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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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16745415 No.16745415 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>16723686

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>> No.16745438
File: 277 KB, 824x503, hakunokami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's your dragon farming going?

>> No.16745459

Aigis 2 with HD sprites when?

>> No.16745462

I'm still wondering is it worth it to mincost her or not. Her skill is more important in my opinion. I've already spent 120 SC this month trying to get Kibahime eventhough I still have a lot of them in reserved and dev throwing imperial gacha after next maintenance gonna rekt me.

>> No.16745508
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>its another ultimate Garuda oneshots my Andromeda episode

>> No.16745514

Ultimate killed my Cassiopeia at her second turn but still I won without healer. It really is not that hard to beat.

>> No.16745525

>can clear Ultimate without a team member dying on a non-fire team
Rerolling for double SSR hime start was the best thing I ever did in this game.

>> No.16745527

How? It just methodically oneshots my himes one after another with either triple attack or the skill, despite being atk-debuffed and blinded. They're all level 50 and higher

>> No.16745533

>Not starting with 7 SSR himes and 3 SSR Eid
Wew you fucked up.

>> No.16745538

>Used 6000 Jewels
>Got all the SR fire himes
>Got all the R fire himes except Hest
>Clear Ultimate with only a little worry
Fire team baby. Now if only I could get my hands on one of those sweet sweet SSR fire himes.

>> No.16745542

What's the best element in DMM Kamihime?

>> No.16745547

My Amon+Rs full-fire team does worse than my mixed-element SR team
I also don't have a good fire weapon for the soul, only R shitte

>> No.16745552
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This + Grid full of Dark Weapons + Apocalypse and stat sticks of event SSR's and some SR

>> No.16745557
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wrong file

>> No.16745569

Well I have a full Fire SR weapon grid from the regular fire raids. So I hit pretty hard.
I think you don´t utilize the skills right. Do you know that you can summon almost every round? Do you know your SSR summons got some nifty effects when you summon them? Do you burst at the right moment (Rage)? Do you use your skills to take down the rage when you don´t have burst?

>> No.16745573

Fire, for damage at least. AW Svarog/Mars/Amaterasu are all top tier and they have their +100% dmg summon already, Belial.

>> No.16745574

People that just started, of course you won´t be able to do Ultimate. Not even with three SSRs himes. You need to level up Eidolons, himes and weapons. Around 25 k power is the recommended.
Top three is Fire, Water and Darkness IIRC.

>> No.16745575
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I had blind on this whore since the first turn and she hasn't missed ONCE

>> No.16745582

>have a team with two SSRs and two SRs of the same element that I've played with since the first week at ~23k power
>strongly considering rerolling anyway because all the good fire himes and eids are in the gacha right now with boosted chance
Should I do it, lads?

>> No.16745586
File: 158 KB, 215x422, BURST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buff yourself up with every buff you can muster, summons included, rage the boss, full team burst. Thank me later.

>> No.16745598

>I think you don´t utilize the skills right. Do you know that you can summon almost every round? Do you know your SSR summons got some nifty effects when you summon them? Do you burst at the right moment (Rage)? Do you use your skills to take down the rage when you don´t have burst?
I'm this pal>>16745514 and I have no trouble what so ever

>> No.16745599

Honestly from my personal experience. No.
I have done 3000+ rerolls with script. The priority thing is a fucking joke. I rerolled from Micheal to Susanoo event. And I have recieved the other SSRs hime at almost the same rate as the featured himes. Is a fucking joke. And consider this, I automated 80% of the job, and it still felt like a fucking chore, worse than my real job. What did I get? An alt dark team with three SSRs, that is underleveled 8k that can´t handle any of the events and I only use it to feed raid points. I can´t muster the strengths to do dailies on both accounts. I honestly love my single SSR main account more. Also that took 3 weeks. I deleted that account yesterday.


>> No.16745608

>25 k power
if you want to auto it

>> No.16745616

End this stupid meme. There is no way you can auto it with 25k. I got 24.8k, and I need to manage burst, defbuff, buff and summons to kill it.

>> No.16745682

So I said fuck it and tried Ultimate with my pleb SR/R team.
Beat it, and all I see is 23 normal chests, 5 silver ones and 3 gold ones. I mean it's better than Expert but eh.

and one of the gold chests was enhance fodder
fuck you

>> No.16745706
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Belphagor's second rape scene is largely translated correctly

>> No.16745720
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Hidden half-blood hunter Fran!

>> No.16745729

She doesn't even look that young, what the fuck dev tea

>> No.16745731

She even has quite large boobs

>> No.16745738

>Going into ultimate without andromeda
I don't deserve this.

>> No.16745752

>not shutting the bitch down with based Sieg-chan

>> No.16745806

Apparently that "One time half-price" deal for Kamihime's gacha is divided for single rolls and 10 rolls. For example, you can roll a single roll and the 10 roll will still be half price.

>> No.16745807

I did i with D'Art. Having 3 attack downs on her helped.

>> No.16745813

I've gone with Cassiopeia and won with 2 himes alive, shit's not worth it.

>> No.16745815

Well, ya. The half-price single roll resets everyday, while the half-cost 10-roll is a limited gacha deal.

>> No.16745896
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How did she hide it?
Or was it the Prince's fault?

>> No.16745907

maybe her awakening surged some humanism in her leaving her vampiric side lacking

>> No.16745912

as true vampires are lacking

>> No.16745919
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I finished a bit early.

>> No.16745926

Maybe it's the other way around following the TRUE vampire gene.

>> No.16745942

nah, that is vampire royalty

>> No.16745965

Managed to clear ult but only because she never targeted my Andromeda
Feels like a huge gamble and the drops aren't that great. Is it really worth it?

>> No.16745968
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2 SC away

>> No.16745980

>Feels like a huge gamble
Just how shitty your team is?

>> No.16745988

If your team is that shit, probably not, but it's worth it for non-shit teams. Ultimate doesn't drop R fodder, drops more gold chests on average and has a higher chance to drop rainbow chests(still low ofc).

>> No.16746012

>bring Andromeda to Ultimate
>only remember to revive a dead hime like 5 turns after the fact

>> No.16746094
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By God, this bitch is so annoying.
Petrification is the most evil status effect ever devised.

>> No.16746098

>forgot to buy the last gems from the exchange shop

Well, I only lost like 500 stars, not that much I guess.

>> No.16746100

Can you fug her?

>> No.16746104

Yes, like all SSR eidolons.

>> No.16746105

But you have Belobog
Oh wait.

>> No.16746119

Are you guy jizzing your pants over this revival unit on DMM?

>> No.16746123

>Farming old event
Did you just start?

>> No.16746129
File: 248 KB, 961x643, rahab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Master-kun. Come over here and fug me~
I have the weirdest boner.

I already did. 2 years ago.
>My Fran folder only 21 MB in size.
My dick demands more of her art.

>> No.16746155

Well I wasn't around for their original events.
And Solomon is the hero that my heart and dick chose.

>> No.16746156

Alright, my main beats Ultimate's ass easily but my alt can't do it for shit.

Sticking with Sol was the right choice.

If only I could get more light friends I would even go with my ligth team which also has Bynhildr, for double healer.

>> No.16746158
File: 454 KB, 1218x792, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>login Senpro account because why not
>new updates
>paywall auto is no more
>new login bonuses

hey, this is pretty ne-

>the free 5* is another Tenkai
fuck this. I already got 4.

>> No.16746172

Yes very pleasing for the eyes, too bad I´m a no fun e-sporter. Is she as bad as everyone says? Or honestly decent?

>> No.16746175

At least you didn't forget that today was update day and forgot to grab the unique equipment off the shop.

Don't know if this was just how DMM FKG was in the past, but this "must buy everything off the shop before the event ends" is pretty annoying.

