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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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84 No.84 [Reply] [Original]

Aw lawds, is dis sum return to our roots?

>> No.92

Watashi wa nihongo desu

>> No.111

...you are the Japanese language? What?

>> No.139

"I am Japanese"

>> No.132


That sounds retarded.

>> No.154

nihongo = japanese language
nihonjin = japanese person

>> No.163


You fail at weeaboo.

>> No.166



>> No.166,1 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ is just a sad, sad place nowadays.

>> No.166,2 [INTERNAL] 

>You have been banned from all boards for the following reason:


>Your ban was filed on August 5th, 2009, and expires on August 19th, 2009, which is 14 days from now.

What the fuck? Is anyone else getting this? I saw someone post a ban image with the exact same thing earlier today. I have no idea what it even means.

>> No.166,3 [INTERNAL] 

I just got it too. Wasn't doing anything except posting in the Lovejustice thread. Who knows?

>> No.166,4 [INTERNAL] 

How could we let /jp/ sink so low?

>> No.166,5 [INTERNAL] 

Where the fuck is quality control?

>> No.166,6 [INTERNAL] 

I blame the
hoopdog/JBCS < 1

>> No.166,7 [INTERNAL] 

>Aw lawds, is dis sum return to our roots?
It's funny, when /jp/ was first created I imagined that it could be something resembling one of Futaba's /b/ boards or at least an imageboard equivalent of 4-ch's DQN, with the absurdity to match. The nature of the demographic has brought it out of us at times over the past year and a half, but I'd say that most of the people here are too serious, care too much, and always have been this way since the board was created. The other portion are just outright spammers, which isn't especially fun either.

>> No.166,8 [INTERNAL] 

So, /jp/ hasn't changed at all.

>> No.166,9 [INTERNAL] 


/jp/ takes itself too seriously. We've all seen what happens when the janitor gets rid of all the borderline threads and in the end all he's accomplished is sucking the fun out of the board. I don't mean to defend the "lol wut u weabos doin?" threads, though.

>> No.166,10 [INTERNAL] 

Phew, ban lifted, but I'm too afraid to post on /jp/ for awhile.

As for /jp/, I can't think of any extended time period when /jp/ wasn't filled with a lot of garbage posters since June '08. All I'll say is that things have superficially changed--in the past we had Smash spamming the board, athens making his "all girls are sluts" threads, COREA trolling, etc. Now we have the Baww.jpg spammer, some Umineko fans posting anime screenshots and whatnot.

>> No.166,11 [INTERNAL] 

I don't see the problem with sucking the fun out of the board.

>> No.166,12 [INTERNAL] 

I just can't take /jp/ anymore.

>> No.166,13 [INTERNAL] 

I haven't gone to /jp/ in a month ;_;

I guess I'll dump some shit when C76 comes around.

>> No.166,14 [INTERNAL] 

I think there is some invisible person messing with me. First someone draws a penis on my screen, then my scanner suddenly turns on, and now I can't find my hairband even though it was on my desk earlier.

>> No.166,15 [INTERNAL] 

I'm starting to feel the same way. It looks far too similar to the other boards on 4chan now.

I'm just hoping that C76 will save it.

>> No.166,16 [INTERNAL] 

Stop complaining about /jp/. There are still some good threads.

>> No.166,17 [INTERNAL] 

There are no good threads on the front page right now.

>> No.166,18 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ sucks.

Entertain me, ghostboard.

>> No.166,19 [INTERNAL] 

Watch this. *grabs dick*

>> No.166,20 [INTERNAL] 

Ah, thanks to whoever removed easymodo thread archives from google! It's much better like this.

>> No.166,21 [INTERNAL] 

What are you talking about?

Google still indexes easymodo.

>> No.166,22 [INTERNAL] 


No it doesn't.



It used to find threads like these easily, but not anymore. Which is good. We don't need random people accidentally finding this site.

>> No.166,23 [INTERNAL] 

Currently, /jp/ is making me sick to my stomach.

>> No.166,24 [INTERNAL] 

Same, sadly.

>> No.166,25 [INTERNAL] 

So were there any new releases in the past week? Haven't been on /jp/ much.

>> No.166,26 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.166,27 [INTERNAL] 

Oh. Damn.

>> No.166,28 [INTERNAL] 

It's just sad looking at /jp/ and what they consider a good thread.

Daytime its /a/ and nighttime its /r9k/.

>> No.166,29 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ isn't even /jp/ anymore.

It's more of a social mesh of /a/ and /r9k/.

Just seeing /jp/ makes me sick to my stomach.

C76 isn't even doing anything to help it.

>> No.166,30 [INTERNAL] 

Wait, how can you tell what /jp/ considers a good thread?

>> No.166,31 [INTERNAL] 

How can it, when you have people shitposting in C76 threads and saying they don't belong.

I half expect to see posts accusing others of illegal downloading.

>> No.166,32 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ was never /jp/.

>> No.166,33 [INTERNAL] 

So it seems like C76 hasn't saved it after all.

>> No.166,34 [INTERNAL] 

I dont think I will last for long

>> No.166,35 [INTERNAL] 

That's what we said last year.

>> No.166,36 [INTERNAL] 

It only lasted like 2 weeks though.

>> No.166,37 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe not, but it sure gives something to do (new games to play) when the trolling on /jp/ gets out of hand.

