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16637276 No.16637276 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>16623745

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>> No.16637282

KamiPro thread on /vg/ when?

>> No.16637283

How about you back up your bullshit claims, which are not any less bullshit if made by the Japanese DMM players, with some data or sources?
Don't spread misinformation based on player assumptions.
>Back to Aigis with you.
Fuck me, this is supposed to be an insult or something?

>> No.16637307

>Why exactly is having more tier rolls and loot bad again?
That is not how it works.
Let us say you can get a maximum treasure of 10. There is predetermined limit on how much of each you can get. So in this case, you get 3 bronze, 2 silver, one gold and one plat. Now the effect of increased treasure chest simply overwrite the one of the rare treasure chests so that the RNG rerolls the chance for getting gold and plat. Is a flaw in coding. The ideal is the one you mentioned, the trash version is what we have. The other instance that comes to mind is Dark Souls, where a similiar thing happened when you upped the drop rate.
How about you put in the key words and find it directly yourself? Or just shrug it off. Whatever is fine by me.

>> No.16637393

Mobile version for Nutaku Aigis when?

>> No.16637397

He's trying to say you should go back to a game that requires you to actually think and to not play a shitty ripoff of an grinding game made for autistic morons who need porn in their game because facts don't matter in poorly made pieces of shit.

>> No.16637444


>> No.16637447


Sounds like bullshit to me, because with snatch + anzu I consistently get more gold and rainbow chests, and more chests in general.

This is comparing my main account (running snatch) and my alt (not running snatch).

>> No.16637469

Not to get between the fight here but. I cant see the difference with using Anzu. Running Expert SP with Anzu friend and I net no gold. Only tried with 120 AP, but it was enough for me to just go with another Apo friend, and just auto the process. 3 and 4 gold chests dropped plenty of time. Is there like number on how much percentage snatch and anzu buff gives?

>> No.16637477

>The same things applies to Aigis
>But is okay since it is a game I play
You should conjure a better argument to not play KamihimeP

>> No.16637562

>The same things applies to Aigis
Name the game aigis copies so blatantly as kamihime does to granblue.

>> No.16637572

That Chinese rip off

>> No.16637621

Not sure, but Anzu itself didn't do shit for me until I mixed it with 5-6 stacks of snatch on average, then I managed to get 4 rainbow chests on saturday (all SR weapons) and plenty of gold chests, though these are fairies/weapon fodder most of the time, because the game hates me.

Though that was in the normal version of expert, the hearts/eyes one haven't dropped more than 4 gold chests and no rainbows at all.

>> No.16637664

I'm not sure what that has to do with the conversation at hand, but I guess I shouldn't expect less from a retard who plays harem heroes on nutaku.

>> No.16637718

You are talking to a different guy now. But I see now that you are assuming a whole lot from nothing. How can you draw parallels from he said to Harem Heroes (whatever that is)?
Are you not going to justify why the porn in Aigis is okay while is not in other games? And now since you asked FANTASICA is the game Aigis ripped off and threw porn into. You shouldn´t have double standards.

>> No.16637726

>4 rainbow chests
I call fucking bs. Am in a chat with my union. And if 15 fucking people can not get a rainbow after grinding a whole day with D and Anzu, you are some special kind of snowflake then.

>> No.16637739

>Butt flustered as no tomorrow because people talk about something you dislike
Is okay, but stop leaking ass juice and foam once in a while. No need to be autistic about your hate.

>> No.16637758

How does kamipro which is a shitty clone have any relevance to aigis which is the original but has a clone of it?

I'm just making fun of the person who unironically told somebody to stop playing a game with no thought or skill involved and to go back to a game which requires tactics and skills to actually succeed. I'd hope you could realize just how hilariously stupid that sounds from him but I guess the victim complex is big in gbf clone retards.

>> No.16637761
File: 108 KB, 960x640, strongest blossom hill yuri combination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it only took 3 hours and 4 flower stones' worth of stamina to take down these doppelgangers.

Strongest of Blossom Hill indeed.

>> No.16637805

>I call fucking bs.
I have no reason to bullshit you, I even posted the other day 2 golds and 1 rainbow in the same drop, and they were fodder and an SR weapon.

>> No.16637821

Considering all this discussion, how much rerolling does Aegis require?

>> No.16637837

>How does a game that ripoff another game and add in sex have to do with a game, that ripoff another game and add in sex?
>Because if it´s a game I like, it doesn´t!
Is obvious. You dislike that people in these threads is mostly talking about Kamihime now, with some side talk abotu Aigis and FKG. I have seen it happen plenty of times, like how the mobage thread went ape when all the talk was about Shadowverse. You feel like your special place is threatened by other people with other interest, that is quite normal reaction. What is pathetic though, is that you try to put one kusoge game over another, even though they have the same standards. Both are ripping off popular concept and threw in some sex scenes. You can´t shit on a game while likening a game that is doing the same thing. Because it really hampers any persuasiveness that ever existed. There is a ULMF thread about Aigis, and nothing but Aigis, might be a place for you. And let us that play more or less a little of everything do that.

>> No.16637848

None, just play the game. You get enough SC after a few weeks to roll.

>> No.16637878

I don't see it at all besides it being a barebones tower defense game.

>> No.16637890

That's bullshit, all mobage I've played, aside from FKG, require rerolling.

And that's only because FKG is really generous and is barely a game, I only play it for the girls.

>> No.16637912

Aigis doesn't require rerolling because every map (bar majins) can be done with event plats + the free Elyse you get at rank 10.

I mean, you can definitely take a few hours to roll for a black, or just go through some accounts for a plat, but it's okay even if you don't get one.

>> No.16637915

Require for what? Beat the latest event? Bad news champ, you will never catch up to the events for at least several months, for one copy. And even then, you won´t get enough copies to min/max. You started late, so just kick back and take it easy. Play the game and have fun without worrying. After you hit a wall, come and ask question. Tip one though, don´t combine your silver units, you need them to CC.

>> No.16637967

Holy shit. Old memories flooding back from when played this on my mom´s Iphone 3. That was like the first TD game that combined collecting units/cards with TD. I think most people that play Aigis started with this first. Is pretty much Aigis without hentai. Unit placement is very important, so was getting the right class. But the game really got flooded with hundreds of new shit every week so it was impossible to do everything unless you played every day. Good stuff, shame the sequel is something else.

>> No.16637968

Aren't there any competitive setups I need to be aware of though? Those are usually worth rerolling for.

>> No.16637997

No need for bias. This was THE pioneer for gacha tower defense games. Is old as fuck and every game ever have copied all the things it have done.

>> No.16638016

Is a solo game. There is no social interaction. No friend list and no guilds. Also a lot of stages changes requirement, so no super setup that will win everything. Half the fun is figuring it out yourself. But really, there are fucktons of guides on youtube if you want step for step setup with basic units you get for free. Is more important to lv up your team than having a lv 1 black.

>> No.16638029

Did you never play it? how old are you? everyone in uni were playing that. is more than td, it had pvp and other small minigames. my first gacha game.

>> No.16638034 [DELETED] 

There are some key units that you may want to have for extra challenge content, like Elyse, Aisha, Lapis and high-tier tanks (Cornelia/Mireille), but you don't really need to roll for a specific combination, since Aigis is not that big on unit synergy (you can pull some really stupid tricks if you're into that, though). Just hit that 3% chance for a black and you're golden.

Hell, I had my first gacha black about 9 months after starting, and I could still clear events fine after the initial hurdle. It's the same for FKG, rainbows are just for show and you have to have them for like <1% of maps. Cuteness triumph gameplay in these games.

>> No.16638042

There are some key units that you may want to have for extra challenge content, like Elyse, Aisha, Lapis and high-tier tanks (Cornelia/Mireille), but you don't really need to roll for a specific combination, since Aigis is not that big on unit synergy (you can pull some really stupid tricks if you're into that, though). Just hit that 3% chance for a black and you're golden.

Hell, I had my first gacha black about 9 months after starting, and I could still clear events fine after the initial hurdle. It's the same for FKG, rainbows are just for show and you have to have them for like <1% of maps. Cuteness triumphs gameplay in these games.

>> No.16638133

For aigis the more you reroll the less you progress towards maxing event units which are frequently very strong.

If you really want you can reroll to get a specific unit, ideally on rate up, but unless you/your dick decided you must have it, it's not really worth it.

There are units that are the best at what they do that would make things a lot easier, yeah. But there's no single get this and you win unit.

Let's just take iris, a black healer, for example. Her skill increases the defense of all allies in range by 1.5 to 2.5, depending on rank. She's fantastic when it comes to tanking physical bosses that attack a single unit. But she's not the best at everything.

Saria, a platinum healer, has a skill that, depending on normal or aw skill, increases casting speed significantly so she heals at a speed something like almost triple that of normal. Or if aw decreases the speed but adds an aoe heal instead.

Saria is excellent against most everything where Iris only affects physical damage, but if that enemy is capable of doing heavy physical damage faster than Saria can heal, or even one shotting a unit, Iris very easily out performs her.

As you can see, units are situationally better than other units, often healing there is no single "use these and you win every map. Even if you have both Saria and Iris you still don't autowin as all they can do is heal damage that units can survive. Iris makes it easier to survive but if you don't have units that can take the hits, when her skill is down or even during her skill, she's not worth a whole lot. They don't help with killing enemies either.

