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File: 149 KB, 501x334, dolphin-male-masturbator-02.jpg?t=1485905855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16530662 No.16530662 [Reply] [Original]

In this thread we discuss and give advice about all sorts of rubber vaginas, asses, dolls and other related products.

Read the guide before asking questions.

Last thread: >>16501087

>> No.16530678

this box looks like it contains herbal tea

>> No.16530697

That will be my excuse, if I can ever order the damn thing

>> No.16530894

does this bully the penis good

>> No.16530932

nope, tomax holes are the opposite of bullies.

>> No.16530957

It's not a bully by any measure, it's extremely gentle and not particularly tight. It's an ideal edging hole.

>> No.16530986

Better than venus real?

>> No.16531014

First-time user here, should washing the insides, drying them with paper tissues and pouring a little ethanol inside with a dropper be enough as a cleaning measure?

>> No.16531027

ok what is a good penis bully I can buy from QueenCatAdultToys?

>> No.16531260

I'd say. Personally I've never been able to edge that well with the Real soft though, something about the texture and tunnel shape kind of tickle the head so I have to drown the thing in lube or I cum about as fast as I would in any other hole. The Dolphin in normal does not give me that issue.

>> No.16531301

Hmm,might have to give it a look then, what variant do you have? Can you feel the cervixes well?

>> No.16531375

I have mine in normal. Feeling the cervixes is no issue, it's everything else that's really mild as the wall texture is somewhat hard to feel. I'd actually be tempted to try one in hard, but as it is I find it perfect for edging so I won't run out and grab a new one.

>> No.16531385

Washing it with soap and using paper towels/microfiber cloth should be ok.
As long as the insides are dry during storage, nothing should be able to grow there. Use alcohol and oxygen peroxide every few weeks if you are paranoid.

Keep in mind that alcohol makes TPE swell a little bit, but it goes back to normal once it evaporates.

>> No.16531392

For those that bought this, what did you think of the included lube?
I rather liked it. maybe more than onatsuyu.

>> No.16531397

What do they include? Tomax's Insomnia? That one is great.

>> No.16531412

When I was in Japan I bought Toysheart Lotion (Hard), in a generic bottle.
Did I fuck up particularly?

>> No.16531424

Yes indeed. Didn't dry out remotely as fast and it somehow felt more natural

>> No.16531435
File: 101 KB, 540x523, ama-free-diver-jukujo-crotch-smell-fetish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do people think of scent stuff like this? I kind of want to try it.

>> No.16531461

yes, its obviously poisoned, you better drink it all just to make sure your penis doesn't get poisoned.
but seriously it should be fine

>> No.16531495

Would eating Ice Cream out of your hip be fine?
Is there a list of onahole approved foods which won't damage your hip?

>> No.16531514

I don't think that all the oils that TPE leaks are good for you.

That, and ice-cream is milk product that will become really sticky once it melts and will start to spoil and stink really fast.
Same reason why whipped cream should be used very sparingly during sexual play.

>> No.16531540

Can you clean your hole in the shower, or would the water be too hot?
I like to have my shower as hot as possible, so I'm worried it might damage it...

>> No.16531543

What is the best hip hard onahole ?

>> No.16531555

Are you sure you won't consider a soft?
They're pretty nice.
Really comfy.

>> No.16531571

Just lower down the heat while you clean it? I do clean it in the shower sometimes, but I don't use scalding hot water.

If it's too hot, there is an increased chance of tears forming while you stretch it, I think.

>> No.16531580

I'm very insensitive.

>> No.16531645

Haven't tried it yet, but is there a bottle available anywhere other than the Daimaoh site? I was curious.

>> No.16531669

In EU, OmochaDreams seem to market two lubes from Tomax - one of them is Velvet and might just be a re-branded Insomnia.
Someone would need to contact Tomax themselves to know for sure.

>> No.16531877

To be honest, I'm mostly curious how they make and how they determine what it smells like.

If you're interested in smell products, personally I think you should read one of the onahole blogs and check out what a reviewer is excited about it.

>> No.16531881
File: 27 KB, 400x400, otokonoko_superb_anal_hole-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tried this onahole before? Is it good to buy?

>> No.16531979

Mine should arrive friday or monday.

>> No.16532018

I was considering buying one of those.
I already use one of those penis extenders to sort of replicate this.
But the insides aren't very good, just flat material.
I tried combining another onahole with it, but the bottom of the dick ripped after a few uses.

One thing I also did with it was use a screwdriver to open the end of it up with a little pressure.
The hole is small enough to keep closed on its own, but when pressure is applied from the inside, it can squeeze whatever is inside out.
Hey, sometimes I like jizzing on myself.
Sometimes I combine it with a condom as well. (they turn me on for some reason)

Combined with a sex doll it is pretty fun.
You could probably even make it rigid by using one of those ejaculating cocks if you wanted to have fun the other way around.
That's what I did. Although the first time was a disaster, exploded all over my face and bed. Woops.

>> No.16532038

so what you just said isn't an expereience with that item in the image?

>> No.16532047

Not at all.
Just saying a bunch of words in hope of inspiring someone to do weird(er) stuff.

The onahole in question would be far better and I'm still open to getting it.

>> No.16532180

ubu virgin or Passionate wife?

>> No.16532214

I have 4 different scent bottles myself (All from OSC) and have read a blogs and reviews on the products, from what I can tell how people receive the smell varies wildly from person to person. A lot of the ones you'll find aren't worth getting since they just smell like perfume and not at all like what they're pretending to be, some of them for me just don't smell much like anything, whereas some hit the mark justttt right.

>> No.16532295 [DELETED] 

Go get a real girlfriend instead.

>> No.16532557

both look pretty solid in terms of build and toy's heart make holes that are generally decent.

you could always buy both, but thats not always an option, personally I'd go passionate wife for the dotted spiral, looks like it would feel very good.

>> No.16532779
File: 152 KB, 400x400, 1_1468987779_m_pbk1y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn to whoever recommended this awhile ago thanks. I got it during my NLS order on a whim, but hadn't tried it yet.

It is pretty small for a hip but its super heavy and might be usable as a hip, but fuck that. Using it sitting down while holding both ass cheeks and letting it slide back down is great.

Now I just wish I could control my doujin browsing by voice commands to go back and forth.

>> No.16532791

Toes and arrow keys?

>> No.16532914

yeah she's a great hole, just dont slam your dick into her too hard or you'll start smashing through the back, a problem that has been plaguing me, I can only hope when she dies to the penis assault that I can patch her up.

the ass is so great.

>> No.16532956

I wish there was some kind of automatic page turner that I could use for my physical doujins. There are some ones designed for sheet music but they're expensive and only que like 10 pages at a time

>> No.16532970

Whats the name of this one?

>> No.16532979


I kind of want voice commands, seems the easiest way to go. I also have some hentai tankoubans and its fucking awful trying to fap to them which is a shame since the print quality is so nice.

>> No.16532996

Thanks! Appreciate the link

>> No.16533022

You guys are professionals on this topic;
Sex doll or dead body?


>> No.16533030


>> No.16533040

My wavy Tenga Egg came today~

>> No.16533047

the mole on the breast leads me to believe it's not a doll though it could be dirt or something

>> No.16533064

I haven't seen nipples like that in any sexdoll.

>> No.16533096

Yeah this is what I was going to say, going by just the posture it could go either way but that looks like a real mole to me.

>> No.16533141


Looks like a shop based on this one. Obvious line at the top from the mask. Not a doll but probably someone shopped out the air tube or something.

>> No.16533309

Tenga soft tubes suck ass.

>> No.16533359

Thank you so much for the guide, I just got my holes today and used one for the first time tonight and your guide answered all my questions about cleaning and such. Question though, are there any good shota holes?

>> No.16533360


Kill yourselves.

>> No.16533363


>> No.16533384

You're tempting me to buy one now. I've had my mind on getting one for the past 2 weeks. I was going to order one last week, but decided on getting a seventeen bordeaux and lolinco instead.

>> No.16533412

is it a dick bully?

>> No.16533459

Omocha Dreams now allows to preorder Dolphin for 39.95€:

>> No.16533474

1. review on queencat about hard firmness calls it 'too tight', but doesn't tell his girth.

>> No.16533476

Can you post a picture of it next to a can of soda or something for reference? Seriously been considering this one since I don't feel comfortable having a full hip since I don't live alone, but it's kind of hard to gauge where this falls sizewise just from words.

>> No.16533527

what level of firmness do you normally get?
If you get very soft most of the time and consider normal to be mild I might go for hard.

>> No.16533538

I've got a Clone, Real and Wavy Ripple in soft and the Uterus and JK Idol in normal. The Dolphin's wall texture is the most mild of the lot hands down.

>> No.16533546

how does lilith uterus compare to dolphin besides the wall texture?

>> No.16533560

It doesn't, short story. About the closest thing to a shared trait they have surprisingly is the uterus itself, but the Dolphin's is still toned down in terms of sensation. I've only finished in the Dolphin once though so I can't really say which I like better at this point; I feel it'll take some getting used to.

>> No.16533767

>Making that first snip through your onahole because you need to cut it up into pieces before throwing it out

>> No.16533814

Just give it to a hobo.

>> No.16533856

It's small enough that it fits in the XL toy bags sold by most of the onahole sites, I live with family so I was happy to get this mini hip, though I can only use her when nobody is home due to the way I use her makes a Fair bit of noise.

>> No.16534036
File: 76 KB, 503x353, 1445073637471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welp, just preordered.
>56€ total for a dolphin vagina
better be worth the hype

>> No.16534204

Here's to hoping they'll stock Regular and Hard too.

>> No.16534218
File: 94 KB, 548x435, dolphin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are. I ordered hard

>> No.16534237

Give us some feedback when you get it. I love cervixes in my onaholes but from the soft and regular versions reviews, they do not seem to be very noticeable.

>> No.16534282

so I was looking on the omochadreams site for info and it says this about the dolphin!
>Furthermore the root of the penis experiences a soft latitude which leads to a convenient ejaculation
what the fuck does this even mean?

>> No.16534322

I think it means that the soft gripping on your penis from the toy makes it easier for your semen to be ejaculated, as opposed to a toy that would grip your penis more tightly.

>> No.16534337

so it doesnt crush your urethra?

>> No.16534346

As I understand it. But I haven't tried that toy out so I can't say that's what they were going for with their explanation.

>> No.16534362

they seem to have this explanation on multiple tomax items, I feel as though its a generic machine translated bit of text

>> No.16534476

Fuck, I don't NEED it, as I have 5 holes already, but damn, I want it. 56 EUR is a lot for a hole.

Why the fuck is delivery entire 16 EUR to EU? It's just a small box, UPS or DHL shouldn't charge that much.

>> No.16535029 [DELETED] 

>>56€ total for a dolphin vagina
if you are in Germany you can just order something else to make it >75€ so shipping is free and then return that item again for free.

>> No.16535078

can't you just order more to make shipping free and then return the other items again?
don't see them mentioning any costs for returns and if you have to pay for it yourself it won't be 16€ to Germany.

