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16667914 No.16667914 [Reply] [Original]

Faqs, info and more questions.

/toy/ - bjd.buyfags.moe
/jp/ - dollfaq.buyfags.moe

>> No.16667917
File: 940 KB, 2048x1292, 14313041557_13a036d023_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's try not to post any overly lewd photos this time.

>> No.16667925

need to get some big hair bows like that for my Rise

>> No.16667955

Hmmmm that sounds like a fun idea i want to do that also.

>> No.16668017
File: 876 KB, 2448x3264, IMG_2399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiori got more clothes today! Here she is in her new outfit.

>> No.16668026


>> No.16668030

She looks really cute in that. I'm guessing that's a 1/6th Azone? How do you like her?

>> No.16668270 [DELETED] 
File: 440 KB, 1605x2408, Cherrylewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why but seeing this post immediately made me want to do the exact opposite of what you said.

>> No.16668285
File: 1.74 MB, 2592x1936, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooofff. Well. Forgive my transgression. Toromis owner started the thread that lasted about an hour feeling some kinda loli way apparently, and yep. Then I realized this is a blue board, so I deleted it. Sorry guys. Figured something more appropriate should start the threads. You guys will see her in a new coat and eyes soon once this mail arrives. Thank you all by the way for the eye tips. I ended up using silicone plugs for the new ones so yeah. Those are set and waiting for clothes. New pictures in a cluttered animation studio Monday perhaps.

>> No.16668315 [DELETED] 

I must know something!!

You always have her in that dark outfit, has there been any staining? It's something that keeps me from buying some stuff.

Also I deleted Cherrylewd.jpg because I did.

>> No.16668319

I must know something!!

You always have her in that dark outfit, has there been any staining? It's something that keeps me from buying some stuff.

>> No.16669862
File: 71 KB, 564x795, be62e12f56b638053d1c83ca40d98c9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon but I can tell you that staining is VERY inconsistent and sometimes hard to predict. It depends heavily on what kind of material the clothes are made if, how and at what point the fibers were dyed, how tight they fit as well as the type of vinyl, temperature etc.
I've had a dark purple hoodie on my MDD almost since summer without any stains. I've put a darker suit on a Smart Doll for 20 minutes and I had to literally go into damage control mode the rest of the day to try and get the countless stains out, stained even through a white shirt underneath.
I would suggest a body suit to keep your mind at ease. It might be a 1-3k Yen investment but knowing your doll is safe is priceless.

>> No.16670157

>stained even through a white shirt underneath
what the fuck, was it made out of tar or something

>> No.16670171

Thanks! Just realized how shit the image quality is; apologies for that.

She's actually a 27cm Obitsu with a parabox head. I think Azones are cute, but I don't like the painted eyes. The pretty eyes were a big part of why I wanted to get into bjds, so I ended up building her from scratch.

Shiori is the only doll I have, so naturally I love her a ton. I can't compare having a 1:6 to a 1:3, but I actually think 1:6s are a good place to start if you're unwilling to drop a lot of money for a new hobby. I still get to pose her, buy her new clothes, and take cute photos. She's more discrete to carry around. In total I've spent ~$150, which is still a lot less than what I would have dropped to buy a dd that I really want.

>> No.16671673
File: 65 KB, 411x412, 1475294000167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is that you Fantasy

>> No.16671730

Have you ever nutted on your doll?

>> No.16671738

Do the dolls have a built in pucci?

>> No.16672480


>> No.16672513

Hey there. And in my case, no. I typically dress her during sessions, take a few pics, and yeah. The longest I've kept her dressed was about 3 hours at the most. After that I just return her to her nude state, and place back in carrying case. But as >>16669862 pointed out, yeah that tends to be the general consensus for clothes. Just have to watch out.

>> No.16672515

It sounds like she leads a sad life.

>> No.16672844

I am kinda surprised she spends so much time like that. I pictured her just hanging around all the time.

I am of too minds here.

One I hate the idea of my girls in cases not able to be seen. I am quite happy to see them everyday.

On the other hand his girl goes on far more adventures.

To each there own I guess. I am just happy to see him post her because she is a cutie.

>> No.16672865

Ah yeah. And no, shes not sad. Her owner is just over protective of her. She gets love once a week.

But yes. I personally like having her ready to go out with me on my off day, I load her up into the car and take her out into town somewhere, just wherever I happen to be and with whoever I happen to be kicking it with, and if an opportunity arises to dress and photo, cool. If not, then shes still ready to go with me. I just prefer to have her tucked away while not under my eye. There's a large dog at my current residence, as well as the display case for my figs being just thrown off with having a 1/3rd in there. Maybe one day she'll be totally free, but for now she's just fine. She'll have a new coat coming in tomorrow which I'm excited for as well.

Also, does anyone know whats up with nine9? Seems like everything has been out of stock for some time.

>> No.16673337
File: 72 KB, 530x800, 1462370524564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought some stuff from yahoo japan, proxy informed me they've bought it out but now a week has passed and they say it still hasn't arrived. Is jap internal post that slow or is it time to panic?

>> No.16673632
File: 175 KB, 800x800, 30097912184_600b85a5f8_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need to panic, I've had stuff arrive up to 2 weeks after winning the bid.
- In some descriptions the seller states they can only ship on specific days of the week.
- Sometimes the transaction itself takes up to 3 days.
- Delivery time also depends on the shipping service the seller chose.
- The proxy service needs time to sort out the arrived packages.

Sometimes all these factors culminate in an unfortunate delay.

>> No.16673784

Could be that the seller was overseas at well. Happened to friend of mine. You have lot of Chinese/SEA sellers on YJA simply because Japanese people pay twice whats anyone pay in the rest of Asia for the same thing (could it be clothing or heads).

He didn't pay attention to the listing mentioned the seller was overseas and domestic shipping wasn't even expensive to boot (~1K). So the whole thing took 1 week longer to be delivered.

>> No.16674404

I see, thanks. Welp, I'll hope for the best then.

>> No.16674630

Yup this is likely the case. Shipping almost never takes more than a half a week because of their efficient postal system

I occasionally send a friend in Saga (Fukuoka) stuff from Tokyo and he always gets it in 3 days, even with economy shipping, and even with his address written in Eigo. If it takes longer it's definitely coming from overseas, or the seller is a lazy bum.

>> No.16676292

>Could be that the seller was overseas at well
I've had that happen, in one case it took closer to three weeks than two for the item to arrive at the proxy.

>> No.16678962
File: 48 KB, 600x800, FIG-DOL-9555_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I want to get into this, what is your opinion on pic related?

