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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 104 KB, 420x537, Typical_Japanese_Countryside_High_School_Girl's_Household.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16635457 No.16635457[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

FAQ: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/29cfeeac2185f5a7a696855486e0eec2

Latest Muscat Night Episode:

Previous: >>16611699

>> No.16635470
File: 125 KB, 900x1200, C5GzgRFUkAAbJ2T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for Rei

>> No.16635483

I'd fist Rai too

>> No.16635499
File: 225 KB, 1298x516, Best_Actress_Candidates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top Row (Left to Right):
Asuka Kirara >>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yGwC6B-P5o
Abe Mikako >>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-hNpGSbu0I
Ichikawa Masami >>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seeiGa9UX3o
Shiina Sora >>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWtjmVpmovM
Shiraishi Marina >>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KEDr9t5JXQ

Bottom Row (Left to Right):
Sonoda Mion >>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewCcVyoP7As
Tsujimoto An >>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scmddocD5_o
Mikami Yua >>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xl7zk0IN8Nc
Mizuno Asahi >>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgQbXqpTrx8
Momonogi Kana >>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNNstTY7ONQ

To vote go here:

>> No.16635527
File: 200 KB, 774x776, Best_Newcomer_Actress_Candidates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top Row (Left to Right):
Asuka Rin >>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xq6C-mCh3WY
Usa Miharu >>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRMFCEcgj0Y
Eikawa Noa >>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSNmLvfi3IE

Middle Row (Left to Right):
Ootori Kaname >>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QHYykEhzbE
Ona Moe >>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-NvqPpMRJw
Sakura Miyuki >>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E454cGfHATc

Bottom Row (Left to Right):
Takahashi Shoko >>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9l6pnaCL34
Toda Makoto >>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iThY4E9V9JM
Hashimoto Arina >>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBzMFvGotPQ

To vote go here:

>> No.16635532

Praying Abe wins. She deserves it.

>> No.16635538

Praying Kirara wins. She deserves it.

>> No.16635546

Fuck no, 1st form Kirara (when she looked like Kokomi Sakura) deserved it, this abomination doesn't.

>> No.16635554
File: 1.97 MB, 640x359, b2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16635562

Yua is gonna win by a landslide.

>> No.16635590

Aoi is truly the best

>> No.16635611
File: 1.63 MB, 1280x720, Mahou_Shoujo_Kirara-tan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muscat Night episode 66 (2017.01.11) - Hidden talent competition part 1
Subtitles download:
https://mega.nz/#!Q1cHXIqY!XHa_JieRkpshWwHLT83xJhxX5ZZyZ3JzYB-Xs93E97k, or
Episode download:
https://mega.nz/#!N4UWmLYS!kM--bLXpqSzkQPpllVozO__G8_ziN-T096AQfON0rC8, or
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0QUSr3dXpQ or any stream that's 24:23 long

>Muscat Night episode 67 (2017.01.18) - Hidden talent competition part 2
Subtitles download:
https://mega.nz/#!As1nGY5K!mTAeyoBodAkUWe1SYpXjWV5qcb80zU2mQdgOfh_1KD8, or
Episode download:
https://mega.nz/#!ZpkTxT5D!IRy3CRuwvRjXEcrZugG06UTzGRa37U6RLEvh68Yo7gY, or
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGr4fq9MrWw or any stream that's 28:27 long

>Muscat Night episode 68 (2017.01.25) - New AD's first recording & SNS Patrol
Subtitles download:
https://mega.nz/#!9wMEECyT!mZLFADrnwQKAbh2mDG7xaamjquszBJ27acv_GlTqRec, or
Episode download:
https://mega.nz/#!8tcnWYCR!JvHBxunU914vHMbclQhCe6P2AMxnVkksHto5jGAwQE0, or
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_q3nXXGvwk1 or any stream that's 29:51 long

>Muscat Night episode 69 - There's an idiot & Moe Amatsuka graduating & Yura Sakura comes back & relay broadcasting
Subtitles download:
Episode download:
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5abks3_%E3%83%9E%E3%82%B9%E3%82%AB%E3%83%83%E3%83%88%E3%83%8A%E3%82%A4%E3%83%88-2017%E5%B9%B402%E6%9C%8801%E6%97%A5_fun, or any stream that's 25:00 long