>> No.16746183

Are you the usual fellow that mentions SenPro every now and then? Did not even see Nutaku mention the auto paywall removal on their front page. Sad that the change came too late.

>> No.16746185

It happened to me last event so I made sure to get the equipment a few days ago.

Lately I've been just buying affection items to raise stats, since the gold exp fodder isn't as rare.

>> No.16746186

>new Nutaku FKG event has like almost no random nodes
oh god finally we're getting there

>> No.16746213

that was another guy. I actually login because the guy's post made made me curious.Getting slapped with 4 Tenkais (3 on gacha, 1 with X-overd collab event) pushed me away from this thing but I'm kinda tempted to move back in now they have Toyotomi as reward for completing story mode on Hard. I'm a complete sucker with cute, assertive girls and Toyotomi hits all the right spot for me

>> No.16746215

The Lavender event almost doesn't have them either, it's fucking wonderful, I could actually 100% all the maps.

>> No.16746228

Her main gimmick is her nuking ability.
Just get multiple ATK ups (she also has her own stackable one) and fire her abiliies for cheap lols.
Though I do agree she's pretty low tier.

>> No.16746231

Probably just me, but if I go and play a game where I wasn´t in from the start, I always feel left behind, and I especially feel bad starting in a game that is not doing good, always afraid the game gets the axe like Nutaku´s first game. Plus I´m a guy that holds grudges.

>> No.16746234

Checking the JP wiki, we will eventually get her with our SP since there aren´t that many souls to not in time get everything.

>> No.16746248

Should I save these 50 FP or just use them for a banner I like in Nutaku FKG? I asked yesterday and got no reply, but I already had 2 pretty good rolls with FP, yet I don't know if we'll get special promotions later or something.

>> No.16746266

I'd say wait for a bonus Gold Ticket gacha or something. Nutaku gets far fewer free gems, but the special deals come by pretty often.

>> No.16746270

Save them for a ticket gacha, chances are you'll get nothing if you do it outside of ticket gachas.

>> No.16746271

>I go and play a game where I wasn´t in from the start, I always feel left behind,
yeah, I know that feel... but for me that applies to games with pvp shit.
>especially feel bad starting in a game that is not doing good
eh it think the games doing okayish with the 150k users login bonuses, patches and all. Gotta lurk a bit at the discord (maybe not) or wait till guild battles tho to have a look see on how dead this thing is.

>> No.16746274

Is it just me or is FKG skipping all the cutscenes for the new event?

How does that work?

>> No.16746276

SenPro guild battles are not PvPish?

>> No.16746301

Every thursday they change the special deal, every so often there is a ticket gacha that gives a 10+1 roll as normal then a 5* ticket as bonus, sometimes a 5*+ ticket with a 20% chance of a single rainbow.
Saving up for them gives you guaranteed a 5* flower knight for every 50 gems you spend.

If you are a free player they are the best to use flower gems on, bar none. If you spend money or you must have a spotlighted unit and have hundreds of gems saved up, then the normal 10+1 will be what you want.

Also they announced that the translation was lagging behind so they're putting it in with next weeks patch.

>> No.16746309

yeah, had a brain fart there. only participated a few but it is more like trying to beat AIs . not much communicating other than figuring out which guild to strike. When I thought of Pvp in browser games shit like Dragon Providence comes to mind. Conquest battles can get pretty intense of you're in a high level guild and you'll pretty much have shitty time if you're stuck in a newbie guild or deck.

>> No.16746324


I've been lucky so far, I've done 2 rolls, one of them had a rainbow and the other one a couple of 5*s.

I'll stop taking risks now.

>> No.16746392

Do the bonuses from the same Eidolon stack?
As in, if I have a main Apocalypse on +35% fire damage, will someone else's Apocalypse on support give me a total of +70% fire damage?

>> No.16746406


>> No.16746449
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Is this going to be a meme unit?

>> No.16746462

What do her skills do for an EOP like myself?

>> No.16746469

>School design
Tell me she is a rare so there is a possibility for me to roll her.

>> No.16746474

>That gem count
Are they raining down like no tomorrow later on or what? I´m struggling using them to break limit and rolling for R weapons to level up weapon skills.

>> No.16746486
File: 270 KB, 961x637, 572395720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they got Tomose Shunsaku for the new SSR hime. How long till we get some Wazakita's girls?

>> No.16746488

How long have you been playing? I started on the first day of the nutaku release and have 100k of them with nothing to use it on, I even got all the gem gacha himes too.

>> No.16746507

- Random damage to a random enemy.
- Light atk up + rampage + 3x attack rate up to a random character.
- Dark rst up + counter + def wall to a random character.
First I need to know how do Durga and YGO relate. She's an SR.
Get good event weapons + eidolons. Join a good union. You'll run out of uses for gems.

>> No.16746509

>3 skills
Not a chance, Anon.

>> No.16746510

Not him, but I play since day 1 and I am constantly below 10k.

I still haven't rolled all R himes, and I keep pulling to feed the guild guardian with N's and hope for R weapons for skillups.

>> No.16746531

Raid and Union events give a lot of gems. Also guerrilla gem quest(split off from exp/gem daily) gives 6-7k gems/25AP.

>> No.16746535

Is that their idea of an anniversary celebration?
New hime from a famous artist is fine and all, but where's my free SSR ticket?

>> No.16746553

After you give them 10 draconic eyes.

>> No.16746554

This is all pre-anniversary stuff. Complain when the actual anniversary hits, which should be at the end of the month.

I doubt we'll get a free SSR ticket though, but it'd be nice to be surprised for a change.

>> No.16746560

>/jp/ guild haven´t lvled their fire loli to 5 yet
W-we will get good, you see.

>> No.16746566

It would be nice if they even give us enough jewels for one 10 rolls, let alone SSR tickets.

>> No.16746577

You'd be surprised, but some people have no idea you can feed it weapons.

I'm dumping daily at least 10-20 weapons, and I barely see the counter go down.

>> No.16746603

I thought it was about donating gems and use the gems to lv the guardians.

>> No.16746606
File: 1.70 MB, 904x841, prereg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya. At the very least, we're definitely getting 3500 crystals from the mobile app pre-reg, which should hit 100k today or tomorrow. That should be released when the anniversary hits.

>> No.16746612

Which one is harder? Reroll a 2 SSR hime account on kamipro or reroll a rainbow in FKG?

>> No.16746617

>2 SSR

>> No.16746619

Come to think, they announced walkure romanze collab few months ago, which probably will be their anniversary event.

>> No.16746628
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I actually had no idea, thanks for the info anon.

>> No.16746634

2 SSR hime

>> No.16746643

>21K power shitter
>can beat Ultimate
being a fire memer finally paid off

>> No.16746651

I honestly doubt it. You can skip the tutorial in kamipro and do a 10 roll immediately. While in FKG, you have to go through a 5 minutes tutorial to do a single roll.

>> No.16746652

If I remember, the gems are used to purchase new guardians and (maybe?) upgrade the guild slots.

In all fairness, these guardians are hit and a miss. If your team is light/dark, you won't get any benefit, since those element guardians don't exist - same if you use a team different from the element featured.

>> No.16746806

Do you actually have to prereg to get the crystals?

>> No.16746845

It should be rewarded to everyone, but if you want to make sure:

>> No.16746859

>Fighting Garuda Ultimate
>Proc an Eidolon
>Game crashes
>Come back, Joan is dead for some reason
>Without her defense buff, Garuda picks off my Himes 1 by 1, and I lose by a tiny margin

What the fuck.

>> No.16746920

>Rerun is on
>let's look at some guy on youtube to see how to do Medusa ragnarok
>he dies with 45k power and the best light SSRs
Yeah ok fuck this. Thanks Devs for gradually transitioning from piss easy to impossible in one go as always.

