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File: 129 KB, 287x281, OREO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16416490 No.16416490 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>16391760

[New to the Game? Read first, ask later]

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EN: http://en.kancollewiki.net
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/

Recent Updates: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Recent_Updates

KanColle STAFF Twitter: https://twitter.com/KanColle_STAFF

Anon's guide to KanColle: http://pastebin.com/ec862KsG

Air superiority calculator/fleet builder:

Combat mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Combat

Fit guns for BBs:
Others: http://ch.nicovideo.jp/pixy_for_ever/blomaga/ar994724
Iowa: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14q3M_N9HXVC0g2Jp9gA42qkEChq0EeHKeWHn7Hrt1L8/edit#gid=961378818
Warspite: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HHpzOklOtf0l4UaKRQ5_5kKXoFfTK6qGFAXBvzJmemI/edit#gid=0

Equipment upgrade values: http://i.imgur.com/1JfCOmJ.png

Useful Akashi upgrades table: http://akashi-list.me

Drop/construction statistics:

Voices/sprites/furniture preview: http://www51.atpages.jp/kancollev

KanColle Viewer (JP): https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN 1): https://github.com/Yuubari/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN 2): https://github.com/gakada/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (KR): https://github.com/CirnoV/KanColleViewer
Electronic Observer (JP): https://github.com/andanteyk/ElectronicObserver
Electronic Observer (EN): https://github.com/silfumus/ElectronicObserver

PS Vita game: http://kancolle-vita.com
KanColle Arcade: http://kancolle-a.sega.jp
Official arcade gameplay demonstration: https://youtu.be/GAjOfoutg5s https://youtu.be/IPfFSo-hiWI https://youtu.be/LYlzkMGYtEA

The KanColle movie is out. Movie trailers: https://youtu.be/7udGu_a0AvY https://youtu.be/Puj4vB_Kh2E https://youtu.be/aTxaSuB_Fv8

-The New Year's season has ended. New Year's seasonal lines, sprites (including haregi sprites), furniture and limited-time quests have been removed and replaced by January and winter furniture, and winter voice lines for Mutsuki, Ushio, Okinami, Asakaze, Yamakaze, 10 other destroyers, and Yura.
-Equipping both a turbine and a boiler can increase a ship's speed from Slow to Fast or higher speeds, depending on the ship type. A ship with a speed higher than Fast will only have higher evasion for now, but will enjoy more benefits in the future. A fleet of ships all with speeds of at least Fast counts as a Fast fleet, but ship type-wise, only Fast Battleships will count as Fast Battleships.
-Improved Ship Turbines can now be equipped in the expansion slot created by a Reinforcement Expansion.
-Enchanced Ship Boilers and F4F-4s can now be upgraded to New HP/HT Boilers and F6F-3s respectively, both of which can be further improved.
-Two new quests have been added: a sortie quest rewarding either an Improved Ship Turbine or Enchanced Ship Boiler, and a factory quest rewarding a furniture worker.
-The max stats of the following ships at Kai 2 have been buffed: Ayanami (+1 torpedo, +7 luck), Ushio (+1 firepower, +2 AA), Hatsushimo (+2 firepower, +1 HP) and Shigure (+9 luck).
-Yura has received new resupply and idle lines at Kai.
-The Winter 2017 event will be a relatively small scaled event starting during the first half of February.
-Zara and Arashio are slated for Kai 2 this winter or early spring. Saratoga will also get a second remodel.
-The 5th year of KanColle will see foreign ships from "interesting places". Matsukaze, Hatakaze and/or Yuunagi will also be implemented early this year.
-New submarines, Akizuki- and Matsu-class destroyers, and escort carriers are also under plans to be added.

>> No.16416497

Previous thread is >>16404544 whoops

>> No.16416541

>Possible to include a setting to keep the ships name in nip or english as well? Seeing the name getting cut off in the fleet, dock and arsenal tabs trigger my autism.
A quick workaround for the meantime is to browse .\Translations\Ships.xml and remove the lines between <Ships Version="x.x.xx"> and </Ships>. You could also do this to other parts of the translation.

>> No.16416589
File: 27 KB, 384x500, C1jE2k1VQAAovBS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name a more failed girl and design.

>> No.16416593

I like her. I have all the ichiso ships now. I hope more of them get k2 this year.

>> No.16416602

Better than Yamakaze.

>> No.16416607

Arare has been in the game from the beginning you know.

>> No.16416690


>> No.16416714

she's one of the better Ichiso ships desu

>> No.16416759
File: 378 KB, 750x1000, 53363891_p21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she looks great when it's not her in-game sprite, but that's most of Ichisos ships for me.

>> No.16416780

I like her, I just don't have her.

It's hard for me to think of a design that has failed more though, probably because I have forgotten about the girl.

>> No.16416818

Unless it has changed recently Yamagumo should be the least popular girl, maybe Uranami is even lower now.

>> No.16416825
File: 1.00 MB, 1000x1405, Kaga Wife 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Kaga wife translations when

>> No.16416831

Yamagumo has both Nishimura fleet and the Osaka accent going for her, and in the latter case she's the only one with one. As long as there's something unique about a ship she will be remembered for it.

>> No.16416834

>Osaka accent

>> No.16416836

Zuikaku looks pretty great in the new one

>> No.16416863

it's the middle of January already and we still don't have a date for the next event. Does that mean we have another month at least to prepare?

>> No.16416919

>As long as there's something unique about a ship she will be remembered for it.

The problem is a lot of people don't even know she exists to begin with.

>> No.16416943
File: 76 KB, 850x850, __yamagumo_kantai_collection_drawn_by_goma_yoku_yatta_hou_jane__sample-10733535c261788430c183ae76099012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Forgetting the weedmaster


>> No.16416947

Probably not early, but rather mid to late February.

>> No.16416983

They said early February, that is still 4 weeks away

>> No.16417069


>> No.16417084

It's not just that they forget her but they've never even seen her in-game.

>> No.16417295


>> No.16417302

Go suck Refrain harder.
On /a/.

>> No.16417309

Why don't you go try and make a thread and realize once and for all that unless it has translations right off the bat it won't be up for long?

>> No.16417317


>> No.16417332




>> No.16417335

What, Aoba Kai 2? Is is 2178 yet?

>> No.16417339
File: 145 KB, 850x850, __aoba_and_samidare_kantai_collection_drawn_by_dd_ijigendd__sample-97eff0baa4d9ac23992608222c54dba9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's ok anon, someday

ded thread, ded game

>> No.16417340

Next year la

>> No.16417345

Ordered by ship number; Ooi, Kisaragi, Abukuma, Maruyu, Fusou k2, Yamashiro k2, Okinami and Uranami.

>> No.16417351
File: 366 KB, 1165x785, 1445836891337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Aoba.

>> No.16417366

Fuck you too.

>> No.16417367
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>> No.16417391

Original shitgure.

>> No.16417452
File: 1.72 MB, 2066x2922, Kaga Perfect Body.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of Kaga?

>> No.16417455

She's old and busted (thank you, aircraft proficiency).

>> No.16417461
File: 545 KB, 750x1000, 50327740_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring her back already, Tanaka.

>> No.16417471

Reppuu mule.

>> No.16417475

No strong feelings one way or the other.

>> No.16417485

She's ok, but fuck Kagafags with a Snickers candy bar.

>> No.16417487

She's my favorite ship in the game and first wife. I can always depend on her.

>> No.16417490
File: 246 KB, 1185x880, bye bye laga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16417493

Man you guys are delusional. Bet none of you fuckers grind her to lvl 155 to see how boring her character actually was. Ignorance is bliss I guess.

>> No.16417495

Decent but ruined by a terrible fanbase.

>> No.16417497
File: 62 KB, 643x74, aLU2HBA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16417499

You have some serious brain problems.

>> No.16417504

It isn't even hard.

>> No.16417518

But it's easier than the monthly.

>> No.16417527

My first crafted CV

>> No.16417534

You can bring 2 CAV or CVL and don't even need to S-rank, what's the problem.

>> No.16417544

He's from reddit.

>> No.16417610


>> No.16417611

A shit.

Like Kawakaze, one of his better drawn sprites. As in, not that great, but not total shit by kuso ichiso standards. But she's a literal who so she's doomed to obscurity.

>> No.16417651

Oh boy another OOC Kaga.

>> No.16417682
File: 211 KB, 600x856, 1463123753364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16417724

90% of doujinshi with any girls show them OOC. This one is at least somewhat (note I didn't say "fully") excused because it's happening in the future when the war has ended.

>> No.16417765
File: 236 KB, 542x489, 1484283838053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.16417927

Ded thred.

>> No.16417940

Not him but I thought that folder wasn't used anymore or am I retarded? I used to edit the translations a bit but some day it stopped working and even deleting the whole folder doesn't do anything.

>> No.16417941

Everybody is waiting for Zara kai 2/due/secondo

>> No.16417950

I'll be disappointed if they just call it Kai Ni like nip ships.

>> No.16417951

>Zara Due

Why not Zara Duce instead?

>> No.16417965

Its going to just be called Kai ni.

>> No.16417991

How many plebs are in your pvp trying to level up a level 30 Arashio?

>> No.16417999

Slow ship bullying at its finest.

Spoils part of a chapter from Eighth District Story for those who care.

>> No.16418002
File: 333 KB, 699x361, 20170115_17304633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


None. Then again, I'm a vice-admiral right now since I haven't even done my EO yet.

>> No.16418008

Surprisingly nobody, just me.

>> No.16418019
File: 568 KB, 800x480, 20170115_08355552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None, but there's one level 77 Zara.

>> No.16418029

None, I barely see anyone using Zara either.

>> No.16418031

Me. I am newfaggot though, and if Arashio needs a blueprint I will have to put her on hold.

>> No.16418032

She should be in her 90s, if not maxed by now.

>> No.16418045

This is exactly how I imagined adding engines would look like.

>> No.16418047
File: 728 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170115-16430273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4th LSC for Yamato
>Fucking get her
I've just used up all my luck for this year's events haven't I

>> No.16418049

wonder what her K2 level is, 75 sounds like a safe bet

>> No.16418053

There really are a lot people training dupe Mayas.

>> No.16418054


>> No.16418061
File: 165 KB, 447x478, Screenshot-2017-01-16_01.47.11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's my lowest level DD, no joke.

Glad she's getting new art, totally needed that.

>> No.16418063

65 - 75

>> No.16418065


Not really, I got her on my firt try. I don't have her sister though but I haven't really tried many LSC for her.

>> No.16418068

40? Pretty please?

>> No.16418070 [DELETED] 

There's no way it'll be 65 when her Kai is 40.

>> No.16418074

I spent over one million (1,000,000) resources on Yamato LSC back then.

>> No.16418075

Which recipe?

>> No.16418080

You're not going to get his luck.

>> No.16418085

I don't have her sister either, but I had prioritised getting Taihou over hotels and Taihou took a long fucking time. I think Musashi is the last LSC ship I need, but I'm in no rush to get her

4k/6k/6k/2k with 20 dev

>> No.16418086
File: 5 KB, 253x49, soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I train her casually. Less than 200k left. I adore her character.

>> No.16418093


>> No.16418098

Yeah but not this kind of "muh Kagawife" shit. Disgusting.

>> No.16418101

Poor girl, the lowest out of 201 shipgirls.

>> No.16418104


>> No.16418108

Ignore me, I thought you were talking about Zara. I haven't slept.

>> No.16418131

All I see is jealousy.

I have no idea what are you training to say.

>> No.16418145
File: 387 KB, 800x480, 20170115_18105560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This cut-in is so pretty.

>> No.16418147

65 if she needs a blueprint. 75 if she doesn't need one.

>> No.16418152

>Using Fubushit.

>> No.16418166

>I have no idea what are you training to say.
Sea Monkey go back to wikia.

>> No.16418172

Ironic. I was telling you to use comprehensible English.

>> No.16418176

No shit. I've been at it for over a year.

>> No.16418180

Yamakaze, Uranami.

>> No.16418190

I'm not the same guy.

>> No.16418202

Do you have any idea what was he trying to say then?

When I see stuff like
>"muh Kagawife" shit
all I can imagine is a drooling retard trying to say something but failing at it. Intelligent people don't talk like that.

>> No.16418209

When was the last time you used your jintsuu?

>> No.16418210

This month.

>> No.16418213

He's not me nice projecting right there LOL. Either way, Kaga is stoical. Like >>16416825 or >>16417452 are pure fucking delusional. If you think like them then go fuck yourself. This place is not a place for you to be delusional. We're elitists here.
Can't even understand the sarcasm rofl.

>> No.16418214

When did Abukuma get her Kai 2?

>> No.16418215

Last event.

>> No.16418227

Right now sparkling for expeditions.

>> No.16418245
File: 227 KB, 914x1280, 1482972789904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many can you name?

>> No.16418268

last week?
during 3-5 and 2-5

>> No.16418275

14cm single
15.2 single
12.7cm kai 2
Ship repair facility
Midget sub
Witch compass fairy
Type 3 depth charge
I don't remember the old fairies very well.

>> No.16418277

Last week.

>> No.16418282

There are 14cm, 12cm, tenzan, normal reppuu, repair team trio, quint and kou-hyouteki fairies that I can remember.
>quint fairy
Nice try seducing me u fking lewd little slut.

>> No.16418283

I sometimes use her for expeditions. She was a historical ship in previous event so she sortied there as well.

>> No.16418301
File: 173 KB, 576x683, 50588529_p4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tenzan is cute.

>> No.16418303

Shes great.

>> No.16418309

Trash, like the real ship.

>> No.16418314

That's the ap shell fairy not the compass one.

>> No.16418339
File: 635 KB, 943x930, img101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a QT Crane wife.

>> No.16418366
File: 146 KB, 887x514, x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be dupe tho.

>> No.16418368

We know it anon, you are a faggot.

>> No.16418376

Why would it be a dupe?

>> No.16418391

Because shes getting kai ni.
Because he has 246 ships.

>> No.16418407
File: 503 KB, 640x878, vg10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sara is cuter.

>> No.16418410

Yeah. 246 isn't that much. The only dupes I have are two Ro-chan and technically three versions of the Whale could count. Yet I have >180 heartlocks because of farming fodder like Dragons, KitaOoi, Maruyu. Add couple of dozens for random drops to not have to clear them out every five sorties and you need 200+ for comfortable number.
We still know nothing about Arashio Kai Ni so preparing the dupe ahead of time would make zero sense unless he's Arashiofag with married one and wants the ring on both cards.

>> No.16418427

They're both pretty boring.

>> No.16418436

Could be Akagi and Kaga levels of boring.

>> No.16418444


>> No.16418447

>NTR bait
No thanks.

Them and the Dragons are very boring.

>> No.16418452

Funny they have the same artist.

>> No.16418503

Could be; but instead they're even more boring. Onee-san types are just extremely dull.

>> No.16418512

Souryuu is actually decent and kinda mischievous. Hiryuu is a bit boring but her devotion to Tamon is one of the better character traits to have as far as ship girls go.

>> No.16418517

No way Oneesans are the best. Definitely better than glutton memes and robot girl.

>> No.16418518

You're right, it is pretty funny.

>> No.16418524

I'm guessing you didn't like Tamaki and Haruka either right?

