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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 846 KB, 1600x1200, 1456523107903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16250096 No.16250096 [Reply] [Original]

In this thread we discuss and give advice about all sorts of rubber vaginas, asses, dolls and other related products.

Read the guide before asking questions.

Last thread: >>16213296

>> No.16250121

Ordered from NLS tho.

>> No.16250150
File: 493 KB, 320x240, 1468169183827.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most realistic anal onahole?
Mouth of truth is oral and venus real soft is pussy right?

>> No.16250171
File: 61 KB, 620x200, headerotonajphome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't visited these threads in almost 2 years and a nice-looking new store has popped up. Neat!

Are these guys run by english-speaking people? They seem surprisingly fluent compared to the machine translations on en-nls. Also, how would you rate your experience with them? Are they reliable/professional? Better than nls?

>> No.16250176

That TV announcer one.

>> No.16250190

Yeah and whats it called

>> No.16250318

this not too lewd for a blue ball board?

>> No.16250377

Is there any site that sells storage bags without the absurd shipping prices of NLS/otona? I just want a bag to store my ona in

>> No.16250384

Buy a pencil case.

>> No.16250388


>> No.16250396 [DELETED] 

kek >>>/out/

>> No.16250474


Doll owner anon I enjoy your posts. Do you have a bunny outfit for your doll? If not I think that belongs on your list of things to get next.

>> No.16250580

What's shipping like at this time of year?
I'm thinking of getting a new ona since my lolinco seems about ready to be thrown out, problem is I need to plan it to arrive within a certain time frame of about a week.
Also any suggestions on what I should get for my second ona?
I was thinking maybe a puni hole DX

>> No.16250689 [SPOILER] 
File: 545 KB, 1384x2368, 1481582956234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just purchased for $1850
>pic related

Should be coming in less than 5 weeks.
Im going to live my life to the fullest for the next 5 weeks, because once she gets here, if im not working, or sleeping, Im going to be balls deep in one of her orifices. And that will be my life until she inevitably gets worn down after rigorous use.

>> No.16250744 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 524x43, 2016-12-12 23_56_09-_jp_ - Otaku Culture - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, my creating spree of 3 threads has ended.
2 hours too slow and now we have lewd op image that can get thread deleted any second.

If youre going to make new thread at least make it properly, booo

>> No.16250957

How does that doll work? Does it have joints or something?

>> No.16251031

godspeed anon

>> No.16251070

But seriously, has anybody ever bought an automatic type masturbator before?
I'm really interested in an automated pumping type blowjob machine, seems like it would be amazing in concept.

>> No.16251099

Is that spreadsheet with onahole specs accurate? It claims that Venus hole tunnels are only 12-13cm in length.
Which is simply not true - my dick is 14cm long, and there is still a few cm left when I enter balls-deep. I need to deliberately squash the hole to reach the end.

>> No.16251176

How heavy is this thing, like 100 lbs?

>> No.16251181
File: 105 KB, 1000x1000, campus_life_onahole_job_hunting_type_-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this hole?

Also are onahole USB warmers just memes or does it depend on which one you buy?

>> No.16251192
File: 219 KB, 1000x1500, campus_life_onahole_job_hunting_type.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, uploaded the wrong picture.

>> No.16251288

What are the best kind of condom to use with my onahole?

>> No.16251292

So for my first onahole I bought the tenga flip hole black. How bad did I mess up?

>> No.16251454

Tong GGO is the greatest, from what I've heard. I've only heard good things about it. Apparently the La Vie en Roses anal is great as well. Which btw I just got in the mail today from MyOnaholes.com.
This was me. No time to use it yet though.

>> No.16251470


ribbed, unlubed

>> No.16251562

hope you did your research

>> No.16251768

I've used to think that onaholes are going to be cheaper alternative to a girlfriend, but now that I've bought my probably 12th ona if I'm counting correctly, I'm not so sure about it anymore.

>> No.16251811 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 180x222, 1480694417433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck, my creating spree of 3 threads has ended.
I'm sorry. I didn't think making threads about jacking off with rubber vaginas would be a reason some people wake up in the morning.
>2 hours too slow and now we have lewd op image that can get thread deleted any second.
What's lewd about an onahole freshly dipped in milk?
Also, this is an archived image from an onahole thread from last year. Not that you'd know that newfriend.
>If youre going to make new thread at least make it properly, booo
I literally copied and pasted your text, and picked an image from an archived thread.

Stop being such a newfag, and throwing a tantrum over dumb shit.

>> No.16251864


>> No.16251871 [DELETED] 

>covered in milk
Look at this guy playing dumb.

>> No.16251900

I know there will be a day I cave and do the same.

>> No.16251918 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 735x1000, tumblr_nm3z8lRTGe1r24v6po1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure he was just messing around. Tone down on the autism.

>> No.16251922 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 239x635, 1445312889683 (2016_01_05 00_50_19 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>newfag gets BTFO
>pretends to be somebody else
>tumblr """"""safe"""""" image

>> No.16251965 [DELETED] 

The autism is palpable

>> No.16251972

So hello /jp/, I was planning to buy those Tenga Egg stuff but I was told they are good but one time only which isn't interesting. Could you guys recommend an onahole that can be used multiple times from Tenga? Tightness as possible.

>> No.16251982

Tenga eggs can be used multiple times as long as you don't hulk smash you'd dick through it

>> No.16251991

what the fuck is /v/ doing in here?

>> No.16252007

Hmm I thought about this, maybe my dick won't destroy it then. Shamefully it isn't that big to need extend the Tenga anyway

>> No.16252049

its not a matter of dick size, its really a matter of how hard you slam it on your dick, if you are moderately gentle you can use the egg multiple times, if you are not it will permanently bulge on the end and break after 2-3 uses.

I found that the tenga cup toys to be far less reusable since they come prelubed and in a container with foam, I havent used the 3d series but they look pretty good, even come with a case/drying stand.

>> No.16252080

tl;dr get a proper cocksleeve

>> No.16252084

I guess I will try the Tenga Egg it isn't THAT expensive in my country so it wouldn't hurt to try it. If it feels shitty, I think I will go for a more expensive like "Tenga Air-Tech Strong - Black", seems easy to clean and looks good.

>> No.16252091

To anyone that has a Busty Ai-chan: is it worth the $250? I'm a big fan of titfucking and am tempted.

>> No.16252101

it was 2 sentences, get your ADD checked.

>> No.16252115

Let's do coke!

>> No.16252150

the hell. that shit better than the hole?

>> No.16252205

Well I told my self I'd make this order if I came home from my work monday night drinking party alone.

Hopefully my first ill-fitting hole gets here the same day my vacation starts.

>> No.16252416

skip the party
drink alone.

>> No.16252499

That is.. a lot of torso.

Godspeed, anon.

>> No.16252515

Dollcreeps need their own containment general tbqh

>> No.16252534

if he wants to fuck a doll let him, its just a deluxe oversized vagina anyway, it's not that different to the hip or torso onaholes.

>> No.16252555

dont think there is enough people.

>> No.16252613

Your post is confusing me.

1. You hate them for some reason
2. There is a line in your head that where it is acceptable to have a fake vagina, but not a fake woman
3. Or you are that "no homo" guy trying to wrangle up all the dollfuckers into one thread for your own needs

>> No.16252781

anyone have bad experiences with toy sites?

I ordered from myonahole on friday and paid the extra for EMS because I wanted to get them quickly due to the overall anxiety of somebody else picking up the package and questioning me about it.
the fuckers still haven't shipped it out.

I get that they're a relatively new site but what good is it having the lowest prices if they don't even process orders at a decent pace?

>> No.16252848

shipping anything during the holidays is risky as fuck and full of delay. double the volume of customers and packages, bad weather delays, plus temp employee workers stealing shit daily.

>> No.16252862

>tfw ordered shit wondering for it to come near the end of this year

Fuck me

>> No.16252870

slut announcer?

>> No.16252872 [SPOILER] 
File: 236 KB, 1000x1500, 1481615795160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just ordered pic related
So what are the odds of some factory worker walking out with a 70lb 5ft long box?

oh my fucking god what if the guy on the truck steals it

shit fuck bro

fuck damn shit ass bitch

I saved for 3 months for this what am I going to do?!

>> No.16252873

honestly, entering into a warm lolinco is fuckin magical

>> No.16252881


>> No.16252884


>> No.16252891

>worked at customs for 2 years few years ago
>dozens of thousands of sexdolls pass through each MONTH
I highly doubt anyone will test out your doll specifically.

The truck thing though.. you never fucking know man. They can write off as delivered and keep it for themselves or something or pass it to their friend in a parking lot as the tattleboxes are fooled by a simple burger drivethrough.

>> No.16252905

I work for UPS in operations management, anon who posted this. >>16252848

Is it international?

anon is right, but if the shipper fucked up the shipping documents and have poor communication fixing the problem the PKG might be opened to see whats up and try and help it clear customs. Or security holds, Open boxes all the time, you could be next.

>> No.16252917

It is International, China to US

>> No.16252924

ok as long as the shipping company knows what they are doing, and i'm sure the do, there should be no problem. Just don't bother anybody about the shipment delays i'd say.

>> No.16253005

UPDATE: so about an hour ago I got an email informing me that they shipped out my order, hopefully it will get here before the end of the week, if it does then everything will be forgiven.

>> No.16253049

When you order stuff like that does the delivery guy or postal workers know?

>> No.16253051

for the most part delivery guys dont really give a shit, they have so much to deliver, if you order a realdoll or whatever they will know because of how fucking huge it is, they'll look at the shipping docket to see why they are carrying a box almost as big as them.

but overall they wont care because they have work to get done and the faster they finish the faster they get to go home.