>> No.16746928

>45k attack power

I know this is on DMM, but N-nani?

>> No.16746950

You'll naturally reach about 40k by accumulating SSR/SR weapons and SSR eidolons from events and maxing them. It'll take a while. Above that it's SSR himes and accessories (you'll get them from daily quests later).

>> No.16746957

Does anyone know if this 10 elixir and gacha bundle for Nutaku KP was something that similarly hit DMM side around this side? Not that the deal is a good one, but I'm curious to see if there are discrepancies on how the JP side was handled so that it would be easier to infer if it is actually SuperHippo or whatever non-jp dev is handling this instead of the proclaimed original devs.

>> No.16746990

He either had a shit weapon grid or didn't know how to handle petrify properly, because I can kill her in under 6 turns with my ~45k atk/~50k combat power Dark team pretty easily. ~7 turns if my defense debuffs miss. A proper Light team shouldn't have any trouble.

>> No.16747006

>new hime makes my dick react
>waste all jewels
>literally nothing, again
I am really fucking unlucky in this game, I pulled Artemis twice from the guaranteed rolls and literally nothing but Rs or SR eidolons for all other rolls

>> No.16747011

Meanwhile Rahab just one shot your team members left and right with 1 turn charge attack, unless you have 15k+ HP.
These faggots just can't balance their game to save their life.

>> No.16747024

DMM has deals like that too, ya.The big discrepency is you guys are missing out on guaranteed SSR KH and eidolon 10-rolls(5k DMM points), which they had on release.

>> No.16747030

>>nutaku fkg
>cheer up buns
>encouragement manjuu
but it looks like a wood carving?

>> No.16747034

>waste all jewels
>literally nothing, again
Pretty standard deal if you ask me.

>> No.16747038

>didn't know how to handle petrify properly
Pretty hard to handle it properly when she spams it AOE every turn. He had 4+ status removal and they were clearly not enough. Just how much assault do you have? He didn't show his.

>> No.16747042

Anyone have an idea of who's Cybele's CV?

>> No.16747045


>> No.16747047

You sound eerily similar to Yukana

>> No.16747065

I'd swear I heard imai in FKG but there is so much shit going on in fights that I'm not sure.

>> No.16747067
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Pretty easy to handle it if you have the damage to stun her within a few turns and/or support behemoth + debuff nullifier + cleanse.

Stunning asap is the important part, since enemies can't use their skills while stunned.

My entire grid is Slv20 as anyone's should be at his power. 7 assault, 2 hp, 1 hp/assault hybrid.

>> No.16747079

*er 6 assault/1 pride, 2 hp, 1 hp/assault

>> No.16747099

Not that guy, I have quite a few SSR/SR weapon in storage, would you say it's worth it to just max my best element at this point? Keep in mind I have almost no SSR himes. I think I have enough to reach lv 20 on all weapon on one element, or something close to that. I've been raising all elements equally up till now, I'm somewhere below 40k on all of them, assault around 50% on all of them.

>> No.16747105

How do i cancel Epoch service? I purchased with it by mistake.

>> No.16747127

Ya, the weapon grid is the most important part of a team. You can do Ults with Rs and Ragnas with SRs as long as you max out your weapon grid.(and have elemental advantage for Ragna)

Yes, maxing out a main team, and then having a good second team to cover your main team's weakness, is a good way to go if you're not light/dark who don't need to do that. Ie. If your main team is Fire, you're weak to Water, so make your secondary team Lightning. etc.

>> No.16747140

My teams are light and dark.

How fucked am I.

>> No.16747160

Thanks. I have no problem doing ult at all, I can leave them on auto. Ragna though tends to fuck me most of the times. I've been able to do Kyuuki and Ixion re-run without fucking up too much but that's about it. I'll try going one element now.

>> No.16747230

Why would you be fucked ? You can cover your weaknesses.

>> No.16747236

You won´t be getting advantage like the opposite element (except dark and light) would have, but you won´t be weak to anything. Light is bottom of all elemental just above Lightning. Darkness is good.

>> No.16747274
File: 13 KB, 780x278, support.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like you can only exchange for 3 of each Grimoire this event. Doesn't make sense why they would change it.

>> No.16747279

Nothing wrong with going Dark/Light, since you as Dark/Light always have elemental advantage against the opposite.

It's just probably not worth it unless you have equally good, high-tier characters for both or something, which is rare, and have plenty of materials to spare to max out both grids. You also have to consider + bonuses, and where you want those.

I would just fully concentrate on one(Dark), and then work on other elements after you've done what you can with your main grid.

Light's a bit low-tier right now, and you kind of need Tsukiyomi, etc. if you want to do decent damage and get the most out of Light, so I personally wouldn't try to main it without the essential characters.

>> No.16747291
File: 1.22 MB, 937x639, Ultimate meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is expert drop, less effort, less ap, one less gold chest, ultimate is a meme and a chore.

>> No.16747324

I have Sol, Artemis, Urania and Brynhildr in my light team, with Belze, Mephistopheles, Astaroth and Sol in my dark team.

I really wish I had Amon but I'm the guy with the dupe Amon on his alt (decided to continue with both accounts for now, though the alt can't beat Ultimate).

>> No.16747558

How fucked am I going light?

I thought Michael's kit looked pretty strong and once Uranus is out I can start making a purely light team, but maybe I'm better off trying to work on a dark or fire team?

>> No.16747577

Didn't see this post:
Is Tsukuyomi mainly for her nuke/debuff or am I understanding her google translated skills wrong?

>> No.16747632

While Uranus will be needed for a pure light team, it's not like she's good or anything. I mean right now you guys don't even have enough SR to make an entire mono element team out of them so it's not like you have that much of a choice. Rolling for Sol/Artemis was a good choice at the beginning of the game so that you could handle Apo well, but that's about it. Another possible reason not to go light is that you can't miracle ticket Tsukuyomi (because she was added after the ticket), assuming you get the ticket on nutaku/are willing to pay.

Ultimately, it's a question of efficiency. If you go Water or Dark, you'll have high chances of getting powerful himes (since pretty much all their himes are strong, every time they're introduced you can roll to get them. If you fail to get one, there's always the next. If you randomly get one, you always get a decent one.). If you go anything else, the chances drop down all the way to Light and Lightning (since even when characters are introduced, you might want to skip them since they're too weak and not worth the rolls. If you randomly get one, you might get a weak useless one etc.).

That said, once you end up having a grid like this guy's >>16747067 it doesn't really matter that much.

The debuff is OP because it lets you bypass the limit on the standard def down (50%). Her other skills are good as well.

>> No.16747699

Ya. While she's mainly a Dark-killer(her big nuke is only 6.5x against Dark), she's the only one who can provide Light resistance down which is useful against everything, adding another multiplier to the damage formula even after defense down is capped.

AoE + Blind(only to enemies :P), dark res up/light attack up and atk up passive are all solid as well. I sure wish Susanoo's 2nd skill was similar Tsukiyomi's.

>> No.16747727

Bu..but we already unlocked the water one... and she has breasts!

>> No.16747739

120 SCs and only one(1) plat
Yep, i know it

>> No.16747756

>get the two kamihime weapon tickets
>get the same R weapon twice
Jesus Christ this games hates me. What the fuck.

>> No.16747780

>Kamihime weapon ticket
There is only prem ticket no?

>> No.16747787


>> No.16747810

Anon, I have 3 belze staves

>> No.16747821
File: 327 KB, 973x650, Tryhard status preserved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There you go. For glory.

>> No.16747822

3 Belphegor baselards represent

>> No.16747877

Thanks for the tips/information.

Sounds like light's only good with whale power, but Tsukuyomi being maybe 10 months away on nutaku buys me time to decide if I can afford to switch into fire/dark.

