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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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16657550 No.16657550 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>16637276

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>> No.16657608

>for 4 days straight do almost nothing but run Snatch combos with Granuaile and some Anzus here and there
>get runs where I straight out get no golds even with 6+ stacks
>drop them on the fifth day for more DPS
>sixth day a platinum casually drops containing an SSR weapon

>> No.16657644
File: 49 KB, 786x164, placebo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing but Snatch every run

I only bought 2.

>> No.16657668


>> No.16657721

Reading around, people are stupid as fuck farming this event like crazy. Most lack dark element kamihimes, yet they waste all their pots to get as many Apo and SSR weapon as possible till they run dry, for a element, THAT ONLY THEIR SOUL USES.

I hope you don´t fuck up during union events now.

>> No.16657738

>not preparing a dark pool for the future

I mean, it's dumb to spend all your pots for an element you don't have any himes for, but there is literally nothing wrong with building a pool in preparation for when you run a dark team. Maxing the eidolon if you can will also let you have a nice statstick/dark+fire summon if you ever need it. Blind on the active is nice too. Not like there is anything else that you should be spending AP on instead.

>> No.16657739


probably boring because there are only like 6 different classes or whatever

imagine if aigis was archers, pirates, soldiers, armors, healers, and mages only or something

it's shit

>> No.16657746

Unless something horribly happens, new event is next week. I doubt many will have enough half elixir to farm as hard as they did this time around for all.

>> No.16657842

What's the best way to get them?

>> No.16657848


>> No.16657850

Isn't the next event the same rewards, just with another element?

>> No.16657852

>didn't kow the 2 pots a day restock instead of rising in price every time like pretty much everything
>waited with buying them, only got 6 out of it now

>> No.16657857

Advent and Union are different things, but we will indeed get three more advent first.

>> No.16657898
File: 383 KB, 1280x720, ten percent more heal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey, they did fix her ability.

>> No.16657929

OH FUCK OH FUCK. Came home late today, and did not account for the maintenance to hit so soon. Fuck, fuck all the materials untraded, fucking fuck.

>> No.16657937

You can still use them. Look in the shop menu.

>> No.16657954

Just checked, this is great. Thanks. And there is a banner with an event to come. Happy that this won´t be another Kanpani or Aigis again.

>> No.16657970

Still completely useless.

>> No.16658030
File: 366 KB, 973x647, light homos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lightfags ww@

>> No.16658038

>Only one SSR

>> No.16658043
File: 299 KB, 1230x825, des.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rank 46 with only 1 SSR hime here.

>> No.16658047

At least you got 20 rolls waiting.

>> No.16658049

die right now

>> No.16658050

>implying I will roll anything good

t-thanks for implying that there is hope

>> No.16658052

That doesn't mean anything when you need to reroll at least 10 times for 1 SSR

>> No.16658112
File: 994 KB, 245x245, 1457303930463.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having an SSR at all

>> No.16658134

Got some scary facts. Doing some rerolls just for timekill at the side, here is a small sample:
That´s right, I do 50 rolls at a time. And at one timepoint, there was zero SSR from 200 rolls. And yes, I count himeless weapons and Kaisers among SSRs. One of the few scary deviation overall. Mostly just means, that someone so fucking unlucky one day, can get into this situation.

>> No.16658141
File: 1.36 MB, 962x640, a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here, brother

>> No.16658150

you got real bad luck but that is still more than 2/1000 get same result

>> No.16658208
File: 513 KB, 1214x780, ss+(2017-03-03+at+06.11.04).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16658225

Main problem with the gacha is that even if you get a SSR, the problem most of the time is not that you didn´t get a SSR Kamihime that you wanted, YOU DON´T EVEN GET one R hime. It gets to the point where you just want one no matter what. There is just a fuckload of SSR weapons that comes with nothing, same with R Eidolons, SR Eidolons and SSR Eidolons (Kaisers).

I so look forward to having the shitty SSR weapons removed in 5 months. Like they did not so long ago in DMM version. Finally starting to get Kamihimes.

>> No.16658292

What does the snek shiropro girl do? Max skill up?

>> No.16658331

1 guaranteed skill up

>> No.16658638

GBF x Kamipro when?

>> No.16658650

>Waifufags not marching over to Cygames to kill and burn everything because Vampy got nailed by faceless old bald men

>> No.16658828

Man, are those 4 guardians I can see for the union all there is? There's the fire loli we're using, and then the wind/water/thunder girls. What about Light and Dark?

>> No.16658852

Is Hecatonchires one of the characters with a boosted appear rate in the gacha, or is that just Michael/Belobog/Dike?

>> No.16658899

Don't exist.

>> No.16658926
File: 26 KB, 590x331, 1484435464183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even on DMM?

>> No.16658952

Since they copied GBF, and GBF doesn't have dark/light guild ships, so as a result, Kamipro also doesn't have dark/light union guardians.

>> No.16659010 [SPOILER] 
File: 268 KB, 957x641, 1488543864375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-is this karmic justice?

I was just about to post here how my 6th ticket got me R trash again, and then...

>> No.16659014

just RNG

>> No.16659016

No this is me telling you to die

>> No.16659031

no need for rolling he got good one

>> No.16659097

For now I've done 3 10 rolls without getting SR apart from the guaranteed one. I'm getting there anon. Those improbable, most unfortunate scenarios were created for me.

>> No.16659102
File: 202 KB, 960x640, cute bow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are monks good?

>> No.16659233
File: 186 KB, 962x638, Thanks merfolk!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chydis and now Claire out of the CP gacha. All these things I had given up on. How times change...

>> No.16659275

I want her to beat the shit out of me

>> No.16659283

do you want her to fist you?

>> No.16659290

I want her to spit on me and tell me im worthless

>> No.16659396

So how good is Phoenix and is she worth it in the upcoming event?

>> No.16659423

She's SSR and for the next month or two, that's all you need to care about.

>> No.16659426

I thought Andromeda is going to be an autistic cold tuna, but she has a rather pleasant smile

>> No.16659432
File: 275 KB, 975x662, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16659434

o-oh ok

>> No.16659455

She's a happy slut. She likes men ogling her breasts, likes to feel good and can't help tying with her chains a man she might fancy.

That's why she doesn't have a rape scene, you just have to ask. Truly a healer type.

>> No.16659478

Is Kamihime a NTR game?

>> No.16659480
File: 949 KB, 960x640, houou_focus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summon: Light damage / debuff resistance up
Passive: Light/Thunder attack 30~40% up

Decent light summon. Poor man's Thunderbird.
I think she's the only light event eidolon you can get, until Sphinx.

>> No.16659493

I want to protect that smile.

>> No.16659505

Sounds better than my god kaizer dragoon, which is a gacha light SSR
I mean, I honestly prefer a constant 40% damage buff to a ??? atk increase for 1 turn and some passive healing boost

>> No.16659513

>Ramiel gets raped by her fan
As expected of an idol

>> No.16659523

Anything can be better than a kaiser dragoon, at least at this point of time.

That reminds me when DMM had a kaiser dragoon pickup offer. To quote an anon: "Well at least they have a good sense of humor."

>> No.16659549
File: 284 KB, 967x643, purest dragoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least she's a good girl

>> No.16659610

Cybele is really cute

>> No.16659631

She will get ruined with multyple rapes for sure.

>> No.16659657

Where to watch the h-scenes in English?

>> No.16659661


>> No.16659705

Damn, that is a cute smile.
A smile I'd want to protect.
How many faceless men rape her viciously?

>> No.16659767

No idea I just bought her, but apparently she's an easy girl >>16659455

>> No.16659770
File: 212 KB, 961x642, Rakshasa .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a lot of demons and stuff on my team now.

I wanted the catgirl though.

>> No.16659771

>not self-inserting as all the faceless men

>> No.16659773

>rape no jutsu

>> No.16659777

looks like a futa

>> No.16659784

I can't yet confirm or deny that, either way is fine though.

>> No.16659791

But seriously.
What's her fucking scene.
I'm getting her next.

