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16331405 No.16331405 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>16301121

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>> No.16331496


I have Garania, Noel, and Mikoto for my ranged magic. I do want Odette for the skill but it isn't the end of the world if I don't get her.
Spica and Bashira are all fine and good but I really want her for the unkillableness.
I didn't really know what niche she fills but if she's a true damage unit that sounds good.
Never even considered him. I've never used Samurai before honestly but I'm not the best at this game.
Leanne and Maribel are my HA's, but I think Bernice would be better for general play than both of them. Maribel for the big bolognas though.

Thanks for all the advice anons! I feel like I rely on you guys a lot for advice.

>> No.16331535

Rikka is true damage only after SAW, which is not implemented on nutaku yet.

>> No.16331666

Bernice would be better than both other heavys, Kojuro would be better than all 3. Maribel has some very small stat gains (not attack gains) over Kojuro when skills are up, when they're down Kojuro beats the shit out of her making him more stable.
Bernice does defensive heavy very well, she can't attack worth shit but she won't die easily unless she gets 3-4 big hitters on her, Maribel would have the same issues here but Kojuro would pull through due to his aoe attack.

Most places you'd want Kojuro, a very few places you may want Bernice instead, never would you want Maribel over both of them. Bernice can take the place of Kojuro but you'd need to pair her with a mage to get a comparable use with him.

>> No.16331709

>I've never used Samurai before honestly

That's because there are only like three of them that are worth a shit.

>> No.16331842

Something clearly happened in Nutacuck headquarters that made them reconsider their 'inappropriate/offensive' content. Maybe someone who's capable of taking more risks took charge in decision making?
Aigis, for example, has been on a loli-adding spree recently, starting with Mischa, and later most notably Naynia and Elyse.

Now I'm not sure how this related to hard rape and bestiality for example, but we just might witness it all as it was originally.

>> No.16332242

Christ, 7.3k HP and 1k ATK without any buffs.

>> No.16332271

She does have that 48 cost but still, damn she's good and cute as fuck too.

>> No.16332304

I can't say I really understand the Oni class's cost. Amanda has almost 4.8k HP and ~1150 attack for less than half the cost. I know Oni has splash damage, but is it really worth that much more cost? I just don't think the stats justify it. They're just really expensive AoE bandits. Maybe I'm just missing something.

>> No.16332411

Damn she really costs that much? The map will be over by the time she gets placed.

>> No.16332498

gb2 /pol/ mememaster.

>> No.16332813
File: 450 KB, 1246x725, debilitate makakaja deathflies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got something better than a R eidolon. Not sure is she's worth keeping though.

>> No.16332860

There are plenty of better dark SRs but she's relatively good anyway, especially for auto-runs. Skillset is 1) all party double atack up/def down, 2)all party berserk(cannot use skills and ougi, damage up a lot/def down), 3) all party attack up.

>> No.16332878

Any point in griding these maps for Anna?

>> No.16332885

Do all the atk up effects stack with each other or is it like in Gran-Forget I asked

>> No.16332886

I'll take that as a "should keep her for now". What are the true chars to aim for anyway, I recall someone saying Fafnir.

>> No.16332887
File: 394 KB, 978x1417, 1345406182217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got me anon.

>> No.16332894

>or is it like in Gran

>> No.16332942

>1st map of Anna event can drop platinum armors
Guess that's why I couldn't complete the drops yet, a shame because I REALLY need these

>> No.16333104

The random Flower Knight drops in the New Year gacha are just bronzes right?

>> No.16333217


>> No.16333356

The hidden stage you spawn out of the 80 map almost feels like a waste. The normal map gives 500 sake and 8 bags. The garden 650 and 4 bags. Yet with 10 bags you can farm around 7 times a stage that gives 350 for 0 stamina.

>> No.16333366

Fafnir is a summon.
People recommend her because she is a good main summon for fire/water and a good sub summon because of her attack/def buff.

>> No.16333397

Daily reminder that there is now a Prince x Aigis doujin.

Rejoice, mortals and fuck the demoness.


>> No.16333403


Did she just fuck him back to life? God damn.

>> No.16333675
File: 116 KB, 592x370, Summons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And so, I topped myself to my 150 SC spree spread throughout the month with this last batch. Oh well.

>> No.16333702

Looks like she gave him a massive buff while she was at it. That's his Awakening Armor after all.

>> No.16333707

>OP as fuck
>she's a fucking NEVER EVER gacha black

>> No.16333721

Spend more money and you'll get her for sure.

>> No.16333730

Less than a minute and I already feel awful for posting this thinking about all the money I've spent on blacks, I'm sorry.

>> No.16333731
File: 273 KB, 680x635, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so tempting. I'm sure I could do 2 more 4* story missions or just wait for the Gold Rush missions to pop in to get 100 SC and get that S Legend stamp.
But I'm more partial to the idea of getting 50 SC in the next month and doing a Legend stamp card two months in a row.
After all, the only tangible bonuses I get are the bond fairies, and I'm not too fond of the current premium summons spotlight, I could wait for a whole month for a better one somewhere.

>> No.16333748

I'd go with 2 legend cards, bond fairys are good but not that good. Only those who don't need to consider it should get the S legend card.

>> No.16333756

don't do it, it's a ridiculous ripoff
get yourself another legend ticket for next month, best chance at a gacha black you get

>> No.16333760

Eh? I thought plat ticket means you get a plat?
Holy fuck you can get blacks from it? What are the odds?

>> No.16333766

It's a guaranteed Plat or higher, with a chance for Black. 15 or 20% for a Black IIRC.

>> No.16333769

Got Aigis wonder milk?

100% crystal and tears

>> No.16333778

Well now you got my hopes up, knowing my favor with Aigis only to have them shattered viciously.
I hope you're proud of yourself.

>> No.16333789

you can just buy another ticket with all the rainbow crystals you'll get from your premium silvers

post results pls. I too spent 150sc

>> No.16333804

>you can just buy another ticket with all the rainbow crystals you'll get from your premium silvers
This is Nutaku Aigis, friend.

>> No.16333888

If you've ever fought a mithril golem, you'll know that max stats can be much more relevant than cost.

>> No.16333995

I don't disagree, I just think the stats don't justify the cost. Much in the same way that people don't like golem tokens for their high cost and shortcomings. Golem tokens can't be healed but have roughly the same eHP and double the attack. Oni have splash. Both are wildly expensive to the point that they're hard to even deploy.

>> No.16334091

Bring more than 1 solider and she's not hard to deploy or learn when a unit should and shouldn't be brought to a map. Also, comparing her to a golem is stupid, since not being able to be healed is a pretty damn large shortcoming if you want to actually tank something meaningful.

>> No.16334273

damn, we can get her? she is OP AF

>> No.16334398
File: 381 KB, 735x300, 81a59d3dd9a84fbfac315f0d13d00e4d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should probably pay attention when a new thread is made.

>> No.16334691
File: 2.26 MB, 2014x1600, __dine_sennen_sensou_aigis_drawn_by_tasaka_shinnosuke__4bb5223daf57ff400b0639e4a3bdbf7a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aigis-sama saw it fit to bestow upon me Gellius, my first higher than gold male unit. My question is, is he worth investing into? Considering I already have Deine awakened at level 70. (And Bernice and Maribel ready to be awakened should I really need another gigant)
Would he add anything worth while for me?

>> No.16334759

I actually don't know what Nutaku is gonna do seeing that they do perform rules evasion and include loli but out of sight from banners and a couple hours of play, they will probably rewrite a lot of the scenes, it sucks but Probiller has an explicit no beast policy. Much to the /hgg/ disgust, NTR wouldn't be removed.

