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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 56 KB, 735x274, 1shanten hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16555331 No.16555331 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16556025

>fail Tacos

>> No.16556304
File: 737 KB, 1366x768, Taco Grande.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess she will have to use "that"

>> No.16556612


>> No.16556652


>> No.16556664


>> No.16556675


the time has come

>> No.16556692

What? I thought it was only the Washizu match that was ending, not the entire manga.

>> No.16556702

it was announced only 3 chapters left for washizu, so in April it will probably be over, so we will have 1 tankobon left for the epilogue

>> No.16556931

It's monthly right? Guess I'll be catching up soon

>> No.16557281
File: 318 KB, 660x400, 1453215150633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the biggest fucking bullshit shit cunt game I've seen. Holy shit this makes me mad fuck this over 1 hour playing this bullshit game. Pissed me off to no end banged my elbow against my glass desk almost broke it.

Yes I know I dealt in like a fucking retard but holy shit this game can suck a bag of dicks.

>> No.16557497

>Gets second when not close to first

>> No.16557518

Look at all those honba, man. I'd feel like it was a waste of time, too. Games where one fag steals all the flow and the rest have to fight for 2nd aren't exactly fun. It's like watching three kids fight each each over a scrap of bread.

>> No.16557537

2nd and 3rd I mean.

>> No.16557553

It doesn't matter whether I got second or not, I'd rather get 4th in a fair match that lasts half the time.

The toimen won 12 fucking hands and most of them were within the first 10 draws.

>> No.16557750
File: 27 KB, 640x454, 1463541632790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that people deal into stupid crazy expensive hands all game but when I call riichi suddenly everyone knows how to defend? I rarely tsumo even on a good wait. I feel like I'm cursed.

>> No.16557850

You missed the part where the dealer always riichis behind you.

This is probably my worst month ever.

>> No.16558212

And also:

Someone else deals in: late round riichi 2000
I deal in: 6th turn dama dealer haneman

>> No.16558296
File: 482 KB, 906x770, come on now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you. Fuck this game. I need a break.

>> No.16559271
File: 462 KB, 494x480, Mahjong7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In first place by 12k
This doesn't look so bad
>The next 3 hands everyone else hits an ippatsumo

>> No.16561509
File: 460 KB, 903x764, riichi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need your expert opinions. Should first place be calling riichi here? He's already 26k ahead.

>> No.16561528

Doesn't take an expert to realize that he shouldn't.

>> No.16561580

It was inevitable

>> No.16561634

Absolutely not. He has tanyao already, he doesn't need more points, his wait isn't good, he's going against two tenpai both of which are easily mangan or more, there's a kan in place and the possibility of drawing a risky dora is high.

In short, not a single fucking reason to call riichi. Whether it paid off or not is irrelevant, he simply shouldn't have done it.

>> No.16561674

Ok I was thinking what I would do if I were in the same situation. I almost considered doing the same after seeing him get away with it. Mahjong always makes me question myself.

>> No.16561854

Your points is a clear indicator as to why not. A riichi there, expecially with someone at hadaka tanki, puts you at risk of drawing into a deal-in.

>> No.16561988

Los Angeles Pride of Mahjong tournament is still accepting entries! Come on down and be the next Akagi! http://pacificml.com/tournaments/lapom-championship-2017

>> No.16562686

Since I'm NEET, I might go to a mahjong event for retired people, if I get the courage to go outside. I hope it's not American mahjong.

>> No.16562700

Not only is 60 USD already expensive, but tickets for flights are expensive too.

>> No.16562716

Good luck Anon. Chances are it's probably Chinese or Hong Kong but you might have fun anyway (I didn't).

>> No.16562731

I enjoy MCR, so HK can't be bad.

>> No.16562867


What is this game and how did I win. 7447 is madness. I thought the first hand was insane when the guy calls kan after riichi and I get 3 dora and I decide to push but that was just the tip of the iceberg.

>> No.16563333

Will there be a stream?

>> No.16563526


>> No.16563565


>> No.16564144


>> No.16564234


>> No.16564752

This again

>> No.16565289

The beauty of that suuankou is that even if it hadn't been a suuankou, it would have been a 17 han counted yakuman.

>> No.16565591


>> No.16565593

So how is a hand like that scored in Aotenjou?

>> No.16565648

You bend over, the other guy pulls out a really long ruler and basically you get 2cm in for every han.

>> No.16565667

Well obviously. What I mean is does the yakuman (13 han) take precedence, can you count the 17 han, or do they stack somehow?

>> No.16565670

If my fu counting isn't utter shit, which it likely is, that hand would be 171,798,691,840 points. Or if I'm wrong, it would be higher.

>> No.16565990
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>for retired people
Would such people have a car like this?

>> No.16566350
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>> No.16566358
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>> No.16566392

git gud

>> No.16566670
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, [Nozomi] Saki - 18 (BD 720p).mkv_snapshot_17.55_[2017.02.14_06.02.39].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ippatsumo 9 dora
the girl who was cucked to death

>> No.16566689

>kokushi musou
I shouldn't shitpost while watching

>> No.16567396

That's what happens when you play against bainin.

>> No.16567661
File: 126 KB, 325x325, Smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tobi magnet to yakuman

Sucks to be you

>> No.16568410

Thought I'd rank up to 5 Dan but noooo it decides that my win rate isn't low enough. Back to the slow grinding.

>> No.16570145


I swear I'm cursed. Look at my E3, E4 and S1 hands.

>> No.16570596

Jeez anon what'd you do to piss off the mahjong gods that much? Lady Luck shat all over you in that game. I was happy when you finally one a hand but then you immediately dealt in again.

>> No.16571167
File: 11 KB, 235x250, 1484321816326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ragequit tier bullshit right there

>> No.16571784
File: 46 KB, 668x662, 1448231747283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucktard keeps dealing in on East 1
>End up 2nd from wind position

>> No.16572997


>> No.16573463

So, how much mahjong terminology do you know?


>> No.16573709

All of it, because I actually read the rules to mahjong.

>> No.16573829

Do you know house yaku?

>> No.16573862

Probably not.

>> No.16576222
File: 46 KB, 362x298, 1457498739245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16576242

>165 pages
I guess I'm sticking to go and chess then

>> No.16576255

The basics to can learn in a few minutes. It's all the intricacies that you can keep writing about

>> No.16576311

It's only that big because it has Chinese and Japanese versions of the text too, and some really in-depth explanations of every yaku.
It's not hard to read from cover to cover.

>> No.16576462

Check out this English commentary on a Japanese professional women's league game! (Two parts)



>> No.16578766

the basics are much easier than 165 pages. People like to overcomplicate the rules and explain everything.

>> No.16578793


This is really high quality. Mondo TV needs to make more.