>> No.16679029

How long does it take for Volks international to dispatch an order? Do they de-value the package?
I hope some kind anon can answer me this.

>> No.16679077

pure neemos are good entry-level dolls, they're cute, outfits are amazing, easy to pose etc. Also much less painfull for the wallet-kun. Sort of a nice jumping point from figures into dolls too.
Personally I'm not a fan of her face, but if you're into her then go ahead and order, even if you don't like her in the end, she won't take up much space.
It's a slippery slope though, before I knew it, I ended up with 4 neemos and waiting on a MDD.

>> No.16679608
File: 137 KB, 800x1200, DSC00142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're a Love Live! fan, I think these are a notch above the µ's dolls.
As dolls, they're not as flexible as figmas (far from it in fact) but they are cute AF. Be careful or you might get hooked!

>> No.16679691

Dispatch - If in stock, maybe a day or couple days.

De-value - No. The EMS label will clearly state Yen price and "Doll Accessories" etc, whatever it is.

>> No.16679707

>Do they de-value the package?
Not that Volks will "honor" your childish and selfish request but that's called customs fraud.

>> No.16679724

Thanks mate.
Well, fuck you too. Did I ever insinuate that I wanted them to? It was a simple question.

>> No.16679892

>Do they de-value the package

>> No.16679972


>> No.16683069

Who are you quoting?

>> No.16683411

I'm using the meme arrow for readability. I do apologise if this somehow offended you.

>> No.16683599
File: 794 KB, 2189x1459, IMG_4284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How this thread feels.

So anyone got some new images of their girls? Being cute and stuff? Maybe?

>> No.16683981

I'm having a new girl coming in the mail, the last one died

>> No.16683997
File: 22 KB, 362x372, 1362359566361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you do to her?

>> No.16684008

rekt'd thread?

>> No.16684127

There was a small earthquake while I was at work, nothing special, but enough to knock her down from the shelf she was sitting on, where my dog had its way with her.

Post-Mortem to the initial offense, the beast became aroused and pummeled the poor girl to no end. Her body was forced into the reckoning of the manipulative digits of the aformentioned beast, the simple jacket and jeans proved no resistence to halt the progressive canine in its time of reckoning.

The thrashing of bodies and teeth became too much to bear witness to, and the beast made sure she did not suffer.

>> No.16684654

jesus christ how horrifying
did you at least give her a Christian burial

>> No.16684794

I gave her a Viking burial, meaning incinerated in burnable trash along with her belongings.

I'll secure this girl better, lest she'll succumb to the treacherous perverted nature of heretofore mentioned foul intruder.

>> No.16684948

this is why i don't let pets into the room that my dolls live in

>> No.16685423


Holy fuck that's so sad. Do you have a photo so others can remember her?

I hope your new girl will be safe and sound and live a long life.

>> No.16685469

It's a little late to stop you now, but probably don't do this in the future? I'm not a plasticologist but vinyl and similar types of PVC definitely release dangerous chemicals when set on fire, please use caution, common sense, and extremely well-ventilated areas (or like just a garbage can)

>> No.16688103
File: 1.23 MB, 1371x2666, 1458980042758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been too busy to take new ones or even change her outfit.

I'm in Paris next month so I'll do some new shooting. Going to be the 4th country my girl visit.

>> No.16688243

Yay! I will look forward to them!

>> No.16689077
File: 169 KB, 1024x682, 324653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you actually trained and raised your pet right.
Some of my dolls stand around on the floor all the time and my dog wouldn't even dream of even sniffing in their general direction. Regardless if I'm gone all day or just in the other room.
Why even have a pet if you can't trust it.

>> No.16689127

They're not my pets, I just don't live alone. They were trained and raised properly and don't destroy things, but I'd still rather not give them the option of ruining my beloved dolls.

>> No.16691097

I'll hop in. Left work today and just had to see how this coat looked on Toromi. I think it looks really nice. Also, finally got her eyes in.

>> No.16691103
File: 169 KB, 800x1071, 044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image.

>> No.16691108
File: 127 KB, 800x1071, 014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pink is nice.

>> No.16691109
File: 141 KB, 1024x765, 020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pink is fun.

>> No.16691116
File: 118 KB, 800x1071, 027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one with a full profile. I need to get a set of knee highs for her maybe.

>> No.16691749

You're not fooling anyone. Taxes are. On-negotiable. You wouldn't have brought it up if it you thought there was a possibility

>> No.16691760

>well-ventilated areas (or like just a garbage can)
I could be wrong but when I read "burnable trash" I assumed it's collected and treated separately. At the sorting facility they'd have picked it out

>> No.16691774

I really dig that coat. This is my favourite of the images.

>> No.16694733
File: 548 KB, 750x1000, pre-mauling-miku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My poor girls have been relegated to their cabinet so no recent photos. Here's one from shortly before a "grooming".

>> No.16694918
File: 64 KB, 650x400, DDH018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I googled "DDH-01" and found this monstrosity and thought I'd share

>> No.16695078

probably from danny choo's cancer website

>> No.16695175

I spot 3 cats!

>> No.16695211
File: 211 KB, 1200x1200, me in japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16695844

Thank you.

Senpais please help. I'm about a year into the hobby coming up this June, and I just wanna know. Idk. I feel like whenever I go to grab some photos of Toromi, I revert to one of three default poses of hers I have stored mentally. Idk. I see lots of other people with such natural and fluid poses. Maybe my knowledge of the joint range isn't that good, I feel like I know enough, but at the same time, some of the photos I try to emulate from more experienced owners and what not, it still looks stiff on my end. But idk. Any pointers from club senpais desu?

By the way. Does anyone know about in house faceups offered from Volks international? I could've sworn I saw a listing for such, at the most a default variant, and now I cant seem to find it.

>> No.16696122

Look at other dolls and real people. Put her in those poses and take many photos changing the angle a little. Then look at them on the camera make changes to her take more photos. Then stick them on the computer look at them all see that they are all bad in some way. Pick the least bad one post it. Hear what people have to say about it.

Repeat for the rest of your life.

That's really all there is to it.

>> No.16696309

How was the ML live?

>> No.16698025
File: 1.41 MB, 1927x1280, 13Lmoonlight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Repeat for the rest of your life.
There really is no way out is there.

>> No.16699931

I use poses from fashion magazines. The poses range from elegant (usually in Western magazines like Vogue) to cute (Japanese fashion magazines). It's fun seeing how close you can get your doll to pose like a real person. If you don't want to buy the magazines, there are also lots of scans for basically any magazine you can think of in general online. Those are just as good as the real deal since you're just using them for pose ideas.

