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16252328 No.16252328 [Reply] [Original]

Hardest song edition

Rhythm Game FAQ: http://pastebin.com/2pg5zQcA

>> No.16252380


>> No.16252439

Obligatory x is cheating comment, etc.

>> No.16252451

random is cheating
bar is cheating
speed mods are cheating
z&x instead of clicking is cheating
bracketing is cheating
sudden+ is cheating
offset is cheating
wrist scratching is cheating
FHS BPM changes is cheating

>> No.16252452

post all the music games that you play with some kind of regularity and/or seriousness

i'll start:

groove coaster
neon fm
5key beatmania
lr2/bms original songs

>> No.16252458


waiting for the mini sdvx controller before I get back into it

>> No.16252466

StepMania(pad & keyboard, singles and solo for keyboard)
osu! (tablet & keyboard)
Lunatic Rave 2(keyboard)
K-Shoot Mania(Keyboard)
Sound Voltex/II/GW(dual mouse)
Pop'n Music(Keyboard via 9-key mode in LR2)
O2Jam(via chart converts to osu!mania, o2jam sucks)

>tfw too poor to buy controllers
I'm quoting myself.

>> No.16252473


go back to facebook and kys faggot

>> No.16252481

This isn't Music Game Hell or /vg/. We don't need a "general" style OP, edition, and obligatory posts.

Just a simple OP will do.

>> No.16252513

1x only, no bar, MAX 300

>> No.16252518
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>too poor to buy controllers
>bought an osu controller
>won't touch o2jam so plays them in osumania instead


>> No.16252632

The "official" osu! tablet(Huion 420)is 30 bucks with pen, niblets and free shipping. An FP7 runs around 200 dollerinos with exorbitant shipping, and that's one of the cheap IIDX controllers. My pad is a cheap Konami piece of shit and I'm afraid it's going to crap out on me before I know it, so I don't play on it any more than occasionally and casually so I don't fucking destroy the only way I have to play on a pad.

o2jam doesn't have hidden or sudden, and I can't read it for fuck all, and that's the only reason I don't play it.

I play on judge 6 12 and 13's in StepMania kb and have been playing for years, if you're trying to imply I'm a filthy casual. Now that that's done with, get the fuck back to /vg/.

>> No.16252728

tfw I have paseli running with DDR A before IIDX

>> No.16252732

Same here for SDVX.

>> No.16252733

Just SDVX and KSM.

>> No.16252789


>> No.16252798


>> No.16252974

IIDX (both AC and keyboard)
Museca (thanks Brain Power)
Reflec beat plus
Love live SIF

>> No.16253134
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>> No.16253245

>tfw to intelligent too mash buttons to a rhythm

That's why I only play touchscreen music gamss sinxe they're the future and hihgn tech

>> No.16253327

If you're using a tablet, forget it. Their touch screens are usually fucking awful. I tried playing osu with my tablet's touchscreen once. It lags behind like 200ms unironically.

>> No.16253379

bms (not insanes because I'm bad)
osu!mania 4k
sdvx soon when I get a controller

>> No.16253404

kill yourself

>> No.16253442

K-Shoot/SDVX (diy controller)
osu!mania 4k (kbd)
IIDX when I finish my controller, I only need time now.

>> No.16253487

2dicks doubles&singles(main game)
reflec(actually fun after the reboot)

>> No.16253841

IIDX/Insane BMS daily 3h min on a fixed rotation schedule & 2h post-analysis
good sleeping aid
counting only active play time. no loading, no breaks, choosing songs
if you play more than two to three games then there's literally no seriousness going into any of them. It's impossible from the standpoint of time. Count active hours, then calculate ideal play time per month and then year. If you get less than 700 hours/year then no degree of expertise will or can be gained within 5-10 years
You heard this fucked up myth that 10k hours makes you an expert? Yeah, no. Not even close
Don't be dumb kid. Do you actually want to get good at something for once or just fuck around and waste your time?
Kid is seen as an offensive term, but actually it's a fuck ton better to be a kid than a 20-30 year old weirdo doing fuck all
apparently op doesn't understand the concept of seriousness

>> No.16253995

It's just a game, autism

t. Kaiden

>> No.16254063

Being a neet and/or having free time is cheating

>> No.16254067

Nobody has the drive to constantly grind 3 hours of same shit in a daily basis.
Also note that there are many rankers who do play other games in a noticable degree
Dolce is known be good at many music games including gitadora, popn and ddr
rks-32(junta) plays sdvx to warm up
violex plays popn very well
Licht is also very good at popn

the point is that you could have a main game that you want to improve on, but it shouldnt stop you from putting time into other games. and its not like the skills involved are vastly different

>> No.16254098

it's just a game buddy

g a m e
a videogame that you play for fun

if you've put any significant effort into improving at it, at any point, you're playing with some amount of seriousness.

>> No.16254112

MAX series taught me that limits are meant to be broken.

All of us were once piece of shit struggling to catch our breath and picked MAX series last as a final boss of sorts, next thing we remember is breezing through first stage MAX 300.

>> No.16254127

It's autist not autism you dummy.
it's a game. if you're op then next time don't use word "serious" and stick to your silly little "it's just a game" waste of time lifestyle
i mean what kind of fucking excuse is that?
If you take whatever shit "seriously" then take it seriously or don't and go kick a ball around and be a happy 30y old kid
No wonder west is absolute shit when you actually have to show some skill because there is nothing to show. Only ten different "just games", stupid mashing and an absolute waste of time (it's a waste of time regardless, but even more or so if not taken seriously), garbage excuses and whatever other crap
Shit you can't even get any decent actual technique, routine and other discussion going. Go ahead and throw "it's 4chan dude" card. Go visit similar korean or japanese boards and see for yourself what you're doing is an unbelievably stupid waste of time. On the other hand, dont because you'll never get it or else you wouldn't do it, but here you are
and he calls me an autist. Well done, sir. Well done.

>> No.16254183

No. It's called time management. Basic life skill, but seemingly we can't even grasp that

You're correct, but you're only repeating what I said. Up to a few games (you do understand what "a few" means, right?) is totally fine
Nobody has the drive? Of course not even if you're "just playing" For fucks sake do none of you understand that developing ANY skill involves WAY more than only PRACTICING? Grinding is the fucking tiniest part of it. LEARNING from your grinding session is much more complex than the skill itself (pressing stupid buttons)

For the love God. Stick to what you said, go home, live your life and be happy

Seriously 4chan never fails to disappoint

>> No.16254192

>2h post-analysis

What the fuck.

You are taking it too seriously man.

>> No.16254246

what I'm saying is that it may be optimal, but it's not viable in long term
even moreso in a game where you get almost nothing for playing good

also what level do you play
you sound like youre playing in ranker level

>> No.16254325

Decided to play with hidden on in IIDX to improve my rhythm, but when I try to hit the notes to the beat, I'm consistently getting good(fast) judgements.
How can I tell if it's my rhythm that's off or if I should adjust my offset?

>> No.16254351


iidx sp and dp (but I'm taking a long break from it)
sdvx (playing this a lot)
ddr (getting back into)
planning to get back into popn once lapistoria/eclale gets online

>> No.16254369

play 8th chord heavy charts like fly above and adjust your gn accordingly (lower if you get more fasts, increase if you get more slows)
changing your offset isn't probably a good idea if you don't have a gn/wn that works for you

>> No.16254789
File: 1.29 MB, 1200x1033, tumblr_naz7425LBo1sg3x2vo1_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen DOLCE play pop'n or tweet about it or anything. I've seen his DDR and Drummania scores, though.

>when I try to hit the notes to the beat, I'm consistently getting good(fast) judgements.
That's amazing, since IIDX audio can only ever possibly be late, and never early. You must be playing really early, in that case.

>How can I tell if it's my rhythm that's off or if I should adjust my offset?
Offset does not affect the audio, period. It strictly changes the visuals.

>> No.16254878

If you get something like 170 fasts 30 slows then adjust the offset.

>> No.16254893

Fefemz is a Jubeat KAC winner once. He's also a kaiden in IIDX too.

>> No.16254954

Taiko no Tatsujin

>> No.16254969

Not him but this is happening to me. In the long run is it better to adapt to the delay or change the GN or should I go straight to the offset?

>> No.16254979
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I've never been to this board before and I thought I'd look in here since I play osu. I notice that not many people seem to play it. Why is that?

>> No.16254993

Because it's shit.

>> No.16255009

would you be willing to elaborate on that, friendo

>> No.16255023

If it's something drastic like that, I would change the offset. Leave it alone when the fast/slow values are the same.

If you're playing a lot of stuff and you get more slows than fast then it's fatigue.

>> No.16255069

>If you're playing a lot of stuff and you get more slows than fast then it's fatigue.
Similarly if you try playing something harder than usual and you end up with like 300 slow it's not because you should change your offset, it's just your fingers aren't fast enough yet.

the only good gamemodes in it are all inferior ripoffs of other games

the scoring is shit, there's no adjustable approach rate (which would be as if IIDX locked you all into 2x hi-speed), timing windows are all variable and user-set, health bar is variable and user-set, scoring is based on combo, mania allows you to just mash your way through shit because of the way it handles "wrong" notes, there are better taiko sims, has no original music, community is also shit, standard mode is designed to give you carpal tunnel in both hands, complete lack of rhythmic variance in standard due to just mashing ZX to 8th or 16th note streams, peppy is a fucking jew and the program takes screenshots of your desktop, etc

Standard could at least be salvageable if you had to use ASDF Space and click the correct key when you moused over stuff but in current implementations all the modes are fucking shit.