>> No.16253052 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 389x249, Screenshot_2016-10-20-20-44-06_com.happy2.bbmanga_1476989086545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing dumb and throwing newfags around, nice.
Sorry, that I've intruded your safespace with jokingly use of booo.

You can go here >>>/b/ and play with other autists spewing newfags around and not acknowledging that standards change, especially after janitor recruitment.

What's with calling other newfags anyway? You're proud that you saved picture x time ago and this makes you feel better than someone else?
That's pretty sad, but have a nice day and enjoy your collection :-)

>> No.16253058

dude that was 7 hours ago, please just let it go and talk about onaholes.

>> No.16253061 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 389x249, Screenshot_2016-10-20-20-44-06_com.happy2.bbmanga_1476989086545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing dumb and throwing newfags around, nice.
Sorry, that I've intruded your safespace with jokingly use of booo.

You can go
and play with other autists spewing newfags around and not acknowledging that standards change, especially after janitor recruitment.

What's with calling other newfags anyway? You're proud that you saved picture x time ago and this makes you feel better than someone else?
That's pretty sad, but have a nice day and enjoy your collection :-)

>> No.16253064 [DELETED] 

stop this

>> No.16253067 [DELETED] 

did you seriously delete your post to change a single word?

>> No.16253223 [DELETED] 
File: 632 KB, 956x720, tama (2016_01_05 00_50_19 UTC).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16253265

Any of you guys here ever bought a mouth onahole and tried kissing it (tongue and all)? How did it feel?

>> No.16253268

I do not have one but I would wager it would feel like licking a mannequin.

>> No.16253288

Mannequins aren't that soft though.

>> No.16253322

>tfw live in a highly regulated country with sex doll bans

How heavy are these things and what are their dimensions in general?

I'm thinking of buying one from Japan and carrying it inside my baggage

>> No.16253328

>China to US

Holy shit anon how cheap did you get that? Rough price range?

>> No.16253332

I'm interested in a hole that accommodate two penises at once. Does anything like this exist?

>> No.16253335

You mean like DP style or on opposite sides?

>> No.16253337

well onaholes are primarily made for dicks so I dont think they would offer too much in terms of realistic kissing sensation, LA BOCCA DELLA VERITA might come close to realistic mouth feel since it has teeth but overall i dont think its realistic enough to put your mouth on

>> No.16253340

DP style Is what I'm looking for.
I don't think the heads bumping into each other while each person thrusts into their side would be that fun. I guess I'm not really sure, though; is that something people enjoy?

>> No.16253347

tfw no friends to share my onaholes with

>> No.16253359

with the way most onaholes are made trying to dp them might be a recipe for disaster since most of the ones with multiple holes are either connected inside or they utilize the other hole to let air out, but with both holes getting pounded it might make that thing burst.

>> No.16253371

Well if kissing it doesn't feel that good, I would still have a blowjob ona. I might get one to try out.

>> No.16253382


>> No.16253394

Well there certainly isn't a normal sized hole that I know of with a single orifice wide enough to accommodate two dicks (unless you want to risk tearing, but still). But perhaps what you're looking for is a fullsize hip with separate entrances and an open end to mitigate problem posed in post related >>16253359

>> No.16253460


You try that.

>> No.16253465

Had to pay taxes on my imported onahole. Not too bad, but then I saw the expedition fee. 300% increase in price. Holy shit.

>> No.16253489

not too bad. i enjoyed mines i till i moved to onaholes and it never really self destructed. butteasy to clean and dry that's for sure.

I'm willing to bet he just has some sort of dollphobia. Watching too much Child's Play as a kid or something.

>> No.16253518

>take human shaped object and put it through xray

what do you think will happen?

>> No.16253522

what country and how much was your order?

>> No.16253534

If your country bans sex dolls, you really think they will let you bring one?

>> No.16253572

Quick question about otonaJP, do they lie about the actual value like NLS does?

>> No.16253648

Denmark, and my order were around 6k yen.

>> No.16253657

Hi anon,

They communicate fluently in English, and support is great too: quick to respond and very helpful.

I ordered on black friday and requested for my order to be shipped today (it did), and they were very accommodating about it.

>> No.16253744

That's good to know, anon. Thanks. I'll probably try their store on my next purchase

Like you, I have specific instructions to communicate so a good grasp of english is a great incentive

>> No.16253832
File: 47 KB, 548x365, 1461228967095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delicious brown

>> No.16253891
File: 1.10 MB, 300x221, 1456707562131.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the sound effects
what am I five?

>> No.16253918

That... is a nice ass.

God damn

>> No.16253936

Not sure how murica works, but usually in my country and 3 neighboring countries, luggage are not put through x-rays in airport arrivals, only handcarries.
Unless it's random check and I just happen to have shit luck on that day.

So yes, I need dimensions and rough weight

>> No.16253942

the guy does reviews for infernal monkey, he has so many fucking weird videos that go with his reviews, its amazing.

>> No.16254040

Most countries use the x-ray man. Be sure of what you're doing. If you're in Europe, can't you bring the doll to a neighbor country and then bring it to your country inside a car or train?

>> No.16254060

I'm from SEA so plane luggage is the only option for me.
Seaports have mandatory x-ray scan for luggage so that's a no go.

>> No.16254064

Video makers, please shave.

>> No.16254146

Any thoughts on myonahole in general? I've ordered from Amazon, JList, and now myonahole and IDK who I would go through again given the three.

Feels a lot less sketchy not going through some weird ass specialty site. I also feel like they had a shorter order time and better shipping options and being able to use Amazon has it's own benefits for their "Giving to X for no added price" was cool. Jerking off into a fake woman in the name of PP adds a sexy amount of irony to my masturbation sessions.

They advertise on 4chan. IDK felt like I was "giving back". The added junk that you get when you order from JList is kinda neat too. Shipping felt a bit longer but whatever.

Really low prices at the cost of shipping that takes a century unless you pay a shitload more. No extra stuffs like comics or random japanese shit that fills my inner weeaboo with glee and really annoying emails and messaging. However being able to sort and look up onaholes by properties and the amount of information like hole length is waaaaay useful. It would be a total dickmove to use their resources for gathering information to ignore their loyalty programs and order from someone else but iunno.

>> No.16254196


>> No.16254198


>"giving back"
this here is the very definition of stockholm syndrome

>> No.16254216

Since you asked:
Their product prices and shipping prices are fantastic, the fact that they offer package removal also makes me happy since I live with my dad and feel incredibly uncomfortable talking about sex stuff with him, and I certainly dont want to have to talk to him about the rubber vaginas I bought.
their loyalty program seems great, I put my order in on friday and I only received notification that my order was being posted today at 6:30pm, I understand that things get busy around christmas time but 2 and a bit business days seems excessive to process an order, but I suppose my gripe is mostly due to my extreme anxiety over having to go on a trip next week and need my rubber vaginas before my trip.

TL:DR- its a decent store with great descriptors of their products and I'm a whiny baby.

>> No.16255343

Does onaholes include info on how to use and clean them? Also, what do you watch while doing your business?

>> No.16255349

>Does onaholes include info on how to use and clean them?
No, at least not the ones I've bought

>Also, what do you watch while doing your business?
Pffft, hentai, OBVIOUSLY

>> No.16255399

Mouth of truth coming today. Any tips on lube usage for it? I tend to not use much when using my lilith uterus hard.

>> No.16255422

>what do you watch while doing your business?
Tamatoys artwork. I wish I could be kawaii and perverted at the same time like them.

>> No.16255427
File: 188 KB, 1024x622, toys heart instructions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of instructions do you need? It's pretty simple.

>> No.16255442

I sometimes don't watch anything. I just sit enjoy the feel of the onahole the entire time.

>> No.16255572

oh so you actually are supposed to squeeze air out, i just did that because I liked the sensation more.

>> No.16255606

I would like to use my onahole more often but i hate cleaning it up afterwards.

Is it possible to use them with condoms and no lotion?

>> No.16255636

rubbing rubber on rubber isn't a good idea, so no dont do that unless you want to break your hole quickly.

>> No.16255887

I tried fucking mine with a condom on once out of curiosity and it just felt shitty

>> No.16255921

I actually got banned for posting a similar picture on another board, just with clear lotion, because mods are fags

>> No.16255993

Anyone else disappointed with warmers? I have this generic Rends warmer, and I need to stick it in for at least 10 minutes for the hole to become warm enough. And then in gets cold in like 3 minutes of use.
I don't even bother warming the hole up anymore, it gets to the body temperature fast enough anyway.

Seriously, I wonder why there are no high-end holes with a warming system built in. Increased possibility of damage to silicone and possible breakdown of cheap components, I guess.

>> No.16256121

Rina makes me cum every time.
I love her!

>> No.16256198

Goddamn Meme Eyes.
The quality control on Quattro Girl is probably pretty flimsy.
Infernal's was a complete wreck. And after cleaning mine, the top hard layer on the end hole turns out to be pretty lazily glued to the rest of the hole.
It's alright everywhere else, but there is this one spot where the glue didn't stick or the layers didn't mend properly.
And if one pokes his finger around that spot, it turns out that it's almost paperthin.
At least mine doesn't have a watertank reservoir to cultivate mold inside like Infernal's had, but I'm still somewhat upset.

>> No.16256218

I don't blame them, Anime-targeted sex-toy packaging and marketing is really fucking lewd. I've nutted a few times just shopping.

>> No.16256230

Rina bullies my dick too hard.

It was this picture by the way
The damn thing doesn't even resemble a vagina.

>> No.16256283

which rina are you guys talking about?

>> No.16256372

Mine's a regular size.

>> No.16256483

I have the normal one, from like 2 years ago. Don't know if they made any new ones.