>> No.16535111

Do the clone and real feel different?

>have real soft
>kinda want clone medium
>not sure

>> No.16535245

Normally, when you return items, you pay the delivery company yourself, and then send the receipt or invoice to the company for refund. Or they don't cover return fees at all.

Even so, why would they accept return and refund of perfectly good items?

Anyway, would anyone want to calculate the cost of using a forwarding service to order from Daimaoh directly?

>> No.16535353

>Even so, why would they accept return and refund of perfectly good items?
German law mandates it and their English site still links to it: https://www.omochadreams.de/content/omocha_dreams_customer_information.html#1
Furthermore that German law mandates free returns for items >40€, but not sure for EU returns.

>> No.16535389

>Anyway, would anyone want to calculate the cost of using a forwarding service to order from Daimaoh directly?
do it yourself:
also add domestic shipping to forwarder, duties and taxes.

>> No.16535410

Ok, I see. Not sure if I want to do that, still.

My country is not even on that list for some reason. Shipping to a close location is like 30 EUR, so probably not worth it.

>> No.16535432

Not that guy but I'm getting a blank page on firefox.

>> No.16535449

How are dolls manufactured?
If you wanted to make the comfiest doll possible in terms of huggability/gropeability/etc, how would you do it, and how much would it cost?
What materials would it be made from?

How long until we have the ultimate waifu bots?

>> No.16535478

somewhat related:
fleshlight factory:

>> No.16535677

>been having fucked up dreams every now and again since getting my doll
>dream 1
>long since dead mother comes to visit
>doll is sitting in family situations
>couch in living room
>at dinner
>no one, not even myself acknowledges the dolls presence
>wake up
>feel weird

>> No.16535685

>dream 2
>2 evil looking kids stole the doll
>chased them
>ran to their home
>door shut for a second but kids are back with their father
>demand doll back
>kids snicker
>father attempts to push me but grab hand and crack him across the face and drag him inside
>kids are Cheshire catting like a motherfucker as I begin to torture their father for info on the dolls whereabouts
>remove a thumb
>get a giggle
>remove other hand
>get applause
>got angry at kids
>about to stab kid1
>doll comes out of shadows and grabs kid2
>kid1 stops smiling
>scream and a crack
>doll comes out bloody and emotionless
>leave carrying doll Jane style

>> No.16535729

>about 8 years ago I used to give this woman a ride to work every morning
>she would sometimes get in the truck with a black eye covered in makeup and other wounds
>she would snap every time I asked
>told her to get help
>went to cops by myself
>"no complaining witness, cant do much"
>she stops going to work one day
>dream 3
>same woman, same truck, same rides
>dream repeats itself with no variance, clothing, music (there was none)
>one day the doll appears in the back seat (doll was not bought until 8 years later)
>go to drop off woman at door (which I never done)
>faceless male answers door
>get invited in
>windows are dirty, mirrors are shattered, place is a mess
>faceless male starts undressing woman
>sobbing, telling me to leave
>doll was standing in doorway
>pick it up princess style
>look back
>she is looking back in doggystyle position
>get back to truck
>truck door slam wakes me up

>> No.16535797

>dream 3 happened 4 days ago
>have not touched Miku since

>> No.16535974

>faceless male
>windows are dirty, mirrors are shattered


>> No.16536025
File: 124 KB, 700x800, wonderful_hip_happy_life_-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck ever happened to the guy who ordered 素晴らしき尻哉、人生! (Wonderful Hip ! Happy Life !)

its been two weeks now and i cant imagine the shipping took that long via EMS

>> No.16536074
File: 134 KB, 501x334, muses-arkhe-male-masturbator-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been thinking about this one, but does Muses Arkhe feel pretty much the same as Venus Real?

>> No.16536196

Probably in jail or something because no one ever thinks about their local laws when ordering something

>> No.16536206

just wait senpai

>> No.16536261
File: 251 KB, 1054x823, IMG_20170208_162736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing shits all over the bordeaux. Idk why the fuck people still buy those shit holes. They fall apart easily and don't even feel that good. Lolinico is okay, but I don't really like it much either.

Soso. Its no VAA or Daisuke hold, but its quite tight. The main thing is you aren't grabbing it and using it like a normal hole so you arent death gripping tightness, yet it still pushes back off your dick even with how much it weighs. Pretty nice.

It's just a bit too big to fit in the large NLS bags. I'll have to either make another order and get larger bags, or keep it tilted with the top up open in my drawer.

>> No.16536267

Fuck, that's expensive. I'm also tempted but shipping hurts.

Might just wait for Wanta so I can get it locally. They're jews as well but I doubt they'd mark it up as far as 56€.

>> No.16536278

ordered one of those magic eye mouth things

i've never had a tooth-heavy blowjob before and can't imagine that feels great, has anyone here who owns one just torn all the teeth out?

>> No.16536286

>don't feel comfortable having a full hip since I don't live alone

I was quite paranoid at first too. Now I just keep my hip in the cardboard box I got it in, in a discreet corner of my room. Cleaning and leaving it somewhere to dry are the hardest parts.

>> No.16536329

that's highly unlikely because he lived on the east coast of USA and the model on the package is very mature

>> No.16536334

There are some states/counties where it is illegal to have ice cream on sunday. not too farfetched that a masturbatory aid will get you whipped on the sidewalk

>> No.16536340

it fits in the xl bag with enough room for another regular sized onahole or a bottle of onatsuyu

>> No.16536476
File: 3 KB, 402x50, firefox_2017-02-08_23-21-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How big storage bags do I need? If the lower of the given measurements is the width (as opposed to length), I assume I would need that to be at least pi/2 * the maximum circumference of a given hole? For example the venus real has a maximum circumference of 100mm, so 50mm*3.14 = 157 mm = 6.181 inches
Am I misinterpreting this or do you need an XL toy bag (13.39x7.28 inch) for the venus real?

>> No.16536493

I have my venus series stuff in large bags with room to spare.

>> No.16536584
File: 1.89 MB, 4032x3024, 20170208_174457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry man, been waiting until I had more opportunities to use it before posting my thoughts about it. Been swamped with work. But for now, here's some size pictures. Can't give a review yet of the holes but the cheeks feel fantastic. Really hard to dry.

>> No.16536591
File: 2.01 MB, 4032x3024, 20170208_174555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16536635

I just buy the XL bags to maximize my storage

>> No.16536663

oh nice you're still alive

few questions:
how long did it end up taking for it to arrive?

it is a closed hole right? as opposed to through hole (like puni ana)

>> No.16536669

Here's the thing - Omocha are the exclusive partner of Tomax in EU. I'm pretty sure no one else is selling those, but if you actually see one somewhere, it means that whoever sells Tomax in other shops is either importing those from Japan unofficially or buying those from OD and resells.

>> No.16536720
File: 2.00 MB, 4032x3024, 20170208_174527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not long at all. ordered from otonajp and got it within 7 days.

It is closed hole.

>> No.16536943

The Clone and Real are different, yeah. The Real has a curving tunnel so you feel more with the head, the Clone is straight and pays more attention to the entire penis. In soft the Clone's texture is noticeably more aggressive than the Real's, but not by a lot, to the point that lubed normally I tend to have an easier time holding back in the Clone, but that's probably because I'm cut.

>> No.16537039

So anyone ever send their deliveries to be picked up at the UPS store instead of having it sent to your home?

>> No.16537118

I see. I guess I'll sleep on it and decide later.

Another concern for me was that not importing would mean I don't have to mess with surprise customs checks or anything like that. Would a dolphin hole be more questionable than a loli one?

>> No.16537255

Just got the lilith spiral wave in soft, and the succubus wavy ripple in regular. About to use lilith. I'll let you guys know how it goes

>> No.16537306

how does omochajews stay afloat with those prices

>> No.16537317

nevermind, motsutoys are even more jew as they do not include tax in prices

>> No.16537385

Alright im back after 40 minutes of edging, ending in a pretty intense and crazy orgasm that had he kinda shivering a bit. Also, it was the Lilith spiral dots not spiral wave. Really good stuff, almost didn't feel anything at all when i was inside, took a few minutes to feel my orgasm building. Great hole, looking forward to the succubus wave tomorrow

>> No.16537389
File: 62 KB, 1263x473, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16537398

Were you the guy asking for advice from last thread? If so, glad you liked it.

>> No.16537407

Yes sir, ended up going with one guy's advice of the spiral dots and succubus wave

>> No.16537428

>I love cervixes in my onaholes but from the soft and regular versions reviews, they do not seem to be very noticeable.
Having now used the Dolphin, I'm gonna call bullshit on that (not the fact that you love cervices, the other bit). I'm cut with a 7.25"x5.5" dick and I ordered hard and soft (I would have had all three but regular sold out on Daimaoh whilst I was checking out). They arrived yesterday, so I tried them out last night.

Dolphin is the first Tomax onahole that I have used so I figured I'd try the included Insomnia lube, although it's quite thin and I probably used a little too much. I started with the hard version, due to previous reviews, and found that the cervices were extremely noticeable and that the hole was somewhat of a bully. I switched to the soft after a few minutes and found that the cervices were still very noticeable but it wasn't a bully - I could take my time and enjoy repeatedly penetrating each one, resulting in a great orgasm. I doubt I'll use the hard one again.

For reference, I have loads of other onas, including the usual bullies and cervix holes.

>> No.16537455

do you think the regular would have been worth it?

>> No.16537479

Excellent question. Probably, yes. I may order regular when I next order from Daimaoh, to see, but I'm happy with soft for now.

The Dolphin is now number one on the Daimaoh sales chart! They have also now added an option on the Dolphin page (https://daimaoh.co.jp/item5982.html)) to reserve them in the hardness you would like; unfortunately it doesn't look like they've done that for any of their other onaholes, though.

>> No.16537480

sorry i am retarded
did not notice i had 2 items in the cart

>> No.16537506 [SPOILER] 
File: 68 KB, 800x533, 1486610626045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know anything about the "Real Body 3D bone system torsos"? They're the only torsos I've found that don't look gross in anatomy or material.
I was looking for an oppai toy originally but they're about the same price as aichan

>> No.16537601


when I buy from TD i have it sent to a fedex location. no problems at all.

>> No.16537670
File: 30 KB, 220x220, dolphin-male-masturbator-01__50412.1485906939.220.220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Queencat has the dolphin hole for 34 USD if anyone is still looking for one.

>> No.16537687

Those are probably just concepts. Speaking of Aichan, it seems like the white ones are always out of stock every time I decide to check. Fuck.

>> No.16537719

Not sure what you mean by concepts, I guess I should link them. There's 3 types: normal, petite, and thicc

>> No.16537770

Holes look a bit boring, color is monotone, not big enough to hug, no arms, no legs, no head

>> No.16537785

The items are usually stopped at customs because of the loli drawings on the box or if there are bonus CDs/booklets with drawings included. This hole doesn't have anything lewd on the box. Tomax's box design is generally very inconspicuous.