>> No.16659813

Looks vanilla as fuck for me

>> No.16659817

You all still talking about KamihimePro? Guess I will come back again in a couple months after this game is dead.

>> No.16659818

nobody cares fag

>> No.16659824


>> No.16659837

Onsen vanilla sex with MC.

>> No.16659842

how do you get so many jewels?

>> No.16659868

*whale noises*

>> No.16659895

3 bucks for a ticket that gives you some R eidolon trash is past retarded

>> No.16659934
File: 87 KB, 946x276, 4e83eq9u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regret nothing

>> No.16659957
File: 51 KB, 580x773, question fairy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can buy Jewels?

>> No.16660066

I realyl hope they don't just randomly dump the event fights with increased droprates for a day in the middle of the event again

>> No.16660106

At least this is the last event with limited-time dungeons for specific mats because the drop rates are so ass.

>> No.16660169

I guess I should've started buying those books
When does the second scene unlock? Is it even worth to raise SRs to max, or its better to save resources for SSR himes(not that I have any)?

>> No.16660175
File: 103 KB, 755x525, 5 books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.16660185

Don't think the stuff is all that rare, and SR and SSR need different kind of books anyway

>> No.16660389

Late as all hell but I got them through saving.

>> No.16660417

What are the odds of gettig a decent weapon from a raid?

>> No.16660465

blacks are good

>> No.16660482

Pretty sure SRs second scene is usually at 55

>> No.16660518

How to get the 30SC in the collab shiroproxaigis?

>> No.16660543

>5bp raid boss
>plat chest

>> No.16660548

>5bp raid boss
>plat chest
>small fang
really gets the brain juices flowing

>> No.16660613

get to account rank 15 or over on shiropro - 30 SC
clear two maps on allages aigis - 2SC, 2 100% skill up girls and some other shit
if you have not logged in on aigis on 6 or more months - 30 SC returning reward

>> No.16660641
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, 1479330771310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started playing Kamihime to see cuties getting dicked, now I don't even check my unlocked scenes anymore and just keep grinding to improve my weapon grid

>> No.16660657

You can check scenes for gems while you're out of ap.
Don't miss the ones that unlock skills tho

>> No.16660686

Yeah I do that but I just skip the whole scene without even paying attention to what's happening.

>> No.16660691

When I try to skip h scenes the game crashes

>> No.16660721



Thanks for the information

>> No.16660737

Azreal or seraphim?

>> No.16660755


I thought Phoenixes were suppose to be made of fire.

>> No.16660760

Just imagine a really bright fire

>> No.16660762

Would've been better if her name was Amaterasu

>> No.16660764

Would have made sense if she were Fire/Light then rather than Light/Thunder.

>> No.16660823

So when exactly does the event trade end?

>> No.16660855

>raids are starting to pop up more now that the event is over

Im going to thoroughly enjoy this till the next event.

>> No.16660864

The only SSR I have are both eidolons (Apoc and Fafnir)- if I were to reroll, are the current himes in the rotation any good?

>> No.16660870

Good goy. It's not much expensive tho

>> No.16660939

Original price is something like 13.5k, so 9k is actually pretty good. Shame it doesn't come with a Nanaly code, though.

>> No.16660999

Doesn't make much sense, but since thunder is actually the element I have a full team of I won't complain

>> No.16661033

anyone else with 504 gateway magic?

>> No.16661061

yep suddenly stopped working when I switched accounts in Aigis

>> No.16661078

How do I limit break Diablos?

>> No.16661089

Wait for the limit break item to be implemented... which will require whaling anyway.

>> No.16661097
File: 14 KB, 454x109, 2017-03-03 191312-X-Overd - Game _ Nutaku - Internet Explorer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what girls should I get?

>> No.16661277

What's the name of the lb item? I only got two copies of Apocalypse at the event and she's gonna end up useless if I can't pump her to max.

>> No.16661328

Wait, so in order to join my alts raid battle I need to stay online on both accounts?

>> No.16661336
File: 74 KB, 680x256, 353468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't going to get it without heavy whaling, and you aren't stupid enough to use it on a SR summon or an event summon.

>> No.16661342

>2 years worth of weeklys

>> No.16661347

What the fuck don't you need ten of those eyes for a guaranteed SSR? Why would you waste twice as much to save some materials on LB'ing something?

>> No.16661348

It's much more practical to wait for Apocalypse's revival.

>> No.16661349

>20 eyes
what the fuck i don't even have words to explain how I feel.

>> No.16661366

Diabolos SSR version when? She´s too good to have only one scene when Nike has eight or more.

>> No.16661367

That guaranteed SSR ticket is a scam itself since you can either roll a shitty summon or a kamihime weapon dupe.

>> No.16661376

Fuck, give me Cybele [Unleashed] and Baal [Unleashed] before that.

>> No.16661387

>Cybele [Unleashed]
>Its adult Cybele with cowtits

>> No.16661408

I want that.

>> No.16661412

What does Nike [Unleashed] look like anyways

>> No.16661417

>guy makes a million posts everywhere about nutaku censoring rape
>nutaku goes down

Fear the rapists.

>> No.16661426
File: 284 KB, 960x640, nike_release_focus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16661428

Not really, when you can get it, the shitty weapons with no kamihime are gone.

>> No.16661431

Actually want that, then I remember her personality and VA.

>> No.16661435

Won't stop you from rolling dupe and get back 1 eye as refund.

>> No.16661447

I want to her to call me master.

>> No.16661456

Joke is on you, I will never get any SSR without a guaranteed ticket

>> No.16661468

Looking at her abilities in jp wiki, she actually becomes usable.
> Def Down (S-M)
> Allies Atk/Def Up (M-L)
> Heal (1800HP max)
Sasuga dev's yome

>> No.16661480

I think im in love.

>> No.16661503
File: 275 KB, 960x640, belial_focus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Broken or not, I wish Belial is a playable character instead of being an eidolon.

>> No.16661511

Jesus what's the drop rate of these demogorgon fangs

>> No.16661603

Is Nutaku still dead?

>> No.16661611

im playing kamipro right now

>> No.16661617

the mainpage was dead for me, but i managed to login with a bit of trouble and then play kamipro by using a direct link.

>> No.16661672
File: 272 KB, 758x658, fkgquiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a small quiz for FKG.

Can you guess the common element in each group?

>> No.16661722

You mean slightly over 4 years of weeklies. 2 years is for the guaranteed SSR Ticket.

>> No.16661744

Right, basic math or just thinking twice onc before posting aren't my strong points

>> No.16661751

You really love the game, don't you?

>> No.16661761

How wold you do that? Do two different browers work?

>> No.16661763

>that faggot Petite finally thinking about ceasing his posting on ULMF too
About time, maybe then we'll get a less mental person translating.

>> No.16661770

Is there an option to stop picking up all those trash N eidolons and waepons that clutter up my inventory?

>> No.16661958

Aigis's drama never stops to amaze me

>> No.16662043

How does a dead hentai game on an unknown platform have drama

>> No.16662126


>> No.16662259

Yeah, good advice, guys. That's too rich for my blood.

I hope they hold revival events for specific eidolons more frequently than Flower Knight Girl does. I don't really fault them for it, since I started playing I've literally always had something to do in game that would enhance my personal game WITHOUT spending money. But that being said I've never seen a girl repeated and I've been on it since, like, last summer.

>> No.16662264

That new prereg game has a lot of popular IPs. Hope it's actually good instead of a cheap cash grab

>> No.16662283

I don't understand what he's complaining about this time.

>> No.16662292

Top left is little sisters, top right is queens. Not sure of the rest.

>> No.16662305

Their genus.

>> No.16662364

Apparently not enough people are reading his translations so he's gonna act out

>> No.16662397

Girls Cross Chronicle?
It's another GBF clone. I'm calling it.

>> No.16662403

What IPs?

>> No.16662413

Please respond

>> No.16662417

Quite a few big names.

>> No.16662428

GBF has better gameplay than almost all DMM games. As long as it's not balanced terribly it will be good enough. And seeing how Kamihime is doing well with tons of NTR, terrible start, and no known IP, this one can do really well if it doesn't kill itself like Demon's Kitchen.