>> No.16418532
File: 90 KB, 1000x772, jyz0esyhifsx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoukaku is a good girl!

>> No.16418535

With how static the characters are in this game, it's a matter of opinion which traits they prefer over others.

>> No.16418540
File: 277 KB, 604x850, 1484470629166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a dead one too.

>> No.16418542

I don't even know who those are, but sure.

>> No.16418584

I am not sure what kind of person would prefer glutton memes but okay.

>> No.16418597

Losing their smiles was a travesty.

>> No.16418598
File: 300 KB, 486x375, 20170115_20105802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Weeklies and events of course, steadily improving her.

>> No.16418632


>> No.16418711

Hiryuu at least looks cool. Her recent lines on the other hand, are a bit too loud.

>> No.16418758

Only when getting ready for sortie. Other lines are fine.

>> No.16418794

While not all many prefer Akagi for the simple fact you get them first.

>> No.16418797


>> No.16418816
File: 1.35 MB, 400x225, 1484475881318.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your best this week.

>> No.16418842


>Do your best
>puts a gif
>in the year 2017
>Of the russian ships to make it worse

>> No.16418852

Foreshadowing that the next foreign ship came from an "interesting" country?

>> No.16418855

>random anon posting a gif

>> No.16418868

Yeah Netherlands is a pretty interesting country.

>> No.16418870
File: 92 KB, 724x1023, C2OHEDQVQAAJlhL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underrated daughter

>> No.16418881
File: 544 KB, 545x902, IMG_2170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They grow up so fast

>> No.16418883

>T: As far as new shipgirls go, we're currently planning on Japanese submarines, Type B and D destroyers[3], escort carriers, and the like. And for KanColle's fifth year, we have something interesting planned as far as foreign shipgirls go.

Is the en wiki's translation wrong?

>> No.16418937

Being in the USA I am not allowed to play kancolle but I support it by buying all the figures, posters and other merchandise

>> No.16418941

You do realize ~half of the players in these thread are from USA?

>> No.16418943

It wasn't that funny on /a/, it isn't funny here.

>> No.16418948 [SPOILER] 
File: 83 KB, 800x600, 1484512762841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The big BB'S like Musashi need more recognition.

>> No.16418955

They still don't want us playing it. It's like saying a big f u to the content creators and especially the publisher.

>> No.16418956

Fifth year starts this year.

>> No.16418959

Whoever made this is a retard.

>> No.16418964
File: 116 KB, 802x518, C2OFDQdUQAE7Fln.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit.

>> No.16418971

Is this Asanagi?

>> No.16418975

We're still on the 3rd year.

>> No.16418976

The others I understand, but I don't get the appeal of toothpaste girl.

>> No.16418979


>> No.16418984

>started in 2013
>this year we'll have the 4th anniversary
>after the 4th anniversary the 5th year obviously starts

>> No.16418986


Too much spare money.

>> No.16418989

>200+ married ships

>> No.16418998

Wow, that Madoka Online -style Yuuka brings me back.

>> No.16419039

Anon that's not what bothered me. What bothered is that en wiki's translation gives no indication of ship girls coming from a different place. Just that they planned something interesting. Like bizzare ship types.

>> No.16419072


>> No.16419084

Post war shit so never.
Unless you are talking about the Tacoma-class frigate.

>> No.16419096

>a frigate

>> No.16419121


Maybe it's both.



>> No.16419144


>> No.16419227 [DELETED] 


>> No.16419254

The age of the aircraft Destroyer has come!

>> No.16419259 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 552x413, What-the-fuck-is-this-shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16419275

Wrong link you colossal faggot

>> No.16419372
File: 103 KB, 777x1100, was is raep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I imagine when we collect shipgirls.

>> No.16419398
File: 493 KB, 1500x918, RyuujouMovie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16419399

But we give them weapons and allow them to leave the base. Why would they want to come back?

>> No.16419485

literally who.

>> No.16419517
File: 895 KB, 1221x1294, 2fcdea2e988c1d4d86026fedb207cfbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the hate?

>> No.16419527

>sparkled 5 DDs
>none went to the boss


>> No.16419529
File: 1.45 MB, 1042x1461, __yamakaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_nyum__787203cfa66d07d481a1829385f0f741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could anyone hate the cutest DD?

>> No.16419530

Imagine if the devs made 5 more Yamakaze clones.

>> No.16419561

so are you guys happy about the KC on /a/ got merge on /jp/?

>> No.16419586

When did that happen?

>> No.16419601
File: 392 KB, 1280x1794, umi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16419610

Good one.

>> No.16419619


>> No.16419629

How does she get all that porn?

>> No.16419641

What porn? She got very little compared to others.

>> No.16419646


The more innocent something is, the more satisfying it is to see it defiled.

>> No.16419650


beta nips loving girls even more beta than then.

>> No.16419651

Same post, same shit, what a shocker.

>> No.16419653
File: 171 KB, 750x1334, __yamakaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_akasaai__1d1f167f91b31b09f23467fd126d5ccd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind monster would do that to this pure girl?

>> No.16419660 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.16419661

Values Dissonance. Japanese players find a timid girl cute while Westerners find it annoying.

>> No.16419662

>Not realizing its already happening
then the mods on /a/ are doing a proper job

>> No.16419666

Too bad some of that trash leaked in here as you can see.

>> No.16419668 [DELETED] 

>Fuck off
Fuck off

>> No.16419672 [DELETED] 

No really, fuck off.

>> No.16419674

well the last time i ask in /jp/ about merging, they were happy about it.

>> No.16419678

>happy about it
Who? Most people said if you want to autistic image spam all day, go to /c/ or even /vg/ if it means so much to them.

>> No.16419700

duno, I think there are about 4-6 anons replying about it before I left the thread that day.

>> No.16419720

Next time take a screenshot. The only thing some Anons may want is translations.

>> No.16419767
File: 127 KB, 597x261, 1483766394937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For this country, this was a main gun with a solid construction, but later on, a radar-synchronized fire control system was also developed for it.
>It's still in development, but radar-directed artillery is possible with the radar linked fire control system.
>It is expected that with its radar guided fire control systems, it can be called as the ancestor of modern FCS with its high accuracy and firepower.
>Radar fire control suitable for long distance shelling is possible, but because it is a large and heavy radar it can only be equipped on larger ships
>It also became an improved fire control system allowing more accurate shooting
That's a whole lot of implying. When will radar artillery spotting finally be added? Will it be as big of a game changer as plane levels were or will it just allow for more accurate hits?

>> No.16419808
File: 93 KB, 851x481, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this?

>> No.16419817

>I'm such an asshole, I hope the people doing exercises get shit exp :^)
Or he forgot to put someone good. Who knows.

>> No.16419818


>> No.16419827

Because shes shit[142109]

>> No.16419832

It just means you won't need a plane for artillery spotting.

>> No.16419861

Have I misunderstood Akashi's repair facilities all this time? Tossed a yellow married girl in slot 2 overnight since everyone getting repaired was low level, and I didn't want to be a butt. Came back in the morning, and the slot 2 girl was almost fully repaired. I always thought yellow was the cutoff where the repair wouldn't trigger.

>> No.16419864

or maybe he's doing 1-1 for weeklies, oreal or whatever? just leave/wait for it he/she will change that compo.

>> No.16419871


>> No.16419875
File: 26 KB, 300x210, 9c35645a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone will scan this, r-right?

>> No.16419878
File: 88 KB, 428x600, 9214d38f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this

>> No.16419881

No Iowa a shit.

>> No.16419882

I still don't understand the repair facility when there's a bucket

>> No.16419885

Hi fake Kagafag.

>> No.16419886

No Glasses a shit.
It's something you do when you go to sleep or work. Same with docks.

>> No.16419888 [DELETED] 
File: 1.72 MB, 1200x848, 60615242.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna make this old lady feel young again.

>> No.16419891

Grinding buckets is slow as fuck.

>> No.16419894 [DELETED] 

A shit.

>> No.16419895

Who's the bigger offender, Pola or Jun'you?

>> No.16419897 [DELETED] 

You already posted this for the last few threads. Make a different joke or at least use a new picture webM.

>> No.16419898

Of what? Being more annoying?

>> No.16419903 [DELETED] 
File: 729 KB, 840x1200, __asakaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_asya__71b88dacada3ae02b7f5281100a6e60e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer this lolibaba

>> No.16419905 [DELETED] 

There are plenty of offenders that post the same or very similar image and text posts all the time in these threads, should honestly consider banning them

>> No.16419907 [DELETED] 

I'd shine that forehead.

>> No.16419909
File: 256 KB, 1000x973, 7ef4d938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this too.

Pola because she embarrasses everyone.

>> No.16419920

what with Jijis open armpit clothes desing on the pasta ships?

>> No.16419928

Jun'yo for me. Probably a mixture of being a loud drunk and being a Yu-gi-oh reject.

>> No.16419929

He has a fetish for armpits, because he's a filthy degenerate who got bullied when he was younger.

>> No.16419963
File: 194 KB, 649x603, 0021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's do your best this week as well, TTK.

>> No.16419964


>> No.16420021

Might be partly because of (perceptions) of climate in Italy. The detached sleeves of the Zara-class might also take some cues from Renaissance dress.

>> No.16420035

would she have a curly moustache?

>> No.16420045

In a potential santa outfit.

>> No.16420047

>He has a fetish for armpits, because he's a
distinguished gentleman of fine tastes.

>> No.16420049
File: 113 KB, 744x1052, Uzuki Kai ni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are the chances are we gona get an adult DD?

>> No.16420056

Urakaze and Hamakaze don't count?

>> No.16420061

I guess Hamakaze counts too but Urakaze isn't.

>> No.16420066

Loli-Yamato otherwise known as Fumizuki.

>> No.16420090 [DELETED] 
File: 257 KB, 926x1102, 60292422_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asakaze is 17!

>> No.16420091

No one calls her that. She's more associated with an ironic cult that mutters prayers in the form of "Fumi..."

>> No.16420137 [DELETED] 

I want to cum in her forehead.

>> No.16420138


>> No.16420141

320 slots!

>> No.16420150 [DELETED] 

Am I the only one who's excited about African-American shipgirls?

>> No.16420154 [DELETED] 

No anon, you are not the only shitposter in the world.

>> No.16420155 [DELETED] 

Fuck off to Black Twitter already.

>> No.16420161 [DELETED] 

I'd legit scrap those.

>> No.16420164 [DELETED] 

its pretty interesting but its impossible.

>> No.16420166

Will they ever expand the default number of slots?

>> No.16420167 [DELETED] 

Yes but I'm not the only one who wants you to fuck off.

>> No.16420171


>> No.16420174 [DELETED] 

Only African shipgirls, not African-American.

>> No.16420182

Does this mean the final map reward will be Matsukaze or Hatakaze?

>> No.16420183

100 is more than enough

>> No.16420185

No, she'll be either E-1 reward or a drop. E-3 will be a non-capital foreign ship.

>> No.16420188

My wife Abukuma has 50 luck!

>> No.16420197

Mine has 60 but i did not take responsibility

>> No.16420201

I can't wait for the 6th event in a row where I don't use her.

>> No.16420207

I see! I'll have to keep working on making her even happier then, just like she makes me happy every time I sortie her!

Sucks to be you!

>> No.16420282
File: 600 KB, 746x1039, __abukuma_akatsuki_hibiki_ikazuchi_and_inazuma_kantai_collection_drawn_by_gochou_atemonai_heya__cb38b2d927f71212be7fa6c7f93930e9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abukuma is in charge now!

>> No.16420295

She's always been in charge of DesDiv6, she was their flagship.

>> No.16420298

I dont understand why everyone hates abukuma

>> No.16420303

They're angry their favorite CL doesn't have an opening torpedo without being a CLT.

>> No.16420307

She's really annoying before kai ni.

>> No.16420308

Did Abukuma not exist in first months of the game? There's not a lot of art with her leading the destroyers.

>> No.16420319

Because nobody gave a shit about her then and they still don't outside of the game.

>> No.16420320

Nobody cared about her until she got her K2.

>> No.16420323
File: 73 KB, 720x1004, FB_IMG_1483948934610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't buy that Sara is reserved and polite like a Japanese. Aren't western people are more open and proud?

>> No.16420325


>> No.16420328

Because all western people are the same, right?

>> No.16420331

We already got that with Iowa.

>> No.16420341

Wow deja vu!

>> No.16420348

No. Plenty of quiet girls. Besides she is still more outgoing than Kaga and Shoukaku.

>> No.16420351

Let me guess, you're a true oldfag.

>> No.16420358


Why is Yuugumo so based?

>> No.16420373

As in someone who was around and liked her before kai ni was a thing? Sure. That's not really my issue though.

>> No.16420395

Overrated, whiny moeblob.

>> No.16420400
File: 18 KB, 599x351, C2QLieiUQAI6FVE.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16420403 [DELETED] 

The thread on /a/ still isn't up yet?

>> No.16420404
File: 20 KB, 450x600, C1-mNsqVQAAvfXB.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16420407

I can't help but laugh at her.

>> No.16420409 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming this shit.

>> No.16420414
File: 178 KB, 800x800, f554bfec3a503aa707ab33f51dd3e988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was always there.
You are just blind.

>> No.16420419


Oh I didn't realize some of them knew which destroyer squadron it was that sank Fuso.

>> No.16420422 [DELETED] 

Nah, YOU stop being a cancer and keep spamming shits.
Fuck off to /c/.

>> No.16420426 [DELETED] 

I'm not even the one who posts Shitspit you retarded fuckwit. It doesn't change the fact that you're an annoying spammer who can't get it in their head that /a/ threads will no longer be up 24/7.

>> No.16420429 [DELETED] 


>> No.16420433 [DELETED] 

Fuck off already.

>> No.16420436

Well, it's just that, Abukuma's role already replaced by Tenryuu.
In fanon that is.

>> No.16420439 [DELETED] 


>> No.16420451
File: 71 KB, 708x1000, C1Z4dvVVEAAIm0-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remodel time will come one day

>> No.16420452

Ironically the battle of Surigao Strait mirrored The night actions of the Battle of Tsushima where the Japanese sent a horde of torpedo boats and destroyers to make torpedo runs against the Russians.

>> No.16420454

She was several weeks after the game officially started, along with Kinu and the Cranes, but it's still "in the first months", so close enough.

Tenryuu kindergarten is still a thing and will probably stick even if she gets a kai ni.

>> No.16420458

I actually feel sorry for her, though I don't care about her kai ni.

>> No.16420460

Hopefully that puke green hair goes.

>> No.16420462

She's really annoying after kai ni too.

>> No.16420466

Name one instance of a shipgirl's hair changing color with a remodel.

>> No.16420469

>I actually feel sorry for her, though I don't care about her kai ni.
Why? For a budget CA at Kai she is the best of the lot despite getting her comrades killed in history.

>> No.16420471

I'm not saying it will, just saying they really should.

>> No.16420475
File: 266 KB, 630x560, mina-san.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abukuma wasn't an expedition slut until after her kai2. She also didn't lead a fleet of DD to 3-2 until the devs nerf that map.

>> No.16420480

Puke is rarely even green. At least call it seaweed.

>> No.16420481

So that's why they don't really complain about it being unfair.

>> No.16420487

I've seen yellow or brown puke but not green.