By having exclusivity deal with Tomax. Monopoly is bad for consumer, great for business.

>> No.16537855
File: 34 KB, 540x400, real-body-julia-masturbator-onahole-doll-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to say that's pretty cheap but then I see they're not really to scale. Reminds me of pic related, which is to scale.

>> No.16537926

is rends' A10 SA limited to just a couple patterns?

>> No.16537976

Anybody here have that? I'm curious, but not I-have-600-dollars curious.

>> No.16538042

At that point may as well get a sex doll.

>> No.16538049

Not if you have an amputee fetish

>> No.16538063
File: 113 KB, 1414x1000, 61mxrAoBXUL._SL1600_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The japanese amazon reviews are pretty bad. One even drew a diagram.

>> No.16538069

So I have recently picked up my first Tomax set. And Tomax is king.
Dolphin!(Normal) Venus Real(Soft), and JK Idol.

I'v had a lot of fun with them so far. I've tried Dolphin once, but I did enjoy it. JK Idol once, Venus real I've done twice. I seem to have a problem with application of lube with Tomax stuff. I usually apply the usual amount to them as my others, but for some reason, I feel like the entrance to the hole/lips get drier quickly. Idk. I'm using Onatsuyu.

>> No.16538095

wtf am I looking at? an infected hipona or rips?

maybe discolorations?

>> No.16538128
File: 105 KB, 842x576, ce56c2ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if anyone here is that ambitious or has the means to own one, but the top of the line ones like pic related can go up to over at least 10k USD. They have customization too.

>> No.16538144

Luckily I'm not into hags, the loli ones are much cheaper.

>> No.16538388

>Anyone know anything about the "Real Body 3D bone system torsos"?
I've had one on order from OtonaJP since 26/11/2016, along with a number of other items... The "availability" estimate back then was 2 weeks; it's 3 weeks now and OtonaJP stopped responding to my e-mails on 20/12/2016, where they would previously reply within 24 hours.
Fortunately I have a box of new holes from Daimaoh, so I'm not hanging out for them.

>> No.16538414

I'm looking to buy some L-Arginine.
Should I stick with NOW or is there a better deal out there?
Also for those who take it, how many grams do you guys take?

>> No.16538416

Well, this will be my next hole then.

After the Venus Real I pretty much stopped shopping for holes. It's hard to use lesser holes at this point.

>> No.16538508

Puni Ana DX regular or hard for novice?

>> No.16538513

How noticeable is your definition of noticeable?

With the CQ Roll for example, I need to be rock hard to penetrate the cervix and it's tight enough that I can't get completely flaccid once I'm inside.

>> No.16538592 [DELETED] 

>After the Venus Real I pretty much stopped shopping for holes.
which other holes do you have?

>> No.16538604

>So I have recently picked up my first Tomax set. And Tomax is king.
>After the Venus Real I pretty much stopped shopping for holes.
which other holes do you guys have?

>> No.16538666

>I thought I was ordering herbal tea not dolphin pussy I swear

>> No.16538675

>How noticeable is your definition of noticeable?
My definition of noticeable is noticeable. Clearly it's subjective. Noticeable doesn't necessarily mean tight, it means that you can feel it.

I find that soft is more noticeable than Daisyuki Hold, Measuring the Girls Growth, and the 17 Evos; I've only used Cum Maid once, so I don't remember, Korezo Box ! Uterus Fucking is still pending my OtonaJP order shipping and I don't have CQ Roll to compare.

>Street signs, street signs, auditoriums
WTF Google?

>> No.16538692

Not OP but in the same boat. I've got a Lolinco, MoT, Witch, Innocent Younger Sister and R20 Puni. I've also owned am SCP, a couple of fleshlights and a Tenga Flip black. I don't really think about the others and go right for the Venus Real soft now.

>> No.16538698

>By having exclusivity deal with Tomax.
doesn't follow.
we have no idea of their margins.
>Monopoly is bad for consumer, great for business.
it's not a monopoly as there are other onaholes. Monopolies are illegal in the US and EU.
on the outside looking in daimaoh looks like very small fish compared to ToysHeart or Magic Eyes.
daimaoh is prolly that popular in the West due to its exclusivity like "Meiki" before and totally unknown in Nippon.
damaoh still manages to be out of stock lots of times, so expanding their distribution network sounds asinine.
in actual fact, capitlaism would dictate a raise of prices so that demand meets supply.

>> No.16538979


>> No.16539001

Well, they have a monopoly on Tomax's products, that's what I meant. I think that a lot of people wouldn't have bothered with this store if they were not exclusive Tomax dealers and Venus didn't have a reputation of being a good hole. Their prices ARE atrocious after all, but people buy stuff anyway because that's the only place to get the holes.

Prices are driven by demand, but natural competition has been cut out of the play by the exclusivity deal.

I don't really know about them being "completely unknown" in Japan, but since Venus is always a top seller on Daimaoh, I don't think it's something very exotic.

>> No.16539132

Any tips on how to enjoy fapping while near the point of climaxing but not orgasming? I find it painful to not orgasm straight away. Say I'm playing a visual novel or watching a hentai but there's so many sex scenes but my cooldown after cumming and waiting for the pain to go away is too long.

>> No.16539140
File: 1.49 MB, 1339x977, nekopara_vol2_2016-05-05_23-44-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey everyone,

I'm the newbie Australian from a couple of threads ago, my Seventeen Bordeaux arrived along with two bottles of Onatsuyu.

In all honesty, I'm not entirely satisfied, I need a tighter one, it's a toss up between a OMP - Lolinco and a VAA. Which one do you guys recommend?

(also f-fuck you guys for getting me addicted to this)

>> No.16539143

I take about half a teaspoon a day.

>> No.16539181

bought a couple of onaholes here, some with lewd packaging. can i bring this stuff back to australia? i ripped off the loli shit, but the other ones have sexual poses, moist vaginas etc

>> No.16539211

When in doubt throw it out, when I was in Japan I removed the boxes from all my souvenirs so everything would fit.

>> No.16539252

cheers, will probably do that, although would much prefer the packaging intact

just curious whether they crack down hard on lewd school girls or nips protruding from body suits etc

>> No.16539299

Australia has strange laws against loli, not under age in general. Hard nipples are fine, but anything even implying the girl might be young (school uniform, flat chest, narrow hips, etc.) are basis for you to get fucked. Better safe than sorry as the other guy said, but you shouldn't necessarily have to get rid of EVERYTHING should you really want the art. Keeping boxes for these is kind of silly though.

>> No.16539334

>not under age in general
Not porn in general, I meant.

>> No.16539360


VAA for durability. Lolinco for more stimulation and longer vaginal canal.

>> No.16539478

>Their prices ARE atrocious after all, but people buy stuff anyway because that's the only place to get the holes.
how are they atrocious?

let's look at Dolphin:
daimaoh: $24.65 ≈ ¥2,780 (w/o taxes)
queenscat: $34.99 (w/o taxes)
omocha dreams: $35.80 (w/o taxes) ≈ 39.95 € (w/ 19% taxes)

foreign distributors need to pay for shipping, duties, warehouse, payment processing, employees, legal counsel, currency fluctuations, ..

>Prices are driven by demand, but natural competition has been cut out of the play by the exclusivity deal.
nope, one could speculate that daimaoh has simple not enough merchandise to make more distributors profitable. you can't split it further as fixed costs such as shipping will eat your margins.
the only way would be to involve an wholesale distributor, who can order big enough shipments and then let him split it. but he would want a cut.

basically you are arguing that mom-and-pop stores are evil jews because they cost more than Walmart while ignoring economies of scale.

>> No.16539500

did you declare those imports?
was it inspected?

>> No.16539524 [SPOILER] 
File: 590 KB, 1500x2000, 1486655007182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at what just arrived~

>> No.16539546

I wish you good luck but this looks like it will be a horrible hole.

>> No.16539564

It smells bad and the hole looks pretty boring but I got it exclusively for the visual stimulation.
Regular onaholes just don't cut it for me when reading trap doujins.

>> No.16539585

why are you looking at the hole instead of the screen?
for the short moment you do, you might as well imagine that it's their asshole.

>> No.16539613

It just doesn't do it for me m8. The same way I HAVE to use a mouth hole when watching blowjob stuff.
I had been looking for an otohole for a while.

>> No.16539649

Venus Real costs 4800 yen at Daimaoh, which is approx 40 EUR. At Omochadreams it costs 75 EUR.
That's nearly twice the price. But that's only part of it - they only offer expensive shipping via UPS, which adds another 16 EUR on top of the price if you live outside of Germany and surrounding countries. You can argue that it's not their fault that delivery is so expensive, but frankly it doesn't matter to me as a customer - I am still paying 91 EUR for Venus Real.
I obviously can include multiple things in one order, and they offer free delivery if the total order cost over 150 (!) EUR. Very fucking generous of them.
Compared to Venus, I would say that Dolphin is even reasonably priced.
And it's not only Tomax products, most of their stock is priced way above Japanese prices. They are called Jewmocha for a reason.

Now, I agree that they are not a charity and need to mark-up their items to make profit and pay for operation costs. My argument is that their mark-up is way too high compared to what people are used to when it comes to imported goods.
Now, what if there were multiple distributors? Competition would drive the price down, or, most likely, the stores would agree on a certain price, creating an oligopoly. Who knows - I would bet the price would probably be a bit lower still.

What prevents Daimaoh from having multitude of partners? It could be limited production as you say. I have no idea about how they produce these holes, what are the operation costs, batch sizes, etc. But something tells me they prefer to have exclusive distributors because a) they can't be arsed to work with a lot of foreign companies and b) this creates a reputation of premium quality, which allows to charge more than competitors.

I'm not saying you are incorrect or anything, but just arguing the point that end prices for European customers are very unpleasant, and what allows this to happen is the sales policy of the producer.

>> No.16539726

Text is basically saying there's holes in it that cause the shaded read area to get filled with lube/water。

>> No.16539901
File: 21 KB, 285x196, transparent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for an item like pic related, flexible so two dicks can fit in, yet tight and pleasurable. Transparent or translucid would be nice. Any suggestions?

>> No.16539936
File: 56 KB, 1280x720, 1424115503401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post pics

>> No.16540010

>They are called Jewmocha for a reason.
but it's just speculation that they have a high mark-up.
you do not know what kind of contracts they have with daimaoh or UPS.

anyway since 2015 they are a GmbH , so German law forces them do publicly release an annual financial statement:
Thus, search for 'Omocha Dreams" in:
total assets are 388,582.18€ and they lost 6,162.33€ in 2015.
Calling them jews when they can't even operate at cost is pretty funny.

>Now, what if there were multiple distributors? Competition would drive the price down, or, most likely, the stores would agree on a certain price, creating an oligopoly. Who knows - I would bet the price would probably be a bit lower still.
Who says daimaoh does not set the price?
If supply is limited, there's no reason to lower prices.

>> No.16540085

It's interesting to see actual numbers, thanks.