>> No.16635656

>not wanting a robot purely made for pleasure

>> No.16635857
File: 265 KB, 960x1280, IMG_0879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shuri with Mimi Yazawa

>> No.16635880
File: 1.82 MB, 720x1280, shiori_lick.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16635907

You missed one

>Muscat Night episode 65 (2017.01.04) - Best of 5 scenes & summary of the Muscats vs Kamen Joshi live
Subtitles download:
https://mega.nz/#!Y8VSGZRL!sM_dzuLEgnUC4UAIoRNCR0QkitpJVPsGxDxP7WqMYIM, or
Episode download:
https://mega.nz/#!YptnnI7A!shLwYM68gc1zJK1uag9CHUXG1e7mWrh4aQ8R4OVh2DM, or
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MvyQn9G2Iw [Embed] or any stream that's 27:42 long

>> No.16636020


>not working at a sex robot quality assurance job

Best job ever.

>> No.16636109

Does she have better videos other than MIDE garbage?

>> No.16636372
File: 78 KB, 750x500, smooth_operator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops, my bad. thanks for catching that.

>> No.16636402
File: 114 KB, 1024x768, C5ltvnYUwAA15RW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She debuted with KMP before moving to Moodyz but she's always a studio exclusive.

>> No.16636829

Subs for the latest Muscat Night episode:

>Muscat Night episode 72 (2017.02.22) - Muscats n°1 idiot competition part 1


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfMe5X0Z_bI, or any stream that's 32:19 long

Pastebin with episodes 65-69 in order: http://pastebin.com/fUuyBdf4

I started doing episode 70 and 71 but episode 70 is the super boring fortune telling episode and 71 has the shittiest rip imaginable so I'm prioritizing the baka competition episodes over them. I'll still do them eventually because I don't like to let things unfinished, though.

>> No.16636832

We all know who the cuter one in the picture is.

Also just find out Ayako Inoue had an uncensored video from Heyzo a couple days ago, so that is pretty top. Does anyone know the results of that contest she was in? Guessing she didn't win because I didn't see anything about in on her twitter, but I also didn't help her because something about needing a Japanese account to vote.

>> No.16636918

Is there an easy way to look for stuff like leather shorts?

>> No.16637112

>tfw really enjoying a dvd that was recommended here
>tfw don't understand japanese and no subtitles so I don't enjoy it as much

She's so cute and this concept is so sexy. I just wish I knew what they were saying...

>> No.16637198

It really doesn't matter what they are saying, it's pointless kimochiis, sugois and mankos.

>> No.16637207

What's the code

>> No.16637221

Sho Nishino

>> No.16637233

Is...is that Yuma on the top right?
And who forgot to add the photoshop filters to the one on the bottom row, 2nd from the right?

>> No.16637360

Any good oyakodon movies?

>> No.16637439

I know it's not a search term and could be hard to find. But is there any good mojyou stuff?

>> No.16637454

Virgin videos?

>> No.16637520

Maybe. but I'm just as likely to find it in slut videos. If they're non-gyaru they're usually the sullen pervert type.

>> No.16637550 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 800x536, 572060e5f3f07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, it got an AV. Or is this old news?

>> No.16637701

Are you gonna spam this shit every thread now?

>> No.16637790

If the subber's in the thread: Thanks for your work, even if I don't care for the show. I know it's a lot of work to make subtitles. It takes longer than it appears, and it's generally not very fun.

>> No.16637869

I dled the ep 66 twice and twice the video are corrupted.

>> No.16637899

The youtube link is still up, it's the source of the mega mirror anyway so you can download it there. If it ever gets taken down you should just look for another streaming source with the same runtime.

>> No.16637906

And what are you going to do about it?

>> No.16637932

I dled once and it plays. I really hope you don't mean artifacts.

>> No.16637948

I dont like dl from youtube

I used Megadownloader, maybe this was the cause

>> No.16638048

Probably call you an autist because you encourage more general cancer.