In short, aigis is about building a team of units that are capable of dealing with the enemies you fight. Sometimes, it's better to have 6 silvers over 6 top tier blacks, if that's what the map calls for.

>> No.16638147

That sounds great actually. I'll check if my dick needs a reroll, if it doesn't then I'll just start playing.

Can grind this game indifinitely or does it have huge constraints of AP cost/regeneration?

One of the things that makes me play GBF a lot (for example) is that I can, in fact, play a lot of it, thanks to the endless AP pots.

>> No.16638194

>Old memories flooding back from when played this on my mom´s Iphone 3
>old memories
>iphone 3
What are you 12?

>> No.16638256

It has two different resources, charisma and stamina. charisma is a fairly large number that refills 20 every hour and stamina is a small number that refills 1 every hour. the max for both starts small but gets bigger until 400+ cha and 18 sta.

there's no easy way to refill them instantly besides leveling up or using a SC to refill one of them to max, but you're refunded some of the cost if you fail the map so you can get more attempts in without having to wait longer.

>> No.16638258

Question for Kamihime players...

What are grimoires for?

Just got Armageddon and the Armageddon Lance. What's the next thing to grind out?

>> No.16638274

Final limit break of kamihime. Silver is for SR, gold probably SSR.

>> No.16638301

Awesome. Thank you.

>> No.16638362
File: 363 KB, 480x800, nami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is slowly growing on me...
I don't care if this game is dead.
I'm just glad I did not miss out on it.

>> No.16638479
File: 46 KB, 499x338, this guy popuko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beowulf's scene
>leave a drunk unconscious awoo alone in the bar
>obviously she gets raped
I'm starting to think MC does it on purpose

>> No.16638523

>Apocalypse's scene
>vacation at a beach because MC is working her too hard
>she fucks some random guy massaging her

>> No.16638529

He does rape some girls himself too so it's possible.

>> No.16638537

Can you please put these summaries in a nice pastebin? I need them for my thesis.

>> No.16638541

Too lazy.

>> No.16638545

You could say he raped Asmund, but she liked it so it wasn't rape.

>> No.16638553

half of the scenes with faceless villagers/bandits end up with girls liking it. Doesn't mean it wasn't rape

>> No.16638557

If I recall correctly Perun really wasn't enjoying it.

>> No.16638567

Merlin was drugged into liking it though, that was full on rape.

>> No.16638666
File: 23 KB, 315x218, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Expert SP so badly.

>> No.16638671

Tell me it's coming back

>> No.16638745

I highly doubt it. We already had a whole day dedicated to it whereas in the DMM version I think, they had it 3 times a day every day for only 1 hour. Seeing as how the event is 8 days, that would be 24 hours total since it's 3 hours a day; we already used those 24 hours up.

>> No.16638782
File: 1.66 MB, 1304x755, ガールズシンフォニー~少女交響詩~X指定 - オンラインゲーム - DMM GAMES R18 (20).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completed Chiririn's symphonia board level 1.

>> No.16638788
File: 1.66 MB, 1316x757, ガールズシンフォニー~少女交響詩~X指定 - オンラインゲーム - DMM GAMES R18 (21).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And level 2 opened.
No new abilities or buffs for existing abilities.
Buffs for stats are quite disappointing, while having ridiculous costs.

>> No.16638898

Who should eat those cost reduction gold fairies we've been getting, Katie or Iris?

>> No.16638930

Why 95% of the H-scenes are consensual vaginal intercourse?

>> No.16638935

Somehow that doesn't seem as worth it as collecting 300 ampys. Also where did you get the ability items?

>> No.16638945

They drop from highest tier daily of other board items.

>> No.16638959

Katie, having mincost soldier is tremendous advantage.

>> No.16639332
File: 111 KB, 786x589, memedbythesnatchisamemememe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to go in without Snatch
>get this

At least with Snatch, I always got at least 12 chests. I'll give this a few more runs throughout the day without Snatch and see if running Expert without using it will actually give me more or less gold chests than before.

>> No.16639340
File: 892 KB, 958x448, Earth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she worth $50?

>> No.16639350

Not really no.

>> No.16639462
File: 40 KB, 546x225, FKG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used all the tickets from the X-Overd collab, all new characters with Apple of Sodom as the 5+ ticket. Not too bad.

>> No.16639540

>Lost all day due to work
>Come back to an account with 60 AP but ready to level up so I'll lose 30
This triggers me

>> No.16639565

that is your own fault

>> No.16639600

Yeah, I should've skipped work.

Also why is every goddamn golden chest fodder.

>> No.16639681
File: 141 KB, 662x464, kamishit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could just use pots in these situations so that you never end with enough exp to level up after you play again with full ap.
do we get these crap fragments only once per week ? 140 days for sr kamihime, 700 days for ssr ticket... That is sad

>> No.16639688

I'm already out of pots m8, used them all during the event (and 13 of them before the SP experts came out, I wanna kick myself in the balls).

>> No.16639703

See >>16630142 . If you farm hard you get 1 per year.

>> No.16640079

You can get 10 from the current event, super easy. I imagine that will be the preferred way to collect them going forward.

>> No.16640125

>finally evolve Oncydium and finish her quest
>get a shitty 210 Atk and 60 Def item
My silver warrior ring with +1100 Atk is much better
The fuck is this

>> No.16640150

That was a common complaint on DMM as well, so character equipment were revamped to occupy a special slot and can be equipped in addition to rings/necklaces etc. So essentially they're just free +500 stats now.

They're also getting buffed further in a soon-to-come update.

>> No.16640221

You sure you didn't run standard by accident? I never used snatch and I have never seen an expert drop less than 12 chests.

>> No.16640298

Is it worth using flower points to recover stamina?

I used 2 by mistake on my first day.

>> No.16640307


All events are doable without stamina recovery, you get stamina nectar items (+50% of your stamina, given at least once a day from quests) on DMM, and flower gems are too precious to waste on recovery on Nutaku.

>> No.16640319

How often are events reissued?

Because I'm aiming for this cute Ninja but I only have 1600 points for her, started playing on saturday. And I don't want to miss the other event either.

>> No.16640335 [DELETED] 

There is always an initial revival six months after the original event, but after that you'll have to wait quite a bit. So yeah, it would be good to hurry for Hypericum.

You won't miss a few flower stones that much, though, even on Nutaku. Keep in mind that leveling also sets your stamina to the maximum, so you can also get some extra leverage from your presumably low level.

>> No.16640347

There is always an initial revival six months after the original event, but after that you'll have to wait quite a bit for the permanent revival. So yeah, it would be good to hurry for Hypericum.

You won't miss a few flower stones that much, though, even on Nutaku. Keep in mind that leveling also sets your stamina to the maximum, so you can also get some extra leverage from your presumably low level.

>> No.16640366

I'm already level 25, and the most efficient way I have to farm it is the 10 stamina mission.

I think it'll be enough if I recover my stamina and do 10 runs of that mission though.

Are flower stones that rare?

>> No.16640376

They are on Nutaku. They rain from the sky on DMM.

>> No.16640384 [DELETED] 

They're not that rare, though certainly rarer on Nutaku than DMM.

Nutaku gives out fewer flower gems and occasionally has some really great deals like gold/rainbow tickets for them, which is a big reason for storing as many as you can until you a good campaign comes along. DMM in contrast has standard gacha rates that are supplemented by a constant deluge of flower stones (and various other goods), you can get ~120 on an average month and 200+ on a good one.

>> No.16640385

You have 3-4 days roughly for the ninja left, and just over a week for the main event girl.
I spent all 50 of mine about 10 days ago on ticket gacha, now I have 87 FG, but don't expect to always get this many.

>> No.16640398

They're not that rare, though certainly rarer on Nutaku than DMM.

Nutaku gives out fewer flower gems and occasionally has some really great deals like gold/rainbow tickets for them, which is a big reason for storing as many as you can until a good campaign comes along. DMM in contrast has standard gacha rates that are supplemented by a constant deluge of flower stones (and various other goods), you can get ~120 on an average month and 200+ on a good one.

>> No.16640410

What's the average amount on Nutaku?

Man, now I feel bad about wasting those the other day, didn't even do it on purpose.

I did a 50 roll the other day and I have 19 now.

>> No.16640468

Login Bonuses are what got me that high coupled with the valentine FG. I'd say its about 50 a month If you've done everything possible, I haven't gotten as little as that in months though.

>> No.16640470

>What's the average amount on Nutaku?
No clue, maybe 60? Though looks like you guys are getting apology stones and log-in campaigns now, so that may have improved.

Still, 2 stones is a drop in the ocean even on Nutaku, doubly so since you've just started and have access to all the non-renewable FG sources. No need to feel bad about it, I just wasted twice that amount to fail a stage 30 times in a row.

>> No.16640488

In Kamihime, is there a page in the wiki where I can find the patch notes? I want to know what have changed/buffed/nerfed in all this time. Or at the very least the date/current event when the removal of the charaless weapons gacha happened.

>> No.16640504
File: 17 KB, 268x133, seed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got 1000 high-grade seeds from login bonus.