My dick tells me to stay light but an Amaterasu would be fine, too.

>> No.16747881
File: 32 KB, 461x290, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16747889

It's a 'One of MC's soul gets lost, captured, and raped by faceless men/monsters episode again'.

>> No.16747896

>its a i got separated time to get raped by faceless men scene again.

I hate these episodes

>> No.16747905

If you do think you want to go Fire at some point, getting her should be high priority, she's kind of the Tsukuyomi for fire (at least for at your point in time). Amaterasu will work fine in the Light team too.

>> No.16747911

I hate people who hate those episodes.

>> No.16747916

>There are two /jp/ guilds
>I am in less active one
>The one with lv two loli
Oldmen leader, please recruit.

>> No.16747923

Will Ama be in gacha spotlight again, disregarding the annivesary promo?

>> No.16747938

Yes, multiple times.

>> No.16747964


>> No.16747966

>implying she can live without big faceless man's cocks and not pretend to get lost

>> No.16747971

It's normal anon.
After a while you just don't care about these shit anymore.

>> No.16747974

Time to whale.

By the way, is there room in the /jp/ guild(s)?
I'm relatively casual, with only around 23K power on my light team.

>> No.16747977

>Not getting faithful Arthur
Whore of Orleans is what she is

>> No.16747983

8 spot left in the second /jp/ union, leave id and the leader will add.

>> No.16747984
File: 66 KB, 860x794, up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OldMen has 8-11 open spots. Leave a comment on profile ID 6604689 saying you're from /jp/ if you are interested in joining. No requirements to join outside of just being active and making good progress.

We are considerably much weaker than Embryon overall but that can change with your enlistment!

>> No.16748004
File: 10 KB, 236x38, gems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our loli is level 3 now!

The hard thing about leveling the loli up though is that everyone needs to contribute. Even if I spent all my gems on free gacha and just dumped what I got into the loli, it wouldn't be too close to leveling up to level 4, assuming I get nothing but N weapons.

I hope people are only dumping N weapons in anyways since Rs and above should be reserved for skill level fodder. It's also fine if people are still using N weapons to level up their other weapons, or if they don't play Fire since there is literally no incentive to pouring weapons into the loli if you don't play the element the loli boosts.

>> No.16748011

Embryon has room for 1 as well. Drop an Id or greet 1576389 ingame.

>> No.16748020

Most people dunno about feeding the guardian, change the message on the Union front page?

>> No.16748036

I should probably also specify that IIRC she won't be alone in the spotlight though. So trying now (if you still have the chance) would be best. Especially since the next SSRs are:
>Fudoumyouou (relatively weak, if you go fire you'd much rather have Amaterasu)
>Poseidon (good for Water, not essential though)
>Thor (Lightning so... yeah)
>Raphael (one of the weakest SSRs)
>Titania (meh at best)
So I would advice anyone who's going to go Fire (and maybe even "anyone not going for Water or Lightning") to roll now if Amaterasu is still in the spotlight and you're aiming for the SSRs.

>> No.16748050

I play dark and I just dumped all my strengthening weapons to bring her to 3 since they don't level skills and all my weapons are max leveled already, I figure most of the union would do the same but they just don't know you can do that. At least I didn't until the anon up above said it

>> No.16748058

Blasted my entire 9k load of Jewels for her. Netted a SSR weapon (no hime). I think waiting won´t hurt since the priority thing seems like a unfunny prank. Note that this was before the recent patch that added two other fire SSR

>> No.16748083

I'm stupid and forgot I was in my own 1 person union so I could complete the donation quest. I'll send the join request tomorrow after work (around this time).

>> No.16748090

No worries, you can just accept the scout then and you'll be in automatically.

>> No.16748104

Well yeah, technically speaking the best thing would probably be to wait for the himeless weapon to be removed. So that you can roll 9k and get no SSR at all like I just did a couple of weeks ago. Fuck this game. Just saying.

>> No.16748140

I had the exact problem with Joan today, funny thing is that she was buffed, and what I supposed killed her was garuda's AOE attack...with Joan at full hp. Weird shit.

>> No.16748142

Just 5 more months mate. One should have 15k+ Jewels by then if you say from today on.

>> No.16748166

Yeah, the absolute best plan would be to wait around seven months, accumulate as many jewels and then just throw them all during the "water % up" before the Fire union event (Wrath). Literally all the water SSRs up to the point are either very good or OP, and with all those crystals you'll surely get some. It's doable with other elements too of course, although they're not as retardedly good as water. Not sure if anyone can resist without rolling for so long though.

>> No.16748171

The fuck, I'm in my guild alone with my raid mule and I have her at lv 7 and guild rank 5 too .

>> No.16748224

Lvl 5 is the max though? For both guild rank and guardian.

If there is someone else looking for a guild, I could make room for another in Embryon. I have a random who hasn't logged on for 8 days.

>> No.16748598

You should honestly be kicking anyone who hasn't logged on for several days.

>> No.16748643

Well, it's just one guy. And we all can have busy days.
All in all, I think we have quite the active gang here, player rank average is quite high as well. We have the fire guardian maxed, and the water one waiting.
If we can weather these advent events without many casualties, I think we could do well come Union/raid ones.

>> No.16748765

Come on man, people take vacations.

>> No.16748784

Having Modred's black propaganda should give you some breathing space. Then again
>Rahab going to rage bursts
>Use Raikou damage cut
>"I'm ready. Come at me bro"
>9k damage and deletes the whole party
Though I do realize I may survive if I clear her atk buff before she bursts

>> No.16748860

>if I clear her atk buff before she bursts
Too bad it has no timer.

>> No.16748878

What do you mean?
I can use Sol's ability to clear it.

>> No.16748902

Yeah I mean it would be nice if you could just wait it out. The Devs weren't that stupid this time around.

>> No.16749289

How much does Andromeda heals at max level? I didn't roll any healing himes so I was wondering if I should aim for her or stop at Cassiopeia and go for an offensive soul instead.

>> No.16749306

>the 300 jewels are in the expiring items tab

>> No.16749312

It's funny just to what degree does KH copy Granblue.

>> No.16749316

1600 HP.

>> No.16749322

Wow that's just 400 more than Cassio, really doesn't sounds worth it.

>> No.16749324

No one cares.
People are here for the waifus, no men are allowed party, porns and most importantly godly BGM.
The only thing left for them to copy is gbf server efficiency.

>> No.16749334

People get Andro for the revive ability.

>> No.16749342

this tbqh.

>> No.16749432

> Back button can still put you in a loop when watching cutscenes.
They need some programming expertise too.
That reminds me, some player uploaded a video on NND full of rants about all the buggy himes. (like Neftis and Caspiel). And the comments was full of GBFaggotry.
That guy even went as far as to make a change.org petition asking some consumer-grievance agency to investigate Techcross.
How much do they hate the game?

>> No.16749472

How does it work?
You just get a random dead hime back and she's in the backup party then?

>> No.16749481

You select the dead one, they get revived at like 20% hp or something. They stay in the back row unless you have an open spot in the front line.

>> No.16749493

20% hp sounds pretty crap for a 10 turn cd, they just drop as soon as something looks their way again

>> No.16749497

its the same as healing in this game, just to buy more time.

>> No.16749962
File: 368 KB, 960x640, medus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am quite new to Kamihime.

Can anyone tell me how to fight medusa properly? She always keeps my healer petrified, and debuffs do jack shit against her poison. I always end up winning anyway (at least on Standard) but only barely though. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong.

Maybe I just need to get good since I'm a 12k atk shitter with a crappy party.

Wait, what's wrong with Caspiel? I use her a lot.

