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16518423 No.16518423 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>16491586

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.16518431

Why is it in Chaos;Child I literally spend more time skipping and waiting for animations then actually reading the text? Who thought this was a good idea?

>> No.16518459
File: 923 KB, 802x602, 1s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, anyone know how to fix this text?

>> No.16518465

I'm gonna say it's binary giving the theme of the game with computers, still looks like dashes and gaps could be Morse code.

Still in binary its
In Decimal it's 2903 maybe it could mean the 29th of march?
A release date? Still I don't think they'd actually put that I the title.

Don't know what that is really...

>> No.16518496

So yeah I looked it up the game comes out on the 31st not the 29th but the month is right.

I really don't know what the lines mean
I'm not sure it's binary.

Do any of you guys know what it is?

>> No.16518725

Anyone play that new seiyuu game? It seems to be getting good reviews although I can't tell if they're shills because a lot of the very high ones are made by accounts who only voted on it...

>> No.16518742

It's from CUBE so don't expect anything groundbreaking. They're most probably shills.

>> No.16518755

While I agree with being shills, This game is getting good comments from other platforms and seems very different than classic CUBE style so shouldn't be very bad at least imo. I'll try it by myself in a couple days anyway, I'll post my thoughts about it then.

>> No.16518980

So I'm trying Shin Koihime Musou Moeshouden and it keeps telling me I have to put in the original disc. I've been trying to follow online instructions to use the alsignup tool that came with the torrent but it just won't detect the AlphaDiscLog.txt even if they're in the same folder. I have no idea where I went wrong.

>> No.16519027

Any comments regarding the routes in Hitotsu Tobashi Renai? I know they take a nosedive from the common, just wondering which are the better/worse ones.

>> No.16519035

Just play a different game at that point tb.h

>> No.16519117

Where's this from? The writing seems nice.

>> No.16519119


>> No.16519160

I kind of made a life revelation today. This might be obvious to some of you but it actually blew my mind.
So you see, I always kind of hated moege/charage. They were just plain boring to me with no appealing aspects and I'm the type to ctrl through every h scene. I was also the kind of guy that masturbated every single day. Lately my dick has been not up to par and I have a harder than usual time getting it up so I decided to only fap every second/third day. I noticed this has build up my "hornyness" considerably, started being able to get boners without touching myself etc. One thing lead to another and I randomly installed a moege and... I couldn't stop playing. The game wasn't special in any way but I had more fun with it than any eroge in a looong time. The dumb interactions suddenly turned from snooze-inducing to thoroughly enjoyable and I was actually looking forward to 攻略'ing my favorite girl and getting to her h scenes. Holy shit. It's like I found the secret to happiness that I was lacking all this time. In hindsight it's so obvious too, of course I won't care about moe if I fap to hotties every day. Ahhhhh I wish someone told me sooner. Oh well, at least I got a decent backlog to catch up on. On that note, what are some good hot moege with assertive heroines? I don't like the shy archtype. The more 生意気 they are the better.

>> No.16519192

You actually really have a good point.
A lot of moege is kind of pornographic in the sense, not just in the sexualization of characters but also in how heavily related lust is to romantic attraction. It s through lusting for a woman that most first feel love, that's why "love at first sight" is born just from looking at someone's body, not from knowing their personality. Moege at their core rely on this lust for the heroines to drive the game, so if one's sexually satisfied perhaps excessively than one won't feel lust for heroines which in turn dulls any romantic attraction as well.

So yeah, you have a genuine point. When I read moege I make sure not to fap so I feel the lust and thus attraction.

>> No.16519196

Can someone else confirm this is actually effective?

>> No.16519203

I wonder if this is the reason behind everyone who CTRLs through H-scenes and then complains about how boring moege are or how weak the romance is in plotge. It's never made any sense to me since eroge H is so superior to any other form of fap material, but I guess if they can't control themselves and wait for the scenes in their VNs properly.

>> No.16519206

Well to be fair,
if a game is only interesting when you're lusting after heroines,
it's kind of hard to say it's actually the game being interesting, or the romance being strong. It's all gears oiled by lust. Not writing quality. Plenty of games, even moege, have good comedy and romance without the need for one to be frothing at the mouth to fuck a heroine.

>> No.16519238

Writing quality contributes to lust as well, it takes skill to write a properly sexually attractive heroine. It's not like I get aroused by any random trash with cute pictures, a well-crafted and well-written moege is infinitely more erotic.

>> No.16519249

Oh sure, that is without a doubt true (though lessened because a good artist can compensate for bad writing in a way that interesting/funny dialogue cannot be). However, it's also true that if a game isn't funny or interesting or has weak romance if one reads while not horny, then it's fair to critique it as such because games can be funny, interesting, and with strong romance even while not horny.

>> No.16519267

this is why I always end up dropping them halfway through a character route unless it's got a good plot as well. i'd say something flippant and pithy about 'the thrill of the chase' but when the chase consists of pressing enter until boobs show up it doesn't have quite the same ring to it.

but yeah.

>> No.16519338

Sure, that's fair enough. But the reverse is also true, if an author has good comedy and romance but sucks at writing sex scenes or arousing characters, that's valid criticism as well. This is part of the reason I don't value the opinion of people who ctrl through H-scenes highly, because they didn't really read the VN and experience it properly.

>> No.16519379

>if an author has good comedy and romance but sucks at writing sex scenes or arousing characters, that's valid criticism as well.
That's true, but who would take someone like that serious?
>Yeah this game is hilarious with brilliant comedic timing, and the romance moved my heart such that I felt as if I had glimpsed the true meaning of what it means for two people to love each other, BUT the sex was kinda boring and the heroine didn't get my dick hard so meh.

>> No.16519399

Incidentally I've never seen this happen, generally if an author is good they're consistently good, so if the romance is that well-written then the sex is going to be just as moving as the other parts of the romance. At least for me there's a strong connection between emotional/romantic attachment to a character and how much I enjoy their H-scenes.

>> No.16519498


Speaking only for myself, I found Luna in Tsuriotsu incredibly endearing and the romance genuine, but I struggled through the H-scenes. I did not find them erotic and it was only out of respect for Luna that I managed to squeeze out la petite mort.

>> No.16519656

I control through every H scene because I don't like the format very much. I want more visual stimuli and less text. Even if I'm extremely horny I will always chose another medium.

>> No.16519848

>since eroge H is so superior to any other form of fap material
It's really not. You stare at the same picture for 30 minutes to an hour. It's known that most men tend to get off to visual stimuli more, so it's not unusual that a lot of people find most H-scenes unappealing.

>> No.16519897

Fapping to still images is extremely common not just in VNs but for normies as well. Obviously videos are oft proffered but static image are also extremely popular choices. I mean playboy was a super popular magazine that sold almost solely on static depictions of naked women.

>> No.16519906

>You stare at the same picture for 30 minutes to an hour
Only if you read reeeeeeally slowly, modern VNs will have multiple CGs for any scene of this length.

>> No.16520059
File: 396 KB, 1280x720, 14862429017710[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf did I just read?
Fenrir's main body's uniform design is shit, btw. It's like they are janitors, not mercenaries.(inb4 they are the janitors of the underworld like Juicy Yuuji)
Welp, this route earns the medal for successfully shitting into my brain.
BTW, how come there's not a single mindhack there? Aren't they common? In sky it was a major plot point.
I can't wait to get to the Marrel. Please help. I don't want to suffer through an autistic chibi and unsensitive cyborg. T_T

>> No.16520192

The problem is it's just one image. Playboy probably has over 100 different images per magazine.

Most of the time the first scene has maybe two CGs and then for every scene after that it's usually one each.

>> No.16520221

I'm playing himari's route in フレラバ and we'll it's like she has a split personality where she's all friendly and kind one moment and the next moment she's all deredere next she's really shy, next she's all childhood friend mode that teases you but still fun to be around then she's all bitchy and not in the cute way.
I don't know why but it feels like she's a completely different person and not just part of her personality, like switching between tsun and dere. It's really weird.

Shame she was my favourite girl at the start.
Now I'm just not sure...

>> No.16520263
File: 1.02 MB, 1040x615, 2017-02-05 19_08_20-【陽茉莉編_02】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16520500

Yeah Himari is worst girl and worst route. But don't worry the other girls and routes are way better, you have them to look forward to.
Rina > Senpai > Hiiragi > Himari

>> No.16520505

try lowering resolution for the game during skipping, it runs like shit at 1080p

>> No.16520509

thanks but you literally posted this a couple minutes after I finished the game
ending was shit

>> No.16520632

I disagree. I CTRL through most of the H-scenes but still love moeges. For me the foreplay and morning after scenes are the best if they are done well. I actually play nukige separately just for the faps.

Obviously moege is about wanting the heroine and getting that satisfaction. But it's more about the romance/ichaicha that alleviates your sense of loneliness. I don't mean it in a depressing way, but it's like you spent time with a lovely girl and felt satisfied. The sex is more for affirmation so it's necessary but not the climax or anything. As evidenced by most moege ending with marriage rather than an epic sex scene.

On a separate subject, I really really can't stand the narou style of writing from Kamisama Game. Overlord has this same issue. It's basically unreadable for me.

>> No.16520656

narou style of writing?

>> No.16520756
File: 32 KB, 1394x226, nbkz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16520912

The protagonist of Grisaia is extraordinarily matter-of-fact, and several of the heroines are as well (especially Sachi), so the dialogue for half of the H in the game is like

"Truly we are having intercourse right now."
"Indeed Yuu-kun. I can feel your penis with my vaginal walls."

And you're right, even despite that I was so connected to the characters by that point that I enjoyed the sex scenes for the opportunity to be close to the girl I had fallen in love with. They were still good from that perspective, even if the writing and the art wasn't great.
But when you find out the H-scene has a second part your reaction shouldn't be throwing your head in your hands.

My trick for lusting after heroines without interrupting my intensive masturbation schedule is to fantasize about the heroine whose route I'm on whenever I'm bored. (Waiting to go to sleep, at school/work, boring conversations) That works even if the art is bad.

>> No.16521025
File: 1.38 MB, 1280x720, tuki2_2017-02-05_15-01-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't fug this girl can you?

>> No.16521052
File: 143 KB, 640x640, 1486301813030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys read faster?

I want to finish what I have cause I have a backlog and have am falling behind but when I skim I tend to miss stuff...