How does one get this normally? Ult maps? (I haven't done any ult map yet)

>> No.16640533
File: 217 KB, 791x520, shop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exchange for a new currency that you get from clearing challenge stages (things on the fourth tab, skill challenge, 1-party challenge, dodge challenge etc.)

>> No.16640538

>High-grade seeds
What equipment can you get with that? I

>> No.16640543

Alright anon, thanks.

I should be increasing my inventory slots at least right?

>> No.16640567

Definitely, though I prefer doing it in a need-to-use basis instead of buying slots all at once.

There are also some crazy people who buy all the slots and use them to store ampules for a rainbow that will never come.

>> No.16640602

I actually rolled a rainbow in my first roll, Kerria.

How do I realistically raise her skills/equipment? I doubt I'll be rolling dupes.

Also I finally got Hypericum!

>> No.16640615

>I actually rolled a rainbow in my first roll, Kerria.

>> No.16640631

>How do I realistically raise her skills/equipment?
Equipment slots can't be increased without paying, unfortunately, but you will hardly notice the difference once you get an event ring on her (or better yet whaleship equipment, once that comes to Nutaku, though there's still quite some time for that).

Skills can be maxed by exchanging life crystals, you'll need 500 for a rainbow skill-up item. These reset monthly and are something of a long-term goal, but it's definitely feasible in time, especially after you become able to do ultimate missions (which will hand you an extra 320 life crystals per month).

In any case, congrats on Kerria.

>> No.16640655

Alright, I thought I could buy dressblooms too but if they're a whale item I'm out of luck.

Thanks for the help anon.

>> No.16641444

>get to apocaypse
>game crashes
>rejoining the fight gives me the battle music and a black screen
That's one way to dump 30 points I guess

That being said, can you somehow downgrade the golden tokens? I get way more of those than I need in comparison to the others.

>> No.16641478


>> No.16641483

Alright guys, please give me a quick guide to not fuck up irreparably in aegis, some tips that aren't in the wiki.

>> No.16641500

In my defense, I was stuck farming stage 2 for a while, which has a shitty overal amount of loot but gives hearts amost every fight still.

>> No.16641533

How good are breakthroughs for the weapon and the eidolon?
Should I go for duplicates of them or just try to get tickets?

>> No.16641565

I don't understand what you mean by breakthroughs, but myself I already have 3 weapons and enough for the second summon, though I'm postponing it as I already have a 40% dark summon.

I also got the 2 tickets, if you do expert you'll reach the amount needed for them pretty fast while farming for eyes/hearts.

I fucking knew standard was dropping them more, I though I was going mad.

>> No.16641612

What I mean is, how big of a benefit is raising the max level for the eidolon and weapon, and if I should go for that over the tickets.

>> No.16641654

I'm not the DMM anon, but I can tell you that max Eidolon is 1600 atk and 40% to dark and fire, while the weapon is like 2k attack max

If you play dark I'd say you should get some copies of the weapons and use them on your grid without limit breaking until you get more dark SSRs, and only limit break the eidolon if you have the mats to spare or really need that boost to Dark (i.e you play dark/fire and don't have the right eidolon for your main slot).

>> No.16641672

>MC stays to watch while Zephirus has sex with another man
And here I thought Merlin was the most NTR I would get from this game.

>> No.16641673

Around when did DMM Kamihime finally get the update where friends could set different summons for different elements? It's been only 2 weeks but I am tired of seeing people on my friends list switching around and I'm afraid that when I want to run a different element team, I'll be fucking others over too.

>> No.16641686

Oh well, the ticket would only give me some crap R weapon anyway
How does Eidolon damage affect the party as a whole?

>> No.16641711

It was sometime around Christmas.

>> No.16641734

>Join just in time to watch the raidboss die before you can do a single hit
every time

>> No.16641753

yeah gonna guess every time we have an event its going to be like this

>> No.16641765

>keep my BP
>still counts for the daily
Thanks for letting me leech, stupid fuckers.

>> No.16641768

Sounds about right. Later Eidolons will also have higher maximum stats and/or % bonus so earlier ones without great abilities deprecate fast.
At the Garuda/Typhon rerun, last days of December.

>> No.16641779

Am I retarded or does the upgrade quest count the number of times you pressed enhance and completely ignores the amount of fodder you use?

>> No.16641786

>stupid fuckers
How are we stupid? We're still getting our MVP items that we went into the raid for, you might as well not even exist for us.

>> No.16641797

It does, same with selling or rolling gacha.

What's the % on medusa, since she's the next dark eidolon?

Also I've completely given up on my Sol + Gaia account for now, it's so boring to play.

>> No.16641806

Does my the damage done matter for loot outside of being mvp?

>> No.16641809

It probably does, every time I only land a single attack I get considerably less rewards than when I stay in the fight, even if I don't MVP/Vice MVP

>> No.16641830

I should also add that you should get the weapon anyways, I mean even if you don't "play dark". It will take quite a while before you have an endgame-worthy grid, and in the meantime you can use whatever weapons boost your party power the most to fill the gap. You'll probably eventually end up playing all the elements too.
Medusa is one of the 30% + 30% bonus damage on the burst (that's fully limit break'd). They're shit, although at your point in time she isn't maybe even that bad if you can max limit break her.

>> No.16641847

>They're shit, although at your point in time she isn't maybe even that bad if you can max limit break her.
I run Ouroboros m8, I'm not even bothering to MLB Apo until I get all copies of the weapon.

>> No.16641875

Well in Medusa's event the SSR weapon isn't Assault so you can skip it if you want. You'll have to farm the eidolon in that case. Not that a single SSR defender will hurt you really.

>> No.16641896

The game came out in around March or April right?

>8-9 months before we'll get this update

End my suffering.

>> No.16641897

Medusa will be ice right?

>> No.16641901

Well, she could work as a stat stick I guess, also by that point I'll probably be able to farm Ultimate (I'm already at 21k damage) so it won't be that hard to MLB both.

By the way I guess we'll be getting new dark characters when the light event comes around, how are they? I have 3k jewels and a ticket saved for now.

>> No.16641916

>Even level 30 ones are being stacked with 10 people

Goddamn, chill.

>> No.16641920


>> No.16641929

>all these anons struggling to tap raids

Why haven't you made host slave alts yet, anon?

>> No.16641938

Is doing the 5 dailys the only way to get gems outside the one-time-only rewards?

>> No.16641939

>2nd awakening for angels

Nice I haven't awoken a single one.

>> No.16641942


>> No.16641951

It's darkness. Obviously, since darkness is purple and F/SN Medusa was purple. Jormungand, the event prior to Medusa's, is water.
You will, but that's 4 months away since you get a light event right after Apo. Hades is very good (stuff that has a debuff (great) is always good basically). Eligos is good, the best attacker you'll get from dark SR at least, since they don't have much to offer.

>> No.16641953

How the hell should I know, I'm not the DMM anon.

But there probably should be some as rewards from raid events, like there is in GBF.

>> No.16641957

Great now I can give more love to Chloe and Mirno

>> No.16641962

Oh wait you meant the quests. No, you get them from raid events and some union events too, as unique rewards for a number of spirit badges collected.

>> No.16641968

>You will, but that's 4 months away since you get a light event right after Apo. Hades is very good (stuff that has a debuff (great) is always good basically). Eligos is good, the best attacker you'll get from dark SR at least, since they don't have much to offer.

I'll have to save my rolls then. Do we even get some dark boost for rolls during the light event? I really hope we get more story too, since I have all my 1 time crystals gone already, aside from a couple of timed sunday missions.

>> No.16641972

I see
Are the Sp quest jewels one-time only too or are they aviable again when the sp quest pops up again?

>> No.16641984

And I guess you can also count the ones you get from the raid event gacha, but that's just 5 at a time. Not really a viable way to collect them per se.
Normally it works like this. A few days before the event you get opposite (to the upcoming boss) element % up, then as the boss is introduced new characters get a huge boost (15% I think?). At one point they screwed up and missed the right element up though, now they're back on track it seems. I'm not sure what happened back then though as I started right after that event.
Yep every quest reward is one time only. You have to hope you'll get all the "campaigns" we got on DMM for stuff like seasons, new record of people playing etc. (they give a bout 50/100/150 a day for a few weeks) Plus the apology crystals for the crashes and bugs.

>> No.16642008

>Normally it works like this. A few days before the event you get opposite (to the upcoming boss) element % up, then as the boss is introduced new characters get a huge boost (15% I think?).
That's what I thought, so why are the dark characters 4 months away when the next event is light?

>> No.16642029

Probably because Darkness already had 3 SSR (Amon, Satan and Susanoo).

>> No.16642067

Or you guys don't have Susanoo yet? I'm going by the comment dates on their wiki profiles to try to figure out the exact date they were implemented. If you don't have her then she gets introduced with the upcoming Light event. She's the best attacker Darkness get, plus you can awaken her later. Then you would also get Tsukuyomi I guess, who's pretty bad, since she blinds your entire party.

>> No.16642079

Why the fuck does she blind your entire party?

