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1652558 No.1652558 [Reply] [Original]

I want to play a game with Archer.

Something based on maybe his time as a Counter Guardian. You could have flashbacks to when he was just Emiya Shirou, working past the Grail War he participated in up to the day where he makes the pact with the World.

Gameplay would probably be something like Assassin's Creed with its combo system, except not so retarded. You'd be able to instantly switch between weapons for combos, and defeating bosses would necessitate using weapon strategy.

Maybe once we fight through and see what he faced, we won't have such a downward view of Archer.

Well, it'll never happen, but it'd be nice.

>> No.1652567

stop giving type-moon ideas...

>> No.1652574

But if we give them GOOD ideas, that's okay.

Anything that prevents them from making another Fate/Tiger Coliseum...

>> No.1652584

>something like Assassin's Creed

Better idea: Tsukihime 2.

>> No.1652590

Hint: If you've played F/SN then you've played a game with Archer.

>> No.1652591

There's a game in FHA where u can choose to play as Saber, Lancer, Archer, Rider or Caster in chibi mode and you race/kill the rest of the Servants in 3 minigames, and then teaming up to fight Berser-Car at the end.

>> No.1652600

Is this a game of pretend?

>> No.1652608
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Huh, fighting as Shiki would be so borked, though. Lines and dead.

My other thought was to have a game where you played as Gilgamesh, except before he became a hero. This'd be after the snake stole his potion of immortality. Instead of bothering with that, he'd continue his quest of possessing all the treasures of the world.

So you'd basically go around beating people and stealing their weapons to throw into your vault. Gameplay would be like some kind of beamspam fighting, except you'd organize your weapons in your vault beforehand for patterns. If necessary, Gilgamesh could fight up close swapping out weapons with every strike.

Destroy your enemies while calling them mongrels, take that which belongs to you, and be prettier than their women.

And laugh a lot.

>> No.1652615

Yes. This is a game of pretend.

>> No.1652622


>> No.1652624
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Any hero can be as powerful as a god. But having both power and the ability to be a great trap, that is truly the King of Heroes.

>> No.1652699

>Maybe once we fight through and see what he faced, we won't have such a downward view of Archer.

When did we have a downward view of Archer

>> No.1652705

Somewhat unrelated:
why did he save Shirou from Caster again?

>> No.1652715

Some people (little black girls, in particular) seem to regard Archer badly.

And you wouldn't be able to use Ea. That'd go against Gilgamesh's modus operandi. You'd have to take you time building up your arrogance enough by playing around with the enemy before finally finishing your opponent off. The hard part would be keeping yourself alive due to arrogance.

>> No.1652728
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I think part of it was he wanted to see what Shirou thought of him. If Shirou was okay with him, then he wouldn't have gone through it because he could have made sure Shirou wouldn't have gone down his path. But since Shirou wasn't okay with him, well, he wasn't going to listen and Archer figured he was going to be stupid so go ahead and try for the paradox.

>> No.1652727

Archer has to kill Shirou himself to cause the paradox. Caster killing Shirou does nothing.

>> No.1652736
File: 57 KB, 1024x768, 1227421295563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people say he was emo, but yegod, the poor man's back story was worse than Saber's.

Plus, all the Lancer love too.

>> No.1652744

Lancer didn't really dislike Archer until he thought Archer was abandoning Rin...

>> No.1652759

He lived ans died an king of faggots.

Gilgamesh game does sound cool. But tell me true, don't you think this would make a great game, esp. in a style like Assassin's Creed?
Shiki + Enhance against the world.

>> No.1652762

I'd play a game with Archer, if you know what i mean

>> No.1652764
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>> No.1652777

Oh, hey DisgruntledFerret. It didn't actually occur to me that you might browse /jp/ until just now.

>> No.1652795
File: 88 KB, 532x700, 1227422359506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They seemed to respect each other, just Lancer didn't like how Archer operated: ie, no honor, cheating like a mother fucker with the tracing etc.

And I think Archer didn't like Lancer for the whole stabbing him in the chest thing.

>> No.1652813

I know where you come from. Go back there.

Archer seemed impressed with Lancer penetrating his Rho Aias to the extent that he did, if you know what I mean.

Not to say Archer hated Lancer, I think Archer was just obsessing about Shirou completely at this point.

>> No.1652820
File: 49 KB, 400x555, 1227422874104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Archer was experiencing weapons glee.

But one thing I like about Archer is how the poor man always gets put in losing battles to protect everyone else. At least in Fate and HF he does.

>> No.1652819

Archer would've died in the first battle had Shirou not interfered before Lancer used Gae Bolg.

>> No.1652824

Instead of like Assassin's Creed, it'd work more like that game I can't quite recall the name of, where you bounce around as a ninja trying to get a hit in before you're hit yourself. The one you basically have to be perfect at moving around or you're dead.

My memory is shit tonight. I know what I'm thinking of, but I can't name it.

