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File: 102 KB, 563x452, ss+(2017-01-26+at+11.06.22).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16474018 No.16474018 [Reply] [Original]

Enjoyee your lifetime.

>> No.16474022 [DELETED] 

Shut up, T.

>> No.16474038 [DELETED] 

Nice dubs, poe!

>> No.16474054 [DELETED] 

Only the best dubs for Tお兄ちゃん。 Now hurry along and kill you'reself.

>> No.16474081

more like eat you out

mamizou wants that cunny and she's not stopping until she gets it

>> No.16474086
File: 294 KB, 1002x471, doshio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a shop for that! But didn't realize a thread was already up.

>> No.16474123

Am I the only one that doesn't like this manga anymore at all?
I find zero interesting reading another story centered around Mamizou...yet again.

>> No.16474133

Akyuu continues to be great.
11 to 12 is the highlight this time. Akyuu's mulling over if she should tell her, very calm and thoughtful-like, then sees her friend and immediately decides what to do. Nice little character moment.

>> No.16474151
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>> No.16474164

Fortune Teller was Akyuu in disguise confirmed.

>> No.16474179
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>> No.16474230
File: 611 KB, 1002x1440, img000013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remove youkai

>> No.16474262

That's why I'm on the jay, with my friends! :D

>> No.16474304

I'm right there with you. The only reason I even read the new chapters anymore is out of the hope that they won't be entirely focused on Mamizou.

>> No.16474333


Moe is the worst Touhou artist. Except maybe alphes.

>> No.16474360
File: 532 KB, 975x847, (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16474371

Not him, but at first I loved her style, but now she got way too lazy and plain doesn't care about the quality anymore.
Meanwhile the others (who aren't Alphes) try to improve themselves with every new issue.

>> No.16474522
File: 39 KB, 156x196, r1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mamizou's extermination when?

>> No.16474528
File: 47 KB, 179x199, r2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this?

>> No.16474534
File: 57 KB, 195x256, r3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu is cute!

>> No.16474584

I agree with all of these posts

>> No.16474798
File: 592 KB, 1403x2000, Touhou Ibarakasen - Wild and Horned Hermit - v01 c01 - 025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really agree. I think that the latest FS chapters haven't looked as good, yeah, but they're not even close to bad. Also, you ned to remember the other artists started off from LOW points, whereas Harukawa started high. Hirasaka wasn't that bad, really, but he had a lot of room for improvement and improved over many years. Azuma Aya's art used to look like THIS.

>> No.16474805

This was incredibly jarring. Akyuu's proportions and hands are really fucked.

>> No.16474864

It's a hint of their horrific future

>> No.16474992

Why isn't anyone interested in FS anymore?
Shit's finally moving and now Kosuzu is aware of Mamizou.

Not enough fairies doing cute things?

>> No.16475032
File: 77 KB, 300x584, eJwFwVEOgyAMANC7cAAqIBX83UkIEtCpJbRmH8vuvve-6hmnWlUT6bwCbDtnGptmoZFq0ZWoniX1nXWmC5JIyu0qtzAYO7k4BeMiOut9MBasn9HNCwYMJlpEj_Bq5f7QuzxdH72q3x9v-CPr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw those crypt keeper hands
You sure she is not a Dungeon Keeper overlord?

>> No.16475117

Those may be the worst I've seen yet, but Moe has often had a long, spindly hands problem. Par for the course. And the rest of the chapter looks fine anyway.

And Aki Eda is still the second worst Touhou artist (to alphes). Three faces, no versatility, etc. Even if mostly in the context of being completely wrong for what ZUN wanted to do. Outside of that she still hasn't really improved much or done much different.

Matsukura Nemu is third worst. Style is very rough especially for the fairies even if this is in comparison to Hirasaka who completely made them his own.

>> No.16475176

Cool, who asked you though?

>> No.16475253

I did

>> No.16475454

Yeah, Nemu made it really hard to enjoy the fairies. Health problems suck but I'm glad they had to be replaced, Hirasaka is perfect.

>> No.16475582
File: 120 KB, 328x411, 2017-01-27 00_19_20-Dynasty Reader » Forbidden Scrollery ch46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moe is a great artist guys.

>> No.16475599

Nemu Matsukura < Aki Eda < alphes < Genji Asai < Toshihira Arata < Haniwa < Aya Azuma < Makoto Hirasaka = Moe Harukawa <<< ZUN

>> No.16475652

Haniwa drew something official?

>> No.16475766

Those hands could be from a youkai's perspective there, like an establishing shot from a TV show I think that's the effect Moe was trying (and sadly failing) to accomplish.

>> No.16475792 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.16475817

Theoretically, this should be an exciting chapter since so many major characters now know of Mamizou's doings, but in practice nothing is really different. Akyuu is still going to publish her stories, and Reimu isn't going to go CRIMSON SLASHER on her.

Our only hope for anything interesting to come out of this chapter is Kosuzu's future reactions. However, she's been sidelined so hard in her own manga that I'm not holding out for anything interesting there.

>> No.16475834

It was probably a rush job, so the assistants stepped in.

>> No.16475910

It and WaHH have dragged on far too long to garner any form of surprise.

Now it's just a "oh, finally, something's happening" feeling.

And also nobody likes Mamizou

>> No.16476009

It is pay day.

>> No.16476434

Akyuu: she'd make for a real good wicketkeeper as very little gets past her we have discovered.

>> No.16476552

yuri hands

>> No.16476594

So, Akyuu will die of boneitis?

>> No.16476841
File: 42 KB, 846x618, dungeon_keeper_hand_of_evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you want the slap and the pay day by her hands?

>> No.16477544

I dunno, I liked the revelation that the humans, or at least Akyuu, are fully aware of the supposedly secret power struggle between the various youkai factions vying for control and influence over the village, and are playing along because it's a beneficial arrangement for them.

>> No.16478002

You haven't read Extra of the Wind? What a fuckin' secondary.

>> No.16478445

Akyuu knows and is aware but literally none of the other villagers know because they don't read any of the actual history books she is trying to publish. And she won't out one of the youkai in the village for reasons she described in the chapter.

Let's be honest, most of the recent interest in FS was an uptick of people crying about Fortune Teller which has continued long after the story has actually moved forward from that point.

Like >>16475910 said FS and WaHH have overall moved slowly. Kosuzu learning about youkai infiltration and that one of her friends is a youkai is a huge deal but it took a long time to get here. Hopefully from here on out it'll focus back on the 'suze. To me FS' biggest draw was getting the perspective of an average human in the village (even if Kosuzu has her reading power), it's not as cool when she's just pushed aside.

Good job trying to dump on the fairies manga though. As if someone can't enjoy both.