>> No.16521071

Falling behind who? It's not a race. Also the moment you're noticing you're reading only to "finish" something you should probably just drop it.

>> No.16521121

Kei's route is super short and it isn't that bad, though her voice is awful. And I thought Fran's route was pretty good. You'll have to get through Shizel though, that's about 21 hours of Zero 2 before you get to Marrel.

>> No.16521147

I'd hate to receive such chocolate. That would mean I'm considered モテない

>> No.16521168


Self-awareness is the first step my friend. It's better to be aware and get that chocolate than to live in self-denial and not get anything.
Humor is also important.

>> No.16521175

Technically Soukoku no Arterial is still untranslated so.. I don't know where else to write
Started NG+ and suddenly got glitchy sprites ,(everytime character changes expression, sprite blinks) any idea how to fix it? It's goddamn distracting.
I already fiddled with game so much it might as well be a kindergartner

>> No.16521186

My first reaction to it would be "free chocolate woohoo".

>> No.16521190


Hello, mr. donkan protagonist.

>> No.16521198

You can. Her route is shortest though.

>> No.16521235

I'd still hate it being given out of pity, it's supposed to be a genuine act of affection, giving out chocolates in such circumstances simply makes them lose their meaning

>> No.16521247

In a game I'm playing they say that having a period is like getting hit in the nuts all day long is that true?

Does it hurt that much?
For the whole day?

I heard women and men's pain tolerance is similar but women's is slighter higher still I don't know how they would manage a day of that pain without passing out or throwing up constantly that is if it did hurt that much.

>> No.16521249

But that guy looks like he would be popular in Japan since he's white, tall, and in shape. Who are these bitches to be calling him モテない? That's extremely rude.

>> No.16521252

I really think this is the kind of thing you google instead of asking the virgin rodeo

>> No.16521258

I think he doesn't know Jap and just went up for picture, plus hey free chocolate or something.
Still the girls are kinda ugly.

>> No.16521276

I'd imagine it's very painful. I mean, they are literally shedding their insides when they menstruate and then they have all these hormones released that cause uncontrollable muscle contractions leading to even more pain.

That being said, menstruation seems like a very inefficient body process. How did women hide from predators in the old times when they were bleeding everywhere? And then it occurs every month? It seems pretty ridiculous to me

Exactly, you have no right to call someone モテない if you look like the pig-faced bitches in the inner left and right.

>> No.16521295

What's a moege with non-virgins?

>> No.16521298


>> No.16521304

What's a moege with scat?

I've been looking for this for a while and all i can find are games that have huge strongman type women. I want typical moege heroines, why is this impossible to find?

>> No.16521321

What's a moege with guro?

No matter how many different combinations of tags I search for I can't find a game with ichaicha and cute girls you murder by stabbing them with each other's broken tibias.

>> No.16521322

Try Eroge! and other clockup games

>> No.16521334

>That being said, menstruation seems like a very inefficient body process. How did women hide from predators in the old times when they were bleeding everywhere? And then it occurs every month? It seems pretty ridiculous to me

They spent more time being pregnant than bleeding everywhere.

>> No.16521578

Can somebody tell me what happened in 下級生 so the main heroine screams her ex's name during sex. What's so bad about that that caused the company to crash?
I mean I wouldn't want to be with her but they can still make a decent story around that like they break up but stay friends or some message with that, it would be different from other eroge where you end up together but they could've gone for something new.

Am I missing something?

>> No.16521594

Otaku flip their shit the moment such things happen, they don't care how the story progresses afterwards. Also, the game was supposed to be pure love I think.

>> No.16521595

>Am I missing something?
Well you're clearly not very familiar with otaku. They don't like non-pure girls to an extreme degree and will boycott companies over it.
Hell, you can see that very reaction in this thread >>16521298 >>16521304 >>16521321 after someone asked for a non-virgin game.

>> No.16521624


>>16521304 here, I was actually being serious. I get that it's a rare kink that other people are freaked out by but you would think there would be at least a few games out there like this given how wide eroge is.

Thanks >>16521322, I've already checked out Eroge but I'll look into Clockup's other stuff too.

>> No.16521633

There have been eroge with non virgin's there are quite a few.
Still I guess it being a pure love story would be quite upsetting so I guess that the reason.
Plus I'm assuming these
are just shit posts

>> No.16521654

>getting this offended because of モテない

>> No.16521655

How about you stop going to /v/ and play 下級生 2 for yourself.

>> No.16521661

Not him, but I get what he says. Life won't last forever and I have tons of stuff I want to read (and not only VNs).
It sucks when you realize you read half as fast as you do in English and most of what you want to read is in Japanese.

>> No.16521680


There are few "pure love" ones though. Most stuff is just some kind of moege with a flat romance being part of it and your typical harem stuff.

Also I'd argue that actual pure love stories work with "not virgin" girls as well. After all pure love more or less also means "overcoming obstacles", which could include simply being not the first boyfriend and having to deal with the past coming up "hunting" the girl.
It's just.. Japan. They really like the whole "deflower as many pure girls as possible" thing. Bonus points for multiple times deflowering. (time loops, dream + reality, whatever) I always cringe when the protag goes "you are my first time~".. in something that's not the first route, or best of all: In an enforced last route. For all the "self-inserting" these MCs are written for, this part is nicely ignored. Well, whatever. We ain't changing anything about that. The one "advantage" the way more sex in current eroge gives is that you can just do the ctrl during the first scene and ignore it if you don't like the blood. Won't help the story, but well. That's just how it is.

>> No.16521686

Is the NTR in Heartful Maman easily avoidable like their previous game?

>> No.16521717


Varies greatly from girl to girl. For some it is not a huge deal and for some it can be really painful, especially when they are first beginning puberty. Semi-off-topic but the first episode of 12-sai.: Chicchana Mune no Tokimeki deals with this subject. I dropped it after that but if you are interested in the subject you might try watching it.

>> No.16521752

Getting the NTR routes is the hard part.

>> No.16521765

And NTR is like 20% of the games content if that so aiming for NTR will likely blueball you.

>> No.16521806

The issue was that she was billed as the main heroine, you're childhood friend, and the fact that it wasn't a consequence of screwing up during her route, but happened no matter what if you flagged her events, and there was no warning about it.
The previous games all had slutty heroines but it was made perfectly clear what you were getting into, and you could lose heroines to your rivals but that was only if you either ignored that girl or fucked up.

>> No.16522262

You're wrong guyz. This guy is a russian
dude living in japan for like 5+ years. He works as an actor and in commercials so he's prettu socialiEd. He constantly has videos featuring girls(from russoan immigrants to japanese cuties). He does quite a loy of interviews and pranks. So id say he just did that photo for fun. google his youtibe channel of you want - sergey kuvaev.

>> No.16522383

I downloaded a VN that is in .mds and .mdf files, is there any free program that i can use to open them?

>> No.16522416


>> No.16522419

There's a 20% chance you can rename the bigger file to .iso and open it fine.
If not your only option is something like magicdisk or daemon tools (eugh)

>> No.16522466

looks like renaming the file worked, thanks.

>> No.16522477

you can mount mdf files, use "open with" and pick your virtual drive software. i'm using virtual clonedrive and it works.

>> No.16522478

>My trick for lusting after heroines without interrupting my intensive masturbation schedule is to fantasize about the heroine whose route I'm on whenever I'm bored. (Waiting to go to sleep, at school/work, boring conversations) That works even if the art is bad.
It seems like a good idea, I'm going to try it.

>> No.16522493

How new must someone who doesn't know MDF/MDS files be.

Use either WinCDEmu
or an older version of Daemon Tools and make sure to decline promo offer during install and then turn off reporting in the program's setting.

>> No.16522661
File: 10 KB, 193x250, 1459236946678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what he does nowadays.

>> No.16522701

He looks pretty normal for an eroge writer

>> No.16522709

How is 蒼の彼方のフォーリズム? Curious with the sequel coming up. Which girl is the true one to carry over into that?

>> No.16522717

The annoying mary sue and obvious main girl.
Hated her.

>> No.16522718

Apparently he made a killing with that stuff. He bought a house in the most expensive era of Tokyo during in the 80s.

That's all 2ch information though, so take it as you want.

>> No.16522758

Red? I take it you didn't like it enough to play the sequel then

>> No.16522795

Believe it or not, most eroge writers just look like normal dudes.

>> No.16522814

I liked it. Nothing amazing, but pretty solid.

There's an obvious main girl but all the routes were enjoyable. Especially Mashiro.

>> No.16523042
File: 31 KB, 242x297, 1483746922412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your opinion as illness as a plot device? I'm conflicted. On one hand, it would be ridiculous to say that writers shouldn't ever use it in their works as it is a real phenomenon that affects many people and their loved ones. But on the other hand I feel it is often used as a crutch, an easy way to create drama in a realistic way.

>> No.16523066
File: 338 KB, 800x600, 1472161706919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think anything is bad by default. Everything is 100% execution.
I don't know if your post is a coincidence because of the OP image, but give it a shot if you want to see terminal illness done well.

>> No.16523084

I personally hate it. It can be used in a very realistic and actually creative way, but it's almost never like that and is just played to create arbitrary drama. Bad eroge writers having a side character burst into the MC's classroom and shout "[heroine]-chan collapsed!" the moment they feel like things haven't been dramatic in too long.

Again, like anything else it depends if the writer is actually willing to execute it well.

>> No.16523124

>I don't think anything is bad by default. Everything is 100% execution.
This. People who say "I hate childhood friends" or "I hate NTR" or "I hate moege" or "I hate guro" are all idiots dismissing an entire concept because the specific examples they've seen of it have been bad. Anything can be amazing in the hands of a talented writer.

>> No.16523201

I don't think that's true. I can confidently say I don't like guro/scat regardless of execution.

>> No.16523512

There are older games that could be considered equivalents to some degree of modern "pure love moege" with non virgins, enkou, rape trauma etc. It's just these are generally not the kind of settings that would help a moege in the first place. Like, what's the advantage of having an ex for your heroine? Are you going to introduce the ex to the story or is that going to be the defining trait of that girl? The thing is modern moege are tuned to be so free of drama and suffering anyways that all the girls are basically sheltered pure princesses--and that's exactly what the audience wants.

third person. lots of inner monologues from all characters. cheap handwavy style of writing such as "then she realized she fell in love". constant dramatization etc.