>> No.16662438

Heca-chan should be included in the boost too, can't be sure though.

>> No.16662440

My tons of rerolls with her is saying she is for sure.

>> No.16662449

>took 10 fucking runs to get the fang of demogorgon and almost my whole day


>> No.16662457

Are they really going to drag a well-liked title into the mud? And going by that banner, is reused art assets. Is trash.

>> No.16662463

That's what you get for using placebos

>> No.16662465

I don't have snatch

>> No.16662473

How is the H even going to work in this game? I can't imagine Japanese otakus being fine with well established and liked characters getting fucked by faceless (you), they travel back to their game to have sex with the original protagonist or something?

>> No.16662477

Are you really aiming for that ugly bitch? I almost hurled when I got her and Micheal. Fuck that design and voice.

>> No.16662480

>Taimanin Arena is making millions
People are fine with eroge waifu getting the d from nobodies.

>> No.16662484

The difference is Taimanin is a shitty nukige with barely any plot, and the girls there already get The D from nobodies.

>> No.16662485

Isn't Taimanin literally NTR cuckshit? Grisaia, Da Capo and such aren't exactly like that.

>> No.16662494

>faceless MC starts fucking Amane of the back

damn, my sides will be orbit if that happens.

>> No.16662675

What should I be doing with my time in Kamihime Pro? There's no world 4 so I can only grind for Sephiroth and Yinglong and Kamihime limit break items.

I don't even have an SR Kamihime except the story ones so I don't know if it's even worth grinding more limit break items right now.

>> No.16662795

When there's no event going on, grind story mats to exchange for AP potions in the shop exchange.

>> No.16662847

Best Light Eidolon effect, as I understand

>> No.16662930

So anons is there any ranking of girls within the same attribute? I got 3 SR winds apart from story girl on dmm and idk which is best to focus on

>> No.16662943

Which 3?

>> No.16662956

Original Taimanin games are already full-blown NTR, they are all about proud anti-demon ninjas turning into sluts who think about nothing but dicks.

>> No.16662988

Got Cronos, and the two latest ones idk their names

>> No.16663016

I can't find anything that exchanges for AP points. Can you direct me?

>> No.16663071

Maybe I can finally drop this shit game, its not like devs are doing anything right for the past year

>> No.16663092
File: 165 KB, 911x699, halfelixir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can be found in the Shop -> Exchange Materials.

>> No.16663120

Ohh, AP items are those restore items. For some reason I thought you were referring to those SP items that give you more souls. Well derp

>> No.16663127
File: 288 KB, 960x640, windSR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wiki says these two are the latest, so let's go with them.
I'd focus on Ithaqua (right one) as she can heal, then moving on to Cronos (left), followed by Iblis.

>> No.16663174

Thanks anon

>> No.16663192
File: 88 KB, 634x525, sleepy eidolon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not fuckable, is she?

>> No.16663196

Chronos is the reason I started playing jp Kamihime pro. Her scene was used as ads for weeks and I just couldn't take it anymore. Never did get her.

>> No.16663219

Keep rolling

>> No.16663245
File: 32 KB, 338x180, welp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just pulled a dupe, do I keep this thing separate or limit break it?

>> No.16663271

Keep it separate until you get more SSR weapons to fill the grid, then limit break it.
Also, to quote a certain anon:

>> No.16663397

You can see in Harem whether a character is fuckable.
So no.

>> No.16663511

What's the best place to grind for story mats?

>> No.16663574

>marry, kill, fuck

I would in this order.

>> No.16663588

> not "kill, fuck, marry"
Normie, go away.

>> No.16663594
File: 556 KB, 939x571, Millennium War Aigis - Game Nutaku (24).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I went a bit overboard with this event.

>> No.16663609
File: 37 KB, 282x400, you_called.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Killing the literal devil in Islamic texts
Yeah, good luck with that one.

>> No.16663629

>Hope it's actually good instead of a cheap cash grab
The instant I saw the reused assets (both character sprites and H-cgs) from the original eroge titles I closed that page.
When a developer reuses assets from the popular titles instead of making new ones, that can only mean they want to milk a popular franchise cow.
I can only name a few exceptions, and those still have like 90% of content made from a scratch.

>> No.16663686
File: 163 KB, 480x800, belated_valentine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> V-Day's main event up.
> 15 stages of story stages. No items dropped.
> Stages a bit harder than prep event.
> It's fine, atleast I get stones.
> Finally hit the actual stages.
> Stage 16 needs retrying to 3*
> Barely clear stage 17 with 2*
> Stage 18 is a fucking wall.
> Barely clear the bonus stages with 3*.
> Say fuck it and spend (in-game) money to auto stage 16.
Outstanding gameplay everyone.

>> No.16663807


>> No.16664430
File: 318 KB, 981x657, joan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16664456

Where are you going to touch her anon?

>> No.16664458

Well, I'm playing the all ages version, so I suspect plenty of headpats

>> No.16664463

Do much you guys like Kamihime?

>> No.16664496

can't pass 15 so you pay to go to 16

Why would you do that?

>> No.16664553

No idea about this. I too would also like to know.

>> No.16664651

That's because stages 1-15 give diddly shit. 16 and onwards is where the real farming is.
And you can only autoplay a stage you've 3*'d.
3*ing stage 16 was a lucky break. So rather than risking stamina waste, I prefer to spend all the coins I've farmed to autoplay stage 16 for 100% success.
I'd really like to challenge the higher stages though. Time to level up the charge-shots.

>> No.16664678

Yeah is fun. The gacha is making quite fucking salty though.

>> No.16664792

>daily missions dis week 19/30


>> No.16664886

Ahh, that makes sense.

>> No.16664939
File: 339 KB, 972x656, NoSolNoLife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post progress.
Please no bully.

>> No.16664976

How many rerolls was that?

>> No.16664981
File: 347 KB, 975x657, profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than me onee-chan

>> No.16664999

Didn't reroll, first roll I got Satan and Shiva.

>> No.16665006

Is no progress... progress?

I'm throwing any gem I have at Amaterasu later, then face cruel reality when I realize that I spent around 12k jewels for no SSR or non-guaranteed SR.

>> No.16665010

> All I wanted was Sol!
First world problems.

>> No.16665014
File: 339 KB, 966x642, Rarelicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.16665032

why would you even consider missing daily?

>> No.16665044
File: 1.25 MB, 964x641, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just started less than a week ago

>> No.16665051
File: 349 KB, 976x655, lightfagging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*loud whale noises*
How much did you spend?

Here's mine, not nearly enough materials to limit break a single element team, so pretty low level. Also no bully for my Eidolon

>> No.16665080
File: 339 KB, 970x647, team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give some of that luck

>> No.16665088
File: 313 KB, 979x654, capture6600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's okay. You can always bully me.

>> No.16665098

I only spent for 2 rolls, did get behemoth and amon in them so they were well spent

>> No.16665107

why are you playing this again?

>> No.16665110

>Satan + Amon + Shiva


>> No.16665121
File: 40 KB, 400x308, nolife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I've no life.

>> No.16665135
File: 1.21 MB, 983x668, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also have Thunderbird, but no Light and 1 Thunder Kamihime

>> No.16665148

>flat for life

>> No.16665163

>almost 24k power already

Then I realized that having stronger kamihime in your team ups the power by quite a bit. I never knew that removing/replacing party members in a team changes the overall power by so much.

So yeah, fuck you for having 3 SSR himes ;_;

>> No.16665173

Lance users don't give much of a choice there and gacha is cruel mistress

>> No.16665199

I didn't think 24k was a lot since people in my union are around 25k and i think one guy at 28k

>> No.16665236

>3 SSR
Fuck you dude, fuck you.

>> No.16665288
File: 193 KB, 952x636, capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more jewels, why am I not getting more jewels

>> No.16665300

Did DMM Kamihime get the update to be able to share raid IDs with others yet so that people don't have to rely solely on randoms/friends/union to help them out? I want to MVP race anons through the thread!