>> No.16255106

standard is fine actually despite the flaws like constant health drain(wtf) and shit scoring system, but its not much of a rhythm game except the fact that music plays along while you click the circles.
the other mods are simply inferior versions of the original games except the fact that it has a big fanbase in the west
also peppy is a aussie jew and many kids who play the game are unbearable

>> No.16255366

In my case I think it's just me having bad timing in General. Sometimes I AA a song just to have 150 fasts and 30 slows on the next song.

When I experiment with offset shit just goes whack and I get like 300 fasts. And sometimes when I play on my mom's pc some kind of glitch happens where the song gets completely out of sync with the notes so I have to restart the whole game

>> No.16255588

Can someone give me a invite to sows?

>> No.16255590

>SDVX IV level changes from location test
>Max Burning EXH is a 17
>Panic Holic GRV is a 16



>> No.16255595

cum on mayumi

>> No.16255706


>> No.16255747

What are some bad habits I should be aware of now that I'm finally playing on a controller?
I know wrist scratching is bad for your health.
What else? Should I use my right hand for hiting 2 and 3 while scratching? I can awkwardly hit 2 while scratching but I don't think it's possible to hit 3 during it with your scratching hand

>> No.16255818

Unless you have really tiny hands you should be able to hit any combination of S, 1, and 2 with your pinky/ring on scratch and thumb/index on the keys. It's not a very large gap.

S+3 is just stretching your hand out.

S+1+3 is difficult for me, and usually done by either slamming 1+3 with the side of your thumb, or bringing your thumb/index over from your right hand.

Other bad habits are playing "claw" (which is using only your middle 3 fingers on both hands on keys 123 and 567 respectively) and other styles that lack thumbs and pinkies.

>> No.16255848

I have big hands with long fingers so I guess I'll check what I'm doing wrong if it feels awkward to do s+2.

And I believe I'm using the standard position of thumb index middle 1 2 3 and thumb index middle ring 4 5 6 7

>> No.16255868

>thumb index middle 1 2 3
Is that even physically possible without turning your hand upside down?

>> No.16255898
File: 355 KB, 1819x1121, what the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thumb index middle 1 2 3 and thumb index middle ring 4 5 6 7

>> No.16255910

The real question is how are you taking that picture?

>> No.16255932

usaneko today boys

>> No.16255941

there's a shelf over my desk I just put my phone over the edge and slapped something heavy on top

>> No.16255966

At least that might make it easier to wrist scratch.

>> No.16256014

Whoops, meant thumb middle index obviously

And checking my hand without playing I can easily hit S with any of the 3 first keys with no problem so I guess it's just me not doing it right during gameplay

>> No.16256135

What are some good songs to practice getting into higher 7s? I can clear a lot of them and even a few 8s, but a lot of the harder 7s just seem impossible to even read. I'm at the point where I can clear the first three songs in 4th dan, but then R5 fails me on the spot.

>> No.16256184

there's a bug in iidx abyss spa is labeled an 8 when it's actually a 10

>> No.16256197

if you cum on mayumi (and you're not a 1cc nigger/ban evading) i will invite you

>> No.16256207

maybe i'm just weird but i never noticed a wall inside 7s. what songs are you having trouble with, besides r5? (it's a gimmicky meme chart and if you just get good, you can clear 5th dan which is honestly easier)

>> No.16256219

I remembered playing a ton of 合体せよ!ストロングイェーガー!![h] when I was starting out.

It made me go to 9s in like a week or so.

>> No.16256387

Yeah Max Burning EXH was one of my first 15s, Panic Holic GRV isn't in too bad a spot, maybe a 17

>> No.16256433

If anything it should be a 17 at least. High tier 14s are also 16s in IV.

>> No.16256602

Well, I still can't clear Abyss for one. I already skipped 2nd dan and went straight to 3rd. Some stuff with a lot of fast chords also gives me trouble, especially 1 3 5 and things like that.

>> No.16256618

>I still can't clear Abyss for one

The SPH? just grind it over and over again until you can read it. play similar charts too, like .59 sph and The Cube spa.

it's kind of a necessary skill to read dense single-note streams like that once you play 8s or 9s. 10s give you dense chordstreams.

>> No.16256819

Is there any trick to learning how to read dense charts other than just grinding them?

>> No.16256851

If there is, I wouldn't know. Charts like that came naturally to me, probably from years of playing streamshit in stepmania.

>> No.16256852

Would play pop'n more if setting up my controller wasn't a pain in the ass

>> No.16256892

I can do 18s in DDR, it's just a lot harder with 8 lanes to look at instead of 4 I guess. Looks like grinding it is.

>> No.16256914

I can do some dense streams, just not when the patterns start to get confusing. Like, I can't do Abyss either but stuff like Nakegi is easy.

>> No.16257213
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Is it true that only gay furries play popping music

>> No.16257224

I'm not gay so no.

>> No.16257262

lower GN or fiddle around with WN sometimes works

>> No.16257303
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Shoutout to my CHRIS4LIFE for taking the #1 spot in the world. Honorable mention to CHUNKA for the #3.

They better start grinding PRev if they wanna stand a chance in the finals.

>> No.16257307

I'm playing with GN 285, any lower and it's just too fast for me to read. I'll try changing WN, though I've never really been sure why that helps. Wouldn't giving myself less time to see the notes make it harder instead?

>> No.16257427

To those of you guys who are Overjoy or Insane Kaidens, are IIDX 12s stupid easy to clear? I'm genuinely curious because level 20+ insane BMS songs looks ridiculous compared to IIDX's hardest songs.

>> No.16257516

not oj or kaiden but clearing wise you can hc/exhc most 12s in the game besides scratch songs if you can consistently clear 20+s (which is kinda hard to practice in bms)

>> No.16257530

Doesn't need to be viable in the long term if we're talking about upwards of 10y. Have a realistic goal. You're not going to compete with whomever's been playing like half of his lifetime. Aka Dolce. Best you can hope for is to actively work on stuff he doesn't anymore. If you're lucky you can put up a fight, but on average you're still not going to reach his level

Why would you rely on the game to "give you something" for being good? Find your own motivation. Look up japanese ranks and aim for the top 10-100. There's your "reward"
How come there's such a distorted way of looking at these games
It has almost nothing to do with the game when it comes down to getting something out of it
It's literally like anything else you'd do. You want to be as good or better than someone at whatever
Look at Fine*. Took it seriously, got to where he wanted and quit
Dolce must be happy as a pig in shit for people like Licht. There's nothing worse than being so far ahead of everyone else where it takes ages for people to catch up if ever. It still fucking sucks when someone can only target and be better at your weaker shit you're sick of, but can't come close to being matched on an equal playing field (new releases)

Why the fuck am I even trying

>> No.16257533

>stuck on 7s
>can clear 75% of 4th dan

wtf anon I've solidly broken into 8s and I still fail out on the 2nd song of 4dan

That being said when I was hit a sort of wall at hard 7s (Abyss being one of them) I just started using sudden+ and could instantly read note density

I'm now playing with WN/GN 400/365 and I can read 16th notes just fine, which I could not do before. The lanecover just lets you focus on fewer notes at a time.

>> No.16257547


You have really cute hands can i hold them

>> No.16257550

>when I was hit
*when I hit

I'm clearly too tired for grammar

>> No.16257565

When/how do you get good at timing in IIDX

I'm playing mid 8s and I still have not gotten a single A, ever, even though I've come as close as A -3. When I really try to focus on timing it just psychs me out and I end up doing even worse than usual. Does it just come naturally eventually?

>> No.16257577

The first three songs are pretty easy for 8s, although it might be that I just like the songs so I know them pretty well. I'd say they're easier than a lot of 7s, especially with the dan meter, but R5 is just ridiculous.

>> No.16257584

Also, how do you feel about まほろば? That's one of the few 7s I have left that I just can't even read. It makes me wish the clickagain chart included 7s just so I could have the satisfaction of seeing that rated a 7.9 or above.

>> No.16257585

Play easier songs. I can go for AAAs about three or four levels below where I currently am, I have a bunch of 3s and just got my first 4.
If you've actually never gotten an A though something is seriously wrong, maybe change your offset.

>> No.16257598

Most Insane BMS are on easy judge. Compared to IIDX you can mash way more
It's pointless to compare them. Yea you can clear 12s fairly easily, but can you time as well?

>> No.16257601

Can't remember if I've even tried that one, I can check tomorrow. I think you can just rate it yourself on statistik if you want to see the number.

>> No.16257617

Don't waste your time trying to AAA easy shit. What you learn won't apply at higher levels
It comes naturally. Begin working on AAAing few levels lower shit around mid 12s

>> No.16257618

I guess the one time I tried 4dan I had never seen any of those songs before, so that probably doesn't help. All I know is, I can already normal clear the first 2 songs of 5th dan, so I'm just gonna attempt that once I figure out 9s.

My offset is fine, but granted I'm playing on a USKOC so there might be lag issues I can't control. Plus I feel like the controller doesn't read fast scratches correctly at all, but that could be just me.


...I didn't know about this until now. That song I was complaining about is rated as an 8.1 over there, and it's a 7 in iidx. That's at least satisfying.