>> No.16579557
File: 22 KB, 420x209, Fuck this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get into a rut
>can't snap out of it

>> No.16579660

Right!? I keep losing to the most bullshit hands, even when I have great starting hands and get in tenpai or riichi early. Those motherfuckers get me every fucking time. It's like amemo went out that defending against me is unessecary since I'll deal into any bullshit wait they pull out of their asses no matter how wide mine are

>> No.16582119

What level of proficiency do I need to have at this game to be able to play online? I've been playing for about a month or so on the gamedesign site, and I'm getting pretty comfortable with the game, but I still take a little bit to take a turn sometimes to analyze all of the alternatives. I assume tenhou has timers, would I be supremely fucking in a game just by being relatively new and slower than most? Are there "beginner tables"?

>> No.16582133

If you played for a month then you're probably already better than 90% of ippan. Tenhou has a timer, but gamedesign has the AI discard instantly whereas in tenhou other players will also take some time, giving you more time to think about your next discard.

And even then, you have 20 seconds to pick a tile, which will get progressively shorter if you run the timer down.

I'd say you're more than ready to play in Tenhou.

>> No.16582147

That's pretty reassuring, thanks anon, I'll give it a shot

>> No.16582171

In tough situations, I've seen top level players run out of time before, and that wasn't even on the fast mode. It's something that happens.

>> No.16582207
File: 128 KB, 480x270, 1337551579713.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When I first started in Tenhou, I didn't know shit.

>> No.16582214

Play as a noname for a while, just to get a feel for it. There's zero downside to losing and you can learn from your mistakes

>> No.16582221

Just remember that it's alright if things go bad, but just don't disconnect. It ruins the fun for everyone else on the table.

>> No.16582269

Awesome watch
Hope to see more

>> No.16582283

They really need hand overlays like in professional poker broadcasts. It gets way too hard to figure out what everyone has and what they're going for when you can only see their hands for 2 seconds at a time. Mount the camera above the table so we can see the discards, too.

I guess there's nothing they can do if it's just a redub of a japanese broadcast, though. Do more modern ones have more modern features? I guess the experienced Japanese commentator is probably a bit quicker on the commentary, too, so that probably helps.

>> No.16582420

I used to watch a lot Mondo TV pro games on niconico back in the day when you could still get them for free and their broadcasts have looked and been produced exactly like this for at least ten years and probably more. I can't imagine they have a lot of motivation to change things, televised pro mahjong is a pretty niche audience that probably skews very old

>> No.16582534
File: 1.26 MB, 1472x1100, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Won my first game, got some decent hands too, I'm definitely feeling more confident with this than before. Thanks for the encouragement.

>> No.16582744
File: 328 KB, 808x676, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what this means? It was weird, I was dealt my hand and a button popped up at the bottom right of the screen?

>> No.16582759

kyuushu kyuuhai

Basically if your starting hand has 9 different honor or terminal tiles of nine different types, you can reveal your hand and force a redeal if you don't want to go for a kokushi /chanta or junchan

>> No.16583228
File: 337 KB, 865x1200, 5ecd90bfa6bbc658b25520a07e80022b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just had a game of unparalleled intensity that got my blood boiling! I needed to be reminded of the sheer joy in trading blows with folks in your level. Especially after a bunch of downer games.

>> No.16584443

From what I know about televised games, their broadcast format is the way it is because it's hard to show the player's hands, the discard pile, and the players themselves all at the same time.

Definitely leave a comment/thumbs up behind on the videos though, because Ben (one of the commentators) is angling for improved international representation of televised mahjong, so they might actually change their format if you tell them simple things like "show an overhead view of the discard piles when someone declares riichi" or something like that. They're starting to listen.

>> No.16584664

>playing as a NoName

Just type in a name.

>> No.16585910

Haven't played in a while. P-Pls be gentle.

>> No.16586312

>get double riichi
>never get the tile I need
every time

>> No.16586389


>> No.16587737
File: 2.56 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Achiga such a shit school?

>> No.16587746
File: 405 KB, 736x624, 1474773730680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kamicha double riichi
>you're basically fucked

>> No.16587753

Is the Kokushi 13 THE best wait? Kyuuhai are basically always discarded unless someone is going for honroutou / chunroutou or have some other lucky hand that can use it and jihai are basically just always discarded period.

>> No.16587874
File: 318 KB, 1363x848, Nichijou2015-07_p002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And this is why you don't call riichi unless you're fucking sure about what you're doing. I hit a shit tenpai that wouldn't have gotten me out of 4th. Not calling riichi saved my ass.

>> No.16587904

>200 above #4

>> No.16587929

Tohai S3 when?

>> No.16588294


>> No.16591236

Is there some kind of yaku calculator that shows you possible winning hands based on what you currently have?

>> No.16592130

>have somewhat big fast hand
>someone always has a faster one

>> No.16592658

In a tournament, that would be cheating. But I don't know if one exists.
Then again, many things tenhou does for players would be considered cheating. It tells you when you can riichi, it tells you when you can tsumo or ron, it tells you so many things you'd normally have to notice yourself.

>> No.16593330

someday. Stay strong. ;_;

>> No.16593393

>it tells you so many things you'd normally have to notice yourself
To be fair there's not much you can do about that unless you want to have all the buttons ready at all times.

I think it's actually statistically the case that if you have a big and fast hand, it makes it far more likely that the hands of everyone else are also going to be faster than normal
I mean imagine if you start with ryanshanten for chinitsu. It means that everyone else is that much closer to being dealt hands full of the other two suits.

>> No.16593431


>> No.16593511
File: 513 KB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_Nichijou_03_(1280x720_H.264_AAC)_[35CB9E9E].mkv_snapshot_09.37_[2017.01.18_20.10.18].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decide to play a game before I go to bed. In one game I lost all my progress for the day (four 2nd places). Now I can't sleep.

>> No.16593665


I think I'm done for the week.

>> No.16593710


>> No.16593735

How do I into Mahjong?

>> No.16593745

never give up

>> No.16593767

know when to give up

>> No.16593803

Just give up.

>> No.16595582
File: 6 KB, 299x169, Fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12 hours of real tile mahjong yesterday
>my face

>> No.16595621

>play 6 full 4-wind rounds of mahjong last week during family gathering party
>get my shit pushed in six ways to sunday by my oneechan, including a tenhou

>> No.16595624
File: 137 KB, 400x546, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Walking around Mahjong tournament between games
>Overhear conversation about Comeback Corak

>> No.16595629

Wait what

>> No.16595635
File: 2.29 MB, 272x400, 1360188228860.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your oneechan. Is she lesbian?

>> No.16595639


>> No.16595904

Super beginner question but what yaku should I be going for to start off? The only one I ever have any success building is yakuhai?

I should be looking a building pinfu as well right?

>> No.16595934

Pin fu, tanyao, riichi, and yakuhai are by far the most common.

