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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 78 KB, 852x663, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1655154 No.1655154 [Reply] [Original]

So, is there anything else that is great about this game apart from music and people shooting themselves in the head?

>> No.1655161

Apart from that it's pretty much your average JRPG grind shit.

>> No.1655165

little brown girls??

>> No.1655162

It's fucking awesome.

I just never finished it because I got tired of having to only play it when no one else was around. I'm not about to reveal my powerlevel to anyone.

>> No.1655164

Dungeon crawlan, dating sim, grindan, and a bit of story every few hours. It wasn't the best, but I enjoyed it for what it was, and am looking forward to P4 because I hear it improves on what made P3 good.

>> No.1655166

Overrated and worse than 2 & SMT.

>> No.1655173

/v/ hates this game. You should go and play one of the games that /v/ likes.
Oh wait.

>> No.1655175

They're the best.

That bitch dumped me though... "Sorry, I'm in a hurry".

Back to dungeon crawling I guess.

>> No.1655178
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It's alright, but nothing great, just grindan.

Also, what annoyed me even more was after you finally fuck a bitch she just ignores you and you can't do shit with her anymore, isnt something backwards about that? ಠ_ಠ

>> No.1655186

In FES you could go on a date even after the S. Link is maxed. But that still sucked.

>> No.1655191


No, that's how real life works.

>> No.1655193

Yuko is delicious.

>> No.1655197
File: 105 KB, 720x655, 1227473598784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably my favorite jrpg, besides Earthbound of course.

also, it gave me a robot fetish. Just how many more fetishes are you going to unlock within me, Fatlus?

>> No.1655206


>> No.1655207

Actually in real life its usually the guy that just starts ignoring her after finally fucking them. Hence the, isn't something backwards comment.

As for FES i bought it but never even bothered playing it still.

>> No.1655210

But of course,CurryButt wouldn't know.

>> No.1655212

KOS-MOS is superior.

>> No.1655214

Is there some kind of time limit in the game, or can I take it easy?

>> No.1655215

The battle system was actually quite fun, and was far better than say, FF grindan or Dragon Quest grindan. The battles were quick and interesting, never really got old. Bosses were very difficult no matter how much grindan you did, making it challenging. Also, if you arn't using a guide, meticulously planning your schedule is pretty cool. Anyway, all things considered, it's a top tier jrpg. If you don't like it you should try another genre of games.

>> No.1655221

Go back to your shithole.
Oh, how you spread your underage aura...

>> No.1655220
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KOS-MOS thread acknowledged.

>> No.1655222
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>> No.1655223
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Which is funny that you say because I'm one of the few people on /jp/ who has actually had relationships at all and is even in one currently.

Enjoy telling yourself its lies so you feel better about your pathetic ronery life, bro.

>> No.1655232
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>> No.1655233

Time limit, though once you get some grindan in you can take it easy with your in game waifu.

>> No.1655236
File: 77 KB, 540x863, 1227474042704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting KOS-MOS in a KOS-MOS thread.

>> No.1655239

It's a boring game with a dumb plot. It's basically a subpar VN + RPG. 200 floors of the same shit = worse than MMO grinding.


>> No.1655240
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Haha, no.

>> No.1655243
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>> No.1655245

Oh, dammit, anon, why did you have to post that!?

>> No.1655247

brown nazis are best

>> No.1655252
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>> No.1655253

Nobody cares, retard. Some of us have been in relationships or had girls say they like us but chose otherwise because they're not desirable. Enjoy your ugly demanding GF, faggot.

>> No.1655254
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Enjoy your shitty ripoff ಠ3ಠ

>> No.1655264
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Cool relationship bro.

>> No.1655271

Good: Story, pseudo-VN content, music, art, VA
Bad: Shitty battle system, randomly generated dungeon sucks balls

>> No.1655279
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>Shitty battle system

>> No.1655281

What, not RANDOM enough for you?

>> No.1655287

can't they just come to terms to one another?

Besides, I liked Aigis' design more.

>> No.1655290
File: 320 KB, 800x648, 1227474455754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually she's a normalfag, including in the looks department, so pretty damn good looking. But hey, tell yourself what you need to in order to feel better about your shit life, bro.

As for your own 'chances' or 'previous relationships' your hand doesnt count, even if it does turn you down half the time.

On another note, I like both but I still think KOS-MOS is superior.

>> No.1655296

Do you want to ignore Currybutt's shitty posting?
Are you tired of reading the posts of a 13 year old faggot who thinks he's cool in the internet?
Download this and filter the posts made by this faggot!
The board will be 400% better with that little cancer being ignored.