That being said, we don't know the reason why they were in the red in 2015. Might be incompetent management and over-spending. Might have gotten more stock that they could sell that year (although considering that nothing is in stock there, I doubt it).
We don't know if 2016 was a success for them either.

Why would Daimaoh set prices? They sell stock to foreign companies at a certain prices, then it's up to them to decide what to sell it locally.

>> No.16540159

i still think it's only a single-man shop.
even tho in 2015 the owner temporally changed from Michael to Sandra Jahn(his temp wife?).
if you are married, it makes sense to run your company thru your partner that earns less because of lower taxes.

sure he could give himself an unreasonable salary, but if the balance sheet size is only 388,582.18€, there's not that much to take.
also he payed 94,474.55€ into the company in 2015.
but first paying it as salary and then paying it back in doesn't make sense due to taxes on your salary.

>> No.16540195

When I'm about to cum, I like edging by sticking just the tip in and out again, slowly and pausing whenever necessary.

>> No.16540209

I have contacted them when I had issues with my order. The guy mentioned that there is someone else who is packing and sending stuff.
So definitely not one person. The person who is managing customer relations is also probably not the owner, but who knows.

>> No.16540226

I guess I'll bite then. Any other Tomax holes I should get at the same time? I've mostly bought Magic Eyes stuff in the past.

>> No.16540293
File: 296 KB, 1000x1500, tmp_8906-81cwollonLL._SL1500_(2)-17972080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought little girls were supposed to be soft. Why's it feel like I'm fucking a few rubber gaskets? It's tight enough but my hand is softer than this.

>> No.16540298

We've been over this, nobody knows. Just stick your dicks in eachothers asses or something.

>> No.16540299

Does anyone else ever imagine they're fucking the girl in the box art? Are the onaholes supposed to represent the insides of the qt on the box?

>> No.16540309

Venus Real is very popular. Lilith Uterus is ok. Muses series are up to your preference.

Little girls are supposed to be tight and hard because they clench - at least that's the logic here. That's why loli holes are tight and stimulating. And in case of lolinco - tear often.

>> No.16540312

What did you expect when the cover roughly says "I'll hold you and won't let go - Love hold"

>> No.16540352

>Calling them jews when they can't even operate at cost is pretty funny.

Or maybe they're losing money because customers realize it's way cheaper to simply order from Japan.

Hell, I'd buy the dolphin hole from them if the shipping fee wasn't retardedly high.

>> No.16540372

How do you plan to do it? Estimate of delivery cost to EU using forwarding service mentioned above is about 30 EUR. That's on top of the cost of the hole from Daimaoh, delivery to forwarder and possible import tax charges.

>> No.16540397
File: 17 KB, 260x340, tmp_8906-1485526370827-2064483737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only when the girl on the box is that cute

Stimulating in the way if pulling my glans off. Geez, I like the interior design but this is some hard af rubber to be fucking

A cute loving loli that's tight and stimulating wuth some vacuum. Not I won't let you go in the way of mechanically separating my head from my shaft

The Lilith uterus is tight and soft. I wouldn't mind this being harder than that but this feels like bouncy ball material

>> No.16540407

man when the fuck are Myonahole going to come back online, I actually liked that site, bought 4 onaholes from them and for the past few weeks they've gone dark.

>> No.16540415

>mechanically separating my head from my shaft

How is it compared to the Lolinco hymen?

>> No.16540442

I don't know, I like this hole. Maybe you are especially girthy. I'm also uncut, so that also can contribute somewhat.

There are basically two ways of enjoying this hole. First is adding lots of lube and sliding in and out, feeling all the textures.
Second is making sure there is no air, and letting it stick to the base of the penis and stretching the hole over.
Second option happens naturally for me as the lube dries out and it just sticks in place. In this case most stimulation is done by the uterus and there is a lot of suction.

>> No.16540481

which hole?

>> No.16540486

Daisuki hold.

>> No.16540537

let's try to collect dolphin reviews:

please use the review template:

>> No.16540585

I love bullies but you make it sound like a negative here. Were the cervixes in the hard just too hard?

>> No.16540596
File: 125 KB, 1385x687, 1463265828067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let's do some math then. Pic related is what I'd have to pay for the onahole + JSS, I usually use registered airmail so let's go with that.

So far, I've got to pay 4270¥ but we have to include daimaoh's shipping fees, the cheapest being 500¥ so let's add that.

If there is no problem, importing the onahole would cost me a total of 4770¥ (39.58€).

Now let's say customs want to be dicks, they never seized any of my packages in a decade of imported shit from but let's imagine the worst case scenario. If they do, I've got to pay VAT (20% in my country, France) for the price of the onahole + the shipping fee from JSS (we're assuming they wrote the actual prices on the customs declarations here, which honestly never happen but whatever) which is 4270¥ or 35.43€.

35.43€ with a 20% VAT amounts to 42.5€. We have to add 4.15€ (daimaoh's shipping fees, not taxed since they occured in Japan) to that price: 46.65€.
Omochadreams asks for ~53€ for the product and the shipping costs.

Order doesn't go through customs: 39.58€
Order goes through customs: 46.65€
Omochadreams: around 53€

Now, you could say that omochadreams is located in Europe so I could get my order faster but right now they're still waiting for their shipment of dolphin rubber vaginas and even then, they have the bad reputation of always being out of stock.

>> No.16540616

You sure the whole package is going to be this light? I would say it would be at least half a kilo.

>> No.16540653


I'm not sure but I tried for curiosity's sake. The difference between 370g and 500g is 200¥ (1.66€).

>> No.16540681
File: 283 KB, 2225x720, 1462525705720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here ever had the problem where the orgasm from an onahole or whatever is too intense? Like convulsing, kick the desk and fuck up stuff up on it, hit your head on the wall and actually yell for a bit? I get this at this point with the lilith uterus I picked up, and orgasms feel unsatisfying because I have to consciously rein them in so I don't spaz out, like I'm afraid of totally blacking out and hurting myself.

Should I just start making it a point to cover any hard corners in the room with foam or just start exclusively fapping in a blanket fort or something? Never had this problem with my hand before

>> No.16540687

aren't you missing import duties?

>> No.16540696

Well anyway, thanks for the calculations, I will consider this when I actually decide to get this hole.

He includes a bit about possibility to pay VAT on import.

Go masturbate in bed or something. But seriously though, orgasms from onaholes tend to be the best while those are new and you are still getting used to those. When accustomed, brain doesn't reward you for cumming in those that well.

>> No.16540703

you don't pay any fee for yen to eur conversion?

>He includes a bit about possibility to pay VAT on import.
taxes and duties are two different things.

>> No.16540714

Then it depends on your country? I have only ever paid import tax where I live. And fucking DHL fee so that they deal with customs - something they used to do for fucking free.

>> No.16540715

>When accustomed, brain doesn't reward you for cumming in those that well.
Like building tolerance? For a specific hole/ones similar in texture, or is that just a blanket rule for fake plastic vaginas?

I've been rotating between the lilith, hand, and black/white tenga flip holes I picked up last year and barely used, so hopefully I can stave that off for a bit longer.

>> No.16540717

>orgasms from onaholes tend to be the best while those are new

I remember my first few orgasms while cumming inside holes. It was like discovering masturbation all over again.

>> No.16540723

>Now let's say customs want to be dicks, they never seized any of my packages in a decade of imported shit from but let's imagine the worst case scenario.
not sure if you get to choose.
your options are:
a) you declare it rightfully and pay your duties and taxes
b) you declare it as a gift and undervalue and hope no one finds out. if they find out, you have to pay up and prolly custom wants some fee for their extra-work (not sure about .fr).
maybe they even try to prove that it was you that declared it wrongly, so they might criminally charge you with tax evasion.

>> No.16540726

I guess it has something to do with novelty. When I got my first holes orgasms were so strong, it was almost painful. Now, new holes don't often create the same effect, but they definitely feel better while they are new.
The older holes still feel great, but not "oh god, I'm gonna pop a vessel" strong.

>> No.16540734

Specific holes. A new hole always feels fresh and the orgasms are stronger.

It might also have something to do with how the holes themselves get worn down through use.

>> No.16540743
File: 47 KB, 862x321, 1459491140431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've included a what if scenario if I had to pay VAT for some reason but it wouldn't even apply in this case (see pic related, second row).

>you don't pay any fee for yen to eur conversion?
I would actually but it varies from bank to bank and mine is either 0.80€ (bare minimum) or 1% of the total price IIRC.

Pic related applies, the order costs less than 45€ so I don't have to pay VAT or any customs related fees.

>> No.16540748 [DELETED] 

>b) you declare it as a gift and undervalue and hope no one finds out. if they find out, you have to pay up and prolly custom wants some fee for their extra-work (not sure about .fr).
in Germany customs hold it in one of their very few locations, so you have to drive like 100km to get it. and the fee for that service is 28.50€.

>> No.16540812

>Pic related applies, the order costs less than 45€ so I don't have to pay VAT or any customs related fees.
it's not a private shipment, so that's wrong: VAT applies.

also, in Germany there's some hidden 28.50€ fee from the postal service for handling payment of customs.
if you don't want to pay you have to get the parcel yourself from customs which only have very few and remote locations in Germany, so enjoy your ~100km drive.

>> No.16540858

>it's not a private shipment, so that's wrong: VAT applies.

You're right, I got that part wrong. But imported onahole + VAT is still cheaper than buying from omocha.
And I don't know about germans customs but french ones only bother to go after obviously fraudulent packages or very expensive ones.

>> No.16540883

Is the Myonahole shopsite dead? Since two ~months i've got the message that they've maintenace.

>> No.16540910

>so I could get my order faster

Intra-EU customs checks also might not happen, or at least are less stringent. For a country like the UK, paying the Jew fee for something like a loli hole also includes paying for a reduced chance of ending up like Leafanon.

inb4 >just remove boxes
I-I like the boxes okay

>> No.16540917

I guess you get the sense you're giving a reach around maybe?

>> No.16540943

how did you manage to pay only ¥2780 for Dolphin?
isn't the price w/o Japanese sales tax just there for marketing reasons and everyone has to pay ¥3002?

>> No.16541135

>And I don't know about germans customs but french ones only bother to go after obviously fraudulent packages or very expensive ones.
going by anecdata it's prolly the same.
but there's that 28.50€ fee, if inspected which changes the equation.

anyway omocha dreams is basically free shipping in Germany (order >75€ for free shipping, return items >40€ for free) plus consumer rights (warranty).

>> No.16541198

that's JSS's calculator for auctions, which has different commissions fees.
you want:

>> No.16541250

>they have the bad reputation of always being out of stock.
Try get a hold of stock on daimaoh website, it's even more annoying and they don't got any reserve function (seems to have added one on dolphin but earlier they don't got any).
That's the weight without any package, add ~200g on that.
>we're assuming they wrote the actual prices on the customs declarations here, which honestly never happen but whatever
Not every country have the same procedure (might have to present receipt) and have additional custom fees.