No one is born perfect at anything. Practice and persevere. I believe in you and so do your dolls.

>> No.16703633

Should I get Ranka or MOMO? They're both so cute and around the same price, I can't decide.

>> No.16707137
File: 65 KB, 640x480, 23309311843_62eddf869f_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MOMO, without a doubt!

>> No.16709670

I haven't really seen a lot of photos of Ranka but from what I've seen I'll have to concur.

>> No.16709760

I was initially just going to get MOMO, but I was tempted by a less-than-normal priced Ranka.

I'll get MOMO then. I can't order her quite yet, but I'll post picks when she gets here!

>> No.16709983

I love my Ranka, but her face is pretty generic honestly. MOMO's face always stands out pretty well

>> No.16710486

Do you guys fuck these dolls?

>> No.16710569

i fuck mine sometimes but i always feel guilty afterwards since she can't consent it feels wrong

>> No.16710700

If you truly love your dollfu, she would accept your love.

>> No.16710728
File: 1.51 MB, 3240x1620, DSC_IMG_1104162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16710756

I am disgusted by those mismatched skin tones.
At best it looks like the doll's face is covered in foundation.

>> No.16710841

yes home made "foundation"

>> No.16711183

Looks like Volks USA started selling ddh-10 heads if anyone is looking for a new head.

>> No.16711355

DDH-04 was a mistake

>> No.16711571

/jp/, can I use ordinary mousse to style the hair on my Dollfie?

>> No.16712518
File: 196 KB, 614x460, ddh-04-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be mean to 04. It's a cute sculpt. But wrong light, eyeplacement and camera angles can make it appear a bit unflattering. IRL it's the sweetest expression. The only contender I currently have is a super modified 10.

>> No.16712525
File: 328 KB, 838x628, 0502-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All things considered, they took their sweet time. I most people who had a burning need already got them from Japan. They don't know how to manage that site/store.

I would say no. You should look for products that are made for wigs.

>> No.16712534

What a cute girl

As for DDH-04 I saw a White one in Japan. It was really gross looking.

>> No.16713113

How would I go about figuring out if the DD head I bought is normal skin tone or semi-white skin tone? They buyer listed it as "ordinary" with this being the text that was translated from 普通肌. I looked in the guide and the skin tone color picture isn't super helpful for this and I don't want to buy the normal skin tone if the head is semi-white.

>> No.16713125

Can you copy the whole blurb from the description? Anyway, if it was SW, it would have been pointed out, so it's probably NS.

>> No.16713145

ドルフィードリーム DDH-01 (普通肌) ヘッドをカスタムしました。

Thats the line with the description of the head in it.

>> No.16713208

Yeah, if they don't mention anywhere that it's semi-white, it's normal skin. Ask your proxy service to confirm it maybe if you're unsure?

>> No.16713439

Anyone here actually tried out those Parabo or their Obitsu bodies?
Or are everyone just going with Volks

>> No.16713517

this is parabox for example >>16668017
there's a couple of obitsu owners here too, some even posted useful comparison pics of their bodies and DDs

>> No.16713530
File: 118 KB, 803x533, 92681fb774a09aca306bc6771296d1a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was the only White skinned DD and it was one-of-a-kind. Was it from someone who makes custom parts or something?

>> No.16713552

White skin isn't standard anymore, but it's definitely not unique. There are plenty of white skin DDs out there.

>> No.16713628
File: 786 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for shitty photo
left to right: DDS; Obitsu 48cm; MDD
is a 1/6 scale obitsu

Why are you interested in them?

>> No.16713959

Maybe it is not sure. But all the heads are sold in all three colours.

I own two Obitsu body's. I like em fine.

>> No.16714014

Before Semi-white skin was introduced (I think KOS-MOS was the first announced SWS if I remember correctly), for the first several years it was both Normal skin and White skin as the standard colors. More character dolls were produced in NS as usual, but plenty of WS standard characters and collaboration models were made. It seemed like Volks wasn't really making WS character dolls anymore, except they just rereleased Saber Alter in December as WS so who knows?

That particular one in your image was probably a special one-off model for an event, much like this one made for the current Dollpa:

>> No.16714037

Not him, but I think DDH-04 is really ugly too. The shape of the mouth is the big problem with it.

>> No.16714794

I assume Volks USA is fine to order from quality wise? I remember reading something about it having older stock or something at one point is that still true?

>> No.16714825

>I remember reading something about it having older stock
At one time their webstore had out of date stuff but new stuff is still new, It just takes a few weeks longer for the US store to get it.

While we're on the topic of the US store you might benefit if you order from the international store. the US store doesn't have the best prices compared to the Japanese one.

>> No.16714829

I'm just ordering a base body and the small price difference I'm seeing between the two is kinda worth it seeing I might get hit with customs or something.

>> No.16715130

A new girl is about to be born!

>> No.16715136

Yes she is! I am so excited. I bought the head back in October and have jut now ordered everything else. I will post pics when shes here.

>> No.16715147

The Parabox/Obitsu will be harder to shop for.

>> No.16715153

I ended up going with a DDS base body from volks mainly due to the parabox/obitsus being much more vast and the color matching would be a pain.

>> No.16715183
File: 132 KB, 1200x692, C6I8JlRU8AAC5Xz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16715201

What head did you get?

>> No.16715210

I bought a custom one off the yahoo auction house. I'll post pics when everything gets here and shes put together.

>> No.16715294

Gah that cutie on the right is so cute! I hope I can get my girl that cute one day.

>> No.16715367

you will never succeed

>> No.16715586

Oh man I can't wait to see!!

Shush you. There is always hope.
I hope they pull it off!

>> No.16715798

>I might get hit with customs or something
I assumed you're in the US if you were shopping VolksUSA otherwise shipping is a ripoff for non-US customers. If you are in the US however, there's no customs if your buying Japan -> USA.

>> No.16715844

>I assumed you're in the US if you were shopping VolksUSA otherwise shipping is a ripoff for non-US customers.
What, did Volks USA start shipping outside of the US at some point this last year?

>> No.16715922
File: 24 KB, 426x409, sorta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To some countries. EU and SEA etc still need to use the JP store.

>> No.16717369
File: 1.07 MB, 900x1000, 2d8a6a66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DDS is the cutest size. You done good.
Can't wait to see pictures!

>> No.16717411
File: 96 KB, 450x600, o0450060013859466328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any news on the DDP body?

>> No.16717746

What is the difference between the dreams? I understand that mini is smaller, but the rest?