>> No.16523537

wow you have absolute shit taste
she is best girl and her route is the most fun

>> No.16523909
File: 54 KB, 256x366, 20929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found out that my favorite nukige was written by a woman. Too bad she has such a low output.

>> No.16523925

Jokei 3 was pretty disappointing. Neyuki was alright. Aishimai IV was really well-written for a nukige.

>> No.16523936

I agree but I will never get over Ai Shimai 4's mother having a terrible ending. Ruined the whole thing for me. Plus I don't like having to do 3 girls at one time.

>> No.16523940

Does the moral scale in Semiramis affect which route you can enter or is it purely a gimmick?

>> No.16523954

Which route

>> No.16524068

I just bought a Vita for Utawarerumono 2 and 3 and I was wondering, are there any Vita VN ports worth playing over their PC counterparts?

>> No.16524106

majokoi nikki

>> No.16524215

Well I hope you guys aren't lying. Last time I accidentally went into an NTR route, I had an attack and had to go to the hospital.

>> No.16524305

I dont know if its just me but not fapping everyday has made me able to pay more attention to things and be less lazy.

>> No.16524318

I said it's 20% and that's true, whether it's easy to avoid is another thing, I don't know. I figure there's an option to cut it off like in TM3.

>> No.16524335

The Higurashi port has voice acting.

>> No.16524543

>I had an attack and had to go to the hospital.
You should learn to take it easy.
Nothing is worth getting that worked up about.

>> No.16524823

Are eroge protagonists circumcised?
I mean I can't tell since the dicks i see are erect.

>> No.16524830

They don't do that in japan, no jewish influence.

>> No.16524831

Are eroge protagonists circumcised?
I mean I can't tell since the dicks i see are erect.

>> No.16524835

Whoops posted twice

>> No.16524867

Out of curiosity, I want to know what you guys prefer.


>> No.16524895

I only do face if the character wears glasses.

>> No.16524912

They will appear as mosaic anyway

>> No.16524932

Yes it affects which routes you can enter. You also get bad ends if you go too far deep on either side if I remember correctly.

>> No.16524962

Okay, now for the big one.


>> No.16524997

I think both are fine
Inside gives her that extra feeling of Cumming inside and she says it's warm and describes the feeling.
Outside and you see the fruits of your work plus looking at cum covered, sweaty girls is a turn on for me.

Though if it's like a galon of cum I definitely prefer cumming outside than inside as it looks kinda sickening seeing a river poor out.

>> No.16525001

Everything thing inside always.

>> No.16525010

Inside, because pregnancy.

>> No.16525019


>> No.16525025

I like to think so much cumming inside pays out, even if every epilogue shows otherwise.

>> No.16525060

Does this seem disproportionate to anybody else?
>Head like a loli
>torso like an adult
Maybe its how far the gap between her breasts and her collar bones are?

>> No.16525193

That's not true, you can hate something just because it's too fucked up (like Guro for me, but that goes for Torture porn's movie too), or it made me too uncomfortable (NTR-type C or B)

>> No.16525206

How would you feel about ntr where the girl was abused in a relationship, and another came another guy who slowly won her heart. She wasn't ready to cheat but because the other guy cared so much and treated her well she ended up doing him.
I'd feel okay about this scenario.
It really depends.

Or like if the guy just fucks other women while having a gf and the gf is unsure to stay with him and she gets romanced away by somebody better.

>> No.16525209

>How would you feel about ntr where the girl was abused in a relationship, and another came another guy who slowly won her heart. She wasn't ready to cheat but because the other guy cared so much and treated her well she ended up doing him.
isn't htis basically an NTR-typeA? I'm OK with that.

>> No.16525222

No it's non consensual but becomes consensual.
You view this from the standpoint of the current bf. The guys that's a dick to his gf.
Along comes another guy who wins her over by treating her right. She doesn't want to but forces and eventually she likes it because he's kinder during sex and treats her right outside sex.

>> No.16525235

>She wasn't ready to cheat but because the other guy cared so much and treated her well she ended up doing him.

you stated this, this is a relationship that grows slowly. It doesn't start with the other guy who rape/have instant sex with the heroine. Even seeing this with MC eyes (and a story like this should have multiple POV anyway)

same with the second scenario imho.

>> No.16525252

What if your favourite eroge author wrote the scenario, your favourite artist drew the CGs, your favourite seiyuu voiced the girl and your favourite composer made the soundtrack, and it was a beautifully crafted work of art that happened to depict guro. Would you hate it then?

>> No.16525254

Whoops my bad I guess what I trying to say is the fetish may be likable if done right.
Like I hate ntr, but if done could be an interesting read.
Maybe the guro could be interesting if done to a girl who you grow to hate throughout the game, in the end after she does horrible things the protagonist ends up raping them and cutting and killing them at the same time.

>> No.16525262

Fatehollow ataraxia, Oretsuba, Higurashi Sui

As for the rest it depend if you care about H scenes or not but most vita port tend to have bonus content such as scenes / soundtracks / background etc...

>> No.16525269

I still wouldn't read it. I'm probably a pussy, I know.... (which is strange because seeing gore images doesn't do any effect on me).
eh, maybe, who knows.

>> No.16525281

You mean like that one eroge where the gf gets picked on and then almost raped then the guy beats up the girl and strangles her with his gf till she pisses herself.

>> No.16525369

Finished himari's route in フレラバ I just want to ask something who was the person she kissed?
Was it explained and I missed it.
From my knowledge she liked him since they were kids.
She fell in love with him again. But why did she kiss somebody else when she already had a crush and liked him.

Is it a women thing did I miss something, was it a girl, or by accident I kinda want to know.

>> No.16525382


>> No.16525397

For floral flower I just draged the alphatool over the game launcher.exe and it worked.
After selecting the settings on alphatool

>> No.16525404

Sorry I mean drag the game.exe over the alpharom.exe

>> No.16525406

A filthy slut in my moege? Thanks for the warning, I'll remove that one from my backlog.

>> No.16525427

The route was fine for most of it just that bit and when you start dating she gets bitchy.
The other girls are okay though especially the stoic one desu I kinda grew fond of funny, stoic girls like shizuku from サクラの詩 alot recently.
I want to try as much games with them.

>> No.16525435

>But why did she kiss somebody else when she already had a crush and liked him.
Do you not know what 誰かさん means?

>> No.16525470

A certain somebody yeah

The mc says he kissed 0

people and she put one and he was shocked.

see pic>>16520263

>> No.16525485

Speaking of Sakura no uta
I finished Rin's route and well when does the game become really amazing?

I mean the end of her route was a bit intense but nothing that amazing really.

>> No.16525489


zypressen on i guess, the first two routes sucked cock desu

>> No.16525491


>> No.16525499

It's amazing for a couple of routes, then it's kinda bland again.

>> No.16525512


It's not a girl's route?
I'm assuming it's one of those chapter names. Okay thanks.

Also can I skip Makoto's route or is it important?

>> No.16525515

It SADLY has important stuff in it, despite being garbage.

>> No.16525519

Okay thanks, I actually stopped playing for a while due to it.

>> No.16525527
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I went and double-checked because I can't stupidity or calling the best girl slut without a proper reason.

The protagonist and her go to a fortune teller machine and are asked relationship related questions, with Himari telling the protagonist to face away when asked about first kiss. Protagonist hears the machine commenting at Himari's answer, saying she was quite young for her first kiss, which leads to >>16520263 However that is instantly followed by these lines. And to add, by this point we already know Himari secretly had a crush on the protagonist during her childhood.

Gee, I wonder who she secretly kissed. You god damn retards.

>> No.16525529

I did the same, it didn't improve and Rin's was pretty bad too, but the next two routes made up for it in spades.

>> No.16525533

Zypressen is Rina's route. It's actually more like Yuumi's route, though.

>> No.16525551


That's why there are so many donkan (=retarded) protagonists.

>> No.16525558

No, it's definitely Rina's, just that Yuumi is her MC.

>> No.16525561

I feel bad for the protagonist she didn't even tell him that he did have his first kiss.
He's just gonna assume that she kissed another guy.
Still why didn't she tell him now,
At this moment?
Chances are its probably not even him but somebody else.

>> No.16525604

It's better that way, because it won't come as as big of a shock when he finds out she's been cheating on him, like all Japanese women do sooner or later.

>> No.16525613

Okay thanks it makes sense, still weird she didn't say anything then.
I mean her bf literally thinks you gave your first kiss to somebody else.
I'd expect her to try to clear it up.

>> No.16525618

>Still why didn't she tell him now,
>Chances are its probably not even him but somebody else.
Is pretty damn black and white as to what happened and that exchange is done in front of the protagonist. And besides, she doesn't tell that she had a crush on the protagonist at one point either unless you specifically pursue her route so she probably just doesn't feel like revealing all her childhood secrets on the spot. Considering the game is pure love moege it's very much more likely it's used as punchline in a joke, and to emphasize that she did indeed have a genuine crush on the protagonist in her childhood. Hell, they also discuss stuff like her biting the protagonist as a kid as a show of affection in the very same scene.

You're definitely the only person who made the "she kissed someone completely else who is never mentioned in the game and never elaborated on later on" connection.

>> No.16525632

Do you know any games with a lucky sukebe who gets into tons of ero situations but doesn't want it?

>> No.16525681


女子のおしっこいじめ ~女子便くんといわれたボクの6年間~

>> No.16525695

Thanks but I'm not really a fan of bullying or peeing.

>> No.16525810
File: 327 KB, 1280x720, otdo_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So you don't like girls who piss in a bottle that you have to empty all the time when they are done either? Weirdo. This game was so popular too. I hope not because of her, as her route wasn't good either.

>> No.16525818

What are the best nukige games that isn't static images but animation?

>> No.16525823

Boku no Kanojo wa Gatenkei

>> No.16525825

I loved オトメ*ドマイン my favourite girl was hinata but farourite character character was minato

Didnt do the kazari routr

>> No.16525929

Zettai and bishoujo have them but it's only for some ero scenes

>> No.16525944 [DELETED] 
File: 1.13 MB, 1100x802, ley3_topkey4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what the hell is going on in Unisonshift/Tokeijikake no Ley Line? They censored everything related to Hanadate Mutsuki and Koga imouto, plus the sample CG where Rui is getting pushed to the ground and said things would prolly be fixed somewhere in April.
My guess is there's some legal problems with the artist side, but with who? Both of the main designers are titled to the PSV project so it really can't be neither of them, and the Noizi Ito character is untouched.

