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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1658751 No.1658751 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly is Saber's appeal?

>> No.1658757

Reserved, loyal, dutiful, excellent fighter. Also wears formal clothing.

>> No.1658759

Bland moe.

>> No.1658762

King of England moe~

>> No.1658763

Blond foreigner.

>> No.1658777

What ISN'T her appeal?

She's feminine yet modest, eternal thirteen year old body, has a cute attitude towards foods, strong, honest, beautiful, and trustworthy. How she is girlish without trying to be or even realizing herself that she is. How she has all the best qualities a man could have or would want to have for himself, carried with the grace of a woman.

tl;dr: Perfection

>> No.1658778

Blond foreigner moe, just like Bumstead.

>> No.1658781
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>> No.1658792
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>tl;dr: Perfection
Too good for this world.

>> No.1658793

I think its the body frame

>> No.1658796
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Here's hoping her wait for Shirou in Avalon wasn't too long.

>> No.1659163

I have strong feelings towards loyal characters.
Not to mention that Saber is fucking awesome. And hot.

>> No.1659176

during the F/SN animu i didn't particularly like seiiibaaaa. I mean, don't get me wrong, she was cool, but meh.... mediocre show was mediocre.

However, playing the game, she's right up there with Rin in my list.

Best is that she doesn't let shirou get away with shit so much.... beatings in the dojo are awesome.

>> No.1659182

The semi-bad end where Saber kills you for not making lunch is fuck awesome.

>> No.1659185
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High potential for Monty Python references.

>> No.1659190
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Agrias thread?

>> No.1659213

>tl;dr: Perfection
Pretty much. The problem is that she can be called perfect objectively, the subjective part is in whether you like perfection. Some people only like women for their faults. For example, in Tsukihime, people liked Hisui because she was emotionally broken (a.k.a. kuudere), Kohaku because she was mentally disturbed (a.k.a. yandere), Akiha because she had a conflicting prideful and emotional nature (a.k.a. tsundere) and Sacchin because she was just a complete failure. All these followed the typical path of being moe due to their faults. Then there's the Saber of Tsukihime, Arcueid, who was mostly only liked by those who prefers perfect women to "broken" women.

tl;dr: Saber doesn't have any faults, for some this makes her really appealing, while others wouldn't be able to relate to this appeal at all.

>> No.1659219

>people liked Ciel because of her failure as a heroine (Shitdere).


>> No.1659232

You could say her over-developed sense of responsibility is a fault. After sacrificing her life for a pisspoor country that never really appreciated her, she tries to further help them by getting herself stuck in an endless loop that will never allow her to die. Not perfect in my eyes.

>> No.1659271


>> No.1659291

This is why I must reward my considerate Servant

>> No.1659322

She's an exotic foreigner who isn't threatening because her sense of chivalry also makes her observe decorum and social graces, yet has many easily exploitable 'moe buttons' to press. (her stuffed lion, her food, intolerance to cheap tactics)

Basically, she's a japanese girl in a gaijin's body.

>> No.1659467



>> No.1659511

Arc is Innocence But Powerful Moe, not Perfect Moe.

>> No.1659530

FSN and FHA aren't the end of Saber/Shirou.

>> No.1659536

She is british, and therefore better than everything.

Also, 2D.

>> No.1659537

Am I the only one who wanted her to take his blood, then become an evil team?

Shiki could have been seriously badass as a vampire.

>> No.1659548
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Gluttony is a sin

>> No.1659562

The Saber doujins are the best thing I've ever read, and I've always been more a fan of Rin.
In this case, moe trumps tsundere.

>> No.1659575
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Eh, I kinda prefer Arc though. Saber just felt even more shallow in comparison.

>> No.1659623
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Saber? Arc?
Here's a REAL character.

>> No.1659640

pic not related

>> No.1659643

>Here's a REAL shitty character.

Why isn't she wearing panties?

>> No.1659651
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liek arcade bumstead, amirite?