I really don't want to google payment processors and beast but I do know that banks and card services with cooperation/duress from the US government do not provide transaction services for obscene material it is one of the reason why a lot of obscene porn is "underground" even though it is technically legal in the US; I know lolicon while isn't actively stamped out is also in the same grey area, it gets used as obscenity charges on known pedophiles to avoid legal challenges to establish it is either speech or illegal speech/obscenity.

Also if you neets are curious about why the government and companies are dealing has to do with the fact that excessive regulations prevents new competition but also means every company is breaking some law so the companies don't piss off the government they get put on low priority for prosecution. Denying monitization seems to be an effective deterrent to samizdat propagation see other controversial shit like dailystormer.

also does anybody play any of the newer Nutaku games, is it a solid trend that they remove loli and that shit in the early portions of the game and implement them later/events? This perception of mine is from the fact that the games I do play, people bitch, Nutaku caves and adds the content, not that they have a choice ultimately, seeing that they need to consistently add content and are too incompetent to provide their own.

>> No.16334797

>also does anybody play any of the newer Nutaku games, is it a solid trend that they remove loli and that shit in the early portions of the game and implement them later/events? This perception of mine is from the fact that the games I do play, people bitch, Nutaku caves and adds the content, not that they have a choice ultimately, seeing that they need to consistently add content and are too incompetent to provide their own.

That seemed to be the case in the past (Osawari, Angelic Saga, etc.), but nowadays, it seems more consistent.

Flower Knight Girl had more issues with missing art, rather than censored art (aside from Asagao).

Brave Girl Ravens was supposedly "using outdated censorship standards," whatever the hell that means.

X-Overd looks perfectly fine with its two lolis (Lily and Souffle).

lol SenPro

>> No.16334799

This swimsuit Anna is not a very good unit, is she?

>> No.16334831

>Flower Knight Girl had more issues with missing art, rather than censored art (aside from Asagao).

And Lavender.

>Brave Girl Ravens was supposedly "using outdated censorship standards," whatever the hell that means.

Did they ever get around to fixing that one or are those girls still botched?

>> No.16334857

Of the ones I own, they're still botched.

>> No.16334894

Any chances of dragon princess revival coming in DMM?

>> No.16334897

Main reason payment processors don't do porn is the chargeback rates.

>> No.16334915

She's the same as regular Anna, except her skill has long prep time and is permanent.

People normally use Anna for her passive ability anyway, so her skill shouldn't matter much.

Anya? DMM had her revival 3 months ago. It's gonna be a while before they do that again.

>> No.16334922

You are right, I should clarify: high risk payment processors i.e. porn enablers usually have explicit policy that you cannot use them to sell obscene porn.

>> No.16334930

How many months does it take to reach 150 SC when you're not spending?

>> No.16334935

Guess I missed it around the time my internet went bonkers. Bummer.

>> No.16335110

DMM? 2-3 months maybe
Nutaku? Half a year if you're lucky.

>> No.16335367
File: 175 KB, 569x449, SometimesLucky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I burned all my luck for the next year. Lolis, lolis everywhere.

>> No.16335414

Gellius is fucking retarded, best HA in the game (due to HP and skill)
I just awakened him myself
With Deine and Bernice he may not be quite as worth the investment, but he is a bit cheaper than AW Deine and his def under skill is better than either

>> No.16335438

Oh, your poor soul

>> No.16335447

I would play on Nutaku too if I started with those units

>> No.16335457

Why are some of you rolling at the end of the month? I was at my 150sc limit after like three days of december.

>> No.16335468

saving for collection events
we had a shitload on DMM this month
spent a few extra at the end

>> No.16335479

Spending all 150 at the start of the month limits your choices of spending if that was all you planned on using. Better to pace them throughout the month, unless you just really want a certain unit from gacha and don't care about collections and such.

>> No.16335488

Nothing in the spotlight really appealed to me throughout the month, but seeing Elyse convinced me to try.

>> No.16335501
File: 185 KB, 1186x667, 1363197512903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spending all at once

>> No.16335553

Gellius is better in some situations, but he's not necessarily better. I have them both at max level skill awoken and use Deine more.

>> No.16335643
File: 63 KB, 300x300, Yuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having males in the line up at all

>> No.16335702

Impressive. What a haul.

>> No.16335719

So what do I do with all these CR fairies on DMM Aigis? Save them or use them on some of my gacha units? I have 2 each black, plat, gold but not sure how rare they are or if it really is 100% success rate

>> No.16335724
File: 774 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20161230-010153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are my gacha units, don't think it would be worth using them on event or TP units

>> No.16335753

Use them on Towa and fengsui

>> No.16335765
File: 349 KB, 1261x723, Me patra is overrated anyway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Managed to pick another SR. My rolls are a bit peculiar. Should I keep Beelzebub or Belphegor? I wish there was a tier list or something to know who to keep since without playing the game skills and the like don't really tell much.

>> No.16335767

Ok, after I get my legend ticket and make sure I don't get someone who needs it more. Those do seem like the two that benefit from earlier placement

>> No.16335780

>if it really is 100% success rate
It isn't. They work like a copy of the unit, so it's 100% the first time and lower afterwards.

>> No.16335863

That makes more sense considering how expensive the time fairy is

>> No.16335864

If you don't roll a SSR(any is fine) just pick with your dick anon.

>> No.16335960

none of those units desperately need the cd for immediate deployment, you can just save the fairies up until you get someone who absolutely needs it, like a healer/ramper

>> No.16336027

The imperial gacha was too tempting. All three blacks were good. Got all units except the Princess. They carry my scrub team all the time.

>> No.16336118

>posting Nodotits
>not Kaiji

>> No.16336131

Why is nutaku's gold rush so mean?
All I've gotten is copper faries and flowers.

>> No.16336138
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, 1336644433834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maybe, your luck sucks dick.

>> No.16336139

That's the point of gold rush.
It's easier to clear and less gimmicky but instead your objective relies on the mercy of RNGesus.

>> No.16336149
File: 893 KB, 1248x1280, Amanda_AW_Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Character's art is a downgrade after AW
Fucking why

Look at Amanda here
>retarded smile that was meant to be a mischievious grin but came out retarded
>pinku neko meme so fahnny wwwwww
>random mutant garfield present in the sprite as well
>tits get smaller
>LOSES HER FUCKING TANLINES (or at least they are not visible from the angle of her AW art)

AW turns her from a garish gyaru to a fucking cosplay kawaii idol
I hate this

>> No.16336154

But I keep getting all sorts of drops from dmm's event.
I even have every drop-boosting unit on nutaku.

Well whatever. It's not like I need the drops.

>> No.16336168

I've managed to do today's event on the first try, but I had Robert and Cuterie to help me.
So I dumped the rest of my Stamina into yesterday's Rika mission again, for a total of ~32 attempts.
Still no Black Spirit. And I'm running it with a fucking Cellia as well. Even if the droprate was something ridiculous like a 1%, that's 5% for me. Just give me the fucking dwarf girl already.

>> No.16336237
File: 1.17 MB, 1043x727, Rin Tin Tin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw, already got the 3 fairie and 2 copies of Rikka

>> No.16336440

Okay good to know, thanks.
I'll just level him over time and not invest to heavily into him for now. He'll probably be very useful for male only missions. But if he's on par with Deine then I don't think there will be too many opportunities to deploy him (how often do you really need multiple amazing heavy armors in a mission anyway?)

>> No.16336445
File: 94 KB, 578x640, Rice bowl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some units, I wish you could just go back to the pre-aw art as selectable option...

>> No.16336480

You can, unless your meaning the sprite as well

>> No.16336492
File: 430 KB, 929x502, nice gacha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice scam you got there Nutaku.

>> No.16336531

just the art would be fine, tell me your secret

>> No.16336550

Select the unit in unit list and then hit the 2nd button on top right with the 2 arrows forming a circle

>> No.16336582

no such thing (yet) on nutaku

>> No.16336718

Well that's your own fault. The good people of this thread have warned you multiple times to play on dmm instead.