>> No.16750099

Ya, 12k is a bit low to do any higher than standard. Ending the fight asap is the best strategy, so I'd make it a priority to build up your weapon grid and skill up your weapons by doing regular raids as much as possible. I'd level an alt to host raids for yourself, if you haven't done so already. A fewtips:

Build up your burst gauge on the trash waves and make sure your CDs are ready for when you get to the boss.

Do your best to to keep her stunned as much as possible(save full burst for when she rages), and try to stay in stun for as long as possible to build up burst/refresh CDs(don't use attack buffs until you feel you're about to break stun, stun extension skills). Don't push into rage if she's about to ouji.

Bring cleanses(Sol, Behemoth friend support), debuff nullifiers(Ie. SR Amon), debuff resist(not reliable) and black propaganda(Ie. Mordred). Charm is effective if it lands and procs. Blind is useless here though.

While you should try to avoid it entirely, if you know you're about to get caught in a rage ougi, make sure you remove any petrifies up, if possible. It does increased damage to petrified targets and will just plain 1-shot them.

>> No.16750111
File: 132 KB, 960x640, Caspiel_all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her stackable atk debuff.
When she was introduced, you could spam the debuff so many times that the enemy would start to do 0 or even negative damage.
Then the electric union event happened.
Everyone and their mothers brought Caspiel to raids and started shitting on the boss.
Also, for some bizarre reason exploiting the bug also sometimes froze menus and UI of all players in the raid.
Instead of fixing Caspiel, Techcross came up with the brilliant idea of setting the hard limit of -50% on sum total debuff.
Now you can use Caspiel in raids without any worries, but other himes with good atk debuffs got nerfed ue to the limit (like Eros).

>> No.16750140

RIP being healed when the boss hit you.

>> No.16750419

You don´t get it all all do you? The hime being alive and being able to use her abilities is making a world of difference when you finally get some good himes.

>> No.16750542

Can you reroll on DMM as easier as on Nutaku?

>> No.16750675

>Can do Garuda Ultimate with relative ease
>Still do Garuda Expert because I can auto it
Can't spend all my willpower in one place

>> No.16750688

I don´t even think 5 bronze chest and 1 extra gold is worth the chore that is Ultimate. I mean sure, if they had the same AP cost, but is 10 AP more expensive.

>> No.16751138

>Dropped the SSR weapon right as I was about to buy it from the shop

>> No.16751376

the point is that the chests are almots only event tokens and not some enhancement crap
Except gold ones for some reason

>> No.16751587

No. There's no tutorial skip so each re-roll takes like 5min.

>> No.16751689

It'd make a difference if it was introduced at the start of the event but this late it does little.

>> No.16751965

Guess that's a no for me, given their pool of himes is 6x bigger than ours.

Thanks for the answer!

>> No.16751991
File: 332 KB, 781x501, nutaku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, this is a steal. A rainbow for 5 bucks.
Is it rare for nutaku to do deals like this?

>> No.16752003

There's a list of all the rainbow deals Nutaku has done in the past.

That one is reserved just for newbies, but yeah, it's one of their best ones.

>> No.16752174
File: 191 KB, 482x640, Ivy00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing on a toaster and FKG's performance on chrome and firefox is terrible. Internet Explorer is the only browser managing to run the game at a somewhat playable speed.
Are there any tweaks or browsers recommended to play this game?

>> No.16752183
File: 1.04 MB, 1298x739, ガールズシンフォニー~少女交響詩~X指定 - オンラインゲーム - DMM GAMES R18 (43).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cleared on first try on stay auto. Seems unworthy of "extreme" map title.

>> No.16752255

Damn, I'm actually willing to buy her, but I don't want to give Nutaku my credit card information.

Is there some kind virtual credit card or can you pay through paypal?

>> No.16752330

Can't say if it's better, but I use Opera for these games.
Try disabling Hardware Acceleration and setting graphics to low, maybe?

>> No.16752396

Ah, just noticed it was the newbie deal.


>> No.16752648

If I want this "Herbaceous Peony" girl, is rolling right now my best chance?

>> No.16752729

>about to rape Ouroboros in her harem scene
>the vanilla BGM plays

I just burst out laughing.

>> No.16752740

Dmm aigis is going with nonstop revival train. Maybe they will now keep revival crystals always available by having constant revivals for star and collection units?

>> No.16752745

You're not going to be getting any better ones. Gacha priority is your best and really only shot. Though she's 6 star, so that's not happening anyway.

On that note, is anyone still updating the FKG scene repository? Cause I kinda saved up stones for months for the day Tree Peony would come out and I got jack shit.

>> No.16752774

>130 SCs
>Imperial gacha
Should I?

>> No.16752794

The game is in powercreep state for newbies right now so they need to accelerate thing faster for them.More event, more SCs, more resources

>> No.16752897

Most recent list:

This one?


I've been lazy and haven't recorded/uploaded any of the more recent ones, outside of rainbows like Helenium and Mei, but yes, it's still being updated somewhat.

>> No.16752961
File: 213 KB, 774x468, somenewthing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So my moon's not so good. What are these stones they added to GS today?

>> No.16752968

>tfw imperial gacha is back and you wasted all your SC on this shitty dragon

>> No.16752977

You can buy skill-up thing for rainbows and golds in trade post for them.
Same mechanic as life crystals in fkg.

>> No.16752997

Looks like Nutaku deals are either really terrible or, more rarely, really good.

You could definitely get good value for your money if you saved for things like Black Friday and Valentine's (and stored FGs for 20% rainbow deals).

>> No.16753055

Is it worth getting the SSR weapon from the shop if I don't play wind?

>> No.16753059

It only took me 15 SC for the dragon, or more importantly, the Aisha CR I got from it. We just got like 70 SC.

>> No.16753126


That's the one! Actually, I somehow never knew there were folders other than the 5-6 star ones. Good stuff.

>> No.16753170

Only if you have rainbow team and doesn't matter what your grid is, or you need a stat stick.

>> No.16753225

Weird. I checked the trade post earlier and didn't see anything new to buy out of it since I suspected that's where they were used. I'll check it again later, though. Thanks. Very cool update.

>> No.16753367

Think of it this way. If in the future, you get enough himes to make a wind team, you're gonna want as many of those SSR weapons as possible because their wind attack up skill stacks.

>> No.16753562

It seems like TECROSS, the management team behind Kamihime Project was under fire for misleading players in gacha rate ups for Belial and Kirin, the 100% fire and 100% lightning Eidolons, a few months ago.

Here's the link for the info regarding the gacha fraud case.


It's in Japanese, but you'll be able to read some of it using Google Translate.

To sum up: DMM players aggregated their gacha pulls and found rates to be lower for Belial and Kirin, which is different from what was advertised. I believe the report said that 1 Belial was pulled after 3910 tries. This situation seems similar to what happened with GBF and the whole Andira controversy.

Not sure if Nutaku players are going to get the same treatment the DMM players received, but I wouldn't recommend trying for Belial/Kirin when they hit the English verison.

>> No.16753596

When are they adding sparking into Kamihime?

>> No.16753704

They need to add legfest first.

>> No.16753718
File: 442 KB, 617x614, 1485307172329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw kamihime will never get 3000 yen surprise tickets

>> No.16753823
File: 153 KB, 623x322, 1473466582970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nutaku sucks
Paid Magatama Gacha only sucks
I will never get Sasaki Koujiri
I hate all of you.

>> No.16753869

Does wind get any good SR/SSR himes later? (and which)

>> No.16753905

Just do single pulls ;)

>> No.16753908

Blame DMM since it's their standard to have 5000 yen deal for everything.
Awaken Gaia is still probably one of wind best SSR himes.

>> No.16753909


>> No.16754061

A few to look out for:

Cú Chulainn, Wind's first good attacker. Builds burst fast with her first(nuke + 20 burst) and 3rd skills(100% TA chance for 2 turns = 60 burst). 2nd skill is a dodge+self attack upi. Good candidate for single-target buffs from Titania, etc. or Berserk with her guaranteed triples.