>> No.1659653

I'm crying from laughter

>> No.1659660

Easier access.

>> No.1659676
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>Curry addiction

>A number of studies have claimed that the reaction of pain receptors to the hotter ingredients in curries, even Korma, leads to the body's release of endorphins and combined with the complex sensory reaction to the variety of spices and flavours, a natural high is achieved that causes subsequent cravings, often followed by a desire to move on to hotter curries. Some refer to this as addiction, but other researchers contest the use of the word "addiction" in this instance.[11] Additionally, curry addiction is an example of a colloquial use of the word "addiction" as the medical definition of the word requires continued use despite harmful effects.[citation needed] Since medicine has not shown harmful effects of curry consumption, the use of the word "addiction" is contestable.

Is 'Currydere' a word?

>> No.1659692

What's with the hate for Ciel?

I don't see it.

She was the only route I liked in the Near-Side route.

>> No.1659697


>> No.1659700

The route itself is fine.

>> No.1659707


Like I said. I just don't see the hate for Ciel.

Arcueid was okay but she wasn't that interesting in my opinion.

>> No.1659714

Hell if I know. There isn't really anything I like about Ciel though, I much prefer any of the other characters over her. All the other characters have something that makes them likable (to me, anyway).

>> No.1659716

jap curry isn't spicy, though

>> No.1659729

She tries to compete with Ramnstein Dumbledore for the 'heroine' trophy and fails miserably. That and the fact that she's an annoying, backstabber bitch.

No offense.

>> No.1659735

>complete failure

You, Sir, have completely failed to understand her character.

>> No.1659741


I didn't think she was annoying.

And yeah she was a backstabber, but after I got to when she can't kill Shiki and started crying, my hate dissolved into like.

And then the true ending made me love her.

>> No.1659748

To be honest, my favourite characters are Sacchin and Sakura.

>> No.1659752
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how did she ever backstab? For god's sake, all of her actions were usually for the greater good, and/or trying somehow to save Shiki's ass.

I mean hell, she probably did the most for that guy in Akiha's route than she ever did in her own. Poor bitch.

>> No.1659759

She might have been a failure as a vampire, but she was a success as a character.

>> No.1659760
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Yuri appeal.

>> No.1659764


I can deal Sacchin. But you sir, fail for liking Sakura as well.

>> No.1659772


>> No.1659775


Harem ending.

>> No.1659790

I still don't understand why she's so unpopular.. I mean, she's a very likeable character and I also do not understand the whole SEIBA SEIBA SEIBA SEIBA craze.. there's really nothing extremely special about her. She's cool and all, but nothing worth the worshipping she receives.

>> No.1659804


Are you kidding me?

Have you seen the amount of Sakurafags on /jp/?

Thank god we have Rinfags and Saberfags to counteract them or I'd go insane.

Sakura is disliked because she is a slut.

A yandere slut.

We already have a superior yandere, her name is Illyasviel von Einzbern. We didn't need another one. Especially one who served no purpose to the story until HF.

>> No.1659825

Ilya is not a yandere.

>> No.1659826

She's no slut
We have few Sakurafags
Superior Yandere is still Asakura Ryouko (Which is /jp/ related due to Light Novels)

>> No.1659845


Yes she is.

>> No.1659854 [SPOILER] 
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Saber likes her rice with a lot of protein.

>> No.1659853


Sacchin is superior yandere by far.

>> No.1659855

No she is not.
Not crazy or unstable, doesn't have a breaking point.putting a loving front to the one she likes.

You either agree with her or die, and she is pretty obvious about it.
Cruel child mentality.

>> No.1659870


Hahaha wow, a true pimp

>> No.1659872

Sakura just isn't particularly likable in her own route. It's mostly just her fainting, plotting to kill someone and then killing someone.

>> No.1659883 [SPOILER] 
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I don't think you know what how yandere really is, enjoy your ignorance.

>> No.1659889 [SPOILER] 
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ITT : People who don't know what a yandere is.