>> No.16336734

While the first step is a huge scam, if it wasn't there the second and third steps would be quite good.
I really hope noone buys that first step.

>> No.16336786

>new event map suggests lvl 50
Well fucking rip me

>> No.16336805
File: 2.77 MB, 1439x962, 108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing currently, seems to be a lot of different previous bosses/mobs but they are all reduced in hp/attack

>> No.16336820

Well wasn't too bad till last 20 or so mobs, then starts going crazy, lapis shows up and just makes that a lot more annoying

>> No.16336837

I was doing fine until Lapis started getting in range to zap my whole ranged group. Had to start retreating everything but healers and then the one tanking the goblin queen got fucked as a heal that needed to go to them went to a ranged unit.

Still 2*d it, but that was annoying.

>> No.16336993

Bring more healers, bait out Lapis with high MR unit

>> No.16336995

Get some taste, anon. Look at those glorious ass muscles.

>> No.16336996

Does Seria and Junon's passives stack?

>> No.16337043

Junon's passive explicitly says it doesn't work with spirits, so no.

>> No.16337183
File: 328 KB, 973x650, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the flying fuck is going on this map?
My freemium units are not ready for such kind of shit on.

>> No.16337208

> 22 5+ units
Holy fuck, Nutaku is milking it like there's no tomorrow.

>> No.16337221

This is reprehensible dogshit.

Pay $100 for the first step with a 0.6% chance for 6*'s?

Literally suck my dick. I love FKG. I have given Nutaku my money for reasonable deals before. This is bizarre.

>> No.16337238
File: 223 KB, 1920x1080, [Pomf] To LOVE-Ru Darkness - 05 [BD][1080p-FLAC][7244A75C].mkv_snapshot_05.32_[2016.07.10_15.42.18].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it a rest already.

>> No.16337257

You get 22 guaranteed 5+ for 18k, that's very generous offer, less than 1k per gold.

>> No.16337309

Oh shit I'm sorry. I read it wrong thanks.

>> No.16337497

In nutaku's SenPro, what timezone are they on?
Im trying to figure out when the guild wars are, but the timer above the button seems to be unrelated

>> No.16337531

> baiting this obviously to get prince try explore makai to save Adamas
Adamas is going to be another gacha black, isn't she?

>> No.16337550

Finally got first copy of swimsuit Anna, is she even worth using?

>> No.16337556

Not really. She's mostly for fapping purposes and if you don't think she's cute then your shit opinion can go off itself.

>> No.16337566

If I say she's cute will I finally roll a black?

>> No.16337623

For that you have to sacrifice your life and meet Aigis-sama
Just like in that doujin

>> No.16337667
File: 223 KB, 565x226, 千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM GAMES R18 (43).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First and last time I spend real money on this scam goddess.

>> No.16337678

>2 plats in 8 rolls
wish I had your luck anon

>> No.16337682

Alishia is starter-pack unit. 1 plat.

>> No.16337685

in kamihime gacha i got the flat wind girl that calls you a lolicon multiple times in her scene, well see if that stays in.

>> No.16337692

The ass is fine, and I'd be willing to somewhat ignore that retarded outfit, but removing the tanlines is an atrocity I will never forgive.

>> No.16337693

They'll pull an FKG and just change the dialogue while leaving the voice intact.

>> No.16337725

most upset about the tanlines

the cat is cute though imo

>> No.16337910
File: 125 KB, 960x540, 1375688819911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>90/12 map

>> No.16337957

Most units appearing there are weakened versions, its easy as fuck.

>> No.16337967

can someone who played for a week beat it?

>> No.16337982

what is this fairy for?

>> No.16337991

Chance of boosting the skill of the ongoing revival unit or any unit that shares the same skill as the revival unit. Works at the same success rates as combining a copy.

>> No.16338025

Beat? No.
Get all drops? Maybe.
Check all the mobs who drop something and try to kill them.
Not likely thou.

>> No.16338107

all the drops are in the first 3rd of the map, you can do it! i believe in you anon

>> No.16338111
File: 78 KB, 560x227, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aigis pls. All I wanted was an iron bandit.

>> No.16338129

Yet another proof that if I don't look at the damn screen I'll roll something that isn't silver, the wiki says her stats are low and mentions something abouta DoT effect, how is she?

>> No.16338146

DoT true damage to everything in her range. Also summons little lightning rods.
She's absolutely fantastic and will melt almost anything as long as she isn't put in harms way.

>> No.16338152

oh thank fuck a solid character

>> No.16338289

Any good videos for the DMM subjugation map? That isn't from sennenwar.

>> No.16338329

seconded, its pretty damn hard, i might skip it

>> No.16338463

she's better than some blacks

>> No.16338472

Oh thank fuck a good character

>> No.16338488
File: 30 KB, 640x345, clark-the-cub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even with only CC half-max units?

>> No.16338503

for most units affection is more important than level (once you evolve them)

>> No.16339185

I 3 starred the third map but I received no Anna. Do I have to play it again?

>> No.16339337

She only enters the drop pool AFTER you 3* a map.

>> No.16339389
File: 193 KB, 960x640, tenouttaten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has probably been my best revival so far, as skill goes. Managed to cap her skill with just Bonboris and copies. I'd like to keep working on her cost, but it's really hard with all the events we've been having to juggle, so I guess I'll just do that next time she comes around. Same cost as a fresh Racua is good enough for now.

>> No.16339490

Is she worth getting?

>> No.16339509

Do you have any units with paralysis?

>> No.16339546


>> No.16339590
File: 2.30 MB, 1440x960, eden 12sta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then what are you waiting for? Get like three copies. Her maps are fun too, finally figured out how to beat the last one with my ghetto ass team

>> No.16340176

Damnit, if only I had Anya I could 500 the subjugation map on DMM.

>> No.16340225

Same. It's really annoying without her as it seems like a lot of tutorial videos utilize her.

>> No.16340246

You don't need her, just good mages and fengsui

>> No.16340307

I don't any Fengsui. I just have trouble on the last part at the top right. I can't kill the enemies fast enough and a few leak through. I'm copying sennen's video so if you have another I could copy it'd help.

>> No.16340368

Do you have Hibari, mage armor? Hibari with one mage at top right, some will leak but with 2 mage at left mid bottom and mage armor at base gate, you can deal with last rush. Ah, you only need fengsui to reduce the bad weather time, because these tree monsters always kill my mages at mid bottom in blizzard time. I used lv1 silver fengsui for that.

>> No.16340583
File: 923 KB, 1617x1080, 20161230_224849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a pretty bad team and can't gt more than 360-370 on the subjugation.

Anything I can change? Only good samurai is Kojuro, considering using Towa somewhere as well.

>> No.16340703

Nice, the Sybilla Patel futa doujin got TLed.

>> No.16341004

Well, my chances of 3 starring the 90/12 map is zero. Now what?

>> No.16341032

Go grind any other map. Anna drops from all maps after 3*.

>> No.16341067

Go get the one from the watermelon stage. Not sure why you would want to farm the third map for her since it's so expensive anyway. Shino destroys the melons then you can use White Emperor to kill the last melon that shows up and drops Anna.

>> No.16341301

Wow, that was so much easier. Also, fuck those troll melons.

>> No.16341310

>Not sure why you would want to farm the third map

Isn't it 100% though?

>> No.16341358

How do you guys feel about Shao?
Worth replacing Soma with?

>> No.16341365

How much yen does it cost to get 10k DMM points?

>> No.16341387

Get plat archers instead. You should at very least have Spica and Bashira, and they cover 99% of your archery needs.