If you are only hitting yakupai then you probably need to stop calling so often. You shouldn't be calling anything in more than 1 in 3 or so hands.

>> No.16595938

Yea, I figured a much. I don't know what the best tile is to discard to build a certain meld so a lot of times I end up inadvertently dismantling my hand.

>> No.16595950

>you want to have all the buttons ready at all times
Yes, I want all actions to be available at all times.

>> No.16595971


>> No.16596870

Corak, please.

>> No.16597536

>about to get in tenpai with a kokushi hell wait
>right before I get in tenpai someone discards the tile I need
>end up in last
fuck this shit

>> No.16598054


>> No.16598134

I'm really starting to hate this game. I spend hours playing and studing and tying to improve, and then I start losing, and I go on tilt and lose even more, and it all goes down the fucking drain. So I step away from it for a week or so to calm down and regain my focus. And I deal into a 15-han kazoe yakuman. 48,000 points. In East 1.

Whatever it is that makes good riichi players, I don't have it, and I don't think I ever will.

>> No.16598147

I was playing in L0 and drove two people to ragequit just by getting consecutive ippatsu tsumos. It actually makes me want to register an ID so I can play in rooms where people don't ragequit at the drop of a hat, even though I don't play often enough to grind out rank or care about stats.

>> No.16598181
File: 128 KB, 640x480, [SMC] Sailor Moon - 002 (R2 DVD 480p H264 AAC)[21C47DF8].mkv_snapshot_21.31_[2017.02.06_10.59.48].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people just have bad luck. I was going to try to be the best player I could despite shit luck but it's not working out too well. I've been to tokujou and back so it's not like I'm an overly aggressive person who never defends. But there are just too many games where I get wrecked by kiddies who just came out of ippan because they have lady luck over their shoulder despite them making the most dangerous and illogical plays possible. Feels like every day I make one step forward and five steps back.

>> No.16598205

Is it ok if I use the HTML5 client which can't use chat in /jp/ lobby?

>> No.16598215

there's no luck in mahjong. there's skill and how many games you play. if you're better than your opponents, you will eventually win more than they do.

"Luck" is what happens when you're not playing enough games.

What makes a good riichi player is having the determination to keep playing even when things are going badly, and the ability to keep playing well even when you deal into 10 hands in a row.

Well, that and having bullshit psychic abilities like all the high-level players do.

>> No.16598234


Sure. I hardly ever see people use chat (Granted, I'm not in there a large percentage of the time), and people who play NoName can't use it to begin with.

>> No.16598302
File: 129 KB, 748x590, 1801e9b351d446bcf1b4aef7f5d4d20e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing live in a jansou tournament feel like pic related

>> No.16598418

use the desktop client with minhoulib hack

>> No.16598817
File: 1.16 MB, 1026x795, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16598872

You didn't tsumo fast enough

>> No.16599519

>there's no luck in mahjong
That's a lie. Any game with randomness has some involved unless you make it duplicate. Duplicate bridge removes the luck from bridge, and duplicate poker removed the luck from poker. I saw someone developing duplicate mahjong, but I don't think it will work.

>> No.16599525

The desktop client is closed source, and therefore doesn't install.

>> No.16599551

You're missing the point.

>> No.16599582
File: 246 KB, 900x670, 6cbe1c3fdcb8039400d3f7629aa8c822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is most certainly luck in Mahjong, suggesting otherwise is ludicrous. Being "good" at Mahjong is essentially playing with the utmost consistency and efficiency in order to curtail the random aspects of the game because it's so unpredictable, which is pretty telling of the amount of luck there is to it.

Mahjong skill has the power to counteract a lot of the luck in the game, but not all of it. See: that replay of the guy dealing into the daburii Kokushi 13 way wait. Skill told him to through an edge tile; a completely beginning player in the same situation might've thrown any random tile and had a good chance of avoiding that through luck alone.

I heard it best described through a quote in that recent English MONDO TV commentary:
"Every action is 100% skill. Every result is 100% luck."

>> No.16599612


Over a large set of data, luck balances out. If you are "unlucky", you just haven't played enough games yet.

No fucking shit there's luck in the individual games, but those individual games don't matter. Hell, an entire night of games don't matter. What matters is how you perform overall. And how you perform overall isn't based on luck - it's based on skill and consistency.

>> No.16599731

You're right, I just think that the statement "there's no luck in mahjong" could be better worded because I found it a bit contradictory to the game itself. I didn't really make clear that I wasn't disagreeing with the rest of your post, mostly focusing on the semantics of that one statement.

Really sorry about that!

I do agree with what you're saying though, I guess I wanted to point out the large presence of luck in the game because I find that the dedication and consistency it takes to be skilled is impressive compared to its contemporaries, though I can see that the connotation of a game being based on luck is generally a negative one, and that I might've come off as trying to justify poor play with the game itself being based on luck.

>> No.16600117

This is exactly like my Chinese cartoons.

>> No.16601732

Unfortunately, tournaments do not have a large number of games to outset those luck elements. Yet, there are moments where skill does come to play, in determining a good or bad outcome on an individual level.

>> No.16604071
File: 95 KB, 734x625, Got it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7447 yakuman

>> No.16604120


>> No.16605311

It's not even a tanki, don't post that shit here.

>> No.16605571

What's wrong anon? That guy just posted a nice suuankou from 7447, no reason to get so worked up.

>> No.16607338

Why you so jelly?

>> No.16607470

He contributed more to the thread than you did, fucktard.

>> No.16607883

When counting Fu, does a Ron that would complete a closed triplet count as open or closed? I know that it counts as non-concealed for the purposes of scoring Suuankou, but I'm wondering if the same logic applies to Fu.

>> No.16607968

Ron and fu:
If you Ron and your hand was closed, you get 10 extra fu. Ron with an open hand has no bonus.

If you win off of a kanchan, penchan or tanki wait you add 2 fu ( Ron or tsumo)

If you win by tsumo, no matter the wait type, you get 2 additional fu.

So to answer your question, there is no relation between the wait type fu bonus and the win type bonus. They are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.16608154
File: 140 KB, 643x331, image (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you

>> No.16608163

How much does Akagi bench?

>> No.16608173
File: 64 KB, 414x600, agagi 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2500 CCs

>> No.16608637

Are you sure about that? I though the question was if you win on a 2p ron you get 2 (plus if closed the 10 bonus), whereas if you tsumo it you get the full 4 (in addition to the tsumo bonus of 2).

>If you win by tsumo, no matter the wait type, you get 2 additional fu.
Unless it's pinfu as well, except under certain rulesets.

>> No.16608725

Shanpon open meld, so 2/4 fu for non-terminals/terminals.