But I should point out that I definitely believe it's cheaper to import yourself especially if you can dodge VAT and custom fees. But at the cost of shipping time, safety, costumer service and annoyance to order (if you don't know japanese).

>> No.16541336

>I definitely believe it's cheaper
you could just do math instead

>> No.16541383

Drool of Truth or Lovely Girl's Drool is Sweet?

>> No.16541495

Does a cute girl's drool really taste sweet?

>> No.16541512

But we don't know exact weight of the package and you can get price down further by combining with other stuff one buy (since shipping price don't scale linearly).

>> No.16541610

drool is a neutral, sweet saliva or breath is a symptom of diabetes.

>> No.16541746

Oh. I thought it was a symptom of lewdness.

>> No.16541816

only if you think diabetes is sexy

>> No.16542150

New to Tomax toys, but have owned plenty of toys from other brands. Looking into getting a really soft one and a stimulating one for different experience. Would like some suggestions since I would like get something that is unique to Tomax.

For the soft one, I'm thinking of getting something rich soft from Venus Clone, Real or Muses Arkhe. How do they compare and which one offers a sensation that is unique to Tomax? Heard that Venus Clone feels like that of a mature woman, and Real that of a teenager. Not sure about Arkhe. Is that true?

As for the more stimulating one, I heard from some people that hard might be firm to the point that it becomes uncomfortable. Is that again true? For now, I have Muses Fillo or Kokalo regular in mind. Again, how do they compare and which one offers a stimulating experience that is unique to Tomax?

>> No.16542188 [DELETED] 

Or you could just get a girlfriend lol.

>> No.16542194

also just wondering, what's the best Tomax you've owned in your opinion?

>> No.16542245

To give you a non-answer: everyone's dick is different, so people will have varying results depending on sensitivity, length and girth of the penis. So only you can know what is best for you by testing all of them.

Tomax has a very unique feel due to the material that they use. They all are single-layer onaholes that are very soft and stretchy and floppy. Even hard softness is quite soft. The "regular" softness is like pretty thick piece of jelly - flops around, stretches and barely feels like anything at the beginning. But gradually you get used to it and appreciate the subtle stimulation.

There are some reviews online that can help you make your mind, but again - your personal experience will be unique.

Generally people really like Venus Real. Lilith Uterus is also a common choice. Not that many people own Muse holes, but apparently Kokalo is a bit more stimulating that Venus, and Arkhe can be better or worse than Lilith depending on your length and preferences.
The new Dolphin hole seems like a pretty cool thing, but it's new and only a few people have tried it here yet.

Now, if you are looking for something that feels like an actual vagina, then go hire a prostitute. Onaholes don't self-lubricate, don't keep themselves warm, are not made of muscles that contract and relax, and don't react to what you are doing. The technology is just not there yet.
And every vagina is different - there are teenagers with vaginas that can swallow a kielbasa, and grown women who clench and bleed from a modestly sized dick. There is no "feels like mature/young woman", everyone is different.
That being said, onaholes do feel pretty damn good. Even better than the real thing sometimes.

>> No.16542261 [DELETED] 

>avg misogynist anon believes he's entitled to fuck his girlfriend whenever he wishes
Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.16542313

The prerequisite Tomax hole is Venus Real in soft, it's a must. Fucking thing broke my dick and ruined all other holes for me.

>> No.16542412 [DELETED] 

how about you go find a place where women are talking about vibrators and shame them about not having boyfriends.

>> No.16542441 [DELETED] 

I actually wonder if there is a place where women talk about exotic vibrators and cheapest means of importing, as well as how to repair those.

>> No.16542466 [DELETED] 

well they dont have to import any because women are so well catered to, every sex shop ive been into is about 80% vibrators and dildos mainly for women, 15% pornography and 5% rubber vaginas for men.

as far as talking about it pretty much any womens forum has talk about sex toys, I fucking hate the double standard that exists, people are such assholes.

>> No.16542511

New to this, do you guys have any recommended two hole masturbators? or should I just stick with single ones?

>> No.16542533

Single ones. It's a pain in her ass having to clean both holes after use.

>> No.16542537

a single hole will ultimately be easier to clean, if you have one with two holes you'll have to clean both every time to ensure that it stays in good condition, I would recommend a single hole especially if you're new to the rubber vagina hobby.

>> No.16542578

Alright, single ones it is. I'm not sure if I should go with Lilith Uterus or Wet Meiki as my first hole. What do you guys think?

>> No.16542590
File: 594 KB, 1024x577, 1484292281346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well tomax are one of the most durable hole brands and magic eyes have quality control as shown in the image attached.

go for the Lilith Uterus

>> No.16542597

oh also wet meiki looks like a space monster on the outside.

>> No.16542656

Holy crap. I was considering buying the Lilith Uterus on queencat and using NLS for the recommended accessories(lube, bag, and usb heater) from the pastebin but the shipping is a killer.

>> No.16542668

you dont need a usb heater, running hot water over it produces better results, also what do you expect from a website based in japan?

>> No.16542816

Heads up for anyone that cares otona has a 10% off sale using code myvalentine2017

>> No.16542957

I was just looking for something realistic from this because apparently (from what i heard) that's something unique to Tomax. Normal onaholes tend to be pretty far from what Tomax offers as they are much more stimulating than real ones.
I do agree people have different opinions. That's why the main focus of my question is about which onaholes offers the unique experience designed by Tomax. I just avoid to onaholes designs/sensations that i might find from other brands. i was curious about what's the amazing experience or whatever sensation offered by Tomax, which cannot be found from other onas.

Anyways, thank you. Your answer has been pretty good for me. It's good to know what people go for, and therefore the products for which Tomax are known for.

>> No.16542990

What temperature do hips melt at?
Asking because it's 39 degrees(Celsius) today, and I'm worried it might melt during delivery...

>> No.16543001

Planning to get Muses Kokalo Hard, Venus Real Soft. Considering a third one. Wanted the dolphin but only hard is available, gonna avoid that due to bad reviews.
Any suggestion for one that would offer a different experience from the above 2 already chosen?

>> No.16543017

Probably just going to go for Utea Grace then. Shipping the torso costs as much as the item itself anyways

>> No.16543042

Nvm this.
It turns out I literally just got it.
Seems to be fine, which is good.

>> No.16543181

anybody been to nakano broadway?

anybody know where the tenga vending machines are?

>> No.16543193

Love Merci has a free bottle of Ona Tsuyu for orders over $100.
MerciVIP for 10% off your order, too.

>> No.16543400

>I love bullies but you make it sound like a negative here. Were the cervixes in the hard just too hard?
I don't generally have a problem with bullies either (I'm cut and 5.5" girth, for whatever relevance that has) but I thought that it was unnecessary with the three cervices.

>start exclusively fapping in a blanket fort


>> No.16543412
File: 148 KB, 953x953, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ordering from NLS for the first time and was wondering if they normally undervalue your order or if you specifically have to ask them to?

>> No.16543427

otonajp and otona-sekai undervalue. Not sure about nls, I have never order anything above my tax threshold from them.

>> No.16543480

Yeah I ordered from those sites before and they did undervalue my stuff without me asking, so was wondering if NLS was the same.

>> No.16543522

Well, they don't undervalue if you don't ask them to, that's for sure.
Just ask them with a different mail/account if you are afraid of them banning you.

>> No.16543648
File: 130 KB, 277x278, 1479837829360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my first ona 3 days ago and I'm worried about not cleaning it properly.
It's a Seventeen Bordeaux dual layer so I cannot turn it inside out according to this guide I read.
I just hold the hole open under flowing warm water and try to get out the liquids that are inside with my fingers.
I'm also using antibacterial soap on my fingers and pour some inside while the water is flowing in.
I do this for maybe a couple of minutes then dry it the best I can without using cloths and put it in a breathable bag.

As long as I don't smell anything weird before use I should be fine, right?

>> No.16543652

I'm pretty sure NLS does. I don't remember asking them to do anything else than getting rid of boxes but my packages were always labeled as containing figure sets under 2000 yens.

Then again, you can ask them to be on the safe side.

>> No.16543683

I've been there, never saw a tenga vending machine, get a ice cream though, those are really good.

>> No.16543817

>we don't know exact weight
you can estimate weight. same as nls.
such as weight of toy + 100g for its packaging + 200g for the parcel
>since shipping price don't scale linearly
only true within a shipping method.
if you go >2000g, SAL isn't possible anymore.
so for example 2002g EMS might be more than double 1001g SAL.
you also might move into new tax/duty brackets.

>> No.16543833

asking them is illegal and leaves a paper trail.

in most of EU if it's not declared as a gift, taxation for commercial shipments from non-EU starts quite low (Germany: 22€, France: always) and shipping fee counts against it.

>> No.16543839

>I was just looking for something realistic from this because apparently (from what i heard) that's something unique to Tomax.

>> No.16543855

>I'm also using antibacterial soap on my fingers and pour some inside while the water is flowing in.
falling for the antibacterial soap scam:
You can only sanitize a non-porous material.

>As long as I don't smell anything weird before use I should be fine, right?
Inspect it before every use for discoloration, odd new smells and black spots (this means mildew is growing in the pores) – if you see anything off, toss the sucker immediately.


>> No.16543866

order everything from daimaoh + forwarder instead.
no crazy queencat markup on lilith uterus and only paying shipping once

>> No.16543871

>You can only sanitize a non-porous material.
Didn't know that, I just had the soap lying around and put some in thinking it shouldn't hurt.

>Inspect it before every use for discoloration
Inspect it on the inside? How can I do that without turning it inside out?
How do I get the inside 100% dry for storage?

>> No.16543877 [DELETED] 

so how about:
still one of the best reviewed onaholes on toydemon:

>> No.16543882

>Inspect it on the inside? How can I do that without turning it inside out?
light it up with a flashlight, but wouldn't sweat it if not.

>How do I get the inside 100% dry for storage?
let it dry in the open for say like 6h or use a fan.

>> No.16543883

so how about:
still one of the best reviewed onaholes on toydemon:

>> No.16543918

anyone can compare daimaoh's Insomnia and Silky Lube?
going by
they both are waterly and low viscosity.
so like onatsuyu?

any other lubes that daimaoh sells that are recommended besides the usual suspects like onatsuyu and pepe?

>> No.16544041

Interesting. My Rina still feels just as awesome over a year later - and it's holding up a lot better than I'd expect from Magic "hurr durr what is quality control" Eyes.

>> No.16544109

I just spent like 30 minutes washing carefully and inspecting it closely. Molds and fungus and such are disgusting and I'd fucking get mad to find them in my toy but I'm still unsure.
Am I guaranteed to get that shit if I don't clean it right after the use or clean it badly once or is it like a risk (one that I don't want to take)?

>> No.16544140

how was the condition when you got it, any factory defects that a more competent company would see and scrap?

>> No.16544146

its always a low risk, the risk is dramatically lower if you properly clean and maintain your holes, dont worry if you half ass a clean once its not going to be the signal to end it all.
just never leave your cum in a hole for any extended period of time.

