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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1668846 No.1668846 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Japanese people so polite?

>> No.1668855

Guy helping out is intending to snatch the baby and run away.

>> No.1668862
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>> No.1668872
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>Japanese people

>> No.1668880
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>> No.1668888
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>> No.1668890

Yes, don't lump USA and Europe together.

>> No.1668900
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>> No.1668901

I can't speak for Europe, but in the US it's rare for people to help strangers, even if you live in a small "friendly" town.

>> No.1668902
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>> No.1668904

is that one of those "women's-only anti-molestation" carriages?

>> No.1668906

I'd like to disagree with that. I live in a frozen shithole full of hyper Republican fags, but people are fairly nice and helpful so long as you avoid politics or their complete failure to do anything useful with their lives.

>> No.1668910

Britfag here

It'd be rude not to help the woman, obviously (at least it seems obvious to me) in the same way it's rude to let a door shut in someone's face (male or female) or to watch an old lady struggle with heavy bags.

of course there are rude people...

>> No.1668915
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>> No.1668921

in germany its common to help a women with a baby-wagon getting down the stairs. but on the other hand if someone gets injured all the other people look away , it takes its time until someone calls an ambulance.

>> No.1668924

in israel the old man and woman would yell at the other man if he doesnt help the woman right away and then the woman will bitch about it to anyone that will listen right in front of the poor bastard even if he helps her.

>> No.1668926

you sound bitter

>> No.1668928


gotta love those fucking skanks that drag their little brat around with them wherever they go, especially in stores. Fuck them I say.

>> No.1668931


In israel the pram would be a bomb.

>> No.1668932

speaking from experience.

a lot of it.

israelis can not mind their own fucking business.

>> No.1668936

Nothing wrong with having an attitude, though. Why would you not be rude to strangers if you can get away with it?

I usually let the black cashier at the local store pack my groceries for me just to point out what I think of him. He always gives me the face, but he know that he'll get sacked in a heartbeat if I file a complaint.

>> No.1668938

jew pawaa bitch

>> No.1668939


>> No.1668944

i wonder what youll say when he shows up in your house one night and guts you.

>> No.1668948

"kirai! baka!"

>> No.1668950

Tsundere faggot.

>> No.1668957

That's weird, I live in New York City and people help each other out.

In small friendly towns people don't help you out if they don't know you.

>> No.1668959

You want to see rude/ignorant people? Come to Finland, the most unsociable country in the whole world.

See a unconscious man lying on the street? It takes pretty damn long for someone to call an ambulance to come and check him. Everyone has a cellphone so they are capable of calling one.

Is there someone listening to music loudly on a bus/train/etc.? No one will ask the guy to turn it down or use headphones, instead everyone has to bear with it until their stop.

I could go on forever about this.

>> No.1668969

One of my friends never helps women out with their baby carriages because he is afraid he'll drop it and get sued. If they so much as look at him and give him a disapproving frown as they struggle to lift that shit up and down stairs and he is there, he will freak out and run like the wind.

I used to do it out of common courtesy but after years of having jews slam doors in my face, not hold the elevator, etc. I'm sick of other peoples' shit.

>> No.1668971

I live in the south. Fun shit to have random people approach you when you look like you're struggling.

Yeah, karma. That's why you're trolling and/or stuck in /jp/ too.

>> No.1668976

I'm tall, so people are always asking me to reach things for their short-asses.

I don't mind.

>> No.1668983

I don't live in Japan by the way.

though I've been to Japan and nobody asked me to reach for shit. I did help a woman with her pram once though. She looked pretty nervous when I approached her, and she was bowing and thanking me like I'd saved her life, but I didn't really understand most of what she was saying.

>> No.1668988

>because he is afraid he'll drop it and get sued
gotta love America

>> No.1668990

Sounds like she was frightened as hell, what you did was so alien.

>> No.1668996

Karma? Is this about that Buddhist religion thingy or what?

And seriously, a black person comes here form africa or where ever and can't put up with that, he better go back where he came from, okay? That's my opinion and that second class citizen will continue packing my groceries until he finds a better job.

>> No.1669006

Something bad you do with bite you in the ass later. Sometime, somewhere.

If it's your prerogative to go and be an ass to everyone except yourself, live in your insecurity and have at it. I won't mind. At least you're either making everyone have confidence in yourself or decreasing the population of idiots.

Yes, I know I'm responding to intelligent trolling.

>> No.1669008

Yea, maybe. There's a nervousness that comes across Japanese people when you approach them, especially if you don't speak the language.

But to me it's just a common courtesy, no more significant than a sneeze.

