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16726879 No.16726879 [Reply] [Original]

Circle's site (has links for remade versions of the original games of the series):

Hacker 9 Translation docs: All missions, secret room dialog

Ghost9Solid Demo 4 translation:


Hack9 Intro + Level 1 Translations:

-Slightly delving into Ghost9 translations (it's interesting to see the changes made between this and Hack9)
-Translations for Hack9 Level 2 are almost done

>> No.16726891
File: 55 KB, 500x500, kunikida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few links






Not sure if links for the Hekatoncheir demo or the rest of the Ghost9Solid demos are anywhere.

>> No.16737869

Hack 9 V1.0 Windows 10, Level 2 Dialogue


[When you arrive on the other side of the Level 2 entrance from level 1, and use the PC]

UNIXベースのたんまつがある // There is a UNIX base terminal here.
あつかいやすいインターフェイスになっている// It turned out to be a user friendly interface.

どうやらとびらをせいぎょしているようだ // Is seems like it controls the door.

スノートはとびらをあけた //Snort opened the door.

スノートはとびらのパスワードをへんこうした //Snort changed the door's password.

[When you talk to the Buyer near the Level 2 entrance]

バイヤー2「おっと、//Buyer 2: Whoops,
ばれてしまった //busted huh.

おれはここでぶきをうっている、//I'm selling weapons from here,
だれであろうととりひきするぜ」 // I'll make a deal with anyone.

**RPG-7** コマンド?//Command? [YES/NO]
1ちょう100えん、かいますか? //1 Launcher 100 yen, you buying?

[If yes]

「RPG-7」をてにいれた! //You obtained the "RPG-7"!

[When you reach the Control Room]

LINUXのパソコンがある //There's a LINUX PC here.

スノートはUSBをさしこんだ// Snort inserted the USB drive.

スノートはパソコンをきどうした// Snort booted up the PC.

スノートはアクセスできるホストをさがした// Snort looked for a port he could access.

# ./fping -p is alive is alive

スノートは1つのホストと1つのルータをかくにんした// Snort identified 1 port and 1 router

# NMAP -sN

しゅにん「RPCBINDか、//Senior Staff: RPCBIND?
LINUXではPORTMAPPERともいうな」// If it's LINUX then it's called PORTMAPPER.

スノートはRPCBINDからじょうほうをひきだした // Snort extracted information from RCPBIND

100000 2 TCP 111 PORTMAPPER
100000 2 UDP 111 PORTMAPPER
100003 2 UDP 2049 NFS
100003 3 UDP 2049 NFS

しゅにん「これらUNIXシステムのほとんどは // SS: These UNIX systems are mostly written in the C programming language.
Cげんごでかかれている //

Cはセキュリティがもんだいでなかったじだいに //SS: The C programming language was used frequently during the era when
よくつかわれたげんごだ// security wasn't an issue.

そのため //Hence,
セキュリティたいさくがないCでつくったソフトは// fatal bugs could easily be induced in C software,
きけんなバグをひきおこしやすい//since it didn't have security countermeasures.

バグをつかえばかんりしゃけんげんをとれるかのせいがあるが・・・*// If a bug was exploited, it's possible that administrator privileges could be stolen but...
*This line is possibly missing the う kana from "かのせい" ->"かのうせい"

しかし、LINUXはながねんおおくのひとにつかわれているOSだ // However, the Linux OS has been widely used for a long time.
よくつかわれているプログラムのバグはほとんどしゅうせいされているだろう// Frequently used programs with bugs almost always get patched don't they?

もうすこしたんさくしてからこよう」 // come back after investigating a bit more.

スノートはパソコンをていしさせた // Snort turned off the PC.

[If you enter the Trip Wire room, and touch the trip wire without dismantling them]


[Snort is teleported back to the warship]

TripWireはあなたをおいだした //The Trip Wire drove you out.

[When you obtain the Powered Unit (double jump) after the Needle Hell]

「パワードユニット」をてにいれた!//You obtained the Powered Unit!

>> No.16737873

Hack 9 V1.0 Windows 10, Level 2 Dialogue continued
-Boss fight dialogue still WIP


[When you interact with the PC in 9's Room]

スノートはあたりをみまわした、//Snort looked around the vicinity,
えいごでかかれたかみがさんらんしている //paper with English writing is scattered around.