>> No.16544148

>tfw you ripped your onahole after after 2 days
It was fun while it lasted

>> No.16544153

what did you do?

>> No.16544160

Measured wrong I suppose, it was too small.

Been searching for a bigger one that still looks nice for a while, but I'm about to give up. I don't really like how the bigger ones in the pastebin look, they're a bit too grotesque looking for me.

>> No.16544181

It sounds like you might have been too rough on it. What hole was it? I've had my VA:A for almost half a year now and she's only slightly worn. I'm much bigger than what she's designed for.

>> No.16544353

Get a tomax hole. They have 3 different sizes, but all are single layer and very unlikely to tear compared to the fancier designed dual layer stuff like magic eyes does.

Plus they don't look grotesque and are pretty simple.

>> No.16544364
File: 803 KB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

packaging has a picture of a girl in a skirt and leggings (uniform?), but nothing sexual. its packing for a sex toy, so im really confused if im allowed to bring this

packing it in checked luggage into australia

>> No.16544380

Since you've only mentioned drying it for some time - wipe the insides with paper towels, or ideally microfiber cloth. The second option is cheap as fuck.
Don't just rely on air drying, it will do nothing for the insides.

Just rinse lube/cum out, wash with soap, wipe outside and inside; optionally add powder. I never air dry my holes, and they are perfectly fine. The most important part is to get rid of the moisture from the inside.

>> No.16544385

I'm interested in this too. The Insomnia sample took a ridiculous amount of time to dry out, I was really impressed and wantore/something like it. I've heard good things about Ubijiru, can anyone confirm?

>> No.16544403

She's fully clothed, unless there's something risqué on another side I'm legitimately confused why you're even asking. Of you're really that worried just toss the box anyway. You lose little and probably wouldn't look at it.mich anyway.

>> No.16544422

Not him, but the box art can be super cute sometimes.

>> No.16544442
File: 51 KB, 899x692, PIG-FACE-ingress-SkipAway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16544456

Yes, but my point stands. It's box art anyway, just ink on a flat surface; it's not like paint or sculpture where you gain anything by having the original in front of you so there's no reason not to just print out a copy on good paper later if you really want to hold something. Don't get me wrong here though; wanting to keep the package is fine, but wanting it so bad when he's stressing over jail time is silly.

>> No.16544466

Fine, that's fair enough.

>tfw got away with importing a VA:A with box into the UK a few years ago when I didn't know anything

>> No.16544473

any news on vorze a10 sa successor?

>> No.16544488

they dont have sizes, they have a softness rating.

>> No.16544494

No, they have both. The succubus are small holes, lilith are medium, and venus/muses are large.

Its basically a scale of durability versus smallness. The succubus are very thin on one side and easy to hold and squeeze. The venus is super thick and heavy duty but awfully large. I prefer the lillith since they are easy to hold, relatively thick and durable.

They also have the different textures which vary in thickness and all, combined with the hardness factors lets you get pretty much any combination you need.

>> No.16544495

I never thought of them being sizes since they are all different on the inside

>> No.16544642

>or ideally microfiber cloth

I tried but I can't get them inside. The paper towel rips and the cloth gets stuck and I don't want to put too much force.

>> No.16544651
File: 36 KB, 640x477, 640x960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you twisting the paper towel?
twist is like this and twist as you are inserting and removing, also consider buying slightly more expensive paper towels.

>> No.16544670

Tightly rolled up paper towel, with something blunt inside like a chopstick to help push it in
Or folded in half and twisted for similar stability
Squeeze the onahole around it to maximize coverage

>> No.16544681

it can go into most holes if you twist it while pushing slowly.

>> No.16544771
File: 26 KB, 560x560, niku_man_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I think I got a bit carried away.
It was this one. I really liked everything about it so it's a shame it was a bit too small.

Thanks, I'll check it out.

>> No.16544821

just put something else in the box

it's no longer an onahole box

>> No.16545170

Thanks, helped me a bunch.
Can I store the onahole in the breathable bag?
I read on the link posted earlier that the dyes can get picked up by the onahole and I think that's what happened with me because it had some particles that were of the same color as the bag that took some time washing to get rid of.
Am I safe in keeping the onahole in the transparent plastic that it came with? It would be open from the hole side and mainly done so it's not in direct contact with the bag.

And is it normal for the external part of the onahole to feel more "bouncy" and sticky to the touch than it was originally? Or is it because it absorbed too much water that I didn't properly dry before.

>> No.16545256

Did you powder your hole?

Also it should be fine in plastic as long as air can travel through. I had the same problem with colors transferring from the toy bags onto the holes. Perhaps if I washed the bags, there wouldn't be that problem.

>> No.16545325

anyone got experience with ejaculation spiral? is it washable? how does it feel?

>> No.16545372

I didn't powder it

>> No.16545411

Well there it is. They come pre-powdered and expect you to maintain it by powdering. Grab yourself a bottle of baby powder or corn starch and pat it on to get the soft feeling back.

>> No.16545424

Oh I see. Does it matter much if I don't or is it a preference thing? I was just worried that it absorbed water and was getting moisty or something.

>> No.16545619

It's not absorbing water, but powdering is generally better.
>softer feel
>less friction so the exterior won't be damaged over time
>absorbs oil released from the hole so it doesn't spread
>softer feel
>comfy feel
>softer feel

>> No.16545663

It will feel like how it was when you first got it if you powder it, though you need to give it a quick rinse before using

>> No.16545673

Just preordered it and 2 other holes for 159,95€

I think I have had too much to drink.

>> No.16545681

For the free shipping? What else did you get?

>> No.16545701

Did you drink all your lube?

>> No.16545709
File: 841 KB, 882x568, ona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought these two on otonajp.com for $230
i live in canada do i asked them to remove the boxes and anything else that can send me to the slammer

how did i do for my third onahole purchace

>> No.16545723

Hope they get rid of the disc full of loli pics that comes with puni ana, if the mounties find that you're going to get drawn and quartered by moose

>> No.16545731

yeah i noticed that CD and included that in my request
so lets hope those slants dont pull a fast one on me

>> No.16545737

>Asking for validation AFTER making the purchase
Dumb. Good choice in holes, but that's a pretty pointless thing to do.

>> No.16545739

I was going to irder Bordeaux soft and Lolinco virgo for my first holes but after all the talk about Tomax, I've thrown that idea out.
I'm certain I'll go with the Dolphin(regular) with the Lilith Uterus(regular) and/or Venus Real(soft).
Currently I'm looking for a serious bully to add, now I obviously knwo about the Lolinco and VA:A but what other major bullies can you guys recommend?

>> No.16545744

Well make sure you take a screenshot of that so you have proof that you didn't want that so it will look like they sent that unsolicited

>> No.16545745

sounds like you missed your 10% discount and went for the most expensive but not fastest shipping.

>> No.16545753

Where'd you order from? NLS has been good at fulfilling my requests so that the RCMP doesn't arrest me for fictional characters.

I'd say Lolinco and Venus Real soft would be a good combo, maybe if you want to try something with harder material something by ToysHeart like an R20/Puni

>> No.16545755

Lilith Uterus and Venus Real.
I'll bet you 20 (You)s that I'm probably going to regret this and take your suggestion to heart.

>> No.16545762
File: 511 KB, 473x489, 1465944246031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bet you 20 (You)s

>> No.16545775

Here's hoping you don't get fucked like the first guy

>> No.16545784

they havent arrived yet so i want hype myself up for them

i have multiple emails from the order with my exact request on it
lets hope thats enough

i got the fastest most expensive shipping
i think the tiers were
or something like that
and im impatient so i dont mind spending a little bit more

first time ordering from there but i have heard good things

i actually bought 2 onaholes from jlist a while back and i didnt request anything
i didnt even know the severity of canadian customs so im lucky i didnt get caught

>> No.16545798


>> No.16545799

At least you're learning.

Otona was fine at removing my packaging and lube the 1 time I ordered from them so you should be good on that front.

Also the general thought around here is that the faster/more expensive the shipping option the more likely it is to be looked at by customs, but afaik there's nothing but anecdotal evidence. I think DHL is a bit more particular too because they're stricter on the declarations of what's in the package.

>> No.16545819

also whats that about a 10% discount?
i didnt see anything about that

> faster/more expensive the shipping option the more likely it is to be looked at by customs
yeah i heard that too but if they fulfill my request i shouldnt have any problems even if its opened

>> No.16545829

Canadian guy got fucked over by customs because customs agent thought girl on a magic eyes box looked too young in his opinion and called it child pornography, the story was on here last thread or thread before I think, onahole.eu has a write up of it too

>> No.16545832

Mouth of Truth should be fine. A disembodied loli's silicone pussy and asshole might raise eyebrows but I don't think they have anything to go against you with so long as there's no box art.

>> No.16545837

This, without the box or CD they have nothing to use as ammo to hurt their own citizens

>> No.16545854

thats what i thought
"its just scaled down to be cheaper and more convenient officer"

>> No.16545858

Any real big difference between Lilith Uterus Regular firmness and Hard firmness?

>> No.16545864

I'm europoor, so there should not be any issues getting a package from Germany. Sucks for the leaf though.

>> No.16545879

Speaking of customs, has anyone received onaholes that have clearly and visibly been gone through by customs?

In the past, manga and figures I've imported from Japan have come in cardboard boxes that were opened and sealed up again with border control tape.

>> No.16545921

My packages have been opened every single fucking time, most of them giving a facefull of barely clothed lolis upon opening. Customs couldn't give a goddamn fuck.

>> No.16546076

I ordered lube and got inspected once. Did even realize it until I flipped the box and saw the tape a day or two later. It was great knowing I had zero reasons to give a damn.

>> No.16546092
File: 18 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh gosh im new to this
i think its time for my first sex toy but is till cant decide i dont know I DONT KNOW BAKKA!

>> No.16546096


Go hard or go home.

>> No.16546099

tomax dolphin hard

>> No.16546109

Venus Real soft + Onatsuyu

>> No.16546127
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, 141a2aa76f5ac4e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i get something good for les than 15 USD ?

i really dont want to invest much

>> No.16546136
File: 270 KB, 609x587, 1480867354360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the first time I stuck it into Lolinco

>> No.16546138

I just got a dick blister from my onahole. It's without a doubt one of the most painful fucking things I have ever experienced.

>> No.16546142

So having owned and used onatsuyu along with all that trial shit that comes with holes, [spolier]as well as not being a virgin [/spoiler] why is it that onatsuyu is so blindly preferred?
There are others that dry out less with less effort, feel more natural, aren't overly thick, etc.
Outside of its reasonable price to size ratio, I don't get it.

>> No.16546152

>dick blister
You go in dry like a tard or something?

>> No.16546158

Mero mero Frog is pretty good for 16 USD.

>> No.16546160

If you've looked around, what do you think?
Expecially dumb if you've forgot about shipping

>> No.16546161

I've never used it though.

>> No.16546165

No, but I edged for two hours or so, over which the lube likely lost a lot of its moisture.

>> No.16546173

No. I've spent close to 6000$ on amiami and only 200$ on NLS.