>> No.16420488

Fine, I will refer to it as seaweed then.

>> No.16420562
File: 103 KB, 570x620, WhichOneIsSupposedToBeBetter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it.

>> No.16420565
File: 55 KB, 720x1280, CyKirE1UUAAV_eA.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's either Mamiya-6 IVB or Mamiya-6 Automat/Automat 2. Did Diomedea consciously choose a post-war model?

>> No.16420569

As opposed to doing it by accident?

>> No.16420573

KC takes place in the present/near future anyway.

>> No.16420584

I'm more impressed by the edit.

>> No.16420587

Guess someone edited the /v/ meme over a previous edit.

>> No.16420590

Wait, they didn't had smartphones during the WW2?

>> No.16420591

>Did Diomedea consciously choose a post-war model?
You do realize KanColle takes place in the present, right?

>> No.16420625
File: 243 KB, 1000x819, d93c6510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nice, the new 4koma volume has an extra with Iowa I guess I'll buy it.

>> No.16420626

boatsluts > uraras
ATI > nvidia

This isn't hard m8

>> No.16420631

To make sure to tell the fans it isn't WW2.

>> No.16420636

You mean the rice cooker wasn't enough?

>> No.16420648

>ATI > nvidia
If you like the smell of smoke.

>> No.16420654


>> No.16420657

Outside of modern appliances, cellphones and computers, everything is modeled after WW2. I think anon just wanted consistency, a camera from that period would work fine, but this is the anime so its wasted hopefulness.

>> No.16420660
File: 629 KB, 850x1200, 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems she uses the same camera in the 4koma.

>> No.16420683

It was well know that ATI card works better for MadVR compare to nvidia card few years back. Not sure if this is still true though.

>> No.16420696
File: 1.63 MB, 1125x1600, 0136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's disappointing to find out the ebook tankobon releases don't have higher quality than the individual chapter webcomic raws.

>> No.16420699

ATI is like 3 technological generations behind Nvidia. That's why Nvidia can get away with 970 situations where they clearly just locked down their hardware so it wouldn't perform within a stone's throw of their high end offerings.

>> No.16420704

I mean, if they wanted to give Aoba a vintage film camera why not give her something produced when she was in service? It's not like, for example, Mamiya-6 I, II or III would be any different for cinematographic purposes.

It's a folding one too, but the top part looks different. Could be just simplified/off-model depiction though.

>> No.16420725

Does it have these or are they limited edition/mail-order only?

>> No.16420742
File: 2.11 MB, 1125x1600, 0153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't sorry, those are store limited items.
Kasumin at Animate, Iowa at Gamerz, Okinami at Melon Books, and Kamikaze&Harukaze at Comic Zin. Even if I mail ordered instead of buying it from ebookjapan I still wouldn't get it since I'd have to go to the stores themselves instead of just getting it from Amazon. If you guys would still like to read the volume extras I'm uploading them right now though.

>> No.16420744
File: 260 KB, 740x1045, YuugumoKiyoshimo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bro.

>> No.16420746
File: 28 KB, 560x235, 1484531260910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There goes our Zara Kai 2 along with his loli porn.

>> No.16420749

I really hope they at least hint as to how Iowa is a floating museum in California while also being a ship girl at the same time.

>> No.16420752

It's magic I ain't gotta explain shit.

>> No.16420756

Post a picture of Tanaka next time and Say it's Fairy magic, I ain't gotta explain shit.

>> No.16420760
File: 147 KB, 777x965, __admiral_and_aoba_kantai_collection_drawn_by_zero_miraichizu__8f24e121d72e78892ce91a466d9cd2dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this mean Aoba will be the one to get her K2 now?

>> No.16420761

Please tell me he has a flash drive for work or something.

>> No.16420764

No it means they move up another Kai 2 to use and that's only if Jiji didn't already send in the design for Zara Kai 2 in already.

>> No.16420769

Well shit, thanks anyway.

>> No.16420772

So Mogami/Mikuma K2?

>> No.16420777

No. It means another DD Kai Ni.

>> No.16420778

It is deactivated, I guess that is enough to count as dead for the soul to move out.

>> No.16420780

Destroyed by abyssals

>> No.16420787

The Abyssals attacked San Diego not LA.

>> No.16420788

Right, because it's not like they could've attacked both cities.

>> No.16420792
File: 61 KB, 298x400, 1457250578862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw west coast really is overrun

>> No.16420794
File: 185 KB, 1125x1600, 0135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4koma voume 9 extras:

It's the sad reality if living outside nipland, you can't get store exclusive shit without buying it off Yahoo auction.

>> No.16420797

Of course they wont, leave it to idiots to do it for them, like right now!

>> No.16420798

The guy has 250 married girls.

There aren't even 250 unique girls in the game.

I'm pretty sure he doesn't even care what the girls look like at this point.

>> No.16420799
File: 171 KB, 558x800, 0025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you eat her ham sandwiches?

>> No.16420802

Abyssals have convinced me they are too retarded to do that.

>> No.16420808

No and his Italian ship doujins are better.
No naval bases in LA.

>> No.16420813

No, Suzuya/Kumano Kai Ni or just >>16420777
hopefully of the Kagerou class.

>> No.16420819

Pudding Zwei Vollkommen.

>> No.16420824

>Implying that the Abyssals would only attack military targets

>> No.16420825

Never ever.

>> No.16420827

So they'll just use that as an excuse to make us go through entire maps with air denial.

>> No.16420830

My god, I want Yuugumo to stroke my dick with those slender hands.

>> No.16420834

Well that's how it is in the Vita game.

>> No.16420837
File: 876 KB, 2160x2903, 1484491951210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Choukai to wink at me.

>> No.16420843
File: 521 KB, 1500x943, 1484498355415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man that BB Hime looks stupid.

>> No.16420850

Considering the Abyssals don't seem to infinite in any media they probably only attack key points all over the world.

>> No.16420853

Which ship should I marry first?

>> No.16420856

Still more likely than Aoba K2.

>> No.16420857
File: 1.11 MB, 1000x1577, 9ad342fb38f67f87acdd89000d246844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so beautiful, this is why she's the strongest Mikawa and CA.

>> No.16420860

>Don't seem to be infinite
Then why do I have to clear EOs over and over again

>> No.16420864
File: 201 KB, 858x423, wops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot pic

>> No.16420866

Only event maps matter. Ooyodo doesn't brief you for EOs.

>> No.16420869


>> No.16420870

If Inazuma is your starter then the choice is obvious. If she's not then Choukai.

>> No.16420871


>> No.16420873

Gameplay logic, otherwise you can't get medals and then turn them into blueprints and remodel the BP ships.

>> No.16420881

In order: Yamashiro > Choukai > Iku = Kisaragi > Hatsuharu > Teamkiller

>> No.16420884

Den did nothing wrong, it's Miyuki's fault for being on her path.

>> No.16420889

Fumizuki, Hatsuharu, Kisaragi.

>> No.16420891

Choukai, Kisaragi, Hatsuharu in that order.

>> No.16420896

That's not Fumizuki.

>> No.16420898

Yamashiro so she can suck your dick instead of your resources and just marry Iku if you want to be a meme.

>> No.16420899

Fumiwhat? Why you call my Inazuma a literally who?

>> No.16420910

didn't conishi's computer die too recently. so it will be a yadokari or ichiso one now.

>> No.16420911

Yeah, that's inferior version of Fumizuki so I'm saying to go for the original.

>> No.16420916

He said his computer wouldn't turn on and never updated after that.
I assume it works now since they announced Arashio Kai 2.

>> No.16420932

Arashio and Zara were probably already finished then.
Thank god Konishi's computer died though because his ships already have many K2s.

>> No.16420934
File: 337 KB, 2048x1443, CnUt-ogUIAEjpXM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only right choice is Kisaragi.

>> No.16420956

Is 5-5 middle route actually viable now? I saw someone post a chink thread but I'm skeptical because the route can really fuck over the sub pretty easily and possibly not sink the boss because they end up in bad shape.

>> No.16420966

>Is 5-5 middle route actually viable now?
How new are you?

>> No.16420976
File: 521 KB, 800x480, 2017-1-13T14.3.43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is happening?

>> No.16420980

Is it or not?

>> No.16420981
File: 342 KB, 800x480, 2017-1-14T0.4.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16420993

>Konishi's computer died
>Jiji's computer died
>Shibafu's computer still OK
Why god?

>> No.16420996

Fleets are updated in real time, if your opponent changes anything in the seconds it takes you to pick your fleet and start the battle it's reflected.

>> No.16420999 [DELETED] 

>Enterprise ends up as a potato
Delet this future.

>> No.16421005

You're not allowed to have nice things.

Yoshinori is the one in charge of Americans and he's still twitting.

>> No.16421006

Can't wait!

>> No.16421013

It's not like they can't replace it in a week or two and Tanaka already has sprites a year in advance sometimes.

>> No.16421015


>> No.16421018

why are Shibafu new ships still a thing? god new artists help us

>> No.16421020

No Guarantee she will appear or any other USN carrier.
Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if Yoshinori has already completed the USN ships to be introduced this year. Probably two again.
Fuck off false Shibufufag.

>> No.16421023

Considering they already announced it last year, the design may have already been sent in.

>> No.16421024

We'd be on the third American by now, soon to be 4 if Tanaka hadn't gone full retard and decided to add 3 nations in the same year.

>> No.16421029

>new ships
Plural? I think he only has done Uranami recently and she's a Fubuki-class T1 anyway.

>> No.16421040

oh yeah
DMM start distribute points now
check ur email

>> No.16421048

I don't see anything

>> No.16421050


>> No.16421051

I have nothing new from them, hopefully this just means they are going to take a while.

>> No.16421053

well there's no stopping him from getting new commissions/K2s

>> No.16421060

For now he's probably busy finishing the edgebuki sprite for the coming event.

>> No.16421067

You will save Enterprise from EdgeFubuki because Fubuki is the strongest!

>> No.16421080

How do you know? I don't have anything. Do they send nothing to losers?

>> No.16421087

most players tat p2w receive email now

>> No.16421092

I don't think you know what that term means.

>> No.16421098

how to say 重課金 in english?

>> No.16421099

Electronic observer or kancolle viewer?

>> No.16421105

That just means you spend a lot of money on it. It has nothing to do with P2W.

>> No.16421108

When you put together the UI the way you like it, EO is the best.

>> No.16421115
File: 26 KB, 594x244, HDD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16421117

Read the thread.

>> No.16421126
File: 27 KB, 144x156, 9f13e920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is he always shitposting on twitter?

>> No.16421131

I know that feel and still it pains me thinking about it.
>hard drives got fucked
>went mad and bought 3 1TB SSDs

>> No.16421135

Probably gets bored while drawing.

>> No.16421141


What are the nips saying about burger planes?

>> No.16421152

EO is much better, honestly.

>> No.16421170

All sorts of things.

>> No.16421175

Something about getting the more advanced attack planes through Akashi like F4F to F6F.

>> No.16421181

Same reason why conishi only brag about her memedals count.

>> No.16421210

The only reason he doesn't tweet anymore than that nowadays is because of the monkey ears bullying.

>> No.16421213

They are saying how it's all Ryuujous fault that they started losing the war even before the F6F and F4U came out.

>> No.16421215

Just finished my 11 +10 daihatsu and +10 toku daihatsu. What are some other good things to +10 that cost only 1 or 2 screws

>> No.16421258

Check the anniversary page.

>We have sent notifications to the lottery winners.
>Thank you very much for your participation.

Either no one here won the lottery or the mails take a time to be delivered.

>> No.16421267

>won the useless android beta version lottery
>didn't win this


>> No.16421271

Why would a CVL whose entire military career against the Allied powers was a worthless attack against Alaska, and getting sunk in the Solomon's be at fault again?

>> No.16421273

She gave a zero to hoppou.
Allied studied the plane and devised a way to counter the Zeros.

>> No.16421276

AP Shell, 25mm Triple, Triple Oxy, 90mm, Searchlight, Skilled 21

>> No.16421282

She was just that shit.

Humans are the real monsters.

>> No.16421286

Fuck off abyssalfag.

>> No.16421296
File: 308 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170116-15315707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck these people

>> No.16421317

Just like the fabled "five minutes" at Midway, the Akutan Zero's contribution was more fable than reality.
The Zero was a plane that got quickly countered do the reports coming from China.
And what would become the F6F-3 was already in development prior to Midway.

>> No.16421324

So who was the mong here that said hardly anyone was doing that?

Autumn E3.

Yes. Only orange and red won't repair.

She didn't exist in the first month of the game, yeah. Spring 2013 event drop.

Overall Green has dominated the high end GPUs, and has even caught up or overtaken in areas where Red traditionally had an edge. Price for price though Red should still be better in its traditional areas.

So if it's MadVR, get Green if you're buying only the best GPUs, and Red otherwise.

The active artists have probably already done all the kai nis for all their ships long ago, as well as all the sisters (and their kai nis), and Tanaka's just withholding them for some reason.

You should've 11 toku daihatsu first before maxing any of them, m8.

>> No.16421327

But I wouldn't have any daihatsu left to use if I did that.

>> No.16421329

Well the Akutan Zero let us refine those things more due to having a working model but in the end you are right, the base was already there. We would capture more Zeros throughout the war for further refinements and training.

>> No.16421343

+6 toku is already good enough for most purposes. Those 4 daihatsu you used to max it would've been better spent on a 2nd toku.

>> No.16421349

how the hell did you amass that much daihatsus

>> No.16421360

Probably spam Taihou recipes, I just wait for events that drop her on E1.

>> No.16421375
File: 627 KB, 3000x1064, abyssal_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the best Abyssal girl?

>> No.16421380
File: 424 KB, 781x455, Sara155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this guy.

>> No.16421381

They're all garbage.

>> No.16421383
File: 741 KB, 3000x1061, abyssal_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16421390


>> No.16421394
File: 595 KB, 3000x1074, abyssal_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16421400
File: 658 KB, 3000x1077, abyssal_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16421401
File: 260 KB, 266x207, 1378709536842.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OC design
Please stop

>> No.16421404

Not him but I kept getting army dog drops from events and from LSC before I finally got Taihou.

Considering doing more Taihou crafts on the pretext of getting dupe Taihou.

>> No.16421422

Not even close to Akira's imagery.

>> No.16421423

I need 20% on all 3 fleets.

>> No.16421429

nvm, i see what your saying

>> No.16421431

Expedition 2 doesn't need 20%

>> No.16421545
File: 109 KB, 813x1100, __saratoga_kantai_collection_drawn_by_rokuwata_tomoe__854cc7a2dc1b327d672496d133748059[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is her original form superior?

>> No.16421546

It's not.

>> No.16421550
File: 103 KB, 813x1100, bd8a1ace4ec2f3976b8bd1801218d589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black looks nicer.

>> No.16421556


>> No.16421559

It's not black, it's blue.

>> No.16421565
File: 113 KB, 1676x221, measure 21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not fucking black you damn niggers, it's navy blue.

>> No.16421578

Don't bully the colorblind.

>> No.16421603

Go be fair the majority of nip players call her Kurotoga. White form is Shirotoga.

>> No.16421667

I heard some rumour that an American CA is coming. Is that true?

>> No.16421668

No, where did you hear the rumor?

>> No.16421671

No, a sub. Nautilus is cosign to bully Yamakaze.

