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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 88 KB, 1420x946, 13-kfc-bucket_w710_h473_2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16314557 No.16314557[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's a Christmas tradition in Japan! How badly does this hurt you?

>> No.16314574

>chicken is made by nipponese and not darkies

I imagine it'd taste okay desu

>> No.16314579

Not at all, because unlike Americans, Japanese people can usually restrain themselves from getting addicted to fatty foods and becoming fatasses. Fat foods only become a problem if you eat them regularly.

This is also aside from the fact that, you know, I don't live in Japan and it couldn't possibly effect me any less.

>> No.16314591

Your first sentence is unrelated to anything. Your second sentence shows you are growing as a person. Congratulations.

>> No.16314599

I used to think all they did was eat cake. I'm happy they get something else besides.

>> No.16314625
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, zwarte pieten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a Christmas tradition in Holland and Beglium. Coincidence?

>> No.16314628

I like the big round wood platter thing full of sushi the family orders from wherever.

Saw a guy on a channel have a christmas meal in japan everything like the anime but they didnt have the round platterl of sushi. Looks like 7/11 sushi.

>> No.16314641

What's that got to do with westernization and irrational worship of Japan and the fake culture portrayed in manga, anime, VNs, and video games? Those are people in black face.

>> No.16314648

<--the joke
<--International space station
<--upper atmosphere
<--cloud layer
<--your head

>> No.16314677

>not Popeye's

>> No.16314714

Nice try Abernathy. But you totally fucked up thinking it was a "fried chicken-nigger" thing.

>> No.16314834

>How badly does this hurt you?
Not really, I just find it utterly bizarre that they celebrate "Christmas" at all, but I guess that's capitalism and American cultural imperialism for you

>> No.16314847

I wonder if KFC is any better over there than here

>> No.16314853

I had mine from FamilyMart instead of KFC though.

>> No.16315976

Christmas is a Christmas tradition in Japan

>> No.16315981

meat is murder

>> No.16316152
File: 26 KB, 479x490, 13620707_1214171428633257_6233327317902894171_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today i in japan and the girl i have a crush on told me it would be fun if she called me aneki and that she has so many annoying neet friends just like me who confessed to her and she never brought guys home because of her "mother's trust in her" though didnt mention when she lived away from home in a share house...

so yeah... a pretty ,,, weird... christmas for me.

i didnt even get to eat fried chicken because my paycheck hasnt cleared yet :(

>> No.16316210


I had it for Christmas there. Actually it was pretty shit. You had to order it way in advance and they were all just kind of stacked up inside. It wasn't that warm and the nuggets had a weird, sweet taste.


I ate so much FamiChicken and regret not getting that instead. It's the best out of FamilyMart, 7/11 and Lawson IMO.

>> No.16316242

Nice, keep us updated and good luck.

>> No.16316292

I fuckin love kfc, their gravy is awesome.
I actually had KFC and gravy on xmas eve and couldn't stop laughing to myself about the whole japanese xmas meal thing.

>> No.16316317

Meanwhile we can pretend. Thank you wolf girl.


>> No.16317617

Didn't eat KFC for Christmas. Don't see the point. Just cooked up some oden.

>it would be fun if she called me aneki

>> No.16317630

It doesn't hurt. In fact, it's a real pain in the ass to get it at Christmas in Japan. People stacked up throughout the franchise. The stank of chicken carcasses mixed with beans and unflushed public toilets comingling with the gamey aroma of holiday desperation.

I want chicken or sushi now.

>> No.16317754

I like it !!!

>> No.16317768

Doesn't hurt me at all. Why should it?

>> No.16318147

>How badly does this hurt you?

I don't know what this question means but it doesn't hurt at all. In fact this Thanksgiving no one wanted to cook so we got KFC. Turkey meals were pushed to yesterday Christmas.

>> No.16318195

It only hurts me when I get food poisoning or diarrhea from eating it, so about 20% of the time

>> No.16318554

Do they even make Grilled anymore? Don't post erroneous images.

>> No.16318614

Around here the tradition is a roast chicken instead of turkey because turkey is hard to get and a bitch to cook so it's not too different.

>> No.16318618

Hey, better cultural imperialism than cultural marxism any day.

>> No.16318627

>How badly does this hurt you?
Was this meant to be a hate bait, I wonder? Why else would you ask this?

To answer your question, I'd say I'm in agreement with most people here: why should I care?

>> No.16318661 [DELETED] 
File: 271 KB, 506x615, Ba$ed_Imouto_-_How_to_meet_your_waifu_Step_1_-_Dr_2016-12-26_20-36-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't concern me one bit. Why should it?

Get out of /jp/ and never return.

>> No.16318669
File: 271 KB, 506x615, Ba$ed_Imouto_-_How_to_meet_your_waifu_Step_1_-_Dr_2016-12-26_20-36-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't concern me one bit. Why should it?
Get out of /jp/ and never return.

>> No.16318670

not at all

>> No.16318763

settle down sperg.

>> No.16318765

I love kfc chicken, I just wish they would take off the greasy skin before they put it on your plate. I use to get my fingers all oily before peeling the crispy gunky skin off. Dunno why they don't just take that shit off after they cook it.

>> No.16318789

You disgust me

>> No.16318911
File: 103 KB, 600x957, 1418895610893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would it hurt me? KFC can make for a pretty decent stand in for what one might consider a standard western holiday dinner. Most homes in Japan don't have ovens big enough to cook a full sized bird.

That's the best part!

>> No.16318926

Riajuu should all die desu

>> No.16318941

You eat potato skins, banana peels, steak gristle and pig ears too? No thanks. I'd like to eat the actual chicken muscle meat please.

>> No.16318981

The skin is chicken skin with breading. That's it. Spices and flour.

>> No.16319101

>potato skins
>banana peels
>steak gristle
>pig ears

Do you not eat pork crackling?

>> No.16319111
File: 5 KB, 512x78, 1353000779982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16319127

Who is moot?

>> No.16319854

Something Lawson's always puts in their Oden makes it stink the whole fucking store up and I hate it.

>> No.16319961

It isn't oden if it doesn't stink the whole store up.

>> No.16320823

Cultural marxism doesnt exist cultural imperialism destroy real things.

>> No.16320954

They are both toxic byproducts of materialism, one seeks to manipulate culture for profits, the other to manipulate it to bring certain societal changes, both treat culture as nothing more than a social construct instead of part of human existence.

>> No.16323669

>She has so many annoying neet friends just like me who confessed to her
This is so common. Just see her as a friend, and don't make it weird.

>> No.16323700

Holy shit. I just had Family Mart chicken and it's fucking delicious.

Hot, juice, 13 herbs and spices and they put it in a paper bag so you can eat it without greasing up your fingers.

This is awesome. Why wasn't the cute girl working today?

>> No.16323726
File: 281 KB, 375x780, CVL_Ryuujou_Xmas_904_Full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cultural imperialism also gives us cute santa girls!