>> No.16256580

Pleasant experience, quick shipment too. I also requested a product be added, an they responded and stocked it within 2-3 days.

>> No.16256882

generally use my imagination with still images from boorus as the inspiration for the session

>> No.16256921

>That lurid blush

>> No.16257437

So I'm extremely new to onaholes (I just put in an order for a lolinco, warmer and onatsuyu lotion) and I was wondering what you anons use as material? I've read about some using asmr hentai videos but is there some dedicated website other then YouTube? Is the warmer a meme? Did I just get cucked out of my big boy points legal tender currency?

>> No.16257507

So I've just got a Vive and was wondering what is a good hip. I'd like something with some weight to it to add to the delusion but 1:1 isn't a must. Puni Fuwa Mocchi 2000 looked like it might be good.

Right now I have a Superb Fella 3 and a Pillow Hole Sakura's Camel Toe and like them both. Ideally I want something with two materials like the Superb Fella 3. Also I was thinking of a Puni DX since I've heard good things about it.

>> No.16257594

Can't wait to get home and effortlessly wring my dick dry with rina in 5 minutes or less.
Takes the guesswork out of masturbating, I don't even need porn anymore cause she works so well~

>> No.16257844

I have a condom fetish so I use them occasionally. It's the cum that's smelly and ruins onaholes, water based lube isn't going to hurt if you leave it. It's fine.

>> No.16257857

I want to have a long session tonight with my Puni Ana DX Hard.

How can I last longer? I try to edge but after a while I just can't stop myself from blowing.

>> No.16257888

I thought I was the only one with a condom fetish.

I use condoms on onas now and then. Well lubed and I haven't seen it do any noticeable damage. Not sure about leaving lube to dry there though but I reckon it's not as bad as having spunk sit there for hours instead. Clean up is super easy too since it's just lube.

>> No.16257899

Start working out. Eat and drink healthy. Learn to exercise self-control and not lose yourself to the pleasure.

Though not being able to last long is somewhat expected when you're using any hard material hole, and a hip at that rate. I could only imagine how good that feels.

>> No.16257918

Prozac. Made it physically impossible to finish.

>> No.16257944

Does Magic Eyes make Rina without the sujiman kupa part? I really like her hole, but her cameltoe is in disrepair to say the least.

>> No.16258046

Used condom is a decently sized tag in hentai.

Water based lube is fine to sit. I'm mtf attracted to men so I've had to sit plugged for long term, similar material, it's fine. Just add water and you may even have to uae less the next time around though I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.16258095

Is it alright to powder the inside of my hip? Like, the actual holes?
I dry then out to the best of my ability every time i use it, powder the outside, then make sure the inside is as dry as I can get it and powder the inside. Only because I feel like it would be worse to just let the material sit without something to keep it fresh and it feels like it'll keep the inside dry in the box I've got it hidden in.
On the subject, using paper towels to clean the inside is fine, right? I go over it twice just to make sure and they feel dry to me at least

>> No.16258115


I encountered this product few days ago. The site say it's Toyhearts but it can't be found in the product list of Toyheart site http://www.toysheart.com/product/ so I thought it's fake but the shop selling it is in Toyheart shop list that make me confused http://www.toysheart.asia/shoplist/ .

>> No.16258129

Realized I'm a retard, I rinse the inside with water thoroughly then dry it with twisted paper towels, pressing the outside to dry is as best as I can

>> No.16258235

anyone got some loli holes with labia suggestion?

>> No.16258247

>No new toys on NLS this week

>> No.16258310

what does sujiman kupa even mean?

>> No.16258315

I'm pretty sure if its a loli hole it wont have labia, I think you mean vulva, most onaholes don't have much in terms of labia as is.

>> No.16258323

>Any thoughts on myonahole in general?
I typed this up when the last thread was nearly dead and was going to post it at some stage, so here we go. For reference I am in South Australia (the most autistic loli laws in AU).

All items in package wrapped in bubble-wrap - including boxes
Asked for all loli packaging and inclusions to be removed
- removed all boxes and inclusions from items with loli box-art (all lube samples were removed from such boxes)
Any items with removed packaging had name written on bubble-wrap
Plastic trays were utilised for items removed from boxes, if originally included
Labels removed from some lubes (NLS wrap in brown tape, which would fool customs for about three seconds)

The delivery is from:
- Robert Bausmert
- Japan Inspiration
- etc.
The price that they paid for shipping was about 20% less than what I paid, however the removal of packaging would have reduced the size of the overall package
Ordered Saturday 25/11 (with 2-5 day shipping to AU), shipped Wednesday 30/11 (some items needed to be ordered), delivery attempted Tuesday 6/12

With regards to customs declaration
- I asked for correct value to be declared - they did
- I asked for it to be declared correctly as merchandise (AU customs ignore gift/sample, so I figure it might as well be correct) - they did
- onaholes were declared as "Rubber Figure (no adhesive)"
- lubes were declared as "Plastic Bottle (Skin Cream)"
- bags were declared as "Pouch"

All-in-all a breddy gud experience; would use again.

Warmers are a meme. They're a waste of time and money. As the anon says, your dick warms up the hole pretty quickly anyway.

>> No.16258345

>bought first onahole a few weeks ago
>much less tighter after a few uses, textured innards are ripped and full of fissures
Is that normal? It's still fuckable, just a little messed up. I'm a little worried about the tears getting worse.

>> No.16258403

"open my pussy", referring to the prominent labia of the series.

>> No.16258560

Sujiman means "camel toe" in Japanese. Kupa is one of sound effect that Japanese people make when they open something tight.

So essentially, what the other anon said, "open my pussy".

>> No.16258589

thanks guys, i feel more educated now.

>> No.16258944

How does otonaJP pack your order if you ask them to remove packaging?

Do they do it like NLS does?

>> No.16259003

So my order from MyOnahole is on its way and I asked that they remove packaging, would you guys like me to upload a picture of how its packed when it arrives?

>> No.16259314

Sure, it is always interesting to at least have it for the archive purposes.

>> No.16259344

alright when it comes I'll take some pictures of how its packed for future information.

>> No.16259541

Fuck, that warmer money could've went towards car parts.

>> No.16259751

Ugh don't do this unless you're on prozac for a legitimate reason. Took prozac for a while and sometimes found myself rubbing it raw just to finish. Getting off of it was hell but once it was out of my system I found myself blasting off 3-4 times a day.

>> No.16259818
File: 925 KB, 640x360, 1388953237200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other swedefag here? I just had my shit from NLS get stuck in "Retention" at our customs.
It is my first package of the same kind that has ever been stuck.

Any reason to BANIC?

>> No.16259900

Lads give me suggestions on what to order next

>> No.16259922

Lube is still moisture - if your onahole and lube isn't sterile it is bound to grow fungus or bacteria eventually, but sure it won't get moldy and rancid as quick as with cum

>> No.16259943


>> No.16259953

How is REAL vs. the Puni Fuwa Mochi?

>> No.16259995

Not quite what I had in mind, I kind of want to get it though.

I'm on the verge of getting the puni hole dx hard ed. but since the high price and it looks complicated to clean, I'm not entirely sure it's worth it?

pls convince me

>> No.16260046

Kabejiri or whatever it's called.

>> No.16260243

lube it up good, should be just shy of dribbling on your balls, though that would probably add to the experience

>> No.16260256

Sorry anon

>> No.16260262
File: 16 KB, 691x597, 1413676792392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Penetrable penis

>> No.16260531

Does anybody have any idea how to record video from the inside of a hole?
I saw a vid on a jp doll board where he somehow had a tiny camera inside a doll and you can see him pumping and eventually ejaculating inside.
This really turns me on and I wanna make my own videos (cause seeing myself or others physically cum inside is so satisfying to me).

I was thinking bore scopes but all the ones I've seen are wired. Is there a pill sized camera of some sort that's also fairly water resistant?

I mean if someone could point me to one I s-suppose I could share the videos here too when I get it.

>> No.16260571

I've had my Venus Real for a year and a half and I think it's starting to lose its effectiveness

>> No.16260589

Does lube have an expiry? I've a bottle of Peace's that I haven't used in a few years.

>> No.16260687


>> No.16260692

For future reference, what are some good european sites to buy from? The one I ordered from Japan is currently caught in custom, and they are requiring a fee of 300% the original item price.

>> No.16260715

Does nls undervalue items on shipping by default or do I have to ask for it?

>> No.16260730

Only ones I know are
>bought stuff with no problems
>jewish as hell
>everything seems to be out of stock lately, I want my fucking witch, goddammit
>they do have tomax holes though
>bong land, everything comes without packaging by default
>bought stuff no problem
>extra jewish
>haven't bought from them yet
>quite low selection
>mildly jewish

>> No.16260743

I don't see anything on the Onatsuyu but my bottle of Moisty shows 2018; 2 years from the bottled date.

>> No.16260792

I'm gonna ask for suggestions again (>>16228463). One anon recommended the Seventeen Bordeaux Soft but I'm having second thoughts considering I hated the only soft toy I've ever owned.

>> No.16260806

rule of thumb, if it feels like how it shouldnt or has bits floating in it then its no good, otherwise it should be fine.

>> No.16260809

bubble wrap

>> No.16260813

Fellow Quattro owner here. Don't have the problem you described but the pussy lips "inside" seem to be pretty loosely glued too, you got the same problem?

I've only used her 2 times, feels great but drying is a pain. I can't really get past the drop in the tunnel to clean the outer end, you got any tips for that?

>> No.16260827

>the pussy lips "inside" seem to be pretty loosely glued too, you got the same problem?
When I inspected her for the first time, I thought that the layers are already fucked, but I think that the inner pussy lips are just supposed to be puffy like that.
I just jam my fiber cloth and finger down there, I'm really careful with this ona though, because I feel as if it was pretty fragile.