Hastur, has a 4-5x nuke, Type A 20% def down, and party attack up(large). Covers 2 important buffs/debuffs, which gives you more options for what spirit/EX skill to use.

For SRs:

Oberon - Decent source of -15% atk down(A) and -15% def down(A).

Freya - Single-target buffs and a heal. Able to cast Intercept on an ally, so combo's well with characters that have a Cover skill, like Gaia or Ithaqua.

Iblis - Blind, Party Wind attack up and -12% atk/def down(B).

>> No.16754139

Is Titania useful aside from being horny Sona and pleases my dick?

>> No.16754203

She's okay support if you don't mind single-target buffing and have a good target for those buffs, but she can't do much alone.

Her skills are atk/def up, ability dmg up/+30 burst and double/triple attack rate up, each to 1 appy. Her 2nd and 3rd skill are helpful for Full Burst management and she herself gains +10 burst each time she buffs, so can be put higher up in the party order.

>> No.16754207

Oh, and all her buffs have relatively short CDs and decent uptime.(5T CD/3T)

>> No.16754243 [DELETED] 
File: 1003 KB, 801x627, savage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy f*ck!

>> No.16754278

why'd you delete it?

>> No.16754329

I wasn't satisfied with the quality of the shitpost.

I felt like it was a really funny screencap but my remark just didn't land.

>> No.16754351

Be sure to have 150 or at least aim to get dat stamp quota.

>> No.16754412

I really want one of these games to have cheap, easy to get porn instead of requiring effort.

>> No.16754419

I really want one of these games to have challenging and rewarding gameplay instead of cheap, easy to get porn.

>> No.16754420

Play porn games instead of stuff like this

>> No.16754424

Go download a nukige or something.

>> No.16754429


Most porn games don't have this variety in girls and scenes.

It's not that I don't like having gameplay too, but I really want to fuck some of these rainbow girls without having to play roulette or becoming a whale.

>> No.16754435

There are scene dumps for LoV, Aigis, and FKG.

>> No.16754463

You're right, I didn't get her, but I did get a 5* I had my eye on, plus 4 4*s I didn't have, so I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

>> No.16754493

Thanks. One more thing, if you use Freya's intercept on Gaia with her All Guard, can she take no damage from enemy boss burst?

>> No.16754524

Better to get all the elite souls first, or should I just beeline one or two of the legendaries?

>> No.16754541 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.16754561

Around 2 months left for me
If I hadn't dropped the game

>> No.16754567

Six days left here.

Darn you Canadians.

>> No.16754577
File: 119 KB, 700x697, kanmari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 eids, 2 hammers, y-yay

It is even possible to MLB the SSRs in just one run of the event? (without any SSR drops)

>> No.16754665

No, it only works against regular attacks, but the character takes no damage and counterattacks for 3x their damage.

>> No.16754702

Ya, if you spam pots. That's hard to do early on, but you'll eventually have a good stockpile if you farm enough mats to buy 2/pots per day post-event while the shops is still open and when raid and union events get rotated in, which don't require much AP+rewards lots of AP pots and allows you to stock up.

>> No.16754736
File: 506 KB, 891x218, refills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is what my AP/BP refill situation looks like, after maxing out nearly all event weapons/summons, buying 200-300 EP each event, all tickets, 3-4 of each grimoire, etc.

>> No.16754961

Went into empire gacha blindly with 7 rolls and got the platinum jester, she seems godlike just for her skill.

>> No.16754968
File: 41 KB, 587x145, refills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see. I think the only reason holding me back (in JP version) is the lack of drive to actually farm that much, even though I do have enough AP/BP refills. Once I'm able improve my shit grid and auto-farm ULTs, everything will change.

Meanwhile, union and raid events don't necessarily require that much effort (and aren't really that monotonous), so I can MLB those SSRs with relative ease (along with some help from gacha tickets).

>> No.16755234

So on dmm i have a rainbow of himes/eidolons/weapons but the most common is dark so I'm trying to fill out my grid to make it less trash... I know I can get one SSR from the medusa event and one of each SR but after that how would i make this dark grid better?

I know i gotta level them to the max that is possible without limit break due to lack of copies but what's next? Feed the rest of my R weapons into the SSR to raise its skill level or spread it out among them?

>> No.16755280 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 715x556, skillupchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can fill any holes in your grid with the Dark Disaster raid weapons, mainly the guns since they have Assault. And ya, skill everything up, prioritizing SSRs and weapons you plan to keep a while.

Raids are half AP/BP right now, so you should been spamming the fuck out of them all every day for SRs to fill your grid and efficiently skill up your weapons.

>> No.16755291 [DELETED] 

*prioritizing Assault SSRs/SRs

I try to only have 2 Defender weapons max, rest Assault.

>> No.16755292 [DELETED] 

*prioritizing Assault SSRs/SRs

I try to only have 2 Defender weapons max, rest Assault/Pride.

>> No.16755302
File: 96 KB, 715x556, skillupchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can fill any holes in your grid with the Dark Disaster raid weapons, mainly the guns since they have Assault. And ya, skill everything up, prioritizing Assault SSRs/Srs and weapons you plan to keep a while.

I try to only have 2 Defender weapons max, rest Assault/Pride, but 3's fine if you feel you lack HP.

Raids are half AP/BP right now, so you should been spamming the fuck out of them all every day for SRs to fill your grid and efficiently skill up your weapons.

>> No.16755308
File: 723 KB, 959x556, 2332017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try for レオラ
>get everything

>> No.16755312

Take care when going outside anon...

>> No.16755320

Meteorite incoming

>> No.16755374

Just test the clown's skill, it doesn't work with one skill per battle likes emperor and Metus ;_;

>> No.16755691
File: 219 KB, 567x558, imperials.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did I do?

>> No.16755697


>> No.16755968

>Garuda oneshots your Andro early and you lose the fight with the fucking green whore on 1% health left

>> No.16755978

>oneshots your Andro

>> No.16755979

If it happened 5 times already maybe you should stop attempting ultimate.

>> No.16755989

Just randomly hits her for 6000 damage
I have 25000 attack and it seems to be completely random whether I stomp ultimate or I fail short by literally one turn
I've had runs with no casualties at all

>> No.16755997

>I have 25000 attack
I only lost 3 times with 21-22K power and 2 of those times were because I forgot to put a debuff or a heal up

>> No.16756004

I just told you how.
I rage her fast initially and fail to de-rage her fast enough so her fuck you instakill attack randomly destroys my Andromeda
Without any potions I have no means of healing and she just whittles me down

>> No.16756007

How the hell do you not de-rage her? Do you not save your full burst until she has rage to stun her?

>> No.16756013
File: 825 KB, 1233x404, rolls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take it.

Still need to roll 6 or 7 more times for 150 sc use but good for now.

>> No.16756014

You get burst gauge from the trashmobs, then use it to break her rage bar before she can unleash her 3point attack while raging

>> No.16756023

You should also have plenty if not all of your Eidolons ready to use.

>> No.16756027

Other Anon
I use kami skills to rage her and full busrt to derage

>> No.16756037

Double pocalypse for both damage bonus and blind is insane
Also everyones favorite fire autoset eidolon has a wind resist up buff
Yeah using some skills for that last little push into enrageso you don't actually take a turn f it to the face is nice

>> No.16756131
File: 1.79 MB, 1081x880, Imperial Gacha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I'm that imperial anon a long while ago.

How's this haul? Should I fuse my 2nd angelline or sell it?