>> No.16257655

>all the whiteknighting on that MGH post

>> No.16257722

Most insane BMS are played on keyboard as well, I can't think of any videos if someone clearing stuff like overjoy on controller

>> No.16257764

Is there a mod to make the keys on the DJ Station Pro less stiff?

>> No.16257784

actually, there are more bm players than kb players. check lr2ir
also there are plenty of insane kaiden/ oj bm players

>> No.16257800

not to be creepy but ur hands look extremely soft

>> No.16257802


This is awful advice

>> No.16257827

This. If there's anything rare about bm oj players it's the ones not wrist scratching
Some would argue static bm is easier than keyboard due to size and better feedback

>> No.16257836

I play stepmania with dhfj instead of dfhj because I fucked up learning index a while back and screwed up muscle memory. Am I screwing myself over on harder patterning later on?

>> No.16257839

Just break that habit and play spread correctly. That sounds like a major headache.

>> No.16257840

Which one?

>> No.16257911

there's a bug in iidx central station spa is labeled a 10 when it's actually a 12

>> No.16257912

The "who cares you're a girl" one.

>> No.16257927

Not going to convince dummies stuck in their shit habits
You seriously think trying to AAA 3s and 4s will help you in any way on 10s and higher? If so you're delusional as fuck

>> No.16258070

What is "MGH"?

>> No.16258082

I'm gay (read: bi) and not a furry and I love Pop'n. I think there's probably like a 90% chance that you're one of the two, though. At least if you're a dude. Straight, non-furry girls probably like Pop'n.

>> No.16258086

imagine if this thread were held on /vg/ instead of /jp/

also everyone has a tripcode because it's fucking facebook

>> No.16258089

Sounds like straight cancer.

>> No.16258091

It is, which is why I don't go there.

>> No.16258130

no but really can someone validate my shittiness on abyss SPA i can't even begin to clear that chart and i have clears/hcs/exhcs on 8/9s and a couple clears/one hc on 10s

>> No.16258209

It's a mid to high range 8 at best. I can see why you're struggling though. There are few parts where it can throw you off and drop you down to 2% or something, but other than that it's a solid, easy to follow rhythmic pattern. Just because you can clear few easier 9s and 10s doesn't mean you're automatically excellent at all 8s. It just shows you're weak at this particular song's patterns. Nothing else
Think of it like V or non-ran Symmetry. They require extra time and practice.
If I remember correctly I cleared Exusia hyper and exhc Mei hyper before V.
Progression is not universal. I could clear mid range 12s while getting 2% on few 11s and so on. Your expectations are unrealistic

>> No.16258276

Which game is the best to learn 7k on? LR2? O2jam? osu?
I only know that lr2 has overjoy and o2jam has private servers that cater for upper tier players, but nothing about how good/bad they are for newer players to try and pick up the game.

>> No.16258294


>> No.16258299

lr2 and get some iidx bms and play the 1s/2s/3s

you can find tons of iidx bms here:
and here:

>> No.16258313


If you're working on clearing 8s and 9s you're going to have to play things in the 3-5 range to work on the basics of timing. You can't push for timing when you're struggling to hit the notes at all. Personally, I think it's good to work on both timing and clearing as you advance, unless you just don't care about timing at all and don't think you ever will. I starting trying to AAA stuff pretty much as soon as I started playing the PS2 games back in the day, beginning with stuff like Lion Suki [n], and I think it's served me well.

>> No.16258616

I agree with your statement when you said it's good to work both on timing and clearing, but first there has to be a ground to build upon. Around 8s you're not even close to having some solid muscle memory going. The worst thing you can do at that point is to build upon very uneven ground and having to relearn all that crap later
At least get to higher 10s where you can clear some 11s. At that point you have a relatively stable ground. You'll still hit a massive wall at higher 12s, but that's unavoidable
You really don't want to stay in your comfort zone for long. Move on as quickly as possible and tolerable
At certain level you will begin to notice while failing easy to mid 12s, but clearing most mid 11s and most 10s that the differences are minor in terms of focus, playstyle, patterns. Same patterns repeating, but more often and with additional notes, scratches thrown in between. This is the very basic, stable ground where working on any of level will affect the rest. Here timing is something to work on. If you do it on mid 10s you can do it on mid 12s and it reflects across all levels as it should

The very fact you said "I think it served me well" shows the massive amount of cognitive biases involved in all of this. What you believe to be good may not be so. If you've spent all your time doing shit one way it won't matter who tells you there could be a better alternative. You can't listen or take it seriously enough due to your belief in your subjective experience
Go read about Dane's son story on solidsquad. It's a perfect example of shit ton of people here doing about the same thing. You're not willing to consider given advice
You really think I'd be writing all of this shit just to bullshit you?
For all the beginners they've got a fucking long way to go. They can change their mind anytime they feel like it. I'm presenting you with an alternative approach from yes, subjective experience while following in the footsteps of better players (at that time)
Why this annoys me so much is due to fact I was in the exact same position. I didn't want to listen to what others had to say and play by what felt right. Once I started to actively, daily track my progress and mapping it out it became so much clearer how wrong I was
I'm not shitting you when I'm saying my progress jumped at least threefold once I took what was said seriously and putting it into practice. One of the things was timing. It felt really good getting AAs, but it only reinforced false belief in my progress because B and C+100 made me want to crawl up and cry. Still I decided to stick with my shit scores and clear-rate. Felt awful, but payed off immediately around mid 12s where AAAing 10s was a joke not to mention 9s or 8s
It's common sense now, but at that time it felt the worst kind of advice anyone can give. Play hard shit no matter how bad you're doing over and over again and it will pay off. What kind of fucking advice is that, I thought. It didn't make any sense from enjoyability and motivation standpoint, but that's the thing. It didn't have to. I just needed to have some trust and suck it up
If you can read Japanese there are great blogs from top rankers or close to it as well as insane bms, oj players. It's priceless information anywhere from how to deal with specific patterns to routine, breaks and so on
Why these people here who call it "just a game" don't take it like one? Why the fuck are you scared of being shit in "just a game"? Be shit and stay shit until you're good because it's just a fucking game. It's ridiculously funny how when given advice in a good will people get up and arms about "just a game". If it's so, why are you even wasting your time trying to defend garbage standpoints. Standpoints I thought ought to be true myself at one point hence why I can call it garbage. It has nothing to do with personal opinions or shit like that

>> No.16258634
File: 79 KB, 215x186, 96b78f8ed453af7f06d17308176e669e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are taking beatmania iidx (a videogame about slapping piano keys and diddling a turntable to the beat of techno music) far too seriously

>> No.16258724

Dude... Chill.

>> No.16258738

Despite all what is said you still don't get it? It doesn't matter if I'm pressing buttons or practicing juggling. The exact same thing applies
If it's worth doing, it's worth doing well. Why spend your time on whatever shit if you're not even approaching it with at least some degree of seriousness? Go do something else like learn a new language or simply read books. Anything, but this kind of an absolute waste of time

In these two words you're assuming a lot and your assumptions are wrong

>> No.16258795

Are dans a measure of how skilled someone is?

>> No.16258822

kind of but you could just suck at nonran.
also it doesn't show ones scoring capability
note that dans are generally more respected in dp

>> No.16258823

only for mashing/anmitsu, unless you actually play dan courses that you can normally clear or hard clear and get strong grades on them

the obvious exception is kaiden

>> No.16258837

You more or less wrote exactly what I was about to say. It seriously doesn't say shit. Kaiden is absolutely pointless
It's a pathetic motivational thing to keep players coming to the arcade and throwing money at Konami to wag their dicks a bit until someone comes around and tells them what a waste of time it was

>> No.16258906

As a new player, this is very helpful. Thank you for writing it out.

>> No.16259063


I agree that only playing easy stuff all day is a mistake. I also agree that playing things above your current level and failing a lot of songs will make you better. I don't think that starting on timing early is a mistake, though. You have to play easier stuff at the beginning of a session to warm up anyways. If the song is in your comfort zone, you don't have to try real hard to make sure the buttons get pressed. Instead, you can try real hard to make sure the buttons get pressed good. Then, by playing harder songs, you will increase the range of levels where you don't have to try hard to get the buttons pressed, and you will be able to apply your skill of pressing the buttons good to more songs.

That said, if some sort of Universal Truth God appeared before me and told me that rushing your clearing skill as far as possible before thinking about timing was the Most Maximum Efficient Path, that wouldn't be unbelievable or anything. When I think about the Kaiden players I know, though, the ones who worked on timing earlier are much stronger at timing than the ones who worked solely on clearing. And the ones who worked solely on clearing aren't actually much further ahead on clearing skill (or are roughly equivalent.) So, hey. It'll probably work out for you as long as you try hard and don't waste your time on dumb stuff like trying to AAA FC every normal in all of Omnimix or whatever.

>> No.16259084


They're a measure of how skilled someone is at a certain selection of songs nonrandom. You can get a very general idea of what someone's clearing skill is at from their dan rank, but it won't say anything about timing, and the ceiling is pretty low (for SP, at least.) There's a very, very long way to go after you clear Kaiden for the first time.