>> No.16260844

Happy to hear that's it's supposed to be normal.

I can't seem to get past it with fiber cloth and my finger, even tried the end of a thin painting brush and the hole just folded in on itself. Like I just push and the front completely folds in. Paper towels work a bit better but I'm still not satisfied with the little bit of moisture that remains, and since this is my first hole I'm not sure how dry everything needs to be

>> No.16260853

Try a tampon then.

>> No.16260935

Under 500g doesn't leave you a ton of options really

>> No.16260950

Different owner of one here, what I sometimes do is rotate it 180 degrees as it makes pushing in a microfiber cloth easier due to the curve further in. So if one way doesn't work try rotating it a bit and see if it's easier.

>> No.16260975

so you can fuck it, but can it fuck you? this is the dealbreaker

>> No.16260993

you can fit anything inside you if you try hard enough, believe in yourself.

>> No.16261017

Haven't thought of that before. Will remember that when I dry it out next time

>> No.16261185

My length is like 6.5 inches bpel, and it appears that the venus real is too small, what is the most realistic feeling one (vaginal) beyond that? Or one recommended for a virgin that has never had an onahole?

>> No.16261335
File: 19 KB, 600x600, puruman_angel_stretch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most onaholes stretch so you shouldnt worry too much about length unless you pick one of the more solid ones.

just check how stretchy they are before you commit.

>> No.16261359

not him, but anyone have experience with the melty angel? it looks fun, but apparently it has shit durability, even by magiceyes standards

>> No.16261370

Ok so
I have a R-20 puni, a Venus Real soft and a magiceyes chimera hard.

Thinking of adding another hole or two to my collection as a christmas present to myself. Any recommendations?

>> No.16261435

what do you mean by bpel?

>> No.16261617


I'm another first time hole-buyer-virgin; I decided on a R20 for my first, should be here Friday.

>> No.16261626

question, do you keep the boxes for your onas (exluding places like leafistan where you're probably safer removing it)? it's a habit I keep from figs but it seems like a lot of people chuck em

>> No.16261650

I dont have the space or privacy to keep boxes for my adult related materials, in fact I keep what I have in a D&D box because nobody in my household would ever look in that.

>> No.16261840

I wrap them in a carrier bag and put them in a public bin in the dead of night, I'm paranoid

>> No.16261856

First timer here, thoughts on this one?


Also will it be intercepted by Bongistan customs for lewd loli on the box?

>> No.16261872

I've bought my holes from OmochaDreams. Unfortunately, they seem to not have a lot of stuff in stock, even though it's listed in the catalog. My orders shipping was delayed because I had Onatsuyu in it, and it was out of stock.
Contacted the live support, we agreed to replace it with another lube for equivalent price. Shipped a day after.

It seems like they mark-up their stock quite high as well. I've gotten Onatsuyu later from German Amazon from a Japanese vendor for cheap with free shipping.

>> No.16261898

>Also will it be intercepted by Bongistan customs for lewd loli on the box?
It'll probably be intercepted by Torie purity police just for being a male sex toy and looking up that image on the next has as good as consigned you to jail.

Bullshit aside you can probably ask them to ship it without packaging.

>> No.16261915

Omocha if you want TOMAX toys.
NLS for everything else

>> No.16261928

J-List is the only one I know of from the old 4Chan ads, what's a better place?

>> No.16261932

there's a guide, you know.

>> No.16262029

>and they are requiring a fee of 300% the original item price
How did this happen anyway? Are taxes so awful in your country or did they add some bullshit fines on top? I was just planning to place an order on myonahole, ask them not to undervalue, pay my good boy taxes and handling fee and be on my merry way. In all it would cost about as much as buying from EU shop anyway. But if there's a chance for more bother, I'd reconsider.

>> No.16262351
File: 416 KB, 640x482, vwitchwomb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Borescope is what he probably used, i have one and use it to inspect deep in the holes for any issues.

the problem with borescopes is getting it to face you for the moneyshot. unless the hole has multiple entrances, that will probably mean putting a new hole in a point near the end of the tunnel.

most borescopes you see; especially the cheap ones, wont get you any kind of decent picture-pic related is from a $15 one i found on amazon, it does the trick, but has absolute crap resolution.

also keep in mind, many borescopes are not smooth near the camera, they tend to have a thread for attachments.

>> No.16262515

>the problem with borescopes is getting it to face you for the moneyshot. unless the hole has multiple entrances, that will probably mean putting a new hole in a point near the end of the tunnel.

lol the bigger problem for me is double penetrating with the borescope cable. i'd rather not fight that with my bare dick.

i can't imagine he'd punch a new hole in the back of a $600 mini doll though. and on previous videos he did have the doll on all fours.

oh well i'll continue my search and share my findings here for research if i ever find something that works. and post videos no homo.

>> No.16262570

Something like this?
You can see the cable inside her, and I'm sure they didn't punch a hole on her other end

>> No.16262755


i'm talking about a 1/3 scale 65cm mini doll. of course it'd be easier on a human being or full size doll.
i'd post screenshots but you know how nips are when it comes to reposting shit from their super secret cool kids club fap boards (ban on all non-JP IPs).
i know what a borescope is but i'd rather not use it if something else is better and evidently possible from the vids the nips are posting.

>> No.16262769

There are commercially available button cameras that should fit easily inside an onahole. You can find them with the googles. It just comes down to making sure that the housing stretches the end of the hole enough to open up the field of view. You're also going to need to get some kind of illumination in there. It shouldn't be difficult to just wire and LED to the thing and call it a day. Overall, you should be able to set up a fairly cheap system no larger than a stack of five or six quarters and for under a hundred dollars.

>> No.16262776

Bone-Pressed Erect Length - i.e. push down on the fat pad at the base of your dick when you measure.

>> No.16263140
File: 133 KB, 993x503, bluetooth onahole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I always think this is an ad for a new onahole

>> No.16263360

mfw my lolinco is out for delivery. can't wait to spread those puffy vulvas

>> No.16263454

Got the ubu virgin last month. Pretty good,small impale hole at the end, the end wall was really thin (probably just got a shitty one). Probably going to order a GENMU Jr.. I don't get the "engrish" though, which one is tight?

>> No.16263629

ah I see

ok what the hell is this actually an ad for?

>> No.16263640

UE Boom bluetooth speaker

>> No.16263668

Yep, that's what I mean, sorry making posts in the morning enhances my retardation.
Vulva is what I mean.

So if anyone has some recommendations I'm still open and waiting.

Another update is preferable without the hip stubs, that's the thing that seems to follow me whenever I'm trying to find puffy loli holes, just the torso is what i'm looking for.

>> No.16263675

hip stubs?

>> No.16263701
File: 311 KB, 1369x960, 1ff805706dd2809ed5f2f55f4c8c5a1312777624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, english isn't my first language, I guess I'm not very capable of explaining things after all.

pic related is what I mean, they usually have the are for legs sticking out just a little bit on some of them and it's annoying, but that's just my pet peeve.

sorry can't look for an actual toy example now.

>> No.16263758

>the female form annoys him
I think you might be gay

>> No.16263784

how are cut off leg remnants account to female form more than anything else?

>> No.16263793

ah I understand now

you're an idiot, he's saying he doesnt want to feel like hes fucking an amputee

>> No.16263800 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 540x960, not her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else engage in cam2cam shows with webcam models using their ona? Just finished a quite nice over one hour session with a cute ruskie girl and using my mouth of true and sujimon kupa cocola.

>> No.16263829 [DELETED] 

Explain further.

>> No.16263851 [DELETED] 

The lil twink wants to jack it with someone over the internet

>> No.16263887 [DELETED] 
File: 2.02 MB, 4032x3024, 1480462144924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use chaturbate for it. There's probably a better site with better rates but I've not researched that topic extensively.

Basically I trawl the 6 token per minute private show section for cute gorls and follow those with potential. From there I talk to them, making sure there won't be any unsettling surprises (like wahh give me 100 tokens for me to touch my pussy) and that they look nice and would be fun to talk with and cam for a while. There's quite a lot of vetting you have to do. 6 tokens is ideal since it's the cheapest and you get get a lot more time for your hard earned autism credits, I'm sure it's worth a lot more in slavland.

I basically look for gorls that have a touch of something related to weebish culture and panders to my fetishes in some way, for instance kneenocks and thighhighs, pantyhose, skirts, nice panties, bra, or lingerie, high cuteness and smooth skin, young of age (18 - 20 usually). Some big minuses include not being white among many, many other things.

So basically it's as pathetic as it sounds, but then again so is fucking a rubber vagina period so you can't judge me. She could be sucking on a toy while I use my mouth of truth, or be masturbating with her hands or a toy while I fugg my onahip.

No I don't partake in anything homosexual nor would I want to. I don't want a jacking buddy, I pay slavic (usually without exception) whores to pretend I'm desirable and simulate intercourse with me.

>> No.16265663

So my birthday/Christmas present to myself came in today, $200 of pussy and ass.

The problem is, one of my holes was supposed to be a Magic Eyes Lust Gimmick and they sent me a Magic Eyes Learning to Love instead.

I'm not that miffed, I didn't ask for a refund (I used Cool Male Sex Toy in case anyone is curious), the holes that got mixed up were the same price, and I have had nothing but good experiences with Magic Eyes products so i'm not complaining (too much).

My question is, did I fuck up? I'm not really sure what the Magic Eyes Learning to Love is actually supposed to be. I think it has a hymen, but other than that it just looks like a normal ona to me. Everything else in the order was normal and the free shipping was god-tier.