>> No.1655302
File: 315 KB, 652x800, 1227474558936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops, forgot my pic.

>> No.1655308

They told me they don't care, but I'm still going to talk about my girlfriend because that probably boosts my e-penis size or just because that makes me feel better.

>> No.1655321


No anonymous, you are the cancer.

>> No.1655326

put your tripfag back on you cunt

>> No.1655331

I want to say that they should've made P3 as a VN, but it probably wouldn't have gotten translated without the hackneyed RPG trappings.

>> No.1655342

Then Pooshlmer tried to act cooler.
And they failed.

>> No.1655344

I only mention her when people make retarded ass comments. Did I bring her up out of nowhere? No, it was in response to

Also, >>1655296, I don't think saying faggot a few times every sentence makes you look like much more of a '13 year old faggot' yourself.

As for my waifu, she's actually pretty damn attractive as she's a normalfag. Enjoy thinking I'm with some weeaboo blob like you guys go after from your /a/nime clubs with their naruto headbands, bro.

And I like Aigis a lot but still think KOS-MOS is superior.

>> No.1655347
File: 70 KB, 406x442, 1227474970286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my KOS-MOS

>> No.1655355

Your trip is named after Ciel. Your taste in women is therefore invalid.

>> No.1655358

What's this shit you are peddling CurryButt? You told me a few weeks ago you scored a girlfriend out of blind luck. You admitted it.

No reason to brag about luck.

>> No.1655366

Brag? I don't think responding to someone failtrolling or just having a shitty attempt at trying to insult me is really 'bragging'.

>> No.1655369

>your shit life
Because your life is so much better.

>> No.1655376

Your first post wasn't, but the one I replied to was a little bit.

>> No.1655385
File: 22 KB, 494x701, 1227475442434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Troll CurryButt as much as you want,but don't bring my Ciel into this.

>> No.1655386
File: 67 KB, 400x400, 1227475476782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if they are going to complain more and more about it after making me bring it up I may as well go all out to piss them off more, right? That's how I see it anyway, so more like trolling rather than bragging in this case at least.

>> No.1655404

Fair enough. But I have arrived at the conclusion an imageboard must be firmly rooted in Confucian ideas of harmony in order to be successful, relying on the personal conduct of posters rather than the 'law' (rules in this case), owing to the lax nature of moderation in such a place.

In short, if someone takes a potshot at you, don't bother to reply.

>> No.1655409

I like how a mod tried to ban me for saying Wanko was furry shit while this sort of crap is allowed to fag up /jp/.

>> No.1655424
File: 150 KB, 800x600, 1227475886404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but I'm a troll, Athens.

So hard to pass up easy opportunities like this. ;_;

>> No.1655435

I liked you better when you were a gay weeaboo and not a normalfag /b/tard.

>> No.1655440

Come on bro, we both know that trolls such as ourselves are supposed to troll anonymously. Otherwise whenever we try to talk about something seriously, we are met with incessent cries of trolling, it's like the boy who cried wolf.

>> No.1655442

Currybutt, I give you a rating of 7/10. Pretty nice. Can you stop now?

>> No.1655443

Trolls trolling trolls.

>> No.1655446

still a gay weeaboo, bro. Just too busy being trolled to bother being amusing anymore.

>> No.1655453


but you reply to trollbait all the god damned time

>> No.1655457

/jp/ is a chat room now?

>> No.1655458
File: 44 KB, 400x450, 1227476400678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aigis thread. ಠ3ಠ

>> No.1655464

No you changed. Or maybe that's how you really are and I didn't see it back then.

>> No.1655462
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>> No.1655474

Trollan tred.

>> No.1655480
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>> No.1655487
File: 141 KB, 446x613, 1227476693470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, sup Ciel Dude. I won't gay for you but get over it already, we could still be bros if you stop acting like a faggot about it.

>> No.1655495
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>> No.1655503
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too unorganized so general persona 3 ಠ_ಠ

>> No.1655508
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>> No.1655514
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>> No.1655524
File: 101 KB, 450x600, 1227476992107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aigis is love

>> No.1655520

No we couldn't and it's all your fault!

>> No.1655528

Atlus - bringing you shit games since 1995

>> No.1655533
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>> No.1655563


/v/ like it man. It's one of the best JRPGs released in years, doing new things to the genre and being pretty solid in many aspects.
I will admit the grinding is a pain, but it's definately an 8/10 at the very least.