>> No.16259153

12s and 13s? In what pack? if its a pad pack and you're playing it with a kb you are a filthy casual

>> No.16259498

Couldn't be happier. Hope it saves you from some of the confusion and frustration I had to go through. As you progress you'll agree and disagree with some of the statements made and that's fine. You'll find your own way of approaching it. This is merely a starting point. Eventually you'll develop it further and perhaps stumble into even better ways

Well said. There's one little thing though. Many clearing types get bored with timing 12s and end up in BMS territory which is less focused on timing and more on clearing. They're not as good at time indeed, but they're not that interested in it to begin with.
Personally I find timing really fun which is why BMS and IIDX routines are completely separated (break from one or the other).
As for starting with timing early. One thing to note is that while I may have had negative connotation in regards to re-learning, it's actually helpful, but I still don't recommend it solely for the frustration factor. It turns people away from the game if they discover their timing skills won't apply (much) at higher levels and getting shit scores
If you're well aware of what you're doing and how it affects (negatively or positively) your further progression then it's absolutely fine to do whatever you please. However, beginner cannot possibly know beforehand what consequences their actions may have hence why I'm trying to give them a little heads up. Getting to higher 11s is a point where you're well aware of the implications and no longer need whatever I or others have said
If what we've said so far is taken in by a beginner then he or she can begin timing immediately knowing very well it may lead to problems later on what needs to be conquered (from AAAs to As or Bs). If you know this and you're fine with it then do as you please, but if you're the type who gets really frustrated when failing to meet some score then better avoid it until higher levels
Seen too many quit at around 9s when they can't get AAAs or 10s where they're getting Bs at best. For some it's seriously intolerable and demotivating having to start all over again at whatever level. It takes considerably more time to get good at timing at whatever level than it does to begin comprehending patterns reasonably well to move on to higher levels. It's bad enough to get good at reading not to mention timing. The longer you spend at lower levels the more painful it is to move on to the next one
Doing both at the same time has about the same effect since you're essentially taking away time from trying to comprehend higher level patterns to time lower level stuff
As much as they've tried to make progression as smooth as possible, every higher level is still a wall. It's alright up to 9s, but getting into 10s and 11s is way slower and higher 12s is total bullshit at first

As for warming up. I don't do it. I pick whatever song I'm worst at and start with that. It seriously inhibits my timing and "getting going" when I start "slow". I believe there are actual studies where they show higher task difficult at the beginning of a sessions is less demotivating during the whole session than starting with lower task difficult and building up. Has something to do with unconscious expectations where being good at easier task sets up expectations you won't meet as the session goes on. Leads to being less motivated, not sticking with harder tasks and unconscious preference for easier tasks when given the choice. There's a lot of material on such topics, but that's another story

By the way. I respect your opinions. Happy to see reasonable perspectives going
I'd love to see universal truth God in this area as well. Everyone brings something new and unique to the table. At higher levels it gets a lot more fuzzier than early on. Getting up to 12s is pretty straight forward as long as you don't do dumb things you already mentioned. Afterwards it's a lot of post-analysis, finding your weak points, knowing why it happens, research (where possible) how top rankers deal with it and trying it out until you find your own mixed way of timing some stupid patterns

Someone quoted 2h post-analysis. Whoever you are, you think that's enough? It's the bare minimum given the time constraints. I'd spend upwards of 8h if I could to answer all the questions where, why and how I fucked up. You can't fix or improve what you don't know. Playing blind and hoping for the best can only get you so far

>> No.16259685

Play with lift, not hidden

>> No.16259694

There's a difference between work and recreation. It's not wrong to put effort into a recreation but, at the moment you put enough or more effort to the point of you getting tired of it, now it's not recreation but work. Even worse: a work you PAY to do it instead of getting paid to do it.

Now answer me: what's the fucking point of not having fun? You have, of course, the freedom to do whatever you want, but is it smart to always do it?

>> No.16259711

I like Delta Max more.

>> No.16259989

Learning isn't recreation or fun? I relax when I do something, but am not forced to do it. If I want to I can stop at any time. Actually one of the reasons why I can put so much effort into this. I'm not forced to do it and find it both fun and interesting on top of being relaxing
It's as if recreation means only sitting around doing jack shit. Hiking is recreation, but highly demanding physically

As for your latter part. If AAAing 8s is fun to you then by all means stick to it and keep going. OPs question was about taking any of these games "seriously". My definition of seriousness in regards to these games means a certain goal. AAAing 8s I don't consider serious by any means. AAAing higher 12s is getting there. Ranking against top 20 players is getting into actually serious effort and work what can be fun, but demanding
There's a difference between looking for an immediate easy, fun feedback and working towards a higher goal through a lot of not-so-fun stuff until it gets fun. The latter I find considerably more rewarding in every way

If you're getting tired of consistent demanding effort then you're simply incapable of dealing with low stress and keeping yourself motivated. If you have a highly stressful, mentally demanding work with impossible deadlines then this kind of a thing doesn't even come close to being stressful despite the effort
Simply put, I don't find AAAing easy shit fun for exactly that reason. It's too easy and gets boring fast. Now answer me this: what's the point of being of bored of something what ought to be fun?

This is completely different topic to being with and nothing to do with OPs question. Fun is relative and in such case you can do whatever the fuck you want
Now don't fall off your chair, but there are people out there in the world who have huge work responsibilities and find calculus as a fun, leisurely thing to dabble with
Seriously your definition of fun is incredibly close-minded. As if only the easiest things in the world are fun. Some of us like challenge, effort and work

Is it worth always doing? I don't quite understand the question. If you mean whether you always HAVE to stick to some fixed routine then the answer is no, but as I've said there are only so many hours in a day. This is where basic time-management comes into play and you need to consider your goals and time. Is it worth breaking the routine to "get something else" out of it and basically wasting the hours you have or stick to it and move closer to your goal.
Imagine how long you'll plan to stick with the game. Now imagine how big of a deal it is to have a few not so fun days in the long run? I mean seriously this isn't hard to figure out. Take some table or calender or anything and mark it down how fun it was on scale of 1-10 or simply fun/not-fun. After few months look back at it and figure out exactly how many bad days you had. Then figure out how to make it more fun while still moving towards your goal and keep making notes. Do it until you find the exact optimal level between fun and progression
Shit this is such a common sense and not exactly rocket-science to figure out
If you don't care at all then why bother replying? Go play or do whatever you do to have fun and enjoy it

>> No.16260018

>Got my controller, almost PU on sows near freeleech event so I can finally get copula, passed all the important stuff on college this semester, gonna get a Pcbid by asking for one on the thread as soon as I get the AC data

Damn it's been a while since so many good things happened at once for me. Feeling good.

>> No.16260038

Hold off for a bit before downloading Copula. There'll probably be a freeleech during the end of the year. Don't kill your ratio because it's obviously way overseeded. You're not going to make it even. During freeleech though you probably will and grab other recent torrents

>> No.16260141

Oh, I will wait. There aren't that many songs I'm excited to play anyway. There's Possession and that's it I guess. Don't know anything from the actual copula soundtrack.

>> No.16260181

If you're just starting to play now, it'll be a while before you can do Possession. It's really fun, but they basically wanted to emulate playing DDR in IIDX so there's tons of chords instead of jumps.

>> No.16260789
File: 90 KB, 450x357, 1437196276552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Insane BMS

>> No.16260883


Yeah but if you can't even get an A on a song you need to go back and learn how to time

>> No.16260905


nvm i didn't see your autistic ramblings
don't ever reply to my posts again

>> No.16260974

But I don't have a mayumi.

>> No.16261047

Why is random so boring my dudes

>> No.16261085
File: 166 KB, 1256x710, random.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheating is random

>> No.16261091

What if there was laser-ran

>> No.16261114

>random laser colors

oh fug

>> No.16261142

I'm the one playing 8s that started this whole conversation & I just wanted to say I appreciate everyone's advice

I've occasionally tried scoring well on easier songs (mostly 5s and 6s) and I still can't get As, but I'm hoping my timing might get better when my dao finally gets here and I have a more reliable controller.

But overall my number one concern is clearing harder and harder songs, so even though I've kinda hit a wall in the form of hard 8s, I keep playing them. Hopefully it'll start to make sense soon.

>> No.16261179

Possession is literally my favorite chart to play right now, good taste anon

And the normal isn't really that hard. I'd put it at maybe a 7.4. But then again I'm considerably better at chords than streamy stuff, so I dunno.

>> No.16261188

I've aa'd sph but the ending makes me fail every time
Still a fun song tho

>> No.16261384

I think I already posted this in the thread on sows but I'll repost it here

It'd be cool if the direction and slope of the laser is random, but it still changes directions when it's supposed to

>> No.16261483
File: 330 KB, 1125x2000, 1481738396357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


post your IR profile

>> No.16261502

What's there to even analyze for 2 whole hours

>> No.16261554

Planning on buying an FP7 soon, but if they have a christmas sale this year, I might be able to afford the platinum edition instead.
Is it worth shelling out a bit extra to get the PE controller?

>> No.16262129

hi Lokovodo

>> No.16263325

Anyone have any experience fixing DDR/ITG pads? There's an arcade near me that has itg3 but one of the panels seems to stick down when it's stepped on half the time.

I'm thinking of buying it from them since I've never seen anyone else playing it but is it going to be too much trouble to fix up?

>> No.16263338

pads are really easy to fix unless they're absolutely catastrophic, and even then it's possible.

arcade ops are just lazy stupid fucks

like at worst you might have to order new screws/panels/sensors

>> No.16263367

It's just cleaning things, spacing things properly, and replacing sensors if necessary. There are a lot of resources on it.

