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1659383 No.1659383 [Reply] [Original]

Well, I just turned 21 this month, and already I think I'm going down the road of alcoholism. I guess the loneliness of life is starting to get to me afterall.

Since I'm going to fuck myself over anyway, do you guys suggest any decent drinks to try out? Since I'm new to this, I haven't tried out too many brands yet, and I've kinda settled for Mike's Hard Lemonade at the moment. The last one I tried out was Kirin Ichiban and jesus christ, that stuff tasted foul.

>> No.1659392


>> No.1659395

Try some wines. Merlot is my favorite type, but just go around and get some so you can see what you like.

>> No.1659397


Final destination

>> No.1659405

Massive amounts of caffeine will make you feel better than alcohol.

>> No.1659409

I kinda burned out on caffeine when I was younger. I mean, I still like Mountain Dew every now and then, but otherwise I'm not crazy about the stuff anymore.

>> No.1659419

There are only two alcoholic drinks I've really enjoyed in my life, beer and coffee+vodka. Coffee and vodka is most likely the manliest thing you can ever drink, no milk, no cream, no sugar, only 50/50 coffee/vodka, final destination.

>> No.1659420

Sugoi Iwaku, Aniki.

>> No.1659421

The last time I drank alcohol was when my dad let me have a couple sips of his beer when I was around 7 or 8. I've never had any since then, nor do I want to. I used to drink too much coffee, around a whole pot within two hours, but when I started college I realized I couldn't think straight after doing that. I now limit myself to one cup a morning.

>> No.1659424

Just kill yourself OP. If it took you 21 years to drink your first alcohol, just kill yourself.

>> No.1659445

Lol, feeling so mature now that your petty government allows you to drink. Honestly, with these americans...

I do not know about this. I mean, there is something wrong with wines in general. The white stuff tastes crap and the red ones give you splitting headache and nightmares. I always get seriously delusional hangover with wines involving actual voices in my head telling me naughty things and general paranoia and and shit. Not funny at all.

>> No.1659455

I hope no one is taking this seriously. Yes, he's on the road to alcoholism with *Mikes Hard Lemonade*

>> No.1659457

Stop drinking cheap wine.

>> No.1659490

>delusional hangover with wines involving actual voices in my head telling me naughty things and general paranoia and and shit.
I want some of whatever you've been drinking.

>> No.1659514

seriously, me too.

>> No.1659519

Stop drinking and watch sum hentai.

>> No.1659521
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/jp/ related.

>> No.1659533

/jp/ = alcohol/general

>> No.1659539

Alcohol tastes like shit. You want to escape your miserable life but are too pussy for suicide? Try hard drugs. LSD comes highly recommended.

>> No.1659544

I just said that's what I've settled on. Again, I'm kinda new to this shit, but alcoholism runs pretty deep on both sides of my family, so eh.

>> No.1659550

True alcoholic advice: Give up the stupid fucking girly drinks. If you're serious about getting into alcoholism you're going to want quantity over quality.

Learn to appreciate 40s of malt and whisky, because whisky/bourbon are the cheapest hard liquors you can buy.

>> No.1659552

LSD doesn't fuck your braincells up but can change your entire life.

>> No.1659560


It's not hereditary.

>> No.1659565

It was normal random cheapish red wine. I guess, I'm overly sensitive to some of the stuff they put in it since one bottle appears to cause me a full-blown delirium.

>> No.1659573

Red Wine

>> No.1659607
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>> No.1659645
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If you want to be an alcoholic I have some excellant tips.

Several members of my family are dirty alcy fucks. (I'm Scottish)

Cider. A staple in any alcoholics diet. It's cheap, it's nasty and 5+ litres a day will have you off to a good start.

Mic that with the occasional cheap bottle of whisky/vodka and £2 bottles of table wine and you're well on the way top being a pro.

My Uncle routinely goes without electricity and food to afford to his alcohol.

He is a true hero.

>> No.1659662

expensive scotch

>> No.1659686


Weird... I've drunk quite a lot of red wines (whole bottle in one sitting) and never had any hangover like you're describing.

>> No.1659865

So, you never get the bugs all over your body sensation when hangoverish? I'm not saying it's always complete delusional thing, but my mood tends to get pretty grim after too mcuh wine.

>> No.1659887

If you don't want to become an alcoholic, get a bottle of 101 proof Wild Turkey and drink the whole thing. If you live through it you'll never touch the stuff again.

>> No.1659914


Nope, I seem to be immune to it from wine at least.

This is probably bad, I remember learning that having no hangover after you drink a lot might mean you're an alcoholic...

>> No.1659924


No, drinking to get rid of a hangover makes you an alcoholic. Getting no hangover means your liver gets rid of alcohol more efficiently. Until it packs up and you die of liver disease at least.

>> No.1659938

It depends, younger people generally do not have that heavy hangovers, I hear. Or at least it gets way worse when you age. Or maybe you have to drink more to get kick out of it when you're older and accustomed to alcohol. I don't know.

>> No.1659987

>Until it packs up and you die of liver disease at least.