Slightly unrelated but I also got:
- Okita Anri hole (with the most adorable autograph in the world on the included poster)
- Julia+ hole
- 17 Bordeaux Soft

>> No.16265834

I'm interested in your opinion about the Seventeen Bordeaux Soft.

>> No.16266059

Is Alice in the Firststage worth anything for someone who already own onaholes?

I'm looking for a durable loli hole.

>> No.16266074

>15% OFF Sujiman Kupa Big Rina
Is it any good?

>> No.16266147

Can't say anything about the big, but I have a regular size and it makes me cum every time, even without porn.

>> No.16266152

Regular Rina will always have a special spot in my dick's heart. Don't know about the big version though.

>> No.16266174

It's great.

>> No.16266212

I dont have one but from what I've read from reviews it seems to be tighter than regular and longer by 3cm, so I think if you can fit the length and dont mind the tightness maybe look into it, otherwise maybe just get the regular one.

how good is the cervix gimmick?

>> No.16266219

>how good is the cervix gimmick?
Good if you take it slow.

>> No.16266245

what do you mean "take it slow"?

>> No.16266253

You won't feel it if you pump at 88mph

>> No.16266256

Just finished using the 17 Bordeaux and the Okita Anri hole.

The 17 Bordeaux is nice. Very light and small, tight but not too tight, good stimulation but not too much. The nicest thing is it feels small, and I have a slightly below average cock so I can jackhammer the hole without feeling like i'm throwing a hotdog down a hallway. I have the 17 Evo and I would say I definitely like the 17 Bordeaux better. The Evo is a bit bigger so it would probably be better for someone with a larger member.

The Okita anri was meh for the price. It's fun because it's bigger and puts a lot more weight on your dick, but it's not the best stimulation and the suction is little too much for my tastes. The anal hole in the back is basically impossible to get into without holding the damn thing open, and it feels like it would be crazy easy to tear through the back of the hole. Was fun but not worth the $60 price tag unless you really like Okita Anri.

>> No.16266267

just to clarify, are you supposed to penetrate the cervix or is it to stimulate the tip?

>> No.16266271

one step closer to affordable assman giant hips?


>> No.16266272

It's just a little cup at the end, not a chamber. Unless the Big is different.

>> No.16266286

Ah I see, I've got a Daisyuki hold on the way and its cervix gimmick is penetrable.

>> No.16266369

>not fucking your ona so hard your dick travels back in time
come on son

>> No.16266424

that's a good way to punch a hole in them or rip something.

>> No.16266429

how can you punch a hole in them if your dick is in the past?

>> No.16266440
File: 60 KB, 249x234, let it rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16266702

I ordered about 5 items on the 12th, it is now the 15th and have gotten no shipping update, and no response from my support email. Pretty shitty so far desu

>> No.16266890

DHL doesn't pay much attention to requested delivery dates do they. Requested tomorrow as the delivery date. Showed up tonight. Luckily it was after I got home from work, but it kinda ruined my stealth plans.

>> No.16267036

it seems like towards christmas and newyears most international shipping companies are shitting the bed, I had the exact same problem with MyOnahole, I put the order in at midday on the 9th and they didnt ship it out till the end of the day on the 13th, its in the country now but I might not even get it till monday if my postal service decides not to deliver on a saturday.

and this was EMS, fucking holiday period sucks ass.

>> No.16267059

Meiki Cherry 2 or Puni Ana DX?

>> No.16267070
File: 410 KB, 221x196, 1420000342977.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I fucked up
>order lube off Amazon because I'm running low
>accidentally ship it to the address of a guy I play WoW with because he built me a computer over the summer and I shipped the parts to him
>didn't realize it until it shipped earlier today
I'm waiting for a refund, I only hope my name isn't on the package

>> No.16267089

if its just a bottle of lube don't stress too hard, just ask the guy to ship your lube to you, what's the worst that could happen?

>> No.16267109

I'll wait for the refund to go through and order it again, I deleted his address off my account so that won't happen again, so I guess he's getting free lube for Christmas this year

>> No.16267147

Well, for one the danish carriers require fees for handling foreign packages. Add that fee to the import cost. Luckily it was 'disguised' as a doll, so I didn't have to pay taxes on it. That would have been another $30 out of the window.
Right now, my onahole is currently stuck in Copenhagen for whatever reason. Been so since Monday. So yeah, you should consider waiting until after Christmas with ordering. Hopefully my onahole isn't lost. I'd be a little upset having to fill a missing onahole form. Especially if they undervalued it without my consent.

>> No.16267235

Thanks for the laugh anon

>> No.16267271
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 1429209760780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking hell

>> No.16267281

finally. bigger asses are always welcomed

>> No.16267299

I lived in a few different EU countries, and import fees are fucking ridiculous everywhere. If you are getting something cheap and it's below the taxable limit - no problem. But if it's above, and the item is some kind of expensive thing like electronics or something customs considers a luxury - prepare to open that wallet, baby.

Everything in EU that is imported from overseas is overpriced due to import tax. Like I'm not paying a ton of other taxes already. Taxation is legal theft, I tell you.

>> No.16267387


I've been refreshing Daimaoh for almost two weeks now, holy shit

>> No.16267453

Do you know of any good quality onaholes with holes on both sides? I like to frot and an onahole makes it feel much better. Asking for a friend.

>> No.16268157

>I only hope my name isn't on the package

>> No.16268181

How much time do you spend cleaning a hole after use?

Just got mine first tonight and cleaning this thing multiple times a night seems like it will become quite consuming. Mostly trying to finger it with a paper towel

>> No.16268254
File: 124 KB, 650x366, Wick-from-twisted-tissue-paper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A trick you can do is if the tunnel isnt too crooked you can lightly twist the paper towel kinda like this pic I found and then when putting it in and taking it out twist it and it should catch water and not fragment too much.

easier than jamming your finger in it.

>> No.16268260

Personally I'm happy to reuse if it's just like an hour between uses.

Or, if it's a bit longer, just rinse it out and no need to dry. Just don't forget to dry it if you decide to sleep without using it.

When I dry it, I use a chopstick with paper towel wrapped around.

>> No.16268261
File: 306 KB, 1238x867, ona1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright since I said I would share my package contents for information purposes here it is

The box was a blank brown carboard box
The holes themselves were labelled as Rubber Figure (no adhesive)
the sender is Japan Inspiration and the shipping is exactly as specified on the website.

>> No.16268264
File: 330 KB, 1306x980, ona2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked them to remove packaging so I didn't have to get rid of them or worry about the legal issues of drawn people and what age they could possibly be.
opening the box I could see my first hole bubble wrapped in the plastic carton it would have come with, some cheap packing paper to stop it from shaking around on the side.

>> No.16268269
File: 346 KB, 1306x980, ona3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much same as previous one.

>> No.16268271

Are you JO in the woods what with this pic.

>> No.16268275
File: 194 KB, 1306x980, ona4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at the bottom was the storage bag and invoice with the full names of all the items on it.

Hope this is useful to anyone looking to buy from MyOnahole, I might buy a Rina or Roa from them since you guys were saying how great they are.

has anyone had any experience with the eroman hole? looks fun.

>> No.16268278

nah its just a picture I pulled off of google.

>> No.16268303

Thanks, I might give that a try.


I didn't plan on using it again tonight. Assumed it would drain me for longer than it did.
I saw the chopstick method in the pastebin, might have to keep one handy, designated for this purpose if the roll up method doesn't work out.

>> No.16268593

Looks like they pack it better than Otona did when I had my packaging removed, they didn't have any paper or wrap, just the original plastic with the hole in it loose. Looks about the same as NLS does it, probably gonna toss them some business next time around.

>> No.16268894

Is there any magical thing that can made a dick bigger?

>> No.16268913


>> No.16268930

Losing weight. Being born again.

>> No.16268935

how does reaffirming your faith in Christianity make your dick bigger?

>> No.16268942

It's a secret that only those inside the club know, buddy.

>> No.16269024 [DELETED] 

I have learned one thing, these things takes alot of lube

>> No.16269033

I have learned one thing; these things take alot of lube

>> No.16269088

It really depends on the toy, I found that using the least lube possible works best as too much lube takes away sensation, maybe you're using a shitty brand of lube.

I've been using swiss navy for about 2 years now and that stuff is quite good, 1 drop on me, one in the hole and spread it around with a finger, ends up being great.

That said if anyone knows of a better lube than Swiss navy I'm all ears.

>> No.16269976

From a bloke who has both: get the rina. The Roa is softer, slightly looser, but it has the usual Magic Eyes quality control issues; I can literally see my dick through a thin layer of material at the back, 80% sure it's gonna tear before too long.

>> No.16270208

Well I tried this with a mix of fingering. Might not be too bad. Using a finger to coax the twisted paper to the bottom and push it around.

>> No.16270343


I got the Roa (and yea it has shitty QC, mine veers off to the left), and was wanting the Rina instead but it was sold out at the time. I was trying to find a less intense, slightly less tight, and consequently more durable lolinco, but Roa was not only too soft but also too short in its canal.

Would you say Rina is closer to lolinco?

>> No.16270366
File: 2 KB, 113x163, ss+(2016-12-16+at+05.48.31).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me decide. Can't really get both as I have xmas shit to buy for people.

>> No.16270388


I just got the Seventeen Bordeaux a couple of weeks ago. It has become my go-to hole (as a matter of fact I'm about to use it right now), and this is someone who has loose/soft (Venus Real Soft) and tight/hard holes (lolinco) (though I enjoy the latter more). The Seventeen Boardeaux is such a good middle ground I think everyone should have it in their ona drawer unless they're hardcore fixated to just one side of the onahole spectrum. It's just good all around, and not surprising it's supposedly been the most popular onahole among jp. So given you don't have that yet, I'd fill that gap in your onahole drawer.