ないようは、このしせつないのネットワークのかんきょうや //The contents, which are written down in a crowded manner,
もんだいがおきたときのたいさくメモなどが//are this inner facility's network environment, and memos on
びっしりかきこまれている//countermeasures for when problems occur.

スノートはそのなかにいちまいだけあたらしく//Snort found in the midst of it, a single newly
いんさつされたかみきれをみつけた//printed piece of paper.


ないようはCげんごでかかれたソースコードのようだ //It seemed to be source code written in the C programming language.

どうやらPORTMAPPERとよばれるNISや // It seems like a PORTMAPPER NIS and NFS size saving subprogram.

//context from Ghost9: どうやらPORTMAPPERと呼ばれるプログラムのようだ

バグをけんさするめいれいのかしょがくろいもじでけされている //The passages with commands examining bugs have been erased with black letters.

Ghost9 context//バグを検査する命令の箇所が黒い文字で消されている

しゅにん「はなれたところからファイルそうさができるNFSなどを //SS: The savings program from the removed portion, for the file-search capable NFS
たすけるプログラム、むかしからあるプログラムだ//and the like, is a program from the olden days.

これらRPCけいとよばれるものは //These RPC system subprograms
かんりしゃけんげんでうごいている//operate under administrative privilege.

これらにバグをおこして、べつのめいれいをさせれば // With these, when a bug is triggered and another command is made,
かんりしゃけんげんであいてのパソコンを //by administrator privileges, the opponent's PC can be

じょしゅ「BOF、バッファオーバーフローね」 //SS: BOF, buffer overflow huh?

しゅにん「スノート、これはつかえるかもしれない //SS: Snort, perhaps we can use this.
そのソースコードをぼくのところまでもってきてくれ」//Bring that source code over to my place.

たいちょう「ここのパソコンまで //Commanding Officer: Don't you just want it
てんそうしてもらったほうがいいのではないか」//to be transferred from this PC?

しゅにん「いえ、それだときけんです //SS: No, it's dangerous if you do that.
プロクシサーバをとっただけではまだドクガスないぶの//We only seized a proxy server, so that doesn't
ネットワークすべてをせいあつ//mean that we took control of the entire Poison Gas
したわけではありません//internal network.

それにどのちょうほうきかんがしらべても、//Besides, no matter which intelligence agency you investigate,
じったいをはくできなかったほどのセキュリティです//the security's caliber is such that you won't be able to expose it true state.

おそらくはネットワークかんしプログラムが //I expect that there's a PC that's
はたらいているパソコンがあるはずです」//probably running a network surveillance program.

たいちょう「たしかに、 //CO: Certainly,

けいびがきびしい2かいそうからの // the access from the heavily guarded 2nd level
アクセスはふしんにおもわれるかもしれないな//seems rather suspicious doesn't it?

めんどうだがいちどもどってきてくれ」//I know it's a hassle, but come back to base this one time.

[If you interact with the PC before reporting back to base]

スノートはあたりをみまわした、//Snort looked around the vicinity,
えいごでかかれたかみがさんらんしている //paper with English writing is scattered around.

じょうほうはあつめた、//The intelligence has been gathered,
もうさがすひつようはない//there's no need so search further.

[If you interact with the Laptop in 9's Room, upper left corner]

ノートパソコンがすてられている、 //A laptop has been thrown away,
おもさからみてふるいかたのようだ//from the weight it looks like it's an old model.

うらがえすと(9)とすうじがかかれていた //When it was turned over, the number "9" was written on it.

>> No.16737887

Hack 9 V1.0 Windows 10, Level 2 Dialogue continued


[When you return to base after first accessing the PC in 9's room]

[When you talk to Commanding Officer]

たいちょう「・・・ざんねんながらわたしはパソコンについてはタコでな //CO: I'm sorry to say but I'm useless as far as computers are concerned.
べつのぶんやでならちからになろう」 //If it was from another field however, I'd be more helpful.

[When you talk to Assistant]

じょしゅ「スノート、//Assistant: Snort,
きたいしているわ //I'm expecting a lot from you,

でもむちゃはしないで」//but don't do anything reckless.

[When you talk to Senior Staff]

スノートはソースコードをしゅにんにわたした // Snort handed the source code over to Senior Staff.

しゅにん「すこしまっていてくれ、//SS: Wait for a bit,
いまソースコードからプログラムをつくる」//now I'm going to make a program out of this source code.

[The screen fades to black]

じょしゅ「しゅにん、//Assistant: Senior Staff,
わたしはじっこうさせるめいれい// I'm making the executing command
(ペイロード)をつくります」// "Payload".