>> No.16263906

What is chords?

>> No.16263972
File: 59 KB, 540x960, 15492448_1282899991783131_8209338270632911123_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 former enemies

>> No.16263979
File: 51 KB, 540x960, 15442375_1282988595107604_4874223918206822276_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other 2. I like the office lady look.

>> No.16264397

As if you have any way to enforce it except getting the fuck out of here yourself
You're seriously in love with autism aren't you? Projecting much?

>> No.16264475

Listen you dummy. You're not going to get As by timing easy shit anyways. There's nothing to relearn. Move forward, learn to comprehend harder shit and whatever timing issues you may have had will be gone. It's a win-win situation. Not only will you time better, but you can read better as well instead of doing the same easy shit over again. Then moving forward and failing hard
Fucking common sense

>> No.16265291

By flashflashrevolution standards. Keyboard charts.

12 and 13 pad charts might be pretty hard for a new player, though, even on keyboard. Building read and muscle memory takes time, it won't be instant. I also don't think it'd be fair to call someone casual just because they're playing a pad 13 on keyboard. There's such a thing as subjective difficulty, rather, you might argue that difficulty is ALWAYS subjective. So as long as the player is challenging themselves somewhat, that means they're not playing casually. Objective difficulty has nothing to do with casual or not casual.

This is only half-true, to be honest. Playing songs that are easier to read will make it easier to time since you won't be struggling just to hit the notes, giving you more leniency to focus on your timing, and as your density reading improves so will your ability to time well with progressively denser charts as time goes on. However, that doesn't mean that the timing itself can't present it's own kind of difficulty.

That's what I liked about StepMania. Play and improve, then you can increase the timing settings when you feel you're ready. It sets you back a bit for density reading for a while, but your timing improves a lot. Playing on judge 4 is pretty easy for me now as long as it's not excessively dense. Some charts are really hand-killers, 'tis the bane of playing low keycount, sadly.

And you can just set the judge back down to something lower if you feel like playing something really dense. I just wish there was an easier way to do it than having to go all the way back to the main menu, though. Well, stepmania's modability is superior, is all I'm sayin'. Judge and rate and awesome mods.

Also fuck 5, it's garbage.

>> No.16265545


>> No.16265687

3.9 rulz

>> No.16265708

>tfw can't break 85k in popping

>> No.16265724

My SVSE5's buttons have suddenly stopped working. The knobs work fine and the LED lights are still functional, but the buttons just aren't being detected. Was working fine last night, anyone know what the issue is?

>> No.16265729

link for the archived stream?

>> No.16265735

Check the connections inside the case, if they're all connected I'd just email dao and ask for help

>> No.16265751

Since the LEDs still light up when you press the buttons, are you sure it's just not the key bindings for whatever game your playing? I know that plugging into a different USB port can cause the buttons to show up as new bindings.

>> No.16265794


>> No.16265812


just aa exhc'd 3y3s normal

about 3 months ago i couldn't even easy clear it

>> No.16266049

See if it's not the driver that fucked up, just test your controller on another pc

>> No.16266065

nvm fixed it ;)

>> No.16266495

How did you fix it? I have a DIY controller powered by a Leonardo, but I got the exact same problem as you. Knobs and lights all work, just no keyboard input detected unless I reset my computer with the controller plugged in first.

>> No.16266508

>just no keyboard input detected unless I reset my computer with the controller plugged in first.
That's how I fixed it. Doesn't work when I unplug and and plug it back in. Don't know why.

>> No.16266539

>Getting used to controller
>high GN (450)
>shitload of fasts

>change to 367
>even number of fasts and slows

I think I found my number

>> No.16266681

Seriously, this stuff is crazy. I was stuck on 6s and 7s and now I'm doing 8s. Just AAed smoooch.

Feels good when things start clicking.

>> No.16267145

Is there something that has to be done in order to make a card file work with Copula? My PCBID still works, but I can't access webui or the operator thing. If there is a new address can someone please mail it to me at feclair@gmail.com?

>> No.16267148

sent ;)

>> No.16267289

jfc can you people who ask for tech support here even read english?

>> No.16267298

I don't have access to sows.

>> No.16267412

Then you shouldn't have data. /jp/ is not tech support.

>> No.16267421

so you downloaded from leggendaria? lmao fuck outta here

>> No.16267745

>playin popn together with your qt japanese gf
>red note coming
>you both go for it, and your hand touches hers
>she blushes slightly, "gomenne" she says
>you look at her with a sweet smile "daijoubu da yo"
>neither of you expected that lewd touch to release a flood of unresolved sexual tension, repressed by societal norms
>japanese qt pulls your pants down, breathing heavily
>you pick her up and slam her onto the popn cab
>she starts jerking you off to the beat of L-an!ma
>barely able to control yourself, you rip off her skirt and panties
>you thrust your head onto her wet pussy, and orally ravish her while she screams
>japanese qt rips off her blouse and bra, revealing her supple, popn button sized breasts
>no longer satisfied with the taste of her juice, you thrust your massive cock into her tight hole
>"MOTTO MOTTO" she shrieks, while you pound her with an!ma in the background
>as the song ends, you come inside her, cock quivering in pleasure
>as you pull out of her, your hot seed falls out of her pussy onto the popn buttons
>both of you get dressed, and continue playing

>> No.16267996


I have rivals that play the same way you do, they quickly got through 8/9dan but can't AAA a 10 to save their life

Scoring > Clearing

This will always be true, nobody cares about your normal clear lamp B.

>> No.16268034
File: 969 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2016-12-16-15-29-51-720_com.google.android.youtube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have the theme from this video? Aoi deleted all the links from his blog

>> No.16268070

thats wmix hd


>> No.16268202

not even oitg

>> No.16268534

wtf i love L-an!ma now

>> No.16268609

If you're trying to impress normies, yes. If you're trying to improve, no. Playing for AAA's won't help you much when trying to read dense patterns.

>> No.16268699

MAX stupid reached. Seriously getting AAAs on 8s will totally impress people. Nobody cares about your fuck easy 8 AAAs either
Christ almighty

>> No.16268732

please dont forget to pee so you dont get a uti... thanks

>> No.16268886

Does anyone know what the difference between Random and S-Random in LR2 is? I've been thinking of giving them a go to help build muscle memory for odd patterns, but it would be good to know what the difference is.

>> No.16268906

S-ran completely scatters the notes randomly whereas random only changes the pattern

>> No.16268914

(this is true for iidx too) Random moves around the LANES, not the notes in them. Imagine if each chart were comprised of 8 really long strips of paper with the notes marked on them.

S-Random will randomly change the position of every single note. This most notably turns jacks into not-jacks and (not always, but it's quite common) not-jacks into jacks

>> No.16268975

While it's good you want to try alternative ways to build muscle memory I have better suggestions because s-ran doesn't really help. You're not going to see anything you do with s-ran for the most part.

Instead try to hit notes with specific fingers you're not used to and modify you playstyle ever so slightly. Even if you have to play easier song for a bit until you get used to it
If you can, play doubles, one handed or scratch songs. Both force you to move your hands/fingers around. A lot of variability in general what helps to build more solid muscle memory

Other things to do try is practicing at lower than normal gn. It forces you to react without thinking what builds a bit more specific muscle memory region in your brain. One is where you concentrate and make a calculated decision how to hit the patterns while the other is reflex-based. Eventually you'll reach the latter anyways, but for now it's worth doing
As much crap as non-ran gets it's also something to consider. Full on rolls with one hand is incredibly difficult, but useful skill to have

Doubles would still be the best, but one-handed will do as well. Look up few videos of other players and pick something they do you don't and incorporate it in your playstyle over time
There are quite a few options to choose from and they're all good because the more varied your playstyle is the better. Even if you're using relatively fixed style most of the time you'll still be prepared to hit uncommon patterns

Of course the best way to build very specific muscle memory is to grind one song with patterns you're struggling with over and over again non-ran. Up to a 100 times/song

>> No.16269018

This man is fucking insane. They better make some significantly harder songs in SDVX 4, just for him to be challenged again. https://twitter.com/_BollC14/status/809729798968745984

>> No.16269047

Easy. Everyone can do it

>> No.16269060

When does ac data even hit freeleech? It feels like its never eligible when a fl rolls around.

>> No.16269099

There was FL right after the Copula release. Next one should be coming up within weeks

>> No.16269102

But copula wasn't actually freeleech though, no? Everything came up as free for me except copula, where it said my ratio would get hit after downloading

>> No.16269126

Wasn't it? I don't actually remember. I did double-check during download and my ratio remained unchanged. Looking at my down rate now I can definitely tell it hasn't increased. So, while it may have not shown as FL it was so

>> No.16269137

Everything including Copula was FL. The "ratio will be xx.xx" thing shows up even if a torrent is FL. Unless you weren't power user or something.

>> No.16269140
File: 277 KB, 1050x703, 1474724129454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been bamboozled.

>> No.16269148

Hey, don't be sad. At least now you know

>> No.16269226

So 9th Dan in 15 months. Any estimates on when I hit Kaiden?