>> No.16642096

Her blinding skill blinds everyone, including your party. Sometimes the Devs have this kind of brilliant ideas. For instance they made one eidolon (Saint Nicholas) which buffs everyone including your enemy with a pretty good def buff. Players now refer to "Nicholas' Terrorism" when some idiot uses it on a raid, thus making the boss harder for everyone.

>> No.16642101

>"Nicholas' Terrorism" when some idiot uses it on a raid, thus making the boss harder for everyone.

Well, I know what Im going to start doing.

>> No.16642114

Fuck, you're tempting me to roll for that instead of waiting for more jewels and rolling for Amon.

>> No.16642117

>15% I think?
Nah. The gacha rates stay the same. It's 15x chance to appear compared to other characters in the rarity. e.g. if you hit a SR character in current spotlight, Belobog has x15 chance to appear.

Enemies are buffed for 180s but allies for just 3 turns right? What's even the point? (Couldn't get Nicholas in that event.)

>> No.16642147

You can do even worse, using Caspiel (R kamihime) cumulative debuff on a raid will make everyone crash after a few turns. Still not fixed I think.
>The gacha rates stay the same. It's 15x chance to appear compared to other characters in the rarity.
Yeah that's what I meant. Sorry if it was worded ambiguously.
>What's even the point?
Well I've used it a couple of times to save my ass from a boss special attack when I was alone, as I have Nicholas as a stat stick. If said boss doesn't have debuffs on it you can also just wait for the buff to end without doing anything.

>> No.16642169

>Angel AW2

If it weren't February, we'd be getting two AW2 in one month.

>> No.16642191

Watch them fuck up angels just like they did with valks. Make them +3 cost and some other retarded shit.

>> No.16642199

>get bad forks 10 times in a row
Fuck FKG, let complete these maps.

>> No.16642200

>Still can't take Alyssa's purity


>> No.16642206

Knowing her jewish ways and the info in her profile, makes you wonder if she is pure and not some rehab whore.

>> No.16642213

I didn't think the devs would go out of their way to copy the raid trolling of GBF as well.

>> No.16642215

>Wanting to fuck a Jew

>> No.16642217

Im sure MC was a good childhood friend to her

>> No.16642223

In around 8 months there's going to be little side story where Alyssa gets separated from the rest of the group.

She gets surrounded by a band of faceless hobos that demand money from her. She refuses and gets a train run on her. She cries out for you but you don't come.

>> No.16642227


>> No.16642236

8 months too late.

>> No.16642270

マジレス but
Adding in Alyssa rape would be too shocking even for Kamipro, especially when the devs promised to tone down the hardcore.
My dreams of getting a passionate and heartwarming sex scenario of Alyssa and MC are still alive though.

>> No.16642275

But I hate Alyssa

>> No.16642288

Not everyone hates her, anon.

>> No.16642293

Those people are on my hitlist now.

>> No.16642314

>when the devs promised to tone down the hardcore.
It's funny because even as they continue to release vanilla, the hardocre stuff will never go away.

>> No.16642347

Ideally I'd like 1 vanilla:1 hardcore for all characters. Win-win for everyone.

>> No.16642395

>Get vanilla lovey dovey sex with their waifu
>Next scene shes gangraped by orcs
Vanillafags sure would be joyous

>> No.16642424

This is my fetish. If there aren't both I can't fap. This game started so good and went bad really fast for me.

>> No.16642521

You guys weren't kidding about the Kamihime soundtrack. Apocalypse's BGM is fucking awesome.

>> No.16642616

>dmm up
>new Lightning Kamihime looks fantastic
>too scared to even look at her abilities because it's lightning after all

>> No.16642646

My only gripe is that some of the tracks don't loop properly. Still a solid line-up.
Posting the Kamihime BGM playlist here again:

>> No.16642698
File: 1.19 MB, 985x666, lightening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hell yes!

>> No.16642702

valks are finally good for the first time ever though

>> No.16642708

Congratulations, you can now have a Lightning party.

>> No.16642727
File: 62 KB, 850x400, quote-if-we-want-everything-to-remain-as-it-is-it-will-be-necessary-for-everything-to-change-giuseppe-tomasi-di-lampedusa-346225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remove dmm points from the game
>remove shops, everything that has to do with dmm points
>introduce kamihime coins
>introduce shop to buy kamihime coins with dmm points 1:1 exchange rate
>introduce shop where you can buy everything you could buy with dmm points before with kamihime coins
>premium gacha now requires kamihime coins
For what fucking purpose.

>> No.16642799
File: 1.35 MB, 1278x666, Yawn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this game have a lewd version?

>> No.16642819


>> No.16642971

Any experienced anon care to explain the other two types of events coming to kami? I know this one is solo but i cant remember what the next two styles are only that i remember reading about 3 types of events

>> No.16643019

Literally pointless idk what they're doing unless they want to change the rate eventually/do some weird ass additions

>> No.16643037

legal reasons

>> No.16643048

Am I going to get arrested?

>> No.16643054

Probably branching out to hosts other than DMM, along with the upcoming release of app version.

>Raid events:
You get to fight event-exclusive raid bosses with other players. Fight lower tier bosses to get items which are used to summon higher tier bosses.
Get rewards for getting PP and medals dropped by bosses.
Will generally have an event-exclusive Kamhime.

>Union Events:
Fight Lilin with other players to get crosses for your union.
Fight Demon with your union-mates daily to get medals. Crosses can be used to give bonuses to union members while fighting Demon.
Get rewards for getting PP and medals, along with another reward lineup that counts total PP of all union members.

>> No.16643057

There's solo like what we got,

Raid where you fight raid bosses almost exactly how you fight with Destroyers right now

Alliance, where your alliance works together to collect points from killing bosses. You fight them in order. So, for example. I fight a level 10 boss and take her down to half health. She'll stay at half health until an alliance mate comes in to kill her. You can't progress to level 11 until you or your alliance kills level 10. You get prizes for levels killed. Prizes for individual points earned. And prizes for alliance points earned. Most of the prizes are event gacha tickets. Hope you're in a good alliance.

>> No.16643059

> Most of the prizes are event gacha tickets.
What are you smoking?

>> No.16643065

it takes some of legal burden off from dmm and gives it to kamihime devs you dimbo

>> No.16643170

>bandit rape
>implying it won't be noble fatman prostitution for money
>implying she won't rationalize as sex training for MC-kun's sake

>> No.16643179

Some other things:
Raids also drop event gacha tickets besides the spirit medals. Event gacha can give you event SSR eidolon, event SSR non-hime weapon and 2-4 event SR weapons, one of which has a hime. All of these are also available as rewards (so if you have enough spirit medals, you don't need to get anything from the gacha to achieve max limit break). The more medals you get the higher tier rewards you get (there's nothing to choose like in solo events, you get everything in order). Raids have story. As of now, Raid events have yet to be rerun.

Union events rewards include RP points, which are the same as hero points but you use them to unlock other special heroes instead. It's possible to solo these events and get enough RP points to unlock the heroes, assuming you are strong enough (roughly strong enough to clear Ragnarock in solo events). Note that union events tend to have shitty rewards as far as SSR eidolons and weapons go. The eidolon can't be H'd, has terrible stats, bad buffs and a very situational summon effect. The weapon usually has Pride (shittiest ability).

In both events, the majority of rewards are gems, seeds, half elixirs, books, fairies and weapon fodder and magic crystals.

>> No.16643194

What are the elements for upcoming events? Should I raise my lightning girls(I got some good SR rolls) or they won't be seeing action for a while?

>> No.16643203

Darkness <- You are here
Water R
Lightning R
Fire R
Wind R

R is for raids, the rest are solo. So yeah, they won't be seeing action for a while.

>> No.16643231
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2 - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_22.04_[2017.02.09_19.07.36].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Darkness <- You are here

>> No.16643246
File: 81 KB, 409x406, 1425635645345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only have one dark kamihime
>she's a R
That light event is gonna be difficult

>> No.16643255

dark is bad against light

>> No.16643261

No it isn't, you the player always get the winning side.
Well look at the bright (no pun intended) side of things, there won't be any other light event for 4 months after that.

>> No.16643287

>Current union event bosses have no mode gauge.
There goes my Cherubim.

>> No.16643615

Do events ever come back so we get another shot at the stuff and the limit breaks?

>> No.16643616

Anyone of you know what grimores are for in kamihime?

>> No.16643623

final limit break for sr and ssr I think

>> No.16643637

>No light events after the first one
I think I'm fucked.

>> No.16643654

sr and ssr Kamihime or Eidolons?

>> No.16643665


>> No.16643753

It's okay, you can do it.
I got a single light char and I a doing the dark event just fine. The soul taking the element of the weapon is a godsend.

Completely unrelated, I just found out the ssr weapon drops from silver chests

>> No.16643765

damn she a qt.

>> No.16643768

>Completely unrelated, I just found out the ssr weapon drops from silver chests

>> No.16643780 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.20 MB, 954x640, 1488283339164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16643784

The better question is if she's worth 20sc, which is the number of bonus crystals you miss for buying her bundle for 5000 dmm points instead of buying 70 for 5000 dmm points. The answer is probably still no but her gimmick of having 15 tokens to deploy might have some niche uses. What does your dick tell you anon?