>> No.16546183

Well unless you have nearly zero sensitivity and couldn't tell or you've broken your dick and go soft without simulation beforehand, why the hell didn't you keep it moist during? It should have impossible to not notice more friction.

>> No.16546187

It manages to be slick, but not overly, while letting you feel the texture better than anything else I've tried.

Not Onaholes but most of the time I use EMS for figures or something it'll have been looked at with new tape and such. I only use SAL for onaholes though, and I've never had it done on a SAL order.

>> No.16546199

How didn't you notice it drying out? I notice it drying out after about 15 minutes.

>> No.16546203

as someone who also isn't a virgin but can only vaguely remember what sex is like after over half a decade of incel, and remembers using such high quality lube as those found in planned parenthood sampler bags handed out by wandering volunteers and the gel stuff that comes in squeeze bottles at the local walgreens, i love onatsuyu for being able to hit button to order on amazon

i'm sure there's other nip stuff out there that's better or at least different but the same quality, but i'm satisfied enough with it that i'm not really concerned with experimenting

>> No.16546207

Maybe that's why. All my Mandarake packages tend to be searched, but the one time I used SAL for a Saki nendo from Amiami it was untouched.

>> No.16546220

I dunno, I guess all my focus was split between delaying my climax and the eroge I was playing. It wasn't even all that dry when I (very painfully) pulled out actually.

>> No.16546226

I also don't tend to get customs charges on SAL figure orders too, but I do every time with EMS, I'm guessing that the charges as searches are related.

>> No.16546230

self warming, self lubricating onaholes when

>> No.16546248

They already exist, but you typically need to spend an entire evening wining and dining them first before use.

>> No.16546250
File: 59 KB, 199x301, 1354041652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16546284

i feel dirty buying the dolphin, im not into bestiality ;_;

id rather buy a loli than an animal onahole
*snif* *snif*

>> No.16546292

it's not bestiality to fug a cute dolphin-girl

>> No.16546296


>> No.16546313

>im not into bestiality ;_;

Now you are. What about a loli animal?

>> No.16546333

these are amazing for drying out holes, especially tight ones without damaging them much.

if your that concerned over inspecting the inside visually, cheap borescopes that can connect to your phone go for less than $50. i use one every so often to inspect my deeper holes like Cocolo

>> No.16546336

>im not into bestiality
Why would you NOT want to fuck hot pussies despite race?

>> No.16546346

fully modeled life size horse hole when
the bad dragon one doesn't count

>> No.16546355

The Monster series from Magic Eyes aren't supposed to be human, right?

>> No.16546624

Something tells me it's not going to be particularly fun as it is intended to take a dick the size of an arm.
Maybe something that is not anatomically correct, but inspired by the general shape and texture. I mean, dolphin hole does not copy actual dolphin vagina, it is inspired by the general design of it.

>> No.16546652

I'm going to fap before deciding whether to buy a dolphin.

>> No.16546766

Don't, your dick will always tell you half truths, it's like the devil in that way. ESPECIALLY if you've already played with it.

Go with your own intuition.

>> No.16546908

Nigga you never buy while horny
Thy fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.16546913

As a man who has tried an onahole for the first time, I can safely say meh...

Honestly, a toilet paper roll with 2 condoms feels better.

>> No.16546937

Onas feel better than real pussy, mate.

>> No.16546946

But do dolphin holes feel better than dolphin pussy?
That's the real question we need answered here.

>> No.16546950

It's probably not a good idea to use TPE toys as a pillow right? The weight of a head for that long would deform it, even with a cloth layer between?

>> No.16546968

Too late. I'm still interested in getting a dolphin, but I was going to get some other holes with it from Omocha Jews and now I'm not sure of those any more.

>> No.16546971

Was it Tenga shit?

>> No.16546996

Dolphins are able to control their muscles that would make any woman fucking jealous, so no, but at least it's a start.

Forsooth that thouest heed the word of thine dick which shat down thine pipe, forever will be left in the dark.

>> No.16547018

You fool! Haven't you ever heard that "two heads are better than one"?

>> No.16547025

lol k

>> No.16547027

Maybe, but it's still pretty meh.
I can only imagine actual sex must be shit.
Puni Fuwa Mocchi 2000.
I guess soft holes are just shit.

>> No.16547034

I hear that's super soft. I was thinking of getting one for my first hip but went for a Cocolo instead.

Regular or hard?

>> No.16547043

You're like me then, I don't like soft onaholes either. Still, I recommend you to try another hole with regular firmness

>> No.16547046

To be fair I haven't tried the butt..
I'll report back about it later, I guess.

>> No.16547058

Hard will forever leave you wanting for more, I'd say regular, but if you're already used to dick bullies then definately hard.

>> No.16547083
File: 461 KB, 1280x720, 1485019171059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First purchases were Rina, Lolinco and VAA in that order

I'm a bit too used to them. I'm worried that a really soft hole will leave me unsatisfied.

>> No.16547098

On the flipside, I went from all these >>16538692 to the Venus Real soft and haven't looked back. Never know until you try really.

>> No.16547109

Hows the chibiko something idol loli hip? Anybody have it?

>> No.16547126

How do they compare to the cervix on the Arkhe if you've tried that?

>> No.16547216
File: 243 KB, 1000x1500, ADT700_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0/5 would not recommend.

One single thrust to the wrong angle and the whole things is a goner.

>> No.16547276

I nearly ruined mine a month ago by going no hands on that. Gotta guide it in.

>> No.16547301

Bought a Dolphin hard and a Lilith Dots soft. Let's see how things go.

>> No.16547467

>got Rina big
>too soft
Send help.

>> No.16547474

>Queencat items ordered off Amazon have "ADULT TOY INSIDE" emblazoned on their cardboard box.
Is this still a thing, does ordering directly from the store stop this?

>> No.16547482

Does it matter?

>> No.16547483

I had that box inside another, not incriminating box

>> No.16547535

Haven't ordered from Queencat's Amazon page, but I have ordered from their website and they sent my stuff in a plain brown box with no markings on it.

>> No.16547540

Quick /ona/, I need some help badly!

Last Christmas I went home to visit my folks for the holidays. I got a ton of money and some gift cards for Amazon. I decided to grab a new onahole. It's one with a loli and the box is lewd as fuck.

It was supposed to arrive in 2 weeks which wouldn't have been a problem. But then I got a message a few days later that the company had fucked up and didn't have that one in stock and my order got canceled. They eventually got me a refund and were pretty apologetic. I bought a different hole, it arrived and then I went back to college.

Today I just got a letter from the original company. They wanted to apologize again for the screw up and informed me that since they had restocked their supply, they decided to send me the hole I had originally ordered, for free and had already mailed it to my parents address!

So this lewd as fuck onahole is going to my parents house and has my name on it. And I'm currently living halfway across the country. Normally I'd be thrilled to get a free onahole, but my parents are nosy as fuck and I know they're going to open the package and flip the fuck out.

What do I do? Please help.

>> No.16547569

Call your mother and tell her you ordered a sex toy, and to send it on to you without opening it.

Also to keep it a secret from your father because you're afraid he'll start up his nocturnal visits to your bedroom again.

>> No.16547571

Can you contact the company to have it recalled? I think with some deliveries the sender can alter if it's being held at the delivery place or not.

>> No.16547575

Best I can say is if they sent it by EMS you should keep a close eye on tracking and be there to intercept it the day of delivery or have a buddy of yours who lives near your parents place get it for you. Or if you can handle one of your parents knowing what it is you could just talk to one of them about it to keep the rest of your family from knowing. Of course you could always an hero.

>> No.16547578

Which one was it? I love lewd things.

>> No.16547592
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You know what must be done

>> No.16547596

Magic Eyes Rina. I guess it's not super fucking lewd but she is shirtless and for my family that's pretty lewd.

Asking a friend is actually a really good idea. I'll tell my parents I ordered a present for him so they won't open it, and then I can have my friend go pick it up. Fuck it, he can even keep it so it won't be a lie.

Good thinking.

>> No.16547602

Rina's fine. By lewd I thought you mean Puni Ana DX lewd or something.

>> No.16547686
File: 62 KB, 500x500, la-bocca-glijmiddel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tried the saliva-like lube Magic Eyes made for Mouth of Truth?

>> No.16547766

Seconding this, just bought the hole and am wondering if I should get that lube or stick with Onatsuyu.

>> No.16548227

They put it inside a plain box. Actually shipping a package like that would be a good way for someone to get fired.

>> No.16548272

Anyone ever try getting a replacement or refund from NLS? I got the tight virgin and it was the best womb fucking experience ive ever had, but during that first use the layers started to separate. This second use the layers are so loose I can't even get into the second layer anymore and just push past it to the sides. I kind of want to bitch for a new one since I really liked it and am dissapointed as fuck.

Otherwise how can I try to recombined the two layers? Maybe if I peel the front back and use a sodering iron I can melt them back together.

>> No.16548407

My first hole came in today, and holy shit what have I been missing out on! It was great!

>> No.16548521

Happy masturbating time anon

>> No.16548533
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Does japanpost update their tracking outside of japan
Or can i expect my package at any time
Its been stuck at this for a while now

>> No.16548574
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can't read chink, is the tunnel length 150mm or 123mm? if I have a six inch penis, would it still be a good idea to buy this hole or would I ruin it?

>> No.16548692

I'm 6in and this lasted me a good bit, but it is softer so the inside did stretch a lot over time. Still useable but a lot less sensation than when I first got it.

I also use the admission which is really shallow so you can't go as far in, but the material is way more durable since it's a harder dick bully and has not lost nearly as much sensation in comparison.

Really girth matters more than length most of the time for wear, because that's what will stretch it outwards, length mostly just keeps you from bottoming out on a lot of holes.

>> No.16548695

The tunnel was maybe slightly misaligned, it's definitely closer to the back than the middle. Nothing too bad though, unlike my Roa which broke after 7 (not 70, fucking 7) uses. Waste of money.

>> No.16548730

I haven't measured my girth but a toilet paper roll is kind of snug. As long as it's not going to break the second I shove my dick into it there's no problems.

>> No.16548743

>Finish and clean hip
>Get horny again after a few minutes and have to wait for it to dry
How do you deal with this?

>> No.16548795

6 inch is fine for this one, i'm almost 6 inches and I can go all the way into this without any problem, only problem is that I dont feel all that much because of how thick I am, still gets me there if I go hard on it though.

I wonder if the Rina is the only hole they actually check.

>> No.16548801

they stop tracking after they ship out of country, use the same tracking code on your local postal service to track the rest of the way.

>> No.16548821

I usually don't clean right away after using, but let the cum drip out completely then go for another round.

>> No.16548856
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>> No.16548878

That's a standard disclaimer for all orders entering Soviet Trudeauistan

>> No.16548885

sounds pretty dire though

>> No.16548909

>Dolphin cervices
>How do they compare to the cervix on the Arkhe if you've tried that?
As it turns out, I also ordered Arkhe in regular (it was the only softness available). The cervix in Arkhe is more noticible in Arkhe regular, which I like since it only has a single cervix at the end of the tunnel; the cervix in Arkhe regular is not as hard as Dolphin hard.