>> No.16525953
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>> No.16525955

Off the top of my head, Daitoshokan and Oretsuba have new routes.

>> No.16525958


>> No.16525979

Anybody playing トリノライン the trial? I keep getting a 403 forbidden error when going to their site.

>> No.16526005


minori hates filthy gaijin so youre blocked from their site

>> No.16526015


>> No.16526031


no that actually is the reason

i dont play their games but i know somebody uploaded their last trial to google drive last time, maybe wait for that or use vpn

>> No.16526080

I've done it. That's not terrible but seems way worse than Rendezvous or Soreyori to me.
I actually don't understand what they want to draw in that work. That Asimov's rule, MC's thought against the imitation of his lost friend and the setting like "it's just a experiment," all of the concepts they set up in it don't get along with the plot I guess.
I was just confused when finished it and what remains after is a spooky face of one sub character.

>> No.16526092

Aww. Not a friend. I mean his sister.
I guess you can download it from this URL of mega they prepared.

>> No.16526096

Spoiler proofing maybe?
I'm thinking of getting the vita version, so I hope there are no troubles.

>> No.16526103 [SPOILER] 
File: 188 KB, 254x591, 1486391476610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible they're censoring in order to prevent spoilers for the Vita crowd who may google the game and stumble upon the PC version's website by accident? Check the character page, they censored 魔女(マギエ) from these two as well.

And use spoiler tags yourself faggot. Koga having an imouto is spoiler for the first game and Mutsuki & Omaru relation is also a major spoiler for the second game. If I'm not remembering wrong the CG where Louis get pushed to the ground shows his / her special eye, which is also endgame spoiler for the second game.

>> No.16526129

Considering all of those things are very spoilery, they're definitely hiding them for the upcoming Vita port.

I know back when I was playing the trilogy, I accidentally spoiled a couple things for myself by stumbling on stuff like that.

>> No.16526181

See >>16520756. nbkz has enough time to lurk around searching for people badmouthing him and minori. They are also one of the most active eroge companies responsible for searching & destroying youtube uploads of their game openings.

>> No.16526374

I've been trying to read regular sweet stories, but apparently I'm not capable of finishing them.

Has there been any battle/熱血/plotge preferably with some mech aspect lately? Pretty much Baldr-Muv-Mura type stuff. I played heart, but I might be getting bored of the Baldr series, or it just wasn't as good(long?) as Sky.

Also, strange/twisted is ok too. (さよならを教えて, Subahibi, etc...)

>> No.16526387

Silverio Vendetta

>> No.16526403

That's kinda weird and overcautious, considering how they worked it out with the original series: simply warning people that the site they're trying to enter inlcudes spoilers. And they still do, just with the difference that the site actually doesn't have any spoilers on it now that they've hidden them.

>> No.16526445

I actually never really finished Dies either, but I guess I'll give it a shot. Thanks for the suggestion. I've got a Vita, so I guess I can try it during the commute.

>> No.16526468

What site is that?

>> No.16526547

Didn't work.
>tfw no crack

>> No.16526564

Try this.

Run it, check the last checkbox at the bottom if it's not a Realive/SiglusEngine game, then click the topmost of the bottom at the right and navigate to the game's exe.

>> No.16526578

Holy shit. It worked. I have no idea how to thank you anon.

>> No.16526594

How do you get over that empty feeling when you finish a vn?
Those people with you interacted, the feelings you experienced, that world is over once you return to the title screen.
Even finishing once route you see the girl again same as before, nothing you did mattered.

How do you get over it?

>> No.16526597

Just think of how the Yosuga no Sora anime went, I guess?

>> No.16526616

I only had that when I was younger / new to media. After a while you get used to it and just move on onto the next thing.

>> No.16526696


Uh, a story needs an ending. Perhaps look at it as more of a story or something?
Truth be told, I find it rather rare that a work actually makes me feel like I'd like it to go on and/or show more, as VN are generally paced badly anyway, as in way too long for what they do in the end. Exceptions exist of course. But then the question is if it was just cut short and/or didn't do what it probably should've done or if it was just genuinely good. If it's the latter you can usually accept the whole thing, as a good story is a good thing. And good things end on a good note, not when you are sick and tired of it and hope it's ending already.

If you really have massive issues there, consider self-inserting less. Stories are all for "escapism" to an extend, but if you overdo it I can see there being issues too.

>> No.16526843

Not that guy, but if it's hot-blooded you want Silverio Vendetta has definitely got you covered.

Also check out Demonbane if you haven't already. You definitely want to play the PS2 version though, and don't forget the first 2 novels. The third one is shit, and irrelevant to the FD.

>> No.16526877


>> No.16527010


>> No.16527016

delete this

>> No.16527033

Not even close to the VN sprites.

>> No.16527051

It looks better imo

I kinda want a rewrite remake with improved animation like the anime

>> No.16527056

But I vastly prefer the VN sprites.

>> No.16527066

>Itaru art

>> No.16527219

How can you love her if you won't eat her poop

>> No.16527261

Are there any anti eroge?

Like you play as the girl and you see how
the guy confesses to you and see things from their perspective or you try to win them over from other heroines.

>> No.16527263

You mean otomege? https://vndb.org/g542

>> No.16527272

No like the tone of a galge/moege but from a female's perspective.

>> No.16527274

So, otomege?

>> No.16527317

In that case, maybe majikoi nikki?

>> No.16527322

No like they have different styles like bath scenes, jokes and things geared towards guys.

If it helps maybe like majokoi Nikki?
You play a cute girl with scenes like changing and pantsu, while at the same time it's geared towards guys as you see the same guy having sex with multiple girls

>> No.16527329

Yeah pretty much
But kinda like the guy tries to win you over with his dialogue choice and actions but he also can pick another heroines route.

>> No.16527340

A male audience oriented game where the sprites you're looking at are all male... doesn't really make sense. Better to accept the fact that you're an homo and start playing BL/otome games.

>> No.16527343

Like more than half of Love Vampire Flowers is told from the heroines' POV, sadly it's long and kind of boring.

>> No.16527377

>like the tone of a galge/moege but from a female's perspective.
There's not really that type of "competing heroines" stuff and the game is linear, but Himawari's second route is romance entirely from a female protagonist's perspective. She's the protagonist of the second half of the fan disc as well.

>> No.16527548

What's so hard to get?

Take any eroge and put yourself in the shoes of the main girl. Exact same story except you just see thing through the girls eyes. Same ero scenes, same jokes one male lead that tries to romance you.
And you see the other heroines you may have to fight them for the mc'c love.

Still got my answers I guess

>> No.16527553

What's so hard to get?

Take any eroge and put yourself in the shoes of the main girl. Exact same story except you just see thing through the girls eyes. Same ero scenes, same jokes one male lead that tries to romance you.
And you see the other heroines you may have to fight them for the mc'c love.

Still got my answers I guess

>> No.16527556

Wait how did I post that twice?

>> No.16527584

Yeah except you look at dudes for the majority / all of the game. Dudes compliment you. Dudes tell you they want to fuck you. That's as gay as you can get bud. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but, don't be in denial.

>> No.16527624

Look, gay is when two guys have a relationship. If you're a girl having sex with guys it's completely heterosexual.

>> No.16527632

>If you're a girl
Yeah but no one in this conversation is a girl. It's a guy wanting to enter a girls body, become a slut and go around fucking hairy dudes.

>> No.16527638

So you think gender is determined by your mind and not your body? If your body is a girl then you're a girl, get over it.

>> No.16527646
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>> No.16527682

What part don't you get?
Where did hairy guys come into play?

Take fureraba for example how do we know how himari felt during her time away from the mc. How about make a game showing her point of view and she ends up with the mc.

How about hatsuyuki Sakura how do we know how aya felt when she was possessed make a story and show how things went from her point to of view.

I don't wanna watch hairy guys fuck, I never said that. Im saying it would be interesting seeing things from girls point of view it's already done in some eroge but not the whole game but when it was done it was interesting. I'm asking if there's a whole game like that.

I don't know if you're trolling or actually like this.

>> No.16527723

Some of us want to role play as girls in fiction, that doesn't fit the definition of gay and it doesn't matter anyway.

It seems real life issues are triggering you.

>> No.16527741

>Im saying it would be interesting seeing things from girls point of view
I've always thought this. I love when eroge switches to the heroine's POV not because I want to self-insert as her but because it's fun to read their thoughts and makes heroines seem more interesting and human-like than just a stereotype without personality that's there just for the MC to fuck.

In reality several moege do this but only for a short time.

>> No.16527745

Well you keep ignoring the main point for some reason: You're looking at dudes. Wanting to look at dudes instead of girls is not straight / male oriented. The reason why POVs happens in games (usually plot games, not dating sims that you're requesting) is to give temporary insight into the mind of someone. If the entire game was like that + focused on dating the dude = otomege.
At this point I don't know if you are the one trolling or deeply in denial. It's 2017, you can be as much of a faggot as you want.

That's fine. I like games myself with female POV sometimes that are focused on story like the Steampunk series. But wanting female POV + dating focus with males is, well, gay.

>> No.16527844
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>You're looking at dudes.

I have to ask now, as I find that point weird in your last few posts. Why do you assume that? Why would a female pov imply you look at dudes? Take pic related. The girl on the left is the MC and gives the pov of the story. She has a sprite all the time. That does work. (and is usually done for female protagonists or girls you simply see a pov from in male oriented works.)

In addition to that, most female pov scenes are interesting because they do NOT concern the MC. If the MC is present, might as well go with his (or her) pov. So even if the mc has no sprite, there's, again, no issue and you don't look at any more dudes than normally.

So yeah, I dunno. I myself would also like more VN with a focus on female pov, as I really miss the relationships between characters that do not concern the MC, especially as the MC is so often just a wall anyway. It just defines characters so much better, if they have friends, rivalries, hobbies and whatnot.
For example, one of the reasons why I consider Momiji of Fortissimo a such good character is precisely because you get to see "into" her A LOT. Her thoughts, motivation, friendship, rivalries/people she doesn't get well along with and so on and so forth. And that is only possible by given the character a decent amount of pov scenes, that's simply how it is.