>> No.16643788 [SPOILER] 
File: 26 KB, 890x1024, 1488283537132.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16643794

There is no way to enhance the soul to level it right? I need to use her in battles.

>> No.16643814

Come on anon, be a bit happy for me

>> No.16643834 [SPOILER] 
File: 151 KB, 408x421, 1488284698056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16643843

that looks like a platinum chest to me anon

>> No.16643846

You're right
Didn't even know they are a thing

>> No.16643907

Silver? You mean rainbow? That last chest looks rainbow to me, anon.

>> No.16644000

DMM players, how bad is the powercreep on Kamihime?

>> No.16644003

about as bad as granblue

>> No.16644014

The entire existence of gacha games is based around powercreep.

>> No.16644015

That's why I'm asking how bad it is.

>> No.16644062

You want SSR? You get event gacha ticket. Roll like Bolshevik comrade. No SSR for you.

That's what I meant.

>> No.16644076

All SSR Eidolons are suppose to have H scenes right?Does anyone know where i can find thunderbird's?

>> No.16644087


>> No.16644094

Why there is't defensive epic soul?

>> No.16644097


>> No.16644101

Up and down. You have shit like super Eidolons with 100% boost, and but then you have old old old Kamihimes like Gaia (yeah the one in the Nutaku launch version) that becomes a living goddess for real with her 100% form. Give and take I guess.

>> No.16644116

Yeah, Harem, Eid, LV40.

>> No.16644120
File: 274 KB, 981x659, Joan d&#039;Arc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16644130


>> No.16644131


>> No.16644137

When you inflict poison/scorched on a raid does that count as your damage on the mvp board

>> No.16644143

She's already in game bud.

>> No.16644144

I haven't gotten her in the English version yet, but I'm 90% certain now.

>> No.16644154

Sorry got blinded by lolis

>> No.16644164
File: 115 KB, 767x529, slut goddess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate when this happens

>> No.16644165

Whats the soul to go for?

>> No.16644171

shop it

>> No.16644192
File: 35 KB, 674x119, it got worse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16644199

I want Artemis so bad.

>> No.16644207

Well get to farmin' chop chop.

>> No.16644211

Too bad she doesn't want you, she prefers ropes

>> No.16644219

I wouldn't mind some light SR either.
How to rig the gacha?

>> No.16644249

I rolled her twice
Well, her bow to be more precise. Used it for limit breaking, now wondering how bad I fucked up. Equipping two of them would probably work better

>> No.16644275

I got one ever got one SR with the SR ticket and it's thunder

>> No.16644313
File: 17 KB, 247x209, imnotmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>run 25AP eidolon fodder quest
>go with lightning team
>wind boss 2-3 times in a row
every fucking time

>> No.16644331

>Jewel gacha and premium gacha odds lead to the same age
I am confused in what to believe now.

>> No.16644407

Are there important sidequests I unlock by finishing the story?
I kinda got caught up in the event and stopped progressing

>> No.16644416
File: 97 KB, 354x426, istilllikeyouanyway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a girl that strikes alot of your fetishes
>R rarity
I hate this

>> No.16644434

Does eidolon damage get added to the party like weapon damage?
Does it affect how hard the eidolons themselves hit with their skills?

>> No.16644493
File: 43 KB, 354x415, gyakunikangaerunda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead, think that you got her pretty easily because of R rarity. And she has a damage cut skill too.

>> No.16644561

It happend again, for fucks sake

>> No.16644568

At least she has the right element for the next event

>> No.16644578
File: 148 KB, 960x640, C12_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nergal shorts make me extremely erect
>She only has one scene and isn't even wearing them during it
50 levels of mad

>> No.16644604

>all your friends switch to crappy eidolons
>no more diabolos to support my patchwork party, anzu for loot or at least some high damage active
>instead thy used auto party generator once and run crap like 20% fire hp now

>> No.16644639

I know she gets a Light variant later, but I dunno if she keeps her shorts.

>> No.16644669

After those posted, there's the first two events rerun. They always rerun two at once. Raids and Union events aren't rerun, at least for now. Medusa and Rahab have not been rerun.
That's correct.
Union SSR eidolons don't, to be precise.
Gawain and Cassiopeia should be taken by everyone as soon as possible. From there, you can go for a fast Arthur, or Andromeda if you need more healing. If you don't have Amaterasu or himes with a similar debuff (Attack and Defense down (great)), the commonly suggested choice is to go D'Art next to take her broken debuff as soon as possible. From there, you can either go Mordred or Jeanne, however Mordred's Black Propaganda should have priority in most cases. Jeanne is extremely good but really shines only when you are strong enough not to need a powerful healer, besides you'll want to have her with Dark Propaganda at least half of the times. After that just pick what you like/what master bonus you want. As for Union heroes, Morgan is extremely situational, Takeda Shingen is reported to be much better for the same price, but will take a while to be introduced after Union events begin.
It's a beach version http://神姫プロジェクト.攻略wiki.com/index.php?plugin=ref&page=%EF%BC%BB%E3%83%93%E3%83%BC%E3%83%81%E3%81%AE%E5%85%89%EF%BC%BD%E3%83%8D%E3%83%AB%E3%82%AC%E3%83%AB&src=%5B%E3%83%93%E3%83%BC%E3%83%81%E3%81%AE%E5%85%89%5D%E3%83%8D%E3%83%AB%E3%82%AC%E3%83%AB%E5%85%A8%E8%BA%AB.png
No such thing. The SR you get are Nike, Amon, Cybele and Baal. There are some H scenes in the main story, but nothing in the side ones.

>> No.16644705

Isn't she "Morgana"? you know, the one of the Arthur's legend and not "Morgan" the pirate?

>> No.16644716

Morgan le Fay, alternatively known as Morgan le Faye, Morgen, Morgaine, Morgain, Morgana, Morganna, Morgant, Morgane, Morgne, Morge, Morgue

>> No.16644741

What exactly is black propaganda?
Don't really get what it's supposed to do from the description, increase the overall amount of rage the enemy needs to fill the bar?

>> No.16644748 [DELETED] 

Interesting, where I live (I'm and Irishdfag) she isn't reffered as "Morgan" anymore, only "Morgana".

>> No.16644749

Why does Amon nuke doesn't do damage sometimes?

I went for Arthur before going for Mordred now, since I have Sol.

That's okay right?

>> No.16644760

Interesting, where I live (I'm an Irishfag) she isn't reffered as "Morgan" anymore, only "Morgana".

>> No.16644762

I went for the one with snatch because I'm a greedy fucker
Oh well

>> No.16644767

+1 dot under enemy HP, so enemy takes 1 turn more to charge is special attack.

>> No.16644787

Well, who we know as Joan of Arc is known as Jeanne d'Arc by nips, so...

>> No.16644799

Anon, that's her actual french name

>> No.16644812

That's my point. Regional differences.

>> No.16644823

>Union events
Guess I need a good Union now
What are these events exactly?

>> No.16644833

It's fine.
See >>16643054 >>16643057 >>16643179

>> No.16645027
File: 417 KB, 1009x657, gacha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish me luck

>> No.16645034

Good luck anon

>> No.16645052

good luck, may you roll your NTR waifu

>> No.16645058

SR Furfur and a couple of SR weapons.

It wasn't unexpected.

>> No.16645069

Are jewels good for anything else besides inventory expansion?

>> No.16645081

Rolling the gacha? You want to play with just the starter kamihimes?

>> No.16645091
File: 81 KB, 520x550, Pp8qQG7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>angel 2AW
I wonder if they will graduate from lightning rods with this, and if Miruno will become even more overpowered

>> No.16645097

I meant to quote >>16645027
So yeah, any reason to not just dump them all into the gacha?

>> No.16645161

What's better, getting limit break duplicates for the eidolon or the weapon?

>> No.16645205

The weapon should be higher priority, as SSR assault weapons are few and you'll eventually need them for every element, while you get SSR eidolons every event and you only need one per element as a main. Non fully limit break'd eidolons will be replaced fast by "stat sticks" limit break'd eidolons, non fully limit break'd weapons can stay for a long long time thanks to the huge base assault bonus.

>> No.16645275

I think I fucked up on my alt, as I got 2 weapons and 2 eidolons.

I guess I'll have to wait for the rerun.

>> No.16645330

How do I get friends with good eidolons?

>> No.16645334

spam people with requests til they add you

>> No.16645355

So the bonus SP quests for Apocalypse are not coming back, even for the last day, huh?

>> No.16645373
File: 931 KB, 958x640, 千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM GAMES R18 (68).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting everything but Saria from this pickup gacha. Help.

>> No.16645374

some anon said that they originaly were aviable a few hours a day and we got them for a full day once instead.

>> No.16645390

damn, muh dick

>> No.16645456

>Only 1 heart dropped since the SP missions were over

It's over guys, I'll never MLB the weapon.

>> No.16645467

Try doing the 20p mission

>> No.16645469

I hope sophie becomes ranged in one of her 2nd AW forms. One super tanky the other super range dps.

>> No.16645639
File: 117 KB, 556x542, 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also didn't get Saria, but I won't complain too much.

>> No.16645676

>Celeste Axe Flip

>> No.16645685

Fuck, wrong general, sorry guys.