>> No.16341394

Yes, if you have her at mincost. She does quite a bit more damage. I use her on the daily AW orb maps where timing is tight. Her skill is not reliable except on mobs with high assassinate chance (mermen etc) but can be raised 2-3 levels with silver Rogues
Not great for long term, her AW ability is oddly specific. Claire is better in 99% of circumstances

>> No.16341412


>> No.16342456

So while doing family tech support, I decided to poke Nutaku SenPro to see what state it's in. Seems they caved in on "paywall basic game features" - autorun and speedrun are unlocked at player Lv 40/50. After that "80 magatama for a 5*" Christmas gacha, they advertise they're putting out the same thing at half price on New Year's. Oh and supposedly a "complete the story, then vote on facebook for a free 5*".

A lot of backtracking. Also, I've never seen that many premium gacha deals before. "Guaranteed 5* of specific element for 5k Nutaku gold" for every element and a disgusting "get 11 5* for 3 times that much Nutaku gold".


I was in Discord when a known whale went for it. Was a discomforting epiphany into the psychology of a whale: "it's shiny, look how many rainbows I got consecutively! I don't care that they're all dupes. In fact, I buy guaranteed rainbows I already own to feed the dupe."

>> No.16342790

New nutaku map: says "all enemies you fought this year", then goes on to throw enemes from Eden, Eriza, Nagi and so on.

>> No.16342816

Also, just noticed that we are going to get only half of maps which were in this GR originally on DMM.

>> No.16342839

We're skipping just one map, the 2nd map with Hien and Azami. 10 gold units vs 11 in DMM

>> No.16342848

Most of Nutaku whales don't have any brain, they just buy everything Nutaku gives to them without thinking.

>> No.16342861

禁断の岩巨兵 was also skipped.

>> No.16342862

We are skipping only one map as far as i know, the "second" map wich we should have got Hien, probably because he is not even in the game yet not a real escuse anyway,

>> No.16342884

Do you came from the future?
Because that's the second last map you know.

>> No.16342900

How is it skipped? Its not happened yet, and for proof look at the banner, it has Maribel and Barbastroff in it.

>> No.16342911
File: 124 KB, 1095x415, ゴールドラッシュ20141225 千年戦争アイギスWiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Lost Santa" => "Shadow of Large Kite" (skipped) => "Assault of Darkness" => "Forbidden Golem" (skipped) => "Ancient Weapons" => "Avenger Memories" => "New Year eve battle"

>> No.16342975

The only changes to this gold rush are 2nd map skipped due to no Hien, Chloe and Yurina are replaced with Rita and Emilia and possibly the map order, due to it starting on a different date to the original meaning it needs to be changed so new years eve is on new years.

The only unexpected thing is Hiens map missing but they got the girls out atleast, there's 3 girls added in this event a 4th unit might be too much in their eyes.

>> No.16343553

>Oh and supposedly a "complete the story, then vote on facebook for a free 5*".

Kanpani 2: Contentless Boogaloo

>> No.16343559
File: 233 KB, 713x178, 千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM GAMES R18 (44).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White Empire didn't realize yet what did they get into.

>> No.16343806

So this gold version of the starting knight, is se good?

>> No.16343888
File: 102 KB, 1600x900, Totally Cost Efficient.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strange thing is, Hien's map dialogue is in the game.

>> No.16343936
File: 868 KB, 961x644, Heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hah, they couldn't be arsed to make the icons fit on the screen.

>> No.16344062

On the other spectrum, you have people who legitimately think FKG is P2W.

>> No.16344107

Anyone else having troubles with dmm? The site is slow as fuck ever since that downtime they had recently

>> No.16344365
File: 202 KB, 860x520, ueeeei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16344480
File: 2.61 MB, 1441x960, black 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plat ticket of the month

>> No.16344498
File: 191 KB, 963x639, qt314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit got this cutie form plat ticket

>> No.16344505
File: 207 KB, 860x520, fortune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see your うぇ~い and raise you a むっは~.

Apple is at it again, but at least she isn't painting the screen with her blood like she did in Mikan's event.

No blacks here, but I did get a Marnie, so that's good.

Too bad I already have Hana raised, though.

>> No.16344518

Isn't the one with Barbastroff?
Pretty sure that comes later.

>> No.16344567
File: 174 KB, 677x584, gold leanne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my opinion, she's not as good as her silver version. While she has the HP, her defense is kinda meh. She has gold get and mission clear gold bonus (AW) though so she might be worth using on a gold get team.

That reminds me, モーレット is back on the trading post. I better farm crystals today.

>> No.16344574
File: 249 KB, 954x481, 2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good way to start off the new year.

>> No.16344579
File: 116 KB, 882x473, AVeryHappyNewYear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanpani wishing me a happy new year.

>> No.16344621

wait what ticket?

>> No.16344627
File: 28 KB, 237x439, maki2 enough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two lapis

>> No.16344630

Plat+ Ticket from Legendary Stampcard / Super Legendary Stampcard.

>> No.16344645

So...that's a thing

>> No.16344739
File: 84 KB, 957x634, Fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100 RC from my plat ticket reporting in.

>> No.16344748


>> No.16344760

Don't you like her ass?

>> No.16344769

Not really and of the ~15 gatcha plats I already had she happened to be one of them.

>> No.16344777

I've read that Harembattle thread, pretty sure i've got cancer now.

>> No.16344868
File: 510 KB, 959x641, 2017gg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call it a plat ticket.
Gives me a black.

What a scam!

>> No.16344930

I got a dupe black. The vanguard tactician. What do I do with it? Got her from the month ticket.

>> No.16345176

There are people that still play Kanpani? I thought they were a myth.

>> No.16345210

Game's just fine on DMM.

>> No.16345594

I like it.
Too bad her AW art ruins those hot as fuck pants and pantsu.

>> No.16345682
File: 731 KB, 856x516, flowerkg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was the point of all this? I didn't got neither girls nor tickets.

>> No.16345797

It's time for the monthly 'lol I got a black from the ticket I dont even want u jelly fag enjoy your plat :^))' Nutaku General event!

>> No.16345813

You got 25 gems today alone, not counting all the ones in previous days or following days.

>> No.16345824

It's still running fine on DMM.
It's just Nutaku crashing another top ranking DMM game to the ground with their shitty management.

>> No.16345825

How do you even get so much SC to get the ticket in a month? Do people buy SC?

>> No.16345832

>Do people buy SC?
More than they should.

Also, it's less of a problem on DMM. You can get 150 SC in 3 months playtime on average. In Nutaku it's double that and then some.

>> No.16345856

It's just omikuji, you look at your fortune and the girls/groupings. Did you find the baseball game yet?

I mean, FKG theater and the seasonal lines don't give you in-game goods either, but they're still great.

Yeah, they don't do huge 50+ FG bonuses anymore but they really amped up the daily trickle of stones to compensate. I started collecting at the tail end of November and I'm already at 307.

>> No.16345892

You see, I played back when Kerry was the give-away unit...

I've come back from multiple breaks, but whenever I've come back an event's been on, so I haven't been able to grind the amount of demon stones I need for Spica.

But yeah, thanks for reminding me, I need to go ahead and get her in my team ASAP.

It sounds like a more standard rogue or assassin is better at assassination than she is then.

>> No.16345982

I fucking adore that CC-less, AW-less demon loli with DoT damage, she's maybe halfway there level wise and she fucking SHREADS everything that stands close to her for longer than a second

>> No.16345985

It's been a nice offering this week. I blew everything down to 1 gem trying to get 6* Ivy on Monday. Got to do another 10+1 draw earlier today and I'll probably be able to get another before the spotlight changes out. They've been quite generous.

>> No.16346009

Lapis... loli?

>> No.16346035
File: 296 KB, 568x539, aigis-new-years-2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely he means the plat one.