>> No.16608745

terminals *and honors

>> No.16608930

>If you played for a month then you're probably already better than 90% of ippan
When do I know if I'm better? Been playing for like a week here and my winnings seem random

>> No.16608946

If I were you, I wouldn't care about that. Just play. When you feel ready to play ranked, then do that. Enjoy your newbie bliss, while you can.

>> No.16608983

Post replays and we can tell you where you are screwing up or if it's just bad luck.

Also read up on tile efficiency.

While in ippan defense isn't all that important but if it's Joukyuu you will need to learn the basics.

>> No.16609236


>> No.16609275


Last 2 games

>> No.16609292
File: 105 KB, 733x624, So much for a cheap quick hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7447 yakuman

>> No.16609297

Wow that's not even the 13 sided wait don't post that shit here.

>> No.16609302
File: 13 KB, 209x200, 1400033565643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least put a little effort into it.

>> No.16609308

I just looked first 3 rounds, and here's what I can tell you.
Stop making unnecessary calls.
Stop keeping useless honors that hold back your hand.

>> No.16609434

Toitoi is a mediocre yaku that's overrated by beginners. Stop calling so much. If you hit a lot of pairs chitoitsu is often a better choice. If you get a couple yakupai then you can consider toitoi.

Single dragons are mostly useless. Your main yaku should be riichi, pin fu, or tanyao unless you have an obvious other choice. If you have a pair and some dora then sure go for yakupai.

You need to learn tile efficiency, particularly a lone 3-7 has a ton of options to turn into something. For example with a 4, any of 2,3,4,5,6 turn it into a wait. The OP pastebin has a bunch of good links.

I could break it down hand by hand if you really want, but I think the issues here are more basic which is perfectly normal for a new player.

>> No.16609458

South 2 on the first game is a perfect example of what you are doing wrong when you call the 3p. In addition to dropping a bunch of things that would help you build a hand (6m, 3m) and keeping a useless single wind you call with absolutely no idea what yaku you are going for.

I guess you could possibly back into a yakupai on the wind at this point but this is a made for riichi hand. You already have enough dora for dealer mangan and some good potential for waits but once this call happens the hand is basically over for you unless you can get a couple east winds.

>> No.16609478

Is anyone else having massive trouble uploading images

>> No.16609481

Yes I just got blocked. Don't know if it's just this thread or the whole site.

>> No.16609486

/a/ and /tg/ are up in arms about it so it's sitewide

>> No.16609507

A site hiccup is happening now.

>> No.16609508

Can't even make a thread in /qa/ or something to bring this to Hiroshima's attention because images are fucked.

>> No.16609521

man I can smell the salt all over this one

>> No.16609587


>> No.16609593

Are you dumb?

>> No.16610218


>> No.16610236


>> No.16610238


>> No.16610496

Is there a term for when someone draws a tile they already have in hand and deals the one in hand rather than just tsumogiri-ing it?

I've been doing this for a long time since I'd always seen it being done in replays, but I have no idea what it might be called.

>> No.16610620

It's called karagiri. There are times where you should and shouldn't do it (usually it's the latter) so don't just do it willy nilly.

>> No.16610622

空切り (karagiri)

>> No.16611597

>(usually it's the latter)
Why? Making your opponents believe you changed your hand when you didn't seems benefical to me most of the times. Why giving them the information that you didn't?

>> No.16611614

If you do it all the time then it loses its edge. Use it when you're trying to hide a dama tenpai

>> No.16611760

But my opponents won't know I'm doing it all the time, unless I'm playing repeatedly with the same people. Though, yeah as long as you're not in tenpai it likely won't matter either way.

>> No.16612695

Anyone having a really bad month? I am in a funk I can't seem to shake off.

Is this something you guys dealt with?:
>Play too aggressively, get mad wins but deal in way too fucking much
>Start defending once I see folks ready or with open hands that seem dangerous
>Never deal in, bit constantly last by tsumo drain
>Looking for middle ground, constantly deal in to horseshit waits like tanki or guest winds

What's infuriating is how everytime I find a good balance it carries me for weeks but then turns to shit and I'm back at square one

>> No.16612786


>> No.16612904

Post some of your replays.

>> No.16612908

>back at square one
That is Tenhou ranking in a nutshell

>> No.16613638

>didn't play for 2 weeks
>come back and play
>1st game is full of bullshit
Jesus, I'll come back in a few days.

>> No.16614353

When you karagiri, you're telling your opponents that you discarded a tile from your hand. From their perspective, the tile you discarded could be a tile that's related to your wait, for example if you had 334 and discarded the 3 then they'd be more wary of the 25. This kind of karagiri is detrimental.

If you're waiting on tiles in that area, don't karagiri. If you're not, karagiri is probably okay, but the safest way is just to tsumogiri and not give them any information at all.

>> No.16614511
File: 418 KB, 1024x768, 天鳳__Windows版_2017-02-22_230816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sad. I'm not sad at all. All smiles here.

>> No.16615169

Oh my god, I understand duplicate mahjong now. The tiles you draw from are made into four piles, one for each player, so that pungs don't alter what tiles everyone gets afterwards.
I really want to play duplicate mahjong now.

>> No.16619733

duplicate mahjong isn't really mahjong though. it's a bit silly to aim to take the luck out of a luck-based gambling game.

>> No.16619981

That's wrong. That's like saying duplicate bridge isn't bridge, when in fact, duplicate bridge is the only type of bridge people play nowadays.
The move to duplicate mahjong would be good for everyone.

>> No.16620158

it's not wrong at all. the entire point behind mahjong is that it's a game where skill is an important factor, but is not primary. turning it into just another competition game is turning it into something that it isn't supposed to be. you don't see tournaments play duplicate texas hold em or see duplicate tournament blackjack for the same reason.

>> No.16620225
File: 41 KB, 483x363, 1363855096336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well done, Corak, you fucker.

>> No.16620227

Sorry Doragan, the flow that whole game was fucked up. All those dama.

>> No.16620277
File: 107 KB, 734x627, Just what I wanted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That fucking replay
We were all so reckless, everyone dealt in twice or more and there was only 1 tsumo all game. That was a nasty uradora on that first hand though. Thought I would be fighting to stay out of 4th all game, which I mostly was.

>Hitting the sex button for absolutely no reason in 1st on S4 to gift me 1st place.
If he stays dama he likely discards the 3m and adds a sanshoku wait while playing something safer. A 2k player should know better.

>> No.16620293

>We were all so reckless
I'll admit that Kan on the first Renchan of E1 was really fucking stupid, but surprisingly it was the one thing I didn't get punished for. If I had called riichi, I would have gotten 2 ura there, though, but seeing that one of the 4s was the new dora indicator I figured I didn't have many chances of getting it.

>> No.16620374

>duplicate texas hold em
Except I do see tournaments for it.
Taking luck out of a game never makes a game worse. It either leaves it better or of the same quality.

