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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 209 KB, 516x830, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_leon_mikiri_hassha__6245377e5dd4e92bd40cd6f816eadccb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16519928 No.16519928 [Reply] [Original]

I know this may sound weird and autistic, because it actually is, but I need to ask...

Does anyone else relate to a certain Touhou character enough that, well, they think that souls and spirits might be real and they may be a reincarnation of that character? Because I do.

I feel that way about Reimu, personally (pic related)

And yes, I am aware that that is massively autistic, and I'm expecting a LOT of mockery, but I don't really care. Just need to get this off my chest somewhere anonymous so people don't actually relate me with it, unlike how some idiots decide to spew their autistic bullshit on Facebook because they don't realise that people will actually know who they are and actively shun them in real life as well as on the internet after discovering the fact.

>> No.16519932

Are you pretty as Reimu?

>> No.16519941

Why? She's not real, most of what you know about her is from fan interpretation. How could you ever feel like the reincarnation of Reimu?

>> No.16519946

I don't know, but I just do.

As I said, it's actually a stupid and likely autistic belief, and I'm just putting it out there because I wonder what others actually think of it, and if anyone shares a similair belief.

>> No.16519960

I'm a shut in and I play with dolls so I'm Alice.

>> No.16519966

Why did you use 'autistic' 3 times in your OP and once in a reply

>> No.16519990

OP, it hurts me to say this, but I think you might be an otherkin.

>> No.16519998
File: 71 KB, 338x373, it's not real anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16520008

People use the word "autistic" so much that it has begun to lose its meaning. Why can't people just say "lame" or "awkward"?

Is blogposting considered autistic now? Isn't that something that "normies" do? I thought normies were supposed to be socially adept. Why do we vilify normies when being autistic is bad and vice versa?

Also, this is /jp/. Everyone here has autism and collects NEETbux. In my case, I literally do have a form of autism and I'd be getting my meals from the soup kitchen if my parents weren't around to look after me.

>> No.16520010

Is this some tulpa shit

>> No.16520011

Why would you mention facebook? Do you just post here on the side?
It probably is better you do this on facebook because other people are required by good manners to entertain your thoughts.

>> No.16520016

>Everyone here has autism and collects NEETbux.
I'm too stupid to have either of those.

>> No.16520035

I know, and I hate the idea of it. Even though it seems right, it just seems wrong and stupid at the same time.

I know that other people may no doubt feel the same way though, even if at the same time they hate it like I do. And I may want to know if there are people like this on this board. But ai also know it's unnatural.

>> No.16520052
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Why Reimu?

>> No.16520053
File: 336 KB, 817x1155, reimu frilly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't worry about it being 'autistic'. If you feel it and it's a part of you, then its real enough. Otherkin might be a similar term to what you're describing.

>> No.16520073

I guess. I honestly don't know if anyone else feels this way about a character from Touhou though.

>> No.16520082


>> No.16520154

Look. Somebody else, another human on this planet, came up with this fictional character. They have not existed in this world at any point in time.

So even if you believe that reincarnation is a real phenomenon, I think you should be able to accept that being a reincarnation of a 'person' that has never existed makes no sense whatsoever.

>> No.16520159

I am aware of this. But I subscribe to the Many Worlds Theory, or whatever it's called.

>> No.16520165
File: 237 KB, 850x567, 1462452583396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about people on /jp/, but I found a directory of blogs by searching 'touhou otherkin' on google, if that would help.

>> No.16520177

Shut up, Erika.

>> No.16520188

I guess; there may be people on /jp/ though

>> No.16520196

I'm also an advocate for the many-worlds theory and subjective idealism.

>> No.16520199

Magic is not real.

>> No.16520201


As long as you know it's not true on a logical level (even if you still believe it on an emotional level) I'd say there's nothing really wrong with it. Not like it's hurting anyone else. Like others said though you're basically an otherkin. Just don't be one of the ones that goes around trying to convince people that their delusions are actually real.