>> No.16527851

Chuusotsu, but there aren't guys at all.

>> No.16527874
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Hold on. It's not female POV that's gay, it's female POV + wanting to fuck DUDES from said female POV. If you missed it, the guy was asking for games where he fucks dudes. From what I can tell looking at the vndb of your game it's a yuri game where you exclusively look at girls. You get the straight seal of approval, carry on buddy.
That's a story game, not a dating sim. No penis enters Arues holy entrance. Also it's written in third person perspective, so yeah.

>> No.16528083

>all these normalfags not wanting to be a cute girl

>> No.16528241

I can't imagine it being worse than Rendezvous. I mean Rendezvous wasn't bad but it felt like a step down from Soreyori, and if they're actually getting worse then it'll be a huge letdown.

>> No.16528303

So, what's the consensus on the newest Asa Project game?

>> No.16528583

Anyone can recommend some moege (?) that lean more on the hot / sexy side rather than the cute pyunpyun ? Example: Noratoto

>> No.16528611

I don't know if there's a consensus, it seems not many people played it around here compared to their previous games. But it feels more "flat" in the sense that the comedy in the common route is toned down and the individual routes aren't complete shit. As the art may suggest, it feels more like a moege but it still retains the Asa vibe. Shiina is also one of the funniest heroines I've seen lately. I didn't like the sisters. It's okay but not if you're expecting something like their previous works.

>> No.16528677

You looking for a moege cum nukige?
Also, the last 3 games from Clochette.

>> No.16529141

Been reading Gahkthun and I'm really liking it. Would it be reasonable to assume that all Liarsoft VNs are similar?

>> No.16529358

>Would it be reasonable to assume that all Liarsoft VNs are similar?
only WAB series

>> No.16529399

Sorry for late reply I pulled an all nighter fell asleep, just woke up.
Also Sorry if my previous posts were confusing I just want to play things from a female perspective that's it.
There could be zero male sprites and all you could see are female sprites, I actually prefer it that way.

Like majokoi Nikki, or otome domain you play as a female and can see the female/trap you are playing as. You see no male looking humans in those. I want games like those really.

>Do I want to look at dudes?

Even in some nukige you play as the women get fucked by bald fat men do I watch it for them no I just wanna see her get fucked.

I want to more games to be from a female perspective and no I do not want to see guys they can have no sprite at all.

I'm sorry if I couldn't convince you otherwise I'm not looking for otomege, I'm not gay or in denial about it, I'm looking for something like majokoi where you play from the female perspective. I don't have to see a single guy just the perspective of the female.

Look this is my last post on this so I'll leave it that. Sorry I still couldn't explain properly.

>> No.16529456

Playing through furerba and honestly loving the back and forth banter you and Rina have. Looking forward to doing her route.

>> No.16529475

It's the best route.

>> No.16529514

You don't have to justify yourself, play what you want.

>> No.16529518


I understand you anon, but look at it like this: most otaku will be like him and just think female protagonist = screwing dudes = gay, because they self-insert too hard, which is why there are not too many of those games out there. Gotta sell units.

>> No.16529531

I'm playing フレラバ right now, planning on doing her route last.
I like the banter too but her design isn't that good.

Does she like the mc from start I mean from her actions it seems she might. if she does I'll probably do her route sooner.

>> No.16529588

>Does she like the mc from start
No, at first she only sees him as a friend. Which is great, because you get to see the gradual development from fun banter between casual friends to a passionate loving relationship. You can actually see the subtle changes in her attitude and her conversations and her feelings every step of the way, it's so well done.

>> No.16529593

I kinda would've liked it if it was something even a little like he made her heart go どきどき a little but not enough to call it liking somebody still will try her route later on as she seems interesting.

>> No.16529802
File: 1.28 MB, 1282x747, tsushinbo_2017-02-07_21-22-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whose hand is that on her head? It must be her right hand, since you can see both his hands and her left is held back, right? But if you place your right hand on your head like that, palm down, then the thumb is on the top, whereas in the picture the thumb is on the bottom. Unless the hand isn't in the reflection, it's laid against the mirror? But in that case the distance between the hand and the reflection of the girl should be equal to the distance between the hand and the actual girl, which it's clearly not.

This makes no sense.

>> No.16529943

Well you've backpedaled quite a bit. First you wanted games where you date guys, now you are even asking for trap games where the person you're playing isn't really a girl or even simply plot games.
Otoboku 2 is a good trap game, and the Steampunk series have cool female POV. But remember, if you are secretly in denial and after otomege these won't still your lust. Good luck, faggot-kun.

>> No.16529966

>and after otomege these won't still your lust
Honestly I'd rather read the steampunk series than otomege, the MCs manage to be even blander than your typical eroge MC, they don't even bother to have some kind of chemistry or an attempt of banter with the heroes.
But female sare to blame for wanting the most boring and bland relationships possible.

>> No.16530204

Not sure what you mean her hand it against the mirror with her palm touching it, thumb down.
But yeah her reflection doesn't really have her lifting her hand that we'll it looks kinda odd.

>> No.16530239


actually anon, you can

>> No.16530242

No it's not, it's much more likely they always consider the possibility of releasing said game in english since they got Supipara and eden* out already.

>> No.16530319


fuck off nbkz

>> No.16530360
File: 261 KB, 640x480, ねじ編.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen it?

>> No.16530364

Mhm, I'd also prefer it to be joke heavy rather than drama. I don't really like Clochette, their art looks weird to me.

>> No.16530401

>Get picked on by Japanese girl in eroge or she stops me from doing something.
>Realise my real world counterpart would absolutely tear then apart.
>Remember how much I love ryouna.

>> No.16530475


>> No.16530495

So was Floral Flowlove anywhere close to Saga Planets older classics like Natsunagi/Hatsusaku?

>> No.16531020 [DELETED] 

Stop pressuring people idiot. I've been watching for a while but I'm getting tired of your shit. Why does it even matter? Limit yourself to recommendations, anything else doesn't have a place here. You have all the rest of 4chan to sperg out about gay people.

>> No.16531029

I haven't finished that many vns as most people here so I want to catch up and read the best ones, with that I try to finish fureraba asap and go on with my backlog but I've grown so attached to the characters I don't really know any more.

I'm gonna be so sad when I finish.
It normally happens for most stuff I read but it feels more for fureraba since I didn't like this game at first.


>> No.16531036

Does the MC get his shit together when he gets together with a girl. I hate these ""pure love"" games with an obnoxious and overly perverted MC.

>> No.16531063

He's awesome and unique, I like him more than most mcs, he keeps making jokes and puns, being strong when he needs to, clever, not afraid to pick on girls, gives no shit and jacks off in the living room when his mum is around.

He also really wants a girl not for ero but for love which really surprised me.

He's a top tier mc for moege.
My only problem is he kinda doesn't have confidence in his looks even though he's alright looking. It's kinda his weak point though it shows a bit of how human he is.
Sometimes though he pulls a generic protagonist with his choice and answers but then goes back to normal.

How do I put it even when there's no girls on the screen just by his dialogue you'll be entertained.

>> No.16531202


Not that guy but thanks for the mini review, I might give it a try once I finish what I'm on at the moment.

>> No.16531341

Sure things I just want to emphasise I didn't like it at first, didn't like the art for most of the girls, eyes looked weird, found the humour off and even complained here calling it out, but later on really ended up really liking it.

>> No.16531449 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry that you're gay and offended, but there hasn't been any responses in 7 hours so I'm not sure what you've been "watching for a while". Anyhow, grow a skin and I wish you the best of luck in finding a dick to suck for tonight.

>> No.16531503 [DELETED] 

Nice, it sure was easy to get you to show how much of an asshole you are. I bet you're the faggot who was sperging about Watanabe including far left propaganda in Akikuru. You're in the wrong thread and board.

>> No.16531512 [DELETED] 

You have to be 18+ to post on 4chan, gay-kun.

>> No.16531664

I used not to think like this but I think there is a bit of xenophobia in it; I think many of us remember nbkz' insane reaction in minorigate, he also directly harasses foreigners who talk about non-translated minori games, and tends to generalize foreigners a lot, which is a sign of xenophobia.


He also didn't want to have anything to do with overseas until bamboo (milktub/Mangagamer) convinced him to do so, since minori was flopping hard in Japan. But even he has also shown xenophobia too, for example in this angry blog post:


I also remember this, back from 2009:

[03:29] <V> LoSs: Is it true that Akatsuki Works haet gaijin?
[03:29] <LoSs> nope
[03:29] <LoSs> akabei soft does
[03:30] <LoSs> at least their management staff
[03:30] <N> so whatever happened with your meetings?
[03:30] <LoSs> all of them are gigantic xenaphobic faggots
[03:30] <V> Hmm. Can you give some details of what happened?
[03:30] <LoSs> duh, I don't really want to speak about it anymore
[03:30] <V> Oh well.
[03:30] <LoSs> just they went #arrrrrogant = max

So yeah, they might be a minority but let's not forget that they're doing it just now to grab some foreigner money because they're flopping over there.

>> No.16531709

It sounds like you're just reading into it what you want to believe. Just judging from those tweets he simply seems mad at the Chinese for stealing their stuff, justifiably so. It's what most creators feel but don't say publicly. Can you cite something where he attacks a non-Chinese country?

>> No.16531740

He did look at the Canada one

>> No.16531814
File: 46 KB, 1020x575, japan_only.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might be, but generalizing a whole country seems like a xenophobic attitude, and I mean 海外不信 is basically xenophobia by definition.

But it might just be that he's extremely anal about laws in general, as someone already said he's constantly taking down videos on Youtube and years ago he directly harassed Japanese players who sold used copies when it was prohibited. But even if he's technically correct his reactions are kind of weird. Again, we all saw this years ago.

>It's what most creators feel but don't say publicly.
I used to draw and sell books years ago and several people scanned and pirated them, but I won't get suspicious of people from an entire country for it, unless I already had xenophobic tendencies beforehand. I also don't think piracy or reproducing is the same as stealing. Creators have different views just like normal people.

Pic related.

Also, bamboo's クソ毛唐 is completely アウト; they'd go completely bonkers if the manager from a foreign company said クソジャップ.