>> No.16620422

Guys how do I get a mahjong tile as a keychain? Amazon only has terrible looking americanized tiles of dragons and I want a 5pin.

>> No.16621407

I bought an import Japanese Mahjong set that came with one (Suisen) but the one you get is completely random.

Try searching 麻雀キーホルダ or 麻雀ストラップ on google and see what services offer international shipping. I saw a few on Rakuten, though from the thumbnails I didn't see a 5p.

>> No.16621418

for the first one

>> No.16621527
File: 59 KB, 753x239, ithappenedagain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16623133
File: 500 KB, 809x660, regretabit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took the win, but I feel a bit of regret: I thought toiman had the missing hakus

>> No.16623431

You would be a fool to pass that up there anyways.

>> No.16623438

>The move to duplicate mahjong would be good for everyone
No, it takes the purity and fun out of the game.

>> No.16623447

If I wanted 100% skill I'd play Shogi instead

>> No.16623464


>> No.16623476


>> No.16625456


"Bad luck" is an understatement.

I made it to 5dan a month ago with R2000+. I felt so proud, like I'd really accomplished something. Now, with one or two exceptions, I lost every game I played in the past month, and I'm one more loss away from ranking down. If I attack, they ron. If I defend, they tsumo. Whatever I try to do to win just blows up in my face.

It honestly feels pretty hopeless, and I'm sorely tempted to just delete my account (again) and walk away from this game forever, but if I stop now in the back of my mind I'll always hear "You weren't good enough." So I keep playing. And here I am.

>> No.16625530

I'm right there with you. You forgot one:
>Get awesome tenpai in early round
> Other player Rons on the next turn

>> No.16625537

Went from 6 dan 1950 to 4 dan 1820 at one point. Tokujou can get nasty once you start doubting yourself.

>> No.16625969
File: 414 KB, 480x238, coin-flip-mcduck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in lead with over 50k
>Get ron'd by yakuhai nomi

>> No.16626140


New articles.

>> No.16626178


>> No.16627151

>Get awesome tenpai in early round
>Get only shitdraws afterwards
>Be so focused on your not progressing hand that you forget to defend and play into a big hand

>> No.16627734

guess some players here are Japanese
fess up

>> No.16627852
File: 55 KB, 600x800, ac6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese player reporting in!

>> No.16628002

Well we've checked it before, the userbase here is roughly 1/4 Strayans, 1/4 Yuros, and half in the Americas with most of those being burgers, a few leafs, and a couple random people from Mexico, Brazil, etc. More of the posters are burgers and strayans than others, but that's how most of the site is anyway.

If you mean ethnically then it should roughly match the demographics of the site as a whole except a little less white and more asian, but not as much as you might think. I would expect a decent amount of Koreans and Chinese, but white to be a majority.

>> No.16628035
File: 22 KB, 136x176, 1471685572992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leaver in 7447

>> No.16628057

After getting completely shit on in my last 5 games, this was a pretty nice change of pace.


>> No.16628058
File: 190 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] 3-gatsu no Lion - 10 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_04.01_[2016.12.21_22.19.15].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leaver in joukyuu

Well, more points for me, hopefully

>> No.16628062

I know right? I got three 1st in a row last night. It didn't completely fix my losses this month but it's a big help

>> No.16628067

I've seen people ragequit even in Tokujou. Granted, both times it was around S3-S4 and they couldn't complete a riichi tenpai and were way last in points.

Does 3gatsu actually have mahjong in it? I thought it was about shogi.

>> No.16628077

A couple times I've seen someone ragequit just because the dropped below 10k early. Both times their draws the next few hands would have made gotten them haneman.

>Does 3gatsu actually have mahjong in it? I thought it was about shogi.
No it's pure shogi.

>> No.16628081

It doesn't. This is just a scene where a frustrated player is going to go drink an gamble.

That said, there's a lot of overlap in the way the MC approaches Shogi and how we do so with mahjong. Suffering losses and worrying about rank. I found myself nodding in agreement at his views on the game.

I'd recommend it just for that

>> No.16628221

rank? throw the shit away right now
when we play at a mahjong parlor, there isn't such shit

>> No.16628230

If you can't get into tokujou, you're shit. SHIT.

>> No.16628491

clearly you're obsessed with that worthless shit
what are you going to do with the shit only available in the site?

>> No.16628498
File: 65 KB, 425x450, NO FUN ALLOWED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16628545

Apparently you are new. Many professional players play on Tenhou and they also hold paid tournaments. Your rank and stats are a good way of measuring your progress. Not to mention replays. That's why many mahjong players worth their salt play online as well as in person. You can't count deal-in rate, win rate, placement rate, etc for every game in person. If you don't really care about mahjong outside of playing a couple games every once in a while it doesn't matter, but if you want to improve your game Tenhou helps tremendously.

>> No.16628577
File: 45 KB, 611x506, Back to 5 dan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally. Decided this month to stop playing to win and instead to just avoid 4th place. This playstyle takes forever to rank up but you don't fall nearly as fast on bad days. I've had months where I played twice as many games and not had as many 3rd.

>> No.16628629

there are other online sites and tons of actual mahjong parlors where we can play with professionals.
if simply such figures made us stronger, that would have been the easiest way to improve our skills.

it's always fun to hear whatever tenhou junkies say and whatever they boast about.

>> No.16628649

BTW, how to play with a professional in tenhou?
don't tell me that there is just a possibility of it in a certain collaboration campaign
that's crap as hell

>> No.16628781

Is there any good singleplayer mahjong game you can play? I want to take some time to think what kind of hand I have and also get advice.

>> No.16628801

I like virtual tenhoG on Android. The op's pastebin should have plenty of other resources

>> No.16628807

Isn't there any Akagi or other fkmt games?

>> No.16628951

there are some pro lurking in Hooh
There a MJ Kindai app and it's pretty damn good

>> No.16628990


>> No.16629322

>Triple NoName

>> No.16629507
File: 112 KB, 379x427, dd61316bf9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Corak complaining about NoNames

>> No.16629557
File: 27 KB, 463x482, Too many NoNames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16629564

We're approaching end of the month, how's your progress, /jp/? I didn't have time for mahjong so 0+0+0+0 for me ;_;

>> No.16629572

The thing about NoName is they can be anyone. On average they almost always end up near the bottom of the 7447 rankings, but you can come across really good players just deciding to play anonymously.

When you get 3 of them though, chances are 2 of them are just bad.

>> No.16629645


Not that great, but turning things around

>> No.16629730

Well I think I just proved the point, 1 can be good but 3 means usually a bad game.

>> No.16629779
File: 86 KB, 960x544, ryounogotokuisshin1027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna ask what the fuck i won...i only play mahjong casually and even then i just know that i just have 3 succeeding number or a 3 same number and a pair.

