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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 93 KB, 640x480, rg_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1658455 No.1658455 [Reply] [Original]

Not sure how many anons remember, but a little over a week ago I made a post describing my intentions of making a new Rainbow Girl, re-drawn and possibly with a new cover of the song (which I intended for some anon to pick up)

Anyway, I promised that I'd make a new thread in a week's time to see if anyone is still interested in seriously taking this project up. Although there were only a small number of people who were interested/willing to give it a go at the time, I'm figuring that the motivation wears off after a week.

This thread is open to anyone still interested, as I've already started sketching up a few frames (been pretty lazy myself, only sat down and drew for a few hours). I'll sage-dump what little sketches I have done then leave the thread for anyone who's interested, otherwise I'll let it go to page 10, no bumps.

tl;dr if you're interested in playing a cover of rainbow girl, let me know.

>> No.1658459
File: 103 KB, 640x480, 1227516915360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an actual frame, just trying to figure out how to draw the guy since the video never really gave any detail into how he looked. Not the final version, but hopefully I'll get it right soon.

>> No.1658464

I have advanced skill on the piano, but my composing skills are shit, making me pretty much worthless. If you need a recording and you know how to mix music though, I'd be glad to help.

>> No.1658465
File: 53 KB, 640x480, 1227517027487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick sketch, from the scene around 00:41

Will be revised for the final, but I've got a good idea of how to draw it.

>> No.1658470
File: 76 KB, 640x480, 1227517205222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick sketch from around 00:57, I actually like this but it's obviously nothing great, just a personal thing for me.


If you can play the song on Piano, then perhaps you could do a recording and maybe some other kind anon would be able to do the vocals? Not entirely sure.

Also, I forgot to mention, but if you're serious about doing a cover, somewhere down the track you'll need to give me details as to who you want to be credited as when I finish it, since you've gone to all the effort.

>> No.1658475
File: 81 KB, 640x480, 1227517326771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Around the 00:52 mark, this is shit, even I can see that. Needs heavy alterations to the face, or even a complete re-draw. I'm not an awesome artist, but I never claimed to be one so it's all good.

>> No.1658485
File: 60 KB, 640x480, 1227517487919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


By this point I'm beginning to realize that maybe I'll have to actually draw some original content for this video, instead of replicating each frame. This is because it limits me quite a bit, and two because I want this to at least be partially animated, which is to say I want some minor movement in the video, which will obviously require me to deviate from the original video. Of course, I don't really want to stray too far either as this is both a test and a homage to the original (of which I prefer more than the Miku cover)

>> No.1658494

I have "advanced" skills in guitar and electric guitar but well...I'll consider it if OP provide a good music sheet/tab

>> No.1658492
File: 64 KB, 640x480, 1227517688028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

02:11 from the dream bubble.

Personally one of my favorite scenes from the original rainbow girl, and one of only two scenes where the two are features together (the other being slightly less well-drawn)

I obviously need to extend the picture a little more vertically, but for now I'm just getting a general idea of how things should look (even though I have such an accurate plan from the original already)

>> No.1658493

Shit looks fine

>rg_3.jpg saved

>> No.1658496

If you find someone who knows how to mix music and/or someone who wants to write and organize people to play an arrangement, e-mail me and I can try making a recording.

>> No.1658498
File: 51 KB, 640x480, 1227517881146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot my sage sorry.

01:07 and 02:16

As you can see, I'm getting pretty bored by this point (keeping in mind I was sketching all this in one go). Picture still needs me to actually finish it, but I got fed up with trying to fix how the posture looked and just took a break.

That's about it for now really, this will be the last thread I make if nobody's interested, I'm aiming to get this done over the next 4 weeks.


>> No.1658501

You need to stick around and wait for people to file in if you really want to organize something. Maybe you should set up a center that everyone can participate/contact, like maybe a google document or even just an e-mail address.

>> No.1658506



>provide a good music sheet/tab

I remember someone bringing this up in last weeks thread too, which is unfortunate since I have absolutely no musical talent or understanding of how it works.

Although I highly doubt it, it would be great if some kind anon could provide said music sheet, though that's fanciful dreaming.

To anyone who does help out though, remember to post details of how you want to be credited (or better yet, contact details so I can keep you updated and in touch)


>> No.1658507

I say just keep bumping this thread. That's sort of the way things work around here.

>> No.1658509

I have a pretty good japanese pronunciation, so I could do the vocals.
My voice is kinda weird though.

>> No.1658518


Are you a girl?

>> No.1658524


I've thought about it, but there's not really enough interest and/or people serious about undertaking this, so there's no real cause for doing that when 4chan provides a good place to discuss this quickly and easily.


Yeah ok, though as I said last week, I generally don't like shitting up the front page with my personal stuff (especially if there's no interest in said stuff). However, since you suggested it, I'll keep this bumped for a few more hours and see how things go.


No complaints from me, anyone willing to help I'm grateful for.

>> No.1658526

>if you're interested in playing a cover of rainbow girl, let me know.
Why yes i am.

>> No.1658530

Also posting at 4am ... means your probably not American... and 4chan is mostly made of Americans so you should wait for a time when theres more people on.

>> No.1658533


I'm a guy.

>> No.1658537

It's 1am in the west coast.

>> No.1658552


Cannot tell if sarcastic or not, but if you're interested then great, hopefully you can provide some assistance.


I won't be going to bed for another few hours yet, and considering /jp/s post-rate, I'm hoping that the thread will still be alive when I wake up tomorrow.

>> No.1658554

Save the thread number just in case it doesn't make it. That way, you can still find it in the archives.

>> No.1658558

4chan isn't the best place to organize things, seeing as threads can get deleted if they don't get bumped, hit the post limit, or get deleted by a janitor. Make at least a junk e-mail to start off with, and then if everyone flakes out you don't lose anything.

>> No.1658570

I'd be up for doing some animation. If you did a bunch of drawings of a scene, I can make it move. I can edit and composite video OK (After Effects/FCP stuff) if that helps.

I'm crazy busy with real life at the moment though, so I can't guarantee I'm going to catch every thread on here. Maybe an email would be useful?

>> No.1658573

If you want any help at all with the drawings, I'd gladly offer my services.

>> No.1658583


Will do, thanks.


Just registered one now.

For all those interested:


Yep I'll be compiling everything in AE (and perhaps Premiere Pro). Your skills are always welcome, feel free to email me in the above email if you find the time.

>> No.1658603


Cover his eyes with hair and you got it!

>> No.1658783

Holy shit, I was listening to this song when I saw the thread. I have no talents or anything, so I'll just bump this up for the people that do.

>> No.1658864

Alright, that's it for me. I'm off to bed, so I'll just bump this thread once before I head off.

If you have any queries or want to help out, just email me at

As I said last week, hopefully we can pull off a cover of the song, but if worst comes to worst and nobody can do it I'll just have to use the original song.

Goodnight /jp/

>> No.1659957


>> No.1659991

Good luck just don't ruin this cutely sad song ;_;

>> No.1660050


How can he ruin it? If it's shit, you can just go back to listening to the original or any other version you like.

Art looks really good so far though

>> No.1660567

Ok, thread's still alive. I just woke up but I need to go to work now, so I'll start working on it when I get back since I have the day off tomorrow.

Bump #2

>> No.1660580

As I said last week, Drumming and Logic work can be done by me If you need, OP.

>> No.1661296

bump, nice artwork