>> No.16665312
File: 9 KB, 137x27, amaterasuwhen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have saved them up m8. Though, seeing all of these people and their SSRs are making me want to roll in hopes of getting something good. Amaterasu should be coming out when the 3rd event arrives though, so I'll just need to hold out for another 2 weeks...

Fuck I want to roll

>> No.16665358

I have gacha addiction, is a miracle I managed to save enough for a 10 roll before

>> No.16665371


>> No.16665685

>hey guize look at my e-paenus in Kamihime lul u jelly of my 3 SSR whats the matter are you poor? xd
I hope you realize this is how you appear.
Seriously, it's as bad as fags on ULMF posting their Aigis teams in their signatures to boast how much they whaled out for their gacha blacks.
Stop it.

>> No.16665721

Is the upcoming new gacha himes not good? What´s so special about Amaterasu? Is she wind?

>> No.16665778

I heard dmm removed the trash from the SSR rlls, do we have that too already?

>> No.16665785

Has a large defensive buff with regen included. Has a fire&darkness inducing aoe.
Has a frame B atk%def debuff.

Great support. Fits nicely in all teams. She's fire, not wind.

>> No.16665836

It's Susanoo up next, right?

>> No.16665883
File: 253 KB, 964x647, Profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started under a week ago too. Hopefully the light event coming up will make my team a lot stronger.

>> No.16665916

>under a week ago
>2 ssr
fuck my rng

>> No.16665929

I actually have 3 (Echidna not shown), but I rerolled the whole day for the account basically.

>> No.16666009

Why are you looking at their signatures, clearly they're doing something right since you are actively opening them and getting jealous.

>> No.16666021

I wanted to play Kamihime, but it really does look like a jewier version of GBF, which is already jewish enough. Heard the powercreep wasn't good either.

>> No.16666023

I don't think that's what jealousy is anon

>> No.16666028

how do I run the bonus stages in FKG more than once?
teach me your secrets, I only have 3 days to try and get those event equips and I had to reset the previous gachas ASAP and that broke my heart

>> No.16666045

If all you want to do is beat the events (even on the hardest difficulties) you don't even need any SSR (although Sol or Amaterasu would help). So no money needed.
If you want to "catch them all" then yeah it's impossible without paying.

>> No.16666058

If its not jealousy, then what is it? He's clearly unhappy that he can see people have spent money.

>> No.16666064

You don't really need much to keep up powerwise (yet?), I got fuck all gachas and stil beat the last event just fine.
But yeah, games like that are usually about colecting al the rare crap, and they are damn stingy with the currency for it on top of having a pretty bad chance to actually get something

>> No.16666065

Hello, need advice from Aigis fellows please.. just yolloed a Matsu and Sophie on one account, should i stick to the this or try for another with Sybilla, Liana or Nanaly instead?

>> No.16666066

Not so, unfortunately. I don't think you can make a genus grouping that isn't obvious, since only the lilies and the roses will qualify.

Yeah, little sisters and royalty.

The rest of them are: Girls who fly on their weapons, flowers that are called lilies but aren't in the lily family (I meant it to be the lily order but forgot about Alstroemeria, should've used Lycoris instead), colors, first receivers of new ability types (miss/skilldown/dodge/crit), monogeneric plant families, Kanto gym leaders/Elite Four (Pokemon has been naming its characters after plants since the beginning), girls who have special touch-responsive animations.

>> No.16666081

I'd go Matsu and Sophie, though the other one is tempting as I love Sybilla.

>> No.16666082

Yes, and that's not what jealousy is.

>> No.16666100

So Azrael is the better AW2 option, right?

>> No.16666123

Well done on not answering the question, what is it then. And no thats not the full definition of jealousy but I had hoped you'd know basic english. He is unhappy he can see others have spent money and is unable to do so himself.

>> No.16666140

No, that's just you reading shit into his post.

>> No.16666150

So why is having posting their Aigis teams in their signatures to boast how much they whaled out for their gacha blacks a bad thing then, if it doesn't make him jealous?

>> No.16666154

Get out of here. This isn't a dead game thread.

>> No.16666200

MC rapes Lilith when?

>> No.16666202

Dude, hold up.

3 SSRs is nothing in KamiPro. I've got more than that and I've literally only been playing since the Apocalypse event. This isn't a newfag jab or anything, but are you new to the thread? This place is pretty laid back and this is DMM/Nutaku we're talking about anyway. There's whales everywhere.

>> No.16666209

>get annoyed at a bunch of people permanently trying to shove the dumb crap they spent money on in your face
>lol just jealous beause you don't have money
No anon, that' not jealousy

>> No.16666238

>shove the dumb crap they spent money on in your face
You have to ACTIVELY open the signatures as they are spoiler tagged and they are often labeled as aigis teams. Why would you open them if you're going to get this mad about it.

Only if you were telling the truth and they were out in the open unspoiled could it not be jealousy, but you're not so its clearly jealousy.

>> No.16666318

Is it just me or are the kamihime scenes much more rapey in the original version?
I can't really speak jap but pretty sure the translation is way off sometimes

>> No.16666329

I moved to a new apartment, so I've been busy.

I probably missed the daily raids one.

>> No.16666528

It is way off, they take a lot of liberties in the h-scenes

>> No.16666545

can't you tell by the dame~ and yamete~?

>> No.16666553

I think is inspired from some Indu deity who was both male and female at the same time

>> No.16666595

These are all 3% gacha SSRs though, and not event SSRs, and the game hasn't been out long enough for the likelihood of getting 3 of them without rerolling being high.
I've been here long enough to know this place has been much less elitist than the usual /jp/ standard, even less so ever since KamiPro went online on Nutaku (GEE I WONDER WHY), an outright dick-waving of the "GUYS LOOK AT MY FUCKING PROFILE AND SHOW YOURS SO I CAN LAUGH AT YOU" sort was always discouraged.
It doesn't prove anything but how much NEETbux you've spent on a - relatively shitty in this case - eroge game.

>> No.16666627

Or maybe he wanted to see where everyone was at in terms of attack power and level? Not like you can check someone attack power through profile.

>> No.16666644

Couldn't you get some rather crappy SSR weapons too on a roll?

>> No.16666654

Until they removed them, yes. Not sure if they are there on Nutaku.

>> No.16666700

I'd love to know if we still have it before I gamble my gems

>> No.16666933

please respond

>> No.16667017

Despia's second awakenings look awful. The sorceress seems like the better choice but it looks really bad. The holy one just looks okay. Damn.

>> No.16667215

>These are all 3% gacha SSRs though, and not event SSRs, and the game hasn't been out long enough for the likelihood of getting 3 of them without rerolling being high.
Yeah, that's probably a fair assessment.

>I've been here long enough to know this place has been much less elitist than the usual /jp/ standard
I've been here since the split, dude, and this kind of attitude just derails threads. You can be 100% right but ultimately if you're arguing with some rich nerd in here then it becomes about your shit and not the rest of us trying to discuss the game.

Whether the guy who posted his tricked out deck here was showing off or not - it's (*perhaps* unfortunately) less on topic and therefore maybe more trouble than it's worth it.

Anyway, I do know where you're coming from, but since the guy didn't act like a turd and spazz out then neither should we.

I'm just sayin. That's how I see it but I'm a fucking faggot.

>> No.16667220

>>Whether the guy who posted his tricked out deck here was showing off or not - it's (*perhaps* unfortunately) less on topic and therefore maybe more trouble than it's worth it.
Uh, edit:

Correcting myself because I told you, I'm a faggot.

Whether the guy who posted his tricked out deck here was showing off or not - it's (*perhaps* unfortunately) less on topic and therefore maybe more trouble than it's worth to go after him.

>> No.16667240

I really wish Kamihime defaulted to autobattle, it gets to be a real hassle turning it on every time.

>> No.16667258

I really wish I could do story and sidequests without the N trash cluttering up my inventory all 2 minutes

>> No.16667387

I really wish you can just repeat the same quest directly after it´s done.

>> No.16667395

I really wish the next event would start.

>> No.16667429

I really wish we could invite people directly instead of just friends and union mates.