>> No.16269235

If you keep grinding the class songs only non-ran to hit Kaiden then within a year or less

>> No.16269294

How did you get to 9th Dan in the first place? As a main goal or a side-effect of regular practice?
People have been known to hit Kaiden in less than a year by grinding the crap out of it

>> No.16269324

>tfw can't pass 9th wall (DDR)

This will be a loooong road.

>> No.16269372


Entirely organic. I have around 230 11s cleared and a couple 12s.

>> No.16269377

I remembered clearing high tier 11s left and right so I tried 9dan. Got it in the first try.

>> No.16269397


Yeah, TSP took me a few tried, but with shit like B4U(BEMANI FOR YOU MIX) and 532nm cleared, it should have been no problem.

>> No.16270186

Should I wear gloves when I play popn

>> No.16270312

not really
it makes you do stairs more easily but your timing gets destroyed

>> No.16270337

BSB normal is pretty easy. Red FMJ normal is one level lower and it feels harder to me

>> No.16270352


>> No.16270367

Old or Ace 9?

>> No.16270370

What's the 7th dan of pop'n

>> No.16270410


Quite honestly, I'm a fan of this newly formed genre of Rhythm Game Erotica.

I look forward to future releases.

>> No.16270419

the 42 wall

>> No.16270496


Seems a little brutal. I'd say the 39 wall. 7th Dan isn't all that great.

>> No.16270649

when the fuck is lapistoria getting card support

or when the fuck is eclale getting released

>> No.16270661
File: 96 KB, 512x512, nomercy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this The Safari of SDVX?

>> No.16270695

If pop'n has a dan course it'd be something like this

>Kaiden: 50s
>Chuuden/11dan: 49s
>10dan:47s - 48s
>9dan: 45s - 46s
>8dan: 43s - 44s
>7dan: 41s - 42s

>> No.16270698


>> No.16270700

If someone starts out with SDVX then yes. People who played IIDX or even stepmania would BTFO it.

>> No.16270708

Lane perspective makes it difficult to read though.

>> No.16270820

about 41
2dix kaiden = mid~high tier 49s
12 全白 = high tier 49s(neu, rinascita, scaleout etc..) to mid tier 50s

>> No.16270876

How do you know if you're doing well in Pop'n if there's no grade system?

>> No.16270887

Dang I'm 7dan in pop'n and iidx

>> No.16270906

can someone link a decent skin for lr2 (heard there was some iidx pendual skin somewhere). I dont care if its not HD im tired of my game looking like ass

>> No.16270934

Are you having fun? There you go

>> No.16270972

Money score and cools
Scoring really doesn't matter till higher levels tho because clearing is harder than say iidx or sdvx

>> No.16270999

Why ziv doesn't have the songs I want?

>> No.16271021

Google a skin called red belt. It's quite good in my opinion.

>> No.16271028


I'm talking about high level here you fucking retard
and your original point, which was to ignore timing issues entirely and just focus on clearing, which is actually max stupid

>> No.16271161

why do 4chan threads have zero chill

>> No.16271188

yea this ones ok. Some of the "digital clock" text a bit annoying but I guess its pretty good. Of course, I imagine trying to uninstall it at this point would completely break lr2 as per usual.

>> No.16271230

Just a head's up, for some fucking reason the play noteskins(7k etc.)are fucking broken for hidden and sudden/+. Just use the LR2 noteskin or something else that works if you want to hidden or sudden.

>> No.16271257


>> No.16271360

>scoring > clearing

>> No.16271520

only if you're playing on really shitty cabs with really heavy setups

i had a chance to play on a really nice cab the other day and i brought gloves just in case cause i wasn't sure what to expect but i didn't feel like i should be wearing them after 1 song

>> No.16271526

what songs do you want?

>> No.16271688

Should I worry if my arms and hands sting in some places after a game session? I don't play too hard and take decent breaks after almost 2 hours of gameplay.

My arms don't feel heavy or tired and the pain is not on my wrist or tendons but I still worry about my health. I just want to know if a weak stinging pain here or there is normal

>> No.16271824

>tfw stuck in 950k purgatory
I just cannot AAA for the life of me, what the fuck. It doesn't matter if it is a 9 or a 16, the most I will ever get is 950k and it is killing me. How do I get a better MA?

>> No.16271854

That's called carpal tunnel. Can happen if you're playing IIDX or Osu! with improper form and stretching. I recommend taking a week off from playing intense songs. If it still persists, go talk to your doctor.

>> No.16271941

The stinging already stopped though. I hope it's not a serious case or something otherwise I'd be sore way longer. It happens only when I play IIDX. Maybe I'll stretch before, during and after playing. My fp7 stands just slightly above my lap and my arms and hands rest straight on top of it.

>> No.16271968

hit harder, raise your high speed, become familiar with songs

>> No.16272237

>hit harder
This is probably my problem. I step fairly lightly to preserve my energy due to shit energy so that may account for the times when I get a random miss or even just a great instead of a perfect/marvelous.

>> No.16272244

yeah for timing your steps have to be very deliberate

>> No.16272252

Not a good position. If your hands are flat as opposed to being slightly bent downwards (like playing an actual piano) then you'll put a lot of stress on your wrists
Number one thing I always checked when starting out was to make sure I'm not feeling any pressure or discomfort. Keeping arms raised a bit or one resting on my knee (when playing sitting down) in a way where my wrists bends downwards to hit the keys
Of course there's a lot of movement involved anyways and you can't always do that, but I forced myself back to that position whenever I could and prevent any tension building. Relaxing mid-song where possible even if only for a second
You have to consciously be aware of it for a while until it becomes natural

No pain or stinging should occur at all. I play several hours on end with little to no breaks and have no such problems
I guess it somewhat depends how your fingers are in a relaxed state. Do they tend to curl up or lay straight? Since mine tend to curl a bit piano positioning was quite natural

>> No.16272260

High level. Not clearing. Scoring > clearing. What? Are you dumb, high or both?

>> No.16272266

Ignoring timing issues early on as a beginner not as someone who's "high level"
Whatever that means by your standards

>> No.16272300

my FP7 turntable is starting to peel off, any recommendations?

>> No.16272310

Any clue you can get rid of with a heat gun. In case you want to replace it completely later on. You don't want some plastic-melting superglue to ruin your TT surface

>> No.16272321

Lapistoria had dan courses, 7th is Glide EX, Quilt H, Love Sugar H and King of the Sea H.

>> No.16272411

Same here.

>> No.16272437


>> No.16272460
File: 722 KB, 2560x1440, 20161217_003753~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sanwas came in the mail today, and I'm having some issues putting them on my fp7. The first few buttons fit no problem, but I'm having some issues with key 7. Any advice on how to keep it flush?

>> No.16272567

Have you tried rotating the key 90 degrees?

>> No.16273014

Thanks I'll change immediately.

I have long fingers so they naturally curl on the buttons. I do have experience with the piano and I rarely ever got sore playing it so I guess I'll import some positioning from it.

>> No.16273039

In any case I'll play less and let me stamina and resistance build more. I played keyboard before controller and didn't feel anything with it but when I took a long break and came back, 11s started tiring my wrists which never happened before and it was the same position too.

I'd rather take it slow and have small occasional progress than get damaged for life

>> No.16273087

It really sounds as if you're tensing up and can't find an opportunity to relax when possible or don't know how to
Focus on your hands and if you're keeping them tense while waiting for dense patterns to show up take the opportunity and instead of trying to be as accurate as possible use your arms to lift hands and "slap" the controller more instead of using your fingers/wrists
Like when you have consistent beat going you don't need to be tense for that. Slap it like you don't give a shit in the world whether you're accurate or not
Best is to of course let the arms do most of the lifting and hitting on consistent patterns. Look at how dolce does it. His side-view videos show how he quickly switches between fast fingering and then back to slapping (this didn't come out right)
Even in case of dense patterns he can still maintain relatively piano-like hand positioning

>> No.16273134

I never realized how distant dolce's hands were from the buttons. Just saw it now. Guess my mistake was thinking simply letting my hands on top of the controller thinking it'd tire me less.

Thanks for the advice friend. I'll practice the ideal positioning after breakfast. I want to enjoy the game as much as possible before college starts again.

>> No.16273257

This makes even more sense. I notice in every video I watch that you can actually hear the player's feet fairly loudly but you can never hear mine when I play. Guess I gotta suck it up then.

>> No.16273426

Yeah you should check out m!tsba as well. He's insane on a whole different level. Being that good with his play style and gn is crazy
Check out potofu's blog as well. It's fairly old, but there's still good info there

>> No.16273437

http://the-safari.com/3072 this one as well

>> No.16273468

All SDVX, IIDX, Jubeat, MUSECA, etc. good songs that are not there.

(I know it's impossible. I was just randomly complaining)

>> No.16273792

I think it worked. 90 minutes playing starting from easy songs to my current level to stuff I can't clear yet and no more stings in my hand and arm. My accuracy dropped a little since my hands aren't rubbing the controller anymore so I have to time my hand's descent into the buttons.

Thanks anon!

>> No.16273800

I'm visiting Orlando for the next few weeks, anyone know if there's any booths around?

>> No.16273898
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>both of these games have 9 buttons, right?