>> No.16421675


>> No.16421678

American CV, not CA.

Enterprise, that is.

>> No.16421688

>nothing ever leaks from the devs

>> No.16421689

Holy shit I spent the last four days leveling Arashi to level 8 instead of ARashio.

>> No.16421693


>> No.16421696

I bet that her K2 later would depict her wearing her white dress again, just like Zui K2B.
Seem lots of player like her white dress more.

>> No.16421698

>last 4 days
>level 8
m8 at this rate your Arashio will be k2 in like 10 years or something.

>> No.16421702

But why

>> No.16421705

He probably meant 80

>> No.16421715

Sarachii just seems like a discount Kaga.

>> No.16421730

Kaga was a mistake.

>> No.16421841

I have a feeling it's going to be a HMS carrier to counter the US ships. If so, which one is it?

>> No.16421844
File: 113 KB, 1180x840, sara shooting at potato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't even touch Kaga with a ten foot pole even if you pay me.

>> No.16421845

They haven't announced any new carrier you fucking retard.

>> No.16421853

Saratoga was just recently added, you fucking retard.

>> No.16421855


>> No.16421864

>you fucking retard.
Wow, why you gotta be hostile like that? Guy was just asking a question to start conversation.

>> No.16421866
File: 935 KB, 1878x1711, royal_navy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Carrier should they add?

>> No.16421872

First and foremost he's assuming that we're getting a foreign CV when they haven't even said if we're getting any foreign ships this event.

>> No.16421873


Ark Royal, all the way, just to bully the krauts.

If not, Illustrious to bully the pastas instead.

>> No.16421876

>have a feeling
Can you read?

>> No.16421880

Can't you?
>I have a feeling it's going to be a HMS carrier
>it's going to be
This part right here implies that there is already confirmation of a foreign carrier coming.

>> No.16421888

There's a CV for every nation except Britain. It's only logical they'll add one down the road. Might not be next patch, might not be this year but we'll get one sooner or later.

>> No.16421890

Yes, down the road. Graf and Aquila existing pretty much confirms it. But not next, France's first ship being an AV of all things should have taught you that just because X nation got something already doesn't mean Y nation will get it next.

>> No.16421910

>still no arashio
wtf tanaka

>> No.16421941
File: 390 KB, 674x745, laughing torpedo sluts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Glorious, Furious, Courageous
>Illustrious, Formidable, Victorious, Indomitable
>Indefatigable, Implacable
>Majestic, Hercules, Leviathan, Magnificent, Powerful, Terrible
>Colossus, Glory, Ocean, Theseus, Triumph, Venerable, Vengeance, Warrior, Perseus, Pioneer
>Ark Royal
>Pretoria Castle

Can we get something from a navy that used less retarded ship names instead?

>> No.16421955

Irusutiryusu is pretty cute name.

>> No.16421956

Anno name one of the main eva girl after Illustrious.

>> No.16421960

Japan has dumb names too like Houshou.

>> No.16421963

Anyone else have the goal of getting every single ship to at least level 90?

>> No.16421966

Now that I think about it it is almost sure we are getting Illustrous because she did Taranto, which inspired Pearl Hatbor. She also survived the whole war and bombed the nips too. Second CV, if we get one, could be an Implacable class ship, to give us something really top tier. The interesting thing is that all british CVs would be CVBs.

I don't really want Ark Royal unless she somehow becomes an even more budget CV than the Unryuus. Bonus points if she's got the slots for 5-4.

>> No.16421968
File: 234 KB, 569x328, Screenshot-2017-01-16_05.22.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arashio is strong!

>> No.16421971

Fuck off wikia.

>> No.16421974

>36 planes
It's shit.

>> No.16421991

Houshou's name isn't dumb, it's Houshou herself who is dumb.

>> No.16422010

The planes they could carry are often buffed in-game.

>> No.16422013

They stopped doing that when they added the cranes.

>> No.16422015

>main eva girl

That one sidekick slut with characterization of a manikin who was added to the rebuilds purely for fanservice purposes isn't a "main eva girl".

>> No.16422017


>> No.16422027


57, you know how Tanaka counts even the spare planes for replacement.. still not impressive but Warspite turned out like that so maybe they'll give her some outrageous stats given her combat record and of course CVB status.

>> No.16422029

I didn't know Shinano had already been added.

>> No.16422089

Does anyone else here make their game as small as possible to reduce the required mouse movement for maximum APM?

>> No.16422099
File: 39 KB, 240x280, oboro1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16422101

sometimes I alt-tab and forget I'm in the middle of a sortie for hours

>> No.16422171
File: 1.28 MB, 800x1129, 1c60a820f876c6cb48c4de39eccbf929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These always give me a chuckle.

>> No.16422176
File: 472 KB, 1112x660, triggered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking nazis

>> No.16422188

I guess you didn't nazi that coming.

>> No.16422193

>I guess you did not nazi that coming.

>> No.16422227

How could one fail to win against a lone CA in PvP? I mean, you can send just one ship too, but why anyone would waste exp?

>> No.16422234

>he actually wastes time reading the HQ logs
what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.16422239

Anyone here leveling mutsuki dupes for the meme kai ni boiler?

>> No.16422244


I have 9 boilers, why would I need more? I need turbines.

>> No.16422248

I got a dozen of them from Amatsukazes already.

>> No.16422255


>> No.16422256

Just do 100/30/300/250.

>> No.16422260

sounds expensive and NOT reliable at ALL

>> No.16422265

Its a more expensive radar recipe. It adds bulges and boilers to the pool.

>> No.16422267

You go to sad panda for that.
Don't post that shit on here, you filthy EOP

>> No.16422299

>So who was the mong here that said hardly anyone was doing that?
Can't you see a difference between Nips and /jp/, retard?

>> No.16422302
File: 1 KB, 314x12, we.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did EO mean by this?

>> No.16422308

Admiral + kanmusu.

>> No.16422309

Hundreds of hentai artists will be there to give her porn

>> No.16422311

Imagine that Ooyodo is saying it.

>> No.16422322
File: 581 KB, 800x480, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was easier than expected

>> No.16422328

>no S rank

At least you let Taigei see the sun.

>> No.16422338

How do you get rid of 3000 buckets fast
4 a prank

>> No.16422341

Use them to repair ships.

>> No.16422346
File: 101 KB, 777x1100, C2QpNfbVQAAiwO0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potato butt.

>> No.16422355

Neetbucky is pretty cute.

>> No.16422356

Would you sniff that butt?

>> No.16422360

Ew, that butt is probably month old without bath
i wud

>> No.16422367

Potato bandit can rob me any day.

>> No.16422384
File: 184 KB, 835x816, green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually closer to Olive Drab.

>> No.16422394

Is that the marriage scene?

>> No.16422395
File: 755 KB, 800x479, 礼号任務とBM7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fist try
Now I can finally scrap Kiyoshimo

>> No.16422398

Scrap yourself.

>> No.16422399

Scrap yourself instead.

>> No.16422400

Yes, it is. I just picked the first screen I found in my folders.

>> No.16422422

swimsuit on Yuudachi
too soon for summer wear no?

>> No.16422426

What would a Yoshinori Enterprise look like anyway?

>> No.16422427

That's her standard damaged art

>> No.16422435

ah your right

>> No.16422451
File: 183 KB, 640x1943, C2Hg_t7UcAAYqKS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16422454

Iowa - Sexy pinup.
Sara - Conservative housewife.

It's a tossup at this point.

>> No.16422463
File: 955 KB, 2480x3507, f64mrAf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded? They have absolutely nothing in common character-wise. For one thing, Sara actually has character.

>> No.16422474

He might have been talking about stats. He'd still be wrong though, because they're completely different archetypes.

>> No.16422475
File: 51 KB, 680x699, 116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translate or summarise it for us who can't understand that Anon.

>> No.16422476

>Pretentious names in Japanese
>"It's awesome"
>Pretentions names in English
>"It's shit"
She'll be the first armored light carrier.

>> No.16422477

>no character
This retardation needs to stop

>> No.16422482

>Pretentious names in Japanese
Eh, not trying to defend the nips but they were named after place/province/weather.
Burgers also use place name like Iowa/Saratoga. The britbongs were chuuni as fuck.

>> No.16422484

basically they're talking about asashio kai ni and akagi is retarded

>> No.16422487

arashio I mean

>> No.16422488

Akagi derails Arashio kai ni chatter with avatar shenanigans.

>> No.16422491

Kaga may have no character, but is more accessible, unlike Saratoga in case you:

A) Didn't get her
B) Are new (After fall event ended)
C) Accidentally (Or purposefully) Sank or Scrapped her

Will not be seeing her for a long time, Giving Kaga enough time to grow on the people who are less fortunate and don't have Saratoga to grow to like her because she has served them well,

She may be the best Carrier in existence and have the best personality, but not many will have her (Like me) and will use Kaga instead, And when Kaga becomes a fleet veteran, Saratoga will have no chance in being better liked than Kaga

>> No.16422492

tfw I scrapped my lv53 Kiyoshimo and then few days later this quest came out

now I'm stuck waiting for an event/easy map to get her out and finish this ugly sight on my quest page

>> No.16422495


>> No.16422496

Yeah, I scraped my kiyoshimo right after the reigo event somehow ctrl f the quest page for reigo ships didn't come up
spent like a year trying to get them back or however long it's been since that reigo event

>> No.16422509
File: 28 KB, 384x315, which.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one
both seem kinda useless to me

>> No.16422510

At least they like each other. No not that way.

>> No.16422516

That quest was added before the event.

>> No.16422520

Yes I know, I somehow missed it

>> No.16422530

Both are craftable but 25mm triple has +3 on it. It's a good choice for budget upgrades and bonus firepower in expansion slot.

>> No.16422568

SouRyuu: By the way, I heard Arashio-chan is becoming kai ni
Zuizui: Huh!? Really!?
SouRyuu: Right, Hiryuu?
TamonmaruLOVE: Yeah yeah. Admiral was getting hyped about it just now
Shoukaku: Oh my, Arashio-san! We simply must give our congratulations
Akagi: mumble...mumble...
Zuizui: Akagi-san lol
TamonmaruLOVE: That's the wrong Akagi (laugh)
Kaga: As expected of Akagi-san. Even with an icon, she won't give in to pride
Akagi: Thank you very much, Kaga-san. By the way, I was thinking of using this for the next icon.
SouRyuu: Isn't that Asagi lol
Zuizui: Stop lol

>> No.16422572



>> No.16422578

>Download EO
>Antivirus going crazy
>Nothing like that ever happened with KCV or KC3.

Is this supposed to be the "pro" viewer?

>> No.16422584

What's an "antivirus"?

>> No.16422600

>using antivirus
Are you retarded or underage?

>> No.16422617
File: 179 KB, 403x466, 1479453208348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hiryuu using tamon love avatar
>akagi using mahjan akagi avatar
>asagi avatar

>> No.16422621


Must be nice not having to care about your money since you don't earn anything.

>> No.16422626

Must be nice wasting all your money on a tool which not only doesn't help in the slightest, it even makes your PC perform worse.
I wouldn't be able to afford such luxury even if I was earning $10k a month.

>> No.16422636


t. basement neckbeard internet """"""""expert""""""""

>> No.16422647

Verify where you got it from. If that checks out, then it's just your antivirus giving a false-positive.

>> No.16422654
File: 300 KB, 600x400, 1484544035539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old granny here.

>> No.16422661


I got it directly from the english fork github. I went ahead and downloaded the nip version and it doesn't give me any problems so the only thing I can conclude is that something strange is on the english version.

>> No.16422664

Definitely better than its competitor. I think the only part where KCV is superior is the ship list program. EO has a SQL like UI, KCV is much simpler and easier for a quick filter . EO is slower on the first run while you set up your query.

Just put an exclusion on your EO folder, submit the ElectronicObserver.exe file to whatever antivirus program you are using and they will most likely return a false positive.

>> No.16422672


>> No.16422685

Well it doesn't help that Shitbafu drew her as well, no cute points at all and just plain shit.

>> No.16422686


Ok, looks like indeed it was a false positive.

>> No.16422711

Yet another episode of redditor proving he's a fucking retard.

Yeah, your antivirus is shit.

>> No.16422713

Morning PvP.

>> No.16422778


>> No.16422785


>> No.16422796


Yandere shigure is the only good shigure.

>> No.16422800

Your opinion is wrong.

>> No.16422806
File: 26 KB, 239x268, dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good shitgure

>> No.16422818

Oh yeah
It's time for duck Harem.

>> No.16422847

slave shitgure is only good shitgure

>> No.16422861

She looks better with glasses.

>> No.16422867

only degenerates sexualize their shipgirls

>> No.16422891
File: 170 KB, 340x283, Fubukidoesherbest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So here's an older interview where we get to learn about Fubuki's Seiyuu and her invovlement with KanColle.

She's also a casual player.

>> No.16422898

I think she started pretty late.

>> No.16422899


>> No.16422939

Disgusting. It isn't Asashio at all.

>> No.16422946
File: 456 KB, 1280x1822, img009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Prinz is bae.

>> No.16422948

>My favourite shipgirl is Shiranui

I will never understand these people who like completely irrelevant no presence shipgirls. I had to search up who that was.

>> No.16422957
File: 143 KB, 500x750, 1463196430469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing nui

>> No.16422960
File: 38 KB, 480x272, 1483508466296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh nice the pudding book's uploa-
>Titty-monster asashio

>> No.16422963

She stated her reasons right there. Shiranui is hardly unknown to most players.

>> No.16422965

>everyone you see in PvP is a nip
Wew lad

>> No.16422966 [DELETED] 
File: 627 KB, 1650x1200, 570zfl0l1z9y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will post this occasionally until you like her.

>> No.16422973

Well at least we know she has shit taste.

>> No.16422980

Shitty meme-posting is going to have the opposite effect.

>> No.16422981


>> No.16422986

>completely irrelevant no presence

But Shiranui is the most popular Konishi Kagerou since Nips love dead fish girls.

>> No.16422994

>I had to search up who that was.
>not knowing who NuiNui is
I want newfags to leave.

>> No.16422999

I know who she is. For a stoic she is at least quirky unlike Kaga.

>> No.16423020 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 228x240, 1481995648345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>western fans like generic shits like shitgure, yuudachi
>nips love boring kuudere shit
Well color me surprise

>> No.16423026 [DELETED] 

I like Yuugumo-class except Maikgumo.
I already get my dere needs from the carriers.

>> No.16423027 [DELETED] 

Oh please. Enlighten us with your perfect taste and tell what type of girls is not shit? Because nice girls like shigure are perfectly fine and much better than "personality of a rock" Kaga.

>> No.16423033
File: 192 KB, 1181x1741, 5f2c720388f3d4e56046f0e7dc64799c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really makes me think

>> No.16423038

I don't follow.

>> No.16423040 [DELETED] 

You must be really dumb if you are unable to understand her personality.

>> No.16423043

I think she is the last person who should be promoting KanColle.
About what?

>> No.16423044 [DELETED] 

He's dumb alone for expecting an actual answer from a shitposter.

>> No.16423045

Is there a sure kill set-up for 5-5 last kill?
Pre-boss BBV gets on my nervs.