>> No.16667521

We have only three days break, seems fine.
Me too, but would this not turn into a shadowverse thread x100 with thousands of requests?

>> No.16667865

Some things you'll enjoy in the Japanese version

Auto battle will have level 2 where girls use their skills before attacking.
Entering a fight you'll choose a friend based on color of their Eidlon with default setting set to the strongest color you're attacking

It's not auto, auto battle but it speeds up the game and makes auto battle more effective.

>> No.16667905

Do we know for certain which new Kamihimes will come to the English version next? And will it be for this upcoming event?

>> No.16668311
File: 39 KB, 401x387, maki2 ahe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people kill expert bosses faster than I load into the battle

>> No.16668850

Is there anything I should aim for when rolling in KamiPro? Or just settle for 1-2 SSR?

>> No.16668920

>Anon has done 200k damage

>> No.16668946

The one you want to fuck or see getting fucked. Or Ares, if you want her to rape you. Event is starting tomorrow and you are still rolling? If you slack anymore, you will miss out on another event.

>> No.16669132
File: 1.00 MB, 865x595, gaia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started Kamipro and got her. I heard that SSRs are really rare, so I wonder if I should keep her or try to reroll for anything better.

>> No.16669135

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.16669138

Meh now, good a year later if you can farm the shiton of mats for her. Reroll if you dislike her looks, she gets raped by others btw.

>> No.16669141

She's actually pretty _die_

>> No.16669145

Just play it man, SSR kamihime is good
Don't be like those autists who rerolled in hopes of getting 2-3 SSRs for days
Unless your dick wants a loli I guess

>> No.16669148

>she gets raped by others
you mean by me and the 3 other me's just so we're clear

>> No.16669164

Everyone wants that Sol loli. Is she good because of her stats or because this board is full of pedos?

>> No.16669183

I'd say keep her. She'll make your team last longer (against non-fire bosses) and if you manage to evolve her, she becomes a goddamn wall.

>> No.16669189

lolicon and that is different things pal

>> No.16669227

She is a healer, a lot of people dislike Nike, the free healer, so you can slot her instead of having Nike. And she is light, a nice element to have. But she will be nothing special most of the times for now.
You know they are drawings right?

>> No.16669271
File: 368 KB, 600x1428, Gaia's strength.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Normal people can rape one of divine beings that create the world

>> No.16669276

Is there any point in doing the 25 AP daily? They give less exp than 15 AP half the time, except they cost almost twice as much.

>> No.16669287

I got 2.5k+ exp from the 25 one just now it depends on the enemies you get

>> No.16669398

My bad. Didn't mean to offend anyone. I guess I will keep Gaia, then.

>> No.16669435

Not really offended, just correcting you. I mean you would be in jail otherwise just by opening the game.

>> No.16669438

When will Kamihime get story updates? I want to play it for the plot.

>> No.16669442

only if your a fucking leaf

>> No.16669459

Raid event I think, did you do the special side missions? A lot of plot there.

>> No.16669499

The side missions seemed mostly like random filler, I want more main story plot.

>> No.16669509

And I just want to fuck lilith

>> No.16669604

>And I just want to fuck lilith
Anon, we all know she's going to get raped by faceless mooks, why even try?

>> No.16669623
File: 247 KB, 960x640, snek_focus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about Alyssa, but why the fuck is Lilith unfuckable?
Her body is literally built for sex.
> Faceless mooks
> Not faceless MC

>> No.16669685

MC couldn't fuck anyone into submission if his life depended on it
Faceless testament bandits on other hand

>> No.16669756

Pls respond

>> No.16669767

How important are Valkyries? I got Clissa at some point and must've completely forgot, and don't have a useable valkyrie unless you count Lucille

>> No.16669786

Dark, four new ones, 3 himes 1 Eid.

>> No.16669787

I think the only reason I'd ever use a valk is Shuten Douji's majin maps. Maybe some subjugations too. A shit class

>> No.16669798


Should I not even bother then? I could work on other niche things, or get a little farther on my core which I'm just now starting to awaken. Also bear in mind I'm on Nutaku and not DMM.

>> No.16669799

Any way to play Kamipro or FKG on my phone? I'm a wagecuck during the week and can only use a pc when I arrive at home by night.

>> No.16669808

FKG no.
Kamihime yes.
No auto, though.

>> No.16669824

How can I play it? I'm on Nutaku, tried to access the website through my phone, but no option to play.

>> No.16669832

Use puffin browser to be able to play FKG. You can play other flash based games like Osawari, and somehow Aigis, but it's significantly harder to play Aigis due to not being allowed theater mode

>> No.16669839

It really is all up to your preference
I can assure you its possible to run a successful team and clear all events without a valk
If you have a good princess and a plat+ soldier, I'd say you can skip valks with confidence

>> No.16669850

Are you on .net?

>> No.16669857



Anya count? Otherwise I just have Themis.

>Plat+ Soldier

Just Julian and Aria so maybe I will. I mean, at least I'll have a Black to use on the rare chance it's useful. My dick does not appreciate her art at ALL though, which is the true shame.

>> No.16669866

>FKG no.
puffin browser runs FKG just fine on mobile

>> No.16669907

Anya is pretty cost-heavy and Themis is worst princess on nutaku, but I still like her. She has low MR so you're probably better off with Clissa, to tank/kill Liches at least
Post your team, but so far it looks like it might be worthwhile to raise Clissa

>> No.16669929

Ok, now it's working. But I have no sound, even with my phone at maximum volume. Also, the in-game sound is enabled.

>> No.16669956
File: 153 KB, 579x350, wew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Last slot rotates a lot between stuff like Eden, Pupuru, Cloris, Katie, etc. though I'm considering leveling Sandra the rest of the way since my dick likes her and I perfected her (and the other two eventers I listed earlier)

>> No.16670010

Well, your AW Anya can MR-tank better than Clissa, and Rorone has more atk as a dueler, so I think you can skip Clissa until second(or at least skill) awakening comes to nutaku

>> No.16670103


Sounds good to me, thanks for the advice my friend. Anything in particular you think I need to work on?

>> No.16670125

You might want to AW that Bernice, the mage and Belinda. All 3 classes are good to have AWd
Might as well aim to AW Mikoto instead of Belinda, she's not too far from lv80
You will also want one more AW healer somewhere down the road, do you have anyone better than gold?

>> No.16670141


Not yet, but once Thursday rolls around again I'm gonna try and power some crystals to get Chydis since she just got added to the trading post recently. I probably focused a little too much on these seals because I don't have a ninja but hey. Lots of good spirits and plat armors anyway from it. The only other actual healer I have is Christopher, since I don't count Noel or Shiho until skill awakening comes.

>> No.16670386

Clissa isn't really noteworthy in any way until you get SAW. Her SAW can give up to 3x attack/defense, which can turn her into a really solid duelist.

As for valks in general, level a Mischa if you've got one. She's way too good for her rarity and cost.

>> No.16670462

Upgrades quests are up on kamihime

>> No.16670494

>Astaroth goes to sleep
>gets raped by her monster servant
She wasn't even drugged/tied/whatever'd like other girls, just pushed down and assfucked

>> No.16670648


Really? I would've figured if I'm gonna level one it should be the black instead of the silver.

>> No.16670669

>level a Mischa
he got Clissa no need for silver

>> No.16670823
File: 305 KB, 1214x820, dark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 dark buncles

Feels really good.

>> No.16670834

how's girgumesh?

>> No.16670868

Like I said, Clissa's not really outstanding until SAW. You can level her, but her cost is high due to being a black unit and you don't get much out of it stat-wise unless you get some serious work put into her. Mischa's really easy to cap and min-cost and fits into just about any team and strategy during story and events.

Mischa min-costs at 8 at CC. Clissa's base cost is 15 at CC. There's room for a cheap and powerful unit like Mischa even when you have Clissa.