>> No.16270391

and by jp i mean the nips, not the /jp/sies here.

>> No.16270423

bordeaux standard or soft? standard I assume

>> No.16270427

Huh, good to know. I'm the guy from >>16261370 so a fairly similar situation. I might cave and get both.
I'm going to actually figure out storage at some point I have all this shit just under my bed right now

>> No.16270453

Standard. No clue on the soft. But I don't like soft holes and already find the standard is that perfect middle ground balance of stimulation and endurance.

When I first used it I was a bit unimpressed since it seemed average (not dick genociding tightness or mind melting softness), but I started craving its well-rounded goodness that it's become my go-to UNLESS i have a specific feeling for something that session (i.e. if i'm fapping to milf or onee-san doujins i go to softer holes or if lolis then lolinco).

It even has a suction feature if you're into that; just squeeze it starting from the cervix chamber towards the entrance before inserting and that thing is stuck on your dick for good. Want some resistance/less hold instead? Then don't use the suction.

Though bear in mind this is coming from someone with a tiny asian dick (short but girthy) so your mileage may vary. I'm the perfect length where my tip just kisses the cervix so I can cum full force into it without painfully blocking my tip with the end walls and filling up the cervix with immense satisfaction.

For reference I have (from softness to tightness/stimulation):
Venus Real Soft
Meiki ZXY
Get Inside Shota Kun
Generic chinese clone of Meiki Real
Seventeen Bordeaux
Tenga Flip Black
Daiysuki Hold
Puni Ana SPDX
Mouth of Truth
Virgin Age Admission

>> No.16270577

just send him "merry christmas faggot" when he asks about it

>> No.16270593
File: 18 KB, 264x252, vaahard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Virgin Age Admission Hard

Has science gone too far?

>> No.16270594

First order from otonajp has been very good, they shipped ems after 3days (ordered dec7 shipped dec 10), removed all packaging, declared low value and the package got through customs without a fee. Got the package today

>> No.16270643

Just got my first holes. A 17 Bordeaux Soft and a Sujiman Rina.
Gonna treat myself tonight.

>> No.16270664

Enjoy them, anon.
Is it the sujiman rina big? Tell us your impressions when you can anon.

>> No.16270758

First impressions. I like the touch of onaholes. They have a different feeling, but they're both good. The postcard included in Rina's box is a nice thing. 17 Bordeaux Soft is bigger than Rina. Fucking fairies is a fetish of mine, and Rina being a small torso is a huge turn on.
Rina measurement according to the spreadsheet are :
Tunnel length (cm) Entrance width (cm) Body length (cm) Body width (cm) Hole weight (g)
11,5 1,3 13,5 5,5 265

>> No.16270822

Do you guys usually have a very intense sensation as if you were going to explode when nearing climax? Like, things are TOO INTENSE and it's kinda painful and you actually feel like you are going to pop an artery if you continue to force yourself to fuck that rubber vagina, yet you don't stop because it also kinda feels good too. I admit that I usually slowdown a bit, maybe unconsciously because of that.

>> No.16271061
File: 34 KB, 560x560, 1477448338030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are there any good videos out there of someone fucking a sexdoll like >>16250689 's in the doggy style with a good view of the ass (of the doll)? I just want to see what it's like.

>> No.16271082

Closer, the two are certainly more comparable than Roa and Lolinco, the Lolinco is longer though, if youre above about 5.5" you'll have trouble with the rina. Rina's tunnel is about the same length as roa (maybe 0.3cm longer).

>> No.16271194
File: 2.66 MB, 1920x1080, waifu overlay.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it might be interesting, I'd like to hear the owners' thoughts on these things too.

Also does anyone know who made this? I would love to just ask him some questions.

>> No.16271219


>> No.16271261

I really hope you don't think this is real.

>> No.16271325

It's likely real in the same way any illusion is real

>> No.16271332

Give it time, the nips are on the forefront of waifu technology

>> No.16271394

well yes of course, I just dont want people getting their hopes up for something that's a long way off.

their masturbation tech is really impressive, I'll give them that.

>> No.16271588

Not him, but do you have problems with the lining on your bordeaux? I've had mine about as long and the inside lining is already separated through a large part of the hole. It's still perfectly usable (and wonderful), but I'm worried about its durability, as well as the possibility of trapped water between the layers.

>> No.16271773

I mean wouldn't a blue body with ping pong balls on it be good enough?

>> No.16271895
File: 2 KB, 128x128, icon0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I felt this way as well when I had an onahole. I'd stuff it in-between my beds and go at it full-force until my penis felt like it was melting. Nearing climax got me tired/exhausted and the melting part became a mix of bliss and pain, but I just couldn't stop.
t. virgin

>> No.16271927 [SPOILER] 
File: 89 KB, 1000x1000, 1481940548213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright /ona/ I have $45 to spend on an onahole. I'm using Amazon prices here. Choose a good hole for me while keeping this in mind:
7.5in BPEL 5in Girth
I'd like something tight. My first hole was a cheap LC2 toy and by God was it amazing. I ended up tearing the entrance after just two weeks of constant usage tho' (although I did flip it outside to clean. Muh paranoia.)
Mid to Extreme range stimulation. I've spent probably around a week in total researching my potential onahole purchase. Pic related is my first hole's innards. As you can see it's pretty tight with plenty of bumps lining the mid-section.
Length. I'd like something that'll properly accommodate the size of my penis. My first hole was roughly 3.5" in length, so I was only able to fit half of my penis in. I've heard the Seventeen Bordeaux is pretty long, but lacks the stimulation and tightness that I'm looking for.
A E S T H E T I C. Would prefer my rubber cunnies have camel toes. If it matches the above requirements however then it doesn't really matter.
Now down to it. Here's a few that have caught my eye.

ME Roa Kupa Sujiman
Virgin Age: Admission (or Graduation)
Daisyuki Hold
Toysheart Fairy (Heard this one was as tiny as the Warning! Narrow Hole! ona'
R-20 (Not very A E S T H E T I C imo but I've heard plenty of good things about this one.)
Seventeen Bordeaux

Feel free to rec any other holes. I've probably looked at 100+ by now, but these are the only ones that have caught my eye (The Lolinco looks p. nice I guess, but it goes over my budget by $5)

inb4 no1 replies

>> No.16271939

is the tenga 3d good? my sister is apparently going to get me one for christmas

>> No.16271951

y-your sister?

>> No.16271952
File: 104 KB, 522x522, 81OwKkdAC6L._SX522_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I'm open to any cheap hip-hole suggestions. Mid or Full, doesn't matter. Hips are hips. I've only managed to find one (exactly $45) by some literallywho company named NEXEX or some shit like that.

>> No.16271959

>my sister

What? How?

Also obligatory "she might as well just be the Christmas present she intends to give to you" comment.

>> No.16272038

Some siblings are close enough to give each other sex toys as presents, apparently.

>> No.16272040

Close enough, like inside each other close?

>> No.16272048

No, that would be incest, and incest is gross outside of imaginary realm where porn resides.

>> No.16272066

>incest is gross outside of imaginary realm where porn resides

For you.

>> No.16272104

Not really, it's a breeze to clean. And because it's so thin it actually becomes warm like a human skin after prolonged use, which I have not experienced with any other ona before. It's a good babby's first ona I guess.
How do you know she's going to buy it for you? Why Tenga 3D out of all onas? Are you buying her a dildo?

>> No.16272139

Tfw no replies

>> No.16272313

she sent me a link to a store and told me to pick something
she also asked me if I want an escort but I'm going for wizardry so I said no

>> No.16272373

i should probably invest in a tenga i recently bought an onahole and messed it up in a day.

>> No.16272431

anyone walking in on that would be very confused.

>> No.16272458


I think mine is too, and a bit at the entrance, but I reckon just lubing your head amply upon entry should prevent it from happening since that's where the majority of resistance happens.

just save up for lolinco virgo or skip lunch for one day and get the regular.

i have been trying to find a substitute for high stimulation/tightness onahole for lolinco; i have not succeeded.

From your list, I have VAA, DH, Roa, and 17 Bordeaux.

>> No.16272487

Gonna be the end if anyone sees you jerking it in VR anyway.

>> No.16272557
File: 110 KB, 600x803, tomoko with vibrator, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>congratulate each other on a newborn baby

>congratulate each other on a newly packaged onahole

Living the dream.

>> No.16272603

Wish there was a Tomoko onahole and not that bullshit one that j-list is pushing.

>> No.16272656

You mean one that comes in smelling like fish, hairy and already has a few mold spots?

>> No.16272744

Any good open ended onaholes?

>> No.16272772

that's mean though

>> No.16272787


>> No.16272843

What jlist is pushing?

>> No.16272893
File: 14 KB, 176x278, 1429842443784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What sorcery is this?

>> No.16272950

>>16267387 again - does anyone know? Really wanna try it

>> No.16273206
File: 86 KB, 970x608, jingling bells can be heard in the distance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go check shipping since ordering
>this new christmas graphic
>santa is probably dead inside knowing he delivers sex dolls now
>a sleigh flying around with a few sex dolls just hanging in the back with the look on his face "used to deliver wooden trains, kickballs, baseballs and mitts and little dolls that girls played with"
>an uncomfortable looking kid sitting near santa regretting wishing to be a little helper
>but seriously
>type in the tracking number
>its in american customs

>> No.16273245

So when I ship with SAL will the jp tracking page actually update when it arrives in my country or will I have to wait until my local postal service picks it up?

>> No.16273445

Is thr Queencat "ADULT TOY INSIDE" on the actual amazon box or do they put it on a smaller box inside of the amazon box?

>> No.16273531

VA:A bullies my dick too hard.