>> No.16423050 [DELETED] 

Literally anything isn't copy paste personality from battle harem #1234656

>> No.16423055 [DELETED] 

In English, please.

>> No.16423059

3BB 3CV usually does the trick.

>> No.16423062

Average 40 bauxite lost per 5-4. Thanks Bauxfag.

>> No.16423063 [DELETED] 


>> No.16423073 [DELETED] 

No specifics, huh.

>> No.16423080 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 489x366, Smug loser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you will just shit on it and call it a day bruh

>> No.16423099

sometimes I wish I can wipe upgrade stars away from an equip so I can use it as cost material, why isn't this a thing?

>> No.16423106

I bet you also want to turn steel into bauxite like some kind of alchemist.

>> No.16423177 [DELETED] 

Yeah, that's true as well.

>> No.16423184

Use a composition which doesn't care about being hit. With Hotels and Cranes your whole fleet can be at chuuha and they will still kill the boss. Most likely you'll only have one or two chuuha at the end of the sortie though.

>> No.16423199 [DELETED] 

The correct term is Warcrimes.

>> No.16423214

The 3BB 3CV seems a lot better, but as expected, when everything seems alright, you go off-route hah.
Thanks for the tips!

>> No.16423226 [DELETED] 

More like unfunny shitposter

>> No.16423259 [DELETED] 

Like everyone in this thread.

>> No.16423263 [DELETED] 

This kind of attitude killed /v/ in the past and is now killing other boards. Fuck off from this site. If you want to shitpost, do it elsewhere.

>> No.16423270 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 491x360, 1474082676716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you go to /v/ in first place then get out of here.

>> No.16423297 [DELETED] 

I didn't say anything about going to /v/ you goddamn retard. I just know how it went. Are you even capable of replying without spamming your shitty implications? You think you are being clever? No, you aren't. You are just an eyesore, pain the ass at best. You are the lowest kind of life form. Kill yourself.

>> No.16423323 [DELETED] 

Fuck off shitposter.

>> No.16423341 [DELETED] 

Then why bring /v/ on here, you fucking filthy crossboarder

>> No.16423362 [DELETED] 

For the sake of argument, retard? To prove that what I was saying is real and not just a theory? Did you even read the post?

Did you even read the post you just replied to? Were you dropped on head in the past?

>> No.16423412 [DELETED] 

have you taken your medicine today

>> No.16423427

What's the best way to level CAs

>> No.16423429
File: 174 KB, 800x480, 010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game didn't actually change that much before release

>> No.16423464

Use them in place of BBs.

>> No.16423467 [DELETED] 
File: 211 KB, 805x945, laughing dragons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shits on others' taste
>afraid of having his own taste shat on

>> No.16423475

Man, I wish the event would start already. 90% of the thread is faggotry and circlejerking.

>> No.16423478

Use them everywhere. They're good everywhere. Just leave subs to DDs and make sure to bring the minimum amount of CV and sometimes BB. I think only DDs are above my CAs in total experience.

>> No.16423481 [DELETED] 

Who are you quote?
My taste > your taste
This is fact

>> No.16423490 [DELETED] 

It's a moot point because, practically, he has no taste.

>> No.16423497 [DELETED] 

Tell me, if you don't want anybody criticizing your taste because it's so superior, then what the fuck are you doing on 4chan?

>> No.16423499

On one hand, "free" screws are nice.

On the other hand, the cost of large bulge development is horribly bloated. A single one can cost upwards of 20K steel. I still recommend picking the bulge as upgrading 25mm CD will be more useful than regular 25mm in the long run.

>> No.16423509

Fact: every time the event gets announced the threads get worse because the fags who only come during events show up.

>> No.16423515

>having taste
>having opinion
>having feelings
Remember that the main point of the game is collect every girl they have released, and if you dislike someone and end up scraping one of the girls, you should just drop the game and never come near it ever. This and only this.

>> No.16423517

I'm just stumped as to what to level next.. I have at least 2 of everything at level 75+ and for now I only plan on doing events on medium, what classes should I have the most of leveled up to 75+?

>> No.16423523
File: 1.42 MB, 1447x1839, 60967324_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wake up in the middle of the night to this, what do you do?

>> No.16423527

Levels only really matter for DD and CL oASW anyway.

>> No.16423528


>> No.16423535

What's a good day to craft for bisma?

>> No.16423539

Level Arashio

>> No.16423542


>> No.16423543

Never. Craft Yamato instead - she is pretty AND strong at the same time.

>> No.16423547

But Yamato is slow and consumes resources like nobody's business.

>> No.16423550

Uh, why not Musashi?

>> No.16423559


Fact: Those are better because they at least talk about the game.

>> No.16423567
File: 817 KB, 800x480, KanColle-170116-14380431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well.. that's something.. I guess..

>> No.16423570

Yeah man I can't wait for those posts asking "why can't I sortie" or "where does prinz drop".

>> No.16423572

Hey we all made these posts when we started out, no shame in asking.

>> No.16423577

Okay it uses charcoal. So what?

>> No.16423580

Don't trick people into crafting slow jobbers.

>> No.16423581

No they don't what the hell.

>> No.16423590
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Akiba&#039;s Trip The Animation - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_19.20_[2017.01.12_23.44.54].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16423595

Your very approach to this is flawed.

>the cost of large bulge development is horribly bloated
No, it isn't, if you actually think about this. You don't craft just bulges. Why would you ever do that? It's inefficient. You alter different recipe in a way which will include bulges. For example instead of 10/11/250/250 for T32, you go with 10/11/300/250. It's only 50 steel more which won't even be noticeable next to the bauxite cost. Crafting bulges doesn't cost much at all. You just have to be smart about this. Or use 10/30/300/250 for AP Shell as well. Or 10/90/300/250 if you lack Sanshiki after Hayasui monthly.

>in the long run.
This is one of the worst fallacies. Long run doesn't matter if you don't reach it. You want your upgrades to matter next event. If you don't give multiple stars to (CD), it's gonna be worse than Pompom or Bofors. Those screws are effectively wasted. It's better to put it off until you can get it to respectable level between events. This time might be far away though because there's a lot of better stuff to upgrade like guns or torps.
If you chose 25mm triple +3, you could use it as firepower bonus. Choosing 25mm triple doesn't affect your 25mm (CD) upgrades. You wouldn't be doing (much of) them anyway. Because you lack screws, material and have better stuff to upgrade. With the normal triple, first two points don't apply. Third does heavily but it's countered by inversion of first point - you want to save the screws by doing 1 screw upgrades for the daily from time to time. Choosing 25mm triple costs nothing, it's a quest reward. You don't lose anything either because the bulge will be crafted with radar recipe which you'll be doing anyway.

Ultimately, both of the equips won't make much of an impact on your fleet so it doesn't really matter which you choose but I'm quite confident in saying that the upgraded one is a better choice.

>> No.16423596


>> No.16423598

Whining about how your girls sank everything but the boss isn't talking about the game?

>> No.16423602
File: 151 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Akiba&#039;s Trip The Animation - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.06_[2017.01.12_23.40.11].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will we get Admiral Connection?

>> No.16423603

If it's something that's easily searchable, they should feel ashamed.

>> No.16423606

>I have at least 2 of everything at level 75+
You have two Taigei, two Ryuuhou and two Ryuuhou Kai? Yeah, you can just sit back and send expeditions until 300k/3k.

>> No.16423614


>> No.16423616

[X] Accept deadly handjobs.
[_] Try running away.

>> No.16423642
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With phase 2 and Shinano.

>> No.16423648
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>I only plan on doing events on medium

>> No.16423681

Not that guy but I've been playing for two years and have never gotten a Hard medal. The stress just isn't worth it.

>> No.16423715
File: 64 KB, 1600x900, 243fg3s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as long as she has black lagoon eyes and a confident persona i'll be fine. Her story alone is certified badass. Enterprise was there from the very beginning, and witnessed the end of peacetime with the destruction of Pearl Harbor. She distinguished herself as the Hero of Midway, and near-singlehandedly changed the course of the entire war. One by one her sisters died until she was the sole survivor of the class, Enterprise v Japan. She participated in almost every major naval engagement of the Pacific Campaign, cheating death and earning the nickname the Grey Ghost becoming the most decorated U.S. ship in naval history. Her last mission would be helping to ferry her fellow soldiers and sailors back home to enjoy peacetime once again. That is a fucking anime plot right there.

>> No.16423721


Warspite had a longer carreer, arguably saw much more shit and was almost breaking apart by the end of the war.

Yet she wasn't some crazy ass maid terminator.

>> No.16423729

how many kills, probably doesn't match up

>> No.16423730

>Yet she wasn't some crazy ass maid terminator.
Clearly an oversight. Yeah, I guess E will be some generic blonde-ish mellow moeblob too.

>> No.16423736

What decides the hierarchy of wives in your fleet?

First ring (the quest one) is the true wife, everyone else is a mistress.

>> No.16423740

Don't tell me you didn't get a memedal last event.

>> No.16423743

Last event had a straight up impossible map if you didn't have enough LBAS range. I don't have Taitei so I went easy.

>> No.16423746

Well, the order obviously. It doesn't really matter though because I love them all. There's not much difference between 1st and 2nd and 4th and 5th.

>> No.16423747

No anon. Excitement is worth it.

Huh? Which one?

>> No.16423753

that may be true... every ship has unique stories, but I'm specifically talking about the US side and the "legend" that continues to this day with CVN-80. All I'm saying is, when it comes to the pacific theatre, E was there and stands as a monolithic figure at that moment in history. Is it too much to ask to see some proper badassery? probably yeah.

>> No.16423755


Some events like Fall 15 or Spring 15 were so easy I was actually disappointed when I cleared them.

>> No.16423759

Factually false, a Saiun gives 1 range which was enough if paired with Zero 21s.

>> No.16423761 [DELETED] 

Give it a rest already, you've been talking about that pile of steel for ages. Go to /k/.

>> No.16423764

I'm surprised no one has brought this up yet, but does anyone think that they'll give out 1 free F6F-3 (possibly Hard-locked) as a map reward during Winter '16?

>> No.16423766

Because Shitspit is a slow BB.

>> No.16423769 [DELETED] 

You're just a cringy, annoying faggot. Saratoga is in, Enterprise is not. I can't wait for the 6 slots to fill so you shut up for good because apparently Sara wasn't enough.

>> No.16423773

They did it for the Mk.7, there's no reason to think they won't do it again.

>> No.16423786

But Winter '16 was 11 months ago.

>> No.16423790

My Shiggy is acting strange, send help.

>> No.16423793

Of course they will. Could even be F6F-5 for the hard reward.

>> No.16423795

Oops. Winter '16/'17, or Winter '17 then.

>> No.16423808

No, event rewards are almost always related to what new ships are present.

>> No.16423811

I wish they'd just give us a great fighter already because spending screws going through every single cat fighter is retarded.

>> No.16423823

Like 51cm? We'll just get Abyssal carrier as boss of E3.

>> No.16423830

I seriously hope nobody here has done this outside of those oil princes.

>> No.16423832 [DELETED] 

fuck of faggot, this is my first time posting here in a month, this ain't /pol/ you have no idea who I am

>> No.16423847 [DELETED] 

now who's the fucking same poster you oblivious cunt, stop hating on ships in every post.

>> No.16423849 [DELETED] 

In that case you shouldn't be posting at all. We have this enterprise crap almost every thread since ages ago. I'm honestly sick of the name.

>> No.16423856

/Fighting Spirit High!/ master race reporting in

>> No.16423887 [DELETED] 

good for you, maybe because it keeps popping up, some people have a fucking interest in it. HOLY FUCK! but that's what drives you crazy the most, that people actually want to hype ships in a board about a ship game. Fuck off. I want Enterprise, and a day from now someone else is gonna be itching to talk about it, then someone might want to speculate on appearance or plane numbers, jesus the fucking nerve of people trying to dictate what ships we can talk about when we're here to talk about any kind we want. die.

>> No.16423895 [DELETED] 

It's fucking off-topic. I told you. Fuck off to /k/ if you want to talk about that piece of shit.

>> No.16423915

>almost always
>brings up cherrypicked example anyway
Ever since Kon, equipment is related to ships that are new.
Akizuki- T91 Fire Director
Yuu- WG42
Littorio- OTO, 90mm, 381mm
Flatsuragi- Ryuusei air group
Kamo- Flying Boat
Hayasui- her barrels
Zepp- FW
Zara- 203mm
Iowa- Bofors
Warspite- Pom Pom
Aquila- Re.2005
Teste- Late
Sara- SBD, TBD, F4F-3 or 4

>> No.16423945

I'm not the one who said that. Anyway, I mentioned 51cm because it was the flashiest reward. I wasn't trying to cherrypick, didn't even think of other events then. And seriously, not a single one of the equips you mentioned can compare to 51cm or possible F6F-5. So, while you're right that event rewards are usually related to new ships and I agree with it, it definitely isn't a rule. Oh, Reppuu Kai wasn't related to any of the new ships either and is certainly more similar to Hellcat and 51cm than to the equips you mentioned strength-wise.

>> No.16423950

I have.

>> No.16423951 [DELETED] 

maybe you shouldn't be on the internet if you want to avoid this stuff. grow up kid.

>> No.16423970

>I think she is the last person who should be promoting KanColle.
Most of the promotion is done by Fujita Gensui.

>> No.16423975

I can see why.

>> No.16423980

So do you think it will be French ship or an English ship next event?

>> No.16423987

Whatever it is it won't be a capital ship.

>> No.16423994

That's not what I asked.

>> No.16423999

I know, I'm simply making sure some retard doesn't suggest a BB or a CV.

>> No.16424001

Foreign ships were a mistake

>> No.16424011

Just like your life.

>> No.16424043

It can be whatever as long as it isn't some famous burger shit. Even a fucking Cambodian raft would be better.

>> No.16424053


>> No.16424072

Because fans of burger ships are by far the most cancerous people I have ever seen in those threads. I thought they would shut up with their bickering after Iowa was introduced and stop with the Enterprise shit after Saratoga came but it's gotten even worse instead. So burger ships should forever be doomed to irrelevancy and anything is better than more of them.

>> No.16424083
File: 352 KB, 500x375, 16inches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me where the fairy touched you.

>> No.16424094

So you're just a retard then.

>> No.16424097

All over the thread.
I actually enjoyed reveal of 16inch and Iowa a lot, it was really great but here's the thing. The problem with those people is that they refuse to shut up and keep talking about same fucking thing all the fucking time. Every fucking thread. Non stop. New ship? Of course they have to talk about US. Nothing happens? They have to talk about US ships/eq. There's a different discussion? They try to change it to US discussion. Fucking hell.

No, you are.

>> No.16424102

Did you even read the whole post?
>Ever since Kon

>> No.16424104

5 inch DD mounts fucking when?

>> No.16424106 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 474x356, mwpo88x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anon, I'm worried about your future.

>> No.16424110

A true teitoku should not let retarded fans color their perception of shipgirls.

>> No.16424114

If you can't tell why I'm calling you a retard then you really are one. Also F4U fucking when?

>> No.16424121

It doesn't affect my perception of shipgirls. Saratoga is my second most favorite carrier and Iowa is nice despite sounding like mentally challenged. It does however affect the threads. Very negatively. I like those threads so I don't want them to become worse. Burger ships would make them worse.