It's working, thanks m8

>> No.16645906

is Siefried a reasonable second soul to aim for after D'Artagnan?

>> No.16645958

No. Siegfried doesn't really offer anything except lots of burst damage. Mastering the Soul only gives you increased Rage mode reduction and the EX skills of that line aren't very good.

>> No.16645959

So, what? Arthur for the deeps?

>> No.16645977

Yeah, Arthur is nice for the ATK mastery but in all honesty I think Gawain is enough as she comes with a single target DEF down skill that will stack with D'Artagnan's Snipe Shot EX skill. I'd say going down the Arthur or Mordred lines is a good next goal.

>> No.16646108

>screen is littered with brown chests
>score says 2

>> No.16646129

I'm getting Jeanne because FUCK YES JOAN OF ARC

Stats and skills are for losers.

>> No.16646143

>Stats and skills are for losers.
>picks one of the best souls
You should have gone for Solomon.

>> No.16646159
File: 88 KB, 375x756, joan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too am going for Joan anon. I hope there will eventually be hard raid bosses that have heavy AoE nukes that will make this class useful.

>> No.16646174

>can't level the t1 to unlock more souls because I can't farm the event with them
Well shit

>> No.16646184

Does positioning even matter in kamihime?
Feels like everyone can attack the backline just fine

>> No.16646210

>Rozenkreuz CG actually changes in the middle of the scene
What a nice touch, compared to all the speeded up gifs with lewder faces of every other scene.

>> No.16646220

>we wanted you to know we can do it just fine, but we don't care to
For fucks sake

>> No.16646300

Where do you get that last material (on the far right)? I read you can get it from the 15AP Daily SP quest, but I have yet to see it drop.

>> No.16646308

You get it from gold chests, it drops fairly commonly on expert
You can get gud enough to handle them in a week or so

>> No.16646320

hm, I haven't tried Expert yet and I've only been playing since Saturday. Not sure I can take it on yet, but I want too limit break my Michael. Thanks for the quick reply and help though.

>> No.16646348

>only been playing since saturday
>you lucky son of a bitch

>> No.16646362

I was rerolling for Amon though, but yeah I think I got decently lucky. Kind of wish I kept going for 2 SSR Kamihime though instead of settling for 1 SSR Kamihime and 2 SSR Eidolons.

>> No.16646389

I there some other way to get the droprate eidolon than being lucky in the gacha?

>> No.16646601

Yeah, pay a few thousand dollars for jewels and luck won't matter anymore

>> No.16646618

>All the SR weapons I got from the light raid are HP up
This is Granblue all over again...

>> No.16646894

Is it worth making an alt for raids in Kamihime?
How much do I need to play until I can open one?
Any reason to not use a 10 minute mail?

>> No.16646952
File: 502 KB, 809x904, ff8306f93183c33441b80b1bef68f0cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I would miss SP Apocalypse.

>> No.16646955

>Arthur says you should fuck since you're both finally alone
>Protagonist tries to run away
Holy fuck no wonder the girls keep getting NTR'd from this braindead

>> No.16646971

>ywn be a master in this world

the things i'd do.

>> No.16647009

>boss decides now it's the perfect time to triple attack you when you're at 1.6k hp

Guess I should invest in Joan

>> No.16647456

Is there any way to remove the +1s without feeding the weapon/eid to another character?

>> No.16647704

sell it

>> No.16647721

I mean if I can re use it like I can in GBF.

>> No.16647953
File: 71 KB, 482x379, heart-shaped_pupils.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Indra's sex scene

>> No.16647967

can you stop comparing to gbf? jesus fucking christ it's like when your gf keeps telling you how much bigger your dick is compared to her ex

>> No.16647972

>GBF clone
>can you stop comparing it to gbf


>> No.16647999

Usually when people clone games though they don't make a straight downgrade of it though. Generally the idea is to improve upon it and not just hide a poorly made piece of shit behind porn to appeal to retards.

>> No.16648000



>> No.16648004

personal experience?
just feeding

>> No.16648208

I wonder how much free shit we get from this GS maintenance considering just an hour extension netted us a free 11 pull last time.

>> No.16648230

Anon that restarted playing DMM FKG due to GS here. I Evolved Acacia and realized that she had a Bloomed Form too. Are the Bloomed materials all Life Crystals only or is there a stage to harvest them?

>> No.16648267

Only the petals take life crystals.

>> No.16648415
File: 10 KB, 307x28, sendhelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to go to sleep badly
>just need to wait a few more minutes for enough AP to level up

This is torture.

>> No.16648439

I think people stopped caring when the GS pulls are so unexciting.

>> No.16648510

The're just as unexciting in FKG. If you don't like the give tons of currency but have shitty rates gacha type that's fine though.

Anyway I've been lucky already and pulled 3 rainbows, but I'm still losing interest since the combat system is unbalanced/shitty, and grinding for gold/evolution mats seems even worse than farming for gold dragons when I actually needed to.

>> No.16648536
File: 28 KB, 237x439, maki2 enough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy ticket with event materials
>phantom bow soma (R)

>> No.16648544

No the problem is the content of the gacha. Pulling a rare girl just isn´t all that fun when they don´t do a lot of impact gameplay wise.

>> No.16648549

Got Artemis from my three tickets. Try to save up and pull more than one to make the feel of getting nothing not be so prevalent.

>> No.16648559

>get three tickets so you can get scammed three times my man
No thanks, I'd rather get the soul points

>> No.16648565

FKG need six times more pulls to achieve what one Aigis pull does

>> No.16648569
File: 29 KB, 337x115, Aisha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know whether this is lucky or unlucky. Should I use the extras for CR or sell them?

>> No.16648574

love thy loli

>> No.16648581

Are you serious about that question?

>> No.16648593

I know getting three blacks is lucky, but if there's no point in combining them, then I'd rather have three different blacks than three of the same black.

>> No.16648599

I'd say use them for CR, she's already fairly cheap so it'd make her even better. Maybe turn one into rainbow crystals if you have your eye on something.

>> No.16648601

GS new raid update is almost unplayable.

>> No.16648611

They're giving a free 10 roll on Gran Blue everyday for a week. Just a reminder.

>> No.16648639

Gran blue doesn't have water goddesses laying with dolphins

>> No.16648701

>Baal goes to drink with MC
>starts reminiscing about how she got gangbanged for the first time

>> No.16648726

Like that is fucking enough to catch up. Plus a whole slew of men in the gacha is just boring.

>> No.16648966

Working fine for me. Bosses are quite tough tho.

>> No.16649073

How do I increase a weapon's skill? It's the only panel mission I have left and it's been like that for days.

>> No.16649088

Feed it a R or better weapon.

>> No.16649114

What's the best quest level to get a litograph?

>> No.16649129

you are not drowning on them?

>> No.16649138

No, I only ever get the higher or lower version

>> No.16649146

Also another question, does the price in the shop for potions and stuff ever reset or does it just go up forever?

>> No.16649149

Aha, that worked, thank you.

>> No.16649175
File: 222 KB, 981x657, pegasus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hurray. At least she's adorable.

>Can't fuck her
Well, yeah. I can't fuck you either but you're still adorable.

>> No.16649189


>> No.16649198

I need 20 hearts and 31 eyes, should I farm stage 2 or 3?

I hope she has a god effect and it not just a way to screw people over even if they have a guaranteed sr ticket

>> No.16649200

only if he has a better light eidolon.

>> No.16649402

Embryon has a spot open, one guy didn't fancy the event I guess. If interested, drop a name or an ID.

>> No.16649859
File: 20 KB, 651x86, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white skin is pink
Crassic DevTea engrish

>> No.16649906

Is there an upper limit for snatch stacks?
Also, ii it just me or doe the success rate drops rather fast when you have some stacks already

>> No.16649917

9 is the limit from my experience
Also, yes, the chance to applying subsequent stacks drops off the more the target has of them

>> No.16649930

I think I saw 10 on a raidboss once
Is the loot increase noticeable, and does it buff the rarity or the overall amount of loot?

>> No.16650141
File: 386 KB, 1280x720, ten percent of zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, what is this ability for?

>> No.16650745

After a burst attack, every other character gets 10 to their gauge, so it would be better to put characters that multi attack more up first and characters who use up gauge in the back (dunno if kamihime has these characters yet). Also I swear one of the tips said characters up front get targeted more, no way to prove that though

>> No.16650789

I swear it's just whoever the boss feels like triple attacking the most.

>> No.16650905

>uses aoe skill
>triple attacks the soul next turn
Every time. I can still clear expert even with dead soul, but its slowing shit down because I can't use eidolons

>> No.16650926

Usually it's the small trash groups that hurt the most, when they all decide to hit the same target for 3 rounds and get some double/triple hits too

>> No.16650934

>should spam stage 2 to get hearts
>can't stopdoing stage 3 in the faint hope for a rainbow chest
Send help

>> No.16650970

>grinding for gold/evolution mats seems even worse than farming for gold dragons

Nooooooooooooooooo, no no no no no no no. No. Nuh uh. No.

FUCK dragon farming.

Were it most other units, I would say combine. She would definitely benefit from the lower cost. But it's Aisha, and she's amazingly broken. For any non-majin map, you now have three win buttons.