>> No.166,38 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ is officially unsalvageable.

We need a new hang-out for us cool kids.

>> No.166,39 [INTERNAL] 

Can't even have a good 12.3 thread now...

>> No.166,40 [INTERNAL] 

I promised myself that if after C76 I couldn't find again the joy of lurking and posting in imageboards, I would move on.
The whole concept is a dead end for me, and I'm sure I will find something just as fun in the future. Look back and wonder why I was so foolish and couldn't realize something so gratifying was in front on me.

And who knows, maybe the idle words from the discussions weeks ago can actually turn into something real. Perhaps then I will give it another shot. For now, it's time to wander again for me.

See you around, and good luck for those that remain.

>> No.166,41 [INTERNAL] 

Tell us if you find any place of note.

>> No.166,42 [INTERNAL] 

He can't tell you anything, because he's not here any more.

requiescat in pace, frater
You will not be forgotten

>> No.166,43 [INTERNAL] 

Goddamn, I can't even look at the front page with getting pissed off and disgusted.

>> No.166,44 [INTERNAL] 

I feel like my home got burned down by barbarians. Again.
I've seen this happen to a few boards already, and I cried every time.

>> No.166,45 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.166,46 [INTERNAL] 

I just want to beat the shit out of the kids on /jp/.

>> No.166,47 [INTERNAL] 

Fine, we should start right here.


>> No.166,48 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.166,49 [INTERNAL] 

It'd be nice of someone could reupload those sakuya to imageshack though.

>> No.166,50 [INTERNAL] 

Well I had expected /jp/ to go this way from the start. I have seen too many boards go to shit as new users outnumber and eventually push the old ones out altogether.

We have no choice now but to wait around for the next temporarily tolerable board to pop up somewhere.

>> No.166,51 [INTERNAL] 

That may never happen though. ;_;

>> No.166,52 [INTERNAL] 

What's so bad about /jp/? It's no different from how it was last month.

>> No.166,53 [INTERNAL] 

Just look at it.

It's literally unbearable.

>> No.166,54 [INTERNAL] 

Make one.
Easy to set up, doesn't require any programming know-how.

>> No.166,55 [INTERNAL] 

No, fuck you too.
I would say something regarding that matter, but I'll save it.

>> No.166,56 [INTERNAL] 

Based on the filenames, it looks like those images were saved from S______ C______.

>> No.166,57 [INTERNAL] 

Shugo Chara?

>> No.166,58 [INTERNAL] 

First thing that came to my mind too.

>> No.166,59 [INTERNAL] 

Not cool, bro.
Dammit, now I can't think of anything else!

>> No.166,60 [INTERNAL] 

Christ, I fucking hate /jp/.

Why must it have sunk so low?

>> No.166,61 [INTERNAL] 

For the last few months, I've notice that mostly all the threads I've made have been serious diaper and fetish threads.

It's nice when the kids aren't around and we can have discussions around it and such.

>> No.166,62 [INTERNAL] 

I thought of Shitkaku first. Maybe I'm a bad person.

>> No.166,63 [INTERNAL] 

I haven't exactly noticed how "terrible" /jp/ allegedly is because I've been spending 90% of my time in the SWR2/UNL thread(s). Is it really worse than usual? Maybe most of the quality posters are busy, so the trolls' noise is more noticeable.

>> No.166,64 [INTERNAL] 

It's not the "trolls".

Every user is just bad.

>> No.166,65 [INTERNAL] 

Well, /jp/ was great when i came here again a month or two again, but after a week or two it went downhill at a very fast pace. First came the Dawson threads, then the daily useless spam threads and now since a week or a bit longer the stupid posters. Braindead people who post some random shit, without discussing or sense.
Serious discussion like we used to have it is no more, the nighttime is a bit bearable.
There used to be good Threads that stayed up days and everything went at a slow good pace, i really don't know what happened or what can save /jp/ anymore.

>> No.166,66 [INTERNAL] 

All of the outright spam still seems to be slathered on top of /jp/ in rapid succession, so I still believe that the worst of the worst is being carried out by a few posters, but I don't think the userbase at large is nearly as innocent as it was at one point. Pretty much every troll thread is well fed and entertained these days. I still hide them to make it all disappear, but it's disappointing.

I don't think /jp/ can be viewed as a board with a peaceful userbase under attack. I think that a full demographic shift is taking place right now, much like what happened to the /b/ and /a/ of yesteryear. Plenty of people are ruining the board through their daily activity, but simply don't know any better.

I just want things to go nice and easy again.

>> No.166,67 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.166,68 [INTERNAL] 

Nothing; /jp/ is truly dead now.

>> No.166,69 [INTERNAL] 

I really hate the dawson threads.

>> No.166,70 [INTERNAL] 

I miss the Dawson threads

>> No.166,71 [INTERNAL] 

Why does everyone in this thread hate the good old days so much?

>> No.166,72 [INTERNAL] 

Time travelling Nazis.

>> No.166,73 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.166,74 [INTERNAL] 

i think i posted in this thread

>> No.166,75 [INTERNAL] 

congratz man

>> No.166,76 [INTERNAL] 

what was wrong with 2009 /jp/?

>> No.166,77 [INTERNAL] 

the moderator started removing Jurassic Park and atomic bomb threads regularly.

>> No.166,78 [INTERNAL] 

/pol/ is the leading force don't forget that