>> No.1669009


You didn't do anything more?

>> No.1669012

you sound pretty smart. I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

>> No.1669015


No he doesn't he sounds like stupid white trash

>> No.1669023

You should learn to spot sarcasm


double reverse trolling!? you are the master!

>> No.1669026

>There's a nervousness that comes across Japanese people when you approach them

They are scared shitless of the mere thought of having to use english. And if you're tall (and possibly even black) you look like fucking godzilla to them anyway, which doesn't help.

>> No.1669031

>black person comes here form africa or where ever

>> No.1669032

like what? follow her home?

Very true. My Japanese is much better now though.

>> No.1669033


All we need is one more poster and we could try a jet stream attack.

>> No.1669036
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Let's get things right.
- Help out strangers in need (old ladies, moms with the baby-chair, etc.)
- Ignore when shit happens in order not to get dragged into something troublesome (calling an ambulance for someone, asking somebody to shut up in public (including too loud ipod), etc.)

- Help out troubled people who can't sue you if you are bothered enough (call an ambulance, ask somebody to shut the fuck up in public, etc.)
- Ignore people in need (old people with bags, moms with babychairs, etc.)

- Ignore everyone except they are from a higher level of society than you.


Pic unrelated

>> No.1669040

I bet I know you personally.
People do help each other here a lot though.

>> No.1669041

kids aren't 'brats'. Do you guys not want children? I want 3 or 4.

>> No.1669042

Look, let's assume that I'm trolling here so every single poster does not have to point it out.

Anyhow, I do not personally have a problem with being an asshole to people that personally dislike.

As for that black thing. I'm not a racist, but honestly, why should I have positive attitude for immigrants, I wonder? I mean, you leave your original culture and homeland coming here to seek for wealth and stability. Why should I have anything but contempt for that kind of people? I really dislike the idea of my country turning into a multi-cultural ghetto shithole like USA.

>> No.1669051

Bittersweet moment. You love your kids, but you're all GOD FUCKING DAMN IT ARGHDSFARGEG at them sometimes. Protip: Don't put them in public school.

Alright, this is turning into /r9k/ now. Move along, people.

>> No.1669056

all I want is a daughter to hug, hold and bake cakes with

I want to bathe her and sing to her and tuck her into bed

>> No.1669062

> Protip: Don't put them in public school.

I agree, it's only right that if parents can afford it, they spend money to put their children in private school.

>> No.1669063


A daughter would be pretty cool.
I hate little boys, though, so it'll either be a gamble or adoption.
And getting a girlfriend before all that. Fuck.

>> No.1669067

Here in the UK, "public school" means any school that you pay for your children to attend

stupid amerikkkan

>> No.1669069

I live in the south. One time when I was still in my teens, I got hit by an 18-wheeler in my car and got flipped off the road. I used to think rednecks were just stupid, but I owe them my life. I swear, a horde of them appeared out of nowhere from the houses on the side of the road as well as from the cars behind the accident to help. I managed to extract myself from the car in a daze and this 30 year old woman came and hugged me and comforted me the whole time while we were waiting for the ambulance. Even the driver of the truck came to help and he looked like he was about to cry. As long as you keep politics out of the equation, they are actually really nice people.

>> No.1669070

As for Japan, it really is such a beautiful country. I'd hate to see immigrants overrun it. I am glad politeness is part of their national consciousness, Confucianism stresses modesty and restraint.

No room for bros in japanese society. Shame is also good

>> No.1669071

You owe your life to the fact you weren't wearing anything that could have identified you as liberal.

>> No.1669073

Yeh, it highlights the difference in values between white and black working classes. Also, why in America is it ok to call white southerners rednecks and insult them, but the black working class are inviolable?

>> No.1669078


>> No.1669079

Why am I still posting in an /r9k/-type thread? Who knows.

When you call a redneck a redneck, they say "I know lol."

When you call a nigger a nigger, they're punch you in the face with a 9mm or larger piece of metal.

>> No.1669081

Yes, why not label them all as human trash?

I mean, it's no secret that american "whites" have been severely mixbred with the black population over the centuries. Not too white, no.

>> No.1669084

and fuck the living shit out of her

>> No.1669085

i doubt that.

>> No.1669087

op here

well my point was made. feel free to save and modify the image for future trolling purposes

this thread has derailed (thanks tripfaggotry!) and will self-destruct in a minute or two.

>> No.1669093

>for the love of god e-mail me about problematic users.

>> No.1669098
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>this thread has derailed (thanks tripfaggotry!) and will self-destruct in a minute or two.

I order this thread to live.