So neither. Keep them all. Level them all. Use them all.

That's... a very good question and I expect that'll be fixed at some point. Could also be that it works as intended for another stat and it's just labeled wrong. Even if you added some of that stat through the board, I don't think it does anything for enchanters unless it affects how much they heal when switching to the back row, and I'm pretty sure it doesn't.

>> No.16650990

Whats the point of the +1/2/3 ect on Kamihime cards?
I mean I get that you can increase the stats past the limit but compared to what you actually have it's fucking nothing

>> No.16651171

Does Baal get a SSR later? I really want more scenes with her (already 3*d her)

>> No.16651178

Only Amon and Nike so far.

>> No.16651186

It's Nike's good?

>> No.16651212

Yes, but due to other water SSRs being utterly broken, she isn't part of the ideal final water team.

>> No.16651223

Not like you will ever get enough water ssr for a full team

>> No.16651238

Indeed, I do think these calculations are mostly meant for daydreaming theorycrafters and Saudi princes.

>> No.16651319

How much money do you guys make and how much do you spend?

>> No.16651331

0€/about 50€ per year.

>> No.16651346

I make only 20k usd a year and I haven't spent a dollar. I don't mind as I'm still having fun in the games and I'd rather spend my money on electronics or something.

>> No.16651352

$300k salary any job I want

>> No.16651358

Never spent anything on microtransactions like that

>> No.16651364

>Enhancing weapons one by one to complete weekly mission
This is the worst

>> No.16651376 [DELETED] 

They will eventually reduce the quota to 1/day. Same with eidolons and SP quests.

>> No.16651580

>Eidolon drops for my alt but my main barely gets a heart drop

I knew playing alts was suffering.

>> No.16651820

So what is a good AP average for standard and expert auto battling? sort of a pain having to manually do the abilities unlike some other games but otherwise what am i aiming for so the next event won't beat me

>> No.16652324

What is the 'evolved grimoire' in Kamihime Pro? It's a prize for the Apocalypse event and there's no way I can get another Apocalypse before tomorrow so I'm trying to decide what to get with my prizes.

>> No.16652327

Is Aigis down on dmm atm semi-new still and reading skills still lacking?

>> No.16652333

The grimoires are used for the final Break Limit for Himes. They are expensive as fuck though. I'd recommend getting Soul Points and the gacha tickets if you have mats to spare.

>> No.16652338

Maintenance day anon, Thursday 10:00 to 3:00 pm JST.

>> No.16652344

Thanks anon

>> No.16652391

thank you

>> No.16652393



>> No.16652578

How do you start a raid boss in KP?
It's on my little quest sheet but I have no idea how to do it.

>> No.16652599

What happens to surplus materials after the event is over in Kamihime? Do you get something for them?

>> No.16652718

Finish all the stages in the first area and raid bosses will show up there.

>> No.16652751
File: 491 KB, 821x636, doooom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Aigis dying?

>> No.16652758

>kamihime #9

im literally shaking

>> No.16652767

You still have the option to trade them for the event stuff for a while iirc

>> No.16652791

Yeah but what about the hundreds of cogs I can't trade for anything because I don't have eyes for it too?

>> No.16652824

I don't think we get anything for those.

>> No.16652867

Why the fuck they make the drop rates so lopsided then? Should at least let us exchange mats with a 2:1 rate

>> No.16652870

If it wasn't for my already full inventory of SR weapon/eid fodder, I would already have MLBd the weapon and would be well on my way to MLB the eidolon.

Why are hearts so fucking rare.

>> No.16652961

I need about 15 more hearts to get 3 weapons and 2 eidolons, and after that it's hoping for a direct drop in the last few runs I guess

>> No.16653330




Chloe got lewder. Kinda disappointed that Parhelia and Miruno got left out, though.

>> No.16653342

What is Diablos saying when you summon her? I can't make heads or tails of it. My Japanese just isn't good enough.

>> No.16653371

Miruno is already cute

>> No.16653424

I'm more disappointed about her getting the Seraphim path than I am about the missing art.

>> No.16653539

Don't have dark or fire characters, should I MLB the summon or the weapon? Can't do both.

>> No.16653573

oh my


>> No.16653581

What the hell am I looking at for Erun

>> No.16653583

are angels worth to level?

>> No.16653584


>> No.16653596

I've been holding back on awakening Chloe for some time now.

I guess it's time to stop.

>> No.16653597

what does choe's all ages version look like rofl

>> No.16653610
File: 327 KB, 956x637, aigis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I even bother to roll in this game?

>> No.16653614
File: 524 KB, 960x581, b2061366b09c369e3bbf7952d45d3070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16653620

nice thanks!
in some ways, thats just as lewd

>> No.16653676

Aha, thank you sir!

>> No.16653755

>Chloe is the only one that is always in her corrupt form
as expected of the semen demon.

>> No.16653780

Anyone know how to get voice files in GS? I want Piti's

>> No.16653789

>Worse rolls than my latest Kamihime roll
You got real bad luck.

>> No.16653814

How is shiro project compared to aigis?

>> No.16653819

Different gameplay, more akin to classic RPGs with heal, buff, debuff and using limit break. Or if you have played GBF, is GBF with eroge elements. I like it.

>> No.16653823


>> No.16653824
File: 704 KB, 741x427, cutin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16653825

you are thinking kami pro

>> No.16653840

Leader handling the Oldmen guild. Kick the dude that´s been away for 4 days and low ranked as hell. Makes space for others that want to join and are active.

>> No.16653843

My bad, lack of sleep.

>> No.16653933

Did those retards actually implement a guild system with no way to actually communicate?

>> No.16653953

There is a guild message board. But I can not login from my work place to post, just came to mind.

>> No.16654266

I have 6 +9 silver warrior rings in FKG. Does +10 not exist?

>> No.16654338

>Chloe's AW2
I am become diamonds, destroyer of pants.

Very typical tower defense. I get bored with it.

>> No.16654343

>gacha blacks get the best art and design
It's not fucking fair lads

>> No.16654356
File: 454 KB, 1225x650, gcc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New game up on DMM for prereg:
Girls Cross Chronicle
Crossover RPG including characters from various VNs:
Da Capo II, Fruits of Grisaia, Parfait Chocolate, G Senjou no Maoh, Floral Flowlove.


Judging from the screenshots, this seems to be yet another GBF clone. (I might be wrong)

>> No.16654404

They do, you've just been unlucky.

>> No.16654423

Saw this earlier. Pre-reg pool looks pretty shitty, though. But I'll play into launch for the other girls. I need Makina.

>> No.16654452

>all ages
it's shit.

what's the point of a crossover like this if it's not h?

>> No.16654454

It's on .net.

Apparently the heroines will have new H-scenes with voices?

>> No.16654486


>> No.16654525

Is Pamela Apocalypse worth limit breaking? Or should I buy some SR weapons instead?

>> No.16654538

>that spoiler
You lost me

>> No.16654545
File: 18 KB, 210x240, pamela-ibis-atelier-meruru-the-apprentice-of-arland-6.22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16654558

Well you get some more damage and 5% more dark bonus for the first limit break, might ne nice honce we get the light event.
Not sure how good the SR weapons are

>> No.16654568

Why SR and not SSR?
I don't know if the SR weapons are good, or better than the ones you can get anytime for the crap the story drops.
Does the weapon element even matter aside from defining the soul element?

>> No.16654576

Sure, the weapon will only boost that element with it's skill. Dark weapon assaults will boost dark Kamihimes for example.

>> No.16654578

>Da Capo II
>Fruit of Grisaia
>Parfait Chocolate
Very Nice
>G Senjou no Maoh
Very cool
>Floral Flowlove

>> No.16654588

I mean more someting like giving more damage/less when it shares/doesn't share the element with the Kamihine
Of course the element boost will only boost that element

>> No.16654610

I already have one copy of the SSR lance and think it'll be boring to use two
It doesn't even seem that powerful, for an SSR. Only has good burst damage, unless I'm misunderstanding the mechanics

>> No.16654633

Well the lance is the highest damage weapon we can get right now, outside of rng luck, and you can alwas limit break it too

>> No.16654670

>start to need hearts
>hearts stop dropping
For fucks sake

>> No.16654683
File: 20 KB, 242x239, hold me back or i&#039;ll push his shit in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>27 hearts
>no gears

>> No.16654702

You get massiv amounts of those, just run stage 3

>> No.16654709

I just want eyes. Give me eyes.

>> No.16654714
File: 345 KB, 600x338, 1467546482446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not Alyssa getting raped, but the 4koma will do.

>> No.16654728

Does she ever get the dick?

>> No.16654782

I need 4 eyes and 11 hearts
Send help

>> No.16654795

start chugging those elixirs

>> No.16654819

I am
But they're not dropping

>> No.16654835

That reminds me, we aren't getting Kamipuchi in english, are we?

>> No.16654879

which is best for hearts now, stage 2 or 3?

>> No.16654932

Every lance gives your dark units +6.5% atk, which increases by +0.5% every skill level. The SR weapons give 3.5% and increase by the same amount.

>> No.16654966
File: 1.20 MB, 978x656, foul protrusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roland has a hard life

>> No.16654977

I want my foul protrusion between those tits.