I mean honestly it's not all that different than being religious, both are based off faith without any sort of real logical backing.

>> No.16520206

At least you are not alone OP.

>> No.16520208

I think what you may want to say, OP, is that you identify with characters. I identify with a lot of 2hu characters, as they often have good characters and typically have a lot I can agree with.

With that said, I know that they are not specifically real. Thinking they have real spirits is simply a measure of self-deception, honestly. Believing in what a character is and actually believing they exist are two different things.

You can appreciate what a character represents without actually believing they exist. And that is, more or less, by itself, also like believing they exist, since you take that belief into yourself by association.

They are as real as you yourself make them, kiddo. You make them real by accepting them.

>> No.16520248
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What do you look like OP?

>> No.16520262

I just don't understand how you guys can say you relate to these characters yet you put no effort in in real life to act or look like them. This is why I can never make friends with other moe-subculture otaku.

>> No.16520284

I wish I actually DID have the time to put in effort to look like Reimu, though.

>> No.16520292

I try to dress up nicely when I go out and I do subject to my favorite touhous preferences. I don't own much of her color though, I need to find some nice things.

>> No.16520320

That's fair. Honestly, I feel maybe starting an actual religion around it for people who aren't idiots like tumblr otherking would be a decent option, but eh, I dunno.

>> No.16520355

>starting an actual religion
>for people who aren't idiots

Do you people actually listen to yourselves

>> No.16520375

Well, I am aware that starting a religion is stupid, but eh.

>> No.16520419
File: 151 KB, 935x1022, kitsune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suicide is ALWAYS an option.

>> No.16520424

It doesn't sound so scary when there's a nice cute picture alongside the message

>> No.16520491

Well Reimu isn't dead, so you couldn't be.

>> No.16520497
File: 85 KB, 419x296, 1365039775560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuso thread.

>> No.16520498

Would you think that reincarnation actually works chronologically?

>> No.16520532

I think that theory is all about variations of this world, not that fictional universes are all real and just alternate universes.

For example maybe in one universe, WW1 never happened, and in this one, it did, and stuff like that.

>> No.16520581

The word you're looking for is insane.

>> No.16520609

Eh, I guess, but I feel slightly differently.

>> No.16520676

i'm sure you mean the Multiverse theory (theoretical physics stuff), but even so, it's probably a variation (could be small or big) of the reality we have, i'm not so sure if a Universe would pop-up from a collective thought, but maybe, idk.

>> No.16520711

But the thing is, if there's an infinite multiverse, then in those infinite universes there must be a universe where every piece of fiction is true.

>> No.16520751

i wish i was reimu

>> No.16520759

>if there's an infinite multiverse, then in those infinite universes there must be a universe where every piece of fiction is true.
There's an infinite amount of numbers between 1.0 and 2.0, but none of those numbers are 3.0

>> No.16520765


If this is a very serious thing you feel, you are not well. Avoid Touhou and address your state of mental wellbeing urgently. Do not allow yourself to facilitate these ill thoughts and feelings.

>> No.16520797

Words from a frog in the well.

>> No.16520821 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16520825
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>> No.16520840

This is /jp/ I know and love.

>> No.16520845

>I'm the reincarnation of Reimu, a character with barely any canon personality, created by a middle aged asian drunk
>I justify this using the many worlds theory which I know nothing about and believe in solely for the purpose of validating my insane delusion much like people that believe in digimon

Go outside. Seriously.

>> No.16520851
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>> No.16520863

I know it's not believable, and I don't believe it myself to an extent. I just think it's mostly actually harmless if I'm not hurting anyone. Kind of like that 'tile fetish' /v/ guy.
I mean, I'm not JUSTIFYING it. Just saying things.

As for the many worlds theory, well, I just ascribe to a theory kind of like that but including an infinite multiverse with literal infinite possibilites. I know it's stupid, but it's just the way I feel.