>> No.16670900

Pretty shit to be honest, along with the rest of this line. Main reason why I unlocked her is to get Joan. The Break Assassin/boosted damage to Stunned enemies is nice for MVPing random Experts during Burst Time, but her other skills are pretty lacking. Her first EX is pretty fucking useless as it does nothing except reduce Rage bar. 2nd EX is a nuke that does bigger damage to Rage enemies. They aren't skills you'd equip with other classes souls though, and the mastery bonus you get for leveling to 20 is almost useless as well. Would be nice if this soul line got a skill that extended Stun duration or something instead of the Rage bar cut.

The path to Joan is a hard one.

>> No.16670914

Yeah my plan is to go for Joan after I finish up Mordred

>> No.16670915

>7 Darks in a single run
Felt like I had reached enlightenment

>> No.16670972
File: 73 KB, 437x640, Waltz_Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Waltz worth leveling?

>> No.16670995

You only get soul points for leveling up and from events right?
I kinda screwed up and wasted some on the low limit

>> No.16670997


>> No.16671009

next event is tomorrow anyways

>> No.16671026

wonder what new kamihime's we're getting tomorrow tbqh.

>> No.16671040

Howw does master bonus work?
Just a permanent buff no matter what soul?

>> No.16671043

Yeah, it's a permanent buff that sticks to your Soul.

>> No.16671044


>> No.16671057

Mischa is not needed. Soldiers and rogues are better option than costly mincosting of silver unit that does not get much usage. UnCCd Clissa got 4 less attack than CCd lvl 55 Misha. Yes Mischa is good for beginners but useless later.

>> No.16671072

D'artagnan worth going for?
So far nothing is really hard to beat and spamming snatch on event bosses makes me feel good

>> No.16671080

Only if you do not have heavy hitters. Dancers are not that great that some claim them to be.

>> No.16671096

Is Nutaku Aigis ever going to get daily revivals?

>> No.16671102

after few years

>> No.16671126

>UnCCd Clissa got 4 less attack than CCd lvl 55 Misha.
40, you mean.

Looks, say what you want, but I have SAW Clissa in my main team and Mischa still fits some strategies better, so I still use her sometimes. I'm not saying it just because, but because that's what experience tells me. Stronger, costlier units aren't always better. That's one of the basic points of knowledge in this game.

>> No.16671180
File: 444 KB, 684x519, 8d4988ac9a67c7c01be38735179a129a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I purchased my 4th copy of Yinglong from the Kamihime exchange shop and now there's no more copies that can be bought for the last break limit. Am I supposed to farm the story boss fight or something?

>> No.16671212

some guy posted it last thread, but you need 20 full eyes from completing the dailies to max out a eidolon, it's not in our game yet.

>> No.16671249


I'm gonna let my dick stew on the matter and decide which one I'm going to level and use. If I know my dick like I do, I'll end up levelingboth

>> No.16671259

Even for the SR story ones? That's laughable. Holy shit. Thanks anon.

>> No.16671275

Not to max out an Eidolon but to get an item that lets you Break Limit an Eidolon ONCE. This means you would need 4 of these if you wanted to max out a SSR gacha Eidolon aka have fucking fun waiting for half a decade.

As for SR story ones, I think you can get another copy as a drop but I'm not sure. There has to be a way for people to normally max her out though because you can't roll her in the gacha and using the Break Limit item on a story SR is just stupid.

>> No.16671434

Looked at attack stat without affection bonus, my bad.
Well I never really had any trouble with unit cost to warrant mincosting, but that might just be difference in our play styles. As most units can be replaced with different tactics. Most silver units are just useless, but can be effectively used to blitz maps with lowmincost units or in really tight cost maps, but usually even some bronze units can do same as silvers there. Ps.I have Clissa too but sadly she is less used than Deine on battle.

>> No.16671852

i got shiva
is that good enough or should i keep rerolling?

>> No.16671874

Snatch got nerfed in DMM Kamihime, so yeah. No need to go overkill on bosses you can already beat.

>> No.16672011

Nerfed bad?
Not even sure how much we get out of it, sometimes it feels like a lot and sometimes like it does fuck all

>> No.16672348

Yeah is alright, get playing, event starting today.

>> No.16672372

>event starting today

It's after the March 6th maintenance, anon. If the event is starting around the same time as the last event started, this means it won't start until like, 25-26 hours from now. Forgive my autism but that is more than a day.

>> No.16672405
File: 269 KB, 979x663, complete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cutting it a bit close me.

At least I understand what's going on beter. Shouldn't cut it that close again.

>> No.16672477

Already 6th here, different timezones, so I did not take that into consideration, my bad. But you have to spend an entire day to get everyone till Baal, and you need to farm some SR weapons to beat anything but beginner in the event.

>> No.16672504

>Indra scene
>Tentacle rape
>Mind break eyes
>Mention of monster birth
Too bad she is unattractive.

>> No.16672514

>Amon's second scene
but why though

>> No.16672546

There's a lesbian loli that rapes Nike sometime in the future. It's mostly touching and sucking her tits. I was disappointed she didn't full on trib with her. Can't have everything I guess.

You might like it.

>> No.16672574

Fuck Nike, she deserves bald faceless men.

>> No.16672850

So is there a purpose to keeping R eidolons once you have 6 SR ones? Or are R kept cuz easier to limit max and for 1 element teams?

>> No.16672861

there is no reason to keep or maxlimit R eidolons at all

>> No.16673032

Limited Time Event
- The Urgent Mission "Great Yokai Battle" ends
- The Urgent Mission "The Maze of the Demon King" begins

Other Changes
- Changed the Unit boosted in Premium Summon
- Newly drop awakening orbs "Bow Rider Chief"
 in "Moon Shadow Bow Rider EX".

>> No.16673053
File: 360 KB, 2632x567, tSLEiWY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mallow as event girl
Nice, it's been a while after Hibiscus, Hollyhock and Abutilon.

Marsh Mallow with a Balloonvine-sized rack when? Actually, more glasses girls first, please.

>> No.16673082

I can't imagine there's a bad way to use the jewels is there? Should I just yolo or wait for an event or something? Just started two seconds ago.

>> No.16673085

>bad way to use the jewels
refills, revives, restoratives and one pull

>> No.16673088

I meant specifically to the gacha but that counts too since those are the usual pitfalls.

>> No.16673091

Pulling one at a time is retarded. Wasting your Jewels in Elixir when you fall in combat is also retarded.

>> No.16673093

>one pull

>> No.16673098

using 300 jewel gatcha pull instead of 3000 jewel gatcha pull that does guarantee at least one SR or better

>> No.16673102

Okay GBF faggot, I know you are here. I gave that game a try since I found KP fun, but Jesus fuck was GBF bad.

- Scrolling meny (in 2017)
- A lot of shitty RoB UI transferred over
- Text, fucking text everywhere about the gacha, general clutter
- Character bio hidden from sight
- Gacha is as bad as KP
- Less adobe flash and effect
- Summons looks nice at least
- Loading just like KP
- Slow battles (even with FF and auto)

+ Art
+ VA

Honestly, I thought GBF would be 10x better than KP since KP ripped it off, but I was wrong. GBF is fucking trash in production value aside from the art and VA. What the hell do they do with all the revenue? Does all of it go to Shadowverse and the anime or what?

>> No.16673107

It's guaranteed?
And here I thoght it's just me having some quirk and seeing things again.
Funny that the daily needs 5 single pulls

>> No.16673109

You can do 10x one pulls and get no SR. If you do one 10x pull, you get at least one SR.

>> No.16673111

Daily is gems pull. You can at best only get R there. Premium Jewel pull gives you at least R. When daily tells you pull 5, do the the one with gems.

>> No.16673114

You sure you can't get SR with gems?
I think I read it somewhere

>> No.16673118

So when is the new event kicking off? Wasn't it supposed to be today?

>> No.16673121

18h still left

>> No.16673127

Gems pull = N-R
Jewels pulls = R-SSR
Nutaku Gold pulls = R-SSR

Gems and Jewels are in-game currency that can be earned by playing.

Nutaku Gold is real cash.