>> No.16531843

Any recent game with a yandere, yangire, or just emotionally fucked heroine? This was kind of a trend years ago but it feels people lost interest in it.

>> No.16531856


>> No.16531863

Well all I can say is that it's a "we're sticking to laws because they're there" attitude that some staff/companies hold, meaning they don't consciously examine what the laws actually mean and why they came about in the first place
If you want one view on this, here's one from a Jap dev, pretty old thread https://forums.fuwanovel.net/blogs/entry/611-for-sale-in-japan-only-a-japanese-developers-perspective-on-the-eroge-embargo/

>> No.16531890 [SPOILER] 
File: 168 KB, 1284x724, 1486498585691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

相州戦神館學園 万仙陣

>> No.16531898

Either say what you're spoiling or filename correctly.

>> No.16531923

one of these games, isn't it obvious?

>> No.16531931

It's not obvious which of the three, no.

>> No.16531934

Good read, thank you. But as stated in that thread the Ninetail producer was very polite, and his situation is completely understandable, and as a foreign player I'm also aware of it. It's just that nbkz goes out of his way to be an asshole.

I also have the opposite case. Brands like lose and Iris that make lolige don't close off their sites and I've actually wondered why they haven't.

>> No.16531942

Not him but I'll give you a clue, the text box in his pic looks like the same text box used the game 紙の上の魔法使い.
Tell me if you need any more hints.

>> No.16531947

Do you have brain damage or are you only pretending to have it? No one asked for source, learn what a spoiler tag is.

>> No.16531958


He's spoiling 紙の上の魔法使い?

>> No.16531968

That's fine, I'm addressing his smartass "if you need any more hints" as if opening the tag and spoiling yourself in the process to check what's on there is a viable method.

>> No.16531977

Cute girl!

Does she get brutally fucked?
I mean does she squirt and twitch after orgasm
Sorry I meant to say does she beg for more massive cock from the person she loves and twitch and squirm during orgasm after the brutal fucking.

Seriously I see this talked about here often is it that good?

>> No.16531985

I was just joking around, I thought it obvious, didn't mean to offend you.

>> No.16531997

The first half is very good, but it got quite a bit worse from chapter 8 onward.

>> No.16532099

Are dating sims still a thing like making choices and giving presents?
Or did they fade out?

>> No.16532113

Faded out.
In the end people want story, without banal and simplistic gameplay mechanics obfuscating it.

>> No.16532114


Moege are now dating sims. Same protagonist walls. They just simplified the gameplay. Instead of going to places, managing stats and funds, trying to make a girl happy with complex choices and gifts... you now pic which girl you wanna fuck and the game does the rest for you. Isn't game evolution a great thing?

>> No.16532121

Anyone read Owaru Sekai to Birthday? It looks interesting

>> No.16532124

I had hope they were still a thing like persona, fureraba even something like huniepop might bring it back

>> No.16532187

Is it just me or in most moege the character and the girl you choose don't really go on regular dates and such? Or maybe they'll fuck, and maybe they will go on one date after, but they skip most of it. Or they'll go on dates but the only purpose of the date will be to have an H-scene in public. What the fuck? Is Fureraba also like this? I've heard a lot of people talking about it so I thought about trying it out.

>> No.16532208

I'm not really a fan of moege becoming nukige once a route starts either. Wish they had a little more story/development to them and more cute scenes.

>> No.16532218

It's like they put all their effort into the school simulation (common route) part, but forget about the romance. Oh yeah, we're supposed to have a heroine route. Just throw a whole bunch of sex scenes with little to almost no romance to string it to together. Everyone will love it.

>> No.16532294

Fureraba definitely does have dates and cute scenes. My favourite was the one where you introduce senpai to all your other friends and show off your amazing girlfriend.

>> No.16532300

What's a moege that has a lot of CGs?

>> No.16532302

Maybe you need to read better ones. Read: Not Yuzusoft.

>> No.16532307

Is there a list of "moege that don't stuff each route full of H scenes and have a fair amount of non-H CGs in the routes"?

>> No.16532312

Your interests seem conflicted. Do you want to read something good, or something shallow but with pretty pictures?

>> No.16532370

You're implying the two can't co-exist? I was under the impression the person making the art and the person writing the story were two different people. If I had to choose between the two, then of course I'd rather the moege with good writing but not very many CGs, but it's a bit unfortunate that you can't have both. Event CGs can add to the impact of a scene.

>> No.16532388

>Event CGs can add to the impact of a scene.

Fun fact: In recent times event CG get worse and worse, while sprites get better. I've seen more than enough VN now, where CG were not something you'd want over the sprites.
I like Daitoshokan's approach there too, using sprites in "semi-CG". Not actual real CG, but still making it seem like it's one. Though that one doesn't suffer from "bad CG" either anyway.. though they may still be more static than sprites. (expressions and such)

>> No.16532394

No, but number is far lower and the two posts you made
very clearly prioritize pictures over anything else.
>person making the art
"Person making the art" doesn't get to decide the CG number. The companys pays for the them. More CGs point to higher budget, and higher budget brings you to the bad companies like Yuzusoft.

>> No.16532396

It sounds more like he wants less HCGs and more regular CGs. How is that conflicting?

>> No.16532407

>Do you want to read something good, or something shallow but with pretty pictures?
Given that he said CGs vs HCGs, I don't get why you say good vs shallow. It would be
>Do you want to read something with a lot of CGs or something with a lot of porn
quality of (non nukige) game has nothing to do with cgs

>> No.16532417

I only made the second post of those two.

Let's just say that the two *never* co-exist and there aren't *any* good moege that have a decent amount of regular CGs in the routes / not tons of H scenes.

What about just flat out good moege that don't stuff the routes with H and instead have good writing and development of the relationship and characters? Rather than nukige-mode.

>> No.16532443

Well if you followed the chain he quoted a post talking about better moege - then he responds with the notion "is there a list of games with CGs" connecting the "better" to = more CGs.


>> No.16532471

>What about just flat out good moege that don't stuff the routes with H and instead have good writing and development of the relationship and characters?

You are probably best off trying your luck with at least 5 year old VN. Older VN are shorter and not that sex filled. I've recently read the equivalent to a nowadays "high sexual content" work, and it didn't even feel much different than what we'd consider normal now, aside of things being a bit better spaced. Something like Period (7..? heroines and like 8 ero scenes in total) doesn't happen anymore today. Closest recent game is probably Lamune 2, though I can't really recommend this. That has 3 heroines with 2 scenes each, though only 2 of these 6 are actually part of the "plot", one of those appears twice. (the other 4 unique scenes are your typical "omakes" you can choose from the scene menu)
Oh and then there are all-ages version that may exist. Mostly a console thing though. Backports are rare, though they can exist. (on of the older August games has that)

>> No.16532479

>Well if you followed the chain he quoted a post talking about better moege
His first post, though, was about more CGs, so that's less equating more CGs to better, and more sticking with his guns to a guy who made a reply that went off the subject he wanted.

>> No.16532579
File: 45 KB, 413x259, dostedt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have. Liked it a fair bit but it's definitely a mixed bag and I know there's people on here who didn't.

It's a lot more about the mystery and the cool stuff happening than really complex or interesting characters, although it has some real great scenes and a fantastic epilogue. It does also kinda shit the bed in other places, and the ending will def be a love it/hate it one.

It does however also have a really cool special thing where it asks you for your actual birthday, and if you've completed the game and open it on that day you'll get a special and plot-related scene for that. Which is really nice.

It's very much a WHOA CRAZY SHIT HAPPENIN DUDE kind of game though, and the main girl is some vicious moe bait.

>> No.16532592

Hmm.. I can forgive dumb shit if the ending is satisfying / fully resolved. Would you say it is?

>> No.16532612


Be aware that the man girl isn't just "moe bait". My god was she unbearable. Her voice. And everything. Good lord. I feel like she is the biggest hurdle in the game.

>> No.16532626


>> No.16532653

Oh god her voice is the worst part. I hate みる

>> No.16532686
File: 446 KB, 1024x576, 1484698294562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't heard her except in Natsukuru and her role there was pretty good.

>> No.16532708


If that's the girl that's voiced by her as well, I had no problem there either.

The main girl of Owaru Sekai however just sounds insanely fake cute. Just forced as hell. Of course her whole "character" is shit too, so that really goes hand in hand, if you ask me.

>> No.16532715

Well yeah, her voice in that game there is fine. But when she tries to voice the overly cute characters, is when she fails completely.

Pretty much like >>16532708 says, she sounds fake as hell when she tries to force her "cute" voice. It's kind of amazing how obnoxious Iri was. You think blind and helpless would be the perfect moe traits, but it's executed so poorly in that game. Wanted to punch her every time she said something stupid, so most of the time.

>> No.16532934

Any good games that are set in the Meiji era or something similar to that?

>> No.16532949

Lost Cavalier is the best you'll get for historical games more or less. Don't be put off by trap protagonist.

>> No.16533005

any good archive sites to find update patches for games? been using holyseal but it has lots of outdated info and doesn't cover doujin. searching the creators site is the best but usually a pain since every developer puts patch info in different places and sometimes links end up dead

for example i can't find the omake for this anywhere

>> No.16533379

I thought it was a Japan thing seeing how often I see this. Although it could be for the obvious reason. That they just want to move on the sex and not have to pay the writers too much or the writers can't really think of much other things to put into the heroines route without putting a time skip of a month or something.
Yet they only date once before fucking or do it right after the second one
Why do you guys hate yuzusoft?

I've played a bit noble works, and did dracuriot's Elina's route.

Elina's route wasn't that bad it was decent even pretty well done, they could've just done a generic moege route with cute scenes, a confession, ero-scenes, and end it, 'maybe' tackling the heroine's problem if they has any. Instead they did they did all of that and confronted Elina's many issues, revealed more of the island and it's inner workings, stopped yuuto's kidnappers tying into the main story, and the way they solved it was pretty interesting faking their deaths so they would give up on them and using different abilities and connections to make it seem legit, the game also pulls a good guy was evil and good guy was evil but pretending and is actually good which wasn't really that surprising, given how they spoiled it in the movie, but had though put into how it was executed.
Granted I haven't played really finsihed the other routes or other games but this had thought some though put into it, compared to using the whole vampire, school club or other plot device just to meet other girls but ultimately go nowhere with it, like most other moege.