>> No.16638102
File: 1.60 MB, 1280x720, shitposting.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no cancer
no cancer
no cancer
no cancer
>spamming the same two actresses with at least five pictures every thread, but not actual content or discussion
no cancer
>hopelessly thinking that defending some whore in japan is going to get you pussy, thus digitally screaming at the top of your lungs that someone's waifu is shit, while at the same time assaulting the rest of the thread with more shitty photos of your inferior waifu
no cancer

>someone taking the time to create subtitles for a show many people in the thread watch and talk about
stage 3 cancer, metastasised and spread to lymph nodes already

>> No.16638141

Oakland and the Sora spammer gets shit all the time though.

>> No.16638148

Considering that the guy who does the subs got multiple shitters in the last thread already, it's not nearly proportional. I think I've seen people complain about Sora maybe four times, and half of that was me.

>> No.16638170
File: 52 KB, 879x703, mod's_face_when.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please keep in mind that this is a blue board. although the nature of the topics discussed in this thread are on the obscene side, kindly refrain from posting any NSFW images or spoiler the image if for some reason you still find it necessary to post it without first black-baring out the explicit portions. thanks.

pic somewhat related.

might incorporate the pastebin link with past episodes provided by Neet-anon™ (person doing the sub work) along with the latest unsubbed episodes in the thread opener

might also include say two of the most recent subbed episodes in a separate post

kindly provide any feedback that you feel might improve this thread

>> No.16638214

>Forgetting about Shuri's and AIKA's spammers

>> No.16638241

What's the doujin this is based on?

>> No.16638278

Some badly drawn crap about a girl buying a male prostitute.

>> No.16638421

Should I decide to
What jap paysite do I give my freedomshekels to?
Looking for the artistic works of Saki Okuda and Ruri Saijo for starters

>> No.16638425

>get cancer
>become singer

>> No.16639104

Who ever is subbing this boring show deserves to be paid

>> No.16639194

Don't forget the autist who spams "corr Jav industry"

>> No.16639205

I don't know you guys watch this. I watch JAV to jerk off then I close all windows and get on with my day. I don't care to know about them, and I'm not going to give this PG variety show an hour off of my day to see pornstars do fortune telling or whatever

>> No.16639249

Dumb animeposter.

>> No.16639260

Reiko Sawamura is retiring I think. That's what the title of ADN-121 is saying

>> No.16639337

half of them look nothing like their vid
too much make up in the vids and too much photoshop in the pics
jesus how horrifying

>> No.16639385

Alerting people about human rights violations that is happening right before their eyes in this corrupt JAV industry is not spam. I am doing a humanitarian service to the woman and men who have been exploited and abused by this corrupt industry. What have you done to help the world today? Jack off to more scat porn?

>> No.16639434

No-one thinks you're clever/funny and it's sad that I had to point this out

>> No.16639455

It's not like people care. I personally haven't seen much or any corrupt stuff so I can't comment on the subject.

Every industry has some bad stuff going on behind the scenes, but it's not like you can do anything about it.

>> No.16639799
File: 100 KB, 680x1024, tmp_1206-IMG_20160722_091252991161811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit for my mama love?

>> No.16639801

> but it's not like you can do anything about it.
Especially when all you are doing is posting about it on an imageboard where the majority of people are pirating instead of supporting the industry.

It's not like we can threaten boycott or anything.

>> No.16639888

Pretty much this >>16639434

You're like a retarded kid.

>> No.16640175
File: 2.92 MB, 430x400, retarded grandma.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's your favorite actually old mature AV performer?

>> No.16640180


>> No.16640181


>> No.16640242

Ai Komori
She's like 40 or 50 but looks 20.

>> No.16640260

He's being facetious. Everyone told him to shut the fuck up about it last time because the argument was going nowhere and instead of leaving it he brings it up every chance he gets.
He doesn't give a fuck about the jav idols, he just wants the attention it gives him because we know it's him every time he brings it up to derail the thread.

>> No.16640265

Iroha Narumiya

>> No.16640274

If I was desperate for attention, I would trip/namefag like Oakland does. Relax, dude. The purpose of this thread is to communicate with like-minded individuals.

>> No.16640288

Cool it with your shitty meme and you can go back to blending in with the other Anonymous'
That's all everyone ever asked for.