>> No.16718591
File: 345 KB, 1061x2118, IMG_6054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well yes MDD is shortest.
DDS is a bit shorter then the DD2/DD3 like you see in this image.
DD2 and DD3 are about the same but the DD2 lacks movement range. And DD3 looks skinnyer.
The DDP is in between the MDD and DDS

And the DDdy is garbage.

>> No.16718697

Oh that's great news I didn't know that.

>> No.16718809

>And the DDdy is garbage.
I was gonna disagree on behalf of my DDdy girls but I realized I don't really have any solid arguments. DDdy is kinda garbage, though it's far better if you replace the bust with a modified DD3 L or shapely L.

>> No.16718939
File: 292 KB, 1280x854, 1465101645816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Spot the faggots, its like you really don't like beautiful, round, full, titties and ass. Don't even get me started on dem hips.

>> No.16718946

They just check the value and make sure you're not importing things for commercial use. (actual, taxable stuff) I've bought thousands of dollars worth of shit at a time and they don't even care.

>> No.16719105

If you throw in a peach pai like in your pic related then the equation does change.

>> No.16719131
File: 156 KB, 1200x800, C7AbadYU4AAvFVL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to see the regulars still gather after all these years.

RIP Doll Show.

>> No.16719898

Parabox/Obitsus are usually 1/6 but most people in this thread own 1/3 dolls.
>>16668017 is my doll; if you have any questions feel free to ask! Though I only have a 1/6 so I can't compare her to a 1/3.

>> No.16720974

>edges of bikinis pieces all scruffy
really triggers my autismos

>> No.16722864
File: 167 KB, 1024x768, C6umXdOVsAAwt42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16723586

Just got my Miku, I could brush her hair all day.

What the hell is happening to me.

>> No.16723735

easy there fella, you'll ruin the wig that way

>> No.16723788

I have full conversations with my dolls so dont feel too bad yet

>> No.16723789

But she's so lovely! And her hair is so soft too, it's hard to resist.

I've always belittled dollfags, now I understand. I get it.

>> No.16723847

I feel like I'm treading on thin ice, despite how happy I am to have her and how exquisitely pleasing she is to look at.

Is this how it begins? Am I turning into some hedonist shit that can only get pleasure from buying and interacting with dolls? I'm already contemplating buying more and she was quite expensive to boot. Is this the slippery slope?

>> No.16724013
File: 536 KB, 1365x2048, 32285404033_3b68a34087_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this the slippery slope?
Yes, and you're too far down to pull the brakes. Just give in.

>> No.16724522

I tell mine goodnight and that I love them every night. Sometimes I blow kisses.

>> No.16724751

I wish we could do D-coord over the website. Like, select a head, body, eyes, wig and outfit in a sequence and then check out rather than a generic standard model

>> No.16725319

So what's the best doll to get for fucking

>> No.16725565


>> No.16725811

I spent a lot on my first doll but that's ok she is my only one so whatever.

But then I started planning and buying a second. And at the same time I bought another one. But that's it I am done at 3.

I am currently at 9.

>> No.16725876
File: 142 KB, 458x1395, 1480779145158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of these but I think the Onahole general is the place to discuss it

>> No.16726034

Yep, however, there is a bright side.
After buying 10-20 of these you'll realize that you're running out of space and become more picky in which dolls to buy. Thats the braking part.

>> No.16726076
File: 152 KB, 1200x800, C7HmFZXV0AA55Zt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to the other people. enjoy your doll. Brush her hair, style it, It's not the only wig in existence, and you can always get a better one. And while you're at it, buy her pretty clothes, dress her up and take her out to exotic places! She's your companion not a trophy, live it up!

>> No.16726087

What is the absolute minimum to spend on a Volks doll with a set of clothes and some accessories?

>> No.16726130
File: 44 KB, 446x800, IMG_0719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$270 got me this.
Body suit
Ugly grey dress thing.
And best shoes ever! She still wears them.

I mean I spent another about another $300 on her after but yah I guess $270 is the cheapest unless someone can beat that.

>> No.16726157

desu i wouldn't even pay $270 on that unless if I can sew and craft a ton of nice stuff myself.

I'd rather pay more for a complete set. But thats just me with no skills.

>> No.16726159

You can spend the absolute minimum but like >>16726130 has alluded to it won't be satisfactory. Please don't rush into this hobby with the least amount of money possible. save a bit and treat yourself right.

>> No.16726193



you want to save up and get something you actually want. You can get a solid girl for not too huge of a investment if you shop around and take your time. But going cheep will only get you a doll you don't like or one you need to spend a lot more on after the fact.

>> No.16726212

there are standard models often for sale on manda for as low as 30k JPY, you can get go full cheapo mode and hunt for used and abused bodies/heads on Y!J but you'll have to redo the faceup, buy a wig/eyes etc. so I wouldn't expect anything lower than 40k for a satisfactory doll.
Then again there are people who pay 600+ USD and still end up seling their girls so who knows. FOLLOW YOUR HEART

>> No.16726495

>And best shoes ever! She still wears them.

this comment makes the whole post.

10/10 thanks for the smile.

>> No.16726787

what a slut

>> No.16726793

She looks sooo depressed.

>> No.16726828

I was thinking a victim of human trafficking

>> No.16726843

Nah she's happy, she got another $300 worth of stuff.

>> No.16727020
File: 100 KB, 720x1011, C22EDphUUAE07wV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These date way back 2006, and are too familiar...

Any whereabouts?

>> No.16727117
File: 115 KB, 450x600, o0450060013859466326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they get off on exclusivity, so I doubt that'll happen anytime soon.

>> No.16727152
File: 50 KB, 480x679, f6c1271f84db945024cff835741663f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got an unused DD3 body, custom 06 head, two outfits, a wig and eyes for $220 total. In separate orders though. It's possible but only with luck, patience and relentless hunting.

>> No.16727267
File: 3.11 MB, 5312x2988, 20170314_162530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bet I will, for now we'll just listen to music together.
Shitty photo and I hate fucking smartphones.

>> No.16727657
File: 201 KB, 1339x1117, IMG_1047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at em! I love them!

She is fine now you can see what she looks like here. >>16718591

Dam that's not bad!

If you are on iOS crop your photos slightly to fix rotation.

>> No.16727662
File: 168 KB, 800x1636, 76jikxpyqsto1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy

>> No.16727808


>> No.16727916

is it true that for some bigger dolls you can mount an onahole in that part then you can fuck it

>> No.16727920

Yeah. You can even do it with smaller dolls.

Hell, I saw some pictures once of someone who had just turned their onahole into a doll.

>> No.16728011

For the 1/3 size dolls there are replacements bodies for the torso while you re-use everything else

>> No.16728110

Yes but as >>16725876 said detailed discussion takes place in another thread.