>> No.16629790
File: 112 KB, 256x299, mdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you own a PS3, absolutely pick up Mahjong Dream Club. Best $55 I've ever spent. Thirteen cute girl opponents each with unique AIs who chat with each other at the table and call you out when you go for Kokushi.
It's got open riichi, it's got red fives, it's got any other rule you could want, it's got a mode where you get to cheat, you can dress up the girls in increasingly lewd outfits as you increase your rank, and when you get first place you get to make out with them. It has online if you ever feel the urge. They even added free DLC that has the girls call you by your name like in Lovely x Cation. Best fucking game the PS3 will ever have.

>> No.16629797

Rinshan kaihou: called kan -> draw additional tile -> hand complete
Then tanyao and toitoi.

>> No.16629810

Rinshan Kaihou (winning from the free tile off of a kan, which is the word for quadruplet)
Tanyao (no 1s, no 9s, no honor tiles)
Toi Toi (hand has only triplets, no sequences)

Learning these multipliers, or yaku, is extremelly important to playing mahjong. You don't have to learn them all at once, but every one you understand will help you immensely.

>> No.16629848

i tried but maybe i just want to play the game and just familiarize it first. I know i have a skewed learning habit but maybe when i have nothing to do. For now i'll just save it and pick it up later.

I also have a lot of screenshots since i always had a habit of screenshotting my wins but maybe i'll upload it on imgur as one album.

>> No.16629882

It's suggested to use the flash game until you get the hang of it because:

1) There is no time limit
2) Tiles (Character/Wind) have the English names on them
3) All the yaku are on the page, just scroll down


>> No.16629891

That's perfectly fine, I did the same thing when I was starting. Unfortunately, you aren't allowed to declare victory without a yaku, so not knowing them makes the game really hard.
I recommend learning just one yaku, (maybe an easy, reliable one, like tanyao, riichi or yakuhai) then playing a game with it in mind until you understand it, then learning another one, and so on.
Mahjong is fun no matter how deep you dig into it, but I think it gets better the further down you go.

>> No.16629930
File: 91 KB, 960x544, ryounogotokuisshin1001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right thanks
how 'bout this? i was collecting characters for fun but i won with this hand. Mind telling me what i won? Also gonna try that flash too.

>> No.16629954

>How about this

enjoy beginner luck my friend, you will miss it if you follow this road where only pain follows

>> No.16629960

Jesus you don't know any yaku and got a Sanbaiman.
Riichi (declaring wait by putting the thousand point stick in front of you. It's like saying uno)
Ippatsu (winning the turn after declaring riichi)
Menzen Tsumo (you drew the winning tile yourself without making calls)
Chin-itsu (only tiles of one suit)
Pin-fu (it's complicated)
Ii-pei-ko (two of the exact same sequence)
Aka Dora (you had a red 5 in your hand)

>> No.16629961


Ippatsu (First turn win after riichi)
Menzen Tsumo (Closed tsumo)
Chin Itsu (Closed)
Pin Fu (No Points)
Iipeikou (Double run)
Dora (Red 5)

>> No.16630007
File: 93 KB, 960x544, ryounogotokuisshin1381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like i said i just need to have 3 consecutive number and/or 3 of the same numbers and a pair and that's it. There are also times when i won with 3 triples and a pair and nets me 48k points. That only happened on me once though. And also i won another hand by pons and kans with this.

To be honest this game is a good time killer when i have a time to kill or waiting for someone.

>> No.16630019

Is this guy playing us? I feel like his next post will be a kokushi captioned "lol I just put all the squiggly characters together and it made a hand"

>> No.16630025

It's called humble bragging.

>> No.16630027


>> No.16630035

it will be a kokushi 13 wait double yakuman

>> No.16630044

no i didn't i mean that most of my wins always nets me 800~200 pts. Although the game always tells me what hand he won and i always hear him say Yakuhai. Sometimes tanyao, pinfu, and tsumo. Also i searched kokushi musou and i didnt win that hand. I didnt know that beside going for 3 consecutive or 3 of the same numbers has a special winning hand.

>> No.16630080


totally legit guys

>> No.16630717

Does /jp/ know a site to watch people playing Riichi Mahjong live or not?
Like, a complete hanchan.

>> No.16630771


>> No.16630775

Live? Just go to the other tab in Tenhou L0 and it shows all the Houou games and a bunch of Tokujou.

If you just want an old one watch

>> No.16630779

Tenhou games go more quickly than irl games, which makes them a good basis for practicing stronger play since you can make more decisions in the same amount of gameplay time. Playing against real people gives you better motivation for doing well than playing against a game's AI. It's also free, which is an advantage over a jansou that tracks your statistics. If you have access to a jansou, the question is only "do you feel like gambling or not", as the average fellow customer is probably roughly tokujou level and staff are upper tokujou/houou.

It's perfectly possible to improve your play in the lower lobbies, and I would argue that if you're not in tokujou you should practice until you get the 4d/R1800 then be proud when you make it!

Once you get up to houou level, it's just as good as playing with professionals and there are plenty of actual pros who play on Tenhou; good examples are Fukuchi 9-dan and Shibukawa 10-dan (rankings are what I last remember).

>> No.16631359

See, here he comes.
This addict is boasting again.
It sounds like Tokujou is his only goddamn absolute norm.
How dare you decide whether people are deserve to play with professionals on the shit?

As for professional players, there are other places they are lurking.
There is no advantage to Tenhou.

>> No.16631388

u mad bro

>> No.16631493
File: 25 KB, 429x297, Donald suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6+11+10+14 = 41戦

Absolute garbage

>> No.16631506

Go play somewhere else then? No one's forcing anyone or saying Tenhou is the only way to play.

Stop being so autistic about a fucking tile game.

>> No.16632021


>> No.16632245

The only reason I (and many others) talk so much about Tenhou is really just because it has the cleanest site/client format and is free. It's also no-frills, which makes it easier to navigate. If Ron2 didn't look like a relic from Win98 and/or went F2P, more people would play on it. If JRM didn't switch to a new, crappy P2P model, people would have kept playing on it. If the sole thing people wanted was access to members of professional organizations, then Ron2, MaruJan, or Mahjong Fight Club are better ways of getting that.

Living in Japan or near a local jansou is obviously different and how you feel about gambling/how good your Japanese is becomes the main factor in whether you play live tiles with experienced players or not. Tenhou is foreigners' most convenient way to practice.

>> No.16632367

Someone's upset they can't get into tokujou.

>> No.16632650
File: 17 KB, 625x415, 1464418492860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get into tenpai for pinfu menchin dora3 with possible iipeiko, 5 sided wait, not even the second row of discards done
>someone discards my winning tile next turn but my internet cuts
>some other faggot RIICHI's
>ippatsu riichi menzenchin tsumohou, only
I'm going to motherfucking kill someone

>> No.16632713
File: 112 KB, 742x625, What the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone discards my winning tile next turn but my internet cuts
Autowin could at least have prevented that. Sucks when it happens.