On that note, here I was afraid I would end up being S Legend for February too.
ps oni armpit sex is great

>> No.16346133

I know, and still don't get the point of repeating that thing too many times.
>I mean, FKG theater and the seasonal lines don't give you in-game goods either, but they're still great.
Well, it looked cool at the start, but after maybe 30 or 40 times when I had spent all my charisma on Aigis I was already confused.

Btw, I hate you anon who said we were going to get rainbows and blacks.

>> No.16346193

what GBL nutaku game has the most content to get stuck into and is fun? I'm playing a bit of everything atm

>> No.16346693
File: 947 KB, 948x622, 千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM GAMES R18 (45).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I so fucking hate people who got Lapis while I'm stuck with this instead from my ticket. Always weirdest classes for me.

>> No.16347147

Happy New Year's anons!!!

>> No.16347246

You're over fourteen hours late.

>> No.16347325

It's just turned midnight where I'm at

>> No.16347344

You are on /jp/, faggot

>> No.16347431

And you're on 4chinko. Chan Time, motherfucker.

>> No.16347478
File: 301 KB, 954x633, 85t49463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least something nice happened today.

>> No.16347559

>You are on /jp/
That doesn't make you live in Japan, just being a weeboo.

>> No.16347681

Hey, that new class looks like a lot of fun. Since the tokens don't cost a unit slot you can actually put down multiple ones and do different things with them instead of just the usual token block/sacrifice.

>> No.16347686
File: 3.04 MB, 4500x4500, year in review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For what it's worth, here's another phylogenetic tree for flower knights, now covering every girl released until the end of this year. In addition to the new girls, old names were also fixed to match the official DMM versions where possible (with some exceptions, Tree-of-a-Thousand-Stars and Himalayan Creeping Saxifrage didn't quite fit).

Overall, FKG has really come far with respect to plant diversity: A total of 35 angiosperm orders (out of 64), 82 families (out of 416) and ~205 genera (out of ~14,000) are now represented in the game, in addition to four gymnosperm-themed knights. Groups introduced during the last eight months include the bromeliad (Pineapple), ice plant (Lampranthus), sesame (Devil's Claw), begonia (Christmas Begonia), loosestrife (Cuphea, and soon Pomegranate as well), cashew (Wax Tree) and stonecrop (Pussy Ears) families, as well as the commelinid order (Water Hyacinth and Dayflower) and the eponymous families for Strelitzia, Calceolaria, Kiwi and Purslane. There again seems to be move towards newer ground in general, possibly because they've already covered a good number of well-known flowers, though plenty of common but ill-represented older groups also received new members in the meantime - like Hollyhock and Abutilon in the mallow family, Belladonna and Chinese Lantern in the nightshade family, Ghost Weed in spurges and Plumeria in the dogbane family (which plays into her friendship with Dipladenia, another member of that group).


Also, if you'd like a more comprehensive and frequently updated list for flower diversity, the Japanese FKG wiki is an excellent resource (and contributed much to this update, I only wish I had known about it before building the initial tree). If there are any plants that you'd like to see as a flower knight, I'd like to hear that as well, the 2ch blog often has various predictions about mentioned/possible knights and these are always fun to read.

>> No.16347708
File: 703 KB, 640x640, damaterasu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, they just had to make her limited
rip getting her

>> No.16347712

how does this gold armor work? you just get more gold or something? whats with the 「豊穣の杖、金運招来、年賀の祝い袋と」

>> No.16347713

sell them

>> No.16347745

Hey, don't diss Rosetta like that.

>> No.16347796

Only the first token is free, putting down more tokens after that takes an unit slot. To make her even worse she can only place down 3 tokens before she's capped, so you can't fill the entire map with tokens for fun.

She's just amazingly disappointing and mediocre, and i really regret rolling for her.

>> No.16347838

After plum and pine, we need a proper bamboo (竹).

>> No.16348091

My Iris is like horny and I can't give her more gifts, what do I do? She's at 50%

>> No.16348104

CC her at 50, then you can give her more.

>> No.16348114

I see, thanks. Just checked the wiki and noticed that she came with the horny looking.

>> No.16348244

Got some questions, I tried making a new acc on DMM, and it seems like I get 3 SCa day for 3 days straight now whenever I log in that said acc in a browser at my laptop. Compared to my mobile acc, I don't receive any at all. Is it a beginner's SC bonus thing?

>> No.16348304
File: 166 KB, 956x632, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just fucking fuck this fucking goddess
This is the fucking worst

>> No.16348521
File: 1.56 MB, 1173x767, unknown (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahaha, get rekt, Kojuro.

>> No.16348540

I didn't expect all of them to be so bratty really.

>> No.16348573

They are princesses through and through.

>> No.16348599

Yeah, but isn't the world supposed to be ending or something?

>> No.16348609

Who cares about that when you have the Prince, or don't have in the princesses case. Kojuro is the best.

>> No.16348660
File: 230 KB, 768x1024, __lilia_sherry_and_themis_sennen_sensou_aigis_drawn_by_awa__bc140fe822d6808fb957ca88d078eb92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16348745

Should I care about Shiho if I already have Echidna and Kagura? I looked up their skill awakenings and it looks like Shiho is a power healer, but would I need a power healer shaman if I already have Iris(G) and Alissa maxxed?

>> No.16348754

Echidna is terrible, so I don't know why you'd even bring her up.

To this day, even in DMM, Shiho is still one of the best single-target healers in the game. She's better than Kagura and absolutely should not be passed up.

>> No.16348773


Because I got her for my (future) all dragon meme team and she's a shaman so I figured why not.

Thanks for the tip though. Fingers crossed I get her and Kojuro before I want to die.

>> No.16348802 [DELETED] 
File: 350 KB, 569x722, __shiho_sennen_sensou_aigis_drawn_by_fujiyama_takashi__b52665d906881300dd9d394fa3276e2b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Shiho still has the cutest butt.

>> No.16348807
File: 558 KB, 703x981, __shiho_sennen_sensou_aigis_drawn_by_fujiyama_takashi__982b7f03f72b5aa3b44e8c37f5a9f17d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Shiho still has the cutest butt.

>> No.16348808
File: 1.22 MB, 960x640, p.fuwafuwa.moe-qjwllm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my fourth rainbow

>> No.16349257

It's been ending for a while.
They're fine.

>> No.16349353

So this new 90/12 map on DMM Aigis, is it hard?

>> No.16349507

Princesses are always like that in GRs and other omake scenarios. Except Karma, Anya and Sukuha, they are good girls who actually love Prince.

>> No.16349547


>> No.16349583
File: 277 KB, 498x283, 千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM GAMES R18 (46).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I have to take it back, Anya joined retarded side.

>> No.16349589


Karma tried to hug us to death in the Emperor event too

>> No.16349871

Anya's just there as a chaperone.

>> No.16349954

The true good girl is obviously Claudia.

Unless she's bullying Anya.

>> No.16350181


Anya looks like she just killed Sybilla and walked off while the body exploded behind her.

>> No.16351476

This princess map is too hard for someone who just started 20 days ago. Hope the completion drop wasn't somebody good.

>> No.16351598

I want Lapis. Anybody feel like giving me 10k DMM points?

>> No.16351672

>Try to tank the princesses
>get absolutely wrecked
>put a level 60 emperor down
>he just solos 5 out of the 6
I have learned my lesson.

>> No.16351918
File: 65 KB, 567x646, C1FxQDAVQAEAxFX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aigis sure is dying.

>> No.16351941

This is a horrible reminder that those fucks never localized Dragon's Dogma Onlina.

>> No.16351969

FFXI is significantly more alive than I'd have expected by this point.

>> No.16351986
File: 75 KB, 512x443, 016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you look at more important graphs there (like, "what games you spent money on"), you will see that Aigis in pretty bad shape indeed. No wonder they are so desperate to raise conversion.

>> No.16352123

Never played pokemon go so I can't judge but why the fuck would people spend money on fgo? That game is literal hot garbage.