To sumarise, from my perspective, I like Dolphin in soft because it has multiple cervices along the length of the tunnel and I like Arkhe in regular because it only has one at the end.

>> No.16549386

Is the dolphin going to go up in price or is the current discount a marketing stunt?

I wasn't planning on buying a new toy anytime soon but if it's gonna be more expensive in the future, I might as well grab one from omochajews while the price is still "reasonable".

>> No.16549405

How many holes do anons tend to rotate between? I usually have 1-2 in regular use at any one time, and every year or so when they tear up or begin molding I decide to switch.

>> No.16549502

I have currently 2, 3 on the way.

Until sex robots are made reality I'm not going to get anymore.

>> No.16549566

Have you used it? Is it worth a buy? I was thinking of getting that lube if I do buy it to save on shipping.

>> No.16549713

I have several onaholes which I use to edge for hours but holy shit. Lolinco +onatsuy is a deadly combination. Like two strokes and you are DONE. Can't edge with that.

>> No.16550100
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Anybody try this hip out? I like that it comes with free panties. https://www.otonajp.com/body-touch-nursery-teacher-asuka

>> No.16550159

Just wipe the outside and add lube to the wet insides. Why wait to dry?

>> No.16550242

>the cervix in Arkhe regular is not as hard as Dolphin hard
That does sound like one hell of a bully then.


>> No.16550681

When is tomax shit gonna be in stock on omochajews i can't wait any longer

>> No.16550734

I have something like twelve I use with a bias towards newer holes. Variety is nice.

>> No.16550749
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Aren't those things as cold as an old wife's heart?

>> No.16550764

Yes, but warms up just as quickly when you penetrate them.

>> No.16550813

Penises make a lot of heat with friction and warm blood flowing through

>> No.16550896

Damn, that's a lot. I love VA:A, but after using only it regularly for a year it's beginning to lose appeal. Also it's loosened.

>> No.16551007

Am I the only one getting blank pages/error 500 on JSS?

>> No.16551043

There is supposed to be a shipment in the middle of the month.

>> No.16551070

I know how you feel, fellow dolphin fucker.

>> No.16551090

If Yukarin's insides were an onahole, which would it be?

>> No.16551168

the mouth of truth really makes me wish it had more teeth. i wanna brush them

>> No.16551287

Used my Cocolo for the first time in a couple of months and discovered a bit of mold beginning to grow near the edge of the anal hole.

I scrubbed at it with soap and the mold flaked off. Looks like new now. Am I safe?

>> No.16551463

welp, one session with the mouth of truth tore the corner of its mouth. no real impact on performence, but goddamn

>> No.16551557

You wanna know how I got these scars?

>> No.16551576

dammit anon

>> No.16551676

If you see mold, it means whatever it's growing on is fucked.
The visible part is just the fruit bodies that spread spores. The actual mold mycelium in nearly transparent and grows inside of the material. It's pretty much impossible to get it out. You can kill the mold by subjecting it to heat over 100C for a couple of hours, but that would destroy the hole.
Since TPE is porous on the inside, it makes and excellent place for moisture to gather, and mold to hide.

It might look ok, but if there is a right amount of moisture, mold WILL come back.

You can continue fucking it, but don't be surprised if you suddenly get an infection.

>> No.16551748

Is it possible to kill it by drowning an ona in rubbing alcohol for days?

>> No.16551758

>actual mold mycelium in nearly transparent and grows inside of the material

Fuck, really? Does that mean the other hole is fucked too? How would I even begin to dispose of a hip given how heavy they are?

>> No.16551770

mine broke after one use as well, the teeth got pushed into the rubber so now they're like gums

>> No.16551783

That's two or three years worth of onahole buying. All but one of my holes is single layer and I've only lost one to mold so it's more a gradual accumulation than anything.

>> No.16551801
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>> No.16551803

Purely theoretically you could put it in a bucket with something like oxygen peroxide for a couple of days. Then it would probably get into all the micro tears. Alcohol evaporates too fast, and that would be too expensive.
Then, theoretically, if nothing grows in a couple of weeks, you can try using it again.

But I am not aware of a sure way to kill mold except subjecting it to high temperatures for a long time, or harmful radiation.

Also if you want to dispose of the hip, why don't just chuck it in the bin with other trash? I don't think people who take out your trash care particularly about the contents.

>> No.16551852

This is so good

>> No.16551865

Perfect, there's no way the caliphate can object to this.


>> No.16551879

yeah, i took a closer look at the tear. the dual layers are coming apart there, and it looks like why the tear happened to begin with.

i'm gonna take a soldering iron and see if i can't fix it up, but holy christ i don't think i'm ever buying magic eyes again. i hope tomax does up a hip at some point

>> No.16551936

How do you prevent mold from appearing on onas? Given that completely drying off your ona is nigh impossible. It will always be kind of moist inside after a washing.

Is it just a natural expiration date? Should we enjoy them while they last?

>> No.16551965

fill ona with chlorine and get the fuck at it with a toilet brush and scrub so hard you blacked yourself.

but honestly I dunno, had my TPE doll for a year and a half now and still no mold in any of the holes.

Even this old hip I have still does not have mold. then again I always dried the fuck out of it with rolled up paper towels pushed through the hole and stored in a ziploc bag

>> No.16552006

Well, washing it with soap after use and wiping insides with microfiber cloth seems to work for me so far.
I'm also pretty sure fungus doesn't eat TPE, so it needs some minimal amount of organic material to break down into basic sugars. So wash out your jizz and skin cells thoroughly.

A factor that can influence mold growth can probably be air temperature and humidity in your house, as well as amount of moldy stuff lying around.
When I used to be a student, paying for heating around the clock was too expensive, so the house I lived in was constantly cold, and I couldn't dry stuff at all. Eventually even my clothes started to smell like mold.
There are mold spores pretty much everywhere, but in the right conditions mold will thrive. And the more mold is around, the more spores are spread on the household items. More spores means more chance of mold starting to grow somewhere.

Keep your holes in a dry, reasonably warm place, I guess? I bet putting those in a freezer would help to a certain degree, although I don't think that constant changes in temperature affect TPE particularly well.

>> No.16552046

Also, I guess it is possible to make an airtight container with some desiccant so that all the moisture is sucked out from the inside.

>> No.16552047

After washing and drying my holes, I put them in a sealed box with a few packs of desiccants.

>> No.16552071

Is it just me or it's common that you feel less stimulation from the more intense (or maybe hard?) toys?
Owned very intense ones, like Campus Life Job Hunting Type (said to be the most intense among the 3 campus life available), flashlight destroya, R-20 puni, but I feel very little stimulation when using them. The sensations they give is just not stimulating and exciting.

On the other hand, I enjoy much more 17 bordeaux soft than the ones above. lolinco (not virgo) is also very stimulating for me even though it abuses a lot. The absolute favorite (and most stimulating) one is Virginal Bloom.

Could it have something to do with the fact that some people don't get excited by harder materials (I think the more intense ones I mentioned are quite hard)? Or is this any weird symptom that needs to be cured?

>> No.16552095

I'll do this in the future, thanks.

>> No.16552124

Still waiting for it to arrive, EMS is fast my ass.

>> No.16552360

It's fastER not just fast, be patient

>> No.16552449

>oxygen peroxide
This is the second time I've seen this in one thread now... There is no such thing as oxygen peroxide. I suspect you mean hydrogen peroxide, which is H2O2 (dihydrogen dioxide).

haha, that is awesome!

>i'm gonna take a soldering iron and see if i can't fix it up
If it's not affecting use, then I wouldn't bother. It will likely just tear again near the repair, particularly if it's torn at the corners of the mouth.

>How do you prevent mold from appearing on onas? Given that completely drying off your ona is nigh impossible. It will always be kind of moist inside after a washing.
I've had holes for nearly four years and haven't seen any mould yet; I live in Australia and they live in drawers under a waterbed, so external conditions are arguably good for growth for a large portion of the year (warm, dark). I wash them with warm water in the shower (open hole with fingers, direct jet of water in hole, agitate by shaking, empty, repeat), dry them with a cloth nappy (open the hole with fingers, shove the nappy down to the end, squeeze a few times, remove), powder the few holes that need it, then put it in a toy bag and store them.
There is no need for fancy soaps, or any soaps at all for that matter, nor for sealed containers with desiccant (although a desiccant might be wise if you are using a sealed container). Some anons make cleaning and storage too hard.

>> No.16552893

>If it's not affecting use, then I wouldn't bother. It will likely just tear again near the repair, particularly if it's torn at the corners of the mouth.
i'm mostly just worried it'll get progressively worse and eventually the two layers will just split apart

i mean i'm certain that's the inevitable endgame but if i can stave that off for a bit longer it'd be nice. hole still feels real good

>> No.16553036
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>> No.16553039
File: 225 KB, 1920x1080, 1485387785104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-what did you order? With or without box?

>> No.16553045

i told them to ditch the box but i dont know if they did

>> No.16553062


>> No.16553078

>super lewd brown loli fully exposed

...Oh. Better start praying that they did.

>> No.16553087

>asking them after you place your order
That was your first mistake anon.
Get confirmation from otona before you open that shit. Otherwise leave it outside to rot.

>> No.16553332

i placed the request on my order
not after
where did you get that you dingus

i guess i could shake the box when i get it to see if it sounds like boxes in a box

>> No.16553446

It would like be obvious too because otona don't put a lot of packing material

>> No.16553472

rad i got a game plan now boi

can fuck me trudeau

>> No.16553560

Keep us updated. If we don't hear from you again we'll assume you've become an onahole yourself in prison.

>> No.16553588

yeah i will
i hope to see the tracking updated tomorrow saying its out of customs
i also hope "family day" on monday doesnt affect my delivery
i have to pick it up from a PO box so i hope that mall is open monday too
fuck so many things to go wrong i hate this

>> No.16553603

This is probably a dumb question, but will wearing a condom ruin an onahole?

>> No.16553675

unless the condom is prelubed with something, you'll be fine
otherwise check the ingredients of that lube

why use a condom though? whole point is to feel the sensations

>> No.16553692

not him but i can understand for fetish purposes

>> No.16553936

I've gotten mold on my Venus Clone before since I was a lazy shit about cleaning it. It appeared to be during the early stages so I manages to save it. I soldered any noticeable large piece out which fortunately all appeared to be on the bumps. Then I submerged it in hydrogen peroxide for a week followed by submerging it in isopropyl alcohol for a week to make sure. The mold was gone, but the smell stayed for a week or so. The Venus clone was flexible enough that I could actually flip it inside out during the process, so by the end of it, the hole was looser unfortunately but it started to tighten up after a month or so.

I wish I took picture of before and after.

>> No.16554252

Did you even read the pastebin?

>> No.16554545

>There is no such thing as oxygen peroxide.
You are absolutely correct, I don't know what I was thinking.