>> No.16654991

I'd like to her to blow my Olifant.

>> No.16655046
File: 72 KB, 429x416, 1472071421208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has a horn to signal her location
>still gets lost and raped

>> No.16655063
File: 70 KB, 239x238, 1488423536326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another one of MC's souls get captured and raped

>> No.16655087
File: 122 KB, 553x340, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean...

>> No.16655099
File: 546 KB, 1366x768, soul down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attack nobody but your soul until she dies.

Seriously why does this keep happening dammit?

>> No.16655109

It's from the Song of Roland. Roland refused to use his horn because to call for aid was a sign of cowardice.

>> No.16655112

Maybe we can just keep the stuff for the rerun they do eventually

>> No.16655123

>round 1
>they just both gang up on the healer, 5 hits, instant dead

>> No.16655131

Git gud.

>> No.16655141

I still annihilated them with my 4 fire kamihimes and 60% more fire damage

>> No.16655232
File: 975 KB, 875x1362, 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does the MC deal with the fact that he lives in a world where Heroic Souls, Goddesses, and Spirits mostly all have the intelligence of NTR eroge heroines?

>> No.16655250

Where's this from?

>> No.16655259

Lolicon to JS ga Futari de Otomari Shitara

>> No.16655266

I await the day when Alyssa learns how to become a Kamihime, turns evil, goes on a rampage, and has to be calmed by your dick.

>> No.16655273

He takes what he gets for free and isn't upset when others get some too

>> No.16655297

I'd be upset.

>> No.16655309

You're to greedy, that's why you get nothing at all

>> No.16655323

I want my souls, they can have my eidolons, and a very select few of my kamihimes

>> No.16655335

>already typed out my complaint about getting crap eidolons from gatcha that do nothing but prevent me from drawing more
>get SR Kamihime
I'm not sure, does it mean I should compain more or less?

>> No.16655340

complain til you get an SSR

>> No.16655346

Don't have any gems left, gotta hoard until the next event

>> No.16655389
File: 11 KB, 243x42, jewels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else here hoarding jewels for a unit/summon you want that won't come out until nearly a year later?

Saving up for Belial, the fire 100/120 summon here. I wonder how many jewels I'll have by then.

>> No.16655394

Probably going to save up for Uriel cause she's a loli apparently.

>> No.16655395

>40 hearts for last weapon
>only 8 half ap elixirs left
It's over, I think I'll just get the second eid, a gold grimoire and more soul points (already on second tier).

>> No.16655418

I need 10 more and I have given up already, the droprate is just so shitty all of sudden

>> No.16655422

I picked Andromeda with my dick as my legendary soul and then realized soul P are probably hard to raise
Did I fuck up or she's alright?

>> No.16655430

Are kamihime events back to back or we're getting a break in 9 hours?

>> No.16655432

I would have liked Michael, I have a thing for angels

>> No.16655439

>Wanted Michael
>got Belobog
>first scene she fucks the darkness out of a random guy

o-ok i-im alright

>> No.16655446

At least you got a SR
I rolled Dike, and she fucks a random missionary to show him sex is not bad

>> No.16655457

Pretty good I'd say, heal, 50% uptime def buff and a revive are strong

>> No.16655460

If they're following the same event pattern as DMM, then there's going to be a light event around three days after this one ends.

>> No.16655488

Andromeda, Mordred and Jean are probably the three most essential Legendary souls, so yes.

>> No.16655508

I really wanted th snatch one for better ffarming but all stages use only guns, it's horrible

>> No.16655512

> Try a 'windows-only' DMM browser game on linux
> System not supported
> Change user agent settings on browser
> Game starts, runs just fine
Fuck you DMM.
Fuck your OS/Browser discriminating shit.

>> No.16655550

Cutest NTR in the game.

>> No.16655599

If you click on Chiririn in the office, she starts talking about love triangles being best thing ever, and shits on vanilla couples.

>> No.16655603
File: 74 KB, 756x69, ガールズシンフォニー~少女交響詩~X指定 - オンラインゲーム - DMM GAMES R18 (24).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough gems for 6 11x premium rolls. FKG devs are best.

>> No.16655668

you will only get shit

>> No.16655681

Not going to roll now anyway. I need blue and red 3*/4*, and preferably sorcs or soldiers, but there aren't many of them in the gacha.
Got 2 purple rainbows, so purple pickup is pointless.

There's also 2 guaranteed 3* step-up for ~500 yen total.

>> No.16655766

Can you ven properly restock on them?
The event had 2 for the same price every day but in the shop they just get unaffordable

>> No.16655807

>one of my friends just limit break'd the 100% eidolon to 110%
>couple of hours ago it was 100%
So how do you hack Kamihime?

>> No.16655810

Using Dolche in danchou's event map was fun, she was literally one-shotting all the demons, great demon didn't survive even 30 seconds.
We need anti-necro slayer and anti-angel slayer, just to make it perfect team.

>> No.16655858

From a purely eschatological-statfagging point of view, that's a good idea.

>> No.16655902

majin-slayer when
Nobody would need the prince

>> No.16655915

It would make sense for black monster slayer, actually.

>> No.16655958

Is it possible that the loot gets worse when a kamihime dies?

>> No.16656015

So are the cross over SC's given at the end of the collab then? Also what does this collab fodder unit do?

>> No.16656036

Will Belobog and other girls added this event stay in gacha and just lose the boosted rates, or they get removed once event is over?

>> No.16656100

Stay, this isn't F/GO.

>> No.16656178
File: 458 KB, 811x370, 千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM GAMES R18 (71).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay, first time I actually got unit I wanted (Livre).
Plus some blacks and Gellius.

Its funny how I never got even single black or decent plat in 2 years of playing, and then on 3rd year I'm getting tons of them in rapid succession.

>> No.16656183

>premium ticket gives a fucking R eidolon
Why are these even a thing

>> No.16656201

yeah, im holding on my premium tickets for next event

>> No.16656202

I rolled Daji in DMM Kamihime.
Is she good?

>> No.16656310

Second best fire SSR after Amaterasu. Basically an SSR fire Beelzebub. People are actually removing their attackers (Fudou or Ares) to make space for her.
Also I'm jelly as fuck, tried to get her and failed when she was introduced.

>> No.16656327

It was my starter roll, so she doesn't amount to much right now.
Also noticed for some reason the game loads like half as much as in the nutaku version.

>> No.16656356

You can use her in all your parties if you're starting out (i.e. your other parties aren't assembled yet), although she will only really shine after you unlock her third ability.
Though the energy drain will slow down battles due to its longer animation.

>> No.16656362

These domination maps really last forever huh. Once I set down my shit I have to let it run through like 350 some units until a little bit of paying attention at the very tail end with the two blue dragons on this monster island map.

>> No.16656391

Which 2nd AW is the better one for angels?

>> No.16656415

Yeah, keep being faggot and crying more. Your himes are fucking with faceless men right now

>> No.16656422

>Arthur is a hard S


>> No.16656442

This game was really great at surprising players with Himes personalities, before they turned it into vanilla shit.

>> No.16656498

as expected of the legendary offense

>> No.16656506

Gas all the beta vanillafags

>> No.16656514

Why can't people just self-insert as a shape-shifting, time traveling mind-breaker in an endless crusade for finding the ultimate revenge for a long and harsh life of abuse at the hands of a greedy tsundere merchant.

Happiness is so simple. The MC rapes everyone.

>> No.16656518


>> No.16656525

So now that the event is almost over, what happens with the leftover tokens when the trading period ends?
Do they just vaish, do we get to keep them for the eventual return of the thing?

>> No.16656527

Is there even a Hime the MC rapes?

>> No.16656536

Well there is plenty of "an then he just starts fucking her"

>> No.16656544
File: 11 KB, 200x153, 2017-03-02 224119-FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL ~X指定~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM GAMES R18 - Internet Explorer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I get more of the new green equip gems?

>> No.16656549

>tfw constantly going to the gacha screen and reading about SSR himes i'll never get

o-one day

>> No.16656569

A few of the Rs, especially lolis. He's absolute scum. Can't even fuck strong SSRs like unnamed villagers.

>> No.16656735
File: 21 KB, 188x182, one ring to rule them all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.16656928
File: 74 KB, 865x720, 1411619769233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went the entire event spamming nothing but Expert and x3 8 AP dailies, and I didn't get a single SSR drop.

Is everyone else sharing this bizarre form of hell?

>> No.16656957

Would be more surprising if you actually got any, I think I only saw two or three people in this thread get something.

>> No.16656984

Now get the EX version :)

>> No.16657013

Is anyone else getting huge load times on DMM FKG?

>> No.16657110

Sounds like I got pretty fortunate then. I started the event with 33 hours left since I didn't think I was strong enough earlier and ended up getting 1Apocalypse drop and enough materials to trade in for 1 weapon and 1 Apocalypse.

>> No.16657231

Wait, what EX version?

>> No.16657483

Maybe, you just suck at rolling.

>> No.16657551

I got lucky and got 2 apoc drops, along with 3 tradeins and 2 weapon tradeins. Maxed the eidolon, keeping weps separate for now. Might whale for darkness spotlight.

>> No.16657552

new thread