>> No.16273594


>> No.16273619

Virgin Age Admission. The tightness and ease of cleaning makes it my go-to onahole these days.

>> No.16273695

better post videos fag.
post unboxing pics too.

>> No.16273725

kill la kill
video game

what do you want?

>> No.16273732

I have a small 7 inch dick with testicles the size of regular white eggs. I do not know why you want to see videos of me fucking it.

I got a sakuya Izayoi outfit for it in the mail last night.

>> No.16273764

>Izayoi outfit for it in the mail last night.
Not the other guy, I don't need to see you fucking it but I want to see the outfit on the doll.

>> No.16273807
File: 30 KB, 500x500, OMO512_1_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's an awkward schoolgirl not a homeless prostitute, calm down.

Hidachitsukko NEET Girl, its got weird webbing inside that is supposed to go on either side of your cock adding extra sensation, but from what I've read they can be stretched out and warped or catch on your dickhole so I don't want to risk any of that.

>> No.16273808

Do NEET girls have webbed pussies?

>> No.16273812

I think it's to simulate the fact that they are tight and unused

>> No.16273876

I got it, and it just didn't feel right. It was tight, but not in a good way like Virgin Age Admission. It really didn't feel like much either. Just tightness. And it got sticky as fuck. I threw it out after 3 uses.

>> No.16273931

The thing about Lolinco is that it's got a short lifespan. I still have my Rina and VAA but my Lolinco's been absolutely wrecked.

>> No.16273964

how long have you had those for?

>> No.16273972

About a year now, I think?

>> No.16274004

Wouldn't that be Rich Soft?

>> No.16274029

Thoughts on Cocolo?

>> No.16274094

lolinco short lifespan is common knowledge here.
of course he can just be in ignorant bliss and not know how much those other holes pale in comparison.
as for me i've been spoiled. i'm just gonna buy another. i bought a bunch of holes to substitute but couldn't find any worthy ones. i also have VAA but since I'm girthy it just flattens out the textures and all i get is smooth tightness. i cum but it's a okay-let's-go-back-to-reading-the-sunday-paper finish versus savoring the feeling for a bit before cleaning myself up.

>> No.16274110 [DELETED] 

Has anyone ever heard that onatsu smells like gas?

>> No.16274158

I havent heard that, but my VA:G smells like fly spray, any advice on fixing that smell guys?

>> No.16274174

I was going to let it go, but since I got a quick response:

I thought I noticed a lingering smell, but my sense of smell is shit. Today Mom's all worried that it smells like gas but there's an entirely different reason it might smell like gas here that's been substantiated .

>> No.16274187

wait your mom is worried your onahole smells like gas?

>> No.16274192

you might just have a gas leak, so don't go lighting any matches in the meantime

>> No.16274200

The basement.
We had something running in the garage too that could have gotten the smell down here, that was the.
> but there's an entirely different reason it might smell like gas here

>> No.16274209

well in any case you should probably get better ventilation.

>> No.16274350

>other holes pale in comparison

I wouldn't go that far, at least not when comparing Lolinco to VAA. It's true that VAA isn't as mind-crushingly tight, but couple its longevity and ease of cleaning with the fact that it's still a very tight loli onahole and I'd say the two even out to be comparable.

>> No.16274728

Anything like the lolinco onahole but for big guys like me?

It's super aesthetically pleasing and it looks like it feels nice as fuck but I have a 6 3/4 dick so my selection is limited. Double edged sword.

>> No.16274782

just enough weight to go handsfree, good stuff

>> No.16274851

Just get the Virgo. Quarter of an inch shouldn't kill you

>> No.16274865

What position? It always feels awkward when I try to thrust into it hands free.

>> No.16275125


>> No.16275210

I mating press my Cocolo sometimes. Feels great but I still prefer lying on my back and slowly thrusting up into it or moving it up and down.

>> No.16275235

mating press? is that like a german suplex?

>> No.16275258

Sort of like missionary except you thrust almost vertically down with a lot of your weight, usually balls deep. Google it.

>> No.16275278

I looked it up and all i found were christian newspapers.

>> No.16275293

Fits perfectly with this wholesome Christian image board.

>> No.16275360
File: 97 KB, 283x424, Handstand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like a bit much effort for me, but props for being able to pull it off while fucking a plastic vagina

>> No.16275443

the trick to it is putting the hole on a high shelf so when you dunk down you dont have to dunk too deep.

>> No.16275478

>putting the hole on a high shelf

Why have I never thought of this before?

>> No.16275506

dude I'm just talking shit, don't actually try and do a handstand while fucking your rubber vaginas, its a bad time just waiting to happen.

>> No.16275543

No you actually helped. When fucking my Cocolo hands free I've only ever put it on my bed in various positions and tried to thrust into it like that. Putting it on a higher surface on my bed would solve all the awkward positioning.

>> No.16275742

well ok then, just don't overdo it, you dont want to have to explain a broken arm because you were doing weird sex shit.

>> No.16275791 [SPOILER] 
File: 128 KB, 1200x900, 1482023448842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would one of these things work for simulating cuddlesex despite the lack of arms? Onaholes are nice but I still feel emotionally crippled, I want a hug man

>> No.16275804

I guess it'd help, but would the lack of body heat ruin the simulation?

>> No.16275819

wrap it in some blankets and keep it by a radiator?

>> No.16275834

tfw don't know whether I should get a 1tb external backup for my 3 year old hdd with all my porn and games on it or a new physical release of my favorite novel+a Sujiman onahole

The security of mind knowing that my data is backed up or the pleasures of having a hole to fuck and my favorite novel to read. What should I do, vn?

>> No.16275840

Lewd pleasures, anon. Always lewd pleasures.

>> No.16275866

just buy a daki dude
makes slow mornings great

>> No.16275914

sounds like a fire hazard

>> No.16275997


seconding what this guy >>16275866 said

>> No.16276059

how different is it from hugging just any old big pillow? and I'm guessing there's less nuance to it than onahole buying

>> No.16276081

This thing is great for sleeping and cuddles

>> No.16276086

I am convinced that everyone who actually thinks this doesn't have siblings. It's just weird and gross. But again, you could still easily have the fetish but only for porn.

>> No.16276117

This thing is great for sleeping and cuddles

>> No.16276170

You can't say literally everyone. There's always exceptions in situations like these. There is, of course, evidence out there of many people who would like to fuck their siblings. Or already did.

>> No.16276195

I have the fetish but only for onee-chans.

Then again, I only have a little sister in real life.

>> No.16276266

I would enjoy fucking my 5 years older sister very much.
I remember back when I was about 10, before I had desires or could even cum, my sister would get me to put my penis inside her.
I don't think she really knew what to do either because she never got me to thrust or anything, she'd just get me to play with myself until it was hard and then get me to put it inside her. We did it probably 5 times over the course of a year. One time we did it standing up in an abandoned barn and I had to stand on a bucket to reach up inside her. By the time I was blossoming into puberty she had a boyfriend so I wasn't able to tempt her when my hormone-driven desires went into full swing.
I used to literally get so horny I would be shaking and have a hard time breathing knowing she was in the next room wearing nothing but a nightie and all I could do was relieve myself with my hand.

I'm a damaged individual and still to this day would relish a chance at doing that with her again but with a body and mind that would actually enjoy it.

As a side note, I used to steal her used underwear and jerk off to the aroma until I think ahe must've noticed her underwear always making it to the top of the pile, so she started burying her underwear right at the bottom of the hamper where they were hard to find.

No questions, btw.

>> No.16276282

>steal her used underwear

I do this when possible with used panties belonging to other girls, the smell is intoxicating. Can't bring myself to fap with my sister's though.

>> No.16276283

>eight year old sister
should have fucked her.

>> No.16276289


She's 5 years older, it happened when I was around 10, puberty started around 12-13, she was about 18 then.

>> No.16276290

Oh and one night I actually worked up the courage to walk into her room naked with a raging puberty boner but she just got angry and told me to leave.

>> No.16276292

I read as 5 year old.

>> No.16276370

I dont really get when you're supposed to powder on the corn starch. After? During? Wash it off before you use your hole?

>> No.16276395

you dip your penis into the corn starch box before you put it into the hole

>> No.16276402


it's not rocket science

>> No.16276418

>No questions, btw.
don't you think you shared a bit too much there?

you apply the corn starch after cleaning and drying to stop it from being sticky, if you want you can rinse off the starch before you are about to use it the next time but ultimately it doesnt really matter either way.

also dont put the corn starch inside, that would be stupid.

>> No.16276423
File: 1.13 MB, 560x372, 1481958500589.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>engagement ring
>douchebag voice

>> No.16276430

Shared too much for what?

>> No.16276431

you forgot to mention that audio only comes out of the left side, how the fuck do people not notice shit like this when making the videos?

>> No.16276448

you give us this long winded story about how you want to fuck your sister then tell us not to ask questions, if you didn't want questions maybe you shouldn't have shared as much as what you did.
But then again you probably wanted to vent about wanting to fuck your sister.

>> No.16276455

In case this anon is still looking.
Melty is very soft, very delicate. It feels amazing but will tear easily, handle with great care.

>> No.16276462

This video is retarded.
>oh hey let's tear up your hole by forcing a fucking bottlebrush inside it!

>> No.16276465

to be fair its a bottle brush made of foam, any smart person would trim those foam bits down to be fairly small, which would make it a decent way to dry the insides as long as you were gentle.

>> No.16276466

I've done worse.
>tfw always flip venuses inside out to clean and dry because lazy

>> No.16276472

I don't understand how anyone would think turning an onahole inside out would be a good idea, they have such tiny openings and complex insides.

>> No.16276490

>how to fucking destroy your onahole in one washing.