>> No.16728636

whoever made that seriously needs to work on their craftsmanship. it'd be a beautiful piece otherwise but it's just not well made.

>> No.16729003

I read that cyclopes were huge and ate men. Some even shot lazers from their eyeballs.

>> No.16729379
File: 363 KB, 1060x1600, 1489376503541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wanted to get the chest larger but cannot bring myself to pay for it

>> No.16729475

>another of my twitter friends posted

>> No.16730078

>If you are on iOS crop your photos slightly to fix rotation
I'm on Android, whoever had the idea that vertical taken pictures should be flipped horizontally ought to have molten lava inserted into ass via funnel.

But thanks for the tip.

>> No.16730558

It has to be a mobile thing. Even photos transferred directly from my 70D to my phone suffer the same fate.

>> No.16730915


JPEG files can have rotation saved in the EXIF data to prevent quality loss.

>> No.16730919

If the software doesn't adjust the rotation based on the EXIF tags, it can come out like that.

>> No.16731440

>you can see what she looks like here
good job

>> No.16731922

That wasn't your first doll though right?

>> No.16732256
File: 228 KB, 800x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anon ever take a pic of her in her new dress?

>> No.16732661
File: 213 KB, 480x480, DDH-01-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was my second DD, First was DDdy Miko. I was assembling an MDD simultaneously. (got an MDD3 and the DD3 for 29k total, that was a bit over a year ago).
But getting away cheap doesn't save money in the end. I compensated by getting more dolls instead...

>> No.16732665

Guys, are your dolls your playthings or your gfs?

>> No.16732683

That goes to say. you already had a doll and knew what you wanted. if it were a first doll it may not have met expectations if price point was the only determining factor.

Neither. They're companions. They're more than toys and having them as girlfriends is just plain weird.

>> No.16732698

For me they're just pretty things to look at. More of a sculpture than anything else I guess? I'm unable to give them personalities and names and I'm fine with that.

>> No.16732872
File: 37 KB, 720x480, 145546434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16732933

My companions

>> No.16733093

Daughterus/companions, but still remembering they're actually just dolls and not falling into cat lady tier craziness.

>> No.16733097

desk ornament/ paper weight

>> No.16733119

define cat lady tier?

I only have 2 but I talk to them and have lots of cute outfits

>> No.16733135

Using dolls as a substitute to battle loneliness.

>> No.16733141

guess I am a crazy doll dude

>> No.16733179

As long as you DON'T force a personality unto them, you're still in the green.

>> No.16734142
File: 45 KB, 450x700, 01546d1f15d2eccf205a6c70474bebe8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They represent my failed ambitions. I work hard to make them look perfect but end up never being satisfied enough to take the pictures I want. Then it's on to a new doll.

>> No.16735121

I talk to mine and we fuck sometimes so i guess you could call us a couple ~

>> No.16735852

Post her!

For reasons!

>> No.16738809

Can anyone recommend some good faceup artists for DDs? I want to get a custom head done, preferably in North America for shipping convenience but I could do Europe.

>> No.16739358
File: 181 KB, 1200x1097, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i heard freya is good


>> No.16739420

Isn't that what the guy asked for though? I've seen some nice heads from her, but her mouth and tongue sculpts can get kinda weird looking.

>> No.16739494

He either had extremely poor taste or lack of aesthetic sense. I don't think anyone under the age of 90 or over the age of three would wear eye shadow like that. Second, brown hair and blue eyes don't complement each other. and finally don't get me started on those kemono ears. It's almost like they chose features using a dartboard and unfortunately got a package full of disappointment in return.

>> No.16739592

I'm not entirely ready to recommend Freya yet, I have a head in transit back from her right now. Can post pics after I get a visit from the mail man if you'd like. She was really good at keeping me in the loop and up-to-date as the commission progressed.

>> No.16739606

Is yours the custom Miku head she posted on her instagram? Cause that one looks adorable.

>> No.16739613

Wait nevermind she linked the account it was for. Doubt that person is on 4chan.

>> No.16739642

Yeah, that's not me.

>> No.16739657

I want to believe you had better sense than the previous owner of that ill-fated Mio Honda. Don't let us down Anon.

>> No.16739666

Post pics when it gets to you! I'm always happy to see new dolls come home.

>> No.16740081

>She was really good at keeping me in the loop and up-to-date as the commission progressed.
I heard the same about her from someone else in these threads late last year. They were happy with the work she did as well. Overall her reputation here seems solid.

>> No.16740361
File: 1.26 MB, 2725x3634, IMG_6416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freya did Pumpkin. And I am happy with her so i guess I don't have any complaints.

>> No.16740867

There's nothing wrong with Freya's work. The problem is this disaster >>16739358 keeps being brought up in their name. It wouldn't have happened if they used more discretion instead blindly of taking someone's money for a garbage request.

>> No.16742595

nigga what the fuck is this

>> No.16742624

500000 yen on yahoo!japan

>> No.16742914

I want a smart doll girl, which one should I get?

>> No.16743027
File: 112 KB, 683x1024, 27182902003_8c444069ea_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've spent half a day looking up MDD pictures, I'm dying of beetus now.

>> No.16743104 [DELETED] 

Go to the site.
Pick the one you like the most.
Buy her.

We can't make this choice for you Anon only you know who you want to love. Good luck.

>> No.16743106

a brown one because you can't get tan 1/3 animu dolls anywhere else

>> No.16743117
File: 195 KB, 874x1370, IMG_6361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to the site.
Pick the one you like the most.
Buy her.

We can't make this choice for you Anon only you know who you want to love. Good luck.

But this anon makes a solid point. It's why I own a Choo girl.

>> No.16743126

Narrowing it down to this. Leaning towards Twilight, but aren't they doing another tan girl with the same head, but different face up?

>> No.16743130

Today the wig is coming in for my doll so I'll be able to finally put her together and post pics tonight hopefully. Super excited but I'm probably gonna need help for a name so maybe you guys can help name her when I post?

>> No.16743237


>> No.16743647

So does anyone have any other recommendations? I'm considering Freya, but I'm wondering if there's anyone else to look at.

>> No.16743728
File: 166 KB, 671x800, 20160725_180803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freya is fine. Here's mine that she made a while back. A bit plain and the tooth is a tad too jaggy, but overall still cute.

>> No.16743901
File: 415 KB, 1440x2160, 1101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been considering commissioning Clockwork Angel, but I can't really recommend artists I haven't been in contact with at all. The photos look nice though. In terms of artistic skill I can also wholeheartedly recommend White Dolly Story but they're based out of China and charge a pretty penny if you can even get hold of them. Pic related is one of my WDS girls.