>> No.16352181

You don't need a good game to reel in all the money from typemoon fanbase, all you need are waifu and husbando, and infinitive Saber clones.

>> No.16352302

Desperation roll for Lapis, got Towa instead, this is good. Now I have every witch and chrono witch.

>> No.16352398

My luck is so bad, 200 SC down, 2 plats and 0 black. How demotivating.

>> No.16352408

Get fucked

>> No.16352631
File: 65 KB, 478x326, ss+(2017-01-02+at+08.55.46).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone translate this for me, I know I get 3 SC but for what reason?

>> No.16352678

Beginners only log in bonus.
Received the following items: three SC
You will receive bonuses for two more days as long as you log in.

>> No.16353375

It's Princess Themis. She's ugly (fight me Themis fangays,) and not very good. Bandit Rorone from the daily revival is pretty much superior in every way as a duelist and lightning rod, except for not having MR.

>> No.16353424

Themis' artstyle clashes with the much better one like Sakuya, Jerome etc. Yuyu has the same derp face, so i blame the artist, not the unit.

>> No.16353439

Themis is THICC and sexiest princess. Kill yourself, low test

>> No.16353444

None of the princesses are cute. The cutest one is probably the emperor's sister.

>> No.16353468

Karma is cute.

>> No.16353683

I just rolled Moltena
Are hell-dogos worth it? I never employed token-using units aside from rangers

>> No.16353708
File: 104 KB, 863x593, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lapis sure is popular

>> No.16353787
File: 1.04 MB, 1200x1600, 58962801_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recognize that ahegao!
>tfw no Blacks other than the one from lvl 10 ticket

>> No.16353893

Mumorpuging a decent RPG franchise is fucking cancer.

>> No.16354219
File: 229 KB, 963x694, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16354273

A weak summon, don't fall for the booty, keep the kamihime.

>> No.16354278

I just pulled the Kamihime. So I should get rid of Orochi then? Not an impressive butt anyways.

>> No.16354287

Day 5 and I can't pull a SR for shit.

>> No.16354299

We're on day 6 mate, I got 30 tickets total now.

>> No.16354352
File: 38 KB, 278x128, 6tu49e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16354358

Well fuck me, I guess I was one day late after all.
I blame my timezone.

>> No.16354364

I have 40 tickets.

Think I got in just before the reset on the first day.

>> No.16354432

Yeah, I was a day late to start. I've got 25 tickets but none of the cards that appear when I yolo have been SRs. I thought we got to keep 1 card from the pre-reg gacha and then the chance to redeem our lottery tickets for Nutaku gold after launch.

Am I misunderstanding this system?

>> No.16355773
File: 259 KB, 766x1052, C06-Tl7UoAAiuuT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16356364
File: 200 KB, 556x215, 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Lapis, but I did get something at least.

>> No.16356528

What's happening in the image

>> No.16356560

Dropped 15 rolls toward Lapis. Got 11 silvers and four golds.

>> No.16356669

Reminder that less than a day remains for the 30% stamina off campaign in FKG.

If you've been storing stamina honey, this is a very good time to use it.

>> No.16356710

Finally some more FKG doujins going up on the panda.

One for Chocolate Cosmos, Daisy (!), and Scotch Broom.

>> No.16356747
File: 231 KB, 1061x1546, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking lol, this Danchou is literally me. Except I got Daisy from Nutaku's first step-up gacha (and she wasn't even supposed to be in that pool to begin with).

>> No.16356804


>> No.16357011
File: 186 KB, 910x1026, Iamcuminh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone has THICC fetish

>> No.16357044

Next revival is Nagi.
She seems pretty strange after ninja rework, should I bother with her?

>> No.16357067

I mincosted her but haven't used her in like a year. She's ok with the rework I think, you only really wanted to use her as a tank when she had her skill up.

>> No.16357478 [DELETED] 
File: 425 KB, 1219x791, confused dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Forget to roll yesterday
>Manage to roll 2 SR Kamihimes today
Also, has anyone drawn SSR kamihime from the gacha?

>> No.16357530

Excellent. Still waiting on Dorca though

>> No.16357638

Do you get some kind of stat bonus whenever you finish a character quest of said character in FKG?

>> No.16357673

You get an accessory exclusive to that character once you finish the third one. On DMM, they have dedicated gear slots since they're... not really that good. But technically speaking that does give a stat bonus.

>> No.16357715
File: 971 KB, 961x637, Jessica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, can't complain. She's hot after all.

>> No.16357931

Damn it do I hate spending flower gems on storage but I think I need to again. 85 girls, 4 manyu and 59 dragons totalling 148 out of 150 spaces. Then there's well over 100 manyu and dragons in my giftbox.
I got 118 flower gems, should I go for 5 or 18 flower gems to spend on it?

>> No.16357995

Is Hermes any gud in Kamihime? Just pulled her. I like her silly hat, but I wonder if she's useful.

>> No.16358080

Anyone know why my Aigis game could be freezing a lot recently, on chrome? Freezes for a second or two upon doing various things like most menu actions, or placing units. I'm pretty sure it wasn't doing this maybe two months ago.

>> No.16358171

Only 150 spaces?
If you are gonna spend gems on something, you can never go wrong with extra space.Go for all 18.

>> No.16358185

For me it freezes regardless of browser now. Chrome, chromium-Opera, non-chromium Opera, Pale Moon (FF-based). No fucking idea what's wrong.

>> No.16358309

Ditto, except it's way longer than a few seconds for me. Every time I scroll down in my barracks, or right after I place my first unit, it freezes for 20 seconds or more. Really irritating.

Not sure if the case is the same on DMM, since I use the app and it always runs quite smoothly.

>> No.16358372

Performance seems fucked since a month or two for me. Game completely freezes up for solid 10 seconds on initial unit placement on most missions.
Feeding exp fodder to units is incredibly tedious due to the lag as well.

>> No.16358442

The hellis going on with this 6 stamina map on DMM Aigis? I can't deal damage to anything

>> No.16358450

Kill that phoenix

>> No.16359382

did 30 rolls
3 plats 1 dupe
9 golds 6 dupe
18 silvers
at least got celia

>> No.16359520

Yeah i was confused too, and the big bird seemed like a 50/50 chance of either beeing the reason these ants didnt die or just a big ranged unit bait of instakill doom. I should learn moon some time...

>> No.16359526

Apparently puffin browser 6 beta runs nutaku site aigis on android devices.

>> No.16359548

it is fenix
Farnes summon

>> No.16359616

I never use Farne so how should i know?

>> No.16359626

It's actually this guy, Farne just summons a generic Phoenix.

>> No.16359672

>"regen everything" majin
Fuck you, Dev Tea. Bifrons wasn't enough?

>> No.16359932

Tried it
Works great except you can't place units because it scrolls the screen while you try to drag them out.

>> No.16359944

hold and drag

>> No.16359962

lol nope
I can pick up a unit, but the entire website scrolls up and down no matter what
poor Jerome never had a chance

>> No.16360089

so hold few secs and drag did not wok and it does not go to theather mode
send support ticket to puffin

>> No.16360096


>> No.16360122

Why would you post 2 year old tweet?

>> No.16360130

Theater mode is only for Flash content, they probably won't give a fuck
I was eventually able to get one unit placed but only by glitching trackpad mode
One workable solution might be custom CSS to eliminate the bottom half of the site

>> No.16360134

as reminder

>> No.16360140

funny thing is it worked on theather mode before version 6.xx

>> No.16360210

Good thing my Rion can outdps the regen and my grand summoner Farune can one-shot things.

>> No.16360280

Unit that stops regeneration on hit when?

Could be a good perk for dark stalkers or something, but I'd rather have it on something ranged.

>> No.16360284

Almost two years since English Aigis launched, huh? Think it'll get Anna's event this year?