>> No.16640348


>> No.16640653

until you get stuck in a malfunctioning one...

>> No.16640665

dmm/r18 is a safe bet

>> No.16641056
File: 164 KB, 900x1200, C5q3VbrUwAEo_yq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with your way of treating JAV, but then other people have their own way. If that means caring for the non-porn aspect like the daily life and side jobs of the actresses then so be it.
Call it cancerous or idolfaggotry or whatever but you should expect them to be here. This thread in SFW board like /jp is probably the only place to talk about such thing. I wouldn't dare talk about Muscat Night or post tame photos from twitter in JAV thread in /hc, /gif, or /t for example. Plenty of choices for your straight no-nonsense porn fix there.

>> No.16641538

this is gravure?

>> No.16642000



>> No.16642264
File: 219 KB, 1200x1200, C5ug3ksU4AATnm0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16642282

Rip for some March 1st releases are up, folks
>inb4 obligatory monthly "Shoko is still boring" comment

>> No.16642334
File: 194 KB, 949x1200, C5r-dDhUoAESOJV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16642649 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 690x462, 1-690x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16642653
File: 382 KB, 326x462, 1457989617163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16642667

I thought japanese women were actually pretty

>> No.16642692
File: 116 KB, 767x1024, C5uzFsdU4AEtOan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't they?

>> No.16642696


>> No.16642741

i would bang them all except for the one on the far right

>> No.16642781

I'll bang her for you dude.

>> No.16643078

The pretty one is the one in the front row on the right.

>> No.16643644

Mimi a cute

>> No.16643710
File: 130 KB, 1366x768, peroperos3felagirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any fans of Ayashiro Yurina? I saw her on Pero Pero House and I think she's kinda cute.

>> No.16644038

She's the most (well, was, I think she's retired now) beautiful jav actress for me, I don't understand why she's not famous

>> No.16644046


>> No.16644096

anyone know where to get a torrent for HITMA-205 ? i can't find anywhere

>> No.16644118

dear anon who sub these videos, may I translate your sub into my language and post them?????
I will give any credit needed, of course!

>> No.16644156

Yes, you can do whatever you want with them without any need for crediting.

>> No.16644251

Any Kurea Hasumi fags here?

I'm looking for more like HZGD-030 from her. Specifically that scene on the couch. She got so super sweaty and the lighting was great which made her /fit/ body look even better.

>> No.16644269

You don't even really get to know them. This shit is fake as fuck.

>> No.16644367

>Ayashiro Yurina
she did a lot of anal sex

>> No.16644385

I want to cum on those tanned backs

>> No.16644541

looks like a monkey

>> No.16644620
File: 95 KB, 1024x768, C5lWxICVAAAOMZm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well of course we don't get to know them for real. You know that their stage names aren't their real names, and most of the time their birthday are fake too.
And most importantly, the image they've shown to us, that they tried to sell to us are fake too. If Minami Kojima want us to believe that she's an idiot through that show then so be it. Same thing when an actress declared that she really love sex in interview segment in an AV. There's no point wondering whether or not that's how she really is in private, they don't want us to know and so we just have to accept their stage persona. Common stuff in entertainment business.

On top of that show like Muscat Night is made purely for entertainment. They're overplaying their image and sometimes creating new image entirely (Yoshizawa Yuki never really act like brash delinquent in her AV unlike her personality in Muscat Night for example). They usually act more grounded in more serious non-porn TV show/documentary or interviews.

>> No.16644899

>Ichikawa Masami
>no glasses

>> No.16644926

I like her body but hate her face

>> No.16645028

She's not exactly pretty but I don't hate her face. Her body makes more than up for it though.

>> No.16645143

Anal when? no, srly, I asked Santa last year for it and still waiting, goddamn is a sin not to tap that ass.

>> No.16645163

Hello, I am looking for a Atsuko Maeda lookalike. Does anyone spring to mind?

>> No.16645385

Kohaku Uta played her in a bunch of parodies.

>> No.16645554

>Kirara will shave her pussy if she wins

>> No.16645633
File: 663 KB, 1900x1263, 2016-Tokyo-Auto-Show-images-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any link please, jp pals?

svdvd 287
svdvd 362

>> No.16645694

What the fuck happened to openload?