>> No.16744947
File: 3.26 MB, 3984x2988, 20170321_004345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is her. I just put her together.

>> No.16744951

Oh thats right smartphones. Sorry.

>> No.16744982


>> No.16745066

Naiceee! Whats her name? Shes precious.

>> No.16745073

I haven't decided yet on a name honestly. I really like the food name idea that our resident Waffles has going so I was thinking food related. I have it narrowed down to Cookie, Toffee, or Pudding at the moment. Any other good ones would be nice I'm open to suggestions.

>> No.16745300

That's not very nice, and not very constructive to the thread community.

>> No.16745362


Wow she is very cute!

What parts

>> No.16745366

>long black hair
>red eyes

you dun good kid

how about a few more pics she is cute

>> No.16745383

Don't go ever /bjd/

I love you, even if you break my heart.

>> No.16745689

Well Cookie and Pudding are both quite cute. I have a Cookie myself.

>> No.16745826

This post probably says more about it than you intended to. >>16740867

>> No.16746780
File: 245 KB, 1024x1820, IMG_20170320_202434621-1024x1820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16746785
File: 237 KB, 1024x1820, IMG_20170320_203056693-1024x1820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16747082
File: 3.29 MB, 3984x2988, 20170321_125359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a custom DDH-01 head and a DDS body. The clothes are the Magical Happy Corset Dress and her shoes are the SB-SD-167 both from Volks. The wig came from Cool Cat.

>> No.16747091
File: 3.51 MB, 3984x2988, 20170321_125404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another.
Man smartphones. How do I fix that without ruining the quality of the image?

>> No.16747142


>> No.16747225

As stated before, use the crop function. You don't need to crop much, just a hair off the edge or something,

>without ruining the quality
Let's face it, these won't be featured in Dollybird any time soon. Work on better pictures before pumping up the quality. Unless we're looking for chipped paint, resizing them won't hurt either.

>> No.16747237

Ddddo you want me to continue?

>> No.16747244


>> No.16747252

Yes, please.

>> No.16747269
File: 250 KB, 1024x1820, IMG_20170320_204245307-1024x1820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's getting too hot anyways.

>> No.16747276
File: 257 KB, 1024x1820, IMG_20170320_205736172-1024x1820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16747434

what a cute head, did you pay much for it?

>> No.16747652

About 180 USD before shipping and all that.

>> No.16747841

I actually really love the look of the white bodysuit under the pieces of this outfit, that dress didn't do much for me on its own but the white sleeves underneath really pump up the volume imo. My NS girl also wears a full white bodysuit for fashion purposes so I'm a bit biased, but take this as a lesson that the bodysuit can add to an outfit instead of just failing to blend with the skintone

>> No.16747932

I think the shiny fabric makes it look pretty bad.

>> No.16748038

I dont really care for the shiny fabric but it works for now. I would have gotten a different cut body suit but they were out of stock. I was hoping to find like a blouse or long sleeve shirt or something to put underneath but didn't find one. It will probably be changed in the future.

>> No.16748182

I agree. When layering the underlayers are usually soft/matte not shiny. It's supposed to complete /complement the look not overtake it. That's why you don't see a lot of shiny tights outside of costume or costume-like applications.

>> No.16748252

Exactly. The socks are about as shiny as the body suit but not quite. The socks look good though.

>> No.16748267
File: 1.59 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh shit I love her!

But I also feel I need to say something about those glasses. I own the same ones, Waffles wears them. And I do not trust them not to stain. I know nothing of type of paint or finish that's on them. What I did was use this Duct tape it's basically aluminum with glue on one side.(nothing like the grey tape most people think of when they hear duct tape) And I cut tiny squares and stuck them on the glasses were they make contact. That was back in March of 2015, and still no stains or discolouration.
Now maybe the glasses won't stain I don't know but I didn't want to find out.

>> No.16748378

>this Duct tape it's basically aluminum with glue on one side.(nothing like the grey tape most people think of when they hear duct tape)
Why is it so hard for you to say aluminum tape? Decent advice though. I feel like the glasses would probably just be cast in that colour, so it wouldn't stain, but you lose nothing taking precautions.

>> No.16748409

Mine were taobao glasses, I have left them on over night and they never stained.

>> No.16748423

I have been awake all the hours and I was walking the last 6.
I can not brain I have the dumb.
But I would feel really bad calling her cute and not saying anything. And then a week later you post about the glasses fucking up her face. But hopefully the only thing that happens is she stays cute! More so because it seems dolls that wear glasses seems kinda uncommon.

>> No.16748972 [SPOILER] 
File: 239 KB, 1024x1820, 1490145112371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16749374

push her arms all the way in dammit

>> No.16749511 [SPOILER] 
File: 267 KB, 1024x1820, 1490154111260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16749845

Man I like her a lot. I am going to borrow this photo. For reasons.

>> No.16750145 [DELETED] 
File: 258 KB, 1024x1820, IMG_20170321_234917585-1024x1820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suu is okay with this.

>> No.16750151 [SPOILER] 
File: 258 KB, 1024x1820, 1490165657202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suu is okay with this.

>> No.16750207

You guys went full degenerates.

>> No.16750243

But she is cute and I like her. It's not my fault nudes were posted.

>> No.16750258

That happens pretty easily around here. I hate it.

>> No.16750356

I want to buy a doll for 6yo sister

>> No.16750461

buy one for me instead

>> No.16750783

Let's not pretend they brought anything new to the table.

>> No.16752399

hello buy me doll

>> No.16753196

Might as well be at Den of Angels.

>> No.16753598

This is a shit idea with great execution. Like the concept behind the faceup is absolute shit but the faceup itself is very well done.

>> No.16754366

ok we get it. You like Freya.

>> No.16754710 [DELETED] 

I don't think you can properly judge good it is with a blurry photograph.

>> No.16754715

I don't think you can properly judge how good it is with a blurry photograph.

>> No.16755657

why did nobody tell me DD vinyl smells so good, it's like a new figure smell times 500

>> No.16755866

Weird. I will never understand sniffing new things.

>> No.16756143

The heat is quickly becoming unbearable, how do I prevent my dolls from taking damage? Should I pack them away?

>> No.16756180

How hot is it to make you worry that your dolls will melt or whatever?

>> No.16756238

It's 21c today, and it's only going to get worse fast.
I have no clue how well PvC reacts to high humidity, or their hair, or if the clothes have a higher risk of staining.

I'm scared anon, I fear for my girls. I need an adult.

>> No.16756302

Switch the A/C to the ON position.

>> No.16756316
File: 52 KB, 622x600, 1484452357346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What A/C?

