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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 154 KB, 1176x706, 大和型戦艦.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16508377 No.16508377 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a thread on WW2 Japan?
I'll start with the Yamato.
Largest ship ever built, but saw practically no action in WW2. When the war was about to end, the crew considered it would be a dishonor for the Yamato to go down in history as a hotel. They sailed to Okinawa. The idea was that, upon arriving on Okinawan shores, they ram into the battleship into the land and turn it into an undestroyable fortress. The crew would live off of the resources on the islands and surrender only upon running out of ammunitions. However, as they had no escort, they were sunk on the way.
It's a beautiful ship, regardless.

>> No.16508389

A beautiful ship made for the beautiful open seas.

>> No.16508413

take it to /k/, newfag

>> No.16508443

Yes, but it'll be deleted shortly for not being otaku culture.

I visited the Yamato Museum in Kure during my Comiket overstay, they've got a big plaque with the name of everyone who died. There probably wasn't that much I couldn't have learned from more accessible sources but it was interesting to see the videos and artifacts.

>> No.16508488

>otaku culture
What if I'm a ship otaku?

>> No.16508513
File: 101 KB, 736x564, iwojima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this not otaku culture? Surely, I will assume you do not conceptualize weeaboos as those who are solely interested in the modern entertainament aspect of Japan.

>> No.16508516

Are your boats cute moe girls?

>> No.16508531

Definitely not otaku culture, but it would be sad to delete an interesting thread about Japanese boat which is not a retarded "I want to sail on [insert boatslut] butt !"

>> No.16508546
File: 29 KB, 480x488, 43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can discuss the teikoku kaigun while posting Kancolle if you want. Japan would have done a lot better if the National Diet had listened to Yamamoto from the start.

>> No.16508572
File: 91 KB, 1024x622, QSuxsQP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally like the Kongô class. I find them really elegant with their long silhouette and their masts.

I'll always feel sad because the Imperial Navy had some of the most beautiful pieces of naval engineering ever created, which now lay at the bottom of the sea... Pearl Harbor was a mistake...

>> No.16508608

>Pearl Harbor was a mistake
Americans deserved it.


>> No.16508623

questions of "who deserved what" are best left for the editorial columns

best to content yourself with analysis of what happened and why rather than trying to pass judgment on things

>> No.16508643

American were allied with Japan during WW2 before the attacks. French ambassador even thanked Japanese government because the US were neutral before this, and they now had a casus belli against the Axe. Japanese attacking the US by surprise was probably one of the worst military mistakes ever.

>> No.16510638
File: 761 KB, 640x900, ship_poster_ad_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

History of moe illustration is Otaku Culture™, right? I hope OP wouldn't mind.

>> No.16510644

Be careful, the touhou autists will lose it when kancolle is present in more than one thread

>> No.16510649
File: 61 KB, 360x270, E995B7E99680E696B0E8819E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So here's a small article about cute drawn girls in a military newspaper that sailors would read.


>> No.16510652
File: 118 KB, 560x747, 1937年頃の榛名.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supposedly this is battleship Haruna...

>> No.16510655

The original kanker.

>> No.16510657
File: 79 KB, 560x747, 1937年頃の熊野.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and this is heavy cruiser Kumano.

>> No.16510674
File: 1.71 MB, 2000x1412, 707080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not a Kancolle thread.
But how did this >>16508572 became this this ? I wish there was an anime/game with Japanese warship which don't turn them into stupid moe girls.

>> No.16510708

There are. You just cant be bothered looking.

>> No.16510717

it reminds me of a star destroyer.

Japan could've carved out their co-prosperity sphere if they had simply not attacked the US. isolationism was strong up until then, and the British weren't even a challenge. another mistake was invading China, which I think was like invading Russia -- they should've been content with Manchuria and a few other possessions.

as it was, Japan simply could not keep up with the might of our industrial/military complex. advantages they had early on were lost, as our airforce got better and they ran low on zero pilots, etc.

Japan tried military conquest and lost, then tried economic dominance and got stagnated, then switched to cultural dominance, where they're winning. you have to admit, they have tenacity.

>> No.16510757

addendum, of course Japan is a major economy and one of the Big Four currencies. they're also gradually resurging militarily through Abe's reforms. I was just tracing out the basic pattern.

>> No.16510844

the USA put an embargo for oil on the japanese, they sure as hell weren't their friends before pearl harbor and they even expected an attack, just not at pearl harbor but in the phillipines.

>> No.16510943


According to the mods military otakuism doesn't exist. I've had my thread deleted and been warned for off topic posts when I posted something about aircraft.

Generals and /e/-lite threads are the only safe threads that don't come with a chance of deletion and ban.

>> No.16510983

>still Using Western warships
>not Using exclusively Japanese Warships

>> No.16511057

If you're a military otaku, you don't go to /jp/, you go to /k/.
If you're a train otaku, you don't go to /jp/, you go to /n/.
If you're a history otaku, you don't go to /jp/, you go to /his/.
If you're a photo otaku, you don't go to /jp/, you go to /p/.
If you're a bird otaku, you don't go to /jp/, you go to /an/.
If you're an idol otaku, you don't go to... Oh, wait.

>> No.16511110

Ram it home girls, ram it home.


Day of the Dauntless.


>> No.16511533

This thread was moved to >>>/his/2312015