>> No.16632729

I had it on but it doesn't work if your internet gives.
>riichi (1) ippatsu (1) iipei (1) chinitsu (6) dora (3)
If I won that and had even a single ura that's a counted yakuman
Instead I got le 1300-2600.

>> No.16632739


>> No.16632816

Yeah, me

>> No.16632823

I literally changed ISP over shit like this

>> No.16632866

>most convenient way to practice.
it seems you know the online mahjong history of Japan to some extents.
then you must know the negative points of Tenhou too.

(guess you're >>16630779)
while you said "it's quicker than a real game and good to improve blah blah",
Tenhou is fatally lack of certain aspects compared with a real game while some other site have them.
they contributes to making lazy and thoughtless players and deprives them of certain skills.

for example, it doesn't have any penalty for which generally players have fully responsibility.
Tenhou handles that kind of things automatically. it tells us certain things only when we can do them.
absolutely bullshit, this never happens in a real game. think you can understand what I mean here.
we, human makes mistakes even while we think we are carefully paying attentions.
this is really important when we have a confusing, complicated hand, and prior to speed.

also while some paranoia keeps praising tokujou, it's quite notorious for making its distinctive and peculiar playing styles due to its shitty rank system. in short, not to win but rather to avoid getting 4th as you know.

the point is that if someone is really good at Tenhou, it just means the person is really good at
"a game of Tenhou" and not real one. it's different from real ones.
However such paranoia keeps judging people here on his own criteria saying "tokujou" or "R1800" or whatever which sounds quite funny and bullshit as it shows he doesn't know any real mahjong game.


>> No.16632954
File: 196 KB, 720x480, 1455928474062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16632974

Dude, you make it sound like changing your style to adapt to either playing online or in real life is such a deep and profound change. It's not.

Tokujou is pretty much mid jansou-level so that is why people bring it up a lot. A lot of people don't have access to jansou like you and I so Tenhou is all they have to practice, and it is a hell of a lot better than playing CPU. Get the stick out of your ass, it's always people who brag like idiots who have no skills.

>> No.16633026
File: 37 KB, 480x679, Lewd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mahjong themed eroge (for PC)

>> No.16633114


>> No.16633181

while you don't have access to actual mahjong parlors, how can you tell tokujou players are at the same level of mid jansou level?

>> No.16633203

Sorry, I meant to write "unlike you and I" instead of like.
I don't have access to jansou now because I live in southern US but I played quite a bit when I went to Japan several years ago. I went to both no-rate and free.

>> No.16633254

>Autowin could at least have prevented that.

It doesn't. There's no way for a disconnected player to win.

>> No.16633301

>no souths on any of the discard piles this late in south 4

You deserved it.

>> No.16633306

It's either keep tenpai with the chance of dealing it and possibly win, or break up tenpai or still lose due to the no-ten payment. No matter what you do you can't win. Tell me again I deserved it, faggot.

>> No.16633330

You still had an extra draw you subhuman failure. Reach for a last chance for tenpai instead of dealing a tile that guarantees a mangan+ hand.

>> No.16633363

so you have certain criteria. still your own and limited ones though.

I don't think other brats have played real one at parlors in Japan.
(not saying you're one of such brats here)
so the others are just following what you or someone else say?
why do they keep claim tokujou or other crappy things over and over again like a broken toy
without actual knowledge or experiences necessary to judge such things?

I might have wandered a wrong place like someone said.
even considering that Tenhou is a convenient way to play mahjong for such brats,
this thread is still disgustingly distorted.

hope such brats don't mislead newbees who are outside of Japan and intrigued by Japanese mahjong.
fare well.

>> No.16633372
File: 84 KB, 344x318, 1445261747919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well you could play against any of us and get you ass devasted if you think You know MJ so much better than anyone here playing tenhou

>> No.16633377

Edgy as fuck. There was a decent chance someone had a closed set already, or even that B had a couple of them himself. Even if he deals into C for haneman he doesn't lose 2nd.

>> No.16633402


>> No.16633737

That's the kind of mindset that keeps you in tokujou hell

>> No.16633857

It could've gone either way, you cock-slurping faggot. And there's no way I could've drawn another south there in the end anyway. So much for your genius insights, you damn neanderthal.

>> No.16633860

when do we get a nonproprietary net mahjong game?

>> No.16634142

Is it possible to play Washizu mahjong in tenhou?

>> No.16634222


>> No.16634388

Still would have gotten 2nd even of you were the only noten play, I don't count 2nd as a loss. That said, I'd have done the same and go for the win.

>> No.16634567

cant find the option to switch to private lobby on the downloaded client. Frustrating because I'm used to the online one.

>> No.16634599

Leftmost drop-down menu, then at the first thingie with the arrow. That one text with the "beta" symbol should give you the chat box.
From there, you can type in your /lobby

>> No.16635072


>> No.16635093


>> No.16635110

What if toimen had that hand instead of kamicha? You could've dealt into haneman or higher and ended up third. East tiles are nowhere to be found either and I can bet my ass it would've been kandora or uradora.

You lost first place the second you drew South and the game logs will show it if you check out the remaining tiles.You do not risk dealing in if there is a substantial chance of sinking even if the best case scenario for letting go is second place. You do not risk your discard aiming for some impossible tenpai. YOU DO NOT DISCARD A DORA ROUND WIND TILE.

>> No.16635148

>could've ended up third
Why does that matter? It barely makes a difference whether you get 2nd or 3rd. On Tenhou you avoid last and when you can go for first. That's what I did. What you said make sense if I was maybe around only 25k or less ahead of last place instead of 40k. I'm not going to risk getting 4th. In this case I'm going to proactively fight for 1st. I am all for defensive play but sometimes you have to be stubborn and not give up so easily.

>> No.16635179

Ah, I just realized you're only 2d. Just remember what I said in a few months/years then

>> No.16635392

Yes, you are right. Tenhou is an introduction to mahjong the same way you can kinda sorta compare rollerblading and ice skating. Once you grind to a certain point on Tenhou, you have to delve deeper to actually learn (i.e. actually reading books by pros and practicing in as many live-tile environments as possible).

I haven't played in a jansou because I have very poor Japanese, but I have played with PML and LAPOM (Japanese players) groups in California and play games with USPML and local Japanese players in NYC now.

>> No.16635463

LAPOM has some real fucking monsters in its midst. Tokujo level doesn't even begin to describe the top players there.

That said, playing on tenhou will give you a large portion of the mahjong experience. But like online poker, you lose the psychological aspects. I once managed to isolate another player's wait based on how he looked at his draws (there was hesitation every time he drew a pinzu)

You obviously don't get that online. Plus, sometimes you can play with alternative rules that can give you insights not available in tenhou proper.