I assume by your post I should just encase them within their cardboard prisons and place them in the cellar.

>> No.16756342

They'll be fine. There are DD owners in regions hotter than yours.

Packing them away like you want is actually counter-intuitive, anyway. They could build up moisture like that. Keep your dollies free.

>> No.16756383

That's a relief.

I don't have to mumify them in skin tape or anything, just in case?

>> No.16756521

Nope. I believe vinyl does stain more easily when it's warm, but at only like 30c or whatever it's not relevant.

If humidity is a real problem in your room, I'd suggest buying a dehumidifier. Protecting your girls from mould is important.

>> No.16757295

I had resin dolls for years before getting into DDs, and today I got a resin head in the mail for a just-this-once special project, and ugh. I really take for granted how nice it is to just pop heads and body parts on and off the DD frame. I definitely don't miss my fingers getting all fucked up from the S-hooks and elastic tension just trying to swap a head. There's a very real chance I'll wind up putting it on a spare DD anyway just so I don't have to deal with kicky legs and shit all the time, I don't miss it at all.

>> No.16757524

0-4 Get DDS
5-9 Get DDIII

>> No.16757534

The gods have spoken. DDS it is my boy.

>> No.16757679

>shit idea with great execution
No dude on top of being poorly thought of that's also poorly executed. She did what the owner wanted *and shortly upon receipt he hated it enough to get rid of it.*

>> No.16757773

He gushed about it here though, so who knows, maybe he just needed some money quick or something or realized he doesn't like 1/3 dolls. For te record, I don't like that face up either, it's really weird.

>> No.16757889

Is there a head like DDH-07 but with a slightly happier expression

>> No.16757910

I think he was trying to get some support. He didn't know what to think and it was already negative. Posted it and hoped he'd like it more if people swooned over it. Nope.

>> No.16757915

Do I only need to worry about staining with dark outfits?

Volks USA is sold out of body suits

>> No.16757932

It's hit or miss. Happily mostly it's a miss nowadays. Just remember, If it happens, the stains live under most clothes so it's not the end of the world. If it happens, just order some removezit and apply some pimple cream while you anxiously wait for the removezit to come in the mail.

>> No.16757960

Cant decide what hair and eye color combo I want. What are the most common combinations so I can avoid them?

I am currently stuck between Black hair and purple or red eyes, or blonde hair with green or blue eyes

>> No.16758051
File: 285 KB, 1365x2048, C2rnniiVQAM9Q2M.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>avoid most common combinations


They are common for a reason and if you go too far off the tried and tested you may end up with a bad colour combination that ruins your doll

With that said red eyes work with almost any colour hair except for maybe like green but if your doll has green hair you probably have bigger issues than eye colour co-ordination going on.

>> No.16758171

I hate you. Dark green hair is cute, and red eyes definitely work with them.

>> No.16758202
File: 119 KB, 570x570, macrossf_dds_rl_pic03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow patrician

>> No.16758266

Where should I start with dollfies? I've only ever owned azone dolls because of the ~10,000 yen price point, but I want to finally get a great one.

Should I just buy a standard one off the official site with outfits I pick out, or whats the best method? Also undecided on a normal one or mini.

>> No.16758283

>whats the best method?
Whatever method gets you your dream doll. Anything less and you might regret it.

>> No.16758286

Volks has a smaller selection of clothes than I though

>> No.16758333

How do I into face painting

>> No.16758336

They're too specialized.

>> No.16758560

I'm thinking about just getting MDD Rena and maybe an outfit and a wig.
I just want to start somewhere with a cute doll I could customize later. Or would going with a base body be better? Though I'm no good at painting faces or anything if I had to..

>> No.16758640

git gud

>> No.16758673
File: 242 KB, 601x850, Kamishirasawa_Keine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green doesn't work well with red? But then why are they complementary colors? Really makes you think.

Also, green hair is cute, in almost any shade.

>> No.16758769

Wait, so do DDs yellow or not? I'm finding conflicting info on the matter. (granted, everything made of plastic would suffer under direct sunlight, but I'm speaking more of a gradual color change that's common wit resin dolls)

>> No.16758772

My doll has grey hair and pink eyes. There are strands of pink in her hair as well, so it flows together pretty well (in my opinion). Consider flipping through fashion magazines to see what the latest color trends are. I wouldn't have come up with grey/pink if I hadn't seen it on an outfit first.

>> No.16758809

It speeds up if you left them exposed to sunlight.

>> No.16758840

That's sad. Here's to hoping I'll croak before I see them turn into yellow garbage.

>> No.16759825

As an Ausfag who was planning to get a doll, this talk is now worrying me, since our summers always go well above 30C. Is my doll going to be fucked if I don't have the AC on at all times?

>> No.16759842

Did everyone in this thread do their own face up?

>> No.16760160

I don't think anyone has. I could very well be wrong though.

>> No.16760296

I have 5 year old dolls I live in an old house and I used to smoke so they've been exposed to cooking grease and tobacco smoke. Skin is still bright and flesh-toned as ever.

>> No.16760347

No. The difference isn't shocking or anything.

>> No.16760354

There's at least one guy here who posts pretty regularly. He painted a DDH-01 and a DDH-06.

>> No.16760602

What's the other doll? I've only seen basil and it's been a while since she's been posted

>> No.16760636

They posted here. >>16713628

>> No.16760666

oh different guy then

>> No.16760766
File: 1.46 MB, 3024x3024, IMG_2488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16762124

Have any dolls been released with DDH 07 already painted? Or is the only way for my to get an 07 to learn how to paint it myself?

>> No.16762158

Do you guys leave your dolls wearing outfits semi-permanently? I don't actually have any, but I always see people saying they only dress their's for photoshoots and things to avoid staining. As someone who would like to display and see them all the time, dressed, this seems sad.

>> No.16762228

There are plenty of outfits that don't stain. People who keep their girls naked most of the time are just cruel.

>> No.16762287

Just dress them in lingerie

>> No.16762423

but that's boooring. I would personally want them displayed in nice outfits.

>> No.16762449

I'm pretty sure there's a pre-painted Volks special order head up oon Manda, though I'm not sure if it's a good price. There were pre-painted heads release through exclusive order from their magazine, so you might want to look into those.

>> No.16762492

>selling for 15,000 yen
>one of the pictures has the original price listed on it as 8,800 yen
Cant they at least try and be subtle so I can convince myself this is worth buying?