>> No.16533389

Sorry, autocorrect.
Hopes it's still legible.

>> No.16533433

A lot of people in this thread are just allergic to cute games, especially when they're made by companies as well-known and successful as yuzusoft. They know their target audience very well and consistently put out high quality releases. If you're part of that audience, you'll most likely enjoy their games; if you want to be a contrarian autist like half of this thread, you'll probably hate them regardless of the actual content.

>> No.16533469

Yeah, I really don't get the Yuzusoft hate. People bash them for being 王道 or whatever, but the fact is that they're popular because they're just plain better at making moege than most other brands. If you don't like moege, fine, but at least recognize that they're good at what they do.

>> No.16533470

Flaw with your post here: when the latest Yuzusoft game came out, tons of Yuzu fans played it but even they ended up skipping through chunks of the story because it was so boring.
Fact is, nobody's allergic to cute. There's a reason every single one of us here is reading VNs instead of books, why nobody reads otome games no matter how good, why all-ages games get discussed far less than any other - because of cute girls and porn, plain and simple. It's just that some companies make good cute girls and porn with interesting writing, while other companies make boding meh girls and porn with terrible writing. It's obvious which one people will prefer.

>> No.16533552

>Flaw with your post here: when the latest Yuzusoft game came out, tons of Yuzu fans played it but even they ended up skipping through chunks of the story because it was so boring.

But why?
I get skipping out some text like the annoying girl who goes on a rant about something that doesn't affect the plot, but actual chunks? Why not a cute girl nukige if you're gonna just skip the text to the sex?
Fuck, eroge crash when?

>> No.16533572

I believe that a painfully dull and bad story erodes any guilt one would normally feel for skipping.
Yuzusoft has good art so skipping for the sex and icha scenes over nukige is worth it to people.

>> No.16533587

About how long are the Amatsutsumi side routes, and also are they recommended and/or necessary for unlocking true end?

>> No.16533590

Notworth doing them considering you read a whole chapter about the heroine, you don't need them either.

>> No.16533685

why do most Eroge have ugly or generic protagonists? Why not put time and effort into them to improve the whole experience?

It's like making a cake.
The cake is the girls and the utensils is the guy.
Wouldn't you like the utensils to be state of the art and shiny to add the experience of building a beautiful cake.

I mean the guys aren't for sex appeal just like good background art and music aren't. Just a decent design and a well thought out character to add to the experience.
It really makes me happy when I switch to plotge seeing an interesting character that I'm stuck with for most of the game.

>> No.16533691

Because self insertion.
I'd rather every single MC be an ikemen no matetr how generic he is, but alas.

>> No.16533695

Are Japanese people ugly and or generic?

>> No.16533700

The ones who play eroge are.

>> No.16533828

Why do people hate the rewrite anime so much, I mean almost any anime adaptation of a vn is good as they don't normally get as much publicity.
It was pretty okay other than the cg.

>> No.16533842


>> No.16533859

my secret opinion which i will tell no one is that it throws into sharp undodgeable relief just how retarded the plot of rewrite actually is when not spread out over 40+ hours of reading and therefore makes people more cognizant of the flaws and plotholes and general 'what the fuck is this shit'-ery that is the story by virtue of having to present it in an easy to digest format such as anime

take as many grains of salt as you need, my opinion ain't worth much

>> No.16533860

I heard white album2 was amazing if not the best romance/drama eroge its got a 95 median on erogegamescape. There's like 6 games in the series do I have to play them all to understand 2?

Also does it matter if I play in Japanese or English. I play in Jap if it's not translated, or if it has things that can't be translated that well. I read in English so I can finish it earlier. So does it fall into that category?

>> No.16533925

>they're just plain better at making porn than most other brands

>> No.16533998


Not true. Last game's Murasame sounded like she's getting tortured and Maki's constant "sorry for ever actually wanting to have sex even though I'm a girl" during sex were also absolute shit. Lena's breasts just go past "good looking".. and then you have Yoshino who's kinda.. there.

I mean the art is nice. But the porn? I... dunno about that. I think that aspect could've been easily improved on. It's at best utterly generic with always the same 2cg "foreplay"->"sex" flow.

>> No.16534011

I found most of Lena's scenes pretty hot.

>> No.16534222

Can you get rejected in fureraba?
After the 告白 choice?
Or is it just there to look you of other heroine routes?

>> No.16534226


>> No.16534307

I just got done with misaki's confession in fureraba and we'll it's pretty sweet but feels a bit forced.

she doesn't seem sure she likes him but enjoys their dates and time together and being with him and doesn't want them to be away from away from another,
I'm not sure if she knows what love is though so there's that.

On another note I realised the song during confession is 'friend to lover' the subtitle of the game which kinda surprised me, it was pretty sweet

>> No.16534338 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 859 KB, 1040x615, 1486559800542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so cute [/spoiler] she wants to be friends and your gf[/spoiler]

I'm happy I stuck this game

>> No.16534436

You don't sound like you're gonna play it in Japanese. You sound like you want to enjoy IC's terrible machine translation by some ESLs from South-East Asia.

Anyway, for WA2 you just need to WA2: IC and WA2: CC. Or their combined release, which you can also find on the internet.

>> No.16534460

No, I don't mind playing in Japanese, I just read faster in my native language.
Still, I didn't know it was machine translated, if it is I'll just stick to Jap.
Still, thanks, I thought I needed to play WA1 as well.

>> No.16534478
File: 24 KB, 575x193, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16534487

The game is already old, nothing new.

>> No.16534493

But only yesterday it got Moogy-denka approved.

>> No.16534497
File: 771 KB, 1920x1080, C;C_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I mean. It's like 7/10? Engine is shit too. Maybe this is this typical "I'm 2 chapters in and this is greeeat!" thing. Because C;C is definitely a "gets worse" thing. A whole lot worse. At least blonde girl was cute.

>> No.16534506

He finished it

>> No.16534507

Is C;C any better than C;H? C;H was such a pile of shit I've never wanted to touch C;C simply because it has Chaos; in the name.

>> No.16534511

Are you high? The ending / last fourth is the highest praised part of the game. The beginning is extremely slow and unremarkable.
It's written mostly by a completely new writer.

>> No.16534552

Im doing more of this route and well I feel bad, she didn't bring a friend home before and I think she just said yes to be your gf as she doesn't have any friends and didn't want to lose the only friend she had. Fuck I feel bad now.

This reminds me of play play play 3 where the mc befriends a girl who has no friends only to rape her and tell her he was never her friend. Fuck that was heart breaking. Not really a spoiler the mc is a rapist and a dick he even fucks a suicidal girl as she's on the roof trying to suicide.

>> No.16534555

That is sad man. I wanted to play her route but I'm not sure anymore. I hope MC treats her right.

>> No.16534564

That's sounds pretty good, actually. Maybe I'll pick that one up.

>> No.16534578

I still love her though she's probably my favourite girl she's sweet, donkan, very shy, kinda random from her lack of knowledge about things. Plus she's stoic which is a trait I really grew fond to recently.

I tried this after himari's route and while himari was a bitch at the beginning she slowly came around and although kinda annoying later on shes a unique blend of a childhood friend who teases you, deredere and shy but they don't always match.
Like she teases you during sex but become really deredere and shy in others it's odd. But I really liked her route.

Hopefully misaki's will turn around
Are you talking about play play play3?
Or fureraba

>> No.16534581


Nope, I felt the first few chapters were fun mystery-wise and for atmosphere, but the last chapters of common were.. well. Let's say there were a few interesting ideas, executed rather badly. The last chapter in particular felt like they could've cut out 2/3 of it and you wouldn't have missed anything. It was also some of the more convenient story-telling out there. As in some of the most obvious shit is written as if it's something you could totally overlook.

I didn't bother with much after it though, thanks to the horrendous skip function and general slowness of the engine. Did Nono (meh) and Hinae (alright except the asspull ending, which I would've liked if it wouldn't be such a massive asspull. Pretty much the same thing again, good idea, awful implementation).
I'm sure some people think differently here, the science series has a lot of fans after all, but I felt this was rather underwhelming. And from what I've heard, most people seem to not like the "true ending" or whatever much either, considering "common" the best part, so I had no real reason to struggle on.

>> No.16534612

>most people seem to not like the "true ending"
Those people are the same ones that don't like the Danganronpa v3 ending, aka dumb otaku. It's an absolutely genius way to end it.
Also talking about how it "gets worse" when you haven't even played the latter parts / the fucking true route makes you look very dumb. By the way, Hana is written by Hayashi and considered the worst part of the game. The beginning chapters you liked were by Umehara, and this guy also writes the true route.

>> No.16534632

告白 just ends the common route and starts the heroine route itself.

>> No.16534633

Not him but I really loved danganronpa 3's ending too.

You don't know whats the truth and whats a lie the only thing you know is that the lies helped shaped the truth by people thinking it was the truth.
With that the lies become the truth.

I mean even the prologue which is supposedly the truth contains more mysteries than answers.

Were the hunts real?
Were their abilities real?
Were their memories real?

It's done so well but people aren't satisfied or they want all the answers on silver platter which why they are angry.

I hate most of the fanbase anyway.

>> No.16534636


>> No.16534687

>Those people are the same ones that don't like the Danganronpa v3 ending, aka dumb otaku. It's an absolutely genius way to end it.
I haven't played DR3 yet so I don't know how it compares, but C;C's true ending was extremely lackluster, which mostly resulted from the poor pacing of other routes not to mention the amount of skipping you had to do with the slow system when replaying the common part each time. I mean you got

Common route: main story and its ending
Uki route: completely unrelated shit to main plot
Hinae route: completely unrelated shit to main plot
Hana route: very silly shit, but it's actually somewhat main plot related if we're talking about preparing the player for the true route
Nono route: completely unrelated shit to main plot
True "route": rather short epilogue to the common route main story

I mean the game spent so much time with the side heroines and their powers I was expecting there to be some proper true route that utilizes those plot elements in a satisfying way and when the final credits started rolling my reaction was more along the lines of "wait what, that's it?" rather than the intended bittersweetness the ending was supposed to evoke. My reaction would likely had been better if they had just axed the side heroine routes altogether and only delivered the common and true routes.

>> No.16534706

Is 家族計画~追憶~ meant to be partially voiced or is it screwing up because I'm playing on windows 7?