>> No.16635717

Ah, the memories. Come back Gogo!

>> No.16637101


>> No.16637460

Can i view my previous matches? If so where can i find it? I'm new to tenhou by the way.

>> No.16637743
File: 116 KB, 812x563, beginners luck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dunno /jp/ started from this now im here

now i know that i'm pretty shit at this game and just adhering to my own rule about 3 consecutive or 3 of the same numbers but i guess reading >>16629810 is really beneficial if you wanted to aim a certain hand to maximize your winnings. But then again i'm still a scrub. But gonna read more or maybe play more and i admit that mahjong is fun. Well fun if you win that is.

My first 3 games in tenhou

>> No.16637806

"Learning Yakus is extremely important" is an understatement. Learning yakus is absolutely critical to playing the game. You cannot win a hand if your hand has no yaku, and if you play IRL declaring a win with a hand without yaku is invalid and will get you either killed or more likely with an 8000/12000 point penalty. You don't have to memorize the names or the scores right away, but at the very least start knowing these:

-Rinshan Kaihou (Declare a kan, win from the tile you draw from the dead wall)
-The two Haiteis (Win from the last tile in the wall or with the last discard of the game)
-Tanyao (No ones, no nines, no winds, no dragons)
-Toitoi (all triplets)
-Chiitoitsu (seven pairs. One of the two exceptions that don't follow the basic pattern)
-Yakuhai (A triplet with any dragon, your seat wind, or the round wind)
-Iipeikou (two identical sequences of the same suit, but your hand must be closed i.e. you never called)

After that your next step is to figure out how to build a hand with Pinfu which will in turn teach you the idea of closed/open/edge/shanpon/tanki waits and seal the concept of a closed/open hand. Once you've got pinfu down you can slowly start figuring the rest out.

Don't bother with Yakuman just yet.
And, when in doubt, Riichi. Riichi guarantees a yaku even if your hand has none.

>> No.16637952

Oh yeah, definitely. Shisho is really, REALLY good. Everybody else is also very good.

>> No.16638179

First game, E4. What the fuck was that pon on the 3m? You had a good shape, that call didn't help.

>> No.16638942
File: 1 KB, 244x40, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

February's over, post 'em.

Managed to stay mostly afloat, had a rough patch near the end but I still ended up on the positive.

>> No.16640611

Another important part of IRL vs online is that online mahjong helps the player so much. I'm not even talking about newbie-guiding tools like tsumogiri indicator or tenpai/wait warning. All you need to do is clicking the tile, that saves you so much time compared to IRL session, and that means you can use that time to think.
I'm not saying that online players are worse than IRL frequenters (see last Tenhou vs Renmei), but online players will struggle when started playing in IRL session. It needs adaptation to play in different environment.

>> No.16640627

Wouldn't that mean online players would make better choices than they usually do? Since they have more time to think in a real game.

>> No.16640660

It's the opposite. IRL session is comparably faster and you need to draw and arrange your tiles themselves. Of course you can ask more time to think, but you can't abuse that and annoy other players.
On the other hand, like the post I quoted, online mahjong doesn't have nuances from IRL session (tile arranging, flipping, grouping, etc) that can give you some clues about their hand.

>> No.16640678

Oh yeah that's true.
So do a lot of riichi players organize their hands in a way that can't be read? I've seen some Japanese pros have their hands all jumbled up. I've tried to do it on Tenhou so I can be ready to play a real game when the time comes.

>> No.16640725

From my experience, usually just per group or prospecting sequence. It takes long time to organize hand from starting draws to suit-organized hand like in Tenhou. Then, you can put the useless tiles at the end so you know how far your hand is to tenpai.
I'm sure more experienced players have their own way to arrange hand.

>> No.16641556

Once you get to a certain point, you can play completely unorganized. It's a fun party trick.

>> No.16644501

I don't get why Mahjong is played so fast anyway. Just look at basically any other popular strategic game - be it chess, poker, go, or checkers - they all have far longer thinking times. Only mahjong players seem to be under the impression that a good player needs to play fast. And poker for example even has far less informations you have to consider compared to mahjong.

>> No.16644565

The reason why mahjong seems too fast is because you're not at a stage where most of the game doesn't need to be thought about. For mahjong, only some push/fold situations or deviation from normal strategy because of current placement should require some time to think about. Poker is ONLY push/fold based on the cards dealt and actively responding to other players' bets, so you're always seeing situations that require in-depth decision making.

>> No.16644574

I don't think that's necessarily true. There's new information every draw that should be taken into consideration.

>> No.16644968

Not him but I usually think about what I'm going to do for the next draw right after I discard, or even before that. If I see a tile I don't need I tsumogiri immediately.
The only time I might think further is when the discards of the other players are starting to look suspicious or when they look like tenpai, and I think whether or not I fold, or when I get a draw like 4s-5s-5s-7s-7s and get a 6s, and think if I want 4s-5s-6s-7s-7s tenpai or lock for iipeiko.

>> No.16645071

I didn't mean your draw specifically, I meant when 4 people draw and it goes back to the dealer. I'm not sure what it's called in mahjong. Is it called a turn?
But anyway in that span of time 3 people have made discards, may have called, etc. That's quite a bit of information.

>> No.16645191

There are times when you do need to process informations, often during mid or late stage. Generally it's based on 2 concerns, either
>what should I do based on my hand?
This one is simple. Even at the starting turn you can get some ideas how your hand can progress. Usually this is about how many possible tiles are available, are those needed by others, which one can progress better, etc.
>what should I do based on others's hand?
This one is more difficult, since it's more of a guesswork based on their discards and calls. You need to pay attention carefully about this (discarded tiles, discard sequence, self-discards, etc) to determine their possible hand condition and waits. Once you process this thought, you can determine which tile is dangerous/safe, so unless they do some unpredicted acts, you can play your hand without taking much time.

>> No.16645209

Also, read Tetsunaki no Kirinji manga. It has some great parts about mahjong logic process.

>> No.16645881

>Poker is ONLY push/fold based on the cards dealt and actively responding to other players' bets, so you're always seeing situations that require in-depth decision making.
You can anticipate the possible bets by other players in poker just like you can anticipate the possible discards in mahjong by other players. Of course there are turns in mahjong where it's very easy to decide the best course of action, but there are definitely turns where the information to consider far exceeds that of poker. Therefor I think a sytem with a chess clock where every player has a certain amount of time he can use up during one hand would be good idea.

>> No.16646681

Of course that information is there and there's a lot of it. All I'm saying is that it isn't hard to make those decisions in a few seconds unless you're not practiced in doing so.

>> No.16647716

does anyone have the tetsunaki no kirinji mahjong advice?