>> No.16274006

Remove unkeysounded files from popn

>> No.16274097

I only barely started getting 990k on songs when I was breaking into 18s and even then thats only on songs 12 or lower. Shits tough

>> No.16274276

i'm so fucking consistently decent

i score 960-980k range on everything from 14s to 16s, 850ish on 17s that exhaust me too much cause i'm a fat fuck

i only have like 30 aaas and 2 of them are pfcs with like 40p on trip machine and make a jam (10 and 9 respectively)

occasionally I get 990ish on 13s and below, one time i black flagged (single great, long golden combo) Far East Nightbird kors k remix

but I can't consistently pfc, etc. at all. i always, always choke on several occasions during a song.

>> No.16274336

MAX 300 should be rerated to 14 desu. It's ridiculously easy compared to the ton of borderline 16s in 15 bracket.

>> No.16274340

there has to be something at the 15.0/15.1 level

it basically defines a baseline 15. if a song is easier than max 300, it's not a 15. there are obvious mistakes like VEGA but it's fine overall.

>> No.16274411

I know this feel all too well. My mates sometimes call me the chokemaster given how often I fuck up a PFC within the last 10 notes of a song. I guess the stress of maintaining a full combo gets to me and I just completely miss a super easy note for no reason. One day I'll be consistent.

>> No.16274475

Why is Beach Side Bunny so pants on head retarded in IIDX but so much fun in DDR?

>> No.16274515

I've been messing around with porting certain IIDX charts to Stepmania. Shit like this is hillarious.

>> No.16274531

IIDX isn't supposed to be fun

>> No.16274548

but it's the other way around? bsb is fun in iidx but the ddr chart is a bitch, there are too many jumps

>> No.16274555

I like it! Got tripped up a little bit on the streams with the 64th notes but other than that it wasn't bad at all.

>> No.16274592

Look up general purpose adhesive sprays.

>> No.16274654

Porting... how? Doubles mode? Regardless, I'd be interested in this. You should link your stuff more often.

>m-muh distant

I'm quoting your mom.

>> No.16274830

Hi anon. About two threads ago I asked for scratching help, and I just wanted to say thanks for the advice. I'm actually clearing scratch songs right now and finally cleared Naughty Girl (H) a little after clearing my first few 11s.

>> No.16274919

That's probably my fav scratch song bc it just sounds so cool

>> No.16275085

I could give doubles a try, though it'd probably be pretty confusing for a while. But how well does it work for keyboard? It sounds like it might be a bit awkward to do on keyboard. Also seems like ghosting could be a more prevalent problem than on a 2dix controller.

Although... I don't think having to move your hands around a bit is a problem on keyboard so much. That seems like it'd be more of a thing for actual controllers. But, do you think would it help anyway?

>> No.16275095

Good to hear it helped. Timing is off for a bit, but it will return to your normal level once you're accustomed
As a general advice always think about your posture and such in case you're bumping into any kinds of discomfort or pain. I had major back pain while playing sitting down and it turned out to be because the controller was too low and reaching my arms out for extended period of time put a lot of stress on my lower back hence the pain
Placing something under the controller (2-4", I kid you not) was enough to eradicate the issue completely
Similarly neck pain and ultimately headaches can occur if you're looking too high or too low and so on
Stay healthy and don't injure yourself. No amount of pain (except emotional when failing by 2% or AAAing -1) is allowed

>> No.16275156

what does ghosting mean?

>> No.16275230

When you press a key and the keyboard doesn't register it. Can happen when using the keyboard in IIDX/LR2 because the computer can only handle input from so many keys at once.

>> No.16275433

This. The 12 or 11 chart is fun but the 15 is ridiculous.

>> No.16275830

congrats dude, that makes me hopeful for the future

t. someone who still can't normal clear 3y3s spn

>> No.16275854

ok at the risk of angering some people here

why do I feel like osumania actually gets harder faster than IIDX

I'm breaking into 9s in IIDX but I can't even read osu 3* shit help me

>> No.16275870

How long did it take you to hit 8th dan? My stretch goal is 8dan by next October, when I'll have been playing for about 13 months.

>> No.16275874

Crossover when? This song is too good to be stuck in only Reflec beat


>> No.16275877

BSB normal doesn't deserve to be a 7 at all

It's like a 6.2 if you literally know how to spin the turntable

>> No.16275880
File: 244 KB, 506x525, MuxXXuD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Osumania charts are shit

>> No.16275882

Everyone on 4chan is autistic. Yes, even you.

>> No.16275900

you can easily solve that problem by not playing on keyboard

>> No.16275906

well yeah but that doesn't explain why I can't read relatively easy songs

>> No.16275909


I think I got it by the summer so maybe 9/10 months. In all fairness though, I never cared about the whole class mode shit before I tried it.

I just one day decided to give 7th dan a go, for a laugh, to see this The Safari meme for myself. I got it in a single try, then I immediately tried 8th dan and just barely got by gigadellic with 2% left.

>> No.16275910

I don't know anything about other rating scales, but remember that IIDX's is basically exponential.

>> No.16275915

Dang. How did you get past the impenetrable note density wall around 9s? Or is that just a personal problem

>> No.16275960

Actually the computer can do it just fine, the problem is keyboard-centric.

>> No.16276106

Now that the dust has settled, what's the verdict on Sinobuz?

>> No.16276118

much better than trains

>> No.16276168

A few okay songs aside, being better than Copula isn't saying much.

>> No.16276185


I just played the game a lot my dude. I'm a filthy NEET so none of my accomplishments count since I'm always cheating. I also pretty much stopped playing other video games almost entirely.

Beyond that, just use Random. Play with it on all the time if you don't already.

>> No.16276231

it owns

>> No.16276268

>$583 in total to get the Dao PEE with omron switches if you live in Europe
These prices are killing me.
Is it even worth paying $174 extra over the FP7 to get a controller with arcade dimensions?

>> No.16276284

>Is it even worth paying $174 extra over the FP7 to get a controller with arcade dimensions?

>> No.16276298

The two best original songlists ever were in Empress and Lincle. This is fact.

>> No.16276304


Unsure about Empress, but I agree 100% on Lincle.

>> No.16276391

best iidx so far

>> No.16276450

osu stream is on right now, there is no where near enough anti-osu shitposting going on in chat.

>> No.16276665

It all depends on how much you play and your practice mindset, really (and I suppose how much you use random too). I've been playing since May, and I got 8 dan late last month.

For my personal mindset, ignoring the psychobabble and dumb anecdotes in The Inner Game of Tennis, I think I've grown an appreciation and contentedness with my rate of improvement from reading it -- which in turn helped me push past some of the walls I've run into.

>> No.16276679

well it depends all on how much you play, for example I try to play everyday for like couple hours and I have only been playing for a bit over two months and I'm almost 8th dan. You'd probably get it a lot sooner if you play like couple times a week, if you have the time for it

>> No.16276844

why is pop'n music so shit

>> No.16276869

The music is mediocre with a few gems sprinkled throughout, but the game itself is top tier.

>> No.16277044


>> No.16277130

I was pretty happy with Resort Anthem, Copula, and Sinobuz. I'll have to look at the Lincle originals.

>> No.16277244

I know all about this. Your skills are fine, you need to get past this skill level's mind trick. then you are gpold

>> No.16277295

Literally how. This is worse than my 530 dollars to get the FP7 and I'm in south america.

Though total price was a thousand (1000) american dollars because of taxes and fedex fees

>> No.16277330

>tfw you can build a controller with arcade dimensions for the price of shipping and taxes alone, with omrons
Good thing I started to build my controllers...

>> No.16277515

FP7 is cheaper than PEE, what are you saying?

>> No.16277531
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Wait, Grace is in IV too?

>> No.16277552
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Yep. She didn't die at the end of III. Instead she and the 4 that follow her are friends with Rasis now.

>> No.16277590

How the hell do you quickly one-hand repeating scratches + 1/2 notes

>> No.16277607
File: 143 KB, 768x1024, RUbhCTr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how Grace's hair is now curvy instead of jagged.

>> No.16277690

Either be very fast or use your right hand for the buttons, which also needs you to be fast

My problem is scratch + 12, s + 1357 and s 246. It's easy if there's low density but when you're supposed to do that and go back to do some wuick fingering it's annoying

>> No.16277768

Wouldn't be so bad if it didn't take so much movement to actually make the scratches register.

Having to drag your fingers back and forth across the 1 2 keys at high speed makes me just lightly tap the TT like a fool most of the time.

>> No.16277780

Fuck breaking the ground SPA

>> No.16277784


In my opinion, the PEE is the best single side IIDX controller Dao sells. With the fill 220mm Turntable and the ability to switch 1P and 2P, it has every combination of features you could want.

It just might not be as aesthetic as the RES. I think it's worth it and I'm saving up one, even if I have to wait longer to afford it.

>> No.16277862

>make a chart called fun but it's actually not fun
Wtf konmai

>> No.16277923


>tfw AAA-2 on that song

>> No.16277927
File: 723 KB, 683x801, 0e8cda5dba1acba7eda53a64914b9910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dolce is better than you at ddr, too


>> No.16277957

Are videos of IIDX bms against sows rules? Brother wants to record my FP7 for his channel and I'm not sure if those are allowed.

>> No.16278087

BMS are fine

>> No.16278257

What I meant was the PEE controller is $174 more expensive for me than the FP7 controller, so the PEE would cost me $583, but the FP7 would only cost me $409, but as much as I want the PEE, I'm not sure what it offers over the FP7 is worth the extra money.

>> No.16278940

I can't play thaaaat much because i go to college for engineering, hence not much time

also I hate random, but from what I've heard it really helps you get better, so I'll probably suck it up and start using it.