>> No.16424122

I can, I'm just saying you're retarded for thinking the way you are.

>> No.16424125
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>> No.16424127

>American ships cause butthurt years after the war

>> No.16424138

You need to take your nostalgia goggles off, the threads aren't any worse now than they were two years ago.

>> No.16424146

You said:
>burger ships should forever be doomed to irrelevancy

That's impossible. Iowa is still pretty popular and Sara is gaining momentum. As long as people care about them, burger ships are not gonna be irrelevant.

>> No.16424147

Please just update all the sprites already

>> No.16424151

Give them an inch and they'll take a mile.

>> No.16424158

And there is nothing anyone can do about it because Japanese fans want it too, in fact, they want it the most.

>> No.16424185

You're just moving goalposts. You said
>No, event rewards are almost always related to what new ships are present.
But let's play your game. Rangefinder wasn't related to Summer 2015 ships either. And FuMO25 to Spring 2015 ships (by the way it was the best reward of whole event, similar to how F6F-5 could easily be by far the best reward of next event). Most of rewards in 2016 were LBAS so they don't support your claim either.
16inch (Rei-gou) doesn't exactly work in your favor because it had nothing to do with that event's ships.
Reppuu (601) for Truk is arguable too as it is only related to Unryuu.
That's a whole lot of exceptions to your "almost always".

Just to avoid further subject derail, remember, your point was
>Hellcat won't be event reward for Winter 2017
and not
>event rewards are often related to new ships
because latter isn't a counterargument in the slightest to the former so talking about it doesn't contribute anything.

You said "No". You didn't say "I don't think so".

>> No.16424190

Exactly, you nailed it.

>> No.16424219

We were talking about new ships, I thought it would be obvious from context. I guess I should have been more specific, sorry.

I'm not saying they were much better in the past because they had their fair share of problems too. But those were different problems which disappeared or became smaller over time. Sadly they got replaced with something else, something that can still get worse. Is it that strange I'm not happy with it?

Ships? No. Annoying faggots? Yes.

>> No.16424226

Too bad.

>> No.16424240

New burger botes are still happening. One anon sperging out on a corner of the net is not gonna change Tanaka's mind.

>> No.16424267

Of course, it's obvious. However we can cut down on all the talk about things which aren't in the game.

>> No.16424292

Yeah that ain't happening. Best advice I can give is ignore and filter if it bothers you so much.

>> No.16424303
File: 54 KB, 500x375, iKPuCN5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even imagine the amount of butthurt if Tanaka decides to flip the table and make us play all the events we've had until now but from the USN side, now with full alliescolle happening.

It would make this game last for 5 more years.

>> No.16424314

What would happen to the IJN ships?

>> No.16424323

They'd be doing their own things obviously, this isn't WW2.

>> No.16424405
File: 317 KB, 460x365, 攻略編成_023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm done for a while.

>> No.16424418

And you are adding to the cancer.

>> No.16424439

>Not married
Not yet you're not.

>> No.16424471

>marrying a shit ship like Maya

>> No.16424473

Is it worth max duck guns? i have 9 +4 duck guns. I mean i thought it only matters on the duck who performs AACI, enlighten me guys.

>> No.16424476

Where's the maxed 25mmCD?

>> No.16424481

Thats why i said for a while.

>> No.16424497

>it only matters on the duck who performs AACI
What it?

>> No.16424502


>> No.16424549

I want a Zuiun with lasers.

>> No.16424559

The improvement, i mean a +9 duck gun is just 1 extra firepower compared to +4 gun, so i was asking if i should still max them or just 2/4 for ducks.

>> No.16424562

Shut up Hyuuga.

>> No.16424563

>-- Moving on, ship girls from foreign navies have started appearing in KanColle recently. Are there any ship girls you would love to see added to the game in the future?
>The fabled senior "Mikasa", not to mention the enigmatic Reds, the Russian Leningrad-class destroyers!
I'm sure Верный will do her best as an interpreter. *laughs*
I'm glad Uesaka isn't as influential with the staff as Fujita, otherwise we'd end up without another WoWS.

>> No.16424593

+1 firepower and +1 accuracy and more AA. It's a lot. Furthermore upgrades are counted differently for the AA formulae and they matter a lot there meaning it's worth it to bring them all the way to max.

Akizuki guns are the best guns available to the DDs so you want to use them on every kind of DD. Light fleet often consists of five DDs so the optimal number is ten Akizuki guns.

I'd say go for three pairs at +4 at first, and later, depending on if you have other DD guns upgraded, start maxing them out or create another pair or two at +4.

If you still have a lot of stuff to upgrade, staying at +4 is fine due to the diminishing returns of square root modifier but your end goal will be ten max Akizuki guns.

>> No.16424595

I didn't want to count land bases because it's not a shipgirl, but if you want it that way, it was just to fill in the slots, it's now a game changing part of the sortie. And you keep ignoring the "almost always" part of my post, not every reward is going to be related, you are deliberately picking the unrelated rewards to fit your argument, which are early map rewards (except FuMO). You bring up 16inch but that's the event Zara was at and it rewarded Ro.43, you brought up 51cm earlier and Spring 2015 was the event with the most shipgirl related equipment rewards to date. If anything, they might reward a new engine or turbine for players to use on E1 for the next map, similarly to last event's E1 that rewarded Raiden and Hien to perform the perfect air defense easier for debuffing.

>> No.16424606

>And you keep ignoring the "almost always" part of my post, not every reward is going to be related, you are deliberately picking the unrelated rewards to fit your argument
No, retard. I'm specifically addressing your "almost always" part and name all those examples to prove you wrong. It isn't "almost always". It's merely "often". Therefore, you can't use this is as a counterargument to the initial post of that other anon. That's the whole point of my posts. That you were wrong with your initial reply.

>> No.16424621


>> No.16424781 [DELETED] 



>> No.16424796 [DELETED] 

Reddit go away.

>> No.16424821 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 323x454, For_what_purpose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16424824

warspit didn't do shit in ww2 other than italian bullying.

>> No.16424838

Eh, I would say they saw the same amount of shit with E accomplishing a bit more.

>> No.16424871


>> No.16424873

She bullied some German destroyers too.

>> No.16424924

No battleship ever distinguished itself in WWII.

>> No.16424937
File: 100 KB, 850x574, __zara_kantai_collection_drawn_by_takatsuki_nato__sample-543cbe72e8d75b82366035104c07999e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



We've got a date lads! Now the only real question will be Pizza or Pasta?

>> No.16424944

This, some got kills here and there but 99% of them and their careers were support and bombardments.

>> No.16424949

See >>16420746.

>> No.16424956

That's not the Kai 2 date, it's a small server strengthening maint to prepare for the event and increase the max ship capacity that they always do before events.

>> No.16424965

You know it's probably been finished since forever right?

>> No.16425017

So we get old jiji instead of new jiji?

>> No.16425032


>> No.16425039

wacha gonna do?

>> No.16425040


>> No.16425044

New Jiji. What I meant was it has been finished since last year. Probably.

>> No.16425045

New jiji is old jiji. Everything you see wasn't drawn a week before it was published.

>> No.16425069

Zara isn't even a full year old.
I wonder when he drew the K2.

>> No.16425087

Is it possible Arashio might be remodeled the same day before the event starts? There hasn't been 2 remodels in 1 update in 9 months.

>> No.16425091

When he talked with Tanaka over the Phone.

>> No.16425093

>Zara isn't even a full year old.
Damn, you're right. It feels like ages have passed.
Well, her original sprite was most likely created some time in 2015 while Kai Ni probably happened after the collaboration stuff. Collaborations were in late summer/early Fall, so that art was probably ready around the middle of the year. I assume Zara Kai Ni was either created before Fall 2016 or shortly after it.

Possible yes but with current pace it's incredibly unlikely and I think she'll get the Kai Ni 3-5 weeks after the event ends.

>> No.16425094
File: 22 KB, 203x285, quest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one?

>> No.16425100

How many seaplane fighters do you already have?

>> No.16425106

Just the one Ro44 from pola
I do have a max seaplane that upgrades to the type 2 but I don't have the sacrificial fighters to upgrade it

>> No.16425107

Catalina for that sweet LBAS oASW bonus.

>> No.16425114

The fighter is arguably more useful for day to day ops, but the Catalina is currently unobtainable and has a pretty useful LBAS range boost.

>> No.16425119

Well you need 3 seplane fighters for 6-4 so I'd recommend to pick the type 2, assuming you already have a Catalina

>> No.16425120

Stay safe, anon.

>> No.16425125

How do you turn off Ooyodo's presence in the quest page?

>> No.16425127

You can make Ro.44 for super cheap, I guarantee you Catalina will be useful for ASW sweeps when the Toukai arrives.

>> No.16425128

With the slider.

>> No.16425129

Better question: How do you turn off Ooyodo?

>> No.16425133
File: 356 KB, 460x364, 2017-01-17_02-47-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This way.

>> No.16425145
File: 720 KB, 795x480, 3-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16425160
File: 14 KB, 231x42, 20170116_19495415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muting the flagship of your heart

>> No.16425169

I wish they'd change Yodo's sprite in the quest panel, I hate her nose.

>> No.16425171

I wish they have your starter sometimes show up in the quest panel.

>> No.16425180

She's one of the few with an actual nose.

>> No.16425182
File: 133 KB, 556x800, 0321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like her to bully my penis.

>> No.16425184

The problem is the blush on it. It reminds me of those shitty tumblr noses.

>> No.16425186

How much do you hoard your furniture fairies?

>> No.16425189

That's a big con for 2D. Noses look like utter shit on M&A characters outside of FKMT.

>> No.16425202

I started hoarding them when I had 1-2 to wait for better stuff. Now I either got picky or new furniture over past year sucked, maybe both. Thing is, I have 11.

>> No.16425218
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>> No.16425222

Where did you get this image?

>> No.16425231
File: 163 KB, 1121x1500, 1466750300687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I've ever heard of someone complain about her nose, it's always glasses or the occasional man hands.

>> No.16425236

le leddit

>> No.16425237

Can't find it anywhere, but what is this weird plane that has a pre-emptive strike before the regular air phase?

>> No.16425240

They're jets.

>> No.16425243

A jet. It can easily be shot down.

>> No.16425249


Thanks, I hadn't seen one before in pvp. Are they any good?

>> No.16425257
File: 2.86 MB, 840x480, 1482778619447.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16425258

They're just beefed up fighter-bombers like the M62s so no.

>> No.16425260

The basically have an extra phase where they can get shot down so no.

>> No.16425264

Only if you use them correctly. Idiots like >>16425257 and >>16425258 will claim they're absolutely useless, but the trick is not using them in AA-intensive maps.

>> No.16425268
File: 1004 KB, 798x478, 1482627427267.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was the point of implementing them again?

>> No.16425269

I didn't say they were useless, I said they were beefed up M62s.

>> No.16425270

Well, that explains it.

>> No.16425271

Stop posting that shitty gif.

>> No.16425276

They are slightly better than T62 Iwai
Literally useless except for some certain map where you wanna squeeze extra AA like in 4-5

>> No.16425285

Then what the hell is the point? Heavy AA maps are usually the crane's job and anything weaker you might as well send Unryuu class. Dive bombers are just shit even if Jet Keiun is the strongest dive bomber.

>> No.16425288

If by AA-intensive map you mean any map with more than 0 Tsu-class elites combining every node of the route and the boss node, sure.

>> No.16425292

Remove the comparisons and it will be perfect.

>> No.16425299

>but the trick is not using them in AA-intensive maps
Yeah. Wasting hundreds of steel on 1-1 is such an awesome tactic. Glad you're there to give out useful hints senpai. Will you tell me to clear 2-4 with Hotels next?

>> No.16425308
File: 389 KB, 640x360, 1442779300090.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does literally zero damage against anything stronger than bottom-tier DDs
>Doesn't gain fighter power from chevrons
>Iwamoto has same AA stat as Kikka but doesn't eat steel
>Keiun has less AA than F6F

>> No.16425313

I probably should clarify. By "AA-intensive", I mean maps where your airpower won't be raped by double Tsu on every node. If there's a high chance of your slots being wiped before even reaching the boss, then it's obviously not worth using the jet fighter-bombers there.

>> No.16425314

5-4 has 0 (read: zero [TL note: zero means NULL]) ships with any sort of AA equipment and the air power requirements aren't even high either. If jest are shit even there, they're 99% useless for gameplay in general and 101% useless for events. Even T99 (Ekusa) are better than them for normal sorties even though you only use those for support.

As other anon said, Cranes are the carriers you want to save for the hardest maps (because they're by far the best carriers) and they're the only ones who can use jets. That means you will never ever use jets in events. At least as they are now.

>> No.16425315

Steel is the least valuable resource in this game.

>> No.16425334
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>Delayed until April

>> No.16425335

But that summed up your words perfectly.

>I probably should clarify. By "AA-intensive"
You mean the examples you quoted in previous post. One of them was from 5-4. The map without a single Tsu-class. Seriously, 5-4 isn't much different from 2-4 AA wise. Air power requirement for AS+ isn't even 100 higher and you actually have to battle more nodes. Or are you trying to say you didn't even read the posts you quoted? In that case you're the one who doesn't deserve anything more than pity "(You)".

>> No.16425336

Keiun is at the same level as Re 2001 and Type zero M51 in terms of AA.

>> No.16425344
File: 11 KB, 144x45, 2017-01-17_03-42-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you're a retard who's spamming inefficient expeditions. If you actually recognize how much you spend of each resource and accommodate your expeditions you will be able to reach the perfect balance which will result in each resource being equally valuable.

>> No.16425397

Pure fighter Me 262 when?

Also, what gimmick would you like night fighters to have?

>> No.16425401

The Kikka is not an ME-262

>> No.16425405

He didn't say it was, he was asking for a pure fighter Me262.

>> No.16425424


>> No.16425425

Never because Hitler decided to make it a fighter-bomber.

>> No.16425429

Leave him alone. Some players just can't accept that jets are shit and always will be shit.

>> No.16425431 [DELETED] 


>> No.16425433

>Pure fighter Me 262 when?
No such thing due to Hitler. Better hope we get the Vampire or the FH Phantom.
>Also, what gimmick would you like night fighters to have?
Attack at night.

>> No.16425434

As someone who thinks jets are useless, I don't regret wasting 89 screws on Jet Keiun. Why? Because this is KanColle, you do shit to fill in the kantaidex, not to get good shit.

>> No.16425440

You don't have Shinden Kai or Tenzan 931, so it's pointless.

>> No.16425447

I believe Tanaka will re-release Shinden Kai when he adds a jet fighter so you can convert it into the real Shinden Kai.

>> No.16425448
File: 787 KB, 300x187, 1472162559920.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fill your kandex with useless gear
>something actually useful comes along
>you have no more room

>> No.16425452 [DELETED] 

I'm talking about the library you dumb shit.

>> No.16425456

I'm talking about the library you dumb shit. This is why nobody likes you, CaoCao.

>> No.16425465

You're supposed to collect stuff to use it, dipshit, not just jack off to how purty it looks.

>> No.16425470

Fuck you if I want to jack off to fairies then I will.

>> No.16425486
File: 21 KB, 287x430, Suisei_(Egusa_Squadron)_100_Full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If beauty = usefulness, Suisei Egusa would be the best, but it's shit outside of support.