>> No.16534711

Not sure if anybody here is gonna try or or has already tried play play play 3.

I just wanna say a nukige shouldn't be this interesting

Along with the stuff I mentioned here
There's bringing a ghost girl back to her mother who haven't seen each other in a long time. And raping them both and her mother cried as the ghost child departs again after the rape.

There's teaming up with your rape victims to rape the person blackmailing you for raping.

There's a sex battle royal where there's so many rules like the person who ejaculated first will be killed unless the other person ejaculated in the 30 seconds. People abuse the rules and do things like fake orgasms so the other person thinks its okay to ejaculate.

There's a ton more things

I never expected a rape nukige to be this amazing. It didn't have to be but it is.

>> No.16534719

>My reaction would likely had been better if they had just axed the side heroine routes altogether and only delivered the common and true routes.
This would have unarguably been an upgrade, and the same thing can be said for a lot of other visual novels out there. Unfortunately we live in an age where heroine routes are shoehorned into everything. I think it's best to go into visual novels separating the true from other stuff to be honest, or rather just not having the expectation that they connect in a grandiose way. Just look at Rewrite, or Eustia or Amatsutsumi etc etc. It's clear that the main story in these is good but it gets dragged down by things that have to be added because they are expected. I don't think this is the creators fault if you look at sales; things that break tradition tend to do not so well so they abstain from it.

>> No.16534751

My bad I mean play play play 4

>> No.16534845

>It's an absolutely genius way to end it.
The true ending is fucking garbage with a twist for the sake of having a twist because c;h did it too.
Also incredibly cheap and manipuolative while completely failing at it, doesn't help Serika is incredibly unlikeable.

>> No.16534859

I'm trying to download Axanael but when I try to play it I get a window saying I need a Soft-denchi authentification code, any idea where I can get one or how to get past it?

>> No.16534929

Yeah, mystery games fans wanting answers from the author is such an awful thing, Ryuukishi07 would agree with you.

>> No.16534934

The game hinted this all along even in the prologue.
It was the theme of the game, lies and truth.
The ending of this game followed in suit.
What what the truth and what a lie?
It done it pretty well.
It's shock value but also ties in pretty well and leaves many questions for the reader to determine the truth and lie.

>> No.16534956

I just like the way it is open ended and people can argue what was the truth. That's the whole theme of the game truth and lie.
The game dealt with truth and lies and we the player are left with question of what is the truth and what was a lie.
The answer is there however just don't what is real or not tying into the theme. In a way we still are involved in the game.

>> No.16534982

Download a crack or drag and drop the exe on http://www43.zippyshare.com/v/U7H1KiNL/file.html

>> No.16535055

I don't mind stuff like Eustia, Steins;Gate or Nanarin because you can choose to ignore the irrelevant side stuff and just focus on the main plot. Enforced side heroine routes can also be done well provided they manage to be part of the main plot like explaining, revealing and foreshadowing stuff that gets brought up later on (thus it makes sense they're enforced), f.ex. Muramasa, F/SN, Himawari or Baldr Sky where the next routes build upon the previous ones.

The problem with C;C is that there's an enforced route order, yet most of the side heroine routes don't really bring anything relevant to the table (they steer clear away from the main plot and the new stuff they do add doesn't get used later on nor is integral for understanding the true epilogue, with the exception of Hana's route introducing the main antagonists) so they end up feeling like disconnected, yet for some reason compulsory filler that is standing between the main story and its epilogue.

>> No.16535058

Still this is my take of the events

They were brainwashed more than once

In the prologue, the monokumaz are confused why they don't remember their talents, they have no reason to fake this legit surprise hence they did had talents. They also mention it was taken by the super high school hunting. Further more they display these in the game like the magician act, Angie making near exact replicas of people, maki knowing how to assemble a crossbow and lifting a grown person with one hand and give n her height and weight it's hard to believe these wouldn't be simple placebo effects.

They were also supposed to have known about danganronpa from their audition tapes saying they wanted to take part. However they didn't even recognise the monokumaz. Saihara even said it was weird for them to like it at the end of the game. Meaning they were brainwashed into liking danganronpa and brainwashed again before they met the monokumaz as they weren't happy to see them.

Brainwashing man

The truth is that they had talents and were captured and brainwashed a bunch. We don't know their real personalities. As for the outside world if it's really peaceful or not that's probably gonna be explained in the next game if any.

I don't see any contradictions and seems to tie in with the events so I'll take it as the truth. Feel free to correct me.

>> No.16535247

In fureraba the mc and his date visit the restaurant that the mc and the girls from the previous game worked at .
They didn't go in as the mc had a bad feeling not to.

It was pretty shocking as I saw the places looked very familiar and I thought that they reused assets.

Still nice joke there.

>> No.16535253 [DELETED] 

I downloaded a crack but when i try to run the game it says it can't be executed.

>> No.16535282

I downloaded a crack but when i try to run the game it says it can't be executed. I also used the unwrapper but it still says that I need to put in a code

>> No.16535313

I just got to this bit its cute, but it makes remember things like how himari still likes me while I'm introducing my gf to her and how if I didn't introduce my gf she would be friend less and wouldn't even meet them.

>> No.16535397

Plus the routes feel kinda lonely, I know you are on a girl's route but you barely see anybody else. Dracuriot handled this quite well with you being in the same dorm.

>> No.16535620

I'll try making a crack with my copy

>> No.16535628

Thanks anon!

>> No.16535656

Chaos;Child's ending was shit for more reasons than just this. It didn't feel satisfying or complete. There was no final fight, the last boss just disappears after the weakest of persuasion. There was no conclusion, you don't find out what happens to Serika and MC afterwards. And it's incredibly weak thematically, no link with the earlier themes of the VN.

A good ending shouldn't just be an "epic twist". It needs to draw on the buildup and the development across the rest of the VN, and use that for some form of payoff in the conclusion. Like a story about your precious everyday life, and then putting your all in to protect it. Or a story about growing in love with someone, and then sacrificing everything to be with her. Chaos;Child might be an interesting idea but it doesn't fulfil basic storytelling requirements and for that it's a failure.

>> No.16535700


Here is the crack I have, install patch 1.10 - http://www.nitroplus.co.jp/support/sp21/201012170010.php - copy this file inside game folder, run the game should be cracked

Here is the already cracked exe in case it doesn't work, it ran fine for me


>> No.16535764

> final fight
wrong game, chuunitard

>> No.16535815

I got to work, thank you so much.

>> No.16536415

So, anyone clear the mid price Applique game?

>> No.16536483 [DELETED] 


>> No.16536570

Okay finished misaki's route in fureraba, it was cute and she's adorable.
This was my second route after himari.
I'm not good at reviews or anything like that Im just putting out my opinions.

She starts off stoic, kind and shy and by the end she's still shy but around others and not the mc I didn't fully realise this change happened until she started talking to others. But I really should have as the change is progressive.
She's a unique girl that doesn't like violence likes food and cooking, she acts a bit donkan and weird in terms of randomness like most stoic girls. Still when she's not she's really ojousan-like and kind and sweet.

Her route felt like the final route you are meant to do as it involves the others while himari's and I'm assuming the other girls don't. One bit that saddened me about this game is that you grow close to the class during the intermission between pursuing girls but on the girl's routes you rarely see them.
Some thing else sad about her route is that Misaki also has the least amount of h and cgs of the group and that she doesn't get married in her after story but plans too while himari is already married and pregnant. She also says アイシテル in the after story and not during the regular route like himari. Also she says すき to the mc during the sex scene and not before, she does say she likes hanging out and dating and being with him.

At first I thought she was confusing friendship for love but at the end she's even asked this very question and it flashes back to how she actually fell for the mc over time.

As for comparing them.
Himari and misaki are both adorable however misaki's h scenes faces are sex.
Himari looks like a slut in her final h scene.
They both also really desire sex.
Misaki kinda worries me as she's popular and the mc worries when she graduates, that guys are gonna get her when he's not around, though she says it's fine. She's pretty donkan however so I'm worried something happens.

Himari was really deredere and childhood-friend like. While misaki was stoic and ojousanlike.

I'm not sure who I like more they both have good and bad points although himari really ticked me off at the start of her route. My main problem with misaki is that although they get along really well most of the time when she gets all ojousan she's kinda 'not for him' , like she's too out of his league, kinda like you have a supermodel saying she likes a regular guy it's awkward. Still when she gets stoic or shy they seem to match way too well and are adorable.

Overall I really like this game, glad to have downloaded it. Thanks to everybody who suggested. It wasn't my cup of tea at first however I really liked it.

I give himari's route an 7.7 and misaki's an 7.8. Just because himari passed me off at the start.

>> No.16536576

Also typed this on my phone so sorry for any grammatical errors.

>> No.16536838

What sites do you guys use for walkthroughs and such?

>> No.16536856

Alternatively google "title" kouryaku

>> No.16537089

In Sakura no uta I missed it or misunderstood something completely or may be way off but is Naoya related to the Natsume household , through his mum?

>> No.16537198

Have you played any of the others?
Wondering if I should just go through the whole series.

>> No.16537215

I Just started at 4

>> No.16537219

I'll try 3 since it seems to have slightly better rating and I like the art better.

>> No.16537248

Sorry if it's stupid question I feel like that its not the case as I misread something but am not too sure where exactly.

>> No.16537287

>I just wanna say a nukige shouldn't be this interesting

Elaborated nukige are the best kind of eroge. I can't stand it when the porn isn't part of the story in nukige. Everything should resolve around it and if they put thought into it, even better.

>> No.16537303

okay I think I got it Naoya's mum belongs to 中村 as does Kei and Makoto is that right? hopefully I didn't mess anything up

>> No.16537367

Do you need a mouse for Baldr Sky's gameplay parts or am I going to be fine playing on a laptop?

>> No.16537408

Did 2ch not have a best eroge voting thread this year, or did I just miss it?

>> No.16537418

No good eroge worth voting for.

>> No.16537547

I played the entire game on a laptop.

>> No.16537672
File: 57 KB, 640x298, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do people think of Kamaitachi?
Original or remake?

>> No.16537676

People fucking HATE the remake.

>> No.16537698

Yeah the designs are so... low effort...
I mean they didn't have much to go on. Just give us our blue people.

>> No.16538442