>> No.16673221

Pity they are stingy as fuck with the jewels.
You can get 50 a day once you're done with the one-time quests?
So two months for one 10-roll

>> No.16673227

You also get 70 from Alyssa with login bonuses from time to time
And events bring at least 150 crystals every 1.5 weeks or so it would seem

>> No.16673246

>Vanilla into NTR

>> No.16673259

it would have less effect for vanilla fags

>> No.16673268

do gold rolls have the same odds too?

>> No.16673284

Wait, the Eidolons can drop themselves from their respective story missions? You fight Yinglong and Sephiroth as mini-bosses in them, is that how it works?

>> No.16673290

no they do not drop

>> No.16673708

Login rewards, events and tickets. So a month would seem right.

>> No.16673714

Same odds, you can even view the odds in-game.

>> No.16673786
File: 141 KB, 640x460, cherrysagebeforeafter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when, back in their dark old days, Nutaku censored Cherry Sage in one of their banners and one of their PR guys got all uppity when it was pointed out? Well, DMM FKG just had the same problem, and it was solved in the exact opposite direction.

See, Cherry Sage had a bloomed form recently, which saw her getting a modest but substantial bust. This evidently didn't sit well with the lolicon knightmasters, who asked for something to be done about it, and that something was done today.

It's hilarious how the same girl was made bustier on Nutaku due to executive meddling and flatter on DMM in response to popular demand. As expected of loli knight devs.

>> No.16673812

Wait, did Nutaku censor even FKG. The fuck? Is KamiPro the only one that is not touched yet?

>> No.16673823

So the artist's original vision was forcefully changed to appeal to the wishes of some? This reminds of something...

>> No.16673826

Once upon a time. They reverted what little was present (Lavender's scene and the same banner shenanigans that made Aisha the hiddenest tactician to ever hide in Aigis), and FKG has no censors now, as far as I'm aware.

In fact, I have few complaints about EN FKG as is. The game is handled very well compared to the rest of Nutaku's portfolio, and even has certain perks (like the 20% rainbow deals) compared to the DMM version.

They ought to get ultimates in, though. Nation maps were implemented recently, so they can't be far behind.

>> No.16673883
File: 29 KB, 240x265, bkub_patchouli_ruined.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godammit. Lolicons ruin everything.

>> No.16673900

>lolicons fight for their loli
>no one fights for the meganes

Sweetpea is still "censored" on Nutaku, goddamnit.

>> No.16673927

Meganes are trash-tier, kind of mad Brynhildr and Celes have meganes, reason why I don´t have them in my team ever.

>> No.16673938
File: 731 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170306-225424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit Rerolling is very addictive even with shit rolls for hours.
I already have a comfy level 40 account with decent SR himes+Behemoth.
Should I keep this one guys?

>> No.16673989
File: 57 KB, 360x240, skeletonflower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glasses is the greatest fetish there is, and it's a shame that FKG only has five glasses girls in its roster (six if you count Rosemary).

When are we getting a skeleton flower who is as perverted as Cosmos/Apple and blushes so hard during her delusions that her glasses fog up? Though well, that's the reverse of real skeleton flowers, which are normally white and become transparent when wet.

>> No.16674051


Stop. She's a pure maiden.

>> No.16674073

keep rolling

>> No.16674077
File: 213 KB, 118x166, 秋桜コスモスさんBy庭園.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a pure and perverted maiden, which is the best kind.

As an aside, looks like the Cherry Sage change is getting mixed responses over on the JP side. Wonder how they'll go about it, I wouldn't be surprised if they implemented a special skin option for people who prefer a well-endowed Cherise.

I also forgot to mention that the apology for the change was two flower stones. I guess Cherry Sage was jealous of Acacia, Dahlia, Lupine and Robinia's busts, and decided to pad her bra with them?

>> No.16674105

did nutaku senpro change devs or something
this past week made it look like I was playing another game entirely

a game I would like to continue playing without spending a single cent as I had been doing thus far

>> No.16674169

is the game still with that paid magatama bullshit ?

>> No.16674173

>Playing Nut´s Senpro
Are you dumb as fuck or what? It died on arrival, and if dumb fucks like you abandon it and give it the death keel, then maybe they will fucking learn a lesson for a change?

>> No.16674177

they still exist but most of those gacha were or are on the chopping block

introduced the guaranteed 5* gacha but it's 60 per 10-roll with 40 for the first roll

>Are you dumb as fuck
yes actually

>> No.16674178

I think it is anon.
and the paid autobattles

>> No.16674183

>Pay to auto
>Pay to FF
>Same currency but not, let us pool the premium currency into free and paid, but keep them indistinguishable unless you draw
>Dead guild battles since not enough players
>8+ types of gacha running at the same time

>> No.16674189

Nothing has changed since launch, except even less players. I can they not understand the backlash of everyone? Such a damn shame, the art was nice and it ran extremely well with 60FPS. Fuck what waste.

>> No.16674231

I was rolling the Girls Chronicle pre-reg gacha when I noticed the cards were of two types: characters (キャラ) and spirits (精霊).
I was puzzled at first but then I remembered which game it copies.
Spirits are most likely summons/eidolons.
Just something to take home.

>> No.16674234


so I take it the game is still dying?

welp, I actually liked the game enough to plow through stages without the paid autobattles. Really, REALLY wanted to get Toyotomi but RNGesus told me to bugger out the game by slapping me with 3 Tenkais. It really is such a shame tho, an okay-ish browser game (by DMM porn game standards) ruined by greed.

>> No.16674248

Game is as dead as Kanpani girls if not more dead. Fucking Nutaku´s fault. All they had to do was translate it.

>> No.16674249

Too bad Nutaku can't even translate something properly

>> No.16674269

kanpani is deader my man
senpro gets "updates" at least

>> No.16674278

I´m just glad they haven´t fucked up KamiPro yet. Events back to back, and servers seems acceptable, no censoring on the art, translation is iffy as hell though, but overall, is playable.

>> No.16674284

> servers seems acceptable
Just you wait for raid/union events.

>> No.16674304

I think you misspelled "improve".

>> No.16674335

Translation seems rather polished for the main story at least
The rest seems like it wasn't proofread, but its still better than dev tea translations

>> No.16674340

I more talking about the sex scenes, I will live. I do wonder what the all-age version replaced the sex scenes with. More story or what?

>> No.16674345

Nah, it's pretty much like FKG. "Play R version to enjoy this scene."

>> No.16674415

Is Angelic Saga fun to play?

>> No.16674448

Holy shit that's my fetish. Any other Kamihime/Eidolons with this type of h-scene?

>> No.16674458


>> No.16674459

Asstaroth gets assfucked so much that her stomach is bloated

>> No.16674546

Of course there is, if you have nothing else.

For elements, yes?

>> No.16674691
File: 3.19 MB, 976x1922, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't be that way for long. I haven't logged in for awhile but this is what I got just today

>> No.16674696

nice tips is this pumping iron?

>> No.16674700

And 2/3 of that image won't be available for Nutaku.

>> No.16674702

I need those jewels. If you count the events, you can do 10x pulls with the tickets in a month. Still long wait.

>> No.16674764

That's an exception though. I think it might be the first time I've ever seen three gifts at once. Also if you had logged in every day the second one would be completed already (And it's for 2,5 million people registered, they might not even get those). Don't give those poor guys false hope.

>> No.16675061
File: 239 KB, 954x632, somethingsomethingchristianimageboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna get cucked now, aren't I?

>> No.16675071

You're in for a rude awakening.

>> No.16675087

kek. She's like the cutest one I have.

>> No.16675131

Is Michael also NTR? That'd mean all 3 gacha spotlight girls are

>> No.16675132

Started playing Kamihime on nutaku, any beginner tips other than "this is literally Granblue"?

>> No.16675147

Echidna makes you impregnate her

>> No.16675159

>impregnating the mother of monsters
Sounds like a terrible idea to me. Aren't we trying to stop Ragnarok here?

>> No.16675163

It's funny how you think you have a choice.
It's rape and she ain't the one getting raped.

>> No.16675164

Do you guys have a crew in Kamihime?

>> No.16675167

If I was a master I'd fuck anything that moves and get fucked by any kamihime that wants to rape me

>> No.16675189

Two actually. "Embryon" and "Old men" as far as I know.

