
So obviously S;G is better because it has the better beverage behind it.

>> No.16810140

> And what exactly do you mean by mature writing?
For example I liked how C;C handled the adopted family drama and thought was pretty mature. You can feel Nono's genuine consideration of Takuru as a big sister and family member. You can feel this adopted family supporting each other after the earthquake tragedy and in dailylife chores. If this was any other game you would see Nono's falling in love with Takuru after two hours of playing and would see Yui calling him Oniichan or something.
Another example is Kusanto Mio character. She is a young genius and acts like one. She is strict, unfriendly, cunning and smart, she is also skilled in many things beside her main study field. Unlike Makise Kurise who is a bit social ignorant and tsundere which made to attract Otakus. Mio wasnt made to attract male Otaku's attention.
My final example is the detective Shinjou. In these kind of stories the detectives are completly useless and if not they usually don't interact with the teenagers cast. But this one made the detective pretty active thought the whole story. Actually all the characters felt pretty human too me except maybe Hana.

>the gory or supposedly disturbing events come off as trying too hard to be scary
That's because I felt like the writer was forced to write these scences to have connection with C;H, you know being a gory and horror game.
I think that the writer didn't have his full freedom with C;C mainly because it's a sequel to C;H and it's part of SciADV series. In the end C;C really felt like a real novel aimed at young adults with a really touching ending and beautiful message for me.

>> No.16810167

>If this was any other game you would see Nono's falling in love with Takuru after two hours of playing and would see Yui calling him Oniichan or something.
>Mio wasnt made to attract male Otaku's attention.

Not every eroge out there is a B-tier moege for moebuta. Stop generalizing like that, you are attacking a straw-man when you do so.

>> No.16810185

The vast majority are though. And even games which aren't moege have those elements. Has nothing to do with a "strawman", that's just how the industry works.

Not him by the way.

>> No.16810206

It's the very definition of a straw-man, he propped a non existent moege to attack as a reason for why C;C is meaningful and mature. Literally the definition of a straw-man argument.

>> No.16810219

I didn't mean to offend you. But C;C really came as a suprise to me after reading eroge for long. But honestly I didn't find a game who handeled it's family drama as mature as C;C did. So Iam curios of what eroge you are saying is different.

>> No.16810220

No, he brought up a Steins Gate character as a comparison...

>> No.16810239

Did you read kazokei?

>> No.16810249

>I didn't mean to offend you.
You didn't offend me at all, I'm just saying that comparing C;C to moege and saying C;C is mature because of those comparisons is not a good way to form your argument. It really doesn't need to be compared like that. Same thing for your take on detectives, not all detectives are bumbling idiots that get out smarted by teenagers. Kamijou is hardly a unique character, although I did like him.

I understand C;C being a breath of fresh air if all you have done is read Yuzusoft games, but the solution to that is simple, stop reading yuzusoft games and the likes. Yes C;C is more mature than Senren Banka, but the comparison demeans C;C. Compare C;C to other good games. You don't compare high art to children's scribbles, you compare it to other high art.

>> No.16810265

List one game other than Sakuuta in the last 2 years on its level. Pro tip: It doesn't exist.

>> No.16810281

Akeiro and Fairytale Requiem.

>> No.16810284

>Another example is Kusanto Mio character. She is a young genius and acts like one. She is strict, unfriendly, cunning and smart, she is also skilled in many things beside her main study field. Unlike Makise Kurise who is a bit social ignorant and tsundere which made to attract Otakus. Mio wasnt made to attract male Otaku's attention.
Besides what the other anon said that's definitely comparing apples to oranges. You're forgetting that she isn't a heroine with a route, therefore there is no need for a thawing arc to same extent. Kurisu and co. in S;G are main heroines whereas C;C also has its share of heroines who most definitely appeal to otaku crowd in various ways, and their character development is done very much like in most games: with the protagonist as the bouncing board. I wouldn't completely discount Mio from that classification either despite being a side character as traits like "young genius girl" paired with "hostile to everyone else" aren't really that uncommon, and it's not like they give her any other definitive negative traits that would actually discourage otaku from seeing her in that type of light if they so wanted.

>> No.16810327

Both parts of Utawarerumono 2

>> No.16810354

Not even close.
I guess 3 is on that level, but I'd still give it to C;C just for being one solid game rather than a trilogy with ups and downs. The wait between 2 and 3 was too infuriating.

>> No.16810431

If staying in line with the "muh unique mature game with mature characters" theme.

SeaBed. Especially if you (or other anon's) argument is that C;C's best parts were the ones that had nothing to do with SciADV and you want something that's about as far removed from anything "otaku related" as it can be.
Island, and Himawari as well (if you count the PSV port as a new game). Both definitely have certain content that could make the supposed "brainless otaku crowd" shirk in disgust if that's your thing. Much more than C;C ever does.
While chuuni and thus a bit more removed from our theme, Bansenjin also manages to be entertaining and has one prominent heroine differing from the norm whose character isn't centered around her loved, not unlike something akin to Muramasa where the heroines put their own agendas and ideals first before pure love.

Of course there's plenty of games that I consider better than C;C in general as well like Baldr Heart, new Utawarerumono etc.
In the end C;C is nothing but another entry in SciADV series, and seeking supposed "depth" in it is just as silly as seeking it in S;G or C;H. It's not that different guys. You clearly know what the main plot is about and how it was presented. While it's entertaining it certainly isn't deep, mature, or wildly "breaking the mold of otaku culture" in the slightest bit.

>> No.16810448

No one is saying C;C is bad, they are just telling you to slow down with the hyperbole. I think you are being overly sensitive. How can you say the characters act realistic when Hana, Mio and Serika exist? The themes are hardly new nor particularly well done. Think about why it is that you want us to limit ourselves to only 2 years worth of eroge and remove sakura no uta from the table? Do you compare literature to only works that have come out in the past 2 years? You are taking C;C way too seriously and putting depth and meaning where there is none, like Eva fans. Are you one of those people that hated Rabu Chuu Chuu? Also you dismissed >>16810281 without even stating why. Did you even read the two? Sounds like you just want an echo chamber for your opinions.

>> No.16810460

You haven't even read the game Taberis, calm down.

>> No.16810467

New thread


>> No.16810651


If you want a shitty self insert go all the way, nameable, no eyes, no voice, many choices and generic good guy personality.

If your MC has a name then give him eyes, pretty sure people would SI easier with a MC having their name than having no eyes which makes them creepy.

Stop hiding their eyes during sex scenes while you are at it.

>> No.16810661

Can't you defend your favorite work without suddenly shitting on others without reason? What an insecure faggot.

>> No.16810675

Not to mention that Trinoline is actually very good.

>> No.16810713 [SPOILER] 
File: 88 KB, 800x600, 1491243975532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop hiding their eyes during sex scenes while you are at it.

Seriously eye to eye contact is hot