しゅにん「まって、 //SS: Wait,
ぜったいめいれいに0をまぜないで、//don't mix 0 with the absolute command,
あとなるべくみじかめにつくるんだ// after that, make is as short as possible.

あいてのLINUXのバージョンもかんがえて、// Also think about the opponent's version of LINUX,
まちがえて2どもどることになるのはごめんだからね」//if you make a mistake, you'll be sorry if you think you have a 2nd chance.

じょしゅ「しゅにん、//Assistant: Senior Staff,
テストようのパソコンをつかってためしますから、//after testing it on the trial PC,
だいじょうぶです」//it's alright.

[The screen returns back to normal]

しゅにん「なんとかかたちにはなったが・・・ //SS: Somehow is shaped up but...
うまくいくとはおもわないでくれ// please don't think that it turned out perfectly.

あとZAP3というツールをUSBにいれておいた //Also, a tool called ZAP3 was put on the USB.
もししんにゅうできたら、すぐにこれをつかってくれ」//If you're able to intrude, please use this immediately.

スノートはUSBメモリーをうけとった // Snort received the USB flash drive

[When you speak to Senior Staff again]
しゅにん「スノート //Snort
きみならドクガスのデータをかいしゅうできるだろう //If it's you, the Poison Gas's data can be acquired right?

そのためにぼくはできるはんいで // For that reason I'll help you
きみのてだすけをするよ」 // within the scope of my abilities.

>> No.16737900

Hack 9 V1.0 Windows 10, Level 2 Dialogue continued


[When Snort returns to the Control Room after receiving ZAP3]

LINUXのパソコンがある //There's a LINUX PC here.

スノートはUSBをさしこんだ// Snort inserted the USB drive.

スノートはパソコンをきどうした// Snort booted up the PC.

スノートはアクセスできるホストをさがした// Snort looked for a port he could access.

# ./fping -p is alive is alive

スノートは1つのホストと1つのルータをかくにんした// Snort identified 1 port and 1 router

# ./BofPortmap



スノートはあいてのかんりしゃけんげんをてにいれた//Snort obtained the opponent's administrator privileges.


スノートはあいてのパソコンのログをけした //Snort erased the log of his opponent's computer.

しゅにん「このOSにあるしんにゅうがばれそうなしょうこ、//SS: This OS's proof that an intrusion has been exposed, the log
ログをけした //has been erased.

そのうえこのプログラムがうごいているあいだは//In addition, the fact that this program is operating in the meanwhile
ログをとることができなくなる」//cannot be recorded by the log either.

adm :0
adm pts/0
root pts/1(

スノートはほかにしようしているひとをさがした //Snort looked for any other users besides himself.
パソコンはきどうしているがかんりしゃはいないようだ//It seemed like there was no administrator booting up their PC.


しゅにん「つぎはTripWireをとめるんだ」//SS: Next, stop TripWire.

スノートはTripWireをさがした//Snort looked for TripWire.


スノートはTripWireをとめた //Snort stopped for TripWire.

スノートはバックドアをつくった // Snort made a back door.

スノートはzap3をとめた //Snort stopped for zap3.

スノートはパソコンをていしさせた // Snort turned off the PC.

[If you use the PC again]

LINUXのパソコンがある //There's a LINUX PC here.

スノートはもくてきをはたした、そうさするひつようはないだろう//Snort completed his objectives, there's no need to investigate any further now is there?


With the exception of the boss battle dialogue, this seems to be it for level 2.

>> No.16739120

What is this?

>> No.16743614
File: 2.80 MB, 480x270, Ghost94(2) Opening subbed LQ NS.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Complete translation for Hack9 Level 2

I planned on translating the games in the Hack/Ghost9 series. I use these threads to post partial/complete translations.

I always wished English patches would be made but they never were, and I never heard of any translation projects. So even if even if I'm unable to make patches for the games, I want to at least put the translations out there.

The links for the games are in the first two posts.

The games evolved from 2D platformers reminiscent of Cave Story, to the rather large 2.5D games we have now.

Webm related.

These are amateur translations at best, but I believe they are more or less correct.

>> No.16747192
File: 80 KB, 500x500, hacker9 raizan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hack 9 V1.0 Windows 10, Level 3 Dialogue

[When you arrive on the other side of the Level 3 entrance from level 2, and use the PC]

UNIXベースのたんまつがある // There is a UNIX base terminal here.
あつかいやすいインターフェイスになっている// It turned out to be a user friendly interface.