>> No.16675199

Any requirements to join or will you take a newbie?

>> No.16675218

Embryon? Having room, which right now we don't have unfortunately. I think our "Old men" brothers dwell in some IRC channel where you could ask, but I'm sure someone will answer you here in due time.

>> No.16675225

>due time
Guess I'll have to ask much later again since it's very late and I really want to rest, before I go, mind answering this >>16675132 ?

>> No.16675244


I would recommend focusing on one element first, if you rolled something fancy out of gacha try to build around it.
-Focus on getting a Legendary soul first before branching out, Andromeda for defensive play, Arthur for offense will help you shape up, others are also good choices but avoid Solomon.
-Gather as many "assault" skill weapons to stack them and raise your damage.
-Make sure you do your dailies. You can expand your inventory with jewels. If you still haven't rolled your jewels, in the future charless weapons will be purged, but we don't know when that update will reach Nutaku and you might suffer with whatever crumbs you get in the meantime. If you don't mind, current pool has several great SSRs already and the third event will introduce another great one in spotlight.

>> No.16675249

Whats wrong with Solomon?
Other than cutting babies in half

>> No.16675265

Damn, I asked for tips other than copy-paste of granblue beginners guide,but I didn't expect it to be this close
>Build one element
>Unlock Dark Fencer ASAP
>stack atk up skills in your grid
Alright, thanks anon, at least I know what the good classes are, I rolled Echidna from pre-reg gacha so I guess I can build fire or dark first
>and the third event will introduce another great one in spotlight.
That event begins in a few hours doesn't it? I'm at 2k gems at the moment after the first 10-roll gave me jack shit, here's to hope this will be better, I'm going to assume the events work the same as in GBF, this event will have fire weapon/summon as rewards?

>> No.16675266

She revolves around ability dmg, her extra skills pale in comparison to others, casting abilities take precious time during raids and ultimately only shine once every few turns while auto-attackers or bursters will output much more. Also, not that good stats. She is very cute though. Not the end of the world if you chose her either. You will get others in time.

>> No.16675283

in a few hours the second event begins, light based and rewards a poor man's Thunderbird (light+thunder boost) and a SSR assault light Bow. Susanoo in the gacha, competent and sexy self-healing attacker. Not as broken or versatile as other options in the pool.

The one I was talking about is Amaterasu, a Fire excellent support which can fit in any team. She will grace us with her presence in next week's Wind event.

>> No.16675588


So which girl is coming with this and is she good?

>> No.16675970

That's pretty fucking hilarious, desu.

Glad to know DMM Danchous have their priorities in order, at least.

>> No.16675982

It was alright, but tourneys were an annoying grindfest.


>> No.16675996


Is that a loli? It looks like a loli, but then it looks like there might be tiddies too. Is she any good?

>> No.16676006

Now that I'm looking at Angelic Saga again, the last update seems to have been last November. Story quests haven't progressed since I dropped it a year ago, no new h-scenes, tournament looks empty... Guess it's about as dead as Kanpani too.

She's a bishop, so I imagine she's automatically better than the mages by default. I think she's only outclassed by the black bishop?

I'm not really looking to replace her with Noel though. Noel's too lewd to pass up. Oh, and she still has the gold increase passive.

>> No.16676029

Ya, 2 different browsers would work. Or use a plugin like openMultiLogin

>> No.16676035

She's good, Eterna is better. Also she isn't a loli.

>> No.16676134


>> No.16676711

So how do these anons go about rerolling accounts to try for things like triple SSR? Is there some sort of account reset or do you just sit there making alternate emails?

>> No.16676721

Use temporary email.

>> No.16676747
File: 61 KB, 480x530, C6SKR-XU0AAddHN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black Dragon Shaman, huh.

>> No.16676753

Are people still rolling? Second event is up today.

>> No.16676771

I've never done it but I'm so going to if I ever play another DMM game, which is unlikely short term but long term probably very.

>> No.16676807
File: 130 KB, 600x848, C6PFXmzVUAADJLx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16676854

Damn she's cute.

>> No.16676920
File: 677 KB, 625x884, funbo_clownpice_ahe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Grabbing union event rewards
> Put 20 SR weapon fodders into the SSR weapon.
> Great Success
> 30000 EXP
> Lv1 to Lv80 in an instant.
> mfw

>> No.16676934

How long is maintenance?

>> No.16676960

Union event rewards?

>> No.16676965


>> No.16677022

damn son

>> No.16677122


More dragon ANYTHING is a godsend for me. I want a full dragon team at some point that actually works.

>> No.16677320

Kamihime maintenance is over, come start the grind

>> No.16677405

Remember not to use your stamina refills on this event until the increased drop rate day.

>> No.16677425

Saved all my gems and tickets for this event, pull two useless SR lightning Eidolon, an SR weapon with no Kamihime and a R Undine. Got SR Uriel only off of guaranteed SR ticket.

Do people actually spend money on this game?

>> No.16677450

>Takes a look around the union
>Echidna break limit twice
Yeah they do. Stay strong mate, some day will be you day.

>> No.16677487

It's called RNG mate. Meanwhile, someone out there probably just did one single roll and pulled Susanno.

>> No.16677504

Eh did you actually pull this week? The new pool seems kind of meh. Why the fuck is there a random water R? Why is the Eidolon not matching element (looks not all that hot even), and is Kaiser a priority this time? The fuck?

>> No.16677633

I heard that satan and amon were one of the best dark kami's, hows susanoo stack up?

>> No.16677648

Satan is trash, Amon and Susa is good.

>> No.16677672

Whats the dmm tier list?

>> No.16677734

When will they give the SC-orbs from the ShiroproxAigis collab?

>> No.16677821

Does anyone know if there's a way to get .apk's of DMM android games (downloaded through DMM store)?

>> No.16677833

what for?

>> No.16677863 [DELETED] 

I want to extract in-game resources.

>> No.16677874

Extracting resources for keks.

>> No.16677934

Can you use a +1 weapon to limit break something in Kamihime and transfer the +1 buff?
I assume it's only when you use it for enhancement.

>> No.16677940
File: 281 KB, 959x643, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are all the girls so fucking savage in this game all the time?

>> No.16677945

only to Alyssa The Jew

>> No.16677947

> all the girls
nah, it's mostly Amon and Diabolos

>> No.16677953

Amon best girl, putting that annoying bitch in her place.

>> No.16677955

Why all the hate for Alyssa when Amon's raped used goods?
At least the jew is pure.

>> No.16677971

She's only pure because no one would touch an ugly jew whore like her.

>> No.16677974

>pure -ugly JEW whore
make up your mind

>> No.16678027

Why is Hare of Inaba riding a killer whale?

>> No.16678048

Is there even a soul that uses bows or is it a pure stat stick?

>> No.16678049

In the Kojiki version of the myth, a hare tricks some wanizame into being used as a land bridge in order to travel from the Island of Oki to Cape Keta.

Wanizame may refer to the wani, a dragon or sea monster in Japanese mythology. In the San'in region, from which the myth originates, wanizame is synonymous with the common shark.

>> No.16678088

How many Soul points can I get this event?
Is 100 the limit or do they recharge/get more expensive?

>> No.16678095

A raid just ends when the only player inside logs out even when invites are sent?

>> No.16678099

>Blind all allies and enemies
Why are the new himes such trash?

>> No.16678111

>get more expensive

>> No.16678115

You can get up to 300, with each 100 getting more expensive

>> No.16678117

I see, thanks

>> No.16678125

get a debuff remover

>> No.16678130

guaranteed or can it miss?

>> No.16678169

Only use is for maxing out snatch stacks.

>> No.16678184
File: 500 KB, 533x585, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30 pulls
17 silver
12 gold
1 black last pull

>> No.16678185

new thread

>> No.16678190

*for while

>> No.16678205

Heracles will in the future.

>> No.16678226

Don't forget Shingen!

>> No.16679211

I love me some dragon girls, but the dragon classes need some serious rebalancing. Especially soldiers.
