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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 182 KB, 1024x689, 1436952245_1ea8b853d7_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16407083 No.16407083 [Reply] [Original]

What did this guy do again?

>> No.16407093

Sucked a bunch of dog dicks wearing a Stormtrooper mask.

>> No.16407172

Attention whored and dumbed down otaku culture for mass consumption and wasted tons of money on various project before becoming a Japanese "cultural ambassador" and creating a passable line of dolls.

>> No.16408187

>dumbed down otaku culture for mass consumption

Did that influenced the current otaku culture somehow?

>> No.16408235

It only influenced the perception of it in western online media. Way back he had guest columns in boingboing (a site that was kinda relevant a decade ago and is now a shitty buzzfeed knockoff) about it for example.

>> No.16408517

He was an accessible Japanese blogger at the tail end of web 1.0/start of web 2.0 days before every weeb on vacation in Japan with a video camera could make a shitty vlog on Youtube.

He's also a massive Jew with a doll fetish who funded his ventures using daddy's money and is currently best known for hawking his dolls and shitty Original Character on his site.

>> No.16411286
File: 342 KB, 580x458, ba-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, i'm just here to post irrelevant memes.

>> No.16411322

He gave hope to gaijins who want to go to Japan.

>> No.16411327

He was a Gaijin and he accomplished the following:
> Has a very difficult childhood and education, but managed to get to Japan with only 3 years of studying japanese.
> Created his own blog about Japan back when internet was just popular.
> He got jobs in Amazon and Microsoft as Product Design Manager.
> He created his own company
> Now he got two TV shows
> Has an office full of figurines becase he is friend with Goodsmile company
> Created his own product called smart dolls. And it is currently used in drawing, photography, fashion and even medicine.
> Member of Japanese's government "Creative Industries Internationalization Committee"

Come at me anons, but he is someone I respect.

>> No.16411462
File: 242 KB, 930x623, PC_game_shop_in_Akihabara,_1995_(by_Danny_Choo).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's the son of Jimmy Choo and has been using daddy's money to visit Japan since he could get his first erection.

>> No.16411616

I have a nendoroid base signed by him. Think it'd be worth anything?

>> No.16412526

I remember following his blog back when he was relevant. If what he wrote and my memory can be trusted, he put a lot of effort into his passions and goals. He talks about how hard he studied, or how he'd stay up all night after an interview and design a mock webpage for a job just to follow up on some convo he had etc. I remember one time he talked about being really into an idol or something, and camping her car outside a concert or and trying to chase it down to a red light with rollerskates so he could give her flowers, and then he'd miss it, and get all upset and cry on the side of the road or some shit.

Honestly, specific details aside, that really stuck with me. From the tone of his writing he acknowledged how he knew it was a stupid thing and all, but even then he absolutely put everything he had into doing the things he wanted to do.

Even with his father being Jimmy Choo and all that, I'm convinced that he achieved the things he did more so of his drive.

>> No.16412534

That the faggot Danny Choo?

He sold out, I guess.

>> No.16412997


And how did he get residency in Japan?

>> No.16413002

Apparently his dad got rich after he went to Japan.

>> No.16413045

One of the few weebs that managed to scrape together a living in Japan. I feel sorry for his long-suffering wife though, she had to put up with a lot of his bullshit in order to get a decent life .

>> No.16413220

>And how did he get residency in Japan?
Apparently it is quite easy to get residency if you start your own business and make money. Nothing an Asian welcomes more than money. Knowing the language helps too, I suppose.

>> No.16415951

He's not the person that everyone thinks. I recommend you get to know him before you start sucking his dick. Just like American celebrities....you never start admiring a celebrity until you get to know that person or you'll be disappointed.

In fact it's better to admire a person who helps others in the community. Danny Choo has never EVER helped Japan during a natural disaster or crises. Anyone who truly loves Japan would put their life on the line for said Japan.

>Someone I respect
>Not someone I wish to surpass

Wow are you on the suck dick train ride? He sucks dick and as his blog follower you suck his as well? How about you strive to be someone better than him?

>> No.16415987

He made Touhou

>> No.16420044
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At least his bitch is cute, right?

>> No.16420142

Just another pump and dump slut

>> No.16423318

Porter's Shelter waifu is 100x better.

Porter is real weeb entrepreneur.

>> No.16423347

He lived his dream
While we gave up on ours

>> No.16423366

that goes for every country
i got permanent residence in canada before I ever touched the ground there because my dad is rich

>> No.16423425

Generically cute like a low rent eroge heroine

>> No.16423507

Every country have their own rich guy citizenship clause.
Something like invest $500k in gov bonds and buy a place of residence for an instant citizenship after background checks.

>> No.16423531


I like the guy. Decent fella that made a business from what he likes.

>> No.16423576


Sold the idea that Japan is HAPPY KAWAII ANIME VIDEO GAME LAND 24/7 to ignorant weeaboos.