どうやらとびらをせいぎょしているようだ // Is seems like it controls the door.

スノートはとびらをあけた //Snort opened the door.

スノートはとびらのパスワードをへんこうした //Snort changed the door's password.

[When you obtain an Ice Sword from the permanent crate]

「アイスソード」をてにいれた! // You obtained the Ice Sword!

[When you reach the large pitfall down to level 4 you get a transmission from Senior Staff]
[Note: This can occur before you meet the Administrator]

しゅにん「スノート、きゅうなつうしんですまない //Senior Staff: Snort, sorry for contacting you on such short notice,
ドクガスのネットワークのことでてつだってもらいたいことがあるんだ //there's something I'd like you to help me with on the Poison Gas network.

さきほどきみがもってきたぶんしょうをもとに4かいそう// The documents you brought back just now, which were originally for the
までのネットワークをしらべていたんだが// network up till the 4th level, were investigated but,
5かいそうのファイアーウォールがすべてのじょうほうを// the 5th level's firewall caused all data
しゃだんするじょうたいになっていたんだ//to be put in a state of isolation.

つまり、5かいそうからさきにアクセスできない // In other words, we aren't able to access the front of the 5th level.
ほぼ(せつだん)じょうたいなんだ// In it's current state, it's almost certainly "cutoff".

そこで、きみにうちがわからファイアーウォールをそうさして // Therefore, I want you to investigate the firewall from the inside
5かいそうへアクセスできるようにしてもらいたい」 //and try to gain access to the 5th level.

じょしゅ「しかし、しゅにん //Assistant: But Senior Staff,
5かいそうのパソコンはげんじゅうな(げんしろ)のなかにあるため// the PC's on the 5th level can't be directly access like they have been so far,
いままでのようにちょくせつそうさすることができません」//due to the existence of the secured "nuclear reactor".

しゅにん「じつは5かいそうへのつうろは //SS: As a matter of fact, the firewall isn't the only access
ファイアーウォールからだけではない //access to the 5th level.
3かいそうからでもむせんでアクセスできるばしょがあるようなんだ」 //It's from the 3rd level but, there's a spot where you can use wireless access.

じょしゅ「あるよう?」 //Assistant: There is?

しゅにん「たしかめようにも3かいそうには//SS: We'll also check too but, the 3rd level
むせんでアクセスできるパソコンがないんだ、//doesn't a have any wireless access capable PC's,
だからここからそんざいをかくにんできない// so we can't verify the spot's existence from here.

そこでスノート、 //So now Snort,
ぼくのかわりにさがしてもらいたい//I'd like you to search in my stead.
まずは(ノートパソコン)をみつけてくれ、//First of all, I'd like you to please find a laptop.
みつけたらまたつうしんしてほしい」//If you find one I want you to contact me.

[When you reach the level 5 entrance via level 3 without having hacked the entrance lock]

UNIXベースのたんまつがある // There is a UNIX base terminal here.
あつかいやすいインターフェイスになっている// It turned out to be a user friendly interface.

バイオメトリクスによりでいりぐちをかんりしているようだ //The entrance seems to be controlled via biometrics.

しゅにん「とびらをあけるには //SS: As far as opening the door is concerned,
サーバルームのシステムをそうさしたほうがはやい//it's too soon to manipulate the server room's system.
まずはサーバルームへアクセスするほうほうをさがそう」//First, search for a way to get access to the server room.

>> No.16750976

But really, what's so special about this game OP?

>> No.16758261
File: 245 KB, 728x768, g9s ayumu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to start translating something other than Hack9 for a while.

Ghost93 Translation, Intro and 1st mission:

About Hack9 (from OP pic) and Hacker9? Nothing, outside of the context of the Ghost9 series. On their own they're just decent platformers.

It's just that the later games incorporated the 2.5D mechanic and gradually began evolve in terms of level complexity, gameplay, and difficulty (although you could argue that it's artificial difficulty due to the grinding requirements and bosses/enemies with instant death attacks/on contact).

The earlier games which I initially dismissed as being irrelevant to the new series, actually turned out to be rather relevant in terms of story.

This was just a games that I happened upon when someone posted a help thread for Ghost93.

You might like the games, you might not.

>> No.16759388

So... are there cute girls?

>> No.16759644

There are cute boys dressed up as girls.