>> No.16756335
File: 120 KB, 729x538, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just wait for the ultimate quest, it will make grinding the events less tedious
Well fuck me I don't know what I expected, but definitely more from what I heard here.
Not only is it more tedious to run because you can't auto it (yet I guess), but it doesn't improve the farm of the materials nearly as much as I expected it to (though it may be because Nutaku fucked up the time-limited mission where you can farm the last tier of the material most effectively so I'm dry on them)
Also, it completely floods me with these absolutely useless SR spirits, which I have no purpose for and will probably end up selling 10 gems a piece.

>> No.16756340

Fuck you guys. Seriously. 150 SC and all I get are fucking silvers and golds.

>> No.16756353

haha loser

>> No.16756449
File: 20 KB, 167x108, bkub_damn_you_takeshobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to fight medusa
>choose eidolon and start battle
>realise it's elec party and not light party
>bonus stage: lose the only nicolaus in the support list to the lost battle.

>> No.16756498

>stage BGM continues to play through the pest battles in FKG.
This is actually a good move. Should've been done sooner.
And the current BGM is nice so it kind of adds to the atmosphere.

>> No.16756625

Where can you check that?

>> No.16756642

Sell, you can easily get CR fairies now

>> No.16756823
File: 1.21 MB, 983x668, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first and only premium roll of the day. I feel like lady luck's finally noticed me.

>> No.16756827
File: 507 KB, 681x654, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit wrong file, why was it in Documents instead of Pictures?

>> No.16756875
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Case in point
A turn too late to de-rage her with my burst and LUL FUCK YOU 5k DAMAGE TO YOUR ANDROMEDA

>> No.16756895

the joke is that she does it on expert too

>> No.16756905
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Which, without defensive buffs, heals, or Eidolon support, renders the whole thing impossible to finish.

>> No.16756919

Should run nike as backup then

>> No.16756926

Wouldn't help, because she deals fuckall for damage and would only be able to heal 750 HP a single time - far too little to outheal even a single of Garuda's triple fuck-you attack combo.

>> No.16756930

As promised, TL for new Aigis events.

Dashing Pegasus Knights [30/2]

Stella: Prince and everyone! Thank you very much for helping us, pegasus knights, with training today.
Lidi: Valkyries grew much stronger after piled up trainings. We, pegasus knight order, shouldn't lose to them.
Katie: Its great chance to learn to counteract flying enemies for us, we are glad to keep you company this time.
Esta: Even though this is drill, we aren't going easy on you. Witness refined efficience of our order.
Anna: Prince, units like archers, who can perform ranged attacks, are most efficient way to deal with flying enemies. Please give us wise orders.
Esta: Y-y-you two, aren't you going a bit too fast?
Lidi: Huh, is it so?
Stella: I've tried to fly according to the plan... Sorry, seems like I'm off the pace a bit.
Esta: N-no, I've probably mistaken. Don't mind it. ...So, Prince, time to see our new formation. Lets go.
Esta: "Jet Stream Formation!"
Anna: "Jet Stream Formation", scary stuff, eh.
Katie: As expected of pegasus order, splendid maneuering.
Stella: Same goes for you, we learned many things today, thank you very much.
Lidi: Also found out lots of issues. Speaking of which, I've thought of some new ways of flying after this drill...
Esta: Oh, not bad. And if then we do it like this...
Katie: ...most importantly that this drill certainly brought some results for pegasus knights. I'm sure they will be able to lend us even bigger stren$
Esta: You can count on us, we will certainly show you fruits of this drill soon. Please wait for that time.

>> No.16756937

>Jet Stream Formation
The dev team knows their memes I see.

>> No.16757001

Do you know if there are other albums for other games?

>> No.16757115

Prince's Memories [30/2]
*Only Iron rarity units can sortie*
Reva peeked at most strong memories of Prince.
And there was young prince and Mirei...

Reva: ... This is in front of royal castle? Prince asked to investigate event which left deepest impact on him, but.. This is his child days?
Soldier A: Prince, today we are going to train a lot with Mirei-sama too.
Child Anna: Flower, flower...
Soldier B: Hey, you, this place is going to be used for practice now, its dangerous here. Go that way.
Child Anna: Eh? Ah! S-sorry, got too immersed and didn't notice... Have a good drill.
Prince: ......
Mirei: Prince, don't lose focus!
Prince: ......。
Mirei: Don't make such face! Today's drill is a drill about most important things to become proper king!
Mirei: ... listen carefully, Prince. Retainers are devoting their bodies and souls to the person they recognized as king, with absolute and doubtless loyalty becoming his sword or shield.
Mirei: To these people, what is most befitting reward, what is required of king? Do you understand?
Prince: ......?
Mirei: For a person who is growing to become king, not knowing even such simple thing... Prince, en garde! Ha!
Prince: ....ugh.
Mirei: Too flimsy! What's with this wielding! Is this what you learned from all our trainings?!!
Soldier A: M-mirei-sama, Prince is already near-falling. Any more of this, and it may be harmful, lets call it over for today...
Mirei: Prince is person who will lead this country. Is this the look he can show to his retainers? Prince must become stronger!
Mirei: Stand up, prince, training is not over yet. We will keep going till you learn your strengths... Go!
Mirei: Splendid, Prince.
Soldier A: ... Holy f... To score a hit on Mirei-sama... Even among knights its hard to find a person who could do it.
Soldier B: Seeing Prince to stand up every time made me feel that I must stand up no matter what too. I must get stronger to protect him.
Mirei: Did you notice, Prince? Soldiers who saw you fighting, could also fight much harder than usual.
Mirei: This is what needed of leader, fighting spirit.
Prince: .....!
Mirei: For people who faithfully serve their king, gold and titles even if piled up aren't going to keep them fighting, but...
Soldier A: That's the spirit, Prince! Please let me guard your back... Oh, I'm sorry, got a bit too worked up.
Mirei: I don't mind. So, Prince, if you keep the bonds strong, nothing will get in your way. Please always remember it.
Mirei: Good job, prince. Worked up lots of sweat today, so as special I'm going to wash your back now. Lets hurry up to the big bathroom.
Prince: ...?!
Reva: So, this is strongest memory of Prince. High morale, no doubt prince started being prince from this moment.
Reva: Also, this Mirei. She's as beatiful as ever in such distant memory. Is she using magic of some sort? I should ask her one day.

>> No.16757173

Is it still not possible to get Kasugayama in Shiropro RE?

>> No.16757308

Thanks for this, anon.

>> No.16757329

>7hrs til this event is over

Well, can't wait for Typhon.

>> No.16757446
File: 165 KB, 713x533, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks RNG, but, why don't you take those fucking worthless cunt spirits and shove them up your fucking ass??

PLEASE tell me the droprate on useless materials (including the needlessly high drop rate for the second-tier exchange material) will be adjusted for future events.

>> No.16757500

How good is kyuubi? 160 seconds to reach her full potential sounds too long.

>> No.16757581

>Dropped 4 platinum chests with 1 SSR weapon and 3 SR
S-sorry for stealing your luck anon.

>> No.16757615

Yeah fuck off.
I've been dropping ~30 elixirs worth of farm + ~8 daily stamina expert runs every day on all three events and haven't had a single platinum chest.

>> No.16757672

>didn't drop a single elixir
>got 2 plats one with an SSR weapon

>> No.16757689

>Got plat chest from standard
Wew. I mean, sure it was SR, but is okay.

>> No.16757696

Is Hakunokami any good?

>> No.16757888

Considering I have no SSR Wind Kamihime to speak of, should I get 3rd copy of Eidolon or 3rd copy of weapon?

>> No.16758014

Nothing makes me harder than when I use Mordred's outrage and every debuff hits.

>> No.16758028

In nutaku FKG is there a way to play with api? or at least remove that stupid skin? the game barely runs since todays update.