>> No.16423770

>Liking characters pertaining to people you dislike

>> No.16423833

Oh come on mate, if we didn't all believe this at least in some tiny tiny niche extent we wouldn't be here

>> No.16423870

Not him but what? The whole country doesn't have to be a gay amusement park all the time for me to be able to enjoy the products some companies and private people shit out enough to bother browsing an international community talking about which 2D character's piss they'd drink.
I'm pretty sure a fuck ton of people here have never been to Japan and don't plan to go.

>> No.16423935

I don't really know anything about this guy, but what race is he exactly? He looks very Japanese. It raises me the question how Japanese people define gaijin vs. not gaijin status and how racially vs culturally dependent it is. A bit of both, I would guess, but I wouldn't know.

>> No.16424514

We are here to get away from the reality we live in and the reality is Japan is no different from other countries. The only thing that separates Japan from the rest of the world is the tolerance they have for exploitation of minor girls. That's it.

Go ahead and go to Japan and act like a jack ass. You will immediately lose respect from a lot of people there. You will wanna come back so badly. Stop watching just anime and playing your stupid touhou games and do research on normal life in Japan. Normal life there is actually quite better than let's say America where everyone is fucking killing people and being labeled a fucking terrorist.

He's a Britbong that can speak 8 languages if I remember correctly. He's still a gaijin.

>> No.16425001

difficult childhood and education? His father is fucking jimmy choo... You know the $1000+ shoes?

He is a fucking trust fund baby

>> No.16427483

But my dream is to be rich and never work another day in my life again,

>> No.16427485

Are you Chinese?

>> No.16427489

>invest $500k in gov bonds and buy a place of residence
I know you're just plucking an example but thats not alot strictly speaking.

>> No.16427495

But apparently his dad got rich after he moved to Japan.

>> No.16427505

Apparently the saying is that Japan is a horrible place to work but great place to be hedonist hence the disproportionate representation of neets there.

But yeah quoting the last anon, the country is predominantly a gateway to our niche interests and escapism needs. Most of us here are under no illusions or simply choose to be deluded.

>> No.16427582

Don't give up, Anon! You've likely already accomplished one of those two things!

>> No.16427644

Wagecuck for the past 6-7 years.

You tell me.

>> No.16427694

I live in Japan.

The people who are 'disillusioned' are those that can't actually read and speak Japanese, have no social skills and fail to understand Japanese social style, don't know how to shower and dress, think going everywhere dressed like a dork is cool, have no skill and nothing to offer anyone, are shitty selfish people, have no friends because they wanted to be the 'special snowflake gaijin no like the others' etc...

If you put the effort in it is the best place to live if you like the things available.

I'm talking:

Maid cafes
Regular cafes
Video game and arcade stuff
Taking pictures of girls doing cosplay
Walking down clean streets without having anyone try to mug you or harass you

It's pretty sweet if you ask me. But if you are a loser where you are now, you will be a loser in Japan, so get your shit together. I have seen some people come here and stay inside all day watching lets plays, looking at memes and playing WOW, talk about wasting your fkn life.

Good luck.

>> No.16427715

>I have seen some people come here and stay inside all day watching lets plays, looking at memes and playing WOW, talk about wasting your fkn life.
Like posting on 4chan at 230am on a Wednesday?

>> No.16427756

Anime, manga, and music can be done in the West and it's honestly not that much different (unless you want to go to events or talk to people who share your hobbies IRL, in which case you're absolutely shit out of luck.) Shrines, temples, and matsuri is the kind of stuff you can do while you're on vacation if you have that kind of money to throw around.

I think at the end it really only comes down to how much you like the culture itself and not just some particular stand-out parts of their culture.

>> No.16427778

>dressed like a dork
How do you do that?

>> No.16427834

He still gets the gaijin treatment no matter how asian he looks. He had/still has quite a lot of trouble renting space for his business on account of being a foreigner.

>> No.16429597

I think the best way to live in Japan is to stack up your chips where ever you are, America in my case, then move there and avoid work. I don't think I wouldn't wanna move there to be hedonist. I wanna move there and travel as much as I can. In other words retire here and enjoy retirement there.

Your bank account better be 6 digits by now.

>> No.16429772

>In other words retire here and enjoy retirement there.

Do retirement benefits follow you out of the country? I'm a poorfag so I've never thought about retirement. I'm probably gonna die working just like my uncle did.

>> No.16429934

I'm pretty sure it does. I have to go to my bank and speak to a banker about an IRA since I only have a CD. Either way it's money I don't intend to touch until I get old and i'm officially sick of working.

>> No.16429963


Ah, must be nice.

>> No.16429964

Wasting his daddy's money on entry-level weeb goods and on the production of some shitty firefighter-theme piece of shit anime that never got past the teaser stage.
And, yeah, I find it hard to believe that someone can make so much money designing shoes, enough to support his son's deranged hobbies without batting an eye.

>> No.16430174

See >>16427495

>> No.16430178


Thats terrible. In all likelyhood you won't be the same person with the same interests by then (if you are even still alive). There is a reason why young is so valued.

>> No.16430186

>Your bank account better be 6 digits by now.

Well yes. But:

>Its in Aussie dollars so its literally worth 3/4 of the US dollar
>my mother forced me to buy a property so now the vast majority of the money is in an offset account, rip ;_;

>> No.16430402


Absolutely shocking that I could make one post before bed or be posting on the Yamanote right now, I know. It's basically the same thing as playing WOW all day right?