>> No.16645717

You mean why does it go slow as fuck, taking to dl days what it took minutes before? dunno but has been happening since 2 months ago

>> No.16645725

That aside, everything has also completely disappeared

>> No.16645823

I can't find any JAV that is just girl, camera, dildo. You know like, dirty talk/encouragement videos or whatever it's called.

Does it exist? Please recommend

>> No.16646013


She was 16 in that vid.

>> No.16646019


This looks interesting. It has Yuuna Himekawa in it, but I've never seen that label before, the screenshots are also rather unique.

>> No.16646041

really? we should band together and take down yua mikami

>> No.16646055

Shit, Mei Hayama is retiring

>> No.16646124

Is VR jav exists?

>> No.16646134


>> No.16646176

Been a fan of hers every since I first saw her in Ayami's JAV where she has an uncredited lesbian scene with her. Also was a fan of her (probably former now) friend Kokoa Aisu but it looks like they both have retired now.

>> No.16646178
File: 2.91 MB, 257x212, 1485646260603.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They all look the same, some are just uglier than others, lmao.

>> No.16646412

....huh...I mean, I didn't think it would last forever but at the very least I thought it would last longer than this.

>> No.16646574

that title lelz

> SNIS-659
anybody knows of a download with this, high quality and no chink stamp? (yellow text they place there)

>> No.16646580


No guarantee on the watermark, but their usually isn't one for FHD videos.

>> No.16646658

cheers anon, thanks

>> No.16646711

Stick around.

>> No.16646777

Tfw AV actresses are travelling in the commoner carriage and can't afford green car tickets. Well that confirms what we know, shit pay/shit working conditions.

>> No.16646792

They're actually in a green car

>> No.16646818

They're not. Seating formation is 2x2 in green cars (or 2x1 depending on the train). You cannot have A/B/C on the same side. Also that seat cover = commoner car.

t. Been travelling green car only for 3 years now.

>> No.16646843

Im traveling to japan next week, can you show me around greenanon

>> No.16646917

I don't live there, just travelling for vacations/business often. Otherwise I would gladly have went to AV events with you. Always fun to attend with as many foreigners as possible, especially for lesser known actresses.

You should go to one while you're there.

>> No.16646918

Trying to find the other stuff too. Most of them have 0 seeds though.

>> No.16646920

anyone here learning moon speak to better understand their javfu

>> No.16646930
File: 45 KB, 408x439, 1460348476958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Otherwise I would gladly have went to AV events with you

>> No.16646933

they let foreigners attend events?

>> No.16646938

Oh come now, they let anybody with money enter.

If you're too much of a coward to go by yourself, why even ask?

>> No.16646943

Why wouldn't they? As long as you follow the rules (and understand enough Japanese to follow basic directions) there's no issue.

It's a business, your yens are just like Japanese's people yens. It's one of the only thing they have left to keep the retailers afloat. Without those events AV physical distribution would be dead, especially the smaller shops. Who the fuck still buys digital releases?

>> No.16646954

I agree its pointless to buy digital releases if you live in japan, but buying physical copies of AV is a pain in the ass if you are overseas especially if your waifu releases two a month. I just thought japs were xenophobic

>> No.16646965

It's likely going to be between Kirara & Yua.

Definitely Shoko.

>> No.16647034

I just voted for Kirara in hopes we get to see that bald puss

>> No.16647046

>voting for Kirara
You're the worse

>> No.16647057

Have you guys tried http://www.jptorrent.org/index.php ?

You need a randomly generated reference code similar to those web API keys of the upload to download it though, I think.

>> No.16647069


New Muteki. Who's that chaku ero idol? Is it Miyako Akane?

>> No.16647093

she probably has done more work in the industry than all those other hoes combined

>> No.16647124

is this some kind of meme?

>> No.16647140

Aw, Moe graduated. That's a shame. Anyone have any inkling on what her dream might be? Or maybe she simply found someone, I don't know.

So happy Yura returned though.

>> No.16647147

she is probably tired of being degraded on national television

>> No.16647212

>hating on the best girl
truly worse than that corrupt industry fag

>> No.16647219

i wish someone would translate the Katsushika Heights series