>> No.16758074

Do the passive abilities you get for maxing a soul even do anything?
I've got Andromeda to 20 and she heals for exactly the same amount she did before, 1600 max.

>> No.16758150

>Mordred gets lost in the woods
>Gets fucked by faceless men


>> No.16758155

All depends on your team. Personally I'll take a 3rd eid copy because I've no other SSR eids that gives buff to water himes and people have been talking about how the next fire boss will be a tougher bitch to handle than Garuda

>> No.16758215

>recovery = heal

>> No.16758225
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>> No.16758232


>> No.16758260

>next fire boss will be a tougher bitch to handle than Garuda
Cool thing I don't have a water hime, a good water eidolon (except Garuda) and not even one SR water weapon from raid.

>> No.16758275

Maybe you should host some then? Been getting a lot of SR water assult from the raids.

>> No.16758306

so what does it do?

>> No.16758343

Not that Anon, but I wouldn't say it's a mistranslation. That bonus only affects the heal itself, not the healing cap. So it's useless if you already hit the cap without it.

It might be more relevant later on when there are big party/single-target healing cap up skills on kamihime/EX skills or something.

>> No.16758367

Been hosting them with my 3 raid mules, I only get evo materials from the lvl 50 one...I'm just unlucky with water.

>> No.16758662

they should've given us an extra event day for the embarassment that SP quests were

>> No.16758721

>should've given us an extra event day
>not using black magic.

>> No.16758733

>events are up forever
>can keep grinding for exchange mats and platinum chest drops
>can do each kind of advent boss daily for a few mats for 2 potions per day that never run out

Praise black magic.

>> No.16758739

>Settling for two potions
Have been getting 6 a day, but ever since they introduced Ultimate maybe i should stop using black magic.

>> No.16758917

>another godawful iron-only map
Why do they continue doing this? These maps are both trivial to clear and at the same time the most tedious shit conceivable.

I don't want to spend all this time getting iron units, putting them into a team, clearing the map and selling them, only to have to do it all over again when we get the next stage with this kind of retarded unit limitation.

>> No.16758929

Keep some maxed out irons in second barracks.

>> No.16758948

Don't have that. Not the first barracks either, since all SC goes down the demoness' gullet.

Still, I somehow managed to get 22 plats and 5 blacks from the gacha in a year, so that's pretty good.

>> No.16759043

Getting the barracks are a good investment and worth not having some rolls since it is only a one time thing on the life of you playing the game.

>> No.16759056

>Don't have that
Are you crazy?
Unlocking both barracks gives you fairy and silver storages, which are fucking awesome. Silver storage lets you transfer exp between silvers of different types, helps with AW fodder immensely.

>> No.16759091

I'm pretty sure that 22 plats and 5 blacks are way more important that some more space.

>> No.16759119

I despise getting CC'd silvers for AW too, so I guess I'll go get it after all.

Not really, I now have a team that can tackle near everything Aigis has to offer, so half of these are just standing at base level doing nothing.

I just got Rachel, whom I hear is really good, but I'm not sure if I'll ever raise her because I already have AW Sabrina and Anelia.

>> No.16759130

>some more space
selling waifus

>> No.16759354
File: 772 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170324-133540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which SR hime should I MLB first? I have Siegfried (and Andromeda soon) as my main soul

>> No.16759509

Without knowing your main team's element or what characters you're even using on it, Broom or Ramirami I guess.

Broom's heal gets upgraded from 800>1200 and Ramirami's atk/def party buff gets upgraded from small to medium(+12%).

>> No.16759619
File: 303 KB, 970x651, sshot-150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A jew girl giving you free jewels...thats suspicious.

>> No.16759719


Nutaku FKG poll, just wondering if anyone spent on any of this month's sales (including the $5 11-roll for Apple/Ivy/Mistletoe, the $13 step-up gacha, or the newbie $6 Sakura sale).

>> No.16759804

>month deals

Most of them were crap, as always.
The only slightly decent was the 10 rolls for 500gold and that's not even a real offer because was the first step of some bigger scam.

>> No.16759811

>Half million
Never thought there were so many people playing these games, I always had the numbers of thousand to ten thousand.

>> No.16759819

490k re-roll accounts

>> No.16759821

Half million with 490,000 of those "players" being rerolls.

>> No.16759824


Just in this thread people often say how easy is to reroll and how many account they have.
That "WOW HALFMILLION PLAYERS!" is just bullshit.

>> No.16759830

Osawari is the 10th most popular game or w/e and it has 6500 people ranked for it's current event. ~10k is a pretty realistic amount of active players of ntrhime.

>> No.16759833

didn't someone on this tread used script to to reroll for few nights?

>> No.16759838

Oh right, forgot about that script.
That should make clear the point, rerolling on Nutaku is ridicolous easy.

>> No.16760164

She likes MC-kun more than the shekels, clearly, so she can't be all that bad.

>> No.16760195

Is Arthur any good? Tried Gawain and she seems lackluster as hell.

>> No.16760584

Ya, Arthur's much better than Gawain. If you don't need more survivability, she's the go-to offensive heroic spirit. She gets up to +4000 free attack power at lv20, gives +3% atk mastery and has a good EX skill.

Her 1st skill lets her instantly fill her burst gauge to 100%, meaning she can burst on turn 1 and give +10 burst to everyone else right off the bat. This also means you can apply your weapon's burst affect right away. 7T CD, so it's usually read in time to FB with the rest of the team.

If you're on DMM, this skill also synergizes well with Shingen's burst damage up EXl, which uses up to 50 burst gauge to increase the burst damage of the party by up to +200% for 3 turns. Works especially well during Burst Time, if you don't need to use the slot for a defense down EX or let other people cover it.

2nd skill is a simple 3-4x dmg single-target nuke. Always useful for mode control.

3rd skill is a raid-wide +20% atk up buff, with 60% uptime(5T CD/3T) and it's an EX skill.

Assist ability is combo rate up when her attack buff up.

>> No.16760644

Very comprehensive, thank you very much.

>> No.16760669
File: 246 KB, 980x650, only_one_woman_remains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TIL counter works even when petrified.
Turned a lost battle into narrow victory.
Thanks Hermod.

>> No.16760685

Damn she a qtp2t.

>> No.16760704

DMM has permanent revivals already?
Are they like the rotating showdowns in granblue?

>> No.16760731

It's not permanent, just the normal 1-week revival.
They have been doing revivals in quick successions recently though.
It'll be really good if they add rotating revivals too. Then, MLBing will not be a pain anymore.

>> No.16760732

No and no.
Just normal events rerun that happens like once or twice a year.

>> No.16760808

>have enough soul points to buy Arthur
>but can't because the only on-color SSR weapons I have are a gun and lance
Fuck me.

>> No.16760829


>> No.16760856

What about them?
Do they drop some SSR weapon I don't know about?

>> No.16760871

>main a light team
>all my light SR/SSR weapons are bows
Why is there no bowwoman legendary soul?

>> No.16760873

Going by your post, yes, there are some things you are not aware of.

SR weapon fully break limit are better than the first stage of any SRR weapon. Going by how easy it is to obtain them and you lack weapons, seems like a brain dead thing to do.

>> No.16760886


Yes raids have a chance to drop a couple SR weapons and an SR version of the raid boss. These come from platinum and I believe rarely gold chests.

I don't know the exact drop chances but I typically only see the weapons and eidolons from the 20 stam cost run, and upgrade mats from the 30 stam.

>> No.16760947

So..when we hit 1million players do you think nutaku would be generous enough to give an SR weapon ticket?

>> No.16760955

>SR weapon ticket
I rather have 3000 Jewels. I did a couple of pulls on DMM and a few events in, you get a nice team with variety on the SR rarity kind. SSR hime ticket please.

>> No.16761279

new thread

>> No.16761986

3 week constant for now