Drop the negativity and put the energy into doing your own thing in life.


You can still enjoy it wherever you are, but if you ever wanted to really do the whole convention thing, doujin circle thing, going to shops and getting the latest crap allthe time, having access to much more manga, etc and doing it often instead of just a vacation, you can do it and enjoy yourself. I'm talking about people coming then thinking 'oh Japan is a letdown' etc.... No it isn't, you get out ofit what you put in. If you expect to roll up looking like shit and acting like you were homeschooled then yeah it might suck. If you actually learn how to make friends, make money, explore etc... It's pretty sweet.


Wearing basic anime namedropping merch everyday, wearing sweaters with cat ears, wearing kawaii print t shirts, etc... If you constantly present yourself like you think Japanese culture or subculture is some meme then people will just think you're another idiot tourist.

If people see a gaijin who doesnt have his head up his ass and actually tries to respectfully fit in with his surroundings, they will actually talk to him and not ignore him or treat him like a novelty.

Anyway, don't mean to be negative, but I honestly think most people in Japan don't appreciate it, waste their chance to enjoy it to the fullest, and don't get to actually know and understand the people here.

>> No.16430424


So what are you doing in Japan?

>> No.16430537
File: 73 KB, 629x420, 91e53a7ebf1e378e0fa9ef0764092bdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On the road to being a sociable norm up-to-date with pop culture that just so happens to know a lot of japanese, and acted very sociable in Japan

>Hate all normies, draw anime girls, poor weeb japanese, only keeps up with anime and alt right news

W-Where did i go wrong /jp/?

>> No.16430544

At the point that you outed yourself as a disgusting crossboarder, and a blogging one at that. Never post here again.

>> No.16430728

>alt right news
Everything else is fake news.

>> No.16430746

First world countries generally require "investments" upwards of 2 million in the local currency.

I know that Austria sells passports for about that. I think the UK also gives permanent residency for 5 million sterling

>> No.16430779

(OTOH, you can be a citizen of several caribbean countries for the price of a small house and a new honda fit)

>alt right news
Shame on you for blogposting, but maybe perhaps spending a good chunk of your time reading angry ideological screeds isn't the best way to maintain a positive state of mind and outlook on life?

>> No.16431223
File: 76 KB, 256x240, 256px-Th105Reimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From now on, im going to work towards being a sociable jp'sie and get a reimu wife!

>> No.16431433

I understand not all of us are the same but the fact that this is one of your goals makes me a little bit disappointed

>> No.16432798

Typical Touhou fanboy, everyone

>> No.16435186

Living your dying days in japan countryside must be really great.

>> No.16436352

Depends. Is the internet good in the countryside?

Touhou was a mistake.

>> No.16436386

His dad was making shoes for the royal family by the mid to late 80s. He's been a frequent visitor to Japan on his dad's money for a long time.

>> No.16436408

Yeah it's just an example. It also usually have restrictions like you can't withdraw your funds for a decade or something.

>> No.16436823


The company, J. Choo Limited, was founded in 1996 by couture shoe designer Jimmy Choo.

The brand traces its roots to a bespoke shoemaker named Jimmy Choo, based in the East End of London in the early 1990s, who catered to the global jet set, including Diana, Princess of Wales.

>> No.16439888

>Age 40-60
>Dying days

I'm gonna be all over Japan spending all my retirement money. If I die doing so at least I can die knowing I did what I always wanted to do. No one in my country is gonna care anyway.

>Going to Japan strictly for the internet

You already do that shit where ever you are. You guys must have been fed tweets and snap chats as babies huh? What kind of shit do your parents teach you as you grow up? To be a lazy fuck who uses the internet to get by in life?

>> No.16439982

Return to your epic legion board and leave us in peace. You are human garbage.

>> No.16445738
File: 11 KB, 221x223, Brainwasher Detective Hisui's Face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone actually think Japan is the land of fantasy for nerds like in their animes?
I'm just interpreting this wrong, right?

>> No.16445743

I've noticed that if you come from a country that sucks, you're a lot more likely to think of Japan as actually being an awesome country rather than a sort of mediocre country with excellent media.

>> No.16445768

Well if you compare Japan to third world countries of course it's much better, but it's not different than any other decent country as opposed to otaku dreamland.

>> No.16445807

Basically this. Danny's dad Jimmy is a fashion mogul and is filthy fucking rich.
I respect him because I envy him, but I wouldn't say I admire him.

>> No.16445830

>I respect him because I envy him, but I wouldn't say I admire him.
Whats he difference?

>> No.16445833

Or rather if your life sucks.

I mean the US is debatably better than Japan but look at how many weebs are from there.

>> No.16446020

>I mean the US is debatably better than Japan
Depends on the city. I can't say I've been to many US cities, and I haven't lived there since I was 3, but I would venture Tokyo is a more interesting city to live in than Los Angeles or San Francisco. I haven't been to the East Coast, but from what I understand New York is nicer than LA or SF. I doubt I would like it as much as Japan though because Japans history and mythology is much more interesting than American history.