>> No.16425494

That was exactly the point I was making, you double retard.

>> No.16425505
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>> No.16425513

Very accurate.

>> No.16425519
File: 352 KB, 351x783, Yamato_Summer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why use steels for jets when you can use it to build a Yamato instead?

>> No.16425522

Me 262 were just mainly used as fighter-bombers. It doesn't mean it was the best possible role for the aircraft and there was no fighter and interceptor versions built.


>> No.16425531

The sweetness made my teeth feel rotten.

>> No.16425532
File: 337 KB, 1763x416, 08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy's Kasumi doujins make me kek

>> No.16425538

Anon, all jet aircraft from the WW2 era were shit.

>> No.16425550
File: 536 KB, 787x787, 6034e4393bab615a7f8f29b9164ba4ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make me want to bring her home

>> No.16425557

>This was a Blitzkrieg aircraft. You whack in at your bomber. It was never meant to be a dogfighter, it was meant to be a destroyer of bombers... The great problem with it was it did not have dive brakes. For example, if you want to fight and destroy a B-17, you come in on a dive. The 30mm cannon were not so accurate beyond 600 metres. So you normally came in at 600 yards and would open fire on your B-17. And your closing speed was still high and since you had to break away at 200 meters to avoid a collision, you only had two seconds firing time. Now, in two seconds, you can't sight. You can fire randomly and hope for the best. If you want to sight and fire, you need to double that time to four seconds. And with dive brakes, you could have done that
Wonderful. So it will have 13 to 15 AA instead.

>> No.16425576

I forgot Britain still sort of used English measurements at the time.

>> No.16425587

Does Akebono actually hate you or is she just pretending?

>> No.16425596

It doesn't matter, since I actually hate Akebono.

>> No.16425597

She never hated you and never pretended either.
She's very cautious and and harsh at first but warms up with time as you can tell from her consecutive seasonal lines.

Why is it so hard for people to understand characters?

>> No.16425600

I'm so dense, anon.

>> No.16425605

Not everyone has the experience to understand social cues.

>> No.16425613

Nice try Akebono.

>> No.16425624

I wonder if that's the source of all the mistreatment of girls like Kaga.

Read up on Akebono's history. She had it rough. It makes sense why she doesn't trust her new commander. Sure, she's rude and I wouldn't blame anyone for not giving her a chance but if you do, you'll realize there's more to her. She is serious about her duties and does notice your efforts. I honestly recommend going through her lines and especially seasonal ones, in the order they were added. The transition is clear. In the most recent ones, you can feel actual warmth coming from her and the old insult turns into a basically pet name.

I don't think experience is necessary to be able to sympathize with someone or understand that person (to some extent). For example I never experienced anyone loving me ;_;

>> No.16425626

t. Do-M T.E. Itoku

>> No.16425642

Istanbul map

>> No.16425647

10/11/251/250 and 10/10/250/250 give the exact same shit.

And you only need 2 stars on CD for it to be better than Pompom or Bofors. That's just six triples.

>> No.16425651

You described Kasumi, not Kusobono.

>> No.16425653

>no upgraded luck

Yes. It affects fleet AA a lot.

>> No.16425654

11/251 has slightly better rates.

>And you only need 2 stars on CD for it to be better than Pompom or Bofors.
Wrong. Only for AA. Overall it will still be worse than Bofors.

>> No.16425657

No. Kasumi develops with Kai Ni and to lesser extent seasonals. Akebono develops with just seasonals.

>> No.16425664

>>16425264 (You)

>> No.16425670

Jets are shit but you're delusional if you think they'll remain shit.

>> No.16425677

Akebono would be a lovely beautiful woman when she grows up.

>> No.16425682

More like dive bombers are shit even while having high dive bomb. Re.2001 G has more value than Kikka, only fighters and torpedo bombers can potentially be good.

>> No.16425686

If you're going for 25mm+3 because of its firepower then you're obviously referring to daytime firepower here. And in this case +2 25mmCD will be better than Bofors.

>> No.16425689

It's historical fact.

>> No.16425697

Want me to list things that were shit historically but are overpowered in-game?

>> No.16425704

>And you only need 2 stars on CD for it to be better than Pompom or Bofors
Better in what regard sempai?

>> No.16425705

>you only need 2 stars on CD for it to be better than Pompom or Bofors
3 stars. AA guns gain adjusted AA equal to 4*sqrt(stars). 25mmCD has 54 adjusted AA, and Bofors/Pompom has 60 adjusted AA; therefore CD needs 3 upgrades before its adjusted AA exceeds 60.

>> No.16425710

The grind to marriage level is so painful.

>> No.16425712


>> No.16425726


>> No.16425729


>> No.16425731

Better in shooting down planes. I'm calculating now.

I didn't think I'd have to pull out the AA calculator again. But oh well.

>adjusted AA
Ayyyyyyy lmao

>> No.16425738
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It gets worse

>> No.16425753

>Ayyyyyyy lmao
What's that supposed to mean? Don't tell me you don't know how AA is calculated.

>> No.16425762

The "adjusted" AA you're referring to is only for ship AA.

>> No.16425779

>my ass

>> No.16425782

Damn no, but its a good idea.

>> No.16425783


>> No.16425786

Why the fuck are you replying to posts from 19 hours ago?

>> No.16425787
File: 212 KB, 500x642, 57285560_p58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does she wear the mask?

>> No.16425791

Yes, and? All I was saying is that a 25mmCD needs 3 stars in order to surpass the Bofors in terms of AA.

>> No.16425795
File: 74 KB, 600x600, FIGURE-027362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lebe got a figure before Max
Is Lebe really that popular?

>> No.16425802

Well Lebe is in WoWS and not Max, not that that means anything.

>> No.16425808

Hold on, I made a mistake. It needs higher than +3, not lower.

>> No.16425820

I guess the free DMM points really were sent out and losers don't even get a notification.

>> No.16425823

>Choosing 25mm triple doesn't affect your 25mm (CD) upgrades.
That's wrong. Upgrading it to +6 loses one piece of fodder for CD. Every upgrade beyond +6 wastes another piece.

If you got the +3 25mm triple from the quest, upgrade it to +6 and stop. If you must upgrade AA guns, do 25mm twins instead.

>> No.16425824

Lebecchang is the nameship, so her name gets to be the name of the class in WoWS.

>> No.16425827

What sort of calculation are you using?
Bofors is 6*10 = 60 eAA
25mmCD +3 is (6*9)+(4*sqrt(3)) = 60.9 eAA.
Though I suppose if you consider rounding, then you need +4 to get exactly 62 eAA

>> No.16425835

Adjusted AA is only for ship AA. Fleet AA is different.

For 25mm CD below +3, Bofors/Pompom is always better; for 25mm CD to be better at +3 the enemy fleet's plane slot sizes need to be 144.2436/65.4023, 262.5056/153.0038, 426.7585/196.8045 after the first stage for air raid nodes/other nodes for single, main and escort fleet respectively, which is unrealistic.

At +4 it's 31.5744/-5.016, 86.46/35.64, 162.69/55.968 instead, meaning 25mm CD is only better for single fleet.

At +5 it's 0.2808/-24.5745, 37.5638/3.0425, 89.3457/16.851, so Bofors/Pompom is only better if equipped on a ship in the escort fleet of a combined fleet.

At +6 it's -14.6175/-33.8859, 14.2852/-12.4765, 54.4278/-1.7718. Bofors/Pompom still holds the edge for air raid nodes if equipped on a ship in the escort fleet of a combined fleet. At +7 it's 33.7991, at +8 it's 20.0755, at +9 it's 10.23, at max it's 2.7881.

>> No.16425836
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Didn't Max get a swimsuit one?

>> No.16425849

I wish the Abyssal mine was part of the game, it has lots of potential.

>> No.16425856

Who cares? They are both shit.

>> No.16425862

wonder what "newer" event ships they will make farmable this event; I doubt they will dump Warspite or Iowa in an easy event, but Nimu seems fine

>> No.16425871

Iowa and Warspite haven't even been around for a year.

>> No.16425877

Oh, if you're talking about fleet AA, then you can disregard improvements entirely, as improvements to AA guns do not affect fleet AA. In that case, Bofors/Pompom will always be better, if only marginally (+2 unmodified fleet AA rather than CD's +1.8)

>> No.16425885

Definitely Zara, maybe Minazuki

>> No.16425916

Zara and Minazuki. Perhaps Pola again.

>> No.16425921

75 is safe for Zara?

>> No.16425924


>> No.16425928

My waifu

>> No.16425929

85 is safer.

>> No.16425931


>> No.16425934


>> No.16425935

90 with blueprint and catapult.

>> No.16425939


>> No.16425941

You mean super bulge.

>> No.16425946

+10, of course.

>> No.16425959

What was the last CA Kai Ni?

>> No.16425967


>> No.16425994

I'm talking about overall AA, not ship AA or fleet AA.

>> No.16426002

Kako, and Furutaka, maybe.

>> No.16426008

Littorio, and Roma.

Well, hopefully.

>> No.16426139

This. I haven't been able to get the Italians since the day I joined

>> No.16426142

Kako in June 2015.

Furutaka was in 2014.

>> No.16426226
File: 7 KB, 473x85, sub-aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>subs have 0 AA
>this happens
I don't get it.

>> No.16426239

One of the pilots got lost and ran out of fuel.

>> No.16426259

Even Libe, anon?

>> No.16426267

I actually scrapped her at some point and regretted it immediately

>> No.16426272

But she's best pasta and also useful after OASW update.

>> No.16426301

Yeah I really want those two too since they're the only Pastas I'm missing

>> No.16426364
File: 351 KB, 796x476, Screen Shot 2017-01-17 at 6.24.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Putting the 2 highest level kanmusu at the bottom

This motherfucker...

>> No.16426366

every day

>> No.16426375

Ugh. Bofors has other stats too.

>> No.16426377

I love Kaga's kuudere personality, if only her lines involved you more instead of Akagi all the time.

>> No.16426382

It's your own fault for not doing your EOs.

>> No.16426400

>Kaga's kuudere personality
Pick one, fagtron.

>> No.16426414

>instead of Akagi all the time

Seasonal maybe, otherwise not really.

>> No.16426421


>> No.16426428
File: 350 KB, 802x478, nngh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16426431

Shikinami is nice.

>> No.16426453

>marrying wannabe tsundere

>> No.16426456

i will never understand these people

>> No.16426458


>> No.16426466
File: 614 KB, 600x840, CodosrOUsAEK4So.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much perfect.

>> No.16426467

This is like kancolle gore.

>> No.16426482

>Commander! I was awesome, yeah? Right? Ah, no, I don't really care about that at all...

>> No.16426486

I don't understand?

>> No.16426494

That's not a tsundere.

>> No.16426508

Well if you have 12 Bofors I guess you can just use nothing but Bofors then.

>> No.16426531

But this game is KanColle.

>> No.16426549

Which steel node gives more steel in 4-2?
Also 911 posts xd

>> No.16426551

How is your day going on Nakau today, anon?

>> No.16426553

The southern one gives less.

>> No.16426573

What does Nakau mean?

>> No.16426677

Finally built my Kaga, do i even need another CV anymore.

>> No.16426682

You need at least 8 CV for events.

>> No.16426683

Try clearing events with a single CV and see what happens.

>> No.16426684

Am I supposed to be upgrading my jets?

>> No.16426686

Yes. Souryuu, Hiryuu, the Cranes, Taiha

>> No.16426696

For now, no but you will need more pretty soon.

>> No.16426699

No, since you can't upgrade them.

>> No.16426702

Kaga fell out of meta with the pilot skill patch.

>> No.16426706

All armoured CV are straight up superior, Saratoga has better plane slot distribution, dragons have better firepower. Kaga is now a mid tier CV at best.

>> No.16426708

Inb4 Sara's evasion sucks.

>> No.16426711

>Saratoga has better plane slot distribution
>three 18s
Literally Reppuu mule.

>> No.16426717

Yeah just go ahead and ignore that she has the biggest first slot of all CVs.

>> No.16426722

1x bomber 3x greens, and she does that perfectly while having the biggest 1st slot. Kaga's big slot is worth fuck all since its 3rd, and those 20s will get raped hard by tsu.

>> No.16426727

So a CV with something like 60/10/10/10 has the best distribution ever?

>> No.16426734

Kaga has a better personality

>> No.16426750

35~40 seems just about right. Big enough to not get fucked by AA but not excessively big that you have to spend millions in bauxite to replenish them every time.

>> No.16426794

Fixable once you marry her and/or if you installed an expansion slot on her and put a turbine.

>> No.16426801

Evasion is a meme stat which barely matters anyway. It seriously needs a rework.

>> No.16426819

Kaga is #4 tied with Sara. Dragons' firepower can't compare to Kaga's plane count and bulk. Dragons have awful slots too. Dragons are only good for support.

>> No.16426842

While true, it's the stats and usage that's being discussed.

>> No.16426855

She has better stats and is more usable than most of carriers. Cranes are unquestionable queens but after them it isn't clear and Kaga is certainly near the top of other CV. It depends on situation.

>> No.16426897

>but after them it isn't clear


>> No.16426931

I don't trust her evasion on 5-5 and she sometimes lacks power in chuuha meaning her being armored isn't as much of an advantage as it is for cranes. If your Taihou was married or higher level than Kaga then sure, she definitely is #3 but otherwise, I think she's only half a step ahead of her. With two bombers 20 + 46 gives better air strike than 30 + 24. For high AS requirements, Kaga gives you something other carriers can't meaning even if she isn't the best for dealing damage in shelling, she's very valuable choice as second or third carrier to improve total performance of your fleet. After all you sortie multiple ships, 1v1 comparisons don't tell the whole story.

>> No.16426935

Kuudere Kaga > Kaga wife

>> No.16426936

So did any of you win the lottery?

>> No.16426943

Of course not.

>> No.16426995
File: 175 KB, 1204x727, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this going to I instead of H on 6-2? the wiki says you need between 29 and 30.88, and when I checked my equipment I had forgotten to equip tone so I actually had even less and it still sent me to I. I got the kill anyway but triple ru is scary so I don't know if I can do it 2 more times.

>> No.16426998

Does anyone use Akagi still?

>> No.16427018

I use her for route support.

>> No.16427027

Because you have 82.96 LoS

>> No.16427030

I use all CVs except Aquila.

>> No.16427034
File: 55 KB, 479x361, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dead fish
>better personality

>> No.16427054

don't I have 30.56? I can't even get those other numbers below 30 unless I unequip every single plane.

>> No.16427064

You're supposed to use the comps with CLTs so you don't have to bother with that LoS bullshit.

>> No.16427073

weekly quest?

>> No.16427075

Yeah, and give her HP a multiple of 12, right?

>> No.16427084

Fuck off already.

>> No.16427088

I don't know about that. I would certainly prefer Taihou to Kaga as the third CV. If I use Kaga over Taihou it's only due to branching rules or ship locking (since I only have a Kaga dupe). And my Taihou has always been at a lower level than my Kaga.

I did, in 2013.

>> No.16427096

>multiple of 12
Will some kind soul please explain this meme to me?

>> No.16427102

but I have kiso and it still went to I. am I supposed to go through the extra battle at E?