>> No.1659891
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>You either agree with her or die, and she is pretty obvious about it.

>> No.1659900
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Superior yandere

>> No.1659905

Doesn't count.
She was inversing and influenced by Roa, maybe she subconsciously felt like that, but sure as hell she would've never gone so far.

>> No.1659908


>> No.1659909

<i>You either agree with her or die, and she is pretty obvious about it.
Cruel child mentality.</i>

How many times did she threaten to kill Shiro if he didn't agree with her?

>> No.1659915


That not her true self, she snapped because of the demon blood

>> No.1659925

7. And she actually turns him into a doll.

Very ,very specific circumstances on one route.
She does want him to stay home etc, but only in Kohaku's route does she snap.
In the others she gets mostly pissed off.

>> No.1659955
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What exactly is Tomoyo's appeal?

>> No.1659960

If Ilya acted like a yandere she would've moved in Shirou's house by using her "oniiii chaaan ^_^" charm.
Then she would proceed to either kill or threathen every female person that lived with him, Taiga included.
Then she would mark her territory by never losing his sight while at school, probably to the point of transfering there as a student, or plainly denying him to go there.
Finally she would butcher all others masters except Shirou to get the grail and obtain a normal life, in order to live happily with him.

Also yanderes never hurts the people they love, unless they're delirious.

>> No.1659961


Best Waifu

>> No.1659962

Having Clannaids

>> No.1659963

A very damn nice and gentle girl, that cannot behave/act like a usual one would do.
Plus, devoted wife.

>> No.1659967

Strongest waifu.

>> No.1659970

Too bad Key felt that a happy end was too much for them and decided to force some drama by making an entirely new game.

>> No.1660037

A better question is, why the hell hasn't Rider gotten a path in Fate/Stay Night?

>> No.1660042

likes anal
no emotional problems
very capable and responsible
will still wake you up and cook for you

Ie, perfect waifu that also doubles as amazing bodyguard.

>> No.1660047

Why hasn't Gilgamesh x Lancer gotten a path in Fate/Stay Night?

>> No.1660056

Fate route...

>> No.1660060

Why hasn't Rider x Saber x Rin gotten a path yet?

>> No.1660069

Because Ayako is the one she really wants.

>> No.1660073

My opinion of Saber changed dramatically after discovering fakku, and deleting all my 3d porn.

Now she is the best, by far.

>> No.1660288

Because Rider sucks

>> No.1660306

I hated Saber till the UBW route where she left without even saying goodbye.

Then it hit me what it was like every time for her.


>> No.1660319


Pretty much.

HF ruined her for me.

Especially with Bellerohameha.

>> No.1660334

Anon, card etc.

>> No.1660378

Good try, though.

>> No.1660410


>> No.1660466
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Does anyone have that pic of Ciel standing up holding a pistol or something with an AK-47 slung over her shoulder?

I lost it somehow and I can't find it anywhere on my PC.

>> No.1660657

protein-rich diet

>> No.1660717
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This one?

>> No.1661832
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>> No.1662090

>King of England

>> No.1662137

>What exactly is the appeal of TypeMoon heroines?

Its the girl the protagonist couldn't save. No matter how much he tried, she still went on to accomplish her goal in her own way, and never had any regrets.

The protagonist (most likely) never forgets her for the rest of his life.

>> No.1662230
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>> No.1662584
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It's her love of the Holy Grail. It makes men tsundere for her.

>> No.1662595

Saber = kuudere
Rin = tsundere
Sakura = yandere

Nasu agreed, don't bother him about it.

>> No.1662598
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>> No.1662638

"Sorry, Saber. You lost me."

>> No.1662734
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I'd let him possess me.

>> No.1662738


Fuck.... How could someone not like Saber? She is the king.

>> No.1664633

Is it just me or does she look like Arcueid In the thumbnail?

>> No.1664640

It's you.
And anyone with bad sight or still unfamiliar with the characters