>> No.16360378

So, you need CC'd units for awakening fodder. I knew this was a grindfest game, but I didn't know it was this much of a grind. Just realized how stupid I was.

>> No.16360390

Stop playing the shitty inferior version of the game.

>> No.16360403

Which one is the inferior version? I'm only playing the DMM version, so I don't know of other versions.

>> No.16360417 [DELETED] 

But you still need CC'd units for AW in DMM Aigis too.

>> No.16360425

30ccing 3 silvers is much easier than getting a plat to level 70 or a black to level 80.

>> No.16360429

Obvious shitpost, guaranteed replies.

>> No.16360433

You can use a CC30 unit. Takes almost no effort to make it that far. It's only 4000 experience from level 1, and 99.9% of the time you won't be starting the silver at level 1.

>> No.16360436

He means Nutaku Aigis, because we have this one dude in these threads who really hates Nutaku.

But he is right in this case, for most of its life Nutaku Aigis was almost unplayably terrible compared to DMM Aigis. It has improved slightly in the past month or so, but still remains heavily inferior.

>> No.16360487

>because we have this one dude in these threads who really hates Nutaku

I can't tell if this is naivete or just sheer stupidity.

>> No.16360495

While true, AW'ing units is basically the same in both versions, so it was pure shitposting.

There's plenty of reasons to hate Nutaku, but bringing it up at every instance when it isn't called for is just shitting up the thread.

>> No.16360505

It's the truth. We have the people who point it out when Nutaku does something dumb again, which is normal, and then we have exactly one person who attacks them for no particular reason.

I mean, I'm not fond of Nutaku either but they're not all shit all the time.

>> No.16360510

True, however without spending, I couldn't get that much silver units.

>> No.16360520

Do you think Nutaku would give an update if people would keep on asking when the mobile version of their Aigis would be released everyday?

>> No.16360523

No, because they've proven to be incompetent at most things regarding scheduling, but more importantly, they're just as in the dark about Aigis development as we are. Supposedly.

What's more confusing is why Dev Tea finally decided to get their ass in gear these past two months.

>> No.16360531

With the daily revivals and guaranteed drops on first runs, it's actually pretty easy. You just need to check the revival rotation list and/or wait a bit until the silvers you want come around.

It's not genuinely difficult, but it is pretty bothersome to do the mental accounting for all these silvers and CC materials.

I don't think you'd get anything other than a "soon". I also don't think mobile Aigis is a priority for them, many of their employees seem to work on multiple things and they're currently focusing more on releasing all the big hitters on DMM.

>> No.16360534

Both versions of the game shit silver units so you're only fucked if you're a retard who tries to max CR Alissa or Soma with the story drops

>> No.16360570



cost too much to deploy early for rush
def is too low to tank two hitter at midddlegame
atk too low to deal with the big ones lategame

but... oh anon! then you start using Shizuka just to try, and see her sowing havoc and destruction. and you fall in love.

>> No.16360620

Is it worth giving Katie and Bashira each a cost reduction fairy? OR should I hold out for a better unit? Don't think I'll get any better plats/golds from the gacha anytime soon.

>> No.16360636

Eh, that's what I did when I started, then I found out about the wiki, and read about how much of a retarded idea to use silver units to max CR. Pretty much fucked up right there.

>> No.16360657

She's one of the lucky three.

>> No.16360671

Katie definitely, she's a very solid gold and her copies are rare to come by.

Bashira is also a good choice, but I'd really review my other units in that case because CR fairies are very valuable at that rarity. Still, she's an early deploy unit that will in all likelihood be a part of your team indefinitely, and you generally want to give your CR fairies to these.

>> No.16360692

I dunno about that, I barely use archers anymore. But I guess that's because I never got a black archer.

>> No.16360829

I just awakened Sakuya because I needed a 3-blocker with high HP
no ragrets

>> No.16361078

Tell that to Hibari who hits like a truck with a 1500 cleave, while having over 150 more health and 76 less defence than Bernice then with skills active Bernice has 9 more defence..

>> No.16361139

wow a black that sorta beats a gold, amazing

>> No.16361322

That's old tweet, they later said that there are no plans for it.

>> No.16361328

Hibari attacks 3 targets at once with huge attack, while having EHP of one of best HAs. She's now de-facto standard unit of all "event units only" clears.

>> No.16361366

I... know? That's why I dated it two years.

>> No.16361442

More Aigis updates posted to Twitter, no AW2 update again. What's the hold-up on these anyway? The last batch was literally three units and they sure as hell don't care about waiting on the art.

>> No.16361527

The fact that Pussy Saga is displayed as the most popular game on Nutaku really gets me tilted.
I fucking hate normies.

>> No.16361564

Agreed. I feel like it has to be rigged.

>> No.16361910
File: 272 KB, 329x467, OEteNMS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this week's bloomed forms are Acacia, Woodsorrel, Paederia and Dayflower
Acacia becomes even cuter, and also has a... halo made out of wattles?

Meanwhile, Woodsorrel is even more dashing than before. Why isn't she the knightmaster, again? The LNs apparently say that it's perfectly possible for women to become captains, and also possible (but rare) for flower knights to head their own teams (as Chocosmos was doing at the moment).

>> No.16361970

She's an event unit, meaning that she replaced Bernice and the heavy class in general for almost everyone that doesn't have a Gellius/black heavy.

>> No.16361993
File: 103 KB, 555x475, 1328101922861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the reason Pussy Saga is #1 game?

>> No.16362146

sprite, art

>> No.16362194

Fuck this game. My new acc got Lapis with just 1 try, and my other acc wasted 50 and nothing.

>> No.16362207


>> No.16362257

I-I-I was tempted because she looks cute man. When the event happened all I had was a measly 50 sc.

>> No.16362396 [DELETED] 
File: 535 KB, 705x1264, 1483177660715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.16362449

Art hasn't been a problem since a lot of AW2 units still don't have art. (Also Bashira in general.) I guess sprites could be, but with the last batch only being three units, they better have something big coming.

>> No.16362471
File: 502 KB, 636x417, Millennium War Aigis - Game Nutaku (15).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stone giant drops exp armor, so killing it seems nessesary for completion bonus.

>> No.16362488


According to the jp wiki it can drop twice in that mission, one from the golem.

>> No.16362561

My Kojuro just tanked Stone golem alongside about 8 slugs, I'd say thats midboss territory. That's with the amazing healing prowess of Robert and Christopher.

The funny part is most peoples advice is Bernice with 3 healers, 1 of which is for when her skill is down. Learn to fucking play the game guys and not try to overpower your way through.

>> No.16362600

I've tanked the Golem no problem with Imelia and 2 gold healers: Iris and Fedora.
Overated faggot for sure.

>> No.16362703

>3 days left on event and haven't gotten a single completion bonus
>only platinum I got was one single odette
>this stone giant literally oneshots everything I have

Is it time to panic yet? Should I just abandon this map? I already have Maribel from her event.

>> No.16362713

Just let the stone golem past and don't tank it if you can't. You can still get 3* while letting it past so do it. Panic time is tommorow, use SCs then if you really want or need one of the gold units. Get the SC then abandon it, Barbastroff is not good.

>> No.16362817

I was kinda bored so I opened up the Chrome dev tools and checked the timeline. Looks like a couple functions that load the raw image data into a Canvas (mainly converting the RGBA5551 and RGBA32 formats that Aigis images seem to use into the Canvas' RGBA8888) are being deoptimized.

Reading around the internet there aren't too many cases that cause this in general. In the case of Aigis:
* Perhaps the fact the load function handles all the different pixel formats, and thus is a large single function containing many tight loops and the optimizer would prefer to only deal with one? Only a JS engine dev would really know this one offhand, but one thing to try is refactoring out the loops. Maybe if I'm super-duper bored, I'm only kinda bored, after all.
* Or the parameter passed in which appears to be an RGB color which multiplies every pixel's RGB value respectively, possibly making the JS engine do integer/double conversion sporadically and give up? I actually wonder if the game actually uses this for multiply blending anywhere, though.