>> No.16427112

It means the hit triggering overkill protection (which happen rarely for big ships not to mention big ships often get scratched anyway because of low evasion) is a bit more likely to taiha your ship. It only matters on DDs and isn't huge either. That guy is a retard.

>> No.16427114

Use 2CA 2CLT 2CV

>> No.16427123

Has a better personality against who? Shoukaku? Well yeah, Shoukaku nearly doesn't have one.

>> No.16427159

Sara, going by the surrounding conversation.

>> No.16427160

Or, you know, a memester like over half this thread is?

>> No.16427164

good to see that you still can't read after a year my man

is what i wanted to say, but it seems like it's just english wiki being retarded

6-2 uses a factor of 3 when calculating LoS, so you need the 3倍時 number to be in between 40-43 to go FHK. how to do that? think for yourself or copy a fleet from the wikia or japanese wiki.

>> No.16427166

Shoukaku is pretty barebones. Doesn't help her lines are some of earliest ones.

>> No.16427169

Those people should go away.

>> No.16427171

Sara has plently. Like a socialite Onee-san/wife. Hell she has food and drink on the bar counter 24/7 and doesn't let that eclipse her personality.

Kaga has a decent personality for this game. She cares about her juniors though there is a bit of hierarchical bullying going on.

Of course that's just a decent personality for this game. For any other game both would be barebones. And Shoukaku is even worse.

>> No.16427186

Both the page for 6-2 and Line of sight clearly mention it.

>This map uses the F33(Cn=3) formula, this means that LoS from equipments weights 3 times more than usual.
>In 6-2, F33(Cn=3) have to be less than 43 to guarantee F>H and more than 40 to guarantee H>K

I don't know where he got the 30.88 LoS from.

>> No.16427187

Better than nothing, wow!

>> No.16427201

>Sara has plenty. Like a socialite Onee-san/wife.
More is not better in this case, but that's just personal preference, as I find these traits to be pretty meh.

>> No.16427204

like i said, it's the wiki, not wikia

>> No.16427207

>bit of hierarchical bullying
Which is funny considering she's a bigger loser than them.

>> No.16427214

Is there actually hierarchical bullying? Cranes don't really mention anything.

>> No.16427228

This game has at least as many characters as the Japanese meme rendition of 三国演义 known as Dynasty Warriors, so it's understandable that most characters are one-dimensional at best, with the rest of their character traits being derived from fanon.

>> No.16427229

A mommy and sister, its what I've wanted for so long.

>> No.16427239

>not to mention big ships often get scratched anyway
Actually, it also matters for scratch damage, albeit not by much. It means that a ship can take more scratch before going to shouha/chuuha/taiha.

When giving a ship with multiple of 4 HP more HP, the first HP goes into the green HP quarter. The next goes into the orange HP quarter. The third goes into the yellow HP quarter. All these serve to make getting into the red HP quarter slightly harder; the difference gets smaller the more HP you start with. The fourth goes into the red HP quarter, undoing everything above.

>> No.16427243

Oh yeah, that outdated garbage. Well that one's using a completely different formula instead of the one on deckbuilder.

>> No.16427246

I just type everything in Excel and let my formulas do their thing.

>> No.16427258

even if I use night scout instead of normal seaplane it doesn't seem possible unless I drop double attack on tone.

>> No.16427289

I just use a viewer.

>> No.16427290

Then use a different route.

>> No.16427319

all these people arguing shit about CV personalities and I'm just here using Unryuu trios, not sure if happy or sad.

>> No.16427327

>More is not better in this case, but that's just personal preference, as I find these traits to be pretty meh.
I disagree, more base personality is better than a little. Shoukaku is one of the blandest characters in my opinion. If not for other character's lines(in particular their seasonals) you wouldn't even know she interacts with anyone outside her sister and the Admiral.

>> No.16427367

I also want people who engage in witch hunts against those who so much as hint that they play for stats or use dupes (which is also the majority of this thread) to go away, but you can't have everything.

>> No.16427377

It's okay. People just focused on the stronger CVs. Unryuus are cool for normal maps.

>> No.16427379


Implying you aren't the first to start shitting on anyone who play differently than you

>> No.16427384

>more base personality is better than a little
It doesn't matter how many quirks you stack if I still don't find them interesting. Shoukaku and Sara are just two shades of grey for me.

>> No.16427388

I only shit on those who shit on others. Usually I just post how I would have done it and then that's it.

>> No.16427397

>(which is also the majority of this thread)
I'm not sure which people you meant here. Almost everyone is playing for stats to some degree and it varies a lot. What I do know is that there are much more people here playing for stats than in other places. As for dupes, I think only a couple of anons are okay with them in general, quite a bit have dupe subs but majority doesn't have any sort of dupes.

>> No.16427400

It boils down to people having shit taste, anon. That's all.

>> No.16427401

You should go away, filthy dupe using statwhore.

>> No.16427403

>Almost everyone is playing for stats to some degree and it varies a lot.
What is this, 2014?

>> No.16427415

You don't upgrade eq? You don't use Kai Nis?

>> No.16427433
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>> No.16427434

Go to sleep little kid.

>> No.16427436

If basic things like upgrading equipment and levelling your ships counts as statfagging then sure.

>> No.16427458

Why wouldn't they? You use those because they have better stats after all.

>> No.16427466

Where's the Vita LSC guy?

>> No.16427469

I'd sink her, I like some girls, I like her, I like Singapore Princess too, I think Hoppou is cute too, But we don't have room for feeling where it's either you die, or sink hundreds

>> No.16427499

You can't sink a harbour.

>> No.16427523

>You can't sink a harbour
You can, just melt all the ice caps to raise the sea level.

>> No.16427547

Kaga has a super serious personality with a little tick about cardiv 5. Her character feels like the weakest from the silent types (of which i know, atleast) if you compare her to, say, Arare who is a moeblob-parody, or Shiranui who is a little sadistic (or mad/overserious, i can't point it out) on top of Kagas job focus.

>> No.16427579
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>> No.16427633

>Don't try to play nice with me now
That mistranslation still gets me.

>> No.16427651

Oh, sorry, I meant destroy

>> No.16427668


>> No.16427688

Use tags if you want to post something so disgusting.

>> No.16427692

Cute beginning and she has nice legs.

>> No.16427704

You can hover over the link to preview the tags with X-links. https://dnsev-h.github.io/x-links/

>> No.16427705
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Very cute.

>> No.16427723

Oh, I thought it died.

>> No.16427725
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This face though

>> No.16427730

I wonder if that artist realizes. Oh well, I liked it.

>> No.16427736


Danbooru in action, everybody.

>> No.16427742

Of what, a meme?

>> No.16427748


>> No.16427751

>a commentor literally quotes himself from wikia
Wow, autism has struck new heights.

>> No.16427757

>reading comments on a site used to post porn


>> No.16427761

I bet these people also follow Death Usagi, disgusting.

>> No.16427765

Well the Japanese know our memes, like we do theirs so its not too surprising.

>> No.16427771

Nothing disgusting about drunken rape. Don't be a prude.

>> No.16427799

Her tits are oversized.

>> No.16427814
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Is this better?

>> No.16427829

Will we get a Japanese submarine that can attack other submarines?

>> No.16427830

That better be Bloodborne she's playing or she can fuck right off.

>> No.16427832

That'll be the job of burger submarines.

>> No.16427836

And Scamp sank Imuya, who cares. And never ever because subs don't deserve the privilege.

>> No.16427850

They also don't deserve any equipment even at kai because fuck torpedo tubes.

>> No.16427854

That's a neat name.

>> No.16427875
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What's wrong with my 4-5 Final fleet? I can't kill her and it's killing me because each sortie costs 3000 fuel.

>> No.16427878

Use 2CV, maybe replace a Sanshiki or two with AP shells and what the fuck is that Musashi doing.

>> No.16427882

>meme fleet
>yasen equips
>no double attack Musashi

>> No.16427899


Torpedo accuracy formula. Only applies to opening and closing torp phases (so it doesn't affect shit like torpedo bombers' aerial strikes, or nighttime torp CI, or nighttime torp single attack).

Accuracy = floor(Base + sqrt(1.5*luck) + 2*sqrt(level) + ΣEquipment accuracy + floor(0.2*torpedo damage) + 2*sqrt(Σtorpedo upgrades) + Ship modifier)*Formation modifier*Morale modifier

Torpedo damage is calculated as shown on the wiki. This means things like engagement (eg. green/red T) affect torpedo accuracy as well. Even ammo modifiers.

Ship modifier for your own ships (and presumably your PvP opponents too) is 0. For abyssal ships some are 0 and some are not. Modifier list:

Now you know why Re elite (65 ship modifier, 120 base torp) makes people REEEEEEEE. And why So flags (70 ship modifier, 135 base torp) are such aimbots. And why 1-5-A at level 80+ was so annoying before we had opening A/S.

This last part wasn't discussed in the chink thread, but since support fleets don't take upgrades into account, I don't expect torpedo accuracy or damage to be affected by upgrades to torps either.

>> No.16427911

What the fuck.

When I did 4-5 south I gave each hotel gun/gun/recon/yasen equipment. And I also made sure the flagship had sanshiki.

>> No.16427916

Just use CAs

>> No.16427919

Chi Kai when?

>> No.16427933

For that last part, do you mean for Torpedo Support Expeditions?

>> No.16427939


>> No.16427940

Does it discuss how to decrease enemy accuracy (Formation, Sonars)?

>> No.16427941

Those never do anything more than scratch anyway.

>> No.16427960

What's wrong with 5BB1CV?

>> No.16427974

No. Evasion term is calculated the same way as for other attacks, single fleet formation info has already been datamined, Vita doesn't have combined fleet info to datamine, and sonars aren't included in the formula for some reason.

>> No.16428006

3000 fuel? Don't tell me you're going CFH and still bringing night battle equipment.

>> No.16428008

How was Kaga in the new movie?

>> No.16428031

Just like the others said, use DA setup + Sanshiki on each BBs.
Oh, and have at least 1-2 BB equip night recon

>> No.16428033

Monotone and boring, how else?

>> No.16428045

You're one of my favorite anons. Thank you!

>> No.16428050

1. Too expensive
2. Getting routed to that CL Oni + 2 Fs Ru(s) node

>> No.16428059

Is it based on Vita?

>This means things like engagement (eg. green/red T) affect torpedo accuracy as well.
So it's finally confirmed. It wasn't just a myth. Subs in green T are really more accurate.

>> No.16428061

So that's why Kiso is so shit compared to Kitakami and Ooi.

>> No.16428065

There was historically. Because of their training pilots of the IJN were a bunch of elitist faggots and the ones from CarDiv 1 spent their time belittling CarDiv 5 who initially were less experienced ( even hough they performed far better in the long run )

>> No.16428075


>> No.16428078

That suggests fairy squabbles more than anything.

>> No.16428089

That doesn't explain why Kaga would be associated any more with Zuikaku than with Shoukaku, or why Akagi doesn't say anything about either of them.

>> No.16428103

Ehh. The anecdotal evidence heavily supports this though (KitaOoi have more accurate opening torpedo than Kiso, Abukuma and especially AVs) so I guess I'll accept it as working the same in browser game as well.

>> No.16428108

It's only natural to be envious of the more successful one, and Zuikaku was more successful than Shoukaku.

>> No.16428112

>Even ammo modifiers.
Are you sure about this? Ammo modifier is only counted at the very end of the formula, AFTER armor roll. That would mean the torpedo accuracy will always be bad vs high armor enemies.

>> No.16428124
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>> No.16428178

But isn't it true though? This is why Abukuma was a bad idea to use against more than 4 Hime ships

>> No.16428185

Abukuma was never a bad idea though.

>> No.16428187 [SPOILER] 
File: 242 KB, 800x1112, 1484683163677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may only choose one.

>> No.16428188

Into the trash it goes.

>It's only natural
Not an argument.

>> No.16428204

>No Bismarck
Can I abstain my vote?

>> No.16428207

Kongou is the only one which is best choice of her class in that image.

>> No.16428209


>> No.16428217

Please Warspite be droppable in this event.

>> No.16428219

You're right, I misread. Thanks for catching that.

Only precap modifiers and the cap itself are affected.

>> No.16428221

>Wanting an old hag.
You like it dry huh?

>> No.16428223

>are affected
I mean affect torp accuracy.

>> No.16428228

No problem. I'm glad it turned out this way, makes more sense.

>> No.16428233

Why can't artists draw them with their actual boob sizes? I never find art of big breasted girls with their actual size, they're always pumped up.

>> No.16428235

No. Because you already have shit taste.

>> No.16428238
File: 93 KB, 800x565, 0cf3c73e89d0caf251c099f4d7d81513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kongou and Iowa would get annoying after awhile.

>> No.16428242

It's a one night stand, not marriage.

>> No.16428245

But Kongou canonically gushes like a waterfall at the mere mention of your name.

>> No.16428259

I would never treat Warspite like that.

>> No.16428292
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Kongou is 17!

>> No.16428308

Anything heavier than a CA is an adult 21 and over.

>> No.16428338

How old is Prinz Eugen? 18? 20?

>> No.16428344


>> No.16428475

Is there a reason unobtainable F4s can be upgraded from the day they are introduced while there is still shit like main: 10 HA, 12.7 HA Late; fighters: Reppu, Shiden K2; secondary: standard 15.5, 12.7 HA, 8 HA, that are much more easily obtainable yet cannot be upgraded for fucking years?

>> No.16428488
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Now seriously, you are right.

>> No.16428518
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But F4s aren't even in the game yet.

>> No.16428522


>> No.16428529

I swear if they do a power creep to Vietnam level tech I'll quit.

>> No.16428533

I will take all but Warspite, don't need dirty grandmas ruining things.

>> No.16428539

Only one? Iowa. Sorry Nagato, the other two can fuck off.

>> No.16428541


>dirty grandmas

But anon, the true grandma there is Kongo.

>> No.16428544

Not just dirty, but a cripple, her movements will be slow--like her speed actually!

>> No.16428551

The only "grandma" there is Iowa.

>> No.16428560

Oh don't be like that, you can still fuck her and drop her right after.

>> No.16428561

They have a shitton of ww2 stuff they could add to the game (ships/equipments/other combat locations around the world which could take at least 5+ years to run out if added frequently; current new ship /kai ni implementation speed indicates at least 10-15+ years) before even going into post war territory.

>> No.16428567

>Title is literally Grand OLD Lady
Cobwebs and all.

>> No.16428573

I'd rather have a Grand Old Lady than a regular old lady.

>> No.16428574

Because that's the end of the development line.
Not even made by the same company as Zeros like Reppuu. Same shit why the German planes are not upgradeable.
No idea. You would think it would be upgradeable to the paper design of Reppu Kai but no. It's the end of the development line after that though. Equally odd is the Italian planes on why they haven't been revealed as upgradeable from Re. 2001 to Re. 2005.

>> No.16428575

That's nice, but she's still a grandma. You can enjoy it if you want, I don't mind.

>> No.16428582
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Then what does that make Kongou?

>> No.16428594

Kongou is Kongou, she doesn't have any titles. Poor thing, just a battlecrusier.

>> No.16428604

>Same shit why the German planes are not upgradeable
Yeah, they definitly didn't make improvements to their naval arsenal, and that's why you can't upgrade their stuff at all... (Bismarck gun exclusive)