>> No.16520865
File: 245 KB, 404x472, 1465737250936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a character with barely any canon personality

>> No.16520869
File: 46 KB, 514x536, Mnd1inA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to justify one's beliefs with cherry picked interpretation of quantum mechanics. Yea, what could go wrong?

>> No.16520870

You cut that shit out right fucking now.

>> No.16520887

All knowledge is faith.

>> No.16520918

Even if you think it's harmless I don't think it's personally good for you to indulge or facilitate it. You'd be better off ridding yourself of it.

>> No.16520922
File: 92 KB, 320x529, 1485304769418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was in middle school I spent almost two years trying to scare one guy. I eventually did it and that overweight Nazi wannabe, who claimed that he could never be scared, denied that it happened just like the Holocaust. I still have that imaginary trophy floating around in my imaginary trophy room. I was never smart, cool, beautiful or strong, just unpredictable.
In other words, I'm like Kogasa or some shit.

>> No.16520935

Good to see someone else at least understands a little I guess.

>> No.16520936

Kogasa sux

>> No.16521045

Kogasa is cute though.

>> No.16521075

You fucking wish nerd.

>> No.16521158

But, that applies for our real world here and it is infinite deviations/alternatives from the beginning of time. idk wether if someone thought something exist it gonna exist or if more people need to believe it for it to exist. that stuff is still unknown.

or you can make an artificial universe like the matrix with its own set of physics and 2hus inside a computer (which could happen if we understand how our consciousness works)[spoiler/]

>> No.16521279

There's no reason that a parallel version of our world would have dramatically altered laws of physics allowing people to fly and shoot magical bullets out of their faces.

Isn't it kind of depressing to be projecting fiction from our world onto the canvas of the multiverse?

>> No.16521380

I think you might need help

>> No.16521449

On all levels except physical, I am a shrine maiden.

[Scatters a deck of playing cards onto the ground]

>> No.16521489
File: 873 KB, 1000x844, 1485436004645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm LITERALLY Yuuka - intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.

>> No.16521545


>> No.16521620

At least have the courtesy to film it when you snap and start going around shoving fake money in people's faces and throwing yin-yang pattern soccer balls at them because they're youkai and in the way.

>> No.16521792

These are all three very non-specific traits.

>> No.16521824

The new internet usage of the word "autistic" angers me.
It's actually lost even its "meme-y" meaning through such pointless overuse.

>> No.16521887
File: 88 KB, 400x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel that way about Marisa. Let's date anon

>> No.16522065

But how do you know? There must be a world where 3.0 is between 1.0 and 2.0.

Don't you see? Quantum physics means everything is real, and our consciousness comes from quantum ghosts

>> No.16522118

>hurr durr autist hurr durr
That and the fact that you have a facebook tells me you're a normie/secondary shit. Explode.

>> No.16522293
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>Going on in this post
>no link to OP

>> No.16522317

well I'm not as well-versed in quantum mechanics as others so probably im wrong

>> No.16522560 [DELETED] 
File: 428 KB, 700x700, __kagiyama_hina_and_kawashiro_nitori_touhou_drawn_by_sen_yuu_yuuji__85fdbd46b6333e964c572b8a4649d5ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Come. Let us up and go
>To the valley dividing this brief world
>Where the rock walls are coo
>Where the mountain stream is purel
>Where the herb-flower is
Humans are fortunate, for they are not as evolved as kappa.

>> No.16522565
File: 428 KB, 700x700, __kagiyama_hina_and_kawashiro_nitori_touhou_drawn_by_sen_yuu_yuuji__85fdbd46b6333e964c572b8a4649d5ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Come. Let us up and go
>To the valley dividing this brief world
>Where the rock walls are cool
>Where the mountain stream is pure
>Where the herb-flower is fragrant
Humans are fortunate, for they are not as evolved as kappa.