As far as practical take-away information, reducing the number of units you have doesn't appreciably reduce the time between seeing the initial cost and seeing your unit portraits, so it seems to be something else (or something relatively larger) that is being loaded on mission start. Didn't test unit dropping lag, since that seems to only happen with the first one.

Anyway, back to questionably spending SC on getting Anna-buckets.

>> No.16362833
File: 682 KB, 1024x608, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I rolled Echidna but I have Beelzebub, Have been hearing that SR Kamihime is better than SSR Eidolon, but for someone who doesn't know what either do, who's the better unit here?

>> No.16362881

>Have been hearing that SR Kamihime is better than SSR Eidolon

It's arguable for Dragoons, who have a niche use as endgame damage cuts, but any of the SSR main summons are better to keep over an SR kamihime.

Echidna boosts Dark and Fire element by 40-60% and has a chance to charm on call. Only summons I'd get over her are:

Ouroboros(+40% Dark/Thunder, Blind)
Fafnir(+40% Fire/Water, atk/def buff)
Behemoth(+30% Wind/Water/Light, party cleanse)

>> No.16362891

The way charm works in this game is pretty retarded though, since it has 50/50 chance to fuck you over if you are using damage cut skill.

>> No.16362972

True, but then I just don't use 1-turn damage cuts if the enemy's charmed. My main team goes for delay and brute force to get the boss stunned as quickly as possible anyway though, so it's great when it procs for me.

Too bad it doesn't work like GBF. There, the CA charges increase even if charm procs, and get emptied if charm procs on the turn they can CA.

But ya, it's why I listed Ouroboros as one of the SSRs I'd replace her with. Blind is easier to apply and more practical for general use.

>> No.16363126

Do you need to kill the watermelons to unlock a second bikini Anna drop or it's ok just let them go away?

>> No.16363223

I was suspecting it had something to do with displaying shit with blending or transparancy effects, since the unit windows lag when scrolling through grayed out units.

Tried turning back on hardware acceleration on chrome and it becomes a lot worse, so if anyone still has that on, turn it off to make this bearable.

Most videos I see on youtube of recent events don't have any freezing at all so there must be something in particular causing this.

>> No.16363394


Honestly I might blow some SC today too. After listening to the threads here and doing some investigation of my own, I really want Shiho, Kojuro, Rita, and Erun. Shiho and Erun specifically. And that isn't even following my dick.

>> No.16363611

You can let them go, but you need to kill one who appears in the end.

>> No.16363633
File: 60 KB, 640x200, top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips for BRUTALLY MURDERING Gilgamesh?
1 star was easy as fuck but I only survived 2 stars because another guy helped me.

Should I first destroy the swords in the first form or the barrier first?
Should I try to kill Enkidu first or the arms have anything to do with his defence?

>> No.16363871

I just pulled my second Odette.
Should I use her to CR the other one or what? I'm confused here, I've never had copies of a plat.

>> No.16363968

you can
a) sell her for rainbow crystals
b) cr your Odette
c) create a clone army to fight off the seperatist attacks on the republic

>> No.16363973


How to kill this cunt? It OHKOs maxed Bernice. I could use Olivie or a rogue, but that'd be entirely luck-based; is it immune to Assassinate?

>> No.16363976

Prince with +50% hp title ...

>> No.16363984

Awaken your Bernice

>> No.16363992

Any AW bandit should work.

>> No.16364003

>unironically running a non-skill effect title
...Huh. Worth a shot, I suppose.

I can (once I cc30 a soldier), but I seem to recall a bunch of people saying that Awakened Bernice was worse than maxed, due to being more expensive and not being able to consistently tank 4 enemies. Is this just a function of /jp/ not knowing how to git gud?

Only AWs are Katie and Iris, at the moment.

Which would be best to AW first, Conrad, Imelia, or Chizuru?

>> No.16364040

>I can (once I cc30 a soldier), but I seem to recall a bunch of people saying that Awakened Bernice was worse than maxed, due to being more expensive and not being able to consistently tank 4 enemies. Is this just a function of /jp/ not knowing how to git gud?
Yes. Her cost going up by 3 is a demerit, but not her blocking 4. If an AW Bernice can't survive blocking 4, a non AW Bernice isn't going to survive blocking 3. There are other units to use when you want to tank a boss without having to tank a bunch of minibosses along with it.

>> No.16364218

>bunch of people saying that Awakened Bernice was worse than maxed
They are retarded. AW Bernice is best free tank.

>> No.16364282
File: 943 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-01-04-21-47-31[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>week 2 of playing Aigis(3 if you were to count the account I lost)
>continue my "don't look at the screen while roling" placebo
WHO'S THE CRAZY ONE NOW!? So she's Lapis, right? What was it about people saying she's broken?
>Echidna boosts Dark and Fire element by 40-60% and has a chance to charm on call
Reminds me of something...Oh right, Cerberus

>> No.16364309

I don't care about brokenness, but she's damn cute, so I spent 100$ and didn't get her.

>> No.16364319
File: 854 KB, 864x1169, 7da256ac5fd4c825376b4769398c49b4ce6f0f1d07be649fcec91244cea3cdfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to hear that, but that's just the nature of the game, don't give up, you can still get her someday

>> No.16364338

Yes, I hope they will do 非人 pickup gacha in the future, with fluffy tails, vampires, onis and other cuties all at once so I can at least roll some good plats if I fail at Lapis again.

>> No.16364348

>What was it about people saying she's broken?
1.5x attack to every ally in range, massive true damage-over-time effect (equal to her attack in damage per second) to every enemy in range, gets tokens too for extra token cheesing shenanigans.

All of this is without AW. She's quite possibly more broken than Iris and Aisha.

>> No.16364360

Oh so that's what her skill does, google translate was stumbling a lot when translating her page, altough the fact that's on max skill level kinda sucks, I'm not good enough yet to minmax events and get things like fairies

>> No.16364364


>> No.16364383

Spend my last 15 SCs, got Totono and 2 golds.
Well it's ok, i guess

>> No.16364389
File: 883 KB, 1280x634, moving mountains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yee boi
>it didn't drop anything
got leanne this run at least

>> No.16364634

is there a limit to how DoT damage works? Can I put Lapis next to the platinum loli and have them both spread DoT around?

>> No.16364672

Cost reducing her is your best bet, she's very expensive if you plan to use her. 1 CR won't matter too much on her though compared to the -5 she needs but every little helps.

This is one of the rare instances where you want to AW her earlier than normal, normally you'd want to wait a bit as heavys aren't high priority and it could fuck you up a bit if you do her as your first AW due to her not having the backup needed(can stop them but can't kill in time). You want a ranged unit like Spica or a decent pirate to AW but needs must calls for Bernice here while a decent ranged unit would add almost nothing due to the golems defences.
You could also go for Imelia as she would be a solid duelist that would probably do more for you in future events than Bernice might.

>> No.16364735
File: 140 KB, 353x246, FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL ~X指定~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM GAMES R18 (38).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3x50 rolls.
Wanted Yuzuriha, but kimono Okizaris and Foxface aren't bad too.
Now, question is, should I field two different Okizaris at once?

>> No.16364756
File: 82 KB, 960x640, C1BW2AFUoAEHbkW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only after you collect both Woodsorrels as well.

If you put all of them on the same team, you can unlock the super-secret rainbow Oxalis.

>> No.16364930
File: 184 KB, 961x640, Nutakuscam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. Nutaku

>> No.16365321

new thread

>> No.16366550

Damn. Lucky you. She's on my priority fuck list.