>> No.16762512

Eh, if it makes you feel better, it's going to cost you about 4100 for the head itself and then about 60-100 USD for a faceup service anyway plus shipping, amounting to about the same cost

>> No.16762597

Any idea what color this is? Lighting makes it hard for me to tell

>> No.16762671

Hmm. I'd say it's most likely a normal skin, but I'm not really sure. It's either SW or NS.

Actually, I don't know if they even sold those heads in SW.

>> No.16762907

Besides coolcat, where else has a decent selection of complete outfits?

I just want something simple like dresses

>> No.16763384

Should I get white shoes or pink shoes to go with a pink dress?

>> No.16763421

Post a pic of the dress. What colour are the accents on the dress?

If you want versatility, white goes with more outfits, but pink might go better with your dress if it's got different accent colours other than white.

>> No.16763475

White will go with the dress, regardless of the shade of pink. The pink on the shoes and the pink on the dress might clash, so be wary of that.

>> No.16763489

Not that money should be an issue but the pink shoes will most likely be married to the dress and won't go with other outfits, unless they're identical shades of pink or have pink elements.

>> No.16763563

Dress is from Volks, shoes are from Cool Cat.

Probably going to be different shades so in that case I will just get the white shoes

>> No.16763578
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Would this dress likely stain a MDD after being left on for a -long- time, even if washed beforehand?

>> No.16763589

what the fuck? do you think we have a stain database or something!?

>> No.16763601

Well, the Dollfie Dreams forums actually does have a sort of "database" thread on it. It's called "Outfits that stain" or something like that, and you can ask them.

>> No.16763618

I always keep my girls dressed. Otherwise they would be cold or worse become lewd!

>> No.16763645

Considering it appears to include a white shirt it's probably safe. If the dress doesn't already include it you can also add a thin white or mesh skirt too to avoid any stains on the thighs.

>> No.16763663

I just don't know much about this stuff, thought someone might know since it's sold by volks and stuff :x

>> No.16763675


Thanks. I will look into both these things. Can never be too safe.

>> No.16763791

Purple Dream, Sadol and Dollheart all sell really nice complete outfits. Purple Dream only sell MDD/DD/DDdy sized outfits but the other two have outfits for other doll sizes as well so be sure to get one that fits your doll if you end up buying from them. Dollheart has mostly really intricate outfits though.

>> No.16763805

Yes. And to also answer >>16759825 they're every now and then out in ~30C before I get the chance to turn on my AC. Only had two notable stain incidents and one was entirely my fault for even daring to make one of mine wear the original Saber maid outfit for ~10 minutes for a photo session.

>> No.16764954

Melocoton is a miracle of the universe.

>> No.16764994
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About to get my first doll, only got to $574 (without shipping) so I feel like I am forgetting something.
>Eye Putty
>Wig Cap
>Pink Knit Dress from volks

Anything I am forgetting?

>> No.16765531

to set aside a budget for a face-up or buy materials to do it yourself?

>> No.16766468

Yeah, customs with modded mouth. They don't show up very often though.

>> No.16767068

probably going to paint my DDH-10 soon
guys got any cute ddh-10 pics i can get some inspiration from

>> No.16767231

>>16765531 got it. It's going to be at least $50 for a good faceup. I'd set aside somewhere around $50-60 for materials if you're going to do it yourself (if it's your first time trying, you will fuck up and waste a bunch of stuff).

Other things that aren't really necessary but are worth getting:
- doll stand
- body suit
- underwear
- carrying case
- option parts (extra hands and the like)

>> No.16767438
File: 1004 KB, 1000x1500, ddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, take this and an inspirational story to go with it
>this qtp2t for 4k yen starting price
>bidding war, engage
>my raibaru bids at the last 30 secs for an hour with like 250 yen each time, shattering my dreams each time and pissing me off
>"I'll show him and bid with 1k at the last minute, it'll be still less than 10k"
>alt-tab and forget about time
>tab back, 30 seconds left
>my PC freezes
>I lose and it gets that pretty head for cheap
came really close to punching my monitor, but maybe it was divine intervention or something

>> No.16768364

Any dolls bigger than 60cm?

>> No.16768394 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.16768423

How will she eat?

>> No.16768562

nice contractor's mask

>> No.16768664

What dress is this? It's super cute

>> No.16768689

Volks Red Rote Rose.

>> No.16768708


It's very nice. Not a fan of the display head there, though...

>> No.16768795

>he hated it so much he cropped it out

>> No.16769132

it looks baaaaaaaad and I wanted to save a picture of the dresssssssssss!

>> No.16769900

Hmmm I wonder if I should buy that.

>> No.16770647

Can these stand up on their own?

>> No.16770652

Do body suits stand out if you have a short sleeved outfit? Or do they blend in nicely?

>> No.16770870


>> No.16771402

They do, and they tend to look hideous. You can buy short sleeved, and sleeveless body suits from Cool Cat.

>> No.16771500

you haven't seen the stains that defied bodysuits, have you. save your money.

>> No.16771538

Is it really even worth getting one if I only plan on getting lighter outfits anyways?

>> No.16771881

Besides a doll stand, any good ways to display girls?

>> No.16772036

not at all.

>> No.16772207
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Posing on a couch or chair.

>> No.16772540

Is there some way to get around dollfies having giraffe necks? Can you push the heads further down?

>> No.16772853

no and DD/DDS necks are quite thick too, really the only thing that bothers me about them

>> No.16773532

I specifically went for an outfit to cover a portion of the neck so its less in my apparent.

>> No.16776082

Who's everyone's favorite wig maker?
Whose wigs do you like the least?

>> No.16777211

it was nice talking to you
see you on the other side

>> No.16777217
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>> No.16777225
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page ten inception time

>> No.16777229
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>> No.16777233
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>> No.16777239

Choo. I only have the one but it's fantastic. Soft, thick, holds its style well.

As for least that would be Leeke World. I bought one once and it was pure trash. That is also were it lives now.

Honrable mention goes to Volks who's wigs vary wildly in quality I find. But are mostly meh.

>> No.16777240
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>> No.16777248
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>> No.16777253

What are you doing?

>> No.16777302

embrace sweet death

>> No.16777303


>> No.16777311

quietly waiting for someone to bump this off /jp/ for good.

>> No.16777351

You could just make a new thread and put a link in this one.

>> No.16777363

not my job

>> No.16777365

But the new thread would kill this one, so he wouldn't be able to post the link here.

>> No.16777371

well whoever makes the new thread be sure to post the link to this one

>> No.16777397
File: 1.75 MB, 4867x2753, IMG_4598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yer all fuckin weird I am just going to leave this here and go back to sleep.

>> No.16777427

Unless that's an ad for an iPad, use manual focus next time.

>> No.16777509

Well I liked your photo.
