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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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16714457 No.16714457 [Reply] [Original]

What is /jp/'s favorite tuhu?

>> No.16714482 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 814x435, pol_-_Politically_Incorrect_»_Searching_for_post_2017-03-14_21-41-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow it seems /jp/ has angered the hat legion. Report and ignore.

>> No.16714490

I saw it in an s4s thread and thought it was funny

>> No.16714515

Is /pol/ going to steal every 2hoo? Is every 2hoo going to become a neo pepe?

>> No.16714520
File: 56 KB, 680x453, nice judge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally have no idea what the context is?!

I just wanted to know what tuhus this place likes

>> No.16714532

Why? We have our own culture and are resistant to migrants. Seems like /pol/'s dream.
Anyway, Chen's my favorite.

>> No.16714543

It'll be like this for another year I imagine.
Thankfully they're just gravitating towards quaternary territory characters that were 99% cancerous memes to begin with, but we should be on guard to mobilize in case they try to claim the whole franchise.

Perhaps start an anti-politics /jp/ shitposting militia.

Don't play dumb crossie

>> No.16714544
File: 155 KB, 300x389, 300px-LoT2_Chara_Aya_Stand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like aya

>> No.16714548

Hey, Cirno's a good 2hu.

>> No.16714551
File: 265 KB, 598x866, 1483206579356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only crossing i've done is from s4s.

>> No.16714557

Nobody likes you, [s4s]. Fuck off back there.

>> No.16714559

She's okay when viewed solely from canon.
Have you ever seen a /pol/ pseudo-normalfag cite only official canon works?
I haven't. It's always tertiary fan art and quaternary memes they deface with their political shit.
Why? Because cancer is drawn to cancer. Those who get their kicks etc.

This board is already infested with generals, we don't need political shitposting as well.

>> No.16714562
File: 57 KB, 492x675, oh nice fuck you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16714563

I kind of like her in stuff like flashes, too.

>> No.16714564

I'm surprised they didn't steal Suwako a long time ago considering she's a frog goddess. They could have taken Kanako as well since "Kek" is technically a frog god and a snake goddess combined into one deity but /pol/ seemed to forget this almost immediately.

>> No.16714565

I didn't vote but if /pol/ fully intends on raiding us constantly to steal our memes I will vote democrat solely out of spite

>> No.16714573

most /pol/ pseudnorms are drawn almost exclusively towards inoffensive vanilla kyoanus style moeblobs, a strong yet sensitive mommy with delicious sagging k-cups offends their undeveloped palates

>> No.16714574
File: 67 KB, 510x720, b01b601a485c5a1ca8cfcff66b3e522f49343cb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to make thread about tuhus
>gets completely derailed because conspiracy
>who am i quoting.

>> No.16714583

Also /pol/ is almost exclusively responsible for the influx of anti-loli moralfags on 4chan since 2016

>> No.16714587

>who am i quoting.
I dunno, who *are* you quoting?

>> No.16714594

I just wish they would stop making conservatives look bad. And stop drawing in newfags from places like reddit.

>> No.16714599

Please. Not this shit again. You're going to give me a conniption.

>> No.16714600

this is painful board.

>> No.16714624

This can all end if you'd just tell us who you're quoting.

/jp/'s official ideology is Situationism, we all support the eventual fully automated socialist paradise where we can immigrate to Japan and live in the /jp/ 城 in Hokkaido. We also oppose white nationalism as a threat to our ancient otaku board culture which espouses oriental values, a shunning of breeding, and twelver shi'a islam

>> No.16714628

I told you guys to ignore it...

>> No.16714634

That sounds terrible and unrealistic. I would never want to move to Japan, I'd ruin it. It's better to observe it from afar. Until I kill myself.
Anyway, what's taking Meido so long?

>> No.16714635

Never. Inshallah I shall rage against the dying light, the normification of our board beyond utter recognition

>> No.16714644

The jan-jan has decided to just delete posts that highlight the fact that OP is a /pol/ crossie and that they are organizing raids

>> No.16714656

Also not wanting to migrate to mother nihon is a grave insult against the chief martyr of /jp/ Ken-sama

>> No.16714657
File: 3 KB, 126x126, 1320215265782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want /jp/ to be raped by these outsiders.

>> No.16714662

Fucking rapefugees. They need to go back.

>> No.16714671

you guys can always visit /qa/...

>> No.16714681

White genocide is good actually

>> No.16714683

I've heard that some /jp/sies were turning /qa/ into /jp/2.0.
Is that true?

>> No.16714696

Check it yourself, dude. Last time I directly linked it I got a ban.

>> No.16714697

For a while. The unofficial /jp/ raiding militia "The Falcons of Polytheism" were initially successful but imperialist board moderators backed by NATO running dogs drove them out

>> No.16714706

It is indeed true. I think /qa/ went from worksafe /b/ to "2d random" at some point. It's a bit like /a/ + 2hu with some other /jp/ bits sprinkled in and ironic shitposting. Not sure how I feel about it.

>> No.16714710

There's a kurd at my uni that really likes anime but he streams and mostly watches shonen garbage, is he salvageable or should I report him to the police

>> No.16714718

Report him.

>> No.16714725

Assadist spy detected

>> No.16714737

No, I just don't think he's salvageable. If he got to university-age without getting good taste, he can't get good taste.

>> No.16714749

Not when the replacement population isn't even anywhere close to East Asian. Check your values.

>> No.16714765

You shouldn't be concerned with people just because they like anime. That's a troubling habit for people who are desperate for friends.

>> No.16714783

So I actually googled white genocide and it's basically just people mad about interracial dating and whites not having kids

Like that's it. If you wanted to stop it you would need to spend the country into bankruptcy bribing people to fuck or just pair whites up and make them fuck at the end of a barrel of a gun and then raise the kids

I don't want fucking kids, and because of this white nationalists on twitter and /pol/ think I'm a traitor to my race

>> No.16714788

I'm late! What's going on in this thread? I cant find the deleted post that is making everyone mad.

My favorite toehoe will always be Chilean Reimu.

>> No.16714793

Cuck. A true conservative meddles in people's media watching habits to ensure ideological purity

>> No.16714805

Basically it was a screencap of people in /pol/ who shop trump hats onto moe girls talking about shopping cirno onto the body of an immigration cop because in America the immigration cops are employed by Immigration and Customs Enforcement or ICE

>> No.16714815

It's not very different from a theoretical "Japanese genocide", just that Japanese society isn't geared at accepting large amounts of foreigners while celebrating their differences from the native Japanese.

>> No.16714824

[x] kill everyone in this thread

>> No.16714835

So what

>> No.16714851

I just find it interesting how someone can be staunchly in favour of a foreign country's ethnic purity (in no ambiguous terms), but see no parallels to one's own countrymen's similar claims. Like, I have not a single doubt that the Japanese would talk a lot about a Japanese genocide too should mass immigration to Japan gain traction. The proposed solution would probably be deportations and re-installment of cultural values, though, which you didn't mention.