>> No.16276499

My cock is 7" inches and I've got a girth of 4.5" inches, can I go full rape mode on the Virgin Age Admission without worrying about breaking it too quickly? I ask because if that is the case then I ought of just get the R-20 for $7 more... I mean, I heard the 17 Bordeaux was good too, but it's dual-layered and breaks easily, don't it?

>> No.16276527

Because no one wants to get their cock infected with some sorta fungus. Toucan's pastebin has made people overly paranoid about catching cock munchies.

>> No.16276532

the tunnel for the VA:A is only 4.3 inches in length, consider that holes stretch in both length and girth I honestly dont know if it will fit you in there, I have the graduation edition and that stretches to my 6 inches without too much trouble.

>> No.16276541

Hmm. Graduation's tunnel doesn't look as tight as Admission's. Which one felt better in your opinion?

>> No.16276557

I didnt get admission, I was just going on the stats they put out, the graduation isnt soul crushing in terms of tightness but it still gives me trouble since im pretty girthy at 5.8", I find that it will stretch to accommodate me just fine.

you'll have an alright time with admission I think but you might have trouble with it bullying your head

>> No.16276585

>you'll have an alright time with admission I think but you might have trouble with it bullying your head
Awesome. Can't wait. The tunnel looks so fucking intense. I think I'm gonna love it.

>> No.16276589

good luck, let us know how you go with it.

>> No.16276652

Dang son.

I'm sorry for your misfortune at being raped by your sister and developing some syndrome or something from that.

>> No.16276695

It's been 5 months since I've used any these things.

I think I'm on the right path.

Recently I've been addicted to these VR games that just released, it's insane. It's really changing me for the better. Just wanted to let you guys know because one day you might overcome your soft, squishy needs too, and it'll feel alright.

I'll always remember the feeling though, it's nice having the experience.

>> No.16276709

Why not both?

>> No.16276711


>> No.16276719


>teaching a 12 year old how to masturbate
damn, i should have gone to med school

>> No.16276720

Because I'd rather spend my energy on exercise to increase my health than on fapping the day away. I forgot to say but these VR games are really physically intense.

>> No.16276749


I thought this was exclusively okay for the Venuses though (at least the Real Soft). I do it all the time.

I have a sister and I still fap to incest doujins and am able to enjoy incest themed anime.
She turned out to be a fucking tumblr sjw though so that probably helped.

>> No.16276811

Everything in moderation my friend. I bike 20-30+ miles every day and on weekends/rest days I yank it until I'm dehydrated. Feels good. Endurance, stamina and virility represent.

>> No.16276835
File: 78 KB, 1080x540, wew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy's got a point desu.

>> No.16276905

Indeed, though I think we're getting really off topic now

>> No.16276920

Backups, man, backups. Imagine if your HD went down and you lost all your porn. You'd have to re-download it all and some of it may not even be available online any more (I know quite a bit of mine isn't).

Now is the time to think with your head not your dick.

>> No.16276977

>broke my old ona
>hand fapping fucking ruined for me now forever since i used an onahole
>new ona wont be here until saturday at the latest
i fucking hate you guys

>> No.16276979

If you live in a cold area try to stick your dick in it quick as you can when it comes in for an icicle experience

>> No.16276996

see thats why you buy 2 instead of 1, then every time one breaks you buy another 2.


>> No.16277170

Yes, and honestly the lack of arms makes it more convenient for cuddling in bed/cuddlesex as they aren't getting in the way or caught under something.
Another nice thing is that the meiki plush is large enough to fit adult clothing on it, albeit usually in small/XS.

Since its a plush, lack of heat isn't really a problem, it warms up from body contact almost instantly, think of what its like to put on a shirt at room temperature, after like 10 seconds its gonna be at the same temp as your skin.
Alternatively, pull a blanket over while cuddling in bed before making with the sexytimes if you want it to be completely warmed up.

>> No.16277208

Better stay away from the VR porn and Waifu simulator then :P
This goes double if you happen to have a plush doll as well as VR.
I know I've lost a few weekends to the above combo...

On a positive note though, Audioshield and Space Pirate Trainer can make for a decent bit of cardio.

>> No.16277248

Damn that looks good. Hopefully a review comes soon.

>> No.16277257

>5kgs of ass
ouch, looks like I wont be affording that booty any time soon.

>> No.16277337 [DELETED] 

shit guys, I rested my VA:grad on my desk and it pressed onto something i wrote on a bit of paper, now it has a smudge on it, any way to get that off or is that something that I'll have to live with now?

>> No.16277517

I'm in Japan right now but stuck in Kyoto for a while, anywhere close to the station I can buy at a B & M

>> No.16277546


>> No.16277578

I'm assuming brick and mortar, as in a walk-in retailer.

>> No.16277614

oh that makes sense I knew of one really big store in akihabara, I never went to kyoto though.

>> No.16277622

I had a bit of a walk around Kyoto but couldn't spot any.... I won't be able to get to Tokyo till past New Years

>> No.16277692

what part of kyoto are you in? it seems like a fairly big area.

>> No.16277700

well in any case a big one I found is 信長書店 四条河原町店 or nobunaga shoten in english

heres the google maps page for it https://gooDOTgl/maps/xYkaTv75EXk

hope that helps buddy.

>> No.16277745

oooh thanks, i'll catch a train there tomorrow perhaps.


Just a bit south of the station near Aeon Mall.

>> No.16277783

Explain the appeal of tenga.
Why would you buy a 1 use onahole instead of just... a regular onahole that would last for years?

>> No.16277824

the tenga cups were something special that people could use and throw away, then the tenga eggs came out and you could use those 2-4 times, now new tenga cups have come out and I think you can use them almost as much as an onahole.

when they first came out they were cheap, but at least here in australia they started out at about $8 and now cost $19 so fuck that.

>> No.16277934

Is the soft version of the Puni DX worth getting if I'm too poor to afford the normal or hard versions?

>> No.16277953

Do you guys recommend some anal toys? I want to stuff something up my ass.

>> No.16277960

>the tenga cups were something special that people could use and throw away
But why?
They started off pretty expensive, and it's a hefty piece of garbage to get rid of discreetly.

>then the tenga eggs came out and you could use those 2-4 times
It says on the site, 1 use only for the eggs

>now new tenga cups have come out and I think you can use them almost as much as an onahole
Except that they're bland and marketed as just that, a tenga product

Isn't half the fun of the onahole is the design and the packaging/promo?

I just don't get it.

>> No.16277983

>Because no one wants to get their cock infected with some sorta fungus.

How do you get infected with fungus anyways? Unless you have an open wound on your dick or do not clean yourself after a fap, you shouldn't worry about it so much. Do you really think vaginas are cleaner than onaholes?

>> No.16278003

vaginas regulate themselves, unless the owner is a complete wacko then it should have a healthy natural environment

Onaholes are not, they are just a piece of chemicals, you're the only who's supposed to maintain them

>> No.16278040

There are a million things that can go wrong with a vagina, and I do not trust women to be diligent when it comes to cleanliness. Plus, you cannot clean a vagina with soap, it's unhealthy.

Just use some water and soap to clean your onahole after use and dry it however you want. It really is not rocket science. Our penises have evolved to be thrust into much dirtier places.

>> No.16278805

There were several discussions about that in previous threads. Lurk archives for more info.

Different people recommend different things. Start off with your own fingers if you never shoved anything up there before. You need to understand how your asshole works before using toys.

>> No.16279459

>They started off pretty expensive, and it's a hefty piece of garbage to get rid of discreetly.
they started off at a decent price, I went to a sex shop in japan once and they are very affordable at less than $10 each, I think they are supposed to be a luxury item with each having a gimmick

>It says on the site, 1 use only for the eggs
you can easily get 3-4 uses out of them as long as you arent acting as if your trying to kill it with your dick, or if you're well endowed, I'm at 6" and I can use them about 4 times on average before i need to get a new one

>Except that they're bland and marketed as just that, a tenga product
Can't fault that, but I feel its more for people who liked their previous products or feel funny about buying a box with a schoolgirl on them, it's more for a global appeal.

>Isn't half the fun of the onahole is the design and the packaging/promo?
Personally I fucking hate the packaging, it has little to nothing to do with the hole itself and only causes trouble for westerners that want to buy them, because some of them have girls who look like they haven't even hit puberty yet on the box, which got at least one Canadian guy had bullshit put on him and disrupted his life for almost a year because of it.
All for some rubber vaginas.

When picking my onaholes I don't even care for the packaging, i look at the features and descriptions of the holes themselves, because anyone can put a nice picture on a box which contains an absolute dumpster fire abortion of a product.
Sorry about the rant.

>> No.16280022

>Plus, you cannot clean a vagina with soap, it's unhealthy.
Is that true?

>> No.16280056

mostly true, vaginas have their own ecology of bacterial flora that keep it healthy, in a similar way to how the intestines work.
pretty much if a woman washes her vag out with soap she can get a yeast infection because she washes away the flora that protects her, if anything a woman should only ever wash the outside, the lips and groin region.

>> No.16280214


>> No.16280226

And they can stink too, and they are next to the butt hole where shit comes out of.

>> No.16280777

its not as bad as it sounds, if they are well maintained they can smell nice, like flowers.

>> No.16281757

So guys I powdered my onaholes for the first time and holy crap it really makes a difference, all the stickiness is gone and they feel silky smooth again.
The Only problem is when trying to put the corn starch on it got all over me and made me look like a coke addict, any tips on applying powder without making a mess?

>> No.16281936

1. Apply powder.
2. Wash hands.

>> No.16281955

no you dont understand, it got EVERYWHERE.

>> No.16282021

new thread >>16278580

>> No.16282165

This is a whole new category of 'weird shit on youtube'
