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16672424 No.16672424 [Reply] [Original]

Let go.

>> No.16672432
File: 155 KB, 900x675, Gold_bars_vault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no way fag

>> No.16672442


>> No.16672649

*decapitates an old man*
*puts gold in head*
*carries head through exploding casino*

Why the fuck is gold even still valuable in the Mojave?

>> No.16672652

Together or not together
These are the last traces of those dreamlike days

>> No.16672672
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Suffering is needed
Without suffering people wouldn't be humble.
You suffer in everything you do
From training to study but through all the trails and tribulations you come out stronger if you can overcome.

Like a lump of iron
You a heated and beaten but at the end become something beautiful.

>> No.16672673

Same reason it's always been. It's pretty, easy to shape into jewelry or coins, and can be used in electronics.

>> No.16672674

People aren't made of iron.

>> No.16672677
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>> No.16672697

>Ignore evil
I will not, heathen.

>> No.16672737

But iron is needed to survive

>> No.16672747

So be just like an animal?
Terrible advice

>> No.16672770



My whole life has been a lie

>> No.16672958

That sounds a lot like Taoism or am I wrong?

>> No.16672965


What do you think the Legion coins are made out of?

Fallout's Mojave isn't a post-Apocalyptic setting, it's a Wild West setting.

>> No.16674185

Humans are animals.

>> No.16674264


>> No.16674286

Fallout has always been a weird west setting. Though the background is post-apocalyptic the themes and motifs have been thoroughly western since the first game. Even Bethesda and their stupid green radioactive city weren't able to change that.

>> No.16674294


>> No.16674328


>> No.16674362

People are made of matter and so is iron therefore people are no different to iron.

>> No.16674395

And Reimu represents Shintoism, so its pretty strange

>> No.16674575
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Hold on.

>> No.16674647

>people are made of matter
wait, did you just assume my gender?

>> No.16674671

>People are made of matter
Only if they're black.

>> No.16674794
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"The universe is flux, life is opinion."
~Marcus Aurelius

>> No.16674988
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>> No.16675014

Look at that artifacting, you can tell this made its rounds in ironic weeb Twitters and Facebooks.

It's almost poetic, really. The more an image is passed around in social media the more its quality degrades until it is an unrecognizable mess.

>> No.16675023

"that feel when no girlfriend"

>> No.16675032


>> No.16675673

We literally are.

>> No.16676078

Fuck you, I do what I want. It's my life.

>> No.16676087

Kill me, pete

>> No.16676474

Animals dont create civilisation
If you took OP's advice
You'd still be living like some remote tribes in Africa and the Amazon

>> No.16676785

kill urselves, kudasai.

>> No.16677066

>he didn't eat his corn flakes as a child

>> No.16677119

Animals are just a class of organism. The class is not defined by the propensity for civilization, but by physiology.

Humans are animals.

>> No.16677521

Humans are just slightly more advanced animals. There are yet more complex and advanced organisms out there.
To ants we are the equivalent of gods. To us, superior organisms are equivalent to gods, alternatively the whims of nature are representative of that instead.

Life is a series of unending stairs of complexity, the solution to a problem brings more problems to the table. The more you master a skill the more you realize how little you truly know about that field. Acknowledging the transience of life as we know it as little more than an instant in the greater scheme of things is the path to true enlightenment and inner peace.

>> No.16677764

Humans are animals but they aren't like rabbits, lions or others that just live day to day without worrying about the future.

>Humans are just slightly more advanced animals.
Dont see other animals curing sickness or attempting to make their lives better.
>There are yet more complex and advanced organisms out there.
Prove it
>To ants we are the equivalent of gods.
Prove it
>To us, superior organisms are equivalent to gods, alternatively the whims of nature are representative of that instead.
Prove it

>> No.16677870

What? The fact that organisms more advanced than us exist in the universe is a statistical issue, the chances of intelligent life existing in the universe are ludicrously high simply because of how big the place is.
I surely hope you don't think we're the only intelligent species in this world.
I don't understand your arguments, you say that animals do not attempt to make their lives better or heal themselves, but them building nests where they care for their young is not an act that reminds you of that? Ants have a highly specialized caste system and work as a hivemind for the sake of the nest. They are the perfect communist system. Moreover in belief systems like Buddhism, ascension simply means intelectual and spiritual enlightenment through the contemplation of the world. A Buddha is he who has become enlightened through years of meditation, thus becoming a superior being.

Everyone wants to make you think that as a human, you're something special simply because you exist, when in fact, everything ranging from society to technology is a natural development of our species over time. Evolution and adaptation are two key characteristics of complex biological systems and we fit right in. That is to say, other systems are just as adaptable. Ravens for example exhibit incredible intelligence for a bird. Dolphins as well, as they have a form of primitive communication among themselves and a concept of emotion.
The departure of man from child of nature to tamer of wilds is, in fact, natural development. We become nature just as others have before us, our actions are slowly but surely advancing to a state where we can reliably manipulate matter at higher levels. Fusion power, fission, solar power, tidal power, wind power, all for the sake of evolution.
The human is definitely, absolutely, without a shred of doubt as animal as ants and dolphins.

>> No.16677878

Please don't reply with prove it again I will fucking hunt you down and rape you with a rake if you do.

>> No.16677884

His point was saying "slightly more advanced" is complete horseshit, you then went on to prove this by yourself. Your claim that there are other more advanced beings is unfounded, and irrelevant to the conversation regardless. Your entire tl;dr post is built off the assumption nobody knew humans are technically animals, but you knew exactly what the first guy in the chain of posts meant and you know it. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.16677893

Prove it

>> No.16677894

Lock your basement tonight. I'm on my way.

>> No.16677898

Jokes on you
I live in the attic
Prove you're on the way

>> No.16677958


Reimu isn't good at her job, it's fine.

>> No.16677965

Prove it

>> No.16677972


She doesn't know the deity of her own shrine and got clowned on by some moon nerd who did her homework and learned about the gods while Reimu was drinking tea and chasing donations.

>> No.16677977

This thread is terrible
Mod pls delete

>> No.16677978
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Finally managed to fix my bike. I'm coming for you right now, I don't know where the fuck you are but as long as we're breathing the same air you're in danger friend.

>> No.16677987

I live to jerk off and I jerk off to live. Check and mate atheists.

>> No.16678880

Stop reading WaitButWhy, nerd.