>> No.1652833

It's his own fault. He could've easily killed Ilya in Fate during the Berserker battle, but he chosed to stick with his Shirou/pedo ways. And he chosed to go against the Shadow in HF instead of sticking with his own agenda because it was his duty. So much for hating his own ideals and being a counter guardian.

>> No.1652831
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No he wouldn't. He couldn't. Kotomine used the Command Spell. He would have gotten to the point where he could have killed Archer and would have been forced to stop.

>> No.1652841

Er, he used Gae Bolg against Saber in their first battle and almost killed her, or have you forgotten that?

>> No.1652866

Kotomine used a seal to prevent Lancer from fighting a battle to its completion over the long term, but that probably had the same effect as Rin's seal did on Archer: it probably only reduced his combat modifiers a bit if he attempted to go all out.

It obviously didn't prevent him from going all out.

Kotomine might have even put in a clause that Lancer could go all out if the enemy knew what heroic spirit he was, like Archer figured out and like Saber did, too.

>> No.1652891
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Well, in HF Archer realized that Shirou would not become him. There would be no point into killing his younger self there. So he protected Rin, Ilya and Shirou from Dark Saber, True Assassin and The Shadow. Oh, and probably had to cut off his own arm to give it to Shirou as well.

>> No.1652896
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>> No.1652900

Well, if the command is "Don't kill anyone" then it's easily bypassed.
He would only disobey if he purposely attempted to kill anyone.
On the other hand, if he really thought that whoever he was facing could probably survive a hit, then he's not technically disobeying.

And really, if that's the case, the command is pretty useless.

>> No.1652903


>> No.1652961
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I think Archer was just surprising Lancer back and forth. An Archer who was good at melee combat. Impossible.

>> No.1652994

God. Fuck. I'm a retard.

I could only remember "Shinobu."

>> No.1653301
File: 432 KB, 1280x813, 1227430087222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want an Archer VN where he gets a GOOD END damn it.

>> No.1653308


You obviously have not played UBW.

>> No.1653388

>I know where you come from. Go back there.

What, the Internet?
Bob and George is (was) basically the biggest webcomic ever, and its subsidiaries got washover spotlight.
Obviously, when I learned of Archer and his relation to Shirou, I thought of Quintet and Mega Man.

>> No.1653441


>>I want an Archer VN where he gets a GOOD END damn it.
>You obviously have not played UBW.

What, you mean the end where servant Archer is reconciled with his past self, but fades away into oblivion, while the spirit Archer in the throne of heroes will forever burn with madness and self-loathing, always desiring the chance to go back and erasing himself from existence and never finding peace?

>> No.1653658

ninja gaiden?

>> No.1653664

The spirits get records of all the battles that they fight on Earth.

>> No.1653666

Sorry, Japan likes to enforce their 'you're not entitled to an awesome protagonist' law.
Seriously, tell me good vn who have hard-ass motherfuckers instead of everyday joes suddenly kicking ass for no reason other than players wish fulfillment or plot.
The only one I can stomach of those is Shirogane, which is god-tier even though he's a literal everyday joe.

>> No.1653668

lol no, the Throne is outside time, gaining records would mean that time is flowing.

>> No.1653675

Let's kidnap Nasu.
How hard could it be?

>> No.1653678

Ticket money alone is a blunder.
I refuse to spend my gruesomely-earned money all in one go.

>> No.1653694

Archer works better with devil may cry mechanics. Just modify guns into bow and arrow or projection attacks.

>> No.1653700
File: 138 KB, 675x900, 1227442182665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Archer May Cry?

>> No.1653711

And they're already working with Capcom...

>> No.1653715
File: 121 KB, 1024x768, 1227442669670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's a hellsing image really.

The basic design of that kind of clothing setup is so old and overrused now I've forgotten where it started. Was it Vash? I know Vincent and Alucard ripped it off after that.

>> No.1653766

Correct, so they have all the records of all the battles they ever have fought or will fight. It's right there in the VN. It makes zero goddamned sense, so I generally ignore it... but that's Nasu for you. Confusion passing for DEEP is his trademark.

>> No.1653771

Yeah, and we know Marvel worked with Capcom a lot too for arcade games

Where's my Type Moon vs Capcom.

>> No.1653774


It's not that hard.
Heroic spirits remember their life when they are summoned. but if they were too be summoned again in a Grail War, they would not remember the previous one.
Archer who is used as A guardian, remembers the fact that he had to do clean-up work, but when he enters the Throne and is summoned as A heroic spirit, THAT will not be recorded.

Saber is an exception, since she hasn't died.
She remembers even after being summoned, but since she is not a SPIRIT(since she is alive), she cannot turn into Spirit form.

>> No.1653794

This. People generally fail to realize that once they disappear Servants will completely forget everything they've experienced. They were copies to begin with. So if Rider dies Medusa will not ever remember Sakura, if Caster dies Medea will not even know who Kuzuki is, etc. Even Gilgamesh, once his corrupted body disappears, will forget about Saber.
Saber is the only exception and actually keeps the memories of Shiro in her historical self, which is the whole point of the Fate route.