>> No.16278950

>/v/ talking about rhythm games

Jesus christ

>> No.16278952

RA is a close third.

>> No.16279016

Sinobuz is pretty top tier so far, as long as they don't completely fuck it up I'd say it beats Empress and maybe Resort Anthem.

>> No.16279029

>everyone saying copula is shit
baka lads

>> No.16279056

Trains are shit.
Clocks and ninjas are superior.

>> No.16279086

isn't shit, but isn't very memorable as well
exception: azisai

>> No.16279164

One-hand it. Opposite hand index and thumb or middle will get you through annoying 12. How to get started with one-handing is as simple as starting to practice from the ground up
Around 8s (one-handed) you can cover more or less most of the weird stuff you'll encounter where it's necessary to move your hands way out of position
It doesn't take too long either. Few months at most and you can one-hand BSB easily
It'd be best to practice single hand not as you play with both hands (using mainly thumb to hit the white buttons), but other fingers instead. Helps you to do stuff like 47 with index and middle finger instead of thumb and ring if you're not using pinky for 7. In general provides you with a lot more options and freedom to cover shit random, scratch songs and stuff

>> No.16279291

ur shit

>> No.16279448

What SPADA should have been

>> No.16279573 [DELETED] 

>Little Matt (pic related)
US DDR qualifiers will be a slaughterhouse.

>> No.16279579
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>Little Matt (pic related)
US DDR qualifiers will be a slaughterhouse.

>> No.16279642

am i the only one who plays basic difficulties on DDR but it's almost always some kind of boss song

>> No.16279828

What does the rainbow background on songs in Copula refer to?

>> No.16279837


>> No.16279878

Because you're used to one thing and thus struggle with the other. If you were used to osumania, IIDX would look like a mess of disconnected dots and be hard to read.
How is this hard to understand

>> No.16279896

I think they're competent. It does the work intended.

>> No.16280488

People at the highest level of play in one rhythm game typically are really good at all others. See:

>> No.16280523

what other games is chris good at?

>> No.16280528

>forgetting about EvilDave
Seriously though the amount of competition in the US is fucking insane. There is no doubt in my mind that Chris is gonna go to finals but the other US spot and the wildcard are totally up for grabs.

>> No.16280559

Chris was the first person to ever 100% "Through the Fire and Flames", and the video has like 5 million views. He's also pretty damn good at Pop'n and kills it in NeonFM. He doesn't really play IIDX but when I saw him trying it at MAGfest last year he improved rapidly.

>> No.16281158
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If they haven't started grinding that and OTP then it's free for FEFEMZ.

>> No.16281181

i find that song bland af and what lapix would do on a bad day desu

>> No.16281194

is it filled with meme console """"""rhythm games""""""" like patapon and le rapper while the other half of the thread wanks over quotes from EBA?

>> No.16281309

Haven't gotten to try it yet x(

they're building a round 1 near me soon though

>> No.16281408

>tfw the nearest Round 1 is a 2 hour drive away
Shit sucks man, I just wanna play IIDX and DDR without using an entire tank of gas.

>> No.16281637

I like osu standard

Also yes im a rhythm pleb

>> No.16281643


>> No.16281722


>> No.16281803

Cool, just don't talk about it.

>> No.16282339

How are the PS2 minicons for pop'n as something to learn the game on and hold me over until I graduate from NEEThood or take with me when traveling? At 10-15% of the cost of an buying or building an ASC are they at least 10-15% as nice?

>> No.16282527

Worse. "Osu is one of the best rhythm gamss ever made".

I'll take le EBA feels anyday

>> No.16282578

>Osu is one of the best rhythm gamss ever made
I mean, that's objectively true

>> No.16282636

kill la kill urself

>> No.16282661

there are probably hundreds of rhythm games and the vast majority are complete shit

by process of elimination, osu is among the best

>> No.16283122

Please, go ahead and show us your entire "process", also:

>> No.16283191

They'll let you find out if you like the game enough to buy a full-sized controller. If you do though, you'll probably want to stop using a minicon immediately since it'll build some really bad habits.

>> No.16284092

I downloaded Anjust Extend from here ages ago, I've just popped it on my phone and copied the songs and stuff in but nothing is displaying. What have I done wrong? Or is there something I need to do so it scans for the songs?

>> No.16284538

Summer resort is superior.

>> No.16284750

lapistoria network support get

>> No.16284765

eclale when?

>> No.16284782


>> No.16284817

I automatically read this as 'lapistoria network support when' before seeing the site announcement

Guess the wish finally came true

>> No.16284886

Same desu
Ya boy bout to play some popn later tonight

>> No.16284956

Hey people owning a FP7/PEE controller, does the cord come out of the side of the controller?

>> No.16284965

Yes. On the FP7 it comes out of the right side.

>> No.16285223

Right side in 1P mode, left side in 2P mode

>> No.16285262

What's the best way to play all the beatmania 5 key mixes? Is there an omnimix or something equivalent?

>> No.16285308

Mame or PS1 or LR2 bms.

>> No.16285314

Great, thanks!
I'm trying to build a controller that's fairly similar to the fp7/PEE sizewise, and I want to be able to change the side, so that's obviously something I have to decide beforehand. I just wondered about that since DAO doesn't show the cord with FP7/PEE, other than where it goes on the inside, and with the real edition it comes out of the back.

>> No.16285397

Good luck. What're you planning on using for the TT?

>> No.16285820

I'll be using an optical encoder for the sensor, and then I'll just extend its shaft a bit and mount a hub for the platter on it. Stabilise it with a ball bearing and that's pretty much it. As for the material of the turntable, I'm thinking of using some acrylic either covering it with vinyl tape or laser engraving some sort of pattern to it for better touch. It's still a bit unclear, but that's how it was with my sdvx controller too until I got it right.

>> No.16285935

How do I improve footspeed in 4 panel games? The fastest I can stream is 185 BPM 16th notes, but that is on ITG style songs like "Rainbow Road" where the streams are straight forward and don't have a lot of jacks like EGOISM 440 or PRev. Those just shit on my life.

>> No.16285980

What is the IIDX to LR2 difficulty conversion? Do the numbers match up or is there some variance?

>> No.16286012

It's supposed to be about the same, but seeing as most charts are user-created there's bound to be some variability.

there's also the Insane BMS scale which pretty much starts at 12 and continues on from there

>> No.16286014

Why the frick can't I play as the happy sun from bsb in pop'n

>> No.16286061
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>mfw eclale was cut short so hard its final boss is one of the first unlocks in usaneko

>> No.16286080

Is usaneko already out?

>> No.16286185
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Oh my god his navel.

>> No.16286268
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>TFW you get tracking number but EMS China is down

Is this common?

>> No.16287076

EMS China is awful.

>> No.16287218

You fucked up.

>> No.16287236

Freeleech can't come soon enough. I want to copulate so bad

>> No.16287430
File: 470 KB, 2048x1484, C0GtbzMUsAAZ7vg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sdvx 4 marquee has rasis tiddy

awwww yeah

>> No.16287752

how many retries is too many?

>> No.16287817

As many as it takes for you to get that sweet, sweet AAA

>> No.16287826

I know one inf-dan who finally AAA'd Lachryma GRV after 179 tries.

>> No.16287927

After 10 tries, take a quick break and play something else before going back.

>> No.16287956

Finally got my first AAA motherfuckers!!

On a level 3 song

>> No.16288150

Try Kailua (lv5) next.

>> No.16288165


Really, is this the sexyest uniform ever?

>> No.16288189
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>> No.16288370

>800% -> 1600%

What does this mean?


Tomorrow already? Cool.

>> No.16288608
File: 145 KB, 658x960, 15589509_10154890449193024_4434951491626585581_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember to retweet to get more pcs/blcs

>> No.16288625


>after 179 tries

There's some special blend of autistic that gits gud at SDVX and I have no idea why it's so different.

This is an absurd amount of times for basically anyone to play any song. I'm sure DOLCE. hasn't played most 12s this many times. And I've never played any song myself on any game more than 20.

>> No.16288666


toprankers have four-digit play counts on Mei Another

>> No.16288678


Well obviously, Mei is different. Mei's the gateway to Kaiden.

Also has a shitload of competitive upward mobility for the WR.

>> No.16289003

>bored Grace

She can't be more cute, can she?

>> No.16289058
File: 425 KB, 593x649, 60032538_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16289076

>osu! - nobody wants to talk about osu!, you're just going to shit up the thread
What did he mean by this?

>> No.16289119

It's a polemic topic.

Basicaly, even though osu is a "fine" game as it is, most people here (or at least the most vocal) don't like many things in it (from gameplay to score system), so, even though this is the rhythm game thread, it's not a good idea to bring osu! to the topic, since it will generate more shitposting than actual discussion.

>> No.16289265
File: 1.11 MB, 486x302, 1453153313898.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>December 2016
>Lapistoria finally has working card support
Thank you god

>> No.16289371

Is it normal for an arcade TT to spin that freely?
They way he does backspin scratches looks really handy but my ASC doesn't spin like that

>> No.16289461

If the KAC setups are what's regarded as normal or ideal, then it should spin pretty freely. See the video @1:09:30-ish.

>> No.16289489

Should you use your dominant hand for scratching?

>> No.16289580

No. Better use your dominant hand on the most buttons you can afford to press.
